Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Judge Wakoloy'fl Order In the Hor-
bach Horse Railway Caso.
TV lint Itocnmo of tlio Company'
Itontli nnd Cnsli , nnd Hour
Were Tlicsn Obtained ,
and at AVIint Terms.
Coino Into Court.
Judga Wnltclcy ha * made nn Important
ruling In the c.iso of .lolm A. Ilorbich ngamst
the Omnha llorso railwuy company and Its
officers , \ V.V. . Marsh , Prank Murphy , S.
II. II. Clark , Guy C. Uarton and W. A.
The cnso was a suit brought by Horbjch
last spring against the defendants , alleging
that thny had divided among themselves
5300.000 worth of the bonds nnd 530,000
of the Htoclc without giving anything thoro-
for nnd without conferring or consulting
xvlth the stockholders of the company , of
whom Mr. Ho'rbnch Is ono. Mr. Jlorbnch
naked In his. petition thiit the bonds and
Blocks AO appropriated by the officers should
bo delivered up by them for cmicelliiUon ,
and nlsn to refund all interests and dividends
received thereon.
Judge Groff made nn order In July last requiring -
quiring the defendants to permit Mr. llor-
bach to Inspect iho hooka and records of the
company. Mr. Murphy , the president of
tlio corporation , nnd Attorney Prilchctt
have refused to comply with Judgn Groff'
order , upon Mr , Horbuch's application.
Upon reading the plaintiffs complaint ,
fllcd on the Oth day of October , 189U , repre-
noiiting tliat Frame Murphy and George E.
Pritchett have been guilty of willful dtsobo-
dlonco of an nrdcr of this court mndo In this
caurfu ; and of a willful attempt to obstruct
proceedings In this suit , ami praying that
the said fc'rank 1C. Murphy and the said
George E. PritchoU may bo brought before
this court and required to show cause , if any
they have , why tnoy should , not bo punished
for a crlmlnal 'ontompt. It is ordiirod that
the .tilt Frank E. Aluruhy mid the said
G'corgo E , Pritchett ' appear before
this court on Saturday , thu 12th day of
October , 183' ) , at 0UO ; o'clock in the forenoon ,
nnd then and thcro show cause , if an.v they
have , wny they should not bo punished us
The suit of the St. Mar.v'g Avcnuo Conerc-
giitional church ngainst the city for $5,000
damoyes resulting from thu change of grade ,
was brought before Judge Doano yesterday
afternoon , the church being represented by
Hon. W. J. Council , who is one of the di
John J. Sittcrlcy has brought suit against
John C. nnd Hello Lincu to foreclose n mort
gage on llvo ncros of land in section 4 , town
ship 15 , range 18 , ( jlven to secure a lo.m of
Thomas II. Ensor has commenced suit
ngainst Dr. J. W. McMemirny , of the Omaha
Medical Institutes for$25.000damages arising
from the publication in THE Bun on Septem
ber " 2 nn uxposo of the manner in which
Ensor was defrauding farmers in Iowa by
representing that ho ngcnt for u large
medicil institute in the city.
Edgar M. Morsumn has brought n suit in
equity in the district court ucmiust Laura S.
Masters to sijcuro payment on notes for 81,500
secured by mortgage on lot 7 la Morsman
l > arlt.
The case \Villinm Rennnls , charged with
burglary , was given to thu jury nbout 4
The case against Wlllard Green , charged
with having assaulted J. Svaiisoa with in
tent to kill , Florence , will be tried on
Monday morning , and that ngainst William
Hamilton , for arson , Monday afternoon.
The case of Holt vs. the Ulorks Manufac
turing company is on trial before Judge
The grand jury motagaln yesterday morn
ing. Commissioners Mount and Tumor were
examined briefly on matters pertaining to the
hospital job. Charles Naglo , who furnished
tuu niuui uaoi in ttmxonntiuuiiuii ur ttio re
taining wall , was also before the jury.
A suopcena has been issued for.Gcorpo
Timini1 , ex-county commissioner , who will be
called before the jury again to-day.
Them is but little prospect of the Jury fin
ishing its labors the present week. _ _ _ _ _ _
County Court.
Miles & Thompson filed n suit , ngainst the
Omaha Carriage and Sleigh compiny for
$ 35 , duo ns interest on u promissory note.
Judge Snlclds rejoices In thu arrival of a
boy , the third of the series at his home.
The First National bank has brought suit
against William Grimm and Andrew Murphy
to recover 8300 on a note.
W. H. Vuuptin has brought suit against
Louis Hosonmuud , Henry Heivers and Peter
J" . lioyson to recover S30U.33 duo us rent.
In the case of tbo Nebraska National bank
against the Western Casket company judg
ment was rendered against the Casket com
pany and L. A. Bryan for S305.S3.
OTuc case of A. U. L. Dick against R. M.
Patterson , for attorney's leos , came up yes
terday on u motion asking leave to amend
the petition. The fees in question nro for
Dick's services in the suit brought by Mrs.
Ubcl against Patterson for bastardy. Thu
bill was for SCO , but the amount sued for is
1273 , which Includes fees for other work.
United States Court.
Clerk Frank , of tbo United States circuit
court , has issued n writ ngainst Sherman
county In favor of Charles E. Lewis , nn
Englislrcnpitalist , who asks judgment In the
Bum of $0,11X1 claimed as unpaid Interest on
certain county bonds , issued in 16711. The
writ is mndu returnable at the forthcoming
term of court and will probably bo heard
somu time In November.
words , Hood's siirsauarllla won't do im
possibilities. Its proprietors toll plainly
what it bus donu , submit proofs from
sources ) oE unquustioncd reliability , and
ask you frankly it you nro sultoring
from any disease or ii flection causud or
promoted by impure blood or low Btnto
of the system , to try Hood's sarsajmi'lUa.
Tlio experience of otlior-a is sutHcioiit
assurance Unit you will not bo disap
pointed lii the result.
A. T1UO a'
After Inillctcit Doctors For Very
QucHtloniililu DunllntiB.
There is a trio of sheriffs from laxva in the
the city. They represent respectively , the
counties of Ida , Shelby and Audubon , and
nro looking for Drs. P. II. McCoy nnd T. II.
Knsor , apninst whom Indictments have been
found in the above mentioned counties.
These doctors alleged to hall from Omaha ,
where they represent they run the Nebraska
Infirmary. At times , it is said , their institute
is known us the Nebraska Dispensary , and it
Is nlso said they huvo not hesitated to leave
people under the impression that their
allotted institution born and the Omaha Med
ical and Surgical Institute were ono and the
eanio enterprise.
Under this bogus representation the In-
'ilctuient usserta that they received money
u ruler false protouses for alleged medical
Cervices and nostrums which never camo.
Aa iudictmeut has also been found against
another of the party forfraudulcntly obtain-
Ifg n signature to n note for 170 under the
pretoiiHU that the instrument signed was an
order for medicine ,
The sheriff * went to the "dispensary" nt
17S | Leavenworth street , but found il de
serted , They went to the "Infirmary" in
Slieely block but wore told that the medics
had np nbidlcg place and that they lived in
Council muffs.
The sheriffs with several Bluffs
policemen watched the home * of the doctors ,
but uuiihor of the latter could bo found.
Sheriffs Crane and Rainbow , of Audubon
und Harlun ruupcctivoly. say they will not
leave until they llud their men.
Fined thn Whole Out lit.
Henry Knapp , a laborer , was before the
police Judge yesterday afternoon churpod
with highway robbery. The man alleged to
liavo been held up Js a Swede , and. with hU
brother , encb. bearing battered faces , woi
present to prosecute. The evidence showed
that no ono had been robbed , but that the
trio had engaged In a free tight. Knapp was
tluud $ M ) uud coats uud ills companions (25
A llrewrr Allctrcn Tliat IIIn Wntcr
Metr ? In Defective.
A document was filed in the district court
ngainst the water works company.
Mctz & Brother , the brewers , are the peti
tioners. They sot forth tlmt they nro con
ducting n browcry and nro making at present
about ninety barrels of beer n any nnd using
in this manufacture about 1,700,000 gallons of
water , for which they luivo uald the rnto of
10 cents per thousand gallons ,
The plaintiffs have been paying their bills
for water monthly , but have not paid the
water bills for the months of Tuly , August
or KonteniDor , or cither of them , but have
tendered tha amount Justly due , which the
defendant refuses to accept , claiming the
whole hmount of tlio bills as rendered by it.
For the month of .lulv tha defendant claims
par for 3o : ! < v' ' " > gallont nt 10o ; ier thousand
gallons , while plaintitft claim tno umount
supplied was not more than 1,20(1,000 ( tlmu-
fliiml gallons , The defendant nrcsonicd its
bill und claims pay for I,01" > , ( X > 0 gallons nt
lOc per thousand gallons , while the amount
supplied , plaintllT ullogoj , was not more than
1,2X ( , OOJ cations. "
The petitioner * claim that n new meter
was put in the place , nnd they then made nn
offer to the waterworks company to suspend
the pnymcnt of the bills for July , August
nnd September until It should banscurtnlncd
what the now muter would rcmstor for Octo
ber , nnd tlmt they would then pay for the
months duo uccording to the October regis
tration , and to add thereto SUK ) for each
The waterworks company , so the petition
ers state , has refused to ngreo to this offer ,
nnd now threatens to shut off tha water from
the premise * entirely unlcsi ttio claims for
July , August nnd September are paid.
The petitioner * asked for 11:1 : order re
straining the company from shutting oft the
water or In liny way Interfering with Motz &
Co.'s use of the water.
Judge Wakoley granted the temporary re-
ntratning order.
Manager Hall , of the water works com
pany , when questioned concerning the
charges mndo in the petition , snid :
"The meter is tnu recognized medium of
ascertaining how much water is used by our
customers. The amount charged ngnlnst
Mctz & liro. It exactly what U shown by tha
meter in their building , and nothing inora. "
A. I'OOljISH . ( ANITOlt.
What Wlilsky Ciiusi'd a Colored Man
To li > .
J. II. Williams the negro janitor at St.
Barnabas school , will , in all probability ,
lose Ills job. When sober Williams is a
faithful worKer and attends to his duties
properly. Wnon under the iniluenco of li
quor he U n fool , Alter receiving his pay
Wednesday , ho loaded his tank with liquor.
Ono of his acts of misconduct was to em
brace several of the girls at the building
and ns a consequence lie was reported to the
school board. Mrs. 1' . II. Allen was the lad v
who complained of Williams' conduct. This
is not the first time that the fellow's couduct
has been ceusurcd.
The matter will bo laid before the board at
the next regular meeting' .
Clinml > erlalnM Colic , Cholera nnd
Dliirrlmj.i Heniedy.
This medicine can always bo depended
upon , not only in the inildor forms of
summer complaint , but also for muliff-
iiant dysentery and cholera inftintum.
The lives of many persons and especial
ly children nro saved by it each year.
A Continuous Traclc.
The tracks and curves at Fourteenth and
Douglas street , which connect the Sherman
avenue and south Sixteenth street lines , were
bcim ? put In yesterday. This will rnnko a con-
tiuuoui line from Commercial street , north
west of the fair grounds , to South Omaha.
The extension fro'ii ' Sixteenth and Vinton to
the Maslu City is completed as far as tracks
nnd poles are concarnod , but the wire to bo
used for overncud purposes has not arrived'
The now motor line on South Eleventh
street will probably bo lusted to-day.
Everything is in readiness for if , nsfarni
equipment is concerned , but the wires of
the Western Union telegraph company ut
ttio south end of thu viaduct nro at present
too low to allow the trolley to work.
The Eleventh street line will bo a continu
ation of tlio Walnut Hill line , auii will land
passengers close to all thu depots in the city.
The Omaha Street Railway company is
ubout fully equipped to run its new motor
line from the Holt , line to Hanscom park. It
bus twenty trail cars , fourteen motor cars ,
nnd six moro of the latter on the way here.
The tracks and overhead wires are ready ,
and as soon us the now motormen learn to
handle the cars regular trips will bo made.
The trial trip will take uluco nrobably on
Saturday , and there will bo somu demon
stration in honor of the event.
The new car line extending from Park
nvenuo west on Loavenworth to the Belt line
will bo finished probably the end of this
week , or nt the latest , early next woek. The
Farnain street cars will bo run over this ex
tension , or passengers will bu transferred .to
the motor cars ut Park avcnuo and Loavcn-
Only two cars are to bo run on the
Twenty-second and Twenty-fifth street
motor line hereafter between Burt street
and thu northern terminus , and nil down
town passengers will bo transferred Ht
Twenty-second and Burt.
Bccclmm's Pills act like magic on a wca
IMulco tlio Hounds.
Some enterprising German , who signs
himself Max Quohl.doing business in Nurem
berg , has , It scomswbeen struck with n desire
sire to introduce certain American novelties
into the monotonous.quletof his ancient city.
With that end in view ho has written a four-
page postal card to Mayor Broatch , asking
for information regarding the style , as well
as quality of carousals nnd merry-go-rounds
In use in Oinnha. The mayor has not re
plied to Mr. Quohl's Inquiries as yet , but
when ho docs wilt probably Invlto the gen
tleman to come over and join the old round
ers for a few nights nnd learn what ho wants
from experience.
Ilnlpcd Him Out.
"You are charged with being a suspicious
character , " said Judge Borka , ns ho ad
dressed the notorious Pat Clancoy , who was
recently released from the penitentiary.
"I may look suspicious , your honor , but I
haven't been out of the cage long
enough to turu a trick in case I
felt so disposed. Give a fellow
n chance to got out of town anyhow. I'm '
dead willin1 to got out , if you'll lot mo. "
"Your sentence , Claucey , is sixty days In
jail , with the ilrst and last four days on
bread and water ; but I will suspend the
sentence if you will leave Otnahu inside of
an hour.
"Yo cnu bet ycr swcot life that I'll DO out-
sldo of the state in twenty minutes. Mnunic
you. Good bye forever1 And Clancoy
hurried away.
Unjust Taxation.
It is unjust to tax the stomach with bur
thens that it cannot bear. Many silly people
thus tyraimlzo that faithful servitor until it
rebels and punishes them as they deserve.
lyspcMlu | U usually tha child of guatro-
nomie folly , but whether this or the natural
associate of inherent feebleness from child
hood , it is surely and pleasantly remediable
wltti Hosteller's Stomach Bittern , the finest
aud most highly sanctioned gastric tonio in
existence. As a result of thu touu imparted
to the stomach , and the increased activity of
HH digestive aiid assimilative action , insured
by the pcrsutent use of this benign invigor-
ant , general utamina is augmented , the
nerves strengthened and tranquilized , nnd a
tendency to Insomnia and bypocuoudriuals
defeated. Biliousness , chills and fever ,
rhouumtiim and kidney troubles are con
quered by this admirable medicine.
I'otit Ti-adors aim Cnntcons.
The following order has been Issued from
the war department : "By the direction of
the secretary of war the attention of post
and other military commanders is invited to
paragraph 3,11 of the regulations , which
does not apuear to have been
ctrictly enforced at some of tbo mil
itary posts , in addition to ( the prohibition
of the sale of intoxicating llqnors ordered by
paragraph 331 , the authority heretofore
granted post traders to Roll light beer nnd
wine. Is horouy restricted , ex "uslv cly to ale
In unbroken pacmigcs to officers nnd canteens.
Such nlcs to bo In competition with other
dealers In like articles. "
This will deprive the post trader of the re
tail snlo of liquors to soldiers , except , of
course , in original packages. It will nlso lead
to the establishment of canteens in tha
posts where none are now supported
In till * respect the order will effect Forts
Nlobrarn , , Diichcsne , Washahlc ,
Mclvinny nnd Koblnspn.
General Crook , returning from his hunt In
the Blellorn mountains , arrived Wednesday
afternoon nnd remained with military friends
until ycstordo.7 nftciuooii , when ho re
turned to Chicago.
'Tho officers comprising the recent court-
martial called In try Cilplrun Ucmpsey have
returned to their various quarters.
It U too bad to spend half of a short life
distressed with iicurnlgin , when SJ5 cents
soont for ono bottle of Salvation Oil will
cure it quickly.
Ho tnlked ns If he had 'a "frog in his
throat , " but ho was only hoarse ; n single
bottle nf Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup relieved
the trouble ut once. : ? . " > cents.
A Special ICIoolloii Favored for the
Viaduct Proposition ,
Tha council committee on tlio Tenth street
viaduct waited on Vice President Holcomb ,
of the Union Pacific , lato.vcstcrdny nftornoon
with a view to arranging for n call of a
election nt which the * iOO,000 depot and via
duct bond proposition will be submitted to
the people. Tlio opinion prevailed that
n , better expression of the sentiment
of the people could bo obtained by calling a
special election for that purpose. Thcro was
some talk of having the proposition placed
before the people at the general election , but
it was thought that Individual aspirations
might result in the depot and viaduct propo
sition being regarded as a secondary con
sideration , nnd consequently a fair expres
sion could not bo obtained.
Kiillrmid Note- " .
Creed Ilayuioiid , conceal solicitor and
chief counsel of the bouthcrn Pacific ,
passed through Omaha eu route cost in a
special car.
Timothy Hopkins , general treasurer of the
Southern Paeillc , U in Omatin en route to
his headquarters ut S'm Francisco. Ho is
accompanied by his family.
No. 1 passenger on the Burlington was
belated oun hour from the cast owing to a
heavy train.
W. II. Unmseyer. master car builder of the
Eltthorn , with headquarters at Missouri Val
ley , U in Omaha.
Owiuir to the throng of Knight Templars
at Washington , General Passenger Agent
Francis , of the Burlington , has notified con
ductors to Jiouor unsignoi coupons good lo
return. _
$ nOO ( > Howard $5,000.
For a better or moro pleasant remedy for
the curoof consumption , bronchial troubles ,
cough , croup and whooping cough than
SANTA ABIE , the California king of con
sumption. Kvcry bottle warranted. If you
would he cured of that digtisting disease ,
catarrh , use CALlFOKNIA CAT-H-OUUti ,
sjl a jar ; by mail § 1.10. Santa Abie nnd Cat-
H-Curo nro sold nnd warranted by Goodman
Drug Co.
Laid to Rest.
The funeral exorcises over the remains of
Mrs. Connell Furny took place atOo 'clockyes
terday morning at the Holy Family chinch ,
nnd a largo nuinoer of friends nnd relatives
were in attendance. The remains reposed
In a beautiful casUat almost covered with
wreaths and bouquets of white Ilowora. On
a silver plate was engraved the name , and
dates of birth and death of the deceased.
Solemn high mass was celebrated , the celo-
brnut being Hcv. F. Koopmans , S. J. Tbo
uall bearers were Messrs. John Hush , John
Dohorty. G. S. Mulllcuu.M.li1. F.IUUOV. John
Husstc , John Croighton and J. u. Lee.
Advicu 10 Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing1 Syrun
should always bo used for children
tcethins : . It soothes the child , softens
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best i-omeay for diar-
hoea. 25c a bottle.
Want n JHjjijor Price.
James Fox ft Son had the contract for
grading Nineteenth slreot from Lcavenworth
to M&son , the contract specifying that they
should grade only from curb to curb. They
have finished the work and the city engi
neer now asks them to grade tha same street
from the curbs to the lot lines , but they re
fuse to do this , and it will bo necessary to
readvcrtise for bids for this part of the grad
ing that should have been specified in the
original contract.
APnlr nnd Beautiful Girl Rlddlod
with Bb6kshot.
Cnnfllctlnc Slorlrn ; nt to tlio On mo of
the Ocoil nnd thnlnonrcnrnilon
or tliOj Abinllnnt in
Itltlillcil AVItli Shot.
The Sarpy county line , south of South
Omaha , noted for its Inwlcst nets , shootings ,
cuttings and other aoi-lous affairs , was the
sccnaof anotlior tcrrlblo deed Wodncsilay
iilcht nnd thcjtaldngof Uiolifo of nyounciinil
beautiful girl.
About 8 o'cloclf , just ncnr her parents'
homo on the IJcllovuo road , nbout half a nillo
south of the Sarpy county line. Miss Llr.zlo
Wtlllmnns.agcd sixteendaughter of Air. mm
Mrs. John Wllllmans , was shot by Snmtiol
Votoraon. Shots wore suattorod nil over her
rlijlit sklo from thu shoulder down to her
lower extremities , onu entering thu shoulder ,
sovcrul near tno elbow , several In the thluh
nnd leg nnd ono In thu abdomen piercing n
vital part. This inst ono In nil probability
will result fatally.
As soon us thu girl win shot her futhor
nnd brother removed her to tlieir homo und
summoned surgeons , who in turn did all
possible to alleviate the suffering of the
young n ro.
As soon nficr the shooting ns Peterson
learned tha result of his act ho went to
P.ipillion to report the matter nnd glvo him
self up. Later ho returned to hit
boarding house nnd remained nil
night , mid yesterday morning , in
company with Kimmus Hanson , with
whom ho board1) ) , he again wont to I'aptllion ,
where he was put under nrrest , and is now
in jail.
Different stories Icavo the cause and par-
tieulurs of the shooting in doubt.
Mr. Willimans stated tlmt u Dane , whose
name ho did not lnow , shot his daughter
wliilo she mid her brother were following
the dog just near the house , using u shot
gun , and when the boy ran in to avenge his
sister's injury , Peterson took n revolver
and shot at him , aiming nt his head. Uy
this tima the father himself , attracted by the
pun reports , had loft tne house , and coming
up to the man who had done the shooting ,
who proved-to bo Samuel Peterson nnd who
had llnsmui Hanson with him , ho wai usked
by Peterson "if ho wanted any morol" nnd
making a niovo us If to shootngnin. Immedi
ately \Villiiuuns and his son loft in great
Mrs. Willimans yesterday morning stated
that tbcgirlnud hey hud loft the house to get
Iclndlimr " , while the parents and other mem-
oors of "tho family were playing games , and
that the dog , attracted by something , started
barking across tbo adjoining Hold. The girl
followed the dog , and while doing so both
she and her brother were shot at , with the
above result.
JS Hanson und Peterson were not at homo yes
terday morning , the wife of ihoformor , nn in-
.tcllli'ont mid pleasant young woman , staling
"they hr.d gone to Pnpillion. She said Mr.
Peterson was nn Industrious nnd honest
young man , boards with them and rented a
garden patch of their farm and planted it in
corn and cabbage. 'J'hievcs , , she said , had
been carrying nway everything and ho had
traced the tracks to the roart just opposite
the Williimuis houses , and. 03 ho
was having the last , of his cabbage
liaulod away , lie arranged with Mr. Hanson
to watch the patch by turns all night. Mr.
Hanson end his hired man remained at homo
after supper to do the chores , while Peter
son , armed , went to his garden patch. When
ho got there ho found four persons in it , ho
claims , pulling up cabhago , nnd believing
Mr. Williimms was wearing n dress , flrod ,
hitting Lizzie. Mr. Williams and the boy
then rushed nt him nnd Peterson attempted
to shoot the boy with his revolver.
Hcturningat once to the house , ho told Mr.
ll.inuon anil tha family/what ho supposed ho
had done und Mr. UniiHon nnd ho returned
to near the Willimans house , where they
were recognized.
Mrs. Willimans denied pointedly ttat the
girl or any of the family were stealing cab-
biico or corn from Mr. Peterson's patch.
The young woman is suffering great pain
and is in a precarious condition , and ,
to use the express'on of the attending sur
geon , "the chances ura a thousand to ono
against her living. "
PAXTON HOTKr. , OMAHA Special at
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittrcdgo &
Bi-uinurd , proprietors.
Mr. E. M. Clark and Miss Lillian Carpen
ter were married at the rcsidonco of A. M.
Clark , 003 South Thirty-sixth street ,
Wednesday , October 0 , Rev. George M.
Brown ofllciating.
Have you used
F r sale by H.H. BlUi , Omaha , Nabra ci ,
A Typewriter made to meet tha modern
want for a machine which prints dlroetly from
t/iw. no rihbon , 'nllsnH pennaiiBiitly at
point of printing , U Llfcht. Compact. Dnralile.
uud In a word , la built 3u sclentillo vrlnctplea.
the Invention of n.V. . W. Vest , the buildup of
oothtlio ItoinliiL'ton and Callgraph ,
MachlnuAwlthUeiutuutoD or Cftllgrapn key
board ma desired.
A lurce stock ufserond hand Typewriters , of
all makes , for Nile , rent or oxetiniiKo. Wo are
Bind sales iiKcms for the "MISUIUTT" Typewriter -
writer , ttio linest low priced nmchluo outhu
murlcet. I'ricetll.
\Vo would be pleaswl to rerelve a call from
yon. whether you want to purcluum or not , and
wo will gladly ghow you the " VOiT" OJid thu
finest and Ur 'iut stock of Typewriter Furni
ture , Supplies , etc. , over brought to this city.
GEO.H. SMITH & CO. , 1605 Farnain St. , Omaha
1018 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
. S
Its Value in Rheumatic Gout , Stonj in tlie Bladder-Uric Acid
Ono nnd a half ouiioos discharged imdor the notion of the water. Onso of
Col. Thomas IL Holt , Lloutonant-QovOrnor of the State of Nortu-
Ctivollnn , stated by hia Family Physician , Dr. B. C.
Laird , of Haw Blvor , N. O.
Jjlrutcuaiit-novornor of North Carolina.
"ColonelThomas II. Holt , apntlcut of mlno , a suiroier from STONE I.VTIIK nr.umRii oC the
ITniOAt'in vnrli'ty , under exclusive tioatinent by HI.'KFAU ) MTillA WATKW , diuliiK a period
of several montlm , dlschar e l nt Intervals t'A l.l'Ul.Ol'S MA'ITKK ( sometimes CAI.CU 1.1 of suv-
prnlcrnlns wolclit and nt others In the form of SAND ) iimouiitliitf to ONE AND A HAW
OUNCKf. remlthiBinhisuntliennil 1 hnvo reason to bollevn ivrmnnrtir relluf. Ho was at the
same time , ton crentoxtent , rellovert oC UIIKUMATIO ( idlTlna aevoro form , associated with ,
uud wlilcli , Indeed , preceded tha OAI.lTr.Ol'S AKI'ECTIOX. "
"I amsatl ned thntl ewe my life to IJCITAI.O UTII1A WATClt , which I regard as the moat
valuable water la the world. "
Case of Dr. 15. J. WErssTMNO , ot Middletown. I'a. , btatod by himself.
"Experience In Its use lu STO\B IM run IIi.Auncn , In my own person , enables mo to attest the
efficacy otUioIIUP-KAf.O MllliA WATKII lu this painful malady. After having been IOIIK sub
jected to suirurlnittf. tlio Intensity of which cannot builcscrlbed. 1 have wultr tliKlnfitrnrr nf thin
Water , ixuuut an ounce of rAI.Cl'M ( UH1C AC11) ) , BOIIIB ot which wclRhcd as much as four grains ,
affording iiioxprcssllilo relief nml leaving mn in a coadltton ot conij-arattvo ense nnd comfort. "
"On ono occasion I passed thirty-live CAi.rria In fnrty-elgr.t hours. The nppearanco of this NUCI.UI ludlcatos unmUtakatily , I think , tlmt the } were nil cmnjumem ixirticlfx of one
iHioeCAi.cur.i's.ilMliDurilhi/Oicactfou n/ the ll < it r. l > u mrnim nf niliillim ifiil-ilttittitmiatlMi. At
my advanced period ot life ( I am seventy-seven years and six months of ase ) , and In my feeble
gi neral hralth. a surgical operation wus not to bo thought oC , < iml the Ifiifrr .sccm < tit liare ucc'im-
jilitli'il all that tiich an ojimiffnn , If vucccffi < t , caitltl have tlune. llesldos greatly IncivnsliiK the
quantity of the urine , this Watcrcrcifs n ilrcftlcilinllitrnrenn ( ( cliemlcat cuiHtltution , tendering It
iinnciliitrittnil. . * / jtrcvlnii'lil ntttt , and afterward AMC.VI.INK ; from being high cofori'd , It becomes
uale , nud uuvIugdfjiusHui cujilwuli/ becomes Jlinjild nnd IraiiiptHcnt. "
2 I 3
Water in Oases of One Dozen Half-gallon Bottles , $5 f , o , b , Here ,
THOMAS F. GOODE , Proprietor ,
Richardson Drug Co. , Agents , - - Omaha-
riUliLlNTmfc ? lloiftK ; ToWo"TvrrlviT *
Depot unit & Mnson Ha. OmnliJi. Umalm.
Chicago Vestibule Kx. . . . 3ilS o m oM n nt
Chicago Mail. . 0:45 : a m : W p in
( "lilrftQO A : 40 in
Dcnvor Vostllmlo Ux. . , 10:0 : * a m fi8 ! S3
Unco In A Oonmrdia I/o'l 8:03 : a in '
Colorado Moll Till p m S&k'm-
ChleftKO Kan Mall nee : | > m
9i1 : : a m Cl' . a m
Katua-tClty 9:00 : p m fliVi p m
cw ION TAorpnr Arrivn
Depot 10th and Marcy sH UinMin.
Overland Vlyor. 'isu p in 8:40 : p"ii
1'acltio Kxpros * . . . . . : H ra 7JO n m
Denver Kxnrisi * . . . . . lasso a mi 3io : p m
Kansas city. Lincoln &
Uoittrlcn Kxiin5s. 4 ; 15 n m ! 13 : I'm m
Kirniul Ulami Kxpress. 5:4" . v m' ' 12 o | i m
I'nniiiioti I'nsMiiRcr. . . , . 5 > 5 v ui , 7TJO a m
Ktc pV Sumlny.
O. * N.\V. It. U. I .Am re
Depot 10th As Mavcjr t < . | OmntiA.
nnnnlng Imtwocn Coiincll Diatfu nnd Al *
bright , in addition to thoMatlons mentioned ,
trains stop at 'IVentletli and Tw nty-tonrtU
ji cts audnt the Summit In Umithii.
(1:01 ( :
0:65 :
7:25 :
8:00 :
10:01) :
10:3) : )
P. M.
1210 : |
2M : !
: i:00 :
7 : :
A GOODRICH Att'y ut-r < nw. 121 Donr
born St.Chicago ; mlvleo It-eo ; 21 vours ox
pcrfDiico ; business quietly unrt legally truus-
If you will read to tlie bottom , of this
advertisement you will see wliat
the four ones stand for. Mr.
A ,
"Would respectively announce that he is western agent for
are strictly first class in every respect. Buyers of Arties ,
Excluders , Rubber Boots , Sandals , High Button Gaiters be
fine pure gurn Specialties or any other style of Rubber Boots
and Shoes , should see that the
Is stamped in the soles of each pair. Don't forget that Mr.
Lindsey sells at wholesale only.
Felt Boots , German Sox , Rubber and Oiled Clothing ,
and Mclntosh Wading Pants and Boots.