Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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B. nOSETWATER , Editor.
Tr.liMS 01
Dallr Mcmmdar , Ouc Ye r. . tin CO
MX Slonthn era
lhrc-0 Months 2 M !
Bumlny lice , Uno Year - W
WccKly lice , Olio Year with ITcmlum. . . . 3 W
Omnlm. Dee llnlldlng.
(1ilcaRonicn.C ( ) T UookMT.Tlullitlnjc
New York , llooms H niul 15 Tribune Iliilld-
Jnu.Washington. . No. nil Fourteenth Street.
Council limns No. 12 I'curlStreet.
Mmoln , HBO 1' attcot ,
All commnnlcat om relntlnit to news anel r < 1l <
torlnl jnnltir should beaddre serd. to the Keillor.
Inl Di'iiartment. '
All Imslnpsft letter * nnd re-mlttancM fchould
ho mMre-wtl to he lloo 1'nbltshlng Company ,
Onmnn. Draft n , checks unrtpostolllce ornors to
be made pnyulilo to the order of the company ,
Tlie BCD POulisMiiT Ccinnaiiy , Proprietors
JIF. ) liulUllntf rarnnm anil Seventeenth Streets.
Tlio lloo DP the Trillin.
Thoielfl nooxdiscforafnlltirotogetTiinllKE
on the truins.H nonKoenlers have boon nqtl-
liort to carry n full nupnly. rrnvelcrs wno want
Tun IlKl. and cim't K"t It on trnlnavliero othoi
OiiinlmuHpcrt uro carried nro requested to no
tify TIIK llr.K.
Till : UHK.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Ftnto of Ncbrnskn , I. ,
lunnty of Douglfts. ( * '
CtorK II. Tzscimclc. secretary ot Tli llc
PuiillMiliiL' Coiupnny , ilocs solemnly su ear thtt
lluiactiml circulation of 'I'nr. IMII.V UKK for
the WCCK ending October 5. 18U wn.s as rol-
1OWR t
Pmumy. 8 . l".Pfw
Moudnt > rpt. rw . . . . . . .WOU
J-ilccclfty. IKt. I . IN.GS1
Wcdnrsdny. Oct. S
miursdny.Uct. ! 1
y , ( ) ct. 4
jOct. . 0 . 18.11"
Average . 18.or.ll
Eworn to tioforo me and subscribed to In my
t.rcpem.0 this Dth dny olOctobor. A. I ) . IHSU.
lfcenl.1 N. 1 > . KIM U Notary I'ubllc.
ctate of NeVirnskn , I
County of Uouclns. f B %
' it. Tz.scuuclr , being duly sworn , do-
TOT CH and nays tlmt he is secretary of Tlie HBU
l'lilillhliiK conipimy , that the nctual average
dully circulation of TIIR DAILY BKK for taa
n.outh of October IM * . was IH.OM coplc1) ;
for November , 18bf. 18.KO copies : foi
Deccmhcr , ICbH. If.Kl copies ; tor Jnn-
unry , U i , Jtt ! , , copies : for l ebmnry , 1M 9 ,
] fiP ! . copies i for March , 1FM , 1H.8M copies : foi
April , um , ip.fifl ) copies ; for Mny , ivnt , IS.B'ii '
rcplos ; for Jtme. It on , IH.WW. copies : for July ,
1W. l,7Wroles ! ] : for August , ire'J. ' 13.6..1 copies ;
for September. IfcNl , 1S.71U copies.
OKO. H. iVsniurK.
Pviorn to before me nnd subscribed In my
co this 4th day ot October , A. I ) . . 18 < n.
N. 1' . J'Kiu Notnrv 1'ubllc ,
x's prandiloquont loiter poa-
the old fninilitir
women in domitnd iu the now
states are evidently not ot the shorthaired -
haired variety.
TUB International packing company
sootns to bo u bijfijor concern than the
Chicago courts.
K are not many mon who can
steal election vouchers nnd build
churches with eriual facility.
HOAV DO the Polish citizens of Omaha
lilco boiiijj offered for sale , lil < o so much
cord wood , by a nondescript refugee ?
THE grand jury should hasten that
report. It is cruel to keep the democ
racy on a hot griddle ou the eve of the
I.V THU coinmibsionofB continue tc
throw away money by the double hand
ful there won't bo enough loft to pay of !
the grand jury.
Wiuox this election is over it will be
generally understood that the fehorUT'e
offlco is not to bo an heirloom in the
Coburn family.
Cox.VKCTicirr rejected prrhibition by
a vote of three to one , while the Drv-
kotas planted Uio drug store on the
sites of the saloons.
Dn. SuwnxsKi , patriot , politician
nnd builder of churches , probably regrets -
grots now that Carter Harrison didn'l
mnko a health officer of him.
IT iuiioovis : : Air. Boyd to utter an
other resolution. With the coronet
camping on his trail , there is grave
danger of an early post-mortem.
Tin : persuasive influence of tne
Omaha motor wag felt in St. Louis , nnd
a reduction of fares oa the Holt Line
promptly followed. This notion is a
gratifying relief to suburban resident * .
Tin : report that a contract had been
entered into for the sale of four hun
dred full grown Poles for a hundred
and fifty dollars was probably a canard
started to bear the Omaha coal market.
Govuuxoii THAYUR coincides with
Tim Bur that the candidate for tlio va
cancy on the district bench elected next
month takes his seat as soon as his elec
tion is certified. For this reason the
governor declined to make an appoint
ment.'.u. patriotism and public
business should not bo confounded. If
the county commibsionors uro deter
mined to support a campaign organ , lot
them go down into their purses like
mon for the wherewith. The Douglas
county treasury should not bo nmdo a
medium of charity bequests.
KKiu'Uio street railway corporations
out of the parks. If one company is
granted the privilege of on taring the
parks , rival companies cannot bo de
nied the sirtno privilege. Give them an
inch nnd they will tauo a mile. The
Gtrcots are wide and long enough lor
their- purpose , and they should bo rig
idly confined thereto.
Till- : anonymous patriot deplores the
folly of the Douglas county bar endorsing
ing n candidate for the district bench.
If the inntk wore torn from his face ,
it is quite probable that an aspirant
for partisan convention hocora would
stand revealed. The anonymous writer
i is afraid or ashamed to publicly father
his opinions.
IN the scramble for the higher ofllcos ,
the voters should look closely after the
justices of the , peace , Competency and
honesty in these ofllcos is as desirable
as in the county building , The law
limiting the number und onlaiging the
districts , insures a good salary for the
occupants and they should bo raised
from the present level of cobt mills and
* ! ) of dt liiou * justice.
There are indications Ihal n vtgoroui
effort will bo rnndo during the coming
ecwsion of congress to repeal the inter
etnto commerce lnwnnd that falling , ai
undoubtedly it would , to secure such r
modification of its most vital provision )
as would practically destroy ita Useful
ness. The investigations of the sonatt
committee regarding the operation o
the law disclosed n great deal of hostll
ily to it , particularly In Now England
nnd it is from that quarter tha
the most vigorous effort U to b <
expected in favor of repealing the Inv
or changing it in very material i'C' '
spects. Whether this opposition wll
obtain any considerable support frott
any other quarter remains to be soon.
As to the result of nn attempt to re
peal the law there can bo no doubt
In the last congress lloproaonlatlvf
Morse , of Massachusetts , introduced i
1)11 ) ! for this purpose , only to ills
cover that ho could not rally a cor
poral's guard to its support. U Is al
ready understood that another Massa
chusetts congressman will itjtro
duce n similar bill in the next congress
and doubtless with a like experience ,
The composition of the Fifty-first con
gtcss Is not so greatly different frotr
that of its predecessor as to warrant tin
expectation that it will show tiny extensive
tensive change of .sentiment , respecting
the policy of maintaining the principle
of the intor-stato commerce nut , it being -
ing safe to presume that a very largo
majority of the new members arc favor
able to the act.
But with regard to modifying ccrtair
provisions of the act , generally dcemet
the moat vital , there may bo some dan
ger. It is quite possible lhat proposi
tions to modify the anti-pooling anil
long and bhort haul clauses will find i
formidable support in congress. Tlu
railroad interests quite gononxlly wil
exert their influence in favor of modi
fying the former nnd some will do the
same as to the latter , while there is un
questionably u public sentiment else
where than in Now England favorable
to modifying the long and short hau
clause. Wo believe , however , that tin
great preponderance of santimcn
in the country is against any chinrgo it
these provisions of the intor-stalo ao
that will reduce their force , and that tlii :
will make itself o btrongly felt as t <
ttofcat any attempt to emasculate tin
A great deal , however , will depeni
upon the character of the report wind
the senate coinmitto shall make , am
still more , perhaps , upon the viewi
which the Inter-state commerce com
mission shall submit to congress. I
the public expressions of Chnirnint
Cooley may bo accepted as relloctinf
the judgment of Iho entire com
mission ihcro will bo no influence fron
thatsourco favorable to u tnodilicatior
of the anti-pooling and long and shot-
haul claubos. Judge Cooley is dis
tinctly ou record as favoring these pro
visions ot the law , and in ono of hi :
latest plain and forcible talirs to tin
railroad managers ho said that while it
was to be admitted that tlio inter-state
commerce act is not perfect , the amend
ments required are such as wouli
strengthen the principles it cmbodie
nndholptothoirsurer enforcement. It
view of this it is reasonable ti
expect that any recommendations mode
to congrcbs by the commission willhavi
reference to making the law strongo
and the provisions for its cnforcoinon
But , in any event , it will bo well foi
the triends of the inter-stato commorci
act to bo on their guard. There i
every probability Unit it will bo vorj
vigorously attacked , and while there i
no Unngor of its being destroyed , then
is ti possibility of its being weakened ii
its most vital features.
A H'S.
General James R. Chalmers , the re
publican candidate for governor o
Misbissippi , has withdrawn. Ho di <
this to avert bloodshed. Ho had several
oral times been warned that if ho con
tinued the convass the killing o
negroes would commence and it wouli
be charged to him. In every possible
way he has boon harrassed since hi
entered upon his campaign. Not lone
since ho visited the town of Wes
Point , whore bo was asked to maki
a bpoech and consented to d (
so. But he could secure IK
hall in which to holi
a meeting , the mayor would not allov
speaking in the streets , owners of property
orty would not allow it to bo used foi
the purpose , nnd General Chalmers wai
not hoard at West Point.
IIo wrote to a friend asto the chance ;
of being allowed to speak in the towi
of Columbus , and was advised to kccj
away from that place. Ho was informei
that the universal Bcntimont of the
community was that ho would b <
neither fairly nor kindly treated
"I have heard the best men , " wrote
this friend of General Chalmers
"mon who are rogtirdod as consorva
live , say lhat you would bo porsonalb
abubod if you attempted to spank in
Columbia. Indeed , throats of violence
are openly made by many and applaudoi
by others. The"representative negroes
have requested mo to bog of you thu
you do not go to Columbus , as they
however innocent , will have to suffoi
from the imagined wrongs tha
it is said you do 'our civilization. "
Finding , this to be the general slati
ot all'alrs in Mississippi , Genera
Chalmers decided that the onli
course for him was -withdraw. . H <
might have been willing to face shot
guns in the hands of Mississippi demo
crnts If only his own Ufa had boon a
stake , but ho did not wish to put the
lives of others in peril.
No elaboration is necessary to poln
the moral ot this circumstance , or ti
give force to the testimony it hours re
gnrding the spirit and character of Mis
slsslppi dtmocraoy. General Chul
mars was prominent in tin
confederate cause and has en
joyed the fullest confldonco o
the friends of that cituso , Wore he
a domocrutiu candidate lie would bt
honored everywhere in Mississippi bj
the dominant element. But having
Uontlficd himself with the republican
party ha is everywhere denied n publh
hearing , his personal safety throatonor
and the lives ot his friends and. blip-
porters endangered. Mississippi nomoc
racy now stands supreme for relent
less intolerance. Unfortunately tot
Gonornt Chalmers ho is not wholly
blameless for this stuto of affairs. Hi
has encouraged it in the past , and can
hardly bo surprised that the lessons In
taught nro now applied lo his own dls
comllturo. But none the lean his ex
porlonco is instructive as evidence o
the present hopelessness of republican
ism in Mississippi.
Tiimtn WAS scoTinxa- rr.
It 1ms been reported that the dele'
gates of Chili nnd the Argentine Ho
public to the congress of the A' oiiwii ;
were very much opposed to the oler/tlbr
of Secretary Blulnc ns president of Ihc
congress , and that in consequence then
was danger of these two countries no
being represented In the coi.Terence. .
Tlio enemies of Mr. Blaine have tiuuli
the most of this story , but it turns ou
that it had not the Icnst foundation ii
fact. The Chilian minister is author
ity for the statement. thai
there was no opposition wliatov'or U
Mr. Ulutiio personally , the only eiuostlor
being as to whether ho could proporli
bo chosen to preside over the congress
not boinir a dologulo. When it was tie
eidod that his selection would be propo ;
theres was no opposition wluttovur , nnd
the minister says that with ono accon
nil the delegates are pleased with hli
There can bo no doubtof the propriot ;
or appropriateness of Mr. Blninn pre.sid
ing over the Pan-American congress. A
precedent tor his "doing so issupplioc
by the fact that Bismarck was prcsidon
of a similar conference hold in llorlii
in 1878 , and Mr. Elaine is entitled Ii
this consideration by virtue of his hav
ing originated the project of holding
the congress. Of his Illness , also , then
can bo no question. His brief ntldrcb
at the organization of the congress wn
so judicious and tactful lhat it hn >
received nothing but cordial commendation
dation , and his superior ability as i
presiding ofllcor is well known. Ni
other man has the qualifications ti
mnko a inoro favorable impression upoi
the foreign delegates.
The congress will reassemble ii
November with perfect harmony tun
good feeling among its members , and ii
that spirit will undoubtedly continue ti
the close of its deliberations.
nn : A'Bir n
There is danger that a largo mimboi
of our citi'/.cns will be disfranchised u
tlio coming election. The registialioi
law is uot only very btringont , bu
btielly adapted to the wants of a largi
To begin with , it restricts registra
tion to certain dqyB and fixed hours. I
is almost out of rfuostion that the twen
ty-live thousand- voters in Omaha ant
South Omaha can" be registered in tin
time to which the law limits the reg
istrars , oven it- the provisions are no
rigidly couiplicel with. The great ma
jority of our voters are wngo-workors
They cannot possibly leave their worl
in the middle of the day to gat thorn-
selves registered.
The only hours in which registrar ;
will sit iu the evening is between 7 and
0 o'clock for one day "of each of fem
weeks before election. The law pro
hibits registration after I ) p. m. Will
the numerous questions which ante
to bo propounded to each voter
the most expert registrar wil
not bo able to register mon
than fifty voters in two hours , o
two hundred in the four days. The re
suit will bo that more than one-half tlu
legal electors of this city will be dis
franchisee ! .
While the law eioes not absolute ! }
prohibit citi'/.ens who are not registerei
from voting at an election , there is si
much reel-tape and affidavit making re
quired as n condition for allowing ar
unregistered citizen to vote that it wil
make it next to impossible for citi/.on
whose time is limiteel to exorcise theii
There is a bare possibility , however
that this registration law may bo de
clared void by the courts on account o
radical defects. But it will not do foi
voters to count upon that. Each ane
every voter must present himself it
person before the registrars and resris
tor. Otherwise ho will not be given !
voice in the coining election.
UXDKII a recent legislative enact
ment trusts are illegal in Missouri
The law declares it to bo a conspiracy
punishable by due and imprisonment
to on tot * into any trust or combination
to rcgulnto or fix the price or quan
tity of any article of inorehan
diso to bo manufactured , ami i
prohibits corporations from owning oi
issuing trust certificates , and declares
any contracts made with that object in
view to bo in violation of law. Oper
ating unuoi * this law the secretary ol
state , whoso duty it is to see tlmt the
annctmont is enforced , 1ms uddrossei
circulars to officers of corporation !
doing business in the state , requiring
them to inform him under out !
whether they have , since the enact
ment , complied with its provisions , f
will bo interesting to note what th <
officers will have to say , for IK
doubt tlmt in many cases they have
violated the law. It will certainly
have the ofi'oct in any event of nuikiiif
monopoly assume a definite shape ii
that stuto. *
Youxo John Glover , of St. Louis , Inn
announced himself ns a candidate foi
Senator Vest's shoos. Mr. Glover if
the gentleman who was the indirect
causa of the collision between Colone
John A. Cockorlll , the present man
aging editor of the Now York World
and Alo'i'/o W. Slnback , a leading
lawyer nnd citizen of St. Louis , ir
which the hitter lost his life. Tlu
trouble originated ever the publicatloi
ol n card written by Glover in the St
Louis 1'ost Diftptttch , Mr. Glover ha !
plenty of money , but ho will bo ono ol
the millionaires of this glorious couiv
try who novcr will occupy n seat in the
iioiiutoof the United States ,
Tin ; supreme court of Iowa has sus
tained the state medical law on every
point attacked , Tha discussion is of
more ) than local importuned. It lUllnm
the right of the state to cronto u board
of medical examiners , with nuthorit.v
to determineUio proper qualification !
of practicing jfi)4'ftomnB ) , It virtually
gives the board absolute authority ever
the profession. No doctor can practice
In the stnto without passing the tests
proscribed by Ujetjbojml , und the result
will bo a stnmpodo ot quacks to othoi
sections nnd a corresponding improve- -
mcntintho pllolM honltli. Ncbraskr
might emulate the example of lows
with great benqOt M > the pvoplo.
VAST clmnicp , pt diluted harmonj
threaten tlio poppp of the Now Yorli
democracy. Faction has turned upoi :
faction and a furious internal war can
not much lon pp'bo ' kept beneath the
surface. The loading Gorman demo
cratic paper of the state declares thai
defeat of the Saratoga ticket is neces
sary HH a reliuko to the party for i > or
milting t.ho vicious elements to inatnpu
late the convention , nnrt prominent
clergymen uro spreading treason in tht
ranlca because the saloon power is
offotiblvnly conspicuous in the councils. .
Viewed in any light , Mr. Hill and hit
party are making i\ipid progress to the
POVKIITV und bioknuss are alulklnp
through the valley of the Conomaugli
and tlio cry of distress strikes heedless
ears. . It is not the fault of a generous
public that the wants of Iho homeless
and needy wore not provided for. Mill
ions in money , food and clothing have
been sent in the valley , and nearly two
million dollars remain in the bunds of
the Pennsylvania flood committee ,
which it purposo'y ' refuses to distribute.
Such fiCMiulalous' conduct is a disgrace
to public charity , an insult to the
donors , and an outrage on the sulTorinp
poor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
E\"IIIY department ot trade is gravi
tating to the triibt. Even the jeweler *
nro fomenting strife as a preliminary tc
n combination in the orniununtal luxur
ies of life. They insist that tlio manu
facturers must elcal directly with the
je > bbcrs , giving the latter uiulisputci
control of the retailors. This arrange
ment would prove a stem winder ,
Meanwhile it behooves the people tc
"trust in God' ' and keep their Witter-
bttrys wound up.
Tin : question now is , what \\ill Polo ;
bring in the Omaha market.-1 As an ex
port on cedar poles \\e would btifrgesl
Major Bulcoinbe. The ) value of Poles
from Poland will have to bo tietonninci
by candidates on tlio county ticket ant
their very anxious friends.
IKV. D. L. MOCJOV don't believe ir
baddlincr prohibition on : i slate inhicl :
general onforcQinont is impossible. In
the application ; of common son so tc
questions of morals ami religion the
Rev. Mr. Moody is'u distinguished sue- -
Tin : annual divar&ion of investigat
ing the Pacific'roads is in progress at
the same season with tlio Veiled Proph
ets' procession , ahd will accomplish
about as muchof , practical value to the
country at large.
Tin : Louisiana bond thieves are un
loading their plunder. Meanwhile' the
distinguished Major Burke has sent his
family lo examine tlio quarters whicti
the state promises to provide for him.
COI.OXKL Jons'u. SULLIVAN- , refer
ring to his political career , &ays > no is in
the bauds of his friends. IIo will soon
be in the hands of the Mississippi peni
tentiary authorities.
Tin : discovery of a bait lied at Hast
ings was very timely. Nothing cvei
needed an antiseptic woivm than the
crowd of corporation retainers whicli
assembled there.
TIIK attempt of Corporation Lawyer
Boies to ride both the monopoly and an-
timononoly horses in the Iowa guberna
torial race will probably land him in
the dust.
Br/rvvuKK the tyranny of the beef
combine and the threatened boycott ol
the fnrmorb' convention the Lincoln
butcher ia not in tonelcr lines just now.
IO I'ij\lS.
Toy Editor Vnuchn seoins to have hail n
job lot of that nerve lood loft ovor.
Since the decision of tlio Iowa juJgo that
it is strictly au f.iit to reward a charivari
party with a donation of cold leud , this form
of amusement will probably cease to bo a fael
In the rural society of the prohibition stuto.
The Fort Omnlm court martini should lay
in a atonic of chlorides before proceeding Us-
low the surface.
Tlio democratic ) blnnelnrbus will bo fired
next Saturday , but the remains will bo
preserved for the funeral three weeks
liunco ,
If the English syndicate SOCUTOI control of
the Omaha breweries , the authorities should
promptly regulate tlio sue of the collar , Tbo
foaming picadilly Blioulel bo suppressed.
Omulia and Now York can afford to slmlco
hands with ouch other ever the biHa : ball
situation , Both cities uro pennant winners.
And ! tiiif > ) | It.
tlile-iuv rfbicur.
Those * eminent Koiith Americans will bo
surprised and tthrll'fpd when they see our
ChfLMKO river.Tlley ) haven't anything liUo l
it in ttiuir
l \ir Hoiirliotm.
St. Loul * Olnbc-Dcmiiinit.
Tlio republicaniHotory in the now states ,
and the bis docre'isu ' In the public elobt In
September Imvo cant a uloota ever tlio demo-
cratlo party. TKcsbaro | troublesome
for tlio Uourbons.
Keillor I'lilfi/cu'r'H I'ublio Spirit.
C/ifwi/'i' / Tribune.
The impora lmvp'nl | hail their gibe at Edi
tor PiihUer for his ! conditional subscription
of ? 100OJO , but litj 13 doing more to brinn the
world's fair to New York than all tha twou-
ty.four millionaires whom ho invited to join
him combined. Truth coinvmls the addi
tional statement , however , that this Is not
llalstoiitlM Kiinrp l > nn ,
A'eio \ ' < tIIViliJ ,
The canvass In Ohio Is wurininif up , Mr.
Campbell , the democratic candidate for gov
ernor , delivered nil address In G'lncmimU the
other nicht , and was thus greeted by Mr.
Hnlstcud , candidate for United .Status sen
ator , ia the succvodmi ; issue of the Com-
inorclul Gazette ;
Mr. Camuboll'B soocch last night was com
posed of about equal parts of obvious dodg
ing nnd impcrtinenod ot tlio vulgar sort , be
coming the candidate of the
crontttro i.o Is nna of whoio brutalities h
gives nn Im tntlon According to his abilities
\Vo fcliall not call him names , but provo tlin
ho is abjectly unlit to possess the cotifUlcmc
of the people ot Ohio.
Why \Vnop IV , Mon of t'lcrro ?
ft'tw Yark Kim.
Pierre , which Is to bo the capital ot Soutl
Dnitola. U letting the tr.umput to the canno
spemu , and liowlin ? with delirious joy. Oi
Wednesday night 1'lerro's "strong moi
embraced and laughed nnd crle'l. " Why I
it that only strong mon cry on such occa
alems. You never hear of a weak man cry-
Ingjn honor of n grant publlo ovontl And
by the \vt v , what were I'lcrro's strong mo
weeping aIjoutl
Nulit-nnkiv Jot tine * .
A circle has been organized n
llcavpc Olty.
Atdprson | & Erlcltson , clothing mnrulinnt
nt Oakland , h.ivo assigned.
The water works plant nt Fremont is to b
enlarged und the city will sooa liuyo to
uillcs of mains ,
Tlia receipts of the Furnas county fait
were * Ti > U.ii f , which will put the usauclntloi
nicely ou Its feet.
Tlie residence of S. G. Allen , near Mllltiri :
was entirely destroyed by fire , with its contents
te-nts , the Humes originating from n elofectiv
Hirel Upton , tlio bigamist who wnt nrrcste
nt liulvideiro and taken to Huron , is. U. , fo
trial , has been sentenced lo two years In th
'JLlmyor county bus 303,010 ncroftot him'
fully one-fourth of which is unsettled. Th
population of tliu county Is ir ,00l ) , with u re.
valuation of § rj,000,000.
H. I ) . Hiley , "of Osccolu , was Instautl
Itlllod by tlio Kick of ono of his horses wlilc
was boiuir sncil. Tlio ueco.ised . was slxty-llv
years old and Icitvos a largo family.
Pur Jumping on moving trains the cit ,
marshal of Kiigur arrested two boys , sons t
prominent ulti/uns , and compelled them I
worlt on the streets with tlio chum ganff.
Hcrtio Robertson , au olgliteen-.vear-ol
resident of Gootllmid , ICun. , lias boon lu-1
in f ilU ) bonds ntHeiiver ( jity for uoriowin
n liorso from a man near Oxtord und the
trading It oil ns if it were Uis own property
Two men have been urrestod at Vullcrtoi
who btiiglunzea u htoro at Genoa. L'lu
missing goods were found on them. The
guvo thuir names as U' . T. l-'orroll nn
.losepli K Doyle , anel claim to hall froi
Charles Lett , of Hnrbmc , Jefferson count }
is languishing in juil because ho btabbui
Joseph WiMhabcr , the postmaster , with i
table fork. Lee , who was a tenant ofVilel
linber , was nbout to bo ejected when Ii
mudc the assault.
John lllc-lcey , nn Ohlowa young man win
spout the sc'asou with Colo'u circus , stnrlci
for liomo live weeks nno Jrom 'lopeku , ICuti ,
with lour spans ot horses anil flOO iu cash
Sine-o thuii all truce of him has been lost am
fc.irs nro eMKcrtiunuu that he has uecn foull
dt'jlt with.
Hie Alliances tlio organ of the State Farm
crs' alliance , pnolisliud ut Lincoln , has beci
greatly linprove-a since J. Harrows nsMimci control. It is both in loon :
and in thoughts anel its oditor.als uie stroiif
niul to the point. Altogether it is a papc :
which all progressive lurmors ought to liuvi
in tliu house.
loivu Inms. .
An innutem- dramatic club is the latest a
Fitty dollars is the line for mi atrgmvatci
drunk at Kcokun.
A large amount of Iowa hay Is bein ;
shipped to Louisville , Ky. , where it ilnel
rcail.v sale.
The eldest man in Iowa is denil again
This time it is H. tioeboll , of South Liuibini ;
l''or ' falling through a Waricu count ;
briitiru a man named Hughes has beei
awaieled ? ,1T)0 , ( ) damages.
A potato weighing ten und thrco-iourth
pounds was re-ountiy brought into Atlantic b
a farmer named .lohn btood.
K.itio Hrewer , a member of the S.ilvatloi
ui my at Keoicuic. pleaded guilty to the eihurg
of piostiiu'ion unit was sent home to ho ;
parents in Warsaw , 111.
iiurtrlurs brolco their drill trying to go
into \ Vhittim"asson's safe ut .Sanbon
nndcompromNed for not getting the mono'
by talcing neout * 1U ( ) worth of dry good"
and c'lothiiiL' .
While playing "HIeak House" in D.iven
port the other maht u ludicrous incident ou
cm-red. The heavy villain of the ) play is aup
posed to be shot in view of the audience
'Iho hoioiuo has n back number revolver am
the old tinner wotil In't vvorlc. She Miappui
it ut the h. v. three or four times , when hi
became disgusted und quietly laid down am
died on Ins own account , to the iutonan de
liurht of Uio audience Ho w.isn' ; going ti
cheat death because a bunscd-uo revolve
woulan't work.
Beyond tno
The total increase Iu the population o
Washington during tlio past two years I :
The bullion shipments from Uutte , Mont.
lust weeik were lilt.y-oiiu bars , valued al
Sll I. ! ! ! ! 2.
Hoth tlio republican and democratic pu
pors of Montana took advantage of the olec
ticins to display their stock of entries in al
An old man named Hugg , while llghtlnf
flro at Gresham , Ore. , was fatally curessoi
by a tailing tree which ho did not sou owini
10 the s mo I to.
Tlio firebugb wJiiuh Imvo been nporatnif
further west have evidently reached Helena
Mont. , there buing live conllagrationsstartec
there in ona day.
ACbiniiman who was illegally appionrlat-
Ing poultry at Wells , Nov. , died very sud
donl.v of fracture of the heart produced by si
In.iu of Jiticksliot
William E. bmiell , convicted of murdoniif
Creon Sheldon ut ( Jaldwell , Idaho , lasl
March , has been sentPiiced to twenty-live
years hi the pemitnutmry.
A dead Chinaman was found in a vacant
lot in Sin Franuisco the ether morning , with
a blood-stained stone lying near the body ,
and on u piece of paper was the inscription
in Chinese : "Toll tbo wluto men your name
is Ah Quous. "
A resident of Vnllojo , Cnl. , Imd his arm
badly broken by Ins buggv upsetting the
other day. A limior dm minor named Car
roll , from San Francisco , was present and
iissinteHJ a surgeon after the accident The
sight of the blood prostrated him , and ho
went Into a fit , from which ho did not
recover , but died the next morning.
Henry Uuy , of Dayton , Wash. , recently
sold his entire band of Ii.i37 ( : sheep to a Mr.
William BiddoU , for SI 75 or head. Mr.
Diddle is purchusiug for an English syndi
cate , which 1ms se-curod control of un im
mense tract of land on the Canadian Pncillc ,
In Canada , nnd whie-h they are stocking.
The syndicate expects to purchase ilO.OJO
Bin-op in tlmt vicinity and in Whitman
county ,
John Hrandou , a bricklayer , nnd Hurry
Lcgorwood , u boilcrumkor , lost their lives In
an oil tank ear nt niendivc , near Helena ,
Mont. A brakeman board u peculiar nolso
In tbo car , and a search revealed two men
hulploss In an oil tank. An entrance was
oITootod with chisels and ono man was found
dead and the ether unconscious , who died
Bhortly afterward. The men were stealing
rides and had boon overcome by tlio crude
011 in the bottom of the tank.
A cowboy mimed Moore stampeded hotel
at Korsvihe , Mont. , the ether nnrlit with n
gun. There had boon a political rally , with
horse racing und other amusements. At
night tboro was speaking at the hotel by
local orators , after which tbo benches were
taken out and a ball set on foot. The cow
boy clement got drunk. A barber shop Is In
llio hotel and Moore coimnonred here. Ho
shoved lilb pop In the door nnd shot a shav
ing mug out. of tbo hand of the barber.
brokri a looking glass and grazed the head of
Llio man who was In the ohalr. Everybody
iot out. Then ho gave a yell und wont for
the ball room. Hero ho nourished his gun
with the Intention of shooting out the lightR.
Ho WUB promptly knocked down by a man
who Btruek him back of the oar , when ho
ivus overpowered und taken to MIles City ,
where ho will bo tried.
"Laws grind the poor , and rich men rule
ho law , " Jiut let us bo thankful that any
> oor sufferer can bur with only 25 cents u
jottloof Salvation Oil.
The enormous sale of Dr. Hull's Couch
Syrup has developed many now remedies ,
jut the people cling to the eld reliable ; Dr ,
iiuH' Cough Syrup.
A British Syndloato Srvld to B
After tbo Lincoln Linos.
The lilmwonil Farmers' Alllniio
Kilos n Cntnplnlnt AgalnM tlio
M. IV-Thn Mrnt Infection
Orclliinnoo Dclleil.
Lt.vcot.j ? UvitEic OP Titp. O vn\ line , , Nob.Oct. 8.
There is an nblo bodied rumor alloat to-ein
that it Hrltiah nyiullckU ) has secured r.n or
tlon on nil tlio lluos ol the street v.ill'Vft }
with u view to purchasing the same an
adopting olcclrlu motors Ins to. id of mules
The present cnvnorn In most cases will re
tain nn Intejrcst , but the nilhv.vvs will In
merged Into the great street railway trust
which I * getting control of most of the line
In America. Mr. Ernest , of the Llncol
street railway , doiiius tlmt the rumor ho
any foundation.
They Want Antnviitor. ; .
The ofllcors unel moinbors of the Klmwoo
Farmers' alliance , No. ; io7 > , of Elm wood , CM
county , Nebraska , lllod with tlio scorutnrle
of the board of transportation to-duy u com
plaint ngalnst the Missouri Puclllo railwu
comimiiy , asking for eluvutor privileges
tlmt station , 'iho ' complaint Is us follows :
Uofora the Nebraska auto board of trims
portutlon : The Elm wood limner * ' Al
lliitico VB The Missouri I'ucitlo H.illwa ,
Uomp.iny. To tno honorable , the board o
transportation :
The politnn und complaint of John \V
Hollcnbcck , Cyrelius Lcnmsters , John Ml
liir , John Hays , ( Jliarles Hull , ot al. , tnulini
under tlio munuot the Elmwood Farmers
iilluincc , No. ! ! uo , of Klmwood , Cuss county
Nebraska , rospectfuiry represent !
1. Tnut the petitioners nnd complnlnant
uro now uud hbivo for many years ooou extensive
tensive raisois of corn , wheat , out3 and otho
cereals : nnd tlmt larco quantities of sail
cereals have Ucun marUolud In seasons past
mid tlmt largo quantities uro now ready fo
the uwrKets ; ttiiu tlio several farms nm
loaseliold-l ol the petitioners are situate )
near Ulmwood , In Cass county , Nebraska ,
2. Hint the Missouri 1'uelllc railway com
puny is a cointnou carrier , engugeu In th
inuiBportatiou of passengers ann property b ;
ruiireud under u common central nuimipu
mem or armuguinoia tor u continuous car
n.igo or shipment tlu-oush lilniwood aioro
Sllill. '
II. 'Ihut the said defendant railroad com
P.III.V is the owner ot Uio right of way inn
depot { rounds bordering the main and sidu
tracks of the defendant company , upon whiel
are located tlio station house and other ship
piuK laeiiititjM connected with the transportn
lion oriKiimtniK at or destined to IClmwooi
btutiou ufoiosaid. That the complainant
aforesaid did ui.iho a written application ti
1 hi ? general inaimKor of the defemla.-it com
mini for a location on the riRht of way a
lllmwood station for the erection of nn'ele-
valor of sulllcioat capacity to store from timi
to time the cereal products of the farms um
le.ibohotds of complainants , ns well as tin
products of other neighboring farms ; tliu
the application aforesaid was rofusou by tm
geneval umnugur of the uofenilunl company
4. That the elevators no\v loctitcd on th (
ri ht of wuv of the defendants atoresaid a
Elmwood are , duriiij ; curtain seasons of tin
year , wholly insuilluiont in alTordidu n mar
ket lor the cereals of the complainants am
other * desirous of marketing their grain.
5. 'lhat tne rnfusal of the defendant rail
road company to lease a location for an elo
valor as ulorosaid is in contravention of th <
provisions of an act of the legislature entitled
titled "An act to rcculuto railroads , proven !
unjust discriminations , " etc. , approvet
March 31 , IfcST , in that ;
The said refusal is an unjust discrimina
tion.The said Missouri Pacific rail way companj
by tlio refusal aforesaid is subjecting tin
complainants aforesaid to un undue and un
reasonable nrejudicc and disadvantage in re
spect to traffic laeuities uver other localities ,
The s > uiJ Missouri Paclllu railway compaiii
by ilia refusal uiorchiiid is givitiK an undue
und unrcasoimolo preference and advantage
to Adams , CSilbora A : Eolls 13ros. , owners oi
the elevators located at Elmwood on tin
right-of-way of the defendant by poi mission
ol the said Missouri 1'acilio railway com
Wherefore the petitioners pray that the
defendants may be required to answer Ihc
charges herein , nnd lhat utter duo ueanni.
and Investigation an order be in ado com
maudini ; the defendant to eeasa and dusisl
from said violations of tlio act of the legisla
ture entitleu "An act to rcpulato railroads , '
etc. . and lor sucb other and. furthers order
as the board of transportation may doom nec
essary in the promises.
Elmwood Farmers' Alliance No. 305.
liy .1. W. iloi.LKMUXK , President.
Attest : Ovnuxiua L.UMbTuns , Secretary.
The farmers of Saunders county are
formulating a complaint which in u to\\
days will bo presented to the state board ol
transportation for consideration and up
proval. If it is approved they will uslc the
state board to represent them bpforo tlu
intpr-stato commerce comtnisHion in the
matter of the complaint. 1'hc distance trom
Saunilers county to .St. Louis is greater than
from Saumlors county to Chicago , yet the
rate is 5 cents lower. Their idea is to reduce
the Chicago rate , if possible , to prorate with
the St. Louis tariff Uuyers uloup the Missouri -
souri Pucillc have for jvars bcim nblo to pav
5 cents more for corn than these on the B. A
M. or the Elkhoni. Tlio complaint will
probably be presented the lust of this week.
Tin * IiiHH'utiori | Ordinance- .
For some time the butchers of this city
have objected to payiny fens for the inspec
tion of the cattle they killed for the homo
market. The other day Hoynolds it Davis ,
the wholesale butchers , received a consign
ment of eleven calves , which they killed
without inspection. Mr. Rhode , the inspec
tor , filed a complaint against the firm for
killing and offering for Bale meats which had
not been Inspected as provided by ordinance.
The case has been continued until OctoberS
-S , at 1 p. in. , when it will ba fought to the
bitter end by all parties.
The following prisoners at the penitentiary
will bo liberated at the times specified :
Willis iirown , of Otoo county , October 29 ,
18SH ; Michael Cai oy , of S.ilino county , Oc
tober si , iSStt ; John f J. Hunter , of Hltcn-
coclt county , October 13 , 18SU ; Lafo Hcott ,
of Hamilton county , Octoborli , 1WJ ; Luwls
Swunson , oi Hall county , October 12 , 18S ! > J
plmrlesVilllums , of Saline county , October
21 , 18VJ ; John A. .lonns , of Dakota county ,
October 17 , ISS'.l ; Eugene O'Hura , of Doug.
las county , October SS , lbS9 ,
The Homin/d King Manufacturing coin-
Dan.y , of Oninlin , filed articles of incorpora
tion with the secro'nry of stutu to-day. The
company proposes the manufacture of "Ho
nau/u King , " u commercial article for re
moving sculo from Hteum bailors. The cupl-
talhtocU Is $10,001) ) , The Incorporates are
Hichura II , Coopar and Francis T , Koaton ,
J , A. Olllcsplu , suporititondont of the deaf
and eluuib Institute at Oinuliu , Bonds In u
schedule of thi > atuto property in connection
with that institution und BUVH : "Alter much
rlbuhition thu list has been made up , I
hope It is what you wish. However , if it islet
lot wo will try again. "
The executive olllcei was nearly elosortod
to-day , us thu governor is In the Keimbllcun
Valley. _
'HiH MoCoolc Uoiiiilou.
Fiom gentlemen who wcro in the city to-
lay from McCoolc it is learned active
iroparations nro being made in that
city for the holding of the soldiers' '
unl sailors' leiinion , which begins
in the Mh and continues until tlio
l''th , No pains will bo spared by the outer-
irUing cltUens of that lively little city to
nuUu this reunion second to none that Ims
> ccn hold in Nebraska this .year.
'I ho \ \ ' < > Ht Ijiiiuiiln Jlut ; AInfknt.
The market was quoted otoauy to higher ,
itlH.WJfoy.Bi . Tlio followiug shippers
yore on tbo market : II. O , Olllott , Hcatrico :
Vainer IJuliny , Cinrrlsou ; William Krohm ,
Han ton i A. U Davis , Syracuse ; Dopont
llnnir Pnlraor.
Tlio H n tt rani" Court.
The following tiroccodlng ! * wcro lind In
tlmsiniromo court this morning t
F. W. Pltcli , of Douglas county , was ad
mitted to practlco.
The following onuses wore argued and
sllbmltttul ! Stevens vs I In wo ; Allomlorpli
vs Ogdon' Ward vs Watson ; 1'iulon v
Tlio court adjourned until October 0 , at
8 :3l : ) n. in.
The following cnno wn * filed for trial :
Helm Manufacturing company , uppollant , vs
Herman Konntro. ininlcmlcd with others ;
appeal Irotn Douglas county ,
< % lty Nown nnd
The city is practically deserted to-dny so
far nn iwlillcinns are concerned , nnd Tor the
first day In nix wuckn thorc lias been a lull
in the political gossip nlwut the corridors of
the Capital holcl.
The preliminary cxaminntlon of Al
Hobcrts , charged with n criminal assault on
the person of MNs Nettle ICraltltio. took
place to-day before Acting 1'ollro Jndpo
Cochrnn , Uobcrts wan bound over to tlio
district court In tiiu sum of fcUKKt.
W , U. Alexamlor , a p.itionl lit tlio nsyltim ,
dropped a note to u passerby tills morning ,
claiming that ho is n partner of J , 1C. Uiley ,
of Onmnn ; that ho Is not hunno , but was
put into the asylum by mistake. Ho lm <
plorcs his f rionus to como to his relief nnd
save a sauo man from confinement an a
Tno seventh regular shoot of tbo Lincoln
gun club will luku place U'edncsdiiy after'
noon at thu now grounds northwest ot Oar-
Held purK.
The Willnrd W. C. T. U. will moot next
Thursday afternoon ut tlio residence of Mrs ,
Uolllspio , U ana Seventeenth.
Thu vlul orcans tnltun from the body of
the Into Mrs. Dr. Uobblns will bo analyrcd
by Prof. Nicholson , It Is said , and Dr. IJob
bins , will Himself , pay the expenses.
'I ho funeral of the into Mrs , Wood , which
occurred this afternoon , was attended bv
Charity Degree LodKO No. i ) , Daughters o'f
The Lincoln Woolen mills will resume
business in a few days.
The Lincoln C. L , S. C. will meet nt the
Congressional church Friday evening nnd
render nn interesting programme. Some of
ihn special features are "Tho Outlook for
the Year , " by llov. E. S. Ualston ; "Com-
moncoment of Human History" by A. W.
Lane ; select reading by Miss Passmorc ;
The American Sabbath" by Mrs. Dr.
Sauin ; "Tno Study of Political Economy"
by M. 13. Cliouoy.
The board of registration begun its xvorlc
this inornlnir.
Milliau Williams brought suit in the Dis
trict court to duy against a fnrmor by thu
namoof Henry La I'Vonoh and Michael ICil-
roy , for 'i.O.K ) damages for false imprison
ment. Williams was arrested last winter on
their complaint for stealing corn , but the
case didn't stick.
The Kendall & Smith dam across Salt
Creek Ims been declared a nuisance by the
city council.
l ho city council is arranging to so'l the
paving bonds to the state at par.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians gave ; i
ball nt the Temple hall last evening.
Marion Hititor and Leonard Penning , two
kids , were arrested yesterday for burn Ing
tno Englehart slaughter house , To-day they
confessed the crime ,
.ludgo Huston is yet too ill to attend to
business und Judge Cochraii is still iictini-
police judge.
Sarah M. Jones brought suit to-day for n
divorce from William Jones , to whom she
was married on Christmas , 18& ) . Adultery b
Drake's Mazarine : A smooth talker
doesn't always tell the piano truth.
Drake's Magazine : A hoggish trick
Epoch : Applicant for clerkship "Do you
want a salesman ? " Merchant "Yes , do
you drink ? " Applicant ( iu holy horror )
"Never. " Merchant "Then you won't do ;
this is a champagne house. "
Clothier and Furnisher : Hazzte I wonder -
dor who that man is over there with the tsr-
ribly baggy p.intsj Da/zle Why , he's the
trousers stretcher agent.
Merchant Traveler : "Whataroyou doing
now Gus ? " said ouo young man about town
to another. "O , I write lor a living. " "On
the daily ureas' ! " "No , I writi * to father
about twice a mouth for a remittance. "
Terre Haute Express : Words of wait
"Hring that bill around next Saturday. "
TcrroIInuto Express ; An absolute * vacuum
lias never been attained. It can exist only
in your hand.
Now York Weekly : Mrs. Million ( of New
York ) I wish , doctor , you would examine
iny husband. I am afraid his mind is giving
away. Family Physician Good gracious I
What has ho boon doing ? Mrs. Million llo
has subscribed several hundred dollars to the
world's fair.
Now York Weekly : Citizen The po-
licoinau on our street looks consump
tive , and I'm sure ho would nee lie
able to cope with au ovil-doer. Police Cap
tain Don't you fear ; bo's ' all right. He be
longs to the same class as tlio thieves and
burglars in this city , and not one of 'em
would hurt him.
Pnclr : Professor of Geology "Gontlo-
men , at the close of tte spring term I asked
you to report to me , individually , any object
of extraordinary interest you might moot in
your respective outings" . Mr. Cornell , you
may begin. " Corhett , 'ill "i 'lease , rtir ,
mine had yellow hair , blue oycj , ami u ,
tailormado suit. "
America : Hlrollor "So Algy is dead" '
Tuff boy "Yes , and some of the boyb have
clubbed together to got a monument for him.
All wo want Is to decide on au appropriate )
itihcrlptlon for it. " Hlrollor "Why don't
you put that line : 'Can storied urn or ani
mated bust ' " TuHboy " 'Animated
bust ! ' The very thing. That will remind
pverybody of Algy , "
Now Yorir Sun : Ho ( sitting at the piano )
"What shall I play , Miss Da Tompsi" ShoO
-O , I do wish you would play lhat fuvorlto
of yours 'The Haces , " I think it's called , "
He "I don't understand. " She ( Innocently )
"Why , Mr. llrovvn told rno yesterday ,
when I asked him where you -wore , that you *
were out at the park playing the races , so I
supposed you would bo willing to play it for
mo. " Ho ( under his breath"Walt ) tilt
catch Tom Urown. "
A'lVIOIl 10
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Hvrup
alioultl always bo iibcd tmcliililreu
toothing. Jt sontliOM the child , softens
Iho tfinns , iiHnyo all pains , euros wind
ueilio , and IB the beat romouy for iUur-
lioeu. "ou a liottlo.
City Hall I'oiuxliitlim.
The excavation for the foundations for tha
now city hall commenced to-duy. Tha llrat
ivork done will bo the laying of the concrete
foundations for the Unvor nn tlio southwest
sorner of the now structure. The latter will
lie twenty-six foot square at the base , whllo
iho concrete will bo Ulirty-olght foot ftquiira
ind lour foot deep , The concrete for tlio
ivalis will be from eleven fuel two inches to
.hlrteon feet wide nnd two foot deep.
'Iho tower , as elo-dgiiud by the architect ) )
iVlll project five fe.ot Into the Hldownllcs , both
m Eighteenth and Farnum streets. As HIICU
joiiHtruclion would bo in violation of the
; lty ordinances , the contractors and urchU
eels have been conferring with n vlow to
naklng the plans conform to the ordinances.
Mr. .1. F. Tilly , superintendent Of con-
tructlon for the new motor power house on
Nineteenth nnd Uard , is whispered us the
irobablo appointee for the pOHltlon of sniijr.
nteiulent on tlio now oily hall ,
Cnllu , CholdiM and
. .
This medicine can always bo dononded
ipon , not only in the milder forms of
ummor complaint , but also for iniiUt-
mntdyboiitory and cholera Infuntum.
Llio llvoa of many purnonHund csoi- .
V children are saved by it oituh