Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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_ B.JIO3BWATI3B , Editor. _
Dully and Sunday , Ono Ycnr . . . . . . . Jill CO
Hlx Month * . . A 00
Tliroo Month * . , . S M
Bimrtfir Hoc. Ono Year . 1 00
1 Weekly lice , Ono Year with Premium. . . . 2 M )
Hi lira Hnlldlnc.
UilriipctOfllCfl. r 7 Hoolccry HnlMltiR
New * York , llooms II ml ir.Trltmiio niillcl-
WnnliliiKton. No. &M Fourteenth Street.
Council IIIUIT" . No. 12 1'cnrl Street.
Lincoln , ltt P Sttoot.
.All roinnunilCAtloni rclnllnn to new * and edi
torial jimltcr nlioiild Veoddrc.-stjil to the IMItor-
All ImMnnsB loiter * nml rcnilttnnces should
) > n ndilrcsiol to 'I ho It'-o I'linllslilnir company ,
Onmlin. Draft * , diccks nml poMolllcc orilers to
bumiiclfl pnyHlilo tc. thoorderof tlio company.
The Bee PiilsMniTcSipy , Proprietors
jJin : llnlldltiK rariiain nml Scvcutcontli Streets.
Sworn Statement i t" Circulation.
Elate cf Nebrasku , ( ,
County of Douglas. | * "
OeorK II. 'Tzscimck. secretary of Jlio c
rntllpnliiR Oompiny , dors solemnly swenr thu
the actual circulation of TUB DAILY Her. for
th wccn ending October d. 1SW. was as fol
lows :
BuntlRy. Bspt. ! . " . )
Monday. Sept. ; w .
Tncpday. Oct. 1
Wednesday. Oct. : . '
Thmedny.Oct. ! J ."
Krldny. Oct. 4 . . IH.IM )
tatunliiy , Oct. a . 1MU
Average . . . . 1 H.OfiO
Ewoin lolieforo mo andHiuncrlbed to In my
prtKT.iu this fith day ofOctohcr. A. I ) . 1SS .
ti'cnl.1 N.I' . 1'UIU Notary I'ubllT.
Etnlunt N'eljrnKk.a , i
County ot Douglas , f "
OeorRO II. TzHChuclc. liolns duly sworn , da-
of Tne 08
'utill.shliifr ' company , tlmt Uio actual avcrngo
dally circulation uf O'IIE DAILY Or.r. for tlio
monlli of October IfcHli. wns 1H.OM copies ;
Tor November. IW 1B.VWI copies : for
December. 18BH. IB.Xil copies : for Jnn-
unry , JlH' ' , Ifri74. copies : for Kobniary , ] b 9.
l WCI topics ; for March , IfM , . copies : for
April , inn. 18.K9 copies : for Mny , lew , 18.1EI9
coplcH ; for June. lt > . ll'.tns. copies : for July.
3tM > , IF.TOHcoplp * : for AllKllst , IbW. lB.O.'il copies :
for September , IDS ! ' , 18,7111 copies.
OKO. . T/.scnucic.
Pworn to bo [ ore mo nml subscribed in. my
prowiico this 4tb dny of October , A. I ) . . 1HW.
N. 1' . I'BIU Notary I'nMlc.
x YOU n
Frequent uoinpliiiuts ranch Tim BKB
from passengers on trains and from res
idents of towns in this suction , that it is
impossible to got n. copy of Tin : BKI :
from resident news ugcnts nnd train
newsboys. The rilniiti sot up by the lat
ter is : "All sold ; " and then other
Omaha papers nro olferod instead. In
some instances , when the would-be pur-
clinsor insists on Dotting a copy of Tin- :
Bicu , it is forthcoming , but train news
boys deal them out sparingly , nml when
their supply is about exhausted it is
their practice to force other Omaha
pnpurd on passengers who would not
buy any other than Tim BiiU if it could
bo had ;
Tun Bun urges upon everybody the
importance of making complaint to this
ofllco upon failure to got THE .BEK of
news dealers nnd newsboys. There is
no reason why a full supply should not
be kept for nil demands.
All local news agents handling THE
Bui : HITS expected to furnish subscribers
the daily , including the Sunday edition ,
at twenty cents n week , mid all refusals
to do so should bo reported to this olllco.
Friends of TinBKB who FOIIU com
plaints of failure to purchase Tin : BEE
on trains will please bo particular to
give date , railroad nnd number of train
on which such purchase could not bo
made. Give us your name in order that
wo may aslc necessary additional par
Tim highway of the cznr from St.
Pctorsnurg to Berlin is lined with
troops , doubtless to prevent unseemly
explosions of popular enthusiasm.
Tim disappearance of the mule motor
from the streets of Omaha is a mile
stone in the progressive march of the
city. Electric energy typifies the city's
Silt EDWIN AiiNOLD says tlio Bos-
toncso spealc English as lie hcnrs it at
home. Sir Edwin should respect the
grief of a people who have just lost the
base ball pennant.
Till- : pendulum of the vacant pension
cojnmlsaionership is swinging toward
Indiana. But aspirants from other SRC-
.tions need nqt despair if the openings
of the fuues are under proper control.
Wn I'AUSis In the midst of the gen
eral political excitement to announce
that Mr. Coburn is not running for the
school board this full. His term of
olllcc. for that position does not expire
for some time yet.
THE French courts have imposed a.
fine of nineteen million francs on the
men who engineered the copper corner
in that country. If the snmo policy
were pursued jn the United States taxes
would bo merely nominal.
No aUTTisu what the grand jury will
find or what it will fall to lind , the people
ple of Omaha have found rottenness
and crookedness enough hi the county
building to warrant throwing out the
Uoodlors without coromouy.
TllEquni'lorly report of the Omaha
postolllco forttllcs the bank clearings ,
and tlio building record is demonstrat
ing tlio un vary ing progress of the city.
Croakers may whine and mossbacks
lamdilt , but the growth of Omaha goes
on forever.
IT JIAKIS a grpntdifference whoso ox
is gored. In the supreme court the
JtcpulUcijn inslutB on "moro judge and
less politician , " but on the local diblrlct
bench , more politician and less judge is
the cry. The consistency of the junk
shop it * as rich and varied as its career
and ownership.
AND now now states are plunged Into
the depths of n senatorial campaign.
The legislatures of all four states will
moot tills month , and the first business
will bo the election of United States
senators. There are five candidates in
the field in South Dnkotn , and several
dark horses in , tlio background ready to
Bncrillco themselves should a deadlock
occur. North Dakota is blessed with
eight aspirants for the senatorial toga ,
and it is quito certain'that six of them
will got loft. In Washington the woods
are full of them , while in Montana every
MUsourian acquainted with the three
Its is anxious to fill u long felt want.
It is rather discouraging , after the
promise of reform given out nt the tlmo
of the organization of the Inlor-slato
Commerce railway association , and the
assurahccs of hotter conduct following
Hie explicit warnings of the later-state
commerce commission , to find that rail
road managers have boon behaving
quito as badly as before , if not
worse. Such ia the fact , how
ever , as shown by the exposure
of a general manipulation of rates
by the roads west from Chicngo.-
The statement regarding this
latest development of the insincerity
anil chicanery of western railroad man
agers will ho something of a surprlso to
those who had bccotno confident , that
the united influence of the "gontlomon'ti
agreement" and the inlor-stato commerce -
morco commission wmild compel a
measure of integrity and fair-dealing
among the managers. It shows that
these influences have boon absolutely
inoperative , and that so far as the former
is concerned it is a wholly worthless ar
rangement , which wcro better aban
doned nt once , since it has
served no good purpose nnd
appears utterly incapable of doing
to. In this matter of manipulating
rates , the ofTending roads , none of
which denied the charge , are members
of the Inter-State Commerce Railway
association ami nro strong enough to
defeat any attempt to punish thorn
under the terms of the agreement.
What possible rcaspn there bp for
continuing an organization which is
powerless to secure respect for its regu
lations or to punish those of its
members who v.iolnto them ? It
has. no standing in law , nnd
consequently cannot'proceed against an
offending road under the intcr-stato
commerce net. and since it has been
abundantly a [ demonstrated that the
foundation of'"honor among gentle
men" upon which it i-ets is a snare and
u delusion , the sooner it is dissolved the
bettor. It serves only to mislead public
conlidcnco mid blind the eyes of those
who ought to hoop a vigilant watch upon
the operations of railroad managers. .
There would seem to bo in this
exposure of a distinct and flagrant
violation of the inter-state com
merce law , n great and urgent oppor
tunity for the commission to show the
country that its assurances of a deter
mination to enforce the penalties of
the law wcro sincere. It is said that the
very enormity of the olTousos by these
railroads makes the offenders certain of
immunity. 1C this should prove to be
the case there would bo an end of nub-
lie conlidouco in the power of
the national government to pro
tect the public interests against
tlio lawless and unscrupulous
practices of the railroad cor
porations. If it should bo demonstrated
that the inter-stato commerce law can
be made effective only in requiring individual -
dividual corporations to conform to its
requirements and punishing fetich for a
failure to do so , but must fail when con
fronted witn the common ofl'en&es of
numerous corporations , then the time
will have come for seriously consider
ing whether the law is worth preserv
ing. But there will bo no such demon-
stinlion it those charged with adminis
tering the law will do their duty. It is
eulliciently broad and comprehen
sive in its scope and authority
to deal with any and all cases
of its violation , whether happen
ing singly or in combinations , nnd
there is the necessary 'power in tlio
government to enforce it. And the
greater the enormity of the offense the
stronger reason there is for enforcing
the penalties of the law without fear or
favor. The idea that violations of
law may attain proportions that will
give immunity to the guilty cannot
bo tolerated under a government whoso
foundations rest upon a respect for law
and whoso preservation depends upon
the universal observance of the laws.
Not very long ago Chairman Cooley ,
of tlio intor-stnto commission , said to
tlio railroad managers that the inter
state commerce law was made to be en
forced , and ho assured them that it was
the determination of the commission to
enforce it to the full extent of its au
thority. Thus far the commission has
done liltla moro limn advise , warn and
suggosl. The lust congress amended
tlio law so as to provide adequate pen
alties for its violation. It has been lla-
grantly violated , and there will bo n
great deal of interest regarding the ac
tion of the commission.
The monumental check of our double-
barreled contemporary has iiumyVstod
itself so often thnt wo uro not in the
lenst surprised at itslntcst nnd most
nmnzing exhibition. In n recent issue it
reproduced the following from a Fre
mont paper wliich has perpetrated a
hoax at its expense :
TUB OMAHA Hiu : ana tlio Worhl'llcnild
nro Just now indulging in tlio expensive lux
uries of special truina on Sunday morning
to carr.v their neoHilng papers to the panting
nml impatient puoplo of Nebraska. Lost
Sunday there were two trains chasing over
tlio Union Pucifio and HurliiiRton & Missouri
across the state llko.litrhtninp. Young Hitch
cock hciirini ; of Hobowuter's trnln skipped
around to Union Pucillu headquarters and
chartered cue of his own. Ho gave his fore-
limn orders to run the papers tin hour curlier
than common nml BO tlio Hitchcock train
sailed througn Fremont un hour ahead of the
Kosmvntcr train. The maunder of the Hitch
cock train got oft huro nnd when the Hosa-
walor train pulled in ho said to the manager
of the latter :
"Havo n morning Jl'ortiW/cniW ? An
hour old hcra"
"You uro ti blur.ltlty blank liar , " said the
nosowatcr manager.
The facts nro simply those : Young
Mr. Hitchcock had just made nrrnngo-
monts to run an express wagon with a
bundle of papers from Valley to Fre
mont , when ho learned that TUB BKB
hud chartered a special newspaper
train to convoy its Sunday edition to
liaBtings over the Union Pacific rail
road via Grand Island , which would
also connect with the fast freight train
going west from Grand Island on the
Union Pnelllc.
As an offset , young Mr. Hitchcock :
changed thq heading of his Saturday
afternoon edition , dated it Sundny
morning , and Inserted a four-
page supplement of rcndy - ihnde
syndicate pictorials. This was put
on a midnight freight going west to
"make boUorc"that thoDoublo-IIender
Imd also chartered n special trnln of its
own. The bogus Sundny edition did
rcnch Fremont before daylight nhcmd
of The Boo Flyer , but the midnight
freight train \vns passed by The Boo
Flyer on a side truck tills side of Scliuy-
lor. And this is all there wns of the
race between TUB BIB : nnd its boastful
Tin : SUNDAY BIK which wns deliv
ered nt Grand Island before 8 a. m. , nnd
at Hustings by 9 o'clock , wns a
complete Sunday edition with full
cable and press reports. Sending
inga Saturday afternoon issue
with a Sunday dntc-lino on a midnight
freight can hnrdly be considered a
great stroke of enterprise. To bonst of
such nn imposition only shows lo what
length monumental check can go with
some people.
The charges formulated by the Wash
ington 1'ost against the civil service
commission nro so serious and sospeciflc
as to demand thorough investigation.
Personal denials will not satisfy the
public , nnd if the mntler is permitted to
rest with this the inevitable effect
will bo thnt the commission will
lose In public respect and confidence.
Tlio member of tlio commission whom
these charges mainly reflect upon is
Mr. Lyman , but the commission must
sulTor as a whole If they iiro not
cleared away or tlio responsibility
for the misconduct that given
them warrant visited where it belongs.
Just at this time when there appears
to bo a growth of sentiment against
civil service reform , and when its
enemies are eagerly seeking everything
that can bo used against it , it is most
important thnt such grayo charges as
those made by the Washing Ion Journal ,
apparently well founded"shall bo care
fully and thoroughly investigated.
Tlio moat serious of these charges are
that the coininlsjion has'practiced fa
voritism in certain cases , that
ono of the clerks of the commis
sion , who is a brother-in-law of
Mr. Lymnn , furnished in advance
for a pecuniary consideration the exam
ination questions , and that with the
knowledge of this having boon done
Lymnu promoted this clerk , and in iren-
eral that there have been mismanage
ment , inollicicncy , and violations of the
letter and spirit of the law. In support
of these accusations the P.ost submits
evidence Worthy of consideration ,
among it a letter written by ox-Commis
sioner Edgerton to the prcsidon t regard
ing the snio of examination papers , in
wliich it is stated that ' 'there are mat
ters connected with the ofllco of chief
examiner which would not bear a close
examination. "
it is not necessary to consider what
may bo the motive of the Washington
Post in making these charges. It
frankly admits that it has no admiration
for the existing reform system , but as
serts that its action is not based upon
any personal animosity , and that the
charges are made in all sincerity , with
an absolute confidence in their truth.
However all this may be. the charges
are direct and specific , and nn investi
gation of them is imperative.
It is not doubted that congress
will order an inquiry. In
any event it could only serve a good
purpose , fainco it would certainly lead
to changes which are believed to bo
greatly needed.
The fact is that there is a great deal ,
of dissatisfaction with the methods of
llio commission among those who are
earnest advocates of civil service ro-
form. It is the opinion of many such
that there is too much loft to the dis
cretion of the commission. Tlio three
commissioners practically control nil
appointments to the classified service ,
and have managed to so extend their
lines as to include all appointments to
places that pay over fifty dollars a
month. The rules of the commission
should bo revised by congress , and the
large discretion now allowed the com
missioners should be abridged. It is
urged bv thoae who take tliis view , and
they include high government olllcials ,
that there is no great reason why the
names and standing of these who have
passed the examinations should bo
locked up by the commission and all
knowledge withhold from heads of
departments relating to applicants ,
except the figures of merit of
the four llrst on the list. It is
suggested that the list of those
who pass the examination should bo
published and the heads of departments
permitted to make the selections to fill
vacancies from tlio entire list , instead
of from the four first on the list , as
under the present method , thus en
abling department heads to select those
who exhibit fitness for the particular
line of duty to bo performed.
Tlio next congress will undoubtedly
have this whole subject the operation
of the civil service lawandtha methods
of the commission brought to its atten
tion , nnd important changes and modi
fications tire to bo expected.
IT is now certain thnt the controlling
interest will rescue the Atchison , To-
pokn & Santa Fo road from the ruin
brought about by costly nnd useless ex
tension. Tli3 dliicngo line wns ns un
necessary as it was rulnoui to the com
pany , and together with the Mexican
Central folly , precipitated the present
deplorable wreck. The plan of reor
ganization proposes the isauo of four per
cent mortage bonds to the amount 'of
one hundred nnd sixty million dollars
and eighty millions of income bonds.
This is expected to reduce the fixed
charges from eleven to eight million ,
nnd bring the property to a paying basis
within three yourd. The plan has re
ceived the approval of n majority of se
curity holders and the reorganisation
will bo effected within sixty days , pro
vided the in Hated bonds can bo floated.
SKKATOH TKOALI.S of Kansas can not
bo accused of oxcesslvo modesty. Ho is
as rigorous in commending himself as
ho ifaln denouncing his enemies , and for
this reason n recent circular to the
votorn of Kansas possesses the charm of
novelty nnd ncrvo in equal proportions.
"It is duo to mo , " ho says , "that the
legislature should return mo to the
scnnto , Who has done more for Kansas
thun I ? Whore would Kansas ixtnnd in
the councils of the nation if I had not
rcprcsontctTlTor in the soimto ? 1 hnvo
brought ho'ij Jjito prominence by my at
tacks on irivn iiml measures. Thu sen
ate never had -a bettor presiding ofllcor
than I hnvplgon. ) ) * I have given the
stnto a sttimHng at Washington and
before the country which entitles mo to
re-election , and I propose to have it. "
Such an npfrtjft can not fall to have its
effect. .
possesses an ex
ceedingly active Imagination , nnd ho is
not bnckwnnUin giving the public his
confidence. M His cnrly training in jour
nalism enables him to slnrtlo newspaper
readers with gigaiitioMunchnuscn talcs
whoncvorpopulnr interest in his where
abouts begins to wane. Henry's latest
"fake" docs not possess the elements of
originality , but it servos to tickle his
ambition to rival the Goulds nnd the
Vnmlarbilts. Ever since the Dutch
stockholders dumped him and his rail
roads into the gutters of Wall street , ho
has struinod his scheming brain to in
vent now enterprises nnd Hont them on
the public , Ills plans comprehend nn
"air lino" from Now York to Alaska
with branches to Winnipeg , Mexico and
Honolulu. Ko obstacles nro too great
for Villnrd'a fertile pen when It comes
to building railroads on pancr.
No selection has yet been made by
the democrats of the Ninth district of
Now York of a successor to the late Sim-
sot Cox. Tlio irorZil of that city re
marks that the present democratic dele
gation in the lower house of congress is
not remarkable for its intellectuality ,
nor is it potent. With Sam Randall in
his last illness , the house of rcprescnUi-
tives.hns no democrats worthy ot the
nnmo of statesman , nnd being in the
minority , the party will indeed be in n
bad way.
THU decirtions of the New York
courts affirming the constitutionality of
the electric execution law settles the
fate of Kcmmlor , the first murderer
sentenced to death sineo the passage of
the law. The ollorts to nullify the law
and perpetuate the horrible brutalities
of the gallows were made solely to en
able a criminal to escape just punish
ment for his crime. Fortunately the
courts have not been imp6sed upon by
the buncombe of scientists and elec
GKKAT credit is duo the people of
PlntUmouth for the success of the
electrical exposition. The undertaking
wns a dilh'cult and arduousono for a city
of its si'/.o , but thoonorgy and liberality
of the people overcame all obstacles and
carried to a successful close one of the
most instructive and entertaining exhi
bitions ever lield in this stnto.
The democratic' county convention will bo
a Donnybrook affair.
Tltore is something vary striking about the
harmony aiuon tie ( democrats in the Second
The seven sons of the Seventh ward dem
ocracy arc ready lo absorb all the ofllccs in
sight without straining their appetite.
Tbo democrats Will snvo thnmaolrea much
subsequent pain and weariness by consulting
the grand Jury before nominating a ticket.
The multitude of candidates for county
offlccs now in the Hold insures a wholesale
business for political undertakers this fall.
P. Ford , csq. , of the _ Niagara hotel and Lo
comotive saloon , has juit commenced his an
nual fishing excursion for Third ward gud
Samuel Ayers , a Massachusetts crank ,
says that the world will como to an end next
Monday. Samuel will have to arise aud
light the fire fust the same as ever.
Omaha's only Wiggins has been comforta
bly housed ia the revenue department. His
prediction of n cold , stormy winter will
undergo a radical change for the better.
Whether or not the Episcopalians decide
to renovate the Dakotans with churches on
wheels , it is practically settled that ttio sa
loons will move from the ground floor to
the basement.
A Texas editor refers to a brother in the
profession us "an idiotic fool , a liar , a whin
ing , whclpish coward , n sneak , a cur , a
menial spaniel , a buzzard's frlond. who feeds
nn ttic woodpeckers. " It is to this sort of
fraternal badinage that Texas politics owes
much of its sprightllncs's and vivacity.
OilKly OKI Hi.
SI. Jxnifn ( JlnliC'
In St. Lou just now everything is boom
ing and everybody is a daisy.
A Common CoinrtlniiU.
St. Louts I'ont-DliixttUi.
The uoliro system of St. Lniiin is theoret
ically Ilia lincst In the world , but it is to bo
regretted that whenever its efllcicncy Is
tested by anything lil < o the Slattcry case the
system works very badly.
Very Defective
Knv Yurlt 'J'rtlnme ,
Master MechanicTwombloy cannot legally
bo accounted an accessory to the criminal
carelessness of Engineer Twombloy , but bo
clearly needs to be taught tlmt his method of
railroading Is not the right one.
A. Sketch of tlio Itnpubllcan Nominee
For ijproino llonch.
Hon. T. L. NoVvjil , judge of the Sixth ju
dicial district , was born in Fulton county ,
Illinois , on August fliS , 1817. Ho attended
the publmachooISj ami worked on his father's
farm until 110 wus Biivoiituen years old , when
ho commenced a < cijursu of study nt Heddlng
college , AbingaciuV At twenty he com-
mcncctl touchingspending ! ) all Iclsuro mo
ments Btudyini ; Hlnelcstono and Kent. Ho
visited NeUrasku ) i\.18C9 , and being so well
pleased witlitliajBountryaotormlneilta make
it ills future homo. In the fall of ISO'J ho
entered the law department of the univurslty
of Michigan , Ana.-Arbor , where ho grad
uated with honors In March , 1871 , receiving
thu degree of liach'ulor of Laws , and was nil-
milted to pructlcq hi tlio supreme court of
Michigan n fow1 'days afterward. Ho re
turned to his olu'lipmo uud tpiight a year to
earn money to got u library , and in the
spring of 1872 located at Boward and engaged
In the pntctlco of his profession with his
younger brother , lUclmrd S , Norvnl. Feb
ruary 5 , 1875 , ho married KlU God
frey. They have two llttlo trirls.
Judge Norval has always boon a republi
can in politics nnd hua been honored with
many oftlccs , viz ; city clerk , councilman ,
mayor , was slate senator in 1870. Ho was
nnpainted in the spring of 18KI by Governor
Dawes to succeed Judge Post ai Judge of the
Sixth Judicial district of Nebraska. In thu
following fall tie wus noinltmteil by uccl.una-
tlon by the republican convention at Aurora
for the sumo ofllce. und was elected by a
largo majority over Ilou. M. A. Mills , Imvmg
in tioward county nlono over ono thousand
majority. U'ui elected uiraln In 18b7 by In
creased majorities , getting every vote In
SowarU county , and all but three In I'olk
county. Mr. Norval has proved a success
wherever tried , as n teacher , lawyer , senator
or JudKO , and enjoys in a market ! dcgrtio tao
confluence and esteem of the peoplo.
A Special Mooting of the State
Board of Transportation.
Tlio New ttctmbllann Sfrtto Central
Commit Uc--riio : Homo for the
'J'hc City In Ui-lcf.
KriO V STiir.r.r ,
LINCOLN. Neb.Oct. 10. .
The state boniil of transportation trtct In
special session this morning. 1'rosont ,
Lmv3HIIl , , Lccse , Uenton , mid Secretaries
Onrber , Oilklsou nnd CSIlchrist. Several
lmx | > rtmit matters wcro considered. The
question of mluccil rates on grain to Chicago
cage from nil points In the atato wan taken
up nnd considered. lit inking tlio eenso of
the boiml In this mutter , It was found to bo
a unit as to tlio necessity of reduction , and
tlio following resolution , introduced by
Auditor Honton , was passed :
Whcrca < > , Thuro Is a largo amount of grain
raised this year in this sUtc , nnd tlio prices
arc low , therefore bo it
Ilcsolrcd , That this board urges the rail
roads to miiltc a reduction Ui rales thereon to
eastern markets ; that the railroad com
panion establish n reduced scale of rates
throughout the state wherein the rate from
any point in tlio stnto to Chicago shall not
exceed 20 cents on wheat , and rates on other
grains to bo reduced in proportion.
As an earnest tlmt the board means busi
ness in securing the reductions recom
mended , the following resolution WHS also
introduced utul passed :
Whernas , 'J'hero baa neon adopted a reso
lution calling upon the railroads for u reduction -
duction of the intcr-stato Kraiu rates from
Nobrnskn points , therefore bo it
Kesulveii , That the secretaries bo in
structed to learn the action taltcn by the
railroad companies in accordance with said
resolution , uud should they roluso or HUB-
Icct to promulgate schedules , grunting tlio
reductions within llftccnduys from date , the
secretaries nro Instructed to talto immcdlato
steps before tlio Inter-stato commission to
rellovo the grain producers of the state from
the discriminations now imposed by trans
portation companies.
The request of Senator Sutherland , of
TcUamuh , directed to the attorney-general ,
\vlilcliTm : Uii : : gave exclusive inlonrm-
tion , nskliic tlmt proceedings In Imaiutainus
bo commenced belore the supreme court to
enforce the order reducing rules on coal , was
referred to Attorney General Leeso and
Secretary Gilliison. It appears that there
1ms not been a complaint against any of the
roads operating In the state except
the Chicago. St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railroad company , for extortionate
rates on coal shipments , and doubt was en
tertained by the board of the legality of
making a sweeping order in default of
formal complaints. It seems the board did
not dcsiro to discriminate against the road
stated without authority of law , and General
Lccsc and Secretary Uilkison wcro asked
to decide as to this and report at n meeting
set for Tuesday , October 10. To bo clearer ,
there is no question about the ability of the
board to mandamus the Chicago , St. 1'aul ,
Minneapolis it Omaha , but there is as to the
other roads. Discrimination in favor of the
others would therefore result.
The Nc\v Committee.
The following is u list of tlio new repub
lican state central committee : Hem. L , . JD.
Hichards , Fremont , chairman ; lion. Walt
M. Soely , Ucnnut , secretary ; lion. W. I-1.
Hec-hL'l , Omaha , treasurer.
First District II. C. Wortham , Pawnco
Second District Church Howe , Auburn.
Third UiUnrt 1 \ K. Mc.Milliu , .Nobi-uuli *
Fourth District Orlando TefCt , Avoca.
Fifth District Alex Laverty , Ashland.
Sixth District W. F. 13cchcl , M. S. Lind
say , E. M. Stenberg , Onmhiu
Seventh District C. C. McNIsh. Wisnor.
Eighth District Sol Draper , Niobrara.
Ninth District Louis Clark , Albion.
Tenth District A. C.Jones , Hlair.
Eleventh District D. A. Holmes , Nor-
Twelfth District George G. Bowman , Co
Thirteenth District Thomas Carlen ,
Fourteenth District A. Barton , Chadron.
Fifteenth District H. II. Andrews , Calla-
xvay , or J. H. Ager , Ord.
Sixteenth District K. A. Julian. Kearney.
Seventeenth District Walter H. liacon ,
Grand Island.
Eighteenth District C. E. Brady , Fuller-
Nineteenth District W. C. Hartman ,
Stnplehurst ,
Twentieth District C. J. Daubach , John
Watson , Lincoln.
Twenty-llrat District B. P. Zuver , Beat
Twenty-second District II. M. Mills ,
Twcnty-tnlrd District TI.C. Dawson , Eiutl-
cotl.Twcntyfourth District T. E. Sedgwick ,
York. *
Twenty-fifth District-J. M. Farley , Fnir-
Twenty sixth District John S. Hoover.
Blue Hill , or J. P. A. Black , Hloomington.
Twenty-seventh District W. A. Dilworth ,
Twenty-eighth District W. E. Hymcr ,
Twenty-ninth District John J. Lamborn ,
Imli'inola. '
Thirtieth District C. F. Hobertson , Kim-
Tlio Suprcnin Court.
Thn supreme court met this morning when
the following business was transacted :
In Western vs Brown the submission was
set usldo and n new hearing granted.
Tho'following cases were argued and sub
mitted :
Stuto ex rel Cooper vs Hamilton , on do-
murrer. The case grew but of the council-
manlo muddle in the Fourth ward of this city
last spring. Cooper's term of oflico expired
with the municipal yeari Whun H. B. Gra
ham was nominated for mayor hu tendered
his resignation as u member of the council
from the Fourth ward , and W. J Cooper was
nominated nnd elected to ill ! the vacancy at
the general ejection. However. Graham's
resignation was not acted upon and n ques
tion arose as to whether the vacancy was
legally iillcd. It was generally agrouu that
It wns not , anil when Grali-uu was installed
as mayor a new election was ordered
to ill ! the vacancy. W. J. Cooper and
W. S. Hamilton were candidates for the
nomination. The caucus closed nnd Cooper
was declared the nominee by flvo votes ,
though fifteen of Hamilton's men wcro on
the stairway coming up to vote for him.
Hamilton arose in tlio caucus and pledged
his support to Cooper. Election day came
and there seemed no opposition. Hamilton
cume down early , voted for Cooper and went
nfT about his bublness. However , Hamilton's
friends worn not idle and were quietly work
ing up a scoop. About 5 o'clock , when they
were completely organized , they swooped
down on tlio polls mid voted in tulid col
umns , taklni ; the opposition b.vsurpr 10 The
result was that Hamilton was elected by
large majority , An injunction was served
on Hamilton to prevent his taking the scat ,
and on the mayor , clerkund members to pre
vent their rccoRiiUIng him. But bcforo this
was done , Hamilton had secured his cartltl-
cute of election and had been sworn in. After
some time this Injunction wan dissolved.
Then Cooper began quo warranto proceed
ings in the supreme court to Inquire by what
authority Hamilton assumed to represent the
Fourth ward in the city council , pleading
the llrst election na valid.
Dunham vs Courtney , on motion ; Potviu
vs Mo.vwr ; Potvla vs Hiirr ; Parker vs Court
ney ; Ltnittln vs Smith ; Chicago , Burlington
& Quincoy liallwuy company vs Hogun ;
Champion Machine company vs ( Jordan ;
KoenlK vs Chlcneo , Burlington & Qumcy
Hallway company , in part.
Court adjourned until Friday morning at
8ao. :
Now Noiarlcn I'ublla.
The governor to-day made the following
notarial appointments ; J , H , Yates , Ncllgh ,
Antelope county ; George A. Monroe , Stan-
Joy , Buffalo county ; A , O. Packard. Fre
mont , -Dodga county ; Charles M < Wnrrcii ,
Bnrnoston. Gage county ; Ktnll Lnngc , Knir-
bury , Jefferson county : Thoma * Fcnlon ,
Pnxton , Keith county ; Ellas ISvnns" , Silver
Creek , MerrlcK county ; Sanford S. Soarlo ,
OnU , Nuckolls countj1 ; Con W. Lloyd , Klslo ,
Perkins county ; Aden O. Smith , Newport ,
Hock county ; U. A. Waliter. Urnnt , Perkins
county ; Albert H. Hlndo , Hay Snrines ,
Sheridan coiinly ; W. M. Guo , Wiulde ,
Wnytio connty ; H. II. Watklns , York. York
Homo For- the Frlouillea * .
The state association of tlio Homo for the
Friendless met In adjourned session nt the
Presbyterian church this morning. The
principal business of the meeting wai the
election of onicers for the ensuing year.
This resulted In the election of Mrs. II. C.
Manly , of Lincoln , ns president ; Mrn. A. D.
Yocum , of Hastings , secretary ; Alls *
Phoebe Klllott , of Lincoln , corresponding
secretary ; Mr * . Thomas Darnell , of Lincoln.
liimnclnl secretary , and Mrs. O. C. Bell , of
Lincoln , treasurer.
The following board of managers w < vu also
elected : Mrs. H. A. BftbcoeK. Mrs. Dr.
Lntto. MM. S. P. Weeks , Mrs. Chnmnorliun ,
Mrs. Pollock , Mrs. KNing and Mrs. Sowcil.
City > OWH nml Notofl.
AV1I1 Owen Jones nnd brldo rotu rncd yes
terday afternoon from a three weeks' trip in
the west.
Miss JenntoE. Thomas , of Columbus , Neb. ,
la visiting Mrs. J. S. tVIch at JjlO Nortu Four
teenth street.
Hat Creek station , on the extension of the
Grand Island & Wyoming lullroad , was
opened for business to day.
The city council will meet Monday nnd
Tuesday us n board of equalization on the
special tax to bo assessed for the paving of
the nlleya in alley imving districts 1 and U.
Colonel A. B. Hnys has jint Nsueil u cred
itable history of the city of Lincoln. Ho corn-
pi imciitu Til 15 Bnn bureau with u copy , for
which ho has its thanks. The work is well
written at ut haiutsomclv bound.
U. D. Enlsel , of Holdrego , is In the city. It
Is said that ho reports the Phclps county del
egation divided on MoPliecly for congress.
Colonel Webster has friends in that , quarter.
Charles Wcuthcrbv appeared before Judge
Stewart tuis niorninir , pleaded uot guilty ,
and was held till the ISth In
$300 bonds. when ho will huvo
his preliminary hearing. Wcathor-
by i the man who stole u f IT overcoat from
the Globe clothing store.
A. L. Pound will attend tlio third nnntial
meeting of the. American Ofllcors and De
tective union , which occurs in Omaha Octo
ber 1(5 ( , 17 and IS.
The plats of two now additions to the city
of Lincoln weio illcd in the olllco of thu
register of deeds to-day. They uro called
Mills' sub-division ami Mills' second addi
tion to University Place.
Eugene Opclt stolu n march on the "oil
folks" yesterday , went to Wilocr , Sulino
county , and married Miss Alice Haley , ono
of the former dining room girls of the Opclt
house. The couple went from there to Kan
sas City on a wedding trip.
Nebraska Jollities.
The town of Burwoll has been incorpor
There arc 1,2'B ' pupils attending the Kear
ney schools.
The old settlers of Cuming county liavo
formed : \ ucrmancnt organization and will
hold u reunion yearly.
An infant son of Henry Snook , of W.v-
morc , died recently from thu effect of drink
ing concentrated lye over a year nco.
William Shields , a farmer living near Illl-
drelh , has disappeared with his team , ana It
Is believed ho has been foully dealt with.
Mr. Tuttle. of Wolllleet , Lincoln county , I
was thrown from a wagon and so severely
injured ttmt it is feared he will not recover.
E A man at Broken Bow remarked the other
day that the town was very dull , and the
cuizcus have set a watch on him , as ho is be
lieved to be insane.
United States Senator Fri'O and wife paid
a visit to Sehuyler and wcro tendered n re
ception by Mr. Henry Niumau , at which
many former rcsideats of Maine were pres
Willie Lee , of Beatrice , tlcltlcd the hind
ices of his father's yearlinir colt witn a
broom and was found weltering in blood at
the horse's feet by his mother. Ho will re
cover , but will never bo pretty again.
A Held of oats bcloncing to A. J. Hedge , a
Dawson county farmer , was completely de
stroyed by a hail storm last Ju'y. The en
tire lield was cut close to the ground , and
rotn the old roots there * iirnn ? w n second
ron which was harvested last week and
ichlcd over fifty bushels to the ncro.
Jcsso Morgan , fireman on onglnn No. 17 , I )
the hero of the hour , snys the FnlrHcld Call ,
While coming toward Falrfleld about ono >
half mlle this slilo of Clay Center , two chit *
tlron wore discovered playing on the track ,
It was too Into to stop the train whun they
were first scon , but Mr. Morgan was out on
the pilot and caught ono of the children from
before the approaching train , tliun snvlni ;
It. from certain death. The other child enw
Us danger and got oil In tlmo.
lo\ri Jtiiin * .
A boor garden flourishes nt Crcsco.
A vicious bull fatally gored James Me-
Miunii , near DoWltt.
The Amuor creamery ships over two thou
sand pounds of huttdr to Boston weakly.
Burglars stele the prayer books nnd bibles
from n Fort Uodgo church the other night.
Hov. H. J. Uowloy , late paitor of the Bap
tist church nt Sioux City , lias accepted a call
to a Chicago duburb.m church.
The mlncrcant who started the recent flro
nt Sheldon llrst tied 110 the ropes of tlio lira
boll and nil the church bells , no that it was
almost Impassible to arouse cither the llrj
department or Ilia citizens.
Joseph Wilson , living near Mechanics-
villo , has lost four children by diphtheria In.
thrco wcoks. The Wilson homo Is situated
on low ground nnd is damp , and the nuthori-
tics have ordered it burned.
Frank Bcldlnir , n Das Molnca tough , while
being convoyed to Fort Miutlson lo servo a
twelve-year sentence for highway robbery ,
Jumped from tlio train nt Danville , but was
recaptured by the Burlington police and
safely landed in the pen.
The artesian well In Cordate Is a wonder.
After going down Into the earth for about
I&O feet the contractors struck what was
seemingly a strata rocu of iulcksaid. | { Leav
ing the pipes nl ) hi the well over night they
found the next morning Hint nil thu piping
was heavily charged with magnetism. A
small mill lutd on thn sulo of the plpo will
not fall olT. JTliu necdlo on a surveyor's com-
pas * i ? attracted by the current at least leu
foot from the mouth of the woll. Thn mug.
netio current is so strong that the power of
ho engine , together with all the pries they
have been ublo to put on the piping will not
draw it from the well.
7ho Oroat .Northxvcflr.
A$15OOJ hotel Is to bo erected at Lander ,
A pure white rat wns captured In a well nt
Bozcmnn , Mont. , the other day.
Pueblo , Col. , is making preparations for
building a mineral palace on thu same gen
eral plan as the corn palace at Sioux City.
A Portland , Ore. , ordinance prohibiting
the Salvation army from beating drums a'ld
Blueing in the streets , has been declared un
John Scanlan , a ranchman sixty mllci
north of Cheyenne , Wyo . has a cow wlncU
gave birth to triplets last weak. The calves
uro alive nnd healthy.
BulTnlo Hill has an agent scouring Wyo
ming for uglv , bucldng bronchos , to exhibit
nt his Wild West show in Paris. A numuor
of the toughest horses in the territory have
already been secured.
The discovery of gold in a school section
adjoining the city limits of Tucoma , Wash ,
has created great excitement. Forty filings
for placer claims were made Wednesday.
A Tacoma , Wash. , photographer was called
upon to photograph a strange group the other
day. The body of John Johnson , a suicide ,
lying In acofiin in an undertaking establish
incut , his widow nnd little child composed
the group.
"Hed Pete , " an Indian who assisted an
other savage in the murder of a ranchman
named Clark in Umtah county , Wyoming ,
hvo months ago , has been arrested in Idaho ,
and will oe arraigned for the crime. Clark
was killed because he icluscd to prepare a
meat for the Indian tramps.
The farmers of Chateau county , Montana ,
have , says the Ulvor Prajs , raised thu year
from one-half to two-thirds of a crop of
cereals and a full crop of excellent vegeta
bles. This fact speaks volumes for the fer
tility of lands , guiltless ot an imjjatmg
ditch , durini ; the dryeat season known in thu
history of the territory.
A torG VCH a Hamilton
NEW YoEif , Oct. 10. William Waldorf
Astor gave a banquet In honor of Mayoi1
Grant lost night which waa attended by fifty
of the prominent gentlemen interested in the
world's ' lair. Among them were Vice Presi
dent Moitou , ex-President Cleveland ,
Chauncoy M. Dcpow and General Sherman.
combination of the Oils and Alkali ( Soda ) must be com-
plctc to form a perfect or true soap , such as will * not burn ,
or rsdden and irritate the skin. The IVOKY SOAP is 99iV < r % Purc
which insures its being perfectly harmless , and will leave the skin.
clear , Avhile and velvety.
There are many whl'essaps ' , each represented to bo "just as go-das the ' Ivory ' { "
they ARE NOT , But like all counterfeits , lack tlio peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting It.
Copyright IBSG , by Procter & Gamble.
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In
To dealers ouly. illlla B.iuiliern lllsvoiirl , Ilooiun. I. - ' nnd n , U. B , Nutlon&l Hunk llulldlns
TclcDlionu KJJT , Umuhu , t > od.
A. B. MEYER & "OO "
1O3 South IBth Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 140O