Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Omaha's Crooks on the Oolumbua
Diamond ,
Tlio Mntah IJntwccn Kotlirry nna
nnd I ho Aclilovcffiont
of Dnil OlnrK on the
1'nclllc Const.
f onio ItiHiilc Knot .
,7nck CrooliB mndo Ills flr t nppcaranco In
Columbus .yesterday , nnd so cxtrnortll *
nary him been tlio pueo lie has aut since Join
ing the American association that a largo
crowd of Hui'kcyo crunks turned out
to nlzo him up. Ed. It Wo , ttio nblo
sporting editor of the Ohio State Journal -
nal , comniunlcntcs the following to the
writer : *
Coi.i'Mitrs. O. , Oat. 0. Frlnnd Sandy : As
you wrote , Crooks lias panned out gloriously ,
and UuckcnticrifiT is Immensely tickled ever
the deal , t will send you u copy of the Stnto
Journal containing un nccount of Ilia first
paine in which ho ulays hero next Wednes
day with the Athlr-tics , when I bopn to sl/o
him up. ' The day CrooltH Htrucit Colutnbus
1 was In Cincinnati attending u special moot
ing of the American association , so
ns j-ot 1 Imvo not hud the pleasure
of Booing the Omnlm phcnom. Ilo
has shown up so well , however , Hint every
body Is plcuscd over tlio acquisition. Ho
nppoars to bo of the richt stutT. Ilo will find
the Aincrlciin nsiocintlon pretty fast com
pany , but , 1 bollevo ho will hold his own : at
least I hopeso , for the Columbus directors
paid Kood bit ; money for him. Aud
to think Unit , ho could Im-o boon
signed last March for > 00 , Instead
of tU.760. Just before that prlzo lusher Ureen-
wood wus purchased from Uurnlo for J'JUO.
I will probably have two opinions of Crooks ,
ono for publication in the btato .Journal nnd
another for you by wny of n letter. Write
no all his good nnd bad points , the same of
llolllo.v , whom wo liuvo purchusod of St.
1'nul , as your views nro esteemed horu , and I
want to do both men full Justice. Tnat tclo-
Krum froui you to me fixed tlio Crooks iloul.
McCormtek was just out $750. Ilo might tin
\voll liuvo ho < l iWM ) . Yours , etc. ,
Onto City dull Surnrlm-s.
The Gate City Athlotlo Club is in u stnto
of unusual activity those days in anticipation
of Bovoral good events booKcd for the club
rooms soon. The handsome mining or , Jimmy
Kllkcnnyi has been nssl-luous in workingaip
a programme for tlio fall and winter months ,
nnd announces ho has ubig surprise for 'ho
club members botorotho autumn wanes.
Thn Alnfthrwi'll .tlicry March.
Arthur Uothory , of this city , nnd Sam
Matthaws , of Australia , will wrestle catch-
nB-catch.can , bo" > t thrco falls out ot five , at
the Pcoolc's theater this evening , for
5100 n side. Uoth men have oeen in active
training for n week and arc as fine ns llddlcs.
There Is u susuiclon ti'.it thu Australian Is n
'rinRcr , " nnd that ho will huvo n snap in the
Omaha ntnletc. It hu does , however , ho Is a
Kood one , for young Uothcry is no man's
Hnd UOWIIH the Onklimdw.
Dad Clark pitched his llrsl giuno for the
San Franciscos against the O.iklands Sun
day , winning by a score of 1 to 1. The Oak-
lands nuulo but two hits off of the Omaha
man , ono of which was n homo run. The
Friscoi are still one gnmo behind the lead
ers for the clmmplonsliipfitli four more
gnmos to iilay. Clarice hits consented to
pitch nil four of these , and the Fnsconnsarc
giving odds that they will take the pennant.
WantH a "Go" nt.thc Winner.
Frank Hoblnson , the champion catch-as-
catch-can wrestler of Colorado , desires to
challenge the winner of the Muthows-Roth-
ory match , which comes off at the People's
theater this evening , for a mutch ,
best thrco out of 11 vo for a reasonable
stake , to como off nt the Coliseum
on the evening of tlio Hltli. Robinson U
well known throughout Colonulii ana on the
coast , as a tlrst-ruter. Hu weighs , 141 pounus ,
and has n record of seven straight victories
ever men of moro or less celebrity outside ol
the stcllcr professional ranks.
Proponed Stain Jjiiimio.
Tlio papers of Lincoln , Kearney , Hast
ings , Piattsmoutli nnd other Nebraska cities
liavo taken * up the cue given In Sundny't ,
BCD with roCorcnco to a stuto base ball
league- for next season , nnd from the unan
imity of sentiment it is < iuito certain that the
project will 1)3 brought to u successful
The I ; . A. W. ToiirnitniPiit.
tiKXtKOTox , Nob. , Oet. 0. The flrst day of
the L. A.V. . state tournament took place to
day on tbo fan- grounds , and was a success.
Tbo racing all through was for blood ; ovcryj
body wanted the medals. Summary of races :
Half mile , It. T. safety II. H. Rhodes
won , V. II. Morrison second , M. G. Farmer
third , N. T. FisU fourth. Time 1:41. :
Onoinllc , safety N. T. Fisk won , F. II.
Morrison second , M. O. Farmer third.
Time 3:2T. :
One-quarter mile , It. T. safety N. T. Fisk
won. M. G. Farmer second , N. T. West
third. Time 11.
Onojnartcr inllo dash , ordinary K. P ,
Dunhip won , E. ICostoinlatsky uccond , C. M ,
Adams third. Time 41.
Ono mile , I. . . A.V. . atato championship
Charles Peabody won , F. L. Tumplo second
end , B. W. Cole third , M. M. Porter fourth.
Tliuu 3:12f-
Novlco , onu ir.llo Noaly won , Gllmoro sec
ond. Time : iil. ; !
Several good races have been saved for to
morrow , when it Is expected oven bettor
tlmo will bo made.
l.nionin llnccs.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 0. The weather wni
pleasant , the truck fast , nnd tlio attendance
good. Summary :
Mnluon Jlllics , two-ynnr-olds , half mile
Lottlo S. won , Kmlly S. second , Mudurna
third. Tlmo-fiOif.
Three-year-olds mid upwards , ono and
three-sixteenths of u milo Prit elicit won ,
Weeks second , ICoko third. 'I line 1. . ' ( ' j.
Thrco-yoar-olds , Ilftocn-sixtccnlhs of a mile
Long lirook won. Lcttroll second , I'lundur
third. Tlino-1 : UTK.
All nccs , three-fourths of n mile Dilemma
won , Ilurch Bucond , Queen of Trumps third.
McCafforty ( on Uuirh ) was ditnimllllod ,
however , for foul driving , niul Queen of
Trumps wus given second place , with Major
Tom third. Timo-l:10. :
Twc ycar-olds , live furlongs SU Oleo won ,
ChuatrcsH second , Amelia third , 'lime 1:03. :
MfirrU i'nrlc ltno < > * ,
Mourns PAIIK , Oct. Summitry of to
day's races :
Five- furlongs KIncrston won. Cartoon
Booond , Blue Koclt tiiird. Tlmo 1 :00' : .
Savon furlnnijs ( Jlcninouml won , ( trown
CUurllo socoud , Gypso.v third. Timu li''CM .
Ono inllo Heyday won , Hnrzlung sccund ,
Coats third. Tlmo1 Ml
Two-year-olds , &ix furlonga Junedny
won , Undo Hob second , Mayor Ualy third.
Time Isir.X.
Mlle and ono-olghlh Gorge won , Hronxo-
inarto second , ruuiboyno ttiirO. Time 15U.
Milo and one-sixteenth Maid of Orleans
won , Zophyrus bocond , Vivid third. Time
JiTOinrt I'nrlc Hnors.
JKROMB PAIIIC. Oct. 0. Jockey Day , who
was Injured yesterday , lies in a very precari
ous condition in the hospital. Summary of
to-day's races ;
Mulden two-year-olds , half inilo straight
Carrlo U , won , Addle T. second , Lord
Uiony third. Tlmo M ) .
Mutdon tliroo-ycnr-olds , ono mlla Llttlo
Addle vvou. Hill Barnes seeonii , Hyperion
third. Tluio-lMSV ; .
Firenzi stakes , ono and onr-eighth miles.
( two starters ) Hrc won in 'J ; ( > \Vinona
Fourteen tiundrcd yardi Spocilwoll won ,
Bravo second , SU John third. Time 1 )2 )
Mlle nnd ono-slxtecnth Iriston won ,
Diablo occond , Eollnn third Time Hta } ( .
Three-fourths of n inllo Deception won ,
No wburg second , Hrnit third. Timo-1 :18K- :
Ivy Ctiy llnccs.
WASIIIXOTON , Oct. 0. The weather was
pleasant nnd the attendance larco. Sura-
mnry :
Ono mile Persuader won , Dalesman second
end , Keystone third. Tlmo 1 :45) : { .
Six furlongs Pericles won , Pnithcr second
end , Wild Cherry third , Tlmo lKtf. :
Autumnal handicap , ono and one-eighth.
miles Orillammo won , Icpborg second , Hess
third. Time 1:37 : / .
Seven furlong.i Mcrldcri won. HccK second
end , Seymour third. Time 1RO ,
Two-year-olds , llvo furlongs Uavarmn
won. Prlnco Howard second , Fantnsmu
third. Tltrio 1W. :
Axtoll'H Performniico.
Tnnun HAurn , Oct. 9. At the races to-day
Axtcll , driven by C. W. Williams , nnd nc-
compnnicd by Father John ns a bolpcr , pave
nn exhibition mlle in Ul4.f. ? Thin Is the fust-
cut mile over made in hurnoss in Indiana.
Axtcll will start on Friday to beat the turco *
year-old record of 2:1UJ/ : .
The Aninrloan Antnclntioti.
DAI.TIMOKI : , Oct. I ) . Kosult of to-day's '
Riuno :
Ualtlmoro 0 fi 010002 1-0
Urooklya 3 0453111 0 17
CINCINNATI , Oct. ( J. Result of to-dny's
gama :
Cincinnati H 301018 S in
Kansas City 1 0000000 1
Gtimo called on account of dnrltnoss.
LOUISVILLE , Oct. 9. Result of to-dny's
Louisville . 2 0000101 0-4
St. Louis . 0 0030050 0 8
CoMJMiivs , Oct. 0. Result of To-dny's
gamu :
Columbus . 1 2004020 1 10
Athletic . I ) OOOSJ0131 0
SlnrtH n > f Iho I'on.
WATIIIILOO. la. , Oct. 0. rSpednt Tele
gram to Tnc lien. ] Myron E. Billings was
taken to the penitentiary to-day by Sheriff
IIoxlo. The supreme court refused his np-
pliontlon for a writ of habeas corpus nnd ho
will bo confined in the penitentiary pending
his tipnnal to the supreme court. When ho
wus tnkon nwny this morning ho dirt not offer
any objections and submitted to being band-
cuffrd without a word. Ho says Unit bo is
conlldcnt of getting a now trial and of ulti
mately getting clear. The cnso against
Mrs. Hillings for perjury in her evidence at
the former tricl of her husband has been dis
missed. The costs of Hillings1 trial hero
llguro up $ ii,000.
Iho biiprt-inc Court.
Dts : MOINIS , la. , Oct. 9 [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bci : . ] Ttio supreme court this
morning ntllrmcd the decision of Judge
Lewis , of the Wood bury district court , in
the case of the Sioux City Street Railway
company , appellant , vs the City of Sioux
City ct til , holding valid the provision of the
state law and Sioux City ordinance requiring
street railway companies to pave the street
for orfr ; loot on e.icli shlo of their track , in
addition to pnvmg between the rails.
Other decisions to-day wore as follows :
Eliza , R. Lindloy , appellant , vs Edward
MurUndalc , Mary M. Mnrtindnle , etnl ; Polk
district ; utUrmcd ; opinion by Given.
L. M. bhnttuck vs Hurllneton Insurance
company , npiMjlliint ; Jackson district ; nf-
lirincd ; opinion by Granger.
Martin Hnssctt vs. Germnnia Building
association , appellant , and Germani.i Build
ing association , appellant , VM. Martin Hns-
sett el al ; Clinton district ; dismissed ;
opinion by Rothroek.
Michael Millur vs. John Schonck , appel
lant ; Jackson circuit ; afllraied ; opinion by
A Ticket Audit llclti UD.
WKSIOX , la. , Oct. 9. | Special to Tna
Bcc. ] Two masked men ontorca the Rock
Island ticket ofllco hero last night about 9:30 :
o'clock , covered the agent with revolvers ,
and relieved him of his ring , watch ana
512 in cash. They then retired as quietly ns
they came. Agent Taylor gave tbo alarm
soon after , nnd iwrtios were sent out in dif
ferent directions. Telegrams were also sent
east and west , but up to this time the high
waymen have noi been apprehended.
Onttlis 'iliipvcH at Carbon.
CAIISON , la. , Oct y. ( Special to Tun BEE. !
As Is the general custom , the farmers hero
count their cattle every Sunday. A week
ago Sunday everything checked O. 1C , but
the fact , now develops tbat a number of
farmers in countlntr last Sunday Jind they
nro short from two to throe of their best fut
steers. Where they nro , or who got them , Is
not known. It is supposed that somebody on
some niRht during the week passed through
and gathered up a cur load and shipped them
from some adjoining town. The unlucky
farmers feel pretty sere at having the profits
of their stock-raising taken in this manner.
anil PiMtotlluu Kohbofl.
CMXTON , la. , Oct. ( ( . [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Bic. : | Burglars robbed the United
States express ofllco at IMcCausland last
night of § 100. Then they wont to Martins , a
station n short distance Irom there , nnd
brolto into the postofilco nnd stole some
stamps. They are supposed to belong to the
gang that bus been operating in Clinton.
Brotherhood of .s < ; ctif > n Knrnini > n.
CniCAOO , Oct. 9. The fourth International
annual meeting of the Brotherhood of Rail
way Section Foremen of America to-night
elected the following grand ofilccrs : Grand
chief , James Sweeney , of East St. Louis ,
111. ; vice granu chief , W. D. licmpsoy , oi
Epsworth , In. ; second vice grand chief , M.
Fitzgerald , Evnnsvillo , Ind , ; grand secre
tary and treasurer , S. J. Pogg.ot Montreal :
grand organizer , M. O'Dowd , of Emporla ,
Kan. ; grand warden , N. Higgiiia , of Mur-
physboro , III. ; rtireu members at the grand
executive committee , M. Morrison , of Ot-
tumwn , la. . Thomas Nicholson , ot St. Louis ,
James McNmnco , of Memphis , Tunu. The
next international convention will be held at
Toledo , O , , commencing the llrst Tuesday in
October , lt > ! 0. .All it-ports Indicate that the
brotherhood la in a most prosperous con
AITtor tlio SaloonUcopiM'S. .
KAXSkS CITT , Oct. 0. The Ministers' alliance
lianco , composed of clergymen of every de
nomination , has taken hold of the Sunday
closing In earnest anil has appointed a com
mit too to raise funds for the prosecution o :
the violators. For a time during the Rummer
the authorities attempted to enforce the law
ugAinst tmloonkooponi , but the nifnsal of the
police to Inflict morn than n nominal penalty
rendered the attempt useless. The min
istors1 commlttoa propusea now to see that
the law Is enforced.
The WuKtern Onulii Mini.
CVLUWBI.L , Ivan. , Oct. 9. At the meeting
of the western cattle men to-day a mcmorla
to the Chicago llvo stock exchange was
adopted which will uu extensively circutntct
in tlio range country , It protests against the
commissions now charged In Chlc.igo as in
equitable mid unjust , uud inks the adoption
of u rule of charges which will distribute the
cost of selling cattlu according to their
A. I'liKiinolnus llitrhnrlnn.
BEKU.V , Oct. 9. Dlspatcbos from Dauiar-
land sayit the paramount chief has ordered
all Germans to quit the country ana has
seiicd the Gorman missionaries as hostages
of the untivo agents imprisoned by the Ger
A brewery , hotel and several forage stares ,
warehouses , etc. , vferu burned nt OMhultn
to-day ,
A Vouiic ; Willow tlin Canst * ,
PIQUA , O. , Oct. 9. Henry Huffman nnd
Lawrence II u lor , both about forty-live
years of ugt % litivo been courting a young
widow. Huler became the favorite suitor ,
and this morning Huffman called on him and
shot him fatnllv. Huffman then suicided.
The lown Oommnndory Again lu
Full Fellowship.
Amid Great Kntlmtlnsin tlio rant Is
I-'orclvon li ( nlsvlllo Itooom-
niciidcU for the Nest Meet
ing uftlic Conclave.
HnttlrU nt Iinnt.
'AsnxnTO.v , Oct , 9. At the session of the
praml encampment this afternoon the lown
case came up. Past Grand Master Jnmcs
M. Hopkins , of Plttsbtirp , IB , , chairman of
the committee on Jurisprudence , brought In
n report which recommended the adoption ot
n resolution which began by reciting
the passage of the resolution of
thrco years ace that caused the trouble.
It then ( minted out that It was the ulrty
of the most eminent grand master to enforce
the terms sot out In the resolution and that
the grand commnndcrlos of the stnto of lown
hnd been disloyal In not obeying the edict of
the most eminent grand master nnd wcro
censurable Tor this notion , but the com
mittees wcro of the opinion that the grand
cominandory and subordinate com-
mandeiics of Iowa had been
punished sufficiently In bclns suspended
from Intercourse with the commnndcrlcs of
other states nntt of the order generally
throughout the country nnd recommended
that the order Interdicting nil Templar Inter
course with the grand cominandory of lown
nnd the Knights Templar of the United ,
Stales bo no longer considered m forco.
The recommendation of the com-
inittco found immediate favor with
Iho members of the grand encamp
ment. A love feast soon prevailed on nil
sides nnd amid considerable enthusiasm ,
the resolution of tbo committee was adopted
nnd the grand commiiudcry of lown was
cordially welcomed back into full fellowship.
The committee on the next plucouf the meet
ing of the triennial conclave .reported In
favor of Louisville , K.\v The report will bo
voted upon to-uioi'row afternoon ,
The Visiting Knights Tciuplnr KuttT-
tnlncd Ity the Executive * .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. The. people. found
much to mlnnrc jintl to gratify the ftonso of
the beautiful nnd picturesque in the appear
ance of the white houe > o grounds to-night on
the occasion of the reception tendered the
visiting Knights Templar by President Hnr
rison. From the south portico the scene was
an Ideal stage picture transferred to the open
air and set in the border of nature. Rows of
Chinese lanterns were strung on wires on
each side of the crounds. ' Other rows of
lanterns encircled clumps of plants and foli
age huru and there , while nt various points
well adapted to enhnnco the effect
were circles of small colored' glass
globes lighted by electricity.Yltnln
doors the decorations nlso varied from
the ordinary display of potted plants
and cut llowers. Palms nnd other plants
wcro used , but were relieved by Masonic
lloral design1 * . Over the doorway leading
from the main corridor to the west room two
American flags were draped , while on the
opposite side , nnd facing those who entered ,
two large national Hugs hung in folds and on
them thu words , " \yolcomo , Sir Knights , "
wore placed in red \ylllows.
The reception began nt 8:30 : o'clock and
was to have lasted Until 10 , but owing to the
great throng tnat desired to shako the pres
ident's hand it was considerably lifter that
time before the last knight passed throuch
the lino. Thousands of knights and their
lady friends woio received. The gates _ were
opened nt 8:15. : The reception ooih-
niittcn then entered nnd formincr in
the corridor were presented to the president
nnd pnrt.v , who came down stairs promptly
nt 8:30 : as ih'i Marino band played "Hail to
the Chief. " The president then took hi *
stand nt the entrance to the blue room and
the blind-shaking boftnn. The proslddnt was
nssistcd by nil the members of the cabinet
except Secretaries Blaine und Proctor , and
by Airs. Harrison , Mrs. Mlllnr , Mrs.Vm -
dom , Mrs. Rush nnd Mrs. .Noblo. The pre
sentations were inaac by Sir Knight Myron
M. Parker , of this city. The knights , gen'
orally accompanied by oao or moro ladles ,
passed quietly through the blue room. Aftdf
iingorini ; here a short Umo they ( ie.scomlefl ,
by way of the stairs from the green room
into the garden below1 , , At the close of the
reception the guests walked ahout the
grounds awhile nnd witnessed n beautiful
display of flioworks. '
Tlio Piirntio of thi ) IMyHtio Shrlnn.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. To-day's spectacu
lar feature of the grand encampment of
Knights Templar was the parade of the Myn-
tle Shrine. Tde procession formed near the
treasury building and marched thence by
Fifteenth , K , Ninth streets und Pennsylva
nia avenue to thu capitol , countcr-
rnurchinc tbonco to tbo place
of starting. Osman temple , of
St. Paul. Minn. , caused much amusement
nmong the sopectators by carrying "tho
blanket , " u strong canvas sheet with con
venient handles upon which candidates for
admission nro tossed during Initiation.
Among the prominent temples wore Eljebel
temple , of Denver , and Medina temple of
Illinois. The members of the loti vor temple
nt intervals during the march uttered u pe
culiar cry inuicutiva ot their purpose of
having the next conclave held lu that city.
At the Toinli fit" WiiHlitnutnn.
WAsnixciTON , Oct. 0. All the visiting Illi
nois commandorics of Knights Tnmplur wont
to Mount Vernon to-day for the purpose of
conducting memorial services at the tomb of
Washington. A crowd numbering several
thousand assembled on thu luwn In front of
the old Washington mansion , where the ox-
crcisos wore bold The oration of the dny
was delivered by Rev. Sir Kn'.ght George C.
Lorimcr , of Chicago.
A J'rurtsnmii'H Union.
Nmr YORK , Oct. 9. The International
Adams nnd Cylinder Pressmen's union closed
the work of thu organization this afternoon.
The step taken Is ono which the printing
pressmen in the United StaU's and Canada
Imvo contemplated for a long tlmo and makes
tlio organization distinct from the Typo
graphical union. The now union starts off
with 1,000 members.
Conl mi Klrc.
KCAIINCY , Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bii.J ; : A mass of thirty-flvo
tons of coal stored away in the basement of
the Second ward school building caught on
11 ru to-day from spontaneous combustion ,
The flru was subdued before any serious
duinnru occurred , but it ! H still smouldering
this evening. Every means is being tried to
put out the lire.
A Dluloinn Drnlnr Indicted ,
Coxconi ) . N , II. , Oct -The grand Jury
of thu United States circuit court to-day re
turned Indictments against Dr. II. F. Urad-
bury , of Nashua , of bogus diploma fame , for
using the malls for fraudulent purposes nnd
fur using u fictitious name lor thu purposo.of
procuring , aiding or abetting fruun.
Killnd in n Dispute.
GUTIIHIK , I. T. , Oct. 9.V. . Canterbury
was ahot und killed to-day in the Chloknsnw
nation by Colonel K , C. Sugg , a wealthy
ranch owner. Colonel Sugg and Canter
bury met on tbo highway und it was during
u dispute thu crime wjs committed.
Cliniikly LoConey Imlioled.
CAMIIIIX , N. J , , Oct. 9. The grand Jury fp-
day found an Indictment ugulnst Chalky
LcConoy for the murder of Annlo LaJoney ( (
his nlecu , at his farm IIOUS.Q. near Merchant-
vlllo recently , _ _
Untied I'or tlm Honitoii ,
NnnubKA Cirr , Neb. , Oct. ' . ' . | Special W
THE HKR.I Thp Nobraslca City canning fac
tory bus Just closed the season's packing ,
having put uu ; WOIMK ) cans of corn , tomatoc- * ,
etc. , bums a largo increase over last year ,
WOOIi MA.IlU.12r.
A Continuation ot\Stcndlno s In Snlcs
nnd Priors.
BOSTON , Mas * . , o.ct. P. [ Special Tolo-
Rrnm to Tun iJBE. ] f-Tho American Wool
Ruportcr , In Its rcvloW ot the market , to
morrow will snyi Satosantl prices continuo
steady , but manufncttjrora cling to the past
hnblt ot buying only qnotiyh for present uso.
II Is not a market' fop cither the scllor or
buyer to try nnd : spcoulnto on. Fleece
wool continues quiet , with some fair selling
of Ohio XX nt ! Uc. which may bo taken as
the bottom prlco for choice wool. An offer
of 83) ) o for n largo line has been refused
BO veral times ( luring , the past week. Most
lots are firm nt 3ic. This wcok has shown
n fair movement -on tlio eastern seaboard
nnd in spring California nt prices on a par
with quotations of sixty days ago , nil ma
terial of this grade showing a not falling off
of > { o smco the soring arrivals begun. Llttln
or nothing Is being done In Orepon. XXX
being had nt prices equivalent to 6So clear.
Texas Is being neglected. Holders nro de
cidedly flran , roDorts "being received that the
car clip Is bolng purchased for ttio Now
York nnd Boston markets nl IS o
in lands. This wool shrinks S3
per cent nnd would Imvo to bo sold on this
innrkot at prices equivalent to 50@32c. The
short spring wools bring ubont two. There
was only a Inlr movement in territory wool ,
Montana ? \Vyomlngs boicg entirely re
stricted In JN'OW York , but some salus In Bos
ton bringing Ole ) dividend , which is the bottom
tom urico. Pull wools continue llrin , with n
moderate demand. Lambs Imvo boon about
thu largest movement nt the average price of
! ! 5o. Seaboard quotations nro ns follows ;
Ohio and Pennsylvania , XX and above , ! 13 }
C ? 5o : Michigan XX nnd nbovo , S9inio ( ;
Michigan No. 1 nnd above , 5@30c ; Ohio No.
1 , combings.JOo ; Ohio dolulns ! : HHWX : ° ;
Michigan , detains , 82@34o ; Missouri and Illi
nois , combings , from -9 to i0 ! ; Kansas fine ,
! S@iOc ! ; Kansas medium , 20-itiiio ; Wyoming
medium , 23@2To ; Montana choice , Xn321e ;
Montana average , IT lOc ; Colorado me.
dlum. HOflSlo ; California pulled , 25@35o ;
Eastern lambs , 40iiJ3c ( : Western lambs , 23
It Declares in Kavor ol * nn Intcr-
nntlnnnl Cdpyricht.
ST. Louis , Oct. 9. Tho. United Typotbotcc
to-day took the international copyright ques
tion up nnd nflcr n long debate adopted n
resolution to aupolnt u delegate to the Inter
national Copyright league lu Now York , nnd
declaring Us approval of the principle ot nn
international copyright law ana especially of
the provision that nil copyright boolm shall
bo printed in the United States. Tbo com
mittee to which Was referred tlfo "unjust
practices" of certain syndicates of typo
foundries in printers' supplies , made a re
port umiunlllledly cor.uomning the practice
of furnishing to irresponsible parties com-
tneto outfits to bo paid for by setting aside n
curtain portion of the gross receipts monthly ,
and the practice of some manufacturers in
foreclosing embarrassed establishments nnd
instead of offering them at public sale con
tinuing thum in operation to the detriment
of the craft.
The committee to which was referred the
eight hour question was given until tomorrow
row to report.
Nrbrn.qka nml inwa Pensions ) .
WASHINGTON , 6'ctl K [ Special Telegram
to Tui : BIE. : | Pensions granted Ncbrnst
kans ; Original invnlidJ-Tbomas L. McNeil ,
Urlus Keelor , Marion H. Mills. Increase
Thomas W. Eaton , John .f. Bentley , John L.
A very , Joseph A. Benedict.
Pensions nllowodlowans : Original inva
lid John Ebison , William H. . Marsh , Milton
H. Sweet , Edward Hogan , William L. Dean ,
Thomas Calvort , SlmOn Scott , Alfred B.
Ilnrdce. alias Van Dus'o'n , Joseph II. Lowrey ,
Robert M. Croighton , John \V. Chrissinger.
Increase Levi Pluinloy , Willium Evuns ,
James H. Wiltzle , JTohn Leggett , Joseph
Cameron , Daniel Etdriago. Rcissuo und - increase
crease Houort M ; Thompson. Reissue-
George Brunnor , 'Phillip ' Minsor. Original
widows , etc. Martha , -widow of Chavlcs D.
Poi-orgrino. * J ;
Kti-ctric Wire ,
NnwOKK , Oct. 9. In view of the whole
sale loss of life by electricity the meeting of
the board of electrical control to-day was de
voted to the reception of representatives of
tbo various electric companies. Mayor Grant
scored them roundly and declared himself in
favor of shutting off electric illumination by
overhead wires altogether unless the mortal
ity ceased. The mayor was llrm , insisting
that the wires must go into subwuv.s and
that where subways did not exist perfect in
sulation must bo maintained. A resolution
forbidding tlio use of wires not certified by-
the board's expert as In proper condition ,
was adopted.
J'ho "Wf > Hte > rii Union Statement.
Nuw YOIIK , Oct. 0. At the annual meet
ing of the Western Union Telegraph com
pany to-duj the old board of directors was
re-elected. The statement for the llscalyear
ending Juno 30 shows the gross earnings. to
bo $20,7S3,1I4 ! ; operating expenses , $ H.5G.r , -
152 , nnd not earning , fGil8i'4l ! , nn increase
of $1,14T.4TO ever the net earnings of tbo pre
vious year. After the ptymentot dividends
and all charges there was a surplus from tlio
year's business of Jl.OTii.bOfi , innldng thu total
surplus June 0 , & 8OU,401.
The liulinnnpnliH Klcctlon.
INMHAXAI-OMS , Intl. , Oct. 9. The ofilcial
returns of the municipal election give Sulli
van , the democratic candidate for mayor ,
1,795 , majority over Coburn ( rep. ) Swift
( dom. ) for city clerk , has 1,253 majority ever
Taffo ( rep. ) The board of nldormcn is com
posed of live republicans nnd five democrats ,
while the council is ten republicans nnd llf-
tocn democrats. In the lust board and coun
cil the republicans had n majority. Sullivan
is the lirst democratic mayor elected for
fifteen years and the democrats are jubilant.
TlirmUonod liy a I'ralrlc Fire.
ST. Cix > un , Minn. , Oct. 9. Prairie fires
nro ranking progress toward the city , and
during this forenoon burned their way to
within a few rods of tlio Manitoba & West
Side tracks , and the city limits. An immense
union nt of liny was burned last night. The
smoke id so dense in the city us to inuko it
impossible to see further than n block. Un
less rain comes ttoon the loss to property will
bo heavy.
A -ikcitil l Horse Tlilcf Cajitui'od.
CIIAMIIUIII.AI.V , S , D. , Oct. 9. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Bnu.J A few weeks ago
three horbO thieves escaped from the county
jail hero by sawing the locks off the doors.
An uctivo search shie'tiat ) ' tlmu has resulted
in capturing one of tliem'in Buffalo county ,
where no xvus employed as n farm hand. Ho
has been brought heraaiid lodged In jail. No
trace bus yet been discovered of the wnerc-
nbouts of the other fwb.
Kt , Kun. , Oct ( 9-rTho governor has
indorsed the appeal .from the people of
fetcvens county for Uld , nird urges that a
heart.v response becTvun to the call for food ,
fuel and clothing , TUo/aymorsof that county
liavo suflured four Mj ccsslvo failures o'f
crops and they uru w'lUlpnt moans of support
for the approaching \vlntpr.
Tim Dralli
VIINNOct. : . 0.-4htf. Leldormlaff , the
well known lunacy dpcclallst. . It dead ,
TOLKUO , O. , Oct. liA : Southampton cable
nnnouncus the douth of Samuel Rochwoll
RleJ , for many years u noted editorial
writer on tlm Cincinnati Commercial Ga-
/etto over the signature , of "S. It. R. Ho
died on tlio steamer Labn , en route for
Europe , October 0.
OH DeaUirx Assign.
PIIOVIDCNCE' , } { . J , , Oct. 9. W , A , Robin
son & Co. , oil dealers , assigned tg-day. The
Indebtedness U placed at fi-om f'J.IO.OOO to
$ . ' 100,000 , about 9100,000 of which IB In this
city. The llrm is as yet unable to make any
A Kit of UriinUoii Jealousy.
SALT LUE. : Oct. 9. In a lit of drunken
jealousy Robert Hrnnton shot Ins wlfa fatally
here thU evening nnd then ebot himself
A Younff Lndy the Victim of a
Myotorloua ShootingAffair. .
Views or tlio City Attorney on tlio
LcRiilUy or Spcolnl Cottnoll-
inniila KlrutloiiB Tlio I'o-
II com tin's llnli ,
A Strnnco
About S o'clock Wednesday evening Miss
Llzzlo Wllllmans. ngcd fifteen years , who re
sides with her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. John
WHHmnns , on tlio Bellevue road , about
three-quarters of n inllo south of Albright ,
was shut nnd painfully but not seriously In
jured. Miss Wllllumns and her little brother
were in the flold near their home , when a
man , well known by nppcaranco in the
neighborhood , but whoso nnrao can not bo
nsccrtnlncd , shot her with a shotgun , filling
her right arm at the elbow nnd hur right leg
with shot. The ran mrny. The girl's
father followed the fleeing man , and , catching
him , n&kcd him If ho wore crazy , wnon the
wild man drew a revolver nua scared Mr.
Willimaus away.
The man who did the shooting works In
ono of the snntt pits near there nnd may bo
described ns n 'man llvo feet nine inches
high , light complexloncd , nnd a Dane.
A surgeon wus summoned from this city
who dressed Miss Wlllitnnns' wounds , nml
Mr. Willlmons cnnie to this city and reported
the matter to the sheriff of Sarpy county.
The Spcolnl Aldorinaiiio Klootkon ,
The announcement that Mnyor Slunno
would issue a proclamation for a special
election to bo hold on the day ot the general
election for the purpose of electing councilmen -
men , has caused considerable discussion ns
to the legality of such proceeding. E. T.
Parnswortli , city attorney , when asked In
reference to the matter , stated that ho had
not been consulted In reference to illllng
the vacancies , but that his attention had
been called to the statement In Tnc Jinn.
Ilo stated further that It was his opinion that
the vacancies could not bo tilled at the No
vember election ; that section 103 of the gen
eral election Inw provides that vacancies in
city und village ofllcos shall bo filled by thu
mayor and council or board of trustees ; that
section 10. ) provides that such appointments
shull continue nt the next election at which
tbo vacancy can bo fllloa.
Sub-division 23 of section 03 of the charter
provides Hint the mayor nnd council shall
liuvo power by ordinance to provide for
illling such vacancies as .may occur in any
elective ofllco , by uppointinunt by the mayor
nnd council , to hold until the next general
The general olcction here referred to Is the
general city election , as by suction 13 of
nrticio 10 of the constitution of the stuto ,
ofllcers of cities nro not included in the
cilices to bo llllcd at the general state elec
The general election , ns fixed by
charter , shall bo held on thu
llrst- Tuesday in April annually. No nu-
thority is given by Hid charter for calling n
special olcction for the purpose ot electing
councilman , and as the charter provides n
way for filling the vacancy , no other coursa
can bo pursued.
As it is less than n year until the next
gpncral city election , the vacancy will have
to bo filled by uppoiiituiout , or the vacancy
71io lo Icoinon'H Rail.
Never did a larger and happier crowd
assemble in A. O. II. hall than at the third
annual hall given last night by the police
force of South Omaha. Ono hundred
couples Joined lu tbo grand march ns
Slieluny's ' orchestra struck up Its sweetest
strains , while as many more viewed tbo
magnificent display. A line spread was
served by Schenck & Williams. The mem
bers of the force , wno nro as polite ns they
nro attentive to auty , were nil attention nnd
succeeded to perfection in entertaining their
guests. Among those present were Captain
Thomas Connack , Sergeants Albert Sis wort
nnd Thomas Ormby , and depot policeman
James Chamberlain , ofiOmalm. Without nn
omission in nny part , uud without n single
thine to imir it , tlio ball' is conceded by nil to
be one of the social events ot the season in
'South Omaha.
and jii-nycl Away.
Harry Lane , proprietor of tbe City hotel ,
the man who was brutally assaulted some
weeks ngo nnd injured , has since showed
signs of mental weakness , and Tuesday of
lust week , without a word or any known
cause , Mr. Lane loft and has been seen only
oucc since then in Omaha. Mrs. Luno is
nearly aistraetcd ever his absence nnd fears
the worst. Mr. Lane is n man fllty-cight
years old , five feet and Jive inonos , big , gray
mustache nnd wore a heavy blue English
overcoat. Aiiy information of Mr. Laao will
be gladly received by the distracted family.
Tlm New KiiKlniid Dinner.
Tha King's Daughters scored another suc
cess at their Now England dinner Tuesday
night The menu included every thing Boston ,
you know , " nnd all was prepared as fine as
thotlncstanil served with Bostoninn elegance.
The patronage was liberal and the Indies re
ceived most gratifying compliments , not only
In words , but by a "plcaso replenish my
plate , " till there was not a question in the
minds of nny present about its success , A
better meal was never served in the city , nnd
a bettor pleased gathering of friends could
not meet to part.
A Hnndsomc Present.
The Odd Number Pleasure clnb lias pre
sented n handnomo nnd valuable gold badge
to William McCroith forstriumg twcnty-ono
out of twenty-live blue rocks September 15.
Tlio badge consists of n pin inscribed "Pre
sented by the Odd Number Pleasure club , " a
small gold bar and chain hasV. . Mc
Croith. " and the pendant attached by chains
has inscribed "Won September ID , 18S9. "
Kncrnvcd on the badge are guns and antlers
and gnmo on the prairie.
Notes Aliouc tlm City.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Popp , a
Peter Molclios has taken possession of ttio
Cit. hotel.
MibH Anna Kgan , who been dangerously
ill , is bcttnr ,
The Turn Vorcin will meet Thursday even
ing at the Hall ,
Peter Molclnors is the now proprlelor of
the City hotel.
A BOH has been born to Mr. and Mrs , Fred
Kuhn , of .Albright ,
Mrs , Harry Lnno has removed to the Da
Grnffo building' , N street.
The next party at the Emnnon will bo
given Friday evening , the 18th.
A now shipping oftleo Is being erected at
tlio packing liouso of Swift & Co ,
Morris Roach , of the Armour-Cndahy
force , has gouo to SpriugJlcld , 111 ,
Mrs , Thomas Pit/gorald stopped on a rusty
null and sustained a painful wound ,
Edward .1. Davis will remove his livery
stables to Twenty-sixth and N hi reals.
The Infant fion ol Mr. and Mrs. John lias-
bury U better , and now believed to bo out of
Samuel Porter after an Illness Is nblo to
resume his work at thu pankiug house of
Swift Si Co.
Tlio city council failed to incnt , larking a
quorum , Wednesday evening , and adjourned
to mcot Thursday evening.
The womcrt of the Y. W. C. T. U. will hold
n" White Cap" social in the Methodist
Eplxcopal church Friday evening.
J , Enrlck , who has been very ill for some
time , Is better and now able to be out al
though his ono leg Is partially paralyzed.
Councilman John N , Burke has changed
tlio date Jor the ball and organization of tlio
American Athletic club to Monday evening.
the llth ,
The radio of a watch , donated bv George
J , r-ult7er for thu briietltof John McKinnuy.
will taku pluco Saturday evening at Daniel
McCoy's tmloon ,
A score of friends wont to Oinuliu Wednes
day evening and surprised Miss Catherine
Whlto at the pleasant homo ot her parents ,
No. VJ41 Nortii Twentieth street.
Enterprise Ledge No. 70 , Knights ot
Pythias , took ohargo of the funeral of the
Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Morrcll Gump ,
which was buried In Laurel Hill cemetery
Tuesday nUnrnnon ,
Ernest Post , for his promiscuous use ot n
revolver In J. T. Dean's meat market ,
was nsscsscd by Judge King & ! 0 and ,
costs for resisting an olllccr nnd S5 nnd costs
for carrying concealed weapons.
The platform along the oust sulo ot the
now building nt the Gcorgo II , Hammond
packing houses was completed yesterday ,
nntlThursdny the second viaduct between
the old and now houses will bo raised.
Almnt I'coplo.
Mrs. D. S. Curtis has gouo to Denver.
Mrs. John Flyiw has returned from Pnpil-
Mrs. Clarence Bronlzor has gene to Nc-
Mr. hnd Mrs. E. O. Mnyflcld have returned
from Tolpito , O.
Dr J. U. Smiley , of Kowance , 111. , Is visit-
Ine L. P. Krous.
Joseph Lothrop , of Columbus , Ohio , U the
guest of Frank Hlouknor.
City Treasurer Thomas Geary 1ms returned
froin Ironwood , Wisconsin.
Mrs. O. W. Madden , of Lincoln , is visiting
her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Patrick Hoctor.
John Bowen , of Hny Sprinp , : a tbo guest
of his old lown friend , Dr.-J. M. Glasgow.
riiouma Mnlonoy , of Carroll City , la. , is
in the city , looking after his realty inter
ests ,
Max Mullcr will start to-dny forSt. Joseph ,
where ho will spend u couple of weeks with
Superintendent Young , of the packing
houses of Swift & Co. , nt Kansas City , is iu
tbo city.
Dr. B. L. Brlgham of Montrose , Minn. , Is
visiting his brothers , Samuel P. anil Albert
K. Brlghuui.
Mrs. Jacob Ernest , who 1ms been spend
ing six wcoits visiting friends In the cast ,
reiurncil from Chicago yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cook , of nillsuatc ,
Mich. , nro visiting their daughter und son-
in-law , Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Van Akon.
Frank Supplco of the B. & M. , r.illronil
force , after a month's absence visiting friends
In Amsworth , la. , nnd Chicago , Ill."ls back.
Miss Cusslo Clark of Tnrklo , Mo. , who
has been visiting her nunt , Mrs. A. C. Wior ,
nnd Miss Austa J. Clarl : , returned homo
Mr. nnd Mrs. Uruco McCulloch have gene
o DCS Moines , In. , to attend n family re
union , and from there will go on to visit
friends iu Galesburg , 111.
DIDN'T lilliK Til 13 POTATOES.
Hint In Why 'Young ; Cnllnliiin Tried
to Carve His McpOlothor.
C. J. Callnhnn is n young man about twen
ty-four years of ngo who is now looking
through the bars nt the police station await
ing the summons of tlio ofllcer who will
take him baforo Judge Borlca.
Calmurn ! is the son of a saloonkeeper nt
Sixteenth and Izaril street , who is married
to his second wife. Lust night young Culla-
han conceived the idea that the potatoes
were not cooked in a fashion to suit his cpi-
curian taste , nnd without further ndo ho
began roundly abusing Mrs. Callnhun. She
bora it nil patiently , which seemed to anger
him somewhat , for ho grew very nbtislvo
nnd finally drew a knife and threatened to
kill her.
lie will bo charged with threatening to
Ed helm & Akin.
"Who arc theyV"
A Very Soclnlilo Crowd.
CHICAGO , Oct. 9. ( Special Telegram to
TnitBuK 1 At Gulesburg last night , while
Policeman Swan L.indquist was pursuing
William Davis ( colored ) , the latter ran iutn
the African Methodist Episcopal church ,
where a sociable was in progress. As tbo
officer entered the door his revolver was dis
charged , tlio ball entering the celling. Ho
was savagely assailed by a largo crowJ of
young coior < od lellows , and BO brutally
beaten that the result of his injuries is un
certain. About n dozen of Im nssallants
have nccn arrested. The final skirmish oc
curred Just in front of ttie church , nnd the
preacher und other members offered no as
sistance to the olllecr.
An Epidemic of Typhoid Fever.
OAKLAND. Md. , Out. 9. An alarming epi
demic of typhoid fovcr prevails nt Aurora ,
W. Va. , about fitteen miles from hero. It is
said the entire neighborhood for miles
around is infected. There Is scarcely a
family without ono or more of its members
prostrated with the disease , and iu BO mo
localities there are scarcely enough persons
to nurse the sick.
For Sending Drlainalory Postal Cards
CHICAGO , Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram to
THE BIE. ] Aloxandar F. Beattio , president
of the Chicago Mining Exchange , was ar
raigned before United States Commissioner
Hoyno this morning and bound over to the
federal grand Jury in the sum of ? 100. The
defendant is cnargod witti sending postal
cards of n defamatory character through the
Edliohn & Akin.
J'Who nre they ? "
.A ItnniicrouH Aline.
Wii.KKSiiAiiiu : , Pa , , Oct. 9. A big squeeze
was discovered in the Franklin mine Just
outside the city limits this morning. The
miners wcro Just going to work when they
heard the roof cracking nnd beginning to
fall , nnd several narrow escapes wore made
by the workmen. Many tons of roof nnd
coal have lullun and airways nnd pumping
arrangement's huvo been interfered with.
I'noiiiuntio Onus.
Piiii.Aiini.riiu , Oct. 9. The official test of
tbo pncunmlio guns of the cruiser
Vesuvius took place on the Delaware
river to-day. It consisted of the
Jiring of tlvu shots from each
of throe gnus in ten minutes and throw
ingusholt weighing forty-eight pounds n
distance of ono inilo. Nothing definite can
bo learned as to thu results of the tests , but
it is understood they wore satisfactory.
Throivn From a Carriutro.
LONDON , Oct. 9. Montague Williams , nn
eminent lawyer , nnd Mrs. Lnmson , the wife
ol the owner of tiio Dally Telegraph , were
thrown from u carriage at Rauisgatu , today ,
and both weru severely injured.
NEIIIUSKA CITT , Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special
to TIIK BKE.I Charles E. Andrews , sou
of Hon. K , Andrews , of Syracuse , and Miss
Jcsslo McICav , two well-known nnd popular
young people , wore united lu marriage to-day
at Syracuse.
Blwliop IIiibli.ird'N Funeral ,
PjiiiADni.i'iia , Oct. P. The funeral of the
Rt. Rev. Thomas Hubbard Vail , the Episco
pal bishop of the dinccsa of Kansas , took
place this afternoon with impressive cere-
monies. The Episcopal convention now In
session In Now York is represented by dele
gates. The remains wcro taken to Topeka
to-night ,
Morn Money l''or Fli-n Anno.
HFIU.I.V , Oct. 9 , The military aatlmntcs
for 1MH do not provlue for nny Incroaio of
the effective iirmy , but the sum of IUO.000,000
murks is asked for now artillery , lire anus ,
und ammunition.
i i
A I'nirlotio Difionvnry.
CITV OH Mi-.xieo , Oct. P. The Unlvona
says trichinae has been ilUcovcrod In hogs
1 in ported from the United States In SMI
Luis Potosl. _ _
Rcnniuulilp Arrival * ,
At New Vbrk Tlio State of Nevada , from
Glasgow ; the Noordland , from Antwerp.
AtBouthnmpton The Luhn , from Now
York , for Bremen.
Morolmnls' Hot-al , Liirijo r.amn'.e
rooms. SJ .oO&tKiHH'ilay. Kulllroiw.
It. FrlKhlcnrd the Pretty Mellcnn ,
nnd tlic Suitor Kind ,
Asaprolly young typo-wrltor snt nt
her desk near nn oftlco window looking
out on Uroiul slroot , the other dny , snys
tlio Atlanta Constitution , working rnn-
idly with her niinblo lingers , aho felt
tlio consciousness ot Hlniiigo oycs upon
linr , nnd nil soil her uyes only to moot
these of n Chitinnmn. The Chinmnmi
wna Rnzlnp nt her most Intently.
The young Indy wont on with her
work , thinking the strange Httlo ( Iguro
would donni'l : but it moved not , neither
flid itspcuic for fomo minules. After
gn/.ing jit hur intently , the llguro glided
noiseless into the olllco , and said to ono
ot the oloi'kn : "Mollcnn gnl inuchco
likoo Chinoo. "
The "Mottcnn gnl" referred to Unshod
with otnbnrrnssinont nnd indignation.
She didn't fancy being llkonod to these
Indies with sinnll ( col und queer fiicon
who disport thomttolvos upon funs nnd
banners. The dork stnrtod to say that
ho could sco no rcsoinblnnco , but the
Colustinl had dopnrtotl as noiselessly as
hu came in. .
The next dny und the next the yellow
innn in blno clothes stood silently nt the
window and gazed at the pretty llttlo
girl , who crow moro.nnd moro iiorvotia
nt , this dumb admiration.
Ono morning she found on her doslc ix
Dticknga uncannily interesting. It waa
wrapped in n ( Jhinoso gilt cloth ot
golduii tissue ombroidurod in Chinesu
tlguros. Uoinoving this the girl discov
ered n box of pnpior mtvoho , wrought in
wondrous designs ot boasts and and
birds , a regular illustrated dullriiun
It-unions of a box. Lifting tlio lid ro-
vonlud n thin , white pauor , with "Moll-
can girl" written upon it. Beneath this
lay n wealth of Hwocla , nuts , candlcB
nnd dates , prepared in such a way as
only the Chinese can , nil upside down
in a surprising sort ot way , with syrup
in balls that intiilo you wonder how they
were llxod. and all yorts of cpngloinura-
tions going to muko a. mvoot harmony.
The girl distrusted these enticing
things , which goes to provo that she
was timid unmitrh for a Chinese wife , if
four could make hop resist the seduc
tive bon-bon. FO enticing to the female
youth of America. But she said she
couldn't , and nho wouldn't touch" the
stutT. nnd so the other employes , lirst in
economy nnd prcfauntly in joy , ate the
whole boxf id.
The Chitinnmn and the boxes came
regularly for several days. The young
lady would not touch them , hut her
comrades enjoyed the gifts too well to
doubt them.
The last visit was a fo\v days ago. lie
entered the olllco in a garb the mikado
mifi-ht Imvo envied , so richly was it
embossed and embroidered with tilings
that swam and crawled and lleiv. In
his hand ho hold n lighted yellow can
dle Unit tlio Chinese used us nn hour
glass. Placing it before the startled
girl at the type-writer , ho said solemnly :
"Alnlly while light burn/ '
The girl , in mortal terror of being1
espoused by some compelling celestial
rite , snatuhcd the eniiulo and blow it
out ; nnd then the Chinaman , showing
for the first time some human emotion ,
left her presence with a face ono do-
grco moro passionless mid solemn. This
was tlio end ot ti Chinese courtship.
The girl has never seen him since.
How Grlvor , tlio Prnnclinian , K < tcniicl
tlio Guillotine.
A tradesman of Lyons , Franco , of the
name of Grivet , a man of mild and sim
ple manners , was sentenced during tno
French revolution , with a number of
others , to die next morning , says the
Philadelphia Press. Those who wore
already in the cave pressed around the
new-comer to sympnthi/.o with nnd for
tify him. But Grirct hnd no need of
consolation , ho was as calm as if he had
been in his own house. "Come and sup
with us , " said they , "this is the last inn
in the journey of life ; to-morrow we
shall arrive nt our long home. " Grivet
accepted the invitation and supped
heartily. Desirous to sleep as well , ho
retired to the remostost corner of the
grave , and burying himself iuhisstraw ,
seemed not to bcfatow a , thought on his
approaching fate.
'J he morning arrived. The other
prisoners wore ti 'd together nnd led
away without Grivct's perceiving any
thing or bolng perceived. Fast asleep ,
enveloped in his straw bed , he neither
saw nor was seen. The door of the wive
was locked , and when he awoke , awliilo
after , ho was in the utmost astonish
ment to find himself in perfect.solitude.
The day passed , and no new prisoners
wore brought into the cave , the judges
did not sit for two days. Grivet re
mained all this time in his solitudcsub-
sisting on some scattered provisions
which he found in the cave , and bleep
ing every nigtit with the same trnu-
quility as on the llrst. On the evening
of the fourth day the turnkey brought
in a now prisoner , and became as ono
thunderstruck on lioolng a man , eras , ho
almost believed , inspirit in the cave.
lie called the Hoiitiiiul , who instantly
appeared. "Who arc you'said ho to
Grivet , "and how came you hero ? "
Grivotansworcd that ho had boon there
four days. "Doubtless. " ho added ,
'when my companions in misfortune
wore led n-way to death I slept and
heard nothing , and no ono thought to
awaken mo. It , was my misfortune ,
einco all would now have been passed ,
whereas I have now lived with the
prospector douth nlwavn before me , but
the misfortune now will undoubtedly be
ropuiroil aiid I shall die. "
Grivet wns Biimmonod before the
tribunal , lie was interrogated anew.
It was a moment of luniunoy with the
judges , and he wan set nl liberty.
Hniutfor f-'fiMvnri Kluied.
A prominent rosUentof thobtnto cap
ital , who was a passenger on the V , &
T. express at tlio time of the visit of
Senator Stewart to Carson after the
mint appoinlmonlB hnd been made , in
forms the Virginia City ( Nov. ) Chroni
cle that on the arrival there of the train
it was boarded by several prominent
nppointocB , who throw tliolr arm
around the venerable Boiintor'ii nook
nnd kissed him to express their grati
tude. Ono of Iho olllclnls who attempted
to Blobber ever thoBOiiutor's patrlnrohnl
board was reputed with the remark
that hie breath was offensive. The sen
ator is said to have avowed that ho will
have every male appointee removed
who attempted the nnculatory method ot
expressing his grutitudo.
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