THE OMAHA DAILY THURSDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Wheat Aotlvo Within a Honlthy Range of Prices. NEWS IN FAVOR OF THE BULLS. f Corn Still Contlmioi In a Depressed Condition 1'rovlslon Trading n- Ijlttlo Blow Price * Kor Cnttlo CI1ICAOO PKODUOIO M. Oo' , . 9.- ( Special Telegram to Tun UIE. ] Wlicat r.os nctlvo within n healthy range of prices nnd values moved up nbout Ic. News rather favored tlio bulls to- dny. Of 00,000 bushels ofhcnt worked in Ualtimorc for South America , 70,000 bushels went out to-day nnd New Ygrk reports nny- \vlicro from twelve to seventeen loads worked thcio jcstcrdny afternoon ntnl this forenoon. Montreal reported the engage- mptit of ocean freight room for JG.OCO bushels of No. 1 hard wheat for shipment , and accompanying the announcement was that nioro would liavo been bought If vessel room could have been teemed Cablet nvoraged better , and Judging from the activity of houses In the foreign trndu the old world is taking n lively intoicst in futures. The largest buying to-uay WAS geneinlly believed to be lor account of foreigners , Ilutc'hlnsnn doing the blegcst soiling. Ho put out somewhere - where between 1,250,103 nntl 1,750,000 bushels by tlio pit estimate nnd yet the market advanced In tlio face of tils offerings. No change in tha situation up north can bo detected. Tun movement Is still heavy and wheat keeps coming torward as fest as the railroads din carry It. Chicago mixers and cleaners at a getting tholr shitro of it , nnd tlio Inspection sheet this morning showed 80 cars out of IDS ot nil kinds ro- ccivcd us from "special houses. " 'Iho wheat that Iscomlng in Is grading tioorly , but some Improvement over the quality of receipts up to n fo\v days ago Is noted. Toledo rcnorts that n decided improvement Is shown In.tho rccultils there. The winter wheat move- > merit everywhere Is light , however , anil thuro nru woll-dollnod indications that the dii.ount loft m f n riners' ' hands is not up to popular expect itlons A gentleman from tiaiigamon county , this state , who wns on 'chnngc ' this morning , Hays that thu farmers in that county Imvu not enough unsold to feed them. This Is ono of the fertile and rich counties of tUo state. Higher prices limy bring out car loads , however , where bushels were not , supposed to exist. In nnv event the market Is very strongly supported strongly bulled may bo a butter phrase. In discussing wheat this afternoon nu observant trader remarked that "while the general slt- uatnn lua broad way Is beilmh , and every body sees that it Is bearish , ttioy can also sc'o that the mat koi not only does not clo- cline , but that it actually advances This t nils 4o cncour.igo trading , which would nofc otherwise bo , and constitutf s what 11 on- Hldor a rather dangerous market a market ll.tblo to big und violent Huetu.ttioiis. " This view has been frequently expressed in a va riety of ways by manj men on the lloor latoly. ' 1 lit ) local market was rather quiet nnd utiinteiostlng the Hist half of the ses sion , with JJocombt'r ranging at ) > 2' ( ) < if3j ! ( nntlMnv at 85I ( Sri' < c As on jcsteidtiy , the battle was mound 83o for December. Ono of the earlv factors was the istim.ito by the boanl'sLondon ' correspondent of a decrease of 1,1)00,000 bushels In the amount on pas- ngp. This was so Btiitlingly out of line nth lloerbohm's lltturcs that nn inquiry as to its eortcctness w.ii set on loot und noir the close of the session the estimate do- crp-scd. These corrections had no influence ns depressing factors for the reason that when posted tno market was scoring for a little bulge. The last half hour was the busiest iiud strongest period of the day. The market watf very active and nn advance was scored , December going to & 3 < c , May to 60XC > nllll Octoocr to Sllfc. [ "ist prices were at the ot'tside , a gain on tlio day of J/lc ( ? , May making the most improvement. 'ihcro was no telicf from the dcpicssion \vhiclilitpiy distinguished trading in corn , The continuance of tlio line weather moro than olTset the modei.itc receipts and the feo.Uig of superabundant supplies rcidy to bo poured upon the market effectually dis courages any buying activity. At every stage of the decline HOIIIO shorts attempt to cover , thereby infusing temporary spirit into the market , which , however , soon dies out and leaves business to its former dull monotony.r'ho | foreign markets are tilling loss than they had boon doing during tha Bummer months and shippers to domestic markets aio likewise inclined to go slower. 'Iho closing prices wore : October U03 o , November 'Mo and May 82 c , winch shows n loss of J o slnco yesterday in No vember , with October and May unchanged. Oats were nctlvo In n speculative way , but weak within a narrow range. Inteiost again centering in May. There was little or no disposition to invest in this property nt recent prices , and liberal quantities of long oats were again thrown on the market , with May declining if to 2IJJf and inter ruling a triilo ste.idler. Near futures weio neglected , with the exception of No 2 for delivery this month touching 18lc , whllo December was jjull a * , about Jtfo premium. The receipts wu.rolargo , with moro than 200 cars expected Vor to morrow. No. 2 In store , 01 to go thoi o , gold at 1S.3H@1SK < - ' , Wllh cash transactions chiolly by sample. The pic-vision trade was n little slow. General speculation suffered a noticeable restriction , \\hiio in October poilt thuro was no development. A few open trades worumade , In It nt 510 00@10.23 , and under t Me voles of the hoard 1,000 ban els or so of uewjiork wotosold out "for account of wiiom it may concorn" nt $10 32) ) @IO 10. 'Iho delivery Itself closed ut jll25 ! , or 2io ) hichor than jcsterday. The board's nttoinoy Illod this morning In the appellate court his answer to the clique's motion for a revival of Judge Shcpard's ' injunction. The court will probably consider ami dispose of the motion at tin early day. In some quartets it ! g still buliovcJ that the deal u ill bo com promised and settled before the eloso of the month. The clique U evidently dls ippaintod wliU the outcome of its squer/o and is doubt less open for a ptopositlon from the fchorts to scratch tlio trade on its books. The short Interest remaining unsettled is estimated at from 121,000 to 150- 000 barrels nud the average price mound tlOOO. In Iho general market the feeling was quito strong Prices in tholr lluctua- tlons were lt" | > t within small bounds and the changes actually made \\ern limited , Com pared with yestni day the closing showed ave vo ( auMtnco of fie on Octobur and January l > oi k nnd 21 o'ou October and January short Tibs. October lard dot-lined Bis and Novem ber lard 2 > v'c. January lard \\iis unchanged. CIIIUACU IilVK STOCK. CIHOAOO , Oct. 0 , [ Spoolal Telegram to TUB Urn. ] CVrn B The receipts were di- ( vJj'\vl ' at 0,1100 natives , 0,000 Tuxaus und U,000 jfUtj'i ! > ls. Prliuo and fancy native ntoors W , ra scarce and sold nt a range of ? l OOQ , t\ ' . the bent prices for many u dav and U5i ( } i0i > ui/hor than duilng the iccent depressed porlou\ This advance on the best hail no ittuivlating cifcct on other native steers , : lucll sailing as low as at any time , as ihdy bad to campcto with u big run of good Tux. nns and rangers , Native cows and heifers Also continue to sell nt about the lowest for the season , Texans und rang- srs selling about the same as for the previ ous days of the week , Tlio stoeker ana feeder trade shows no signs of Improvement , the demand being light und prices down to .ow water mark. Choice to oxtr.i beovea. W 50615 00 ; medium to good steers , lav ) to 1500 Ibs. | iVOi 4t > 0 ; 1'JOO to 1330 11)3 , W.SOfcjJ MO ; WO to l-JOO'lbs , fiiXQ..TO ) ) ; stockers nnd feeders , SI S5(3..00 ( ; oows , bulls ami iuixi-j. , j | OOQi'i Odt bulk , tl 7b ; Texas steers , | 2,10ftJ7Jcow ; , tl 85@3UO ; westeru ruug- ers. l.75 ( 8.tB , Hous 'llioro tvas quite fa brisk dounnd early from shipper * and speculators and dur ing that period prices ruled steady on prime heavy. Porkers held elf , the big concerns doing little or nothing until Into In tha day or until every other class of bujur * were out of the market , mid then they went In at 6Q11M lower than the opening , paving fJ.O.Vu9 i.10 , in u few ca un M 16 , while shippers gen erally paid f4.1S54.80. Light | ? orts were Btcndy on ordinary York sort , but slngo sort vvns n good lOo higher , Packers were not anxious buyers and the general market closed rather weak. NEW YOUR , Oct 9. | Spcclnl Tclfcgrnra to Tns IJrn. ] STOCKS The turn in slocks late yesterday from a hopeless decline early to a buoyant market nt the close , With nn almost complcto recovery of losses for the day , was the theme ot much talk nt the up-town re sorts last night. The violent action In 13ur- hnutonMIS largely charged to Chlcaeo operators , who raided that stock Just enough to cause frco celling and stop orders nnd also to get the price ut a prolltablo figure for covering , Iho belief was general that liquidation Is nbout ended for the present. It Is evident Hurt , there has been a general turning from the short to the long side 1 ho buoyancy of last night wns the force which caused higher prices at the opening to day. London also quoted higher flguics for American securities. In the market Cotton Oil wns up % per cent at 43X. Cotton Oil. Loulsvlllo A Nnshvlllo nnd Alclilsoti were especially uctivc , nnd there \uis n fairly active business transacted in St. Paul , Lnckawannn , Missouri Paclfl" , lidd ing and Sugar , but the others were com paratively neglected. Loulsvlllo became a feature of the market immediately by reason of its positive stroiieth , and nt fcO'f ' It was 1 per cent higher than Us lust evening's price Cotton Oil followed withnrlsoof K per cent , making a totil gum of l' . 'Iho rest of the market , how ever , nfter a few light mlvancos , displ.vyed a drooping tendency , mid sugar developed pos itive weakness , nnd rftcr tin advance of % per cent dropped to 84 Manhattan , Erie , Manitoba , und Like Shore ouch m ido a fair gain early nnd hold It on light business till noon. There was a giudual Improvement In the prices of stocks to the eloso. The m.irkot was broul and strong and very Haltering pains \\ero mido all throuch the list. Trans continental gamed UfFoiaoy Central nnd Louisville l > fj , Luke Krio preferred \\i \ , Lake Shore ? 4' , Chicago Gaa J and Cotton Oil \ % per coat. In western railro id shares the galas were : Atchlsoa and Northwest ern each $ , Uook Island , mid Uiulington each J < J and St. Paul } { per cent. Four of tlio Saturday bank stitomont hold the bull fooling la check , but the action to-day shows a pretty general desertion of the bear side. The following wore the closing quotations : t ) . S 4s regular. 1.17 .Noituorn 1'n.clllo . .IJ't U.S. 4s coupons 1J7 ( lo preferred. . . 74 t.8-4 ; sroKUlftr I0"iO. . A N.V lll'i U.8.4'/itcoupons liiii'j ilopioforred 140-j I'lxcWciHor'llj . .118 N.YXVutra ! . . . llfl'i ' Ontrnl 1'arlllo 14'i I'O.4.K SO't nilciiBoA : Alton .if ! Kocklsland HKU ) ChlcnioIlurlltigtou U..M. teSt.1' 7115 A Jnlnrv 10'U doproforrnil . . .114 D..UA.W. . . . I4I . St.l'uuK\iUni\lm . .CI1 } IllinoisCatitrnl . . .110 doprofurrad . . . IB I. , 11.4.V tl'i Uulon I'aclllo . . . . ( ! ! ' Kansasic lexas . . 11' * W..St. L XI' HP I.nkuSliora . . . . 1 tloproforrea Jl' Michigan Central w4 Western Union. . . . SO Mlnsouill'apltlc Mov i'v Cnsicr nt C@7 per cent ; closing olTerod at 5 per cent. PUIMK MhitOANrii.c Pvi'GtiOIBS par cent. SIKIILIVO EXCIUVOE Quiet and llrmcrj sixtj-day bllh , * 4.32)if ; demand , S-l.bOX. All n hit ; Nr\v VOUK , Oiit 9 fSoocial Tolegrun to Tnc Bi'.B.l The following uro the min ing stock quotitions : Caledonia 1 ! II 210 Con. 1'ttcino 110 ( on Cal. X A a. llmekn ( ou . 4M ) IlomesMfee llornbtlver. . . . .1W lion SilverMO ( Mutual . 14H Ontario . . . .ilOJ lOrildeulal . . . IXt 1'lymoutn 32. " > lUnlou Con iJ P KOI ) CCU MAUKKTS. CnifAoo Oct. O l.l-i p. in. close- Wheat Firmer ; October , 81 > fiJ , December , ij3tc ; May , bO c. Corn Steady ; October. 30 > c ; November , 309 0 ; May , 3Jo. Oats Steady ; October , 18 c ; November , Jc ; Maj' , 21o H\o October. 41J c. Uarloy Oetobef , uic. Prime riinothv $1.20. Flax Seed Cash , Sl.Si ) ; October , $1.39. XVlilsky fl.OS. Pot It Steady ; cash , ? 10 10 ; October , $10.'J5 ; January , 19 3J } Lard Steidy : cash , $030 ; October , 5015 ; January , fS.OJK. Floui Steady and unchanged ; winter wheat , $ .JOO@I 10 ; spring wheat , $123 > i5 500 ; lie , ? JoO@J53. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $4 25 ( < § 400 ; short clear , $537 J' ' < i ) > 50 ; short ub- * , cash , ? .r > 2o@5 80. Huttor ( iuiet ; creamery , lG@33c , dairy , cThecso In fair detnind ; full cream died- durs , 9'4@.ijfo ' : Hats , O JlOc ; Young Americas. iO ( < S10Kc. KKK * Firm , higher ; fresh , \ . ( < TS > \ ) c. Hides Steady ; light and heavy irtd'ii salted , So ; salted bull , IJ c ; green salted calf , 5Xo ; dry Jllnt , tiy7c ( ; ; diy salted , Oc ; drv calf , 5@be ; oeacoua each. 20c. Tallow bteady solid packed , 3 } c ; cake , 4Uo. Hccolpts. Shipm'ts Hour 21,000 21,000 Wheat 1W.OOO 133,000 Corn 370,000 404,000 Outs mooo Now Yorlc. Oct. 9 Wheat-Receipts , 85.- 500 ; exports. 7,0"iO , spot higher and strong ; No. 2 red , bO'-ioiu ' elevator ; 60l @S7c afloat ; b ( J4xf < ib7 ) > 40 f. o. b , ungradeu red , 7b@s9Xo ; options higher and Him , No. 2 led , Novem ber closing nt b7 } c. Corn Uecoipts , 181,000 bushels : exports , 89.400 bushels ; spot fntily active but lower ; No. 2 , aO k ? ! WVu ln flcvntor , 3940'.fc afloat ; uncraded mixed , : ! 'J ( ( 40 c ; options moro active and easier , November closing at data Ueceipts , 90,000 bushels ; exports , none ; spot moderately active and easier ; options firmer and quiet , with November at 2to ) ; spot No. 2 , white , 2sKL ( 29e ; mixed western , 2idi27 } < [ c ; white do , 2i@J5c. Coffee Options closed ste.uly at 20@25 points down Sales. 70,750 nags ; October , fir,05 ( < Mul5 ; November , JI4tW@lfi.10 : spot Uio , easy and quiet ; fair cargoes , $10.50. Sugar Kaw , nominal ; rolincd , steady. Petroleum Quiet , United closed at 9S > fc for November. , Pork Firm and quiet ; mess , f I2.60@12.,5. Laid Spot easier : futuies iirm. Sales : Western steam , $0 05@l ! 73 , closing ut $ i ) 70 bid. bid.Uutter Dull and weak ; nigin.25lj ( ( JOe ; western dairy , 9c ; cienmery , 12iJ15o. ( Cheese Firm , western , lOc. .Minneapolis. Oct. 9. bnniplo wheat steady to sliado llrmcr ; receipts. 423 cirs ; shipments , 105 cais Closings No 1 haul , October , bOc ; May , S7c , on truck , bO'11(3 ' ( > 50J c ; No , 1 northern. October , 77e ; May , til c ; on track , 7SX(2" ( e ! o. 2 northern , October bor , 73c ; May , 60 > 4u ; on track , TUfLtTDc. liniiKii-i , Oct. 0. Wheat Steady ; No , 2hard , cash , O.V0 < 215)fc ) ; October , b5'/o ; No. U hard , cash 11111 ! October , 01J < e ; No. 2 soil , cash. iOc ; Octob-r. 70o Did. Corn-Qulut ; No. , a cash , 2lcbld ; Octo- bcr and November , 23o bid ; No. 2 white , cash , 21c bid , November , UJJio bid , Oats No. 2 ciidh , loji-jo. Ciiiulmtiut , Oct. 0. Wheat 1 No. 2 red , bOc. Corn In fail dcmind : No. 3 mixed , > Oiiti Stoadj ; 21J < ( it'Jc. . Whmk$1 Ji , MM'i-D'iol ' , Oct. 9. Wheat-Steady i holders offer sparingly ; red western spring , 7a ld7 2J Dorciintal ; itU ueatoiii winter , Us lUl ( . < iOi lid. Corn K.isy ; demand noor ; now mixed western , 4 K'illor cental. MIIxMiulin , Oct , 9 , Wheat rinnj cash , 741fu ; No. 1 northern , SUjC. Corii-Ouiot ; No. , aiKi3 ( ! , > i ) . Oats Kasicr ; No. 2 white , 2' * l yo Stoidy ; No. 1 , W 'c. Uarloy Stoaay ; No. 2 , Uetoher , SQifc. Provlbloiis rinu ; pork , $10.25. Ht , liiiuiH , Oct. 0. Wheat II In Her ; cash , 7S ) c ; Uoconiber , 7s o : May , b5 } c. c-orn Lower ; cash SbJic : Muy , iWo. Oats Lower ; cash , Ibo ; .Muy , --a J'ork bteatly at $11.60. Lard-Firm ut WOO. Whlskj steady ut $ l.l . Oct. 9. 'Ino. Drovers' Journal reports a * follows : Uattlo Receiptg , 15,000 ; market lfl@l.r > o higher for good rattle ; choice to uxtru bcovc % M50r ! .00 ! Moors , S300(7i.SO ( ? ; stockers and feeders , tl 81 ( < iJt.Kj } ) cows , bulls and mixed , fl.OO@2.CO ; fj"oxas cnttlo , ? 1.33 Q3.75 ; western rangers , ? 1.7S3.05. Hops Receipts , 20,000 ! market stondy , closine weak : mixed , * OOfriiO ; heavy , tv1l OftJ4 40) ) light , UiQ$4 ( 40 ; skips , fS.OO ® 4.40. 4.40.Sheep RecclptB , 14,000 ; market strong ; natives , W.t > 0 < i5UO ; western , M.BO@1.15 ; Texans , ? : ) .OiiC' 4.10 ! lambs , f-lSOCiOOO. Knnsfts City , Oct. 0. Cattle Receipts , fi.SOO : shipments , 4,100 ; common to cholca corn-fed steers , M. 00 © 1. 10 ; stoekcrs and feeders , J1.WM3.IO ; cows , | l.,15@jn0. Hos Kccolpts. 3.2UO ; shipments , 2,500 ; market steady und lower ; light , $ J.D3iij4.0o ; heavy and mixed , M.So S.Ol ) . .Nulliinnl Snick Vnrd * , Hnst Rt. IJIIUIK , Oct. 9. Cnttlo Receipts , 2,000 ; shipments. 2,300 , ; market stonily ; fair to choice heavy natives steers , $3.20 4 03 ; stock- era unit feeders , t l.SO ( < ? 2 50. Hogs Receipts. 3,000 : shipments , l.COO ; market strong : heavy , J3 80 4.20 ; packing , ? J.70@I.20 ; light , $ J VO ( < i4.'J3. City , Oct. 0. Cnttlo Receipts , 1,500 ; shipments , frO ; market steady ; cows , ? l.dO@J 10 ; stackers nnd feeders , $1.03 ® 2 bO ; veal cilves , JJ.OO@,15. Hogs Receipts , 2.00J ; market strong ; light und mixed , f3.76 J 190 ; heavy , $ J 87 @I.OO. O.MAIIA ijii'K arooic. Cnltln Wednesday , Oct. 9. As to the prices pild for hoof cnttlo to-day there was not much cnaugo from vostculuy. ' 1 he bust grades sold fairly well , but the commoner kinds were very slow. Ihu re ceipts of cattle were heavy a aln to-day , but there were not so many good cattla hero and moro westerns nnd fewer natives. Tlio na tives sold at $3bO ( < $ l20 , with a bunch of Toxiuis at * J 30 and some- choice westerns at $300. Uutohers'stock moved slovvlv , butn peed many head wore sold Prices are con- sldeiabiy lower than last week , but no lower th in they should bo in comparison with other markets. The simply was light hero last week nnd uncos wore gradually forced up to a higher point th in thu market on cat tle would justify , and now that the receipts there lilhanututul reaction. Na tive cows sold at $ l.lM@i 05 nud westerns at $ lUi@JOO. The feeder trade was a little slow and the sales were not so hit go us on many days of late. Hoi : * . Iho general hog market did not show much rhingo. Iho range In prices was very narrow , the same ns icsterduy , most every- tiling soiling at fJ.90@J.05. 'Ihu sorted heavy nnd light weights brought the same price SI OX Good light sorts sold quite readily nt f4 0" > , but good means moio tnan it din two weeks ngo , nnd it takes better hogs to till llioordcts For n while back the buyers would take mos , anything that wns light , but the shluncrs to dav p lid ns much atten tion to quality , or more , than to weight. They want b irrows , and if they take sows they must bo smooth , nnd as good as the b 11 rows Thu best heavy hogs good enoimh for Uio Boston tr.uie sold n shaao stronger , the prices n lid being SJ i)5 ) ( < 5 Iho $401 hogs as a rule had been sorted some , a few of the toughest , md most undesirable balng thrown out. While the prices paid were the same \estordav , moro loads brouirht 51 OJ or over , 'llio buyersvuro reporting the Boston sorts as costing about 2o moro than .vester- day. HeivyhOfjs which did not suit the Uostou trade nnd hoavj mixed sold In yea- let day's ' notch. h'tei ' % | > There was only ono load of sheep .hero , and it was not good enough for the pickers. HOUCIIIC-J. Cattle 2f.OO llog-f O.'Ot ) Sheep 1U3 Tliofolliwlng is a tibloof pric3 * pild In this m irki > t for the grades of stock man- tioned : Prime steers. 13 ) J to 10i011i3.1.0J (3 ( > l 4J Good steers , 12M ) to 14V ) Ibs. . J1SO 0 4.10 Good stueiN , 10 > J to 1.10 J Ibs. . . 3 r > Ofl t 0 ) Westcut stours . 250 @ 300 Common uinners . 1.00 ( oil 50 Oidmary to fair cows . 1.5J ojH.70 ralr to good coxvs . 1.70 ( ffi3. ( ) ( > Good to choice cows . 2 OJ ( > . } 40 Fair to good bulls . 1.51) ) jjriij 15 Light stociters and feeders. . . . 2.2'i r < 6J IK ) Good feeders. U > ( ) to 1100 Iba . . 2 40 dfii ! H ) Fair to ohoioe light hogs . 393 001 U'i Fair to choieo heivv nogs . 39J 40" ; 1) ) nit to choic'o mixed ho s . 3'JO ' ( iij4 OJ Common to rough hn s . 3.51) ) © .I.S5 STKEIIS. 1 . 740 2 00 Owner. No. Av. Pr. 1 stray . 1420 $1 25 1 stray . ) 1 75 1 stray. . . . , . 1240 1 85 4 strays . 12llJ 200 II. L. Harncs 75 stcoi s , Col-Tcx . . . 1021 3 30 1C. Lovolnntl CS.A1 ! ! COO .1 OJttf 73 . . .S-31 4 00 G4..209 ICO 3 lr.4 01 . . .12.50 SO 4 00 73..249 1WO 8 P2 < CO ; iU71 ) 120 400 M..2CO 240 8 OJl < OK..ntO 40 402 C { . . .2i3 ! 240 3 OJttf 4flj , , WO 40 4 05 CO..253 SO 3 05 C < \ . i.SJO 80 405 GS..27J ICO 305 SO..SO ( 210 405 68..2(19 ( 120 3 05 2rf. . . . r 10 4 (15 ( C3..237 120 805 43..tUU8 405 OS.237 SO 305 81 . , i227 120 40. 71 . . .2J3 100 3 95 4.1115 80 4 05 09..270 120 3 05 SL..i99 ! 80 4 0.5 (55..2.M ( COJ 395 33.,203 40.5 01.270 ICO 395 44..JLW 405 59..290 80 3 P5 41.\.177 40.5 15.IKlTi 80 395 S5..aOO 4 05 05..SJ5 ! 130 a 95 , , SlUI'S , , 14..101 3 75 , T Ijiv * t uioliNotrB. Inspector Clark Howard 'condemned two Innjpjiius , L. V. Deiunan came up from Valparaiso with cattle. Mr. Knckrott , of nnckrett &S. , was In from Solomon , la. , with hoi.'S. D.V , and S. Molt , of Ilartington , were In with a train of ten cars of cnttlo. U. F. Hake , of Grand Island , was nt the yards visiting his brother , ,1 , A. Unite. Haitlngton was represented by M. Oloson with four cars of cattle. A. ,1. Mc.Mulion came in fiom HniildCity , Dale. , with four car loads of cattle Mlifoni uns icprcsented by C. C. Smith , who had cuttle on the market. The SWUM Lmd nndCittlo Co bad u tram of fifteen cars of cattle In from ICelley. Dr. K. .T. Hurt , of Cliurtor Oak , In , is vis iting C. M. Miiuloy. This is his tlrst trip to the yards , and was agiccably surprised at their imparity. Mathieson t K ijors , who * are sblpplnp hero from Grand Island , brought In n car of hoes. hoes.Wiley Wiley IJIack. the old reliable I'lattsmouth shipper , brought In two ilrsclass loads ot hogs. A. U. Gable , u feeder at tluitington , came in this n orning with two cars of cattle. A. .1. Adams und Hichard Stubbs it Co. were In ftoin Urudshaw with three cars of stock. O.MAIIA. I'roiluui * , Pi-nits. itc. Eoos Strictly fresh , ISc. Ut'TTKK ' Crcamur.v , fancy. 22 ( 33e ; clioico 20@-Jlu O.ilry. fnncy. 17t < ? lSu ; choice , 15 @liic. Country , fancy , ltl@17u ; peed to cnnlcc , Ilrfl5e ( ; fair , lOQllu ; inferior , 7 L.IVI : I'ini oss Pur doz. $1 50. UIMK Pralrlo ctiickuns , $ JKKii)1.50 ( ) ; millard - lard ducks , $ J BUtji ) I UJ ; ntixed ducks , SI GJ ( < 8 1.T5 ; teal. § 1 2i@l 50 ; jack snipe , f 1.0l@t ) 'J'- , ijunll , § 1 75ftJ2 DO ; jack rabbits , $100 )50 ) : small rabhlls. $ l.00@l 20 ; squirrels , Sl.OO 1. 10 ; plovei , $1 00@1 3"ienison ; saddles , U ( ijl-lc ; carcasses. billc. ( ) ) HEANS Choice liand-ulckod nnv$1 \ 75' 5 2 CO ; choice hum ! picltcd medium , $1. < VX < $ l.bO ; choice hund-incked country , 51 7i@l.bU ; ; cli.iii country , ? 1 OJfiBl. 73 ; inferior country , f 1 ( ) J@1 23 linn i , PI.I.T- ' , TAITOW , KTO. Green salted hides , l > c ; dry salted hides , 2V e ; drv Hint hides , 7c ; call hides. 4 $ ( $ > aj damaged hides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 250551. 00 ; sheep pelts , dr.v , per Ib , 'KoHJc. Tallow , No. 1. l@iMi : ; No 2 , : i'4@l ' c. til case , white , iKy5' ' iuciiov ; , 2 > tjc ( v\ooi4 Kino , iiveilico , l.'fijlflc ; medium. average , 2Kf(2Jc ; iju trtcr olond , nvorngc , 20 ( < { ] lr ; coirso average , l"17c ; colts and rou h , nvpiagc , H@lic ( , Lin rsi. Young Americas , full cream , 12c ; f.ictcirv twins , lOc ; off grndi.s , 1 ( < tbc ; Van KOSSIMI Cdom , fill f.O ncr dot ; s ip s itro , 19c ; liiiek , ! l@10o ; limlurger , b@Jo ; uomes- tiu bwiss , 13 1 1 Ic. Li MOSl'ancy , $5 Q0 ( ( 50 ; tlioice , 55 50 @ 0 00 CuvMintim s Capo Cod , ? 3 00@10 00. Omxor.Louisuna , per box , $1 00. IJuriniiNK lubs , He ; rolls , 15j : bbls , ? 9 00. UircivIIIT FI.OUK Per hbl. , ? J .11) ) . GitAi'is N. Y. Concord. , per basket , 3 j@ 40c. 40c.AIMLI AIM-LI s-Pcr bbl. , Sl,00@3 00. " CIIfOltMV PlL'MS 51 50. PEAKS 10 Hi boxes , $1 7Jtg2.25. H \\A\\S Aucoidlng to size , per hunch , Coco\NL'is-Per 100 , ? 5 00. Al'l'I.R UUTTKIt Gti. Ciiiut-lJbls , S550 ; hf hhls. WOO. Mvri.i : Suovu 12J ( (915u por'lb. Vi u , Choice , meaiiim size , HaHc ; choice heavy .ijlc. ( llovi.10e per Ib for choice. Pui SKitvts 'J QlOo per Ib. Ji LI.II s . ) ( < * -Jo per Ib. iln swNo 1 , ll19c. ! PIGS FHKT Pickled , kits , 75o ; pickled piir tongues , kits , f2'r ; picltlcd tripe , kits , 0" > c ; pickled II. C. tripe , kits b3c , spiced piijs tiocks , kits , $1.15. Ui'i p TONOIM s Salt , bbls , J20.00. HAI M00@500 CHOP FBEO-310 00 ( 12 00. ? 10tiO. Groceries. PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average , % c : 2J to 2J Ibs , Ui ) o ; 12 to 14 Ibs , ll u ; IS u. 3U o ; shoulders , 5 > fc : breakfast ba con. No. 1 , bj c ; ham sausage , Oo ; dried beef hams , 'Jo ' ; beef tongues , ? 000 per ilozcn ; dr.v salt meats , IJftufi'jjO ' p'lr ' Ib ; hum roulette , liji'o ; add Ic pei Ib lorsmall lots. PICM.IS Medium , nor bbl. $1.50 ; small , : gherkins , $ ( (50 ( ; C. & 13. chow chow , qts. ? 5 5 ; pts * . ! 10. CANDV < J @ 12 > o per W ) . Cuocoi.Ari. ASH Coto21@17o per Ib ; Genmin eluukory , red , ! } < : . Givnun Jamaica. * { pints , ? 3 00 per doz. Lei PI.B Gieen I'ancy , old golden Kio , 22 o ; fniioy old peabcrry , 2Jc ; Kio choicu to fancy. 2kHlo ; , prime , 21o ; Hio , peed , 20c ; Aloclia , I0c ! ; .lava , fancy Mnndohhng , 2Jc ; .lava , good intoiior , 21c ; African , 21c. Coi'i- 1 1 : Koastod Ai buckle's Arosia , 21'iJc McLaughlin's ' XX-vX y-JJi'c German , ; - , ; , 2.Jfi ! ; : ; Uilworth , ' . ' .ijgc ; Alaroma , iil o. U-S1.75Q4 50. Nurs Almonds , 15@17c ; Brazils , 7o ; fll- berU , lie ; pecans , lOo ; walnuts , 12 > fo ; pea nut cocks , tic ; roasted , lOc. Witu'ri.NO Pivisit Straw , per Ib , IJi'Q 2K 5 rag , 2 % < smanilla \ , U , d&lio ; No , I , tic. SUOAIIS Cut loaf , 9 e ; cut loaf , cubes , 9o : stnndnril , poxMlcicd , D'lfc : XXXX , powdered , Il'fe ' ; giaiiulated , standaid , fa' c ; confectionord' A , b' ' c ; white , oxti.i C , 7JJc ; extra C , Nebraska , 7 c ; amber , 7 > e ; Call- fern 1 i golden C , 7c , S\i)3\iR ) ( Uologna , lj < i@5e ' : Frankfort , 7' c ; tongue , 8 c ; summer , Jo ) ; head cheese , . PouiTin ChickctiH , per doz , live , choice oW , ? J 75 © ) 00 ; springs , $1 50fu ) 1.75 ; dressed porlt ) . lu ( ) ( > llc ; turkeys , live , fc@'Jc ' ; dressed , lldgU'c : ducks , live , per doz , * . ' 50@JOO ; dressed nor Ib , ll@l'c ; geese , live , per doz , fl)00iSOO ) ( ; diesseu perlo. ll@12i : . Lviinllprces Uofined , 5o ; pure leaf , G' c ; kettle rendoroi' , 7a Add ) > o to % a for smaller nnnntiilcs SALT-Dairy , 280 Ibs In bbl , bulk , S3 10 ; best grade , 00 , 5s , $2 0 ; bast grade , 100 , its , ? J-W ; best urado. 23 , 10s , fci.20 ; rocK salt , criialiod. $1 bO ; dairy Hilt , Asliton , 5U-lb bags , 85o ; bulk. 2JI-lb bags. $ J25 ; common , In bbls , SI 25. ' FAIIINAOEOOS Goons 13ai ley , n@nj c ; far- iana. 4 | o ; peas , a'ic : oat meal , 2@r > u : inau- aroma , lie ; vermicolla , llu ; ncu , 3 > i7c ( / ; sago and tapioca , ( > @ 7c. FISH Salt Dried codflshBj/@S o ; scaled herring , 2-lu per box ; hoi herring , Hum. , Mu ) ; Hamourg , spiced herring , jl 40 ; hoi. herring , Imp. , S.r > o ; mackerel , hupp family , $10.2ri per 10J iLa ; white llsh , No 1 , fr 00 ; family , * 3 75 ; trout , 5.25 ; salmon , fS 50 ; anchovies , b5o. DniKL ) FIIUITS CurrantH , now , Uo ; prunes , casks , 1 , : )0 ) Its , 4J ( < g o ; prunes , bbls or bags , 4 i'C'4140 ; cltion'jieols ' , drums , U ) Its. "Jo ; lemon peel , drums , -0 ll > s. 17e ; fard dates , boxes , 12 ILs , Uo ; apricots , choiej evaporated - orated , Ho ; apricots , Jully/ / cured , 2'ilb boxes , lo ( ! ; apricots , faticv , Moiint Hamilton , 25 Ib boxes , Hie ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 Ibs , lilKo ; apples , evaporated , Alden , 50 Ib boxes , Oo ; upplus. Star , ; apples , fancy AI- Uen , Q Ib , 80 ; anplc's , lanuv Aldcn , 21b , 8J < ; o ; blackOorrlos. evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 5) $ < < OJfo : cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15o ; peain , California fancy , ' s bixog , 25 Ib , I2 ] o ; iieachcs , Gal fancy , yt % unpacked boxes , 25 Iba , 18o ; poiches , Cal No 1 , fanoy , J s unp bags , bO Ibs , 15j ; pjactius. fanov , ovap unp , 50 Ib boxes , Hf < cl5ii ; peaches , Salt hake , new , Oo ; nectarines , icd , 12c ; nectarines , silver , baus. 12j ; pitted plums. Cal , 25 Ib boxes , 10o ; rafiibcrrlcs , ovap N Y , now , 27c ; prunes , Cal , H C , 00-100 bovos , 25 Ibs. 8opiunes. ; . Cal , IIC. ( SO-70Uo ; orangopael. 15e ; raisins , California Londona , crop Ibs'J. * 325 ; raisins , Cul loose , muscatels , crop It > s8 , fJOOf < 5MOj Valoncios , 18 8 , 7e. CiX.SED Fisii-Hrook trout. 3 Ib. $340 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , | . ' .35 ; clams , 1 b ,'i ; Ib , ? 3.10t clam chowder , Sib , $125 ; deviled crnud , 1 Ib , fO.2'55 deviled crabs , 2 Ib , M.50' codtlsh bfllln , 2 Ib. tl.73 ; eavicr , H Ib , J2.23 ; eels. 1 Ib , M40i lobsters , 1 Ib , Sl.lH ) ; lobsters , 3 ID , UWlobto \ s , deviled , Jtf Ib , f2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib. tl.75 ; mnckcrol mus tard sau co , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato snuce. 31b , $325 ; ojsters , I Ib , 5c ; o.\sters , Sib. * l.r > 0 ; snlmon , C. U. , 1 Ib. tJ.OO : salmon , C. 1C , 2 ib , S2.80 ; salmon. MaskH , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; snlmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , ? J05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , CA'VNCH MHATS Corned beef , BroiiRhman. 21b , per do ? . ? J,10 ; corned beef , Armour's , 3 Ib , per doz , fci.OJ ; corned beef , LIbby'a , 3 Ib , $ J.103 ; Ib lunon tongue , S3 00 ; 1 Ib lunch tongue , Si.75 : 2 ib ham , JJ 85 ; 2 Ib brawn or headcheese , fl 1)5 ) ; 3 Ib pigs foot , $3 40 ; 3 Ib roast chicken , SiSO ; 3 Ib roast turkey , $3.80 ; potted ham , } ( Ib , $1.25 : 1 Ib chipped beef , "oiLS-Korosono P.V. . PVe ; W. W. 12c ; headlight , 18c ; salad oil , ? . ! 15 'J OJ per duzcn. SAI son A IJ 2 , ' < e per Ib. STVUCII 5ijro ( per Ib. Srovr. POLISH $2.00@ " > 87 per gross. bricis Whole , per Ib Allspice , Oc ; Cas sia , China , Oo ; cloves , Pouting , 28c ; nut megs , No. 1 , 75cl pepper , ls@iyc. Dry ( oolH. [ PIIIVTS Pink and Kobcs Hlchmond , Cc ; Alien , Oe ; Ulvorpoint , uKc ; Steel Hlvor , C ; < ; c ; Pnclllc , Jfc. I'uiVTA Indli'o 13luo St. Loger , O c ; Washington , H c ; American , 0 } < e , Arnold , O' c ; Arnold Century , Ocindsor S > old , 'Jk't , I0 ; < fc ; Arnold H , 10 c ; Arnold A , 12c , Arnold Ciold Seal , lO fu ; Yellow Seal , lOJ c. CoMIOIlTCIts 511 oOCiJo 00. COHSI.T.IKANS IJoston , 7 0 ; Androscoc- gin , 74o ; Ke.usago , 7fo ; Kockpoit , OJ4e ; Concstoga , U' c. CIHSII slovens' U , 5Jc } , Stevens' A , 7c ; bleached , 8j ; Stevens' i , TJfi1 ; bleached , bp/c ; bto\cii3l N , 8Jc ; blenched , D'.o ; btuvons' Slli' , ll' c. Ui'MMSAmoskeag , 0 oz , ItV/c , Hvcrctt , 7 OT , Kle ; York 7 o ? , ; Haymaker , 8' ' < c ; Juffrey , XX , ll > ae ; .lafftey , XXX , Heaver Cicek. AA , I 'Jo ; Me iver Creek , UU , He , Heaver Crook , CC , lOc. biu.KTiso , Hi.i.vcmii Lllerton , Housekeeper , b' ' o ; Now Candidate , Heikulei camoiic. No. 00 , Oc ; You Bet , i-4 , 01,0 ; butter cloth , OO , 4'iCabot ; , 7 > < c ; Tin well , half bleached , 8) ) < Jo ; rniitof Loom , bj/o ; Grren G , Co ; Hope , 7 cKliiK : Phillip cimbnc , lOc ; Lotisdiilo camliric , lOe , Lous- dale , bjtfc , Now Yorlt mills , lOe ; Pcpperell , 13 In , Hie ; Pcpperell , 40 hi , lie ; Poppcrell , t4 t , I4j < rc ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 20c , Peppon-ll. 9-4 , 2.V ; 1'epperell , 104 , 24c ; Canton , 4 I , b'/c ; C/nnlon , 4-4 , 940 ; Irlumiih , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie , Vallov , 5c- . I IC.KS Oakland , A , 7l c : Intel national , YY , bcbhctueket ; , S , S'jc1 ; Warren , No b70 , ICc ; Berwick , HA. bo : Acme , 1'JcYork. : . I0 ! in , 12Xc' ; York , : u in , ! 8UVj ' ; Swift It Ivor , Se ; 'Ihurndilic , OO , 8 o ; 'riiorndlkc , JSP , b c : Thorndike , 120 , Oj o ; Thorudiko , XX , lee ; Coidis , No. 5 , 9' ' < ( e : Cordls , No 4 , KI'jC. Di'CK-Wost Point. 28 in. b oz , OUo ; Wrst Point , 80 in , 10 oz , 12'fc ; West Point , 29 In , 12 o15J c ; West Point , 10 In , 11 07 , Itic. Ti ANS'I is Plaid Haftsnieii. 20c , Clear Lake , ; ! tife } ; Iron Mountain , "R t. : Piiisis Solid Colois Atlantic , He ; Sinter , Or ; Berlin oil , ( ij r , Garner oil , ( > ( > 7e. SnimiNO Cm IKS Caledonia X , 9) ) o ; Caledonia XX , 10 > c ; HcOiioiny , Oc ; Otis. 'Jo , Granite , li 4c ; Crawford c-hccus , to ; Huw Kl\or pi lids , 5'Qc. ' SHI i nsn , HuouAtlantir A , 4-4 , 7'4c ; Atlantic II , 1 I , 7c ; Atlantir D , 44 , d'jc ; Atlantic 1' , 4-1 , lie : Aurora LL , 4-1 , dovu ; - lora O. 4-4 , - ) ff : Cro\vn XXX , 4-4 , C c ; Hoosier LL , 4 4 , .ri"c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Lawience LL , 4 4 , 5c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , : > } $ < : , Peppercll K , 1-4 , Oj Pcpperell ; 13 , 4u inch , 7'jc ; Pcpuei ell , 84 , 17 > < c , Pepperoll 1) ) I , 20c ; Pcppc-rull 10 l , 2Jc ; Utic-i C , 4J/I1 ; Waehusetts , 4-4 , 7c , Auroia H , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora H , 4-1 , 0" " c. FUNNKIS Wtnte G II. No. 2 , J221 < ? c ; G H. No 1 , 1 { . 2fiK " , G. II. No 2 , ' , 2 c ; G. H. No 1X , MiQiiechee No. 3 , ' , 32' c : ( Jueihcn 7o 2 , } ( , . )7Jic ) ; , 31,2c ; Windsor , 2JJ c. PiNSI isKcd C , 24 inch , IfiVc ' ; H , 24 inch , 2l > Jc ; G G.2I inch , 20c ; H A'P , Jf.Soc ; J UP.v'i , 27e ; G , K. 25c\ HATT- ! Standard , So ; Gem , Sc ; Beauty , 12 > < c ; Hoone , llo ; U , cased , SH 30 UiAMtcrs Whltof 1.00SJ7 50 ; colored , ? ! 10 (28 ( 00. r.T WAIIP Hlbb , white , lS ) o ; coloied , COTTOV FI.ANXFLS 10 per cent trade dls ; Ei : . S > jc ; GG , ! ) cXX , lOJ c ; OO , ll c ; unbleached , I L , 5Kc ; CC , djfc ; SS , 7'JV ' ; NN , ISJ c ; AA , 14c ; DO. 15Hc ; TT. IrtV c ; YY. Ibc ; HU , I'.lc ; 20 , bleached , 8 > < Jc , t > 0 , 12 c ; bU , 13J c ; 50 , blown and bl.UeJo ; 70 , ] % ; 90 , lOc. KENTUCKY JEANS Hercules , 17c ; Leam ington , 2JKo ; Glcnwood , 'JOc ; Melville , 2 ; Hang-up , 27Kc ; Momuiial. 15c ; Standpoint , 16c ; Durliatn" . 27 c. Miac-ni BAM ous Table oil rloth. $350 ; table oil cloth , marble. S2 fiO ; plain Wollaud , O o ; * lade Holland , 12 > 2'c. PUIM8 Diess Chaiter Oak.5c ; Hamapo , 4c ; Locti , 3 c ; Allen , tic ; Richmond , Oc ; Windsor , d > c ; Eddjstonc. 04 ' ; I icilic , Twines mill HIIJIU. ' TwiNt Sisal , 13c ; hemp , We ; mnnilli , 15c. Ci OTIII si.iNi'.s Cotton , BO ft , $1 20 ; cotton CO ft , * 1.10 ; Jute , 50 ft , JOc ; jute , XJ ft , 00. COITON TWIVK Fine , 2c ( ) ; medium , lU > e ; heavy hemp He ; light hemp , 17c. SAiLT\\isn-H , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14c ; Manilla rope , UJ c ; sisal rope , HVrfc ; now pioduct , Oc ; jute , 'J c , cotton , Hie ; hide rope , 17. _ Ijiiinbcr nu 1 ItnildiiiK Alutorial. STOCK HoAiina A , 12 inch , H 1 s It and 10 feet , S4b 00 ; H 12 inch , s 1 s 12. 1 1 nnd 10 feet , $41 00 ; C 52 inch , s 1 s 12 , U and 10 feet , fMOO ; D 12 inch , His 12 , 11 and Hi feet , f-MOO ; No 1 com 12 in , s 1 s. 12 foot , J18.00 ; No 2 com , U in , s 1 s. 14 and 10 feet , S17 50 ( < 18 M ) ; No. 1 com , 13 in , s 1 s , 10 , 18 and 20 foot , * U ) 51) ) ; No. 2 com , 12 In , s 1 s , 1 1 and 111 feet , $17 00. POH.AK IjiiMiiEii Clear poplar box bds , JfJ In , s 2 s , J.t'i 00 ; clear poplar , % panel , J.SOOO ; cloai poplar , in panel , $21 ( JO , clear poplar , Ji in panel stock wide , s 2 s , fJjOO , chiar poplar con ugatcd ceiling , J , JJ9 00. POSTS White cedar , ( > inch h lives , I2c ; white cedar , 5 } inch halves and 8 inch quar ters , He ; uliitu cedar , 1 inch round , lOc ; Tennessee , rod cedar , split , lOc ; split oak , white , 8c ; sawed oak , I7u. Smr LAI' No. I plain , 8 and Ibinch , f7 ! 50 : No 2 plain , 8 nnd 10 inch , 515.50 , No. 1 , O G , Sib 00. TIMMJ.H , 12 ft 11 ft 111 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft 2\4 . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 10 00 Ib 00 1000 2x0. . . .15 00 1500 1500 1(1 ( 00 1000 IS 00 10 00 2xb..15l ( ) ) 1500 1500 1(1 ( 00 1000 18001000 2x10 . . 15 00 15 00 15 00 111 00 Id 00 Ib 00 10 00 2X1J..1500 1500 1500 1000 10 DO 18001000 4x4(3x8.1000 ( 11)00 ) 1000 1700 1700 Ib 00 10 00 FiiNciMi No 1 , 1 and 0 Inch. 12 and 14 ft , tough $11,00 1050 ; Nol , I and ! ) inch , Hi ft , ? 17.UO 1750 ; No 2. 1 and 0 Inch , 12 ana 10ft , ? lt ! 5Ui14.00 ( : No 2 , 4 and (1 ( Inch , 10 ft , S15.00 @ 10 00 FISIMIINO 1st and 3d clear , l > f inch , s2 s , WO.I % - > 1 0 ; 1st mid 2d cleai , 1J und 2 inch , s J B , 7.K(350.00 ( ) ( ; ad clear , 1" . , ' Inch , 2 s , M 1 Ol)44ll ) 00 ; H select , I'yt \ and 3 inch , s 2 s , M7 OO 'lb.OO ; 1st und 2d clear , 1 inch , s 3 s , $15 00 ; .Id clear , 1 inch , s 2 H , iM 00 ; A select , 1 inch , H 2 s , $ JJ 00 ; U select , 1 inch , s 3 s , SJO.iO. Siu\fiirs , Li-m Pcr M XX clrar , $3 15 ; oxtr.iA * , fJIW ; standard A , $2(5) ( ) ; 5 inch clear. 81 M@l ) 70 ; ( Much clear , $1 75 1 80 ; No. 1 , $ l.lOi ( l 15 ; clear led cedar , mixed widths , from Washington terrltoiy , 5 40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , $1 50 ; cypress , clear heait , dimension widths , J.25i ; luth , 5J50 HOAICIH No. 1 f > om s 1 H 13 , 14 and 10 ft , S1U.OO ; No. 2 com sis 12. 14 nnd 10 ft , till 50 , No. 8 com s 1 s 12 , 11 and Hi ft , f 14 50 , No 4 com s 1 s 1J , 14 and HI ft ( ship's cull ) , fll 00. Add SOo per M ft for rough. lUrri.NS. WI.I.L ' , I'JCKCTB O G. Halts , 2J inch , OIM ; O G. Halts , 2 > ( g.l , SB , 8"ic ; H-in well tubing. D ft M. unit bev. $ , } 2 10 ; pickets , I ) . A : H. , Hat , f2J.OO ; pickets , U. fi. H. , square , < 1U.OO. FI.OOHISO Ut com 0 inch white pine , f.1IOO2d ; com 0 Inch white plno , $ .11.00 ; M com 0-inch whltu pine , fiOOO. II com uch white pine , fJO 00 ; com 4 and 0-inch .vcllow Vine $15 OJ , t > lur 4-lnuh yellow pine , $17,00 ; 1st and 21 clear yellow pine , 4 und ( iiueli , $1000. CciLix'o ANU PAnriTiox 1st Coin , Jf in white plno partition , F.U 00 ; 3d Com , % in white plno partition , * J7 00 ; clear % In. iul- low plno celling , JW.OO. clear X In , Noi way , III 50 ; 2J Com , Jb' in Norway , ? 12 50. KlMli Heat , 85o. OKMLKT ft 8" . I'l.Asruu $ Jli5. WUSTCUN PACKING INTKltKSTS. The Marketing of Units AVoll Main- tnlncd. CIVCIV.VATI , O. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tolo- pram to Tito HKB. ] To-morrow's Prlco Cur rent will sayt 'Iho marketing of liogs has been well maintained In numbers the past week , but not essentially Increased In com- parlson with the preceding week , while the gain over the corresponding period last year In the packing returns ( or the west is but 10,000. The total packing for the week is 180,000 , , aenlnst 170,000 last year , and the season's ncgrcgato Is 5l ) ( > 5,000 ngnlnst 4,750- 000 n year ago. Eastern shipments of liogs continue liberal , and considerably In excess of u year ago. Kor l Use Horn ford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. I. ! { , Sanford , Shonield , Mass. , says "Most excellent In derangements or the nerv oils svstcm , such as headache and sleepless ness. " TH ; < VUrY MARKET. nN t'3 pU : < ) J oa vcstorduv. lin Van Camp nnd \ > lfo to Ij llrldgs , lots 1 anil - , blk it , \ an Cinnp's ailii , d . ,1 700 0 \ \ l.liniiK' r to A .1 mid V it Astimonil , n 'i ' lots Riidt' , lilooK.1 , U 1. .Mftjuo's 1st add to VulliijVd. . . . * * U libi-liioc-'ior , tuisto' , to P Kudruti , lot 10 , blkl4 , llrowii I'nrk. wd . 2. > Q A U Paul-it n ot nl , ox. to .1 I ( tirlstcn on , lot in , blk \\llluuii I llngeuorn's add , \ \ d . . . . 330 K II \ \ alkor and vlfo to A II blms lot f , bile III. i : V bialtli diidd , vr d . 7,000 A II llonianand iinsbindtnl'invoidcn , lots yJ ! ! ) and SJ , Ulk U' , .MjMlo 1'ark , w d . . . 1.000 Itobt Cluntlmm tn 11 I.lnlcy , 44\14ftlu n w n e IMii-l.l , q o il . 1 Tntrlek l.ixnd lo to J 8 Mntthows lots ! ij ami 21 , blL lid. Uniuko 1'lixco. \ \ il 2,760 A II I'anlCDUor and ANlli < to II b Wallace , lots Itoil , blk 115 , immleo IMiico , wd . . ll'.OOO Jos llarku"nnd ulfo to M A Uagdnlu , loc 4. KnrLoV sub. n d . 10,000 1 11 llntkorniid husband to M A Dngdale , lots n anil 11. blk -lilnn'sadd , vt d 15.000 JI A Dngdalo to Jnmi's ana 0. K. llaiker , lot 1 , blk 12 , Omaha , \ \ rt . 10,000 M A lluudaio to.lnmus and (1 K llaiKor , lot 2. lilk I ) , Oliialu , w d . . 14,000 MA Dnsdalu to .lames nnd U U Darker , lot I , blk i : , Omnliii , w d , . 14.00J JI llaulgan to Mis I O ( Jrailv. u H7 ftet. lots 1 mill S , blk 4. Koum/u Uli tulil , w a 1 Xl-boaxertoO Xlllcks. lot II. blk II , \\o-.tht\M ) . q c d . . 1 0 N Micks and ulfn toll. ) ' . Seavor , lot 17 and n > ; lut" " > . lilk \\nstla\\nu c d . . . 1 1'ntrlck Lnud Co to 11 A Kurr , lots 1 unit J , blK J1U. DuniU'O I'laco , w rt . 1,751 James Adams tn i : l , Itulicitsun , lot 1 , blk. 11 , West OniAli.i ndd , w d . . 18,000 VT T Peters nudlfoto , ! C roit l > u. lot 1. , blK I. Portland I'liue.s d . . 2,500 \Vlllinm fobnrii. slicrlll , to .1 \ \ llcdford. lotl ) . llisusw X'O-13-H , deed . 1,140 Twentj-onotransleis. aggrogatlng ? UO,008 The folio vmii3r niti 'vi-j isnsl by Utiilding Inspector Whltlnck vesterdxy : Mctionolitanlce Co , barn , I'lu\enth and NKbolns . .t 1,000 U. K. * < lbflrt , duelling. lUluj-llrst and iliiplo . 1.001 rixomluoi penults . 1.140 SeMii poimlts . . . . . . . W/.IO SRROEDER < S DEAN , GBAIN , Basement First National Dank , 305 South HJIli Street , - Oinalin ; BLAKE , BQISSEVAIN & CO , , liouilou , Cii aiul. ADOLPH B01SSEVAIN & GO , , Trnmft't n ponoinl tjnikliiQ hii'liio " . ' ccurltU'a bouiilitnml sold nn coiniiils-loii I unli | ) H.liKiU'r. < . Coiniucrcl il und irm c cr s lolfrs of crnilt. Orders for boncli und sto lc < oxiriitnl on commis sions In London and un ui ! Coiitlnonui llonibes o KilroiiL- . Neiotilntlon of llnllwar , "talc , f\tf npil Corpor- ntlon I oiin" n Miocliiliy COMMERCIAL Capital , - $ 'tOOOOO ( Surplus , - 4O.OOO Ollicors and Directors II M. Monoman , O M. Hitchcock , .loi. ( inrncau. .Ir , A. lltnrv. K JI. Anderson , \\ni l..Manl. v nrm ; I , II. Will lams , A I1. Hopkinspie3. ; A Jllllard. ca-nki ; 1' . II. ilr ant , iiHSlstant caslilei. Boots and Shooa. KinKEKDALL , JOMJS & CO. , Successor , to Heed , Joni , t Co. Wholesale Manafacturcrs of Biots & Shoes Ageuln lor Iloston llubbpr Slina To . 1102 1101 nod 1101 lluruey htrvet , otuftlm , Ketirvakn. Drowors. S'lOUX & 1I.EII , Lager Beer Brewers. 1IB1 NorlU Klitlitontli tlr.ut.Omfilm , Kpb. _ Cprnico. _ KAOLE COHNK'E won its , kanufrctnrers oFGalyaiiizeil Iron Cornice \ > liidow cttpH nnil mi tallobkyllfiliti. John ll > Diitt9r , propriutor , Ji * anil ll'J ' buulli luth direct _ Steam Fittlngs , Pumps , Eto. _ BTHANa & CLAtlK Sl'KAM HEA'flAO CO. , Pnmiis , Pipes and Engines , Btim , wiitir. railway nn < l minim ; iiipiiltei , etc. Via , Vii nU VU rernani uett , Oumha. " U. S. WIND EAO/.V-B , v PUJIl' CO. , Steam and Y/ater / Snuiilics , llallldar wlml mllli , 919 nnd trfl Joni-i it , , Oraahk u h. Huts , Acting Mnnrthor. f : CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BbcuMron nori , iteurn puupi , uw nilllt. rent , Uiimlm. Iron Works. PAX'ION & VIEHUXa lltON WOliKS , Wrought and Gait Iron Biiiiding Wort , Knplnfi uia work , genrral foundry innchltiouuJ bUtkiuiliu wurk Uttnenml vrorki , U. 1 * . II J , and I7tb urcul , Omaliu. OMA HA WJHE < i Jl < 6x WOHlfS , Maiuifactiirers of Wire and Iron Railinis Ucik ralli. window euanli flower iiundi. nl etc. 12J Nurtu lull ttrocl. Oiuul SAVE A. IRON WOIiKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar I roof Safes , Vaultf , lull work. Iron butter , unit rlr cirapei. U , Audreou , uruu r t nrncr lull mud Jmktou ! , Sash , Door jj o. _ ' " M. A. UlSJtKOW & 'c"o. , \Vliole rngsufacturer , oJ Sash , Doois , Blinds ani Monldings , Uroucli oaico , IS Hi mil ImrJ tticul , . Ouioh , M''J OMAHA. UJflOX MOUK YAHDb CO , Of South Oinalia , Lirailci OlHAJflBEEIS'DIEECTOB ' ] ' - it1 1- > > ' * < rr > - - ' - rjo3QQfi Agricultural ImplomontB. L7S7A o ETr.v.UTJ'ItVtlF'COTf * Agrlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ! tliifftlti , otrwholoimtc Onuhn , Ncbraik * . Furniture. Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnliiirc , Furnnm IrooUOmnlm , NctrniVn OllAltLBS Smi'JJHWK , Fnrnite , OmitliA , Nobrnakft. Crocorlos. _ _ " ' IJHAUr A ci % Weralo Grocers , Ulhamllfl < iv nm > rtli ilrcctn. Oiinlm , N brnk . Hnrtlwnro. ir. j. Hcsyy Hirdwc , IFOR mifl Sled , Sptlnus , nnson itnck , liiml nro. tumlicr. oto. 1301 nit 1111 HMiioi Mtc l , Umiths. & STODDAllD CO. , lnnulncluror * nnil Job ! on In tens , Buggies Rakci , Plows , Etc , Cor fill niul 1'ACtllo Mroti. OrnMm Artlata * Nlntorlnls. jlT PE , Jr. , Mists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , lilt DouKln * street , Omnlm , Nit > rrki \ . JJoots nnd Shoos. Hf. V. MOlfeU A CO. , Jokers of Boots and Slices , 1101,110-1 , llWDouk-lan strict , Omilin MnnufHclorr , ' biimiuir btriol , litMtmi. Conl , Coke , Etc. JAMES ir , TUATonun COAL co , t Miners and Shippers of Coal ani Cofr Hoi in si i SHU mil i niiu i ui i > , ( .miVit. " OMAHA COAL , COKE .t LHW OJ Mcdsoi iirtuni Sj ATI South 13tli rtivot , Oitmln Nc A'i'BIM&AM FUEL CO , of Coal and Cok 311 South 1 Ith H , Oninlin , Nub. LUMBER , ETC , JOHN A. Wholesale Liimlier , Etc , Imported nnd Ainc-rionn InrliarU "i > ment. fit U uncut for Mllntuki o hjilr.Tii lonmaill and ijiilmy wliltu iiiuu ( 'HAS it. LEE , Dealer in HaiflMfl Linnlicr , Wood car pit a 1111 1 imrqm t ilourliii. % Uli ml Douxlai utiHila , Uiunlni Nib. OMAHA co All Kin is of Building Material at Y/liolesale / l-jth strict nnd Union I'a Hlclriuk Onmlui. Laler inLnmliBr , Latli , Lime , Sasli , Uoui > , Kto. } HftU ( orner "tti nnd I Corner lUth and DouirliH Mr. InmliB1 , Lifflpi Cement , Etc , , Etc , Core or Utli and DouKlns sl , Oniulia C. X DIR-1Z , Dealer in All Rinds 13tli nnd Clllfonili EircctB.Oiunhn , Ncbrnska. Mllllnory nnd Notions / . oisnm'ULDiui & do. , Imporlers & JoMers in Millinery & Notions .111 , 2111 and 21 ! boulli lltli nlr.u t Notions. J. T. JJOD/A'iOiV i\'OUOAr CO. , Wholesale Notions and FuiMisliing Goods , 1124 Knrnny S'rcot , Omnlia CommlBsion Stor EC and Commission Merchants , SiKclaltlcs IliitUr , t-ena , cliccsa poultry , iia 1112 llnirurd Btrtot.Uiiiulns Null. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. SMITH .1 CO. . and Notions 1103 Mid 1101 Douilnn , cor llttiitrcot , Omiihnr > eb. KlLVA'lliirK-KOCH DIIY GOO/J.V CO. , Importers & JoliteinDry Goods , Notions Gt tfl furulblilnn t' ( iil ( 'Drill r Illli nnd UurnoJ tirit.taOiualm.Nabri9kii. _ HIMJUIAUOII A TAYLOR Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Siiou llccbnnlci' tool anil IhilTiilo sculei. UouglM itrtct , Oinalia , tieU. Toys , Eto. H. HAIUY A CO. , Jdlibeta of Toys , Dolls , Alliiiins , Fancy Goods , Dome ( urnUblnil k-ooils , clillilrun ( nirloito , 1201 t-urnuiu itrtct , Omaliu , Nub. JJIlB ; CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle urcaso , etc. Oumha. A. IT. Pnpor. PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper D3 lers. Carry a nice nlook of urlntlnir , wrnpplni : mill writing o curd paper run- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP1HK Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , TLu licbt Koutu from Omnlm nud Council Itlnir , leTHE THE EAST ; TWO TUAINH DAILY IIKI'WKKN OMAHA ANO tOUM'Ii , 1IJ.UIT8 Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , .Wliiii'iiiolly ( | , Ceilir Itaplds , Ilork Island , I'leriinrl , Huckrunl , Clinton , Diihmiiic , Diucnport , Jiuimllle , llcldlt , Winonn , LtiCio > s ( > , And all other Important nolnt * I'ant , Nortbeait anil buuttiiihul. For through llckiti call on Ilia lltkol aiiint ftt 1MJ Farimmbtrtet , la Unrkur Illuok , or at Uiilu I'uclflo tullfiinn "loepen anil the llneit fHnlnir Cart In Ihi wurlil urn riiiinn tlix inr.ln line it tlio Clilcuxn , Mil. wauLceXtit I'uul llallwujr , uiiil ( WITJT alteDtlOn II imlil lo immniarii liy courtcuui eiujlorvs ot tin company It. Mil Mill flunrrAl Mnnnecr j. K TIIUKKU. Ai > lft4iitl. Mnnaiter. A. V II OAllI'KMbll , Uuiural I'unura'cr and Vlrkft Avcnt OI'O K HMAH-OUI.A olilii tiCDernl 1'meoger ml ticket A Kent T. J. OLAHK. ( jtccril iinatrluttnilcot. .Not Iff. 'Jim I'ubllr are heioby notllled that Uio Him of ritnben \\iilMutrly iioinK biuluosH u ( MilM. IllliSt , Oniahii , .Nrbriisk.1. IH this iliiy dlu- solved by mutuul conwnt , llc-nry Wulf rttlilnir rrouittiikl buslnvid uno Kri'iiKN , " " " ' " ' * Omaha. Neb. , Oct ! ! . It-W J 'JI y bnslnvnblll bo lontlnuoi ] byOttoHtubcn at the biuiiu place , u ho NIK rocdi > t < * ull thu right * of thu old Him , nil loliiH ( hiu tlm old Mrni ara piMiblulo HID and all lluljllltltu nC i-ald IIrm wilt ho scttlud by mi1. urro irriiiii N. Omaha , Nob. , Oct.- , f" " A 10 Ccnl Clunr in ' 'uilllj