Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    IK " * * JM * S iff' "
. - Tj"JT7tttflHtllrl
OVMUI4. NO. 11 ! 1'K.AKIi BTllliliT.
Delivered by carrier In any part of the City nt
Twenty Cents per Week ,
IliifftNr.ssOriiCK No. 42.
NldllTUlllTOII. N ( ) . Zl.
K. Y. P. Co.
Glcnson coal.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , conl.
Hoston Btoro , tlio lenders In dr.v goods.
Curbon Conl Co. wholesale , retnll , 10 Pearl.
llio school board luin accepted tlio bond of
J. W. 1'crcgoy us treasurer.
lliu wntor works ofllcn will bo open iinltl 0
o'clock this evening. No discount on water
1)111 i nftcr to-day.
llllnd IJoono will give n concert at the Broad
way M. 1C. church Friday evening of this
week. Tickets JJ3 cents , on sale nt Crock-
well's book storo.
Tlio city In advertising1 for bids from the
vnrloiis veterinary surgeons of the city to so-
euro tlio mpst sntlfactory proposition from
them to do the city's voturlnury work { or the
next year.
Marriage licenses tmvo been Issued to
Cualtncr Lyon nnd Mary U. KlrUhiml , botli
of this city ; J. J. Lansing , of Pueblo , Colo. ,
and Clara L. Louis , of Avoc.i , nnd Alma
Jnck.son and Demi Pctric , both of South
0. 13. AddUon , of Walnut , ono of the wit
nesses for tlio stnto in the Ilronlts murder
cuso , was run In last ovculng , gloriously full ,
nnd locked up. Ho evidently expected n
long aloeo on the witness stnnd , and was hav
ing his fun beforehand.
A dispute ) ! was received last night from
tlio local representative at the grand ledge
meeting nt Pea Molncs statins' that the next
nn mm 1 meeting of the grand ledge of the im
proved Order of Uod Men would bo hold in
Council Hluffs. The meeting will occur
8omo time next summer.
To Joseph Mueller , Henry Robinson , nnd
others ! In reply to your kind invitation to
Ijivo iinothor concert in your city , we would
any that it will tdvo us pleasure to comply ,
nnd will name Tuesday availing , tho15th ,
and Musoniu ball Iho place. Respectfully ,
Prof. Homo nnd family ,
A number of the property owners ou Fifth
avenue have Joined lu a combination to resist
the Inying of thn electric motor line on that
avenue. The iigroemeut is to use only logit-
itnnto means to prevent the laying of the
trucks , nnd if thin uttmnnt is not successful
then to secure ndc < ) Uuto dnmngo. The Fifth
avenue property owners concerned express
the opinion Unit vigorous protests kept tuu
trucks off Sixth uvcnui * , nnd they propose
Knowing equal pluclc in protecting Fifth.
Thomas McDarmott has arrived In the city
from Ottawa , 111. , with nine red foxes and
six line hounds. Arrangements are being
completed for n chnso at the driving pane.
The programme will Include three trottlnc
and pacing races besides the lox clmso. The
date is not yet llxod , but it will probably bo
next Saturday , or a woolt from Saturday.
The proceeds will bo devoted to the .limmlu
Davis /und.
The nmo-yonr-old dnuchtcr of C. M. Lund ,
No. 002 Avenue P , Is reported ns seriously
ill with diphtheria. This U ono of the now
cases. Sovoinl of the older ones about the
city it is feared will terminate fatally. Mrs.
Moll Gregory Is very dangerously ill , nnd
Miss Stevenson Is also In a precarious condi
tion. 'Iho latter was reported last evening
as being barely alive , unu wua not expected
to live until morning.
Uutlor Van Dyne , night yard master at
the Northwestern , was taken before the in
sane commissioners yesterday for examina
tion. The board pronounced him sane , and
ho was released. It Is said to bo n case of
too much mother-in-law. The lady visited
the family and n rumpus ensued , which re
sulted in tliu wife mortgaging a lot of the
family lurnlluro to furnish the old lady
money with which to travel. The upshot
was the preferring of thu charge of insanity
against the husband. It is stated that ull
trouble Is now amicably settled.
C. B. Music Co. , 538Uroadway.
Finest market in city J.M. Bosnian's.
J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway.
C. B. steam dye worlts , 1013 Broadway.
Western Lumber and Supply Co. , 13th and
14th streets and "d and 3d avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling polcticslimo ,
cement und building material ia the west.
K. W. Huyinond , manager.
Miss Birdie Scott is homo from Clarlnda.
Harry C. Nutt , Jr. , of Boston , is a guest of
Horace Kvrrctt and family.
N. I. Tibbetts loft Tuesday evening on a
trip lo Texas. Ho will bo absent hovcral
Mrs. J. S. Love , of 1 m ope no , is in the city.
Her daughter , Mabel , is a pupil at the St.
Francis academy.
I. N. Kllckingor left Tuesday evening for
Pierre. Dak. , und his brother , F. C. Flick-
mgcr , left lust evening.
Louis Parker George , son of the late Hon.
W. S. Gcorgo , of Michigan , is visiting James
N. Casudy , 1r , of Oakland avenue. They
were chums and roommates whilent college.
James 1C. Milburn , of Indiana , formerly a
resident of this city , is hero on a short visit ,
a guest of F. II. Warren. While a resident
of this city Mr. Milburn took u great interest
In out-of-door sports , nnd organized the only
llrst-clnss base hall club wo over had.
Ernest Smith is lying nt Uio residence of
his mother dangerously ill from typhoid
fever. He was attacked by th < i dlsoaso u
week ago nnd has been rapidly growing
worse. Last evening his condition was
reported very critical nnd his physicians
give his friends little encouragement.
The prnnd opening of Geo. II. Meschen-
dorf 'B ' now moat market at 333 Broadway
this evening will bo un event worth taking
notice of. Pcopio will have an opportunity
of visiting ono of the handsomest establish
ments of its Uind In the entire west. There-
Is nothing in Omaha that begins to compare
with it. It wilt bo open for the inspection
und reception of visitors until U o'clock. All
nro Invited.
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y '
Got Fountain 5c cigar , next to Elscman's.
Dcmpsey & Butler , candy M'f'g. , 105 Main.
Lot Hasmussen beautify your house In best
Btylo nnd cheap. Id North Main.
Steam nnd hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities , John
Gilbert , cor. Pearl st. and Willow two.
Fresh haddies , first of tlio season , at
Flno dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173 ,
Now Pacific HOUBO , best hotel in the city.
IIM uer day. Meals ! Kio.
I'llllnir the VnminoloH.
The central committee of the people's
prrty mot yesterday at Neolu and filled the
places of these on the county ticket who
have declined accepting nominations , as
follows :
For representative H. S. Watkins , U. W.
Drlggs ,
For auditor Holund Ward.
For treasurer C. B. Bardsloy.
For supervisor O. J. Smith , D. F. Pnrry.
For school superintendent Miss Etta
For coroner Or , J , M , Wyland.
For county surveyoi L. P. Judson.
The oflico of sheriff was loft vacant.
E. H , Shcufo & Co. give special ottcnl ante
to the collection of rents and caroof property
in the city und vicinity. Chargoj moderate- .
Oftlco Broadway and Main streets.
Dwelling for saio on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. _ 1'X H. Kheafo ft Co.
The ladles of Council Bluffs'and Omaha
will miss a rare treat If they fall to see Mrs.
T. B. Louis' display of pattern hats at 5
Broadway , Oct. 0 and 10 ,
For Blank Books wrlto Morououso & Co.
Council Bluffs , lu.
A Young Lady Keeps Her Woddlnsr
Day But Changes Bridegrooms.
Selecting n Jury in the Uro6ks Cato
The Electric Motor Jlcniloil For
tlio TrniiHfor A Holler lnsi oo- '
, \ tor Dunmmlud.
Married n Handsomer Man.
C Mr. Cornelius Brandt , n telegraph oper
ator from Texas , arrived In this city ycstor-
iluy for tlio i > ur)030 | ot matting Miss Maud
McCulllstcr , n well known .young lady of
this city , lils wlfo. The iluy hail boon set.
for sonio time , the bride to bo had prepared
her wedding clothes , mid It was expected
the corrmony would bo solemnized last even
ing. Hut , as ha1) often been remarked be
fore , them Is many a slip between setting
the wedding day and feeing the parson , mid
on this oecusion onu of thosu very saino slips
occurred ,
Brandt Is still n single man , astonished
and inordmntoly angry It Is true , but never
theless a bnuhclor. The Intended brldo ,
however , carried out her Intention nnd became -
came a wife , but here Is.Just where the hi toll
occurred she Is the wife of another man.
Barely twenty-four hours before the time
sot for her wedding with Brandt she aulotly
packed up her wedding suit , skipped over to
Omaha nnd became the wlfo of Putsy Ful-
Ion , the wall known sporting man , These )
uro the facts In the case , but the why and
wherefore Is as yet a mystery.
The brldo'a mother is roportcd as almost
heartbroken over the nffalr , ns she was not
at home when her daughter loft , and knew
nothing of the situation until the mtir-
rlaga had been consummated. It
is stated that an Into as Inst
Monday Miss McCalilstor Informed her
friends that she would marry Urandt. She
has been scon on the streets a great tleal
during the past week In Fallen's company ,
and considerable gossip resulted , us hr.r uu-
Kugement with Urandt was known , and a
lengthy article appeared in those columns re
garding the matter , as she wisdismissed from
a position as hairdresser which she hold in
un Omaha establishment on account of her
association with Gallon. Urandt had pre
pared a home for his bride , and was greatly
overcome when Informed of tliu situation In
which mutters now uro. It is reported that
there may bo diftleulty over the murriugo be
fore the c.isu Is finally dropped. The bride
is twenty yours of ago nnd quite pretty , and
has attracted consldorablo attention during
the past few years. The case xvill undoubt
edly bo another nine days' wonder while the
gossips will exhaustively discuss it , whan it
will bo dropped and forgotten.
Always on Time.
If you wish tn purchase a good and reliable
watch So per cent less than club rr.tes , and
on easy term- * , then call at once nnd multo
your own selection at C. B. Jacquouiin &
Co. , 27 Main street.
Money loaned nt L. L ! . ( Jraft'a k Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pmnos , horses ,
wug-ons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Worthy of What They Aslc.
The stationary engineers of Council Bluffs
cnmo into the city council at its last meeting
with a very creditable petition asking the
appointment of a resident boiler inspector.
This demand was supported by about , sev
enty-live citizens , whoso attention had been
called to the matter and who ro.ilizuJ its im
portance. The council has started to dis
pose of the matter in the mini nor that all
such things are dlsposed ot referring it to a
committee , where it is carefully buried with
myriads of other petitions whoso unchanged
conditions since pioneer clays uro marvels of
the ombalnier's art. But this petition should
not bo permitted to bo embalmed and not
oven to die. The stationary engineers of
this city are worthy of what they uslc. Their
demand is in line with the progress of the
city and the advancing civilization ot the
timos. It used to bo all right for factory and
mill owners to put In any kind of un old
shell of a boiler that would hang
together under an ordinary steam
pressure and employ a man to
look after it , whoso chief qualification was
the fact that ho had been so unfortunate
that necessity compelled him to work
cheaply. And when , through his Incompo-
tcuc.v and the cupidity of his employers , a
bailer blow up and killed a lot of helpless
people , the calamity was regarded as a dis
pensation of an all wise providence , and a
vague regret that providence didn't ' have
something pleasanter in the way of a dispen
sation , ended the mutter. If the engineer
nnd the mill owners were not among the
killed they were permitted to repeat the
thing. But now there are legal penalties at
tached to such incompotoncy and cupidity ,
nnd grand Juries indict and courts sentence
such pcopio
In Council Bluffs there uro many boilers
that BO fur ns any ofllcial Itnowledgo to the
contrary is concerned , are ready to blow up
nnd destroy human life. . The rapid growth
of thn city und the Increase of manufacturing
industries is adding rapidly to the number of
steam plants and Increasing the necessity
for competent inspection. The council
should grant the prayer of the petitioners at
once and appoint an Inspector whoso services
would bo without cost to the city , ns ho
would DO paid fees for his work. Such men
as J. C. Bixby or John Gilbert would per
form the duties of such an oflico promptly
and onleiontly , and give n needed protection
* < o those whoso lives are endangered by the
aegloot of others.
Made for your special use by Morchouso
& Co.
Bixby lias removed to Morrium block.
Desirable dwellings Jor rent at mouorato
prices. K. H. Sheafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Tlio Kire Hoys Itmnomlicroil.
The 11 ro at the residence of Mr. George
Champ on Fletcher avenue was more disas
trous than at first supposed. The loss will
reach several hundred dollars. The lire boys
did good work , and saved the building from
destruction. They were also very careful in
the handling of the streams of water , and
did little damage to the furniture nnd house
hold goods , Tuesday evening Mr. Walters
received the folio wing letter :
Ofllce of Kimlmll & Champ. Council Bluffs ,
Iowa , Oct. 8. 1SS9. C. D. Walters , Chief of
the Fire Department Dear sir Plnasa
accept herewith two boxes of choice cigars
for yourself nnd able department , as a slight
token of appreciation for your valuable ser
vices renilered at the lire ut my residouua
last night. A'ery ruly yours ,
The flro was discovered by Mrs. Champ ,
who was alono. She immediately left the
house and hastened to the Hcscuohoso house ,
where she gave the alarm. On the way she
lost a valimbin hair ornament , either on Oak-
laud or Washington avenues. The Under
will bo rewarded on returning it to the
Attend the W. J. Bus.collego , Council Bluffs.
Swanson Music Co. , ! H5 Broadway.
for MxtoiiHivo Chances.
"Still negotiating. Nothing definite yet.
Expect to know all about it In a very few
days. "
Such , In substance , were the answers of
interested parties yesterday when Interro
gated a : to the situation regarding the Il
luminating question. An examination of the
papers tiled with the county recorder re
vealed among other things a mortgage just
filed by the Council Bluffs Electric U ht
and Power company , in favor of Thomas
Olllcer , president of the company , for the
sum of $ TO,000. The staled consideration for
the mortgage is a debt of 133,074. fil , owed to
OOlcer by the company , and WJ.'OOO addi
tional loaned by Oftlcer to the company for
the purpose , as stated in the mortgage , of ex
tending and improving the plant.
Another matter of record uro the articles
of Incorporation of the Council Bl'iffs Gas
nnd Electric Llcht company , filed on the
29th day of last August. The Incorporntor *
wore Charles J , EosUm nnd Wultor S.
Wright , of Chicago. The Incorporation waste
to ilato from Septembers. 1869 , nnd continue
fifty years. The capital stock wai fixed nt
$ .100,000 , with Iho privilege of Incrennlnif it to
fjOJ,000. Two-thirds of the capital stock
to bo paid up when the company commenced
business. The capital stock was divided
Into 1300 shares of ? KK ) cnoh. of which Mr ,
Wright held 183 , nnd Mr. Easton 145.
After this , on the Tth of October , 1SS9 ,
worn filed the articles of incorporation of
another Council Bluffs On * and Electric
Light company , the Incorporators being
Charles L. Easton and Charles 1 . Plait.
The capital stock Is llxod nt half a million ,
with the privileges of increasing to double
that amount. Walter S. Wright is president ,
Charles 1 * . Plntt , vice president , nnd Chnrlos
L. Easton , secretary and treasurer. The
Incorporation dates from October T , 1889 ,
and is to continue for twenty years.
Several of the sections of these articles
are of special Interest , ns Rotting
forth trie Intention of the company.
One provision Is that the stock of the com
pany may bo used for purchasing the plants
ana franchises of the Council Bluffs Gas
company and the Council Bluffs Electric
Llirht and Power company , ana the fran
chise recently obtained by the Spcrry Elee-
trh : Light company , of Chicago , for lighting
the city.
It will be seen that the company proposes
to do business on n largo scale , us Its ex
pressed purpose Is to purchase the existing
gus and electric light plants , and thus con
trol the light question In cvory particular.
Hon. Gcorgo F. Wright , president of the
gas company , was decided to bo the party
who would Know inoro about the mutter
than anyone else , nnd was accordingly
watted upon by the reporter.
"Is this now company trying to got n mo
nopoly In the Illuminating business , nnd nro
you negotiating with them for the sale of
your gas works ! " was the double-barrelled
interrogatory llred nt him , as a starter.
"I don't know about the monopoly part of
It , imt I am trying to lease them my plant.
What the result will bo , 1 can't tell , " was
the reply.
"What is the situation nt present as you
understand 111"
' [ understand that several propositions
Iwvo been submitted , nnd nre now under
consideration. As you know , the Spcrry
company secured the contract for lighting
the city. Mr. Ofllccr decided that ho want
ed to sell his plant. The Sparry folks looked
into the mutter , and concluded that they
wanted to lease power from his plant to run
their dynamos this winter , so that they
would not have to build a plant until spring.
Mr. Ofllcergavo them ills terms for both a
lease nnd a sale , nnd Mr. Gregory , the rep
resentative nf thecompany , went to Chicago
to consult with them about it. What their
decision is , wo have not yet hoard. Now
then , this now gas company has como into
the field nnd secured a charter , 'rhoy will
manufacture water pas , nnd by the provi
sions of tlielr charter are required to sell It
at $2 per thousand feet , and $1.75 if thulr
daily consumption amounts to 75,000 feet or
over. If wo continue IN the field , we would ,
of course , have to meet their rates , and wo
cannot do this , as coal gas cannot be
manufactured as cheaply as water gas.
Besides , our charter expires next February1 ,
and wo can not afford to make any chances
in our plant. So the best thing for us is to
lease our plant to the now company. There
is room for them to erect n now building by
the side of ours , nnd the mains are already
laid. U would bo a great nuisance to luivo
all our streets torn up ngnln , to lay a dupll-
cute system of gas mains , and if the now
company takes our pluntthis will bo avoided.
Our mains are nil right as far as they go ,
and thuy could extend them wherever they
"As to the respective merits of coal nnd
water gas , I will give you the opinion of gas
men as they have given it to me. They say
that water gas is no cheaper for the con
sumer than coal gas. although the latter
costs more per thousand. More water gas
goes through a burner , and makes in quan
tity what it lucks in price. Mr. Murray , of
the Omaha company , showed mo his books ,
nnd stated that families which had been
consumers for live years , are paying him
more per month for water cas than they had
tor coal gas to do the same illuminating.
"We do not want to put in a new plant ,
and for this reason I am waiting to hear
from tlio new company. They have made n
proposition to the Spcrry company nnd to its
ofllcors , for the purchase of the franchise of
the former and the plaut of the latter , und
as soon ns an answer is received we will
know something definite. An answer is ex
pected to-morrow , as Mr. Gregory was to
telegraph as soon as a decision was reached.
Several propositions have been made , und
there are several changes involved. "
Jo\vi I-1fill ! Avenue.
The electric motor company is delivering
the material for the transfer extension along
the proposed route down Fifth nvenuo nnd
Twenty-first street. It was stated a few
days ago that the company would not build
down this street if the properly owners in
sisted on their paying for ttio paving , out -it
seems that the company has decided to build
the line under any consideration. There are
but throe blocks of Fifth avenue now paved
from Pearl to Eighth streets and these
will bo the only part of the route in contro
versy for the present. The company will
build the line and let the court decide
whether or not they will have to pay for the
paving. Work will be commenced on the
line as soon ns the Pierce street loop is com
pleted , which , tlio superintendent states ,
will require about two weeks. The Pierce
street line will bo over unpuvcd streets for
the greater portlou of the distance , nnd
track laying will proceed rapidly , as the ties
will be placed upon the top of the ground ,
necessitating but little work in the way of
grading. Both this and the transfer line
will bo completed and in running order before -
fore winter sots in , and the bobtail cars and
antiquated mules will then bo placed on the
retired list. The new machinery nt the
power house will bo in running order in n
few days , when the electric cars will be
started on the Pearl street line.
Hay of the Murder Trial.
The murder case of the State vs Brooks
was culled in the district court yesterday
morning. After spending the greater part of
the forenoon in arguing nnd arranging pre
liminary matters , the work of empaneling
n Jury was commenced. Besides the regular
piincl , there is n special venire of forty irom
which to select , nnd it i" predicted that an
other special venlro will bo ordered before a
Jury is flnnllv secured ,
U'licn .court adjourned at noon Prosecut
ing Attorney Organ hud examined four
jurors for cnuso , and when last evening's ad
journ inont was taken Colonel Dalley was en
gaged in the same procedure. It Is regarded
as certain that it will require all of to-day ,
und possibly longer , to secure u Jury.
Brooks , the prisoner , was brought into
court in the morning , nnd ahovycd the effects
of his six months' Incarceration. Ho is some
what thin , but does not appear nervous or
Ho Is positive that ho will bo acquitted , and
expresses no concern or worry about the mat
ter. Ills father was seated by his side yes
terday , and will doubtless assist Colonel
Dailoy in selecting n Jury. The court room
was crowded und considerable interest is
manifested In the cuso. The Indications nro
that thcro will bo no empty souts while the
trial lusts.
Christian JOndcaviir.
The third annual convention of the South
western Iowa union of the Young People's
Christian Endeavor will meet in this city
Friday avoding , and continue Its session
until Saturdav and Sunday. The session will
bo hold In the Y. M. C. A. rooms except the
Sunday evening service , which will bo in the
Congregational church.
The ofllcors of the nssoclation are E. S.
Ferris , president ; Miss Emma C. Moulton ,
secretary ; Miss Ids B. Wallace , of Council
HlulTs ; Clinton E. Jones , of Tabor , nnd Miss
Clara Williams , of Porclval , executive com
Friday evening will bo duvotod to the re
ception of delegates. The address of wel
come will bo by E. P. Fitch , president of the
Council Bluffs society. The reply will bo by
U. S. Ferris.
Saturday morning thcro will be reports
und papers. In the afternoon election of
otllcurs the reading of papers on various
topics nnd an address by Itov. Willard Scott ,
of Omaha.
In the evening the chief address will bo by
Mr * . E. H. Slocum , state secretary ,
Sunday evening there will bo a sermon
and consecration service.
Directions for Chppklng It n Progress
nnd Preventing Scrlnim Illume.
Youth's Companion ! When ono 'bo-
comas chilled , or : takes cold , the mouths
of myriads of 11U16 sweat glands nro
suddenly closed , nnd the impurities
which should imsa off through the
skin nro forced hack nt the Interior of
the body , vltntlrtlllip the blood and-put
ting extra work ou the lungs and other
Internal organs. . .
Just bononth thesurface of the skin ,
all over the body , there is u not-work
of minute blood-Vessels , finer than the
finest Inco. Whpn Jono is chilled the
blood is forced fromithoso capillary ves
sels into ono or1 moro of the internal
organs , producing Inllammntlon or con
gestion , nnd thus of ton causing diseases
dangerous to life.
Tho.Umo to treat n cold is at t.ho ear
liest possible moinont after you have
taken It. And your prlmo object should
bo to restore the perspiration and capil
lary circulation.
As soon than , ns you loci that you
hnvo taken u cold , have a good Ilro in
your bedroom , says a writer In the
Youth's Companion. Pulyour foot into
water us hot as can bo borne , nnd con-
taininir n tablespoonful of mustard.
Unvo it in a vessel so deep that the wa
ter will coino up well toward the knoos.
Throw a blanket over tlio whole to prevent -
vent rapid evaporation and cooling. In
from llvo to ten minutes tnko the foot
out , witio thorn dry , and got into a bed
on which there are two iixtra blankets.
Just before or nftor getting into bed
drink a large glass of loinoiiiidu as hot
as possible , or a glass of Hot wtttor con
taining a teaspoon fill of cream of tartar ,
with a lltllo sugar , if desired.
Should there be a pain in the chest ,
side or buck , indicating pleurisy or
pneumonia , dip a small towel in cold
water , nnd wring it ns dry us possible.
Fold the towel so that it will cover a
little more surface than is all'ccted by
the pair ) . Cover this with n piece of
llannol , and both with oiled silk , or
hotter , with oiled linen ; now wind a
strip of llnnnol a foot wide several times
around the chost.
The boat of the body will warm the
body almost immediately ; the oiled
linen and llattnol will rota\n \ the heat
and moisture , and , steaming the part ,
will.generally cnuso the pain to disap
Should there bo pain or soreness in
the throat you should treat it in a sim
ilar maniinr with wet compress and
Eat sparingly of plain , simple food.
Baked npplcs and other fruit , broad nnd
butter , broad and milk , milk toast ,
baked potatoes or raw oysters may bo
By following the above directions in
telligently and faithfully you will ordi
narily check the progress of the cold
and prevent serious , possibly fatal , ill
Ono Man's llccollnctiuii ol' a Fearful
Iowa Winter.
Tno pcopio ofi central and northern
Iowa will long rompmbor the horrible
winter of 1872-7 $ , when thcro was such
dire sutloring among thorn from the un
precedented cold. I was in that coun
try then , and I haveia very vivid recol
lection of the rigors of the season , says
a writer in the Philadelphia Record. I
was living at the town of Adol , Dallas
county. The country is railroaded now
and it will never be possible for such
scenes to bo Witnessed there again.
In those days there were no railroadn ,
passenger transportation being by stage.
During the wintjer tlio cold was so se
vere that quito a number of stage
drivers wore frozen to death , in
Adel there wasa _ famine of fuel , and
it became a serious question what the
people would do. After nil the coal and
wood was gone resort was had to corn in
the oar , which cost 7 cents a bushel. It
looked sinful to mo to see such a val
uable food product blazing in the llros ,
but thorp was no help for it. Coon
River , whence wood was usually brought
to Adel , was forty miles away and the
trip was out of the question in the prevailing -
vailing temperature. Pretty soon , however -
over , another dilllculty arose. The corn
was pone. Then in their extremity the
pcopio began burning their houses.
This was done by lot. For instance ,
my next neighbor and I drew lots to see
whose house should bo burned. lie lost ,
and so wo dismantled his houbo and
burned it for fuel , while he and his
family moved into my house with mo.
If I had lorft the rule would have worked
the other way , I don't want any more
Iowa weather. Missouri isgood enough
and amply cold fet mo.
An Undetected Substitution.
Puck : Foreman Composing Room
Some of the MS. of Miss Gushington's
novel seems to bo missing.
Editor Well , hero nro Gray's Anat
omy and the Dressmaker's Manual.
Make it up from them in about equal
Love Mnlcni n
Miles Copley.
"I am sick of the world , " ho said :
" 1 am sick of the world and of life ;
Of the double faced hypocrisy ,
And the strain of the ( Jodlcss strife.
"I am slclc of the fools that succeed ;
I am sick of the sages that fail ;
Of tlio pitiless laugntcr of wealth ,
And of poverty's ' pitiful wail.
"I am sick of the devils that leer
Atinnocenso passing by :
I will bar my door to the world ;
I will lay me down und die. "
But tli era came a change ns ho spates ,
And the mists wore burned away :
And the midnight darkness of his dlspalr
U'as turned to jocund day.
And the sun burst forth once more ,
Till his glories filled tlio skies ,
And the magical power tnat wrought the
Was ono look in n woman's eyes.
Sneezing Catarrh ,
The distressing sneeze , sneeze , sneeze , the
acrid , watery discharges from the oyi'H and
nose , the painful inllammutlon'extending to
the throat , the Buo'llng'of the mocus lining ,
causing choking Hcnsutlons , cough , ringing
nolboslu the head And 'splitting ' liojdiches ,
how fumllar these spmptoms are to thousands
who sulfor periodic illy from head cohls or In-
llnen/.n , nud who llvo In Igronance of the fact
that a single application of SANKOIID'H lUnic.vf ,
Cum : run DATA mii | will utrord li ln/iiiicoiia / ( (
Hut this treatmenC In cases of simple Catarrh
gives buta fnlnt ideaof what this remedy will
doln the chronic forjpn , where the breathln
is obstructed by choking , putrid imt"cni3 accumulations -
cumulations , the Ii6arlijg atrocted , smull anil
tastHgoim , tin oat ulcoruleil nnd hacking cough
gradually fastening Itself upon the debilitated
system. Then It Is th t the marvelous curative
power of .SANHMIU'H Ittnuui , ( 'IJHU manifests
Itself In Instantaneous and grateful relief.
Curn begins trom the Ilrst application. It is
rapid , radical , permanent economical , oufi * .
SANroim'n HADIOAI , Cum : consists of ono
bottle of the lUiilUAi , UUIIK. ono box of OA-
Jirlr , l. I'OITKIC UllUAM ( > ClIKMlCAl , COIl-
, Aching , Muscles , Hack , Mips nnd
Sides , Kidney anil I'tonne1 Pains ,
and. all Pain , Intlummation , and
U'cuknessiiKUKvun IN ONK MINUTC
Hrfct and only pain-subduing plaster. Now
original. Instantaneous , never-falling. Vastly
euoerlortn all other plustei * ami remedies for
the relief of pain. At nil druKititts. ys cents :
five for H.uOj or , postage free , of POTTRH Dii
AMU CiiL-uiCAb CoiiroiUTiON' , Uoston , Musi.
Coal I Coal I
Chicago , Ills. Western Sales Agent ,
OFFICE : 114 Main Street , Brown Building. Telephone 48.
Wo will soil to consumers direct , SEL12GT13D ANTHRACITE COAL , at the
following reduced prices :
GRATE AND EGG - - - $8,25
CHESTNUT - - 8.50
And the best prudes of Soft Conl. "Wvomlnjf Lump $ ( ! .fiO , Wiilmit Block
$3.40 , Jackson $5 , lluilnc $3.25 , Gunnel $ O.GO , lowti Nut $ U.oU , Gus IIouso Coke 1'Jo
per bushel. Or $7.00 per ton.
TI2LIMS Cash with order. All coal fresh mined , well screened ami promptly
fe&SSi ? fe = Sa SI :
Tills Is as our yards lumi'croil Dcforo the lire , which loft nt "sllKlitly dHHgurud but mill In the
rlne , " with plunty of nice trcsh coal ou trnck. Llmo , Comoul , Piaster mid Stucco. K ? ) Urondwuyi
Telephone l.UI.
It is a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curia.
Because it indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change in
any climate.
Because it is more durnhlo than any other roof maao. iron , tin , sluto or wood.
Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper thnn
Because it has been proven by the severest trials and has noror failed.
For further information apply to
Room 6OO First National Batik Building' , Omaha.
Council Bluffs oflico , 116 Pearl Stroot.
Until you have visited ICO Main street , tlio oldast and heaviest stocked establish
ment in the city , where goods nrn Doucht direct from manufacturers nnd given
anny to customers without middlemen's prollts. Kx ery class of footwear from tlio
worklimmun's heavy boot to tlio llnest's shoo Is cheaper now thiiu over before
' nt the factories , and establishments that buy direct and In laro ( mmntltlps can
Blvo the customer a marulii that will bo an extra Inducement , added to tie ! best
Koods bold and warranted oy reliable men. Wo do this. ( ! all and bo convln ! .
S. A. PIERCE , 1OO Main St. , Council Bluffs.
The IJost Kqntpped ITsttbllshment In the West. Does Dyelni ; ana Cleaning of Garments and
Goods of every description and material. Dry Cleanlnu ot Hue Garments a Specialty.
Out of tow n orders by mail or oppress , will receive prompt attention.
Works on Motor Lin ? , Corner 26th St , & Ave , A , Council Bluffs
X"E\V llaby COACH for sareclieap ut .No. 72 :
o-N Uroadw.iy.
FOK SALE On easy terms , choice residence
lot , ( jraham ave. , on motor Una.
Tor Sale N ) acre fruit and vegetable farm IJi
miles east of Cliauiaiuiua grounds. A b'rcui
bargain. Kasy terms. Only Wi per acre.
1'orSalo 10 acres adjoining city limits : with
" -story frame house , large barn , wood anil coal
sued , well , clatern , etc ; 4UJ bs.irlnn fruit trees ,
uraiios anil berries. 1'rice $5OJO. The bare lam :
is worth the money.
Tor i-ulo Ptl acres J-i mile from city limits.
Only JUI ) per acre. Kasy terms.
If or Sale -H acres cnoli'o grove lands on Grand
avenue. Only $ I 0 per acre.
1'or Sain ii-room house on motor line , one
block from Itroartway. Very cheap.
For Sale Choice lots on N. lOtli t. , 3 blocks
from motor ; side walk nnd city water.
Tor faalo- Lot 4 , block 8 , Hanscom Place ,
Omaha , on 10 years' time at "per cent.
W. C. Stacy room 4 , Opera block.
TIKK ) KENT Furnished room in good location
4- ' with or without board , two blocks from
motor line. Address N 244 , Omaha lieu olllce ,
Council Illutls.
T IIAVIi two elegant houses oil ( ! th ave. , ono
J-bloct from motor. Iiirga lots. Houses now ,
Band 11 rooms each ; modern Improvements.
1'or s.ilo on payments to suit purchasers. These
are flue bargains , splendidly located and cheap
est property In Council llliilfs. J. 11. Judd , ( kW
J FINIS houses on Lincoln ava..H rooms , mod-
tern improvement ! , all now. 2 lots 50x110 each
and tlio other 7iixl5J. This property is finely
located In the natural p.iric poitlon of Council
lUulIs , 2 blocks from Oinnliu and Council Dlutls
motor. C' . 11. .Tudil , G'ta Hroailwuy.
LIFI5 INSt'UANCE at actual cost. Address
A. K. Daught-rty , Canning St. , Council
B AHOAINS In all parts ot the city. N. 0.
Phillips , room 5 , Everett block.
fl WO8-story C-room house1) on North 7th St.
JL ; t blocks from postoilluu. city water , only
J-.IOJ each. Terms to suit. C. II. Judd. UJO
KCMKMIinit that I own my own property ,
and conscqently ran maKe terniH to stilt the
purchaser , who is not inquired lo deal with me
through nil agent. C. 11. JuiUl , UOD llroiuhviiy ,
Council Hlulls.
BniTEIt than a fcavlnga bun * . Iluy a house
and lot of C. It. .ludd on monthly payments ,
and by paying 1'rom { : to $ " > more a month than
rent In n few years you will own your homo
freoof dubt , which Is bound by thattlmo to ho
\\oith more than double whal you piiy for It
now , C , 11 , Judd , DM llroadway. Council lllnlfs.
IP 3011 have any lots or other property that
you wish to trndo for n house and lot , call
enC , 11. .ludil , Rid llroadway.
A VI ! houses and lots In all parts of Council
cil Illutrs , from } .UM to $ ) , UJ > , that 1 can Hull on
monthly payments , or any teims to suit pur-
cluisci-H. Tli In IH of pirtlcular- advantage to
Omaha merchants , clerks , mocminlcs , 01 people
who ilcMro a homo near the nusiness center of
Omnlm wlthoiitbeliigcoinpelled tojmy uxorbl
tant prices. C. It. .Indd , Jj llroadwav. Council
IF VOU uuy a liousa und lot of C. ( . Judd and
aftcr ardsconcludo to move away or In any
other way nut being dnslrous of keeplni : the
property , 1 will sell It for you free of charge
anil property unsold I will rent same without
coil to cm ner ,
given on all property
sold by 0. II , Judu when there Is a fitlr
payment down.
FOR HA 1.1-An old And well established
drugstore , established in IH < . Cash ni-
iiulred , IIVl ) , iKilunca real estuto , Address A
i , live. Council Illnirs ,
i ItK.NT Nicely fiirnlslied rooms , well
heated , airy , all conveniences , ' , ( block from
electric motor line ( load r-ourd next door , now
modern houses. No , 17 North Madison Ht.
BAItr.AIN lots In Itlddlu's sub , on Uth live ,
( Jraillng all p.ild , IIJJ each , N , C. Phlllipi ,
room A , Cverett block.
J OTS In Tcrwllll oM add ttr > each. N. 0.
i J'hllllps. room 5 , Kvorcu block ,
T OTSln Van llnint & Jlico's add f2W , Kasy
Jtt'rms. N. C. Phillip * , room n. Rvtrett lilt.
T Ol Bin Central sno cheap. i : sy terms. N.
J JC. Phillip' , room. % llvcrett block.
A11AIK1A1N In West Broadway property. N. .
C. Phillips , room 6 , Krorett block.
I OTS In Terry addition , Monthly payments
N. 0. Phillips , room r. , Kytrutt fJlocic.
LANDS for sale or exchange. N. 0. Phillip
room b. ICverott block ,
I M1'HOVEI > farms In JowiT and Kansas for
exchanco for city property , N. U. Phillip * ,
rcomO. Uverettbluiic.
LOTS on 4th ovo. and 10th st. very ch cap
Snaps. Dcnsoii & Shepherd , U Main st.
LOTS on llroadway , any where between Coun
cil mull's and Omaha. Benson & Shepherd ,
Main st.
AVKNUIJ A lots , corners , great bargains.
IJeoson & Shepherd , 'J.Maliiht.
LOT on 4th aveiius. Van Hrunt & Itlco's sub. ,
choap. Itenson & Shepherd , U Main st.
\X7ANTRD-A neat young girl to help In gen-
Tl oral house work. Mrs Jacob blms , 310
I'latuor st.
BUST corner on llroadway. opposite power
house' llensou & Shepherd VMnlnst.
I O'J'S on Glen ave. , eenulno snaps , llonaon &
-t Shopnord , U Main st.
LOTS on Mana\va motor line , cornera.n 10
cash , balance $10 per mouth , lleuso &
Shepherd. 1) ) Main st.
RHAL KSTATK nought and soil ant ex
changed. Special attention Klvon to oxam-
inatloa of titles.V. . C. James. No. HI 1'oarl at.
FOH SAL15 Acre lots In Orchard place. This
property Is located In the Hlco nursery ,
Bonthof the main part of thn city. I'/ miles
from courthouse , Geo. Mutcalf , U 1'oarl st.
HOITSHSnnd lota ; * IOJ cash , S.'ui cash , if W
cash , balance easy , llonaon & ShophorJ
! ) Main st.
17NJH SAL15 On easy terms , some of the best
JL' arranged modern houses ( now ! in Council
Hlulls. All modern improvements , finely
located. Call ou S. E. Maxou , Men-lam block.
\\7ANrKD Situation us hotlm-kcepcr in prl-
Y > viito lamlly. M. S. . 200 Font that.
M. SIfiDHNTOl'F , Heal Estate. Special
attention given to examination nnd cor
rection of title to lands and lots lu city and
county. No. 8. North Main st.
T OT3 In Mullin's sub. $10 cash , balance $10 per
J-Jmonth. Ilonson & Bhepheid , V .Main Bt.
| j iOH SA LH or Kent Harden land with houses.
Jby J. It. Hlco , lit.'Main Nt. , Council llluirs.
| 7ttri SALT ! 1'Sl acre farm In .Tnspor county ,
-L1 Iowa , located nnar ecu I minus that are 111
operation. There is a live foot vein of coal
under the farm. ( Jeo , Metcalf , No. 10 1'earl st.
F OK SALE -Improved ana unimproved prop
erty in every put of the city. Kara opnor
lunltluji for Inviwtora who seek Hpusulatlons ;
bplemlld opportunities for 'those who desire
homes. Geo. .Mutcalf. No. 10 I'ourl st.
BUSINKSS locations oc Main and llroiulway
at great bargains. Goo. Metculf , No. 10
Pearl st.
Foil' 8ALR Mft ) et lake frontage located ba
twoon 0 II , boat hotisu arid Muiltuvii beach
Also a number of cholco lots In Hegatta place
( leo. Motcalf , No. 10 I'earl Bt.
O DULL IlllOS. & CO. loan money. The most
liberal terms olfereil. 10J I'ourf st.
T > AI'FLi : NOTIO ! Tickets for grand ralllo
_ LV of house anil lot In Council llluilH not bolug
nil sold the date of ralllo is chr.ngod to Doc. 21.
Itomembur you can ( ; < > tu $ I.U/0 property for tl.
TicKets at Manhattan and Moore & llowinun's.
Flower Pots.
Pomethlng entirely new , and the handsomest
articles ot the kind tliat ever adorm-d a bay-
window or conservatory , are our now painted
and ornamented Dower Pots anil Vases for
housf plants. Thonegooilsarauiitlroiynuwand
Hru sold exclusively In Council llluirM by us.
The Iliisllo Pots are highly ornamental ami
\\111 beautify any IIOIIKU , Ono grade Is smoothly
palnteil in bright colors ready for decoration
iiy ladlc.s who paint. Tlie o handsome goods
nrn sold at prices commonly uxked for plain ;
fc for palnteil pot and saucer , iiml plain at cor
responding prices , LI'Nl ' ) 111(08 ( , ,
No , 27 Main St. , Over Jncquomln's
Jewelry Stor '
J. M. PAI.MEE5 ,
iiASTiiBCimiKST r.orof
n tno city. ( Jilt edged opportunities to imme
diate inventors and uomtt uovki-rs ,
tUally Rxc pt Sunday.
Running between Council ( lintfe anrt At-
bright , in addition to the statlois mentioned ,
trams stop nt Twentieth mm Twi nty-rourtli
ji. ot > ; , and at the Summit la Oumlm.
jl No. 2 GflpmA : ( No. 13 7Iara : )
C No. 0 m.Vlpmll No. 1 .15pm
A No. 4 10OOam.O No. 0 6:15plt : )
A No.14 0:41pmA | No. 3 0UJ : a uj
No. 6 0.40am No. 7 0:27 :
No. 8 n:15pm No. 3 7:15 a m
Wo.4 ' No 5 0:16 pm
A No.'J OMOam'A ' No.l 7:00iun :
' " "
" ' 8T."jOSIl"li 'cOl'NOIIi
KANSAS."OITi' , ? &
A No. 2 . . . .10:07 : am A "No.3 ni''lnia
A. No. 4 U : pmA No.l UWpm :
BIOU.V Uil'Y { PAUlKia
A. No. 10 7:0'iam'A : ' No. 0 Bj.Tinm
A No. 12 7OOpmA : No. 11 . . . . 'J.l/Opio
A No. 8 4:3opmA : No. 7 12:00 :
A dally : II dally , nxoout Saturday : 0 oxcopy
Sundity ; 1) c-xcopt Jlonday ; 'fust mall.
Incorporated Nov. 1 , 1B70.
Southwest Corner liroiulway and Main Street *
CAI'ITAI , | 150,0 < 0.
OKKIOKHH N. 1' . Dodge , President ; John
HeroHlielm , Vice President ; A , W , Hiekmau
DIIIKOTOIIM N P Dodge , J , HeroHlinlm. ( leo.
Ki'clino. J. L. blow art , W. W. Wallace , < J , JI.
Dpdge. _
D.'j lilJ.MlI.MWON , 1 ! . L. SlIIHMIIT ,
I'ri'S , Vice 1'res.
CIIAH. H. 1 1 ANN AN , Cahlilor.
Paid upCnpltnl . SISO.OOO.OO
Surplus . 35OOO.OO
Liability 1o Dopoaltors .335OOO.OO
IIIII'.CTOIIS-I. A. Miller , K. O Oloason , U. It
Bhugurt. K. II , Hart , J. I ) . Kdundson. Chas. 1C
Haiinan , UrmiHact genural bunklnc biulnesn
Largest capltul and mirpliiit of any bank la
Northwestern Iowa. Interest on llino dopes Ui
'Tiioa. emi KM. \y , n. Jl , I'var. *
Corner Main and llroaaway ,
COUNt'llj MMIKI'-H ' , IOWA.
Dealers Ju foreign und domoitlo oxcha
ana latcruit paid on tt me