Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1889, Image 1

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Senator Stewart on the Reclama
tion of Arid Lands.
Kiil htH Templar Will Keep
Open House'lill FrlUny Giving Oj >
the llciimlnlnu Hours to
r > 13 FouiiTKE.NTH STiinnr , , >
' WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct 9. )
Senator Stewart , of Nevada , who has been
investigating the subject of the Irrigation of
the arid plains of the west , northwest and
southwest the past summer with the senate
committee , and who is expected to lead in
the debates on this subject when It oomes be
fore congress , gives some points In tnU con
nection which uro of direct Interest to BKC
readers. He says :
"Tho problem on the plains Is ono of sup
plementing the rainfall. A permanent ad
justment will not bo effected by wells , however -
over numerous. They must , however , bo the
uourco of most of the small storage with
which the Dakota and other farmers on the
plains will meet the present deficiency of
yearly rainfall. Well water is not always
applicable to irrigation purposes , and Major
Powell advises that It .always should bo
allowed to stand In small ponds ,
gathering the correcting and enriching
ing "qualities ( for land use ) which
the microbe nnd other microscopic life always
breeds. Evcryvhcre , too , on the plains , In
the DnhUtas as elsewhere , the farmer can
construct small ponds and basins. Ono aero
of water ten foot deep will supply the de
ficiency in rainfall fpr most years on 100
ncrcs. . Percolation or seepage may lurgol.y
bo prevented when necessary by littering
gypsum spar of some clays broken into
powder through the water unt'l ' they settle
and coat the bottom. Again , an ordinary
ditch , according to the nature of the soils ,
will subirrigato by seepage from HOO to 1,000
feet on either nldu of Itself. Whut will uu
acre reservoir do then 1
"I advise our Dakota friends to combine.
If tlio farmers where Ho wing waters are ob
tainable , or oven where waters nro In
sufllcient quantity to rise nearly to the sur
face , would unite together , say these of ono
section , and would made suitable choice of a
locution for u well and basin , they could
bv thus combining their means sink n well
largo.oough In capacity and by its overflow
to till a reservoir in size amply sufficient for
their own needs. It seems to bo well under-
Blood that congress should consider the
propriety of appropriating a reasonable sum
for the examination of water supplies in the
plains region above nnd below ground , and
perhaps also it should bore a limited number
of oxpsrimental wells on public land for the
purpose of dcllnltuly determining the cost of
eaia wells , and the extent , If possible , of the
artesian ebo and How. "
Sem\jcr \ Stewart's plan of indication is J.h'o
only permanent system to supply tlio great
Dlains from 9" degrees iTO minutes tolOt do-
Brecs , or thu base of the Ho < ; klcs. It will bo
u great scheme of hydrogruph engineering ,
xvnlch will seek on the ono side so to store
the waters of the upper Missouri und the
sources of the Mississippi ns to'Agulate and
thereby prevent the disastrous Hoods
of tlio lower basin region , and
will at the sumo time afford abundant supply
fnr the feeding of ono or moro great canals
with their appropriate reservoir system , by
which not only irrigation will bo effected for
the great plains area , 800 inlleeostand ; | west
by TOO miles north nnd Eouth , but manufac
turing power nnd navigable capacity will
also bo secured.
" 1 see -no reason why there should not
eventually bo u navigable canal from the
upper Mississippi to the gulf of Mexico , ono ,
too , that will irrigate 50,000,000 ucroa of fer
tile land now largely iulo or given over tote
to the use of the broad-horned steer , nt the
rate of twenty acres per steer , " continued
the sanator. "Such land is not worth to-day
over $ L per acre. By the expenditure of the
same amount per acre of ? SO,000,000 it may
readily be made worth $10 per acre , or $500 ,
000.000 in all. 1 have no Idea of proposing
such measures in congress. Our good friends
of the cast and centre would roar too much
for that , but I may bo allowed to think that
under duo restrictions , and covering a roa-
sonublo period of time , it would prove a wise
expenditure of money. "
Although nearly all of the state headquar
ters of the Knights Templar will disband at
10 or 11 o'clock Thursday night and most of
the knights and their ladles will Htart for
their homos , the Nobrnskans intend to keep
open bouse until Friday night , when they
will wind up the festivities of the week
with n grand reception.
Part of the Nebraska delegation will start
for their homes , while a mujority will pro
ceed to New York and other points iu the
This has been n frao-for-all day with all of
the knights and the visiting ludles. No pro
gramme wns followed , Part of Tim BIB :
patrons went to Mount Vernou for the pur
pose of looking upon the weeping willows
nnd the graves of George und Martha Wash
ington , but there was n blockade of boats on
the river and they were unable to land ;
others went to the Schuetzen park , where u
barbecue took place and a few witnessed the
charity drill at the base ball pane.
All ol the Nebraska and Iowa people at
tended tlio reception given by President nnd
Mrs. Harrison at the white house to-night.
About live thousand members of the Mys-
' tie Shrine paraded this afternoon and their
blood-red fez caps made the great thorough
fares of the national capital look Turkish.
The streets have been swarming with
imisnuoradlng nnd parading knights gener
ally. Kurly in tno evening the state com-
rnundorics formed into line and the knights
'and ' their ladles , and men and women who
woro'lint members of the order visltcit head
quarters and had a good time generally ,
Tliu Knights Tc'iuplur conclave proper will
close to-morrow afternoon , although the
grand encampment may remain In business
Houston during the week. They spent nearly
all of to-day in hearing arguments in the
Iowa contest. U is believed that Iowa will
\ > a reprimanded.
Sir Knight C. N. Diotz and Victor Whlto ,
of Omaha , paid a visit to TUB Bra : bureau
tills afternoon and expressed themselves as
being much pleased with their stay in Wash-
inKtoii. Tnii Hii ; ; bureau Is indebted to
hundreds of Nebruskuus for friendly culls
mid gracious compliments during the con
clave. TUB I'KI ' : correspondent In especially
under obligations to Sir Knight C. B , Horton
7or courtesies nnd Information which have
enabled Tin : Bui : to make the fullest possible
report of the doings of the Nebraska visitors ,
blr Knight Horton has made many friends
by his kindness while at the national capital.
i Headquarters for thu four new states are
located utStS Eighth stivot curing the week ,
nnd they proiont n scone of "bustling"
known only to the fur west.
Nebraska Eat'lo , CMS county , A , O , Tay
Iowa Soldier , Mononu county , Uichnrd
Palmer ; Doon , Lyon county , W. S. Kauf
man j Gear , Madison county , W. N. Bow-
inun ; Muplo Grove , Madison county. Junto
GroRscup ; Oxford , Johnson county , William
H. Pool : Swan , Marion coupty , Odin W.
IJtoiue ; Whitlntr , Monoun county , Charles At
Thouuis ,
Kx-Congressman George W. Steele , of In
diana , was ux the white house foi some time
this morning In coni'urence with President
Harrison In reference to the cpinuilsslonor-
thlp of penJious ; Inter ho wax closeted with
Secretary Noble at the Interior department.
A tfhort time after leaving the lultei place
mid going to the white houeo Pruttdent Hur-
rlson sumincncd Secretary Noble to thu ex
ecutive mansion by telegraph. MuJorStvclr's
friends ure confident I'O ' will bo Tanuur's
The comptroller ot the currency has
authorized the First Notional bank , of Dun-
lap , In. , to begin business with a capital of
130,000 ,
By direction of the acting secretary of war ,
Stephen M. Young1 , company A , Second In
fantry , now with his company nt Fort
Omaha. Is transferred to the hospital corps
as a private.
Mr * . Charles Gore and daughter , of Lin
coln , are visiting vholr friends , the Misses
Cowperihwaltc , at 313 New Jersey avenue ,
Capitol Hill.
Land Commissioner Groff Is house-hunt
ing. Ho likes Washington , but says ho
would llko it bettor If all hl family were
here. Miss Groff , who came with her
father , U qulto well pleased with the na
tional capital. The commissioner hopes to
scruro n dcslrablo residence and to remove
his family here In n , very few weeks.
Secretary Noble ha * dismissed the Idnd
contest case of Thomaa Duffy x-s Lincoln
Mack , Irom the McCook land district of Ne
braska. The secretory states that the
difference of non-residence Is incorrectly
Pension boards were appointed for Ne
braska to-day ns follows : Li. E , Marklov ,
Kimbull ; N , H. Johnson , Gcrrlng.
The president commuted to six months' 1m-
pnsonmor.t the sentence imposed in the case
of William Fcarn , convicted in the district of
Illinois of violating the postal laws.
LovorettM. Kelly , of Illinois , chlof of di
vision in the pension office , has resigned.
; Puimv S. HnATit.
An Kxuintnlni * Coiiunlttcn Hcconi-
incnilH IIH Kiilai'41'inent.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 0. The'commi'ssion ap
pointed by the postmaster general throe
months ago to examine Into the needs of the
postal service at Chicago have reported at
great length. The commission ii convinced
the postal service of Chicago Is , nnd bus been
for years , inadequate to meet the needs of
the public , especially in the business sec
tions , and adds that the "public forbear
ance , considering the circumstances , is a
matter of surprise , "
Tlio report shows that the receipts at the
Chicago olllco during the fiscal year ending
JunoIiO , 1839 , amounted to2 , 781,80' . ' , an in
crease of 1S.7 per cent , , over the previous
year. The increase smco July 1 , 1S34 , bus
bedn regular and steady. Comparison is
made with the Now York , Philadelphia and
iJoston olllcos during the same period , by
which it is seen that in no cnse has the in
creases been so large as In Chicago. The
condition of the main postoflico and thu
branch ofllcos is considered at great length
and recommendations made for much needed
The report says the Chicago ofllco is the
next largest postoftico in the country. The
largo number of Important railroad lines
centering there makes it the largest distrib
uting point between the east and northwest
and west. Good , officiant service for Chicago
cage means bettor service for the vast sec
tion known ns the northwest. The commis
sion recommends the construction df an
nexes to the present building , enlarging ex
terior space , etc. An increase of the clerical
force is also recommended to facilitate busi
Bu = scy llovcrses Tannnr.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. In the claim of a
pensioner on appeal from the commissioner
of pensions Assistant Secretary Bussoy to
day rendered a decision reviewing and re
scinding the order issued by Commissioner
Tanner April 23 , which abolished the rating
of § 2 per month and established for the same
thu sum of ft per month in all cases dating
from March 27. 1SS9. In reviewing the order ,
which ho nolus was in error Mr. Bussey
says an nrror is manifest and the rccinding
of it necessarily follows as it has neither the
color of law nor thu authority of precedent.
Sontli Americans , Interested In tlic
Mass , , Oct. 9. The tnr.n
bearing Iho Pan-American party from Port
land reached hero this morning. After
breakfasting the visitors were taken in car
nages through some of the principal streets.
They did not alight at any point , but re
turned to the station nt 10 o'clock , and a few
minutes later loft for Williamantlo.
WILUAMA.STIO , Conn , , Oct. 9. When the
Pan-Amoricau excursionists arrived hero
to-day they were received by a committee
and driven around the ciry in carriages.
Ono of their. number , Clem Studebakc'- , was
compell ed to leave for homo on receiving a
teleg rum to the effect that bis homo at South
Bend , Ind. , had burned this morning.
Tlio local committee conducted the dele
gates to \YMliuiantic spool cotton factory ,
where the delegates saw tlio evolution of raw
cotton into thread ready for market. The
party then went to South Manchestcrwhero
the silk mills were inspected.
Hartford was reached at 11:30. Here the
party divided. One" party went over the
local route sight-seeing and the other over
another routo. The lirst , with General
Huwloy and the vice-president and Manager
Hill , of the Colt armory works , went to the
stiops of that concern. Pratt nnd Whitney's
gun shops were next visited by the ilrst party
and the making and operating of the ilotch-
Itiss multi-charge gun was inspected , after
which they were driven to the Allyn houso.
At another place the other division of dele
gates saw how bicycles nro mudo. The sash
factory visited was that where caligraphs
nro turned out at the rate of twoaty-iivo
daily. The South Americans expressed
pleasure upon discovering that the machines ,
if they could not spcalc , it could at least
write Spanish , and Saiapfesof [ work in thut
laniruago were nagorly sought.
Dinner wjis given the excursionists at the
Allyn hoiiHo , at which Governor Uulkoly pro-
shied , nnd speeches were made by Senator
Hawley , ex-Senator Henderson , Murk
Twain and several of the foreign delegates.
After this a public reception was hold ut the
cnpitol , lasting until midnight.
Tlio Supreme Court ol'tlio ClilcUnsaws
Precipitates Trouble.
DENISON , Tex. , Oct. n. The supreme
court , ot the Chickasaw Nation has given a
decision sustaining the legislative amend
incut to the constitution In regard to squaw
men ( white men ) in the rights they re
quired by marrying Indian women. The
whites claim that under the constitution
they have the name right to hold lands or
onico us the Indians. This decision will
operate directly against the white men. It
will cause trouble and will prove n prime
factor in the movement to throw open to sot-
tlomcnt all of the Chiekusuw unit Uhoctu\\
Nation's laud west of the alnoty-sixth par
allel of latitude. Fully SO percent , of tlio
Inhabitants ol the Chickasaw country are
white , and they will petition congress to
allot thu lands In severally , which moans
the complete disruption of the Indian gov
Ho IJCKVOH Onpcnlumen Kor Gnrmany
rn'iKU-atlony in ltrlin.
COPENHAGEN , Oct. 0. The czar ombarited
at midnight for Germany. He was accom
pan led on the railway from Frodonborg to
this city by thu czarina and all the member
of iho royal family.
( ill-ill I'ru
UEIILIN , Oct. 9. Gouorula Von Worder
bud Von IColtenborn Stachan have lion
deputed to attend the czar during hU stay In
this city. The route through Berlin to he
traversed by the czar will be lined \yiUi
troops and cavalry from Lender station ,
across Kocnlgs place ns fur ns the Chnrlut-
tenburg road ana thcucu with infantry to
the Kubslun embassy.
Iln-iver * nnd DIslllk-r Kulijcritic.
CHICAGO , Oct , 1) ) . The brewers and dls-
tlllcru of I'hie.igo have subscribed 250,000 to
the Chicago World's fuir fund.
James McOInniB Klllod by a Train
nt Wlndoldo.
Commencement of the Petit Murder
Trial nt Kearney I'liUfoi'm or the
Hustings Republican Conven
tion McCook llcunlon.
Struck Hy n Train and Killed.
\YiND3inc , Nob. , Oct. 0. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bcc.l As James McGlnnls was
crossing the railroad track at this place
about 4 o'clock this afternoon the wagon
was struck by the work tram which was
backing down the train , throwing McGlnnls
under the trucks , breaking both legs and
otherwise Injuring hluiso that ho died within
a few minutes ,
The sou of C , G. Hayes , of this place , who
was In the wagon , b.ircly escaped by jumping
and sustained only slight Injuries. Tuo way
car of the train was derailed.
The relatives of the dead man live nt
The Prtlt Murdnr Trial Commenced.
KnAitNF.v , Nob. , Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEH. ] The Polit murder trial , In
which Washington Potlt is charged xvlth
shooting his brother last April , began hero
to-day. The entire tlmo was taken up in
empaneling a Jury , which was selected out of
ninety-six persons.
The IliiHilimi I'lntform.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Oct. 9. [ Special to TUB
Uini.l The anticipated wrangle oor the
fanatical resolutions ut the reuubllcnn con
vention last night failed to materialize , for
the committed appointed to formulate thoia
smuggled them out of sicht. At the con
clusion of the count nominating L. G. l-\
Knight for regent of the university from the
Third congressional district , n vote of thanks
was extended to the citizens of Hustings for
the Kind treatment accorded to the delegates
of the convention while in this city.
C. \Vhucdon , of { Lancaster , introduced
n resolution indorsing Chicago as the proper
place for the world's ' fair. It suited the
sense of the convention and curried-
L. D. Iticlmrds , of Fremont , was rc-felected
chairman of the state central committee ,
AValt M. Sceloy , of Bennett , secictary , and
W. F. Bechol , of Omaha , treasurer.
The following platform was adopted , and
the convention adjourned without date :
\Vo , the republicans of Nebraska , in con
vention assembled , indorse the administra
tion of President Harrison and roafllrm our
faith in the doctrines of the republican party
as enunciated in the Chicago platform of
1883 and pledge to the administration our
hearty support.
Wo congratulate the new states
of North and South Da
kota , Washington and Montana on their
advent into the union , under the fostering
ialluencos of a republican administration ,
and welcome to the sisterhood of states.
Wo commend the polloy of the administra
tion In the cultivation of closer relations
with their sister nations of the new world.
The republican party , pledged to the cor
rection of abuses in the past , will In tlio
fuluro relax no effort to enforce its theory
that all corporations are the servants , not
the masters of the people , and renew these
pledges for the future.
Wo commend the action of congress in its
efforts to redeem the arid lands of the west
ern territories by a national system of irri
Wo commend the action of congress in
passing the . disability pension bill no
soldier whether disuolcd in the service or
elsewhere should bo permitted to end his
[ fays in a poor house , and coiidumn the inter
position of any statute against the pro
tectors and preservers of the nation in their
old age.
Wo condemn any theory of states' nghts
which shall bo heUl to prevent the Kovern-
mont from protecting all its citizens in the
enjoyment of all their civil and practical
Gonrrrtl BIcCoolc
McCooK , Nob. , Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Hnc.j General MrCook and two
members of his staff Captain .1. D. Knight
and Captain W. II. Crowell , from FortLeav-
cnworth arrived here this morning. They
were met nt the dopot.b.v the reception com
mittee and escorted to their hotel , where an
informal recaption was held In honor of the
distinguished visitor after whom this city
\vas named.
At a o'clock Camp McCook , this being the
nnmo given the camp , turned over to
General McCook , who took command. This
evening the veterans are enjoying themselves
around the camp Jlrc.
A large number of Colorado ucoplo are in
the city , among them William T. Hogcrs. ono
of Denver's prominent attorneys. The crowd
can only bo counted by the thousand , and a
train has just coino in in three sections. General -
oral S. H. Morrison , department commander
of the G. A. 1C. , and many others will be in
in the morning.
Close of the I'latlHinoiith Exposition ,
PIATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special to
THE BUE.J Yesterday wan the closing day
of the grand electrical exposition , which has
proven n very successful undertaking.
Recognition of this fact was shown by a line
trades display , la which were represented all
the business houses of the city , city council ,
llremen , civic societies and privnto citizens
in the line of march to the exposition build
ings , when nt4:30 : p. in. Hon. J. E , Riley uud
E. M. Bnrtlett , of Omaha , addressed the
crowd , eliciting crcat applause from all.
Hon. J. Sterling Morton arrived in the city
ut 0 o'clock and was escorted to the expo
sition hull , whore ha delivered ono of his
usual masterly addresses , thu subject of
which was 'Trees , " The exposition has
been a gratifying success in every respect ,
and has been visited by several thousand
people from surrounding cities and towns.
All day yesterday and until Into in the
night the oleclro-inotor railway was taxed to
its utmost cap icity to carry Urn crowds that
swarmed to and fro. Mr. O. H , Ballon is
highly commended by our citizens for the
energy displayed and manner in which ha BO
succctnfully conducted the exposition from
beginning to emi , and all are gatislled that
his promise of a grander display next year
will bo fulfilled.
Itaptl-t Siimliiv . * ( ! ) . col Convention ,
VAJ.l'Alulso , Nob. , Oct. 9 [ Special Tele
gram to THIS Biij : : The Sunday school
convention of the First Baptist association
closed this forenoon with but a light ; it
tendance. Sunday School Missionary E. A <
Knssell did not coino until this afternoon
after devotional exorcises. The closing
session of the convention was mudo very
interesting by the discussion of "Uow to
Study the Bible , " opened by Itov. McCoa-
uell , of Abhland , and followed by Rev
Griffith , of Nebraska City , O. A. Williams
and others. The association proper opeim
at a o'clock with an Introductory sermon b $
Kov. Griffith. A part of the afternoon was
taken up by the Women's Home and Forcigi
Missionary society with u report of then
work by the president , Mrs. O , A. Williams.
Letters from several elm re lies were road ,
Kuv. .1. J. Kccler , general state missionary ,
reiwrleuon missionary work in the evening
followed uy Rev. E. A. Russall on the same
subject , The nttenuanco nt thu ufteruooi
and evening meetings was very good am
great Interest wa > shown by all ,
Wymora WnntHVntor Woi'lt" ,
WVMOHC , Nub. , Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : llii : : . | The city council held a speola
meeting to-night for the purpose of calllnj
n special election to vote boudu to th
imcunt of { 30,000 to bo used to put In n sya-
om of wntor works. Th6 election will bo
iold as soon as practicable , which will bo
, s soon as the proposition can bo advertised.
'ho citizen ! ! are almost unanimously in favor
f voting the above amount. The system
vlll be direct Pressure , \Vith two engines of
Ixty-horso power each.
DlnnotroiiH Illnza nt Crcto ,
CIIETB , Nob. , Oct. , 9. I Special to
Tun Hnr. , ] At 0 o'clock this morning
ire broke out In the two-story frame build-
ng on the corner of Twelfth and Alain
trcets , occupied and owned by Joe
Copctzky , as n Jewelry store on the first
leer ana on tno ncconi } tloor by tenants ,
"hero bcm , g no appliances to extinguish
Ires , the flames had their own wav and soon
ho building occupied by Kopetzky and the
iiio adjoining occupied as the B , & M.
line store were n total loss. The next
mlldlng bomg a ono-story brick , was dam
aged to the sumo extent. The stocks of the
iljoinlng stores wcro all safely removed.
Total loss on buildings,1 fl , 000 ; insurance ,
il.900 : Insurance on stocks , $5SOO , In the
ollowlnir companies : On building of
Joe KopotzUy , National of Hartford , S300 ;
'henix of Brooklyn. $1,11)0 ) ; on building of
: hnrlcs Havllcck , Niagara of Now York ,
? 500 ; Burlington of Iowa , 1,090. Stocks :
it Joe ICopotzky Jewelry , Continental of
ow York , JSOl ) ; Thoo. Hadcn , dry goods ,
aneashlro of England , f'fiO ; Thoo. Iliulon ,
dry goods , Homo of Now York , $1,000 ; Thoo.
laden , dry goods , of Philadelphia ,
11,000 : Thoo. Hadon , dry goods , Nlagana of
Now Yorlt , 350 ; J. G. Dorse , boots and
shoes , unknown , $1,000 ; Mrs. Thibodoan ,
nilllncry , no insurance ; Anton Drill in ,
louseholu goods , Hamburg & Bremen , ? 300.
Hontrico Council I'rococdlnjjs.
nATiiiCB , Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BIIE.I The city council last
night , in response to a numerously signed
> etition , passed an ordinance creating ; paving
listrict No. 5 , which contemplates South
Sixth street from Market to Holbrook street.
I'lio now district will bo paved with brick.
\ very largely signed petition was submitted
.0 the council last night praying for a more
iberal interpretation of the Sunday closing
ordinances. Another petition with about
Uty sinners wns submitted at the same time
iraying for the moro rigid enforcement of
the same ordinances. Both petitions were
referred for consideration at the meeting of
ho council two weeks honco. The question
s liable to bo worked into a political issue at
the coming municipal election.
County Convention * .
FKBMOXT , Neb. , Oct.0. . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnii.J The Dodge county
democratic convention met ibis afternoon
ind elected fifteen delegates to the domo-
cratio convention , besldos noailnatiar the
'allowing county ticket : Senator John Dorn ,
.rensurcr . ; James P. Mallon. sheriff ; W. II.
lluntor , judge ; Thomas Kflleen , clerk ; D.
V. Stephens , superintendent ; Dr. J. S. Dev-
ies , coroner ; J. W. Andrews , surveyor.
HOM > KIOI : : , Neb , , Oct.- . f Special Tele
gram to TUB Bun. ] The independent re-
mblican convention to-day at Phelps Cen-
er nominated J. E. Hedlund , for county
treasurer ; W. O. Axtell , county suporin-
endent. The defeat of Judge Rccso is bit-
.erly condemned and proxy delegates cle-
uouuucd. Strong resolutions against Laws.
, Neb. . Oct. < J. | Special Telegram to
THE Ben. ] Tno democratic county convon-
lon was hold \Vilbor to-day. The follow-
ng nominations wcro inodo : Treasurer ,
Henry Spirit ; clerk , W. H. Socord , register
of deeds , J. W. ShoSt.ak ; Judge , N. B. Hayden -
den ; sheriff , B. F. Uonglor ; commissioner ,
RL. . Yunco ; surveyor , -D. D. Lynn ; cor
oner , Dr. Shaw ; superintendent of schools ,
W. A. Farrand ; cnuirft-in of democratic
ounty committee , Willlfiii G. Hastings.
JNcbrnskii Ci'iitVnl Cello < : e.
CKNTH.H , CmNtb. . , Oct. 9. | Special
to TUB BEB. ] The faculty of Nebraska
Central college gave a reception to the
students , which proved to bo a very enjoy
able affair. President Ware rnadu an ad-
Iress on behalf of the faculty to thestudents.
Response was delivered by Miss Maude
Wierdcr. Rev. D. 1C. Tlndall , pastor of the
M. E. church , Central City , and Presiding
Elder .T. W. Shank and Kev. C. F. Hoywood
were present and 'delivered interesting ad
dresses. The prospects fpr Nebraska Central
College are brightening every day. This
school is ono of the institutions of the plan
of unification in educational institution of
Methodism in the stale of Nebraska.
Thrown Krom n
BEATIIIOI : , Neb , , Oct. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB liBH.i Hiram Ilcadley , a well
known resident of southern Gage , wns seri-
ousjy injured by bis buggy overturning while
ho was out riding with his wife eight miles
southwest of town yesterday afternoon. The
buggy was accidontallyjjverturnod and botli
Mr. Hcudloy and his wife word thrown out ,
the buggy falling on thfem. Mr. Headloy's '
thigh was broken in two plncos and Mrs.
Headlcy sustained a broken nuklo. It is
thought that Mr. Hcadlcy is seriously and
permanently injured , \
Divorced From u Had HiiRtmnd
Nr.musiu Cixr , Nei ) . , Oct. 9. [ Special
Telegram to Tin ; BjtE.t Mrs. Mary McCormick -
mick was to-day granted a divorce from her
brutal husband , John McCormick , on the
grounds of general bad character , which in
cludes beating his wife , attempting rape on
his oight-yoar-old step-daughter , and , finally ,
desertion. There is at present n warrant out
for his arrest for assaulting a woman on the
street at night , but his whereabouts are un
_ _ _ _ _ _
3Inrn Money Nccdud.
Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Bin : . ] A call was made to-day
by the county supervisors for an additional
? -5)00 ! ) in bonds to bo voted upon by the
county at tno next regular election , the satno
to bu used in constructing the court house.
now under way. A slmlmllar call was made
a few days ago fori O.OOO. This , it it hoped ,
will bo aufllciont to complete the building
and equip it according to thu original plans ,
the tDtal cost of which will bo about § 100,000.
Old Not Tnlcc Poison ,
NrmusKA Cm- , Neb , , Oct. 9. [ Special
to Tin : Ben. ] Dr. Dally , who Is attending
Mrs. Rakes , sa.vstlicro is not the least foun
dation for the report of the correspondent of
two Omaha papers , lafwhlch ho says tun lady
attempted sulcida by taking puisnn , The
doctor hays there was'no trace of poison and
the family denounce-1 the report us entirely
groundless , and as originating only in the
uiind of the irresponsible correspondent.
A I'cunllnr , Disease.
NKHIIASKA CITY , Neb , , Oct. 9. [ Special
to THE HKK.J A peculiar case of sickness
is reported by ono , of our physicians as exist
ing a few miles south of town. A farmer
named Oilman lu.s borne cattle buffering
from u disease known as "black tongue.1 '
Winch is generally fatal. A few days ago the
farmer contraelHil the diseaseanU Is reported
In a critical condition anil suffering with all
the bymptoms of these In the cattle ,
Gi ) > td Templar Cmivnntioii
KKAUSBV , Neb. , Oct. 9 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BIB. : ] The convention of the
grand Judgu of Good Templars of the state
convened hero at 10iIU ! this morning , with
Grand Chief Palmer presiding. After ofllcors
were appointed to fill vacancies and the
various committees wcro assigned their
special work , the grand lodge dugrco was
conferred upon twenty-three mimibers. Of
ficers for the ensuing year will bo clot-ted lo-
morrow morning- There ore ubout two
hundred delegates and visitors in attend
HiiiHlny Holiojil Convention.
NEIHUMCA Cm , Nob. Oct. d. [ Special
to THE Bir , | Tiio Union Sunday School
convention of Otoe county will meet ut the
Eleventh Ktrem M. E. Church to-morrow
afternoon and evening.
The Exposure of Wholesale Manipu
lation of Ratos.
All tlioOlilcit o > MlsROiirl Jtlrorltonds
Guilty null Not One Dnrcs Mnko
Complaint ARItlllRt tllB
flicy Manipulated Hntea.
CniOAOo , Oct. 9. rspocial Telegram to
Tun Bnn.1 The exposure of the wholesale
manipulation of rates by nil the Chicago
Missouri river roads has developed into a
gigantic farce. Every road readily ac
knowledges its own guilt while pointing the
thumb over Its shoulder at Its neighbor.c
There Is absolutely no attempt at denial of
guilt. The fact Is that unless heroic meas
ures are adopted by the Intor-stato Co m-
mcrco Hallway nssoclatloa none of the of
fending members will suffer In the least for
their wrong doing. Even In that association
the offending roads represent nearly or qulto
n majority of the votes. At nny rnto they
could easily control a majority , and It Is not
ut all likely they will flue themselves. The
records show that most of thorn are fined
enough by the associations now without
themselves becoming willing parties to the
mountain of fines which the Into
manipulations would pllo on them.
Over 25OUO , cars of manipulated
grain have now been located and the amount
may bo doubled before the Investigation is
ended. In case the punishments spccillod by
the mtor-stnto commerce net were strictly
applied the rends between them would have
to pay $123.000,030 , and some one would have
to serve n ? 50l)00 ) year term in the peniten-
tiar.y. the very enormity of the offenses malt
ing the offenders certain of immunity.
First and Seeon-l Cla s Ticket" .
CHICAGO , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram to
THC Bun. ] All the divisions of the Western
Freight association met to-day , as did the
managers of the Intcr-Stnto Commerce Rail
way association. Not a whisper of the mat
ter of which all were full was breathed ,
however. The managers especially fought
shy of the question. The main topic before
them was the growing abuse among western
lines of ulloxving passeneors holding second
class tickets nil the privileges , Including a
llrst class sleeping car , of those holding llrst
class tickets. It was shown that about 35
per cent of the whole passenger business was
being donq on second class tickets , and it
was deemed time to call a halt. I3y a unan
imous vote , subject to the approval of the
absent lines , it was decided to attempt n re
form and separate distinctly the privileges of
those riding on lirst nmV second class tickets.
The Milwaukee Indlctctl.
ST. PAUL , Oct. 9. The Milwaukee road
has boon indicted by the United States grand
Jury for violations of the inter-state com
merce law , and the trial of the cause will beef
of great importance , testing , as it will , the
right of railroads to charge higher rates to
interior towns than to St. Paul and Minne
apolis. There is also involved in the ques
tion hundreds of thousands of revenue to
the railroads. It is said that Fairbault , ut
the Instance of which town this indictment
was secured , pays the railroads 8100,000 a
year in freight rates. The "Soo road" was
not indicted because there was no case
against it. The trial of the Milwaukee case
will demonstrate the right or railroad com
panies to ignore the long unit short haul clause
of the inter-state law in instances where it
effects the roads' revenue.
Authorized to Stop Grain.
CIIICAOO , Oct. 0. At the mooting of the
managers of the Inter-Stnto Hallway associ
ation to-day the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas
City road was authorized to stop grain at
Iowa , mills for milling In transit from points
in Iowa at current rates on grain with Scents
added for the privilege of stopping.
Will Restore thr- Denver Kite.
CHICAGO , Oct. 9. At the meeting of the
general passenger agents of tno western
lines to-day it was agreed to restore the
former rates of $30.00 from Chicago to Den
ver , taking effect November 1. The rate has
boon 2(5 ( since early In the summer , when it
was reduced on account of the manipulation
of tourist tickets by bcalpors.
The Afchison Mcotlns.
TOIT.ICA , Kan. , Oct. 9. Only the local
stockholders of the Atchlson were present
at to-dn.Y's muotinir , and adjournment was
had until November 1.
Villard Works a Icnl Which Will
Surprise iho World ,
CHICAGO , Oct. 9. A special dispatch from
Milwaukee says a private letter , written by
President Colby , of the Wisconsin Central ,
to a stockholder of the Northern Pacific
road , reveals a gigantic railway consolida
tion that will connect the two oceans and
revolutionize railway traflic. The consolida
tion of the Wisconsin Central and
Northern Pacific systems in an aml-
cable traffic agreement was the
llrst stop. Henry Villnrd , through
an alliance with Charles and Joseph ColPy ,
1ms obtained a majority of the Block of the
Northern Pacific and n sensation in railroad
circles Is promised within the next ten days.
Henry Villard will bo restored to the presi
dency of the Northern Pacifiu and one of the
greatest railway consolldutlos of the world
will bo consummated. Kvcn now con
tracts have been signed whereby the
Baltimore & Ohio railroad is to enter
into an agreement with the consolidat
ed Wisconsin Central and Northern
Pacific lines connecting the two oceans. The
Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo system is also
in the deal , reaching Mexico and southern
California. Chicago will be made the center
for operating the three great railway lines.
The Northern Pacific will bo extended from
Puget Sound and built into Alaska , making
n continuous line from New York to Situu.
Tim ( Story Iffiiiiul ,
BAI/TIMOJU : , Oct. 8. In regard to the
special dispatch from Milwaukee to-day to
the nffeat that them had been consummated
n consolidation , practically , of the Northern
Pacific. Wisconsin Central and Baltimore
mid Ohio roads , making a route from ocean
to ocean , First Vice- President Smith , of the
Baltimore and Ohle "There is
, says : notn-
ing In K. " _
Tnnfoniu Heats Ilnr < > \ \ \ \ Kconril.
Nnw YOJIK , Oct. 9. [ f-'pecial'Telegram to
Tun BBK.J The Teutonic arrived this nftor-
noon at" : UO , making the trip In f ! day ? and
0 hours , about an hour ahead of lior pre
vious time. Two second cabin passengers ,
both of New York , died ut oa. U ho City of
New York arrived atS.1) ! * . She left Queens-
town Jlflccn minutes uhuad of the Teutonic ,
A OlnKv-Urca'Jlnsr llor c.
( < UVNI > IBLINII , NOD. , Oct. 9 , [ Special
Telegram to 'I in ; BII : : . | A team belonging
to William Goddes became frightmicd and
ran up Third street and into the plain glass
window In the front of thu Paluco bakery ,
hrcaklng two show cases besides the win
dow. 1'lie hoi-iio was Unify cut and Mr.
Cicililes brujst . No insurance on the glass ,
Threw Up a ( iimd Joti ,
SAN FiiANi'isco , Oct. 9. Kx-Senutor Fair
to-duy resigned the presidency of the Nevada
National bank , giving as n reason the press
of other business. James L. Flood was
electc-d to succeed him.
A Joint Committee on Imllclnl Syn-
tpin Appointed.
NEW YOHK , Oct. 9. The national house ot
deputies of the Protestant Episcopal church
this morning , immediately after assembling ,
received n message from the house of bishops
announcing the appointment of n Joint com-
tnlttco on judicial systems to consider the
course of argument in the lower house relative -
lativo to the creation of an appellate court.
The committee on admission of now dloccsos
wns discharged from further consideration
of the memorial from Alaska and Michigan
asking for the erection of new dioceses In the
limits of each of these states , as it could not
recommend the advisability of granting the
request ,
The deputies sent bncls to the house
without approval the resolution which pro
vided for the recitation of the litany after
morning prayer on Sundays , Wednesdays
and Fridays , on enibor days and every day
In Lent.
The discussion of -resolution giving
clergymen the nppoal outside of their
dloccsoa , which was on when adjournment
was taken yesterday , was resumed. A vote
was taken and the resolution was tabled ,
after which recess was taken.
After recess the debate on the nnicndtnont
was continued. The amendment offered that
n vote bo taken on the question at noon to
morrow was carried. Cortlund Parker , of
Newark , moved an amendment to the amend
ment. but the proceedings were interrupted
by the announcement that the hour had
arrived when the memorial services for the
bishop of Kansas wore to be hold. The
services occupied thrao-quartnra of an hour.
The house adjourned for the day.
The house of bishops continued the nomi
nation of Hov. J. Livingston Hceso fcas
registrar of the convention. Kcporta of the
Whlto Cross society , the Christian Unity
society and the old Catholic society , of
Cnrlsrube , were referred to the proper com
A resolution wns adopted setting forth
that the revision cf the prayer hook ho fin
ished by the end of the year 1S02 , and that
afterward * no inoro revising will take place.
. The first four resolutions submitted by
the committee on liturgical revision on the
revision of the hymnal wcro adopted.
in Conclave.
, Mass. , Oct. 9. The triennial
national council ot the Congregational
churches met In Plymouth church this
afternoon. A permanent organization was
announced , with Dr. Cyrus North , of the
Minnesota state university , as mediator.
The secretary's report wai read.
The Congregational union of England and
Wales nsks that a general council , repre
sentative of Congregationalism in all parts
of the world , should bo convened in London
on nn early day to deliberate on grave ques-
lions affecting the faith and the church of
Christ , which are nt present in debate
throughout Christendom , and lo confer on
matters which especially concern Congre
gational churches. It is urged by the secre
tary that the question ho early considered.
During the last three years 899 churches
have been added to the roll , making a total
of1,505. , . The increase in membership re
ported is 005.
The Sunday ( Jschool shows a gain of 73,201
members. Benevolent contributions come
to a total of $2,203,503. The report of the
committee on the Mormon question allowed
a hopeful state of affairs.
An Association Formed For the Iro-
motion ofthu American Game.
Idnvyrtalit lt/ Joints Gfinton liennM. I
LONDON , Oct. 9. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tnn Bnc. I A meeting of
gentlemen Interested , in the promotion of
base ball in England was hold this evening
nt the Criterion , when an organization to bo
Known as the National Base Ball League of
Great Britain was formed. The following
gentlemen , who wcro present or represented
by proxy , wcro elected to the council of ad
ministration : M. P. Belts , of the Essex
county cricket , ground ; Edwin Ash , Hioh-
inond Athletic association ; Newton Crane ,
formerly United States consul at Man
chester ; T. C. Slanoy , secretary of the
Staffordshire Foot Ball association ; M.
Ramsey , secretary of the Caston Villa Foot
Ball club ; H. Sidoll , chairman of the Preston -
ton North End 'Foot Ball club ; W. H.
Hivoy , secretary of the National Rounders'
association ; and Francis Levy Derby. The
council have taken rooms for a headquarters
at Holborn viaduct and will organize a vig
orous campaign to make base ball ono of the
prominent Held sports of Great Britain.
A I'mimylvaiiiiiii li-.s in London.
( Cojit/r/i/M / / IBS'In/.fani'x fliii-Jon lirnnftl. )
LONDON , Oct. U. fNow York Herald
Cable Special to Tun HKU. I A distress
ingly sudden death has befallen an Amer
ican visitor to this countryExSenator
John G. Hall , of Pennsylvania , sailed from
New York on the 25th of last month on board
the City of Berlin with the object of visiting
England in connection with certain business
interests. During the voyage ho became 111 ,
but on reaching Liverpool rallied , On Mon
day ho suddenly relapsed and died at the
Adclphl hotel in the evening. Mrs. Hall ,
who accompanied her husband , will return
to Now York on Saturday with her hus
band's remains. Mr. Hall was about fifty
years of ago. Failure of the heart's action
was the cause of his death.
Mrs. I'uttni-'H Health.
IfSS liyJamct Onrdon Ilennett. }
LONDON , Oct. 9. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to THE Bin : . I Mrs. Potter
has been ordered to the south by Dr. Jcr-
vlllian , the noted female ppcciallst. She
will start in a couple of days for a salt water
cure place near Biarritz , there to remain by
the doctor's order for a month or six wcoks.
She will be accompanied by lior mother and
sister ,
Death of a ijondon K\-Ii < > id 3uiyor.
| Copwr///it ! / / tSVl l > u Jitmei ( Inrilnn llr.nii'.M
LONDON , Oct. 9. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB Bui : . | Samuel Phillips -
lips , ex-lord mnyer of London , and the second
end member of the Jewish faith to occupy
the position , died hero to-day , oged seventy
nine years , Last year ho retired from the
court of aldermen and wns succeeded by his
son , Georgn Fundel Phillips ,
' 1 ho Ii > nv < ! f I'olicn
DKNVHII , Colo. , Oct. 9 , [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BiiE.J In the district court-
to-day , in HID matter of the charges of cor
ruption ugtiliiftt Juryman DafTer , In the case
of thu state VH , ex-Pollco Lieutenant Con-
ners et a ) , .ludgn Allen discharged the Jury
and lie Id Duller in $1,000 bond for perjury.
His decision was a terrlllu arraignment of
the HlionlTrt , deputies and the whole uybtem of
ob'.ii.umg Junes.
'Ilio C'iiptfeln'H Hiory-
HALIFAX , Oct. 9. Cuptuln Li&well , of the
ship Minnie Swift , whichwus lost In collision
with the steamer Geogruphiqub off Kt , Pierre ,
arrived horo-to-uuy and told his story.
Ho nays when the steamer struck the
Minnlu Swift all hands on the ship tried to
gut on board the gleamor. The mate , u car
penter mid one ttctunan fell bi'twoon Iliu
vessels and weru drowned. The cook , Blew-
unions and n passenger. Mis * Mureturs went
down with the ship , The steamer was soon
found to bo t > lnklng and Captain LUwi'll and
twonty-Bix other men pot into a bout. Six
hours after they were picked up by u bark
ui.d brought here.
The \\Vuthnr Foroansl ,
For Omaha and vicinity- Fair weather.
Nebraska and Dakota Fair , followed
Thursday by light nilus , slightly coolo' ,
variable winds ,
Iowa Fair , stationary temperature , vaiia-
bio winds , 1
But Auotbor Man's Wife Wont
Along With Him.
O. Grocn null Mrs. O. 13. tlor
tell Desert Their Kanillta * to
Hovel in ICncli Other's So-
oloty In the West ,
Another ICrrlni ; Conplo.
CitiCAUo , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram to
Tin ; Bnt.l : Emmet O. Green , Junior mem
ber of the renl estate firm of Paul & Green
and until lately manager of the 1311 Seven
cattle company of Wyoming , has beou mlss-
hig from hero slnco September 27. Mrs.
Bortcll , wife of C. 12. Bortoll , head salesman
of the stockyards exchange , has also been
missing since September ! )0 ) , and there is no
doubt In the in I nils of Mrs. Green nnd Mr.
Bortell tlut the erring husband nnd wife
have gene together.
A short time before ho loft homo Green
spoke to hitt wife about his falling health ,
saying that ho thought ho had bettor take a
run over to his ranch for a little vacation.
Mrs. Green , not suspecting that her husband
was about to leave her for peed , urged
him to go. A week ago
last Friday ho kissed his wife
and children good-bye nnd started for
Cheyonno. Two days later a letter was re
ceived from him in Omaha tolling of his
great improvement in health slnco leaving
Chicago. That was the last that bis wife
has hoard of him.
Two days after Green had departed for
Che.\cmio and his health , Bortoll came home
in the evening to find his wife gene and a
note lying on the table stating that s'io had
gdno to Indianapolis to visit n cousin. She
did not go there , and Bortoll , suspoiMlng
that , things wnre not exactly as they should
bo , instituted r > search , and found in ono ot
his wife's dresses u note addressed to his
wife in Green's handwriting , headed "Mv
Dearest Love , " and signed "Yours ever ,
Emmet. "
Mrs. Green , who wns soon at hcrliomolnst
night , said those things in conjunction with
other circumstances whleii had occurred
from time to time , loft no doubt that the
guilty couple hud gone together. . "I don't
blame Emmet so mudi , " said Mrs. Green ,
'ns ' 1 do Mrs. Bortoll. Hho has always tried
to come between my husband and nib , and
she 1ms done it at last. "
Green , according to his wife , wns a model
husband mid father , and scemert devoted
to his family , and the blow , so unex
pected , came upon her BO heavily
that she is almost prostrated. In
his letter from Orauhu Green sent to his wifn
the key to his box in the bunk deposit vaults.
In there BIO ! found a letter saying :
"I am discouraged. I made a promise yes
terday nnd shall not return. Bettor sell the
placo. I liave paid all debts and have no
money. "
By "the place" Green meant the house on
Prairie avenue , owned by him , which ho
transferred to Ins wife by a deed found la
the vault , nnd which is worth , his wife says ,
$10,000. Whcro the runaways are now
neither Mrs. Green nor Bortcll have any
idea unless they are somewhere in the west.
' .Not , In ( Jniiilin Now.
Groch was in Omuhu on the "Stb day of
September , registered nnd took dinner at the
Paxton hotel , and went away that evening
without paying his bill. Ho was seen1 Dy J.
W. Klrkcndiill , a Cheyenne gentleman in the
city , who talked with him , nnd to Mr. Klr-
kendall ho announced that ho was then ou
route to Wyoming on important business.
There Is nothing to show that tlio woman
spoken of stopped hero at all. For three days
past half a dozen policemen and detectives
have been shadowing nil the hotels and
making desperate search for the parties , but
they are nol iu Omaha now.
South licnd , Inil. , ilnrncd.
SOUTH BINI : > , Ind. , Oct. 0. The magnifi
cent stone mansion of Clem Studcbaker ,
costing about three hundred thousand dollars
lars , was almost entirely destroyed by fire
and water this morning. Tiio residence was
the largest and costliest in the west , and was
furnished throughout in the richest stylo. >
The art gallery , on the third floor , was filled i
with rare works of art and these are all de
stroyed. Mr. Stndobaki'r is absent as a
member of the international congress , and
was 10 have entertained that body In this
homo on the I'.llh. ' Thu remainder of the
family with the exception of Mro.
StudebaUor and her grandchild , are
away from homo. Mrs. Stmlobakor
discovered the lira at" o'clock this morning
In a closet unuer the rear stairway , winch
was evidently caused by the spontaneous
combustion of some oil rags thrown thorn by
painters. Next to the o "set was an elevator
sbaft , reaching to the rooi , and by this the
flames spread alt over the building in a flhort
titno. The domestics hud a narrow escape
a'nd Mrs. Studobakur herself wns found out
in the terrace in litjr chamber robe nearly In
sensible , dangerously burned and clasping
her ernndehild in her arms. Owing to the
careful manner in which the structure was
built as regarding danger from llro , Mr.
Studobakcr curried uut $ 5.000 insurance.
A Stiiti ; IM'Umi ltln/.c.
JACKSON , Mich. , Oct. S ) , The east wing of
the state prison , known as the "school ard
library , " caught llro from the tinners' bulu-
munilorson the roof to-day nnd was do-
strayed. Perfect order was maintained
among the convicts ; loss $30.000.
Klvn Cotton WinHHMIHCM Itnrni'd ,
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Oct. i ) . Two compressor ,
two hydraulic presses , Jlvo cotton ware
houses and -J:0 ) ! : bales of cotton werebiirnod
this . The loss Is estimated
morning. at 5-100- ,
Consiiiiic'fl By Firi * .
CITY op MKXICO , Oct. 0. Fire has de
stroyed the Culdcron theater /.atcoiitns. .
All the educated animals belonging to Sal-
vunla woru consumed , Ono of the attaches
purishcd in the flames.
iv YorU'H l l ( > ( ! lrouii < lon I , aw DoNe -
clnrcd ( TonMiiiilloiuil ,
ArnuiiN , N. Y , Oct. 0. Judge Day has de
cided thut the oleetncul execution law U
L-oiiBtltutionul and remands Kummlor to the
custody of the warden of Auburn prison ,
Tliu decision , which Is quite lengthy says
in part- that to "every li'glslutlvo net there
uttaclit'f , the presumption of constitutionali
ty , and tl'o Ijunlon of showing It to bu unconstitutional -
constitutional is upon him who usuuilH it ,
No HIK-II act should ba , annulled by the ju
diciary us opposed to fundamental law In u
quebtionublu case. Thn questions ara
wnuthur thn prisoner has ovurcomo the pro-
HUinption that Iliu Htatutu of IbSS in regard
to i ho infliction of the death penalty pro
vides a cruel and unusual , and therefore un
constitutional punishment , and thut n force
of oli'ctririty ulli'icnt ) to kill any human
HUbJcci with celerity and certainty , when
bclenlifloally applied , cannot bn geimnited.
In my Judgment thenu ijuestioim muat bo
nnswt'iud negatively. Before- the stututucun
rightly hi ) abrogated there should bo judicial
k < iovvlodio thai the punishment therein pro-
vnlud 1 cruel and ununuul , There Is no
such kaowlcdgo , and his contention fulls. "
Kemmlor'6 counsel says his cute will ba
appealed to the higher court ,
Wooilrn'rr Will .Vol. Jin , Oct. -This morning Judge
Hauor 'rofuacd to rolcaso Woodruff , ono of
the Crotiln siupects , on bib motion for a vrrlt
of tiabca * corpus ,