* * * firi . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER n , isso. HEWS f ROM NEBRASKA TOWNS McCoolc Preparing for the Soldiers' and Sailors' Rounlou. A SPLENDID TIME PROMISED. Four nT tha Ponon Hnrglnrs Cap- tnrcd unit Hound Ovrr to the District Court Cnllnwny Votes Mill Itomln. The MuCook Uciinlon. McCooK , Neb. , Oct. 8. ( Spcclnt to TIIK linn. ] The soldiers' and sailors' reunion commences 'horo to-morrow , lusting four dnys. The slto'choscn overlook * the city nnd will bo ns. near perfect ns tlmo and money can make It. The tents nro being erected nnd the camp already resembles a largo village. The waterworks company Imvo put Jn hydrants nnd the grounds nro Illuminated b.v both arc and Incandescent lights , nnd nothing is being neglected thnt will add to the comfort and enjoyment of the visitors. Thrco nrches huvo boon erected in the business portion of the city nnd liand- BOincly decorated with fitting words of wel come to the nation's defenders. All the bus iness houses are draped with bunting and decorated with Haps , each one trying to outdo his neighbor. All the decorations nro to DO Illuminated by night with the different colored incandescent lights , which adds greatly to Its effect. A largo crowd has al ready gathered , and from th present out look one would think that western Nebraska , northern ICunsis nnd eastern Colorado had ialliured ; nil their Inhabitants in this city , nnd the success of the reunion Is assured , The I'onc'ii llnrKlnrs Cnpturnil. PO.NCA , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram lo Tun Hii.1 : : The burglars wlio committed the depredations la Ponca Sunday -light were captured this morning thirty inllos south of hero b.v Marshal Boblus , of this city. .Moat of the stolen property w us found on their persons. After leaving .Ponca they burglarized a house near Coleridge , obtain ing some Jewelry , This wus also recovered. The burglars , four m number , were bound _ avcpto the next term of the district court. They do not state their names or whore they came from. Ilnptixt Sunday School Convention. VALPAIIAI.SO , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele- tgratn toTiu : HII : : . I The First Baptist asso ciation Sunday school convention was called to order at U o'clock this afternoon by Kitv. U.1. K. Tyson , of Palmyra. S. S. McKlnncy , of Lincoln , wns chosen moderator and Miss Nolllo Smith , clerk. Twenty minutes was given to devotional exercises , conducted b.v Dr. O. A. Williams , of Lincoln , In the ab sence of Sunday School Missionary K. A , Kuspcll , who wus to huvo prepared n pro gramme. A bible reading was then con ducted b.v Dr. Williams , after which u com mittee ofthrco was appointed to arrange a programme In the ovenui ! . ' , u'tor devotional exorcises , Dr. AVilllnms prcachnd troin Acts xxlx-'J" . K v. Tyson was called home by u dispatch this evening to attend n funeral. KievoliToiii'iiamiill. . LEXINGTON. Nob. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hii : . ] The city is fast filling up with bicycle- men forthostnto lourmiinonl to-morrow. Thu Lexington Wheel club has spared 1:0 : pains or cxponsu to make the tournament a bueecss. The following riders have entered , anil moro nro expected from Denver In the morning- : Charles H. I'enhod.v , Omaha : J. A. Drain , Lincoln ; H. \V. Cole , Ornnd Island ; M. At. Porter mill E. Kostomlatslry , Now York , Farmer H. T. West , Elinor Harrington , F. Morrison , Kcarnoy ; T. L. Temple , N. T. FisU , E. P. Dunlnp , W , H. Uranson , C. M. Adams , George .lames , Lexington. The medals are line and cost $500. The tournament will lust two clnys und nil the races will ho hotly contested , Itonti-icn l\i t'S. BBA.TIIICT , Ncli. , Oot. S. | SpeeHl TeleGram - Gram to Tin : Hun.l Tlio new Unitiirian church will ho formally dedicated Saturday evening and Sunday morning next with im- jioslng cnrcinniiies. J. S. Grabbe. M. K Schulu and .Tunics Kidston , representing- syndicate ot Beatrice capitalist , went to Pierre , S. D. , to-duy to look ever the ground with n view of speculative investment In real estateIn thni city. C.illnwny Votes SHU ItnnilH. CALI.AWAY , Neb. , Oct. 8 [ Special to Tin : HKB.J A sueclal election was held to-dny for the Diu-poso of voting bonds to the nniount of $ ; iOOI ) to nid William Smlih , formerly of Oenoa , Nob. , in building a mill race nnd dam to run his lift.v barrel Hour mill. They were carried almost unani mously , This insures tlio curly completion of the mill and a prosperous titno for Cullu- way. County Conventions. NBIIIIAHKA Cirv , Neb. , Oct. S. j Special Telegram to Tin : Hr.n.J The Otoo county tleniocrulle convention wns hold nt Syracuse tills afternoon and was most uninteresting , nud nearly till the candidates were tioml'intcu l y ncchimntlon. The only somblnncu of ' . . light was between Oranvllle Hull nnd , lohu Jvl. Willmaii , the present Incumbent , for sheriff , Tliu InttiT received the nomination on the Hi-si ballot. Tlio other nominations ivero ! W. F. N. Houser , of Nebraska Citv , trcnsurcr ; J. W. Eaton , of Gauge , Judge ; J.l'olk Hill , of Palmyra , clerk ; Kollcart Fuss , of Nebraska City , recorder ; F. Soll- liorn , of Talnmpe , coroner ; Chnrles Pierce , Biirveyor ; W , .M. Chirk , miporlntemlont ; James Carlln , commissioner. The Ktato delegates are ; .1. S. Morton , C. M. Hubncr , K. M. Freeman , Lewis Ilncbol , .lames L. Davis. IS. P. Unkan. M. S. Campbell. David Btrnuli , Chnrles Hroxvn , Henry U'oliUng , J. W. Klditoo , William Hccltinan and Frunl : Meyers. UBATKIUK , Neb. , Out. S. [ Special Tclo- fjrftin to THU HKI : . j The On o county demo- era tie conimlttcQliiis appointed the following iiamod deloKates to the democratic utato c-onveiition : .1. C. Culloway , ( J. H. Turner , 1C. 1C. Davifl. ,1. H. Coffman , Hobert Wilson , II. H. Groves , .lacob HristoiW. . P. Wyatt , A. Hazlott , Dr. A. H. Given , Wllllr.m Hack- Jcr , J. M. Kelloire , D. W. Cooic , IticharJ Bmlth , W. H. Crane. DAKOTA Cirv , NuT O < ! t. 8.Special [ Telegram lo Tun Hni : . I 'I'ho masincct - Injr held to-day for the purpose of nomniat- Ing n pooplu'rt tioliot wus nothtii ) ; oiso thmi democratic cunvontlon No.i. \ . There wcro jircBcnt all of ilm ( leiuoorats that were du- HutUllotl with tlio pi-oceoilin s of lust Tues day. The nominee1 * wcro all of them except one defeated nt the regular ileniocrntlu convention lust Tuesday , nnd wcro us follows : For treasurer , . ( nines llnrtnett , Htibbnrd ; cleric C D. Siniloy , South Slou > : City ; shoi-lff , W. E. Kclloy. Covlngtoii ; judge , . ! , 1- ' . \ ViirneiDa - ItotnClty ; commissioner , James Knnl. , .lack- eon. The other nominees wcro thu amo as were nominated last Tuesday by tlio duino * cratlc convention No. 1. CUIITIH , Nob. , Oct. S. ( Special Telegram toluu Uii1'iio : | Frontier rounly conirrcs- Blonnl convention has jn&t suleclud n list of dclcpites. They were ull elected in thu In terest of ( > , L. Laws. Jtni-n nml Workulioji Itiirnoil , Coi.oinud , Nob. , Oct. 8. I Special Telegram - gram to Tin ; Unn.1 A lire broke out in the barn nnrl workshop of John KnesdenniO o'clock this evening and burned them to the KrounU , Loss , f I.UOO. The e.uisu of the Iiro is unknown , Oakland Clothing OAKI-AMI , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special to Tun UCE.I Anderson & Krlckson , dealers in dry goods and clothing , mudo an assignment hist night to the sheriff for the bunullt of their crwlltors. Liabilities between f..WO und fa,000 , Henry W. King & Co. , of Chicago , Jjehur thu principal creditors , ' Four Mora Urunln .1 uroi- . CIIKUOO , Oct. 8 , To-day four were Jur ors were sworn In to try the Cronln uuse , Vulng eight now secured. Tim names ot the last four uro Uuort'o ! „ Corko , W. S. North , Jlonry D , Wnluor and Frank Allison The ilofonio uscxl another one of their peremp tory ctmlleiiRcii , leaving but twolvu to Mioir trodlt. THU SPKRU KING. Uncos. CINCINNATI , Oct. 8. The track nt Lntonln was fast tOHlny. The attendance wns good nnd the weather was clear and cold. Sum * tnnry : Three-year-olds and upwards , three-quar ters of n mile Consignee won , ICuttlo S sec ond. Dutchman third. Tlmo lIO # . nnd thlrtecn- Tiuco-yeor-olds upwards , Hlxtccnths of n mile Hcnounce won , \ % nr Ponk second , CheMnut Hell third. Time ion. nnd thirteen- Three-year-olds upwards , sixteenths of n mile Clamor won , Irish Dan second , Monnlo King third. Time 1 :22 : > 4. Two-ycnr-olds , llvo furlongs Hivllynoo won , Hopeful second , Mllldnlo third. Time 1:03. : Three-year-olds and upwards , mlle nnd three-sixteenths Fortunatus won , Long- alight second , Cams third. Tlmo-2 : lK. Kimhnll atnkc * ) , tivo-.vtvir-old colts , ste lur- longs Kiucmont won. Illloy second , Good- hyo third. Time I MO. Park Itnroi. MOHIII ? PAIIK , Oct. 8.-Klng William foil In thu sixth race und rolled over on Clayton. Clayton's Injuries nro painful but not neces sarily serious. King William limped to his stable. .Summary : Five htidone-hnlf furlongs Fordlmm won , Clayton StocKton second , Finance third. Ti mo1:113. : . Three-year-olds , mile nnd one-eighth Cracksman won , Errio second , Curtnwny II. third. Time 1 i.V.i . Fashion stakes , two-year-old lllhcs , three- fourths of n milo--'tilla Black burn won , Pearl Set second , Sinaloa third. Time 1I K. Mlle p.nd one-fourth Huntress won. Frank Ward second , Barrister third. Time 2:14. Milo and ono-slxtcenlh Vosburg won , Lurchmcnt second , Dutch Uollerthird. Time 1:5 Five furlongs Oregon won , Freedom second end , Civil Service third. Time 1:02. : loroino t'arlc KIICOM. JKIIOMB PAIIK , Oct. 8. The weather was cold and the attendance small. Summary : Ono mile Xephyrus won , Prlnco Edward second , Lady Heel third. Tune 1llW. : . Mile und oiut-clghtli-Goldcn Heel won , Charlie Arnold second. Time U:07. : Pcllium handicap , two-year-olds , three- fourths of u mlle Burlingion won. Fan Fan second , Cyclone third. Time ll'J : > . Milo and one-sixteenth King Crab won , Uencdlctino second , Little Alinch third. Time 1:54. : Six furlongs Radiant won , Fitz James second , HiM'lhu third. Time 1 :2l : ) . Mile and one-eighth Valet won , Lctretia second , Esquimaux third. Time : JUt. The Futurity htnlco . Ci.cvur.Axn , Oct. S. The Futurity stnUe race , under thu auspices of the Spirit of the Times , was trotted hero to-day. A silver cup valued nt $1,000 nud $3ttS : in cash went to the winner , SI , DOS to second nnd $531 to third. Margaret S , tlio California ! ! ropro Bontative , won in three straight heats , Palo Alto Bell second , Fortuim third , Sau Male fourth. Time iSSX- ! : Thr ; American Association. CINCINNATI , Oct. ti. Hesult of to-day's game : Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 'J 3 0 5 1 10 Kansas City.'J 00000010 a BAI.TIMOUI : , Oct. S. Uesult of to-day's game : Baltimore 0 .T 0 0 4 3 0 9 Brooklyn 0 5 12 Game called on account of darkness. ST. Lens , Oct. S. Uesult of to-dny's game : St. Louis t n 1 3 I ) a 1 0 * I ) Louisville o 3 Coi.fMiiv.i , Oot. S. The Athletics failed to arrive , owing to : i railroad accident , and ttio game was given to Columbus by u score of 'J to 0. The KIHI : > Hall \Voi-lcl Delight.-U with Williams' scloivtiih : Indoor counterpart. Exciting us the Jleld game. For sale in Omaha at sporting goods , book and fancy stores. CH.\Ii.MIOKS AVITHDHAWS. He Will Not linn For Governor of Mississippi. Niw Om.ius-3 , Oct. S. Captain JVIm- berly , collector of internal revenue , received a letter yesterday from Gonen.l James K. Chalmers , who was nominated by the Mis sissippi republicans for governor. It con firmed his reported withdrawal from the con test , together with Judge Frazee , who was the republican cadidatc for attorney general. Chalmers stated In his letter that on several occasions , when uuont to speak ut UilTercnt points in the state , he was dissuaded by ttio members of his partv nnd democratic friends , who said the killing of negroes would com mence and it would bo charged to him. Ho announced that If his republican friends did not wish him to spealc ho would resign the nomination nnd go home. Tooli-'s Kli'ctton Conceded. IIui.KXA , Mont. , Oct. S. The Independent says the election of Toolo ( dom. ) for gov ; crnor is now conceded by a majority of from ! ! 00 to GOO , and Carter ( rep. ) for congress witU 1,000 majority. The democrats claim tlioTct'isluturo by seven. The republicans will not concede us much , but say that on the face of the returns it Is democratic anil claim fraud in Silver How and Deer Ledge coun ties. The Im'cpeadout claims thu state sen ate is u tie and that the housu Is democratic try a majority of sovon. Rupture. * . Oct. S. The Houlangist-conscrva- tlvo coalition has been llnally ruptured , The Guuloits ( conservative ) says : "Tho con servatives united with the Boulungists to obtain n revision. The conviction prevails that that measure is now buried and the con servatives will resume their liberty of action. " The Snloil ( Orloanist ) says it considers General Hoiilantror us good us dead. A councilor minister * was held to-day , nt which it was decided to convene the cham bers during thp llrst week in November. Ho Speculated nnd IH Sioux FALLS , S. D. , Oct. 8. Dan F. Christy , representing Mulcaliy & Co. , com mission merchants and brokers in Chicago , is missing and Is-short.f 'OO In his accounts. Christ,1' bus been using the money given him for margins for his own speculations , which have turned out unfortunately , it Is said ho played thu HIIIIIO guino in Do * Molnos some yciirt. ago and iiiruln lately in Chicago. > \ iMysicnmu Suicide , Li\vi.Nw : < iimt. ICiin , , Oct. 8. [ Special Teloeriim to Tun Bni.J Katlu Gallagher , aged 10 , took morphine this evening nt the Washington house , where Hho took u room upon her arrival from Kuusas City. No cause is assigned by the girl for the rash not. She left n letter as follows : Mrs. A. Gallagher , Burlingumc , Kan. I left Wenr'ti a long tlmo ago and huvo been sick In Kansas City and spent all my money. Como to Loavenworth for me. KITTII ; , The girl is u working girl und came hero from Kansas City this morning. The affair is a mystery. Tlin Li-NKOii ol' i ho I " ! not Case. oni ; , Oct. ti. As a result of the Flack divorce case , the Judges of tha supreme court in this city have coma out against secret divorce proceedings. At u mooting of judges huid to-day , which was attended by every Judge on the bunch , it was resolved hereafter thai them will no no references In actions for nbsoluto divorce , and they will bo tried In open court. l y Slnkm-sn , CHICAGO , Oct. 8.Mrs , Fritz KuU , u young wlfo , poured half a bottle of curboliu ncid down her baby's throat this morning , then swallowed the remainder herself. Both nro dead. The mother is supposed to have been crazed by sickness , Anipliltlicnlor DrHtrnyntl. t PAIII > . Oct. 8--The great amphitheater of the school of luedlclnu was destroyed by Iiro lo lay. EMPRISE IS APPRECIATED Words of Pralao For The Boo and Its Management. THE FLYER DRAWS THEJM OUT. 'I'ha Now l-Vnluro Only In tilno AVIlli the 1'njicr'fl Jlcimtntlnu For Getting to tlio Front Grit Wins. ' Pool-loss tn tlio. West. FMKMOXT , Neb. , Oct. 8. [ Speclnl to Uit.J : THE Hun's ' enterprise in inittdiK on n special trnlu to deliver Its Stindny ctlltlnna nlong tlio line ot the Union L'ncida rend Is commended on every hand. U'ho ' train wtmzod throiitrh Fremont' at 5:13 : ! olclodlc , just nt the first dnxvn of day , and dropped its liueo iniukuRus ot SU.ViuV Ur.ifg for Fro- montund points along the line of the Jilk-r horn roml , traversing Urn north unil south Hatto country. City Circulator. Douglass wns ut the twin with his force of carrloro with their fleet ponies , und soon , ttio papers wcro holng dohvorod at the doors of the numcroiiB suhscribors , TUB llr.c always bo- tntr the fnvorito Omiilia panel * In Fremont , The subscribers ivcro surprised at this stroke of enterprise und yet .not astonished WhOti they coii llurcd Unit It was Tim HEC. AIIIOUK some of the expressions of com- nicndntion were the following ! Hon. Li. O. Hlchards : It'shoivs remnrltnblo cntorprlso. , TUB Hun Is.n great newspaper. A. t'ruesilell : 1 rogi.nl the fust special train na a great entcrpriso , BomotliliiK lllco Story used to show when Uo controlled the the Chicago Times. Congressman Dorsoy : Tnn HER Is foltbw- liifr in the wnko of the grout metropolitan dailies In the east. . Ono thiug which plvcs It Kreut prestlKQ In Nebraska is Its splendid Washington service. It Is the greatest newspaper west of Chicago. It prints the nnus. . ) . \V. Love : Hosewator shows rcmnrlc- nhlo onturprlso in this train. Ho is the only Journalist In Nebraska who has nurvo and backbone to undertake such , a thlnR. Ho is nt the head of Nebraska Journalism. Julius ijackman : It Is somaliilng fowincn would undertake. Tim UEE is a hummer. . W. I. . May : Next to the Nebraska llsh hatcheries I'm : Hun is the .greatest institu tion in Nebraska. * Mayor Shcrvla : I regard Tun Br.is as the only state impor. This now feature Is a Rreat advantage to suburban towns. It is In line with Tim Hull's established reputation for getting to the front. W. C. jrady : It is a great stroke of en terprise and takes lots of urit to do it. Dr. L. , T. Abbott : Tits Huu is peerless m the west us a uoivsuaper. Hosawnior is a thorough ncwspapeV niuii. Ho is at work when others arc asleep. TUB UKE is one of the greatest political and business factors of Nebraska. Grniul iHlnml AlipruulntcH It. QUASH I I.AXI > , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special to TUB HUB. ] Tin : SUNDAY UEi ! arrived hereon on the "llyer" at 8:20 : a. in. , and was quickly distributed. The sales were three times that of last week and papers were soon KOIIO. Many congratulatory expressions were heard of THE Hut's enterprise from leading busi ness men. "TIIK Hin deserves to ba richly patronized for its enterprise , " said II. J. Palmer. "It is but another example of the superior ity of Tun HII : : over all western papers , " ob served C. P. U. Williams. "Tun UHK is the most onterurislng paper in Nebraska , " was the comment ofV. . It. Hacon , county attorney. "I'm : Hnis is the best paper west of Chl- capo , " said M. C. Kidder. "TUB BEE management is to bo congratu lated on its onorey anil should bo patronized liberally , " saiii Judge T. O. C. Harrison. "A Sunday inornim ; uupt-r has long been needed in Central Nebraska , " said Charles Wustnor , "and the new departure of TUB HKI : will prove a paying investment. " "Tin : llni : , " said Judge Caldwell , "has placed itself In the front rank of American journalism by its energy and enterprise. " "The pcoplo of Central Nebraska slioulu , by its hearty support , make TUB HEB ilyor u financial success , " said J. M. Marsh. ' Othurlinpcrs may follow the example of Tin : HIK , but tiio people will und should re member the pioneer , " soiil J. G. Kaine. " 'J HE Uii : : owes its success to its indomita bly pluck and energy , " said G. II , Mosher , "and Us Sunday ( Iyer is but , another example of its enterprise. " CoiniiK-iMled nt Hustings. 'Tlio Sunday morning OMAHA HUB was cried by the newsboys on the streets of Hustings yesterday before half the popula tion wore ready for breakfast , " says Mon day's Hastings Nebruskan. "They were carried by special train over the Union I'ncillo road to Grand Island in time to con nect with the regular train for this city. It was uu unsuspected surprise to Sunday morning readers of literature , and the pupcrc sold rapidly to people who warmly com mended the stroke ot enterprise. " Tliisy Want a Dally Plyor. O.XTiiAiCITV , Nob. , Oct. 8. [ Special to Tun HEK. ] Tin : Ben llyer brought joy to its patrons in tills city Sunday morning , and to many others who wanted n Sunday paper In the morning. Tomlm , the u''ont , couldn't deliver It in all parts of town at the same minute , and ho had scarcely started out In one direction till ho found himself besieged by would-bo buyers and those already patrons from another. All vote the move a Croat stroke of enterprise. Yesterday Tin : Hun was the only paper talked about , and about the only one road. This is very much of a Sunday , church-going town , but tlio people so light Tun Uin : , und they sought it to read. The business men especially were ploused , and their only regret is that you do not make the ( Iyer service daily Instead ot xveokly. All interviewed were unanimous In wishing the enterprise ) that success which will waruant an extension to cover tlio wholu week. Howard Is Delighted. Sownrd Democrat : J. P. Knapp , of THE OMAHA Uii : : , was In town Monday and Tues day In the Interest of that paper. Ho says arrangements have beer inndo BO that herb after the people of Bewurd can got that paper , at 11 a , m. each Sunday via freight ever iho Fremont , ElUliorn & Missouri Valley roud. Our pcoplo will appreciate this , ns they can not at present got u Sunday daily from any place. It In ( ircnt. Fremont Tribune : THE Hnc has inaugur ated u special service delivering its Sun day morning edition along the line of j the Union Piicilla and B. & M. rbnds. beginning last Sunday. It has chartered u special train running us far as Grand Inland on the Union 1'acillu. it arrives at Fremont at 5:15 : a. m. it U a great enterprise A. KlIHtlC ! * , Hrainurd Eagle : Tin : OMUIA HKR h n rustler and no mistake. Ever anxious to please their patrons , they have now chart ered an engine which will curry Tin : SUN DAY Her. for all points on the Superior line of the Fremont , ICIkhorn t Missouri Valley to Fremont and them make connection with the Superior freight. Verity Tin : Hii : loads It enterprlso several lengths ahead of all competitors. Vivo iloliiiHiowu VIoliniH. JOHNSTOWN , Oct. 8. Five bodies were taken out of Stony Creole river to-day by the workmen while removing rubbish. There poems to bo no doubt that u great many corpses wore washed In here , and as the sur face deposits tire removed many moro bodies wilt likely bo brought to light. Kent in Ills Jtosisriiutloii. BOSTON , Oct. 8. United States District Attorney Gulvin has sent his resignation to the president. Ciulvin is a democrat und wus uppolutcd in 1SS7. . . . . Frost In Alalminit. MONTOOMKIIV , Oct. 8. There was froet all over middle and north Alabama las : utght- liOOAlj CO Seventh " \Vnrd. Dr-mocrnts Whoop Things Up Im Mvoly Stinpo. There was n lively meeting of the untorrl * lied In thu Seventh ward last night , and when the hour adjournment arrived wliUe-wliigod peace''had taken flight and was following the star of omi.lro ns for west as Pnplllion , to shy tire least. It was n notable assembly , to say the least , Mike Kocho , the present county clerk , was there , and In mldftlon t.o n copious load of red liquor , curried an , unquenchable desire for rouoinlnnllon In his outside pockets. It was thu latlcjpltjco of furniture that caused the trouble , and not the red liquor and lager , for Mike was not the only man who had tils sldcbo.irds on , The democracy of the Seventh ward have thrco candidates to present for nomination at the convention Saturday , viz : John Uoyd far sheriff , Jeff Megoatn for registrar of deeds and Mlka for county cleric. Of late there has been u strong anti-Hocho movement organized In the ward , ami In con sequence his chances for scouring the dele < gates have been considerably Jeopardized , so yesterday afternoon ho put n hupo Waterbury - bury movement or. himself , nnd by a liberal distribution of tlncturo of Gambrinus suc ceeded In getting n largo number of hlsconj stltuents to attend the meeting. About two hundred members of tlio Seventh wnrd democracy were present when the meeting opened. The business of the evening , tliat of nominating delegates to the convention , was staled by President Mori- arlty , and on a motion of u member It was decided that the best wny to nvold a clash was to allow Messrs. Hoyrt , Megonth and Hocho to cheese the delegates and alternates to the convention. Thd candidates retired and in the interim T. J , Points delivered n short address on ' Why am InDomocrat7" Editor Vaughn , of the Daily Tax List , then took u decided stand against prohibition In Dakota , and was followed by n young tnun of ebon hair nnd high forehead named Townsund , who spouo regarding a few mut ters In Garland county , Iowa , until drowned out by the music of the Seventh ward band. Then the committee reported ns follows : Delegates P. W. Uurkhouso , J. Samuel Gosnoy , Andy Murphy , Jerry Uyan , Kd. Mormrlty , Chris Msson nnd Uobnrt Curtis. Alternates William Walter Townsend , * G. II. Mnck , John Dldaus , D. McPhail , G. W. Covillo , Martm Singleton nnd William Campbell. Klcht at this point the trouble began , for one of Kocho's friends moved that the dele gation be pledged llrst , last and all the time to the three candidates of the ward , recnrd- less of anything that might occur , County Agent Malioncy amended by moving that they go unlnstructod , and some ouo amended the amendment by moving tlio previous question. The chair decided that the previous question could not bo voted upon ; that a motion to adjourn was not in order , nnd that ho didn't care a continental for Cusliing's or Uohorts' manual ; nnd furthermore , Unit ho proposed to put n motion and that all who wanted to send the delegates uninstructed suy aye , these opposed no motion lost , "divide ycr- selvus , " which they did , and the chair was sustained. Kocho waved a copy ot the tax list over his head , shouted "beer , " nnd In less than five minutes the hull was empty with the execu tion of a few older ones who stayed long enough to nominate 'H. U. Nowcombo lor assessor anil Chris Shumwuy and J. P. Man ning for constables. , Then the meeting adjourned subject to cull. Kltlhtli Ward Democrats. Democrats of the Elgjith ward hold a cau cus at Wolf's hall at Twcntv-second ana Cuming last night. C. A. Leary was chosen chairman and Edmund Hurko secretary. A. Hobon moycd'thnc the voters present proceed to nomlnhlo delegates to bo voted on at the primaries. There was no second. J. \Vlnspcar moved that the chair ai > - polnt a committee of llvo to recommend dele gates to bo voted upon. Ho received a sec ; end , but Hnbon tiladti another sucech in fu- vor of his originalmotion , and was encored. Hill Anderson blow his horn as usual with out effect. Lawyer Folker said something , and finally n committee of live \vero' appointed by the chair to select seven names. The committee was composed of Messrs. Winspcar , Will- lams , Hungute , Eaguriund Wolff. After a recess of thirty minutes the com mittee reported on the following delegates : C. P. Williams , H. Schroeder , Michael Downs , D P. Angel , Alfred Wolff. Fred Woyinullor and James Ilyland. The report of the committee was adopted , and after Anderson screamed "rats , " ho loft the room. The Judges named for the wnrd to act on Iho day of the primary election are Mike Eugiin , C. W. White and J. A. Worshain. Collier's Condition Hopeless. CinoAOO , Oct. 8. | Special Telegram to THE HIE. ] The condition of Frank Collier , the prominent Chicago attorney and politi cian who wus recently soizcd with insanity , is announced to be hopeless. Ho is under medical treatment ul u sanitarium near Mil waukee and entertains the delusion that he is bolng chased by Burlington strikers. Collier was an issno in the city campaign of last spring on account of having been as saulted by intimidating ward workers , and his duplorublo mental disease is by many re puted to Uo the result of thu assault mudo on him at the Eleventh ward primaries. Dili ; Up Twenty 'I lioiiwanll Dollars. PiiH.ADCi.i'iiu , Oct. 8. While digging in Lincoln park , Just below Hod Hank , N. J. , a laborer turned up $20,000 in bank notes is sued many years ago , by the Concord bank , of New Hampshire. It is believed , that the money was buried by a noted banlc robber named Sherman , who lived there many years ago. The money has been claimed by the owners of Lincoln park. ChrlHtiiiiiH rillnd I5y Tnrkn. LONDON , Oct. 8. The Daily News prints a letter from Crete which confirms the report that Cliakir Pasha , the governor , allowed the Turkish troops to plllago und porsectito the Christians , after gaining their conlldcnco by promises of protection. The letter gives the list of killed , banished und Imprisoned , and describes the atrocities in detail. Grateful to Kloux City. BOSTON , Oct. 8. The New iJnglnmiors who have boon visiting Sioux City by Invita tion of Us board of trade returned to-day , A permanent organization was formed for the purpose of holding n reunion nt which the method of showing n proper appreciation of the hospitality of Sioux City will be formulated. 'Jlio Australian SyMom Ton I oil. CHATTANOOGA , T nn. , Oct. 8. The first election In this statu under the Australian system of voting occurred hero to-day in a n municipal election. It was the quietest election over known1 in the city. There was loss Illegal voting than In any previous election. John A , , Hurt , republican , was elected mayor. * Tlio Cnlilornlit ICxproKH ' POIITIANP , Ore. , Oct. , 8. The south bound " California express "was- wrecked by striking two cows on the triick'lust night near Hal- soy , Ore , Thollroihiwwns instantly killed and the engineer sm-ionHly Injured. None of tlio passengers were Injured beyond being shaken up. _ _ Till ) Tvpotlli'lIU III Sr , LOUIH , Oct. B.1 The third annual con- volition of the T-yjfothutuj of American Association of Muster Printers convened to-day , with delegates present from nil parts of the union. Among thu chief questions to bo discussed aru the eight-hour system of labor and the International copyright law. Captain Ijinvlor LONDON , Oct. 8. Captain Lawlcr , of tha boat Novel-sink , wus brpught before the magistrates at Portsmouth to day and churgcd witi | attempt to murder. The prisoner was renuinded pending thu recov ery of the bailiff. llio VHIml I'ropliutH' I'ar.idc , ST , Louis , Qot. 8. Tue VclIcU Prophets' parudo to-night was a marked success , and was witnessed by immense throngs of people , the city being llllod with btranm's. A bnll was given at the music hall of thoKxpoaitlon building for tlio llrst time. THE UNION DEPOT QUESTION. Stops Tnkon to Have * It Submitted to the Fooploi ACTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. A Committee Appointed to Confer With the Hnllrond Ofllolnts anil to I'rcpnro nn Onll- iiiinco nt Oner. Tha Cliy Council. Members Ford and Hnscnll were absent from the council meeting lust night , nnd ns n result a great deal .of business was dis patched In a peaceful nnd rapid monitor. The matters bet'oro the mooting wore disposed of before 10 o'clock , n very unusual happening. The union depot question wus brought up by n resolution of Mr , Bedford's to the effect thatn committee of llvo bo appointed by the chnlr to confer with the ofllclnls of the U. & M. and Union Pacific railway companies and report to tlio council nt the earliest possible moment nn ordinance providing for the submission of thu proposition to aid In the construction of the Viaduct across Tenth stccot In connection with the Union depot , and to consider further What stops' arq necassary to bo tnkon by the city In'ordor to confirm the property desired fob union depot purposes by the union depot company. The resolution was adopted nnd Hcdforcl. Loxvry , Snyiler , Knspor and Ford appointed ns the committee. U ho street sweeping contractors were or dered to sweep Jackson street from Seventh to Ninth. G. W. Tlllson , city engineer , was granted a ton days Icavo of absence. The city engineer reported the receipt of WlOfrom plumbers and dralulayers during the month of September. The flro and police commissioners' pur chase of a now chemical engine utul six no w lire alarm boxes was approved. The plumbing Inspector's report , showing the receipt of $110 , wus received nnd re ferred to the comptroller. The city physician reported 1CU births and seventy-throe deaths in the month of Sep tember. The receipts of the city boiler inspector's oilico for September amounted to ? i'J ' . The bond of John F. Coots , In the sum of $1(10,000 , for the proper construction ot the city hall , with Thomas Murray nnd C. Spccht ns sureties , was approved. The following estimates wuro approved : Hugh Murphy , paving Plerco street from Tenth to Eleventh. &UU.03 ; Twentieth street , from Cass to Izard , ? 3,2iy.93 ; J. B. Smith & Co. , pavlup Thirty-second street from Farnntu to Davenport , ? 1KU.55 , Twenty-fifth street from Dodge to Farnutn street , f olS.T-l ; Kegau Bros. & Co. , paving Seventeenth street froift Farnam to Hurnoy street , § : J3'i.3r ; paving Eighteenth street from Farnum to Hnrney street , SS-1 1.39 ; pav ing Lenvenworth street from Fourteenth to Twenty-fourth street , $2,01 1.W5. The contract of Hugh Murphy for chnng- Inir paving material on Poppleton nvcniio from Colorado sandstone to Galcsburg brick xvns approved. J. K. Uiley & Co.'s contract for paving Twentieth street from A'inton street to Van Camp's addition with cedar blocks was referred bade to the boardof public works to secure the comptroller's certillcato of funds. Contracts were approved : With Canllcltl , Fleming & Co. , for grading Thirty-sixth street from Farnam to Loavenworth and Half IJowurd from Uhirty-sixth street to Solden street ; with , John F. Dailey , for con structing sewer in sewer district No. OS. A petition for a sewer on Twenty-first street south of Leavcnworth was granted nnd the city engineer ordered to prepare the ordinance. The bill of Mount Griftln for 5110 for street , sprinkling in 1SSS wus allowed. Thomas Cummings1 bill of ? 'J15.2. ) against Congdon & Eagan , the contractors who graded Sherman uvenuo , was referred to the committee on grades and gracing. The bill of K. H. Fena for work on sewers , amounting to $10.09 , went to the committee on claims. A petition for the grading of South Seven teenth street from tlio B. & M , tracks to Center street , was referred to the committee on grades and grading. Vacancies on the boards of supervisors of registration were filled by the following ap pointments : First ward First ciistriut , C. I' . Hurkett ; Scott Butler , J. B. Toohc ; Second end district , E. G. Flagg ; Third district. P. II. Million. Fourth ward First district , Charles Ellis. - Fifth ward Second district , E. C. Erliing. Seventh ward-First district , E. T. Sholby. Eiehth ward First district , J. E. Sni'ill. A lot of the citizens up in the vicinity of Twenty-llfth street and Patrick avenue don't want any manufacturing industries up thnt way , and presented a petition asking the council to declare a proposed iron foundry in that vicinity a nuisance. The petition wns referred to the committee on police. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Shrivel- extending the lire limits south of Pierce , west to Thirtieth , north to Parker , and east on Grnco to Eighth street. It wns referred to the committco on Judiciary. The council will meet on Thursday , Oc tober IT , ns u board of equalization. H.v resolution of Mr. Wheeler the board of public works , sidewalk inspector nnd street commissioner wcro assigned to the room in the court house recently vacated by the city treasurer , ana noiler and plumbing inspector to the room recently vacated by the city comptroller. A bill was presented from the Scicic Man ufacturing Company for $ .1.00 for canvns hags furnished to the chief of pbtico for tlio purpose of keeping the effects of prisoners. The claim wus itemed as the articles were purchased without the autnority of the comptroller , and contrary to the provisions of the charter. Ordinances wcro introduced nml referred declaring the necessity of constructing n viaduct on Ixnrd street ever the Missouri Pncitlo and Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul und Omiilin railway tracKs ; ordering the paving of Twentieth street from Vinton .street to the north line of Van Camps addi tion with cedar blocks on Hand and plank ; levying a tux to pay for ttio opening of Webster street from Thirty-second to Thirty- sixth streets. Ordinances were passed : Changing the grade of Hurt street from a point < KIO feet east of Pleasant street to Thlrty-llfth street ; extending Twenty-sixth street south of Hickory street ; ordering the grading of Grove otrcct from Dodgj to Davenport. A. Hlnody Aftrfty. Sam Sidney and C. H. Anderson , two burly colored men , engaged in n riot last night In the rcarof Jerry O'Grady'sualoon on South Eleventh street , which resulted in Sydney's having his loft oar bitten bit and Anderson losing his right hand. The row started ever some room rent which Sydney alleged Anderson oived him , The latter disputed the claim and a Tight , en sued , in which Sydney had his loft auricular bitten off and chewed into a pulp. Ho was not daunted , however , hut obtained an axe and wont for his opponent , wounding hini severely nnd nearly Hovering his right hand , Hoth men wcro HITCH toil , taken to the sta tion and their wounds attended , A 'Mexican Flood. ST Lori ? * , Oct. 8. Advices from Mexico say heavy losses have bean incurred In Pal- oiiins , Hcnu Jomlllo nnd Aliuacotlao by thu ovcrliowiiiK of the Pollmun rlvor. Thrco persons were drowned ut Ahuacotlan. i'roniiiincuil n < : < uiar.l. ST. LOUIH , Oct. S. Advices from Mexico Hay the report that two batallions of infantry were nearly annihilated In ti recent buttle with ViMinl Indians In Sonorn is pronounced u canard by the war department , A llonklcutipiir Hlclps. CHICAGO , Oct. 8. A. II. Peck , the confi dential bookkeeper of the Chicago ofllco of P. Lorillard & Co.t hai disappeared. It is stated ho has overdrawn the Jinn's money to the extent of several thousand dollars. I'rolilliltlon Htirlnit In Connedimit. llAimoiM ) . Conn. , Oct. 8. With u dozen towns to hear from the ofllcial returns give aibM : majority against .tie prohibitory amendment. Tlio HrillHli Hpiailron at Kiel. BKIII.I.V , Oct. 8. The British squadron ar rived at Kiel to-day , Emperor William pa a banquet in honor of the English ontcoiu. TIIK COUNTV Uti Tlio t'tncc.s nt WIHnh the Voting AVtll lie Done. The county commissioners met yesterday afternoon and designated tlio following poll- intf places for the county election to bo held on November M. rntsT WAIID. First District-Southwest corner Tenth Mia Jones. Second District 1117 South Sixteenth street. Third District Engine house , Eleventh nnd Dorcas. BiCOM : WAU1 > . First District 1218 South Sixteenth street. Second Dlstrlct--lS71 South Sixteenth street. TltlltP W.VIlt ) . First District 1020 Harncy Mrcot. Second District P. Ford's place. rouiiTitvAiiu. . First District ICO" Cupltol avoiiuo. Second District 171'J St. Mary's avciiuo. rirrtt WAHP. First Dl9trlet-60l North Sixteenth street. Second District No. 0 onglno houso. SIXTH w.vnn , First DIstnct-'Jo.TO Lake stroot. Second District Lyceum hall. ' Sr.VF.NTl ! WAtlP. First District School hou oTwcnty ninth and Woolworth. Second District H. G. Clnrk's ' building , Twenty-ninth near Dupont. KKIllTlt VAllll. First District Harness shop.Cuining near Twentieth street. Second District Furuy's barn , Cuming and Twenty-fourth streets. NINTH \VAllll. First District Johnson's store , Twenty- eighth nnd Fnrnum. Second District Kynn'n store , Mercer nnd Lowe avenues. SOfTII OMAHA. First District F. Pivonlm's store on N street. Second District J. Lev ! , Twenty-sixth street , hot ween N and O. Third District Hear Kelker's hotel , Q street. Fourth District Exchange hotel. Florence School house at Florence. CODK1Y I'KttOINTIS. Union Grumm's hotel , Irvington. Jefferson P. Dcldrectison's hotel , in Hen- nlngtoh. Valley School house at Valley station. "Waterloo At Masonic hall building. Chicago Van Ault's oftlco. Mlllard At school house at Ml Hard. McAralo At MoArdlo's school bousa. Douglas At Huser's plnco. "West Omaha At school house. Elkhorn At Town hull. Edholm & Akin. "Who iiro they ? " AMUSIOSU3NTS. Rose Coghlan never uppearo'l to better ad vantage on an Oinnbn stage tlian she did last night at Boyd's In "Forgot Mo Not. " Tlio largo uudlcnco that witnessed her presenta tion of Stephanie was well pleased and thor oughly enjovcd her work. In many respects it was really a marvelous bit of acting. The piny Is intensely dramatic , strong in plot , in teresting ns to story and tainted with sug gestions of immorality just enough to make It fascinating. The character assumed by Miss Coghlan Is of such typo us to fully test the powers of any artist. There nro very few slurs before the public now capable of handling it at all , nnd more especially before respectuble audiences , Among these who have dared to undertake the part In recent years , Miss Coirlilan's interpretation of it is certainly superior to any other. Her conception adds moro retlnud lastc und less of the broad , harsh , dissipated features than ihoatre-goers , especially in this section , have boon accustomed to seeing. In audition to the dramatic business , which ranked very high , she dressed the character iti a manner that has never before been approached , appearing In a different costume in each ol ! the three ucts. To the ladies present these gowns must have been objects of great admiration and pleabing beauty. They were indeed magnificent. As "Forget Me Not" Is played virtually by four people , MI.SB Coghlan's support was nil that could be dcsireu. Mr. John T. Sullivan ns Sir Horace Wcblcy shared the honors with her , while Miss Agnes Thomas and Miss Alieo Fairbrothor.'iis Alice Verno.v and Mrs. Folpy , respectively , deserve the highest praise. All in nil , it was a powerful und well conducted performance. "Lost In New York * ' drew another large nnd appreciative audience to the Grand opera house last night. The performance went off smoothly and was well received. Mortuary. Tlio aged father of Mrs. General W. W. Lowe , of this city , died recently at Chatham , Mass. Mr. "Havens wns the son of Captain Daniel and Mrs. Desire ( Howes ) Havens , and was born in Chatham , March 5 , 1SOO , having reached the ripe old age of eighty years , six months nnd nineteen days. Ho had four brothers and four sisters , all ot whom he outlived except- his youngest brother , who is now u resident of St. Louis. Ono of his brothers , the Uov. D. William Havens , died only a few weeks ago , August Dl , at East Haven , Conn. When V young lad Mr. Havens' parents moved to Norwich , then to Hartford , Conn. , whither ho also went nnd attended school until about the ago.of fourteen years , when , without further school advantages , ho went to Brooklyn und entered a dry goods storo. When about forty years of ngu ho opened a general store In Alton , 111. , which wus then a young , enterprising , country village. About nine years later the rapidly growing city of St. Louis offered htrong Inducements to young men of energy and imterpriso , and Mr. Havens , with n keen insight and practi cal knowledge ? of murcnntllo all'airH , opened a largo dry goods xtoro in that flourishing city , where for-twelve or fifteen years ho did a lurKO'Uiid lucrative business. At tlio close of the war , when everything in that region wns in un uncertain und chaotic slate , ho sold out his business and found him self In u condition to retire from nctivo service. Ho afterwards wont to Chatham with his iamily , and remained until his death , living on the homestead of Mrs. Ha ven's father and for many years tenderly curing for the invalid mother of Mrs , Hu- vons. Mr. Havens married Mr * . Patla Howes , daughter of the Into Captain and Mrs. Mnlford IIowus , of Chatham , ami who , during the most of his business , life was u successful merchant in Now York , under the Una name of Howes & Godfrey. Aflor retiring from business , Captain Howes re turned to Chatham and remained until his death. Mr. Havens hud four children , two of whom are now living , Mr. Gnutavus II. Havens , u dry uoods merchant In St. Louis , nnd Mrs. Sarah H. Lowe , wlfo of General W. W. Lowe , of Omaha. David E , Hume died lit 1:30 : yesterday. The funeral will take place from his late residence , No. ( HW North Nineteenth street , Thursday afternoon at ' o'clock , under tlio auspices of Capitol lodge No , ii. A. F , & A , M , . . . - Edholm & Aldn. "Who uro thoyV" Kt. riillonioiia'H liu/.anr. Another- largo crowd was attracted to the bazaar of fat. I'hiioiiienn's church last night. The affair is growing In- Interest , and thu indications nro that it will bo one of the most nucccssful of the kind ever held in this city. A concert by the Fort Omaha mill- tury band will he one of the features of the bazaar this evening , AliniKloniMl Her Hey , McCturo Van Kttmi Is the name of a twelve-year-old boy who came'to the station last night and Impaired for hU mother , The lad tells an odd story : With his mother ho came from Winthrop , la. , about five months ago , since which time they have lived In Council HlutTs. Yesterday shu brought the lad to Omaha , and after tolling him to cull at the pollen station for her , abandoned him und has not been scon fllnca , FUHAV Al bur residence In this city , 'JlMJl Sowurd street , October 8 , nt ; 'M p , m , , Mary , wlfo of Council Fumy , in the seventy- Mflli year of her age. Notice of funeral In evening papers. : THIS CIUIDKIN llcv. W. > 7. llnrxliu's Appeal to tlio Favored Iiltllo OUCR of Oniulin , Mr DBAJI LITTI.K FntF.Nns : Last yonr nbout this time I addressed n letter to you , nsKinir you to snvo up your pennies until Christma ! > time to buy presents for tha poor children. Many ot you responded nobly , nnd you rcinombor how much hnpplnost .vour ponoroslty brought to MX ) families of little ones to whom Simla Chins would not huvo gone had It not been for you. Now. what wns good to do lint your Is good to do this year. There nro Just ns many poor , destitute children In the city now ns then ; perhaps there Uro more. At all events , our obligation to thorn Is ns great as over ; nnd i trust yon will bo Just us rcudy to help tno to make them happy. A kind physician was telling me , Just last week , of the misery of a family Into which ho was called. Tlio father was away , 1 think , and the mother wns slclc. There were so\crnl children nnd tlioy hud 110 emi to care for them , they nnd gene to sloop In nil sorts ot shapes and positions on the door , wherever th'ey had become too tired to ploy liny longer. They were dirty and ragged and looked very forlorn lying about In the corners and an the Moor. Santa Glaus would not go to them , and they know nothing at nil of the pleasures of Chrrtlnmi , There nro hundrcdi ! of such families hero In Omnlia , nnd wo nro going to try to roach everyone of them with some gift , liowuvur simple. So , If you liavci nuy pennies you can i > piiro , or playthings you Jiave not uulto worn out , nud ifyou will semi them to me , or tell mowhoro 1 can got them , I will see Unit they are used In such n way as to make some sod little heart happy. If you could only huvo gone around with thu Kind ladies who distributed your gifts last your , you would Imvo hud your heiirts niailo glad. This year wo will try to describe some of the CIIRCM nnd places visited , and I know that you will bo greatly Interested , Pnrlmps I mny sny to the older pcoplo who road this reiiuest that the work described above does not tend in any way to pauperize the recipients of the cifts ; because the ut- tempts Is confined to trying to nmho Christ mas a bright day to those to whom It would otherwise be dull and without uny Christian suggestion. It is recognized that promlscu- * oils giving Is often thu purest mistake , hut there can bo no harm In throwing n little brightness Into the life of an Innocent child whoso man hood and lovoof the beautiful may thus ho awakened. Omaha has always been noted for her generosity to her poor ; und 1 may safely venture to urge parents to assist , mo in my attempts to so train the generosity of the children , by awakening their Interest hi these of their own age loss favorably situ ated , that our city's traditions in this direc tion mny bo continued and Increased. Very cordially yonm , WHLHM.T. HARHUA , 203 South Tweuty-llfth avuiiuo. Kilholm & Akin. 'Who ni'o they ? " * t IIonil's .Sni-Miipnrilla purifies ( ho blood , builds np weak and debilitated systems , Ulvcs strength to weakened nerves , over- conies that thrd feeling , tones the digestive orpaiis , Invigorates and regulates the kid neys and liver , cxpuls disease and gives vigorous health. Young people sny : "It Is the best medicine we ever took. " Old people ple say : "It makes us feel young again. " IBUPRECEDEHTBD ATTRACTION ! W OVKlt A MILLION IISTIUIlUTii ) : > Louisiana State Lottery Company. Iimiriinriitoil by thu I.ct'l9l tiiru. fur KilncntUiniil nnd Cliiintaulu purposes , an 1 Its irnnclilxu mii'le ' n | mrli > t tlio present Mnto Oinslllulluii , In 1S7YJ ( if mi i vcrn liclnilritf iHipuliir vote. Its MAMMOTH DltAWIN'CStiUo plncoHeml- . \mimilly , ( .Inno nnd Ducumbfi-l. nnd Its OltANDSINliU ; NUMBER UIIAWJNUS tttko place In oarh ot tno other ten months ot tha year , und nro all drawn In public , nt tlio Acnd- umy of Music. Now Orleans , I.a. FAMED POR TWENTY YEARS. I'Vir Inittcrity of tin lrawlm'n , and 1'rnnipt Payment of I'ri/.m Attested as follows : "Woiln lierL-by certify tl' l wo mipi-rvlfe tlio nr ninuuim-nti Inr nil llui Monthly uiul Hi'iiil-Aiiuiml llrutrliixs t tlio 1.0UISIIUW Siatu l-o.tery Conipmiy. nii.l In iK'trnM iiiuinifiH an.I control lha Drawing tllOIUMltVI'S , Illlll UUlt 1110 8.U11U HID CumlUC'IOll Kill' COM.MlS.S10.Viil8. : Mft tlm iiMl'r ( len cl Iliniki nnil llnnki-r.H will | iny nil I'rlri'x drawn In thu l.nulMiuin Btulu liotU'rlt-4 which may liui'm-cntci ' ! at our cuuntc'rn. II. M. WAUIHI.HV. I'rm. UmiHiaim Nut. Hunk. I'llJltm : I.ANAIJX. J'ros. Btiito Nnt'I llnnk. A. IIAI.OWIN , I'ros. NH\V Orleans Nnt'l Hunk. l.'AUI , Koll.V , 1'res. I'nlon Xutlonal IJuuk Grand Monthly Drawing At tlio Academy of Music , Now Or leans , Tuoaciay , October 15 , (889 ( , CAPITAL PRIZE , - $3OOOOO 100,000 Tlukolu ! ir Jtvmity Doll urn noli. 11 ul von , .510 ; Quarterx , $5 ; TonthK , $1 ! ; Tu-ontinllis Jjil. I.isr ori'in/.i.s. : i'Hi/.i : OF po'inn i rvfxoi I'lllKK OF IMUIII Is . . . llll ( III I'Ki/.i : or nunj H SMI ! IMII/li ( II' Wl ll . "Sin lll/.l ( lu'iuiuro l'HIX.is : ( ) ! , . llll I'lli/.hN Oh- Mlnra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . UllMI : iriiirn. . . . . . ; ; ; : ' ' ' ; , , MI I'lll/.KS 01- a lnro . . . . , . , . . . , JUUOUJ IK ) , IKI ill , ; innt ii/ni Uu ot iSJIiui ) . . . . . . . . ; riuniNAi : , I-III/KH. mo 'Hiiro ' . m < iii l l tin lUUiiru 3.11,11'rlroi aniniinllm ; lo .7Tini"Mil ! . , .I.K' ? ' " 1"fl'l'l.lraw""f ! ' ! . L' 1'H ' I rrl ro not c-ii- tltleilUi loriiilinil 1'rlifs. WAAITKU. ' [ .I'll lUrrs , or nny fiirtliur liiriT ili-nlrvil , wrllu letibly tu ttiu mi < luri > litmul , lutliiK ynur rufliluuru , with Htnu > . County , btrvnt nml Niiiulii-r. Moru ruplil rulurn mull iu < ilvi > ry will im uMiiml liy your fudosluK uu Knr IO | > u Ij your full ailru | , IMPORTANT. M. A. DAUPHIN. . I * . .rM , A. DAUPHIN. Washington , I ) . 0. . , ' " C ur'ro tttJjl.\o" . \ ( Eis Hegislered Lellert coolalolng Current ; ) lo NI-\V : OltlI5AN8 NATIONAf , IIANIC. New Orleans , I.a. > ' ni-iit ot IVI76 * u ilVVuANTi-Ki.iVvttVn i'/ii / TO ) [ ) . IIANKrt lit . . ' ,10 , cc , " ' i"i i > ieMu. unit ol tin Imlltulluii , wliono uiL cliarturcil rl liti uf < < W' > l'ii ; "n " " 'in ' liUhett ( iiirli i li vt Jlorof bo'vS 5 nlMiuluiluim or anonymous elieiiiM. ONK DOIiliAK Itthu nnm ol lh ninllnit ff Imiiif uTKktUdBDKII IIV IJHIii ' nr ll ' < "lr UBIUU tb'ilu