Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1889, Image 1

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It Assembles at Hastings With
Pour Hundred Delegates.
nallrnnil Strikers On Hand In
NnmbcM Worklnn .l * cir the lc-
fcnt r tlnilKQ Itccso In
Xo-Day'n Convention.
TtcpnhUcnn Hosts nt
lURrixos , Nob. , Oct.Special [ Tele
gram to TUB llin.J : The early morning
trains brought n largo sprinkling of dele
gates both to tlio league meeting and the
etato convention. The majority of tlio dole-
eatcs to both conventions did not arrive until
this afternoon nnd evening. The opponents
of Juilito Uocso are htro In force and the
fight against , him 'is well on. The cry Is
"Anything or anybody to beat Kecsc. " The
rallioad strikers and the antl-prohlbltionista
have combined against htm.
"Tlio railroads nro dead on to Hccso , "
remarked a delegate from SIdiioy , "and will
do anything In ttielr power to defeat him. "
Inasmuch as the delegate is a Union Pacific
attorney , his remarks evidently may be
taken ni a straight tip. The antl-prohlbi-
tlonlsts are also working hard against him ,
liixby , of North Pintle , is here with
largo following and will civ
dcavor to unita the opposition to
Hccso. Ilo Is n candidate him
self , and his following will go
to anybody who can down Hccse. Judge
Norval , of Seward , who has blossomed Into
n supreme Judge candidate only within the
pnstfow days , is not hero. A number of
delegates from the western part of the state
ridicule the candidacy of Ncsbltt , of North
Pintle , and claim _ tlmt ho will have no
strength in the convention. Tlio Clay county
people arrived this afternoon and started the
boom for L. O. Hurd , of Harvard , who Is n
candidate for regent. Laws Is hero and h
working with every man who Is supposed tc
have any inlluunco In the Second district.
Tlio sluto lepubhcan league met this cvqn-
Ing with an attendance of about four bun
dred delegates. In the absence of thu mcsl
di-nt , John M. Thurslon , A'lco President L
A. Kent , of Mladen , presided.
Surrutfry llriui Slaughter tticn read a brlel
address from Mr. Thurstou , us follows :
'Jo the Kopubllcnn hcngue of the State ol
Nebraska : I deeply regret my inability tc
bo present with you it your annual meeting
1 congratulate the league and the remiblicar
party upon the fact that since our last meet
ing the country has been redeemed Iron
democratic rnlo and the affairs of the gov
eminent are now administered by that partj
which stands for the honor and prosperitv ol
the nation , for the obsVrvanco and un
forccmi'iit of the law of the land , am
for the protection of every Amcricut
citizen in his right to live , to labor und tc
vote. I congratulate you , too , that lour new
Btara nro added to the glittering galaxy o :
our dear old Hag. The new states now en
terlr.g the bonds of our union will add to thi
political power und nrestlgo of this grea' '
west In which wo live , 'lids great west
whoso existence and duvelopmcnt nro largely
duo to the republican party , can bo aocouutcc
certainly for republicanism in the years U
cotnv , nnd before the next presidential elec
tion a new census will hnvo transferred
enough electoral votes west of the Missis
ipul river to frco this government from anj
danger of having the will of its people re
versed by democratic fraud and miscount li
Now York City or by democratic supprcsslor
of the rights of frecmeu In the soutncn
states. Thy glorious success achieved at tin
polls last November was largely duo to th (
organization and efforts of the republicac
league of the United btatcs. The organiza
tion of the active , enthusiastic and conscien
tious members of the party In ovcry state ol
the union into republican clubs is the bo
Rlnnlag of a now political era in whicl
the power of management no longci
rests with n few self-styled leaders , but remains
mains with thu rank and fllo of the party
It is certain to put an end to many of thosi
political practices whlcli huvo madi
the term politician obnoxious by distrlbutitif
a ] ust measure of power and responsibility
among all those Individuals who rally to tin
support of republican principles. No gooi
republican can devote himself to a bettc :
cause thnn the upbuilding of the ropublicai
league. 'I hose of you who were present al
the formation of tills league will recall tin
circumstances under which it seemed neces
sary for mo to accept Its presidency. I tuu
not sought the honor and the unanlmou
tender of the position was as unexpected 01
my part as generous on yours. I stated t (
you nt that time how almost Impossible I
would bo ( or mo to glvo the necessary timi
nnd attention to the performance and the re
aponslblllty of its duties ; but , yielding ti
your irresistible demand , I put aside nil per
sonal consideration for what seemed the cal
of duty. I have been so highly honorei
by the confidence of the republican party o
Nebraska that I do not feel at liberty to re
fuse any of Us just demands. I did wha
little I could to contribute to the grand rcsul
of 18SS In this snito and elsewhere. TIi
battle Is over , the victory won ; this Is a re
publican government , present and prospnc
tlv' ' ; never again will that party which exIsts
Ists as a menace of individual prosperit ,
and liberty bo permitted to administer th
nlTalrs of stato. And now I return Into you
keeping the trust you BO generously con
Jcrreil. It would bo Impossible for mo , evei
if It wcro your wish , to continue as presided
of the league. To the fulfilment of my prc
fcaslonul relations I am compelled to dovot
my whole time ; but I wish you to undei
stand that If my services nro evnr cssentn :
to tlo } success of the republican party , stat
or national. I am ready to sacrlllco over
other consideration , and my services wi
then bo nt your command.
In retiring from ofllco I still remain n man-
her of the republican league , devoted to It
success , because it stands. In my judcmcu
for those great principles essential to th
glory of the grandest nation of the cartl
Yours truly , Jonx M. THUIISTO.V.
Nominations for president of th
league for the ensuing year wore the
A. M. Lansing , ot Lincoln , was nominate
nnd ho was unanimously elected by acclaim
tlon. In response to loud calls Mr. Lanshi
ascended the platform nnd delivered a tc
minute address , bristling with eloquciic
and humor.
For sov'rotary the names of A. D. Yoeun
of Hastings , and lirad Slaughter wcro pri
The nomination of Slaughter was onthus
nstlcally seconded by a doion counties , an
utter Mr. Yocuui had gracefully declined t
stand n test of strcLgth with his opponcn
Mr , Slaughter was elected by u ummiir.oi
vote.L. A. Kent , of Kearney , county , was mat
treasurer for the ensuing year.
Nehrnukn City Goriiiitn-Ainiirlofin
NrmusKA CITV , Neb. , Oot. 7. [ Sped
Telegram to Tim line. ] The fjernia
Americans of this city and surroundlr
country to-day celebrated German day
this cltj't hi rpmmoinorutlon of the COOi
anniversary of the settlement of the 11 r
German colony at Gcrmantown , Pa. The ;
wcro u largo number of Germans prose :
from Iowa , and Otoo county turned out in
body , It was a nroat and enjoyable day f
the Gormnu-Amiiricans , Tlio exorcises co
Blsieil of u meeting in Morton pant , wli
, muslo nnd sinking mid dancing , which w. .
followed at noon by n barbecue , nt which
whole ox was roasted uad consumed by tl
picnlccra , KathusUmlo und olcquu
speeches were inado in the ufternoou I
Kditor Kudolph Nooack , of the Stan
Xoltuui ; , ho belli ) ; the principal speaker. T
) iight an adjournment was taken to tl
opera house , where further speech-makh
nnd music * continued the celebration and w
ended up with a big dauco. The onlv tlili
to uiar tuo day was the opposition HUH
fcstcd to the celebration on the part of n few
German-Americans , who went RO far as to
print and distribute circulars denounchiK the
celebration under the title of "German Day"
n ua-American , and creating n fnlso Im-
prrsslon of the object of the day ; tlmt n pen-
oral observance of the Gorman day would ho
the Hrst step toward the formation of a
German narty. which would Imvo n tendency
to proihico the antagonism of native nnd
other popular elements nnd to Instigate n
tyranical control of the Individual German ,
etc. Among those who took this latter view
of the celebration was Kditor Uluohdo , of
the Staatz Domohrnt , The Loidcrkranz so
ciety nlso denounced the day.
County Conventions.
CIICTU , Nob. , Oct. 7. ISpcclalTelcgramto
'in ' ; HEB. ] Tlio republican county conven-
Ion was held In Wllbor to-day. The follow-
candidates were nominated : Treasurer ,
'rank Sadlck ; clerk , John Vauduyn ; judge ,
, W. Hlilne ; register of deeds , W. H.
itoul ; sheriff , John liar ton ; supcrlnton-
cnt , J. 1) . French ; coroner , Dr. Blair ; sur-
'oyor , I'rof. Hiown ; commissioner , 1) . J. H.
{ cod ; chairman countv convention , William
iohacck. Delegates to the state convention :
V. Hechtol , II. P. Kliut , M. Ahl , A. M.
Oftitt , U .r. T. Ueed , William Uohacou.A. M.
Jnbcock , F. D. Coo , M. Slavens , John Jack ,
. P. Fishbarn , C. A. Caldwell , John Lan-
unm , F. I. Foss , J. L. Tldball. Delegates to
, ho congressional convention : H M. Watts ,
' L. Tidbnl ) , F. I. Foss , George D. Stevens ,
R McCiiutlo , H. Guild , John Vnmluvn , J.
W. Khlno , P. M. Miles , L. O. Wcstcoff ,
Ocorgo Sawyer , Ed. Mcllnuy , John D. Pope ,
T. C. Callahan , Gcorgo JJolong. A motion
was carried In convention requesting
Ueoreo Hastings to select the uele-
ratcs. Hastings appeared and thanked
ho convention for the honor con fen cd ,
hut stated that ho had Implicit conildcnco
n the good judgment and friendship of tno
republicans of Saline county , many of whom
' 10 had worked with shoulder to shoulder for
ho past twenty years , and declined the priv-
leges granted and requested the convention
.o select its own delegates. The convention
.hen selected the delegates ns above , all of
whom will use every honorable means to se
cure the nomination of Hon. Gcorgo G. Hast
ings. The convention was the most harmo
nious nnd enthusl.tstlo held in this county for
many years , 133 delegates being present in
Gr.KnvA , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram
.0 Tun line. ] The Fillinoro county demo
cratic convention assembled hero to-day nnd
iilnccd In nomination : For clerk , 1) . 'A.
Kochendorler ; treasurer , W. II. Cooksoy ;
sheriff , C. E. Summer ; coroner , L. C.
Canine ; superintendent , J. C. Hurkc.
Delegates to the state convention : G. W.
Johnston , J. C. Hristeanoy , S. Sawyer , J. n.
West , P. U. Sturdovnnt , J. Wise , U. B.
Cntuboll , Joe Uurross.
Noimt PiATTn , Neb , , Oct. 7. [ Special
Telegram to Tun UBI : . | The democrats of
Lincoln county held their convention to-day ,
putting n full ticket in the Held as follows ;
William Grady for county treasurer ; H. L.
Graves , county clerk ; James 13. Grace ,
sheriff ; Miss M. 13. Hnsford , county super
intendent ; lr. J. H. Dullard , coroner ; Lou-
thcr Walker , county commissioner. Dele
gates were elected to the state convention ,
ulso to the judicial convention.
GIUND I iNi > , Neb. , Oct. " . [ Special
Telegram to THC Uuu.J The following
candidates were chosen nt the democratic
county convention in this city to-day. For
treasurer , ; clerk , Ell Ramos ; Judge ,
J. H. Mullin ; sheriff , M. J. Costello ; super
intendent of public instructions , H. A. Ed
wards ; coroner , Dr. Urubacker ; surveyor ,
. Delegates to the state convention.
W. H. Thompson , W. H. Plait , Z. II. Des
man , W. G. Burger , George Elfers , Thomas
Mahony , S. N. Walbach , .lames Kcefe , Kich-
urd Mauhin , G. M. Holn nnd Charles Kyan
DAVID CITV , Nob. , Oct. 5. Special to the
13cc. I The democrats hold their county con
vention this afternoon nnd nominated John J.
Walker , countv treasurer ; Ed P. MoCollom ,
couuty cloik : D. 13. Armairost , sheriff ; E.
It. Dean , judge , nnd L. E. Cooley , superin
tendent , which , they say , is a strong ticket.
Ovcriiowcrcil the Jailer.
HKD Cf.ouo , Nob. , Oct. 7. At noon yes
terday while Jailer Myers was carrying
food to Heller , the counterfeiter from Uurr
Oak , Kan. , thi fellow overpowered him ,
grabbed the keys and locked the ] iillcr in the
steel cell nnd escaped from custody. Myers
Is a green hand at the Business , and Instead
of locking the prisoner In the cell ho left him
In the corridor and went In where ho waa
without stopping to think of the cense
quences. In tbo jailer's olllco Van Benson ,
another prisoner was held , and hearing the
calls from Myers , came to his relief just as
Holler escaped from the building , and made
chase after him , but could not capture the
follow. Tlio ovldcnco against Heller was
very strong , and there Is no doubt of his re-
Numerous Bm-KliirlCK nt i'oncn.
Poxoi , Neb. , Oct. 7. ( Special Telegran :
to TUB Ben. ] Pouca was visited by bur-
glors last night. Early In the evening thoj
broke Into the Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis ft Omaha depot nnd secured n rovolvci
bolongiucr to the Wella-Fargo Exwessconi' '
puny. Fiom the depot they wont to thi
Avway Valley creamery , but did no !
sccuro anything of value. Tin
next place visited was Hush & Hamm's ' sa
loon. Hero they got about 10 In cash
another revolver aud about $15 worth 01
whisky nnd cigars , Ono or two other at
tempts were uiudo , but were unsuccessful
A number of tramps who came into town
yesterday afternoon , nnd have slnco dlsap
pea red are supposed to bo the burglars.
A Soldier Accidentally Klllod.
FOHT Uonixso.v , Nob. , Oct. 7. [ Spccia1
Telegram to Tun Uiu.J Private Edson J
Stevens , company 1C , Eighth Infantry , wm
accidentally shot while out hunting will
General Crook's party. Ilo was a native o
Thorndyco , Mo. , about thirty-eight years old
was serving 111 his fourth enlistment , was m
excellent soldier , and ono of thn best hunter
In the army. Ills death was caused ny on
of tlio pai t.v snapping n supposed unloadci
gun at him. The bullet entered his forehead
killing him instantly. Ho was burled her
this afternoon with tlio usual honors.
Elevator * to Do Hold.
HUMIIOLIIT , Nob. , Oct. 7. I Spoolal to TH
UKE.I The sale of the Dlvcn line of olovn
tors , to occur on the I'-Hli of this month , wi
be a matter of much importance to gral :
men of this part of the stato. Thcso olovn
tors , located at Liberty , Hurchard nnd VIolet
let , are nil in rattling good towns , and con
trol an extensive nnd rich grain territory
They are being sold by the assignee of th
Farmers & Merchants' bank , of Humboldt
Nob. , and the snlo occurs at Uurchard 01
October 12 , at 10 o'clock a. ui ,
' " ' " "
NKwroitT. Neb , , Oct. 7. [ Special to TII
BEE. | Judge Fred N , Morgan , of thi
( Kock ) county , and Miss Jo&sio C , Smith , c
Ainswoi th , Nob. , were married at 13 o'clocl
noon , to day , nt the residence of the bridi
Rev. W , O , Smith , Ilio grandfather of tli
bride , ofllclatlng , Judge Morgan Is n brilllui
ybunp attorney who , by his legal nbilltU
and social acquirements , has placed himso
llrbt In the ranks of the legal profession i
northwestern Nebraska. Ho is Iho youni
eit judge in the state ,
Arapnlino Wants A Cnnnlnc Factor ]
AiupjiiiOE , Nob. , Oct. 7. | Special to Til
13m : . ] Our board of traJo is in corrcspoai
enco with u llrm now located in the caster
part of this state' , who ara qulto anxious t
build a canning factory nt Arapaboo.
uioctliicr of our citizens has been called fc
un carlj date , and it is confldonily oxpectc
that suillciont encouragement can bo olferc
to insure the erection of n cauulog factoi
hero within the next sixty days.
l'los ol * tlio .11 , U , C'nnfVrnnan ,
YOHK , Neb. , Oct. 7. [ Special to TUB Ucc ,
The Nebraska Methodist Episcopal confc ,
cnco closed Saturday night with the reading
of the appointments by tlio bishop. Yester
day the visiting ministers filled the various
pulpits In the city , and Bishop Vincent
preached to an audience of U.OOO souls in the
Methodist church In the morning.
Unrequited Imvn nnd Suicide. , Nob. , Oct. 7. William Brandos ,
n employe nt 1'latz's brewery , near this
ity , commltjod suicide , yesterday , by blow-
ng the top of his head off with a shotgun.
. coroner's ' Jury brought In a verdict con-
rming the above fact. Unrequited love is
bought to hnvo been the cause.
nnd Sick.
13i.uii , Nob. , Oct. 7. [ Special to Tnn
Bun. ] An unknown man was found on the
ink nf the river Sunday morning. Ha had
ad the a < juc the day before and had laid
til all night , and was v ry sick when
'ound. Ho was brought to town and sent to
.ho poor farm.
A Ton in nf HoiHpq Stolon.
. Nob. , Oct. 7. [ Special Tolcfcram
o Tnc Br.n.JSaturday night a team ot bay
inarcs , with harness , were stolen from
nines Brown , who resides In Emerson
ownshlp , this county. The horses weigh
bout 1,100 each , nnd were llvo nnd six years
Id. Thuro ore no clues to the thieves.
Ilntlor Coimty'M l > 'nlr n , Success.
DAVID Cirr , Neb. Oct. G ( Special to THE
Bnc.l The Butler county fair has closed ,
vhlch was a urand success , financially and
therwiso. Receipts about $2,000.
I llniil on Iho "Corn" Operators in
CHICAGO , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Br.E.J The chief of police has Issued
nn order which has created consternation
among the corn brokers nnd alleged bucket
hop operators.
Many brokers have recently put in their
daces an electrical instrument which works
paper tape on which Is printed various
Igures to designate the price ot cereals. It
s sale ! to have no connection with thu real
irlco or stale of the market , but merely rep-
cscnts figures and thoioby affords a chance
'or gambling. The fact that those Instru
ments had been put in came ) to the chief's
tnowlodgo lost week nnd Saturday night
deiecllves wcro sent wltn orders that their
operation should cease immoaiatoly. The
brokers nolliicd were Mclllo .Vs Co. , Tillct-
son & Co. , and Roylo & Sullivan. The
Brokers who are deprived of the use of the
.apes have consulted a lawyer and will ask
for nn injunction restraining the police from
nterferinff furlher with the operation of the
lapes. Chief llubbard says he does not fear
an Injunction nnd will cause the arrest of all
who disobey his orders.
.V Chicngo fllnn Mnltri-nta Ills AVIfo
nnd Dcflos thn Police.
CHICAGO , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tac Biu.l John Kcllar , a human fiend who
was wanted by Iho police , has barricaded
liimsclf in hi3 house and with a revolver
defies the attempts of the police to arrest
lilui. Last night , during a storm , ho came
laomo intoxicated nnd raved about like n
madman , foizlng a pop bottle he attacked
Ills wife and heather cruelly about the head.
Then ho knocked her down nnd walked
upon her prostrate form. After thU ho
liirow her and her Iwo little childerun out
n the street. Mr.s. Kcllar wandered about
n the rain , the blood pouring down her face
n streams , for four nours before she found
a policeman. Ilo took her to the armory ,
where the matron took care of the unhappy
family. The Humane society was notilicd ,
ind Lieutenant Hayes telephoned his station
lo scud two men to the house and get Kcllar
it any risk. Kollarlocknd all the doors of
: ho house and is still holding tno fort against
the police , threatening to kill the first mini
who outers.
Louisiana's Ex-Trcasurcr Anxious to
Meet His Accusers.
LoxnoK , Oct. 7. E. A. Burke , ox-treas
urer of Louisiana , who sailed from Liverpool
for Now York on the steamer Teutonic , but
disembarked on the arrival of the steamer nt
Quecustown and returned to London , says
when ho arrived nt Quecnstown ho found
awaiting him there u number of tclcgarns
from London insisting on his return to at
tend tc negotiations relating lo his Central
American nnd other properties , Burke sent
his family on tbo Teutonic and says ho will
probably sail for New York within a week.
Burke says ho has not had a single com
munication from the state of Louisiana , and
declares that the attorney general of Louisi
ana and others directing Inquiry ID the bond
swindle are animated by political animosity ,
and ho cagcrlv awaits the moment when ho
will confront them in Now Orleans.
An Illinois Man Buys a Mythical
Slioop Itaucli.
Cnioioo , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tan BKB 1 A case begun In the supreme
court to-day discloses a unique swindle.
Frank M. Eawards was the owner of a lot
of real ostuto In Kansas , Wisconsin and Mis
souri worth altogether about Sj.OOO , but in
an evil day ho met J. T. Cooif , H. II. Shields
nnd R. T. Thompson , who represented them
selves as the flrm of Shields , Cook & Thomp
son. The men , Edwards says , told him they
had two cectlons of land In Texas , containing
iiCUO , acres. Edwards traded his lands and
notes for $1.900 for the Texas property , re
ceiving n deed. Then ho wrolo to Land Com
missioner Hall and discovered that the Tevoi
sheep ranch ho had bought did not exist and
that the deed was n forgery. Judge Jamie-
son issued an injunction restraining Shields
and the others from dlsnosing of the prop
erty or notes , but it is feared it is too late.
The Pan-Ainuricaii Congress.
BOSTON , Oct. 7. The delegates to the
Pan-American congress left this morning
over the Boston & Maine railway for Law
rence and Lowell , where they will spend the
day.At Lawrence the delegates Inspected the
Pncltlo cotton * mills and Uussoll's papei
mills. They evinced deep interest In the
workings. The party started for Lowell al
l30. ;
l30.Tho party returned to Boston early this
evening. They visited three concerns It
Lowell and saw 8.000 oporalivos at work ,
The day has been the Hrst one of solid bust
ness upon the lines upon and within whicl :
the international congress was projected ,
The foreigners in several instances have
placed themselves in closer relations will
the manufacturing Interests they luivi
vlsUcd. They have carefully and shrowdh
observed what they have seen. They hav <
talked of prices , terms und business method !
with the heads of establishments visited
Mexico , foe instance , Indicated Interest Ir
carpets , and Costa Hlco has scrutinized
prints with a business purpose.
The party dined aboard the tram whlli
returning to Boston from Lowell , nnd upoi :
arrival hero were driven to the theatre ,
where the evening was spent.
Dliiinoiid Dealers In Trouble.
New YOIIK , Oct. 7. Turco creditors to
day obtained attachments aggrogatln )
JlL'.OCO against II. E VnnGilder & Sons
dealers in diamonds , on ground of fraudulent -
lent disposal of property. When the sheHfl
made the levy-nothing of value could bi
found , Emil YanGildur , vilio is manager o
the business hero , has uot been to the ofum
alnco Friday. About a week ago VanGlldei
showed about ! 3)OJO ) worth of diamonds ti
ono of his\radliora ! and said ho had f 10,001
worth of diamonds altocoiher. Henry E
VunGlldor , the father , resides at Amstor
Mam , Holland , und Is said to bo wont
J100.000. Younp Vunfillder'a liabilities an
placed at about $30,000.
The Hands of tha , Rotfubltoans Tlod.
iii tbo Houso.
Names ofTlioso Attending the Knlnhts
Tcnilixr Conclave Burrow's
Chnnccs In tlio Sjicnk-
crshlt > llnoc. '
BfllEAU TlIC O\tAIli Ben , )
WASHINGTON , D. C , Oct , 7. J
"Yes , the minority can practically rnlo the
house this winter , In splto ot fate , nnd I Imvo
no doubt that it will rule , " said General
Tom Brown , of Indiana , while discussing
this afternoon the announcement by Chair
man Mills that the democrats do not intend
to permit the adoption of a now sot of lilies
by which the republicans can do ns they
please. General Urown is ono of Iho oldest
nnd most influential rcpuhllcaus in the
house , nnd bis prognostications generally
hold good. Ho'continued : "Under the most
common parliamentary rules , the constitu
tional , inherent parliamentary rules , which
must stand under nil conditions , the
minority , If mean enough , can al
most prevent the majority doing
anything , and especially is this
trim whore the majority is as slondcr as it
will bo this session on the republican sldo.
Filibustering will bo easy , Motions to nd-
journ will always bo In order , you know , no
matter what the rules arc , nnd the minority
can at all times demand u.iuorum. ( I do not
bcllovo it will bo possible for us to ndopb n
set of rules which will give us supreme
power. No party has over done it , and I
don't believe wo can now. The majority
will bo nt the mercy of the minority , and if
wo accomplish anything it will bo by suffer *
nnce. I am certainly in favor of making
the best effort wo can to get rules which
will enable the majority to control and ac
complish legislation , and at the same nine
my best sense , based on experience , tells mo
It Is next to an Impossibility. I anticipate ,
as Mills , Oatcs , Bynum nnd other demo
crats Imvo announced , that there will bo n
long light over the adoption of a set of rules.
It will likely result in n compromise which
will lo.avo the majority practically in the
hands ot the minority. I am In favor of the
majority ruling if it consumes the onttio
session to establish majority rights. Wo
must start out right if wo expect to accom
plish anything. "
imnnows' i-iucsns cosnnr.NT.
Friends of Representative Burrows , of
Michigan , nro lecling ijuito well now over
the outlook for their candidate for the speak-
It is claimed that the elections in the now
states last wojk added Just live votes to Mr.
Burrows' strongtn. During the past sum
mer Mr. Burrows made a tour of the Pacillc
northwest. In Washington ho was called
upon by the newly elected congressman ,
whoso friends assured the Michigan man
that In the event of republican success they
would Rive him a vote for speaker. At
Helena Mr. Burrows was entertained at the
homo of Mr. Carter , who ran awnv abend of
his ticket and will bo the first congressman
from the state of Montana. It is no secret
that Mr. Burrows could'have safciy relied
upon both of tlio Dnkotas for
any character of political support over
slnco ho worked so hard for statehood for
them in the Forty-seventh congress , eight
years ago , when ho wapl shairuiau of the
commitleo on lerritorios. In fact Mr. Bur
rows was ono of Iho llr-st advocates for state
hood for what are now ttio four new slalca ,
and this fact gives his friends a great deal of
confidence. If his friends should provo true
it Is claimed that Mr. Burrows will get nt
least twenty-five votes on the first ballot ,
and if ho can hold them his chances for ttic
speakership are bright indeed. No one
claims lhat ho will early develop anything
like the strcnglh of either Reed or McKin-
loy. It is claimed , and with good reason ,
that ho will hold the balance of power. It
frequently occurs under such circumstanced
that the third man is chosen. No ono is
there but says Mr. Burrows will make n
good speaker.
inn CA.N.VON Jinx.
Representative Hopkins , of Aurora , Ills. ,
is hero and says the republican members ol
the delegation from his state are deeply ii
earnest nnd very solid in their support oi
Mr. Cannon for the speakership. Ho said
to-day that it required earnestness and per
severance in order to brihg about success in
any direction , and that the supporters of Mr.
Cannon were not hall-hearted by any
means , and that they really believe success
is likely to crown tuoir efforts. "If solidity
In numbers nnd firmness of purpose mean
anything , " said Mr. Hopkins , "and if it ia
to bo rewarded , the Illinois candidate ought
lo bo successful. I have no Idea how the
first , or the second , or any other ballot is
likely to result when the caucus meets to
nominate a candidate. I only know that wo
are doing nil wo can for Mr. Cannon , who
would make an eminently good speaker , und
ho is geographically well locatedfor , the po
sition ho seeks. "
There Is not much political work going on
nt the white houso. The oQlce seekers arc
giving the president'a rest CQinparod wltti
what ho has been undergoing the past six
months. The president Is devoting all the
time ho car. take from his routluo business
and the public to the preparation of his mcs
sago lo congress , and as this fact Is very wel
understood among the pcoplo who usually
call upon him for ofllccs and public fnvort
generally ho is given as much seclusion ai
The preparation of a message to congress
is an exhaustive work requiring great re
search , careful study of departmental report !
and much consultation with publio officials
Not al ! of the senators and repro
sentatlves and business men fron
the various walks of life win
now ( to In Iho while house nnd have Ion )
talks with the president nro there on politic. !
business. Many of them nro giving advici
as lo what should bo recommended In tin
way of legislation. The president does no
Intend to consider applications for aunoint
inonts except to fill vacancies where thi
publio service is unpaired , till ho has completed
ploted his message , wlilch will not ho earllo
probably than six weeks !
Nebraska people who , are attending th
Knights Tqmplar conclave divided to-day
ubout Hfty going to Mount Vernon , the rest
ing place of Marthaand'Gcorgo ' Washington
sixteen miles down the Ijotonmc , the remainder
dor staying in the city'and visiting tbo vari
ous departments and environs of the city
The Nebraska grand commandcry son
to each grand comraandcr.y In the clt ;
a handsome souvenir banner. It Is nbou
eight by twelve inches in sl/.o , nnd a fac
sluiilo of the Nebraska grand commander ,
coat-of-aruis ombosscd on silk. Below is th
roster complete of the sir knights from Nc
brnska who are now in attendance , tocolho
with the names of their ladies , Followlni
are the officers of Iho grand commandory o
Nebraska :
R. K , , Sir Henry Gibbons , grand com
mandur ; V. K. , Sir Lewis M. ICccno , deput ;
grand commander ; E. , Sir Louis H
Korty , grand generalissimo ; 13 , , SI
Edgar C. Salisbury , grand raptah
general ; E. , Sir James S. Franco
grand ircasurer ; E , Sir William R. Bowen
grand recorder ; E , Sir Jnmcs A. Tulloya
crnnd standard bearer ; E , Sir Edwin C
Webster , grand captain of guards.
Nebraska Knlghls Sirs James G. Acker
man i ) , Alnsworlh ; Adaw Adams 4 , Lincoln
Morris L. Alexander 11 , Hasllngs ; Homer J
Allen 1' ' , Koarnry ; Gustavo Anderson 1
Omaha ; Napoleon B. Apple 1 , Omaha ; Row
land \V. \ Balloy 1. Omaha ; Carlos N. li.irhel
lor 10 , McCook ; John J. Bartlett 13. Kear
ney ; Thomas BallorUm 1 , Omaha ; Fred J
Benedict U , Hastings ; James J. Bcrnan
7 , Lowlstons William F. Blttncr C
Fremonlj William R. Bowen 1 , Omaha
Thomas 0. Brunner , Onmba ; Pclor 'i
Buckley 17 , Stromsburg ; Samuel M. Chap
man 6 , Plattsmouth , John O. Cumuilngs I
Pluttsuiouih ; Albert M. Davis 4 , Lincoln
Harlan P. Dovaloii 1 , Omaha ; Cnarlca N
Diet ? 1 , Oninlm ; Emmet II. Door 17 , York ;
Miohanl Howling f > , Nortli Bond ; Ed car S.
Dudley 4 , Lincoln ; William H. DulTott 7.
Hcalrlce ; John Dwyer 7 , Beatrice ; Carroll
1) . Evans 0 , Columbus ; Charles B. Finch 12 ,
Ifonrnoy } Dan tl. Fisko 7. Beatrice ; James
Foley 15. Omaha ; Corydon F. Glarlor 11 ,
Eduar ; Gurloy J. Green 17. Stronisbnrg ;
Alfred G. Hasting I. Lincoln ; William Ilolkes
7 , Henlrleo ; Jacob N. Herbsl 8 , FnlU City ;
Alfred P. Hopkins 1 , Omnhn ; Charles B.
Horton 1 , Omaha ; BlakoC. Howard O.Graml
Island ; Daniel B. Howard 4 , Lincoln ;
Gcorgo Hume 1 , Omaha ; Jns O. Kay 11 ,
Hastings ; Charles Kloman 0 , Grand Island ;
Louis II , Korty 1 , Omaha ; John Ltmtcrbnck
7 , Fali-bury ; George W , Llnlngor 1 , Omaha ;
Clarence A. Luce 14 , Republican Cltv : Rich-
nrd P. R. Miller 4 , Lincoln ; Andrew J ,
Miner 11 , Nelson ; John H. Morkutt I , Lin
coln ; Michael Maul 1 , Omaha ; Edward P.
.Monicith 'J , Fremont ; Charles McKee 0 ,
\urorn ; Samuel M. Novms 12 , Kearney ;
Andrew J. Ntckell 3 , Beatrice ; Charles
Nlchlal 17 , Sargent ; Ray Nye 0 ,
Fremont ; John R. Porter 1 , Onmlm ;
Fred C. Power 17ork ; Jacob Rleterburg
U , Nelson ; George H. Ross 7 , Beatrice ; Milford -
ford J. Ruiisback 4 , Ashland ; Otto D. Ras-
musscnO.Daiiunbrough ; Edgar O. Salisbury
7 , Beatrice ; Adrian V. S. Saunders 7 ,
Beatrice ; Thomas II. Saunders 17 , Osceoln ;
Andrew J. Suwyor 4 , Lincoln ; Ernest
Schurmim 0 , Fremont ; Thomas Sewoll 4 ,
Lincoln ; Gcorgo W. Spidclr 17. York ;
losoph R. Sams II , Hastings ; Allen B.
Smith 8 , Omaha ; Richard Smith 1 , Omaha ;
Frederick Stabrel 1 , Omaha ; Henry \V.
Stout 11 , Edgar ; Dowitt C. Sntphcn 1 ,
Onialm ; Fred J. Switz 13 , Kearney ;
Joseph L. Toil row 11 , Hast
ings : James A. Tnlleys II , Red Cloud ;
William J. Turner 4 , Wncoln ; Fred W.
, Fremont ; Dellngs A Wnlden 7 ,
Beatrice ; Edwin C. Webster 11. Hastings ;
Edpur M. Wcstervolt 17. York ; Alfred W.
Whites , Plattsmouih ; Francis E. While R ,
Plattsmouth : Victor White 1 , Omaha ;
Charles E. Wllcox 17 , RlslncCity.
Nebraska ladies here Mrs. James G.
Ackorman , Alns worth ; Mrs. Morris L.
Alexander , Hastings ; Mrs. Oustav Ander
son , Omaha ; Mlsa Emma Anderson , Omaha ;
Mrs. James M. Hechtol , Bealrlco ; Mrs. An
derson G. Beason , Lincoln ; Mrs. Fred J ,
Benedict , Hastings : Mrs. James > V. Ber
nard. Beatrice ; Miss Eli/nboth A. Bowen ,
Omaha ; Mrs. Gamaliel Burger , Hastings :
Mrs. Albert M. Davis , Lincoln ; Mrs. Mnttin
R. Davie , Lincoln ; Mrs. Frank Dorsey ,
Omaha ; Mrs. Michael Uowling , North Bend ;
Mrs. Edirar Dudley , Lincoln ; Mrs. J. Dwycr ,
Beatrice ; Mrs. Miriam Lowing. Beatrice ;
Mrs. D. G. Fisk , Beatrice ; Mrs. .lames
Foley , Omaha ; Mrs. John Fonnor , Grand
Island ; Mrs. Harlan P. Foster , Lincoln ;
Mrs. Corrydon F. Glazier , Edgar ; Mrs.
Gurley Green , Stromsburg ; Mrs. Mary E.
Gridly , Omaha ; Mrs. Sloplien W. Goliier ,
Lincoln : Mr.s. Sarah A. Harrlnglon , Fre
mont ; Mrs. Alfred G. Hastings , Lincoln ;
Mrs. Jacob N. Herbst , Falls City ; Mrs.
Prank II. Holt , Beatrice ; Mrs. AUicd P.
Hopkins , Omaha ; Mrs. Ctiarles B. Horton ,
Omaha ; Mr.s. UlakoC.Howard.Grand Island ;
Mrs. Daniel B. Howard , Lincoln ; Mrs.
George Halo. Omaha ; Mis. Austin Hum
phrey , Lincoln ; Mrs. Oliver N. Humphrey ,
Lincoln ; Mrs. Louis 11. Korty , Omaha ;
Miss Gussio L. Kortv , Omaha ; Mrs. John
Lautcruack , Fairburv ; Mrs. William W.
Lawson , Beatrice ; Mrs. William E. Leo ,
Fremont ; Miss Ritio Lee , Fremont ; Mrs.
George W. Lininger , Omaha ; Mrs. Richard
P. R. Miller , Lincoln : Mrs. John H. Mock-
ctt , Lincoln ; Mrs. Georco M. McKeehan ,
Hastings ; Mrs. Dora D. Mitchell , Beatrice ;
Miss AUa Nowlan , Hastings ; Mrs. It.iv Nye ,
Fremont ; Mrs. Julius Pcpperberg , Platts
mouth ; Mis. William P. Phillips , Lincoln ;
Mrs. Pleasant J. Penn , Beatrice ;
Mrs. Jacob Rittcrbush , Nelson ;
Mrs. Edgar C. Salisbury , Boalrico ; Mrs.
Adrian V. S. Saunders , Beatrice ; Mrs.
Mrs. Ajidrow J. Sawyer , Lincoln ; Mrs. Ern
est Schurman , Fremont ; Mrs. Colvln R ,
Shaw , Oirfiiha ; Mrsr GoorRO W. Shidlor ,
York ; Mrs Joseph R. Sims , Hastings ; Mrs.
William G. Sloan. Omaha ; Miss Hortha J.
Slonfi , Omaha ; Mrs. Frederick Slabroi ,
Omaha ; Mrs. Liz/io Stoltonborg , Grnriel
Island : Miss Martha Stoltonberg , Grand
Island ; Mrs. Benjamin T. StoufTcr , Fremont ;
Mrs. Henry W. Stout , Edgar ; Mrs. Emma
S. Thompson , Omaha ; Mrs. Surah A.
Turner , Lincoln : Mrs. Delihzo A. Walden ,
Beatrice ; Mrs. Edwin C. Webster , Hastings ;
Mrs , Alfred W. White , Platlsmouth ; Mrs.
John P. Williams , Omaha ; Mrs. Henry
Zohrung , Lincoln.
Ibis evening's Slnr devoles SIK pages , or
forly-lwo columns of space , to sketches ot
prominent commanders nnd commandcries
present at the conclave , from which I take
the following :
"Nebraska has ono distinctive feature
characteristic of the ancient Templars ; Iliac
is its heraldic arms. Thcso arms are n gold
shield bearing a blood red cross with the
letters 'Lux Lex Dux and Rex , ' the V being
common to nil four words. These arms are
boruo by no Knights Templar other than
those of Nebraska , nnd are to bo found
on the standard of the grand com
mandcry , on their uroccedings , lotlcr-
hcads , and cards nnd boiilounicrcs ,
and will bo displayed in front of their head
quarters on Ninth street. In short , n red
cross on a gold shield with loiters ns stated
moans a Nebraska Knight Templar. The
grand commandery of Nebraska was organ
ized in 1871 , and now has twenty-two subor
dinate commanderies and some 1,200 mem
bers. Mount Xlon Comraandery , No. D , K.
T. , of Plattsmouth , was organl/ed March 4 ,
Ibtl. This coinuiaiidcry has no banner.
Sir David H. Wheeler , of the commandery ,
has filled the ofllco ot grand commander oi
ttio grand jurisdiction with creat honor to
himself and the goodof Masonrym the Juris
diction. Sir Francis E. Wnito , the present
commander , has also tilled the olllco oi
eminent grand commander of the jurisdic
tion , and is good autuonty on nil questions
of Masonry.
Some four or five hundred knights from
lown , hooded by Grand Commander Varnum ,
arrived In the city yesterday. They arc
quartered nt the Richmond. The lown
knlghls occupy a rather unique position in
the triennial conclavo. By an order dated
May 2S , IbSi , Grand Master Roomo declared
the grand commandory ot Iowa and all sir
knights In Us obedience to bo in astutcol
disloyalty and rebellion , contrary to tholi
vows as Knights Templar and their
promised allegiance to the constitution
nnd regulations of the grand encampment ol
the United States. All templar Intercourse
is Interdicted between the grand comman
dery of Iowa and all sir knights in its
obedience nnd loyal Knights Templar of the
United States. This order has never been
abrogated , nnd in consequence the Iowa
knights , although they como to this city ,
will not take part in the parade. Their case
will como before the grand commandery ,
and It is probable that the lown knights will
endeavor to sccuro a revocation of thlc
action. The officers of grand
encampment do not talk about the
Iowa case very freely , and Grand Re
carder Isaacs , when uskcd about il
this morning , said with n good-humored
smile that ho did not know anything nboul
It. After the opening address , when the
grand encampment convenes to-morrow , the
report of the grand muster , treasurer ami
secretary will bo made and the following
committees will bo appointed : Credentials ,
jurisprudence , doings of grand olllccs ,
finances , dispensations , grievances , and
place of meeting. The grand encampment
will then adjourn until Wednesday morning ,
To-day's Post has this to nay nbout the
Nebraska knights : Generalissimo Korty , ii
speaking of the trip , said : "Wo left Omalu
Thursday morning at 10:20 : o'clock. Wo hac
a special train of seven cars nnd each c.n
was handsomely decorated wltti Hags um
bunting , Wo brought about ono hundred sh
knights , representing thirteen coimnandcr-
1(8 ( , as many ladles and thirty guests , Ai
ours was ono ( if the first trains of the lum
to cross the country wo attracted coubldura
bio attention along the route. "
The commandoiy basa banner worth fl,00 (
at headquarters. During the evening there
wcro n largo number of callers and the mem
hers of the grand commandory were busy
receiving them. Eminent Sir William R
llowen , of this commandery , called a (
headquarters yesterday , wearing a dlinln
utlvo ear of corn as a watch onarm.
"This has been a great year for the Ne
braska corn crop , " ho said. "Wo will havi
sixty bushels of corn to tuo aero in u lariri
portion of the country , "
t'JIow about the httlo corn crop you an
carrying on your watch chain 1"
"That Is n souvenir of ono of our Ncbraski
fairs , OQQ of the exhibitors gave awa :
thousands of such diminutive ours of corn. "
"How did ho rnlso the can ot such small
"Well , ho planted n number of ncres of
pround very thickly with grains of corn
trom stunted cars , then when the stalk was
mU-prown ho planted weeds nmong them.
Thowjcds did most of the growing , nnd
kvhon tlio harvest time came ho gathered
in n crop with each of the cars nbont nn
inch long , nnd now thousands of Ncbrnskans
are wearing them ns ornaments to their
watch chains , "
"Oreal head l !
"Oh , yes , Nebraska is a fine country for
Ideas to crow In. You couldn't stunt the
cron of Ideas ns this car of corn was stunted
In Its growth , If you tried. "
Sir Knight Thomas McFndden Patton , of
Orceon ( 'oinmnudcry No. 1 , Portland , ar
rived in the city yesterday nnd Is quartered
at 717 1'onth street. Ho is ono of the old
Lhncr.s who struck across the wilderness of
Llio northwest In 1850 and made n homo
where ho llvcet surrounded by hostile In
dians for a good many years , nnd knows the
feeling of going to bed with his loaded
tnu&kut nt Ills side.I loft Chicago
la 1S50 , " ho sold to-day , "and
started west with an ox team.
It took mo just six months and eighteen days
to pot to Dallas , Oregon , where 1 settled.
It seemed stranzo to make the return trip In
three days , as I did on my way to Washing
ton. On our wav went our ox train stopped
nt the spot on which Omaha Is now located.
Wo waited there throe dnvs for the crass to
urow so that our cattle might bo led , and
then went on. There wasn't anythlt-g ulong
the river there except Pawnee Indians In
those days , nnd they were thicker than the
hairs on n dog's back , but It wouldn't Imvo
been n bad idea If I had stopped them. Tlio
entire town site wasm'twoith n bagof bo.uis.
I fcnl almost as If 1 was dreaming when I
think of the great territory I passe-d over
forty years ngo inhabited only by Indians ,
nnd now cover the name ironnd ; nnd find
cities and wealthy nnd prosperous communi
ties ovcry low miles. "
The employes on the temporary roll ot the
senate are complaining because they Imvo
not received their pay for September. The
roll must bo made out by Serpeant-at-Arnia
Canady and countersigned bv Senator Pad
dock , who Is actlnc cnali man of the committee -
too on contingent expenses. Sorgeant-at-
Arms Canady is out of the city and has not
reported , it is said , to Senator Paddock.
Manvofthcso cinoloyes are suffering for
want of means , and In several Instances
they are not able to moot their rents nnd
board bills for the current month.
Pr.iiuv S.
It la K.xpcctod Tlmt nt I > ast KU'tcon
I hou.snnd Will Mnroli.
WASHINGTONOct. . 7. The brisk , chilly
northwest wind which fluttered the flags nud
streamers decorating the bulldinirs along the
line ot march which will bo followed by the
Knights Templar to-morrow proved rather
a cold welcome to tnn visiting commandorios
when they arrived to-day , but the worm re
ception which they received from the crowd"
on the streets acted as an offset
to the inclemency of the weather ,
The district comnmnJerics were busily en-
caged to-day in escorting the arriving guests
to their headquarters. To-night trains nrc
constantly arriving bringing knights and
their friends. Evorythinir is orderly nnd
well arranged , and there is but little noise
nud confusion. Quarters liavo been engaged
for 22,000 knights , but 18OW is probably the
conservative number of knights who will
bo here. It is expected that ut least 15,0X (
persons will bo in line to-morrow ,
The Cincinnati and Ilansulman commandn-
rics. of Cincinnati , have a monster petition
"to the grand onca.npment from the Cincln
nnti chamber of commerce , und anothct
sinned by the leading businessmen and man
ufacturers of of Cincinnati asking that the
next conclave bp hold there. H is nssertci
by the Queen Citv's friends that Cincinnati'- '
chances for securing the next triennial con
clave loud all others. Denver is second ii
the race , they say.
A Very Ilfrcr < Mit Story Told By tlio
Ijnhoi-nrs' IS o prose ntn live.
WASIIIXOTO.V , Oct. 7. The state depart
ment Is In receipt of n partial report from
W. G. Allen , United States consul to King
ston , Jamaica , of the recent riot at Navassa
It agrees with the press reports alrcadj
published and has in addition the followlii )
letter from William II. Ilcnson , spiritua
advisor of the laborers , to Consul Allen
giving their version of the trouble :
NAVAsat , Sept. 15. Wo , tlio underslgnet
laborers of the Navassa Phosphate company
were nttackcd by the bosses and manager !
with fire arms because wo refused to worl
after being improperly treated. Our griev
ances were various , aud wo demanded i
hearing before the present acting superintendent
tondent , C. D. Smith. They immediately flrei
promiscuously amongst us and wounded foui
men. We , believing thp'ro was nothing bo
twccn us nnd death , withstood the flro am
captured some of the llrcanns. During tin
affray ono of the bosses was wounded. Thoj
went under cover of the house and fired on
us a second time. During the nftruy two ol
the bosses wcro fatally injured. They thei
evacuated the armory , which we now havi
in our possession , treating the lemaininf.
bosses with duo courtesy mid witlunii
further nets of violence on our part. W (
now wait to hear from you. hoping you wil
send Immediate help or n vessel to carry in
back to the United States of America. We
remain yours , one hundred and thirty-si ;
souls , all American citizens , awaiting youi
instant action.
An Interview With Judge Hill , o
Counsel For the Plaintiff.
IlAiiHisncito , Pa. , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin ; Bcii.J Judge Hill , of counsc
for the People's Telephone company In tin
suit against the Ball company to determine
the claims of priority of the invention of th
telephone , has just returned from a visit t <
Daniel Druwbaugii , who claims to have in
vented the instrument. Being nskei
whether the government will support Draw
baugh , Judge Hill said ;
" 1'liQ government counsel has given post
tivo assurance that the natural and only con
sequence ot victory in this suit will bo u pat
ent for Drawbuugh. I cannot nay wha
course the government will tniio In the Im
mcdlata future. The publio htntcment hu
boon made that the government means t
act aggressively nnd without hesitation , am
1 can tell you that that Is correct. "
. lloduHon BimiRtt'n Condition.
iCnpurtaM Ufa ljuJitmt-1 Oodioii iiennM. ' ]
LONDON , Oct. 7. | New York Heralt
Cable Special to TUB BEE ! At noon to
day Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett was per
fectly conscious und recognized those abou
her. Her phjslcian states that no pormn
nontly bad effects nro to bo anticipated fron
the accident. Sbo expressed wish that th
Herald would so state , us her husband salle
for the United States October 3 , Whoa th
nccldont occurred Mrs , Burnett was engage
in framing n reply to Mrs. Wlnthrop's chnrg
that "Little Lord Fauntlero.y" was plaglai
Um of u story written by her some years age
The reply , she thinks , will bo perfectly sails
factory to the public.
\Cor \ > vrtgM JS53 by Jam'.t n > r < lin ll'.il ut'.l '
LONDON , Oct. 7 , [ Now Yoik Herald Cabli
Special to Tun UUB. ] Boulaoger romovei
liimsclf nnd effects to the Island of Jerso ,
to-day. Jersey is less expansive tuan Lou
The AVcnther Forocust.
For Omaha and vicinity ; Fair weather.
For Nebraska , and Iowa ; Fair unl
Wednesday night , warmer winds , bccomln
south crly.
For Dakota : Fair , warmer , southc'-
The Prlvnto SimpaVorUotl By the
O. , St. P. & K , O.
The Whole Scheme Given Awny Hy
ii lilundcrlni ; Shipper Asking .
Kor Hob.itos at ilio
\Yronir Shop.
niul tnillitimtinii ,
Cme-voo , Oct. 7. [ Special to
I'm : Bin : . 1 Tlio moU sensational dovelop-
incuts in ruto manipulation Mneo the coal
uiui coke deals of lust spring leaked out
to-ilny ,
i\ftcr the niulu fads had.boon gnthoicil
from tlio Burlington , Kock Island nnd St.
I'nnl officials , thu complete stor.v was lohl by
an onlciul of ono of the wcalorn r.illroait as
sociations , s.ilil lie :
"About a iiiontli ago It was charged tlmt
tlio Chicago , St. I'uul & Kansas City railroad -
road was nirrjlng larger quantities :
of grain fiotu St. Joseph to Minne i
apolis niul of cattle from St , I'uul
to Chicago than they repotted. Tlio innttor
was carefully examined Into and tlio charge
\vas substanliated in n measure. For the
month of September tho.y reported 0) car.s
of grain Into Chicniro when It Is positlvol.v
known they hnvo brought in between U,000
und U.OOO cars. Hardly had wo .secured this
Information when tlio whole thing became
known by ono of tlio most ghastly , although
untntonllonal practical joltos over pcrpo-
trated on a man or corporation. All the
urulu inaiiipulutcit by tlio Chicago , St.
l'a\il & Kansas City was tluough grain ,
and was delivered to It at bt. .loscph
by the ICunsas City , St. Joseph &
Council Hinds , n branch ot the
Bui lington. Last week a prominent shipper
went into the unices of the Kansas City , St.
Joseph & Council Bluffs and presented or
ders for rebates on 1,100 cars of groin , tlio
orders having been Issued bv the Chicago ,
St. Paul & Kansas City. The shipper hurt
mixed the names , mid by his mistake had cx-
posed tlio whole thing to the enemy. OT
course the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Coun
cil Bluffs Immediately notilled the Burlln-
ton. Then wo discovered that the original
report of the manipulate ! ! train having gene
to Duluih via Minneapolis uasainlstaUe. Thu
most of it had been originally billed to
Dululli , but WAS robillod at Ovlwoin to Chicago
cage , Ilia rate being thus cut from a cent to
JXeonts. On U.o'JU ' car.s this nmUes n biff
diiTeronco. It also uxpl-itns conelUBivoly
why thu Chicago , St. Paul V Kansas City
withdrew its demand for a division of the
tr.ifllc from the Missouri rlviT. Thcro wan
abundant evidence of manipulation bcforo
it din withdraw the notice , however. It
didn't take much argument to convince them
they had bettor withdraw It. "
Burlington officials substantiated the ir.niu
points In the nlm-o atory , the part relative to
tlio mistake of tlio shipper In presenting his
robalo notices to the Kansas City , St.
Joseph & Council ItluiTs being related anilrt
shouts of laughter.
At the Si. Paul ofllecs fully as serious a
charge was mtulo smd pi-nclically substan
tiated against the Chicago. St. Paul it Kan
sas City. For the last month tlio Chicago ,
St. P.uil & Kansas City has had almost u
monopoly of the Montana ana Dakota cattle
traflle from St. Paul to Chicago. No ono
could learn the reason until last Monday the
St. Paul people struck the proper clue. The
investigation disclosed the fact tnat the
Chicago , St. Paul Vc Kansas City passes on
account of "stock" groiv on almost every
sugu bush in the cattle country. 'J hero was
such little difilcultv in getting them tlmt tlio
St. Paul itself has a stack about six inches
high.No ono Is so bold as to prophesy what will
oo the outcome. The Chicago , St , I'aul &
Kansas City officials claim the rate was n ,
mistake made by a clerk and that no grain
is now being taken by it except at tariff
Hurlington , St. P.uil and Roclc Island offi
cials claim the proof is absolute that -Iho
grain rate was manipulated and that
passes \\oro issued to inllncnco busi
ness , bull olTeuscs betini' punlshablo
under the Intcr-btato commerce act wltu
§ "iCO ( Ino and two years in the penitentiary.
The proof Is , however , no moro conclusive
than that lastsprmg against the Hock Island ,
St. Paul , Northwestern and tlio Wisconsin
Central and the famous coke and coal manip
ulation. At that time Chairman Blanchnrd ,
of tlio Central Tralllo association , and Faith-
cm , of the Western Freight association , is
sued a written notice that the uroof was con
clusive , but Ilio ro.ulR were let oft' with stiff
lines imposed by the presidents' associa
tions. In view of tills fact , it is
thought that other than association
action will oo taken , and this In snito of an
article in the Intcr-stato Commerce Kailwiiy
Association agreement and the remark of
Chairman Walker of tlio association to the
members of the inter-stalo commerce com
mission last WCQIC that the main purpose of
the presidents' association was to HUO In thu
United States courts any road either in or
out of tlio association which in way manipu
lated rates.
A meeting of the Western Freight Asso
ciation has been called for to-moirow to con
sider the matter.
/Uolilson IHivctors rii
BOSTON , Oct. 7. The Nevs Bureau aay
to-night : Atchison directors Saturday were
unanimous in their appiovul of the reorgani
sation presented by the hpceial coiumltteo.
A few details only remain to bo perfected.
The plan will not contain any of Mormon's
scheme nor anytning like it , for Mormon's
report was m.ulo only for the Information of.
the parlies at work to save the property.
The plan has not been modified snvo in the
direction mooting the generally expressed
ilcHlro to hnvo lower incomes at a higher
rate. Thu first gcneial I per cent , morlgaga
will probably bo drawn lor less than S-HiO-
( MD.CMO , with n right toine-rcaso fornowinilo-
ago at the rate per mlle for single track
and the rate per nnlo for double track. The
Income bonds will probably bo limited to
$80,000,000 at 5 per cunt. Fixed charges. In
cluding taxes , will by this plan bo less than '
? iUO ( > ,000 , Instead of as at present ab'out
? llOdOCOO , and the Income bonds will luivo n
very considerable value at the start and the
prospect of being at par In nfcw years , wltU i.
fair crons and fair railroad rates. .
If In Blxly days the plan him not been gen
erally accepted the security holders and
creditors can seek thsir rights under the
law. Hut the plan is HO fair ana Just nnd
has boon so far unanimously endorsed that
Its hearty acceptance by all interests im.y bo
expected ,
JNfoio Trouble ,
CIIICAOO , Oct. 7. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hii.J : His reported that trublo Is again
brewing /or the Inter-atato Commcrco Kail-
way association.
It will ho remembered that Chairman
Walker recently rendered u decision In
which ho denied the petition of thn Minna *
apolla & St. Louis road for leave to loner
the grain rate bclwoen Xumbrota and St ,
Louis from ITJtf to ID eonts , Receiver Trues-
dell , of the Minneapolis & bt. Louis , to-day
notilled Chairman Walker that In upltoof Ids
decision the rate would bo luxvcrod. It Is
not known yet what action will bo talcon ,
but it will certainly ruin all hope of raialng
the western grain rates or oven of keoplni ;
them on their present uneven keel.
A Spoolal Commodity Tariff.
Ciuoiao , Oct. 7. The IlllnoU Central
railroad has iivcn notlco of Hi Intention to
put into effect between Chicago nnd Sioux
City n special commodity tariff arranged on
the samu basis as that now In force between
Chicago und St. Paul. Jf the commodity
rr.toa aio applied to Sioux City they will
ill BO bo extended to Oinulm , and Missouri
river rates will bo affected all along the lino.
1 { itc * from Chicago to the river on certain
a > ' 'i i will then Ijo lets tUuu from
i - tlio river ,