Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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E. BO3BWATBR , Editor.
r > nlly nod Sunday , Ono Ycnr. . . . . . . . . . . . .HOW
MX Months. . , . r ( I
Three Month * . 2 M
Biinclfty itc , Ono Year . , . 2 ( X
IVccttlr lice , Ono Your with Premium , , . . CO
Omaha. Bee Ilnlldlnc.
nilc.nco onico , tm Hookory ttnllillnit
Now York. Ilouma 14 and 1.1 Tribune tlulld
AV'ttshlncton. No. M.1 Fourteenth Street.
Council Mulls , No. 13 1'cnrl Street.
Lincoln , Koi'aticot.
All communications rolntlns to news n < l odl
torlnl innttcr should bo addressed to the IMllor
lal Dnpartmcnt.
All ImMnrra lottcru nnd romtttancni sluiuli'
txjiuldri'Miilto'JIio ' Hco rnbllshlnn Company
Omnlm. DrnflR , chocks ntul postolllco enters it
lie mode pnyaulo to the order ot the company ,
The Bee Pnblisliiiis Company , Proprietor ;
jlr.r llnllillnir Karnnm and Seventeenth Streets
'J'liu llco on the Trains.
Tlioro IB no excuse fora fnlluro to gut TIIK HKF
on the trains. All unuFnoalora Imvc boon not I
tied to rnrry a full supply. Travelers wnovnnl
Tun liKK nnd en n't pit It on trains where othui
Omnhn Dtinurc nro cnrrlcil are requested to no
tlfyTiin HBK.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Etnte ofNcliraBkn. 1
lOUtltr "I IXMIRlM. ) " '
Gsorco 11. Tzschuclc. secretary ot The Hot
ruhllsnlngConipnny , docs solemnly swonr th it
the actual circulation of Tun I > AIIV HKK for
tbu week , tiiellng Octobers , 183J. was ns rol
Sunday. 8 pt.M ) IW
Monilay.Sept , : 1S.TO !
Tnccdny. Oct. 1 IH.BS
Wednrsdny. Oct. i' . ! .
Tliurddny.Oct. a 1MK
Pridny , Oct.1 1B.IW
bRturdHOct. . u 1B.01 :
Average 18.O51
nnoitais B. TX.SCIIUOK.
Eworn toboforp inunnilHumcrlbod to In inj
presence thlfl 5th ilny of October. A. 1) . IHHII.
Rcnl.l N. l > . 1'KIU Notary 1'ubllo.
ttnte of Nobrnska , I
County ot Uouglas. fBS-
Oeorgo II. Tzschuck , being duly sworn , do
foffHaml fcuyHtlmt he is sccrotury of Tne Iloi
I'ubllHliliiR coinpanr , that the iictuul avuragi
dally clrculntlon ot TIIR UAII.V UKK for tin
mouth of October 1M # . wns It.OM cople'R
for November. 1BW , IH.HO copies : ro
December , 1W . 18,22:1 : copies : tor Jan
tinry. ltti > , ] i > , h74 , copies ; for I'ebrunry. 1MH )
If.U.d copies ; for Mnrcli , ltk , 18.W11 cx > pitn ; fo :
Ajirll , li-fti. IP.HiO copies ; for .May. IKS ; ) , ism :
copies ; for June. Its ! " . 18N ) ! < . copies ; for July
mil. 1H. 8 copies : for August. IBM ) . 18.0M coplns
for September , IBS ! " , 18.71U copies.
Fworn to beloro me nnd subscribed In 1113
presence this 4th day ot October , A. I ) . . 1819.
( BEAU ] N. P. TICIU Notary Public.
I/IS name is Norval , ill though his
father's lloi'lc wns not horelod on the
Grampion hills.
Tin ; nssortion that the railroads hut
gone out eC politics in this state was cf
foctually elSsprovoel at
SAiDVanOorbumtoO'IIawcs : "VTou'ri
a drunkard. " Suitl O'Hawoa to Van
"You're n bug of wind. " Honors an
IF the Ion pest polo takes the persim
mon , candidates should lose no time it
contributing to Dr. Slominski's churcl
TiiATleacuo meeting1 was a success
The boys didn't rally nroiind Thurston
but they were marshaled ngninst Rcesi
in Bolitt army.
Tnn report that Vaughn will anne :
tlio IVbfld-llcmld ia promaluro. Fo :
the present ho ia content with tin
Douglas county treasury.
HANDS oT ( the parks. These resort
were reserved and paid for by the people
plo , nnel corporations should not bo per
milted to despoil thorn.
Mil. ConiniN' declares that ho wil
not bo n candidate for a fourth term
Thanks , awfully. But Mr. Coburn hn
notyot ucon elected for n third term.
TIIK Nebraska Knights Templar lion
orod themselves and the state by thoi
gonoroub hospitality anel handsome appearance
poarance at the national capital.
Tim Louisville Courier Journul say
"tho tramp of. the democracy will b
heard in Ohio on election day. " Yea
running before the victorious ropul
lican hosts.
K docisioii of the supreme court ii
favor of the duplex submission amendment
mont was very adroitly used ngnins
Judge Rucno and hits had its ort'oct , jus
ns wns predicted months ago.
jurors have boon secured t
try the Cronin suspects , after a struggl
of eight weeks. At the probont rate c
progress the jury will not bo e-om
panelled before Chicago secures th
world's fair.
Tin : prolific Seventh wwril prc
poses to furnish the timber for th
democrat io ticket. The roirininhi ]
wards should protect themselves by exacting
acting n guarantee for funeral oxponsot
Tnn county treasury is out ono him
drod and llfty-llvo dollars on Vaughn'
latest bill. Uut that is not all. It S
very doubtful whether tno puulicnlioi
of the tax list in Vaughn's paper i
legal. The law requires publication ii
n newspaper of general circulation ii
the county.
.Tonx1 M. TittmsTON and Chnrlo ,
Croon were kept away from Hasting
on urgent business. John was chainci
down in Omaha by the Pacific rallroai
senatorial committee , nnd Charley con
eluded it was wiser not to ho nromleou
ous. But the supreme court was recon
etruutcd all the samo.
extreme condescension of Mr
Coburn in agreeing not to run fo
BhorliT a fourth time , indicates thn
times are out of joint with him. Heretofore
toforo ho has boon only satisfied witl
two olHccs at the baino time. Is it possible
siblo that ho Is going to try anel go
along with ono in the future'/ His sell
denial is touching.
TIIK farmers of Saunders count ,
threaten to lllo a urotost with the stnt
board of transportation against dlscrim
inattng rates on corn shipments to Oh )
cago. Coming on the Heels of Senate
Sutherland's vigorous kick , there i
danger that the members of the boar
will ) rise upaud rebuke these import !
nont disturbers of their slumbers. Tin
labor of drawing their salaries sorlousl ,
impairs the vitality of the eecreturiea ,
There was patriotism In the observa
tion of tlio ilolegato from Brav.ll to the
international contrross that "All Amor-
leu could clearly say to Europe that
Americans wcro trylnp to ( cod Ameri
cans themselves , " nnd ho was eloquent
when ho Bald ! "Tho soul of nil Ameri
cans are in onp place. Tholrrcsourcoa
and capabilities should , llko the small
streams of a great central valley , nnlto
In larger nnd larger courses until they
should flow together like the great
Mississippi. " The manifestation 0 (
such n spirit by these who have
como hero to discuss commer
cial relations and cognnlo subjects is
most encouraging , and xvlmt was said
by the Brazilian representative received
cordial approval from the other delegates -
gates to the congress.
There is n much stronger and more
general sentiment in the countries
south of us , favorable to onlurgod nrid
closer trade rotations with the United
States , than is generally supposed. The
agents in these countries of European
manufacturers and merchants , and the
re presen tativoa there of European
governments , hnvo most indus
triously disparaged thin country
and by every means sought to prevent
the growth of a sentiment favorable to
the United States. But while they have
undoubtedly retarded the advance of a
friendly fooling toward us they have
not boon able to stop its progress. The
conditions which made thin impossible
wore explained in n recent interview
by one of the delegates from South
America. After stating that almost the
entire South American trade Is con
trolled by Europeans jhiolly by the
English and Germans who charge
just what they uloase , ho said :
"The people of South America
nro about tired of being continually
kept under this yoke of monopoly. Thov
see In this congress : v chance to better
their commercial relations with the
world , and especially with tlie United
Slates. " Expressions of this kind war-
rani Ihc hope that the conference of the
Americas will not bo fruitless.
But the problem presented is nn extremely -
tromoly practical one , with the solution
of which the interchange of iKitriotic
and friendly sentiments will have very
little to do. The vital question relates
to what the people of the United
Stales are willing to do
in order to secure for this 'country
at Icnsl a fair share of the large fine
steadily increasing commerce of the
other Americas. There arc barriers in
the way of our securing tills trade whirl :
it is quite as necessary to remove as il
is to provide bettor means of intercom
munication. The importance of estab
lishing btcnmship lines between the
ports of the United States and these o
the countries south of us is generally
acknowledged , but this alone would nol
enable us to command a much greater
share of the commerce of South ant
Central America tlian wo got al
present. Wo must bo able to compete
with European countries not only in the
carrying trade , biit also in the quality
and choanness of our products. Oui
manufacturers must learn the specin
requirements of the people of thosi
southern countries and supply them n
prices at least as favorable as the man a
fnoturors of Europe can nfi'ord. Whatever
over obstructions are in our way thai
arc not in the way of the maaufaclur
ors and merchants of England we mus
removeand wo must seek this trade ai
zealously and care for it as solici
tously as do Europeans.
All this will require very inateria
and radical changes from present con
ditiona , under which our export tradi
with thgso southern countries has beei
declining. Wo have increased ou :
commerce with them in a few products
but this gain has been considerably ox
ceodcd by the decline in the exports o
other products. The causes of this
which it may not bo difficult to nscer
tain , must bo remedied before wo cai
hope to get the control of the growini
southern markets now held by Euro
peans , or oven secure what might Do re
garded as our fair share of their trade
The interests' concerned in hnvini
revolted the treasury ruling undo
which Mexican silver-load ore is ad
milled free of duly seem determined tc
compel the secretary of the treasury ti
come to a decision. Several roprcson
Utivos of these interests are in Wash
inglon.and they nro reported to huvi
intimated to Secretary Windom that H
was their purpose to apply to the sn
promo court of the District of Colum
bia , which has special jurisdiction
of buoh mailers , for an order citiiif
the secretary to show cause wh ;
a writ of mandamus should not issues ti
compel him to collect the duty on lent
now imposed by law. . It Is hardly to be
expected that so extraordinary a stoi
as this will bo taken , but the more in
tlmatlon of it suggests how seriously the
matter ia regarded by the load inter
ests 01 iho country.
The matter has been under considora
tlon by the secretary of the treasury foi
Boveral months. Asslbtnnt Sourotarici
Bnlchollornnd Tiehonor recoinmcndoi
that the Mexican ores should pay dnt ;
at the rate of thirty dollars a ton
and It was expected by the load interests
osts that this recommendation would be
promptly approved , but thus far secretary
tary Windora has taken no action
Several reasons have boon given fo
his delay in rendering n decision , bu
whatever the true one may bo , it ap
pears evident that the load men have
become convinced that the soorolary is
not favorable to them , und that in ordoi
to 11 nd out what ills position is they an
dispobod to carry the case Into court ,
What particular advantage 01
bonollt they could hope to derive from
this course is not quite apparent.
Meanwhile the Mexican government
taking alarm from the movement t <
subject the ores of that country to i
duty , the effect of which would bo dls
nstrous to the mining interests there
has announced that after November 1
almost prohibitory duties will bo 1m
posed by Mexico upon American live
stock and drosscd moats. This action
evidently retaliatory , haa sorvoe
to give largely increased im
portnuco and interest to the
lend ere case , nnd very likely to also in
crease the perplexity of the Becroturj
of the treasury. The return of Minister
Ryan from Mexico , .ostensibly ou n Va
cation , is quite generally bollovod o
have had reference to the threatened
complications in our commercial rela
tions with Mexico growing out of the
load ere cnso nnd the proposed Mexican
duties on American live stock , nnd it Is
not doubtoo. that these matters have
boon very seriously discussed by the
minister , the Bocrotixry of the
treasury , nnd possibly the pres
ident and other members of
the administration. The viowa of
Minister Ryan wore very plainly ex
pressed in a communication to the stale
department , showing him to bo strongly
in favor of n most liberal commercial
policy with respect to Mexico. What
ever influence .ho mayoxort nt Wash
ington wilt undoubtedly bo in opposi
tion to a revocation of the ruling
admitting Mexican sUver lend ores
froo. The indications nro that the lead
men , cvon though they should carry the
case into court , will not have their de
mand complied with. The tendency
of sentiment in favor of reducing the
restrictions to freer and closer trndo
relations with American countries Is
unfavorable to thorn , and the elangor to
other interests involved in allowing
their demand will not bo loft out of
consideration. The present Is not an
opportune time to scol : the erection of
any now barrier against trade with any
American country. Effort to find n
practicable way to remove exiting bar
riers is more in order.
run srpitimK JUDUESUH' .
The nomination of Judge Norval , of
Seward , bj > the republican Htalo con
vention will bo a surpi-ibo to many people
ple in this state , it dons not in the least
surprise us. Months ago Tun Dr.i :
called attention to t.ho fact thul.ludgo
Reese had made himself offensive to
the railroad managers and might ex
pect a concerted cft'orl to prevent his
renominatiou. But JuVlgo RcphO' and
his admirer * wcro confident that no
power on earl h could elofoat him. ICvou
ton days ago many of them predicted
that he would "bo nomimuo.l bv aiii-lam-
ntion. To this excess of ciiiiliilonrrand
lack of vigilance Judge Ucesewnsl al-
tribute the outcome.
The selection of .ludgo Nen'vnl.vfas Iho
rational result ot the coiiibinntUm that
carried the con volition nguinst. Judge
Reese. Among thp numerous candidates
supported by the factions that opposed
Reese , Judge Nurvjil was the most
available. His location was central
and the political complications in the
Second district over the Lairei sntibes-
sion wore materially siinpliliocl by
his nomination , .luelgo Norval is : :
man of fair ability ns a hiwyoir
and his experience on Ihe disv
trict bench qualifies him for the higher
judicial ollloo. 'While tiic underhand
method by which .Fudge llon u was "re
tired will moot With n. great deal ot re
sentment among the people of this
slalo , the election of Judge Norval is of
course a foregone conclusion.
Personally Mr. Norval is ti man o'f un
impeachable character nnd integrity ,
lie made no unseemly effort to get the
nomination and will appreciate Ihe
peculiar circumstances to which lit
owes his nomination.
TIIK childish antics of the commit
sioners would bo amusing were they uol
so costly to Douglas county. The utter
incompeloniiy of the board to manage
the great interests intruited to it has
been displayed f-o frequently of late thai
it IH looked upon as a matter of course.
It is ridiculous for the members to ac
cuse ca'ch other of negligence to diver
public attention , and it is foolisti to : is
sort that they did not intend to d <
wrong. The fact remains that tlie com
missioners in open session approved s
bogus claim and voted away publii
money without taking the ordinary precaution
caution of inquiring into the justness o
the bill. A thorough reorganization o
the board is necessary for the feafuly o
the county treasury.
ONK good result of the secret ballot
system is visible in the returns of the
municipal elections in Connecticut
Heretofore the large and small man it
factoring towns were ruled by th <
friends and favorites of the mill owners
It was wortti a man's situation lo vet <
againbt Iho corporation candidate. Bu
the secret ballot has olTootod a radica
change , unel employes cast their ballot ;
for their own choice without fear of detection
toction or discharge. The result Si
many towns is a complete change in the
character of the men elected , and n rou
of the bosses. The potent inlluonco o
the secret ballot places local attain
again in the hands of the majority.
Tim action of the council In placing
tlie union depot and viaduct question ir
the hands of a special committee , will :
instructions to bring the matter to i
focus at the earliest possible moment ,
s commendable. Great interests arc
involved in its settlement , and the com
mittee should lose no unnecessary time
in presenting n detailed report to the
council. The proposition should go tc
the voters at the December election.
TIIK strongholds of democracy In the
east are in open revolt against the doin
inatlon of party bosses and rascally
rings. Symptoms ot rebellion arc
spreading in Maryland ; New York and
New Jersey. When the Btald Jcrsoj
article rebels against his party loaders
it is certain that affairs are in a malodorous
dorous condition.
TIIK local democratic schooner if
floundering rudderless at sea for u can
didate for county treasurer. There is n
surplus of aspirants , but the great want
is u man with milllciont energy and ca
pacity to keep within hailing distance
of Gcorgo Iloimrod. Party pride prevents -
vents them from giving up the race at
the Blurt.
TIIK Australian system of voting1 ,
with its ad vantages uud defects shown
in recent elections , will not come into
general use in this cquntry without
being radically changed. Whllj bused
on sound principles , it is altogether too
OAN investigation will soon bo made
into the onuses lending to the uurnotous ;
desertions in the regular army. In fuet
it has nlrondy commenced at .Tofforsq'n
barrnclts , Mlnsjourl , Fully one-fourth 61
the recruits mtrfnn eighth of the rank
nnd file of $ fcf , my desert every year.
Some remedy is needed lo overcome nn
evil which istti'plaly ' bringing our small
army into dlsgrapo.
. Myus , of the Cincinnati
Jlnquircr. has ) .finally landed in the
clutches of the Ohio courts. Myers
achieved notopl.cty by his championship
of boodlors anil open approval of hood-
ling methods And election frauds.
niOliV FluVM.
Somebody lias aslioit Jay Gould to wrlto ft
book. Hnsn't ( lie country suffered enough
nt his hands already.
It the county fnthor * htu't clinruo of that
surplus nt Washington for about si * mouths
It would \ > e too thin to cast n shadow.
A monkey recently brought u nnmloror to
just lea in Singapore. Tlioro is n line open-
In ; ; for this lutolllccnt nnnnnl on the Chicago
police force ,
Two more Georgia tciHlomcn arc tnlklup
of fighting a eluol. There is Httlo cause for
alarm , however. The Georgia duel Is very
much like the proverbial turnip.
A broail trust hus just been organized
Which Is snkl to include tlio leading buUcrs
in most of the liu-sc eastern cities. 1C this
sort ot thing hccjis on wo shall soon bo
obliged to buy nir b.v the cubic Toot.
Ex-Mayor A. Oako.v Hall him brought suit
ngnltiHt llio author ofThis American Com
monwealth" for ton Ihousimd pounds for
libol. A , Onltpy's reputation must Imvc had
a boom since Ihc days of the Tweed ring.
"Injected strychnine is snld to destroy the
desire for alcoholic stimulants. The tangle-
foot sold nt Iowa drug stores , although not
ao rapid In Ita operation , Is said to l > o quito
as cflccttvo In the IOIIR run.
The governor of Chllnmhiu denies that
that state Is llnnncinlly embarrassed , Cut the
man is embarrassed who tries to toll his
iiplchlmr of what sttite the covornor nnys
Our iM Ucst Solve * .
Youaio right , Mr. Gladstone. This i * u
prcat country , a glorious country , und a uiur-
vcl among t ! io peonies of the earth ; but if
you want to imiko us really happy call us a
mi'dost nation.
I'iort-c is J'rptty Dry.
I'liftatiti ifrmlil.
Gentlemen who tlesiro to avail
of the piL'V.iillng cheap rail wiiy fare to 1'ierro
are cautioned to tnUe theli' own liijuor along.
1'ierre consumed all the homu supply the
day after the election.
'I lie Aliases or iln > Army.
Jlfjiyf ; < .ii' | > lf < Tribune.
Our army of : . ' , " , l)00 ) men costs S'J.i.tMC iXX ) a
year and the average' llcutctiunl , fresh from
West Point , loolss and acts as if tliu entire
expense and rcsiionsibUity rested upon his
cotton batting
An UntcnUli' : 1'osltion.
Mr. Atkinson's assort ion that slow cooking
Is best will tievon do.V'tU slow cooking ,
how would our hfety liulpt ever ( ; et the stove
burned out ! Anil what would become of tlio
onorinoiis business of furnislilng now store
' "
pipes ?
"TIIK AifT.fcr.NooN TKA.
When you UOJIT n young man soy that : >
plrl has no hcart-yem tnny b ; pretty suruthat
she has his. ' '
Me'rcliniitT.iilorGood iiioruing , Mr. True-
Day.Vhatcan 1 Jo for you this inoi-ulnpi
Mr. Trucpiii I want n suit of clothes.
"Yes , sir. .lohn , the tie ; | and book , please. '
"Oh , I don't want u suit to mc.isure , I wanl
a ready made suit , " "Eh ? Heady made ? "
"Yes. n a chPiip ono. " "CerUmly , cor-
t.iiuly. Right this way , please. 1 hadn't
heard of your marriage. "
IIo that courts nnd goes away
Mnv live to cmirt another elay :
15nt ho that weds and e-ourts girls still
May yet to e'ourl against liii will.
Mr.s , Cirovur Cleveland has been revisiting
her HulTalo homo and d'ieiuls , and every da.v
of lie-r btuy has been marked by a dinner , : i
luncheon or nil entertainment of Boine sort.
Miss Anriuntinald ( to Ku&tlcboy ) "Yes ,
dear , I return to tlio city to-morrow. Alas !
wo must indeed part ! liut why do ynv
weep ! " Hustle-boy "f am sympathising witl
the city fellows. "
The beautiful ombroidoniM on muslin with
cotton by the liiest Indian and Canadian
women are well known. The embroidery
practiced b.v the latter is cnrioiib enough :
they work their own hair an wull as that of
animals , with which they maleo splendid
representations of ( lowers , foliage , oter.
They also Insert the skins of euls , serpents ,
banshees , me-ruiaids and other outlandish
kinds of llsh.
She Did you think of mo while you wore
away I lies Oh , ye-a. And ispuulallv at thu
barbershop. She I'd HUe to know what you
could linn at the barber's to remind you of
me. lie The fellow was a little uwltward ,
and nearly ovorytlmo ho powdered my fueio
nome of the stuff cot into my mouth.
A St. Louis uiuu hus a daughter who en.
joy the unique distinction of having refused
a leisa to no less a personage than the Pnnco
of Wales. It was ut Nice , and tlio child who
is just old enough to have u mind of her own
ho is about seven was out of doors phiy-
lni { with 801110 other children. The prince
came up at this inoineint , saw the pretty
child , nnd asked for a Km. "JJsoJ , I don't
Iclss peinmon , " answnroil tlio baby indig
nantly , ns she rejoined her parents and told
them that "that man out there wanted u
kiss , "
Que'on Maria Pla of Portugal , who lias
been suoUcn of frequently as the best dressud
woman In Kuropo/is said to enjoy cccislonal
flights to Austriu , lic-lglum or Germany on
sympathetic inUsibns. A writer in tlio Pall
Mall G.incite obse voi : "Nothliiff pli asea
tbo good ifuocn than lo be nude a con-
liJanto in u matrimonial till or love affair.
Excessively ( joodnfttu rod , and known among
her younger relatives ds a Iclnd of fairy god
mother , Maria Piaplays ( julio u part ou thu
regal boards of Kurolio , and U said to have
had a part in tbo"lloiiapartn-d'Ao9ta mar
riage. '
Oh , woman iu our hours of case ,
Uncertain , coy , und hurei to plcaso ;
Veteeon to oft , fariijltur with her face ,
Wo first endure , I'JQ'II ' pity , then oinbraco.
Nolirnsknt . .
There are thirty-two Hohools In mu ia
two school dUtrictH In Cheyenne count- ,
The base ball park nt lloldrcco will be
ti-iiiiHlormed into a uleatlng rial ; the com I UK
winter. f
The occupation tax onlinanca In Platte
county h'as been declared dufuutlvo In the
district court.
Laura Yuleutn , the clirht-yoar-old daughter
of u Grant county funuor , wus shot and
Instantly killed by her young brother. It wtts
the old Btory didn't Vnow it was loaded ,
I ) , V. Welch , a young man who was ar
rested fur aelling mortgaged property , and
who escaped from Jail at ixtxlugton but was
rocaplurod , has been tried anu imiulttod.
A lied vVlllow e unty veteran applied for
a pension on account of lameness iu the back
nnd , received ODD on the ground of tota
dtafnoss lo ono car , caused by the roar or r
An effort is being made to establish a U\t <
base ball Icncuo for next * oasoa to bo com
posoil of clubs nt Koarnoy. Wncotn , HH.SV
ings , Grand Island , Tromont , lloatrlco nm
The snfo in K. M. Glllan's store at Aulmrr
WH.S blown open by burglars , who nocuroi
RIO In cash an'd n f w naper * . The thlcvni
nlso entered nn adjoining store nnd cnrrloi
off clothing and shoes to the amount of50. .
Art Omaha Indian , who claimed to bo os
tabllMtlng aconclos for the sale of nit kind !
of robes , induced two gentlemen of friend U
ndvanco money en the pojcct , gmco wnlcl
time neither Indian nor robes have bcor
hoard from.
A Polish farmer named Sccora , residing
near llnvnnna , foil from n hay stack insl
weolcnnd Injured himself internally. Physl.
clans performed a dollcuto operation nnd th <
putlont rallied , but three duya later ho dloi
suddenly ,
Imva Itoino.
Water brings 50 cents n barrel nt.Toflor
A paid flro department will bo established
at Clinton.
KtirKlars mulcted Mulkey & Son of J40
worth of clothing nt Oacoula.
DiiBuipio's pall nnd bucket factory ha !
been sold to a St. Louts syndicate.
A ilOUllo shaped llko a complete human
hand was dug up by John Kills , of LHtli
Kov. .T. H. Hoilgos , of Gladbrook , has bcor
dismissed from the Upper Iowa conference
for Immorality.
A bootlocgar with elghtcon bottles o
whisky concealed on his person was capturei
at tlio Perry fuir.
Al. W. Davis , a Creston salosmin , hni
eloped with u notorious woman mimed Jen-
niims , leaving his wlfo nnd aged mothoi
without means of .support.
Gus Yager , who was sentenced to the pnn <
Itcntmry for eight .vtmr * for manslaughter foi
killing u man named Peters , has been re
leased from stale prison , having' been grantee
two yciu-8 for good behavior.
The engine attached to an excursion train
of cicht cars of Knights Templar from Call'
fornin to Washington , broke down ut Atlnu
tic , and was laid up for two hours for ro
palr.s , The excursionists had n liberal suppl )
of wine on board and the city murshn
witnii'd to arrest the whole party for vlolat
itip the law , but wns porstndod not to do It
A Mount Joy man named AVilllam Homier
son rluimi that lie has bought thostato o
Cnlifoniia from the Lord Jesus Christ foi
* .M > , OOtUKK > . nnrl that the i-clestlnl city will bi
loolttud tlil-rc. HB wanted to borrow noun
matches from a neighbor nnd declared hli
intention of bnrnlng tlio world up. Tlio com
inltCJlomv.s of insanity nt Davenport have
: ilJudK d him insane.
Till ! 'I HO 1 ;
Xineti-two varieties of fruit were on cxhi
Mtinn nt the Ynnlttnii fair.
The city Hall .it Bast Grand forks was do
Btroyed by mv started b.v an incendiary.
ThoHlaclc Hills Plnnoor association hole
iu annual lueuthiK nnd banquet 'at Deudwooc
Sixteen nrtcsinn wells are to bo put dowi
iu Ucadlo couut.v for private parties b\-ai
Oil City , Pa. , firm.
Mayor Dunn , of Abcreleen , was robbed o
< fl..VJO which ho had just received from Wash
inpLon as a back pension.
.lorry Gnwin is in jail at Chamberlain fo
throwing n panful of popper into the face o
.InmcB Parish , with whom ho was having i
Great flocks of ara culls linvo boon hover
hie over the prairies near Jamestown in thi
past tew oavs oti.Uioir journey from tin
Arctii * ocean to th ( ) julf.
While playinp "bjiinny" at Grafton Jot
paec-pot oxcitea and lilt Sam llstad on tin
head with a e-lub. Knocking him sensoles
anel probably fatally injuring him.
1'etor Ncisoiulorfer , of Sioux Falls , ha <
his hand accidentally shot off bv a. dog. HI
discovered a hawk in tlio vicinity of his hen
house , and poizing his gun started to lay bin
low. U hile watching for an opportunity i
pet dog which was gamboling about him no
eidentaily pulled the tripcer ot the gun witl
his paw , the -uharco cntorins Polo's ' ham
and rendering amputation necessary.
Ulioilc Islanil Pugilists Fi Iit Twice
In Ont > Nltlit.
PiioviDBXcr. , H. I. , Oct. 'A ISnccial Tele
gram to Tin : Uiu. | William Sullivan ant
Joseph Murphy , of this oily , fought tw <
drawn battles , In two different towns. Ins
night. They started at midnight , at War
wie-li , to limit to a finish with two-ounci
gloves , for SlOOa side. After twelve roundi
orfiluggmu ; tbo rofeioo called it a draw. Tin
friends of the men then put up $100 a sidi
once more , and the party , numbering nbou
one hundred , went to'Pontiac , wheru unothe
fight took place n little before 4 o'clock thi
morning , in a barn. 'Iho first twe-lvo round :
we'-e nil in Sullivan's favor. Murphy , bow
over , liau the best ot the fight at the end o
the liftee-nth round. Then a free fight tool
place , iinil , with the men pummcling cuci
other in the most approved tashion , tHi
referee called time ) and declared thn Imttlo i
draw for thu second tune. The light wil
IMI heltl ugain ut un oarlv day.
31 US. SPI)0.\AjI
. UUe' AVill J'i'ohnlily Forjru'n He-r ane
Stop Illvnroi ) I'roccPdliiuK.
Cnicxoo. Oct. 0. f.Sjiocial Telo ram ti
Tin : HKE.J A dispatch from New Yorl
btutcs that Mrs.- Mike McDonald , wife of tin
well-known Chicago "x-gamblor and politl
cal boss , has returned from EuropowhitliO !
Hho was reported to have eloped with a Cath
olio priest last July. In nu intorvloxv lasi
nig'it. in Now York , she denied she luu
eloped , or that there was anything in thi
slightest way improper in her relations witl
Father Moysant. Ho loft Chicago buforoslu
did because aouie evil-minded pcoplo line
fpoen ! in u scandalous manner about hi !
friuiHisliip for Mrs , McDonald , uud she thinks
ho has gouo into a mouastory. tiho says RH
was impelled to leave homo because of il
treatment by her himband's father , uud thai
she will not return.
Mlko was seen , and said he had heard ol
Ills wife's rut u ni. The millionaire seemed te
bu in a milder mood than when Ins wlfo luft ,
und said ho always linow oho would return
to her children , From the way ho talUou il
looks as thouuh thu couple will soon bo re
united and thu divorce proceedings iiuashedc
They Snutiru ItiicUliic anil Groiinils
in New Yurie Cltv.
Niw ; YOIIK , Oct. 9. fSpocial Telegram to
Tin : JSii5.j : John Ward informed John H.
Day to-day that thu brotherhood players be
longing to the Now York niuo had decided
Hioy could not purchase ) the franchise ol
the New York club , but they would start a
new club. Hu notified J3ay that the players
of the Now York club had voted to refuse
nil positions offered them for next season ,
nnd had appointed a committee to secure
suitable grounds , and nt the siuno timu to
solicit thelinanclul aid of Huch men of wealtD
ns might euro to take stock in the new en
terprise. Ward added that the commutes
had been very successful in both diractions.
They not onlv found plenty of moneyed men
who wcro glad to go into the now enter
prise , but th y found n man who was ijuitu
willing to furnish thorn with grounds not u
atone' * throw from tlio present polo grounds.
All that thi ) owner of the properly asked
was that he should Imvu stovu enough in the
n mv club to represent the value of the prop
erty secured to thu of thu association.
Jn short , Warn Intimated that Uio atocU-
noldnrft of the present Now YorK club bad
better leave thu uinklni ; sufji.
Itouel .
WASIIIKOTOK , Oct. 0. ( Special Telegram
to TUB UKU , ] Hond offerings ; $ T10OU at
fl.ars Ht .OiXnt51.87Ji ) ; $100,000 at JU.artf ;
) y.lIMK ) ut il.arj.J ; H.TOU ut ? 1.2S. and In-
tcrost ; * U3.'CK ) ut * 1.27 ; 810.51)0 ) at Jl.OSJf.
Courtships average three tons of coal each ,
and scores of bad oougha und oolds ; but thuu
every prudent gallant is provided with a bcit-
llo of J'r. Hull's Cough tiyrup , which costn
only -5 cents.
All our city futlicrs say : "Uso Salvatloa
Oil , the greatest uuro on earth for pain. "
Price 25 oeats.
State Association of the Homo For
tbo Frloneltoss lu Soaalon.
The Institution Crowdi'd No Itontii
For AffRil AVonion Stnto Hiiuso
Oi > ssli Supreme Court Plat
ters City Notes ,
10'J P Stiir.KT ,
LIXCOI.N. Nob. , Oct. J > . )
The annual mooting of the state associa
tion of the Homo for the Friendless met this
morning at the first Presbyterian church ,
and xvns called to order by Mrs. It. C. Man-
ley , of Lincoln , the state president.
The following is n list of thu delegates In
attendance : Mrs. 10. T. Huff , Lincoln ; Mrs.
J. D. Parrlsh , Lincoln ; Mrs. H. M. Munln ,
Mrs. Mclntyro , Palmyra ; Mrs John Sharon ,
Crete ; Mrs , J. Uurrnw , Mrs , llaydcn , Mrs.
R. K. Tughpntigh , Melroy ; Mr.s. Dr. King ,
Mrs. A. 11 Thomas , Lincoln ; Mrs. C. Pol
lock , Pnwnco City ; Miss Mary Applcgot ,
Tcciunsolij Miss Taylor , Crab Orchard ;
Mrs. Win. Conrad , Tccumsoh ; Mrs , W. J.
Coohor , Mrs. W. E. ICukor. Mrs. II. A. Unb-
cock , Mrs. Nelson C. Urock , Miss Klliott ,
Mrs. W. U. McCreary. Miss Amy Crandnll ,
Lincoln ; Mrs. W , 11. Marshall , llnstlncs ;
Mrs. John Desli , Crcto ; Mrs. 11 , C. Mnnley ,
Lincoln ; Mrs. A. I ) . Yocum , Hustings ; Mra.
A , U. Slaughter , Mrs. C. W. lloxlo , Llucoln ;
Mrs. C. 1C. Chnmburlan , Tccumsch ; Mrs. O.
C. Jloll , Mrs. C. O. Mnnson , Mrs. II. W.
Hardy , Mrs. M. H. Garten , Lincoln ; Miss
Nellie Johnson , Osccoln ; Miss K , S. Little ,
Ames , Iowa ; Mrs C.S. Jones , Lincoln : Mrs.
H. S.Lodd , Hising City ; Mrs. C. W. Poole ,
Tccumsoh ; Mrs. Slates , Mrs. G. L. Luws ,
Mrs. K. H. Curtice , Mrs. J. P. Wallon , Mrs.
S. S. Swiiiisoii , Lincoln ; Mrs. Hurtdnway ,
Weeping Water ; Mrs. J. N. T. Jones , Lin
The morning hour was clovotcd to the ro-
ccntion of reports from olllcers and from the
various nuxilliary societies in the state.
Mrs. J , D. Parish , the financial secretary ,
made u report ol the collections nid disburse
ments of the society.
Tno following is u recapitulation of the re
port :
ltccoiits during the fiscal year . ? l,3SS.7rt
I'Vomgreon house . 122.81
From contribution box . l'it.05
From miscollancous , sources . 21(5.3" (
From donations . . . 1R5.SJ
From auxiliary societies . -118 12
Total from all sources . $2.423.bG
Cash ou hand at last report. . S i.yu
Grand total . $2,802.00
Paid to treasurer.- . 52120.00
Balance In hands of secretory . ? 1.3b2.09
The proposed new constitution was taken
up for discussion and tlio question of chang
ing the name ) of the society to the Tsctiraska
Society for the Homo of the Friendless was
consiuored. It was suggested that by
changing the name the incorporation might
bo elTectod. The following committee was
appointed to look Into tbo matter and report
to the convention : Mrs. G. L. Laws , Lin
coln ; Mrs. A. 1) . Yocum , Hastings ; Mrs.
Sherrill , Crete.
The new constitution was discussed until
noon , nnd will oe resumed again to-morrow.
TUB Arrxnxoox SESSION' .
The afternoon eession wns opened with
music. The auditing committee mudo a re
port on the accounts of the treasurer and the
financial secretary and found t.ium correct.
Mrs. U. C. Munlo.v , the president , doliv
crcd the annual address.
Mrs. ' 'To do Intelligently
Mauley began b.v saying :
telligently and faithfully the work which
belongs to u charitable organization has al
ways been the highest aim of the association
whili ( : wo have the honor to represent in
annual convention to-day. Representing ns
wu do tlio loading charitable organization of
Ncbrasua , acting for a largo und intelligent
constituency , trusted with the expenditure
of thousands of dollars from the state treas
ury , and responsible as we must bo for the
safety of scores of human lives' , it is but just
that wo question the past and ourselves , ere
wo assume tno grave responsibility of plan
ning for the future. "
She continued : "Our membership has not
increased in tlio past year as rapidly as we
could desire , but since wo have hud no regu
lar organizer in the Held , wo have had no
reason to expect largo numerical gums. "
Sue spOKc of the financial condition of Iho
association and said that it wus never in u
better or moro satisfactory condition. She
praised tlio work of the auxiliaries and said
they wore doing excellent , services and were
never more needed than to-day.
Spanking of certain cpluouiics that have
visited the iimtitution in the past year , she
said that u system of quarantine had been
introduced which would materially lesson
the danger from such diseases in the future.
Very few adult inmates have been received
in the year just past , in fact applications
have been received fora small number , us it
si-cms to bo generally conceded that the
children should have tlio preference. The
aged womun that have received shelter for
some time are still in their qulel corners , but
it is impossible to rcccivo more , us there is
only room for a limited number. Mrs.
Mauloy continued : "If it. is not deemed ad
visable to establish a state homo for the
aged , wo earnestly hope that some benevo
lent or Christian association will undertake
the case of this deserving and dependent
class. The rules which govern the ad
mission of in ma ten are unchanged. No more
old I adieu can bo admitted , because wo have
no room for them. Yourig infants can not
bo received un less the mothers accompany
them , uccaiiso it is cruoltv nnd injustice to
the little onca audit great injury to tlio home.
Half orphans uro received when tbu remain
ing parent can nay u small sum per month
for thi'Ir maintenance. SuricndereU chil
dren nro made wnlcomo aud need only re
main in the institution until n good homo can
bo secured. "
Miss Elliott , tlio corresponding secretary ,
made an exceedingly interesting extempor
aneous report in which she reviewed the
work In the stale.
The reports from the various auxiliary so-
clotiux in thutttalo show that the good work
of tlio association is spreading all ever Ne
The public esxercises ut the First Presbv-
torian church this ovonlng were eweially
entertaining , The following is the pro
gramme :
Organ solo by Prof. Curtis.
Music by u quartette Prof. Curtis and
Kxiircines by the children of the homo ,
Address b.v Dr. Curtis , of the First Pros-
bytorlin church , "Tho Children and the Hu.
muno Soi-loty. "
Violin solo by Prof. Fraiikfortor.
Aildross by Dr.Vi rnor , ot t in tnto tint
vorally , "Tho Children nnd the Stale. "
Muslo by the iinactotto.
Hlntti House Oosslp ,
The board of | n.'t > llo lands nnd building *
wa In session to-day In connection with the
advisory board of the Roldlors' niul Bailors'
homo nt Grand IMand.
Hon. Henry St. Kaynor , of Slilnoy , was at
the capttol to-day.
The day after the bnttlo , the sl-ito oftlolals
were not on deck for much business. Tliojr
formed a sleepy looking crowd.
Tlio Hiiproni" Conn.
The supreme court hold n session this fore
noon , at which the following business wns
transacted :
Messrs. M. 11. Mallory , of Drown , and A ,
G. Grrcnlco , of Lancaster , were admitted to
Jn the case of 1'ackcr vs Courtney the lo-
feudnut was ordered to return the record In-
The following causes \vcronrgncd nnd sub
mitted : Lincoln Hrirk nnd Tito Works vs
Hull ; IVGotto vs Hholdou ; Hirdoall VH Crop-
se.v : Gibbous vs Shcrwin : Sandeirs vsQuIcK ;
C. , U. & Q. lly. Co. vs Uiclmrdson.
Court adjourned unlll Thursday , Oclobor
10 , nt S : IIO n. in.
The following now cases were filed for
trial ; Mary J. Pngo vs the County Hoard of
NiickoHs county , ct al. . appeal from Nuck-
olh county ; National Lumber Company va
City Gf Wymoro , error from Gage county ,
City NmvH and
The hotel lobbies were crowded this morn
ing with delegntc.s ruturnlui ; from the state
convention. The most of these appearing
xvoro of the Norval crowd , und consequently
Jubilant ,
The unselfish gentlemen who nctoil ns
judges nnd clerksof the republican primar
ies in West Llue-olii nro not snllallcil with
the honor and cclut which they ilorivnd from
these olllces , ntul are now demanding pay for
tlm sumo from tlio successful candidates nt
tlio county convention.
H. J. W. Seamark has transferred his nl-
logianco from the Hurlingtun to iho Missouri
Hurry Iltiniiu , the city ticket agent of the
Missouri Pacific , has tendered hitt resigna
tion to tuko offcct October 20. Ho will enter
the lists as u commurciiil traveler for n Mil-
wuukeo house , making Wisconsin territory.
G. P. Smith succeeds Holmes Blair MR res
ident engineer of tlio 15. & M. at McCook.
Mr. Ululr goes to Tucson , Arix. , to accept u
position with a mining company.
Tlio district court docket for the November
term contains ever COO wises.
The new Nebraska conservatory of music ,
at Thirteenth und L , opened to-day with u
good showing. The building is not yet com
pleted but will bo in a short timu. Hugular
instructions will begin Monday.
Uev. Lewis Gregory , of the First Congre
gational church , is In attcmlanco nt the na
tional councils of Iho church , ut Worcester ,
W. H. Haird is cnjovinjj a visit from his
father , P. Haird , of Xionsvillo , 1ml. Iho
older IJalrd is oliihty-thnjo yearn old.
Stnto Senator Hansom , of Nebraska City ,
was nt tno capital lo-eiuy.
Ht-presentativo Towlo. of NiobrnrnVIB a
belated dclccato who saw tlio city to-elay.
Captain Mnrfin , of Supi-rior , who was re
ported dead , strayed or Rtolon , was lu the
city to-day , hale , fut and hearty. Ho had
been in California como months on legal
SIio Married Holiurt Huy mill tliu
Chilli IB Their Own.
ISHW YORK , Oct. 9. ( Special Telegram to
Tim UEH. ] The World this morning prints
n couple of columns interview had yostor-
Ouy by u female reporter with the noted Eva
Hamilton in the Now Jersey penitentiary.
She told the story of her relations with her
husband , Robert Kay Hamilton. Sbo as
sorted the genuineness of the child , claiming
that ho Doro It near Elmini , and says she
married Hamilton on his entreaty.
"I found out about his being off on n spree
with women , " said sho. "Wo had a terrible
quarrel , nnd Isaid I wus going to louvo him.
He bcgced me not to , but 1 was determined ,
so ho said for mo not to leave him and he
\\ould marry mo. Wo had never thought
or spoken of inarriago before , and at this
moment our child was not born. Alt' . Ilain-
iltju had been wish , ng wo would marry from
the tinib hu knew it was to bo born , so did
not have much to say on the subject.
'I his light was on the night of tlio Dili of
Junuai" ' . The licit day Mr. Hamilton
nndl went to Jersey and were married. Mr.
Hamilton never raised objections to my giv
ing money to the Swlntons. I hupt , Mr.s.
SwiiHou , Josh Mann. Mrs. Swinton'a
daUL'htcr , Carrie Swinton. I kept them all
because they threatened mo. I went to Jor-
oy and they all went along und lived with
me , Mr. .Hamilton knew it and diu not ob
ject. When 1 went to "Kuropo ho gave mo
money to pay Josh's cxueuses along wiin
me , "
After that Mrs. Hamilton was constantly
blackmailed by Mrs. Swinton and Josh. She
was for ono year nn actress , part of the time
with Florence.
To the young face Pozzonl'a Complexion
Powder gives fresher charms , to the old ro-
uewcd youth. Try it.
Tlilu Causes Sir John lloss te ijecuro
n Divorce.
IlAi.H'A.x , N. S. , Oct. ! ) . [ Special Tolesram
toTnu Hcc.l Tlio KoiMal sensation of the
hour hero IH the news from London announc
ing that Major General Sir John Ross , 1C C.
IS. , commander of the British forces In Cun
uda , at present residing here at headquar
ters , has been granU'd n divorce/ from hla
wife , LnJy Alary. The causes leading to the
.separation have lonir been n aotlrcn of Hcan-
dnl in home nnd colonial military circles. Sir
John is a hamlsnnio man on the almdy ldo
of llfty , u veteran of the Indian mutiny and
various Afghan and Indian campaigns. Ho
is n son of the Into Sir Hugh Dalrymplo Ross.
lie wns married In IblJS to Ma.-.y MacLeod ,
daughter of Alexander MacLeod Hay , Esq. ,
of Stonchouso , Huyton. His foreign service
took him much from home , whcro his wlfo
insisted on remaining. She was younger
than her husband , und being of a vivacious
nature , nought to console herself for his ab-
flcncowith others nnd developed habits no
incompatible with matrimony ns they were
injurious to her husband. Hearing of his
Ill-treatment , Kir John refused to live with
her , accepting the [ hero , fair John would
doubtless huvo allowed the Hcnndal to die
out had ho not , blnco his arrival , met n beau
tiful young rrlrl. the daughtcrof a magistrate )
In Picton , N , S. , it descendant of the old
AcadianB , whom ho wooed and won. DI-
vorro proceedings were Instituted to maleu
him free to wed his now love , who la thirty
years his Junior.
Washington , D. O.
By an annlyelsof Dr. Price's Croiuri Haldng Powclor I find
u cavcfully compounded , and I retgard it as the best
Inviting powder In the inurknt in oror reniMct.
Late CUemUtof the United Slutos Defarttuent
of Agriculture.