Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1889, Image 1

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Chosen for the Supreme Bench on
the First Ballot.
Clmrlcs II. Merrill , of Poll : , nnd U J.
F. Knight , \Vob4tor County ,
Nnnicil ibr F.cuonts of the
Btnta University.
Nohrankn lloiiuhlloan Convention.
HASTINGS , Neb , , Oct. 8. [ Special Tola-
ram to Tun 13KB.J At1 o'clock ' this
afternoon the last of the straggling dele
gations arrived upon tbo buttlo ground , and
an hour later tbo preliminary work of the
republican state convention was practically
settled. From early mornlnguntll this time ,
however , Hastings was the scene of activity
and excitement scarcely If over before wit
nessed In her history. The Uostwlck , Iho
headquarters of the respective candidates ,
was lltorally packed nil day long. Lobbyists
buttonholed after the old tlmo fashion und
delegates wuro systematically worked , but
the Incidents of the day depart not from
these of , ether conventions. The friends of
the respective candidates claimed the neces
sary Voles to liiHtiro the success of their
favorites. Judge Ileoso und his following
apparently worked calmly nnd confidently
from first to last , but the same can bo said
of Judge Norval and bis friends.
Ulxby'B candidacy proved to 'bo ' the
tall of the hitter's kite. The center
and circumference of Ins strength llo in the
delegation from Lincoln county anil tbo scat
tering votes promised him from a few of the
contiguous counties. His candidacy , how
ever , served the purpose well. Ho stood
I ready to create u field if one should bethought
thought necessary by Judge Reese's opposi
tion , but long boioro the convention hour
noses wore counted and Norvnl's ' friends as
serted themselves ready lo cast the die afoot
and alone.
. The sequel proves that the necessary
pledges had beeii mudo , Hixby therefore
turned over his support and the chairman-
Hhip of the convention was promised him as
his portion of the honors won , hcnco the
North Plullo candidate hud no opportunity
to'disnlny the popular Mrcngth his friend *
claimed for him.
Considerable interest centered in the
double-header contest from Chase and sev
eral other counties. These were heard be
fore the executive committee of the republi
can state central committee shortly after -1
o'clock. In the formof Editor Davis , of Im
perial , contested the claims of Mr. Mocker ,
his fellow-townsman , who headed the dele
gation dubbed Iho straight outs. It appears
that Davis headed one faction la the county
convention und Meeker the olhoa Davis
boiled because Meeker defealcd him In- the
convention on n motion lo reconsider. The
Meeker faction controlled thu convention ,
elected u ticket and delegations to the stuto
nnd congressional conventions and then ad
journed. Davis nnd his following went into
convention elsewhere , did likewise ami
asked lo bo susluined by thu stalu commit
tee. This , it is thought , the committee re
fused to do.
In the Soux contest Chairman Davis , of
thu county central committee , headed ona
delegation and L.J. Simmons the other. In
the contest It appears that Davis called
the primaries and county convention
und in It invited all persons u respec
tive of party who hud not voted at
any ether election to participate in the
primaries. This resulted iu an indiscrimi
nate vote of republicans und democrats.
Simmons aud his stalwart friends refused to
stand this , and two county conventions and
two delegations resulted. Tlio committee
hoard the claims ot each and give it to them
'alf-und-ulf , uud Davis and Simmons Joined
The Reese ship was manned by such mcti
as Attorney General Leoso , A. E.Cody , of
Howard ; Charles Hill and E. P. Rougen , of
Lancaster ; Andy Graham , of Cumlin ; ; D.
A. Holmes , of Madison ; Representative
Sf. Keynor , of Cheyenne ; Deputy Attorney
General Slowurt , W. A. Thompson , of Mer
rick ; D. A. Scovillo , of Hamilton , and Rep
resentative Whitchead , of Ouster. Murk the
Judge Norval was pushed to the iront by
J. G. Taylor , of Omaha , treasurer or the
Hurlington road ; Ed Hignell , D. K. Thomp
son and Alex Campbell , division superin
tendents ; Church Howe , vice president of
the Missouri Pacillo system of roads in No-
bratiku , and his trolling mate , Mr. Thomas
J. MIIOI-H ] ; J. W. Doweese , Captain Palmer ,
of Insurance fnmo ; L. C. Hurr , the one time
beheaded lawyer ; Georu'o Thummcl , Lorin
Chirlt , R. O. Phillips , the Lincoln Land
and Townslto compauy mull ; Paul Vuudor-
voort , Aaron Wall , Frank Hall , J. linger ,
the Union Pacific claim adjuster ; AV , S.
Morulund , C. W. Pierce , C. L. Trcnvctt ,
Juke 'Dow , Smith Caldwell , John Suliler ,
Uoss Stout's striker , and that yrlnco of po
litical characters , E , C. Ciirne.s. gen
tlemen were all on tliu grounds und active
participants In the struggle.
The rush for tlio Kerr opera house , the
supposed place for holding the convention ,
commenced about ? o'clock , but by tliu tlmo
fixed upon for the full of the gavel , the old
adage , "there Is always room for one more , "
was knocked into smithereens. Owing to
miscalculation the committee permitted the
bjago to become crowded with guests uud It
hud to bo cleared to give delegates the seals
they were entitled to. This occasioned a delay -
lay of over an hour.
Order having been restored out of chaos.
Governor Thayer , Transportation Secretary
lillchrist and ether state celebrities were
voted in honorary ponltlons.
Colonel L. D , Richards , chairman of the
Mate central committee , then called thu con
vention to order and culled up Elder L. F.
Hrllt , of Iho M. E. church , who pronounced
a feeling Invocation.
Following , Secretary Scoly road thu call
for thu convention , und thu chairman called
for its pleasure.
Douglas county had announced her vote
solid for Hixby. Pat O. Hawcs arose and
expressed his wish to east his vote lor Mo-
Nisli , stating that ho was u regularly elected
delegate from that county.
Vundevoort got to his feet and stated that
Pat was not a delegate , ana thai Douglas
county did not propose to ho disgraced by a
drunkard , and 11 awes was promptly dc-
clurod out of order.
The vote reunited In the election of Hixby
by u vote of OOSX to yOdVj for MoNUh.
Whllo not u teat vote , it wus a fair Index of
tlio combination and tie-ups made during the
afternoon and a sure forecast of the result.
Joe Eunturdiiy , of Johnson , John H.
liuipor , of Piiwnuo , and W. N. Hughes , of
Madison , were nominated aud elected tern
porury secretaries.
On motion the reading of the list of the
tick-gate * to souls In thu convention , as pro
posed by tha secretary of Iho stale central
committee , wua dispensed with.
This raised u breeze. Wheedom , of Lau
caiistur , and oihaia , thought it a bad preca
dual , and a motion to reconsider was made
and carried und Ihu roll of delegates entitled
to seats waft read In the usti'il order when-
live r there were contests , ThU precipitated
thu most spirited contest of Iho evening.
Halves pressed hU clulm to representation
In the Douglas county delegation on a proxy
ho secured from Delegate Thompson.
Charles Hall , O , \Vheedom \ ami 0. A.
LambertHon took up the gauntlet for him ,
They sought to test thu ijueullon of the right
of the county to Instruct uud have the right
of Instruction preserved ,
r * It appears that the county had passed reso
lutlon at Its county convention , providing
that u majority of Iho delegates to the state-
convention should decide as to vacancies tin't
might occur. These resolutions were madu
to appear us Instructions.
.Vo'.lons und counter-motions followed ,
Vnr iiiiarlv two tioUi * u nnrlism turv hiutln
and for a tlmo it seemed Impossible
Lo got out of the lurch.
Howe , of Ncmahn , was called to the chair
temporarily , nnd what seemed impossible
was accomplished. Pat O. IIuwcs and his
proxy wore knocked out. Llko the old
woman , ho got in the last word. Ho oskcd
the privilege to retire , nnd the chairman
granted It.
A motion followed nnd was carried that
the convention proceed with the order of the
U. M. Lambertson , of Lancaster , pro
ceeded to put in nomination the present in
cumbent , Hon. M. U. Uceso. Ho referred to
Ins record ni a citizen and a Jurist nnd chal
lenged comparison. Ho called attention to
the precedents of rcnomination ot the past ,
cltoil lits anti-monopoly principles nnd loy
alty to the people nnd called upon the rcpub-
Ilcann of Nebraska to stand up manfully nnd
do their duty mid not yield to the dictation
of the corporations. Ho was Interrupted a
number of times for casting imputations-and
ni many times disclaimed any such Inten
tions. Hli nintlgmcnt of the methods of the
railroads and the managers of Judco Nor-
val's preliminary campaign was severe and
prouokcd hearty applause.
F. G. Simmons , editor of the Scward Ko-
porlor , folloxved , placing Judge Norval In
nomination. He assured the convention that
ho was u republican , a citizen of character
nnd standing , a Jurist , n scholar , und pledged
for htm. if nominated and elected , Just do-
claiona on the supreme bench and that fair
ness neccsnary In Justly passing upon the in
terest * of eltner the people or the corpora
tion * * .
Alternating speeches seconding the
nomination of the opposing candidates were
made by delegates from different parls of
the tttato. Among the number for Judge
Hccso were Charles Hall , of Lancaster ;
Hopresentatlvo Uurnham , of ArapH-
hoe ; Judge Tucker , of Cherry ;
Keillor Johnson , of Phelps , and
und Representative St. Hoynor , of Choyenno.
For Judge Norvnl may bo mentioned O. A.
Abbott , of Hall ; Ciiruuhun , of Cheyenne ;
Uurton , of Perkins ; Judge Stull , of Ncmahn ,
and Collins , of Pawneo.
In thu midst of tha seconding nddrcsscs
tlio chairman Interrupted the speakers nnd
appointed Jlowman , of Platte ; Wall , of
Sherman ; Hodsdcn , of Colfux ; Abbott , of
Hull , and Dempster , of Fillmore , as tellers.
Following tbo concluding eulogy the call
for the ballot was persistent uud the chair
ordered it.
It resulted in Norval's nomination by a
vote of 545 to 'JOD for Hueso.
The vote of Lancaster county was polled ,
resulting in 25 forKeese und 14 for Norval.
Norval was declared tbo nominee of' the
convention. Not being present , " Mr. Sim
mons thanked the convention for the honor
conferred , not only upon himself , but upon
the county and district ho represents.
Charles H. Morrill. of Polk , and J. L. Kelley -
ley , of Webster , were nut in nomination for
regent of tlio stale university from the Second
end congressional district.
Merrill was nominated by n vote of 5CO lo
" 33 , and it wan madu unanimous.
L. J. F. Knight , of Custor ; James C. Elli
ott , of Cummings ; K. O. Holmes , of Huf-
fulo , and H. V. Shunway , of Dixon , were
presented as candidates for the same posi
tion from the Third congressional district.
Knight was nominated.
At 2 o'clock tills morning the committee
on resolutions reported nnd the convention
Bimred ( | itsell for n daylight sitting.
The resolutions contain temperance-
Tlio Mayor of New York I'utH the
1m null on llinmoir.
ir iiij/rffiht lw ton Jama ( lunlnn fitmi'fM
LONDON , Oct. 8. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tim Unu.l A. story
which is causing considerable amusement in
Paris , and which is believed by many und
doubted by more in London , has for its
dramatis pcrsomn Mayor Grant and three
other New VorUors. It is to the effect that
Mayor Grant not long ago appointed a com
mittee of three to visit the Paris exposi
tion , see it all and load themselves
with such Information as might bo valuable
In setting tlio exposition of ISO ? on ils icot.
The story goes that tlio committee of three
reached Paris , and , lllled with a. ilesiro to do
their whole duty , begun asking questions
right und loft. Neither of them could speak
French , and as English is only spoken iu
spots nt the Paris exposition , the American
trio soon began to Und the task a terrible
bore. They struggled bravely for several
days ami then gave i > p in disgust and took
the next steamer for home. True blue Amer
icans do not believe the story on the ground
Hint three Americana , particularly New
Yorkers , would never be bothered by u mere
luck of knowledge of French.
Two Ilrltlflli Vessels Wrecked All of
Ono Crew Drowncil.
DUIILIX , Oct. 8. The brignnllno Xuluki , of
1-ielfnst , was wrecked off Vulcntia in the
storm yesterday. The crow were drowned.
Itritisli ( JiuilxiitVrcukviI. .
LONDON , Oct. 8. The liritlsn gunboat
Enterprise was wrecked on tlio Island of
Anglcsia during n gale yusterday. Every
one aboard wus saved.
A Hdii-jl ) Voyage.
QUIJB.VSTOWX , Oct. 8. Tha steamship City
ot Paris reports that her docks were swept
by heavy seas yeitorda , ' : , A lomalo steerage
pas'.onKur nnd her child were swept over
board and drowned and ton oilier passengers
were severely injured. The saloon was
A Now Voi'ic Actor lOvniro Wliilu
rimimiiiiT His Continue.
Nnw YOHIC , Oct. 8. After tlio first scene
of Lord L'humloy in tlio Lyceum theatre
this evening , 1C. H. Soihcrn appeared before
thu audience nnd announced that Charles H ,
Bishop , who u few moments bclorc hud
been ncting a prominent part , hud suddenly
died in his dressing room while changing his
costume. The audience wiih then dismissed.
llishop's wlfu was with him when ho died
und wus prostrated by tlio shock.
Knsson I'IHNCK Tlironuli Chicago.
Gmc.uio , Oct. 8. Hon. John A.
Iowa , was in the city this evening en ronto
homo to DCS Monies on his return from Ger-
mifny , whore ho was u member of the Ku-
moan conference. Ho would not talk on the
subject of Urn Sumoan trouty fuithor than to
say lui thought it would bo ratified by tlio
BUIIUIO. After Iho conclusion of thoconfor-
ouco Mr. Kasson spent xomo tlmo in the
German mountains , und whllunot in the best
of health Is now better tlnui he wus during
the warmer weather ,
AnaroliixtH Will Ol Un-atu Quintly.
CniCAdo , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HKK. I It Is to-day announced that the
Chicago unurchiits will commemorate No
vember 11 , tha dutoof the execution of thu
Huymurkot leaders , uy u ipilot demoustra-
tlo n ut Waldhelm , No street parades with
red Hags will bo allowed , thnoity authorities
having already Issued strict orders upon that
I/otcery Ationts Arrcnted.
DiiNVKii , Out , 6 , A. C , Johnson and J , ii.
lloyil have been arrested hero by a postofllca
Inspector , charged with sending lottery cir
culars nnd tickets through the malls. The
men conducted their business under the
nuuio of A , M. Cross & Co. , nnd were in ro-
colpl of a largo amount of mall mutter daily.
Fair Work.
Niw : YOKK , Oct. 8. The sub-committee oil
l ! nan co of tbo world's ' fair committee made a
preliminary report to-day. The report states
that no plan for raising funds can bo p
fectod until It Is known bow much money is
needed. A plan for raising $5,000,000 for
preliminary work was reported and subscrip
tion Imnlci will bo nuonud at on CO.
Over Two Hundred Oommandorlos
Form tli 3 Grand Pageant.
Member ! ) of tlio Order From lotvn
Not Allowed to Take Part In
the Deliberations They In-
Tlio Grand I'nr.-ulo.
WASIMNOTOX , Oct. 8. The weather this
morning was cold anil Indicative of rain ,
but ns the hours were on the sun broke
through anil scattered the clouds. Along
Pennsylvania avenue from every window
and bouse front Hugs , bannera and the cross
of the Templars was to bo seen. From the
treasury building , along both sides of tha
magnificent promcnado leading to tbo capi
tal , 'there was an uninterrupted dis
play of tbo national colors ami
the oiiBlgnlu of the Templars. The
strcels of Iho city were th rouged
early in the morning with strangers and res
idents eager lo witness the grand pageant.
The Templars formed early In the morning
at their various headquarters , and with
bands playing marched through the crowded
streets to the place of starting. Along the
line of march stands had been erected for
the use of the families and friends of the
visiting Knights , and before 0 o'clock the
cholco places were occuplod. The avenue
bad been roped In to keep off the crowd ana
give full room to Iho knighls for the display
of their mancouvcrs. *
A moderate cstinialo would nlaco the
number of visitors in town nt about fifty
thousand. These nro nearly all friends of
the various comnmndcrlcs which took part
in the parade to-day. The number of
knights In the city Is estimated at from fif
teen to twenty thousand , comprising over
two hundred communduries from all sections
of the country.
Eleven o'clock had been fixed upon ns the
tlmo when the procession should bo ; In to
move , but it was nearly noon before it
started. The line was headed by Eminent
Sir Knight Myron M. Parker , of this city ,
chief marshal , and his stuff.
At 12:30 : President Harrison entered the
reviewing stand opposite tlio white house ,
leaning on the arm of Secretary Wlndom ,
llo wus followed by Seereluries Tracy ,
Noble and liuslc. Attorney General Miller
and General Schofiold. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Harrison , Dr. Scott Mrs.
Scott , Mrs. Lord and others. The entrance
of the presidential party was the signal for
loud applause.
A few moments after the president's arri
val the head of thu procession filed past the
grand stand. The president was kept busy
answering the salutes with which ho was
constantly greeted. A.I 'J o'clock the sixth
division , comprising about , half of the pro
cession , was passing tlio reviewing stand ,
The last comumndery passed the presiden
tial reviewing stand at 8:30 : o'clock. The
procession passed over the remainder of its
long line of march und wus disbanded ubout
an hour later.
About 15,000 sir knights were in Hue.
The following is the order of procession :
Eminent Sir M. M. Parker , cliief marshal ,
witii chief of staff and aids.
First Division Eminent Sir W. G. Moore ,
commanding , with aids , and Washington ( D.
C. ) coiiiinaudorie.s escorting the ofltccrs of
the grand encampment ; Most Eminent
Grand Master Uoomo und personal stalT.
Second Division Higlit Eminent Sir Van
Slyck commanding ; grand commandcries of
Mussachusctlcs Jud Rhode Island and sub
ordinate eommanderies.
Third division Right Eminent Sir A. C.
Wood , commanding ; grand commandory of
New York , suboidmato commandories.
Fourth division Hight Eminent Sir J. L.
Heck , commanding ; grand commundcnes of
Virginia. Vermont , New Hampshire and
Connecticut ; subordinate commandcries ,
Fifth division Right Eminent Sir Henry
Parvlns , commanding ; grand commandories
of Ohio , Kentucky and Maine ; subordinulo
Sixlb division Right Eminent Sir T. C.
Hippie , commanding ; grand commandory of
Pennsylvania ; subordinate commaudorles.
Seventh division Hight Eminent Sir D.
T. Uncoil , commanding ; grand commander-
ies of Indiana , Texas , cud Michigan ; subor
dinate coinmandenos.
Eighth division Right Eminent Sir Nor
man Cassette , commanding : grand com
mandery of Illinois ; subordinate command-
Ninth division Right Eminent Sir Sam
uel II. Waggoner , commanding ; grand com-
mamlerios of California , Tennessee , Wiscon
sin and Now Jersey ; suboidlnuto command-
Tenth Right Eminent S. G. Howard
commanding ; grand commanduries of
Georgia , Missouri , Alabama , Mississippi
and Louisiana ; subordinate conimanderics.
Eleventh division Right Eminent Sir W.
H. Sunborii commanding ; grand command-
cries of Minnesota , Kansas , Maryland , Colorado
rado , Arkansas , North Carolina , West Vir
ginia und Nebraska ; subordinate command-
cries ,
Twelf th division- Right Eminent Sir W.
D. Stiles commanding ; grund eommanderies
of Dakota , Washington , Wyoming and Mon
tana und prcceplones from Canada.
The knmhts In the second division were
all from Massachusetts and Island ,
und wore distinguished by their good appear
ance and full ranks.
In the fourth division Richuion 1 command-
cry No. 2 introduced a variation in the up
pcnrunco of tlio parade. In place of swords
they carried long lances tipped with silver of
a dull hue , and their vestments were
adorned with silver facings. Another of tint
Virginia commauderics curried lances tipped
with gold.
In the ilflh division Iho Oriental com-
mundury , of Cleveland , attracted much at
tention and applause by Its line marching , us
did ulso Huuselman commandery , of Cin
cinnati , the inemuerH of which tiled by the
stand with their heads uncovered and huts
resting on their dglit shoulders.
Do .Malay commandery , cf Louisville , was
warmly applauded ns It passed before the
reviewing stand. 'I hiscomiiiundery is known
among the Templars as thu champion drill
corps of thu United Stales , aud Iho grace of
its evolutions was greatly appreciated by the
admiring throng. Forming Iho end of this
division , but sharing with the more forward
Iho applause of Iho onlookers wus tbo
'Little" ' commandery from thu Masonic
orphans' ' homo in Louisville. It was com
posed of small lads , but lu the drilling und
appearance it had little to fear from the
Illinois took up the whole of the eighth
division and hud twcnty-uighl separate coui-
iimiiiit'rli's in line. Norman T. Gasstitto ,
commander of thu division , and Apollo com-
mundery No. 1 , of Chicago , hud the right
of the lino. The St. Hvrnard crack drill
eommundury of the state attracted universal
attention , It was preceded by the Royal
Canadian bund of Hamilton , and carried a
live eagle presented to Jt by tlio Golden Guto
comiuundery. of Sun Francisco , three yours
ago. The famous goat of Masonic tradition
wus led by u colored boy behind the Kngle-
wood commnndery.
The California knights were headed by
forty-two members of California com-
mnndory , No. 1 , of Sun Francisco , mounted ,
The Golden Gate comi'iandcry , of San Fran
cisco , hud with them a small live black bear ,
sunmmodCerrubbel. .
The eleventh division mndo a very flno dis
play. It wus commanded by Sir Walter II.
Sanborn and composed of representatives
from Minnesota , Kansas , Maryland , Ne
braska and Virginia ana the grand eom
manderies of Colorado and North Carolina.
The twelfth division , which contained
oi.l.v Cyrcno comuiundery , o/ Sioux Fulls , S.
D. , Geoffrey do St. Aldcmar , the preceptor/
of Toronto and the grand commandery of
Wyoming Tcr. , terminated the procession.
Thu pcoplo on the sidewalk pressed for
ward to have a glance at President Hurrl-
son. The president , however , rather wear
ied from tun ordeal of standing for bours ia
tlio cold ale * almost all a ! tliu Umo without
covering to hla head , tronnidlataly loft the
stand , anil ueconiunnled toy his secretaries
anil the lailic.s of the party , strolled across
the lawn to the white houso.
Tlio grand encampment tlcRnn Its session
Immediately upon arriving nt tlio Mnsonlu
Temple nt the close of the. parade. Myron
M. Parker delivered the nddrcss or woloomo
on the purl or the local committed and Intro
duced Commissioner Douglas , who welcomed
tlio knights on behalf of the city. To both
addresses the grand muster responded , and
this closed the public exercises.
The encampment then began business In
secret conclave. Tno Iowa trouble Immo-
dtutoly loomed up , and a resolution was
offered excluding tha members from that
state from the session. This resolution was
carried , and the lowu mdmbors , somewhat
indignantly , withdrew Uoncral Uoomo , who
as grand master of the order bad declared
the comnmmlcry and its members lu rebel
lion , had nothing to do with offering the
resolution , but simply placed It before the
convention. Ills authoritatively Rtatod tonight -
night that ho took no side .in the matter dur-
ing'tho discussion of the resolution.
The annual address of " Grand Mailer
Hootue , who presided oVfcr the session , was
then delivered. Ills address opened with
reference to knightly deeds during the past
tliroo yours. Ho recommended selecting
Ascension day us n day of especial commem
oration and of religious services by the
order throughout the country. Ho then de
voted a great dual of space'to the Iowa
trouble , reviewing the whole matter from
beginning to end. He said the grand com-
muudory of that stale had attempted to
nullfy tlio dollberiilo will of the Rr.ind en-
cnmpmcnt , and though professing loyalty to
the grand encampment and the constitution
Its deeds had belied Its empty words.
Ho admitted that the muni adopted
by tha Snu Francisco conclave
In 1SSO , has not commanded itself to all state
cominnndorics , but Insisted that while It was
in force It was the boundeh tluty of Knights
Tomplnr to obey It. Iowa did not rest with
criticism , did not submit such alterations as
it deemed advisable , but nttcmptud to do
away with the law of the grand encampment
nml questioned the constitutionality of the
legislation of the grand encampment. Ho
maintains that the adoption of the ritual in
1SSO was in nid of the prerogative of the
grand master , and that the duty then im
mediately devolved upon him of seeing
that It should be used everywhere ,
and when the grand commander of the
state of Iowa questioned his authority
to order the use of the now ritual -in the
Iowa conunandery ho fcltijuslifled in issuing
an edict declaring the grand commandery of
Iowa and nil sir knights in Its obedieiico lo
be In a slate of disloyalty and rebellion to
the consUtutlon and grand encampment of
the United States. Ho declared that ho had
no ill feeling toward the Iowa brethren , and
what ho had done had been solely to promote
the dignity of thoorder. Further than this , ho
wished lo bo distinctly understood as in no
way taking up the causa of the ritual us
adopted. In 'concluding ho recommended
great gentleness it ) dealing with this unfor
tunate state of affairs. . The whole mat
ter of riluul ho trusted vpould bo definitely
disposed of at this conclnvo and iu the llnal
decision ho hoped all would uerce , and if
Iowa was satistiea allt occasion for dlacreo-
ment would bo removed. Soon after the
raiding of General Uoome's address the con
clave adjourned until to-m'orrow. '
Tins evening hus been given up to sere
nades and receptions. The Golden Onto
commnndery , of San Francisco , has been the
recipient of unusual and marked attention.
This afternoon Iho commnniiery tendered
Mrs. John A. Lojrau an elepanl reception nt
their headquarters. The brooms were elabo
rately decorated. Mrs. ' Logan , accom
panied by her son , was received by Emi
nent Commander A. G. Booth , General
issimo Young and other o'ftlcers. Thursday
afternoon Mrs. Logan , who Is a warm friend
of the Golden Gate coinhmndery , will give
its knights and ladies aSfjecinl reception .it
Calumet place. To-ntglit'il public reception
was given by the Golden Gate commandery.
The ladies and knights nil appeared in full
dress. Tlio reception rooms were thronged
for several hours and the great numbers
present enjoyed the liberal and open-handed
hospitality of the Callfornlans. California
Commandery No. 1 , of San Francisco , also
attracted much notice.
Thursday about a thousand Illinois Unights
will make a , pilgrimage to Mt. Arcrnon ,
where special ceremonies Illustrative of the
life and history of George Washington will
take place ,
Although Iowa sent a largo number of
Knights Tomplur to Washington none of
them took part in the parade to-day , as they
were forbidden to do so by the grand master.
Tilt ; liny Kniulits Templar.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. Ono of the incidents
of the tvhlto house this morning was the pre
sentation to the president of tne boy Knights
Templar from Louisville , They were in the
full dress uniforms of the commandory ,
plumed chupcuu , baldric , sword , etc. They
were accompanied by Justice HnrlAii and
formally presented. The president addressed
n few words of encouragement and compli
ment to the boyb uud shuok each one by the
hand. ,
Tit 151' FIjKI ) FOK Tllttllt MVl'.H.
WyomiiijjGrttilurs Attiitnpt to Lynch
n , U'liolo ' Train Crew.
LAIIAJIIK , W.yo. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UtK.J The report reached hero
to-day of a serious accident which occurred
last night on the Carbon cut off road , now
being built west of hero , A work train de-
tuched two cars near Allen Junction , and ,
going some distance ahead , returned with
about fifteen graders on board and backed
into the cars which had boon left standing.
Ono man , named Diamond , was In
stantly killed ; William Peim. was
probably fatally injured , and PntrlcK
King had an arm broken. The graders became -
came greatly Incensed over the accident , de
claring that It was duo entirely to the care
lessness of the train men. Procuring u rope
they declared their intention of lynching
them , and the oiiu'lneer , fireman , conductor
and brakcman struck out for safety neross
the sago brush , wandering ubout nearly nil
night. The anger of the graders was inlen-
allled by the harsh talk of Conductor Wood-
nmusco , and there Is no doubt t'hero would
have been a , lynching boo had the trainmen
not ilod. The injured men were brouuht
hero for treatment. They recently came
from the east.
Tlio Kn.-imoroil ol Anurchlflt Llni : : ;
Arraigned p < ; iLnroony. .
CHICAGO , Oct. 8. [ Spneiul Telegram to
Tun HUR. I Ida Schmidt , the attractive
yo ng woman who achieved notoriety dur
ing the great annrch'ist trial as the 'sweet
heart of the dynamiter , Llugg , has come into
public notice a second tlmu. After Lingg's
death Miss .Schmidt began Ufa us a domes
tic , und shu was to-day arraigned before
Justice Kersten on live charges ot larceny ,
all preferred by north sldo people in whoso
families lie had been employed. Nearly all
the property was iccovuren from the trunks
of thu prisoner , who wuivBd examination and
was bull ml over to the criminal court iu the
sum of f..OOU.
liiist Territorial Session ,
UCAIIWOOD , S , IX , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE 13r.u. ] The supreme court of
Dakota territory convened jn Doauwood
to-day with Tripp , Aiken , Spencer. Temple-
ton , Hoso. Thomas and ( Jrofot , on the bunch.
McC'omicll will be- present to-morrow. This
is the lust session thai will over bo hold
under the territorial government , and It will
not last more than ihreo'duys. To-day
was occupied in hourmV motions. No cases
of importance will bo heard this term , but
some very important decisions held over
from lust term will bo'rcad ' ,
Thu Weather Fort-oast.
For Omaha and vicinity Fair weather.
Nebraska-Fair ; . slightly cooler ; variable-
Iowa Fair ; stationary temperature :
southerly winds.
Dakota Light rain ; uliqlitly cooler ; varia
ble winds ,
Major Steele , of Indlnntv , Bolug Oou-
ehlorcd by Harrison ,
"Tlio Golden Hoil" Kntlmilnstlcally
Encored nt tlio St. l/ouls / ttxpo- !
tlon The Nobr.xslcn mill lowix
WASHINGTON , D. U. , OeU 8. )
It Is very probable that President Harrison
will , after till , select a Hooslor ns Corporal
Tanner's successor. Ho is consulting In
diana republicans now hero attending thu
Knights Tomplnr conclave as to the advisa
bility of appointing ex-Congressman Ocortro
W. Steele , Of Marion , Intl. Stuolo was a
mcmbor of the last four congresses. Ho was
in the volunteer army during tha latowar and
at Its eloso was appointed a lieutenant in tur >
regular army , serving in the southwest eluhU
or nine years , when ho resigned , went homo
nnd entered Into the pork packing business.
Ho is forty-live years old , In good health , and
was not wounded , Ho would make a good
commissioner of pensions , Stoelu Is not
hero. The presldonl , It Is said , is m-
clinod towards General Fred Kulllsr , of
Indianapolis , who was pension agent
for Indiana till Cleveland's administration ,
but complaints Imvo been inudo , too
many appointments have been given lo that
( the president's own ) county , and the
chances now favor Major Stcole.
As several countries In Eurono have n na
tional llower. Franco , for instance , Ibo liour-
de-lu , Ireland the shamrock , Scotland tl.o
thhtlo. England the red and white rose , in
terest lias recently been aroused on the sub
jcct of adopting u national flnwcr for the
United States. Much has been said by thp
press of this country on the subject , and
very recently at the St. Louis exposition a
vote was taken on the preferences of thu
visitors for a national llower. The result of
the vote was G.OOJ majority in fuvoi of the
golden led , whereupon Mr.s. John U.
Tnomus , iwifo of ex-Congressman
Thomas , of Illinois , composed a
national flower song entitled "The Golden
Hod. " which was published yesterday in St.
Louis and produced at tlio St. Louis exposi
tion last night , by Gilmoro's baiuf and a
chorus of male voices. Tim following tele
gram to Mrs. Thomas from Iho leaillng musi
cal crilics of St. Louis was received this aft
ernoon :
"Tlio Golden Itod" is a complete success.
It was rendered by Gilmore In the exposi
tion ball last night with a brilliant electric
tableau of flowers. It wus oucoreu and en
cored and repc'itod , "
Mrs. Thomas Is raeelving hearty congratu
lations to-night from her Washington
friends ns well as from Chicago uud St.
Every Nebraskan in Washington who
witnessed the most magnillcont Knights
Templar parade on Pennsylvania avenue
this afternoon that was ever seen in
tlio United Stales , expressed himself
or herself as proud of the manner in which
Iho Knighls from Nebraska condiiclcd Ihem-
sulves. Their evolutions elicited applause
on every band. They proceeded to the end
under two banners only , marching as a
brigade with the grand commandery. Their
heraldic arms were pronounced the most
charlfbteristic feature in the parado. These
arms uru n gold shield bearing a bright red
cross with the words "Lux , Lex , Dux , and
Hex , " the "X" being common to all four
The Nebraska Knights were located almost
nt the end of the panulu line , \vliioh occupied
four hours in passing a given point. They
were in the eleventh division and there were
only twelve divisions in the entire parade ,
thus they wore kept on their feet live hours
or more. They were s > o weary when the
parade wus concluded that they broke ranks
linmedlalcly nnd started for their headquar
ters. Witlnu mi hour they wore attending
to the wants of the inner man. To-night
they were till out on Pennsylvania avenue
viewing the. . great bicycle parade , in which
it Is estimated , one thousand bykers and tri-
cyclers participated. The scene was a most
brilliant one. Pennsylvania avenue from
the capitol to the treasury department is
about a mile nnd a half long and averages
123 feet width. It Is as straight us an arrow ,
perfectly level unit has recently been re-
usphallcd so thai it is as smooth as a floor.
Every machine In the parndo carried a
colored light. On every hand were electric
lights , while the builJings on both sides of
the avenue wore gorgeously decorated with
flags , hunting and the various insignia of
the Kniglils Templar. The sceuu was
quite as ( Vrilllant as lhat of to
day when ' oVer k twelve thousand
Knights Tomplur marched to the tunes of
nearly one hundred brass bunds in tlio parade
rado , President Harrison viewed not only
the parade to-day , but the parade of tbo
bicyclers to-night , and lie is delighted with
the work of the conclave.
Kiuht Eminent Sir Henry Gibbons , grand
commander , telegraphs that ho is ill in Chicago
cage and will not coma lo tlio conclave.
The spacious apartments of thcjgrand com
mand cry of Iowa at the Hiclimond , corner of
H and Seventeenth streols , northwest , were
crowded with visitors all day.
HeUvecn nnd 0 o'clock in tbo afternoon
the Detroit commandery tendered a serenade
to the lowans as an endorsement of their
action in the late conlroversy In regard to
thochungoin the ritual , in welcoming the
Detroit coinimuidcr > Clark Vurnum , grand
commander of the Iowa commandery , said :
"With the most hearty feelings of gratl-
ludo wo ihank you for Ihis Horenado. The
sir knights of Iowa have boon accused of dis
loyalty. This is , \ mistake. Of the nearly
forty thousand knignts not one is disloyal to
the grand encampment or thu noble princi
ples ot the order. All wo nsk is knightly
mm courtly consideration , Wo know wo
will receive that. Wo are not disposed to
war , but are for peace. Wo have simply
asked for a hearing. For the generous nut on
your part we extend our heartfelt thanks.
Come in and see us , " And the visitors went
In und enjoyed themselves.
MisciLi.\Nioi'n. : :
Koprcsentallvo Strublo , of the Sioux City
district , Is hero looking after thu interests of
his constituents and enjoying tlio conclave.
The appointment to-day ot Alfred Lund-
vull to be receiver of public moneys at
holigh , Neb , is to be followed by a number
of other chungcH In Nebraska federal unices ,
C. H. Dawey , after u pleasant visit of
several days in the national capital , where
ho has many warm friends and admirers ,
loft this evuiilm : for his home at Omaha.
Ha will stop at Columbus , O , , on the way.
Secretary Tracy to-day Issued an order to
thu contractors of the Petrol lo deliver the
vessel at the Norfolk navy yard for accept
ance. At Norfolk she will bo completed and
made ready for service.
Prof , .loaviih E. Nourso , United States
navy , died ut Ills homo in Georgetown to
day. He was born in this city iu is 1'J , Ho
wus on duty nt the naval observatory hero
for some years preceding 1VI ) , when ho was
PlIllllV S. HlUTII.
A Tnimlor .MorulwntV Orlovaiioo.
WASIII.NOTON , Oct. 8. Mr. Henzull , a mcr-
'chant of Tunfiers , Morocco , accompanies , ! by
an interpreter , c.illod . on President Harrison
to-duy and laid before him his complaint
against William Held Lewis , United States
consul ut Tangier * , for alleged false im
prisonment two years ago. The story of the
affair was detailed in thcso dispatches some
tlmo ago. The investigation resulted in the
merchant's ' complete/ / exoneration , and ho
asks suitable reparation for tlio indignity and
sufferings endured bucuuso of the consul's
acts. President. Harrison told him an In
vestigation would bo made and cent him to
Secretary Illume to lay the papers lu the
cuuo before him.
A Hrnzll Dclcirnta , Mnkpn Sonic In-
.tercstlnic llcntnrkn.
MvscitKSTcn , N. II. , Oct. 8. The dele
gates to the Pun-American congress spent
the day looking through the factories and
mills hero. Attcr partaking of a luncheon
furnished by citizens , they loft the city for
Portland , Mo.
PoiiTt.vxn , Me. , Oct. S. The Pan-Amer
ican delegate * arrived hero at 4 o'clocit.
During the trip train Munchoitor the dele
gates were busily engaged in classifying
samples of goods aad clothes they had
secured and In making memorandum
to attach to the respective samples , which
were then packed away. On their arrival
at Portland the visitors wore driven about
the city In carriages and afterwards taken
to Iho Falmouth house , wbcro tbo reception
committee awaited them. An ulabonUo din
ner was served , after which speeches wore
made by Senator Halo , Ch urlcs K. Flint , of
the American delegation , and others. Sonnr
Mcndona , a delegate of Mrazll , said tils om-
purer had spoken of Iho relation * between
his country und tbo United States , and hsul
touched upon the future , saying ho foresaw
a population of 10J,0lOOU ! ) ) for the United
States nml 50,000,000 for Urazil , and
asked what would then bo their powor. As
to this congress , ho hud , after a discussion of
the nmtler , said America and ho meant nil
America could clearly say to Europe that
Americans were trying to feed Americans
themselves. [ Applause. | The soul of nil
Americans was In one pluco Their re
sources and capabilities should , Hue the
smiill streams of u.emit central valley , unite
in larger and larger course * unlll they should
flow together like tlio great Mississippi. | Ap-
At 11 o'clock to-night the party Blurted for
I'll ' 1-3
A Division of the Mlou'Ho of" California
roiiHpiili'il To.
Niw : YOIIK , Oct. 8. At to-day's ' session of
the house of deputies of the Protestant Epls-
cop'al church of America the principal busi
ness done was the gruutln 'of consent to tlio
division of the diocese of California and the
erection of a new diocese In the southern
partpf the state. A resolution providing
that the Joint committee on provincial sys
tems mayconsider the expediency of creat
ing live archbishops was rotcrrod to the com
The house deputies took up the report of
the committee on the ju.licial system of the
church. Tlio majority of the committee state
that of the modes of obtaining relief from
the present condition of the system con
sidered by them thu only one considered
direct und reasonable is that thu general
convention change article ( > ot tlio constitu
tion and then enact a uniform canon for the
the vvholo church. As to the form which
this jiiaugo should take the commit tee thiiius
it should bo unrestricted , so that the ironcral
convention could either establish courts of
appeal only , or if that is impracticable may
establish n uniform und complete system
throughout all the dioceses , Tim committee
recommended that a commission be formed
to draft two canons for the consideration of
the next general convention , one providing
for u system of appellate courts only , und
thu other for a uniform system in all dioceses
ceses , ineludinjj courts of appeal.
The committee also presented a rucont-
moudallon that the third clause in article l >
bo altered to road : "In every dloccso the
method ot trying presbyters and deacons
may bo instituted uy a convention of the
dioceses until the nonorr.l convention shall
otherwise provide , " and that this alteration
bo laid before the ensuing general conven
tion for final rnllllcution , i'ho minority is ot
the opinion that u elmiiso in tlio system is
desirable to the extent of providing a review
ing tribunal. They believe each diocese
competent to provide lor itself n complete-
system of judicature nnd tiiutthe aitllculiitts
in thu way of establishing courts of appeal
are too serious lo bo overcome. The reports
were discussed at great length und adjourn
ment had with the matter still pending.
A Lively \Vj-oinlnjr Town.
Gw.v : Kocic , Wyo. , Oct. S. | Special to
Tun UiE. ! | We huvo solid acres of line soft
coal , much bettor than Hock Springs , because -
cause there is no soot ut all. It burns clear
and clean as a hrad maple wood tire , It is
a line coal for making steam , und boiler than
any soft coal over used for domestic pur-
nosos. Tlio company is making extensive
additions lo ils plant , and will be prepared lo
ship thirty cars oer day when the machines
and flxlures are in place.
The Caspar oil Holds uro but thirty miles
west of hero , und the terminus of the Kro-
mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad.
Tills Is a stirring town. It has one paper
that is wide awake to the interests of ( Jlcn
Hock. Thcro Is a good stock of goods hero ,
drug stores and everything roquirjd. There
is one of the best conducted restaurants in
the.west. This IH a paradise for hay fever
subjects. When I arrived here , the 17th f
September , I could sneeze a knot out of a
board , and not leave a scar.
Nebraska and Iiiu'a Patent1) ! .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. fSpeelal Telegram
to Tin ; HIIE.J Patents were issued to-day to
Nebraska and Iowa inventors us follows :
Nebraska Walter Price , Lyons , Neb. ,
cornplantar attachment ; John H. Slater ,
Stanton , Nob. , bolt ; Solomon Harbaugb ,
Geneva , Neb. , lion House.
Iowa John T. Hrodcn , Sioux City , la. ,
siding on clapboard marker ; James M.
Hrown , Newmarket , In. , shears for cutting
mctiil ; Joseph S. Hattery , Waterloo , In. ,
coupling for gas or other pipes ; John
W. Lofavero and L , D. Young jr ,
Toledo , la. , br.ike for threshing machines ;
Andrew T. Mots , assignor to Hluek Diamond
Mining Tool company , 1'loasunlvillo , in , ,
minors' grip or bracket for supprrting eoul
drilling machines ; Edward H. Mower , as
signors to DoughiH Hros. and Mower , Cedar
Itapids , la. , rolled rye ; Marsh Nee , Daven
port , Iu. , hume fastener ; George P. Sher
man , Milwaukee , WIs. , assignor of onu-lialf
to .1. E. Mitchell , Salem , la , , car axle lubrica
tor ; Uuiiben J. Smith , Ost'eohi , la. , hay
slacking machine ; Grunvillu 11. Slallmiin ,
Cincinnati , O , , assignor to Murray Iron
Works compauy of Iowa , muut uuttor ;
Diinlnl H. Tulboil , Sioux City , la. , cuttlo
tag ; .Itmejih Vail , flurdon Grove , In. , cuttle
guard ; William O. AVortli , Cedar Kupids , la. ,
steam engine.
_ _ . -
A Snrll .Murder Crank ,
Ciui AIIO , Oct. 8. f.Speclal Telegram to
Tin : IlKK.J The chief of the detcctivo bu
reau to-day received the following letter :
OMUIA. August 5 , IBS' ' . Lieutenant Elli
ott You nro mistaken in your views of thu
Sue ! ! murder 1 HUW il. Catch mo if you
can. Ha , ha , ha.
' 'J'hiH immlnr Is worse than the fifteen
puzzle , " added the chief of the detective bu
reau. "I know of half a dozen men who
liuva gouo clour crazy over it , and now huro
coniys another crank.1"
Tun Color- < l UnpllHlH' I'mHImi.
WAHIIIMITOX , Out. 8. Among the morn
ing's ofllchil callers wus the committee of the
National Colored Baptist association , re
cently held ut Indianapolis , who cauio to
present thu resolutions adoplod by thu
association asking the president tu do what
ho could towards suppressing the outrages
committed In the Routh upon black men
because of their color. The committee was
given a careful und respectful hearing by tlio
president , and upon departing expressed
themselves us satisfied with Iho result of
their visit.
For Contftinpt of Court.
CoLi'Wiii'ei , O. . Oct. 8. Allen O , Myers
was to-day sentenced to pay a flno ofJ')0
and to fifteen days' Imprisonment in the
county Jail for contempt of couri. The case
wus bent to the supreme court for a hearing.
The former flue wan the same und thu nun-
touce ninety days ,
Plenty of Work For the Intor-Stnto
Commerce Commission.
All Uio Western Uomls Involved ,
Hut .tho Very Idon of Holng
PunlslKMl Scoffed At Ity
the Ciiillly Ones.
Tlipy All Do It.
CUIOAOO , Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKK , I There Is apparently a largo
Held In the west for action by the Inter-atiito
commerce eomml sloa. It was supposed lust
night that the Chicago , SU Paul ft Kansas
City was the only rood tniinlimlalinir rales
between the Missouri river and Chicago.
To-day's developments show that every
Missouri river road 1ms boon dolug prao
tleally the sumo thing , The only dlfforenco
In Iho manipulation was lhat BO mo of the
roads gave rulmtos nml others billed tbo
freight out Hat at a cut rale. Others roblllod
in transit , tuning the lowest proportional
rate. Said one of the ireight moil who acKnowledged -
Knowledgod to your correspondent that ho
had manipulated the rate ;
"Every Missouri river road was Iu It , nnd
it would probably have never come to the
surface hud it not leaked out through
the rebate vouchers of the Chicago , St.
Paul & Kansas City having been presented
to the Kansas Cily , St. Joseph it Council
HlufCs. The whole thing originated with
the difficulty between the Hock Island and
the Allan on-tlio Kansas
Ciiy-CIilciico proportion -
portion of the through rule. The roads got
to monkeying with the proportions mid the
amount of ii Is that none of thorn stopped
short of manipulation. "
Asked us to whether ho thought thu of
fending Hues would bo punished under the
provisions of the liitcr-stuto commerce act ,
ho replied :
"Well , if they are , every western freight
agent will bo looking tnroiigh the burs. Pun
ish us } I should Buy not. "
Now that the whole deal has been exposed
none of the roads seem to euro for the con
sequences. If any are lined by the association
ail must bo lined , and It will simply bo
paying the expenses in advance. As far as
the tntor-stntu commerce commission taking
summary action is concerned , the very Idea
is laughed to scorn. Should u conviction bo
secured mid tlio proof in this euso as In
many others , Is ample the roads would nil
combine lo test tlio
constitutionality of the r > il
interstatecommerce act. It is the openly
expressed opinion of Chicago railroad meii
that thu commission does not want the con
stiHitioimllty of the Itnv tested und that
rofuiro will bo taken behind the clause winch
niiikca prosecution optional with the commis
sion unless a complaint is lileti. So lur as
known the following roads have manipulated
grain : Tlio Kodc Island. Burlington , and
Santa Ko , each 3,01)0 ) cars ; Wubs-sh , 1,700
curs ; Chicago , Kt. Paul .V luiiisusCify , 1'JilO
cars : Alton , 500 cars ; St. Paul , -100 cars.
In view of thu ubovo mi exceedingly
comlciil occurroiico took pluuO to-day iu the
south-weslern division of the Woslorn
Freight association , it was learned Unit thu
Missouri Paeillc bud in two UIWCH manipu
lated rates-from > { to 'JJcunts on shipments
from Kansas City to Si. totiis , mid that HIM J
Kansas Cil.v , Fort Scott & _ Monnjhs ! bud
likewise manipulated rates on one slilptnont
between St. Louis and Memphis. Tho'-Mis-
souri PiieiHe. wu.s lined $100 for each offense ,
and the Kansas City , Fort Scott .t Memphis
was docked 100 for Us transgression. All
this time every road voting the lines knew
ilself aud ils members were tenfold olfendurs
to I lie two reads lined. Thu auditing depart
ment of tlio Inter-Ktuto Commerce Hallway
association is still compiling ligmes on the
recent manipulations , but it is doubtful
if any of them will ever
get into print. Tlio exposure , .which
was exclusive in this correspondeiide , has
sol on foot a determined effort to amalga
mate the different western associations. It
has been absolutely ileiiioiiMrutcd that thu
present associations am pjwerless to pre
vent rate cutting ami uru consequently want
ing in the main objeel of their organization.
It is now proposed to form all the lines be
tween Chicago nua Ogden Into one associa
tion , with fiviirht and pas.scniter depart
ments , To prevent rate cutting it is pro
posed to niiik'i each line deposit 5,000. nil of
which is to bo lorfciled in case ot aiiv cut or
manipulation. The plan is. however , in iu
infancy , and may never materialize.
To Raise th < ! D.-uvcr . PUSHI > ML ; < > Ilint * - .
CHICAGO , Oct. S ISpociiil Tologratn to.
Tins Hii.l : A mealing of the Western
Stales Passenger association is called for to
morrow to consider a proposition lo raise Iho
MO Denver passenger raio to its old figure of
Tlio attempt seems almost foredoomed to
failure us the Alton railroad reduced tliu
rule openly bec.uiso It had beuu cut to thu
$20 lguro ! by its competitors. Even at thu
S20 rate , tickets have lately been manipu
lated down to $ 'JJ , us detailed In tills corres
pondence , and the Alton will not iij/reo to '
the advance unless It is secured against '
further manipulations by its competitors.
'I lie Alton floliMits I'oia T/ine. /
CHICAGO , Oct. 8. The southwestern di I
vision of the Western Freight association
met to-day and spc'iit some hours In discus
sing the vexed question of through rates on
cattle uud grain via Kaunas City. The
ChluuL'o & Alton had previously given notk'o
of its Intention to make the rate IS cents 100
pounds on cattle and 15 cents a hundred
pounds on grain from Kansas City to Chicago
cage , but it Dually consented to suspend
action lor a mouth. The proposition to abel
ish the millliig-ln-trniiMi privilege at Kansas
City , which is thu cause of thu present do-
nioruli/Mtiou in gniin rates , wus
but no conclusion wus reached.
Negro Iturttlai-j Tryliuj to Hum n
MiHHonri Town.
KANPAB CITV , Oct. 8. A Mexico , Mo , ,
speelul says : The biinm of John Havlnetz ,
Hov. P. H. distill , ix-stulo Sona'or Kuby
und John Wright were burned , together
with their contuiits , last night uctwuon
o'clock and midnight. The rcmdchcrs In
uiich case were saved with dlfllciilty. The
llroH were undoubtedly Incendiary , ussliortly
after n 1 Inighl thu uollco surprised the in-
rendiiiriCH nt their work in thu barns of
Colonel Williams and Dr. Miller. This at
tempt to burn the town is Hiipposod to result
from thu arrest und conviction last week of
several membiti'H of a bund of negro burg *
lars , who nro boliovcd to bo nook ing revenge ,
Extra police were nut on quurd to-night.
The citizens UM greiilly excited over the oc-
curriMice und there IH plain talk of lynchinir
the incendiaries should tluty be apprehended.
< jino ( Up In Hinoki * .
HOOKV MOUNT , Vu. , Oct. 8 , The , busii0 , ! s
portion of the town wm destroyed by flro
last night. Thu loss is estimated ut 4 ,000
with fii ) , 000 insurance.
Cuuvui.ANi ) , O , , Oct. 8. The wliolotnle
grocery cbtubllshmont of William Edwards
A Co , was dumugod to the extent of II IXX )
by lire to-night ,
\Vllllllill ill ril'H.lflll.
UKNVKII , Oct. 8 , The nevuutli annual
congress for tlio advancement of women
convened to-duy. The opening address was
delivered by the president , Mrs , Julia Ward
Howe , Papers were road by Mrs. Louisa
Linton , of Minnesota , on "Women lu
Science , " and Mrs. Helen S. Sliodd , of Illi
nois , on "Women in A If aim. " To-night a
reception was tendered the ttok'L'uto * by
Mrs , ( jovornor C'oopor.