Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1889, Image 1

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Boulnngor Will .Vlolt o. Few Wooka
in the Ohannol Islands.
Consorvntlvo JournnU Wlilnh For
inerly Supported Him Aaroo
Iliat His Hinr hns Forever
Uoen niottcd Out.
Jama ( lanlon Himi'tM
1'Au'is Oct. 10. [ Now York Hcrnld Cable
Special to Tun Bnr.,1 The Boulanglst
organs stnto that tha general will maka a
few weeks' stay In the channel Islands. This
way of pulling the matter recalls Iho cele
brated euphemism invented for application to
the defeated nrmlcs of "fall back in good
ordor. " Jersey's now guest did not receive
n very Haltering ndlcux from his old allies.
These conservative journals which form
erly supporicd the Boutangisb nllmnco
nro now uioro than reserved as to Iho gen
eral. From La Solicl to La Autorito all nro
agreed thnt , politically speaking , ho has no
existence , and that his star has been blotted
out , of the horizon.
Tlio group of Boulnnglsts who form a part
of the now chamber has boon decidedly cast
off from the right , and they will sit nt the
extreme left. Boulanglsm Is thus resuming
the form In which It flrst appeared and scorns
likely henceforward to bo nothing but n dis
sident fraction of the radical party. It is
likely that this rupture of the alliance may
lead to n schism in the conservative party , a
portion of which will , in nil probability , cut
loose from the Comto des Douzo , nnd , choos-
ng Us own lenders , follow n moro moderate
nnd less obstructive policy. Herve. of La
Soliol , advocates this course , while Do Cns-
Eagnac in La Autorito depends upon the
action of the Comto des Dou/so nnd pleads
for a continuation of the same policy.
Under these conditions U Is evident that
the conservative party is dcsliucd to undergo
a total transformation.
The London Qulnino Market Hns the
Kover and AUIIO.
[ Copi/rW li > sa liil James Uonlonleniistt.l
LONDON , Oct. 10.Now | York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : BII : : . | The qulnino
market has the fever and ague. Tlireo
months ago quinine wns selling for 11 ucnce
nn ounce. This morning It sold for 15 > { Donco
nnd ibis afternoon for U' < f pence , the sudden
Urop being caused by Lowls & Peat , the
largest operators In Mincing Lane , dumping
Homo of the 1,000,000 , ounces known to have
been in their possession when other opera
tors oxpcctcd them to hold on for n bigger
price. Sales to-day were largo In two
great speculative marts. "Brunswick" and
"B. nnd S. " stocks are said to bo low and
the bulls declare that the price will go to IS
pence before the end of the month. A mem
ber of the firm of Lewis & Peat said to the
Herald corresnondent to-day that tha recent
price was ridiculous nmYthoro was no profit
In it for anybody. Ho remembered selling ,
qulnino for 11 shillings nnd did not expect-to
BCO it back to 11 pence for n good while. The
Block of cinchona bark on Soplomber ] , esti
mated in pounds , was 11,030,039 , against 10- ,
703,693 for 1883 nnd 10,191.933 for 1SS7. Lewis
& Peat say they can only trace 4OOJ,000 , ,
pounds In the hands of Importers , and claim
that if there is such a stock on hand as the
nbovo figures show a largo proportion must
bo of an inferior quality nnd the cinchona
bark advertised for sale on the 22d of
October was 801 bales , and it Is anticipated
that considerably moro will bo offered.
In Fnvor of nn American Mission.
( .Copi/rff/'it / / ' 1SS3 by Juinta Gonlin Iltnn'if. }
BitussEi.3 , Oct. 10. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tun BEI : . | A royal de
cree has boon promulgated in favor of iho
American mission established In the Conqo
country for the evangelization of the blacks.
Another royal decree accords to thogovornor
fionenil of the Congo the power of expelling
from the stale all persons whoso presence
may bo considered dangerous or who have
undergone criminal condemnation in other
Sudden Illsu In Scotch Warrants.
( Cnpvrfo/it / JE89 li\i \ Jain's G onion Itcnnett. )
GLASGOW , Oct. 10. [ Now York Herald
Coble Special to TUB BEB. | An extraor
dinary and sudden rise took place to-day In
Scotch warrants , in Glasgow the pig iron
ring price advancing from C3s 1' 'd to 54s
} { & for cash. Tlio cause is traced to heavy
withdrawals from store , viz. , 2,777 tons ,
which leaves 09,03-1 tons laid aside. Ad
ditional strength was given to the market by
makers' Iron being further raised from Is to
2s Od per ton.
American Chorus to Ho I5ngitrcd. (
ICnvyrtolit 13 3l\i \ James ( lordnn Uennrti.t
LONDON , Oct. 10. ( Now York Herald
Cnblo-Spccial to Tins Hue. I Walter Kayn-
hum , slngo manager of the gaiety company
that will open at the Broadway December 9.
will sail on the Alasica November 2. Ho will
ongngn nu American chorus for the com
pany , the latter incluuing Florence St. John
nnd S. J. Lotinon , , vlio will sail November 23.
Ticoiuloroga Workmen Unoni ill Them
AVhilo l\ux \ ( s it Sower.
Tnov , N , Y. , Oct. 10. A dispatch from
'i'icondoroga says the villagers urcntly ox-
cltod over n discovery made to day by work
men. While digging iv sowar the men came
upon u tombstone nnd conlu containing iho
lonca of n human being. The stonn was
washed oft and found to bear the inscription
and date of the death of Lord Howe , who
v/ns Killed ut the head of his regiment at tiio
bjttlo of Ticoiidoroga , July 8 , 1753 , la a hat-
tin with the French forces , 'llm remains
will urobably bo roluterrod ut oacu In the
, I hey Will Work for
DEAKWOOO , S , D. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bui : . | - The Lawrence county
UolegatiOn to the llrst South Dakota legisla
ture left for 1'iorro to-day. They were ac
companied by u largo delegation of represen
tative citizens , who go down with the sena
tors mid representatives to work for Hon.
Gideon C , Moony for United ftea > senator.
Judge Moody's election Js
regarded as cor-
taiu iu this uartof the state ,
s Troubles.
BOSTON , Dot. 10.At the Boston ofllco of
the Autliony Loan and Trust to-day the
statouient that the company hud gene Into
liquidation was donled , though It was ad
mitted such a course might bo adopted later.
It has bcou decided , It was said , not to do
nny moro now business. Confidence was ex
pressed that not a dollar would bo lost by
thu mortgage holders.
Steamship Arrival * ,
At Glasgow The State of Alabama , from
Now York.
At Now York The Lydlan Monarch , from
London ,
One Which Vitally .Concerns All Mu
tual Benefit AssoelnuoiiH.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tiic Br.n.1 An Important law suit Is on trial
befor Judge Clifford , which vitally concerns
the mutual benefit Insurance societies all
over the country , nnd fills the court room
with representatives of almost every society
of the kind having a branch In Chlcatro. It
isthocnso of Bertha Dnlborg to recover n
$3,000 benefit for the death of her husband ,
from the supreme lodge of Knights of Honor.
Prior to July , 1SSO , J , Dalbcrg , the plaintiff's
husband , was a member in good standing of
Chicago lodge , No. 93i. At this time Dal-
berg was ill nnd had seine trouble with the
ofllcera of the ledge over the payment
of sick benefits. Ho claimed to
have boon unfairly treated , and when assess
ment No 14 ( bccamo dtio ho failed to meet it.
Under the rules of the lodge ho was allowed
thirty days to pay up , nnd , falling to do so ,
wns suspended. Soon after Mrs. Dalborg
tendered the nmount of iho assessment to
the officers of the ledge , but it was refused ,
and she wns given n blank application for
reinstatement. This she refused. The failure
of Dahlherg to pay his quota of thn assess
ment to the subordinate ledge did not pre
vent that body from sending the full amount
to the supreme lodge , and kocplnff in good
standing with that body. As each subsequent
assessment on members of the ledge be
came duo Mrs. Dalberg nnpoared be
fore the otUcors nnd tendered the
amount her husband would have
been assessed wcro ho not under suspension ,
but this was refused each tlmo because of
Dalberg's refusal to ttpuly for reinstatement.
As Dalberg wns very ill and rapidly grow
ing worse , it was thought that the applica
tion would bo unsuccessful and it was never
rondo , but when ho died. Juno 20 , 1833 , the
widow demanded the $ -.000 death bcncilt.
This was refused , nnd the present suit is the
outcome. The plaintiff alleges that , Inas
much as the tnono.\ was tendered to tlic sub
ordinate ledge nnd the assessments were
paid by that bo'd.v to the supreme lodge , the
latter body , which pays all death benctlts , Is
liable for the nmount which would have
been paid Mrs , Dalborg had her husbaud
nut been suspended.
A ijnrito AssnmDlafo at Cooper Union
, Cleveland I'resldop.
NKW Yoms , Oct. 10. A largo assemblage
gathered to-night at Cooper Union nt the
services in memory of the lute Congressman
S. S. Cox.
Among those on the platform were ex-
President Cleveland , Mayor Grant , ex-
Mnyois Howiit and Cooper , General Sher
man , General Pryor , Chaplain Milburn , of
the house of reuresnntatlvcs ; Senaior
Aldrlch , George W. Childs and John A.
The services opened with prayer by Rev.
Dr. McSweeny , after which ex-President
Cleveland was introduced as the presiding
ofllcer of the evening.
The ox-president paid a high tribute to the
character of the dead statesman. After
speaking at length of his nubUo spirit and
high Integrity , Air. Cleveland sum : "But
while thus conlcmplating the value of use
fulness wo cannot refrain Iroin a reflection
which has a sombre co.'ormg. What is the
condition of the times when wo may justly
and fairly exalt the memory of a deceased
public servant because ho was true and
honest and faithful to his trust. Are wo
maintaining a sate standard of public duty
when Iho existence of these virtues instead
or iiulny yunuiiti uru iMiiuiniouut enough
lo cause congratulation 1 I beg you to take
homo with you among the reflections of this
occasion which shall awaken your sense of
truth that if we are to secure for ourselves
all the blessings of our freo' institutions wo
must apprehend the interest wo have at
stake in their scrupulous maintenance , and
must exact of those whom wo trust in public
olllco moro rluid adherence to the demands
of public duly. "
Among the other speakers was Congress
man Proctor Knott , whoso address wua the
warm tribute of a personal friend.
The Ocotm llnccr , City of Now York ,
NEW YonK , Oct. 10. The Inrnnn line
steamer City of Now York , which went
aground in the lower bay yesterday , is still
there , and eleven tugs have been sent to tier
assistance. Her passengers are being taken
off , and it is feared she Is sinking in quick
sand. The company expects to get the
steamer afloat by 3 o'clock this afternoon.
At 11 o'clock ono of the big togs which
went to licr assistance icturned to quaran
tine and reported that all efforts to float , the
ocean racer were unavailing. This tug aid
not coullrm tlio report tUut the steamer was
sinking in quicksand. There Is considerable
excitement among the passengers on board.
There are 500 cabin passengers nnd 173
second cabin passengers on the City of Now
York. The steerage passengers are numbered
in hundreds. Among the first cabin passen-
cers nro Wilson Barrett , the great English
tragedian , and his company. Peter Wright &
Sons , agents In this city for the Inmaii line ,
state thu big steamer is in no danger what
ever. The passengers are beinc brought up
to the city on steamers.
Among the cabin passengers taken off tlio
City of Now York by n steamer were Georco
Gould and wife. The hitter was 111 nnd had
to bo carried aboard. It was learned later
that Mrs. Gould's illness is not serious. The
big steamer seems to stand as if she was in
dry dock. Her bow is more elevated than
tier Btcrn. Her twin screws sUml almost
clear of the water and she is visibly listed to
port.Tho pilot who was In charge whan the
steamer went aground said no lud been a
pilot for seven years and never mut with an
accident beforo. Ho stood on the bridge
with six ofllcors of the vessel. When look
ing forward ho saw n pilot boat crossing the
steamer's bow bearing n torch. Ho
ported to nvoid a collision , and ran
airround. Before ho could starboard
his vessel the steerage pnsscnccra
wcro so wild' and excited they wanted to
lynch the pilot , but were soon subdued by
Captain Lewis nnd the ofllcors. The steamer
Star took the remainder of the cabin passen
gers and a good deal of baggage to tills city
this afternoon. All the stcerago passengers
vvero loft aboard. It was determined to-night
to have tugs try and haul the steamer off the
mud bank nthlgh lido.
At midnight the steamer was still on the
mud bank.
The steerage passengers wcro landed in
Jersey city about 1 o'clock in the morning.
Ho IB IMiulo Defendant In Another
Honmitlonal Suit.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. | Special Telegram to
Tim Bun. ] James J. West and the Chicago
Times company nro being suoa for f 10.0JD by
Vincent J. Malloy , who claims that ho
kept u prisoner for sis days in the Times
building for giving West a "fako" story
about Inspector Bontlold last January. Ho
says ho was not released uutll ho naJ signed
an agreement not to prosecute his captors.
This suit Is expected to disclose sensational
developments rcgaidlug the methods ot ox-
Editor West. >
The cuso of Hulsltnnip , ct al. against J. J ,
West et al. was called up In Judge Blodgett's
court this morning. J. J. Wc&c wus the
only defendant nrc ont. Defendants O. 1C.
Graham. J. A. Tullenwcider , Clmunccy W.
Boucher nnd W. A. Paten were aeclarcd
In default of appearance , and tbo court , after
waiting the usual time , ordered the bill
against the default defendants taken , pro
amfcsso. That effectually disposes of the
case against the non-appearing defendants ,
but the i-aso against West will cotuo up ucalu
for u hearing ,
The Cronlu Gnso.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10 , No Jurors secured In
Iu the Cronlu case to-day.
Knights Templar Entortaluod By
Mrs. John A. Logan ,
The Session of 1881) Is Kmlcil nnd
Everybody Is GetUnjr Heady to
Depart The Next Slcct-
Ing In Denver.
ONtAiti Ben , ]
513 Foi'HTr.nxTit SiiiEiir , >
WASIUXOTO.V. D. C. , OcU 10. )
The reception to-ulght nt the homo of Mrs ,
General Logan ends the triennial conclave.
Thousands loft the city to-day nnd to
night and nearly all of these remaining will
leave to-morrow. Hy Saturday Washington
Will have assumed its normal condition.
The ono hundred brass bands which have
paraded the streets for four days nnd nights
are departing , and there is loss noise and
moro music. Late to-night there wcro the
usual scenes presented around the city of
marching commnndcrics , many of them ac
companied by ladles , all going from head
quarters to headquarters singing songs ,
waving lints and handkerchief * , and having
a great , good time. It is conceded that this
has been ono of Iho most pleasant and suc
cessful conclaves ever held. The attend-
nuco of the knights who participated in the
parade is ns near twelve thousand as can bo
computed. Outside of this there wcra
probably two thousand who did not
participate iu the capacity of knights.
The largest number that has attended any of
the conclaves heretofore Is estimated at
0,000 , so that there wore C.OJO moro nt this
conclave than any of those In the past. Fully
twice as many ladies have accompanied tba
sir knights hero as wcro over in attendance
upon a conclave before. There were quitoas
many ladles hero as Knights Templar , nnd the
number of visitors who do not belong to the
order wns probably twice the number of
knights ana their ladies , malting in all in the
neighborhood of sixty to seventy thousand
visitors. This is the most careful computa
tion of the number of visitors in Washington
that can bo made , nnd is not iu excess of the
number actually present.
As usual the California Knights Templar
have achieved great luurols nnd attracted
unusual attention during iho conclave. Their
headquarters at the Normandio iiuvo been
open day and night slnco they arrived on
Sunday. Tno luscious things of Iho Pacific
slope , fruus , wines , clc. , have been on tap
constanlly , and u bounteous spread procured
by the best caterers in Washington always
greeted the visitors who called at their head
quarters. They capped the climax this after
noon by visiting Newspaper Row with loads
of the most delicious California raisins , tigs
und other fruit. They handed out Iho boxes
With Iho injunction that "tho proof of the
puddiiicr is in the eating thereof , " nnd de
clared that there was no better advertise
ment for anything than n sample of the ar
ticle itself. The hospitality of the Californians -
nians hns only been equalled by the natural
products of their clime.
Nebraska Knights Templar are greatly
pleased over the selection of Denver as the
place for holding the next triennial conclave.
j. noy woruua .ia u , miuy unu line ueavors rur
the city In Ihe Rockies. In fact there was a
combination of the entire section of the
country west of tbo Mississippi in favor of
Denver , but that city had more support from
the outside in the Nebraska coinmnudenes
than from any other source. It was a great
victory for Denver to overthrow the unani
mous report of the committee , which de
clared In favor of Louisv llo. Many of the
knights from Nebraska called at TUB Bcc
bureau this evening to express their gratifi
cation , nnd the Nebraska headquarters has
been heartily congratulated generally and
thanked by the Colorado cominanUorlcs for
Iho hearty and substantial support rendered.
The limp selected , the second Tuesuny in
August , is regarded as Uio most pleasant.
It will bo presidential election year , how-
ovor. The climate of Colorado in August is
at its pritno.
Grand Commander James H. Peabody , of
Denver , mado'tho speech which caplurcd
the grand dncampmont and secured tlio vic
tory. Commander Peabocly Is ono of the
prominent citizens ol Denver , nnd ho grow
fnirly eloquent in praise of the ability of Ills
city and the pcoplo of the state to mitcrtnin
the visitors amid the picturesque
and iilcasant natural surroundings
the stale affords. The vole on
iho flrst ballot stood : Louisville 70 , Denver
78 , Cincinnati 'M , and tha remaining votes
scattered between Now York , Boston , Mil
waukee and Chicago. The second ballot re
sulted : Denver 101 , Louisville 08 , with
some scattering votes.
Nebraska's headquarters will not bo aban
doned until Friday afternoon , although
many of the Sir Knights aud their ladies
will leave to night and to-morrow morning
for various points en route homo. It is
enough to say thnt no knights have enjoyed
themselves moro than these from Nebraska ,
nnd none have made moro lasting friends era
a better reputation at the national capital.
The last of tha visitors from the state will
go out of the city on Saturday.
The knights from lowu and their ladles
are leaving \\ashmgton , nnd will bo on Iheir
way homo within twenty-four hours. They
are reinstated , and have their old standing.
although they are reprimanded for having
abandoned the old ritual and taken up Iho
now before they were authorized lo do so.
However , Iho grand commander iccognized
the new ritual ns better than the old. This
the Iowa knights regard us a practical en
dorsement of tholraclloni
Grand Commander Vurnum , In speaking
to-day of the disposition of Ihe lowu case by
the grand encampment mentioned elsewhere.
said : "Tho action of the grand
encampment is a happy solution of the vexed
questions which have been raised. It is in
the nature of a compromise. The intentions
of all parties are recognized to liavo been in
the best interesls of Templar Masonry. "
To-dny's Post , in speaking of the Nebraska
headquarters nnd Ihe luimuls from that
stale , says : "Tho rooms which are being
used as headquarlers consist of two largo
and handsomely furnisnod parlors and u
largo dining room , where the members en
tertain their guests In the most sumptuous
manner. All the Nebraska commnndcrics
are tlao bodies of men , who represent almost
unlimited wealth and influence In their own
stale. Mr. Korty presenied his commandery
with its magnlllccnt banner , of which It Is
Juslly proud. The figures on Iho banner , itio
cross and crown , and other emblems were
worked with a needle by hand , while all the
gilding , both the balloring and tbo heavy
fringed border , is of pure fold. The banner
is regarded by the commandery ns ono of Us
most precious treasures. It was on exhibi
tion yesterday nt headquarters aud was
greatly ndmlrcn uy ovury pno who visited
thero. Mount Herman commandery , of
Bealrlce , has also a very handsome
banner which is belntr exhibited ut
headquarters , but compared to ttio magnifi
cence of Mount Calvary banner it dwindles
into insignificance.
"F. B. White , who represents PUttsmouth
in the NebrasKa legislature , is with Mount
Calvary commandery , A. B. Smith , general
freight agent of the B. & M. railroad , is also
a member. G. W. Liiilngcr , of the firm of
Llnlugor & Motcalf , manufacturers of acri-
cultural implements at Omaha , is ono of the
wealthy members of the graud oncampmnrit.
O. N. Diet/ , another wealthy member , Is n
leading lumber merchant of Omaha. Deputy
Grand Commander Lewis M. Ifcona is a
banker nt Fremont , while Victor White ,
senior warden of Monpt Calvary com-
mandory , Is ono of the leading attorneys of
Tlio grand commandery sent last night to
each of the granu coniinanderles in the city
a small sill : banner bearing on It the arms of
Nebraska and of the commandery , together
w th a handsomely printed rosier of the
whole Nebraska party , Including the ludiee ,
and a pressing iuvituiiou to each grand com-
manaory to visit Nebraska nnd assuring
them of corc'Inl treatment.
" .Tho Nobraskanq nro delighted with What
they have seen of Washington.
" 'Thoro is no such street rii Pennsylvania
avenue In the world for a ; parade.1 said Mr.
Korty , 'and wo will qovor regret that the
conclave Vvus hold in Washington. I have
not been In Washington slnco the war nnd I
have boon delighted xvltli everything I have
teen hero. I have been especially Interested
In the pavements nnd think thorn the finest
I over saw. Wo nro adopting the snmo style
In Omaha. ' "
The pension agents who have during the
past six or oiibt months been reaping a har
vest off the work of Iho members of the
Fifty'llrstcongrcsrf , nro being nipped in the
bud , ns It wore. As stated In thcso dis
patches n few days .sine ? , It Is necessary m
order that n uonslon application may bo
called out of Us order and made special to
aver that the applicant Is either nn object of
charity or in n critical condition ns to health ,
A few days ngo'Dcputy nnd Acting Commis
sioner Smith received largo bundle of Iho
regulation slips from an Indiana man who is
classed as n congressman. There wcro piti
ful appeals In many of iho oasoe , alleging
nit sorts of precarious conditions nnd depths
of poverty. The uniformity of the appeals ,
and the fact that all alleged good reasons for
making their cases special , excited the sus
picion of the acting commissioner , nnd in
quiry led to the fuel that a firm of pension
ap nts wns "working" the congressman for
Influence. The requests were all returned
with the compliments of the ofllee.
At least two of the republican
congressmen from that state have had at
tempts mndo by this flrm to "worn" their
Influence nnd secure special action for cli
ents' applications. No doubt congressmen
and senators in all slates have thus boon Im
posed upon. The Indiana congressmen have
determined in view of this aspect of pension
affairs to confine their attentions to constit
uents in their own districts whom ithoy can
learn of personally. They will not bo the
servants of ngents wh6 collect fees from
their ( congressmen's ) constituents for won :
the agents do not perform. Pension claim
ants should cither conlliio their claims to the
chanro of ngents or their friends in congress.
It Is unfair to do us many of them are doing
nnd they also do their cases violence.
IOWA ros-nfASTUiis.
Corydon , Way uo county , C. F. Lccouipto ;
Litllcport. Clayton county , William H ,
Garbor ; Mount Etna , Adams county , Wil
liam F. Barlow. j
iiKrriAL or nxcisn LANS nxi-ncTnn.
The olllco seekers who have talked with
Secretary Windom arid the president during
the past week about appointments In the in
ternal revenue aervico report some valuable
information. It is stated that the president
ana the cecrctary of the treasury expect to
see all of the Internal revenue laws repealed
at the approaching session of congress except
that relatinpr to intoxleatifie liquors used as n
beverage. When this , ia done ono collector
can make all Iho collections for any of the
states , while a number of the small revenue
states will bo thrown into ono district. The
present system of gangers and store-keepers
will bo maintained , but the force of deputy
collectors who at present , l ° ° k after the to
bacco and relail HquorlthafUc can bo dis
pensed with. This will reduce the list of
collectors about CO per 7ccnt and the list of
assistants probably 25 per cent , thus making
ua important move ou thh ofllee holders.
The Knljjlits Toin'plur nnd Their
fiadlrn Itovnljy l ntcrtalnr(1.
WASHINGTON , Oct. lO.-r-Mrs. Logan's re
ception to-nigllt to tlio ilp Knights and their
ladies was ono of tl.e-Rreat events of con
clave week , nnd the occnsion nnd gath
ering In point of numbers end brilliancy ex
ceeded mi cxpcctutKms.&jPerhnps ton thou
sand people Besieged iho mansion from 7
o'clock until near midnight. The reception
was held in Memorial hall , an annex to the
mansion , erected by Mrs. Logon In memory
of her late husband , and in which
nro preserved relics"of the dead senator ,
soldier and Sir Kmsht Templar. The dec
orations for the occasion were elaborate and
beautiful. On the lawn a Hrgo tent was
erected , where refreshments were served.
Mrs. Lognn was assisted by her son , John A.
Logan and his wifo. nnd a number of her
Masonic friends of Washington. John A.
Logan , jr. , is a member of Clievnllcr Bayard
commandery , of Chicago , of which com-
mandery his Xalher was also a member.
A nurhcciiR at Snhuutznn Pnrk.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. A barbecue was
given at Schuetzen park this afternoon and
Was atlenclcd by about live thousand "knights
and their friends.
_ t
A Special ltccci : > tion.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 10t The president gave
a special reception this afternoon to Damas
cus commandery , of Newark , N. J. , and the
California commundorics of Knlghis Temp
lar , which were unable to pay Iheir rcspecls
last night on account of the great crowd.
After this a general "reception was hold for
nearly an hour , during which tune the presi
dent shook hands with about thrco thousand
persons. _
A Now Branch.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 10 , In answer to a call
issued by the Pennsylvania Veterans' asso
ciation roprcsentalives'from Now York , Illi
nois nnd the Pacific coast. Pennsylvania and
the District of Columbia mot nnd organized
the National liisonlo yeterans" " association ,
to bo composed of Masons of twenty-one
yearn' or moro standing. General Albert
Plko of this city , was elected president of
the association , but ho declined , and the
honorary litlo of past president was con
ferred upon him. Wllllnin Mover , of Phila
delphia , was then elected president and
Theodora Purvln , of Io\vn \ , was elected ono
of the vice presidents ,
KnlirlitflTomplnr Klcct O Ulcers.
WASHINGTON , Oct. HTho / grand encamp
ment Knights Templar of the United
States in secret session this morning elected
J. P. S. Gobln , of Pennsylvania , grandmas
ter , end Hugh McCurdy.of Michigan , deputy
grand master of the gr/ind / encampment.
The Croif Henort.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 10. The department of
agriculture reports the general percentage of
the condition of corn a.t 01.7 , against 00.0 a
month ago , and 02 for'jljo crop of 18S8 on the
1st of October ; the condition of potaloea 77.0 ,
against 80.0 last October : of buckwheat 00.
against 02.1 last year. Tlio preliminary estl-
mnlo of iho yield per ncrp is 13.8 for wheat ;
11.9 for rye , and 22.3 , for' barley , Tfio past
month has been favoraUo for corn. A slight
frost north of 403 latitude Injured the late
corn , but the percentagtt of damage gener
ally Is very small. Thubpst development of
maize was in the Missouri valley ,
Tha returns of yield per aero 'of wheat in
thresher measurement ( this report is prelim
inary , us the local estimates will bo tested by
the record books it tha threshers now com
ing In ) give the present averages of the
principal states as : 10.3 bushels In Now
York , 1'onnsvlvanln 138. Ohio H.O. * Mich-
itran 14.7 , Indiana 14,7 , Illinois 10 , Wisconsin
H.'J , Minnesota 14.0 , Iowa 13.1 , Missouri 13 ,
Kansas 18.4 , Nebraska W , Dakota 8,3 , Call-
fornla 5.
Winter wheat was Injured In many dis
tricts during the harvest and In stack by
heavy ram * and Is comparatively llcht ,
grading badly , thus reducing Its weight aud
- -
Thnt. < 'oiiKuicnti ; Contribution ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. ,10. The oflleials of the
treasury department have boon criticised In
some papers for making public the anonym
ous communication accompanying the con
science coutribuilan'rccoivcd at the treasury
department , In which the writer Insinuated
that a contribution of J5.000 sent while Mr.
Manning was secretory hud been appropri
ated by ibat gentleman to his own uso. Thu
fact is when the lutler was inado public by
Assistant Secretary Batcheller a few days
ago ho prepared a statement to accompany
It to tbo effect that the department records
showed that W.V03 had been received and
credited In the treasury on the date referred
to. { iy accident this statement had bccamo
separated from tuo anonymous letter and
consequently wus omrmtteil from the reports
telegraph ca abroad.
They Hold Tbolr Congressional Con-
voritlon at Hastings.
The Union Labor Party Disnppolntcd
Over iho Nomination Doings of
awe Murder Trials The
MoCoolc Kounlon.
Cnspcr OolH the Nomination.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bitc.J The democratic conven
tion for tlio Second congressional district
was called to order at G)0 : ! ) this afternoon by
H. A. Batty , chairman of the district com
mittee. Edward P. Stewart , of Seward ,
was appointed temporary chairman , and O.
H. Holmes , of Clnv , temporary secretary.
Committees on credentials , resolutions and
permanent organization wcro appointed and
the meeting adjourned until 7l)0. ! )
On reassembling the committees on resolu
tions reported the democracy of the Second
end district of Nebraska in convention assem
bled , rcnfllrmstts allegiance to the principles
promulgated by the national democratic con
vention at St. Louis in 1S88 , ana adopts the
snmo ns its platform.
The temporary oreanlzntlou was then made
permanent by acclamation.
An address of welcome by Mayor Yocum
was followed by speeches by Messrs. Cllek-
ctt , of Culbertson , Cuspor , of llutlor , Mc-
ICcighan of Hed Cloud , and W. G. Hasting * ,
of Wilbor.
Nominations were then taken UD , and Me-
Kclgnun , of Kcd Cloud , wns nominated , but
positively declined. J , W. Ferguson , of
Kor.rticy , was then nominated ; also C. G.
Casper , of Butler county.
An inlormnl ballot resulted in the follow
ing vote : Ferguson 22 , Casper S5 , McKeic-
han 10.
This ballot was then mndo formal and Cus-
pcr's ' nomination made unanimous.
The executive committee of the
union laboc party in the Second con
gressional district met to-night after
the democratic convention adjourned.
The nomination of Casper by the democratic
convention disturbed the committee , ns they
had expected that McKcIghnn would bo
nominated nnd were prepared to endorse
him. After much discussion it was decided
not to out a candidate in the llehl , but to
leave the party'freo to cheese between the
candidates of the other parties. George
Linn , of Adams county , was elected chair
man ot the executive committee to fill the
vacancy in Ihntofllco.
For Shooting Ilia Fathcr-in-Liaw.
AunoN , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special to TUB
BEK. ] Ilanscrd Garrison is now being tried
for shooting John Myers. The circumstances
relating to the shooting are as follows : Han-
scrd Garrison married a daughter of John
Myers about three years ngo. Ho lived on
a farm in Wheeler county. They did not
live pleasantly together , and the best of feel
ing did npt exist between the Myers family
and Garrison. Mr. Myers moved to Cedar
Rapids. Boone county , last spring and took
lila daughter , Mrs. Garrison , with him.
Legal steps wore taken by Mrs. Garrison to
get.ajllyorcjvJjRhjjnr.agod her -husband.-
Garrison thought If ho could'BCO his wlfoand
speak with her she would not wish a divorce.
He wont to Cedar Itapids on the 20th of last
April , mot John Myers in town and said ho
wanted to see his wife. Mr. Myers told him
not to go near her. Garrison went to the
lioUso. His wife saw him coming nnd went
into the front room and shut the door. Garrison
risen followed her. She told him to stay
out , but ho forced his way in. Mr. Myers
followed Garrison in. Garrison turned upon
him with a revolver nnd llred , but
missed Myors , who jumped toward Gar
rison. As ho did Garrison llred acuin ,
the bullet grazing the side of his head. They
then clinched. Garrison being the stronger ,
nnd as Myers only had ono arm , having lost
the other in the late war , ho got Myors upon
his Iniecs. Ho then put the muzzle of his re
volver to his face and lired the third time ,
the bullet entering Iho face close to the right
side of the nose , passing through the head
and coining out above the left oar. Garrison
then made for Mrs. Alvors , who was in the
kitchen , and as aho went out of the door Garrison
risen lired at her and struck her in Iho shoul
der. At this tlino his wife caught him nnd
ho dropped the revolver. Mrs. Myors re
covered from iho effects of the wound she
Garrison Is snid to bo of n good family , who
live in Chicago. At the ago of sixteen years
ho had a sunstroke , and since then has been
somewhat peculiar. The defense will en
deavor to show that Garrison Is insane nnd
not responsible for the shooting. Garrison's
brother nnd sister , of Chicago , are hero at
tending the trial. The trial will bo lengthy ,
as there are many witnesses to testify. Garrison
risen appears very nervous. After giving in
his own testimony yesterday ho brolio down
and cried after going to his scat. There is
not tlio usual amount of interest taken in the
caso. Perhaps it is because murder cases are
becoming common in Boone county.
The Petit Murder Trial.
Kcuixiir , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The Petit murder trial
began this morning. This Is a case where a ,
son Is hold for the murder of his need'
father , whom ho shot twice with a shotgun ,
killing him Instantly. The attorneys for
the defcnso will use the pica of justifiable
homicide. Mrs. Petit , widow of the de
ceased , is held as an accomplice. She enpnt
the day in court. Damaging , testimony on
the part of the state was given to-day , es
pecially that of Sheriff Wilson , to whom
young Petit made a partial confession. Only
a few of the witnesses were examined , and
it is expected the trial will last for several
The MoCook Heiinfon.
McCooic , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bun , ] The uumhor of veter
ans ut Camp McCook still increases , every
trnlu coming In with well llllod coaches.
Among the arrivals to-day were Adjutant
General Cole , Colonel McICcIghan , Captain
Murdock , the Beatrice company of the Ne
braska guards , Colonel Harry Phillips In
command , also the Junlata and Nelson com
panies , nnd Wymoro battery. After guard
mount the organization by states wai pro
ceeded with , with Illinois in the lead. 'Iho
exhibition drill between the Sons of Veter
ans , state militia nnd cavalry attracted mueh
attention , Four uniformed bands are on the
ground , and fully seven thousand people
witnessed to-day's programme. Fifty moro
tents arrived and will bo erected to-night.
General McCook , Colonel Hutchklna and
lion , TliomtiS Majorsund Colonel AlcKcighnn
were the lendnrs of the camp 11 ro last even-
lug. Tlio grand military parade will take
plucoto-morro'.v , also the sham battle , the
veterans and sons of veterans supporting tlio
battery und the Nebraska National guards
attacking , The knights of the crip are here
in full force and will take part in to-mor
row's programme.
Stopped Hhort ,
CAI.IUVAV , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special to Tim
Bun , ] To-day was the day sot for the voting
ing of railroad bonds for the Kearney &
Black Hills railroad company , along the line
of Wood river , Including ICearnoy nnd Calla-
way. But Vice President John II. Hamil
ton , of the now company , has abruptly with
drawn the proposition for bonds , He al
leges that litigation regarding the right of
way has made the stop necessary , Though
It is not positively known hero what the
"litigation" Is , U Is presumed to bo a de
cision of Attorney General Lccso that the
Uuton Pacific must build the road themselves
or forfeit their charter. For three years the
roadbed has been graded fiom IConrnoy to
Callaway. Whether the Union Pnclllo will
build ut once , to savotho right of way , U not
yet known. The bonds would probably have
carried to-dny.
Iho Ilniimt. Association.
VAU-AIUISO. Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Uic : , I The closing day of the
Baptist association wns very interesting and
good attendance had. The reading of the
letters was lluishcd nt the morning meeting
nnd the report of the committee on resolu
tions accepted. Among the usual resolutions
the association pledged their votes nnd Influence
enceto the stipportof the prohibition amend
ment one your from tills lull. llov. T. M.
Williams , of Lincoln , preached n doctrinal
sormrm iu the evening to n full house , after
wliloh the association ndjourncd to meet in
the first Baptist , church at Lincoln on the
Stli and 9th of October next. Although the
attendance ot tha meetings has not been as
larijo as was expected , nil expressed them
selves us well pleased with the meetings and
with the hospitality shown by the cltl/.ens of
Nebraska Good
KnMtxr.r , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tun Bin. | The grand ledge of Ne
braska Good Templars , which is in session
hero , has unanimously endorsed a resolution
excluding birch beer , root beer , ginger nlo
and all forms of pop from Iho use of nil
Good Tomplnrs. The grand ledge ronorts an
increase in membership of UJO per cent over
hist year. The following nio the grand
oftlccrs elected to-day : Grand chief tomplnr ,
A. N. Walling , of Leigh ; grand counsellor ,
Miss Anna M , Saunder.Unudilla ; grand
vice templar , Miss Jessie Smith , Albion ;
grand secretary , Charles Watts , Omaha ;
grand ti-OBsui or. T. T. Stewart , Tccumsch ;
Bunoihitotulout juvenile templars , Hev. Hns-
kell , Stromsburg. There were eighty-four
delegates In nttoudnnco. The session closed
nt a late hour to-night
Hiuyoln i'oiminnmnt.
Lnxisorov , Neb , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcc.l The last day of the L.
A. W. state tournament was n good one.
Every race wns hotly contested r.nd the boys
are hanpy. Temple would have won the
llvo-milo heat had he not lost his pedal. He
wns lending Cole about thirty foci when the
mishap occurred next to thu last hip. Sum
mary :
Fivo-mjlo state championship H. W. Cole
flrst , F. L. Temple second , Peaoody dis
tanced. Tlmo 1 ! > K.
Two-milo lap nice B. W. Cole flrst , B.
Koslomhxlsky second , Peabody and Drain
distanced. Time 7:5' ' . ' .
One-half mile , ordinary Temple flrst ,
Drain second , Adams third. Ttino 1:11. :
One-fourth mile match Branson llrst ,
Dunlnp second. Tlmo 43.
PlATTHMOUTII , Nob. , Oct. 10 , [ Special
Tclecrmn to TUB Bun. j John Gelngry be
came intoxicated and quarrelsome lust night ,
and returning homo at , n late hour , jumped
onto his brother and choked him severely.
The brother , being unable to loosen the
grasp on his throat , says that he seized a flatiron -
iron which was near by nnd dealt John sev
eral blows on Urn head with It , inflicting
eight 01 nine ugly gashes. A surgeon dressed
the wounds , but doubts the veracity of the
brother's statement about the weapon used.
Late last night , ns James Hunter , who
lives in the soulli part of the city , wns going
home , two men tried to hold him up. Hunter
dropped some parcels which ho wus carryIng -
Ing and , being fleet of foot , made good his
V- f - . M. ' , _ " - - -
Woman's Foroien Missionary Society.
FREMONT , Neb , , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele-
grain to THE BKR. ] The sixth annual session
of the Topeka 'branch ' of the Woman's ' For
eign Missionary society , which includes Ne
braska , Kansas , Colorado , Missouri and
Wyoming , opened in the Methodist church
in this city this evening. There are upwards
of a hundred delegates present. The session
lasts until Saturday night. The programme
this evening consisted of nn address of wel
come by Mrs. L. S ftloo , of Fremont , the
response being by Mrs. J. F. Harris , secre
tary for Colorado. After this came a social
hour rjr forming acquaintances. Among
those present are Mrs. Bishop Nindo and
daughter and seven missionaries to India ,
the former presiding.
LINCOI.V , Neb , Oct. 10 [ Special Telegram
to THU BEI.J The labor organizations of
Lancaster county in convention to-night nomi
nated the following parties as candidates for
the county olliccs : For treasurer , O. Hull , of
Greenwood ; for sheriff , Robert McCartney ,
of Lincoln ; for county judge , J. D. Calhoun ,
.of Lincoln ; for county commissioner , J. L.
Briscoo , of Lincoln ; for county clerk , Mar
tin Howe , of Lincoln ; for register of deeds ,
I. N. Leonard , of Kaymond ; for county sur
veyor , Adncy Dodson , of Lincoln ; for
rounty superintendent , K. N. Oliver , of
Cherry County Democr.itH.
VALCKTINIS , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram lo THE Bun. ] The democratic county
convention met hero' yesterday and nominat
ed the following ticket : Treasurer , E. M.
McDonald ; clerk , E. W. North ; sheriff , ; . ! . G.
Lltllo ; judge , J. S. Davis ; commissioner , P.
Suhivun ; superintendent of schools , H. C.
Dear ; coroner , Dr. J. C. Dwyer ; surveyor , J.
G. Patterson. Delegates to the state con
vention : John II. Slioro , S. G. Glover , W. I.
Bouuvaro and E. W. Barney.
in the Country.
PLATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special to
TUB BBB.J Yesterday , while all the family
were away from homo aitonding a funeral , a
burglar gained entrance into the residence of
Samuel Richardson , a farmer living about
ton miles southwest of this city , by climbing
over u portico and going through a window.
A flno gold watch , u new suit of clothes and
several other articles were luken. There is
no clue lo iho tiiief.
The aifxstiiiK-j Gas Well.
HASTIXOS , Nob. , Oct. 10.-SpecIal [ Telegram -
gram 10 Tun Bnn.l Parlies from St. Louis
and St. Joseph nro hero Investigating the
ochre nnd salt finds nt the gas well. The
boring has boon stopped temporarily , but
will bo continued In u few days , when now
drills will bo put In uso. Experts claim that
2,000 foot must bo thu depth bofora gas can
bo oxpeclod.
The Knilrond Held Kcsnonslhlc.
WINSIDB , Nob. , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BKE.J The verdict of the core
ner's Jury In the Inquest held to-day over the
remains of Jim McGinnls , who was killed by
a train hero yesterday , was to tlio clTyct that
ho met death through the carplcssncss of iho
railroad company. 'J ho remains were luken
to the homo of his relatives ut Laporto to-day
and the funeral will taku place from Iho
Catholic church in Wayne UHIIOITOW.
JohnRon .Nino lU-atH Pawnno City.
PAW.NBB Cirr , Neb , , Oct. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BUB. I The Johnson base
ball nine and our homo club played the flrst
gatno of the series of three hero Ihls aficr-
noon. They play for (100 n side. This afler-
noon's game resulted in favor of Johnson by
u bcoro of 10 to 7 ,
A Cold Hhiodiid Knkc.
GENTIUM OUT , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special to
TUB BEB. ] The rcportod shooting of n man
near this city while attempting to steal a
team of horses , is u btralght fake originated
by a drunken man ,
The AVnntlier Korc-oast.
For Omaha and vicinity Light rains , pre
ceded by fair weather.
For Nebraska and Iowa Threatening
weather , followed by light rain Pnday ;
sllchtly cooler : variable winds.
For Dakota F4lr ; cooler , except sllchtly
warmer la eastern Wisconsin ; Variable
Olde , of the Canadian Pacific , Ex
tols the Soliomo.
Good-lly to t'rnrntlnii Uppar ? Hisls-
nlppl ( ii-nni lintui to llo Advnnuod
Holtllllnj : Mn.m , llo Abolished
A Dakota Line.
A Ca nnd I ii n Prn.Jcot.
Cmc\Go , Oct. 10. [ Special Tclcgrnm to
Tun linn J General Trnftlc Manger
Olds , of the Canadian Pacific , Is m
Chicago hi charge of a pixity which Includes
the general freight ngents of nil tha eastern
connections of Iho Canadian Pacific. Iu
answer to questions Mr. Olds aalil :
"Wo have como from St. Paul , whcro wo
wcro in attendance on the annual meeting ot
the Canadian Pacific Dispatch fnst freight
Hue. The consolidation of the Manitoba
roads Into the great northern system 13 n
big thing. It was formed for the o'ntlro ro-
organisation of the Manitoba propoitlcs.
Tl ere Is n possibility uuU In
the future the Manitoba will take
In the "Soo" and the Duluth ,
South Shore & Atlantic lines. It is not Im
possible the Great Northern may think Its
interests rcquiro the making of its custom
termini ut St. Paul and Duluth. The Cana
dian Paclflo as a corporation owns n largo
blocic of stock In the Dulutb , South Shore &
Atlantic. None of the "Soo" line stock Is
owned by the Canadian Pacific , although
Canadian Pacific security holders are largely
interested in "Soo" securities. Ido not think
thcio is any possibility of the Burlington &
Northern being tiiKcu into tun Gieat North
ern deal. "
Mr. Olds further said ho hnd rend the ru
mored consolidation of the Union Pacific and
and Canadian Pacific. Ho did neb think such
a deal wns ln contemplation. The policy of
the Canadian Pacific was nguinst extending
its lines Into the United States" and such n
matter as the rumored consolidation could
only bo done by Us western connections.
1'rnrnllng .No C3o. '
Ciiic\rio , Oct. 10. | Special Telegram
to Tun BnB.J It scorns altogether likely
that tlio much discussed question of
prorating via Chicago to St. Paul and the
northwest will be n thing of the past us soon
ns navigation closes.
Up to the present tlmo the Burlington &
Northern and the other roads quoting n 15
cent proportion of the through rate have
been totally unabio to secure nil rail seaboard
connections. The lake nnd rail connections
ware satisfactory ns well ns these to south
ern territory , hut the opposition of the
trunk lines hns been n batto
all rail connections to the seaboard.
It was hoped by the Northwestern
lilies , which t uvo red prorating , that the Central -
tral Trafllc association would lor once op
pose the wishes of the Trunk Lines associa
tion. But to-day the last IIODO died out with
, the rassngo of the following resolution by
the freight committee of the Central Trnfllo
association :
"Kesolyod , That it Is the , sense of this
ccnunltte'o thnt it. is inexpedient for thjti asso
ciation to join In any lUroubh tariffs to St.
_ Paul RW Mlnnoiipplis.UntlrBonra- ar
rangement K made for rntoa and divisions
from all the territory of this nssoclitlon and
that such rends in the Central Tralllo torrj-
torv us have such tariffs bo requested by
Chairman Blaiichard to withdraw the
same. "
To Advnticu Grain
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Br.n.J At to-day's meeting of
all divisions of the Western Freight associa
tion , steps wore taken to advance the rates
on grain from the upper Mississippi river
points to Cincinnati to 10 cants n 100. taking
effuet October 27 , to conform to n like advance -
vance from St. Louis. It was also agreed
that Iho rates on hard lumber should bo the
same ah these on soft lumber throughout the
territory of the association. Referring to
the rule admitting of the return of ngricul-
turnl implements and other articles at half
tarift" rates it was decided to hereafter ap
ply full tariff rates on the samo.
The St. Paul mid Santa Fe were accused
of manipulating coal rates and It was din-
covered thnt each line made a practice of
billinir coal to Kansas City und then , at the
request of the shipper , retailing it to points
beyond nnd charging the regular ihrough
s-nlo to its destination , Both roads upheld
the practice , quoting the fact that the mima
thing was done ut Oninlin. It wns acknowl
edged that the system would open the door
lo manipulations , but on u test vote every
line except the Missouri Pacific favored the
plan. The ono negative vote decided that
the plan of rebllling must bo ubollbhod.
'llns Negotiated ItH lloniN.
Y NKTOX , S. D , . Oct. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bnu. ] It may bo statqd
ns n fact that the Ynnkton , Norfolk ft South
western Railroad company has negotiated its
bonds , at $18,000 per mile , with the Atlantic
Trust company , of New iork , jnd the trust
deed has been executed and Is recorded In
Cedar and other counties through which the
line Is to run in Nebraska. Itico , chief engi
neer , and Jones , ono of the contractors , are
in town to-duy and grading will I'oinincneo in
n few days. The right of wuy from Yank-
ton to Norfolk hns been secured and there is
nothing to hinder the prosecuilon of iho
Another Mno Completed.
ST. PAOOct. . 10.A telegram received In
St. Paul yesterday announces the comple
tion of the Oregon Railway & Navigation
company's line from Rockford to Spokane
Falls , Wnsh. This opens another line from
eastern Washington , The now line is via
the Union Pncldc , Oregon Short line nnd
Oregon Railway & Navigation company.
Tim Ohio At niisBlsslpid , Showing.
CIXCIXXATJ , Oct. 10. The Ohio & Missis
sippi railroad annual meeting was held
to-dav. The annual report , shows a deficit ot
81T3l > i : ) , which was met bv the sale of gen
eral mortgage ft per com bonds. The di
rectors whoso terms expired are re-elected.
Snoonxsor AnnonnccM Ilia
for Hc-olcutlon.
CHICAGO , Qct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bii.l : ! Senator Farwoll , In nri Interview -
view this afternoon , formally announced his
candidacy lor ro election to thu United
States senate at the expiration 6f las present
"My position h thU , " ho said , ' ! was
elected b.v considerable unanimity to (111 ( the
imexpircd term of Semilor Logan. It would ,
of course , bo very pleasant to mo to have Iho
republicans endorao my sonalonal ucilon by
ro-clecung mo , but I rcrou'iilzo that the suc
cess of the republican party is of paramount
Import an oo and thai tbo man best quntflod |
to assist in obtaining that success should bo
chosen. If I tun not that man it Is the duly
of ihe party to Bolec-t him , who , In its opinion ,
l , and in that selection I shall cordially
ucquicgca and to It lend a hourly support. "
"Do you tliinu the nuU legislature- bo a
close one I"
"I do. "
"You think the republicans will Lave 5
.majority ? "
" 1 hope so. "
'Iho Woinon'i Conuroaa
DK.NVKII , Oct. U. The women's congress
to-day elected Julia Ward Howe , of Khod
Iblund , ( ircsiJcnt ; Isabel Howland , of New
York , secretary ; HenriettaVolcott \ , ot
tts , treasurer. Vlco presidents
from every slate in iho unlou ,