Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Thfcj ovoninpr nt 70 : ! ? o'clock n
moolintr of Iho veteran ilromoti will bo
bold In Chief Giillifian's ofllco.
The police uro raising a donation for
Ofllcur Johnson , w ho was shot In tlio
rm two montlid ngO. Over 8100 is
now in tlio pool.
The funornl of Mrs , Mary E. White ,
who ( Had Monday morning of heart
dlscnso , took place yesterday afternoon
nt 2 o'clock to Forest Lawn cemetery.
The original Nashville students ,
under the management of the Kedpath
Liycoum bureau , will appear In the Y.
M. C. A. hull , under the auspices of ono
of the M. K. churches , October 31.
Senator Mandorson loft for Washing
ton ycsiordny , faying that an im-
inotiBo amount of business demanding
his noraonul uttontion had accumulated
there , and Hint ho could not postpone-
his dopavturo any longer.
OnicorOrmsby yesterday arrcstod'Put
Clancov and Tom Spencer , alias 'loin
Kcntoti , two noted criminals , who have
done time in several penitentiaries.
They will bo held temporarily , photo
graphed and studied by the police.
The Turuvorclns of Nebraska hold a
convention Sunday at Plattsmouth.
Business of much importance was trans
acted , tlio main object being a general
practice of the several societies. Philip
Andres has gone to Nebraska City to
help organi/.o 11 newTunivcrin at that
Edholm & AUin.
"Who are they ? "
.I'ersotinl l'nrnjrnjili- ( < .
P. P. Ncal. of Kilgnr , is at the 1'nxton.
P. Ii Klllck , of Pramont , Is nt the C.isoy.
Ii. S. Irvln , ofKunrnoy , Is nt thol'Axlon.
A. E. Dye , of Korgcnt , Is : ii tlio Paxton.
J. W. Koso , of Norfolk , Is nt the Paxton.
O. ti. Green , of ICcnrnoy , is at the Pnxton.
P. L. Kooso , of Lincoln , Is tit the Puxtoa.
A. It. Uoutty. of Ucntricc , is nt the Cnscy.
A. E. Allyn , of Hastings , is nt the Mlllnrd.
Q. Norbcrg , of IloUlrcue , Is nt the Mlllnrd.
J. W. Artloy , of Suhuylor , Is nt the Cusey.
M. S. iMorrlll , of Lincoln , is nt the Cuso.v.
Leo Lockwood , of Juulnta , Is at the Mur-
C. S. Uriilnari ) , of Kearney , Is nt the Paxton -
ton ,
Charles Harvey , of Wilbur , is nt the Mil-
W. II. Lldbull , of Lincoln , is nt the Mil-
O. S. Urown , of Phittsmoutli , Is nttho Mil-
A. , r. Ncimci'or , of Hustings , is nt the
O. E. Earl , of Ncllgh , is registered at the
J. M. Thacher , of l''ort Niobrarn , is at the
1J. Jlrinlcerhoff , of Prmnont , is at the
KJwnrd Updike , of Howard , is at the
\V. \ \ . Grit'gs , of Lincoln , is registered nt
the Cnsey.
Hon. J. 13. O'Urynn ' , of Loup City , is at
the Cusoy. e
\V. G. Whitmoro and wife , of Valley , is at
the Murray.
Miss Samuels niui Miss Torroyof , Sehuylcr.
nru at tlio Paxton.
B. Hnrlbet , Jr. , and J. Swan , of Lincoln ,
are at tlio Murray.
Frank Williams carao up with the
Pythhuis from Crete.
S. W. Orton auU II. D. Travis , of Weeping
Water , are at tlio Millanl.
M. Shnoffcr , O. P. UJIIRPS and J. E. Higgs ,
of Lincoln , are at the Millurd.
J. E. Hall , wife anil daughter , of Weeping
Water , are registered ut the Mlllard.
City Enjjineer Tlllson has sono on a west
ern trip for the bcnollt of his health.
Councilman Shrivor and family have
rcturncil from u month's visit at PHtsburg.
It. O'Neill and wife. H. E. Chapel mid wife
mid M. U , Davy , of Lincoln , arc at the Mur
ray ,
William Snytlor , the carriage manufac
turer , Is inking in the "Veiled Prophets" at
St. Louis.
W. II. Love , H. M.Jlushnoll , W. S. Hamil
ton and Prank L. Halli.uvay , of Lincoln , uro
at the Paxton.
Senator Davis , of Minnesota , nnd General
Broolco , commander doiMrtinont of the
Platte , called at THIS Uuc yesterday.
Mrs. Albyn Frank , wife of the deputy
United Stales dork , left last evening for
Chicago , whore she \vlll visit friends for a
few days.
Mrs. George A. McCoy , of North Saunders
street , left for tit. Louis yesterday in com
pany witli Mrs. J , J. McLean und husband to
vUit her daughter.
The Misses Uiacoininl have Just returned
from a visit in Sulix , la. Mrs. E. E.
Huntluy accompanied them nnd will visit a
couple of weeks with her parents.
Charles W. Seanor , business manager for
McCarthy & Hoynolds' "Dear Irish Hey , " u
popular piduresijuo Irish coniedy-draina ,
which will ho at tlio Now Grand all next
week , is in ilie city making preliminary ur
rungciuents for the production.
Mrs. P. C. Hlmebaugh and her daughter
Alice left last night for Sun Jose , Cal. , to
Join Mr. HlmebatiKli and spend the winter
there with him. They were accompanied by
Miss Ilettio Clnrkson , who hus gene to p.iss
the cold weather months in. that cliuiuto
Mrs. George Ivor , wife of the deputy
Bupromo regent of the Hoynl Arcanum for
Nebraska is entertaining her father , mother
nnd sihter at her homo on North Twenty-
ninth street. Her fnthor , , T. W. Johnson , is
a prominent lawyer of Hrooklyn. N. Y. , and
Is BO pleased with Omaha that it is lllroly ho
will permanently locate here.
W. P. Campbell , editor of the Kansas Re
porter , at Wamogo , and P. A. Pierce , a
prominent merchant of that city , were regis
tered ut the Pnxton last night. They held a
conference of some nature with the senator
ial committee yesterday afternoon touching
ou railroad matters , and started for home
this morning.
Edholm & Akin.
Who are they ? "
I'atsv l-'nllou's Card.
To the Editor of Tun Hr.r. : You have
seen ill to publish an article- - the very qnos
tlonablo taste of which I will not btop to
criticize , concerning a matter of a purely
private and personal nature , in which I am
interested. The main statements of the in
formant uro dulihorato falsehoods , and I an
ready to prove by witnesses the truth of mj
denial of them. No woman haying any right
to tlio use of my nnino or protuciiun ovurcro
ntcd a ( iisturbunco nt the store mentioned ,
and uny alleged thieat to do so could have
beun eatdly met by the assistance of the po
lice. I' . J. PALLON.
tention to cominei'oial men. Finest ami
largest hotel in tlio west. Kittrudgo
IJniiiKtril , projfi'letors.
S.vnuvitliy Vor dyne
The fallowing resolutions were adoptee
unanimously at tlio meeting of the Omulit
Typographical union ;
Kctiolvcil , That the Omaha Typographlca
union , No. 11H ) , lands a willing ear to the ap
pnal of the Cigarinukcru' union of thin city
and hereby earnestly requests all its mum
bcrs who smuko to use only the blue laho
clgnra , '
Kesolvcd , further , That if thin request bo
disregarded , then this union will feel In duti
bound to counnnnd those mt'inbuis who so
disregard the Interests of orpanUcd labor to
cease , under petiulty , the use of scab , prisoner
or coolie imulo uigurs ,
Kesolvoil , That u copy of the above resoln
tlons bo furnished the dully papers of this
city fur publication.
CifoiiuB W. MAKTIN ,
E. L , Sour ,
Edholm & Akin.
"Who nro thovV"
Electrical PI it 111 I'ropolllnc Street
Cnr Company's I'lillninn * .
t 10:25 : n. m , yostordny comhionccd a now
era In iho history of : ho Omaha Street Hall
way company , It marked the decline of
mule power mm witnessed nnothor triumph
of electricity as a motive power.
It was the first trial tripunuor the Sprnguo
system adopted by the consolidated com-
mny ,
Cnr No. 7 was selected for the trial.
Messrs. Goodrich , Ilustln and Smith , a Ur.r
representative and a number of electrical
experts wore the only persons on the car
whnn It started. A largo number of persons
gathered nt the power houao on Nineteenth
ind Iztml to witness the dep.irturo. Mr. J ,
II , HlcUford , agent for the electric company ,
manipulated the brakes and electrical appa
The trip proved n most satisfactory ono
nnd the olllcors of the road were highly de
lighted. H extended south on Nineteenth to
Cum fug , west to Twenty-fourth and north to
the Holt lino. The elegant car , which sur
passes in beauty anything on wheels over
scon in the west , created a profound sensa
tion as it went spinning over the now tracks
Tor the first tlmo with a stream of tire mark
ing its path as It ground the snivel on the
rails beneath.
Men chccrod , women wnvcd tholr
hnndlforchlufs nnd the children ran
shouting along the walks trying to keep pace
with ttio Hying beauty.
The run was made in eighteen minntca ,
which was pronounced good time consider
ing the bait , condition of the tracks , which
wore almost hidden by n covering of tar and
gravel loft thuro bv pavers. As soon as this
Is cleared oft regular trips will ho innao bo-
twccn Chirk street and the Holt line until all
the motormcn nro schooled thoroughly In the
handling of Iho cars.
A Ghnncc Onoo in ti Ijlfb Time.
Great watch sale this week ; don't fail
to attend it nt Edholm & Auin'd , eor.
15th and Dodge , opp. U. S. podtollleo ,
Omaha , Nob.
The Omnlin Hi-publloan Gobbloil Up
by iliu DlHiintoli.
The Omaha Kepublicun hits virtually been
sold to J. C. Wllcnx , proprietor of the Even
ing Dispatch. The two papers will bo con
solidated , and will bo Issued as the morning
and evening Dispatch-Kcpubllcan. The
policy of the paper will bo the same as that
of tno former sheet.
The urico paid for the Republican is about
$ -10,000 , which includes the press , typo , and
franchise of the paper ,
The job printing and book bindery will bo
retained by Nye & Johnson ,
Mr. Frank Johnson , who owns n largo In
terest In the Republican , admitted that the
sale ; waa pending but refused to RIVO any
particulars us to price , but said all business
would bo arranged bv Thursday next.
It is understood that ono payment has
alreadv been made and that the others will
ho uinilo within the next twelve months.
Eilholm & Akin.
"Who nro they ? "
How the Union 1'nuiflc Slay Lose ltn
Mail ( Jontract ,
On its Transcontinental and European
mail contract the Union Pacilic Is getting
Into serious trouble.
It seems that in bis effort to establish n
system of fast mail trains between Now
Yorlc und San Francisco , Mr. Wunamakor
encountered an obstacle when ho got as far
west as the Missouri river. Ho proposes ,
however , to remove it regardless of conso-
qucnces. For this reason there promises to
bo lively music m tlio air.
Captain White , division superintendent of
the railway mail service , was here about two
wccics ago malting an investigation. Ho
then returned homo and reported to the
postmaster general that nearly all delays in
the passage of mail matter en route from
Australia to Europe across this continent oc
curred , between San Francisco and Omaha ;
that the Union Pacilic tram cast-bound mid
known as the Overland Hyer , gets in two
nnd three hours , behind time moro frequently
than it arrives according to senedule.
" 1 his has been the rule , " said an employe ,
'ever since wo put those heav.y dining
cars on. "
i Captain White , ns was learned yesterday ,
returned quietly last Saturday night ,
after having made n trip to Washington ,
where ho consulted Mr. U'aaair.akor , and
has notilled Vico-1'rcsident Holcomb as
well as Gunrral Manager Kimball , that un
less they chnngo their time table and ar
range to deliver the through mail promptly
at a certain hour every day , tlio contract for
carrying it would bo taken from them.
If such an event should come to pass the
company's annual income would be cur
tailed ubout Sl.OOO.rwO.
The Union Pacilic folks Imvo what they
claim n valid excuse that the Central Pacilic
train which carries this mail frryn San Fran
cisco to Ogden is ro.illy the chief of all this
trouble. The latter corporation appears to
be entirely independent und seems to euro
no moro for the train carrying Australian
mail bound to London than it docs for an
ordinary freight. Tha Union Paeillc folks
declare that If they . were not com
pelled to wait nt Ogden , no
ono could 11 ml grounds on which to base
complaints because of delays nt this end , ex
cept m cases of accidents. The time for ar-
living now is 8:4 : ! > p. m. , consequently , when
tlm train docs not gat in un'illuorll o'clock ,
all the cast-bound trains on Iowa roads are
badly delayed as well as the Hurlington fast
mail , which invariably waits , nnd by tlio
time Now York Is reached , frequently matter
that should Imvo been on hand for shipment
on a certain boat must bo held , some times
two or three days.
The railway mail service officials want the
schedule amended so as to bring the over
land llyor into Omaha nt 4 o'clock t > . in. ,
which will give ample time for making the
transfer to the Uurllagton's lightning mail ,
and by quickening its speed allow it to roach
Chicago in time to make close connection
the next morning with the Now York fast
Tlio V.uill OH > iiMl.
The members of the senatorial investigat
ing committee were elosotcd with Vlco
President Ilolcomb , of the Union P.ic'fic , yes
terday , Ttio records of the company , showing
the earning , capacities of the lines and
branches were Inspected , and statistics
and data thought to bo of ma
terial importance , were selected. The
condition of ttie coal Holds , together with
the aggregate output of the mines In opera
tion also received the attention of the board
of Inquiry. The ore und mining industries
of the company were considered and u record
of the smiio was niude. This morning
they will no to Salt L'lko City direct , ever
the Union Pacific.
Klcctrloily vs. Gun ,
The management qf the Union Pacific has
practically decided to put in n dynamo for
lighting purposes in tlio shops with which to
light iho building by electricity. This inno
ration has been under consideration for
some time , but not until It was ascertained
that the employes would have to do moro or
less oxtr.i work nt night , owing to the volume -
umo of repairing to bo done , was it decided
to Introduce u substltuto for eras by elec
Tlm Alliiinoo lirnnoli. Manager Holdrcga of the Hur
llngian hus Issued an order announcing tlio
opening of Hat Creole station , Dak. , eighty
eight miles west of Alliance , on the Alllanca
branch , with S. P. Alderman as agent. This
station U also thirty lullcj west of Craw
ford ,
.MiiHtri1 .Mechanics In Meet.
A calloa meeting of the general master
miitflwulfs of the various westetn lined will
bo hold In this city at the Mlllard hotel to
day. Kcprcicntativca from all the roads
will be ptusont. Heretofore ttiay have held
their meetings in Chicago.
llumiirriti : < i
The members of the Oiimha djvUloa of the
Western Car .Service association , met at the
Millanl ycstnrday and considered details of
minor mportuucc.
Itnllio.ul Notcw.
Harvest excursion trains were run ou ul
western rends yesterday , and the volume of
trnfllo Was materially Increased.
The trans-Missouri association Is In session
nt Kansas City.
J. O. Phllllppl , of tlio Missouri Pacific , lias
gone to Lincoln.
,1 , Francis , general passenger agent of the
Burlington , has pone to Kansas City.
II. O. Hurt , general ninnngor of tbo Elk-
lorn , has gene to Chicago ou business ,
.T. K. Uuchunan , general pussongor ngont
of the Elkhorn , has gene to Kansas City.
Frank Scmplo , division passenger agent of
the Union Pacific nt Denver , Is In Omaha.
T.V. . Leo. assistant general passenger
agent of the Union 1'aclilc , has gene to Kan
sas CJty.
Engines S2o. 701 nnd 71" hnvo been turned
out of the Union Pncillo shops for sorvlco oa
.ho main line.
William Ormsby , yard foreman of the
Jnlon Pacific , passed around the cigars on
.ho advent , of a ten pound girl.
The members of'division No. 120 , of the
Drdor of Hallway Conductors , will holtl their
first annual reception In Masonic hall Friday
ovenlnir. Arrangements have been made for
\ grand tlmo.
George W. Loomm , chief clerk in the gen
eral manager's department of the Hurling-
.on , will return from the cast to-day , whither
10 went to attend the funeral of his
F. Kommlngton , formerly In the employ of
: ho North western's ' general f rctght depart
mental Chicago , lias been given ttie position
of freight claim agent of the Klkliorn , vlco'
Ininrs iCccfo , resigned.
Edholm & Akin.
"Who tu-e they ? "
Appointments ul' I'nutori in tlfo Varl-
oils DlHtficlH.
YOIIK , Nob. , Oct. S. [ Special to Tun
Uiu : . ] The following are the appointments
umdo nt the Nebraska conference of the
M. E. church.
Hcatrico District Adams , M. C. Smith ;
Ueatrico Centenary , J. W. Stewart ; West
Heatrlco , J. M. Darby : circuit , to bo HUP-
plied * llluo Sin-ings , N. H. Davis ; Crete ,
\V. H. Vnnco ; DoWitt , G. S. Minor ; Dlller ,
to bo supplied ; Dorchester , C. M. Shepherd ;
Ellison , to bo supplied ; Exeter , T. II. Wor-
ley ; Full-bury J. H. Woodcock ; circuit ,
supplied by T. S. Hawkins. Fairmont. H.
G. Adams ; Flllo.v , supplied by .S.Goldsmlth ;
Friend , J , A. Ualter ; Geneva , G. H. Molten ;
Giiifton. C. S. ICatlmn ; Holmesvllle , A. .1.
Culvert ; Liberty , J. H. Uorry ; Odoll. U. S.
Ylllars ; Steele Cityto bo supplied ; Strnlng.
William Pierce ; Tobias , supplied by J. W.
Lewis ; Western , H. M Lnney ; Wilber , W.
J. Pitchford ; Wymorc , G. H. Abbott.
Hastings District. Alexandria , supplied
by W. Willnrd ; Ayr , John Mc'Jorroll ; Uluo
Hill , L. Morrison ; Carlcton , E. J. HIrd ;
Chester. K. M. Hardman ; Clay Center ,
David Fetx ; Cowle.s. John P. MoVey ; Davenport
enportC. . W. Wells ; Doulphtin , J. A.
Chapin ; Edgar. W. H. Alexander ; Fair-field ,
C. E. Kowo ; Guido Hock. C. B. Lenfast :
Hardy , suiiplied by G. G. Morrison ; Har
vard , G. M. Jones ; Hustings , L. I-1 Unit ;
Hebron , A. A , linndall ; Junyale , A. L.
Foldcn ; Juniatu , H. Curtis ; Lawrence , E.
L , Wolf ; Kencsaw , to be supplied ; Nelson ,
.1. W. Koyso ; Phillips , Francis Deal ; Ked
Cloud , E. .1. Kandall ; Koynolus , snpiilicd by
G. L. Uurkauk ; bupurlor , H. A. Ewell ;
Stilton , W. J. Harper.
Nebraska City District -Auburn , A. 13.
AVhllmnr ; Uroclc , J. A. . Nichols ; Urownvillo ,
.1. C. H. llobhs ; Crab Orchard , Peter Van
Fleet , Dttbols , J. M. Hichmond : 131k Creole ,
J. W. Swan ; Falls City , Duke Slavens ;
Humboidt , George W. Hnwley ; Nebraska
City , Asa Slecth ; Pawnee City , Klchnrd
Pearson ; Peru , J. H. Pi-psson ; Htilo , C. L.
Smith ; Salem , supplied by G. C. Hicks ;
Shubert , supplied by J. G. WnlKor ; Stella ,
supplied by D. H. Lake ; Sterling , James W.
Hams ; Syracuse , G. M. Gates ; Table , [ lock ,
J. F. ICompcr ; I'almnge , Edward Hawcs ;
Tectimseh , John Gallagher ; Union , J. G.
York District-Arborville , E. M. McMil
lan ; Aurora , A. U. Urobthwaite ; Be.tvor
Crossing , Enoch Holland ; Hellwood , J. 1C.
Maxtield ; , W. H. Prcscott ;
Urainard , J. It. Trett ; David City. G. M.
Couffor ; Gairison , L. F. Smith ; Germantown -
town , .1. W. Wurlield ; Gi-csham , to bo sup
plied ; Hampton , K. L. Wells : Linwood , sup
plied Dy M. Anderson ; Marquctto , supplied
by C. L. Hamilton ; McCool , G. L. Hosford ;
Milford , D. T. Wilson ; Oscoola , P. C. John
son ; Rising City , G. H. Weber ; Seward , J.
W. Scabrook ; Shelby , Win. Cowliiy ; Stock-
ham , supplied byG. E. Abern ; btromsburg ,
G. A. Hobson ; Thnyer , D. M. Huckner ;
Ulysses , G. M. Moro.v : Utica , II. C. Har-
inoti ; Waco , to be supplied ; York , T. 13. Hit-
Lincoln District Ashland , F. A. Camp-
hell ; Hennctt , Clay Coc : ; Cedar Hlun"sjohn ;
Hrnnston ; Cheney , Fred A. Shift' ; Davey ,
Gcorgo O. Ferguson ; E.iglo , supplied by W.
II. furroll ; Elmwood , Charles II. Gilmore ;
Emeral , W. J. Marsh ; Greenwood , L. T.
Guild ; Ithica , Lathiam Inglium. Lincoln ,
Anbury , supplied bv E. W. Haughman ;
Hetnul , supplied by E. L. Myers ; Emmanuel ,
stipuiied by F. W. lirooits ; Grace , .1 S. W.
Dean ; St. Paul , F. S. Stein ; Trinity. H. T.
Davis ; University place , D. L. Thomas.
Louisville , J. W. Miller ; Mauloy , W. K.
Williams : Mead , supplied by D. Y. Ulaek ;
Mt. Pleasant , D C. Phillips ; Palmyra , L.
G. Parker ; PJattsmouth , J. D. M. Uuckiur ;
Haymond , F. M. Esterbrook ; Uocu. George
Sherman ; Sharon , E. 15. Crlppin ; Wuhoo , f ,
A. Hull ; Yaliuraiio , C. H. Dalrymple ;
Wavcrly , L. C. Lemon ; Weeping Water , C.
M. Hudduwuy.
Alvili Medjle , chaplain Park Hill orphan
home , member of Hollwood quarterly con
ference ; C. F. Creluhton , chancellor of the
Nebraska Wesleyan University ; Q. L. Lowe ,
professor of modern languages ; W. T. Cline ,
principal preparatory department ; C. M. Bl-
llnwood , professor of chemistry and physics ;
H. liurch , financial ageijt ; George S. Davis ,
editor Nebraska Methodist nnd assistant
agent of Nebraska Wesleyan University ;
James H. Pnckard , N. A. Martin , C. S. Dud
ley , James Mailloy , Will T. Scott loft with
out appointment to attend school.
Edholm &
'Who nro they ? "
* W _
'I hey Will Moot in Kuser'a Park on
Krliluy Next.
Tlio first annual tournament of the Umnlia
Schutzcnvcreln will cnmmcnco I'VIday noon
nt the club's now nnd splendid range at
Huser's park and continues until Sunday
Frldny morning the reception committee ,
togcthur with Hoyd's opera house band , will
repair to the depot nnd meet the invited
cucsts from abroad and escort them to ttio
park , when , after refreshments , the shoot
ing will begin.
Elaborate preparations have been made
for the tourney , and it is believed , with
auspicious weather , that the tnuriianiont will
bo n magnificent success. About f 1,000 in cnsli
an equal amount in medals , diplomas , and
so forth will bo awarded tho'luoky winners.
It Is un assured fact that the competition for
honors will bo a hot ami interesting one.
Sunday evening the tourmunont will close
the three days' pleasure in a grand fete
champotro , which will include n grand musi
cal programme , dancing , and a general good
Edholm & Akin.
"Who nro they ? "
Major William H. Hell , rommlssiiry of sub
sistence , First Lieutenant Olinrlos A. Wor-
den , Seventh infantry , and First Lieutenant
Charles M. Trultt , Twont.v-flm infantry ,
aldo-do-camp , Imvo boon appointed a board
of survey to meet at the quartermaster's
depot In this city at 10 o'clock n. m. , nn the
Dili day of October. ISS'.I , to nxumino and
make recommendation as to the disposition
of some 10 , MX ) pounds of obsolete stnvo cast-
lnfa , for which Captain John Simpson , as
sistant quartermaster , U. S. A. , Is responsi
Edbolm & Akin.
"Who nro they ? "
Licenses were issued to the following
parlies by Judge Shields yesterday :
Kama and Residence. Age ,
I Patrick J. Fullon , Omaha . !
1 Maude McCalllstor , Council Hluffs , . " 0
I Paul P. Fisher , Omaha . . . 24
I Sophie L. ttuusch , Ouiuhu , . , . ; . . . . . . 24
j James Johnson , Omaha. . . , . 32
( Puviiiiu Lifouu , Ouiauu . , . , , . , . ' . - -
IS not only a'fllstresslng complaint , ot
Itself , but , by causing the blood to
become depraved nnd the system en
feebled , Is tho- parent of Innumerable
maladies. That Aycr's Snrsnpnrlllu
Is the best cnro for Indigestion , oven
when complicated with Liver Complaint ,
Is proved by the following testimony
from Sirs. Joseph Lake , of 11 rock way
Centre , Mich. !
"Liver complaint nml indigestion
made my Ufa n burden nnd came near
ending my existence. For moro" than
four years I suffered untold ngonv , was
reduced almost to n skeleton , and linrdlr
had Rtrcimth to ilrng myself nbont. All
kinds of food distressed mo. nml only
the most dcllrnto could bo digested at
nil , Within the time mentioned several
Hliyslclnns treated mo without giving re
el. Nothing tlmt I took scemod o do
any permanent Rood until I commenced
the USD of Aycr's Sarsnpnrllln , which
has produced wonclcifnl results. Soon
nftcr commencing to take the Sarsnpft-
rllln I could see an Improvement In my
condition. My tippet It u began to return
nnd with It cnmu the ability to digest
nil the food tnkon , my strength Im
proved each day. nnd nfter n few
months ol faithful attention to your
directions , I found myself n , well
woman , ublo to attend to all household
duties. The tncdlclno has given mo a
new lensu ot life. "
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
rnnrAnr.u nr
Dr. J. C. Ay or & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Trice tl ; lx battles , $5. Worth $ A n ottlo.
ESTADLISHED 1851 I 180 So.
chCago | , Ills. I ClnrkSt.
Ibe Regular Old-Established
la still Treating with the Greatest
Cbronic , Ncryons aufl Private Diseases ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreama , Head and Back Ache ami u'.l ' the cfleclt
leading to early decoy aiulpeilups Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
neverf.ulmg success.
SYPHILIS ami all bad Dlood and Skin Ds. !
eases permanently cured.
W KIDNEYanil URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all diseases
ctUlie tieiilto-Urinary Organs cured ptomptly xvllhiul
injuiy tnStnmach , Kidneys or other Organs.
'IfNo experiments. Age and experience Im-
portrait. Consultation free and sacred.
Uu- Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Uncases.
O3- Those contemplating Maniacc send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 ccnu , hoth 35 cents ( stamiiO. Consult the i'ld
Doctor. A friendly Icltcrorc.illinay'wnefutiire'iuffer.
lni < and shame , ind add golden years to life OjJ-llook
"Life's ( Seem ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Mtdicine
end writings sent evcrjtthcie , sccmc from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 If ) 13 Address
F. D. CLARKE , fti. DM
186 So. ClarH St. , CHICAGO ,
* ( lROE 3IZ > 2
ani T ctive
. Hit No.i
in House
, -izc , in a
, full line of
r art5tic ! L'ount.
Unqii't Lamps.
11ns size is the
m-aluaUc for Lisliline
'rines , lliniiiB-rucrni
- ,
320 dails. Pattern , and ll
- nv
Clcveliiuil , Otilu.
1'or sale liy M , II. Hlt s uml Perkins , ( Jatch i
Ijittimun ,
GOLD MEDAL , PA.U'.o , 1070.
ti itbtoliitelli jnire unit
It 1H AOll/J/t ( / ,
No Cheni'icts
lire und fn ft * pirpnrnUon. It Im *
( Ann tkfft It nit i the ttrtny'A ul Cocoa
nilicil wtth bfartli , Arruwiuut or bu ar ,
a ml 1 * tlirrcfure lur mure eioiionilcal ,
coding hit than out ctm a cup , It It
Hi.Y DturhTKD , and oiliiiimtly ailaptfd
for ininlidi a * Mtl'si ' pcnun * I.i lualtlu
Hold It ) dniriTK
W. BAKER & 'CO. . " j.-ohestor. Mass.
, Ht'irust , Diiljlliiiiml LIuTjKiiil
Cutjln | > U ( uiutojtu V ) , urcurdliii ; to loc.illun ul mill
room , Ilicuriluii t-'i to KM.
FlopronQ lo unil frum Kurojiout l/ivi'm Itului.
Al'bTIN 1IAI.DW1.V & ( ' ' < > Ciun'l Ai'.cnlii ,
UllruuJiruy. Nun York
JOHN III.LQI.N , liuil'l WcsllTIIBCIlt. .
101 lliiiidnlili. | ! . , Chli.uo ,
K. .Muoiu:1-Tiios. : MtCA.v.Ni : ,
ABi'iit" . utOiiiiih
Nos. 3O3-4O4-IVO-6O4.
If you can buy an Overcoat nml save 33 per cent on the transaction , tluit 33 per ccnb is oquivnlenb to so
much money oavned. Just consider for a moment what 33 per cent amounts to , on nit Overcoat for which you
have to pay 815.00 elsewhere. It menus a saving of 15.00 by purchasing of us. our price being S10.00 for gootla
of equal quality. On higher priced goods the saving will bo grantor , Our clitim to save you these dollar * can
be easily subtnntinted by comparison of our prices with those of other stores.
It is hardly necessary to say Hint wo show the largest line of medium weight Overooals , comprising Mel
tons , Kersnys , "Wide Wales , Cheviots , etc. , at ? 5.7o , $7.f > 0 , $90i ) , § 12.75 and liner if you want them. The finer
grades nro lined with the very beat silk , with satin trimmings and of superior workmanship.
Special , 200 very fine all wool Kerrey Overcoats with excellent Italian lining nnd a rich satin sleeve lin'ng ' ,
beautiful fitting garments , nt $9.00 , they are really worth Sltf.OO , and are sold for that elsewhere.
Hut Department Correct Fall shapes of Stiff niitl Soft Hats , at prices just about one half what you have to
pny in other stores. Our great 05 cent Derby has not yet been duplicated by any store for less than ? 2. Our
finest Derbys nt 82.00 , $2.50 nml $2.75 , are of tlio sumo qualities for which other houses ask from $3.50 to $5.
Shoes We arc opening daily new and fresh goods direct from the factories. Having n big trade nnd polling
our Shoes so cheap , we sell them quick and accumulate no old stock. Our whous are emphatically the bofa
that can bo had anywhere nnd every pair is sold with n guarantee.
Trunks and Valises.
We have fitted up our basement for the sale of Trunks and Valises.
Like in every department of our business we shall offer in this line
the largest Variety at greatly lower prices than these goods can be
bought elsewhere.
Write for all Fall Catalogue.
Corner Fourteenth and Dougias Streets , Omaha.
Li ioi lo Vonr Wardrobe.
Thesui-oot duys sugeobt licuvy clothing
\\our \ > ell propnreil to provldo for the
comfort of our eu-tomurs. Our .stock
coinp.rlM's MPH'H 1'all nnd Winter HttltR ot
theliluhe-tKfadu ot inatcilul anilvork -
inaushi ! > , to i'tlicr with an unlliiiilod sup
ply of wnrm Hosiery and I'lidcrwoir.
din iivti-tic soloi tlon of Neckwear Is u do-
lljilit to theoyps.
We have -omothlnB cholro In llnndker-
clilnfs NOMH'thliiK u.\cell lit In { .loves
ulid siinic-thliiij re labloin I'nibrcllns.
a ( specialty.
ax r ire ,
And othar first class HIAfiOS.and
Remember , Wo do Not Soil "ston
cllod" Pianos.
All Instruments Guaranteed to
be Just as Represented.
Wo offer n ilno S325 Plnno forS25O
Visitors VVolcomo.
Cor. lOtli aud Faruitin Sfc3.
Ladies' ' Tailor ,
I'irili A mi nc ,
( ronncrly isttreeti
wn.i. i'K ' vr int.
< > t'lt
WfS Willlthu
- Lntoftt Novell IBS and
Vrf7i Uf-.iuii'i
ftK& * Tor Autuinn and
f-'t \\1I1I1T.
Timr.r. NKiirrs OPT 7
i UUI / .
i th Jl-t < n8Utsned
Under tlio inannueiui'tit of .AtiBiiHtus J'lton , lu
the folloulnj. ruiHJitoIro :
Mondnr llvunlnt' \Vodneiiday Matinee-
" .lOt'UliVN. "
' -"rOltOKT'MK NOT"
'ntt-sday Kveiilnp"rOltOKT'MK
Uvuulnr prices. K t coou * l
Can bo cured In 20 to ( if ) Unys by the
tisc o the
Tor rale only by dm Cook Iteinedy Co. , of :
Oinalui. Nebniska. AVrltotous lor tlio imnius
and addn"-s of patients \\lio havii boon
cured and from whom wo luu o pel mission to
icf'T. Syphilis Is a disease that lias al ay.s
bullied tile skill of the most , eminent physicians
and until the discovery of the Took Hummiv
Co 's "M AGIO lUJMHUV , " not ono In fifty over
having the dlseaao lms > hconciuvd. We Kiiuran *
tec to euro any case Unit can be produced.
The o who ha\o tuKeii Mercury , I'otash , f. S. S.
Sticns Altrrans nr other inlvcrtl'uil remedies ,
\\ith only temporary benellts can now bo per-
mmiontly cured by tlm use of tbe "MAt.lO
UBMHDV" of the Cook Hemedy Co. . Umaha.
Ni'l ) . lleuaro ot Immlt.itlons. It Is iibsultitely
Impossible for any other person or company ti >
haveour tormiilaor aiii" remedy lllolllii cllect
nnd results. 'JhcCciok Itomedy Co. , luii been
troatltiK patients for lour year * and Imvo ul-
wnys given perfect salltfactfon. They ar. . ' llnnn-
cluliy iciiiiiiiEllilo. having ; a capital of over
JiiKl.tO ) , in.iklnc tholr Kiiarantca good. We soli
cit the molt obstliiato casestliosulio liuvu
tried every Knvn lemedv and lost all hope of
recovery. Correspond with us and let us put
y iu in possession of ovidoiu otlnit convinces the
inostHKoutleiil. Mark what \vu say : In the end
jniiMUSTucoour 'MAdlC HKJIKUY" before
you cnn be peimanently enied. It Is tlio most
heroic blood purlller ever Known. Write for
narticiilarj' . All letters ronlldential.
PAIITIflW He sum younio BCtlitif ! the Cook
UMUIIUIl Hemedy Co'.s Miiulo llemedy.
None otbers ate K''ntilii.e. 1'artlew claiming to
j lie iiu'L-nts for us are Imp > stoi s and InuiUs. 1'ull
jinttlculai's free. Addrojj .ill cominunlcatlous
His Os@k Rgii@eSy O.s , ,
Rooms 418 anl 419 , Paxlon Block ,
Is Marriage a Failure ?
The Only "Corta'n" ' Homocly Known.
Kulin & Co. , Sherman .V MrConnoll ,
John W. Hell , Leslie X I.f.-slle ,
Max Conrad , W. J. Hnuhes ,
Ai , 1'nir. ( lOiidnian Drug Co. ,
M. II. Powell , S. i : . lion oil ,
Earn. II. Pnrnswortn , II. "
AlnoiuCoimi'll Illuirsat IJollCi. .MorKan.t Co. ,
M. 1' . Kills , .1. C. Dollnvun , and II. I ) . Iluker.
1'rlco per jiackago , W 00 ; trial box lUe.
fl iin < > ITIVr For LOST or FAILING KANHnCIDl
ff TTTJ "E1 We kn M of Bodysnd Mindi Effect *
IU < U JOiJUl ofErronorZiocsJetlnOldorYounr.
tlolmit , Xililo JUSIKIllll rullr r J. lion lo toUrid am )
BlrtnjlhnHl'il > , rMll >'HMliH : > Si I'linSonlDUV.
llmlulrl. u r > llln ( IIOSK TIIHTBEM la dar.
lnlK/ ill Nl > lr , T.rrllurln , mil tarrlfu ( ontilrlri.
Y u rfcn Mrlt * tbrn. Hook , full v n , anil nroof. nal
Imporlcmniul Wholcsulo Dcnlcrnln
Watches , Jowclry , Cullcry ,
Notions , Novolllcs , Alliums ,
Fancy Goods , Walking Canes ,
Coat-Collar Springs , &c.&c.
Larxo uB ortmeiit for
Cane flacks , Knilu Hoards , Spindles ,
Auctioneers , Streetmen anil 1'eJJIcrj.
llli ! viirli'ty of fie. lOo iinrt Z' - rountur
jila huinl forilliiitruteUcHtiiluuuo.
117-111) ) .Vorlh I'ouvlliJil. ,
gt > LOIB , | , Mo.
Ino , . , ,
Jlietly rel-
rhiuted Jlnusof HoutH and Hlions , munuractur-
dl t > y i M. HciuluiH HI , V ( o. , of I'hlcuco 1-ac-
turlu at I'hl , it , i.vou. Ilia. , und I'oml llu
WIs ehoiild w.-lia h.\-M. N. WATSON , riul-
fU-n'0 ' , FltUM'iM' . Nl.ll Travellou
Iler.d4uuiteia for lluoliem.
With this Hunger on the Coats ,
Teacher of the Violin.
Open for o cK
iiionti etc.
Atl'uplls Iteildeuce. VU North Mh . 'Inct ,
OuiwtJu ,
. .
Beet Facilities , ApparatuiindBernodieiforBuccriiful
Treatment at every form of D' ' < eas rcquirinz
JJoaid&Attcoaanos , Diet Accommodations in We t , '
KTV/RITE FOR OrRCUT .R3 oa Deformities i4
Braces , Trus j , Club Feet. Curvatures of Spins , I'ilei.
Tumori. 0 nc i , Catarrh , JJronehitfi , Iahi.aUatl ]
Eleotriclty , raraly.U , Epilepsy , Kidney , Bladder/
Eye , LIT , Skin and Blood ami ill Surgical Ojcrationi ,
Only Reliable Modlcal InitituteaaklDg a BpecUIty of
4llllooiDlic ! > fc < uce.untiotril. . Hi.Lllllic | 1'ol.oa
rcuioTiidrromthetjrutn , .llliout inrreurr. he ! ! t.lor lln
Trtitnicit fur Lun of m 1L I UtlkK. 1'srllti unililc to Hill
Dimi/bntrcAledut hoin L r < > rreiloiidence All ronimunlct. *
lloiiicounjeolUI. Mcdlcliieiorluilruni > ulitcntl > iiiiillor .
! ) r itcur < .lrp ckpa.TKmiirk < .nlivllcitcconltnuoriiniOir.
One rerional lalerilcw prcfci re < l. Call and coniuU u. or itti
tl ° yfj UHT . * " * * " * " ° " ' " " " 1 lnJ1'1" ' "ri . r
UUUsIII tStto , FREE : upon . hitciii .
III. ; Ulietaudarlcoctlt. . Mllli qnntluu IliU /ddrr.l /
ISth end DoJgo Btr.eta , OMAHA , NEB.
MENT , n gimriuitoi'd Kpocinc for llyhturiii , Jli/.zlj
ness. Convulsions , I'lti. Nervous Nt , iriilKhl ,
Ileadiicho , NorvoiH I'rostriitlon caused bv tha
nte of alcohol tobacco , Wukffnlies ] , Mental
Dripriihilon , Sof tuning of the llraln , rosnliliiK iu
insanity and leading to misery , decay and death/ /
I'remattiioOld J\KH , llarrcnnoss , Iioit of I'oivor
lnoltlicr ox , Involuntary Losses and Sponnat.
orhii'u caused by nvcr-oxitrllnn of the brain , wlf
nbiiiio or overlndnlponro. Unnh box contain *
ono month's treatment. Jl.lOnbox. or nix boxe *
rori.l0.fc ( ut by mull proimld on receijit ofnrleo ,
To euro any ease. With each ordur rwul vi-d by
usforbix boxes , uccomii.mledvith.i.K ( ) , wo will'
hendtlioimroliater our wiltten Kuaranteo lo re
fund the money If tlio treatment does nut ftfeco
a euro. Guarantees Issued only by ( ioodniatl
HI-UK Co. , DrnnnlstH , Solo Agents , 111U KUHIRIU
treet , Omtilm Nebraska
LJ tjC7 UB W 1C | t 1" ' 19 1 a UJI r m
the I.liimir llulill , rimlllrrl } C'lll'l'd
(17 Aunilnl turliic Dr. llnliieu
II rim linKlvcn in uiup , f mlleu orlcn wllli mt Ilia
kiii > tvli > ilifii < iltli < < pcrfcui liiklnult ; l < ulmoliili > l ) liiirm-
Ifiii mill will rlter-l u . | , , , nml | ii > niiiiiii < ut ( tire ,
uhellicr lint ( i.ttiiMit I. 11 iii.Mli-niliMlrlNki'r . .i nil n | .
ciiliol nriTk Tliiiu uiiilH or ilriinkiinla Ii i
inmli ) tenipcrnto nicii u ) ui imvtnki'ii ( hililcu t
In ilielr ( tiiluo w Itlioiit lli.'lr Unuwlntlwo mill t ? > y '
llnvu they < | iill ililnklnj ; ttf Ihitlr OMU fn > u ; ! ?
N'e\tr ! I HUH , Tliu > NIMII oiu-u iiiiiireKiuili'd . . . . tlm
N | > f < < Illo , It lH > ( inn 4 nn iilli'r IniinKtllllty | | l r thu
llniiiir ni > i'"lllu In i < l8l , 1'iir n'o liy Huh n .1 i.'o. ,
lniK ) i i , l > ih mi'i ) . ) : t mil isih nun mu.
Uix ih oiunliu \ n Kmi < r.i iim , Uuiun < I'lurrn.
lorf > | irriillili > rrliien , l.utl .Muiil.uncl , hriuul Dtll uT ,
I. lie1. 1. jif UlMI'IniiilK ill. l.ii. i l > ruhi > , | . | , . ,
win ni viIM : . \ \ \ AI iu i '
i IVOH I u i ni In .MI u | jr. iinkrot unco , CuiCDiruurau-
end. Cufiil.iul 'mi. Airiii | } aiiUxl.
; ion clou f n er. wni
iliu Jl l7 > ln . lydlV iiJl.lifl ! .
ruroterlaln Itlic ural > ! naiii | : iiAn , Hrntl'y nUU )
circuUnduu. ' < UlbaW.UI ( jilIl.V
f < > iU HOw | | roiiriiamo nml inlilro j lo me tat
" 'I' ' " ! l''l ' " U"K , < > A\tt \
i. iVi. " . ' ' ' .1",1 ' " "W"1 ? IWcsntj. UUit-
r u , r i < A | , oi'iuU hinuJ.Nei.