2 THE OMAHA DAILY $ pE ; MONDAY , , .OQTOBER 7 , 1889. IN THE FIELD OF SPORTS , Plans of the Local Baao Ball Man- ngomont for Next Year. ANOTHER GOOD TEAM PROMISED. Humored Snlo of Jlmmlo Goonejr Oniolnl l.tst of IMnyorfi Hosorvctl by the Western Assoola- tloti Clubs. Oinnlin'n Record For 1880. Following will bo fonnil the record of the Omnha base bull team for the Mason of 3&SO. The flRurcs have been carefully com piled from the scores ns imbllMiod in the dally papers , nnd will differ but Immaterially trom the ofllclnl figures : , OENMIAt , riKWIl.S'O I1ECCI1II. 1 Tlnycd All n In sn mi ro A R Btrnius. rf Ill 444 V.MH47 13 fiO IH2 fiT 37 r'loreiiuiil , 3b. .HM 44ii IK lat n 19 im : SIT -1:1 : CrooKH , Sb MS 481 ai Ml ai tO ? tS % K 42 Coonojr.t 101 4T ? KM 1L-J 254 81 SI 177 30T fxS 47.1 114 ill I'an ft vn n 107 S\ci \ IV ) IttZi JIosMtt r > 4 211 ni it in Clnuto , . , raJI1 -41 48 : w tiv , 10 Mchols V 171 5 III M S < 17 0 J'rooB or 1 ! ) II 0 n a s Andrews W > 402 B1 IW 21 1M7 W11IK 61 210 K ! ( HI , nni.ni.NO iinconn. ISIUVIDUAI. ii.vmxo nr.cotm. HOME UUNS AMI 1US1:3. riTciinits' noxs. The Omnhus earned 47i runs nnd their op ponents 243. The Bnau Unit Situation. There Is a general feeling ol regret throughout base ball circles In this city thnt the local management iu'.cud to soil what ever member of the homo team they can got thair price for. So far Crooks is the only man who hns been absolutely disposed of , unless the rumored sale of Coonoy yester day turns out to bo true. However , the Omnhn management nro not duaerving of tiny censure In this matter. They put up their good hard cash to sustain the club here , and what have they received in turnl His unbecoming in those who have sut back to talk about what they would do under the cir cumstances , when the munairement raforrod to were tbo only ones to do tho'r ' share to ward giving the city Jlrst clusi ball. Now they nro perfectly willini * to divide the responsibility and j.rollts with uny other capltntists or enthusiasts who see proper to put up a Uttlo of the stuff. Had the club received the patronage its line work deserved there Is no doubt but what the Whlto Sox combination would have boon kept Intact. However , there is no occasion for any npprohcnsion that wo will have no team next season. That Is a settled fact , and while It may not como up to the standard of the nRKi-CKatlon , gl disbanded , it will bo BtroiiR cnouuh to ( jlvo interesting battle to nny of the clubs in next year's aroim. The nucleus for n line team will bo loft over at nil -events , and the management nre not niadoof Vho mntorhl to sit.ldly by and not secure enough additional talent to represent tic | , , Gate city In a creditable manner upon ho diamond. President McCormick is sedulously at work cmtcuvoriii ! : to secure ndw grounds , moro accessible and convenient than the present park , nnd in case lie succeeds ho declares that no expense will bo soared in engaging a team that will bo fully up to the playing strength of the ono that won' the ponuant this yoar. iiaso ball fnxtrcms who liuvo been depressed by the re ' ports' ot it probable dissolution of the local corporation can brace up under the assur- nnco'tlmt such n proQcduro is utterly out of the question. Thuro is going to bo kuonby , and big money , too , In base ball In this city , und there is not even a pos- filbilltyof the abandonment of the enter- WostiTii A i Below will bo found the nfllclal list of players reserved by the clubs of the Western 4isoclntlon : Omaha N. II. Clurk , E. Cleveland. C. A , Nichols , Joseph WuUn , Phil ICmUl , .1 , K Cauuvmi , U. II. Willis , John Mossitt , Thomas Nuglc , Jon StriiUKs , J. J. Coouoy , W. An drews , William Monin , Denver A. Dalryuiplo , William McClel land , Cloorgo Tread waj' , J. I ) . Curtiss , Wil liam White , NIclc Smith , WiUIuui D.irn- brouBh , K..J McNubb , William Fagan , A. Uwineham , Tom Dolun , .lames Shores , MliwnuUco A , C. JnnUon , H. J. Karl , TA Kilch , Ueorgo tjchoch , .lorry Ilurlnv , jGoorso W , Davies , A. G. Alberts. K. b. Willis , Thomas Morrlssoy , Clark fJrlfilth , 11. L. Lowe. T , J. I'oorinun , E. U. Sutton. Bet Monies J. F. MacullurVllllam iTraflloy. Bam Smith , 1 \ D. Pliolau , P. J. Connull , C. Miisltroy. O. J. Pattou , W. T. Hart , William Itoach. . SU Joseph Joe Ardner. William F , Kriep , 'James Devlin , T. A. AlcCarty , Hqbort 1 , Hurks , p. J. llotallng. Thomas J. Flood , W. T. Mahoney , N. Schollhasso , E. O. Cart- wright. St. Paul W. PX Mains , Cal liroughton , William Farmer , 1' . Ij. Murphy. William H. JJaxvv-s , J , Mecltcn. Jnuie Ualy , Phil Yiau , J , K. Carroll. Sioux City Joseph Crotty , Tim Hrosnan. Ooorire W. Uradley , E. O. Glenn , F , Genius , John Cllno.J. H. Porcol ) , D. J. Murphy , N. O. CroBJlcy , Uobert liluch , Charles liowers , Minneapolis K. T. HcnRle. IX E. Dugdnla , \Viimmllnnruhaii , Daniel Mlnnohan , Joscnh Miller , Mnrtin Dukn , J. G. Mitchell , Klmer K. Foster , U. C. Crisman. John Ityn , Nut P. Hudson , John DoUo , Curl MuVoy. Ulici Sale of Cntuhcr ( > ) Hiy. A Ocnl is about to be closed for tire wile of Jimmy Coonoy , Omaha's star ull-round player. What club gets thU flno llttlo ball tossor could not bo ascertained last night , but It Is ono ot the eastern American asso ciation teams. , tChnrllo Hrrno. of Brooklyn. Chnrlos Uyrno , president of the Brooklyn American association basn ball club , was n former resident of this city. Some Urelvo years nco bo hold a Rovornmont position hero and wns well known In society circles , The Ainorionn Asxticifttlon. CiNCiKKXTi , OcU 0. The Cincinnati nnd lxiilsvlilo ) caran chcdulod for to-diy xviu not played , the municipal authorities forbidding. BnooKt/rx , Oct. 0. Ucsult ot to-dny'a game : BrooUvn . 0 0 0 i I --V ( Athletic . 0 00000 0 Unmo cnllcd on account of rain , ST. Louis Oct. 0. Hcsult of to-day's St. Louis . 2 5) ) KmisasCHy . . .3 0-4 A Orcnt Pnoor. SAX JOSK , Gala. , Oct. 0. At the fair ( jrounds ycsterdny Adonis defeated Gold Leaf in the froc-for-nll pacing , nurse 91,200 , uinkin ? a mile In 2:14 : 4' , 'Jt41f ! nnd 3il4. ' A. ST. IjOlIlS SKNSA.rlON. Ono or Ilor Wealthiest CIlUciiH Fife- uri'H In n RlyHtorlous AfT.ilr. ST. Louis , Oct. ( . Captain D. P. Slnttcry , president of the Merchants' TClovator com pany nnd one of the most prominent nnd wealthy citizens of St. Louis , lies nt lin homo unconscious from the ofTocia of n brutal beat lug received curly tills morning near the corner of Jefferson iind Cass uvmiuos. These iuiilluutcil ] in the nlTalr toll a most peculiar story. Edward Klostomun keeps n crocer.v nnd saloon nt tlio corner nnmcct ami claims thnt ut 1 o'clock this morning his wife wns nwnkoiiod by n noise nnd saw a man walking toward her boa without shoes , hat or coat. Shu screamed , nnd Klostcrnian and his bartender cnmuupstairs. They found n strange man on the luiuling , Alexander Hunt , who was also in the saloon , came up uftcr them and told Ivlottornmu u > turn the man over to him. Una wns done , and Hunt boat the stranger , who proved to bo Captain Slattery.Jiiost brntnlly , winding up by ihrowlog him down stairs. They then followed him out on the street and bent him In n terrible manner thcro , and when they hnd pounded him sufficiently took him to ttio police station , where the sergeant linmo- ulutoly recognized him nnd sent for n physi cian , who pronounced his injuries very dan gerous. All parties concerned have boon placed under arrest. The assailants clulin that Slattery never spoke to them before Hunt began to beathim. . Slnttory's missing clothes were brought homo this morning , Klostm'tnun clnlmi'ng to have foimd them in the strdot. A rti'ampnd ring nnd ln valued nt Slf > 00 ( ire missing. TJioaffair ims created nn intent-sensation. Late to-night C\plnln Slattery recovered consciousness. Ho claimed ho was on his wav to see a fnrmor chiploye , who lives on Cnss street , when he wJis struck on the heud nnd know no more. . . ARCUUIM1O1 * COUIUOAN. It IB Denied Tlint Ho Has Upon Sum- nioncil to Hinnn Ily ttm I'ope. SBW YORK , Oct. 0. It has been nunounccd in print several times during thu past week tnat Archbishop Corrigan has been sum moned to Rome by the pope. Mijr. Preston was asked this evening as to the trutn ot these reports. Ho replied : "Vou may use my name , and I ara very plad to have It used ns your authority for saying that there is no truth In the reports. According to ono report the archbishop lius been summoned to Home in connection with the old case of Dr. McGlynn. That Is false. Another report says that Archbishop Corrjgan has ocen re quested to come to Homo because ho docs not want to sit in an American ecclesiastical tribune said to have been appointed recently by tbo holy father to try local cases , because Cardinal Gibbons , of fialtnnoru , and Archbishop Ryan , of Philadelphia , uro the other members of the tri bunal. It was said that Cardinal Glnbons and Archbishop Ityan entertained liberal views , while Archbishop Corrigan blindly adhered to the ruling of the college uf the propaganda. Therefore it was said the arch bishop desired to bo relieved of his minority place in the tribunal and was called to Homo to answer for his disobedience. Tliii is interesting , but not true. It is true that there may bo established in this country n tribunal to try ecclesiastic cases. This course may ba necessary in order that the necessity for ap pealing to Home may in many cases bo nvoided. The trllmn.il bus not oeun np- pointed as yet , nnd it is not known hero , so far ns I know , who may be th'i members of it. The archbishop has not remonstrated at any prospect that ho may bo appointed u member. "So far ns Cardinal Gibbnni Is concerned , " added Mr. Preston , "the archbishop's views do not differ materially from his , und as to Archbishop Hyun , ho nnd Archbishop Corri gan are warm personal friends. What may be the motive for spreading these false rumors I cannot ImiiRliio. In this matter I spealc the mind of tlio urchbishop. " TIIK rAN.AM.I2IUCAN KXOOItSl ON. llnrvaril Colin it o IHHi > ectcil l > y the UosTO f , Oct. 0. The delegates to the In ternational American congress , after u com fortable night's rest and u hearty breakfast , were ready for another day of sight seeing. Carriages bearing the party were driven through the city and dowr. to the docks , where they were met by the mayor and a committee of the board of aldermen nnd escorted aboard a steamboat which landed them at Deer Island , At this place is located the correctional institutions of the city , , which the delegates Inspected. In the chnpul of thu reform school u protry ceremonial took place. About three hun dred boys nmivhcd with military precision and greatly nntertalnod the visitors with singing und other exercises , whllo the band 11 1 1 oil in the intervals with music. At tlio close of the cxprciscs luncheon was served in the dining room. Urlof romurks were made by sovoralof theonicluU. .When the speeches were concludea the party returned to 13oa- ton. ton.In In the nfternoon n procession of landnns strelchlnir half a mile In length carried thu oxcurslonlstu out nnd about Cambridge nnd Harvard university wns Inspected. The drive was out thro'ugh the clustered villuios that constitute thu Boston suburbs , past Longfellow's homo , with Brooklyn dis trict ns the objective point. At dusk the party alighted at , tlio home of John L. Gardner , director of the Chicago , Burling ton & Qiilncy railroad uonipitny , and ufter u brief reception returned to the city. .MKTIIOI ) IN HIS MAUNKSS. The l.ovrl Headed Sort ol' n Prohibi tion 1m luvaimt'liHlIorxly Is. CHICAGO. Oct. 0. | Social Telegram to Tim Hnn.J Hov. D. L. Moody , the great evangelist \ an interview un the prohibi tion question to-day said ! "I believe in prohibition , but not in the third party , I also bollovo that there Is no use in having a law until tlicro is n public. sentiment that will secure an enforcement of it. If I could enact u prohibition [ uw In Illinois tb-niorrow by turning over my hand 1 would not turn Itovor , because I don't believe - lievo the stnto is ripe for it. " "Why doa't you help to create some of thnt seutimcntt" "I do. Don't I have Francis Mttrnhy herewith with me I" "You do , but ho is an cnoiny of prohibi tion. " "Well. I have John G , Worloy too , nnd ho hns Just returned from canvassing Dakota for prohibition. " "Do you thick the lau agulntt murder Is proity well unforced In Illinois ! " "Never mind about that , A prohibition aw couldn't enforced.1 Donth of Bishop Vail , ol * Htry.NMvwH , Pu. , Oct. 0. Ht , Hov. Thomas Hubbard Vail , bishop of the dloceso of Kan sas. died here Uili morning after an illness of two woalu , TIN IN THE BLACK HILLS , It Exists In Abuadanoo nnd Is of Exoollont Quality. ENGLISH CAPITAL COMING IN. A Million nnd n llnll' Alrondjr Atl- vnnceit llj a Syndicate For tlio Development of tholtnbnoy Penk Tin Dy the Ton. Cunrun Ctri ( via itnpld City ) , Oct. 0. ( Special to Tin : 13ic. : | Ponnlngtou nnd Glis ter counties slrotch across tlio Ulnok Hills from cast to west , nnd Hnrncy'B ' peak , the most lofty elevation In tlio Ulock Hills , is on the border bo' , ween thu two. Surrounding Harney's peak are found the tin deposits , which are the subjoot of the present letter. Northwest of the peak Is Hill City , south west of U Is Caster City , whllo tittn , where ntono tin hM been practically worltod , llos to the east of It. Custcr City Is situated slxty- flvo mlles south of Uoadwood , forty-Ilvo Bontliwost of Rapid City nna some forty mlles southeast of Newcastle. French crook runs through Castor southeasterly nnd empties Into the South Cheyenne river. Early m 1875 , the miners who had boon driven out by the military came Ijnek In squads nnd soon 1,500 log houses , rainy of which still remain , were erected nnd the population of the plnco rapidly grow until 0,000 people hau gathered there. The dls- rovory of gold in Dcndwood gulch depopu lated Custcr more quickly than it had been occupied. This Is the most beautifully situ ated plnco In the Ulaok Hills. It liosD-100 , feet , over ouo mile , nbovo the sen on n nat ural "open" ainung the mountains which , covered with pines , surround it on every hand ; and In every direction llo Innurnor- nblo parks lending into one another for many miles , in which already are thriving farmers with an abundance of nil kinds of crops ex cept corn. All these heights nro immensely rich in mineral wealth gold , silver , copper , iron , mica , etc. while tin , which bad been sought for in vain on our continent , is found In every direction , on hill-top and at the foot of ravines , encased everywhere with cllt- tcrlng mica In forms of surpassing beauty. In 18S4 tin was found in Pcnnlngton county , nnd thj > Etta mlno wns stocked In Now Voric nnd nuout ? 100OOJ were expended on n stump mill and operators. A year Inter Mr. 11. P. Moore , of St. Louis , found tin In Cos ter county , and ho obtained 1.030 pounds of ore , which was smelted In New Yorlt and produced il.53 per cent of white tin , nmount- ing to about seventy pounds. Subsequently further discoveries wore made , notauly on the Tenderfoot , north of Gustcr City. Drifts were made on the veins , and it may bo said that preliminary work has gene , steadily on since tnat time , nt last reaching the whole district fifteen miles from Custor north to Hill City. The lodes are generally massive nnd well dolincd through their whnlo length. with largo nnd in many caseo very rich out crops. The Tenderfoot district is ono of phenomenal richness on the ton or twelve veins which have been examined , and thcro arc about Hill City numerous locations of rare promise on which u great deal of work has oeen done.lncludingexpensiveiiiiichiiiory ana buildings that are now under construc tion. In 1SS7 the Harncy Peak Tin company was orgimi/ed , only nftnr the existence of Blnck Hills tin had been fully demonstrated by the boat practical American and English ex ports. From thnt time nothing la the way of production has been done. Thoroughly satisfied with the results attained with the Imperfect machinery , tue company | ias de voted itself to the work of acquisition and development. Thoysomo tlme'aqo shipped 8tOO ! pounds in one lot to England. The company is now puttipg up reduction works at Hill City costing ? 150,000. and will erect like works at Custcr City the coming season , which with the Etta mines will bn connected by n narrow gauge railroad reaching all its locations. The English syndicate , of whicn Mr. J. During Gould is the head , hnvo ad vanced $1,500,000 for the development of the properties. Tney nrc doing permanent worK such as constructing tunnels aud erecting machinery for reducing the ore at ton dif ferent points , nnd nro actively carrying on development work at n great , many other lo- oations , nnd nlready employ over three hundred cncinoors and skilled workmen. On the Tenderfoot group , to take an ex ample , work is advancing rapidly. The dif- fcrmit veins nre being uncovered , In somu cases to u considerable depth , and the com pany are putting up p inminent works at ono point. Two tunnels have been begun at Tin Keel , and two on tlio Tenderfoot , where nisi the machinery for power drills is baing put in place. It developments go on as they have begun , plants for the reduction of tin ere will bo opened up , and tin will DO produced early the coming season nt this locality and at , Hill City. The HSU of the power drills will great oxpcdlto operations. These drills , like tnoso described In my letter from thu Newcastle coal mines , will effect n vast saving of time , labor and money ; ono of thorn will drill ten foot per hour , equal to the labor of leu skilled work men. men.Tho principal mines on which operations are now beginning are the Coates. Cowboy , Exolsior and February , near Hill City : the Etta group on the east side , and the Tin Keof , Czar's nnd Dorman's , near Custcr City. A visit to any of these veins will convince the most skeptical of the existence of tin alike In quantity , quality nncl accessibility. The veins are tynlcal fissure veins ; the ere is white , making a marked contrast with the accompanying slates. The walls are smooth and the ere is separated from the belts by clear partings. Ono vein which I saw was from fourteen to fifty feet thick , and it cm bo traced two miles , in sonio places extend ing fifteen foot nbovo the mirroundiugBurfnca 1'he company tiuvo in the course of tlntlr experiments manufactured a , great deal of metallic tin , equal to tbo boU foreign tin , being absolutely free from Iron , nrsenlo and tungsten , which nro the bane of the Corn wall tins. The amount of ere obtained in their experiments bus boon close to 4 pur cer.t , while tbo Enchsh Blue Bootes give that of the Cornwall mines us n fraction loss than 3 per cunt. Specimens of the ere wore bluppcd from the Tenderfoot two months ago to the Pans oxposltion that woijhcd from three to four tons , and which are esti mated to contain Irani 15 to 20 per cent of pure tin. In England tin ere as low us % per cent is worked nt a profit. The veins Ho on the slope of the foothills , from 50 to aoo feet nbovo the bottom of the canyon , and they can ba worked for n num ber of years with very Uttlo machinery for disposing of water , and ut but slight expense - penso for fui-J. This peculiar location on the slopes will also aid In collecting the ores from the numerous mines ut central milling points by menus of a system or gravity roads similar to those which arc seen In the coal regions of Pennsylvania. The tin ere Is lirst crushed nnd Is then con centrated to separate the black tin from the gorgne ; the resulting mass is then molted directly Into bar tin. The best material , for melting is a coal which gives u quick , intonHo hunt , and prevents the loss nf tin by volatili zation. The coal in the west sldo of the hills ut Nowcnstlo is , in Its natural stnto , the best possible material for roduclug the block tin to a melted condition. Its coking quality will render it invaluable for this purpose. Prof. Hailoy , of the Kapld City , Dak. , school of mines , when ho wa ? geologist for the tur ritory of Wyoming , made no fewer I linn eight luindrod teats of Wyoming coals for coking purposes , nnd ha Informs mo tlmt the coal trom Newcastle gives the best doko ho lias anywhere found sllver-whltd in cdlor , hard ana capablu of sustaining any necessary weight in the furnace nnd carrying a high percentage of llxod curbon , and therefore of u high reducing power , ono uart of Novv- castle CGIEO being oapu bio' of " reducing W 3-10 parts of lend , whllo from 23 to 23 is the rango-of tho. best reducing cokos. The Newcastle coka is nUo very freq" trom Biilplmr , and contains but ' a' tmall perccntugo of silica. Tlio importance of this coka to the Hlacic II11U mining Indus try can hardly boovoroatluiutcd , At Galena , at Carbonate , at Kuby liaiiii , ut Ball Mount ain , at the Uncle Sam , at Silver City , and at the H-JX Elder districts are largo quantities of smelting ores , and many of 'the .mines have stunt thousands of dollars In. develop- inuut , Atbotn ( jalonuand Carbonate largo smelter * have been erected und have boon successfully run , but they have boon 'com pelled to use Connollsvllto , Pa. , ebke trans ported fiom Jhoovcns to the end of the mil- road In the Hlliy nnd then linulod 11 ftoon or twenty mites wy wagon to the smcltor , and costing nt that point from $35 to 133 per ton. The production therefore of cheap coke * almost wlthlu4ha circle of the Ulnck H Ills , nnd their trnlmpdrtntlon by railroad to the smellers , monni/m development unrivalled even In Colorado. H means , too , n saving ot the vnst supplies ot wood , which nro becoming nearly oxhauiOciK Tha ercnt mines nt Load City hnvo now to haul tboir enormous sup plies of wood for fuel twenty-five miles over n railroad built solely for that purpose. With proper facilities "for transporting Newcas tle coke Into UjoIIIlls , the coming live year * nro Ocstlnod to marie the beglnningof n now era ot dovolbVnicnt and Industry. There will bo the llioiultnds of skilled workman nnd their families to be housed nnd fed , nnd nil the trafllc and trade incident to the estab lishment anil maintenance of largo settle ments of pooplo. Industries will spring up tln-nlnto and other manufactures , the erec tion of rolling mills , with the puddling ma chinery , the blast furnaces , etc. , wblch will ultimately clvo employment to tens of thou sands of skilled workmen In allied nud ad ventitious branches of labor , There nro , bisldcs tso tin nrouad Hnrnoy Peak , scattered all through the hills us far Lend City and Newcastle inexhaustible quan tities of low grndo gold ores , of high grade refractory gold ores , of silver carbonates , of nurlfcroiis gravel , of mica , of topper nnd iron , while there Is south of Custor City , nround the hot springs , n great variety of marbles , which only juvnlt tno coining of n railroad to bo produced extensively and cheaply. GUOAVJXG NniUlASKA TOWNS. llnukvlllo'fl rrcsont Prosperity anil Fntnro Hrlcht Prospects. KOCKVILI.C , Nob. , Oct. ft. ( Special to TUB Hnn. ] Kockvlllo Is situated In the Mlddlo Loup valley , In one of the richest farming countries west of the Missouri river. It li in the southeastern part of Sherman county , olght nnlos northwest of Uoolns and fourteen miles southeast of Loup City , on the Omaha iV Kcpnbllcan Valley railroad. The country around Kockvlllo Is well settled with n thrifty sot of farmers nnd it has nuvor failed to produce good crops. The town is nicely located und there is u irood opening for a banker , a doctor and n lumber dealer. Thuro Is also n good chnnco for a harness maker. There are two general stores and ono hard ware store , n blacksmith shop and a good oluvntor. There is more grain shipped from Kuckvillo than any town on the road. llio News nt Nelson. NELSON , Neb" . , Oct.,0. | Special to TUB Bnu.1 District court has been in session , with n full docket , bringing largo numbers of lawyers , witnesses and Jurors. Judge W. H. Morris has dispatched business nud un adjournment was had Saturday. Five delegates have been elected to nttond the state Y. M. C. A. convention nt Omaha October L'4-27. Thurhduy evoiuiiK.tho G. A. R. held a bean simper to add to _ the relief fund. Good Bpei'ohes were also made to the largo number gnthurod. The funural of lolbert Wordon , who died from the effects of a kick from a horse , was largely attended. The public school wns dis missed and both district court and commis sioners' court xvurandjounicd for tlio f unoral , and the Knights of iPytnlas attoado'l in re- guliu. On next Tuesday Prof. L. AV , FiUe , prin cipal of the lukh'school , will bejfln a series of exhibition recitations , to bo given from time to time by tlle'Various teachers of the departments. , , Notes' ' ' Curtis. CniiTis , Neb , , , Oct. 0. [ Special to Tnu Uci : . ] The cori , crop is A No. 1. Wheat averaged about , eighteen bushels per ncrc , oats forty-live , nnd llax twenty-one ; root crops are excellent. Now settlers nre daily arriving and u , general brighteninir of prospects is realized. Itovlow of Clm e County's Pair. CHAMPIONNeb. . . ' Oct. C. [ Special to Tnn nuis.j The Chase c6unty fair was hold at Champion lasi weelrl and was a decided suc cess , nnd oven a surprise to its friends. The grounds nro about throe-quarters of a mile west of town , nnd skirted around the north side by the Frenchman rivor. This stream is fed mainly by springs , and is clear , pure water , und Uocs not freeze solid in the cold est weather. There U a line flouring mill at Champion , full roller process , with a capacity ot ono hundred barrels per day , and run day and night does not use nearly all the water. There nro several more good mill sites with a line water power for each within n few miles eabt and west of town. The bottom of the stream is , for a largo part of the dis tance , bolid rocl ; . This gives n good founda tion for a mill dam , nnd the country around is fertile and largely occupied by an indus trious , enterprising class of fanners. > ouio of tlio must roliublo citizens estnnato the quantity ol corn raised witnin a radius of ten miles of the town at 300,000 busholsr There were some rluo sairiiles | of wheat nt the fair. A test showed sixty-live pounds to tlio bushel , as tbo best raised in the county. Po tatoes , onions nnd other vegetables iir , ; nbuti- dnnt und indicate largo crops. Tlio old settlers had a meeting Thursday evening and rehearsed some peculiar renilnis- cont-es of the early days. Privation nnd loneliness are the dark shndings of pioneer grit and energy. The men who have con quered the wilderness , otm.iucrcd botli Boll und climate , making this desert ono of the fairest countries on tbo face of the earth , in stead of payinfr § 200 for their land , ought to have a pension. Colonel Champion Chase , of Omaha , was also present , and was very much pleased with the country and town to which ho has given u uauio. An RxceiitUiniil Town. Nob. , Oct. 0. [ Special to Tun HiR.l Perkins is u now town in the exact center of Perkins county , and is the only town on the U. & M. railroad west of Hold- rcgo that is not owned by llio Lincoln Town Site company and is In fact the farmers' town , having been laid out by farmers nnd improved by farmers. Kocontly the farmers of t'als place and vicinity met and organised a farmers' alliance , und elected olllcers us follows : President , James Lutvico ; presi dent , A. U , Frusor ; secretary , E.C.Worden ; treasurer. John Graves. It is expected that no less than one hundred honest toilers will unlto in this ono organization. < Jood OI-OJM in Key a 1'ahn. NOUDB.V , Neb. , Oct. f ) . [ Special to TUB Ben. j Tills section has good crops of small grain and a mijority.of the corn crops nro very good. Corn.wil averatfO from thirty- live to fifty bushels per aero. r IliM Kim. CHICAGO , Oct. JJf-nTlioiiias U. Twombly , master muchanlqjof , the Chicago , Kock Island & Pacific rjilrpud , was placed under arrest late SaturdvkVUkight on n warrant is sued by the coroner , , charging him with reappointing - appointing lib drunkun son to the charge of the englnu that caupoii.tho loss of seven lives in the recent sulmr t train disaster in En- glowood. Mr. Tiyouibly npont Saturday night und Sunday ntjo ( | police station. ' 7nii SI acid n Oltlz CuicAoo , Oct , fj Speelhl Telegram to Tim HUE. ] A gr.Yf't outcry was occasioned a few months agOjfa'djjO action of Governor Fifurin pardoning. eph C. Mackln , tlio notorious ballot boxfituffjr. Yesterday Governor Fifer gnvo another evidence of his high consideration for Muckln by appointing him a notary public of the Etato of Illinois. Kcott'd VAU.BT , III. , Oct. 0. It Is under stood that Mr. Scott is about to make another proposition to the miners , this time 82f cents per ton , with thirty Inches brushing coal furnished to the men at actual cost above ground and a reduced price for tool sharpening , Prominent members of the miners' organization say tbo olTor will not bo accepted nnd that the men will hold out all winter tlrst. Death of ( i l'"riiich I'nlnter. PAIIIS , Oct. ( ) . Theodora Georces Ga'stln Mulliiguc , u French painter , U dead. THE BEE'S SPECIAL FLYER , It DlstrlbutoB the Prxpor In Contra ! Nebraska lor Breakfast Handing. SEVEN HOURS IN THE LEAD. Hlvnls Notvlicro Thomnnilii Along JL7OHIIIcs - of Territory Grant the ICntoriirlsoVltli JOvory Dom- ' ( tiislrntian or Approval. Sunlight In the Mornlnir. Tun Unn's * \iccml \ ncxvspnpor train to Clnilifl Islnml and Hustings uinila its drat trip i'ostonlny morning via the Union Pa- clllo railway. The train consisted ot engine No. SOI , bng- KnRe'cnr nnil caboose , In chnrpo of O. W. Hull , conductor ; John Campbell , engineer , nnd J. W. Pnrlcs nnil J. C. Hlchnrils , br.tka- inoii , whllo the distribution of Tun 13in : was tinilor the suporlntemloncy of J. L. Graft. The Union Paclflo ofllclnls BHVO Tin : linn flyer n olenr tmcli , and at 4 n. m. sharp she wont whirling out of the depot at camion-bull speed. The first stop was uuido at Valley , a bundle of Uur.s dumped out and on slio whirled , arriving at Fremont at CslT. Tboro was a crowd already collected hero nnd the clmnor for Tun IJr.r. wns something Btiirtlltig. Hero the papers for Hastings , the Superior brnnchos uml for the main line of the 131k. horu were also put off , In care of trusty Ed. Augustine. The train run on n siiccml schedule nrrnnped pcrmunently for Tin : Uii : : ( Iyer , anil loft Fremont promptly on tlmo. .Hist west of this point a freight train lacion with Satunlny evening's edition of iin Omaha paper Intended to bo palmed olt on the people for Kumlsiy morning's paper wus passed nud loft moping bchliul tar In the retir. North 13end und bchuyler received their morning UKK , and were pasiod before 0 o'clock. .At Columbus another o xhilcratmg scene wus witnessed , a lar o crowd having ; assembled In recognition of TaiB UEE'R stroke of enterprise , and the huge bundle of papers disappeared in n twinkling of the oyo. Hero coal nnd water were taketi , and on flow the irbri horse. Central City received her papers on the flv , nud no other atop was inndo until Grand Island was reudioJ at 8:17 , the intcr- modlato stations being supplied oy Itirpo bundles tosspil upon the elation platforms , and eagerly seized by expectant throngs. Hero J. T. Knapp , Tun LIRE'S agent , took cbnrgo 6f all packages destined for all points botwooji this city and North Platte , and pro ceeded on westward by the Colorado fast freight , serving Kearney with her morning Hun three hours ahead of the regular train. At North Platte the paper was delivered at 3 o'clock , nearly four hours curlier than the customary time. TIIK HEE llyor then took the track of the St. Joe & Grand Island railway for Hustings , arriving jit her destination , ' 'TO miles from Oimihu , at 0:15 : , on tltno to the second. Tbo papers were quickly grabbed up here , the spectacle about thu depot being an ani mated ono. The citizoni of Hustings were not accustomed to having Tnc BUG laid at their doors nt such an hour , and attested their upprcciutlon of such a boon by a lively scnimblo to secure n copy. At this town all the bundles intended for points cast were transferred to the H. & M. No. 2 and were thereby delivered from an hour to two hours and thirty minutes aheud of the regular train. At Hastings the uapor wus distributed seven hours ahead of other Omtilm papers. This is the llrst time any Omaha news paper , nr In fact any newspaper west of Chiuapo , has over performed such a stroke of < iiiterprine as delivering its Sunday mornIng - Ing : edition by Hiiccial train at a distance of ITU miles , and that that achievement was abundantly appreciated was attested by the anxious crowds that awaited the flyer at all points along the line. THIS K. P. OK.VND JjODOE. The Annual Session Will Ho lii In 'llils City ToOJorrow. The Knights of Pythias grand lodge will begin its annual session in the hall of Ne braska loilco No. 1 , on Fourteenth street , between Douglas and Dodge , to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mayor Uroatoh will deliver the address of welcome , offering the visitors the freedom of the city. The response will be made by Grand Chancellor . H. Liovc , of Lincoln. Following this the lodge will go into close sossiou for the examination of creden tials , etc. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the members of the grand loueo will bo taken for a drive about the city , under the auspices of 3 committee - mittoo composed of representatives of nil the city lodues. The party will start from the hall whore the session Is held , nnd will no from there to Sixteenth Btroot , thence nonh to Wlrt , to Twont.v-lourth , to Ginning , [ to Lowe aviiime , to Fm-nnm. to TwentyJ J fourth , to Lcnvonwortli , to Sixteenth , to j Vinton , v > Tenth , to Mason , to Eleventh , to j F.irnam , thence to TIIK HUE and Now Yorlt Life buildings , where the party will alinht and inspect these buildings , thus completing a mo enjoyable programme , Wednesday morning the session will bo re sumed , and , from nil npponranocs , will bo closed by Wednesday evening 6r Thursday noon , tig there tin * no business ot nnv par tloulnr importuned developed which will pro long the session , MISSIONARY MASH M12UT1N . Interesting Services nt tlio First linn * tint Church. A mlsnlonnry mass nicotine of nil tlio Il.w list r.hurciics In bmnhn was bold at the First Unptlst chqrch last night , under vho auspices of the Omnhn UnptUt Missionary union. The ( nereides consisted of ttio usanl invo cation , followed by A select rendition by the Whatloy male quartette. The pastor , Kov. A.V. . Lmnnr , then rcaa thoscrlniuro lesson , aflorwhlcn the Rov. T. I ! . Kwlng made an eloquent nnd touching prayer. After a hymn In which the entire congre gation Joined , tlio Kov. A. W. Clark , pastor of Calvary Uaptlst church , delivered a most Interesting address upon the subject. "A Unckwnrd JLook Over the Field. " Ho sketched rapidly ami lucidly the first discov ery and exploration of the valleys of the Mis- ntolppt and Missouri rlvors , and the begin ning of the llrst settlement Ujwn the site of what is now Onmha , following up the growth In population during the succeeding years and tbo amount and value of the numerous Improvement * nnd largo bulldlngi. The growth of the churcho * wxi then taken up nnd followed , from the llrst sermon on Nebraska soil by the Kov. Mows Merrill , a , Unptlst missionary , In isat , dovyn to the present day. The history of the Uaptlst de nomination begins with the Kov. William Leach , who cnmo hero as n missionary in ISIw , nnd earned most of hm salary by prac ticing dentistry. Othur churches were es tablished by the various denominations , but they did nut grow In proportion to the in- crcaso In population. Klnco the estab lishment of the llrst actual settler on Nebraska soil In August , 1851 , the population of Omaha lias Increased to 130,000 whllo the churches hnvo increased very slowly. There nro only sixty-two church buildings In Omaha , with a seating capacity of about 17,000. The Uaptist church was llrst organized In ISfO by the Kov. A. S. Barnes , of Now York , who , with his own hands put up a small frame building. In 1800 the church was re organized under the Kev.W. J. Kermott , ana n fratna building was erected on the present site. The present building was completed in 1S80. when Dr. Jameson was pastor. There are now eight Dnptist churches in Omaha In good working condition. Two years ngo last July the Omaha H-ip- list Missionary union was organized. Asa result the Buptmt churches In this city have been brought Into closer relations with each other ; the sum of § ) } .00i ) has been raised and expended b\ " the society In city mission work , and last , but not least , two Uaptlst churches have been organized , ono In South Oun.ha and ono in the northern part of tlio city near Kountzo Place. In closing , the speaker made an earnest anpen' for more churches nnd un increase in tto scope of the work of the missionary society. The address of Kev. Clnrk was followed by u solo by Miss Lillto Chambqrlaln , after which the Kev. F.V , Foster addressed the audience on the subject "Present , .Aspect of City Mission Work in Omaha , " He re peated what Mr. Clurk had suid about the slow growth of the church in Omaha and appealed to his liearors to do nil in their power to aid in spreading the gospel and increasing the number of the churches and ttio size ot the congregations. He also stated that there nro now eighteen DIIICOS in the city at which tlin gospel is preached by Hup- list ministers , including churches and mis sions. At the close of his remarks Tlov. A. W. Lnmar , the pastor , nnnuunccd that thu con tributions for the evening iimountod to $117.81. This sum will bo given to u newly organized Uaptlst church among the colored pcoplo in the southern part of the city. HIM AV. C. T. U. Omnlm Almost Certain to Secure ttio National Convention. Mrs. Clark , matron of the Open Door , at 203U Capitol avenue , returned from Norfolk Saturday evening , where she had been dur ing the week as a delegate to the state con- vcntion of the W. C. T. U. of Nebraska. The lady was waited on by n reporter for Tim Hm : vcsterday und asked if any par ticular action had been taken by the nsocii- tion that would affect Omaha "Tho Omaha delegation , " said Mrs. Clark , "made : i great stroke , in my estima tion , when they extended such a strong _ and cordial invitation to hnvo the national con vention of the W. C. T. U. held in Omaha. All of us Nebraska ladies have worked hard to accomplish that end , nnd I am almost positive that we will succeed. The Coliseum is plenty largo enough to hold such a con vention. The state convention lias already pledged § 1,000 , and I am satislled that the clliyens of Omaha will willingly donate a sufllciunt amount to defray thu balance of the expense. " 'Who were the Omaha ladies who were elected to olllcoj" "Mrs. Watson II. Smith was chosen super- tondcntofthoduy of prayer1 in tlio week oT prayer , nnd t was elected superintendent of the White Cross and tbo White Shield. Tlio convention was also kind enough to select mo as a delegate to the national convention , which meets in Chicago from November 8 to No vember 12. A reception will bo tcmlnrcd nil of the delegate. } by Mrs.Vlllard ut Evanston - ton on November 7. "You may say , " continued Mrs. Clark , "that never before In the history of Nebraska was there nuoh n per fect organization to down the liquor trnflle , nnd the entire state is divided up into districts , nnd the superintendent of each district hns boon empowered to nnnolnt deputies. Our association Is ngnlnsl high license or any other sort of llcenso to soil liquor , And wo all now feel confident thnt it will only bo a nhort time tin.ll saloons In No- bruska will bo a thing of the past. " SOUTH OMAHA. M3\VS. The ( Jrrmnn Onlohrntlon. The normnti lodges , societies nnd citizens did thomnch-es proud Sunday In their cola- brntlon of the thrco hundredth anniversary ot the landing of the Germans In America. The intorcstcd nnd palnstnkmir committees had arrangements jiorfctceit , and the largo nttondnnco made the nffnir quito as Interest ing to outsiders ns It was gratifying to thi > so having n heart In it. After parad ing the streets the Miigla City cornet bund follotvcd by the marshals and about ono hundred nnd fifty mouthers of the Court Tcutonln , No. 105 , Independent Order of Forresters ; South Omaha lodge , No. M ; United Order of Treu Hum ) , nnd the South Omnlm Turnvcrcln , marched to Oernlnhlu hall , where nmplo preparations had ho6n inndo for n Boclnt time. Good music , refresh- mcnts nnd the zonloua Inborn of the oQiniplt- toes made the gathering ono to bo remem bered with pleasure by all sou * of the Fatherland. Notes Ahntit tlio OIlv. The Union Stock Yards qnarteUo gave a very plcnsant Rcri'iindo at the Transit house Saturday cvoniiig. l > unol ! Paul , an omployo In the Armour- Cndnhy tin department , is sluk and l.ud off , 'Jhc liiisunderatandlnt ; botwften Knturprlso Lodge. No. 70 , Knights of Pythln ? , and Soutn Omaha Lodge , No. 118 ; Independent Order of Odd Follows , hns boon settled. The dance given Satunlny evening by the Mnglo City cornet hand , nt the band rooiiw , Twunty-alxthnnd P treots , wns not only ono of the ploasr.ntost of the many pleasant dances given by the bahd boys , but wns ono of the most successful sonata nnd dances over hold In the city. Hotter and butler the band dunces nru becoming. About People. William ICnrlglit , formerly of Urn Union Pacific depot force , has returned , nfter u short residence in Kansas City. P. O'Neal , of the Armour-Cudnhy packing I'orco , has gone to Kansas City , Mis.s Loillo Noonnn nnd Mr. and Mrs. John Wall , of Chicaco , who have been visit ing the ladles' brother , Lurry Isoonan , have returned homo. Misses Kosn McDonnld nnd Lena /.iinplcr , of Omnlm , are guests In the city. L. J. Flaherty and P. F. Powers , of the Armour-Cudahy hum sowing department , loft Saturday ovoninc for Peorin , 111. , ami rumor says on matrimonial matters. Miss Kittio Gaffnoy hus returned from Sioux City. I'nrnMI ( "oiniiliiltiH of HIM Ilcnlth. LoxuoX , Oet , 0. PnrneU hns written to Seston asking him to act ns his representa tive nt the convention on ttio opening of the now Tenants' Defense league in Tiuperar.v nun to lay his viow.s boforu the convention. Ho snys his lionlth will not permit him to cross the channel. He advises that the movement be limited to defensive action. Indian liumli Oponotl. , Minn , , Oct. 0 Word wns re ceived to-day from the [ mlian commissioner at the Mille Lacs reservation that the Indi ans have at last given in and signed the treaty , which will open some of the richest lands in tlio country to settlement. The re sult of thu commission's labors adds about 1.000,000 acres to the domain j\d/litionr.l to hut secured by the Sioux commission. IIooil'x NnrMipiirilln purifies the blood , builds up wcnk nnd debilitated system" , gives Mrencdi to weakened neivca , over comes that tiled feeling , tones the dlgeMUe oigan.s , Invigorates nnd rcgiihitcs tlio Kid neys and liver , expels ill ease nnd Kl es vlgniuns liealth. Young jicnplo say : "Jt Is tiie best inedieliio wo ever tool ; . " Old peo- 1)1 ) c gay : " 11 malt > s us ft-ci joiini ; again. " ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR Back and Front Buckle , High Button Gaiters with leather fly , Gerster Croquet Alnaltns nnd Glove-Fitting , Pure Gum Sandals , New Ankle Strap Sandals nnd Fine Pebble Log Boots. Above nnmed styles cnn bo had in LADIES' , MISSES'and CHILDREN'S , in nil widths , from A A. to W , with or without heels. See thnt the "NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. " Is slnmped in the solos of each pair. They nre first quality goods and have tmperlor finish and shape. TAKE NO OTHER KIND. IVIen wanted to examine each pair of Arctics , Excluders , Rubber Boots , Waders , Lumber men , Alaskas , nnd Sandals , line Cloth Arctics nnd Polnr Alnskas , to see if the "NEW J ERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. " la stnmpedin enchsole. If not , QO to theshoe denier-who hns the Now Jerseys - soys , because they are strictly first-clnss goods , lam Western Agent for the above-named com pany nnd keep nn immense slock for dealers to draw from. I also sell Felt Boots , German Sox , Ruler and Oiled Clothing Remember , I am the only wholesale Shoe or Rubber Clothing dealer in Omaha who does not retail goods. Hereafter I shall keep the genuine Mclntosh Wading Pants in all widths and sizes. Z. T. LINDSEY , 1111 HARNEY STREET , - OMAHA.