Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Sonstttlonal Expoauro About the
Chicago Criminal Court.
A. Convlctcil Bonil itoliber Now AV'nlk-
InK-theStreeti AVho Was Kitp-
posed lo Bo In thoilolict
Tngtllni < With .1 ns loo.
CIIIOAQO , Oct. 10. fSpocinl TcloRratn to
' Til B 11 F : K.I The News this afternoon mnUes
fionsatlonul dlsclosUrct rctfardinR the alleged
ofllcinl IrrcRularlllos of .ludgo Tuthilt , of the
criminal court , In connection with the I'les-
nc - haw bon.d robbery.
' Koarly-lwoyeari npo two Inrf3 ( buslnuss
houses of this city were burglarized In iiulclt
succession , and from exploded safes over
f"X3,00J worth of bonds were taken , In De
cember last , ten months after the robberies ,
nn advertisement appeared In ono of the city
papers offering a lot of bonds for sale. The
i inspector of pollco opcnod nogotiatlonsfand
the advertisement was traced to the men
running what they termed the "Columbia
Building uml Savings assocuitlon " In the
nrrcstfTtliut followed llonry Plesncr , who
IVOR the head and front of the Columbia
li'utldititf and Savings association . F ,
Shaw , Q. U. Taylor and Otis Corbln. of Uoclc
Island , Shaw's fnthor-la-law , were taken
in , The bonds wore recovered in
the safety deposit vaults , where they
Oind been left for sifo : keeping.
U'ho fraudulent character of the business
the men had carried on n bogus building
association and limuranco company came
out In the investigation. The full extent of
their tranxaction us never discovered , but
the fact did coma out that they had operated
extensively among the farmers of this state
and of Indiana and Iowa. The crime which
they were called upon to answer for , however -
over , teas that of having in their possession
the stolen bonds and trying to negotiate
thorn , Uho Mows discovers that Plesuer is
a free man ; that a few days after the trial
the verdict against him was set aside by the
court , and while the public supposed he was
nt Jollct ho has been freely walking the
States Attorney Longnecltor is not the
least Indignant at this travesty on justice.
"I insisted on a scntonco In accordance wi h
the verdict , " said he , "and tlio court is
wholly responsible for this Mnsn's Im
munity. I will say this , that
I believed then nnd believe now
that I'lo'lior was at the bottom of the bond
business and that ho got Shaw Into it. lie
i ought to bo In the penitentiary now. I don't ,
wuiit to bo understood us lellccting on , ludgo
Tuthill's action. "
"It Is a sliaino , " said Lieutenant Horace
Elliott , I'tlmt I'lesner escaped. The police
work up cases against criminals , and when
they get the criminals into ttio courts they
nro turned loose. Ilia evidence showed that
Plesner was the head of the concern , and
how It is that ho is walking the streets a fieo
, man in more than I can understand. It was
Judge Tutlull who freed Scully , Jordan and
Daly , the men who were twice convicted of
nn outrageous highway robbery , the victim
of which was Dr. Prank Uodgo. "
Xuthill was seen this evening , but declined
tq.mukouny statement regarding tne charges
ngdinit him.
A Dumber of Clinuizrn In the I'rnycr
Itoolc He-solved Upon.
NKW'YOUIC Oct. 10.Tno
j ; , - general conven
tion of thoi'roti'stant Episcopal church went
into regular session this morning , The sec
retary read a number of messages from the
. house of bishops informing the house of
deputies that a uumjjor of changes in the
book of common , prayer had econ resolved
upon and that the house of deputies concur-
I rmprrsYiotlHcation of these changes should bo
' sent'lo tho-several dioceses preliminary to
action upon thorn at the next general convon-
' tlon. The standing committee on prayer
book reported In favor of substituting psalm
sixty-four lor psalm sixty nlno in psalms for
Good Friday ; that the hymnal Nunc DImlttIs
lias been legally added to the book of com-
inon ur.iver and that the insertion of the
-AthanaMon creed is deemed inexpedient.
The reports wont on the calendar.
The committee on constitutional atncad-
ments reported intavor of the amendment to
thu constitution providing that no
ahull hereafter bo mndo in the book of torn-
in'on ' prayer or articles of tno constitution
unless it had bean adopted by a majority of
' the liouso of deputies and the liouso of
bishopb of ono general convention. Adopted.
Dean Gardner , of Oninhn , presented a
memorial to the committee on liturgical re-
i vision , recommending an addition to the
ofllco for burial ; objection being
put on the calendar.
Resolutions were introduced for provision
for the increase of chaplains ia the army , for
Increased religious provision , and for pro
portional representation in the general con
vention. They nil went oa the calendar , tlio
reunrtof the committee on the judicial sys
tem of the church being the order of the
day. After a long dUcussion n vote was
taken on a resolution icaurdlngtho mode of
trying presbyters and deacons , which was
defeated. Adjournment was then taken
until to-morrow morning.
in 8esnl < in.
Pirrsnuito , Oct. 10. The annual session
of tno Evangelical Lutheran church o
North America began in this city this morn
ing. Delegates representing nearly every
state In the union were in attendance. The
council was called to order by President
Joseph Seiss , of Philadelphia , wno delivered
tbo'nmiual ' address. In the coursu of his re
marks , ho said : "According to the latest In
formation the Hussinn authorities have en-
tijrcd upon a systematic effort to disablu and
.graduully-supprcss all Gorman churches and
uchools In the Baltic provinces
'and other uoitions of Hussia , most
of which nro Lutherans.V'o
earnestly implore the Almighty ncad of the
church to direct our brethren in their
r trouble nnd to sustain thorn in tlio confession
' of His imiiia and to semi thorn speedy dellv-
. oruiu'O according to His inflnlto wisdom ,
goodness and mercy " The election of ofll-
ccrs , which followed , resulted in the choice
of Hov. O. 1 < \ K ratal , of Philadelphia , presl-
i doat ; Key. U.V. . Mcchliug , of Manchester ,
O. , KPV..J. K. Mourn , of Koehestor , JJ. Y. ,
recording secretaries ; Uav. Jacobio. of Phil-
adelphlu , lew. I1. Pimltolchor , of Pottsvllle ,
Pa. , ami Key , K. Norohns , of Minnesota ,
corresponding secretaries ; \V , H. Staakos ,
i ot Philadelphia , ti on surer. After HOIIIO
routine business thu council adjourned till
to-morrow ,
* _ _
Tlio ConirrfirutiomillstH.
" \VoncKSTHit , Mass. , Oct. 10. The Congre
gational cquncll to-day 'elected Ilov. A.
Urizen , ' o'fAuburndalc , secretary for three
years.Icov. . T. 13. Forbes was elected treos-
urcr ami D. M. Camp , of New Hrittiun ,
, uuijltor. A resolution of Uov. J. Fuvello , of
4PI > lolQii , Wis. , that a general tomperauco
committee bo appointed to report on Friday
was referred to the business committee. A
'resolution by the Congregational churches
pf Connecticut favoring the control of the
( .American board by the churches and ashing
for a committee to co-oparato was. referred
jtflu spOlifll ( cgmmltteo.
i. At the afternoon session it was resolved
> that the council reafllrin the work dona by
the council of lt > yi , so that mini ters might
toad wholly to the work In hand without
'Blcknohs ' bringing want to their families.
i The American , college and educational secre
tary guvo the amount receivea for colleges
during turco years and the amount paid to
them tot the same term us 1(13,727 ( , The
lollowiiii * stntoniunt jiroscnts the amounts
rcceJvpO uy each college : Colorado college ,
'J05,7Wt ' Doono college , ? 47.ritll : Pacitlo unl-
vorfilty , * 10KX , ( ) ; Icolllns , r ,4)7 ) ; Whitman
college , Hlt'J ) ; Yankton college , J25b05 ,
Southern Methodists Moot.
. N.VSUVU4.E , Tenn. , Oct. IU The M tlioO-
1st Hoiaoonal church of the south mot in un-
ctinfereiiOo at Miirfrecaboro , Tcnn. ,
y , but aside from soloctiiii : cotuuill-
Us ten ing to reports , did little.
Synod ,
i UmiNOS , KcU. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tclo-
Cratu * to TUB DKR. ] The Presbitenuu
d. which mot this evening , commenced
with nn opening sermon by the retiring mod
erator , Ilov. T. It. Sexton , of So ward. The
evenings will bo dovotoU to popular meetIngs -
Ings , the subject * under discussion being
homo nnd foreign missions , Sunday schools ,
etc. Among tlio distinguished visitors who
will address the meetings nro Or. Marshall ,
of St. Louis , nnd Dr. Oanse , of Chlcuco.
Hcv. W. F. Hlngland , president of Hustings
college , was oloctcd moderator ; temporary
clerks , Hov. Chnrlos Urniult , of Lincoln , nnd
Kldcr Harbour , of Fullorton. The sessions
will contimio the remainder of the week. The
Kov. Frederick Wotrinir , of Lexington , Neb. ,
will preside at the meetings to-morrow ,
ItVnw n Onnnlnn
Nonin 1'i.XTTr , Nob. , Oct. 10. To the
Editor of THR Itat : : The cltirons of Noith
Plntto had quite a surprlso Sunday by the
arrival of ono of Tun Hun's ngcUs with n
good supply of lljat morninc'3 Issue of TUB
Itcn. It proved to bo the greatest sensation
North Plntto has had for same , tlmo. It was
not 11 vo minutes from the time tha tr.iin
stopped until there were just olght boys cov
ering every nook nrtd earner In the town. It
isnnactuulfiictthat.n good many did not
patronwe the boys , because they "Ihoufjut
they know" It was Impossible for Sunday's
Uinto have arrived , nnd that tha boys were
selling old papers. Ono old gentleman said :
"I really thought so , but upon examination
found Hoscwatcr had given us a trout , and a
treat It was. "
_ _ AVnnt the Supply Doubled.
IvKAitNnr , Nob. , Oct. 10 , To the Editor of
Tan 13r.u : The special Sunday service of
THE UEH innniiifurntca last Sunday Is BOUIO-
thing that wo can hardly realize as an estab
lished fact , It is tlio Ilrot time in the history
of our thriving little city that wo Imvo over
had a live , wideawake nowspipor with news
from all narts of the world delivered to us so
early in tlio day ; and on Sunday , too , it Is
especially desirable. Our people losrard this
ns another ono of Tilt ; HKK'S many enter
prising steps winch should bo fully appre
ciated. U is certainly deserving of liberal
patronage , and , as Tun HEE well knows ,
Kearney citizens alwnjs stand ready to
encourage such enterprise. Double the sup
ply next Sunday.
Female KniulilH of Pythias.
iNDiAXiroLis , Oct. 10. In compliance to
the call J. A. Hill , founder of the order of
Pythian Sisters , for the organization or a
supreme tcmplo of the xvorld , lo bo held in
Indianapolis October 10 , delegates from nlno
states , including Illinois , assembled and
elected officers , who were formally installed
by the founder , J. A. Hill , of ( Jrcencustle ,
Ind. Mrs. Moo Fryer , of Richmond , Ind. ,
was oloctcd past supreme chief of the temple
ana Mrs. A. 11. Cornwall , of Qumcy , 111. ,
supreme guard of thu temple. The .adoption
of the constitution nnd by-laws for the gov-
eniniept , pf the order were not completed at
the hour of adjournment. This organisation
is wlmbll known us th'c"Ladies' icauk of
the Knighta ot Pythias , " authorised at the
lastsossion ofthp supreme lodge of ICuights
of Pi thias of the world.
The Cu - at Kiel.
KIEL , Oct. 10. The car arrived hero- this
afternoon pn the imperial yacht Derjava.
The yuchks.te.amed through tno British licet
ana anchored alongside the German guard-
ship Uuden , The British and German squad
rons saluted the Dorjava. Generals Yon
Wurder and Von Kalten Horn-Staehnn ,
Count SchouvnlolT , the Kussinn ambassador ;
Admirals Yon dor GnlU anil Knorr and
Count Marshal ScckondorfE bo.irdad the Dor-
Java to greet the war. .Tho yacht was Illumi
nated witii electric lights and anchoiod op
posite the castle. The czir remained aboard
until bo left , closely guarded , for the train ,
which will convey him to Berlin.
Dakotn'n Great Wheat Sichl.
AiiEitDLuv , S. D. , Oct. 10. Commissioner
of Immigration Hagerty lias issued the last
report of the bureau of immigration of the
tcirltory of Dakota , in widen ho sajs :
"Reports woio sent broadcast over the coun
try that the crops In Dakota were almost a
total failure , yet out of what seemed disaster
Dalcocn surprises the world with a succes
sion of splendid crop totals. Agafn the em
pire territory distances every state and ter
ritory in the production of xvheat and rolls
up a trand total of 4 1,009,09-J bushels , a total
based upon careful estimates , nearly every
bushel of this great amount being of the
very highest grade. "
Nebraska and iown. Pensions.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 10 Pensions granted
Nebraskans : Original invalid Patrick Car-
berry , David T , Sliley. Increase Thos.
Uocd. Original widows , etc. Minor of Jos.
Pensions granted lownns : Original in
valid .las. H. Gallagher , John Lewis , Alex
Ferguson , Saml. Chapman , Yincant Ste
phens , .Ins. S. McCull , John II. Hours.
Restoration and increase Simon W. Cors-
bie. Increase Isiah G. Atherton , .fas. R.
Gentry , Win. II. Paten , Dennis Darg.ui ,
Thos. E. Clayton , Warren P. Wallace.
Original widows etc. Charlotte AVooton ,
Mother of Frank" W. Stratnian.
Tlm World's liiitldiiift HOKIIII.
New Yoiuc , Oct. 10. Tlio corner stone of
the Pulitzer building , the now homo of the
World , was laid this afternoon. Among
these present1 were Governor Hill , Mayor
Grant , Chauncey M. L > epew nnd Bishop
Tuttlo. Speeches were inado by Colonel
Cockcrill , Chaunco.v M. Depow and Governor
Hill. A telegram was also read from Mr.
Pulitzer , tlm condition pf whoso health pre
vented his being present. When the cere
monies were concluded the guests repaired
tottio Astor house , whcro a collation was
Fcrtlli/.pr Pnqtorv Destroy ( .
\Lnjionu. . Oct. 10 , The great fertilizer
factory of G. Ohersons & Co. at I-ocust
Point , Baltimore , burned to-day. The lire
started in the acid storage rooms , it is
thought , by spontaneous combustion. Every
hro engine In the city was at the scene of
thu lire , but the flames , driven by u high
wind , Mpreail to another largo building , caus
ing almost total loss. Sixty thousand dollars
worth of stack was also destroyed.
Farmer * ' f.onii nnd Tru t Company.
ANTUONT4 , ICas. , Oct. 10. The stockhold
ers meeting ID f the Furriers' ' Loan and Trust
company of "Kansas , concluded to-day. The
board of directors for the ensuing year was
redueed 10 nlno. What action the director *
may take and what linancial policy will bo
pursued has not been determined upon. It
appe.irH to bo tha will of thu stoeidiohlera
that ttio company should bo put upon a sound
financial basis.
A holdlnr1 Monument Unveiled.
Ciuouio , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tnu HiiBlr IoHet to-day celebrated the
completion and unveiling of a 610,000 , monument
ment erected by Will county in honor of its
soldiers and sailors. Governor infer , Gen
eral James H. Martin and General Wallace ,
of Chicago , arrivi'il at noon and addressed
ttiu multitude. A grand civic and military
parade took place.
Prominent llliiioix Man Dnad ,
TISKILAVA , III. , Oct. 10. Hon. L. D. Whit
ing , oi this place , after u long Illness , died at
bis homo ourly this nuirnlng , agud sixty-nlno
years. Ho was a member of the constitu
tional convention of 1370. and for about
eighteen years u member of thu state legis
lature as representative and senator , bcaido
holding many lesser unices.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. The finance committee
of the world's fair , this city , announces that
fii.OOO.OOO has been actually subscribed and
that there is $ : t,000,000 moro in sight up to
date. Tha wacc-workora of the cltv yester
day celebrated the anniversary of the big
Chicago II ru by contributing to ttia fund an
aggregate of $ JWX ) .
Uandull GOCH to Washington.
Pnii.iUKi.riiu , Oct 1C. Hon. Samuel J ,
Uandull , accompanied by bis family and c
few /rlends , left for Washington this morn
ing. Randall , though looking aw if ho had
been blck. aid not appear thu invalid repre
sented. lie was cheerful and walked uuus-
An Intoroatltiff Case Pending In the
Iowa Supreme Court.
No Trulli In tlm Itaport Concerning ; an
Independent Koptil >
lien Rlovainenl Oilier
Iowa News.
An Important , Cnnviat Cnso.
Dr.sMotXF < , In. , Oct. 10. | Special to Tun
UEB.J An Interesting cnso Is now pending
before the supreme court on which n de
cision Is expected soon. A convict named
Inincs II. O'ltncn , who was sentenced tottio
fort Mudison penitentiary for n term of
eight years , was by order of the executive
council removed to the penitentiary at Ann-
inosu. Ho therefore applied to the supreme
court for a writ of hnbcis corpus , claiming
that the warden of the Anntnosu prison has
10 right to hold him , slnco ho was sentenced
o the other prison. A statute was passed n
few years ago permitting tno executive
council to innko those transfers It deemed
desirable , but this convict , question1 * tlio con
stitutionality of the atntuto mid Insists that
n man sentenced to ono piison cannot bo ro-
iiio veil to another , 'i'lio case la 1111 Important
ono , for n number of prisoners luivo been
transferred from ono prison to the other , ns
convcnlunco suggested , and If the transfer
was unconstitutional they might all claim
the right to bo released.
A New K\ilroiKl. :
Drs Moixrs , la. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele-
; ium to Tun ULI : . ] Iho Iowa & Jie-
jrnska railway company 1ms tiled ar-
tlclss of incorporation with the countv
recorder. The object of t'io corporation
; * to build uml operate n line -6f railway
from Uubuquu or some other point on the
Mississippi river within this stiito by way of
Dos Moines , Hod Oak ana Ncbiiislta City to
the city of Lincoln , Nob. The Capital stock
is ? IO,000OOC. The coat of the road is not to
exceed f 15,000 per mile. The ollleers of the
company are : President , WIllardT. Block ;
vice president , ox-Governor H. H. Sherman ;
secretary , Douglas Stewart Grant ; treas
urer , William H. Watson ; solicitor , P. W.
Lehman ; auditor , J. M. Savin.
No Urcnk in tlio Hanks.
Dns MOINFS , la. , Oct. 10. [ especial
to THE LlnE.l Inquiry nt republican bead-
qunitcrs hero show that there Is no anxiety
nt all over the reports sen tout from Dubuque
of an alleged independent republican move
ment in the state. A Mr. Ellsworth , of Wis
consin , has been hired by the liquor men tope
po over the state , and If possible establish
club * of unit prohibition republicans to sup
port the democratic ticket this full. Ho has
met with little encouragement save from
democrats. There are anti-prohibition re
publicans , but they are supporting the re
publican party as usual , sntisiled that it is
not in the power of tlio opposition to make
any chnngo In the piohibltory law at pres
ent. There uro no notable defections of re
publicans in nny.part of the state , and Chair
man Pray reports the prospects lor republi
can success as being unusually bright.
lliu Supreme Court" .
Dns MOINCS , la , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE LlEC.J The supreme court de
cided the following cases to-day :
If. S. ilalladay , administrator , etc. , vs Car
oline Stickler and others , appellants ; Appa-
noose district ; afHimed.
M. 1) . Comes vs Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway company , appcllanl ; O'Unon
district : affirmed.
Walter Vickcrs vs C. Woodruff , sheriff , ap
pellant ; Mahaska district ; rcvcised.
13. H. Skillman vs Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway company , appellant ; Kco-
Uuk district ; afllrinci ! .
Kobert Wymoie.fadministrator. appellant ,
vs Mahaska county ; PowcshieU district ; re
Six Horace Creniiitccl.
Four Donou , la. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnu.J The livery barn of
Oxby Bros. , at Corwith , was totally destroyed
stroyed by lire this morning. Six horses , in
cluding a $1,500 stallion , were roasted in the
ilamos. The origin of the Hi o IB shrouded in
mystery. Although the barn was occupied
by txvo men , neither of whom Can ho found ,
it is not thought they were cremated , as
cai eful oxaiuiiiatioUtpf the embers thus far
fulls to rcvcul any trace of the missing men.
Their mysteiious disappearance is causing
considerable ! conjecture. Tno total loss will
exceed § 10,000.
Found n Countd-lt-lung Outfit.
M isox CITV , la . Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE. ] To-day as J. B. Corey
was traveling un unfrequented path through
the woods a milo northeast of this city , ho
found a complete , outfit of tools for counter
feiting money. Appearances indicated that
they had Just been used , as near by was a
smouldering firo. The outfit is la the hands
of the sheriff , who will Uaeo the parties If
Father Boyle's Iowa I
Dm MO'INES , In. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUB. ] A Dubuque special says
that Father Boyle , the ox-priest who has
Just been sentenced to death In North Carolina
lina , was an inmate of u inonastcy Dubuque -
buquo about u year ago. While there ho or
ganized u biso ball club of the priests and
took great mteiest Iir athletic sports , but was
shortly expelled for drunkenness and infrac
tion ot tlio rules. Ho was a largd. line looking -
ing man , but his face showed , marks of dis
sipation. _ _
Hi lit Hours n Day Too Short For tlio
ST. Lot-is , Oct. 10. The National Typothe-
uu considered Mio upprenMce , system and the
eight hour agitation to-day. The committee
recommended the adoption of the old style of
apprenticeship , and the report was favoiably
With reference to the eight hour agitation
a resolution was adopted "that In the , opinion
of the United typothetaj there is nothing in
the state of the printing trade ) of the country
which Justifies nny reduction in the hours of
labor , unu we , thcioforo , recommend each
typotlictiu to tuko such action us la its opin
ion Is necessary to moot thu issue if it should
bo seriously considered. "
Ml8t < iHHi | > ul Valley -Wtiput Or i ) worn.
ST , Louis , Oct. 10. The wheat growers of
the Mississippi valley will hold a convention
hero , beginning on thu 13J ! Intitunt , the chief
interest of winch will bo tlio formation of a
wheat growers' association and the devising
of such 111011113 as will Insuio to the farmers
of the valley bettor contiol of prices and
business methods than now exist. Heilnced
rates will bu furnished to delegates by the
tl to
CHICAGO , Oct. 10 , [ Special Telegram to
THE Bnc.1 At Morton , Ta/owoll county ,
yesterday , Frank Mycr , u boy aged nlno
yours , was dragged to death by a cow. The
rope loading from the cow's neck was tied
around the boy's l > ody. Tna animal took
fright , ran away nnd drasgcd him war u
rocicy Held until the boy was mangled almost
beyond recognition ,
Tlio Wood run *
Cincino , Oct. 10 , Attorney Crows , un
daunted by Judge Baker's refusal to grunt
the ruloaso of WoodrulT , the Croaln suspect ,
on habeas corpus , 'to-day took the cast ) be-
lora the state supreme court.
Ktinatnr Sherman tin tlio Stump.
CoLUMiiL's , O. , Oct. 10 , Senator John
Sherman mada his llrst speech to-day In
this year's political campaign utOrville. Thu
senator was listened to by a largo audience.
A IMstliiKiilHhiMl Krcnclunun Demi.
PAWS" , Oct. 10. Adrlon Albert Tallhand ,
formerly a member of the scnatu and minis
ter of Justice , is dead , ugod scvonty-uluo
inn NAVASSA tumvivons.
lloscuml Bjft illrltlnli Ship nnd
TronOMl Mko Princes.
PntMHEi.riifsVOct. 10. The story of the
negro InsurrectToh'on the island ot Navassa
on September J4 , ynvs told again to-day by a
handful oi the intended victims of the
mutineers. Tlfo'British ' steamship Dorian ,
which arrived liist"night , brought six of the
white ofliccrs against xvhom the attaclc was
made and three , , of the friendly darkles.
Their nccount ToC the Insurrection has boon
told In these dispatches. Tivo of the gcntlo-
turn show tnark bf terrible ill-usage. O. W.
Koby has thlrtys\lichos , \ In his sonlp where
it was torn open by blows from clubs , and
II. A. Jones Is similarly marked besides hav
ing cuts on ills face.
There are 137 darkles omploicd on the
island , all having been gent there from Balti
more , mill a largo portion of them being of
the roughest class. The survivors consider
themselves very unfortunate In escaping.
At the tlmo the insurrection oc
curred an English brig was lylrg off
the coast , nnd Dr. Smith succeed ing
In getting to her the captain sailed for Ja
maica and sontn Brlthh nian-ot-war to their
nsslstarico. When the vessel arrived tlio ne
groes were thoroughly frightened , ns the
Kngllsh captain got out his gntling guns nnd
threatened to shell the island unless the ofU-
cers were delivered in safety. Ihoy were
taken aboard tlio Forward on Thursday ,
after being In Imminent peril slnco the pre
vious Saturday.
As wo ascended the slops of thp vessel , "
slid Dr. Smith , "tiu | officers paid us the com
pliment of hanging the Amcricin ling over
the side. They took us to Kingston , where
\vo were taken to n club house , entertained
loyally and afterwards put sately aboard the
steamer Dorian. Wo were treated llko
princes from the moment of our rcscuo. The
only occurrence to mar the pleasure of it was
the death of Samuel March , ono ot our 111011 ,
who was frightfully cut ami who died on. the
Forward on the way to Kingston. "
Sim Fears tlio Ill-suits of the Pan-
American Conirross.
HviiTFOun , Conn. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKE.J Several of the South
American delegates were interviewed yes
terday on the persistent attacks made by
European , especially English , papers on the
International congress. Not ono gentleman
considered 'tho utterances of any weight.
Senor Zelaya , of Honduras , expressed the
common opinion. 'Ho said :
"The European journals think they are
right in attacking the congress , but they
should give it a chance of doing something
before showing themselves hostile to it.
Is it not reasonable that wo should enter
Into closer commercial relations with these
who nro our neighbors and endeavor to ob
tain mutual bcnctlts I Exhibiting animosity
Is not the way to maintain their commerce
with us. "
When nsked what the South Ameri
cans thougnt of Mr. Blame ,
ho ' said : "Wo thlnl : ho Is
a great man. Ho has an excellent record ns
a statesman and is admlicd for what is
termed his audacity. "
ScnorPcrora of Venezuela , said : "Your
people have inspired us with a feeling of
: onlUlcnee which the Europeans have not.
You are now making goods that can compete
with1 European goods. The fear theyexiilbit
Is more eloquent limn anything they can say.
1 hope yet to sea thtJ schools in Nortn Amer
ica teaching Spanish nnd In our country your
language tuucht. f wish to impress this fact ,
I hat the English arc now on the banks of the
Orinoco , ttiat they huvo a part of our
mining territory } and they want to
linvo tbo navigation of that river.
She pretends to have some such right
in our country , and if she were allowed to
carry out her project , it would endanger all
other South American countries. This con
gress will bo a barrier to all such purposes.
I consider that. Kir. Blnine Is the author of
the idea. I thinlc'lio ' entered into this con
gress with the bcst/bf intentions. True , he
is a very nmoitiaus nan nnd probably likes
the gloiy of being hd-uiuhor of the greatest
Ideas the now woHU han'cver scon , but no is
a man of noble ambition. I have confidence
in him. "
The Pnii-Americim Excursion.
NKW HAVBV , Conn. , Oct. 10. The Pan-
American excursion reached Collinsvillo
this morning at 7:00 : and Inspected the edge
tool works. The visitors then went to Meriden -
den and after inspecting some factories went
to the opera house where there was a tlm-
plny of goods manufactured in the town ,
comprising clocks , onyx nnl braas goods ,
pianos , guns and various steel and iron im
From Meriden the party went to New
Haven , reaching there ut a p. m. A duve
was taken about the city and Yule college
visited. There the visitors weru welcomed
b ' President Dwight in u brief speech.
A banquet was given the delegates tnis
evening oy the chamber of commerce , at
which speech making was kept up until a
.Jato hour. The guests were then driven to
the tram , which leaves during the night for
Springfield. _ _
Army Ni-ws.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. Promotions Major
Michael P. Small , commissary of subsist
ence , is promoted to bo assistant commissary
general of subsistence with tlio rauk of lieu
tenant colonel , October 4 , 18S9 , vice Bell ,
promoted ; Captain Asa P. Blunt , assistant
quartermaster , to bo quartermaster with the
tank of major. September ; ! ( ) , iSVJ , ( sitiLU deceased -
ceased ) vice Hovt , rotited from ac
tive service ; Captain Charles B. Penroso ,
commissary of subsistence , to be commissary
of subsistence with tliu rank of major , Octo
her 4 , IbVJ , vice Small , promoted ; Captain
James 11. Lord , assistant quartermaster , to
bo quartermaster with the rank of major ,
October 4 , ISbO , vice Blunt , deceased ; First
Lieutenant Anthony W. Vogdes , regimental
quartermaster , Fifth artillery , to be captain ,
October 1 , IbS'J , vice Hocmor , retired from
active service.
Kotiremonts Colonel Amos Beckwlth , as
sistant commissary general of subsistence ,
October 4 , 1639 : Major Charles H.
lloyt , quaitcrmaster , September 110 , IBS' ) ;
Captain Paul Hoomor , Filth urtillery.October
IS ) , Ibb'J , ut his own request , having served
over thirty years.
Casualties Mujor Asa P. Blunt , quarter
master , died October 4 , 1889 ; Captain George
H. Cook , assistant quin tormastor. died Octo
ber -1 , ISb' ) ; Second Lieutenant Ben Johnson ,
First artillery , resigned September SO , ISh'l ' ;
Second Lieutenant Edward V. Sloalihain ,
Seventeenth infantry , lesigncd September
[ 'a till das Well Kvnlosiou.
Pi'iiiu.o , Colo. , Qtt , 10.While workmen
were sinking u wojl .for natural gas near
Pueblo the vein was suddenly strueic. The
gas ip nlted from iiJump at the mouth of tlio
well , causing a tcfhllo explosion. One man
was cremated and two othcis and ono wo
man were fatally burned.
, OculjO. Commander Good
rich , chairman qf the trial board , telc-
craphcd Secrotur.vKTrmjy this morning that
the test of the dytumlto cruiser Vesm ins
hud been successful to a degree not antici
pated. i" ' _
Mini * tvro'roH Burned.
WiNSH'KQ , Oct. tiL'j-Tlio general stores of
the Badger niiiiu-.iii. Murilla burned last
night. The lobs Is , .gnknown , but is sup-
poted to bo heavy. J | ,
The othoi- day I read in boino paper a
curious sUiry of the hypiiotiyliii ; of a
bo\y of lolistcrHbiiyb the London Truth.
The nl'tod operator caused thoin to
Htiinil on their heads and to potio in this
and other ridiculous attitudes lotloiitf
periods in the style customary at mes
meric scancoa. The result was obtained
by tiuldiiif , ' the backs of the crustaceans.
Snuulcinir from memory , f boiiovo that
ono particularly old and hardened lob-
btor of demoniacal forooity was rendered
so Uunu that Jio distinctly smiled on tlio
company , at the same time purring aud
ibly. This clearly shows the "uiiBiib-
pocted depths of fooling which" may
exist ovun in tbo institution of n shell
fish. "
_ _
The gond die young. This I * particularly
true of chickens.
iNlntb. Wnrci Republicans Discuss the
Convention's Action ,
Meeting of Ynrtaitq Other Clubir-
Brief ykntclicB of the Oftiidi-
for the County Olllueo
Ninth Ward llcjuiblloiins
There was considerable "roasting" done
it the Ninth ward republican club meeting
last night. The trouble arose over the lact
that the delegates from that ward trailed off
Charles J. Johnson , a candidate from 'tho
Ninth for 'justice of the peace , for Mike Leo.
The ne < used delegates were M. S. Lindsay ,
A , TJ. Wlggiuft nnd J. B. Borgcss.
Oharlcs . ! . Djurono made an eloquent
BDcccli denouncing the delegates to the re-
DUbllcnn county convention because thny
went back oa his old friend Johnson. Ho
believed that cents and dollars llgurnd
larccr than principle , as the delegates had
been individually instructed to vote for
Johnson for Justice.
Charllo Johnson was there. Ho spoke scv-
ural times nnd abused the delegation every
time ho spoke. "I wouldn't bohuvc some of
these fellows under oath , " ho remarked ,
"and I don't know where we could Unit a
worsoset. They ncteit like hoodiuin * . They
nro schemers nrnl tricksters. But don't you
forgot It , wo ain't all dt-ad yet. "
U. J. Burgess , ono of the accused ilelc-
gntcs , said that ho went Intotheeonventlon n
Lee man , and did all ho could to secure his
nomination. Ho considered that ho had
acted tnlrly In the matter and had no apolo *
ulos to make. He had asked Djurcno to vote
for Lee anil ho refused. Ha in turn refused
to vote for DJurono's candidate for Justice.
J. C. Christiansen thought that the action
of tlio delegation was a slop nt his national
ity , and it made him warm to bo thus ig
nored. Ho pronounced the fellows who did
him upas rascals and scoundrels , and de
clared openly that Johnson's friends would
put him through yot.
At this Junction William Klcrstcad , who is
the president of thu club , created peace nnd
harmony by n pleasant little speech , explain
ing the matter in dutuil. The meeting then
adjourned for ono week.
It was 0 o'clock before the meeting of the
German-American association was called to
order last night. There was n very small
attendance of members. S. C. Heebo pre
sided and Otto Kuntzu acted as secretary.
Mr. Kecua complained that thu members
of the ward comnuttpa did not perform their
duties , li. D. Sch'icht , a member of the
committee , resigned , but his icsignation was
not accepted , the election being made by ttio
central committee. Mr. Bruening proposed
that the committee bo given eight dajs
longer to repoit. Ho said ho was sorry that
the ofllcers of the central committee did
not perform their duties , l.ut that the
members ought to stand together nnd
the success of the Burgervcrcm would be
assured. Air. O. C. Kcebo complained that
ho had been charged with selling out. He
said ho was a democrat , but that he would
give his support only to a liberal man. The
Independent Burgervcrcin has { nothing
to do with the county elections , but the
membeis should work and see that only lib
eral men \vere elected. Ho said the repub
lican ticket had already been nominated.
The democratic tlcitet was to bo nominated
this week , and then it was the duty of this
club to consider who were the best and most
capable men. Whether German , Swede or
lush , lepublicau or democrat , and they alone
ought 'o bo suppoi ted. There was only one
way , ami that was to work in harmony.
It was decided to insist that thp ofllccrs of committee attend to their duty ,
and to insist that the secretary send the
constitution and by-laws to the secretary of
The next meeting will bo hold Saturday
evening in Mueller's hall , Eighteenth uud
A' New llcnuutican Glut ) .
Arpoublioan club was organized in the
recently created precinct of the Sixth ward
last night. The meeting was hold at tne
corner ot Thirty-fourth and Decatur streets
and was well attended. President Grant ,
Secretary Kelsey nnd a numoer of the mem
bers of the old Sixth ward club were present
nnd assisted in orgnnmng tlio club. The
following ofllcers were elected : W. A. Mes-
fiick. president ; T. G. Mngraue , vice presi
dent ; N. S. Nevcns , treasuier , and George
J. Stoney , societary. A constitution and
bv-Iaws were ndoiHed , and a largo number
of signatures obtained to the toll.
WHO THE V All 13.
Somctliini ; About the Republican
County C.iuiliilatoH.
Gcorco-Hcimrod , the nominee for county
treasurer , is ono of Omaha's best-known
American Germans. Ho has done much for
the city of Omaha. Is a careful , methodical
nnd bucccssful business man , and has al
ways taken a conspicuous part in the affairs
of the board Of trade , of which he was ono of
the earliest members. With the city's prog
ress and Improvements ho has always been
closely identified. Ho was born in Bnden-
dorf , Germany , where ho received a thor
ough collegiate cducltion. Ho came to this
city when a young insn , and by his energy in
business uud public affairs soon bccamo ex
tensively known and very popular. Ho was
elected to the legislature two years ago.
Joseph B Southard , the present city clerk ,
is the candidate for register of deeds.
Mr. Southard was born in Greenville , Ind. ,
in 18-13 In 1SC3 lie enlisted
m the army , sorvlnr ; meritoriously until the
close of the rebellion. He received his
commercial education at thu Cincinnati col
lege , and in ' ( > 0 came to this city. For sis
years ho held a position in what is now the
United Suites National bank , and was after
ward in thu banking business nt West Point ,
this state. Subsequently ho had long c\-
porionco with John B I'uray , inspector of
mails , and was finally appointed mail clerk
on the Omaha nnd Ogdon. Ho served here
two years , and was then promoted to the
position of head clerk on the Onuiha & Den
ver. In 'S5 ho was appointed city clerk , and
has boon elected four .successive times. Ho
isastialght republican , and has taken an
active part in all local campaigns.
James Allan , the nominee for i-ountv clerk ,
came to Omaha from West Polpt , Neb , in
Ib&l Ho was connected there vvil'i a larua
cattle lunch. Afu-r cninfni ; to Omaha ho
worked for seine time with the Asphalt com
pany. Under Street Commissioner Mike
Meanoy ho wan appointee superintendent ot
sidewalk rciinrs and i-oiiRtruction , and was
tlnaliy appointed sidewalk Inspector , which
position ho still hnldi Ho has taken consid-
eranlo interest In local politics.
Curlis | ; 11. Howes , candidate for reelection
tion as county surveyor , is thlitv-ilvo yearn
of age. Ho was born in Kssos counts' , Mas-
suchuaettH. and came to Omulm in 1477 Ho
was deputy suivujor under Doc Smith for
iivoyc-arn , and fora long tlmo world-d under
Uitv Biiginucr Henry Holier , and has nlso
hail a good deal of experience ) in the Union
Pacific land department. Mr. Howes is un
unswerving republican and takes much com
mendable JnUu cut In his paity'H fiiictus * . I In
lias hud seventeen .veins' uxpcncni'o us a
surveyor nnd executes the dutiCbof Ills olllco
in n highly creditable manner.
George M. Hill Is an ublu man He was
nominated for huperintendcnt of public
instriirtlos , and that ho would nil the posi
tion thoroughly and adequately is a fact that
Will bu denied bv none who know him.
' 1 he nominees fnr justiceH ol the peace , W.
F Yau Howi-r , U. D. O'Boniiell , G. Wilcox.
Judge E. M. Unrtlctt , L. Llttlelield and
Gustavo Antler on , are allcapablo nion and
well known to ihu voters of the county.
The republican county central committee
will rnret next Saturday afternoon to nuke
arrangements for the campaign.
HIII Icy Bunk. IColibM- ' .
Asm .M ) , Win. , Oct. ID. The Dally New *
says the Hurley baiilc robbers Imve been
spotted anil will soon be ui rested ; that two
jiotortou bank operators are Implicated and
thu Hurley man uho assisted them.
Tno Ainorlcnn ABModntloii. *
CIXCINSATI , Oct. 10. Kesult of to-day's
gntno :
Cincinnati 0 01111000-8
Kansas Clty.,0 2
lUt.Tivoitn , Oct. 10. Kcstilt of to-day' *
came :
Baltimore 1 0100000 0-SJ
Brooklyn 0 * 7
Game called on account ot darkness.
COUJMHUS , Oct , 10. Result ot to-day's
panic :
Columhui . . .0 1301 0-0 1 0-5
Athletic U 0 11 0 0000 0-0
Loutsviu.n , Oct. 10. Kcsult of to-day's
gmno !
Loutsvlllo..0 0 ( I 1 0 0 0 0 0 I
St. Louis ! i 0 0 ' 1 0 4 1 0 0
Tlio ftlnntH Incorporate.
Nrsw Yonir , Oct. 10. A stir wni made In
base ball circles totlay whonltio fact becnmu
knotvn that two Now York base ball
clubs had been Incorporated at Albany
Within the past week , each elub having a dif
ferent namo. President Day. of the Now
York club , 8tild that the Una Incorporation
was that of the Now York buso ball club ,
and the second was the Now York ball club.
Both Incorporations are for the Glautfl , and
both were made merely to guard aitnlnstany
other than one cluu playing ; under that name.
Tim hPIuTl ) KING.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 10. The truck was very
fust , the weather mild and the nttendnnco
largo. Summary :
Threo-fouittis of a mile Elslo It won ,
Kolto second , Dovonla third. Time 1 .Ifl/ .
Three-year-olds nnd upwards , throe-
fourths of a mile Renounce won , Buckler
second , Censor third. Time1:17. : .
Two-year-olds , thrce.fourths of a mile
Milton won , Prince Fouso second , Ballyhoo"
third. Tlmu lilT'f. '
Thrce-j car-olds und upwards , one mile
Cams won , Nevada second , Prince Fortuim-
tus third. Time 1:4'JK. :
Queen City handicap , throo-year-olds and
upwards , one and three-sixteenths ot a mlle
Woodcraft xvon. Famine second , Heior
third. Time 2:0-Jt : .
Three-year-olds and upwards , onn and five-
sixteenths of a mile Irish Dan won , Clamor
second , Birthday third , 'lime ! :
.Joronio I'nrlc liners.
JEHOMB Pxnic , Oct. 10. The track was in
excellent condition and the attendance large.
Summary :
Fourteen hundred ynrds Bell ? Il'Or won ,
Epmont second. Defaulter third. Time
ldJ'4. : '
Malio Pao handle ip , ono nnd one-eighth
miles Rnculand won , Huporter second. "La-
vinla Bell third. Time 1 ; : > 8 .
Six furlongs Cniof tain w u , . .Kobcspicrro
second , Ilaxvkstono third. Time -1:1 .
Chieftain waa disqualified on account of n
foul anil the r.icp was given to Robespierre ,
Hawkstone seamit , Addle third.
Five turlongs Volunteer II. won , Poutiac
second , Gregory third. Tinio I : lI ) L4.
Mile and one-sixteenth Refiiim won ,
Glendulo second , Vigilant third. Time
Mile and ono sixteenth Brussels won , El
gin second , Valet third. Time 1 :53. :
Morris 1'arlc linens.
MOUKIS Puuc , Oct. 10. .lust btfoio the
fourth race Buddhist stumbled and threw
McLnughlin over his head. The Jockey ,
after a short delay , was able to mount nnd
landed his horse a winner. Summary :
Five furlongs Blue Hod won , Rupcrta
second , Madstonu third , i'niie , " > 9Vf.
Mile and one-third Kingston and Cracks
man inn a dead heat , Wilfred third. Time
1:5D. :
Two-year-olds , three-quarters of a mile
Juno Day won , Tulla Blackburn second.
Pearl Set third. Time 1:13J $ .
Protectory stakes , three-voar-olds , ono and
one-sixteenth miles Buddhist won. Sorrento
second , Sluggard third. Time 1.51.
Milo and three sixteenths Bronzomnrto
nun , cnniiway second , urocner Isan tnirrt.
Time 3:03J :
One milo King Idle won , Hcydey second ,
Behuont third. Time 1 : J3.
Ivy City Hnccs.
AV\sinjtfiTov , Oct. 10. Summary of to
day's races :
Three-fourths of a milo Souriro won ,
Prince Howard second , Mary T third Time
Ono mile Wild Cherry won , Battersby
sccoud , Souvenir third. Time 1:10. .
Capital Btakes , three-fourths of a mile-
Little Kiln won. Bavarian second , Dixoy
third. Time 1:17. :
Free handicap , bivecpstakcs , seven-eighths
ot a mile Kedar Khun won , Leutider second ,
Howeison third. Tinio ItUJlf ,
Washington cup , steeple chase , full course
Mogul won , Apollo second , Cracksman
third. No time taken.
Terre Haute Knca * .
Trillin IlAurr , Ind. , Oct. 10. To-day was
a red letter day at thu races. The 2:16 pac
ing race had sK consecutive heats. Average
time , 2:131-0 : , thus beating all previous
records. 'Tho best tlmo was made in the
third heat , wnicli Hal Pointer Avon in 2li. !
The noted pacer Johnston attempted to beat
2:00 : . Ho made the mile in 2:08 : , three-
quarters of which was done iu 1 31. A
threo-j ear-old reduced her pacing record to
2:1VJ : ! ) , giving Williams another tbreo-year-
old In the 2 : 0 list in addition to his Axtoll
and Allerton. b'ciota Girl , a four-year-old ,
reduced her record to 2. ! & } , and three heats
in the thrco-ycar-olu trot had an avctagc of
2:24. : Tangent , a bay pacing stallion by On
ward , was sent for the breeders' record to
boat 2 ! 1J , which ho did with plenty of re-
scrvo po\\er , in 2-2) : $ .
Sale ol'KiMituulcy Trotters.
LnviNirov , Oct. 10. The Fair Lawn solo
ot tiottcM began to-day with n big attend
ance of horsemen from all parts of the
United St-itcs. Sixty-two thousand dollars
was icahzed for eighty-five hood. Tlio boil
prices were- Happy Promise , by Happy Me
dium , W. T. Withers , Lexington , $ l'Jja ,
Waverly , by Happy Mmliiim , G.V. . Patter
son , Ashton fa. , Sl,02."i ; Aberdeen , by Ham-
blutoiiian , James i : . Clay , Puns , Ky , , f J.OOO ;
Grace Vernon , by Nutwood , , t. 1C. Weed ,
Stillburn , Vt , 51,000 ; Crnpo Mvrtle , by Al-
mont , A. H. Mooie , Philadelphia , ? alW ) ,
Sara Meade , by Happy Medium. G. Land ,
Hullalo. N. Y. , $ .2rrO ; Judith , by Aberdceh ,
G. W. Patterson , Ashton , la. , II.U15 ; Happy
Courier , by Happy Medium , , Ben Johnson ,
Bardatown , Kj , $ lf > > \ ) .
Till : } \VUI < , SJI < l.\li .MATCH.
'Jlio Wily Aiixtralinn Dowin His
tlinalia ) | ) } < iuiMit.
The lonif looked for wrtiitllng iiutch ,
cati'h as catch-can , between Arthur Rothcry
ot Omaha and Sam . \1iithcivs of Australia ,
tool- place at the Psoplo's theatre last night.
Tinio was called at 10 , VJ and the two men
gnt down to workatmirn Alter plajingfor
holds for a moment Rothcry biicteeileil in
getting u half Nelium on Ins opponent , and in
a twinkling hail him down with ono shoulder
on tno floor. Thu ivily' was too
quick , however , and by a ni'iiblu movement ,
B.ivcd himself , only to bu thiown later , his
opiHinunt bieaklng u dlftlcult bndgt ) . 'I'imo
The second round was tfhort and bueet ,
Rotheo u Inning in 4.0.1.
But Mathqws fooled every one. fur ho won
the remaining thruu bouts , the tinrd in 1 : ti. ' ,
tlm tourth In ; l."o , the tlfth in 4.11.
'I hosijoninj ; editor of Tuu Bii : was the
I'arlt. I ho CJrrAl lli'nl < | iiartcr I ' 'or In-
ilccrnt l'iihllonilr > it .
Tlio exhibition of vile hooks on thu
slallB oulsido librarian windowa Is at
all times an olTenso iiKtilnst. decency in
L'arla , hut during the | ; tnt tbreo or four
inontliH the Bcandal has bocoinu such as
to jiiatlly any inodoni .liivonnl in ilo-
this ci'.V ' an an inuneiibo lu
Diinur. fcsiy n Pnrli ) letter to the Hoston
Transcript. OhItoino \ , at ( .cwriccil by
Jiui-iul , c-oujd luirdly Imvo boMintci-x
corrupt than is I'urU of tlio pn v nt
day , to judiii from the lllunlturo that
ono tees everywhere ollurcd for
snlo with nbsolulo liberty nnd nV-
solulo Blmhiologsnosa. The ire 'onl-
incut pretends to oxorclso 81 ni o > ntrol
In the IntorcHtof public inomn ovur
pictures and HiUstrntlojiH , bvit tlio pan
nnd pi'lntlnp press nro 'froo to pander to
the very worst passions. ] looks pro-
fcascdly obfcono nro these which moot
with the host sale. A plpsa of luxury
is generally put upon all this vllonota
by moans of tlno p.ipor nnd prlntinpiind
engravings that tire oftoti bpautlful
from an artistic point of view. A work
of this kind entitled "Pour Iliro L'ntro
Homines , "uhlcli nppcnred n-fuwmoiitlia
njro , has now run tlmniKh Rovoral edi
tions. No nnancinl risks apponr to bu
incurred in publishing literature of
this sort. It pays , consequently men of
till outnrc enticed to wallow in the
slough. Trig-prostitution of the nrts to
the most bordid nlms - '
was never -nun'o
llagrauUy apparent in Pnrh than it 1s
til tlio present time. In addition to thu
ordinary supply of inducont llternturo
i nl ended for'French readors. n , mass Of
literary obscenity baa ismtiou from the
press this summer for straugors atr
traoled by the exhibition. And the
fuel is worth observing , inasmuch n * It
is not at nil to the credit of the Anglo-
Saxon race that when auoh putrescence
is published in n foreign tongue the lan
guage chosen Is invariably linglish. Jt
must find plenty of purchasers or there
would not bo such keen competition in
supplying the mnrUot. Tlio Indiffer
ence of the French legislator nnd the
imtlon generally to the disgiaco that is
inseparable from the public display of
nil tills obieonlty in the streets of the
capital is really astonishing. Ono IH
forced to the conclusion that the spirit
of uncleanness must bo very strong in : i
people who can tolerate tlio specta
cle of this villainous tnifllo bi'iug car
ried on with the s-amo publicity IIH tbo
btilo of any other articles do L'uris.
Olllcespckiiij Not a Now
Some of the nuuspnpors fiomollmes
refer to the enterprise of ofllootooUora
H a now thing , but it is not. Fully
thirty yean ago , nt a certain custom
house on the American border , stiya
the Now York Sun , ono of the locnl
appraisers was ono day found dead in iv
warehouse. The man who made the
discovery covered the body with a tar-
patiliu and then blurted to broalc the
news to the widow. lie found her
seated on the var.niilu , and saluted her
and nsked her it Dan was homo. She
replied in the negative , and ho tat
down and talked about the weather and
other mutters for n quarter of an hour
before saying :
"Mrs. Philbrok. you and the collec
tor'- , wife are friends , are j on not ? "
"O , yes , the best of friends. "
"And through her you could inlltienco
the collector1"
"I don't Know about Unit/ '
"But if thorn should be a vacancy
among the appraisers would you bo will-
iiitr to spnalr a good word for inoV"
"Why , yes ; I'm sure T would. "
"If , fnr instance Dan should resign ,
could I count on your Kind efforts ? "
"O. certainly. "
He returned" the warehouse , redis
covered the body , gnvo the alarm , uud
had it tent home. Three hours Inter
he culled to oiler his borviees as ,0110 of
the dead much , and ns ho took the sol-
rowing widow bv the hand ho taid :
'Poor Dan' Cut down in the prime ot
life , and that without warning. Let
mo assure you of mj lieartfoltbympnlliy ,
and please don t fortict to pull the wire
for mo when tbo collector's wife conies
over to extend her sympathies. A'liI '
how true it is that lifo tilings by a brit
tle thread. "
.And ifcJs a matter of rncni-J. flint In *
received the appointment.
Ittli HFU.TII niul KPONOMV , slioulj
llnlle.l and Ci'
( A. B. C. OATMEAL )
UASILV mo K4Tiu-guicKJjV : ] > uipAunii :
Trade Mark.
i- ( > [ l > in Alt < inorf Hi ' iMiil for < lrrnlHr . ic , to
' 1m i i IILVI.S.MKI lo .tUMnrruv&u , Xuw Yurk
iii 1S7S
Under a Twenty Yean' Centrabj th
Moslcan International Improvamsnt
Grand Monthly thawing ? hold In thn Moiosquo
ruvllllon In th Alumi-dii I'nrlc , Cltj of Muxl
) . nnd puhllcljr ronclncH'd by ( Jovenimi-nt
OfilnluU uppolnKjil for thu iiurpouu bv tint
ticcreturles of thu Jnti-rlor and thu 'Ireaimry.
'lliu montlilv lour dolltr
will bo In-lit in ilio
Cily of Mexico on Oclolicr 12111 , 1889 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE$60,000 $ , ,
80,000 'llcUotH nt $1 , -jiJtUO.OOO.
1'rlcp of TIrtttx. American Money.
1 rAl'ITAM'lU/.l'.OI' JXi.llKlis J fifl.W )
1 ( Al'ITAI * I'HI/.IIOP ai.lKlllls SI.IIIIII
urn am ; iuu ,
it . nw ar : i. i
itM I'ltl/.KSOh' UM lire I.UO )
,110 rur/.i'snr . mate I7.m
DM iMiiZKSor . anne nr (
Jffl 1'rl/os ofWJ uiip , ioJtJi.iKMl'11/e f.OOD
l.'UI'rlriBor r.Diiiip. to , ) I'rUo 1U
uo I'rt os or 4uiiiip t JiVKHl'nzo- . II.WM
or tM , *
tSOno ) i > rl/o
UT I'ri/os . \innuntliig to ITH,5UJ
All prl/-.i iilu In tin ) U'liitKiyLitd-ifiilliialil lu
V B , Currency , .
A < * BJXTri W A XTK I > .
ffTTon Cr.un KtiK-i. or nny further inform-
ntlmi < lfslrc l , ivi ito If llily tu iliu iiiulvrnlHiiiil ,
Lloarly'Vliiting jxiir resldimci' , with st.itu. conn.
ty , hlrret nml niiiiilier. Muru rnpldri turn liuill
( lullnnj ullliM iisHiiroil hv vour nplo lng ua
rinelujio beurliiO" ( r full aildroiS ,
Address IT IIASSETI'f , '
rirvof MIUICII , MuxiCn ,
Ily onllnarj I < ? ttnr. ciinlalnliiif MKIKV Oiinfn
xhiicii \ ull IXpH'usOiinpttiiltiii.Nww VorU JJx-
o. Draft or I'untal Noty
Ily turns of contract thu ixompany j.
tioslt Ilio sum ut ull | rlzo included in tin
cciu-iao Iji-rnrii B lllii } { K alnylu tltket , nud ro-
cclVH thu fitllowlDifofliclul iwrmU :
' lltl'll'li\irK.-llerrl , > 1irerl/iilhnl ( tlic. Jm ,
ilm Ilitnlt nf Mftlui unit .S-juf/t .linerra/iii iii )
nixi'ltil ilriHitU the iierrtmrii fnnili lit
tlm uHiiM'Ht ( I/ml urlia iJniwn lj\j \ Hit
Id ItriirUieutlii I'nlilieii.
It. IKIIHt r/rflrf It VKIU , Inleirentnr.
1'iirtlinr. tliu ( Vmiimny U rHiiilrnl to dNtilb-
mo ttftr-Hi * p r wilt of ino vniuo < > r all ti
tkkeu In punx u larger tiraportioa tlnsn I
Klti-iili } imv uttiu. loiu-ry. 4
llnaHj.tli uiim'KT of tciet * U IImltn < l ta
HI.KO I UVHII lu < Hun aioHOldby ottii-r lutluruu
VTI5dllK M II.ITA U V AMI)11M V , IJO7J | (
iwulinil IIUiUoil Od. C. J.V'rl rit. ) 11 H
A M. , fupt II. 1' . Jlyutt , CtoniiJ't of Cttifsul "