Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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L !
Brotherhood Engineers Will Assemble -
blo In Denver Next Wefjlnoadny.
Muster Meclinnlcfl of tlic liitrllnRtnn
Itond In Session Dopiirtliro ul
llio Senatorial Committee
Ilnllronil Notci
A Itrotlicrlincut Train.
AsolM Bpcclal train ot seven I'ullman
cars will arrive In Omnlin nt 7 o'clock Mon
day niornlne next , over ilia Chicago ft
NorttiwcRtorn , ImvliiR on board about one
hundred ntul fifth mumbors of the llrothor-
hood of locomotive Engineer * who are tlelo-
pate to the annual ec.sslon ot the order In
Denver , October 10. The Irnln will run ta
Denver from over the Union * Pacific. En
gineer .Tulmsoii , who will represent the local
order of the brotlicihocil nt the moot-
lug will join the eastern
contingent njwn Its nrnvnl. Ooorco
Vrotrmn , of North I'luttp , xvlio is one of tlio
loading anplratita for Chlof Arthur's plncc ,
will urrivo In Omaha Friday , nnil will also
tnito the brotherhood special train , Speak
ing of Mr. Vromnn'a ' clinnccs In tlio conven
tion , Knglnocr JolniAon Bind that lih follow
ing was ronttnunlly growlngi nnil thnt when
the procioilln ! H opened It would bo worked
with enviable strength.
It is t'Htitnntud thnt the nttcndanco will
number ut least GOO tnon.
ThryVIU Meet In 'Anniinl rteislon
Jllntiilny nt M , Cum.
Monday next the llrothcrliood of Loromo-
tlvo Hallway Brakemen will meet in annual
convention nt St. Paul , Minn. A special
train will bo run Irom Chlc.iito over the Chicago
cage , St. 1'nul & Kansas City to St. 1'aul
bearing nbout flva hunitrod lick-Rates.
J. 1 * . Hyau , who will loprosunt Success
lodRO No. 18S , of Omaha , will leave for Chicago
cage Saturday and \vlllttilto thosnculal train
to Kt. I'uul.
Mr Uyiin otntcs that or.o of tha most iui-
portnnt fe.ifjrc * to corao up uoforo the meet
IIIR will bo the federation itroblum , a full ac
count c.flncU was nublislicil in Tun Hun
of Sittuluy. Ho is of the opinion that tlio
federation agreement effected on the Union
I'arliio will bji ummlmoioly Adopted.
Sonic ) important questions relative to
automatic couplers and brakes will aluoeomo
up for discussion , iiml it is thought that n
resolution will bo adopted urirlu > ; uj > on win-
KrcsH tin necessity of. let'lslatlni ; in this di
Tlio Committee lniirtH.
The senatorial investUatiii r committee loit
for the west In .1 apccial train o\cr the Union
Pacific nt 7 o'clock jestci day morning 11 was
nccomiinnlcd by General Atloruoy Thurston ,
J. S. Uaaicron anJ Supoiiiiteiuloat licsscgnio
of that road. At the meeting nt hcnd-
qunrtcrs Tuusdav Messrs. Green and Uoed
were summoned before the bo.mi to civo
t'aolr opinion an to the estimated value of tha
realty owned by the Union I'.iciliu at this
H in h
The master uicchaulcs and m.ichinc and
motive men in the employ of the Hiulmgtrm
not in quarterly session at the Millurd hotel
yesterday momlng. Among those present
wore 13.V. . Morris , master mcctmnlo ; E. W.
iatos , chief clerk in the motive lower ofllce ;
VI. II. Milchuui , ussistaut purchasing agent ;
" ' B. lj. Charles , store Kcepor ; G. W. Khodrs ,
> 5arpi > rii tendcnt of motive power ; V.'HIIam
1 FotHVtlio , mr > engineer ; F.V. .
' Sargent , Inspector of tests ; IXV. . HUH ,
chemist. Several others holding minor posi
tions were in attendance. The attention of
the UBSi-mblugo was directed largt-li to the
discussion of subjects pertaining to equip
ments and material.
No Itciliiu ion Made.
J. It. IJuuli.uirui , Kcnoial passenger aeat
of the Hlklmrn , has returned from Kansas
City , whither ho attended a meeting of the
Trans-Missouri association. While there ho
endeavored to hiwo a ratocstabllsliod
for the Gilmuro festival , which is hooked for
Omaha atan uarly date , but was unsuccess
ful , the association deciding to aillicro to the
regular established rates.
EUholm & Akin.
"Who : u-o
ui-a u nvr
Men Who linovv Hun Youuli lor HIS
Ii. A. Hryan , late prcslilont of the West
ern Casket company , claims that ho was ma
ligned In the icport of the failure of his
company in August last. The artioto re
ferred to tlio wrecking of the Western Cas
ket comiittiiy nnd stated that Mr. Hryan had
aunod thn cilizonsof Omulia in Bums ranging
fioni ? ! > to as many hundreds , und that ho
had pocketed $18)50 ! ) of the company's funds.
It also referred to n loan made to his com
pany by the tiuurntitco Ldan nnd Invest
ment cumptinv und stated that through the
trickery of liryan the tratis.iction cuused the
< Hf.rui > tlng uiul breaking up of the loan ccim-
} jE LV.
Mr , Hrynn vigorously denies nil the
charges But faith and suys thut his character
and reputation \vero gteatly Injured by the
report , In which ho says aomcono has greatly
misrepresented him.
"J should at least lllto the courtesy , " ho
said , "of having a denial of tlio charges
VUhjIshcd In UJH ; 13ii ; : . The ( .tory had not
ono wovd of tiutli In it , which 1 can provp.
It Una mined my iiiuno and has wrecked m'a
llnancially. I refer you to n number of rep
resentative business men of Omaha who have
hud tiuiuy business transactions with me , nnd
I think their endorsement of mo , in the face
of the urtlelu in question , should set me
wight. "
At the request ol Mr. Bryan , and to give
him ail opportunity to glvo tils side of the
torv , tlio following gentlemen were scon
and naked what they know about nlr. Hryan :
Haydcn Brothers Mr. L. , A. Hryan has
been trading with us to qultu a large amount
during tlio past two years , both fur personal
usonndfor Western Casket Co. His deal
ings with us havu always been honorable nnd
very satisfactory ,
\V. N. Nnson , secretary of the board of
trade The figures given In tha nrtlclo
against Hryan regarding the bonus given
him by the city , I know to bo int'orri'ct. In-
Blond of 5(1,500 , , the amount wns less than
James Morton & Son Wo have ilono busl-
ntrs with L. A. Dryan since ho llrst came to
Omaha , and huvo ulwiiys found his dealings
aquaru cud his statements reliable.Vo know
that ho U worthy of trust , nnd believe that
lie has bcun basely mlsrepiosimtcd.
F. T. Dow I Imvo known L. A. Hrynn
slnco his coming to Omaha , and have donn
consldornblu buslncai with him , und huvo
, Always found him square in his dealings ,
" prompt in pay , nnd his vornclty unmicstlon-
, ublo. 1 consider the article published in
August ngainst him very damaging and
tyhull.v undeserved.
J. U , UtUcoll My business relations for
\ho pait two years have been of a higtily
satisfactory uaturo , and I consider that the
uytlelo of Atigust'JA misrepresented him.
Dr. M , J. HrochonHdno I have been ac
quainted with lj. A. Dryan for the last nine
month * , and I take pleasure In saving that I
consider nun nn uptight , honest , und nn
honorable gentleman.
W , U Irish I have had considerable busi
ness with Mr. liryan. Ho has always
treated uio m an honorable manner.
fU' Edholm&Alclu.
U' H * 'Who are thoyV"
t Oiiinlm'H INntfilllon Hasinas * .
: Postmnslur ( iiillnglior aunt tils ijunrtorly
report nway ycatonluy , anil Is urouil oftlib
fact that It mukos u good allowing , The total
receipts for tliroo months andlnf ; September
to , roacliea yOJ.000 , wUilo Uio uxpoasos
ninouulcd to I1B.OOO. Ilo. tlicroforc , remits
to the departiautit \VustilnKtou about
1(1,000. ( " 1'hU oillco , " siiiU Mr. Oullaghcr ,
'pot only rciort | inoro than any ether of Us
mo and uluss in the United btatun , but is
worth ut least 1100,000 to the government.1'
Beoclmm's 1'llis euro bilious uud nervous Ills
Trnnsnctod In tlio Grand
Ijiulco of lythlniiN.
Tlio prn nil loilRO of tlio Knights of Pythias
met nt 10 o'clock yeitculay mornlni ; .
Alter roll cnll , a number of now delegates
were admitted , and the grand lodfco rank
was conferred upon thorn.
Tlio morn I UK was passed in receiving ro-
portn of the cnmtnlttea on dislrlhutlon nnd
rcforenco , and hearing resolutions which
were presented lor action during the re
mainder of the season ,
One of the most Important resolutions In
troduce ! provided for the Incorporation of
grand lodge and Uio appointment of a com
mittee to draxv u | ] articles of Incorporation.
This committee will bo appointed at the
nftoi noon session.
The louce was called to order again shortly
after C o'clock and proceeded to tiiko action
on tliu resolution which had been offered la
the morning.
The session will continue until Thursday
noon , umi possibly until night.
The election of oftlrors will. In nil proba
bility , bo held to this moramg , ut which
tlmo thcro will ho a ruthur exciting
lime. A Inrpa number of candidates has
been developed for all the odious but the onei are for tlio positions of grand
chancellor and supremo-representatives. A
nuirbcr of candidates nro In the Hold for the
lirst turned oil lee with none of them partic
ularly strontf. 1'orthoonieeof aupromu rep-
rcsentatlvo the Held has imrrowed down to
two Lincoln men , Utchard O'Neill nnd John
Jlorrison , with ono or two dnrk horses.
Thn greater part of the afternoon sesjlon
was devoted to filibustering und Introducing
new resolutions.
Thrco more dulcpates made their appearance -
anco and received the griitul lodge rank.
Aiesolutlon was Introduced and adoutcd
providing that in the instituting of a now
lodRO the liiMiuitiiik' onicor shall not confer
the tliroo ranks upon more than fifteen can
didate's nt ono time , except in the rank of
page , which mav be confurrcd upon us many
as nmy bo convenient.
The election of ufllcers was mauo the order
of business for the afternoon.
if , C. McNailghton , of Hasting , past grand
chancellor , arrived ycstouluy afternoon and
was warmly welcomed.
The ovcnini : aossloii of the grand ledge
was ilovotcd entirely to the excmplillcation
of tnu secret work of the order.
Edhuhn & Alcin.
"Who uro they ? "
Illi fioKl ) AN Alilltl.
And tlin As'iuult Upun n Voimi ; Ijatly
fiorf. Viinvcnucd.
The case asaiust Henry liingouilor , the
milkmmi who was charged with having
assaulted Aniiio Jorgcn with intent to com
mit rape , wns coiuMudcd In Judge W.ikelcv'a
court , tlio Jury ictiininig n verdict of not
RUllty. The evidence was conclusive tint
the young l.uly had been asbaullod but the
crime could not be fixed upon Llngouiior
who proved ,111 alibi.
A number of prisoners were arraigned be-
foio Jcdgo Wnknloy , and nil pleaded not
fjiulty. They nere : William Kennels ,
chained with grand larceny ; William II.uu-
llton , ui3on ; Lilian Johnson , grand lurceay ;
S. S. Stewart , obtaining money under false
pretenses ; Villiam Shea , highway robbery ;
Oeorgo A. Soulo , murder ; Fred Lovoludy ,
horse stcalmpr.
A motion was made to have the bail of
Howuian , Kinncy's slayer , reduced from
515 , ( UK ) to $10,000. Judge Wakeley overruled
tlio motion , holding that the prosecution in
tends to have tlin case tried tit an early Onto ,
and that no hut dship will lesult to tlio do-
The Judge stated that tno case was clearly
one of justillnblo homicide or murder in the
soconil degree. 1 f the ease had to go over to
another term , ho would then consider an ap
plication for a reduction of ball.
An interesting point will be raised by the
( Icfcnsi ) in the caseof S. S. Stewart , charged
with obtaining money under fulso pretenses
ftoin John Umlhnlm. Stewart claimed to
own ti set. of barber shop furniture and se
cured n loan of $ I4U from Lindholiu on the
outfit. The property was already mortgaged
for its worth and Lindholm caused Stewart's
arrest on the charge. Stewart's defense will
bo that the mortcugo on his property wus on
record und that ho coulu not secure money
on it under fulso pretenses.
The jury in the Van Ktten vs Abraham
case , in Judge Uouno's court , returned a ver
dict giving Hie pl.iintirf possession of the
property in dispute and damages in the sum
of t > cents.
The ti Inl of the case of .Tenson vs the city
of Onmtm was commenced in Judge Doane's
court. This is mi action for $1,000 damages
for personal injuries sustained oy the tailing
in of : in open suwor on Hurt struct. The case
was tried til the Aluy them und a verdict for
SJ.OOO given the ulamtilT. A now trial was
scrurrd on the ground that the judge had
charged the jury in the absence of the attor
neys for both sidrs of the case.
A. C. Pcnnock has tiled a petition In tlio
district court , in which ho alleges that ho
bought u tax tlllo on lot 8 , block 240. In this
citv , nt. private tax sale , Jor S121.84 , and re
ceived tno county treasurer's certltlcato
therefor. No part of the amount secured by
this certidcxito has been paid and ho now
bringy suit ngumst hamuol Ilurovor und
others to have the property sold to satisfy
his claim , which now amounts to $109.60.
County Court ,
Willett If. Uohblns has brought suit
against Dun H. Ifouln and Morris Morrison
to recover S335 on a note.
Judgments were entered in the following
cases :
C. R Kowton vs. C. Ivlindt ot nl. , MC5.ll
for plaintiff.
hluiv\ood Park Dullding association vs.
Snvder , ot al , SHU 77 for plaintiff.
Hannah Sandcl ct al. vs. Gust. Enckson ;
$2JS.53 for plaintiff.
Omaha National bank vs. Ilennlng ; f211.0 !
for plaintiff.
Ouiaha National bank vs. U. AV. Dav ct
al. ; IWKJ.05 for plaintiff.
In the euso of J. 1C. Sweeney Co. vs Frank
Chandler , on a motion to dissolve on attach
ment , the motion was overruled.
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
euro blind , bleeding und itohlnj ; piles wt < on
other ointments hnvo failed. It tibsorba the
tumors , allays the ( tuning at once , acts as n
poultice , gives Instant relief. Ur. Williams'
Indian 1'ilo Ointment la prepared only for
pllcu une Itching of the private parts , and
nothing else , Hverv box is warranted. Sold
by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of
price , f)0o nnd $1. per bnx.
WILLIAMS' M'FG. CO. , Prop's.
Cleveland , O.
Edholm fc Alcin.
"Who nro they ? "
A Iliioolcr Housed ,
W. II. Knlscly , the special revenue agent
appointed BQIIIO tlmo ago to rcllovo J. H.
McCoy at this point , arrived Tuesday night
and entered upon the duties of his ofllee.
Mr , Knlscly comes from Whitley county ,
Indiana , whore ho has figured for several
ycura tin u republican politician of rocog-
nlrod Inlluonco nnd standing , In fact , Mr
Knlsolv was born a Hoosler , and says liu
never saw the Mississippi rlvur until last
Monday when en route to Omaha.
Pwirs' Soap socureg a bouutlful complexion -
ploxion ,
Tlio lonioarat Will Try Their Ham !
on Friday anil Knturd.iy ,
The doiuocratio county convention of
Douglas will ba held in the palico court In
this city Saturday next , at'p. . ui , U has
bean called to ole t boventy-Uvo delegates t > >
tno democratic state convention , whloh moot
In this city on tha 15th of thU mouth ; also
to iiomlnato candidates for the followln
oftlces ; Ono state senator , sheriff , counU
treasurer , county clerk , registrar of deeds
coroner , county surveyor , superintendent of
public instruction , QUO commissioner from
each of the second and fourth cotntnlssiono
districts , nnd two Justices of the peace fo
each of the three justlca districts in this fib
Ttmso district ; ! are constiUiU-d as follows ;
First First , Second and Sovouth wards.
Second Third. Fifth and Kwtitu wards
Third 1'ourth , Sixth und Ninth ward *
The primaries to elect delegates to thU
convention will bo hold Friday next from 13
noon to 7 n. in. , and at tha following places :
First Ward No. 013 South Tenth street.
Second Ward No. 1001 Vint on direct.
Third Ward No. 120 North Fourteenth
Fourth Ward Planters house.
Fifth Ward Engine house at Sixteenth
and Izard street.
Sixth Wnnl Liuro strcotbct ween Twenty-
fifth nnd Twenty-sixth.
Seventh Ward Twenty-sixth and Walnut ,
Klehth Ward 2403 Cuinlng street.
Ninth Ward Twcnty-nintti nnd Tftrnnm
South Omalia First -ward , N and Twenty-
sixth streets ; Second ward. Justice Low's
ofllco ; Third ward. Q and Thirtieth streets ;
Fourth ward , Uxchnngo building.
Mlllnrd School house.
Florence School house.
ChicagoUlorbach'n hall.
Valley Foulz-s bull.
Jefferson Cook's blacksmith shop.
West Omaha Sheoloy's school house.
McArdlo McArdlo ocnool house.
Pouglns CasMday school houso.
Waterloo Mavhom'a hall.
nikhorn City hull.
Union Henry Ludlngton'fl.
Bach ward In Omaha will bo entitled to
seven , each ward In South Omalia three nnd
each county precinct llirco delegates.
The judicial district convention for the
counties of Douglas. Hurt. Sarpy and Wash
ington will bo held in tnls city on Monday
next , the llth Inst. It will nominate n can
didate to succeed Jucc Groff. It will consist
of ninety-six delegates , sixty-nine of whom
will bo from Douglas , twelve from Burt , lea
from Washington and five from Sarpy ,
Hio Itnrccrvcroln.
Last night's meeting of the Central Gor
man-American association was vary poorly
attended. In the absence of Mr. Philip An
dres , who , because of a call to Nebraska
City , did not appear until 0:30 : o'clock , Mr.
Txiuis Holmrod acted as chairman. George
Kinder nctcd as secretary. The several dole-
Bates of the ward clubs reported. Among
them was P. C. Roohe , who complained that
It was very dlfllcult to bring the people of his
section together.
David Gellors nnd Henry Schmidt com
plained thju only ono rcr'strnr ' was present
In the First district of the First ward , when
they wanted to register at 0 o'clock , Tues ?
day ; that ho had Informed the city officers
that the other onicor was nt supper , and that
ho had been Informed that he should comeback
back next Wednesday to register.
The following resolution was then adopted :
We , tnu members of the Gorman-Amor-
lean Clti/cns' association of Omaha , here
with protest against the loose manner In
which the nniccrs on registration in the First
district of the First ward attended to their
flworn duties on last Tuesday , October 8 ,
After this , Louis Hetmrod , F. C. Kcobo
and Michael Koch spoke of the purposes of
the club and Churle.s Kuufmnnn , Philip An
dres , Jacob Kopp , Gcorgo Kinder , and J. L.
Heebe were elected to draft a constitution
and by-laws of the Vercin to bo printed In
the German and English languages , the same
to bo distributed amongst the voters of the
L.J. liucbo announced that another Gor
man club of forty members had been formed
In the Eighth ward und was to hold Its next
mooting on Sunday nt the corner of Twentv-
fourth and Cuuungs streets.
It was decided to attend this meeting in a
body ,
Ninth Ward Dcmocratn.
The democrats of the Ninth ward were
billed to hold it meeting nt Mercer and Lowe
avenues last ntclit. The object of the as
sembly was to. nomlnato delegates and al
ternates to the democratic convention. Two
men showed up. They varied the time from ,
8 until 10:30 : o'clock by walking from Meicer
nna Lowe avenues to Lowe nvonuo and
Hamilton street , a distance of four blocks ,
to see if anyone had arrived. Then th y ad
"Wants to Ho Justice.
Some of the democratic lawyers , friendly
to J. S. Morrison , are circulating a petition
among members of the bar with a view to
hiivlnu thnt boay oudorso him for justice of
the peace.
fllnx Ilcnnilc's Uindliliiov.
Max Horaple , of the Fourth ward , Is a
candidate for superintendent of public in
struction. Ho is a democrat and school
teacher , and will probably bo well supported
lu his ward.
A Now Kcpulilican Club.
There will bo a meeting of republicans nt
Heed's stoic , Thirty-fourth and Dccatur
streets , nt 8 p. m. today , for the purpose
of organizing a republican club In the notv
Third precinct of the Sixth ward. The club
will work in harmony with the present Sixth
Ward club.
All republicans of the Sixth ward are re
quested to bo present.
An Important Kleniout
Of the .success of Hood's Snrsaparilla is
the fact that ovary purchnscr receives n
fuir equivalent for his money. The
familiar hcndlino , " 100 Doaos Ono
Dollur , " stolen by imitators , is original
with mid true only of Hood's Sursupar-
illti. This can oiibily ho proven by any
0110 who closiros to test the matter. For
real economy , buy only Hood's Sarsa-
parilla. Sold by
Provisions of the New Law on the
The new registration law provides for the
registration of voters for election purposes in
metropolitan cities , cities of the llrst class
nnd cities of the second class , including nil
portions of the voting precincts lu which bald
cities are situated.
Section 1 makes it the duty of the mayor
and council to prepare boons for the registra
tion of voters , und prescribes the form
Section 3 provides that three supervisors
of registration shall bo appointed by the city
council in September of cacn year for every
precinct in such city , and not inoro than two
of whom shall belong to the same political
Section 3 provides for the challenging of
any person who applies for logistratlon and
prescribes the oath to bo administered In
siioli cases.
Section f > provides that the salary of super
visors shall bo fj a day for the time actually
Section 8 provides that the days for regis
tration shall bo on Tuesday four weeks , the
Wednesday of the third week , the Thursday
of the second week and the Friday nnd
Saturday of the first week preceding the
day of the Notymibor election of each year
for general elections , nnd on Friday and
Saturday of the second week , nnd on Satur
day of the first week preceding the day of all
other elections.
Section U provides thnt the supervisors of
registration shall bo In session on the days of
registration from S u. m. until 0 p. in.
Section 13 makes it the- duty of the city
clerk to furnish the supervisors of registra
tion with the necessary books and blanits.
Section 10 provides that the registration
hooks shall remain lu the custody of the city
cleric ,
Section 18 provided that the judges of eleu-
tlon m each precinct shall have at the pollinc
place on olectlon day the registry boolis
for such precinct , nnd no vote shall bo re-
reived unless the immo of the voter shall ap
pear on such registry book , unless such voter
&uall proilujo an aftlduvit sworn to Uoforo
the city cleric , or other person ap
pointed by the mayor , und sub-
iuilbcd to by ut least two freeholders ,
netting forth that such person Is a quulltlcd
voter , and giving his reason for not appear
ing before the bUpervUora of registration.
Sccllou 21 piovides thatoach political party
( hall bu entitled to have u challenger at cncu
iluce of registration , who shall bu assigned a
'lacd where ho can sea every person who
roxcuts hlmsulf for iogislrution.
Section " 'J ' provides that any person who
mil register or prouure the registry of any
> oison thiouirh fraud , or who shall vote Uio
tally under the provisions 01 this act shall
> o deemed guilty of a felony , and on cohvlc-
ion shall bo sontoneod to the penitentiary
or a term of not leas than oue , nor iiwro
liun five years.
Section 30 provides that If any upervlsnr
i roghtratiou shall bo guilty ot willful neg.
m of duty or corrupt or fraudulent prac-
tlco In the execution of the same ho nil all bo
deemed guilty of n misdemeanor , and on con
vlcllon thereof Khali , bo sentenced to the
county jail for not less { nan tea or more than
sixty days , or lined n'otlcss than < 100 nor
tooro than $200 , or both.
Section 81 provides that if nny supervisor ,
clerk or nthoroniccr liUYInR ciiitody of roe
ords shall destroy , chlnt ( % or mutllato any of
the records ho shall bo-tlcomod guilty of n
misdemeanor , and pn , conviction the roe 1
shall be sentenced to thfl county jail for not ,
loss than tea days uor more than sixtyi and
forfeit Ins ofllco. i
Section Si provides \hat \ any person not nn
ofUcer who shall t > o guilty of nny of the
above offenses shall bo sentenced to the
county jail for not loss than ton days nor
more than sixty , and lined not less than
$50 nor more than KSOu. or both.
Section 83 provides thnt any person mnk-
Ing a false oath or adlrmatlon provided In
this aot shall bo guilty ot a felony , and oa
conviction thereof shall bo sentenced to the
penitentiary for a term of not less than ono
nor more than ton vcars.
Section 34 to 40 Inclusive provides penal-
tics for the violation of the provisions of this
net , and for offenses against peace and good
order , the persons provided by law to carry
out the provisions of this act.
Section 41 provides that no irregularities
or defects in carrying out the provisions of
this act shall constitute ) n defense for the
violation of the provisions of this act
Section 42 provides for the publication in a
newspaper In each city the boundary of oleo-
tlon precincts , and the tlma nnd pluco of reg
Section 43 provides that the cost of carry-
Inir out the provisions of this act shall bo
paid out of the go u oral fund of such city ,
The I'lnces nt Whloh the Voting Will
Mo l > onc.
The county commissioners have desig
nated the following polling places for the
county olectlon to bo hold on November 0.
rinsr WAiiD.
First District Southwest corner Tenth
and Jonos.
Second District 1117 South Sixteenth
Third District Engine house , Eleventh
and Dorcas ,
First District 1218 South Sixteenth stroot.
South Sixteenth
Second District--1871
THIRD wxnn.
First District 1021) Harnoy street
Second District P. Ford's placo.
First District 1007 Ctipltot nvonuo.
Second District 1712 St. Mary's avonuo.
r i mi WAIID.
First District 504 North Sixteenth street.
Second District No. 6 engine house.
First District 2530 Lake street.
Second District Lyceum hall.
First District School houso.Twcnty-ninth
nnd Woolworth.
Second District H. G. Clark's building ,
Twenty-ninth near Dupout.
First District Harness shopCuming near
Twentieth street.
Second District Furav's barn , Curaing
nnd Twenty-fourth streets.
First District Johnson's store , Twenty-
eighth and Farnarn. '
Second District Hyan's store , Mercsr and
Lowe avenues.
First District F. Plvonka's store on N
Second District J. Lev ! , Twenty-sixth
street , between N and O.
Third District Hear Kolker's hotel , Q
Fourth District Exchange hotel.
Florence School house at Florence.
Union Grutnm's hotel , Irvington.
Jefferson P. Deldrcclisoii's hotel , in Ben-
Valley School house at Valley station.
"Waterloo At Masonic hall building.
Chicago Van Ault's ofllce.
Mlllard At school house nt Mlllnrd.
McArdlo AtMcArdle's school houso.
Douglas At Kuser's place.
West Omaha At school houso.
UlUhorn At Town hull.
Ailvicii u > iMothors.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
bhoulil always bo used for children
toothing. It soothes tlio child , softpns
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , anil is the bust remedy for diar-
hoca. 25o a bottle.
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittrcdgo &
Brainurd , proprietors.
To any ono capable of passing judgment
upon the merits and demerits of an actor's
work , Hose Coglan is something of a wonder.
To acceptably portray tnreo characters so
widely Different as Jocelyn , Stephanie and
Peg Wellington not only requires genius ns
nn aid to superior talent , but establishes un
undisputed claim to that rare versatility and
great power possessed by very few persons
in the dramatic profession. This vast Hold
was bucccssfullv covered by Miss Coglan
during her engagement ot Boyd's opera
house which closed last night. The largest
and most discriminating audience of the
week witnessed her performance of FOB
Wellington and enjoyed it Immensely. She
was us fascinating and pleasing ns it is possi
ble for an artist to be , and the members of
her company played their several parts very
well. Miss Cochin's dates for next year in
Omalia have been booked , commencing Oc
tober 'M. _
"Lost in Now York" wns again presented
at the Grand last night. The audience wus
only fair , and not by any means what the
showmoilts. The scenic effects am grand ,
the river scene nod the Grummercy park dis
plays being especially fine. In fuel , their
ciiuul has never been seen in this city. To
add to this , the work of the company is flrst-
clnss and Is aeserving of the best support the
city can afford.
U. I . It. K. Men Think or Such Mis
As a man or a woman lying awake all
night for fear of not potting up early
enough in the morning. You can Bavo
all this worry by going quickly and get
ting one of those Both' Thomas alarm
clocks at liiiofjt & AKIN'H ,
Cor. 15th and Dodge , Opp. Postofllco.
Adam II. Wiltof the Fremont Tribune
Job olllco , was a Unu caller yesterday.
HnrvTHt Kxciirnion Time.
A special car of the Central Pacific road ,
bearing J , C. Stubbs , thogonoral passenger
agent , nnd n umall parly of friends , went
west last nltjht attached to the overland
fljcr. Hotu the Union Pnclllo nnd Hurling-
ton westbound trains were Very large , and
were loaded to the guards with passengers.
It Is harvest excursion time.
An AIiHnluio Cure.
is only put up lu largo two ouuco tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wouudB , chapped hands , and all skin orup ,
tlons. Will positively uUro all kinds of pilov
MEN 1\ Sold by Goo luar > Druij company at
25 cents per box by mall ; iO cents.
Found In tin * hinnkcr.
"Tho most troublflEoirio of travelers , "
said one of the oldont and host con
ductors on tlio I-'ort Wuyno to a 1'itta-
burtr Dihpatoh reporter the ether day ,
"aro always to bo found in tlio sinoko r ,
It generally tukoa mo twice as long to
get through the smoker as the otlior
cars , Tliat'a whiro the tickets are
hardebt to find. I'm bpealdng of the
train before it gets ncur town. Most of
the countryman who sit in the Hinolcor
scoin to always manage to.concoiil their
tickets in BOIIIO out of the way pocket or
lose it among the papers of u big pocket-
book. They always assort they have a
ticket Bomowliovo. and it consumes time
to llnd it or make thcr. pay up , I'm
niruid most of the rogues who attempt
to boat their way are In tlio smoker ,
If yon can buy m : Overcoat nnd save 33 per cent on tlio transaction , thuUI3 pur cent is equivalent' to so
much money earned , Jnst consider for a moment what 83 pet-cent amounts to , on an Overcoat for wliioli you
have to pay $15.00 elsewhere. It means a saving of $5.00 by purchasing of us , our .tmce being 10.00 for poods
ofcqunl quality. On higher priced goods tlio saving will bo greater , Our chum to save yon these dollar * cam
be easily subtnntinted by comparison of our prices with those of other stores. '
It is hardly necessary to say thnt wo show the largest line of medium weight Overcoats , comprising Mel
tons , ICorsnys , "Wide Wales , Cheviots , etc. , at $5.75 , $7.50 , ? 0 00 , $12.75 and liner if you want them. The finer
grades nro lined with the very best silk , with sa'tin trimmings and of superior workmanship.
Social , 200 very fmo nil wool Kersey Overcoats with excellent Italian lining and a rich satin sleeve lining , < * ,
beautiful fitting garments , at S9.00 , they are really wcrtht $15.00 , and sire sold for ( hat elsewhere.
Hab Department Correct Fall shapes of Stiil'nml Soft Hals , at prices just about one half what you lutyo to
pay in other stores. Our great 05 cent Derby has not yet been duplicated by any stoic for le s than $2. Our
finest Derbysat $2.00 , $2.50 and S2.75 , nre of the same qualities for which other houses tiskfiom Stf.oO to * 5.
Shoes Wo are opening daily new nnd fresh goods direct from the factories. Having a big trniloand selling
our Shoes PO cheap , wo sell them quick and accumulate no old stoclc. Our - > hoes uiv emphatically the best
thabcan bo had anywhere nnd every pair is sold with nsunrantcc.
Trunks and Valises.
We have fitted up our basement for the sale of Trunks and Valises.
Like in every department of our business we shall offer in this line
the largest Variety at greatly lower prices than these goods can be
bought elsewhere.
Write for all Fall Catalogue.
Corner Fourteenth , and Dougias Streets , Omalia.
netting on Itnta.
A writer in the Times , of. India , de
scribes : i systoin of gambling i" Cal
cutta on rain. It is carried on in n
"compound" or the Hurra Un/.atvr ,
where , when a ruin cloud crossed the
sky. a crowd collects , of otigcr , oxcltel >
men ; some rush about franticnllyotlicra
porch themselves hitjh on adjoining
roofs and gusticulnto wildly to friends
below , while till ffaxo anxiously at the
sky. Those uro tlio snita , or ruin upoc-
ulators , nnd the system , sis explained
by the lessee of the "compound" in
which it is carried on , is extremely
simple. On the roof of his office is a
ditch which will hold oipht surs of
water. If a rain cloud bursts ,
and the fall exceeds this amount , the
overflow is discharged into the com
pound by a spout. This decides all the
bets , those who wagered it would rain
winning1. The bets arc entered by the
proprietor in a book , the commission
being ono pico per rupee , and the trans
actions being all settled nt 10 o'clock
the following morning' . A defaulter is
hardly over known ; the gamblers nro
mostly money lenders , men of substance
nnd well known to cacn other. They
area class by themselves , and the stakes
nro usually inconsiderable , whereas in
Bombay it is not unusual to nave
thousands of rupees on tlio rain. The
system has one advantage lain clouds
can not bo manipulated ; they can not
bo loaded like dice , or "faked" like
horses ; there are no handicappcrs , no
starters , no owiiors and no jockoys.
A Clinncp Once in n IjH'o Time.
Great watch sale this week ; don't fail
to attend it at Euholm & Aicin's , cor.
15th and Dodge , opp. U. S. postollico ,
Omaha , Nob.
niSTTKlt Til AN GOljO.
One of tilt ! Iotn in I'liiiiillold , In Col
orado , For Ono Dollar.
Don't bo a day too late and regret it.
Bear in mind wo are going to have
artesian wells , lakes and a city of i.,500
people in eighteen months , and a lot
for ono dollar will mnko yon a hand
some profit in that time.
"VVo have fine water now nnd an elegant -
gant location , but $250,000 in improve
ments will change tlio looks of things.
\Vo will sell no lots for loss than S5
nftor October 15. If you want ono now
is the time.
Castle Kock , Colo.
The Denver Lottery Co. want agents.
Tickets , oO cents. Address A. ( J. itoss
& C'o. , Dem or , Colo.
Clmiiftt" OnrH For Sihu-rln.
It is quite possible thnt ono of those
days the European railway pabsongor
may hoar the cry , "Change here for
Siberia , China and .InpnnP It may bo
that in time ono \\ill bo ublo tostcp into
the train nt Paris or Rorlin and travel
by the overland route right into the
heart of Japan. The Trans-Siboriun
railway from Europe is being cut to tlio
Russian town of Viadivoatock , directly
opposite a portion of the Japanese coast.
The Japs nro projecting a line to Mai-
ztirn , the harbor on their side of the
water , and a special line of Japanese
steamers will convey passengers from
one terminus to the othor. Japan is to
bo the now pleasure ground for tourists.
Tr.vthu extra tiry Imperial champagne-
Its boQiiot Is delicious ; it is perfectly puro.
A bottle with your dinner will invigorate you
for u day.
A Trout in n Uiivlitnr.
Mr. "William G. Dilllngham , while
fishing in Gorkou Creole a low days
since , discovered a beautiful fossil
trout , fifteen inches in length , in a huge
bowlder , says the Portland Orogonian.
Every fin nnd scale of the fish was as
plainly marked in the rock as if out by
a skilled artist. Many people wonder
how trout got in Htroninx above high
falls. They wore doubtless there before
the falls were made , as from this fossil
it is evident that there were trout in
the streams of Oregon in prehistoric
ages. Mr. Diillugham intends to go
out some day and catch that fo-sil trout
with u hummer and chisel ,
Cushrnaii'fc Mcntho Inlmior curci o.itiurli ,
houilache , neuralgia , ustlnna , huv lover.
'Jiial free ut your drugKlst , Prl.-a 5i ) cents ,
Relieves nnd curei I IIKADACHK ,
EHEUMATiBM , Toothache , Bpraius ,
NifuitAi.r.iA , muusr.s ,
Sciatica , Lumbago. ( Burns and Scalds-
At PriiueUu'uiiil Dnnteri.
THE CHARLES A. VOGEtER CO. , Bjltlmon , Ut
Grand Opening ; of Oman's fewest Enterprise
for the sale of
Bird Cages , Fountain Aquariums , etc.
Thursday and Friday , Oct. 10th and llth
njoxtendlng this general InUtntlon.I sh.ul bu ulp.isetl to fchowmy tint iunt'l hcRtrvisuro |
my patrons thnt it will bo my mmcst omlcuvorto procuie tlieh riixors bj f.itr di. < laigM and
p-ompt iittcntlon to their wants. Ittfspvctfully ,
MAX GEISLER , 417 South Fifteenth Street , Sheely Block
( Upposlto 1'axtou llutol. )
Offlce hours , 0 a. m , to B p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. in.
Specialists in Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases.
rJ7 Consult fttlon at ofllco or fcy mail free.
Mi'dlcIiicH snnt liy mull or ox ] > res4 , securely
packed , free from olsor\ntlon Oiiainntoea to
euro oulrlclj' . unfdly nnd jivrmnnenliy.
lons. 1'jiyslcal Dtcay. nrlsliif : from
tlon , Kxcess or Indiilnoncp. proilucliifrSlccploss
ness. Despondency. I'lmplos on tlio face , aver-
Mon to noclety. easily aiscoiirnecd , lacic nt conll
rtonco , dull , unlit for study or liuslncsa , utul llmla
life a mirUen faafely. permanently nnil prl-
vnluly curuil. Consult lira. llctU Ellens , iUJ
Fainam Bt. , Omnha , Neb.
Blcotl and Skin Diseases
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Srrofuln , ITyHlpolnf. l'e\or f-ores ,
lilotcliuH , ( Ilocrx. I'amsln thulleail uml Itonos ,
FyplillUloSorolliront , Mouth iintl 'loti ui1. OH-
turrh , etc. . permanently curc-il where otliorl
hive : fnlled.
iliarw nn(1 HlmWcr Complaints ,
llld y Painful. Dlillcult , too fio.
g or ( lloody urine , Urlnn lilgli col
ored or with milky sediment on htamlln . Weak
Jljck. ( Innorrliii'n , ( Jlcot , UyKtltlH. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Iteusom-
ble. _
KJVR.Trn'TTW.TF1 ! Onarnnteed -
} JL JKJi < U JL UXtl iii mouent Care , per- re
moval complete , without cutting , cnuatlo or
cllllatlon. Cures etlicted nt hnmnif patlunt
Mlthout n momenta pain or nnnnjante.
To YonDff- Men and Miflill3-Aeil Men ,
PIIDD The awful elTectB ot eorlj
AOIlnp UUnrJ Vice , which biiiiRi or anlo
fs. destroyliiK both mind umi body , wlln
nil Its ilitiulod lllH. iwrnianentlr cured ,
TlTia Tjpmmn Adress ttio imvho have impaired
UllO , DfJllU thniiwalvoi by improper mdiil-
t-iues ucd Kolltrirjhablu. . Athlcii rulti botti
ody und mind , unlUtlnt ; them ior builntsa ,
tudy or mnrrmt ! .
.MAHHIKII MEN. orthosoonterlncon that Imp
py life , awara ot physical debility , nulckly as
OUR succrss.
Is based upon facts , First I'ructlrnl Kxpo
rlencp. Second Kverycaie In especlnlly studied-
thus startlnjf nrlBht. Third -MoJIo neu ore pro ,
p.uod In our lulmtory exactly to suit , each case ,
thus airrctlnK rurus without Injury
rW Bend 0 cents postujro for coletrate 1 works
on Chronic. Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured f& A friendly letter or call
nifty savoy on future suffering and Bhnme. nml
ilil Kolden years to life. lW No letters an-
wered unless uccoinpamad by 4 conW lu stainoi.
Address or call on
int- .
HOBfarnam Htreat. Umuha.Mel > .
( 'apilnl . . . . $10I.0)0 ) ( )
s. Inn. 1st , 1881) ) . r ' . ' , ( ) 01)
II EMIT \ \ . VATBI , Preildnut.
J.i.u is .s. ! U KI > . Vice 1'iesKient.
A. H.'l'OUMrilN ,
\f , V , Monsi' ,
It. U ( JlI.SIIINO ,
W II. S , IlluiiiKS. Cashier ,
Or. 12lli and I'uruain HU. llaiuinu' HuMuuj4'mniactel ( ,
Caiuulo * . bevcrul'cusej ' outixt In'eotim duyx.
Hold t | 1.U ) per bor , 11 druiuiiU , or by mull
from portura MTu Co. lit Wlil'o H. . N. V ,
I'm ! directions.
Sura Curesll ES DLISED ! | I8G | J 'es ' so.
emu wucMf Chcag0i | ina > } ciarkSt.
Bio Regular Old-Established
Is still Treating vili ! Iho Greatest
Cliroiiic , Nerwis and Priyalc Diseases ,
ay NERVOUS DHDILITY. Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exliauetinc Drains , Tcrrlblo
Drcnma , Head and Back Ache .nil all the eflecu
lejdmj ; to early decay .inj pcilupi Consumption or
Insanity , trcand scicnlir.callj by new mithuih with
iicver-fiiliiitt 'ucccss.
WS-SYPHILIS.UHI allbnd IJlood and SkinDls.
eases permanently cured.
fli > - KIDNEY and URlNARYcoroplaints.Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Voricocclc and all ilncasc
erihe Ucnilo. Urinary Org-ini curul pionipilj without
injuiy In Stomach , Kulncjs or oilier Org-un ,
tfd No experiments. ACC and experience Im.
portant. Consultation free anil sacred.
* SKenJ 4 tents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases
01) ) lno'e conteinplating Murnage frnd for Dr.
Clarke's ctltbratcd guide Male nu Female , each
15 cents , Iwlli ac rents ( Manijis ) Coi mil Ilia old
Doctor. A friendly letter or udlmay sale umiresufler.
lOK.-unUIi.inic , ami add golden jeirs to life JOSTllook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 5occnlsslampi ( ) , flcdicin *
ml writings sent evcrj where , sccur" fruni exposure.
Hours , a to 8. Sunda > S9tnn Address
F. D. CLARKE , IV1. D. ,
(86 ( So. ClnrU St. , CHICAQO , ILL. .
* i *
' . ' ii" rt' * ri , iiiJiMrS.
Orently Imnrovna with i inelni > lmcU i on o
lao. En lo8trlillMB" ' ' < ' ' "T" ' , Tli'i i'rinycnn |
en and nturton uconllnv to the Mnlnlit iiuiontuvu. i
Ad > pt * < l equal ! ' wnll ( o rou h cc'intrr ur line
Vlt drlvoo WUUltojou tinat natlaractlon.
* ( UttK O9
- - r- " > - - - <
, - . . .k'
JEIIIJT- tJyT' * IID , BOOT i aii , . llBuoM Urrt DU > I
Jlleclrle.rV ; I'J-jlrMllj ' Ittounl , .11 . . .k i uu reiur.
Inf lUro'1 JJ1 to lli lih u < 1 li riiii > Nlrrii > ll , klectrU
' "l > V iTii..t tL or ri.rrcliJ.ujoucM | .
lllII.TaiakM | | > urrU i.lill. | aiiUup.Vonlc4.ejtr. .
Northwestern Military caaamyf
Tiveiitjr.thrcQ r.illoi nortli or Clilcano ) hni a lull
dirpi of czpurlenreO lu truitor i IIvu caiiriet o (
tiuly. and unaurimijert ( itclllltei ( or IniT.'iK'tlon ,
jiualih. tioaie tniiiloru unit Chrlttlan IntJucnc * .
bend ( or calulocuu lu lllKliluua 1'urH , III ,
Teacher of the Violin.
Upon for enguuumcnts ut concerts , entertain *
monti etc ,
At 1'uplln IteKlduncB. Ml North 15th Street.
Omaha ,
Foi your niuriH ami uijrn | lu mo mid .
will iml } im u iihciiii'K that win roimvKi.r
( . ( 'airii.V..snii : inly lOCKlU. Mltlj-rHI '
I'M ) , llnxui , ili'j .Sl.ll ,