" ! ' - > r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 0 , 1889. FLETCHER'S HOME FELICITY. How it Load to Captain Dompsoy'a AeaaultJ HE INSULTED HIS WIFE. ' i 2.1m AcmincKl C.iptnln TclH of the JVIntinor In AVIiloU Ho Cniuo To Alt nek. Ilia Superior Olllonr , Klc , , I5to. Cnntnln Oi > itir > ' * cr The court nurtlfil of Captain Dcmpsoy , charucdvitli ns .iultln ( ; it superior ollieer , Colonel .luBlum S. flcldier , was resumed ycstcrdaytnornlnR , Promptly at 1U o'clock tlio Ijluo-contoil , 1 > Cltxl nnil epaulet ted Juror * ran pod thorn- selves along tlio tiiblo In Ilia court martial room In Tin : llin : building , clirar slumps \voro ciiRpldorod nnil ttio trlnl wont on , Cnplaln DoinpBoy , looulng tiiR mid hron/oil and perfectly nt CMC , ns usual , wan in hla accustomed sent bulilnd Captain Kay , the net I lit ; JudRO ad- Vocnto , whllo Uolonol Morrow , llio prcsidinc oniucr , itt llio bead of tbo tublu , bora the sumo tiUBtoro aspect its uC old Cnptnin Demtmoy , the nucuicil , was the first witness. Ills statement was us foltmvs : ' On the morning In question I went to Ina ( luartura r.nd was mot on the porch by a member of bis family ; hciird loud talking botwocn Colonel Fletcher. Mrs. ITlotcher and Mr ? . Mulirlanci : heard Colonel Fletcher any that hu hud paid for u certain < ! ORcart. . IWrn. Fletcher mild , 'No you dlon't ; don't you rcmombor I RIIVO you n chock for fy. > 0 and It was with this you pnld for the cart. " Colonel Flutchur replied vehemently , 'You are a dunmcd llnr and a thief , and Imvn tuken things from tills house which did not bulonRto you,1 I said to ttm lady I XVHU tulltini ; to , 'I cun't stand thh ; 1 am K ° liu ? In then ) or KOinu away. ' Stio urged mo not to go awav nnd thoti Mrs. Me- FarlanU called mo in , Colonel Hctol.or was In his shirt Hleows. Mrs. Mor.irhuul sukl , 'Captain Doinpiay , 1 want to tell .von what Colonel Fletcher said about you. Ha no discs you of Improper relations with my sister IIB | wife. ' Colonel Fletcher denied this , hut I sulzcd him. Ho threw up both Imnda , making no effort to defend himself. Mrs. McFiirlatid sukl , 'Ho did say BO , cap tain , and ho also called in v sister a liar and a. llilof. ' Coloriol Fletcher denied this and I tmtd , 'You nro n dnmnod llnr nnd a coward , for I heard you I1 Ho roltoratcd his denial and BOOH after I loft in disgust. " Then Captain DoniD'oy recounted his second end Interview with Colonel Fletcher , which took phtco the next evening In the presence of Adjutant Kinslc , nnd which lias bcon published In these columns repeatedly. Cross-examination : "Mv relations with Colonel Flotcner before - fore this affair had always been friondlj and ] > lcasant. "I know thut Colonel Fletcher's remarks Wore addrojsed to Mrs. Fletcher becjuso they wcrcrin reply to hcrrmiurlca about mv- ins him n check with which Co pay for tlio dof-cart ( , Hoard only part of the conversa tion between Colonel Fletcher and his Wife. " Question by the court : "Was Mrs. Fletcher in the room when you went In that morning nnd found the colonel ! " "No , sir , she had retired , nnd whether she came In afterward or not , I am notHuro. " After ten minutes' recess. Mrs. Fletcher was called to the stand nnd examined by Captain Dcmpsoy. Tlio lady is n plump little woman , consid erably under the ordinary stature , but what she lacks In height she mnUcs up fully In em- Lori point. She was uttirod in n closo-ilttinir black jacket and dress , with a little maroon Ixinnct , surmounted with ( in old gold bow. She was dnmuro and rosy , and answered the interrogations in a low , soft volco , but with out any symptoms of trepidation or embar rassment. "Ploaso state to the court your full nniiio end residence , " said tlio captain. "Mary Thomas Fletcher , residence Phila delphia. " "Did Colopol Fletcher nccuso you of im proper relations with myself on the morning or the 10th of Junol" 'Ho certainly did nnd that Is the reason ho sent me from his house. He said his house could no longer bo n house of prostitution , Ho 8 , ild lie would give me fifteen minutes to > rct out , " Cross-axaniiiintinn by the Judiro advocate : "Arc you still living with Colonel Fletch er ? " "No , sir , I am not. " "When did you leave his liousel" "On tliu morning of the HUti of Juno. " "Arn you the wife of Colonel Fletcher ? " " 1 nm ; " hero Mrs. Fletcher was excused , being re called immed lately , however. In order tlr.it the codrt might propound the following ques tion : "Did Colonel Fletcher , on the morning df the 10th of Juno last , cull yon n liar and u thlofi" "Ho did at the dining-room table about a quarter to 8. " 'J hu lady being again excused , the Judge advocate announced to the court that Cap tain Dompioy had no further statement to inuke , nnd that no argument for or against would ho offered. The court then closed. IN , THU CUUIIT.M. cc Work I ni ; With Kaso on A pry Dry Cimim. Judge Hopuwcll has not yet arrived from Hurt county , where ho has been holding court during the past two weeks. Judge Doano Is hearing the second of the lUtof "Van Elton vs Abraham casea. The rnso ngulnst William Hcnnols , charged with the larceny of a set of harness , will bo called this morning. W. M , Morfmiin , of Clarmda. In. , was ad mitted to practice by Juduo Wakclov. Mr. Morsman is a brother of K. M. Morgmau , president of tlio 1'aolllo Kxprtias company , and has bcon a loader at the I'ngo county , la. , bar for the past ton years. J ud co Wakolov hnu appointed J. F. Morl- nrty , Uf. 1) . McHugli , J. 11. Mclntosh , .T. 1 > . Kngllsh and H , C. llronio as members of the bur committee on membership applications nnd ccrtltlcntos for the September term , John L. McCuguo has commenced suit In the district court against M. S. Uartlett ana Kobcrl Wilson for $ 3,283 on n promissory note. Christian Anderson has filed suit in the district court for a dlvorco from tils wife , Kngul Anderson , on the grounds of drunken- jioas and adultery. Paul LIss has commenced suit against K. K. Kooil , praying for an injunction to restrain - strain Him from soiling certain chattel mort gages given to secure two notes fur JIM ) and ZOO respectively , upoii which Lisa alleges that theru has boon paid the sum of $ UK > , but Htatca that Hood refuses to glvo him credit for more than $7f > , claiming .tho balance as usury for oxtondlng the limn of the notes. The pntlllon also prays tor Judgment aualnst Hood In llio sum of f 170 duo as laborer's lure. lure.Atiula It. Klnkaad has tiled n suit for f5WK ! ) Oamages against Arvilia C , Citiild , the dnmuges reuniting from sickness canned by thQ defendant cutting the bower ph'O leading into tlio house occupied by the ( lofemuml , ullowlng noxious gaues to cscupo Into the building , Ulio civsos of Henry Llngonnor , nccusod ol nu assault upon Annie Jorgcn&on , and that of Van ICt ton VH. AbrahaniB were given to the juries lust evening , County Court. The docket far the October term hi the countv court wns called yesterday. There wore 1 " 'leases on the list , the largest docket ever known In ihls court. Judgments wore rendered In tlio following cases by default : Horimpl Culm va S. L. Andrews , for plaintiff , SWrST , .1. II. Mlllard vs L. P. Priiyn , for plaintiff , M , P , Soars vs Ada U Toft , for plaintiff , Sochlor & Co , vs Jus. A. Hroiui , for plalntill , fajs.4. % Joseph H. Millard , trustee , vs L. V , Pruyn et ol. ; f.r > ii.7i : for pl'ilutlff. ' LouU Bnj dors Sons Co. vs T. H. Cotter , I9JOW ) , for plaintiff , and uuio vu same. W03.lt ) . J , M. KdmUton vs Charles S. Schonck et ol.fU ; i. tiO for plaintiff. Mrs. L. A. Hryun has couunonoed suit ugaltist the Western Casket company to re cover f30J.3U ou u note. PYTHIAN Gll\Nl > I.ODQIi. Tlio First Bcs'ion Alcotn In Till * City ycstorttny. llio twcnty-sccoml annual action of the Nebraska grand lodce. Knights of I'ylhln * , opened nt 10 o'clock yesterday morning in the cnitlo hall of Nebraska , lodge No. 1 , on Fourteenth street. The hnll had been handsomely decorated by the coinmltttco on decorations , consisting ofUrothcrsC. P. Murphy and U. H , Hal- combo. The nrch over tbo grand chancellor's station WAS decorated with bunt ing arranged In n glory , showing the colors 6f the order , from which wns fuspcndcil the grand lodge symbol , trimmed with myrtle. At the back of the alcove was a bank of plants arranged in the form of a trlanpltho symbol of the order , and about the lodge room wuio placed n profusion of bcnutltul ( lowers nnd nlnnts. 'I ho tutjlo of the grand keeper of records nnd scuta was ndorncil with hnudsomo bouquets of cut flowers. 'I ho body wns called to order by Dr. S. II. Patten , C. C.and chairman of the commit tee of nrrangcmenls , who introduced Mayor Hroutch. 'I ho lint of delegates Will bo found on the second page. 'I ho mayor stated that ho had been called upon to luhlrcns the assemblage in Ids capacity as the city executive and also nB a member of tbo order. Ho referred briefly to the fact that this is the Ilrst session of tti grand lodge which bus been hold In this city and cnuincratcd the innny attractions which would be prevented to the members for their entertainmentthe miles of paved street * the numerous manufacturing Institutions nnd the largo building * in the city. ' 1 Im mayor also called thu attention of the delegates to tlio observance of the Sunday laws and the high state of morality prevail ing lit the city. He then welcomed the grand loilgo tu the city and extended tlio hand of welcome. After tuo applause had subsided , Grand Chancellor W. H , Love , of Lincoln , uuulo an eloquent , response. "I thank you for the kindly expression just made , and yet it required no net or words upon your part to say that wo ivoro welcome , for from the Ilrst time wo entered the gates of your beautiful city , wo have been made comfortable and happy , and led to Imliavo wo were welcome. "I hope nnd trust the notions of this grand lodge will bo such that you may never have causa to regret our having assembled In your uihlat , or sorry that you bade us thus welcome. May we bo a blessing to you nnd you to U3. May thu nets of this grand lodge lo n blessing to thu citizens of Omaha and to all tuo human family. The three principles of P.vthlauUm friendship , charity and benevo lence have been planted , watered , nnd have blossomed with tbo growth and thu fruitage , which nro but legitimate results of honest cmlcavoiHUpon which God has placed his bennd lotion. "I wish to return to you and ihrrmgh you to the citlrens of Omaha , the thanks of this grand lodge nnd the thanks of ( i.tXO ) knignts throughout the jurisdiction of Nebraska for thu kindly welcome , \ou hnvo ulveii us. " Following the remark * of the grand chan cellor , Dr. Patten Invited tlio grand ledge to Uiko part in the rklo whiih had been pro vided for their entertainment in the after noon. The lodge then went into close ses ou and nclmmlHtorc'd ttio grand lodge degree to the new representatives , after which un adjourn ment was taken until this moraine ; lit 11 o'clock. Owing to the late hour nt wliicli on ad journment was taucn , the delegates did not assemble in readiness for ttie drive until about half-past U o'clock. At Unit tune the entire grand ledge nnd n number of ladles were scaled lu about forty- llvo carriages and started over the route as announced in Monday's Hii : . The trip was a revelation to the pntirt ) party , inunr of whom had never visited the district througti wuich the carriages passed. Hxprcssiuns of delight and surprise were heard on every oide , and n jollier crowd never graced Omaha with their presence , About 5 o'clock the party drew up at Tun 13m : und Now York Life buildings , which were inspected thoroughly. Jt was the unanimous opinion thntitiis was n most lilt ing ending to a most enjoyable afternoon H enter tainment , . The following ladies nro in the city , nc- couipunying some of the delegates to the grand lodge : Mrs. It. O'Neill nnd Mrs. H. E. Chnpol , of Lincoln ; Mr.s. J. H. Rogers , Aurora ; Mrs. Jos. Ounkin , of Havennu ; Mrs. L. A. Hrowcr , of Caudron ; Mrs. H. H. Baldwin and Mrs. Grove Haldwin , of lOllchorn. Dining tlio eveiiinir the doleg.ites were left to amuse themselves , which they did in various ways. Most of them spent the even ing at the various places of amusement , while others , who tire ot a practical turn of mind , bul.l a secret caucus in one of the loading hotel" , ami llxed up a shite for the coming election of grand loilgo olllccru. The ofllccs over which there will bo the hottest fight are those of grand chancellor com mander unu of representative to Itiesupremo lodge. There are two suprcuio representa tives from this state , who arc elected for two yearu each Last year Omaha hau both representatives , 0110 of whom holds over. 'Iho terra of the other has expired and Omaha wants to name his successor , but Lincoln enters a strong objection. The oftlco of grand chancellor was held by n Lin coln man lust year , and there will boa spirited contest over the election of his successor. The following is n list of the Pythians now the city nt the grand ledge : Nebraska No. 1 , Omaha , Charles J. John son , Dr. C. M. Dinsmoor. Myrtle No. ii , Omaha , George W. Sabine , W. H. Haynor. liolloviio No. ft , Pnpllllon , I. G. Solk. Planet No. ! , Otnuliu , Julius Treilschkc , Jacob Frank. Jim HUH No. H , Omaha , John W. Iloaza. Gariiuia No. C , Ulair , Douna Allbery. ICurckn No. 7 , Nobrasnu. City , Joseph M. Taylor. Hesperian No. S , Friend , G. Kramer. Star No. 0 , Ashland , James U.inloy , Nel son Stioffcr. Antloeh No. 11) ) , Pawnee City , O. 12. Hall. Klk Creek No. 11 , Klk Creek , W. S. H. McChinalmu. Midland No. 12 , Hennott , John C. Ell. York No. lit , York , Charles A , McCloud , Gum No. 1) . Ke.irnuv. It , A. Julian. Kxcolslor No , 15 , Clay Center , John M. Jones , Lincoln No. 10 , Lincoln , J. W. Porcival , Charles Hnrvuy , H , M. SimolTur , L. C. Dunn. Tccnm&uh No. I" , Tocuraseh.T. II. Hrooke. Falls City No. 18 , Falls City , H. C. Davis. Fuirbury No. 10 , Falrbury , It. H. Wallace. Morning No. 20. Norfolk , .1. W. Hoso. Occidental No. "I , Coiumbus , John M. Mc- Farland , C. C. Heromiror. Klkborn Valley No.J'i , \\Vst Point , C.irl Sehlenk. Hchlllor No. 23 , Nebraska City , F. Hrauer. West Point No. LM , West Point , I ) . C. Giffert. HuniholdtNo M , Humboldt , I. E. Sijhrau- ger. Omaha No , 'M , Omaha , II , Hornberger , J. P. Lund. Heiculean No. 27 , Ulsing City , E. C.Cook. Hastings No. 2 * . Hastings , W. A. Dill- worth. A. K. Allyn. Culautha No , ! . Hod Cloud , L. H. Wal lace. lace.Hoalrlco No. 30 , Hratrlcc. no report. ' Sterling No. ill , Sterling , M H. Christy. Triumph No. ! W , Fremont , F. I. Hlllok , Jo- scph 13. Frirk , F. DolezoL Superior No. ! KI , Superior , H. F. Holtmaii , Pine No. ill , Long Pine , C. F. Ingalls , Auburn No. 'M , Auburn. J 11. Hauor , Apollo No. .it ) , Lincoln , vY. S. Hamilton , H. M. Hnshnoll. Ivanlioo No.UT , Johnson , D. I ) , Adams. MagloClty No , : tS , Holdri't'e. ftols Ntilson. Mystic No. U9 , Aurora , James H. UadgcrA , Plorco No. 40 , J. 1) . Slierot. A. H. Marshal No. 11 , Llnculn , H. L' . Chap- pel. E. T. Huberts. Willow Grove No. 42 , McCook , J. W , Campbell. Holtnol No , 43. O'Xolll , A. J. Handlou. Cyprus , No. 44 , Table Uoolc , W. It. Wilson. Damon No. 45 , D.wlu 'Jity , T , J. Murphy. Nynian No. 4(1 ( , Grand Island , William II. lloopor. Gauntlet No. 47 , Plnttsmouth , W.V. . Druinmond , llarmonla No , 18 , Wymoro , T. M , Sals- giver , Hector No. 40. Stella , J , S. Mima. Evorgrecn No. K ) , Weeping Water , \ \ ' , A. Husso. . Adolphl No. HI , Alulon , no report. Hluo Yulluy No. fi'i , Hebron , J , H. Green , Damascus No. K ) . Chadrou , L. A. li wur. Triauglo No , fl , Omaha , It. H. Lucas , H , H. WehlKir , U. H. Paltmi. Toulonin No. & 5 , Hastings , S. ScbwalbDld. Vigil No. M , Nlobram , na report. Montgomery Nu. 57 , Crelghiou , Jauios H. Lucas. Hotl Cross No. 5S , Uluo Hill , D. P. New- comer. Pythagoras No. 59 , Omaha , Morris Mor risen , Damocles No. CO , Illckman , W. B. Morri son. Ouster No. 01 , Hroken How , W. .1. Woods. Ivy 01 ! , Ashland , H. U. King , A. II. Gould. Kcnilworth No. W , Alrtswortti , W. H. Williams. Sheridan No. ( VI , Knshville , W.V. . Wood. Lot us No. OS , Wayne , R. M. Goshorn. Silver No. 05 , Orccnvrood , Gcorgo E. Fin- ley. ley.Amnranth No , 07 , Grafton , S. F. Hnlnoy. Capital City No. ( H , Lincoln. O. P. Dinges , S. J. Dennis , F. F. Koose. J. E. Hlpgn. ,1'arko CO , Omaha , O. P. Thompson , C. O. Hoctuor , Chevalier No. " 0. Grafton , Shadrlek Doty. Ml. Shasta No. 71.Otnaha , A. A. McFud- den , Charles K. Carrier. Antlers No. 72 , Elk horn , C. W. Baldwin. Geneva No. 73 , Geneva , 12. M. Hillings. Minerva No. 74. * 1 ecumsch , J.W. Unltrcal. Sutton , No. 7ft , Sutlon , io report. Oriole No. 70 , Omaha , W. L. Seism , Harry Morrlam. Heaver City No. 77 , Heaver City , Char.les E. Hopping. Seward No 73 , Sewnrd , J. S. Leonhardt. Knwriinso No. 70 , South Omaha , William Hnliman. Viola No. 80 , Omaha. A. E. Pike. Hwlng No. M , Ewing , J. A. Prommor- Aclmusscr. Marathon No. & 2 , Omnhn , W. S. Denny. Harvard No. 811. Harvard , TJ. O , Hunt. Forrest No. 81 , Omnhn , J. A. Johnson. Union No. 8 : . . Madison , K. C. Glllon. Ord No. fcO , Ord , Gcorgo H. Stover. Sprlngllold No. 87 , Springfield , Snmucl Stiirtzer. Clarion No. 83 , Nonpareil , .liuncs H. Dnnskin. Longfellow No. 89 , Hooper , Fred J. Horro. Aoway No. 00 , Punka , J. H. Orr. Crescent No. 01 , Hlmwood , William Deles- dernier. Shclton No. OJ. Sholtoii , F. E. Kills. Lucullus No. VJ , Uloomington , F. H. Har mon. South Fork No. ( U.Dulwis , David Darling ton. ton.Virglnius No. 05 , Omaha , Edmonu Paul- sen. Nester No. 00 , Crawford , H. II. McUrow. Good Samaritan No. H7 , Omaha , ( ieorgo E. Wilson. Valiant No. ! I5 , Sidney , H. E. Guppeu. Wnhoo So. O'.i , Wahoo , H. ltlood. . Aiivunco No. 100 , Ciilhctfon , H. H. Oil ier. ier.Itonubllcnn Valley No. 101 , HenUle iiinu , V. E. Hiu-Ror. Woodland No 101 , Stanton , V , II. Wells. Curtis No. J 03. Curtis , no report. Eagle No. 101 , Eagle , Samuel S. English. Hralnard No. lO.'i , Hrnlmird. S. W. C. Wauser. Diuim No. 100 , Heatrice , C. S. TossUiium. Delta rvo. 107 , N'olson , S E. Davis. ItunaloNo UN , Madrid , W II. Puidy. Modoo o. lO'.i , Nullgh , P. H. 1'nterfcon. Pallas No. 11" . b'chujlcr. John W. Artley. Marmion No. lll.Loup Cltv , J. F. Jeffords , Kismet No. ll'j Kavonna , .1. W. Dunslnn. Urie ) Nu. lli,1. : . Paul , Dr. F. ( J. Tent. America No. 111. Fullerton. J. AV. Tiinnor. Mtirupp.i No. 11. , North Plattc , James C. Ferguson. Snliiiu No. 11(1 , Crete , F. D. Williams. Pythian No. 117 , 1'lynsps , H. C. Harmon. Kepresentalives are required to Lo pro vided with iheir official jewels in order to gain admission to ttio grand lodge. J he olliccra ol the grand lodge arc as fol lows : Kiclmrd O'Neill , past grand chancellor , Lincoln ; W. II. Love , grand chancellor , Lincoln ; W. F. Manning , grand vice cn\n- collor , Omnhn ; H. W. Woolverton , grand prelate , Pierce ; Cbntlcs G. Alton , urand master of exchequer , Aiusw < rth ; L' . 13. Fri'iieb , grand keeper of records and seal , Omaha ; O. L. Green , grand master ut arms , Kearney ; George It. Green , grand inner Kiiard , Geneva : E. 'W. Hoyt , grand outer ciinril , Long Pine ; W. E. Copchmd. J. S. Shropshire , supreme ropruscntntivcs.Omaha. Ed hoi in & ; Akin- "Who sire thovV" VAUGUN'K IjlL'TljU ItlMi. It Aiain C < iiii ! B Uj > I-'or Cnnslilcrn- tlfin 15y Hi Commi-Jsiom-rH. All the county commissioners wore present at the special mcctitie yesterday afternoon. County Treasurer Holla submitted n 10- port of miscellaneous feus collected In his of- flco during the ( juurtor ending September ! 10 , 18V. > , amounting to WUM15. A comtnunlc ition from Architect My ers nddresseil to Superintondonl Coots , recommended that the sewage of the county huspitnl bo conducted into large cess uools. which shall bu ( lushed ut intervals and led inio the creek. The com munication was * placed on fllo. The committee on finance submitted ale- port from Auditor Evans on the bill of thu Democi at for printing tin ) tax list. There- port recommended that . " > 15. 11 bo allowed us the full amount at" the hill. The number of descriptions was reduced from the number in the bill rendered , an d the rate wns nl " } { nnd 55f for the three insertions. O'Kcpffi ? demanded if any of the members of the llnanco committee knew last Saturday that the bill was wrong , and asked whv they bad made no protest whoa the bill was pre sented , He was very much excited und talked vcri hard ut Anderson. Anderson responded as chairman of the committee on finance. Hu said tlio bill had not been referred to the committee until after the mcetim ; on Saturday , and they hud no knowledge of it. When the bill came up ho wont upstairs to see if the bill was cor rect , nnd wbllo he was gone thu bill was paid in part. O'Koeffo retorted ttiat Anderson should bavo stopped tlio payment of tno warrant if ho knew It was wrong. Anderson said tlio majority of the board woio doinir the business and be did not care to eel into unv argument about it. O'Keoffo said excitedly that ho didn't know anything ahdut it until after tue meet ing last Saturduv , but If hu had known it hu would have protested against it. Turner arose to explain his position. Ho Haiil he had u suspicion Saturday that the bill was not riuht and studied over the matter - tor , but thought the amount of $700 was cov ered by the correct amount of the bill and the bill for road advertising. Ho stated that If the ayes and nays had been callou ho would hnvo voted nralnst it , but us two members had voted for It ho let it go. 116 tried to made it appear that the $700 was al lowed OH any account Vaughn may have with the county , aiul not on the tax list bill alone , notwithstanding the fact that the $700 was paid out of the general fund , whllo the bills tor the other work come out of other funds. The report of the llnanco committed was Dually adopted. OB motion of O'Kooffo thn voting place of Irvinglon Place was located nt Gcorgo L , lleilman'H , In the center of the district. After flxini ! tbu polling places for thu com ing election the board adjourned. Kilholm fc Akin. "Who nro they ? " \V < " .t"rn An ICvli II'IIOM.SHE ' ( There was a regular meeting of the "Wes tern Art association ut Llninger'8 Art hal ) lau evening. The fall exhibition was vqtcij for the IStii of November , tbo place of hold. ) the same to be selected by the committee at a subsequent meeting , lucre will bq n called meeting of thu board of directors on Tuesday , October I ft. Tlio regular monthly mooting of thu association will be held the second Tuesday of the month ut Liningor's hull. _ _ Mcrclmnlb' Hotel. Lnrtt ! Riuupla rooms. 9i$2.r ! > OiSJ ! : < | iur(1iiy ( , NiitLJrown. Edliolm&AUlu. "Who nro thoyV" * till n > ; 10 ( > iiiiiiiilior. K you tire t ; " ' " " oust , romoiubof tlio "Hock fsl'intl Houto" run the Bloopers mid oh air cars of their solid vestibule train to .and from the Oinulm depot , leaving Oiimhii at 8:15 ] i. in. .thus avoid ing the tnuitiforiit Council UluITs. Tliroo both ! trains I'lilly , All chair curs are froo. Dining cnrnon nil tliroupli U'Jiins. Our trains nmUo eloso connections with nil otibtorn limited trains connecting in union depot tit Chicago , avoiding n transfer across the city to parties ou routp to Now Vorlc , Boston nnd other eastern cities , "mid everything n little butter than other lines can oltor. " S. S. STKVUNS. Ticket oillco,1303 Parnatn , Gon'l W. A HE WAS AN AlifM DODCEtt , How E. M. Pattoraoa Miseod Mrs. Uobol's LfttliS Bullot. AN AGED SCORNED. to thn Slor'y of Intrigue , nnil O'tUcr Crimes In Which K. M. ' ( 'ntturson and Ills .VBsallnnt > 'Atipcnr. DoiU'Cii thn , Hullot. Tlio trouble existing between It. Al. Patter- xon ann Mrs. Ilattlo Uobol , conunrnccd nbout one year ago , the latter having thn former nrrssteu on a cnargo ot bastardy. It terminated yesterday at 1 o'clock In nn nt- tompton the part of Mrs. Ucbcl to kill him. At the hour mentioned , the woman ap peared at Mr. 1'attorson's ofllco In ttio Omaha National bank building , armed with n 32-callbcr revolver and lired one shot nt him. Fortunately , her nun wns poor and the bullet burled Itself In the door-casing before it could roach the man ut whom it was aimed. Lust spring , Patterson commenced milt in the district court , against .Mrs. Uobol for perjury , and , having received notlcolhat the case would bo called to trial next week , the latter became frantic and determined to bring mutters to nn end as tragically as pos sible. "She has not annoyed me very recently , " twld Mr. Patterson , who was seen shortly nftcr the shooting , "until now. About 1 o'clock I hoard u knock on my ofllco door , nnd.upon opening It , found myself confronted by her. Stio appeared considerably excited. I asked what eho wanted and her reply was : If I go to the pen for It , I'll put un end to you. ' At the stum time sno drew her re volver nnd raised It to llro. I Jumped back und slammed the door shut between us. That is the whole story. " Mr. Patterson's onleo Is on the second floor of the building , very near the elevator entrance. Attar tiring , a number of men mirroundcd Mrs. Uobi-1 , disarmed nud held her until Chief Seavoy arrived , put her under arrest and led her to the central sta tion. tion.The The nffair created Intense excitement fern n time , and hundreds of men examined the bullet hole lu the door-easing. Previous to Mrs. Uubcl's arrival at the b.mk , her move ments nru not known. She stepped into the elevator , told the elevator boy that she would go up to Patterson's ofllce , nnd scorned In n very great hurry. She ascended , reached Patterson's door a moment after slio had left the elevator , and the next instant Iho re | > ort of the oistol was heard. Mrs. Uebel is about 30 years of age , plump nud well ilicsscd. Her face can not bo called handsome , but It may hnvo been bo years ago. ago.Chief Scav.v took her to his ofllce In the city hall building. There she was seen by a repoiter for the linn. " o-day I went down' to see him about n S1HU ( mortL'ago which ho holds on my home. \Ve talked of our suits , and 1 insisted on a Rottloinent of some sort. When ho said wo can settle our differences in the courts it made mo so angry that 1 was cr.izv. "After ho li.nl shut tlio door , 1 drew my revolver and fired one shot into the door Just to scare him. but did not intend to hit bun. " Mrs Uobel lives at No.M23 Chicago street. Her occupation is that of a midwife. She was divorced from , her husband several years ago , hut ho is still living in Omaha and is a blacksmith by trade. KKTl'KIt THAN 01j . One oi * the Lots in iM.iinllclil. in Col orado , For.Otin I ( oil IIP. Don't bo a day too lalo and regret it , Boat1 in mind wo tire going to hive ; ixrtcsiun wells , hikes and u city ot iif 00 people in eighteen months , nnd a lot for one dollar will nialco you iv hand some profit in that time , \Vo have line wilqr : , , now and an clo- gant location , but SiljU.OOO in improve- inentb will change the looks of things. UTe will 6cll no lots for Ichs than $5 nftor October 15. If you want one now is the time. Li ) ADDITION" Co. , Csibtlo Llock , Colo. The fallDvni mr n. ti 'vi.-j I iiil by Bulldlnu InancctorVhitlnck yesterday : N A Itinstr.iin , two duellings' , Twi-ntletli mid South -tiot'is . $2,0fin Mno minor permits . 6aiO ! Ton po nulls . $7.T < 0 Edholin & Aldn. "Who are thevV" DRS. BETTS fi BEITS Ittto F.vitsAM STIIRF.T , OUAMA , Nun. ( Upposllo 1'uxtou Hotel. ; onico hours , 9 n , m , to S p , m. Sundays , 10 a m to i p. in. Spertillsts ill Chronic , Nervous Slcln ami Illoocl Dlscii'-w lrc nsiiltatlon at otllce or by mail free. Mi'cilclni's ktiul l > y mull or uxjircsi , gecnruly packed , free from ulmrrvMlon ( lunriintei'a tn euro nulrlcly. Hufely nii'l periiianrnliy. NERVOUS DEBILITY S5ri8 ? ! feffii ? ? , ilons. I'nyslcnl ll > > cay. arlaliiK from Ini'iflcro tlon , I'.xccsMor Indulcencc. vKidiicliicSleeplusi * ness. Despondency. I'linp a < on the fucc > , iiver Ion to aoclety , easily nl ( tnraiel. Ici'ic of o mil dnnce , dull , unlltrorBtudyorlJuslness , IUH ! llnrla life a burden Hafcly , pi-nnnrontly nnd pri vately cured. Consult Iirs ' Uetta Sc fiotts , JiOS Farnum St. . Onmhs , Neb. niorajns , Bypinih , a discnso ' illS'diUVmoStterrlblnln | ( H , completc-lv eradicated wllliout tlie aid of Mercury. Kcrofula , 1'r/BlpnlaK , Keverorvs , lllotclips , I'lcoiB. I'aumln the Heart nnd Ilonos , hyplillltlcSont'lliroiit , .Jioutli und 'lontiii > , Cn- turrh , etc. . punnanently cured Nbera otlion have falleil. ' ' nn' ' Hladder Complainta. ] ? illllPff IfrillQ'V MUlluYi Ulllm y IMIflful. nililcnlt , too fr Oiient IliirnlnBor Illoony I'rine. IJrlno Jileh col nr d or with mil r fceilUnent on Ntamltnu , Went Back , ( loiiorrnii-a. ( jltet , CystilK fir. , I'romotly and Safely Cured , " Charges llensoni 1 O'mrnntfed per- J juniient Care. r - complete , wnlioiu nuttliie , cauxtlr or dlllatlon. Oirea etlicted nt liomo br patlvul wlthiiut a mumenU jialnor unnnyauto. foB JonoirMra Men. A SURE CURE Mcaitness. destmylnj ; both mind and body , with all dreadwl HIH. pennunentlv cured , llPBP'IT ' ? Adro.i thoBWiiilwvoimpali-Hl ) IJUOi IJuHU therast'lvet by Inipniptr mdul pen.es . acd solitary liablts. Mhlc.1 ruin both bodv and mind. untUtltie them tor buslmsj jtudy or marriai- " ' . M uiiiiKD JIhN. or thosnenterlne on that liaii pr life , aware ot phjsicul debility , quickly an Bl&tf tit OUK SUCCESS. U bused upon facts , > 'lr t-Tractlcal Erpo rlence. hticoiul-Kvtry e o U especially studied- Uius ytartlnB aright. Thlrd-MoJIo nea are pre. ' > 1U0lrUbt"r'exi -08"u e out injury * * , ; Bend Uct-ntb pokt&tid for celebrate ! works - ? Uronlc < srrous and Delicate Diseases. ml 9auU" oureilt l"A friendly Utter or call U Y ° aYyouruturo sutferlusf and Miuine. and Jwir 8iJaSn yers to llfcn No letters an- mod by * CenW lu gtami"1- BIITTS : , HM Farnam attest , Omaha , N b. ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR THE NEW JERSEY GO.'S Bnck nnU Front Buckle , High Button Gnltcrs with leather fly , Ooistcr Croquet Alnskns nncl Glove-Fitting , Pure Gum Sandnls , Now Ankle Strap Sandals nncl Flno Pebble Lag Boots. Above named styles can bo had in LADIES' , MISSES' and CHILDREN'S , In nil widths , from A A to W , with or without heels. See that the "NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. " is stamped in the soles of ench pair. They are first quality goods nnd hnve superior finish and shape. TAKE NO OTHER KIND. Men wanted to examine each pair of Arctics , Excluders , Rubber Boots , Wnders , Lumber men , Aluskas , and Snndals , fine Cloth Arctics and Polar AlasUas , to see il the "NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. " it. stamped In each sole. If not , go to thoshoe denier who has the Now Jerseys first-clas . lam Western Agent Tor the above-named company seys , because they are strictly - * goods. pany and keep nn Immense stock for dealers to draw from. I also sell Felt Boots , German Sox , Rubber and Oiled ( Ming Remember , Iam the only whotesale Shoe or Rubber Clothing dealer in Omaha who does not retail goods , Hereafter -shall I keep the genuine Mclntosh Wading Pants in all widths and sizes. 1111.HARNEY . STREET , For aalo by Mi II. B1U ) , Om hj , THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEDICINE FOR FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD , Jnstiintlv stops tbo most cxcruciutiinr piiins : never failh to Klvo o.iso to thu sunVroiv For Sl'ltAINS. 151U1SES. BAt KAOHK. PAIN IN 'HIE CHEST Ol { hIDKS , IIKAlV ACHE , TOO I'll AUHE , CONGESTIONS. INFLAMMATIONS. UHEUMAT1SM , NEII- KALCUA , IjUMltAGO , .SC'lAllUA , PAINS IN IlIU SMALL OL'1 THE HACK , or liny otlier external PAIN , n foiv iiDplir.itions net lllto manic , caasine the pain to instantly utop. Al Li IN iEKN'ATj PAINS. DIAKKHCEA. UYSEN TUV. COLIC , SPASMS , NAUSKA. FA1NTINC SPELLS , NEllVOUSNESS , SLEEPLESSNESS nro rulivod inttatinj' , and ( juickly cured by tailing inwardly 20 to ( Mt drops in a. half tumbler oC water , flll cunts a Uot- tlo ; Sold by DniRKists. With KADU'AY'S PILLS there is no bettor CUKE or PKUVENTIVE OF IWVEll AND AGUE. FACTS. FACTS. Nudis Verbis. A High. Class Champagne. r- , dec , is as eoocl as any Wino imported , and ia sold in those United States by Importer , Wino Merchant , Grocer , and Restaurateur at loss profit than any other brand : id csl , Better Value to Consumer. FACTS. FACTS. STRANQ & CLARK STEAKI HEATING GO. , Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. ENGINES , BOILERS , STEAM PUMPS , ETC DON CARLOS LUMBER CO , , Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in To denlera enl > . Mills oiitliern Mlhtonrl. HINIIU * . J , " anil ; i. r. B. National Hunk llulldlni ; Trlophone l.liT , Oinuha , t\a\i. \ A. B. MEYER & CO. , SHIPPEHb AND DEALERS { N 1O3 South IBth Street , Opp. Posloffice. Telephone 149O ETCHINGS. ENOHAV1NOS , DAVIS K3TKIMUAIJ. , MOULDINGS , tt"FHAMKK. PI ANOS& DUG A HHEUT MUSIC. 1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. < fiioux CITV &T'Arinoi" , „ „ , , , Airlvo Depot nth A WobstiirhtE. | Omaiia. Onui.iu. Bt. 1'aul Limited | * l ; < o p in itr ) > a m C. It. I. & 1' . I Leave Arrive ncpot 1 th \ Mar'y HIS. O.miha. Omaha. HLHUIUIAN ITUAINS. \Vt > Hi tvnnl. Running lietwecn Cuuacll Iliuir * and At- lirluht , in addition to the slatlo is mi < ntlonpd , ttalns stop ut Twentieth unit Tw nty fourth > . und ut thu Hunimlt lu Umitha. rtouth Sbcotlmaha Translinijid DrlKlit , Omuliu y , loj ot. | fur. wap. AM. A. M. "ATiT A , Al..i A.M. A.M. ' f. : .7 (1:0 : J 6li : 'flio : nir ! ! fl:27 : Gi.lfi 7:00 7OT : 7:20 : 7ir. : 8:01 : HiH 8:27 : HoV : Hill ) KillO HM : , ' ' UU- : ) | nl'i'd ti : M 1UU7 inn , 10:27 : 10 : in 10:0i : | 10 ; 10 I0:2 ' ' * " " lli'lti 'iiiH : ! ii ' into HIM 1' . M.'i I' . M. J' . M. ' P. . ' . M. . 1' . 41. M.lii'l 12:27 . : 12-M ) 12 : . ' . Ho ; lii'l 1:27 : liiir ! 2i\ : 2:27 : : j-)7 ( ilu' ) fiiir , 4:07 4:27 : 4.'a1 ! 4:2' : ! 4.I7 : 4il6 ' 4 : . ' f07 6:27 0:1/7 : / ( iiir. tin A-M 7:07 7)15 ) 7:27 7M > | 7i.ii ! 8:07 Hlt > :27 : 8r ! , KMH \ " U:07 : Uir ; , :27 : 10:117 1n:27 : iniw ! 10 Ilii7 ar. 11:42 : 12:21 : am Iv. 12U ) VIRM C Y nll < 1 a" urlnuty Iroubloi vaKll MUllbl ly und nafelj i-urud by Dut'TdltA CariMUloM. Heveml catm cnrod lu Hevcm days. Bold ntI.MI ] irr ti'ix , nil dr i//i ts. or by mall from Dodum M'f't : Uo , IU Whlto fct. , N. V. Full dlruUlous.