Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' - ' in i-iTrTriifni
Ol'M'ICK. ' NU. 1U I
Dcllrcicil by cnrrlor In anr pnrt of the City nt
Twenty Cents per Week.
H.W.'JII.TON . , . . . .MANAOElt
nrsiNn sOriicK No. 42.
Ninnr HniToii. No. gl.
N. Y. 1 . Co.
Olcnion conl ,
Council Uluffs Lumber Co. , conl.
Uoston store , the leadorH In dry poods.
Carbon Conl Co. wholesale , retail , 10 Venrl.
A harvest excursion went west yesterday
morning ever tlio Union I'aclllc.
Ainnrrlniro license wns 'Issued yesterday
to J. H. Cupp mid Mnry J , Cross , both of
A slnglo tlrunlc showed up In polleo court
jostonliiy morning unu qulotly nucoptcJ the
A now restnurnnt , to bo known ns the
1'ullnmn , will bo opened nt 531 Uromlway
this evening.
Two moro cnsos of diphtheria Imvo boon
reported , nt 141 Mcl'herson avenue nntl .Til
Twelfth nvciuio.
Thu Jury In the case of Stnto vs Evclnnd
returned n verdict nt 8 o'clock lust evening ,
nftcr bolntt out two hours , finding the pris
oner guilty us chnrgocl In the Indictment.
The people nro laughing In advance In nn >
tlclpatlon of the return of Ocorgo H , Adntns
nnd Tamil I Union next Monthly night In
"He , She , Him , Her , " A largo house miiy
bo expected.
It m staled thnt Colonel W. F. Sapp pro
poses to eruct n Immlsomo business block on
IJrondway , nearly oppoMto the court house ,
cnrly In the sprliiR. IMunit nro now bolini
] > repnrcd. .
The prosecutlnq witness failed to npponr
In the larceny cine ngnlnst the Hnrrett boys ,
nnd they were dlschurgeJ. They promptly
availed themselves of the opportunity to got
across the river to Onmlin.
The Vunnttn adultery case flashed In the
pan. The prosecuting witness , the huslmul
of the clofandnnt , fulled to put In nn uppcnr-
nnco when the casa wns sot for trial , and the
defendant was dlnclinrgcd.
The latest plan devised by the Coursing
club Is to Imvo an exhibition fox uhaso at the
driving park , the proceeds of which will bs
devoted to the Jimmio Davis fund. Arrange
ments will bo perfected In n day or two.
Mnnnger MncConnell , of Hotel Mitnuwn ,
hns mnilo n present of n line overcoat to
Thomas Ilughet , the Mannwa motor line
llromuM , who discovered the lire in the attic
of the hotel a few days ago , and promptly
gave tbo nluriii.
Several of the musicians of the city who
hoard Professor Helno , the violin virtuoso ,
at his concert lust week , are making nrrdniro-
uicnts to give him n bonellt next Monday
avcnltif , ' . An ndmissloii fee of tlfty cents
will bo charged.
Property owners In the vicinity of the
deaf and dumb Institute nro complaining of
the defective boworairo in thnt part of the
city. ' 1 hey say thnt largo stagnant pools of
water have accumulated , thu odor from
which is sickening.
All young hums , aged between fourteen
nnd eighteen years , desirous of Joining n ,
class in physical culture , nro requested to
meet tlio ph.Vfticnl director at the g.vmnusium
In thu Mei-rinn Block on next Tuesday nfter-
noou at510 : ! o'clock.
The Y will meet in mom 804 in Mcrnnm
block to day at 5 p. in. A report will bo
given of the annual meeting by tno president
of tbu W. C. T. U. All members ot the
union are requested to bo present as busi
ness of importation muhtbuuttomlcd to. All
young Indies cordially Invited to attend.
The mayor has returned tlio resolution
nasscil by thu council authorizing him to call
nn election for the purpose of voting bonds
for u new city hall because the resolution
was passed at n special meeting of the board
nnd this business wits not included in tlio
Mho Worn nil's Christian Temperance
Union meets \Vednesdnynfternoonat3
o'clock nt its room , J o. 303 Mcrriatn
Block. A full nttcndunco of nil Indies inter
ested is especially desired tins afternoon as
nn interesting report of the state convention
will bo given by the delegates who were
Several of the horsemen of the city are
trying to work up a roadsters' trotting and
pacing piogrammo to como olT nt tlio park in
n few days. The weather and trncK are
first class , nnd if suitable pries in the shape
of winter suits , whip ? or street blnnitcts ,
were offered , would undoubtedly call out n
largo number of crack roadsters.
The funeral of Christopher Hoaston will
take plnco nt 11 o'clock tills forenoon from
the residence of his brotner , No. 9-9 ! Avenue
C , Tno remains will bolntorrod in Crescent
cemetery. The deceased was ono ol the
charter nfumbers of the orityr of Mutual
Protectionists in this county , and tlio order
will attend the funeral services m u body.
Several of the nominees of the working-
men's convention nt Nuolu have declined to
run for the olllccs for which they were nom
inated. Those who have thus fur withdrawn
from the rueo nro J. U. McCormick , of
lioomcr township , who was nominated for
supervisor ; A. U. Perkins , of Kee Creek ,
who was nominated for sheriff ; II. S. Alex
ander , of Ilurdln , who was nominated for
supervisor ; nnd J. M. Wylund , of Maiden ,
who was nominated for coroner.
Turner Tinnoll , the old man arrested for
stealing corn from n co-u Held on the farm
of Hon. George Wright , south of the city ,
was discharged , owing to the simple fact
that ho discovered the watchman Just as ho
picked up the ilrst ear of corn , nnd the court
held that no value attached to that Blnglo
ear. Then ) was no doubt that thu old mini
was in the Held for the purpose of tilling n
Back which ho hnd with him , but ho hap
pened to sco the "other fellow" Just in time
to save himself a Jail sontenc-o for larceny.
C. 13. Music Co. , 5118 UroaU way.
Finest market in city J.M. Scanlan' * .
J. O , TIpton , real estate , 527 Hroatlway.
C. 13. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway ,
Western lumber nnd Supply Co. , 13th nnd
J4th streets nml "d and lid avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling poloMosllino ,
cement and building material In the west.
K. W , Huymond , manager.
Poi-Honnl l'nr.iirn | ) Iw.
C. M. Hlco left yesterday morning for
Huron , Uak.
Granville Green and wife have removed to
Sioux Falls , Oak.
Hugcno II. Cress , of O'Neill ' , Neb. , is
visiting old acquaintances in this city.
Ir. T. .1. Cndy Is attending the reunion of
the Second lown cavalry , nt ICoosauqua.
Charles Hunghan and family will go to
Hastings , Neb. , this week for a short visit.
The Misses Hodlson and Clarke are In St.
Louis , witnessing the "Veiled Prophets. "
M. II , Judd , of this city , came In yesterday
morning- from Salt Lnko , but will im
mediately return to Utah.
Gcorgo W. Howltt , of IJiirko & Hewitt ,
has returned from Sioux county , where ho
bits been attending court and visiting friends.
Hcnjamln Winchester lias returned from
Ills visit to Salt Lake , and U greatly im
proved iu health by the trip.
Mrs. Covult is in Hubbell , Nob. , where she
was called by n telegram announcing the
orlous illness of her brother.
James M. Donahue , president of the Ban
Francisco & North Pacific railway , wont
east labt evening in his special car , over the
V Superintendents Given , of the Roclc
Island , Campbell , of the Milwaukee , and
Uosscgulo , of the union Paclllo , were at the
I transfer yo storduy.
H. L. Williams left last evening for
Stuart , la. , to attend the grand couuclal of
tlio Improved Order of Hed Men , as the re
presentative of Pottawauatnle triuo , No. SI.
Goorco I. Lainmon , ot Virginia City , Nov. ,
who visited his old frlond , A. Wbeolor. of
this city , some time ago , Is now in Baltimore.
Ho writes a letter to his homo paper In which
ho nays u glowing tribute to the manner In
which bo was treated to the sights and
scones o ! Council muffs and Omaha.
Always'on lime.
If you wish to purchase a good audrollablo
watch -i ; [ > er cent loss than club rMeu , and
ou easy term * , then call at once and make
your own selection ut C. 13. Jacqucuila &
Cv. , 37 Main street.
Guilty Onoa nt the Bar of the Dis
trict Court
The School Hoard Moots nut Awards
No Contracts A Iinrkcy's Knzor
JMikc < t Tronhlo on tjoxvor
All Oull-y Thu Far.
The case of stnto vs Fred Kissoll , charged
with highway robbery , was called when the
district court opened yesterday morning , as
the forgery case ngainst Leonard had been
disposed of , and a verdict of guilty returned.
The prosecution was not ready to try the
Kissoll case , owlne to the absence of nu im
portant witncsi in Omahi , and the case was
"passed out of the day's assignment.
Three prisoners , who wished to enter n
pica sf guilty , wcro then brought In from
the county Jail. They were J. O. Perkins ,
charged with the larceny of pronorty from
the Itovoro house ; J. West , Indicted for
stealing pants from thu store of the Chicago
Clothing company , on lower IJroadwny , and
T. .1. Anderson , indicted for stealing a lot
of tools from Waterman's ' carriage factory
on North Mam street. Perkins was given
thirty days in jail and a t0 : ! line , nnd each of
the others tnlrty days in jail , and a line of
20. Anderson gave Iho court an abbrevi
ated song and dnnco regarding himself ,
in u cli to tlio amusement of the spectators.
Ho lirst attniotcd attention by declaring
that ho wns a Cronin suspect , and
then explained how i' . happened.
While nt Ked Wing , Minn. , a few weeks ago ,
nn embryo detective In the person of n con
stable fancied that ho saw in Anderson nn
unmistakable counterpart of Cooney the
Fox , and accordingly arrested him. Ho was
held for three days until u dotectlvo from
Chicago could arrive nnd identity , or rather ,
fail to identify him , when ho was released.
Ho also Informed the court in a most lugu-
biious tone that ho received no compensa
tion for his three days' luinrisonmoat. The
court guaranteed his board bill for a month ,
but could give no other consolation.
In the nfternoon the CHSO of the state vs
Evulaml was called. Evclnnd is the party
who bought n wagon of John Clausen some
time : iL'o , and in security of nay inont gave a
mortgage on a cow which did not belong to
him. The Epecial vonlro of forty porsoas
bus been ordured to report this morning.
The lirst c.iso to bo considered is that of the
stnto vs Charles Johnson , who wns indicted
for an attempted rape on the person of a
Aliss Applcgatc , who resides on Fourth
street , and with whoso mother Johnson was
hoarding. AB soon as this case la concluded
the Brooks murder case will bo commenced.
It will require fully a day to ouumuol a Jury
in this case , and it is very doubtful if it is
submitted this week. This , however , is but
ono of four murder cases that is on the
docket for thU term. The lour nro those of
Thomas Urooks , who killed Frank Do
Geode in the saloon known as the "Uuckot
of Ulood , " on Upper Broadway ; Peter Han
son , who killed WalterMad-ison on Sixteenth
avenue during a nicies bet ween the murderer
and a gang of which the deceased was a
member ; Uov. D. M. Holtnick , who killed
Frank P.ilmor at Ncola , in defending
hlmsolf from a midnight assault , and Tlico-
dorc Urown , who Is indicted for having mur
dered William Spears near the Northwestern
round house. With the exception of thu lat
ter instance , in which tlio victim was bcaton
to death by a club , the murders were all
committed by shooting. With the exception
of Mr. llelmick , who Is indicted for murder
in the second degree , the indictments are all
for murder in the lirst degiee. The Urown
case will undoubtedly go over until next term ,
but It is expected that the others will all bo
tried within the next month.
Money loaned at L. L5. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business btrictly confi
I3ixby has removed to Mcrriam block.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato
prices. E. 11. Sheafo & Co. . rental agoats ,
Broadway aim Mam streets , up stairs.
The Klcotrlc Ijij-ln riant Snld.
"What's now about that reported sale of
the electric light plant to the Sparry com
pany ? " was asked of Mr. Thomas OfUcer
"Nothing now for a day or two , " replied
that urbane gontlcman , as ho bestowed a
beaming , Sunday afternoon smile upon the
( jucstioncr and passed on.
The same question was propounded to W.
A. My nstcr , whoso name appears upon the
ai tides of Incorporation as ono of the mem
bers of the company.
"Well , it's sold , " said ho , "and that's all I
know about it. "
"What wns tlio consideration ? "
"Can't say. You sea , there never was but
one man in that company , you might say ,
and that was Mr. Ofllcer. There hud to bo
other names used in order to incorporate , so
there wore a few of us who had a share or
two apiece , but wo didn't cut any liguro.
Wo didn't know anything about ttio plant or
how it was run. Mr. Ollicer canio to mo the
other day nnd said that the other company
had knocked him out , and that the plant
wouldn't sell for what it was worth. Ho
salu ho was going to soil , and wanted mo to
give him my stock , so 1 turned it over to him.
I Hiipposo ho did the same with the other
follows , and sold tlio plant for what ho could
get. Ho was virtually the only ono In it , so
of course ho would do whatever ho saw flt. "
Attend the W. i. Bus.collcgo.Council Bluffs.
Swanson Music Co , , 333 Broadway.
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y '
Did you ever hear of such n thing ! Open
ings , formal openings , swell dross affairs are
popular for dry goods palaces nnd millinery
stores , but did you over hoar of a formal
opening of a butcher Hliopt Gcorgo H.
Mescliundorf , the popular butcher , will
break UIQ rule and hold a formal reception
for tlio public at his now place , its : ) Broad
way , on to-morrow evening. Ladies can
wear their finest costumes and the gentle
men appear in evening dress and ilnd that
their best clothes will not bo out of place ,
for they are invited to thu finest establish
ment of its kind west of Chicago. Nothing
will bo sold , but the evening will bo devoted
ton pleasant inspection of the plnco.
A Morions Outtltii ; Scrap ? .
Moro trouble resulted last evening nt the
notorious "crap" dlvo on Lower Broadway ,
and Walter Tyler , nn Omaha dnrkoy , re
ceived n terrible stab in the back that came
near terminating his carthlv existence then
and there. The carver was one A. Simpson
another colored individual from Onuihn , who
was arrested about ton days ago for passing
counterfeit money , but was afterwards dis
charged , thoru being a lack of evidence to
It is stated that Tyler caino over the
river looking for trouble , and as in
invariably the result in such
cases , ho found all ho wanted.
Ho hue the reputation of being n bad man in
a rough and tumble free-for-all , and ho evi
dently expected a picnic with Simpson , who
is a considerably smaller man. However , it
so happens that Simpson is quite an accom
plished carver and can dissect human anat
omy with neatness and dispatch ; so whoa
Tyler became a trlllo too cay , Simpson
reached for him with some kind of a weapon
and "got" him. Tlio keen stcul was driven
into Ills back about two laches below thu
loft shoulder blade , aud eamo uear reaching
the victim's heart.
Simpson did not stop to BOO how much
damage was done , but skipped for Omaha.
The wounded man wan tukan to the city Jail ,
whore Dr. Waterman attended him. It
socmod for a time n * if the man would bleed
to death , but the How was finally stopped ,
although not until Tvlor was us weak as u
kitten from 'loss of blood. He was then
taken down stairs ami locked up , and a
charge of disturbing the poaoo entcrod
against him. A more suitable place was to bo
had , us the rooms ou tha upper lloor
wore lee cold for ( ho wounded man.
This la but one lumuncu of the uiuny that
frequently occur Miowmff tlio urgent need of
a moro commodious and bolter appointed
jail.It is not thought that Tylor's condition
will prove fatal , though the cut Is n serious
one , The Omaha police have been notified
to look out for hlmpson. The place where
the cutting occurred is ono of the most dis
reputable holes In the city , and Is the scene
of numerous rows. It Is n matter of general
surprise that It was not closed lone ago , but
In the absence of orders to that effect the po-
llco Imvo to bo content with watching it to
the best of their ability
Got Fountain DC cigar , next to Elscinan's.
UDcmpsoy A : Butler , candy M'f'g. , 105Main.
Lot HnsnuisBcn beautify your house in best
style and cheap , U North Main.
Steam and hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , cor. Pearl st. and Willow avo.
To Prof. Hlno and Family : The under
signed being desirous of expressing our ap
preciation of your wonderful genius , re
spectfully request you to favor the public
with nnothor concert , to be given at such
tlmn nnd place as you may see tit to desig
nate !
Joseph Mullcr. C. W. Dnlby.
Henry Robinson William Siodentopf.
LT. . Murphy. William Gronowog.
Henry Blsmun. F. E. Hoff.
V. Bndolott , Dr. A. J. Conk.
Thomas OlUcor. A. Cavalt.
A. Glenn. J. W. Scanlan ,
J. A. Haft. Thomas Bowman.
Adolph Bono. John Temploton.
Ed B. Bclkmip. J. II. Pace.
And ono hundred others.
Fresh baddies , first of the season , nt
The Blind Boona Concert company will
give an entertainment at the First Baptist
church , corner First avenue and Sixth
street , on Saturday evening , October 13 , '
Admission 2 , " > cents. Tiokots can bo pro
cured nt Pothybndgo's , corner Broadway
and Seventh streets , of W. C. Gannon , at
Beno & Co.s , and of It Morgan , 733 Broad
Hoard ol * Hduaition.
The school board hold a special meeting
last ovonlng for Jlio purpose of opcninc bids
for furnishing coal for the school buildings
for the ensuing year and transacting some
minor business. There wcro several bids
submitted for coal , but they were consider-
bly at variance , the bids being on different
grades. It was finally decided to take no
action in tlio matter until Friday evening ,
when another meeting will bo hold to decide
the matter.
The resignation of Prof. Prouty was not
considered , but will coma up nt the regular
meeting on the -HI inst.
The grading bids were opened , but no con
tract was lot. This matter will also bo dis
posed of Friday evening.
Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173.
Now Pacific House , best hotel in the city.
Sl.fiO uer day. Meals 35o.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. give special attention
to the collection of rents and care of property
in the city nnd vicinity. Cliargos moderate.
Ofllco Broadway and Main streets.
Dwelling for saio on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. _ E. H. Sheafo & Co.
The ladles of Council Bluffs nnd Omaha
will miss a rare treat if they fail to see Mrs.
T. B. Louis' display of pattern hats at 543
Broadway , Oct. 9 and 10.
IIAH1 > UN TillRKESI11E : - ; .
Princeton Sophomores Adont
Jtulcfi ) ' or tlio Foi-nipr'H Guidance.
Nr.w YoitK. Oct. 8 [ Special Telegram to
Tim Bnu.J The sophomores of Princeton
have posted the town with great blue bulle
tins giving instructions in manners to the
freshmen , which conclude thusly :
Wnureas , Your soft muscles and llabby
bones must not bo overtaxed , wo forbid the
carrying of anything which could even , by
courtesy , bo called a cane , or anything oven
bearing u resemblance thereto ; and ,
Whereas , Your delicate and milk-nurtured
stomachs must bo treated with especial care ,
wo forbid any of you to indulge in the filthy
nnd nauseating habit of chewing tobacco or
of smoking pipes , either on tne campus or in
your rooms ; and
Whereas , Your young , immature voices
are not yet through changing , wo forbid
your mutilating the Inspired melody , "Old
Nassau , " or uttering a cheer.
And strict obedience to the following
minor rules will bo rigidly enforced :
1. When meeting a sophomore stop into
the gutter , remove your hat , speak only
when spoken to , and lomouibor above all
always use "sir" in your communications with
members of the illustrious class of "J2.
2. Shun the scductivo pool room with all
its charms , nnd never visit Trenton , Now
York or Philadelphia for any purpose with
out full permission from the glorious sopho
more class.
3. Always bo in your rooms with the lights
out at 9:130 : o'clock.
Bv-Mnyor Scth Ijo\v of Hrooklyn
Kloctod to the Position.
'NKW YOKK , Oct. 8 , ( .Special Telegram to
Tin : Ben. ] Ex-Mayor Seth Low , of Brook
lyn , was elected president of Columbia col
lege yesterday afternoon nt a secret session
of the board of trustees. For nearly a year
now , oven before President Barnard's death , ,
when his ill health made it apparent that a
successor to his position would soon have to
bo selected , there has been the keenest
speculation as to where the mantle would
fall. Mr. Low was finally selected as the
most available candidate , because of his dis
tinguished services , both In and out of col
lege. His record as the great reform mayor
of Brooklyn was brought forward , nnd his
thoiough familiarity with the aims and
work of the college wns pioved by the of-
fcctlvo work ho had done on the committees
in the government of the institution. Ho is
probably the youngest president of a largo
university in the world , being but thlrty-
nlnoycarsold. He graduated from Columbia
in 1870 at the head of his class , afterwards
traveled in Europe , then entered the tea
house of A. A. Low & Co. , and made a busi
ness succesj. Ho early took great interest
in municipal reform work , and In 1SSI and
nL'aln in ! Sb3 was elected mayor of Brooklyn.
Ho is not , perhaps , a dcoplv learned man ,
but has superior oxccutlvo ability , and is an
elo'iuent speaker.
To the young face Pozzoni's ' Complexion
Powder gives fresher charms , to the old re
newed youth. Try it.
A liarifo Publishing Housn After Ilu-
HilnlsoonooH hy the Wizard.
NuwYoiiK , Oct. 8. ( Special Telegram to
THE Hiu. : | The literary cdltor'of the Com
mercial Advertiser says : "I chanced to see
a few days ago a letter written by ono of our
largo publishing houses addressed to Jay
Gould in which nu offer was madu of { 50,000
cash and a royalty of 4(1 ( per ccnton all copies
that would bo sold of the work for u volume
of reminiscences to bo written by the noted
financier. I say 'written , ' I should have said
'dictated,1 for the use of a competent steno
grapher was Included in the offer. But a
proposition involving $ T > 0,000 is probably a
vary insignificant matter in Mr. Gould's
oyus and ho has as yet not even ventured a
rctily to the loiter , Only comparatively few
people know that Mr , Gould is already the
author of a book. It is true the work never
had a general sale , but for all that the last
copy sold at auction brought f 10 and tliero
are several standing offers in the hands of
old book dealers for copies whenever obtain
able. But Mr. Gould never felt proud , it is
said , of his 'History of Delaware County
New York'and it is largely through his own
efforts that the book lias been extinguished ,
Yet. those who have read tbo volume pro.
nounco it of moro than ordinary literary
merit In general stylo. "
I'alns in the small of the back indi
cate a diseased condition of the liver or
kidneys , which may bo easily removed
by the use of Dr. J. II. .McLean's I.Ivor
and Kidney Halm , 41 per bottle.
Iowa's Governor' Y Is Still After the
Insolent $ oivporatlona
Ccilnr IlnplcU People Btvlndtod Hy
n IloRtiR Clntipjnir Agent Killed
By n Uul | 11o | Kul lits
or flohor.
Trampled to lpijui liy n null.
tK WITT , In. , Oct. & . f Special Toloqrnm to
I'm ; HUE. ] 'Iho fmioral of Jntncs MoMnnus
occuncil here yesterday and wiw largely
attended by sympathizing friends. Last
Saturday evening ho had KOtic to the pasture.
of his father , who lives two and n half miles
northwest of this place. Whllo there ho was
attacked by a largo black Galloway bull and
trampled to death.
t With the Pension.
MT. VEIINON , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tolo-
Rram to Tin : 13nn , ] Several months ago
William Olllosplo , a farmer residing within
two miles of tins plnco , obtained a back ( ten
sion amounting to $1,100 , which ho deposited
In n bank In his wife's name. Ho had not
given her the deposit check , however , so in
order to obtain the money she look the chock
from his pocket , and under pretense of pay
ing for n house just purchased aha draw WOO
mul left the town. She was afterwards
captured at Palo Alto , whore she purchased
u ticket for Chicago. The woman is about
sixty and is believed to bu out of bur mind.
The Supreme Court.
Dns MOINKB. la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tolo-
Krnm to Tim 13BR.1 The supreme court lllod
the following decisions here to-day :
Knapp & Spalding company , appellants , vs
S. I. liarnnrd &Co. ; Sioux district ; nmrmccl.
Allen McArthur vs Charles Schulti , up-
pollnnt ; Linn district ; reversed ,
Hopkins & 'Jochran ' , appellants , vs Tliu
Phoaiiix Insurance company , of Hartford ,
Conn. ; Woodbury district ; afllrmed.
Edmund Llndsoy vs Emily A. Delano , ap
pellant ; Plymouth district ; reversed.
George S. Mann vs A. i ) . Taylor , appel
lant : Clay district ; reversed , licclt dissent
ing , because In his opinion the Instiuctions
to the Jury purauo erroneous rules of law.
The KiiiifhtH of II on or.
DES MoiNns , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to tin : HER. ] The grand lodge
of Iowa , Knights of Honor , mot hero to-day.
Reports from the vatious branches and
lodges show that the order is in a moro prosperous -
porous condition than it a year ngo.
The following onicers were elected : Worthy
grand dictator , A. M. Uryson , Acklov ; vice
grand dictator , H. P. Johnson , Clinton ;
grand reporter , T. F. G. .Morgan , Dos
Moines ; ( jrantrtrcasurcr , .1. O. Mohomi , Dos
Moincs. Trustees , J. S. Nyosoin , Ackloy ;
S. V. H. Slade , Waterloo ; Samuel Failor ,
ICollogg. Finance committco , W. 1 ? . Fergu
son , Clinton ; M. .1. Upson , Marahalltowui
\V. S. Blnnctmrd , Novvton.
Calling tlio Koatls to
DES Moixns , la. , Oct. -Special [ Tol-
ccram to Tin : Uitn.l Governor Lurrabce'a
most Important recent olllciiil utterance was
made public to-day , as follows :
Drs Moixns , la. , Oct. ' 5. To the Honor
able Hoard of Uullrotul Commlsslonurs
Gontlcmcu : I am in receipt of your letter
of the 27th , Informing nib that various rail
road companies have failed to couiplv with
your request to furnish jou the information
outlined in my letter to your board , dated
August 5 , lisbti , and in icnly I would suggest
that you renew your request for such information
mation and again direct the attention nf
tlies.0 companies to section 5 , chapter 77 ,
laws of the Seventeen tli general assembly ,
which makes it the duty ol all railroad com
panies to furnish such information , and pro
vides penalties for willfully delaying or re
fusing it. Yours respectfully ,
Altogether Too
Cniun lUriDs , la. , Oct. 8. [ Soecial Tolo-
cram to TUB BKE. ] Hobort Benson has
boon located hero for some time , represent
ing himself as sales agent for Wanamakor
& Brown , of Philadelphia. Ho exhibits a
largo number of samples and has collected
several large amounts from various persons
for clothing1 , the non-arrival of which led to
an investigation. Yesterday Postmaster
Charles telegraphed Wnnamakcr tc Blown
In regard to Benson. They replied that ho
was not in their employ , Benson also wrote
to Agent Leman , in England , saying that his
son , who resides here , was sick , and if ho
wished to see him alive to cable him 20.
Other charges will also bo preferred against
him. PostoOlco Inspector Uixby is here
after Benson. Ho was arrested late this
evening for obtaining board under false pro-
Clark Acquitted.
Dns MOINE'I , In. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BUE. ] The coroner's Jury this
ovenlrg acquitted Clark , the young man
charged with the murder of his father-in-law.
Likes , last weok. He was discharged on the
ground of self-defense , It appearing that
Likes attempted to kill him and was himself
killed in consequence.
The Ijoynl Ljculon.
DES MOINES , la. , Oct. 8. | Special Tele
gram to TUB DUE. | The Iowa commandery
of the military order of Loyal Legion of the
United States hold a meeting here to-ninlit ,
concluding with n banquet and initiation of
now members. The Iowa commandory is
now one of the most prosperous , having
about 120 members in the state. Among
those present from out of the city to-night
were ex-Governor Buron It. Sherman , of
Waterloo ; Major Ell Wilkin. of Wintorset ;
Colonel Cummlngs , of Cedar Rapids ; Colonel
Manning , of Newton ; ox-Congressman
Holmes , of lioono ; Captain Anderson , of
Clarence , and Captain I ) . S. Slglor , of Cor
ning. Eight now members were admitted to
the order. The next regular icceUng will beheld
hold at Cedar Rapids next month.
A. IJuiriilo Mnu Hilda His Own SufTor-
IMKH and Ilia AlolIicr'H ,
UUFF.U.O , N. V. , Oct. 8. At an early hour
this morning Charles R Orris , who resides
with his mother , Mrs. Mary King , shot her
while she was sleeping and then committed
suicide by cutting his throat with n razor.
From a i > oto found on the body of Orris it
appears that ho was tired of living ; that his
mother could not get along without him , and
that lie euded her sufferings too.
ArrlvO8 , in Jersey.
Losno.v , Oct. 8. General Uoulanger ar
rived on the Island of Jersey to-day.
Dr. Honor,1 Faithful Watch Conn.
The biggest raccoon in AVindham
county is owned by Dr. Rogers , of
Central Villngo , who keep * the livery
stable in that place , says the 'Norwich
( Conn. ) Bulletin. rTIio coon'u homo is
in the stable , aim It" stands on gumd
there as a faithful dog might do. A
caller at the Btablqjhiis to moot the big
coon before ho can enter , and lie has to
loolc pretty and prtadTitiiblo , too , or the
furry Bontlnol won.1 ' let him pass. If a
tramp or other parson of nestionablo
repute attempts to pass thu guard the
coon shown his tcolli ; then tlio tramp
goes away silently. It is not known
just what ube the coon would do if his
tacit hint were not taken , for it has al
ways boon uctod on. It is a popular
theory , however , that tin explosion
would follow , and that the county coroner -
nor whould have a cn&o of mysterious
elimination to sit on in in inn to parti
cles , The doctor got the raccoon when
it was Halo. It is as tame as a house
dog , and It loves Dr. Ifogora just as
Mary's lamb "loved Mary BO. " It
weighs about thirty pounds when at
peace , but its lighting weight is some
thing that conjecture alouo ha ? figured
Every Skin Disease
Minister burrtl ol .in c.xtrotnoly Itchy
find pntnrul kli Otscn o , vrlili
brnn-llko nnnlo * . Honor * ! henlth
n ( Tooted , Usril ( Jtittourn llciiiu-
itlcA. Ucliur llrst ilny. Worked
Avniidorfiillr. Completely Cured.
Cured by Guticura
About two yours nito I wns nttacKod. with an
inflnmtniitory disease on my faro ( potyrlaMs ) ,
which WAS very troublesome , being extremely
Itchy And painful , giving rlso to tlio production
ot small bran llko scales. My general health
was iv Heeled by It. I used the CUTICUIIV UK-
SOI.VKNT. Cum-tmA.nnd Ctmrmit \ Ho ncror.
ding to directions , niul experienced n rhingo
from thn very Hr t dny ; thov sorted vonder-
fully , nml by their continued use for nbont tire
months I wns completely cured. I hn > o nn-
bounded fnltli In the ruTiatm. UF.MKIHKI , nnd
fan sponk or thorn from personal exoorli-noo.
1 resnrdthe CtmouiiA HK OI.VKST as the very
bist blood purlllor ; n trial will convince any-
ono. 1 l\a \ HiTiunu SOAP Is the best in the
mnrkot.nnd woulilbo cheap at twlco Its piosenl
prleo i shall use no other for thn toilet nnd
bath. With the provnlonco of skin dlionsas
among us A * n people ( nnd they nro the must
dllllcultto deal \\U10 , 1 regard the CtiTicttnv.
HKMKWlis of moro Important nnd Intrinsic
valu to tlio world tlmn any other medlclno now
before the putllo. Tlioy are designed to bo a
national hle'Slnpr. Wmilnfryon ovcry Biicctss
In n work BO pnllanthropl" , I nm with deep
gratitude , ( Hov. ) W.M. OUKKI.MAN.
Yoik Corner , Mo.
Scrntclicd IIS Your *
Ttgo Mr. Dennis Downing ten yours better.
I Imvo dug niul scratched for thlrtv-ulght years.
I had what IH lormod pnirltls. and havoRiiifcrcil
ovorythlnp. nuil tried a nuinlxr of doctors but
gotnorsllof , Anvboilj-couldlmvo got V < no had
tney curral mn. TlieOUTtctiUA ltKMiiim cured
mo. fled bless tlio man who Invented Cim-
OnmliililKo , Mass.
The now Illood I'urinor nnd purest anil best of
Humor ll-modlos , Internally , untl CUTICIIHA.
tlio great Siclii Cure , nnd I'tiTiriiiiv Sovi' . nn
oKiulsltn 8kln lloiuitlllor , axtomnlly speelly.
pcrnmaontly nnd t'conomlcally euro every
Hpock'S of nKonl/.lng , Itching , miming , scalv.
and Dlinplr dlseasra mid Humor * of the skin ,
Bca'p. and bloo.l , with lOJ-s of hair , whcthnr
simple , scrofulous , or contagious , when nil
other remudles fall.
Sold everywhere. Trice. CUTirtnu , 5flc :
SOAP , Sic. ; HISOIVF.NT , $1. I'rcpared by tlio
ton ,
r7 Send for "How to Cnro Skin Dlsnises" 01
I'ngcs. M Illustrations , am ] HI I toaU'iionlnU
IjIIIST , Whilntt , Clearest Skin and Softest
Hnmls produced by CUTICUII v Soi * .
With their weary , dull , aching , lifeless
nll-goiu Ecnsntlon , itnnvr.i > IN DNK
MiNUTObytho Ctnic'imv ANTI-PAIN
' ' Tnailrwtnid only instnn-
nnoouspaln-kllllngstrcngthculng plaster. >
cuts. _ _
It Is conceded to bu the best made nnd most
admired stove on the Amcrlc in continent. It is
constructed on the most npnrovod scientlllc
principles , to develop the greatest degree of
hunt with the least amount of coal. It is the
only stove in which tlio system oC circulating
Hues Is perfo t taking the cold air from Ilia
lloor and heating It. i\-eryoatovo : is convertible
into a double heater to warm the rooms nbove ,
with no dllllcultyor i'xt > en o. Another point
their favor , is tbo fact that they are cheaper
than any other lirst clns steve on the market ,
For sale m Council IllnlU only by
aillKiAlt'J A. CO. 11 Main Street.
Adapted to tbo public schools. The only
commute thing of Its kind iu existence and in-
dispenslblo In the school room. Scnool Hoards
desiring the most perfect help for the teacher
are invlte.l to examine fib. Address
II. A. ll < * JhIjlMGl JIC ,
Oonernl Agent.
373 Willow Avc. , Council lllulls , lown.
Livery , Sale and Boa'ding Stable
No.l Rigs to lot at lowest rates , dcllvuroilln
any part of the city.
Horses bought aud bold on commission.
Centrally Liicnlotl , I'lanlcr Hum.
W. O. irrr0RB 4.OK , 230 Broa Iwa
Electric Trusses , Bolts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
c. u. .iuim ,
NKW llaby conch fur liaTtTcTmap at No. 7-4
T71OU SALH-On eimy terms , choice residence
X1 lot , ( iraliam live. , on motor line.
For Sale bo acre fruit and vegetable farm ly
mllea east of Cluuitauciia | grounds , A great
bargain. Knty terms. Only ! M per acre.
For Hale 10 acres adjoining city limits ; with
3-Hlory frumu house , large barn , wood and coal
shed , well. clhU'in , etci ; 10) ) bearing fruit trees ,
grnpus and berries. 1'rlce JJ.UX ) . The bare land
la worth the money.
For Hftlo-M acres / mile from city limits.
Only JIOJ per acre. Kasy terms.
Kor Halo -II acres cnolrogrove lands on Orund
avenue. Only * 1 < J per ncro ,
1'or Halu-il-room house on motor line , ono
block from llroadwny. Very chimp.
1'or Sale Choice lots on N. lUth nt. , 3 blocks
from motor ; Hide walk nnd city water ,
1'or M le-Iot i , block 8 , Jlunstora Place ,
Omaha , on to years' time at 7 PT cent.
W , C , Macy room < , Opera block.
IIIAVK two elOKunt hennas on cili ave. , one
block from motor , l.aigelotH , lloiifiua new ,
B anil II roomt each ; modern impiovumentH.
For aalu ou paymentx to HUltpurchaserH. Tliese
are line bargain , Hplendlilly located and cheap
est property In Council llluiru. J. | | Judd , DM
J F1NI5 houses on Lincoln ave. , H rooms , mod-
Ocrn Improvementi , nil new , - loti MJxl > 0 each
and the other 'OflU ) . This property m finely
located in the natural pane portion of Council
lllufls , - blocks from Omaha and Council Itlulfs
motor. 0. It , Judd , OX ) llroadwuy.
C ) IIOUSKSon Mill st. New , T , rooms , city
' \\utur , U blocks from the postoillce , H.OH
ea-li. Monthly payiuentM or terms to suit ,
Theoe are elegant cottage 1101064 for anybody
nnd a good investment , U. II , Judd , Ujfl
irk INgllltAKCE at actual con. Address
A. K , Daugbarty , Canning at. , Council
- ones wanted ,
ilisa U C. MchoUJ Fourth at.
OCTOBER 4,1880. , The tulvortlsomont ofsovoral rotnlt dealers , nnclor
the form of n communication as it appears In THE BEE of thmdato , is not
Im3od upon the truth , and the parllos signing the same nro well tvwaro of
It , as the following reasons from their own standpoint will tootlfy :
. . I , Wo hare had applications from four of Hum. Individually , to be InVin In rnt > f the
cfilili In other words. If tuny sold conlntourprlcos , would vonllow them thonutiige , cnch party
pledging himself to keep Miictly ' mum , " so fnrns his neighbor wns concerned ,
2. Wo liavo hnd offers from 1ho sumo pnrtlos , based on the follow
ing1 , to-wlt :
A. Under what conditions \vouM\Yo retire from tlio rotnlluuslnesi , they guaranteeing us n
certain tonnngo for the. seasons of IHM" " , IKIJand 1MH , nnd finding n market for our coat ,
. IJiulor what conditions wnnid wo remain in the rt'tiill business , they guaranteeing us n
certain tonnage us before mentioned , but \\o agreeing to maintain juices.
From tlio foregoing laots , I think the tfonorous nnd ftilr-mlndod public
will ngroo with mo that any further remarks are unnecessary.
Council Bluffs , In. , Brown Building. Chicago , Ills.
The ooal dealers of Coutu-il UlulTn would moat respectfully say tn explanation
of the reduction in price of coal iniulo by A. T. Thatcher , of thm city , that Mr.
Thatcher him heretofore claimed to boll coal by wholesale only , anil that , many of
us liavo purchased coal from him at the market prices , and would still continue
to do so , if wo could pot a jjooil article of that would please our trade , but
with coal bought from Mr. Thatcher wo have had u irroat deal of trouble aud
complaint , nnd these of UH who have handled his coal liavo boon
Obliged to Withdraw Qor Orders
from him or lose our customers.
To rcfeont thla and coerce the dealers into buyinir an inferior article of coal
Mr. Thatcher has come into the retail trade , ami is now olTorinpf his coal nt a loss
lirico delivered to consunioru than ho charged us for it at his yards , and also at
lower nrlcos than wo could purchase Morohiuitlle Coal elsewhere.
Wo are prepared to furnish a statcmont.fully verified as to the correctness of
the above explanation :
Snapp & Knotts , E. E. Mar no ,
1) . E. Oloason , Wm. Welch
Carbon Coal Co. , J. E. Meyers ,
N. W. Williams , 13. Marklo ,
Council BlulTs Lumber Co. , T.L. . L. Smith ,
SacUott & Preston , L. M. Shubert ,
Jos. McWilllams.
HRI R VI I\I Rl M F Hydraulic mid Sanitary Engineer. Plans , E Isthnatua
i Dlnl\lnDll\L. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. IJrowa
maiding. Coucil DlulTs. Iowa.
N. SCHURZ -Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 41
. Hroad way , Council HhilTs , Iowa.
J ? . QIMQ Attorneys-tit Law. Practice in the Stnto ami Fort-
Ot OIIYIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Sluigart-Hono Llloclc ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa.
a/I / AM TPfMM L" DV .Surgeon and Ilonm'paUi. Itootn ( i , Drown
PI , IVIUIN I UUIYIiLnY building. 115 Pearl St. . Olllco hours , 9 to li' .
a. m. , - to 0 aud 7 to 8 p. m.
B A URM KB In nil parts of the city. N. C.
I'hlillps , room 5. l.vorett block. _
I--story f-room houses oa North 7th St.
- a blocks fiom potolico. ! . city water , only
i'-MOO each. Tcima to suit. C. 11. Judd. ( Mi !
Itroadw.iy. _ _ _ _ _
OMCMllKUthntlown my own property.
niul conscneutlj' ran mince turins tti suit the
puri'lmser , who is not rotiulrud to deal with mo
ihrouchnnavont. f. H Judd , GUi ! lltonuwny ,
Council Illulls.
Br/rrr.H Umn a savlnps b.iu.t. Ituy a house
nnd lot of 0. II. .ludil ou monthly piiyments.
nnd by pitying from 8. to i" > more a month tnnn
rent in a few ye trs you will own your homo
fruuof debt , which is bound by Unit time to lie
worth more than double what you pay for it
now. ( J. It. Judd , CM lirondwny. Council lllulls.
II V pay rent for nu old rattle truphousu
subject to all Inconvenience * of plonuer
days of architecture and dilatory or capilcious
landlord , vlien jou can buy u new , modern ,
beiutifill cottiiRo ormttgnlflcent residence with
everything that heart cau wish , on tnontuly
payments , nt about the same price you pay
monthly for rent ? C. II. .ludd. r.nil llroadwav.
pnvliu rent nnd buy n h oneo nnd lo
on monthly payments. 0. 11. Judd , 60
llrouilv\ny , _ _ _ _ _
ASUHB way to mnki > money ! liny a house
nnd lot on monthly payments , and if jou
don't wish to live In it yourielf I will rentlt tor
you free of charco. so that additional payments
will oo next tonutnlni ; , nnd in a lew yours you
will have n lieu o nnd lot by actually paylmc
out noc over one-Qfth of its value. 0. 11. Judd ,
liUO iJrondway. _
you have any lots or other properly ( Mat
TV you wish lo trade for a house nud lot , cull
onC. 11. Judd. lirii llro.idway. _
: houses and lots in all parts of Coun
cil mntrs.fromOJlo$1Ui. ! ) that I can soil on
monthly payments , or any terms to suit pur-
ihasi > r.i. This is of p-mlculnr advantage to
Omaha merchants , , clerks , mechanics , 01 people
who desire a homo near tlio nusinuss center of
Omaha without being compelled to pay csxorbl
tant prices. O. II. Judd , ( ! OJ llroadwav. Council
' ) Bargains I bouses and lots In the
Sl'LllNDII thu city , on Avenue A , one block
from electric motor , ono " story , fl-rootn. others
cottages , 5 rooms each , new , with nil modern
improvements ; ad joining lot" sellliiR for Jl , * .
Tneso can bo bought on terms to suit Jl , MO ,
tl. i"iU.fl.7/in. / one an elegant cornar. This property
orty will double value In a year to keep pace
with other property adjoining. 0. I ! . Judd. HJU
Hi oad way. _ _
IMI'OHTANT-All property sold by mo I will
jp'ellor rent free of all chnrues , which Is no
InimeiiKo savlmr , osiieclally to the non-resident.
C. 11. Juild.flOil llroailway.
II' YOU buy a house and lot of 0. 0 , Judd nnd
afterwards conclude to move aw ny or hi any
other way not being desirous of kcoplni : the
property , 1 will sell it lor you free of charge
and property unsold J will rent sam < s without
cost to owner. "
B > ve11 ° ' all pioperty
weld by 0. II. Judd whou tliera Is a fair
payment down. _
' ) dressmakers wanted at i-'OI
IjVYl'KllinNCIJI /
BAM. An old and well established
FOR , established In-IBM. Cash in-
rinlrml , < tlry ) > , bilanrureal estate. Address A
y , lice. Council HhillH. _
ItnN'T Nleely fiinilsTio7l ro o7iix. we'll
FOR , airy , ail vniiTunloncurt , H block fiom
electric motor line , ( iood l-oaidnoxt door , new
modern houses. No , 17 North .Madison Ht.
- lots in Itlilclle's sub , on llth avu ,
BAIU1A1N-4 paid , $10) ) each. N.C. 1'hilllps ,
room i > , I'.verett block.
1 Ol'rt in Terwilllgers add WTfi oaciuN707
JJ 1'hllllpn. room 1 , Uvarett block.
OTS in VanTiiunr& Itlce's add } 2iO , Kasy
Jlerms , N. C. Phillips , loomfi. Bveiett biit.
In Central HUD cheap. Knsy terms. N.
TOTS " . room < " > , I'.verett block.
llARCAlNln West Ilroadway propel ty. N. .
A U. i'lillllps , room 6. i\erett : block.
WANTIJH Hoom and board by .young ludy ,
two or thieeblo'Ki from tlio Mortonstoro
Address :0i : , Ueoofflco , Council Ulutls , hinting
lowest terniH.
in Terry addition , Monthly payments
LOTS . I'hlllipg , rooiiiB _ , Kverott blocn.
LANDS for sale or oxcbungo. N. C. 1'hllllp
room 6. Kvcrett block.
TMl'IIOVKI ) farms in lown mm iFamnw for
J-cxcllungo for city property , N. C. I'lillllps ,
room 5 , IJverolt block.
] OTS on 4th nve. aniri < itli Bt. very cheap
Ilamion ic .Shophurd , U Main Bt.
LOTS on llroailuay , niiywliero between Coun
cil Illnils and Omubn. llciibon A ; bhejihord ,
A VKNIIH A low , corners , great bargains ,
llenson X Bliephenl , UMnln nt.
OP on 4th avenue , Van llriint .V Illcu's MUD. ,
I cheap , lloimon A , faliepliuril , U Main Ht.
llbTcornur on llroadwav , opposite pouor
house' lloiiHon iVJilicplierd u Mnln St.
IO'l'H on ( ilen ave , , genuine snaps , llonson &
J Bliepnerd , U Main ht.
OTS on Manuwa motor line , corners. 10
Jruxh , balance 110 per mcciih. llc-mon i
.SliephunMi.Miiln at.
RliAli KSrA'lT : lloinht an ! 'il I and ex
changed. HpncUl attention glvuu to exam
ination of tUles. _ W. 0. Jamus. No. 1' ' ) I'uarl at.
FOIl AIi-Acro : lots in Orchard place. This
property U located lit the lllcx > nursery ,
Hontliof the main part of the city. l'i mllei
fruin court lionsj. ( leo. Metcalf , IJ 1'earl st.
HOimiWancT l'ita'iWca'ih ; .Tw ) c hTT)0"
canli , buluiiLO a > y. Honion it hliojilier.l
VMulnst ,
FOIISAI.R On easy terms , some of the belt
arranged modern houses ( new ) In loitucil
lllulls. All modern Improxemtmls , llnoly
located. Call on S. U , JIaxon , Meitlnm block.
WjiTsinnnNTOlT , llear istato7 : Snec-iar
attention given to examination and cor
rection of title lo lands and lots In city and
county. No. S. North Mnln st.
LOTS In Mullin's Mib. JlOcnsh , bilnnco tie pec
month ilenson .V Shopluud , U Mnln st.
IiOIt PA LI' or Hunt Garden land with houses.
1 by J. It. Itlco , Ut : Mnlnit. . , Council liiuir * .
SAM : 1'i lucre farm In Jasper county ,
Iowa , located near coil mines that ave in
oix'i.uUm. There Is n tlva foot vein of coal
under tbo fat in. ( loo. Metfulf , No. 10 1'earl st.
FOIl SAI.Kimproved and unimproved prop
erty in every part ot the cltv , Kare opnor
tunltlos for Investors who sock npociiuitioiiH :
plondlj opportunities for those who dcslro
homes. fee ! Metcalf , No. 10 1'earl t.
BVS1NHSS locations oc Mnln and llioadwny
nt grout bargains. Oeo. Mutcalf , No. 10
I 'earl st.
FOlt SAliE W feet lake frontagu locatail ba
twoen O II , boat house atid Mannwa lioncli
Also a numljor of choice lots In Itegntta place
( Jco. Motcalf , No. 10 1'oarl st.
O j HHOS. & CO. loan monoy. The moat
literal terms ollcioa. 101 1'oarl st.
RAKPLK NOTICR Tickets for jnnnil rnlllo
of house and lot In Coniull Itlnirn not being
all sold tlio date of ralllo is changed to Dec. 4.
Hemember yon can get n f 1.0 U pioperty for $1.
tickets nt ManbattiLii aniKMooie & llowman's.
The best $ l-.0f ) cook btovo ' .i
The liesitlhtO cook atovu IS.0
The best btove on caith 'iio
'I h6 best $7.Ml w oed stove 7.50
The best f.l.UJ Oak coal stove I'.UO
Cheap stoves at all prices.
Wo are the solo nnd only smoiits for tlio cele
brated Radiant Home heater * , tbo genuine 1' ,
I1. Stewart healers , the famous boft coal Oae
stoves , guaranteed to hold the over niglit. Wo
Imvo the best stoves , the largest stock of moves
nnd tne lowest prices on sloven , nml oven our
cheapchtwe guarantee. Don't fall to see tin.
On Kniilnnt Homes and Btowai to wo are cheaper
than any other western city from H to $5 ;
pleased to iiuotrt prices to outslclo patties , and
deliver stoves within 11 ( ty miles of ttio city.
Cole A : Cole , 41 Main at. , opposite CltUeni'
I'ri'pnrn l "or Winter.
The Peninsula heating Moves are the best In
the market. Have handled them fcrllve years.
I.vory pale gho" satisfaction , lloforeyou buy
see them. The now lloylon I'uumtes me con-
tr ucted upon the most approved Nclentilla
rl nciples , and are the liest and most economl
nl furnace in tbo world. 1'or nalo only by W
J. liiintorwasMtrJOT llromlway. Conn n Illlf
HOI ) Stoves Tor Snln.
'Ihoio is n suggestion of coming cold days In
even tno bunsblneof UIIMO pleasant autumn
evenings , and tlio provident pcrnoi ; will ,01110
to tlio conclusion llintttio bust thing to do to
keep warm and save coal bills is to buy tlio best
steve mado. 1 have Inaugurated a stovn ala
during which 50J stoves will bu sold , including
n special line of cheap cooks nt the following
pi Ices : One No. f , tin ; ono No. 8 trlminu 1 , JIJ.
u 1th good draught regulations , nndgnnnmtcea
Ilrnt clnhs bakers.
.My lenders will Le the Rarlnnd line completn
the only faultless stove made. Heating moves
fioinjliui to J U , and will close out u largil
stock of Ktewart Hovomit cost.
I also handle the .Monitor , Climax , Mason k
Davis. Charter Onk , llxcjlslor , Illrtlidny , Acorn
and ( iarland ranges ,
Knrnncus , hot air and steam , put In bv the
only iecognUod skilled fu.iucuman in thecuy.
1' . . DeViil. M4 llroailwav
Incorporated Nov. I , lh'0.
Bouthwebt Coinnr llroadway and Main siieet *
CAPITAL * I 50,000.
OKKICKIIH N. 1 > . Doilge , I'rcslclontj John
Ileroshelm , Vice 1'rostdont : A , W. Itkkman
DIIIKOIOKS N 1' . Dodge , J. lt roslielin. Oco.
Kcullne. J. Btjwart , W. W. Wallace , 0 , M.
- n * H TIII : riioii.HT : LOT OK -
In tne rlly ! Dili edged opportunities to Imme
diate InvestoiH iincl home Hcekeu
THUS. Ol'IK Kll W 11. M
Cornei Miilu ami llroiulway ,
Um'Nrilj ItljUKKH , IOWA.
Dealers in foreign nnd domt < Htlc exchange.
Dec lions made and interest paid on time do *
sits. -
D. J. KlIMUMISDN , 1 ! . 1 1. BlIIKIUir.
I'ri- . Vice 1'ioi ,
CIMH. ] ( , JANN\N | , Canhler.
Paid up Capital . . . . $ (3OOOO.OO (
Surplus . . . 35.OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors 335.OOO.OO
IllliKUToiiH . A. Miller. I * . 0. ( lleason , 15. It
Hhugart , U. H. Hart , J D. Kiluiiilson. Ihni , U
llnnnan. Iritniiiict general banking buxlncst
Lurgeat capital and Hiir | > liu of any bank la
fwtlitteiteru Iowa , Interest on tlmu rlekmiln