Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FlltDAY , OCTOBER 11 , 1889 , 3
Wheat Again Dulled nnd n Lot of
Lone Stuff Sold.
Corn Shows Up "With Morn Klrinnuas
and Activity Cntilo .Values
Sternly on licit Hog
1'rlocH Good.
CHICAGO 1'iionuon :
CHICAGO , Oc' . 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : linn.Vlicab \ wa * bulled nglun to-day ,
and on the advance1 n lnr o nmountof long
wheat \vns sold out , but tlio mnrkcl did not
rend mid closed la@l % nbovo yesterday.
Strong nod higher uabloi gave the market
1U llrst stimulus , nnd the story that some
body had n pointer thut the government re
port would show 20,000,000 bushels loss than
last month was not without Its Influence )
Upon the minds of trailer ? , uKliouili : the ROS-
nli | WAS absolutely without a discovornblo
father. Import clearance * of wheat nnd
Hour from Atlantic ports for yesterday cnnio
-142,003 bushel ? , and that , too , was a bull *
Ish factor. On the nd'/anccs to-day thuro
wcro also heavy covering of wheat
by belated sliotH. There was some
very loud and not n llttlo
very wild talk about export buslnuss ,
but It could not bo vcrlllcd except In n modi
fied form. New V'orlc nnd Uultimoro arc
Bending out u llttlo No. 3 wheat , mostly for
South America , nnd Montreal Is shipping
considerable ciuuntltios of hard wheat to
Scotch nnd English millers , and bidding for
more. To this clrcumstanco Is duu the llrin-
ncfB of the Dutch market , which went up
IJ o to-day. Minneapolis Is n'so firm , and ,
heavy ns the movement IB , thcro Is ucilva
competition for currant reiolts : | at Minne
apolis and Duluth. The mills at the former
are producing Hour at a great rnto and the
fitugimUon in the Hour tnulo that is reported
hero and olsoxvlioro docs not seem to oxlst
there. Thuro was a report afloat early of n
fulling off in the datmmci for cars iu thu
northwest. This proves not to bo the
case , 'iho supply of car * la not nearly up in
the demand. Ono correspondent wired that
the mil roads can not furnish " , " > per cent oC
the number of cars that tire wanted. Local
receipts are rather on the increase and some
improvement in quality is noticeable. This
improvement is likely to continue. A mocl-
crate shipping demand is reported for No. U
wheat , wliicu is now about the uneiipi-st
wheat obtainable. It is selling about llo )
under No. , and good judges say it is in
trinsically worth within Go or Gu of No. 2.
December wheat opened at 84c , over night n
] n in I ) of ? e. For a time thu price ranged at
8JJ ! < (38U ( ! < o nnd then it went to
S-Uffe&Wc. Subsequent Important fluctu
ations woio 84Vc , 84 Vc , 84 ' © 34 ,
B4K < 3S4B < rc. tJ4'te , fc4c , M o , 65c nud 84 ? | @
84Xc , wtilsh hist was the close. May opened
at Wl&c. sold ui ) to SOJtfc , back to bO > je , up
to 8Tc , down to Stygc. and up again to ST gC ,
closing ut the lauor ligiire. October opened
at Sljfc , advanced to 8'Jo and closed at the
top. As compared with yesterday the clos
ing range shows u gain of J/c in October ,
1 ' .fJlHC ( ! In December mid o in May. The
volama of business was immense , the trading
wa general , the inarlcci was strongly excited -
cited "and nervous , and the interest in the
deal is manifestly widcRurcud. Iho pit was
pucked ana jammed most of the day. The
excitement at Mio lust Wis very great nnd
eager traders did not disperse for several
minutes after the tap of the boll. Sales of
December were made tlion as low as 84 c.
The corn market was firmer and more
active , the shorts being induced to cover to
some extent by general talic about the com
paratively low price at which the article was
now being sold. It was also helped by the
strength Uml activity in the wheat market
mt < ] by tl 4 liauv i itiiinioiila | ftom honuo.
llio demand from shippers was more spirit
ed than of late nnd they took hold of No. 3
to-du.y , which for several days preceding
they had loft to the speculators. Foreign
markets were quoted weak , but outside
domcstio markets were in sympathy with
Chicago. The closing prices show nn im
provement over yesterday of * $ @ % u and
were : Oc.tober , UKifSl c ; November , Ulc ,
and May , 'XA o.
Provision traders sustained a llttlo
rest to-day from the October pork
deal. There were no now' developments
in connection with it. The appellate court
will ilccido to-morrow morning the motion
for u revival or Judge Shcpurd's dismissed
injunction. In the meantime the clique is
simply holding to its former position. A few
lots of new pork , tendered on October con
tracts , were refused to-day and sold out at
auction -at ? I0.4T } ( ( jl0.5J. ! The straight
October delivery closed nominally
at 110.50. In the general product
trndo the leading fcaturo "was
activity. January pork was bought freely by
Ilutchinson and others and in other lines
trading was reasonably brisk. Prices were
well supported. January pork sustained nn
advance of Co nnd October and January
short ribof 2' o. November porlc sold .oil
2 } o nnd future lard 2J ( < ? 3a November
short ribs were unchanged.
Ciuovao , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Hun. ] CATTLE The receipts were dt-
yidi-d at about 0,000 natives , 7,000 Texans nnd
" ,030 , rungers. There was a liberal supply of
prinio native steers that were telegraphed
for yesterday nnd came in from near-by
points , especially from around about Bloomington -
ington nnd Springfield. The demand was
fair and prices steady on best , some lots
Belling equally as strong as yesterday , yet
toward the eloso a few lets that were he'd
rather too high at thu opening sold lower
than they would huvo ut the first dash , and
overythlmr In the iiutivu line that did not
como up to first class ruled slow and weak.
Texans also uilcd slow , and. If such wcro
possible , sohl lower. Hangers sold
about steady on account of the light supply.
Stackers and feeders continue to sell at
tirlcos HO low that it would scmti thcro could
be no money lost in feeding. Choice to extra
beeves. 1000 to 1SOO Ibs. $4.00(25.00 ( ;
medium to good steers , 13.r > 0 to 1500
Ibs , 1.00(24.10 ( ; 1'JX ) to 1U.V ) Ibs , fJ.GU ®
4.'JO ) 050 to 1200 Ibs , a.OO ( < ty.K ! ) ; stackers
mid feeders , $ l. < Vi ( < J..SOj cows , bulls and
mixed , ? 1.00@3.bO ; bulk , M.fiOft2.00 ; Tuxas
Btccrs , fJ.OOi-J.0 ( : cows , fl.5iUH ! ! ( ) ; wes
tern rangers , § 1,73 ® 1.50.
Hoes The demand was fair and prices
steady , the general market closing steady to
strong , Packers were tint anxious buyers ,
but paid from SI.10 to f 1.15. Shippers wont
In at fl.UOS-l.yj , ana light sorts sold at $4.U5.
Nonoof the smgo sort ( wcio among the ur-
NKW YOHK , Oct. 10. ( Special Telegram to
T'in Her. ] STOCKS Tlio stock market
evened with a good show of strength nnd
with the activity very well distributed. Im
portant movements were confined to loss
tl.JD n half dozen stocks. First prices were
geiurally from ' to % per cent higher than's closing prlcas. There were
further slight gains In some stocks , but tlio
pressure was ronowoj and Sugar Hoilnorlos
retired 1 ? to 85\ , Now England Itf to 40y
and Cotton Oil > md AtchUou each Jjf pot
cent , these being the only really active
stocks on the market. Others were generally
quiet and sympathized with the deullnd In
the loaders to a limited extent , A partial re
covery took place when Manhattan displayed
marked strength , rising IJ Ql/ per cent ,
Atchlsou , however , again gave way and retired -
tired to 27. Other .railroad stocks
nnd trusts sympathized. The Granger
group yielded \ { per coat all
nround , Lackawanna dropped bacli
H Per cent to 144J . Sugar touched SVr or
IX for ceot oft from the opening. The weak
ening of the market after iho first half hour
was a , disappointment to the street. It was
conceded ut the meeting places last night
that liquidation had released much money
tied up In big lines of itocks and the inouey
question will speedily right itself at an early
day. Muay partial who ilrtt sold In expecta
of a lltllo squall tvhlcli hjis prevailed fern
n tttna arc again buyers nnd the trade re
garded that as n vary hopeful sign. Thcro
was much favorable talk about Union Pacific
Lnko Shore , Hurllngton and Chtcnga Gas.
The following were the closing quotations !
IJ. 8. 4s WRiilar. ir , iNoithorn I'nclflo. . .t3'i'
tJ. 8. < scoupon . . .127 clo preferred . "H'i
U.n. lusrcgnmr . .nv.'i . o. * > . w . lllx
IJ. S . 4 'if coupons. . 10o i , do preferred . 141
I'acldefuot'fl ) . 113 'N.V.bcntrnl ' . 10li
Cftitrnl Vnclflo . .1l i I'.lUcK . . . . ! Wi
nilcntjoAAlton.CT : illocklsland . 3' <
ChlrnKolltirllngton C..M. .tst-t' . . . 7li /i /
AiMlncv . 1CI7H1 iloproferred . 114'i
, . M4USM'nul.VOinahix. .
lllltiolsContrAt . llfl'i doproferrod . 10J
I. , II. .V W. , . 0i ! U.ilon 1'actllo . ni ? , '
KnnsnsiiToxas. . . . II W..St. I * Ac 1 *
I.nko8hor . 10 ilopretJrrad. . .
Mlchlgnn Central. , 01 Western Union , .
Missouri 1'acltlo. . . . 71i !
MONET Easy at 5i < 30 per cent ; closing
offered atO per cent.
PIIIMK MnncHNTii.B t'Apnn C'SSpor cent.
sixty-day bills , tl.b2 : demand ,
Stocks ,
New YOIIK , Oct 10. fSnocIal ToloRrxm
toTiir. Hr.n. 1 Tlio follawlaff are the mln -
IngstacU quotations :
Host * llclcher..nx ) Mexican 375
Ciilcilonla II. II. . . . W Mutual 110
DvmlwoodT 1IH Ml. Diablo IV )
KlirolcaCnn 4VO Ontario mitt
llomustnke M" > Occidental IB
Horn Silver. li'i Havaite 1W
Iron silver 'M Union Comollcla'd.'JO
Klng&l'cm. i. 10) )
CntcAoo. Oct. 10. 1:1 3 n. m. close
Wheat Strong nnd higher ; October , SiVc ;
December , Sljffc ; May , S7c.
Corn Steady. October , 31c ; November ,
'tfc ' ; May , 3:1 : 0.
Outs Firmer ; October , IS c ; November ,
. c ; M y , ' W'tfo
Kyo October. 41/o.
Uarlcy October , Olc.
Prime Tluiothy-l.'JO.
Flax Seed Cash , $1.20 ; May , * 1.3S.
Whisky ? 1.02.
Pork Steady ; cash , f 10.17 ; November ,
$9.)3 ! ) ; January , $0.37 , '
Lard Steady ; eashJ3.lO ; November , ? 5.05
(2rr ( ! ) > if.
Flour Very firm ni last quoted nnd mill
ers In some Instances are getting an advance
of lOc all round. Winter wheat. S3.OOiJSt.40 ;
spring wheat , $ : rye , 13.50 ® ! iu.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , 5l.25c ( ?
4.50 ; short clear , f5.37K143.50 ; short rib- > ,
cash , J5.0. !
Huttcr Steady ; creamery , 10@23c ; dairy ,
tjliocso Steady ; full cream cheddars ,
@ 'Jfc ' ? : Hats , J < J@10c ; Young Ameri
cas. lO&SlOKc.
Eggs Firmer ; fresh , 18@10c.
Hides Steady ; light and heavy srenn
salted , 3c ; salted bull , 4J c ; green salted
calf , SKc ; ilry flint , 6@7c ; dry salted , Oc ;
dry calf , 5@0c ; deacons each , 20e.
Tallow Steady ; solid packed , 3) c ; cake ,
Hccolpts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour . 2J.OOO 11,000
Wheat . 107,000 CO.H)0 ( )
orn . 213,000 8j , ll01) )
Oats . 2I9.000 13ti,000
Now York. Oct. 10. Wheat-Hecoipts ,
options unusually active , higher and strong ;
No. 2 red , November , closing at 87J c.
Corn HccalptH , 18S.OOO bushels : exports ,
1SS.550 bushels ; spot less active nnd stroncor ;
No. 2 , 83jfG ! ttlJ4ij in elevator , ! ! 9 > iJlilO' c
alloat ; uncradcd mixed , : tSC'--tJ- ) ; options
stronger , November closing at lOc.
Oats Receipts , 57.0UO bushels ; exports ,
20 ; spot steady ; options firm , November
closing at 20c ; spot No. 2 , white.
mixed western , 24H27) ( ) < fc ; white do , 'J7@i."c.
Coffee Options closed steady at 5@15
points Up , Sales : 42,000 lugs ; October ,
515.00(315.10 ( ; November , 514.03015.03 ; spot
Hio , firm ; fair cargoes , Jl'J.tiO.
Sugar Haw , nominal ; refined , steady.
Petroleum Steady ) United closed at
for November.
Rgps Dull mid lower ; western , 20c.
Pork Lower ; mes'i ' , 512.00@13.50.
Lai -Easier : Sales : Western steam. $0.70
(30.75. ( closing at SO .0.
Butter Easy ; Elgin , 2o@25Kc ; western
dairy , 0 ( < J14c ; creamery , 12@2lic.
Cheese Steady ; western , U ( < eiOc.
Cincinnati , Oct. 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 red , SOSO c.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 34c.
Onls-Firm ; 21Jfe.
Whisky ? 1.U2.
IjlvRfnnol , Oct , 10. Wheat Firm ; de
mand iioor ; holders offer moderately ; red
western spring , 7s ld@7s 2d per cental ; red
western winter , Os lOdiJJOs lid.
Corn- Quiet ; now mixed western , 4s j d
per cental.
Minneapolis , Oct. 10. Sample wheat
Wither ; receipts , 510 cars ; shipments , 70
cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , October , Sic ;
May , 8SJ c ; on track , S2c ; No , 1 northern ,
October , 7Sc ; May , S5Jc ; On track ,
No. 2 northern , October , 74c ; May ,
on track , 74@77c.
MilunuKoc , Oct. 10 Wheat Firm ;
caih , 7l ? < o ; No. 1 northern , 8J > c.
Corn-Qulot ; No. U , 31J/C.
Oats Dull ; No. 3 white , 21Y@22c.
nyc Quit ; No. 1 , 43Kc.
Uarloy Easlor ; No. 2 , October , 50 } c.
Pro vlhlons Firm ; pork , SI 0.25.
Kansas City , Oct. 10. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 3 hard , casli and October , , COc ;
No. U hard , cash and October , C2c ; No. 2
soft , cash and October , 71c ,
Corn No. , 2 cash and October , 2-lu bid ;
No. 2 white , cash and October , 25c bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash and October , 15'c bid.
Chicago , Oft. 10. Ttio Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 19.500 ; market steady
for choice' , others 10@15a lower ; cholcoto
extra heaves , Sf 1.00 (5.00 ( ; steers , 3.00 ® 1.40 ;
stackers and feeders , Sl.UVftJ.SO ; cows , bulls
and mixed , * 1.00@2.50 ; Toxns cattle , $1.25
(22.90 ( ; western rangers , $1.7a3.50. : )
Hogs Receipts , 20,000 ; market steady
to strong ; mixed , 1,00@4.40 ; heavy.
33.90Q4.33 ; lieht , $ J.'J3@1.45 ; skips , $3.00@
Sheep Receipts , 11,000 ; market slow ,
closing 10il ( ! > j lower ; natives , Si.50i5.uO : ( ;
western , M.50@t,15 ; Texans , * 3.004.23 ;
lambs , lower ut $4 , ! > 0@5.75.
Niiilonnl Htoulc Vard-i , Inst St.
Ijoiiic , Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ;
shipments , none ; fair to cholco heavy na-
tlvo steers , ? a20S < M.50 ; stackers and feeders ,
J1.75@2.00 ; range steers , $3.10 ( 3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 1,500 ; shipments , none ;
market strong ; heavy. J380Q4.13 ; packing ,
? 3.70@l,10 ; light , ? 1.00@4.25.
Kansas City , Oct , 10 , Cattle Receipts ,
7,000 , ; shipments , none ; market steady
and lower ; common to choice corn-
fed steers , ? : ! .00@1.10 ; stocltors and
feeders , f 1.00(33,10 ( ; cows , $1.30Q'.40j grassers -
ers , fl.50i/2.t0. ! ;
I lob's Receipts , 5,100 ; shipments , none :
market higher ; light , S3.05ljjl.10 ; heavy and
mixed , t3.'JO@4.00. '
Thursday , Oct. 10 ,
Acaln the market was almost bare of good
beeves , only a few loads Doing In the yunls.
The market was steady and the demand
peed , Thcro was ono load of corn-fed na
tives goad enough to bring Jl.UO nnd a few
loads sold some days ago in the country
wuro brought in and weighed up to n pacuor
at $4.23. The market on butchers' stock Is
in anything but a satisfactory condition lor
the soiling Interest. It would bo a conservative
vative estimate to place the decline In cow
stuff thus far this week at 23a , and la ad
dition to being lower the market is very
slow. Still It Is not so low yet but what the
packers can afford to ship in cows from Kan
sas City , ono packing house receiving nlno
cars to-day. The yards were full of feeders
and slacken ) , but tlio market was rather alow
and tno buyers bidding lowor. Last weak
stackers and feeders gradually crept up untl
they were pretty high , in fact , most too high
for the way other cattle were selling. Witt
heavy receipts to-day buyers showed plainly
that they wcro determined nn a reduction
and a heavy dealer remarked that ho ox
pccted to BCO stocltcrs and feeders sell 25a
lower before the supply fell off very much
The trade was rather slow , especially on
the moro ordmaiy trades , but thu total sales
made a pretty good showing.
The buyers set out this morn Ins to buy the
hoes lower , and they succeeded In getting
some that way. The arrival of f resu orders
caused tbo market to tuko a sudden spurt
ovorythlag being picked up la short order
and the cbio being stronger oven than yes-
onlay. Taking the mnrkct as n whole , It
vould not show much difference from ye-
crday. The heavy hogs sold at J3.90@4.00 ,
and the Doston buyers were rcporiimz their
purchase * as averaging about lie lcs than yes-
erday. These hoes were nearly all bought at
ho low time. Others who bought largely at
ho close reported tholr droves
costing moro than yesterday , A ffiw
Ight-nnrts sold nt $1.03 , nnd as high as
M 07KTlio demand , especially the shipping
Icmand , was very Rood for light hogs , nnd
t was realty due to this fact that the gen
eral market closed stronger.
Two double decks of western sheep were
received and sold at firmer prices. A load
of comtnonlsh holdovers also changed hands ,
log * 0,000
Shcop 105
Prevailing i'rlco * .
The foltowlng Isatabloof prlojj p\ld In
thlsmarlcot for the gr-iJo } of stock man *
tloiicd ;
Prime steers , 1303 to IfUO Ibs..f 4.10 © 1.40
flood fltocrs , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . 'I.SO MI.2J
Good steers , 10.VJ to 130J lt > . . . 3.50 ( tf 1.00
Western stoors. . , . . , . . 2.53 @ 3.10
Common cannon 1.00 ( > rl.50 )
Ordinary to Mir cows 1.53 ( < n,70
Vt\\r \ to tjood cows 1.70 GciLIM )
Good to Choice cows l.OJ $2.30
Kntr to good bulls ' 1.50 ( 2.15
Ll'ht | storuers and fender * . . . . ' . ' .00 liM.M )
Good loader * . 950 to 1103 Ibs. . . 2.40 fit A SO
Pulr to choice light ho * ; * 3.95 $1.05
Fair to choice'hcavy ticis * 3.93 i l.02Ji
Fair to choice mixed bogs 3.90 ( < ( ! .0. )
Common to rough hoei 3.59 ( jj3.S5
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1 U10 $2 30 40 1127 1 40
: i . losi ) 285 B ) ir : > u 425
2 . ly5 : } 325 20 13'J7 430
9. 1075 1 40 15 1027 1 SO
r. . .1010 1 C.O 3. .10(17 ( 1 85
Irt.o . 1070 1 CO 2) ) . . U73 1 00
o . 700 1 00 5 .10:0 2 00
is ! .10.VJ 1 70 7. .12135 2 00
.1014 1 SO 10. .1100 2 10
3 1333 23 1011 3 40
1 1120 20 973 2 no
iS < J07 2 40 20 9S3 2 CO
10 877 2 40 1(1 ( U7S 2 GO
0 703 2 40 12 10S3 2 70
14 OS2 1 25 1 .1000 1 50
0 OSJ 1 20 1 .1120 1 GO
2 1030 2 05
11 5'J9 230
1 1430 1 75
Owner and No. Ar. Pr.
1 stray .1130 * 3 25
C strays . .1134 S l5
1 stray .1110 O O (
1 stray . 12-0
2 strays .1120 2 yn
1 str.iy .1010 3so
1 stray .1170 3 40
1 stray .10,59 3 40
5 strays .1120 3 40
1 strav ' 3 40
li feeders , tailings 'illlil
1 feeder .1180
35 fccorrs . . 754 2 50
50 feeders .1011 2 00
40 feeders , tailings . .11(54 ( 2 25
Doty & Chamberlain
It steers .1350 3 25
1 steer .lObO 3 00
1 steer .1470 225
Reel & Rosendalo
' 87 cows . .1041 1 85
12 cows , tailings . .12'J7 1 UO
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
11. . 300 SO S3 80 < > 3. . . .277 320 $3 05
. .2415 80 3 85 53 . . .277 200 3 113
. .290 bO 3 85 5'3. . . .25 ? 240 3 05
. .300 3'J o en M3. . ( ' ' 00 71 ! )3 )
. .210 200 a 87 55. . . .201 40 3 ! K5
, .25'3 210 a 87 04. . . .2S1 210 3 05
01 . .2111 210 a uo ' . .251 40 3 05
01. . .2SI 100 U 00 r > 6 ! . . .289 120 a 95
no. , .2t'J ; 120 3 00 01. . . .291 120 3 95
(12. ( , .24S 240 : i < M 01. . . .245 80 a 05
71. . .252 120 n yj 59. . . .257 40 3 95
no. . .Sill 120 a oo 74 , . . .25G 180 ! 1 05
58..253 100 3 93 71. . . .299 ICO 3 05
0-3..295 120 3 00 m. . . .259 200 3 95
19..331 3 00 . .337 4SO 3 05
03. . .233 203 3 00 osi ; . .250 2bO 3 03
CO. . .275 2SO 3 00 02. . . .235 120 3 05
05. . .2'Jl 1(50 ( 3 90 57. . . .200 80 a 05
57. . .274 120 ' 05. * . ' 100 97 > < f
02. . .271 40 59. . ! .2u9 SO
r > . . .278 210 3 OJ 50. . " 120 im
53. . .271 100 39. ! } , ; 515. . 205 60
70. . .205 100 3 92K 05. . . .2S1 30-tf
05. . .29J 1(50 ( 3 9'2K 54. . . .314 120 00
52. . .315 1(50 ( CO. . . .219 120 00
ns. . .204 80 01. . . .279 80 00
07. . .200 1(50 ( 3 95 57. . ' 480 03
70. . .552 2sO 3 95 71. . . .2S9 200 03
05. . .219 1(50 ( 3 95 CO. . . .280 120 00
53. . .U25 1(53 ( 3 93 73. . . .271 80 00
M. . . 03 200 8 95 55. . . .310 & 0 00
CO. . .233 200 3 05 SO. ' . . . ! UO 200 00
(54. ( . .204 210 3 95 09. . . .213 80 4 00
51. . .251 80 3 95 51. . . .1513 120
53. . .252 SO fl 95 41. . . .239 05
7. . , .303 3 95 . .210 05
59. . .323 1GO 3 93 75 , . . .239 240 05
ro. . .379 40 3 93 C , ! ) . . .224 -10
112..301 1(50 ( 3 93 U0..190 40. 4 07'
No. Av. Pr.
105 Dakotas 81 $3 00
1 Nebraska 100 3 10
109 Nobraskas 93 3 10
99 Nebraska natives Ill 3 90
100 Nebraska natives 113 3 90
97 Nebraska natives..1 115 3 93
93 Nebraska natives Ill 3 95
Uvo Stook Notes.
T. Cochran , of Wilbcr , was In with hogs.
W. II. Ticknor , of Beatrice , was in with
D. II. Post , of Thayer , had two loads of
A , J. Spitzor came m from Stanton with
Cross Bros. , of Avoca , la , , had hogs on
the market.
Blair & CO , , of Lmwood , hod hogs on
the market ,
O'Neill ' sent in F. J. Toohill with eight
cars ot cattlo.
RobortFox came In from Groaloy , Cole ,
after stackers.
Bancroft sent P. Farley In with two car
loads of cattlo.
John McElroy , of Stella , was at the yards
looking up feeders ,
J. U. Drake brought la twelve cars of
cattle from O'Noill.
W. A. Stuckoy , of Grafton , had two loa.ds
of hogs on the market.
N. 1C. RoJlon , of North Loup , was on
the market with cattle ,
John Pennor of Beatrice , spoat the day In
the yards , with an o.vo for feeders.
Hrad&haw was represented by F , R. Lieu-
tonborgor , who had liojs ; on the muruot.
Hanker A. W. Clarke came up from Pa-
pillion with a bunch of corn-fed steers ,
Which sold at $4.25.
OMAHA U'llOIjHSAI ; ! } MA lildjTS ,
Product ; , Fruits , 12to.
Eocs Strictly fresh , ISc.
HUTTEU Creamery , fancy. 22@33a ; cholco
20@'Jio. Dairy , fancy , 17C'16oj cholco , 15
@ 10c. Country , fancy , It@l7o ! ; good to
choice , 14@15o ; fair , 10@llc ; Inferior , 7
LIVE PIOEOXS Per doz , J1.50.
GA tn Pralrlo ctilckoiis. f3.00J3,50 ( : mallard -
lard ducks , f3.50EC3.00 ( ; mixed ducks , tl.VJ(7 (
1.75 : teal. Sl.25@1.50 ; Jack snipe , 1.00G$1.'J5 ;
ijuuii. $ . @ \ v.iAj ; Jack rabbits , J.OOC { 3.50 :
small rabbits , f 1.00@1.20 ; squirrels , .
1.10 ; plover , fl.00@l.25 ; venison saddles , 13
( < $ lic ; carcasses , Sa ( > 10o.
HBANS Cbolco hand-picked navy , f l.75@
3.00 ; cholco hand-picked medium , ; i.G5u (
1.80 ; cholco hand-Dlckod country , f | .TS@l.bO
clean country , fl.G3@ 1.75 ; inferior country ,
HIIIES , Pri.T3TAi.i.ow , ETC. Green salted
hides , 4 > o ; dry salted hides , 2 } o ; dry Hint
hides , 7c : calf hides , 4K ( ' o ; damugod hides ,
2o less ; sheen pelts , green , each , 25 ( 1.00 ;
sheep polls , dry , per Ib , 0 ( 12o. Tallow , No.
1. JOIKo ; No. a , 3 @ 3/o. Grease , white ,
4KM4& ; yellow , aiftiiSo.
Wooi , Fine , average , ISQICo ; medium ,
average , SKgS-.c ; quarter blood , average , 20
< g21o ; conrso avcraRo , Mf lTc ; cotts anil
rough , nvr-rnpo , HU5c.
Young AracPlcnft , full cream ,
12oj factory twins. lOc ; brtiiprndcs , 7 ( < iSe ;
Van Hosson Kdom , $11.5qpQrdo2 ) ; sap sapo ,
IDc ; brick , Pi10c ( ; llmlurger , S@9c : uomcs-
tlo Swiss , WtUc. ,
Lr.Moxs Fancy , JO.OOgS'M ; choice , $5.50
@fi,0t > . ' l
CiuxnciHUns Capo Cod , S.00 ! ) ( < ? 10.00.
OIIVNOF.S Louisiana , porbox , , $1.00.
UuiiEitt.Ni : Tuba , 140 rolls , 15o : bbls. ,
BccKwnniT Fiotm Per bbl. , $3.50 ,
GiiAi'ns N. Y. Concord , " per basket , 35 ®
lOc. IA ,
Arn.ns Per bbl. , $ lCflrcJ3.00.
Cu.ironxu ( titAt-ns $ l.jDil,75. ( ( ;
I'KAlts-lO Ib. boxes , S1.75@2.23.
HAXAJUS According to size , per bunch ,
$2.00Q3 tK > .
COLHHXUTS Per 100 , $5.00.
AITLD Burma Gc.
Ctlinn-Hbls , $5.50 ; lit bbls. $3.00.
MAi-ir. Stjout 12 < < ( ic15c } per Ib.
VEAI , Choice , tncaliitn size , 4 ( 5c ; choice
heavy : i@4o.
IloxtiY 16o per Ib for choice ,
Piir.3Gitvis 9'iCSlOo ' per Ib. ,
JEU.IKS BXC'Slo per Ib.
HHKSW\x-No. 1 , li@19c. (
Pins FEF.T Pickled , kits , 73o ; pickled
pltrs tongues , kits , $2.35 ; picidcd tripe , kits ,
05c ; pickled Ii. C. tripe , kits We ; spiced pi ft
hocus , kits , $1.15.
Uiint'To.vntms Salt , bbls , $20.00.
CHOP -$10.00rM2.00. ( .
Uiux-$10.l > 0.
POTATOES 2i5c. ) !
Pifbvisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
10 > 4'c ; 23 to 2J Ibs. lO. c ; 12 to 14 Ibs , ll.Vc ;
No. 2 , O'i'e ; shoulders , 5J.fc ; breakfast ba
con. No. 1 , * > % ( ; ham sausage , Oc ; dried
beef hams , Uo ; beef totiRues , $0.1)0 ) per
ilozen ; dry Halt meats , JfffUl&o pr > r Ib ; hntn
roulette , ti' c ; add Ic per lt forstaall lots.
PIUKI.GS Medium , per bbl. $1.50 ; small ,
S5.59 ; gherkins , $050 ; C. & 13. chow chow ,
( its. $5.:5 ! ; | ) ts. SJ.40.
Oisnv Oif@13J c per Ib.
Citocot.m : AND COCCK 21@37o per Ib ;
German chlckory , red , 7'rfc-
Gi.vonu .lamatCii , Jjf pints , $3.00 per doz.
Corrnc Green Fanuy , old irolclen Kio ,
22) ) e ; fancv old pcdberry , 21c ; Hlo cholcoto
fancy. 23c ; Hlo , prime , 21c ; Hlo , peed ,
20c ; Moclia , 30c ; .lava , fancy Mundclilitiir ,
2'Jc ; .lava , good Interior , 21c ; Africau , 21c.
Corrcn Uoasted Arbucklo'a Aroslu ,
24Vc ; McLaURhlln's XX.\X , 2Ufc : German ,
23 < c ; DlUvorth , 23Jgo ; Alaroma4 c.
Livi : ? 1.75@150.
NUTS Almomls , 15@17c ; Brazils , 7c ; fil
berts , lie ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 12)jc ; pea
nut cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc.
Wiui'i'ixo Straw , per Ib , IJ ®
2Xc ; rag , 2J o ; manilla , 11 , 6@0) ) c ; No.
1 , Sc ,
Sunnis Cut loaf , OJ c ; cut loaf , cubes ,
Oo : standard , powdered , 0 > c : XXXX ,
powdered , Oj c ; granulated , standard , S 'c ;
confectlonors' A , 8'jc ; white , extra C , 73 o ;
extra C , Nebraska . 7o ; amber , 7 ' c ; Cali
fornia golden C , 7c.
SAtmon LioloRon , 4K@'C ; ! Frankfort ,
7 } < cjtongue , SJ-io ; summer , 20o ; head chocso ,
0 > fc.
Pout.TitY Chickens , per doz , llvo , clioico
old , $ 'i.75@3.03 ; springs , $ J.50fili.75 : ; dressed
perlb. 10ipllc ; turkeys , live , k@0c ; dressed ,
Ilal2c ( ; ducks , live , per clo , $ i.5'J@300 ;
chossed per Ib , Il@l2c ; ijepsc , llvo , per doz ,
? OOOdS.OO ; drcsseil per lo , llf lSij.
lAiiDTiorcos Hellned , o c ; pure leaf ,
(14c ( ; kettle renderec1 , 7c. Add jsc to Jgo lor
smaller Quantities.
SALT Dairy , 2S3 Ibs iu bbl , bulk , W.10 ;
best , grade , 00 , 5si2,0 : ; best grade. 100 , 3s ,
$2,40 ; best grade , 28 , IDs , $2.20 ; roclc salt ,
crushed. ? 1 SO ; dairy silt , Ashlon , 5t5-lb bags ,
S5o ; bulk , 2JMb bags , * 3.25 ; common , In
bbl * . S1.25.
FAIIIN-ACKOUS Goons Barley , 33i c : far-
iann. 4J c ; peas , HUc : oat meal , 2'5l@oc ; mac-
aronm , lie ; vormirolla , lie ; rice , 3 < 4 < fii c ;
sngo and tapioca , C > ( < y c.
FISH Salt Dried codtlsh,5' @ 3 c ; sealed
herring , 2lc per box ; hoi. herring , dom. , 5Uo ;
' Hamburg , spiced herring , Si.40 ; hoi. lierring ,
imp. , S5c ; tnackcrel , larpo family , $10.25 per
103 Ibs ; white llsh , No. 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.75 ;
trout , § 5.25 ; salmon , ? S.5d ; anchovies , & 5o.
DUIII : ) FnuiTa Currants , now , Oc ; prunes ,
casks , 1,300 His , 4j' ' : ( < ? 4J4c : ; prunes , bbls or
bopro , l4'4X'1i ' "itron peels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
22c ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs. 17c ; furd
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , Oc ; apricots , choice evap
orated , 14c ; apricots , jelly , cured , 251li boxes ,
lOc ; apricots , fancv , Mount Hamilton , 25-lb
boxes , Itic ; apricots , choice , bags , bO Ibs ,
13)fjc ; apples , evaporated. Alden , 50 Ib boxes ,
Oo ; ai.plea , Star , 0@0l4'c ; apples , fancy Alden -
den , 5 Ib , Sc ; auples , lanoy Alden , 31b , SKo ;
blackherrlcs , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 5J < " T ( $
GJ/c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15c ; pea"rs ,
California fancy , MS boxes , 25 Ib , 12J < " c ;
iieaches , Cal fancy , KS unpacked boxes25
Ibs , 18c ; peaches , Cal No 1 , fancy , } s ui.p
baps , SO lljs , 152 ; poaches , fancy , wap unp ,
COlb boxes , 14@15o ; peaches , ,
Oc ; nectarines , red , 12c ; nectarines , silver ,
bags , 12c ; pitted plums. Cal , 25 Ib boxes , lOo ;
ra pberries , ovap N V , new , 27c ; prunes ,
Cal , H C , 00-100 boxes , 25 IDs , 8c ; prunes ,
Cal , H C , 00-70 , Oc ; orange pool , luc ; raisins ,
California Londons , crop IbSO , $2,25 ; raisins ,
Cal loose , muscatels , crop 1SS8 , $ .00@'J.10j
Valencios , 18S8 , 7c.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , S2.35 ; clams , 1 l > . $1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib , $2.10 ; clam chowder , 31b , ? 1.25 ;
deviled cinbs , 1 Ib , SJ.25 ; deviled crabs , 3
Ib , 3.50 ; codllsh balls , 3 Ib , $1.75 ; cavier , A
Ib , ? 2.25 ; eels. 1 Ib , ? .1.40 : lobsters , 1 Ib , Sl.OU ;
lobsters , 2 IB$2,90 ; lobstois , deviled , yt Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib. SI.75 ; mackerel mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , S3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $3.25 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 05o ; oyhters ,
3 Ib. $1.00 ; salmon , C. U. , 1 Ib , $ > .00 ; salmon.
C. U. , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.01) ) ;
salmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $ J03 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CANNED MKATS Corned beef , Uroughmati ,
2 Ib , ncrclo * . $ J.10 ; corned boof. Armour's , 3
Ib , per c1o/t , ? \.05 ! ; corned beef , lobby's , 2 Ib ,
$2.10 ; 3 11) lunch tongue. $5 00 ; 1 Ib lunch
tongue , $2.75 ; 2 Ib ham , $263 ; 3 Ib brawn or
headcheese , $1 95 ; 3 Ib pigs foot , $2.40 ; 3 ID
roast chicken , $2.30 : 2 Ib roast turkey , $2.0 : ! ;
potted ham , > .j' Ib , $1.25 : 1 Ib chipped beef ,
OH.S Kerosene P. W. OVe ; W. W. 12c ;
headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $2.15 ( 9.03 per
SAI.SODA lJ6 < 82c per Ib.
STAUUI 5is7o ( per Ib.
Srovn POLISH-$4.00@5.87 per gross.
Srici.s Whole , per Ib Allspice , Oo ; Cas
sia , China , Oc ; cloves , Penang , 2jo ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75cJ pepper , 18@10c ,
Dry Goods.
PRINTS Pink nnd Robes nichmond , Oc ;
Allen , Oc ; Hiverpomt , 5 > fc ; Steel Ulvcr ,
- ftoPacitlc \ , OK
Aivi , i"juj jvnuuu i ] , iuuu , viniuiiuv , io ; ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 10J o : Yellow Seal. lOUc ,
Cosmimus--$0.50i,35.00. : (
COIHET J : A s Boston , 7c ; Androscoir-
gin , 7 , ' ( .i ; Koarsago , 7c ; Rockport , 6) 0 ;
Conestoga , Oji'c.
CIIASII .Slovens' ' Bn , , c ; Stevens' A , 7o :
bleached , 8u ; Slovens' P , 7 ? o ; bleached ,
8c ; btovcns' N , bc ; bleached , OJ 'c ;
Slovens' SRT.llh'c-
DnxiMSAmoskcag , 9 oz , IGJ o ; Everett , 1
oz , l c ; York , 7 oz , 13o ; Haymaker , 8Kc ;
JalTroy , XX. llj c ; Jaffroy , XXX , U' o ;
Beaver Crook , AA , 12o ; Heaver Cruuk , HB ,
llo ; lleavcr Crook , CC , lOo.
, Ronfiow chess ,
SIIEETI.VO , Bi.ctcuii > Kllerton ,
Ilousokcepor , 8Kc ; Now Candidnto , SJi'o ;
Herkoley cnuioric , No , 00 , Oc ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
0io ; butter cloth , OQ , 4 o ; .Cabot. 7 '
Farwoll , half bleached , 8Ko ; Fruit of Loom'
8jrc ; Green G , Oc ; IlSpe , 7 eKing \ Phillip
cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ; Lous-
dale , SJjo ; Now Yoric mills , lOo ; Pcppcroll ,
42 In , llu ) ; Pepperell , 40 iu , lie ; Peppcroll ,
0-1 , 14Ko ; Ponporoll , 8-1 , 20o ; 1'opporoll , 0-4 ,
22o ; Pepperell , JO-4. 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8c ;
Canton , 4-4 , O cj Triumph , Ocj Wauisutta ,
llo ; Valley , flc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7J c ; International ,
YY.SojShetucket. S , S' o ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Ucrwlck , HA , 18o : Acme , 13o ; York.
30 In , 12 } < ro ; York. 33 In. 13Ko ; Swift Klver ,
80 : Thorndtke , OO , Stfc ; Thorndiko , KF ,
6 0 ; Thorndlke , 120 , OX" ! Thorndiko. XX ,
15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , O o ; Cordls , No. 4 , lO c.
DUCK West Point. "S In. 8 r > 7 ! > ! < ? „ ! Wnot
Lake , 30fo } ; Iron Mountain , 20 0.
PjtiXTH-Solid Colors AtlanticCo ; Slater ,
bo ; Berlin oil , 0 } < o ; Garner oil. 07c.
biiiiiTixo CiiECKs-Calodonia X , OWe ;
Caledonia XX , lO o ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , llo
uranlto , OJic ; Crawford checks , bo ; Haw
River plaids. B ) c.
SIIEKTI.NO , UIIOWK Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'/o ' ;
Atlantic II , 14To ; Atlantlo 0,4-4 , C o ;
Atlantic * P , 4-4 , Co : Aurora IYU 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora 0 , 4-4.4 ici Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0Vo ;
Hooslcr Lli. 4-4 , 5s4c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ;
Lawrcnco LL , 4 4 , n o ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
Aurora 1) , 4-1 , .
Fn\xii.s : U'hltc-G. II. No. 2 , JAC2 c ;
G , II. No. 1 , i , 20J c ; G. H. No. 3,22i < c )
G. II. No. 1 , ? f , 30o ; tniocheo No. 3 , JJ , 2)4cs )
Oucchoo No. 3 , / , 37Kc ; Anawan , 324c ' ;
Windsor , 22Kc.
ri.AXNiis : Hcd-C , 24 inch , lSJ < o ; E , 21
Inch , 2 ! > < c : G G.2J Inch , 20c ; H AV , ,25c ;
J R V , & 27c ; G , * i , D5c
lUrrs Standard , 8c ; tlom. Sc ; Beauty ,
12Jtfc ; Uoono , 14ct B. cased , $ ( l.W. !
HIAXKETS Whltol.00a7.30tcolorod$1.10 !
(38.00. (
Cuirr-T WAiir Ulbb , white , IS o ; colored ,
( . 'OTTOX Ft\XNns 10 per cent trade dls , ;
YY. isc ; HU , llto ; 20 , bleached , SJtfo ; 00 ,
12Kc ; 80 , 1.1j o ; 50 , brown und slate , l'o ' ; 70 ,
12'fits ; 00 , Klc.
KRxriHncv Jn INS Hercules , lie ; ucnm *
Ington , 22Vo ; Glouwood , 20c ; Melvlllo , 25c ! ;
Bang-up , 27'a'c ; Memorial , 15c ; Standpoint ,
ISc ; Durham , 7We.
ill cntEANl.ots ) Tnblo oil cloth , $ ! .50 ;
table oil cloth , mnrblo , $ J50 ; plain Holland ,
O c ; dado Holland , 12c.
i'ltiXTS Dross Charter Oak.Co ; Kamapo ,
4o ; Lodl , 5/c ; Allen , Oc ; Utchinoiul , tic ;
Windsor , 0 > io ! Kddystono , Utfj Pacillc ,
Twines anil llnno.
HiXDnus' Twixn Stsnl , 13c ; hemp , 14c ;
mnnlll'i , 15c.
Ci.oTiusi.txr.s Cotton , 50 ft , S1.20 ; cotton
CO ft , $1.40 ; Jute , 50 ft , 90c ; jute , 00 ft , $1 00.
COITOX Twixu Fine , 20o ; medium , lO c ;
heavy hotnp , lie ; light liomp , 17c.
SAH , Tttis-c-H , sail. 20o ; Calcutta , lie ;
Manilla rope , 14j c : nisal rope , HUe ; now
pioduct , Oc ; Jute , y e , cotton , lOo ; hldo
rope , 17.
nnd ItiilliHiiR IMutorlnl.
STOCK BoAitns A , 12 inch , p 1 s 11 and 10
feet , $40.00 ; B 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet ,
$41.00 ; C 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 13 and 10 feet ,
$30.00 ; D 12 Inch , sis 13 , 14 and ' Irt feet ,
$23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 In , sis. 12 foo't , $18.00 ;
No. 3 com , 12 in , s 1 s , 14 and 1(5 ( foot , $ l".t > 0 ( !
18.50 ; No. 1 com , 12 in , sis , 10 , IS nnd 2(1 (
feet , (19.50 ; No. 2 com , 13 in , s 1 a , H and 1C
feet , $17.00.
Poi'i.Ait LT'Mtir.u Clear poplar box bus , Jff
in , s 3 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , jjf ? panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % In panel , $35.00 ; clear
poplar , Jin panel stock wide , s 3 B , $23.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated ceiling , J < , 3'J.OO. '
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5) inch halves nnd 8 Inch iiuar-
lers , lie ; while cedar , 4 inch rouml , Kin ;
Tennessee , red cedar , split , lOc : split oak ,
white , 8c ; sawed oak. I7c.
Snir LVP No. 1 plain , 8 und IS Inch. $17.50 :
No. 3 plain , 8 und 10 inch , $15.30 ; No. 1 , O
G , § 18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 IS 00 1000
2x0. . . .15 ( JO 1500 1500 1C 00 1000 IS UO 1000
2x8. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 18001000
2x10. . . 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 IS 00 19 00
2x12. . , 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 1(1 ( 00 18 ( Ml 10 00
4x43xS.lfiOO 1000 1000 1700 1700 IS 00 10 00
Ffi.s'CiNO No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and II ft ,
rough , $10.00al050 ; Nol , 4 nnd C inch , 10ft ,
$17.l01fc ! > 17.50'No. ; 3 , 4 and 0 iiuh , 12 aim 10 ft ,
$13 no@ll.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and G inch , 1(5 ( H , S15.0J
Fixismxo 1st and 2,1 clear , 1'f inch , s 3 s ,
$49.0.U,51.00 ( : 1st und 3d clear , lj < f and 3
inch , s 2 s. J47.t'0 ' ( l50.00 ; 3d clear , 1 Inch , s
3s , if 13.00 ® 10.00 ; li select , 1 > 4 , 1J and3mcli ,
s 3 s , S 17. 00 ( 38.00 ; 1st and 3d clear , I men , s
3 s , $15 00 ; ! id clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , S3il.OO ; A
select , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch , s
2s , $30.10.
Siitxnu ! , L\TII Per M XX clear , $3 15 ;
extra' ' A" , WOO ; standard A , $2.0 ] ; 5-inch
clear. $1.CO@1.70 ; 0-inch clear , $1.75(61.80 ( ;
No. 1 , $1.10C1.15 ( ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $3.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $ l.iiO ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , 2.50.
Bou-.ns No. 1 ram s 1 8 13 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 com sis 12 , 14 and 1C ft , f 10.50 ;
No. 3 com s 1 s 12 , 1 1 and 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 12 , 14 and IB ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Acid 50c per Al ft for rough.
Bt-TTi.xs , Wi.i.i. Tumxo , PICKETS O. G.
Bntts , 3 ; inch , Cfic ; O. G. Halts , 21 (23 ( , ss ,
35c ; 3-In well tubing. D. & M. aim bcv.
$ 32.10 : pickets , D. II. , flat , $3'2.00 ; pickets ,
D. & It. , square , $10.00.
Fi.ooiuxa 1st com G-inch white pine ,
$31.00 ; 2d com 0-inch white pine , $11.00 ; 3d
com 0-inch white pinn , $3000 ; D com 0-Inch
white pine , $30.00 ; com 4 anil 0-inch yellow
pine $15.00 ; Star 4-inch yellow pine , $17.00 ;
Island 3d clear yellow pine , 4 and 0-inch ,
Cuiuxo AND PAUTITIO.S1st Com , Jf in
white pine partition , $3300 ; 2d Com , % in
white pine partition , $27.i'0 ' ; clear % in , yel
low pine ceiling , $30.00 : clear ) in , Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2J Com , { in Norway , $12.50.
LIME Best , b5c.
CBMTXT $1.35.
IlAiu 20c.
plaojJ oa rojjra during
JL yesterday.
A P Tnkoy ct nl to ,1 fl Kennedy , lot ' . ,
blklu' , ( filtton Hill , wd t BOO
D L Thomas jind wife to J T JlcCrary , lot
17. blkB. llricjKS I'hico , w U J.COO
E A Ileiison ami wife to Udw I'rico , lot 13
blkU , IlriKKd 1'lnco , wd 1.BJO
I ) 1 ! CIliipliiKer to K w A Woitli , p.irt tux
lot 13 InD-liVlJ , wd 3,000
J and ( ) H llarkur to Henry C'obnni , lot
; tll , ulkil. Sliorimcn Avunuo 1'ark , w d. . . 150
SSUryuntto A ijoronson , Jot 4 , 1 1K 13 ,
Orchard Hill , w il S.r.OO
A 1 * Tukoy oti-l to I ! C llrowiilce , lot H ,
Illicit , Clllton Illll , w d COO
J W Crilllth , trustee , to U C 1'etcrs , loH ,
bit ? , Hater I'liicc , wcl C03
U 8 Smootg to .lAcob Voiing. lots 7 and f ,
lilkH , AS i'.ltrlct'H add , \s-cl n.JOO
C K Wurnor mid \\lfo tn ! > ' -'handler , lot
II , 1)1K 17 , Centnil I'art , w d 3/30J
T II Jlcfnlloch and wlfo to .1 T fathers.
lot" : i to 7 and ID to 'M. blk 10. lotsH. 0
nnd W to lit , blk It , North Omnhn , w d , . 0,750
P.itik'k I.unit ( o tn .Mfiry llucMnglmni ,
lot t. blk'.ci , Diinclce I'liice. wil J , 2M
M'lhomasto K Urexel , lot 10 , llk Kl.
Soutli Umaliii , d 57
A ( J I'nulsen et nl. ex , to W X Nn .on , Ion
llr.nd 15 , illc2 , Wm llagbiiorn'8 add ,
wd 075
N A'Kulm , Iriihtco. to K It Woods , lot 81 ,
bllcu. Ciulghton MelKiitH , wil l.iJOO
| j K Knit/.o and wife tn M M llnitlctto ,
lots HI , 14 and n , blk 'i , Mary , -tllo acid ,
wd lt.,000
J li Illack nnd wife to 1'lora Cone , lot U ,
Summit Illll , wd COO
South Omaha National bant to .1 I'
Barry , pt lot 1" , bile 81 , South Omaha ,
wil 3.760
J MllslontoHCheanoy , s ' , , ' Into , hit
10 , Slum's ! 'nd add , wil 4,400
Twenty transfers , aggregating $ 45,1-3
Tlio folbvuif pJi'.iut * 'V3.-3 In til by
Building Inspector Wliltlaalc voUordny :
lieorKO Danpnln , frame icsldcncc.
Tw'i-ntleth nnd I'lncknoy , S\n < 0
1'our mlaor permits , 1,075
I'lva permits 5",07C
Tlin IjO- MlnPH of "Mexico1
h. dispatch from Now Mexico an-
nouncns tlio fact thut certain tlocuinoiits
had houn found in u Moxicnn church
which fjivo thu location of ono ot the
"lost mines" las minus do Jos padres
these fabulously rich mines whenca
the old Spanish monies drew their gold
with which they freighted the galleons
hack to Spain , says tlio DoDlou Adver
tiser. Tlio documents , BO the dinpatch
gees , have hcqn found in an old Mexican -
ican ohurcli. ' The story sounds rather
apocryplial , hut tlioro is a posbibility of
Homo truth in it. Those seven old
mines that huvo novoihcon found !
IIovv many minors have ecourod the
Sierra iadt a or tlio CIIHUS Grande
mountains in search of thoml Surely
they must ho there. Those broad , well
built roads , these huge heaps of silver-
bearing slug toll the story ; but the
mines themselves huvo hidden lliom-
faolves from the eight of man these 00
years. The story is well known. The
Spaniards , in their thirst for gold ,
made slaves of the Indians and forced
thorn to work in the mines. The sides
of the deep bhafts were covered day
nnd night with ere carriers naked In
dians with sticks of ere slung on their
backs , In the drifts below three gangs
of miners relieved each other in the
woixry work of picking down the oro.
The workmen died by sooros , but now
men , women and children were pressed
Into service until the revolt
cmuo. Ono ni lit tho. Indians
rose nnd killed thotr mas
ters , toro down the smelting
works , and lllled up the entrances to
the mines. Nothingwas left to toll the
story except tlio ruins of the smelter * , a
few stray olgns of clvillrnUon in the
roads mid levels and some ninety docu
ments , most of which arc supposed to bo
in Spain , covered by the dust in some
of the old convents. Many years have
boon spent in trumping the western
part of Chihuahua or the eastern part
of Sonora in search of some clew which
might load to the discovery of these
mines , but ns yet they hnvo kept hid
den. Itoro and thcro a few whitened
boucd , strlnpod clean long ago by the
coyotes , tell the story of some failures ,
but they toil nothing more.
No .Musio So Swoot.
One of the interesting women of
Aroostook county is Mrs. Emma llnll ,
of Mapluton , now ninety years old , says
the Lowlston Journal. She moved into
the garden of Maine when much of it
had not been explored , and was ono of
the first settlers on the Aroustoolt river.
During the first three- mouths of her
btay she did not sea another woman's
face ; then one day she caught sight of
an Indian squaw paddling down the
river in a canoe , singing as she rowed.
Mrs. Hull still declared that this rtido
song was the sweetest music she ever
heard. It was Iho tune of companion
Cushmnn'fi Menthe Inhulor euros catairh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever.
Trial free at your dnigRlstf Price 50 cents.
Cntliollo Growth.
Cardinal Oibbons has called attention
to the fact that in nincty-nino years the
Catholic population of the United Slates
has increased from -10.000 to 0,000,000.
says the Boston Globe. The church
noV 1ms in this country 8,000 clergy
men , 30,000 churches and chapels , 050
colloircs for higher education of the
youth of both sexes and several hundred
asylums and hospitals. Truly this is a
marvellous growth , and his eminence
has reason to point to it with prldo.
A free and easy expectoration is pro
duced by tv few doses of Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Tar Wine Lung Balsam , in all
cases ot hoarseness , sere throat or dilll-
culty in breathing.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
905 South litllt .Street , - Omulm ?
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Ofllcors and Directors 13. > [ . Mor amnn , O
M. Hitchcock , .los. Cnrnc.iu.Jr. , A. Henry. K
M. Amlerion , Wm ti.Mtuil. v. pros. ; I , . II. Will
lams. A P. Hopkins , pre ) . ; A. Jllllanl. casnler ;
r. 11. liryuut , assistant
Capital $10I.0 ) ( ) ( )
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1SS ! ) 52,000
otTicKiis A Il ) Diuncroits :
IlENiir \ \ . Vvrn * . 1're lilunt ,
LEWIS S. ItKKii. Victf 1'reslacnt.
A. II.Tnu/Ar.i.v ,
\V. V. Mou > > i : ,
W. II. S. llrmiKS. CiiBhler.
Cor. 12IU ami K.irnumSts. llanklm : Itiislncis Transacted ,
CorrcspondenccEolicUcd. COMFANIES. ETC.
. , & , Bankers ,
103-105 Dearborn Gtroot , CHICAGO.
7O State Stroot. BOSTON.
Boots and Shoos.
Suocesiorn to Itued , Jonn & Co ,
Wholesale Hannfactnrcrs of Biots & Shoes
for notion Hubbcr f-lioo Co. , 11M. 1101 auJ 11W
llaruuy htrcet. Qnulm , NcLnaka.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1631 North KlKlitttntli tlreol , Oniab , Neti.
EAGLE conxwn WORKS ,
MannMnrcrs ofGalyanized IronCoDiice
WloUoiv-cnpinnil nnlnlloikTllxhlii. .tnlm Kpeni'tcr ,
proprietor. il6a d liubuulli lUtli ttiuut.
Piimpa , Etc. _
Pomps , Pipc-s and Engines ,
Ittam , water , railway and mlnliiK > upil | | i , etc.
V l , 'J31 nnd VH Farnncn itroul , Oiuuha.
u. s. wfNb L"xajfE A i'irMi' co. ,
Sleam anil aler Supplies ,
Ilallllur "Iml mllli , 019 nn'l trill Jones it. , Omalia.
O. K. ltoi , AolliiK JManiiiief.
A co. ,
Engines , Boilers anil General MachinerF ,
Eheot-lron work , etram puupi , i > nw mllli. 12I3-1213
laveuwttu it reel , Dioalia ,
Iron Works.
& VlKllUNQ lliON WOttKS ,
Wronglit and Gait Iron Billing Work ,
Knitlnci , lirais work , ifencril fouiulry , raarhlnoaail
tlackiuillh work. OKice anil wnrkf , U. r , Hf.
auit 17th ilrufl , Onmliu.
A winn &
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Ueik nlli , wlodovr BUftnli , llowor itanili ,
lc. IU Hurtli Ictli itrout.Umalia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire anfl Bnrglar Froof Safes ,
Vaulti , tail work , Iron iliutUn and flro cuapti.
O , AucftccD. muu I , Corner IH J > ail Jackiou t ,
iJt5j v
r & co. ,
WlioUialo rninufaolurrrsof
Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings.
HfuaclJ omco , Hlli n J IzarJ Urteti. Onmia. Neb.
Of Soutli Omaha , Limited ,
Anrlpu urt > l Implomonta.
liifJAUlJi : Ai'tfE'
Asrlcnll'l ' Implements , Wagons , Garriagei
, ctft Wholesale. Omshr N6liaik .
Wholesale Dialers In Fiirnilnre ,
Karnxm street.Omnhn ,
Furniture ,
Omnha , No
Wholojale Grocers ,
i sltccti , Umahn , S'sbraila.
w , j.
Heayy Hirdware , Iron and Steel , ii
Sptlnci , irnaon stork , liarilirnro , lumber , do. 12CI
anil Hit llniu r lu t.Umnlia.
2101,1 iVJi , M'/f A" , v tiTODDAltl ) CO. ]
ManuTnclnrcra mid Job' or > tn
Waons , Buggies RaKci , Plows , Etc ,
C'or. IHli nnil ruclflo ! > trrot9 , Umalia.
l. IlOisl'E , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
til ] Douulai street , Uninlin , Ncl > rn kn.
W. Y. MOUSE .tcO. ,
JoMers of Boots and Shces ,
1101 , UOJ , HOJUouglni Blrool , Omnhn. Manufnctory ,
tiuiiiuiurslrout , llojlon.
i i
_ Cool , Coke , Eto. _
Miners and Shippers of Coal anl Cole
ItiHilH 21 , I S. Nntliinul Vtm'i. llulMhu. Onia'at.
JoiitCiS ol Lril ml Sjit Coal ,
_ ajj Boutli 1.1th tlr ol. Omalia. NcbraiUfc. '
C V UJKL co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
311 South lotli at. , Oinatm , Nab.
Wholesale Liinilier , Etc ,
Imporlcit nmt Amrrlcan 1'onlnnJ "o in cut. StiU
Bent for Mllwnuki'u hydrau Iu itmenl and
yuliuy wliuu aiiio.
Cll7l S It. LEE , '
DsalerinBaiilwccdLiiiiibcr ,
Wood CHriiuumul pnrqnct ; . t'tli ' nmt UouglM
stiooti , Uruabn , ub. I
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IStU ctrcot nnd Union 1'nclllc Irnck , Oiiiulio.
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Ktc. Ynrdt- Corner .III nncl POMt'lus. OOlcl
Corner lucli and Douulat.
FliED. \ \ ' . OH AY.
Lumlie1 Linif Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Coracr'JCh and Douuliu : ts. , Omnlia.
" *
( \ "iV. DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of LniUDer ,
13tb anilCallfornlo trcet8.0iuiilm.X brntka.
MMIlnory and f i o tl o n B'
r. ouErirELDDn & co. ,
Importers & Johhers in MiJinery & Notions
M3. 310 and 112 Soulti lltli atii'Ct.
Wholesale Notions anil Fnriiislilng Goods ,
M.'l Ilnrncjr Kited , Omnlm.
Commission and Stornse.
Stor-gc - and Coininission Merchants ,
lCBHuttcr , cir ; . ctiecao. poultry ,
llliltoirura mreot.Ouinhii , M'h.
Dry Cooda and Notions.
Dry GofluSjnriiisliiiigGoou ? and Notions
1102 nnil 1101 Uuuglns. cor. lltli itrcct , Uaulia.Nob.
IiiiDOilcrs & JolilisrsinDry Gooils.llolioiis .
GeBt'i furnUliluK Kooils. Corner lllli nnil lluroo/
utrLL'ts , CJinulm , NuUrasUu.
Builders' ' Hariwaro and Scaic Repair SiiCD
licchanlci' tool ttiul lliilTnl' ) c lc . H03 Uouglai
ilrt-ct , Uniiilia uli ,
Toysi Eto.
/ / . HARDY ACO. . ,
JOllbCTl Of
Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Goofc ,
Dousu furclihlnu Koods , chlMrcn's carrlanos , 12
Minium ( trout , Uni : > tiu , Nul > ,
_ Oil a.
Wholesale Refir.ed and Luhricaiing Oils ,
Aile grcaau , etc. . Omaha. A. II. PI > liQ | ' . MuiincerJ
Wholesale Paper D3 lers , '
Carrr a nice stock of prlntlnwra | > plnir and nrlt
_ _ j ili jul .t3atlon lTent o card paper
Chicago , Milwaukee St , PanIR'y ,
The Ilcst Jtoute rroin Omnlia nnd Council
IHnffs to x
AND Mlhvnnlioc ,
St. 1'anl , MIiiiiciiMlls | , Cellar '
Koch Inland ) Ftecporl , Hncliford ,
Cllnlon , lnliiiic ) ) ( | ] > aveniort ] ,
Elgin , Madison , Jnnesvlllc , , Wlnnnii , LM Crussu ,
And all other important point * Kait , Norllieait and
For tlirntiuh llcknu call on thn tltkrt n-'i'nt at IM
rarnniu itrv tlu liluck , or at Unloa 1'urind
Uupiil ,
1'iillninn Flecpars and the ttneit Dlnlnit ' ' " " In lh
world are runim the ini.lii line ot tlio Lhlcnirn , Mll >
waukce A Ht. I'aul llatlnujr , and ururr attention II
palj lo | i i tuiier > iir touituoui cmplor of tli
compniif. H. MM.I.KIl floneral .Mnniuer ,
j. K.TL'CKKIt. AiklttjntUeneral Munaiter.
A. V II , CAUl'itN'lKU , Uc ral 1-aiiunver and
Tlrket Atront.
OKO , K. IIKAKKOllI ) . Asolitnat ( Jcneral I'auenguf
na'Jlrkct Arcnt.
Teacher of the Violin-
Open for oiiguBomout.s at conceits , ctntertalu *
merits "U1.
Atl'uiilli Jtotlclcaco. Kl North 15th Street
Oinutin , XcbrubVa.