V THE Oi lAtttA DAILY S&EE : TUESDAY OCTOBER 8 , 1880. , A FLAW IN THE DOCUMENT , Trouble May Vet Arleo Over Soutl Dakota's Conatltutlon , TWO SECTIONS THAT CONFLICT Cntulltlntcn Tor tlio United Htntcf ticuntornlilu Snoiirc Itnoinn nt 1'lorro llntnls ibr Hin ScBtlon. A Conflict oT Sections. Pjr.itnn , S. D. , Oct. 7. ( Special Telegram gram to Tnr. Bnn. | By comparison of uec tlons 10 nnd in of the schedule and ordlnanci of the constitution it appears that there Is t bitch In It that may cause trouble. Attenllot hai boon called to section IU , which provide : tnirt canvassing boards of senatorial or rep rcscntutlvo districts shall moot not less that twenty days after election to canvass the returns turns and then to miiKO out ccrtillcntcs to tin duly elected members of the legislature , while section in provides that the members bors must meet on the 15th inst nnd take the oath of onlco having the certificate of clectloi made out la duo torm. The question nov nrlses : How can members bo sworn Intt oftlco on the 15lh Inst. when the canvassing boards of their district , taking ndvitntago ol section 10 , do not moot to canvass nnd Issue the certificates of election until before the ' 20th Inst. , after the legislature is suppose1 to .convene , to cases whcro different mem hers have not received certificates prior t < the Ifilli Inst ? Serious complications wil nriso and cnnvnsMnK boards aru iciiilndoi that their difllctilties cnn be avoided b\ \ promjit nntion In issuing election rcrtilicate : to moinhera-oleot hi time for the meeting ol the legislature ) in Picrro on the 1'itb. Itoonm nt I lorrc. PfnnitK , S. U. Oct. 7. | Special Tolcgratr to TUB Bnn.J R , F. Vottlgrow has CIIRUROI forty rooms in tbo Wells house , anticipating the coining session of the legislature and cap luring the senatorial plum , while G. C Moody has thn same number spoken for It . the Hotel Brunswick. The committee on ar. rangotncnts are sparing no pains nnd alrcadj have quarters arranged for over four linn drcd people , members of the legislature ani oOlcials of the stato. The court room ntu lobbies of the court house will bo used for the state ofllclals and the house , while thi Congregational church will bo madu roauj for the senate. Both uro now being deco rated and arranged. The indications an , that ample quarters will be usslirnod to nil who visit Picrro during the coming session , Quite a number of the third hnusu unit sov- entl members ot the legislature arrived to. day nnd a largo number are anticipated In the next day or two. The wont of excavating on the now $ ' , ! 0.003 opera house wns begun to-d.iv. It is BIIIU ntcd on Pleasant Brlvo avenue. Conlract' for the masonry will bo lot us soon as the advertisements for bids can bo published. Syndicate block , three stories high and ol brick , has been started on the site adjoining the Wells house on the west. New Senatorial ( undidntcs. YAXKTOX , S. D. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bnn.J It has tmw devclopeu that. Wordall anil Governor M0uuUo are tc bo tbo candidates of the farmers' alliance nnd the prohibitionists for the United States scnato as against Moody , Edgorlon and Pet- tlgrew , the regular republican candidates. Moody arrived frrm the Black Hills th's morning. Some sltrowd politicians are bet ling that Moody and Edgnrlon will be elected ' , Tlio Montana Situation. ST. PAUL , Oct. 7. A Helena , Mont. , specia Fays : The Herald has advices to-night thai I ho republicans have elected tlio whole leg islalivo ticket in Madison county , "ono member bor for wliloli heretofore lias been coucedec - to-tho-domocrats , and also that the republi cans gain ono member In Fergu' county. If the other rcptiblicai claims bold good this will make llio slati sonalanlio and tlio house republican b.\ * frbni ouo to four majority. Chairman Scliir man , of the republican state committee , std C claims the legislature nnd docs not concede the election of Toolo for governor. The c official count In Lock county will bo madi this week and that will scttlo the mattei nnlcbs the republicans should institute t contest , which now seems probable. < r Wreokt-d Mariners Picked Up. DAI.IIOUSII : , Now Brunswick , Oct. 7. The bark Peticodlac arrived hero with the master nud eleven men ot the ship Minim Swift , together with nlno men belonging tc the bark Loutotto , of North Shields , and sij cattle mon of the steamer Goo graph in , no , re cently sunk near St. Piorto. Four mon , the stewardess and Miss Masters , u passengci on the Minnie Swift , were drowned and oue man is missing. The captain , two boys anil two men of the Leulctte were drowned ane one man is missing. Nelirnnkn null low a Pension * . WASIIINOTOX , Oct , 7. [ Special Telegratr to Tim Unc. ] Pensions granted Nobras leans : Original invalid Samuel W. Gosard , Phillip Dilteiibaugb. Ine-reaso Silas Moore , John F. Snyder , John M. Whitt , Lysandci Asa. Reissue William F. Glllaml. Pensions for lowans : OrlRinnl invalid- Alfred Wood , .lames F. Jones , John W , Barrow , " Frederick Dowo , Henry Ostert i Cyrus J. Briggs , Isaac Stroeppy , Charles H. Uplmnt , Janics It. Swanoy. Increase Kd ward Kldder , Harrison Klllott , Simon Ilann Warren 1'otter , Reissue William 11. Till bolt. Jumcs Marvin , Thomas Manual , Jame : F. 1' . Thomas. Knows her Own . CniCAeio , Oct. 7. fSpecial Telegram te 'J'lti : BKK. ] When a Kiunolcr dies in Cliicagt Ilia funeral partakes nf that ficml-nfllcia character to which his political Inlluonci justly entitles him. At tho" funeral to-day of John Walpole , i well known gambler who started the llrsi keno hauls over run in Chicago , ux-Aldormai Mournoy and Lieut. Louis Haas , of the de- tertivo force , headed the pall bearers am wore followed by Harry C. Stewart ant John Ilealy , both well known und prominenl tn Chicago politics. A Tnrrlilu Clnlc. LONDON , Oct. 7.A torriflo gale prevallec to-day throughout Great Britain. Mucl ilamttgo 1ms been done In Lancttshiro ani Ireland. The gala is blowing with tromcii- deus force In the Irish channel and n large number of shipwrecks have been reported ThO tf legraph wirrs in many places havt boon blown down by the wind. The Brills ! Hhlp Prince Louis , from Quebec August 2i benn driv6n nshoro in tlio Morsuy , Tho.Btorm has destroyed 100 yards of thi Holy Head breakwntor and isolated tin lighthouse. The coast is btrowu with wreck. . ' Another Cr.nilii Hiiripuol. CIIIOAOO , Oct. 7. Andrew Fey , a laborer who U u member of 20 Clitii-nn-Giiol , , , Camp , - - , wns arrested to-night nnd subjected ton , J , .pumping process labting over two hours , it thoofllco of the state1 * attorney. Pollci Captuiu .Schuotlor Buys Fey was roloasei t after the questioning , but will bo Itopt imdoi t surveillance. The slulo's uttornoy doullnci to sny whether or not anything of importance had lieou cllultcd. - * An A.cronniit Ili-owiunl. NAPOLIB , Ind. , Oct. 7. At Moun Vorno.n.today . , George T. Illco , nn neranoul with a circus , iiuulo an ascension. As In descended over the river ho became tnnglee iu the ropes und was druggou through tin \voteranddrownod. This was Ulco's om tiundreeltli nsceuslon. Kllm the Ijuoky Poini. i. Neb. , Oct. C. Great combination Omaha , Denver nud Kansas City capitalists combine to ouiia up a great midway ritj between tbo Missouri river und the Rockies MHsKnn. . , 18 the lucky point , Kxcitcmeni is Tunning hleh. This insures one grea ooiniaeroml city for central Kausus. XIH3 KPlSCOl'AljtANB. Tlio Oregon /Mlonlonnry Dlooeso Ail < ntltti.-d ns A HcKiilnr Itlnlinprlo. Nuw YonK , Oct. 7. At the scaalon ot tut general convention of the Protestant Epli copal church of America to-day the house o deputies admitted the missionary dloccso ol Oregon as a regular diocese , with Blshoj Morris ni diocesan. There was then pro Rented n report recommending the admlsslot of a now dloccso tn Missouri , nnd it wrv ndoptod with but ono dissenting voto. Tin delegation from Fan du Lao presented t memorial asking that no further revision b ( tnado In the prayer book , nnd It was ro fcrrcd to the committee on liturgical re vision. The dolngatlon from Rhode Islam presented n memorial stating that nnj clmngo Iu the iiuinu of the church wns Inex pedient. The house of dooutios then ail journcd , nnd with llio addition of the house of bishops went Into session ns n board o missions. Bishop Tuttlc , of Missouri , presided ovei the session of the board of missions. Mis s'.onnr.y ' Bishop Hnrc , ot South Dakota , tole' ' oftho difficulties with which ho nnd tin clergy under his charge were obliged lo con tonil and of the progress they had made. The Sioux Indians in the new state number onlj from ! ! ri,000 to : iOX)0 , ( ) , while the population l ; ! l'iO,000 , nnd yet thcro nro moro Indian that whlto communicants. Bishop Wliipplo , of Minnesota , roportei buck the report of tbo colored commission , accompanied with an appeal iu behalf o their work asking that 810,000 be ttppro. prlatcd for that worK during the cominj year. Missionary Bishop Walker , of Nortl Dakota , said with the ) exception cf two 01 thrco towns In North Daltota all the othci towns bnvo shrivelled during the past year , and many who nettled there as farmers have moved nwry. One great cause of thli might bo found in the bllzarus. Dcspili llio dinicullics encountered , the number o churches have Increased from four Ic seventeen , and of these only three tire in debt. The bishop said he needed foui now ohurchoa , ami also asked that ho IK provided with a car In which hu nnd othoi missionaries could travel and sleep , am from the rear of which they could preach. Rov. Robert Shaw Ldrko , who for the past llftccn years has been a missionary In China , said the only hope of converting the Chinese , Japanese or natives of India wns bj having natives missionaries. Missionary Bishop Tnlbot , of Wyounnp nnd Idaho , cpoko of the. work In his diocese and of Its needs , both in money nnd men. The board of missions then ndjo'irned as ti token of tcspect to the memory of Bishop A'all , of Ktiusns , who died yesterday at llryn Miiur , Pa , , wnllo ou his way to thu conven tion. SI.ATl'KU * 11KSTINC3 ISASY. The : Cnntiiln'M As8 iint ! : Locked Uv For Furl her DcvoleipiiiPMtH. ST. Lot is , Oct. 7.r-Captnin D. P. Slattery who was so mysteriously assaulted tine : robbed yt'stcreln.V morning , Is resting quieth 10-day. WnrrliutR Tot therobbets wcie thi' moVulng SWOVH out against Hunt , the mm charged with beSatlng Slattery , and for Bar keopi'r.Hlckoy , of Klostcrmnn's snloon. The golit frame ol Slattery's stud hits been fount In tiio cell xvhero Hunt was confined , and it i ; thought the prisoner swallowed tlio diamond Cupttiln Slittlery Is reslliiff fnsicr to night Ills friends advance the theory that he tool 11 powdei which his doctor has prcscriocr for insomnia nnd wns partially ovcrcomo bj h , und while in this condition hu started te sco Secretary Harris , of the Mcrcliantb Elevator company ; tinei. making n mistake it tils eljtzed condition , wixmlcicd into Klostor- man's place. COLOItni ) tlONVKNTIOX. of a Xtitieina lioaiitte t'ontoiiiplatod. CiTic\no , Oct. 7. | Special Telegram to Tnc Br.i : . ] A largely attended state con vention ot colored men wns opened in tin senate chamber at the state capitol n Springfield this morning. John G. Jones , of Chicago , in calling the convention to order , urged the formation ol a state league of colored men for thu pi o te < : tnm f their political Interests. The call for the convention , which wa = read , declared thatalime had arrived "when letelmg nnd active colored republicans should deliberate and confer upon the pres ent condition of theiir racound principles and measures important to their welfare , progress and general improvement. Their civil , political and Intellectual advancement could only bo promoted through thu chiiiiim of organization , for in tbo mullltiidu o counsellors only Was Ihcir strength and wia dom " After the transaction of some rou tine bin.inc.s3 a recess was taken. It is given out that this movement is u ptcludo to the : organization ofa national colored league with headeiuurteis at Chicago. Itaboas Cot-pus Kor Wnnilruir. CHICAGO , Oct. 7. Attorney Browne this morning renewed before Judge Baker Ms petition for n writ of habeas corpus for hit client , Frank Woodruff. Judpo Bmct granted the writ , returnable Wednesday morning. The grounds for asUing the writ are substantially thu same as those prcsuiitee in the potitipn last month. When proceedings were resumed ii the Cronin cuso to-day , Forrest , counsel sol f or the defense , movrd for tlio ml mission of a record of a moss of articles am interviews published in thu dally papers The mutter was discussed nt consieierabli length , but without reaching any conclusion , and was dropped an.l tbu work ot trying le get a jury was resumed. The VlKtblc Supply. . Oct. 7. The visible supply foi the week ending Oct 5 , as compiled oy the secretary of the Cliica o board ot Iradc , i us follows : , , Bushels , Wheat . 17Sli.iJ ! ! Lorn . , . H.Sia,03fl Oats . . - . 5 , < BHi.oK { . Bariuy . Vliii Loiiislniin llonils. NHw pui.cv s , Oct. 7. The grand jury this morning wportcd that conslitulional bond ! to the amount of fSSJI.dOO had been rccovoree and turned over to thq attorney gcnernl o : tuo state The uttornety general states thai of the bonds stolen $ " 0,000 worth are slill uti recovered. The iniproosloii is Unit all of Hie stolen bonds wilLuo recovered by the author itics , most pf them being held iu this city. A GlndntiMilnii Victory. Loxnox , Oct. 7. At lite election held al Potorsburgh to-dav lo fill llio p.irliamnntao seat inado vacant by tbo death of the lion William J. Fitzsimmons , liberal unionist Morton , Gladstonian , polleel l.OS ! ) vote ; against lOi'J cast for Burns , unionist nominee. Nntnllfs Not Afraid. BuLaitvPE , Oct. " . Us Queen Natalie has resolved to face every conaceiucnco of hot eioli.inroDf the govcrnmont , and will doclmt : to uei'Ont any decision of the Skutschlm restricting her stay In Sorvia 'Jin ; Now FreiM.'li PAKIS , Oct. 7. Accordlng.to the iatcst estimate timato the new chamber of deputies will have ! > 05 rcpublicinis and 211 opposition mpiniiors , This estimate Includes tlio colonial mem bers. _ _ Tltn O'Donoulnin Drtuel. LONIIOX , Oct. 7. Daniel O'DonoBhuo , ol the glens , commonly culled "Tho O'Don- ' ogbuo , " Is dead , Hu represented Tippcrarj iu parliament Irani IS. to 1SI > und nut foi Tralao from 1603 to IbSS. Glass Hlowors Strike- . NEWAKIC , N. J. , Oct. 7. At noon to-daj flfty glass blowers In the Kdlson Elcctni Light worics nt Harrison struck because of t proposed reduction In wages. Dlrcimii' of ilia mint. WASIUXGTQX , Oct. 7. President liarrlsot has appointed Kdwar'd O. Loach , of the Dis trict of Columbia , director of thu mint. Iliintl WAPIIIXOTO.V , Oct. 7 , fRjiocial Tolegraui to Tur BrE.j-Bonds offered ; f710,800 ui THE MEDICAL LAW SUSTAINED An Important Rullug By tbo lowt Suprotno Court. QUACKS MUST LEAVE THE STATE An Obstreperous Prisoner Created r Sonsntloti In a Hoi Molnos Court Itooni Devnstnt- IIIR I'rnlrio I'li-cs. The IMedlonl IJKW Husl allied. Be * MOINP.S , In. , Oct. 7. The pupromi court this morning filed a very Important do clston , sustaining in the mo.st swooping man nier what Is known as the medical law of tin last general assembly. That inw forbid * an ; ono from practicing medicine without bavin c first received n ccrtillcato from the board n medical examiners , The cuso wns that o the mate of Iowa vs Sidney Moshor , nppel lant , from tbo OhcroUco district court Moshcr is n traveling physician who claimoi the right to prnetlco medicine In tlio Btnti without n ccrtillcato from the state board 01 medical examiners. Ho wns tried bcforo i justice of the peace nnd convicted , On up peal to the district court there was anotho conviction , and Moshcr appealed. Ttio Riiprcmc court holds that the ntnti board of examiners have n right to compc would-bo physicians to conform to their test ! of examination before being admitted U practice , As Moshcr did not satisfactorily meet the tests the lower court did right li convicting him. This Is the first decision ol tbo supreme court bearing directly upon thl : law. Many opponents of the law huvi claimed that It was unconstitutional , but tin supreme court practically nflirms Us constl tutionallty. Other decisions rendered to-day wcro tin following : Ksch Bros. , appellants , vs. Homo Insur ance Company of Nqw York ; Jones district reversed. .1. W. Illncslcy , appellant , ys. Maunslc ; county ; Mubiwka district ; nnirmed. The county of Adams vs K. H. Huntoi and others , npnollauts ; Adams district ; nf tinned. Hunter is tlio Into chairman of tin democratic state central committee , nnd wa < charged with misappropriating funds whib county treasurer of Adams , county , Th < amount of the judgment ngamst him , whlcl the supreme court nlllrms. is $ ll5y,30. ( \Vnrreu \ Walker. H ] > pollant , va Mary A Cameron and William Wlctts et al ; O'Urioi district ; nOlrinod , A VioinuH DEB MOINKS , fa. , Oct. T. fSecial | Tele gram to Tun llm : . ] An exoltinK- scene oc currcd in Judge Conrad's pourt this mornltif when Gcorgo Monroe was brought up foi sentence. When asked if. he had nn.vthiiu 'to say , Monioo launched mto a. profane de nuneiiitlon of the methods of the court. IK abused the judge and jury , saying that IK bad Hot been given n fair trial , .ludgo Con rnd lixed his sentence at four years in thi pomtuntlurv. When Bailfff Morgan startci to take Monroe out. "oi tbo court room In sj.raug toward District Attorney Macombor who was silting on tbo platfol'm , and strucl him u sharp blow with his list on the lot side of the head. Morgan" grappled nui throw Monroe down , and assisted by Bailtf Robinson , rushud him into the sheriffs office whore Hie young desperado bit Morgan 01 : the thumb and kicked and f9'uglit fiercely , Ho was overpowered and t"hcn flown to Tlic jail , wheio ho said he would get even will : tnc ] udio : and the two attorneys when be goi out , and that if ho had u rcvplvcr ho wouliJ have shot them. A Kionlc Jnr Liberty ; llr.s Moivnfa. . , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele grain to Tin : Ucn. ] rrnnlc Boldinp , a des perate young Dos Molnos- tough who wu ; being conveyed tc the Fort Madison peniten tlur.v , jumped from a Chicago , Uurlington 5 Qulncy train near Danville Saturday nigh and escaped. Holding was under sontcnci for twelve years for highway robborj , sovcr years of which wns taxed up to him on hi ; Pica of guilty to the robbery of Frank Browi on a bridge in this city and five .years foi fur other robberies. He was reeauUired yes tcrdav and is now safe in the penitentiary. Swc nt Uv Trail-in Pli-os. ESTiir.uviM.i : , Iu. , Oct. T. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UEK.I A devastating lire brol out at Clicver lake , four miles south of bore yesterday. The ground was so dry that tin clouds of dust , nstic.s and smoke made it ncx' ' to impossible to check the progress of tin lire. At listhcrvlllo nil biiRiness wa1 abandoned , nnd men. women and childrei turned out in attcmnting to sava the town The course ; of the fire was divertcfl , and bul n few residences on tlio outskirts wen burned. Many farm residences were de stroyed. Thousands of dallurd , worth of lla nnd grain wore consumed , nrid. many fam ilies rendered houiPloss. Swan Lake was partly burncJ , and additions ! losses an being hourly repotted. I'ahSiiKfund Froisjltt Collide. Driii-Qi u , la. , Oct. 7. JSJiecjtU Telegram toTnnI3cn.J The Central passongar and the Milwaukee freight collided below the city tins morning and both trains wcro badlj wrecked. The only person injured was i mail clerk on the Illinois Central train , but 1ic was not seriously hurt. Tlio wrocb olockea all travel south and prevented tb < republican mass meeting at Muoratlnc , whlcl Senator Allmon was to havS ( nddrepsed thli cvenini : . _ . . . The 'McllioiliKt Conference. low.vCirv , Ia. , Oct. 7. The "Upper lowi Metliodlst conferonce-clo'jfd to-day. Then was n lengthy discussion over tl o report o the temperance committee. Tcinpenuici resolutions were finally adopted and luiile < with Joy. \ - Hln/.incr III i n it ) or. Di > Moi.vns , la. , Oct. -Stccial [ ) Tele- Rrain to 'J in : JJci : . ] Piro late last nigh burned ri large nart of the lumber yards o T. 11. Qneal & C'o , of tliU city. The loss i' ' pit limited til S'-'O.OUO. with insurance o : ' ' S1W.OOO. No Use for 1'rolilbillon. Jlunroun , Conn. , Oct. " . IJoturns from the.towns that cast moro than two-thirds o. tbo state vote last year show , that the voti on the prohibition amendment is about threi to one against it. These towns alouo gavt nn aggregate majority of yo.OOy against tin aincnduiont. Only ten towns , so fur re ported , RUVO it u majority. The now secre ballot law received its li | t trial. A liiMiH.-iN Cuttlo Man Killnd , KANSAS CITV , I\Io. \ . Oct. 7. [ Special Tele Brnmto Tun linn. ] Gcorgo W. Morris , i cattle man of Oswego , Kan , , was killed by a Missouri Pacific train four wiles , east ol this city this evening. Ho was on his wuj to Chicago with two carloads' of cattle whui the fatality occurred , Ho foil between twc cars ami tlio wheels passed over his bouy cutting it in two. to Intorl'oi'O. K , Oct 7. The Greek metropol itan Michael declines to interfere in the an nuliucnt of the divorce of cx-KIng Milan anc ox-Queen Natalie. Tlio ox-queen thercfort piHitions parliament for the annulment o the docrco. Itcspitn for STiucusn , N. y. , Oct. 7. A stay of pro ceodlngs wns granted to-day in thu case o ex-Hanker Faulkner , pending thotcontliiu nnea of the case at the nuxt term and L'uuik nor was required to give $ .20,000 ball , Tliu Dentil Ilocnril. ' J PAKIS , Oct. 7. Genorul L bruiiia dead Ho bccumo famous durintj- the I'Vanco Prussian war of 1870. i Julius Uupro , a Fro rich painter , Is dead. "Sinn Voarx J'llf LiverpniA.Jnok , New YoitK , Oct. 7 < John F Itzpatrlck , bet tor known as Liverpool Jack , was thli Diormnsr sentenced to nine years In .stile's prison for ubductlug men to work in Yuca tan. i Frost In LITTLK HOCK , Ark. , Oct. TtVrost U reported - ported from aU sections of tbo state thli uioriilug- , A SjV ATION iN COVUT. BtArtltna Dlaclosiiroii Cntiso the Sua pension f n Trial nt Urnvnr. Dnxyun , C lo. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tele pram toT r.llEEJ , Thcro wnsnsonsntlo In the district court this afternoon , Kx-Pc llco Lieutenant Jim Connor , cx-Pollcemn Charles Connor nnd Jim Marshall , a wol known Knnsn8'jClty charaelcr , nro on trlt for alleged conspiracy to rob the Rio Ornndi Express company. This Is the second trial the Jury luvrlnfe disagreed on the first trla When coxirt "convened nftcr dinner Colonc Taylor , of coiliiscl for the prosecution , ni ! drowsed the court , Baying that a matter o the greatest Importance had just come to hi knowledge affecting the cnso nt the bar an asking nn adjournment until 4 o'clock. A that hour ho presented to the court the all' ' davit of W. B. Miller , to the effect that on of the jurymen , Isaac DoITcr , lioii deceive ) the court In the examination ns to his competency potency to orvo on said jury ; that ho Im Hworn that "ho only knew the Connorn b ; sight , whereas ho wns n friend nnd nssoclal of the salil Connors , having ployed curd with them nearly every night for two month proceeding the trial , nnd detailed many otbc circumstances showing that DoITcr hnd got leu n place ou the jury for corrupt purposes Jmlj'o Allrn at onca suspended tbo tria nud ordered a rigid Investigation Into th matter charged In Miller's nnidavit , Th matter will como up nt 10 o'clock to-morro\ morning , the judge bolng picntlv mconsci nt this trilling with the Intcgntyof his court ULUOOV FAMIIiV VEMMSTXA. IJrnmllplils and Hulls AVjtKlnjj a Wai or KxtermlitiitliMi. ST. ALIIXXS , W. Vn. , Oct. 7. A blood ; feud is now raging In Lincoln county , lul Btate. between the Hrtimtlcld nnd Hall faml lies. Floyd DIngoss , son of u justice of thi pcuco and n prominent man , married one o the Hall girls. They quarreled and sopa rated. Next day Ulngcss and his wlfo' brother met nnO Uingess wns ahot dead Alfred Hrumflold had married Dlnccss'sister Ho swore to bo revenged on Hall and fatnll ; wounded ono of the Hull brothers. TCI days ago Hrumllold and his wlfo wcro way laid and Mrs. Uruniileld shot and killed Hrtimtlcldwas terribly wounded. To days later Purvis Brumfiold wus shot Saturday Georfto Dlngoss , brother of Hrtiin Hold's wife , wns shot through the log in i light with one of the opposing party. IVftnt tt Dccl.-iroil Void. LOUISVII.I.I : , Oct. 7. A suit involving s contract with the governmental Chill callini for about ? 1S,000,000 was illodhcro this after noon. Henry C. Comegys nnd .T. & T. Lewis of Now York , and George F. Wyman , o Kansas , nro the uhilntifl's , and the Nort ! and South American Construction company1 George S. Field , Charles McDonald iitu Julius Bernstein , of Chili , are made do fciidaiits. Fraud is charged against the do fcndnnts. The \\otk had progressed Bulls faotorily to the Chilian government withou any complaint on the part ot the governmen of Chill until tlio summer of 1SW , wiioi George Field , president of tlio company wont to Chili. Thcrp without nny authority it is said , ha'disdrarpod Jarcd S. Lewis fron bis position iof , . manitircr nnd supjilcmontei blm , nnd Without the consent or authority o the stockholder entered Into a contract will Julius Hernstein.a resident of Chili , by whic.1 for the nominal consideration of $17,500,001 the company undertook to sell and transfci absolutely all its property , contract rights and ohllgatlon.s.to Hornstom. The plaintllTs nsk that the contract will Bornstoiu be declared void. HAS 13 It ALL. Tlic American .Oct. 7. Uesult of to-day' ! ' ' game : Cincinnati. . . ' . . .1 03002180 1 Louisville - , . .1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ! H.M.TiMOitif ct. 7. Hesult of to-day'i ' ' ' pramo : linltimoro . 0 00002001 ! Brooklyn . , o iqOOOlOO j But Not Murilprotl. Wyo. , Ocl. 7. ( Special Tele gram lo Tnc BHE. | Over three years agi Redmond Joyce disappeared from the mine : in the Silver Crown dislrict between htm .und Cheyenne under pcculiaroircumstances and the belief has always been that ho WOE murdered. Recently Dwyer Rockwell under arrest as an accessory to Robert Bur nett's murder , has been accused of makinf away with Jovco by the friends of Black who shot Burnett. An investigation foi lowed and to-day positive information wus received to the oflect that Joyce enlisted ii the United States navy ever six mouths after his disappearance from Silver Crown , nnd deserted from Ihe Nipsio shortly before it wus sent to Samoa. Admiral Porter Improving. Pnovninxci : , R. I. , Oct. 7. Ac-iUcrat the lesidcnce of Admiral Porter in Jamestown this evening fouuded lum seated in tin easj chair oijforo a coinlortablo grate fire , nnd in nnswcr to a query in regard to his health he replied that ho was feeling better than for i long time and expected before long to re turn to Washincton. The admiral's son Robert , also informed an Assoeiatod press representative that his father's conuition was much Unproved and that there was nc cause for the alarming rumors as to hi : condition being critical nt the present time Want to Hold .Joint. BOSTOX , Oct. 7. The democratic state committee has invited Uio republican statt committee to unite In holt ing ono or mori public meetings nt which the , republican ant democratic candidatcsjfnr governor Brack olt nnd Kussoll shall jointly discuss the is sues of the present compaign ns dctimd n the platform adopted by their respcctlvi parties. Wool Blorclmms PiiiitMHii.i'iiiA , Oct. 7. Taussig , t Taylor , wool merchants , are embarrassed , but tin ex tension is probable. The firm is well kntfwr in this city nnd throughout tho. west. The members of the firm dcclino to make n state mcnt for publication. It was learned that it ! liabilities were about $ . > 0OOJ. Tlio tibseti are not much below the original amount. Con MI rod ilio Kullroiul. CAXAJOIUIUE , N. Y. . Oct. 7 The Jury in vestigitting the accident on the Now Yorli Central near the Palatine bridge , rendered i verdict censuring the railroad company foi gross nogligunco in running trams so clost together. Thp emjiloyos mo held entirely irco liorn any ulnmo , German JJnynt KIIIIKUH City. KANSAS Cmv Mo. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tolc- Rram to Tim Hci/ ] Gorman day was cole bruicd hero to-duy , olght thouaaud Ger man-Americans gathering at the exposition building. An address was delivered l\ ) . Judge White , ttfiti Htiuh'H orchestra ot forty- two pieces played uatrlotm airs. tj General Haiil. " HOI.VOKI : , Ccl. , "Oct. 7. | Special to Tin : Bii.l : Burglaiwi mitered Witherbco's meal market last ujgjit , taking nil the mono ) from the till. Thuy also raided the onlco ol the Atlas Lumber company , blowing onei the safe and tuning out nil thu cash , togethci witli valuable piip rs , und taking tbo clerk't overcoat and revolver. An l2.\pRiiKivn llln'/c , PitTftniino , Oct. 7. Thu thrca story brick building attached to Ollvor Brothers' Tenth street mill on the south side , burned to night. Tno machine , blacksmith uud carpenter pontor shops and ofllivj wuro destroyed , Tlic loss will probably roach Jii5iU00 ; fully cov ered by insurance. A Hurl ) \Vlrtt TriiNt. CHICAGO , Oct. 7 , It Is reported bero that an attempt is being inado to form u barl wire trust. G. S. Douglass , of New York , and J. W. Gates , of St. Louis , ore credited with conducting the negotiations. A general meeting of manufacturers will bo held here October 17. _ Stifo JllHtvurn tit Work. CLEVKLAXD , Oct. 7. Thieves blow the safe in Slgler brothers Jewelry factory last night and stole JI.SUO worth of watches , rings and stones and fVi nt cash. TOMMY KNOCKED HIM OUT , A Buttling1 Prlzo Fight at Soutl : Omnlm Last Night. NO POLICE INTERFERENCE , John Dottizlirrty I'nt to Sleep by Ton Diuiolma'n Good Hlclit Arm Xlio J-'mlit bjr Itnumls ASImrlltnlilo. A Tom Donohuo , nn employe ot tl.o Armotn ft Cudaliy J'acKlnu compnny , nnd Join1 Dougherty , ot the Omalm PnokhiR cotuDnny , fought u Bovcn round content In Boutli Omiilm lust nlplit for n purse of $50 , whlcl resulted in the Intter being IcnonUcd out It ; the seventh ronnil. Tlio buttle wns with two out\co cluvcs , nml was n rnttlliiR tnlll from start to finish. Uoth luon wore cnino. mid Dougherty's defeat is no discredit to lilui , ns It was tlio result of n chnnco blow. The biittlo wns fought in n room In tlic Third want Tim 1'nrr wns referee nml Archie McConnnclt tlmo Keeper. The following 19 the light by rounds : First Hound At the cull of time both men left tliolr corners 113 tliouph eager for the f rny , nnd nfter ti few swomis' cautious spar ring Donahue let RO wilh.his left , Intidlnctoti IDouahcrty'a smeller , drawing the clnrct freely. First blood was clnlmod und allowed , but honors were even , for Donohuo got one ; on the ] n\v n moment litter that sent him to the carpet Hko nn ov , He fixmo. up ratucr dazed , but kept Ills foot , nnd Just boioro the call of tltno got in n rib ronstor ou hit opponent that nuulo him grunt lllo an overfed pnrlter. Second Hound Uoth men were cautious nnd sparred for wind for n time , when Donolmo caught his antagonist one on the cur , which felled him to the sod. Tlio fallen nmn BtaKg-jrefl to his foot , and with u won derful display ol solunco succeeded In avoid ing a rush , mid by a short > nrm blow , which landed on Donolnio's cyo , sent Him iceling ngitinst the i opes. Thu call of ttmo pre vented further hostilities. The third , fourth nnd fifth rounds wore nuoutovbu , but in tlio latter part of the sixth Donolmo miido a ciovcr rush , und by u good blow on the neck sent Ills opponent to the lloor , only to bo knocked down In return by a terrific righthander which landed souuroly on the mouth , uourly knocking all his tcctli out. Seventh Kound ttotli men were eager nnd toed the scratch with a determination to win. JS'cltlicr was in any wlso winded , although both bore tlio marks of severe punishment. Dougherty's car wns swelled nnd Donohue'H right eye-was closed. The two wont tit it hammer and tongs and some lively blows were exchanged , when suddenly Donohuo cuuuht his man a good ono in the wind with "his fcft , . which ho followed up with n right hniidnr on the Jugular , isnockincr him out com pletely. The light lasted 27 minutes and 82 seconds. A SI2KIOUS VIKK. Tlic Implement Mock or Clitirultill I'nrkop Completely Destroyed. A tire broke out in tbo building occupied by Churchill Purker , successor to Parker & Hobiusou , dealer in agricultural Implements , in the rear of Pitxton & Gallagher's whole sale grocery house , on South Tenth sticct , last night about 10 o'clock , ana in nil incredi ble short space of lime the stiuctiire niid its contents were entirely destroyed. The lire department was on hand promptly and worked juanfully , but the building was old nnd all efforts were unavailing. Tlio ion ia in the neighborhood ot $20,000 , wniL'tt is fully covered by insurance , the nuiount carried by the various companies npcregatine between Si5OOJ nnd $10,000. White this flro was in progress Humes broke out cast of the building occupied by the United States Wind , Kngino und Pump conipnny , but were quicklv extinguished. The latter blaze was caused by a spark from the Parker building. rOLIOR AX1 > F1IIIS COMMISSION. 3Ir. Gilbert Questions llio Mnyor'a Illicit to Clmngn Saloon I/lceitHcw. The only matter of importance at the meet ing of the board of flro and police commis sioners last niibt was the protest of Com missioner Gilbert ag-ninst the action of tlio mayor. Tno case was this : Ed Miller is the appar ent owner of u saloon which for a long time has been located at Twolfttt and Dodge btreets. While Miller's name was on the doorplutu and the big sign bore his patro nymic , Storz it Her wore the parties to whom the II ecu so was issued. Hccently filler decided to change Ills location , and witli that purpose in viaw rented a brick on Twelfth niid Douglas. Stor/ & Her asked permission of the mayor to change the location , which was agreed to , und the bar fixtures nnd lighting dojts wcro transferred. As a matter of course , the par- mission of the hoard had to bo obtained , nnd notice was sent them. When the matter ciimu up last night Mr. Gilbert inquired if the saloon had boon rumovod , and on being informed that it had , asked by whoso authority. On being told that it was by the mayor's , ho assorted that such uction required the consent of the full board , and that the saloon wns liable to bo closed at any time. "Tho mayor , " said Mr. Gilbert , "has nn right to grant any such permission , and I ntovo that this matter go over for ono week. " The motion carried and Billy Hawley \VBB granted permission to run his saloon in tliu next block in order to avoid Using crushed by un unsafe building. The case of Ofllcer Vizzurd , charged with being iiiinoccs ; > : irily absent from his beat , wns taken up. Mr. Gilbert insisted on the record boini ; changed no as to read that the ofllrcr was off the street too long , which carried mid Vizzant went home happy. Jens Jensen , who wanted par for a horse valued at $173. which was killed by hose cart No. I ! , had his claim denied , and then Fred Uvnus und Ofllccr MoUobbliib wuro ( [ ranted tun days' leave. The board then went Into oxccutivo session and appointed Constahla Al Mastcrm'.in , Joseph Graham , H. II. Dillon and M. Drum- ing ; ) ollceuien and adjourucd. AN 1NSCHANO1S MAN AUUESTKI ) . II. II. Wjintloll Charcoilith Serious lrroi'iil < irltl. s. II. U. Wiindcll , the gentleman who is wont to sit in the rear of the reporters' box at the buso ball jurk ami cheer the homo team on to victory with his vociferous ejaculations , is in Jail. No more will ho cheer the White Sox as they gambol round the bases. Wumlull is nn insurance agent in the em ploy of the Farmers' nnd Merchants' In surance company at Lincoln , and as their agent issued a policy to a farmer named Jorgepson , who lives iiqrth of town , .lor - enson tildn't have the money to nay tliu amount of his premium in full , and to Hccuro matters gwo his note for 551. The note wns Bout to Lincoln and accepted by the coin- puny. HIKO | that time it Is claimed that Wnndcll collected the money and pave a receipt thoro- for without malting a proper return to the state capital , ilonce bis arrest , . As scnn its ho was taken into custody AVundell scntforhlH attorney , M. V. Gannon , and the two had a long consultation. Wan- dell claims ho Is not guilty , and that his action in the matter wus perfectly regular. Ho will have u hearing thin mornuii ; . llndJVIlow nnd Dncnta HUIp. L. , K Rogers , a brakeman on tliu Union I'acilic , went to sleep lust night In tlio City hotel. Ho hud fbti In hU packet , Ho was given a bedfellow named ,1. 13. White. IJath wont to sleep , and later , Rogers woke and found that White had disappeared. So hnd Rogers' pantaloous. Bo also had Uogcrb' ' $ W. _ Knino-iot dull A rcirent session of the Sainosct demo- cratlu ciub wus held lasUnlght. IluJlncsa of importance was transacted , none of wJi.cli would bo given to the public. THK IIOAUD OP KDU CATION , VnrlonM Mntlbro Dlsciiysctl t tma Mijln' * Meeting. When President Oooiliimn's ' gnvel fell Ins tilght nil the members of the board of cdtica tlon were In tholr eat except Messrs Clarke , Martin , Folton nnd Kolloyt The report of Treasurer Hush for the month of September was/ccclvcd nndohowct the following balances In the several funds Ooiicrnl fund , . . . f.l'J.filO TC Sinking tuna . n , 130ft. ! ? lto nnd buildniR fund . 14.0.1S 4J The report of Superintendent. tntni'i.show- ing the condition of the nehooN for the tnontl of September , was received. The report showed the schools to be in a nourishing con illtlon , nnd also atulcd that of the teachers recently elected to provide for future nocda ihoro nro flvo without assignments , mid the probabilities nro that tlioro will bo no need for them unli-s * unexpected vacancies occur A proposition wns received from J , f. Hlack and Aril. Lumler offurlnit to sell the bnnrd four lots In Bedford place for a sehoo slto for N.lhXi. Mrs. .1. S. Johnson Bi > nt In n coniinunicn- tion slating thru the chlmnoyAon the Mason school nro too low , cnusInR the nmoko to bo carried Into her house to the great damngn of hur property , und asking Hint the chim neys bo made higher. Thu communication was tabled. Harriet S. Knclsly npplled for the per mission of Uio board to photograph ttio scholars and touchers of the various schools outside ot nclioolhouM. The communication wns llled , The Judiciary committee , to which was re ferred the matter of the tipiiroprmting of the west G1)i ) foot of the Fartmm street school lot for the purpose of opening up ' ! only-ninth avenue , on which appraisers appointed by tliu council had llxcd it vnluo of f lU.SW.iiO , rceommcmli'd that the board de mand those damages Irom the city council nml that , falling to obtain them , It enjoin the opotiltiKot this street until the damages arc paid. Mr. Poppleton , chairman of the commit tee , ofTciea a resolution that the judiciary committee and the attorney demand the damages from the council , and that , falling to obtain them , they tnlto stops to enjoin the opening of the street. The resolution WHS adopted. The question of putting some system of heating in the Pacillo school came up again. The committee on buildings and property reported that they had examined several bids and nsked for further instruction. Dr. Spalding , the chairman , stated In ex planation that the Sinend com pun v oltoi-cd to heat nnd ventilate the entire building for &V100. The other bids did not provide for any ventilation. Dr. Hnvlllo stated that there wcro only three or four buildings iu the city that were properly ventilated. The only way I ho rooms could bo ventilated was by lowering the windows , und some system of ventila tion should bo adopted. Mr. Wobrer informed the doctor that ho didn't ' know anything. Ho said there was plenty of fresh air to bo had in any building in this country. The Idea 'of fooling witn the windows was only a crunkv notion of the teni'licn * . A teacher , ho remarked , would stand over the register until she got red hot and then rush to the windows and let in a lot of eokt air. The bid of the Hesso Furnnco company was for auijl.\ins two furnaces at n cost of $1,100 to heat four rooms without any ven tilation. Mr. Sholes moved that the contract bo let to the Hesso company for two furnaces to heat two rooms , and to use tlio furnueo i > ow in the building for heating tbo balance of ttio building. The motion prevailed. Th o committee on supplies recommended that the contract for supplying \\ood be awarded to Mount & Urifllii. they hoing tbo lowest bidders since tlio withdiawnl of Jeff Bedford's old. 'J ho committee on claims reported the September pay roll and n number of bills , amounting in all to ? : J32o OU. 'J ho report was adopted and the bills ordered paid. Sir. Wehror aski'd whut had been done about discontinuing tbo electric lights at tlio High srnool grounds. Hu stated that the lignis could bu discontinued , us it m now cold weather. Mr. McUonncll said the committee would bo rcadv to report at the next meeting. Mr. Kecs offered a resolution thai the Thomson-Houston company bo notified that the electric lights in the High school grounds will not be required after the Kith inst. This resolution was laid over until a special meet ing to be held next Saturday evening. The committee ou supplies offered n report rseomincndinpr tlio purchase of 200 copies of ( jreenleaf's mental arithmetic for use in the schools. It was recommended that ten to fifteen minutes bo sot apart each day for the pur pose of instruction in mental arithmetic , in grades below the high school. The report of the committee was adopted. Superintendent James reported the num ber of teachers absent durimr September , nnd the amount deducted from their salaries for such nbsence. Mr. Popplcton moved to reconsider the action of the board in moving from its quar ters. ters.Mr. Mr. Sholes opposed the motion on the ground that the board hail virtually agreed to talio tlio rooms in the New York Lifo building and the looms wcro being held lor the board. The question was raised whether Mr. Pop- plcton was present when the motion was passed , and it appearing that was not , tie was declared out of order. The board then adjourned until Monday night. Uose Coghlan opened her engagement at ' house hist in " " Boyd's opera night "Jocclyii" to nn andlenco of mom than average si/o and Intelligence. While the performance was strong throughout nnd MIS.S Coghlnn's work pleased hur auditors , it can not bo said that "Jocolyn" Is cither an Interesting , in tlio amusement sense of that term , or very ontur- taining play. It is heavy , dull and bomber ' , nml , except the third act , devoid of dra'iiiiitlo forvrr. Only for the fact thatslie Imselollied the nicco in i > ccnery and &tago settings both historically correct and tjloguiit , it would bo very monotonous , lint the third net is full of lire , und its presentation aroused liiu nudienco to n high pitch of enthusiasm. At Its close Mies Coghlan was called before tbo cumin. She is un arlbt of extraordinuny talents , ranKft to-tluy as the quoun tragedi enne of the American ntoge , and in such n role ns Slcphane would bo seen to advantage. Hur tas > tc , general Htneo business , easy portrayal trayal of ihopubsions.laiidconcoptionjof char acter show n quality of rullncincnt nnd brightness possessed bv very few stars and surpassed by none. It is plain , however , that "Jocelvii" oifei-s very lltllo scope for a full display of her powers. Tliero seems to bo nn air surrnundinir it not in kccpmu with tlio demands of thotimns. The supporting com- luuiy , composed of mich pcoplo us John T. Sullivan , who plnvud the part of Prince Suvi- nnl ; FrnnkSamlcr , as Gaston Morcel ; Miss Agnes Thomas , and othnrH , sustained their parts very creditably. The Grand opera house , last night , drew n largo iiiuliunco , the uttruullun bumu " 1.0-.1 in Kow York. " The Play is ono of the latest of Leonard flrovcr's. The author Is not u tyro in the matter of stage production * . Indeed , BOIIIU of the most ontcrtnlnlngpiuccs on the bcurdb uro to bo credited to him. "Lost iii Now York" displays his ingo- unity and talent , and , umru than over , bis ability to place realism unou tliu Rlago. "Loit in New York" iiltuino to tliu acme of realism In the Introduction of ti broad river of "real1 water which Is cnlivennd bv passing bouts , htoamors and beautifully decorated yachts , 'ihura ia no iltiuiun in thu BpccUclo In which UICEO take part. ' 1 buy nail ami move- within thu Might of the imdi- lors not upon painted , but upon n river con tabling thousands of gallons of Mown.i , ' ivutrr. I Thu scent ) and thu act which It inspire ) appeal ino-.t warmly to the appwiitlon of thu crowded audience , anil a repetition uf the latter Is iniuiod throughout Uio week. Mrs. . - > . F , Itobblns has arrangeil u mos excellent programme for thu Hherwood con ; uert at the Ho.vd Thur dny evening , The ( treat pianist will bo assisted by Misi fen nel ! and Mr , lirctt , Army NutiM. At the division rltlo contest hold at thu WlscoiiBln rlllo range near camp Douglas , U'iJ , ibo highest aggregate score made was tiy it member of the Second infantry team. ; hutof Prlvato Gubtuv OhronbqrtMiiii.any \ , Ke ! 0iid infantry. Ho has uivor.'nij jocu awarded tlio rcgiinontal prtzu iu. dal iiul will bo entitled to wuar It on occai > us other Vhnn these ot ceremony , until the pub. llcntlon of tbo result of Uio next year's high est content. Company A , Second Infantry , Captain Mills , Is the proud possessor of n now second Houtonaut. Ho Is u graduate ot the military ncndemy nt West Point , arrived nt Fort Onmlm Inst weak nnd will take up hit nbodo la quarters "No. 22. A Double lllrtlulay I'm tv. A birthday party wns hold nt MUs Annlo Itilcy's residence , on Sixteenth street , be tween Fnrnnm and Ilnroey. last night. In honor of the birthday of Miss Annlo Hll'jy nnd Mr. F. Ulrch , It proved to bo n most cnjoynblo rnrty. Klrticik nn ArtcslniiVcVl , Fonr Cu.iiot'.v , Nob. , OJt , 7. To the Ed itor of Tun Uin : : Last Tuesday , whllo Aiidorson it Wenmos were drilling u well on 1. A. McShano's ' Coftman fnrin , they struck n vein of water nt n doplh of 100 Icut which proved to bo an artesian well , flowing n rout tlfty barrels an hour. Wutor Was uotlliif very scarce , niid ns Mr. McShnno's largo farm is well slocked , it proved a pleasant discovery to him nnd will ninko others in the vicinity wish they hod one. Miss. 11. DAIIM\CITOX , Cottmun rurm , HIT Henri Wns Fnlsc. James Trticltcnrt Is n young colored man who , with his wile , lives at Sixteenth nnd Williams streets , .lames had occasion to RO away from home n tow nights iigd , and ex pected to bo absent for n weoUut ho Jln- Ished his business In tlmo to return on Sunday nlcht , nml upon ( interim ; the house found u young colored nmn named Frank Porter oc- rupylng his side of the family coiichhiie his wlfo reposed in her wonted position When Porter saw Truchcart ho precipi tately Hod , leaving his clothes behind him , which Jnmcs now exhibits ns his property. Positively CtiMd by thcBft I.lttln 1'llls. ThcynljorellevoDls Ircss from Djrspcpsln , Indigestion antl Too HonrtyKatlnp. Apor- feet remedy Cor Dial- Nnuwa Dron-sl- ucas , , - ncss , Had Tnsto In tlio MouthCoatixlToBRUo , , ralninthoSliloTOIl- TID LIVF.il , ito. Tlipy regulate the Bowels , and proTont Constipation and 1'ilcs. The snmllosl niul easiest to tiike. Only ouo pill a doso. 40 In a vial. 1'uroly VcKctablo. Price S3 cents. 0 ASTER KEDIOINKOO.ProplrB , Now York. DRS. BETTS A BEH5 KAHN VM STIIRXT. OMAHA , Nan. ( Uiuiosito I'uxlou Hotel. ) OIHco hours , 0 n , m , to 3 p. TH. Smielnvs , 10 . m. to I p. ni. ' Kperl lliw in Chronic , Mervous Skin ami Ulood Dlsen ei , . C-s9 Coiisultatton at office or by mail free. Mfdlclncs spilt li } ' mull or express , securely packi'd , free from eihservatlem Cnnrnnteca to curd ntilctly. safely ! \it'l permitncnvly. NERVOUS DEBILITY KfiSSSSi Blons. I'liyslcal llecay. arising fiom Inellrciv tlon. Kxccss or Inelulcciice. iroelnclngSlccplCMs ness , ncspontloiicy. 1'Impiet on the riire , nver n'on ' to socJety , easily dlsconrnueel , ISCK of cnult ilonce , dull. iiniltrurKtudyor liH'-incs" . und llndn llfo n bnreli'ii. bafuljpcruiiinoiitly nnil prl vatcly cured , roustilt lirs. lletts i. nulls , JlOJ Fnrnani St. , Oninhn , Net ) . Blooi and Skin Disease re-suits , contpletclv Pimlltntcil ultliout tlio nd ! nfJleri-nry Srrufiilii , I'r.-slpBlttH. 1'aver Sole" , IllotrliCN. I lciis. I'AiiuMn the lle.nl und Ion ! s , SyphllltloHont'JIiioat , Mcuth nml 'louyiu' , ( 'a tarrli. tc. . iiotmnnuntly cuicil vliero othuti - fallnl. nrt ; nui1 niaiiitcr rompininta , ld'y ' iMinfni. iiinirnir too m- Ittont llitrnlnBor Illooiiy I'rine , Trine hli ! ( col nivil or with milky .edlmciit on ttinmlim ; . Wenk Bae-lc. ( iinimrlm-a , ( ili-ot , ( ' 5tltH. ete1. , Promptly anel Bafvly CiueJ. L'harers licasoau- lilc. lilc.Ralt < B5TrJTT"f"Fl fiunrantccil per- > JI JL. JrtJiO JL tLIJKUJLii jnaiiijiit Oaio. IB inovnl complPto. uilliiut cuttlfur , cnnstlc or Jlllatieut. emus clTiclcil Ht IKIIIIO liy jiatlunt tviihout ii moments p tn or itnnnytinro. To Young Men and MiMfe-Ascd Men , & RlfBP PITDD TllB nwliil oirects of earlv a UUriD uUrlU Vlcu. wiilclt btinct orRanfo rt'i'iikupxs , tlostrnyitiif lioth mind iiiiJ ooelyith ill Its ilrcatleil ills. perninn ntlvrttreel. npcj BpllHllv ! Ailicssthosa wliii have unpaired Ullvi ODliu Oicmselvns liy Improper liiclul- ii"iii-cn ui.tl Rolltm-y ImlilU. wl.lcSi ruin lioili I ) iely anil niliiil , uitllttlin ; them itir builnc83 , itmlj or inarnagi' . MAIIIIIKD Mt. > . ortlmsnontrrlnccon Hint linji | ) y lifn. n are of physical tleblllty , uulckly ua oris srcccss. n It-iscil 111)011 facts , I'lritI'rnrdcnl Kxpo -lencc. Jocund - tlery IMSO K siipcliilly studied .bus KtuUinKnilKht. Tlilid-.Mc-llomus nro inc. ) .uocl In our mbntory exactly to anlt t-ddi c.tbo. IIIIH atTc-ctlii ; ; tin us ultlioni Injury Il Se-tid 6 cmts iosli ; o for i clulirato 1 wnrki in Chreinlc. Nervous nnd llcllrnte JlIsunifH , liumsaiidi fiirod. fr A fllendly inter or cull nny SB-'H you rnturn HiitTeilni ; imd bhiiino. mid idil eoldi-ii yearn to lifeff Ka Jetters nn- mcrcU itnle&s nccompanled by 4 ccntJ Iu etnutw. Vadross or rail on BtKTTs A. KBTTS : , HOI ruiuam LHreet , Omuha. N b. xsszsasBafaixazsaaeKa , WE Ksnvmt wwwa IN AMKKA 'ri.or.TiMi. > SOUP. WRAPPERS ( umc sutj nnd receive t ' ILL HOUSEKEEPERS 'Uio ; lo.-n.l 111-uTII uinl lit jsemv , thbiilil liir llulh-ii uiiil I'rimlu i | A. 3. C. WHITE OATS 'A ' Q. C. OATMEAL i , K , , ,