vt J . - _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE' WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 9 , 1889. 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARREfS A Fair Do roe of Stoadlnosa Pro- valla In the Wheat Pit , PRICt FLUCTUATIONS NARROW. * Xrndlnu In Corn Wliolly Dcvolit of Interest Oulnbar 1'nrk the Only 1'onlurn In Provisions Cat- tlu null IIox . CUICA.OO I'llODUOK MAHllKTS. CIUCADO , Oo 8 , [ Spcclnl Toloqram to Tun HRE , ] The wheat ninrkot hold with a fnlr dcRrco of stondncs ! to-day. 1'rlco fluctuatlona wore within llmrts of 0) ) 0 nnd the closing Blicuvs vary Htllo chutiRO ns com * pared vltli yesterday , The news wn for the most part bearish In tenor , but values refused to yield seriously to the pressure. Cable * lire Rubstantlnll.v colorless nnd the situation nbtond seems to bo without Itnjiortnr.t cimngo. Kxports for Kuropc nro still very llulit , though hcnvy clcarnnco1) nro expected from Baltimore to-morrow. Ulipiitchcs were received Unit 200,001) , ) bushels will clear from that port to-morrow for South America. In explanation of ttio recent revival of the wheat , trade with South- America , the state ment , U mnclo by a southern commission mcr * chant with a South American connection that it is due to the shifting by the Brazilian government of tlio Import tax from wheat to Hour , this being done to oncouraeo the homo milling Industry , which is under di rect government protection. Up to quito recently the United States supplied Ura/ll with Hour now it is the raw material that Is ioliij ( thuro. If the explanation is correct , what has appeared stranco will no longer mystify thu public , The northwest was miner iiulct to-d.tv and news from that quarter was not crammed down the throat of the trade. The big movement Keeps up , however , and Chicago inixors nro bring ing considerable this way and lodging it In their private warehouses. The receipts at primary winter wheat murltots aio not heavy und they seem to bo gradually fallltii ; off. This Is particularly trun ot Toledo and more northern points , btrlctly commercial Information mation from outside points possessor no special importance or slfjiilllcanco. Flour men report slacit tindc , but Now York reported the sale of 10,000 packages for shipment abroad. Homo agents nnd millers have line nothing that looked like it windfall , ar.d they do not speak encouragingly of the present or the near future The local market did not develop any particu larly striking features. Scalping bears sola it down early from JsD'jc ' to SJc on the big movement in the northwest und on an m- crease of 218,000 uushuls In thu amount on pass.igo whciiu good sl/ed decrease hnd been predicted. Strong buying by Ilutcblnson turned the tldo either way very quickly and the market iccovcrcd to Wl e. The pi ice did not go far from b3@S3jfic lor a long time , but just before the boll tapped the market got u shade weaker and the lust quotation was 8'JJgQi8kMay ! opened at S5 e , sold oft tob5 > 4o , lallied to S5j4c and closed Hut at b.'v'ftc. ' ' The market , while It nets steady , Is not ono In which the bulls themselves fuel tlio greatest decree of conlldcnco apparently , 'Jho light iccoipts of winter heat and tlio small visible supply Is oflsot by the absence of the export demand for gram or its product. Latest mail ndvicet. go to show that the English and ricnch ciops are linlow expec tations und that Ku9t.mii . whe.it is not being pressed for sale. To these circumstances is duo the altered tone ot" the foreign market ( llspiitclies , but the firmness has not contin ued long enough yet to result in a ruvlrul of business to any appreciable extent. The local market is dull. ' 1 railing in corn was unattractive to specu lators nnd devoid of featuios. The iccoipts were- liberal , comprising 537 car. loads and ( JOoCO bushels by canal , The wo.ithor con tinues favorable to the early grading of new corn and to the fieo movement from country points , while there was no encouragement from outside domestic or foreign markets to base hopes of bettor prices on. May reached n lower point than had before been quoted , and this mouth's delivery ulso recorded the lowest figures so far In its history. The closing prices show n decline fiom yesteiday , being 3l'He for October , 30 c for November and : Uc for May. There was a dull time in onts until about three quarters of un hour of the close , trad ing having been hi/y and brokers had a luy timoofit , llyaml by the market got llllod VP at Hie ruling quotlons IKo for October , HWc for November und 2J'fg2J ' ( ' o lor May and property began to bo oflored for loss nionoy. A few sales of October were made ixt 13 } e and May skipped without an effort from 23)40 to We Yostciduy the decline was stopped nt SJj c and to-tluy at ' c. On Ilia little break Ilutelilnson was the principal btiior , and his pui chases contributed largely to tlio steadiness during the last 11 ftoon minutes , 'I lit ) outs that caino on tlio market . comprised speculative holdings und sales for country ufcount against possessed pruporty Thoio were no sales of October at l ju nnd the market was carried back to ISjtic , where it closed with May at y'JJ c. In provision circles ttio October poik deal again claimed considerable attention. A motion for a revival of tlio Injunction dismissed by Jutlgo Shcpard has been made in the appellate court , nnd pending its con sideration and llunl settlement the clique has decided to ndhoro to Its old policy of refusing now packed pork in settlement of contracts. Yesterday afternoon nnd this morning Its representatives refused several thousand barrels which wciosold "for the account of whom it may concern" at prices ranging irom $1010 cnilp down to J10 10. This , pork was bought up mainly by shorts. Hutch' insor. , howuvor , accepted iv few lots of tlio "boji-otted" article under protest , churn ing that r'ght ' while tlio ques tion of thu legality of the delivery - livery w.ib iccoiving consideration. The persistence of the clique naturally occasions ii good deal of comment. It hub surprised the tnulo and given Hsu to all soil ? of opinions rutfiirdlug the clique's intentions find pui poses. A good many shorts now bcllcvo that the market is working to suvo time , nnd by keeping tlio matter in court to cm lull the mult ing of pork. Procrastination is charged to bo its ruling purpose , and that when thu month Is fur advanced und packers Had themselves unnblo to muko property to meet their contracts thuy will be open to a > compromise , To-day October pork Hold straight at f.U5(310.X ! ) ( ( ) . It opened at SlU.r.O ami closed nlliU. ) > , In tlio gu'iaral it ado u strong feeling provnilotl Tinding was In Bomo respects of nmuller volume than yester day , yet the offerings were limited and sellers found quite a good market. Iho day's prices , how over , generally closed easier , Octobci lard and short ribs and November lurd declined u'Xo and January futures Ac all around , Uasli bu.xcrs wore deterred by the ill-illness of packers from mr.klng largo purchases. They paid fO 2r @i,37) ) for somu laru.fO.15 for short ribs , V o for loose lH-uonml sweet pickled hums and 7) u for Ill-pound green hams. 'Iho fuvorltu delivery in futmo trading was Janimrv , which sold tit * l > 'JTXfe'J : ir ) for pork , f.V.WfeT ) 1'TK ' 'or lard und flT KdS 4. ! 't ' for sliiit ) ribs. Pork for thu tmmo month closed at * V > U'T'i , lard at fi.lUW and ulioit ribs &t fl.TU.'d bid. Clearings for nearer del Ivories than January stood at fO.i.'O for Oclobur lard , fo.05 for October short ribs , f'J.UJ ) for November poik , $4 ! IX ) , for November lard M.bu for November short ribs and ? 3.D.j ! for year lord. At the close the market was weaker than at any previous titiio of thu dav. 1'ork * closed 4f > o lower for October and 5o for Novenibor , January was advanced 2)fo Cash closed at 110 OOi lO 05. CIUO.VOO IJVIJ S100K. CHICAGO , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to THIS HKB.CATTLE ) Heeelnts were divided at 4,000 natives , 4,000 Texans mm 8,000 ruugers. There was little or nothing now In trade to-duy. Natives , as it will bo scon , , ( , , were scarce and there was nothing on the market m the native line that would pass as fancy uud but few that were really prune. The great bulk were plain and common , the hardest class to sell nt this season of any. thing that comes to this market. Native cows and the ordinary run of butchers' stocks show uo signs of Improvement , gull- IR nt about the lowest prices on record , 'oxnns ruled sternly. Such ns shippers or russod bcof dealers could use sold quick nnd aimers slow. Hangers showed bettor qunl- ty nnd sold fully ns well as at any Unto last vcok. The lower price oa stackers nnd coders docs not aocm to got out the buyers ir incrcnso the order * , hence business lu this no is slow nnd general trade weak , Jholco to extra hooves. ICO iM ; medium OROod steort , law to 15i)0 Ibs. (1.00 450 ; MOO to 1B50 ibs , ? 3H4.25 ! ) ; 050 tolSOOlbs , 3.7r@n.T5 ; stockers nnd feeders , $1.7fi@ .85 ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl,10@2.M ) ; bulk , * 1 JBgS.OO ; Toxns steers , ? 2.00w380 ; ows , $1.85J3.00 ( ! western rangers , $1.GO@ 80. 80.Hoo1) ) The demand wns active , with prices trongto nnlc'sel higher nil nrounil. packers inylng $3.05 435 , largely tt.lU iln , nnd hippers Jl.ll4 ) a > , Light , sorts eold largely nt (4.2.1 4.05 1'rlmo hcnvy hogs were scuco ud were eagerly sought for , 'llioro Is llttlo r no prospect for much of nn Improvement n light sorts , KIN.lNUlA.lj. NEW Yonir , Oct , 8. | Special to TUB Jnn. ] STOCKS 'Iho stock mntkct opened rregular ngaln to-day , with Iho tight money bugbear still la the way of any natm.il no- Ion , The Hrst renewals of loans wcro nt 0 ind 7 per cent. , nnd there appeared to bo no mnrovement In the tone of the money iiarkot. The stock market opened feverish nnd with renewed soiling of AtchUon. hen- Ion came higher , but did but little. Iho ctnpcr of the room at the start was la favor u rally. Trusts were less promi nent , but there was tnoro busi ness on the regular list , nnd Mchlson , Heading , St. Paul , Uurlington , Vlissourl Pacific nnd Hock Island monopo- l7cd attention. Weakness developed im- npdlatoly nnd durine early trading mn- erlul losses were sustained , Jersey Central declined another 1 per cent to 12 X , Wabash iroforrcd n like amount , Utirllngton & Julncy nnd Clovolnnd , Cincinnati , Chicago t St. Louis Ji per rent , and others smaller 'motions. Manitoba was a marked oxcep- , lon , advancing to 111 ! > . n train of 2 per cent. Trus's were 'inclined to strength nnd advanced fractionally uftcr the loclino wns checked , but the market it 11 o'clock wus ngaln heavy at tbo lowest nices. Qho hour to 12 o'clock brought urtlier declines , followed quickly by n par- lal recovery. Jersey Central dropped to 123 nnd recovered to 121' . Atchlson wont oft to , Utirllngton to 10JJ ( nnd up tc 107 , Northwestern to 110 > and up to 111 , Hock Island to 9s ! < tf and uo to 9'J' ' , St. Paul to 70 } nnd up to 70 % . Coal stoclts and trusts also undo recovery before noon , when tbo general - oral feeling wus much firmer. Thu slight ccovory which sot In before noon n both railroad stocks nnd .rusts was largely the result ot Hiying by shorts , who thought it n good loinL to take profits. 'Iho reaction wns about as swift nnd decisive as the early decline. Jersey Contr.il moved up 2 > to 125' f , Louis ville W to 79j , Now England 1 to 48K , Manitoba4K to 1HJ ! , Atohlson i ; to29 , Bur- Ington 1 % to 103. North western 1 % to 111 % , Rocic Island to 103J , St. Pnul 1 per cent to l'.f. ' Coal stocks and trusts climbed to the ilgliest points of the day. There was nn easier feeln'g for money. The total sales were 2s5,000 shares. The following were the closing quotations : U. S 4s regular. 1 7 iNoithorn Pnclllo HJ U , 8.4s coupons . .U" ilo pieforrod. , , "i'a IJ.S.l'4sragulnr ' .lir > ' { 0. .V N.V Hl'C IJ. H.4'4a coupons lli'iif dnpiofurrod HO 1'ac.liHisot' ( . ) ) . .118 N.V.mlruI KOS Central PacIUc. ni > jl > .l > Ai : I54 rhlcnRO As Alton , .tS7 Kock Island HW'o "htcatrollurllniton ,0.M. , St.l * "IH AiOularv 103 I doprnforriid . . .11T4 D..LI.&W U4'J Bt.I'aul AUmalm JCI llllnolsCautrnl. . . .110 doprorerrod MM I. , U. & W .HillMlon I'aolllo . . . . ( iJJ Kansas & 1'oxas . . . 11U W..St. L. A : ! l.nktsSHoro lid dopruforrea ! l . Michigan Central 'IP4 Wustorn Union. . . . H ? . Missouri PaUllo Mo.vcr Easier at 4@8 per cent ; last loan , 4 per cent. PIUMK MERCANTILE PAPBK 5) ) f < 57' ' per cent. STHKLI\O Excntvor. Quiet and heavy ; sixty-dny bills , M.b2 : demand , Stoclcs. NEW YOHK , Oct 8. fSuecial Telegram , to Tnu BKH.I The following are the min ing stock quotations : Caledonia 11. Iron Sliver 125 Kuieku Con . . 4H5 .Mutual 110 Mule & Norcross.7S Plymouth S.VJ Homvitakea 475 Union Uou SOU PUODCOB MARKETS. Clifcaijo CuiCAno. Out. 8 1:15 : n. m. close Wheat Steady ; October , SOj c ; December , S2J c ; Alny , SoJa'c. Corn Easy October , 30 o ; May , 8.te. Oats Dull but steady ; October , ISJjfc ; November , l'Jj ' c ; May , 22c Hyo October.UJ - c. Uarloy October , ulc. Prime Timothy $1.20. Flax Seed Cash , Sl.au ; October , $1.31. Whisky 51.0i. ! Pork Easy ; October , $1000 ; January , Lard Steady : October , f(520j ( January , Flour Quiet , steady and unchanged ; win ter wheat , $3.00 ® J. 10 ; spring wheat , $1 23 ® 500 ; rye , * 3 50 ® . ' , 53. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $4.1'JJ 0-1,25 ; short clear , $537H'Uj 50 ; short lib * , $5 15. Uutter Easier ; creamery , l(5@23) ( e ; dairy , Ohccso Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , P'31 Hats , tyiOlOc ; Young Americas. Eggs Firm ; fresh , 17@18c. Hidrs Steady ; light uud heavy green salted , 5c ; salted bull , l } c ; green salted calf , 53 e ; dry Hint , 0@7o ; dry salted , 03 ; dry calf , 5@0c ; uoacons each , 2Uo. Tallow bteady ; solid pauked , 8) ) 0 ; cake , IJfo. Receipts. Shlpm'ts. Flour 23.UOJ 8,000 \Vhiiat I''l.OOU 10,000 Coru ail.OOO 240,000 Oats 105,000 181,000 Now York. Oct. 8 Wheat Iloualpis , 203 , 850 ; exports , 12,000 ; spot lower ; No. 'J rod , b5Jj@MIo In elevator ; MXuSOJjC nlloat , bOi ( ab7l < je f , o. b. ; ungraded red , 77i'JOo ( ! ; options dull nml lower , closing weak ; A'o. 2 red , October , closing at Sli c. Corn Uocoipts , SU.TOO uushols : exports , 11,500 bushels ; spot active but weaker ; No. 2 , ! IO > ifw , ( ( ; ! 1 lOo In elevator ; UcJJtf@ OKe afloat , No 2 white , 3Jc ; ungraded , ib ( MOKo ; optioiib lower and weak ; November closing at 40c. Oats Receipts , 12-2,701) ) bushels ; exports , 1,100 bushula ; spot weaker ; options easier , f all ly active ; November closing ut-tic : spot No. 2 white , 25 ? 29o ; mixed western , 21@ 2Jc ; white 110,27 50. Coffee-Options opened Ilrm , 10 © 0 points up , closing steady 5Q15 points up. Sales : 15,750 , Dags ; October , SIB 20015 HO ; spot Kio , linn ; fair cargoes , $1050 , Sugar Kaw , dull and nominal ; refine ! , lower and active , I'otrolcum Quiet , United closed at 9SJ c for Novomh&r , Eggs Quiet and easier ; woqtorn , 22e. 1'ork btrong ; moss , $12 5'J@ 12.75. Uaul Easier and luneter ; western steam spot , ? ) 72 > jf@ll.75 , closing at f < l W > f bid. Uutter Dull and easy ; western ilalry , 0@ 14o ; creamery , ri 'JOo , Chcoso Strong ; western , 9@10o , Iliuisii4 City , Oct. 8-Wheat Steady ; No. 2 hard , c.nti , OS a ; October , ( JS e ; November , G5k'c ; No. 2 hard , cash and Oc tober , ( l.'o ; November. 02)40 ) ; No. 2 solt , cash,70 > fo ; November. 70 > < u old. Corn-Quiet ; No. , 2 cash , 2lc ; October , 23o , bid ; November , 2.o ) bid ; No. 2 white , cusn , 2-la bid ; October , 2lo bid ; November , 23 > s'o biu. Oats No. 2 cash , 15 o bid ; October , lOo. Cliiuliuiiul , Oct. b. Wheat Uorely steady ; No. 3 red , 70 ( < JSOe. Corn Weaker : No. 2 mixed. Oats Heavy ; No , 2 mixed , 2 Mvcrnnol , Oct. 6.-Whent Finn ; do- mtind poor ; holders offer moderately ; Call fornla No. 1 , 7s ldu7s } 5a pur cental , Coru Busy ; now mixed western , 4s > | t per cental. Mluiumpi > ll > i. Oct. 8. Sample when llrui and in fair demand ; receipts , 578 cars shipments , 75 cars. Closing : No , 1 bard May , 79c ? on track , 78@75c , Ml\\ntikcc ) , Oct. 8. Wheat Ensyj cash , 7SJ oi No , 1 northern , 81' < c. Corn-Stwuly ; No. 0 , " Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , llye-Firmer } No. 1 , 43 < c , Unrloy Firmer ; No. 3 , October , 5Go. I'roviblons Easy ; pork , 110.00. St. LouN.Oct. 8. Wheat Lower ) cash , 73 c ; May , SXJfo. Corn Lower ; cash 2S ; c ; May , Oats Lower ; cash. 17 o ; May , 2J , . Pork Lower , nt $11.00. Lard-lllnhcrnt JO 10. Whisky Steady nt * 1.0J. IjlVlj StOClC Chlonco , Oct. 8. Iho Drovers' JournoI reports ns follows : beeves , stackers mil mlx _ _ , „ , © 2 80 ; western rangers , $1.50@3.SO. Hops Itcccipta , 10.000 ; market strong and " > o higher ; mixed , M00@4 15 ; heavy. $3.80(3 ( 4 30 ; liglit , $ J.03t ( 40 ; sKlps. $ ,1.50 ( 4.00 Sheep Receipts , 10,000 ; shlpmuiils , 3,000 : market weak ; common gradns lOo lower ; intlves , $310 ( 1.50 ; wenern , f-UP@400j 1'e.xttns , J300 ( < iI.OO } ; lambs , $4 00S5.00. ( 'Iho Drovers'Journal's ' Bpcclal cnbloernm 'rom Loiuton quotes very heavy supplies of cattle of till kinds. Pi ices 1 nenny or 2 cents ewer per pound than one weclc ago. Me- llurn to best American beeves are soiling at l@llc per pound , estimated dead weight. KIUIHIH Cl y , Oct. 8 , Cattle Uocolpts , 7,700 ; shlptncntB , 2,0 , " > 0 ; common to choice corn-fed steers , J3.00S ( > I 35 ; stockers and feeders , nctive and Ilrm at l.UO ( < t3.10 ; cows about steady at f ] ,35(3).i ( ) 50. Hogs Uccolpis. 8.700 ; shipments , 200 ; narkct nctivo and lower ; light , $4 OOiI.Uj ; heavy nnd mixed , $ . } 80i < J3.9o. Nultiinnl htoo c t arils , lOnst St. OUN , Oct. 8. Cattle Receipts , 4,200 ; shipments. COO ; market strong ; fair to choice heavy native steers , $3.20 1-05 ; stockers ors ami feeders , $1 OJ@J CO ; range steers , $ i.no@i : oo. Hogs Receipts , 4,4M ; shipments. 400 ; niarkut active and higher ; houvy , $3tjO@ 4.15 ; packing , $ , ! 70@4.00 ; light , $ ; i.U54.25. Citj , Oct. 8. Cattle Receipts , 1,500 , ; shipments , 200 ; market steady and nnchnnged ; stockers iitul teodersv $1.35 © ! .75 ; veal calves , { 2.00@3.15. Hogs Receipts , 2,150 ; market higher ; Ight and mixed , $ .j.05 ® t.Ovirf ; heavy , $ J 87K @ 4.00. OMAHA Cattlf Tuesday , Oct. 8. The mnrxct to-day wns in better condition than for some days , so far us bcof cattle wcro concerned nt least , There woio more good corn-fed cnttlo in the yards to-day than for somu time past , but the westerns were not good enough , as n rule , for killers The prices on beeves did not show much change ns compared with yesterday , but some were calling It stronger while somu otncrs who sold good cattle thought they wcro unnblo to got quite as good prices as last week. There have been so few u'ood cattle hero of late that it is no easy mutter to make com parisons , and hence tbo diflcroncc m opinion. Ono tiling is certain , thu good caltlu sold readily and at prices that were upon , the wtiolo satisfactory. Thu natives brought 5J5@I ! : 20 , principilly ? J8U < § I 10. The of ferings of butchers' stock were the heaviest in some days. The buyers were uskintj and obtaining n very considerable concession. In some Instances salesmen who Had some thing that wus just what the buyers espec ially wanted did not look upon the market as so much lower , but as a rule operators wcro putting the decline at 10 150011 cow stuff. Native cows sold at $1.50 ( > 2 50 and westerns at SI 35 ( ) l.b5. The feeder market did not show any chungo in values and tlio sales wi-re quito lar o. Native feeders sold at $2.IiOtf-.75 ( , and westerns ati.l5 ( ( 2,80. llo-s. The demand for hcnvy hogs appears to bo improving nnd the packers , as well ns the shippers , woio willing to take heavier hogs than a few weeks ago , still they prnfer them not too heavy. The prices paid for the best heavy hogs , such as the Boston trade wanted , sold sironiror that is , largely at ? , i.9."i@4.00 , und ns high its $ -1.05 was offered for loads with n luw rough boss out. ilcavy p.iehimr hogs did not show much clmngo. Light hoes wuro eisior although as high as $4.05 was paid , but tliev wcio the same kind of hogs that brought , { 4 10 on Saturil ly. The light hog shippers \ \ ho have been heavy buy ers of late were do'ng notnmg to spouk of. They had orders limitiuc them , in price , and as showing n reason for an easier feelms those orders called for good lights at about f-J Ho. The market closed very alow on light and mixed hogs nnd it would bo safe to say 5c lower. About eight loads wcro left over unsold. Hucoipci. Cattle 3,000 HeSs 5,200 Sheep Ib9 I'reviumi. ; I'ooos. The following is a tiblo of pric paid In this niarknt for the grulas of stock men tioned : Prune steers. 1800 to 10 ' 0 Ihs. . ? 4OJ @l 40 Good steers , 1250 to 1150 Iba . 3 SO fnJI.10 Good steers , 105) 10 180J Ib3 . . . 3 2 > Western steers 2.50 @JOO Common canners 1.00 ftJl 50 Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 fi l.bO Fair to good cows 1,80 ( < t.J. ! (0 ( Good to choice cows 3,50@l ' Falrtogood bulls 1.50 Light stociiers and feeders. . . 2.25 ( it J (10 ( Good feeders , < J7) to HOJ Ibs. . 2. 10 raj 00 Fair to choice light hogs 3 90 ( it I in Fair to choice heavy OKS . . . . 3'JJ ! 4 03 Fair to choice mixed bo s 3.90 dD4 00 Common to rough hogs 3,50 @J 85 llopro u r iMirj Siloj. STISIiltS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 1010 * 2 (15 ( 20 1127 PJ 80 2S 120S ( > 5 13i.O 3 bO 4 913 275 20 12 % 3 85 1 8M ) 301) ) 21 1101 3 85 21IS 1340 325 IS libs 3 90 10 9118 335 . 1513 4 00 19 ! Ht ) ! 335 10 l.iOr 4 10 4 . 1070 3 in 21 13'l ! ' 4 10 21 . 1090 3 ( Pi 20 1.137 1 10 23 . 1203 3 IB 149- . 1270 4 12 } 2 ! ) . l.'Jl 37 13VJ ai . 1151 370 91 113IS I20V COH9 , 12 9SI 200 1 1030 1 2r > 1 lOOd 200 1 1J70 21 101(1 ( 205 1 15 10J5 2 < ) " > 4 10 10I1S 205 14 95IJ II 10SI 210 4 10SJ 1 1153 2 10 1 7IH ) 18 810 2 10 19 1003 1 W 14 9)1 225 17 ,977 1 00 3 1190 223 1 1100 1 00 13 . 1073 2 SO 20 915 2 00 4 . 79.J 2 00 m or iii. 1 910 200 2 ( ! 913 ri 3 WJ'I ' 200 13 .991 205 40 ' 740 2 3J 54 9911 270 31 bWl U 30 27 10'U 375 2 < ) 810 340 1 1100 275 30 bW 240 5 1000 275 37 . 791 2 50 1IUIJ.S. 1 . 12sO 170 1 . 1330 200 2 . 1315 175 1 . 1510 200 1 . 1040 200 . 1 . 19,50 240 bTOCKUIIS , 41 . 540 2 30 3 . 775 3 BO OU.VU8. 1 . 830 3 00 1 1230 1 75 \VKsTBHS \ OVTTI.C. Owner and No. Av. 1'r. 2 stags , stnu-s 13)0 $1 'JJ 0 feeders , strays. . , , 1105 2 t > 0 Sfl feeders , strays. . . . 1 ISi 2 45 0 feeders , strays,1113 2 50 1 steer , stray IS.'O 323 Honjainln & Weaver 12lfccders 1121 245 Laramlo River Cattle Co. 111. fenders 1115 2 45 10 COWH bOl 1 * " > 50 cows , , \j \ ) ] fe5 31 steers , H'.ni 2 SO Sitstoura , , 1150 2 bO C , N. Cos 09 feeders 103f 200 49 Bteers , . , .11W ) 2 W ) Tosohomnchcr & Do Hilller 10 feeder * . , , . . . . 1101 2 45 Wyatt Bros. " 10 bulls. . . . ' * . . . ! . ' . , . . . 1333 ICO dough 11 feeders. ! . ' . . . 1 . 1110 345 No. Av. Sh.Pr. . NolAv. . Sh. Pr. lilvti Mode Notes. W. II. Tlnnoll. of Swanlon , was in with hogs. hogs.N. N. Smnlley came in from Randolph for feeders. During Bros , of Cairo , had hogs on the market. Edward ICinsclla , of Panama , had two cars of cattle in. 13. J , Day came in from Woopinp Water with cuttle. L L. Uavls had two cars of cnttlo in from Wood L ike. Edward Hobinson , of Vairbury , had lu live cars of cattlo. J. G. Smith cnruo in from Ulalr with two cars of cattle. Inspector Clark Howard condemned two diseased stecis. Micedonia seat In Louis Arnold with two cars of cattle. George Dye , of Macedonia , came in with throe cars of cattlo. D. Honner , ot U'ood & Uoiincr , Walnut , In. , was Invlth cntt'o. ' Crawford , Atwood & Co. , of Hod Oak , had hogs on the maiket. Yotk was leprescnted by Metcalf & \\ood , who hnd hess iu. Louis Hart came In from Ues Maine ; , In. , with three cars of feeders. Tabor was represented by M. W. Ilurl- burt , who bud hogs on nmikct. J. i \ llobolmann , of Do Witt , hnd hogs on inaruet. and was looking for feedeis. Henry G. Hay , of the Stockgrowers' National banlr , of Cheyenne , Wyo. , wns m with a train of cattle from tJvnVo. . Mr. Mnckery , a regular shipper , was in fiom Eastis with hogs. OMAil.VVH01jiJSrjB JlAUliHTS. I'rniliicc , 1'i'iiits , nte. Kfias Strictly fresh. 17(818c. ( HfTTBiiCreamery , fancy , n lSc ; chotc o i5UI ( ! . Dairy , fancy , 15f(91Co ; choice , U ? lie Countiy , fancy , 12 )14c ; irood to choice , lOffBUe ; fair , OegtOc ; inferior , 7@Se. LIVK PIOKONS Pordot.bl ) . GAMU Pralrio chickens , ? 200@TOO : mal lard ducks , SJ.BOftJ3.00 ; niUed aucks. Jt.SOO 2 00teal. . $1.35fdl.BI ( ) ; jack snipe , S1.2Tjl 50 ; plover , $1.00 125 ; venisou saddles , 13iJ14o ( ; carcasses , SftiJlOo. KRISS Choice baud picked navy , ? 1.75@ 2,00 ; choice hand-pliikcd , medium , $105 ® l.iO ; choice hand-picked country , $ l.(50@I.G'i ( ; clean country , $1.30@1.00 ; interior country , si.oorai.25 HIUL > < , f'ni.TS , TAI LOW , ET . Green salted hides , 4'4VM ' ( > e ; diy salted hides , 5c ; dry flint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 4I/6' ( 5c ; ; damaged hides , 2o less : shuop pelts , green , each , 2)C@ 81.00 ; sheep pelts , dr.v , perlbfligl2e. ( Tallow , No 1 , 4MIXo ; No. 2 , 34f | > , t c. Grease , white , 4K@4 > 4c ; yellow , 2 > . /BJc. ( Wool , Kino , average , l5ft lGc : medium , average , 21 ( < J2J ; quarter-blood , average , 20@ 21c ; coarse uvoiage , 15@17c ; cotts and rough , live-race. 14W > lie ( CIIKCSU Young Americas , full cream , 12c ; factory twins , IDc ; off grades , 7@Sc ; Vun Hossen Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago , 19c ; biick , 9@Uc ) ; limburger , 8@9tj ; domes tic hwiss , 1814c. LEMONS Fancy , SO 00@b 50 ; choice , ? 5.50@ 0 00. CuANiiBHitiES Capo Cod , $900@1000. OKANQKS Louisiana , per box , $1.00. Hurri'.u INK Tubs. 14o ; lolls , 15c. HUCKWIIB\T FLOUU Per bbl. , $0.50. CHAPES N. Y. Concord , per basket , 35 APPLES Per bbl , $1.00 ( 3 00. CVLIIOIINU GK\PES tl 5.1.73. ) CiLiioiiNU PLUMS SI. 50. Prevus 10 Ib boxes , $1.75ft$3.35. UAVWAS Accordliig to size , per bu ch , $ 2 oidJ ) 00. Coco INUT3 Per 103 , $3 00. AI-PI.C UurrBii 5o. CiPKH I3bl9.- ; bf bbls , $3.00. MAPLB Sue ui 12 i@15o per Ib. Viui. Choice , mouiuin sue , G@0 > ic ; choice heavy , 5c. HoNi'.i 10u | ) or Ib for choice. PiiissHiiviis 9K@10o per Ib. .IKI.MES 8 > ifulo ) per Ib. UBIWWAX No. 1 , l@Uo. ( ) ) PKIS FBET Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled ft 0 tongues , kits , $3 35 ; pickled tripe , kits , 5 ; pickled H. C. tripe , kltsb5c ; spiced pigs' hocks , k'its , ? 1,15. HUBK Tosouns Salt , bbls , $30. llAV-$4.0Jl < ? 5.00. CHOP Fnup-SlO 00@12.00. UIUN $10.00. 'ii n. PHOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10 Ib average , o ; SOtoSJ Ib10 > o ; 13 to U Ibs. ll 'c ; No. 2 , 9 > iu ; shoulders , S' ' c ; brealcfast ba con , No. 1 , b-J/c ; hum sausiiL'e , 9o ; tilled beef hams , 9c ; beef tongues , $ | J 00 per dozen ; dry salt moats , { ( nit't'cper ' Ib ; hum roulette , (5 ( | c. PICKI.BS .Medium , pur bbl. $1 50 ; small , $3.50 ; gherkins , $1550 ; C. & 1J. chow chow , qts * 5j5 ! ; pis , Si 40. CANDV 9K ( 18Ke perlb. CiiocoiiiTK AMI Couru 31 ( ' 17f per Ib ; German chicory , red , 7 c. GI JIBH Jamaica , ' 4 pints , $ JOO per doz. COKKBH Green Fancy , old golden Hlo , 33c : fancy old puahorry , 24c ; Rio , choice to fancy , 28c ; Hlo , mime , 21c ; Hlo , good , 20o ; Mocha , 8to ) ; Java , fancy Maudehliug , 89o ; Java , good interior , 24c. CorniB Hoastod ArbXipklo's Arlosa , 34Vc : MeLaugnlin's ' XXX.K31j ' < o ; German , 2Jc : Dilworth , 2.ijo ; Alni-oinn - , 21' ' c. Hj-$1.76rf450 : ( , , NUTS Almonds , 15 ( 17 ; Brazils , Sc ; 111- bcrts , lie ; pecans , lOc ; yvulnuts , . Jc , peanut cocks , bo ; roasted , lOc. Winri'iso PAI-KII Straw , per Ib , 2 > o ; rasr , 2 o ; nmnllta , H , 55/'fo ( ! } No. SUOAIIS Cut loat , OJJf'oj L-ut loaf , cubes , Oii ; standard , powdered , 9c ; XXXX , powdered , 9 ! o ; granulatoil , standard , 8 % ( ( bj/o ; ronfectionors' A , S a ; white , extra C , o : clinux , b'.jc ' ; dxtra U , Nebraska , SJfoj uibor , 7 ? o ; California goldun C , 7j f. bAusAOB Holngna , 41fr ( > o ; Frankfort , 75 o , tongue , 8 > fc ; summer , Mo ; head chcusu , 01ve.POTVTms POTVTms 20rtJ5o per bu. POUI.THY Old nons and dhickons , ? .100@ 3 60 ; spring cnickens , fi.DO@i ( ) J ; duok and geosu , purlb , lOo ; turkeya.i 9@IOo ; young ducks , per doz , f , ! OU ; geese , $15 DO ® 7 , 00. L\lll > I'iercos Hufmeu , 5/c ; puru leaf , 0 > < c ; kottlu renderea , 7c. Add > fo to } { o for smaller quantities. Su/r Dairy , 230 Ibs in bbl , bulk , * J.10 ; best grade , 150 , 53 , i,40 ; host grudo. 10U , s , $350 ; best Brado , 2S , IDs , $280 ; rock salt , crustied , ? l.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton , B'J ' Ib bags , lkt 21-lb bags , * ' 1.23i common , in . , far t.u , 4Xo ; peas. 8 0 ; oat meal , 8 5c ; mac- rronin , llo ; voruuuolli , lie ; rice , 3X@7i ) ; hjsro mid tapioca , tl@7c , Fisn-Salt Dried' codfish , 5)f ) ( < ? SJ o ; scaled herring. 2lc per box ; hoi. herrhiLdom. . , 50o ; Hamburt' . spiced herring , * 1.40 ; hoi. herring , Imp. . b5o ; mackerel , largo family , $11 WJ per IJOlbs : white-Han , No. 1. < fl 50 ; family , tJ.75 ; trout , M.i'i ; salmon , $3 50 , anchovies. bOc. t'jium-CurruiitB , 4 ftJ5o ; prunes , casks , 1300 lb , 4 > < " ( S4lo ; prunes , bbh or bags , 4l < @ 4Jio ; citron ueels. drums , 20 lb . 22o ; lemon pcol , dttihis , 20 lb , 17o ( fnrd dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , Ite ; arleots. | choice evap orated , I8o ; apricots , Jolly , cured , 23 Ib boxes , I5o ; npricots , fancy. Mount Unmllton , S3 Ib boxes , 15cj npricots , choice , bugs , 80 Ibs , ; apples , ovnK | > rntcd , Alden , 50 lu boxes , 0io ; apple * , Star , Oft l oi apples , fancy Alden don , 51b , 8c ; apples , fancy AUien , 3 Ib , 8'io ; blackberries , evaporated. 50 Ib boxps , 5 > J5J 0/c ; cncrncs , pitted , drycuroJ , 15o ; pears , California fnnoy , Us boxes , 23 Ib , ! 2 > < e : petichcs , Oal fancy , tf unpacked boxo , 23 Ibs , ISo ; poaches , Cnl No I , fancy , ' 's unit bags'SO Ibs , 14c ; peaches , fancy , evnp imp , 50 lt > boxes , ll ( < $15c ; poaches , S ill Lake , now , 7i8o ( ; nectarines , red , 12c ; nectarines , ail * ver , bags , 18c ! pitted plums , Cnl , 25 Ib boxes , lie ; raspberries , ovap N Y , now , "lc ; prunes , Cal. H C , 90-100 boxes , 25 Ibs , 80 ; prunes , Cnl , ll C , 00-70 , 9c ; orangu pool , 15o ; raisins , Cnl- ifornia Londons , crou IbSs ) , ! 240@3 GO ; nil- sins , Cnl loose , muscatels , crop 1888 , Sl.OOftD 3.00 : A'nlenclns , IbbS , 7e. CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.40 ; Balnion trout , U Ib , tJ.S3 ; clnms , 1 Ib , f 1.25 ; clams , a Ib , $ J,10 ; clam , chowder , 3 Ib , $ l.85t dovllod crabi. lib , SJ 23 ; deviled crnbs , 3 Ib , W 60 ; codllsh balls , 8 ib , 51.75 ; cavlor. & Ib. U25ools ; , 1 Ib , $3 40 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; lobsters , 8 Ib , $2.00 ; lobsters , deviled. > < Ib , SJ.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.75 ; mnckorol. mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $ , UO ; mackerel , tomato anuco , 3 Ib , $3.23 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 9V ; oysters , 3 Ib , fl.OO ; siluion , C. H , 1 Ib , 5300 : salmon , C. U. , 3 Ib. $2 8i ) : salmon. Alaska , I Ib , $1.GO ; salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3.03 ; shrimps , 1 Ib , * w * ' ) < Ji CASSKII MIATS : Corned beef. Uroughman 3 Ib , per do ? . $3.10 ; corned bcof , Armour's 8 Ib , per doz , $303 ; corned btfof , Llbbv's 3 ib , * J.1031t ; > lunch tongue , $ T > 00 ; lib lunch tongue. $3.75 ; 3 Ib ham. $3 bo ; 3 Ib brawn or hoadclioose , $1.0" ! 3 Ib pigs feet , $2.40 ; 3 Ib roast chicken , ? 330 ; 2 Ib roast turkey. $380 ; potted ham , X Ib. $1.33 ; 1 Ib chipped beof. $3.15. OiiB-lCurosoiio-P. W. , O c ; W. W. 12o ; headlight , 18c ; salad oil , $ ) .15@,00 ' per dozen. SAI.SOIU lJ 2Vc Per Ib. STAUCII 5 7c per Ib. ST6tn POLISH $3,0055 87 per gross , SPICKS Whole , per Ib Allspice , lie ; Cas sia , China , 9 } c ; cloves , HauHbar , 20c. ; nut megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pepper , 17c. Dry GootlH. Piu.VTS Pink nmlHobes Hichniond , Gc ; Allen. (5e ( ; Hivcrpoint , 5' ' c ; Stool Hiver OJ c ; Pacillc , (5 ( > c. 1'iiiNTS Indigo Hlue St. Lcger , (5 ( > fp ; Washington. OJ o ; American , G' e : Arnold , GWc ; Arnold Century. Oc ; Windsor Gold TK't. 10' c ; Arnold B , lOKo ; Arnold A , 12c , Arnold Gold Seal , lOKc ; Yellow Seul , 10'ac COMFOHTFIIS f0.5liJ".00 ) ( | COKSKT JmNS Hoston , 7c ; Androscog- gin , 72,0 ; Ko.usngo , 7,34o ; Hockport , G fc ; Consetogn , ( l c. Ciu u Stevens' H , 5J e ; Stevens' A. 7e ; bleached , Sc ; Stevens' ' P , 7J c ; bleached , SVc ; Stevens' N , S c ; bleached , 9'c ; Stevens' SHT , ll cl DENIMS Amoskcag , 9oz , Ifl 'c ; Everett , 7 02 , 13c ; York , 7 07 , 13c ; Haymaker , 8e ; .Inffroy , XX , ll c ; .TalTroy , XXX , 12' ' < ; c ; Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Uenvor Creek , HIJ , lie ; Heaver Creek , CO , lOc. 7' < ; o ; Renfrew dross , bnuimso , lii.c kOitui ) Elierton , Housckeciior , S' < Jc ; New Canaldate , ; tn , Ucrkoloy cambric , Xo. 60 , Oo ; You Uet , 1-4 , ( Kc ; butter cloth , OO , 4'4o ' ; Cabot , 7 o ; Farwoll , half blenched , S } < Je ; Ti'uit of Loom , SJ c ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7J < je ; King Phillip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ; Lons- dale , SKc ; New York mills , lOc ; 1'cppcioll , 42 In , lllc ; Pcpperell , 40 in , lie ; Pepperell , 0-1 , ll-Xi' ? I'eppcrpll , 84 , 20c ; Pcpperell. 94 , 2 > c ; Pepperell , 10 I , 2lu ; Canton , 4-4 , b'.j'e ; Canton , 4-1 , O' ' u ; Triumph , Ocamsuita ; llo ; VullPV , be , TKKS-Oakland , A , 7'jO ' ; International , TV , be ; Shotucltot , S. b'lc ' ; Wan en , Xo b7l ) , Nic ; Berwick , UA , lie ; Acme , 13c : York , 80 in , 12' ' c : York , 3i iu , \la\ \ \ Swift River , Su ; lliorndlite , OO , 8'tfc ; Thorndiko , KF , 8 > c : Tuorndlke , 120. 9 > c ; Thoindihe , XX , ] 5u ; Cordls , No. 5 , 9J c ; Coitlis , No. 4 , 10 ] 'e. DUCK West , Point , 2-1 In. 8 oz , 9 > 4c ; West Point , 29 In , 10 oz , IS c ; West Point , 29 In , 120.2 , 15J c ; West Po.nt , 40 in , 11 ol(5c. ( . FiASNbi.s Plaid Raftsmen , 20c : Clear Lake , 3 ( ! ' c ; lion Mountain , 2(5Kc. ( Pin VTs Solid Colors Atlantic , ( lc ; Slater , OiHerlin oil , 0 > io ; Garner oil , 0 7i ; . SniiiTiNO CIIKCKS Caledonia X , 9 > c ; Caledonia XX , lOJ c ; economy , Oo : Otis , lie ; Granite , (5c ( ; Crawford checks , be ; Haw River plaids , 5' c. SHKBTINO , lliiowx Atlantic A , 44 , 7 > e ; Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; Atlantic U , 44 , O c ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc : AuioraLL , 1-1 , Oo ; Au rora C , 44 , 4n c ; Ciown XXX , 4-4 , r > Jo ; Hoosicr LL , 4-1 , . ) ' 4o ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Lawrunco LL , 4-4 , SJ c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , n c ; Pcpperoll | { , 4-4 , ( i c ; Pcpperell E , 10- inch , 7'if ' ; Pejiporell , b-4 , 17'a'c ' ; Peppercll , 9-1 , 20c ; Pepperell , 104 , SSe ; Utica C , 47o ; 41 , < " . WiiLhusctts , 4-4 , 7c ; Auroia R , 4-4 , 7c. Aurora U , 1-1 , AVmdsor , 23 FLANSBMKcd C , 24 Inch , 15J c ; E , 34 inch , 21' < ! o ; G G , 24 inch. SOc ; U A r , Jf , 83c ; J H l27o ; G , , , 25c. U MTS Standard , 8c ; ( Jem , Sc ; Be nuti ] 2'Jc ' ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0.30 , llLvMtBTv White , $100j750 ( ( ; colored , . . CAHPIJTWAIIP Bibb , vliito , 18J c ; coloicd , 21 ' c. COTTON rn > VFis 10 per cent trade dis. ; EE , 8K ° ; GG , 9 fc ; XX. 10 > < ( ! ; OO. lU < Jc ; unbleached , LL , 5Uc ; CC , G c ; SS 7 fc ; NN , 12' ' c ; AA , 14c ; DD. 15'ic ; TlKi o ; YY , 18c ; BU , lOc ; 20 , bleached , 8'tc ' , ; GO , Hi SO , 18Kc ; 50 , brown mid slate , 9c ; 7U , > ' ; 90 , IGc. KESTU < KJUNS Heicules , 17o ; Leam ington , 83K ; Glcnwood , 20o ; Melville , 25c ; Bang-up , 27) ) c ; Memorial , 15c ; Stnudpoint , 18c : Durham , 27" c. Aliprni.nNroi'-i Table oil cloth , ? 2,50 ; tnblo oilcloth , marble , $3.51) ) ; plain , Holland , 9V , 'ado ' Holland , l2V c. I'ltisn Diess Charter Oalt , 5e ; Hainii- po , lc ; Lodi , 5j4o : Allen , Oo ; Hichniond , Oc ; \\milsor , f > ytaEddystone \ , 0'4c ' ; Paclllc , Ijliinlii-r nnd Iltiildini ; IMutorinl. Snx K Bouti > s A , 12 inch , s 1 s 14 and 1(1 ( foot , $115 OU , B 12 moll , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet , $41,0i ) ; C 12 mchs 1 s 1'2 , Maud 15 feet , gyilCO ; D 12 inch , s 1 H 12 , II mid 10 fuel , $3100 ; No 1 com 12 in , H 1 , 12 feet , $18.00 ; No 2 com 12 In s 1 s , II and HI foot , $17 5C@ 18 60 ; No. 1 com 12 in 1 H 10 , 18 , and 20 feet , $19.50 ; Mo. 2 com 12 in s 1 s II and 1G feet , $17.00. POPI.VII LL Miiuii Clear poplar box bds , ? in , s 2s , $3500 ; clc.ir poplar , % panel , $3000 ; clear poplar , 'H ' in paunl , $ J)0 ( ) ; clear poplar , panel stock wide , r 2s , 3S,00 ; clear poohir corrugated ceiling , J , $3'J.OO. Posts White cndar , 0 inch halves , 18o ; white cedar , 5 } Inch halves nnd 8 inch o'rn , He ; white cedar. 4 inch round , lOc ; Tonnes- hee red cedar , split , lOo ; split oak ( white ) Sc ; sawed oak , 17c. SHIP LAP No 1 plain. 8 and 18 inch , $17,30 ; No , 2 plain , 8 und 10 inch , $15 60 ; No. 1 , O. G , $18.00. HIM ! S8IONS AM ) flMIII'Il. 12 ft 1 1 ft 10 ft 18 It 30 ft 23 ft 24 ft 2x4 . ,1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 Ib 00 1900 2x0. . . 1500 15 ( X ) 1500 1(5 ( 00 10 00 Ib 00 1900 2x8 . .1500 1500 1500 1(5 ( 00 1000 1800 1900 2x10. . . I50J 1500 1500 1(1 ( OJ 1GOO 1800 1900 2x12 , .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900 4x48x.blGOO 1(500 ( 1000 17 OJ 1700 1800 1900 Fr.NCiNO No. 1 , 4 and I ! inch , 13 and 14 ft , i-OUgb , $ H1.00@lG.50i No. 1.4 and IS inch , HI ft , $ I7.t)0 ) ( < D17.50 ; No. 3 , 4 und G Inch , 18 and 10 ft , $18 50t$11.00 ( ; No. 2 , 4 und ( ) Inch , 10 ft , $15 00 FiM-jinxa 1st and 3d clear , 1'/ ' inch , s 2 a , Sl'J.UOfriSl UO ; 1st and 2J clear , 1 } and 2 inuh , s 2 s , 517 00 ( 5U.OO ; 3d clear , 1'4 inoti , s 2 s , # 4 i 00fi10 00 ; H select , 11 , 1 > und 3 inch , H 2 a , J7 OOCrffls CO ; 1st and 31 clear , 1 inch , s 2 a , $15 Oil ; 3d clour , 1 inch , s 3 H , (30 00 ; A Eiilect. 1 inch , s 2 s. fJJ.OO ; U select , 1 Inch , B 2 a , $30,00. SIIINOI.K . LVTII Per M XXclear , ? 3,15 ; extra "A * . ? . ' . ) ( ) ; standard A , $3(50 ( , 5-lnoh clear , l (10Q1 ( 70 ; 0 inch clear , tl,7B ( < il,80j ) No. 1 , ? l.iu@l 15 ; clear red ccilar , mlxod widths , fioui Washington teirltory , $140 ; California r , l wood , dimension widths , fl 50 ; cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $825 ; lath , * , ' .50. HO/UUJS-No , 1 coin a 1 B 13 , 14 and 1(5 ( ft , $19 DO ; No. 2 com s 1 s 114 and 1(5 ( ft , $1(5 ( liU : Xo , 8 com s 1 H 12 , 11 and 1(1 ( ft , U I ' U ; No , 4 com 3 1 u 15 , 14 nnd IU ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00 , Add 50o per M ft for rough , UAITKSS. Wiii.iiTuniMi , Piuu.Tri O , G. Halts , 2M inch , ( iUo ; O , ( J. Urttts , Jvi ( .l , SB , : i5cMn : well tubing , I ) . A M und bov. * 'J 10 ; pickets , 13. & H. , flutf20.UO , ; pickets , U A , H. square , * ll ) 00. Fiooiti.vo 1st com f ! inch while pine , $ .14.00 ; 3d com (5 ( inch white pine , f.ll.UO ; 3 > i com 0-inch white plnco , $ jo 00 , U com 0-lnch white pine , * , W.OO ; com 4 and ii-incli yellow Dluo $15.00 ; Star 4-moh yellow pine , 117.00 ; 1st end 2d cicar yellow plno , 4 nnd 0-Inch , CmuNO ANO VAIITITIOX 1st Com , ? 4'ln white pine partition , $ . ' 13.00 ; 3d Com , { In , whlto plno partition , f )7.00 ; clear f iiij yel low plno colling. $20.00 ; i-lo.ir V In , Norway , $14 60 ; Ud Cora. * < In Norway. $13.50. TWIIICH nnd Itopc. HiNBEiis1 TWINU Slsnl , 13oj hemp , 14o ; mnnllla , 15o. ULOTIIRSMNHS Cotton , 50 ft. $1 20 ; cotton CO ft , $1.40 : Jute , 50 ft , OOc ; Jute , 00 tt , $1.00- COTTON TWINn riue , 20o ; medium , l G henvy hemp , 15c ; light licmp , 15c. SAILTWINK B , sail , SOo ; Culcitttiv llo ; Mnnilli rope , 14 } < o ; sisal rope , like ; now product , Vcute,9 ; ) > jfu ; cotton , IGo ; hide roue , 17o. A Solifino AVortli Try In B. A novel sclionio in rnllroiulluR1 is nbotit to bo triotl by nn ICiiRllsli nynili * onto on the Austruin pyatoin. Loi.diiifj iibrnrloa will bo cstabliBhocl at nil tlio railroad stutiong ot nny s\zo \ , ut which books will bo loaned utiilow r.alo. They cni bo returned tit miy of the librnrlos of tlio company. 1'rnvolors nro , us u rule , greedy for books , and -tlio vontnro is o.\p.cctctl to moot with success , not withstanding the opposition of train news ngonls , whoso busluossill ho sadly hnmporod. Cushninn's Menthe Inlmlor euros cntnirh , licadncho , neuralgia , asthmn , hay fever. Trial free nt your druggist. Price 50 cents. SRROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , ; t)5 ( .South llttli Struct , - O in nil a ; COMMERCIAL Capital , $4OOOOO Surplus , 4O.OOO Olllcors and Directors 13. M. Mnr oman , O 31. Hitchcock , .Ins , Uiirnenu. Jr. , A. llcnrv , K il. AiulorsonViu ( l.Maul , v mm.i. ; . II. Will lams. A 1' . Hopkins juoi.i A Milliard , cii uler ; r. 11. llryunt , as lst.int cashier. NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSTORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital . $100.000 Surplus .fan. 1st , I SSI ) . 52,001) OlTUM'.HS AMD MItliciOU3 : : HbMU \ \ . VVIKS I'lesldt'iit , I.BWIM S. ltn I ) . Vicu I'reslnoat. A l2.T u/viiv , \V. V. MOIISI. .lOIIJ. S CiI.MN < < , It. 0. CiHiiiMi , J.N. 11. I' vriucic , W II. t ? . Hunui" ' . Cashier. THE IRON BANK. Inr Utli anil 1 ii A General Iliuiklnir lltiMnrsa I'liiusnctcd. WANTED ISSUED DY CITIES , | COUNTIESSCHOOL , DISTRICTS , WATER Correspondence solicited. COMPANIES , ETC. N.W. KARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 163-105 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 7O State Stroot. BOSTON. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH A ' - 1302 FARNAM STREET. Boots and Shoos. KIKKENDALL , JObES A CO. , Huciessors to Iked , Jonci &Ca. Wholesale Mannfacturers of Biots & Shoes Ab'uuti for lloiton Itubbcr Shoo On. , 1KC. 11(11 ( and 11UO llarney btrt'vt , onialrn , N Drowors. STOHZ A JLEIi , Lager Beer Brewers. 1V1 North Kltflitpn nth Btrcat.Onmlia , Neb. Cornlcb. " _ _ _ KAQLE COItNICE irO/J/f.S'7 Uaniircturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \ \ ! udocaps nnd motnllcHkrllb'hti * . John JCpunuttr , priiuiietor , " 6 and HUi-juili lutli ttiuut. Pumps , EtOj , _ BTHANR * CLAltK 8TKAM UKATINd CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , gttam , water , rnllwnv and in I nine lupiillii , ele. KX ) , 'jnandW ( tarnam ilrau , OinaUa. u. a. WIND ENafxn A PUMP co. , Steam and Water Supplies , Uallldajr tilad nillli , 014 an 1 W ) Jimui it. , Oiiaba , U , 1' , KofO , NELL A CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , HUeet-lrou ncrlr , itfam pucipt , nair inllli. 12U-I2I5 1 oavvnnertU itrttel , Omaha. Iron ' Works. _ _ _ rAX'lON A VlEl'iLINO IRON w7JniS , Wrought and Gait Iron Building Work , Knitlnci , IIIUM work , yencral foundry , machine and klacksuiliU work Office KinJ works , V J' . llf. Ru < l nib itreu , Otualiiu oAfAUAvntE \ A TRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire anfl Iron Railing Utik r lll , window KUMI , Honor iitnoiO , vtlru iliiBi , tc. 12) Nutili Htli itruel.oiuulia , OMAlfsrSAFE A IHOff WOIIK , Manf'rs ' of Fire anil Burglar rroof Safes , VftiilH loll work , Iron linllcn anil lire iaiapt U , Auurean , uruu r corner HfJ aud Jackion tin. Doorsi Etc. JW. A. DlMUtOW A CO. , Wliolcinla nunufaeturfrt of Sasn , Doors , Blinfls ani Moilings , llrmu'li ollce , Ulli aid l arJ tltttula Oniaha Nf'j , SOUTH OMAHA. UNION VfOVIf YAltVH CO' OfSoulHinalia , Limitci OlEAJOiEBS'DlBBCTOI ' } ! . Agrloiilturt.1 Implomontn , LlNIAUElt A AtlHVALF CO. , A&ricnlt'l & ' Implements , Wagons , Carriagei , etcv Wholesale. Omnhv N Furniture. j > Bir/rt U'I Wholesale Driers in Furniture , KartiMn iliecl , Omnlia , Nc Furniture , Omit tin , Nebraska , CrocorloB. , liitAur' coT lie Grocers , 18th and Iofu onwurtli otrec'to , Onmhn , Xobrmk * . Hnrclvvnro. II * J. Heavy HMware , Iron and steel , Eptlnk'i , wnson ( lock , hnrdnniv , lumber , cto. ISM nJ 1111 Unmet alivt , Omntia. PE , M1U1UHNA S1 Manufacturer * nnd Job enln faunas , BiigicsRatoi , Plows , Etc , Cor ' .Hh niiJ I'ncltlo Mrcati , Omatia. Artists' Motor-Ibis- A. HObPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 DuiiKln * HreiH , Omnlm , Ncbm'kit. Boots and Shoos. l r. V. tMOltiiE & CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 11Q1.1101,1105 Uoudns street , Uniulin Manufactory , bum HILT sirvel , lloaturu _ Cool , CoUo , Etc. JAMES ir. TUATCiiEit COAL co , Minors and Sliiprs of Coal ani Golf Doom t V N I in no ' Oman. OMAHA COAL , COKE ,1 LIME (70 JOuliG.s . oi Mil uul SjU Coal , 1MSouth ) I3tli ttrjot , Oiunha , I < ol > riiski . XEIIHASICA VUEL CO. , Shippers or Coal and Coke , 211 South 13tli Bt.,0nmlm , Nob. LUMBER , ETC , JOHN A. WAKEF1ELD , Wholesale Limitier , Etc , Imported nnil American I'orllanJement. . BtaU ngontfor Sllivmukru liydrau loamoiu nud Quluiy wliltu lime ( WAS 11. LEE , Dealer in Ha ; dwd Lumber. Wood cnrputs ninl piirqtict flonriiiir. nth ttticitu , Uniiitm rstb * OMAHA LUMUER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale ISth street and Union I'arlllc inuk , Onmlm. LOUIS jJitA Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. Yard * t'orncj 7th intl DoiiKltis. Ofllef Corner lltlli and Douulaj. n. nr. an AY. Luinbe ; LiniCi Cement , Etc.- , Etc , Corner 'Jtti and Douglas ts , Omalift. C. A * . DIRTZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13tb ami California ttrccti.Oiimlin.JVabrnska , Milllnory and Motions. / . OltEIU'ELDEll A CO. , Ininorters & JoMers in Mi Jinery & Nolions Wi1V1 anil 212 houlli nth struU Notions. j. r. noniN ON NO fioN cd. Wholesale Notions and Furbishing Goods , 1121 Hume } Sircvt , OumkB I Commission and Itl DDELL A HI UDELL , Stone and Commission Merchants , Ep claltleii lliitlcr , I'Ut's , chcuso. poultiy , narao. 111Z llouurJ Btrtot.Uniuhn , M-b. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. 'SMITH A do. . DryGooit Fnrnishiiig&ood ? and Notions 1103 and 1101 l > ouglns , cor. lltli itruct , Um.ilm.Ncb. JflLPATJilCK-ltOUll Ditr GOODS CO. , Importers & Jokers in Dry ( foodsNotions , Geat'ft furntshlnv 'oods Corner lltli nml Unrnof Birtct9Oni.iliat Nobrnnku. A TAYLOR , Bnilte1 Hardware anfl Scale Repair Shop llcchanlM' tool ami lluffnlo fcalot. 14IU Douglai atruot , Uumha , > uU. _ _ _ _ Toys , Eto. II. HARDY A CO. , Jobbcri of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , I-l9usa furnl-lilnn KO' I . clillilren'a c-anhiKCS , 1201 - Hirnam street , Onmhu , f.cb. J Oils. . CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Rented and Lubricating Oils , Aile unjaso , utc , Oiinilin. A. ll.UUhoi' , ilunni.orj Papor. CA nPEN'rnn PA PER co. , 0 Wholesale Pancr D3 lers. Orrr a nice itook ul iirlntln ' . wrin" " " " " 'I ' Id Ivantl n'.t mtlonulrant o card paper TIMS- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF IQIi Chicago , Milwaukee _ _ & St , Paul R'y ' , TUu Ilcbt Itoutu from Omr.ha ami Council IMulTs to TWO TUA1NH DAILY BKFWUKN OMAHA AMD CO UN ( .11 , JILUl'FH Chicago , AND MlhrnuKcc. St. 1'uul , Minneapolis , Collar Kiiplds , Kdclt Island , Fiecpnrl , Ilorhfurd , Clinton , IMiltnqiio , Davenport , 1 Elgin , Madison , JnnoKTllIo , ! liuldt , Wiiiona , Lu Crosse , AJiili 11 other Important point < Kait , Norlliemt md i timithoint. 1 Kor throuiih lltkett tail on the tlokei n rat at IV ) ) rarnaiu ttrtet.lii llarktr Illock , or et Unlu rnclflo Dupol. IMIlmnn Bloeper * aiul the line , I Dlnlnu Tan In Ib * worlilitra runun tli inftln linu ol tbulUknvn , Mil , 1 waukCB&Ht I'mil llallwuy , and tvurj atteutlun Ii ' pnlit tu puiituKOra uy courluuui eiaployet of lliu I i company. H. .Mil. I , Kit aunoral .Mannuer J , t TI/'CKISH , Ai lt.tint liunurnl Manager. A. V It. CAltrKMtH , Uunural i'a.itruer antl Tick , t Atunt UUU K 1IICAKJ01U ) . AuilttaitdCDoral l'ai > enr r ml'JIckct Aeunt. V. J. CLAltK. Otaural BuuirlnHnJunl. ABOUT CLOVES. \Vlicn you urolmylnifo/ou'i / runi inU rtlinttlioiulj - lutluiMiIiigitiiiirliullitti " " lnuoeheui' ItliliclUrlu pay a fair | > rkn nud net tiKxl i loun Ilku llulcb' pliii > ( Mi'i > , Tlicy uru luaile f irum itliclnl hklnn In thtl - r u led to tta Iho moat tirvlciubld mu'Io. It > ou want tu know inoni nlxmt ul i In cinernl nod ulll tltf'lllMMIIIl'll < il VI'K In | riltnlar , onuloto klnilllirilC lllO lH.k A llUUI ( JliiifII will Inti-rtit i you uituitut. tVUM V. hUJHIIMiO. , , Jvbaitvnu , If , Yt