Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1889, Image 1

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, > ofont of the Allied Doulauglsta nnd
Oi ly n KotvpflllH 1'oilowor * Siit-ceis-
ful in tlie Donrrtintitit of the
tichic A Member of Par-
1 lament Kulcltlus.
/HUM U"M'.t.l
PAWS Out. ( J. l.Jtow York Hor.ilil
Cable Social to Tun line.I The result of
to-day's ballotngca uro yet Incomplete. A
number of Huulmiglsu liuvo boon , < ucccsj-
ful ID Purls , union K them bclnji Niirpjot ,
Laur , Laisaut. and Mormoix , Tno Moulting *
isU , however , nro In tlio minority amonu the
deputies ot the Seine and tmvo ohtnlucil only
eighteen out 6f forty-two seats. Koohcforl's
defeat ut llollovlllo will bo felt particularly
koeiily by the members of his party , as nlso
will that of Andricux , wno was beaten by
George Merger , general eominissloiior ut the
exhibition ut Poulouso. Minister Constans
hat got the hotter of Ucsulsnl. Taken alto
gether , the ImUotUL'os in the departments
hnvo conllimed ; the victory obtuluod by the
republic a for nlRht ago nud completed the
rout of the allied conservatives and iiuu-
Tno boulevards were animated this oven-
Ing. Crowds paraded the streets shouting
pprtlsan cries.
The total returns for Paris show the elec
tion of twenty-two republicans mid fourteen
Midnight A few arrests have been made ,
principally of noloy youths. The streets nro
still crowded. Otherwise the city Is calm-
Tlio results In the provinces arrive slo\vly.
Returns from lull districts slmw the elec
tion of 108 republicans and 4 < i anti-republi
cans ,
12'51 a. m. It Is reported thai a split has
occurred between Hotihmgor and Count
Dillon beeauso of the former's assertion that
the bargain with the conservatives had
caused the loss of nsoattotho Houlangists.
The UoulaiiKlsts have obtained nearly half
of the representation of Paris and many of
thu anti-republicans elected uru pledged to
tno revision policy.
A Fi'oiiintitro I'roaranimn Miikus KM
A | > iCU'niioi ! : id London.
t WHS fojinns * iiwim nt'w.\ \
Oct. 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Iiit : : . | Hariiuin is
not hero , but bomo of his people arc , and
they havoulroady succeeded In wonting the
Londonj > ro3s tn a manner entirely Hatlstae-
tory tdthom , If not to the/ now lord mayor.
On Saturday the newspapers received copies
of "Program nio of the Lard Mayor's Show. "
In the olllco of tlio London edition of t no
Ilctalii IJ.'U'nur.i'j methods nro fairly well
known , AS well as admired. This programme
excited ailmlration. It mentioned a number
or- allegorical floats , 0110 of them
representing "Kngl.ind and America ,
( dra\\n by twelve cream horses. "
11 aUo monlipnc'd mi American band of forty
musicians in a chariot Ur.iy.rn by twelve
hbrfiithjrty ; ! American tlmroui.'hbrods and
'jockey ; , twonty-two camels and . dromoda-
, tM < is ; a now musical piinte-jhriohon In u olmr-
iat druwu by twjlvc llamas ana twelve os
triches fl-iwing cars.
The American programmo looked lilto the
usual pronunctamcnto of tlio great iSarmun ,
but to E'ligllsh editors , in spitit of several
gtartlUiR innovations , it must liuvo appeared
ripht and proper , for It was printed. Sir
Henry Isaacs , the now lord mayor ,
lee Hod long nnd anxiously at this
programme to-day. Ho lirst thought
there must bo some mistake. Then ho
assured the Ilorald correspondent that there
was a imatalcc. IIo read the programme )
curofully , and iho moro ho read the inoro
surprised ho was. Finally ho said : "Mar
vellous , " and was then lost for ninety seconds
ends In dcop thmght. Having emerged , no
mid :
" ' . ' . 'his can't bo ths programmo , for it will
not bo decided npon until to-morrow. Twelve
gentlemen , six appointed by me and six ap
pointed by the two sheriffs , will meet nt
Guild hall to-morrow and arrange tlio pro
gramme. I can't ' say exactly what they will
do , but I can say that Micro wilt bo no floats ,
no llamas , no ostriches and no liarnutn In
the lard mayor's show. "
After some chat of a general nature about
the show Sir Honr.v fsaaos said :
"There Is no intention to offend men liliu
Jlnrnum , but ho can t ba purmittnrJ to intcr-
foru with the lord mayor's show. Wo may
borrow a few horses from him , but do not
need the entire circus. "
Itanium , as usual , has KOt thero. No
matter what the lord mayor said , so long as
ho said somothmtr , ho has spoKen fully for
Uarntim and his representatives.
Siilonlc of n Illlnil 31. l .
| C < i ) > i/rfu'it / ' itX ) 1 > U JiiriiM Otinl /teii'tltt.l
LONDON , Oct. 0. | New York Herald
Cable Special to THE Uuis-l Sir \Vllliam
Tindnil Hobortson , member of parllauiont
for UrlKhlon , committed sulcldo this morn *
ing at his Brighton residence by cutting Ills
throat with n r.uor. Ho was oleotod to par-
llamout in 183(5 ( without opposition as a eon-
orvatlvo and in splto of his unwillingness ,
on account of blindness , to bo u candidate. A
short tune ago bo Hpramed his uulilo nnd was
compelled to take to his Dcd. Ho was at
tacked \vjth other ailments and became men
tally depressed , though none of his friends
imagined that ho was not in his right mind.
Ho was a follow of tno lioynl College ot the
Physicians of London in ISSS , became
chairman of the Brighton Conservative asso
ciation , was knighted last year , and was a
wan of uonaldorablo moans-as well us ability.
.Mr-i. Iliirnctt hiTloiiHIy Injured.
(0 ( > jii/rfi/M / tt&'Hiii Jam's ( Ionian llennttt. )
LONDON , Oct. 0 , [ Now York llorulJ
Cable -Special to Tun HUB. I Mrs. Frances
Hodgson iiurnelt met with a serious uccl-
cntto-Juy. She tins been living at Doris
Court , KUst QrlnstoaC , mid whllo driving to
the station to-da > her noiiy nhiod nnd dashed
u ? the bank. Mrs. Uurnott was liurlod out
of the cart , fell upon her head and was
picked uv ) uiicoasolous. She U now lying in
i condition so iscHoas that London doctoru
ihavo ben called to attend her.
ii '
> A TmrlhUi ilurrlu inc.
UNi Oct. 0. A ton Iblo hurricane haa
the Inland of Sardina. Hundreds of
ncrsons wcro burled In thu debris of build
ings i Imitorod by Iho storm utid thirty people
HOMB. Oct. 11. The province of Cagllarl
lins been ravaged by aterntlo storm , in which
' . ' 40 hou'stA wcro destroyed. Bixtocn peraoni
weru killed uud hundred tnlurod. .Tho
town of Ciifllurl guttered severely ,
At ! nit pil I'orlnr'ii Ciinillliii.
PnoviDBNcu , U. 1. , Oct. 0. Nothing has
been learned ubuut Admiral Porter's condl
Uou to night.
The Unite General1Miles Sny He
IN n Hood 1 or.
I oxnox.Oct. 0 , The second ballots which
took place in 1st ) constituencies In franco to
day excited the least possible interest in Eng-
hind and nppcur to bo regarded throughout
Prance und In Paris Itself with nothing approaching
preaching the usual election excitement.
The feeling seems to liuvo become general
that the republic Is now firmly established
for many years and whatever may be tha ro-
biiltof to-dny'ft balloting Franco will main
tain her existing form of government Intact ,
Houlangcr Is no longer n factor in any
French political problem , Those who lie re-
fore have been his wannest friends are to
day ready to nccudo to explanations of the
general's disastrous overthrow at the polls
which nro anything but creditable
to tholr former chief. Utterly inmblu to
comprehend that the French people Imvo de
liberately repudiated them and their revolu
tionary schemes , they now insist that their
dcfeal is duo entirely to thu failure of Gen
eral lloulaugcr to use the largo minis of
money which had been given him to aid la
carrying the elections , for the puruoso for
which they were Intended. It Is openly
oharired that the general has been quietly
stowing uivny- millions of francs which
wealthy dupes poured Into hit coffers whllo
lu let the elections take euro of themselves.
Doulaugor takes pains to create thu im
pression tlmt , he is Impoverished , but his dls-
itiiDicil allies make no secret of tholr belief
ihnthu has carefully nursed his bank ac
count tit , the expense of his own uud their
lolltlcal prospects.
Klimiicial Traiifmcilons ol' tlio Coun
try Kortlin lust Week.
BOSTON , Oct. 0. ( Special Telegram to
Tun BBB.I The following table , compiled
from dispatches from the cloaking houses
n the cities named , below , shows the gross
exchanges for the week ended October 5 ,
ISs' ' ) , with rates of peruontago of Increase or
decrease as compared with the amounts
for the corresponding week of 1SSS :
cirns. : Cr.GAIII.VOS.
NcuVork ; . . . . ss , ini.nuo 0.2
llo.sloi ) iuiHir-"j ) 2.8
t'hiiudtilpuiii 79.7ii.Sl7 13.8
I'llll'UUO ) . . . " . < 10.00 J 9. '
St. J.OHH Ul.'iHllJl ' 1.1.8
.in t vanrlsco -'I.IIH.MI 3.3
I'iUsb irt- JU.4
llmumoro 16.0
' I'lilnuiitl 4.9
Knnasiny , 17.7
' .Montreal V.r-H',741
Now Orleans ' 71.1
l.oulsvlllo S7.6
Minneapolis oitivr.4 - , .
Mllwaukuo 5u'r.uv.0 1.8
I'roililuiice 0.1
Detroit , .
ht. IMul 4.4W.KK. 2.r >
Omaha , -K169.166 19.1
Clexdand 4V.ti.liri 14. a
Homer 4.0S7iVi'J 2.0 !
Collli'lbll-i in.c
11 art lor. . i 2S.5
Ualvoston 14.1.
ItlelllllDIKI , ; n.r >
Indtiiimpolis 2 , IS.IWS 12.0
Portland. Ore
.Mumpnls " . , 9.8
rortlr.ud , Mo ljKIi , I 1.1.8
Korc worth
New llavoil
1'i'orltv 0.2
St. . .locph l.iV.11.71'1 n i
Worcester 0.3
Sioux City . . .
.Norfolk C.G
DCS Moiues. . . . 7o.lMU H2.8
Lowell , W.TOO 12. ! )
Syracuse 1.0
( iruml ItauhH 7Wil ; | ir > .3
Wichita 7I1.1W , aw
Tiiooma . . . , TOrt.'iM
l.os Antjplos . , 7.0
Mlirinlniilmin. . ,
Topuea - . . . , 8.0
Total 2 H
Outaldu New Vork 3,1
Xot incliiilml fn totals ; no clearing houss at
tliis tlmo lust year.
Celebrating the Immllni ; of the Pin-
noi-r Teutons In I'liiliulclnliin.
PHII. uir.Li'iiix , Oct. 0. The two hundred
and stxih anniversary of the lauding of the
German pioiiuors lu Philadelphia was cele
brated this afternoon by a meeting at tbo
hall of tbo German society. Over four thou
sand people were present. Several addresses
were made by uromluont Germans. The mu
sical uortlon ot the programme was rendered
by a large orchestra , under the direction of
Paul Henz , and a ehorns of : JOJ male and Iftu
fomulo voieoB , representing the three musi
cal societies of the city. The celebration of
the event to-day was the most elaborate
Which bus taken plauo In this city since the
Brand tri-ceutennial Jubilee in llS3.
At St.
Sr. Louis , Oat. 0. Germah day was ob
served hero to-day with a will , and the land
ing of the pioneer Germans , which took
place October 0 , H5S3 , was honored by a most
harmonious rcunlonof ell citizens of Gorman
descent , rogardlojs of rellRlou * creed or po
litical fealty. It Is estimated that UU.IIOO men
were in the procession this afternoon. Many
banners bore the Inscription , "Truo to Amer
ica Proud of Germany. " A lanjo mooting
assembled In the music hall of the exposition
buildlnir to-night , where patriotlo speeches
weru miulo , nnd u musioal programme ren
dered by Iho Gorman singing society.
A MlsslHsil | | Town lilt ) Hcenu of u
Ilnrrililu Fir < t.
WIXO.VA , Miss. , Oct. 0. Lott's two-story
restaui-uut was destroyed by lire oaily this
morning. Nine men were asleep In Iho upper
story nml four of them perished. They were :
J. A. Thomus , a merchant of Cumberland ;
J , L. L.ittrand Lon Crouch , of Iloponlen-
den , and Paul Williams , of Sun Creole.
All were ' prominent clti/.ens In
their respective communities , unij
were en route homo from Memphis ,
where they went to purchase coeds. Jolf
Imt , of Carroll county , uud A. , f . Cook uiiil
\V. I. Alford , of Webster county , jumped
from a second Mory windoxv and wore bidly
bruised. Cook sustulnlni ; a fracture of the
ankle. The llanies were well under headway
before discovered , and by the tlmo aulUclont
belli had arrived the walls fell in.
IMoxloun Troops
CITY or MHXICO , Oct. 0. The Twenty-
fourth infantry loft to-day for Sonora to
take part In the Ynqual campaign , Moro
troops will follow and earnest work will bo
then bosjun , Cervantes , department
commander of Sonora , states that the situa
tion is dangerous , ( Dhu informo I n
corresiiondnat of the Assouialnd press that
the cumpalun UKuln t Indians in Yucatau
would bo prosecuted vigorously next scaso n
und the lands there would bo opened up to
settlement ,
I'oaun Is
PA ins , Oct. 0. The Uorlln correspondent
ot thu Journal DCS Debuts assorts that
Hlsmarck , In receiving the provident of the
SVooii workers' congress , said : "Tho for
eign slhmilou Is so peaceful that you may
set to work without fear. It was not ulwuya
so. Not loin ; IIKO ICiiK'land still hesitated
whether to act as u mad bull or ui u fat ox
chewing Its cud , To-day her resolution Is
taken and 1 can assure yuu that tbo mainten
ance of peace Is certain. "
NKW Yonif , Oct. 0 , Thomas A. Kdlson
and wife arrived to-day on tha steamer La
Chuuipuciio. Amorijj other passengers were
Mm. U , K. Grant , Prince Dolirancassio uud
wife , -MUs LVolliiHUiiyiuu uud Couito Sola.
/'ut f\\it > r iM T TPII PI\IO n t nr >
Ho Was Sentenced to Dlamlssal By
tbo Court-Martini ,
It IN TlioiiKlit HnrrlHon Will Concur In
thnScorntary's Opinion Nebrnnkil
KnlclitA Toinplnr Itccclvo
An Ovntlon.
WASI'IIXOTOX Hfiinvtr , Tin : OMAHA DEB , ]
GlJ ! FotnannNTH Sritr.CT , >
WASIIIKOTON , I ) . C. , Oct. 0. )
The famoim Omaha court-uiartml case of
Lieutenant Colonel Jonhua S. Flolcliar , of
Iho Second Infantry , Is still troubling the of-
llclals here. It was stated In this corre
spondence some time ago that Flotehor was
fonud guilty by the court-martial and sen-
Lenccd to dismissal from the army. The
| udgo advocate genornl reviewed the case
tioro and disapproved of the llndlngs of the
court-martial. From the Judge ndvo * to
general It went to the general of the araiy ,
who was also given a chaaco to review It no-
cording to the rules or the service. At llrat
General Schollold was Inclined to sustain the
views of the Judge advocate general , but
nftor inoro mature deliberation ho concluded
to differ with the Judge advocate and ap
proved of the Undines of Iho eourt-martliU.
Ho did so nnd sent the documents pertaining
to the case to the secretary of war. Secretary
Proctor called his military secretary , Col
onel Thomas F. Barr , to his assistance , and
together they went over the records ol the
case and considered it profoundly. Proctor
knows very little about tlio army nnd less
about courts-martini , so ho left the matter
entirely to the determination of Colonel
Bar:1. This oUlcer concluded to sustain the
view of the case takeu by the Judge advocate
general , und prepared un opinion in the case
for Secretary Proctor. The secretary ap
proved tins vlow of the matter taken by Col
onel Barr , and adopted Barr's opinion as his
own. The case was then rnforrcd to the
president , in whose hands it is at present.
The judgo-advocalo treneral and the secre
tary of war have disapproved of the ( ladings
of the court-martial winch sentenced Colonel
Fletcher to dismissal from the army. .Major
General Scholleld , the cencral In command
ot the army , approved the findings of Iho
court-martial , and thus the matter stands at
present , . It is thought the president will sus
tain the viowa on the matter tahon by the
secretary of war nud the judge advocate gen
eral , and that Colonel Fletcher will escape
from the net woven around hlai by his subor
dinate olllcers at Fort Omaha.
For one week now Washington will be
given up to the ICnightoTemplar.
They have already taken possession of the
city. Their banners , bunting and Hags every
where proclaim that politics have been relo
cated to tlio rear. With the impending cam
paigns in New York , Ohio , Virginia and
other states few men from cotiKress will bo
hero during the week , and there will ho a
practical suspension of the operations of the
machine which grinds out appointments in
the executive departments and elsewhere
where they may bo. A cabinet meeting and
routine ) work at the wliito house will pro
ceed. It is understood that for six days
everything political will give way to tlio
festivities of tlio great triennial conclave.
It is refreshing to have the city full of jico-
ulo from every section of the country noxv
and then , and nothinirsaid of politics. Wash
ington is essentially and naturally a political
mart. Politics is king here , like wheat rules
at Duluib , hogs at Omaha , cattle nt Chicago
nud cotton nt Savannah , It. is not often tlmt
the priuiu staple of the -2. > ,0)0 ( ) inhabitants of
the national capital is shelved for .a whole
week und neutral subjects uro
discussed or festivities are al
lowed to tnlto possession of the
city. Washington never looked so hand
some , with her banners , flags and buntings ,
besides her miles of bright colored Insignia
of the order which prevails. There is a holi
day atmosphere on every hand. People are
generally takmtr n vacation. The decora
tions of the city are prettier than on the
occasion | of a presidential inauguration.
They nro moro highly colored , richer und
diversitlcd , The HOinbro blacit , indicative
of chivulric courage , uud the pure white , em
blematic ot gentleness , commingle ut every
step with thu deep red cross , the sign of the
crnsado era. Tills is to bo the greatest
Knights Templar conclave over hold , t'ho
attendance promises to bo larger and the
auspices and surroundings are more pleasant.
The full dross of the Unignts never made
men look so handsome as in Washington ,
where there there Is a natural military at
mosphere. Pennsylvania avenue never ap
peared to suuh good advantage. The parade
on Wednesday will be Iho most brilliant
scene this great thoroughfare ever pre
sented. The wefithcr m the concern of all
to-night. It has been bright , and beautiful
for some time till to-day when the clouds
hocamo overcast und rain was the threat.
Finally , as oronlnir came on there wcro little
spits of rain and lastly a slight regular
dri/zle. October is usually a bright , dry
and pleasant mouth in the region of the
Chesapeake bay , and If this is uot a week of
line weather il will bo the exception.
NuniAsicv's co.NnxnusT.
The Nebraska Knights Tnmplar wore tua
llr.-tt to put in an upue.iraneo. The grand
commundery of Nebraska , Sir William H.
Bownn , grand recorder , arrived ut the na
tional capital last night , and were accorded
n. distinguished recaption. The Nebraska
knights were expected at ! o'clock , but their
tram was quite late and they did not arrive
at their licailijuurtors , 100 ! ) Ninth street ,
until i.eur 11 o'clock. There are about one
hundred men in all and almost ns many
ladles. The communderlcs were Mount
Tabor , Mount Calvary , Beatrice , Hastings
and York. Inoy arrived in their special
train of seven Pullman earn , and weru mot
'by Sir Knl jht Hay , of the Washington con
tingent , and were escorted hy the JJomola
cominamlory behind a band , The boys prevented -
vented n inugnillcdnt uppcaranco und were
received along Pennsylvania uvcnuo and on
tlio route to their headquarters with cheers.
The Nebraska Knights will keep open house-
during- their uiay hero. They have fitted up
their headquarters handsomely und are pro-
lured to welcome tholr guesisjn true Nebraska -
braska stylo. TIM : Br.r. cot respondent nuulo
a cull at the headqmu-ter.s to-ninlit and found
.nianv visitor * . They were royally welcomed ,
and it Is evident from the way In which
the Nobrasuu knights hnvo started In that
they are going to become popular and win
laurels on every hand.
The Ues .Molnes nnd ether Iowa com-
maiideiles mo lourrlvu to-morrow ,
The perfect success of thu Dllgrimagii of
the Neurasita delegation Is largely duo to
the crand recorder , Sir William K. Bowcn ,
than whom there Is none more'competent or
active in the United States , Thu Nebraska
knights und their ladles are comfortably and
luxuriously quartered within two blocks of
the headquarters , Nothing has been omitted
that could add to thu comfort and entertainment -
ment of the sir knlu'hts nnd ludios , and for
Iho very pleasant nnd homelike locution of
nil I hey arc iiidubtni to the untiring efforts
of Past Kinliiont Commander .1. W. Monro
und his cdtlmublo wife , nnd uro protusoln
their o&prosalons of satisfaction and pleasure
in finding themselves BO well cared lor. The
number and character ot the Nebraska rep
resentation is fully up to that of any from
lha west ami will take a prominent part In
thu business of thu grand encampment. In
the absence of Ulght Eminent Commander
Henry Gibbous , iho grand commander of
Nebraska , the Very Eminent Sic Lewis M.
Kccno , of Fremont , as deputy ( { rand coin-
mandor , lit the ranking ollleor and as suoli U
lu chatgo of tho. Nebraska delegation.
Ncbrusk : bus been honored in the appoint
ment ot Sir ICoono us onu of the marshals'ol
the grand parudo on next Tuesday.
Onu of ( he attractions at the headquarters
of the Nebraska romnundry Is their coat ol
urms. four feet square , made of corrals and
products of Nebraska und mounted on un
cusel. Il Is rcvoiviuf much attention on ac
count of Us beauty nnd originality. It was
loslgned by L. II. Korty and "executed-by
John C. Bonnell , of Omaha.
The iS obrnskn people spent Urn Any nttoml-
, ng the different churches. A number went
to the Church of the Covenant.
Nebraska's ICnlphtu nro very Justly proud
of the ban homo reception tendered them by
the Deuiolay commnndory of this city. A
warm relationship has existed between the
Dcmolny and Mt. Calvary commandorles for years. It will bo remembered by
Bii : ) renders that Mt. Calvary comniandcry
buried Major Thornburgh , who wiw killed by
the Utca and who was Q member of Domolnv
commnndory. Mt. Calvary appointed uconi-
inlttco of ten to represent Domolny nt the
funeral obsequies. During the week Ml.
Calvnrv will make a special floral tribute lo
present to Dcmolay in recognition of lu
courtesies on their entrance Into Washing
ton. It will bo n fau-siinlla of Mt. Calvary's
banner , which Is the ( hfost In the United
The Nebraska Knights attracted moro
attention an the road to Washington than the
representatives of any other slnto. The lonir
banner extending from ono end of the train
to the other wns n great curiosity und
brought forth ndmtration.nt every stop ,
Hon. Roger Q. Mills , of Texas , Is In the
city. H Is the first tlmo Mr. Mills has been
hero sincn thu adjournment of congress. Ho
is looking well and claims to bo uhoarful.
Whllo Mr. MlUc will not bo the loader of
the democratic sldo during the coming ses
sion , the ox-chairman ot the ways nnd menus
committca will surely bo hoard from. In
conversation to-day , Mr. Mills said that
though the democrats wore In the minority ,
they were fully conscious of their power ,
nud would use It. "Wo don't propose , " said
he , "that the republican majority will pass
n single measure without our consent For
instance you may depend uuou it that the
rules of iho house will not bo changed by the
republican majority In any essential tcaturo.
Wo do not propose to permit them to bo
changed , as is desired by Mr. Hood nnd
others , In any particular feature. Nor will
wo permit any of the proposed legislation
looking to the control by congress of the
elections , for wo see very plainly what the
mirposo of that Is , The satnu can be said of
the contest eases that will1 como up before
congress. Wo do not prop'ose to let the re
publican majority increase ad libitum by
throwing out democratic members , as seems
to bo the purpose. In other words , wo pro
pose to exercise control of the house Just as
much as though wo wcro still lu the majority ,
beeauso wo know our minority is strong
enough to niuka us the virtual rulers.1
William A. Hoagland , of Lincoln , assem
bled ubout two hundred nnd llfty newsboys
nnd bootblacks lu front of the Post building
In Printing House squara l.isr.night and made
a speech for tlio in which elicited rounds of
applatiso from the boys. Mr. Hoagland is a
well Known woritcr for tho'tbcnolH of news
boys nnd bootblucKs nnd 1ms organized
homes for them lu over tlirjEOhnndrod cities.
Sam Hllller , a well known newsboy , made a
speech on behalf of the profession. Through
tlio efforts of Mr. Houglanu half-faro rates
on all railroads from any point to this city
liuvo been secured for all por'rfons wishing to
attend the newsboys' convention , which will
ub held in this city on the 1'Hhof ' this month.
The question was recently propounded to the
clerk of the house of representatives : "When
will the names of the representatives from
the now states go on the roster for pay I"
"A member's ' name IP ontc'rcd on the rolls
"f the clerk of the house au'd the st-rgeant-
" said the t-lerk ' ho draws
- , , J.'and pay
from the 4th of Marchhcn hw term be
gins ; but this IB ouly in instances whcro there
is n rcenlnr election ui u state. The in
coming of the members fr'-ii tlio now states
will bo upon the same tqcttja ! s thosojslcctod
at spoolal sessions lu stated to fill unexplren
terms , etc. Their natncrf.yill go on the
roster wlien their oortilloalcs of election aio
received. Their p.iy will date from the day
of the election. For Instniico , the two mem
bers from South Dakota , and the ouo mem
ber each from North Dakota , Montana and
Washington will receive pay from Tuesday ,
October 1 , und their names will go upon the
rolls , and they can draw against tholr sal
aries us soon as tholr certificates of election
are received by the clerks of the house , pro
vided there is prima faoio evidence that the
certificates of election are rosular. "
The marriage of ox-Socretary Bayard to
Miss Clymer will take place the 1st of No
vember. The Misses Uavurd will como to
Washington for the ceremony. During their
brief stay In this city they will bo guests of
friends , as the furniture of theirforiuor
homo on Illghlaud terrace was sold at auc
tion previous to their departure for Wilming
ton in ho early snminer.
Secretary Windom oxpe.cts to move into
his now homo , the handsome stone mansion
built by George Lemon on Massachusetts
avenue , during the present week. Mrs.
Windoin's ' return Is looked for during the
present month.
Secretary Blalne and family are to remain
at the Normandl until the completion of the
old Seward house oa Lafayette square , which
Is now receiving the finishing touches at the
hands of iho decorators. It is hardly pos
sible that Mrs. Blalno will Had time in the
multiplicity of her duties to attend to the
cures of housekeeping , In which ut ono tlmo
she took such prhlo and pleasure. When tin-
family of the secretary of btalc first lived in
Washington many years ago Mrs. Blaine
was noted ns ouo of the best housekeepers
and ablest marketers In congressional cir
Hon. James N. Tyner , assistant attorney
general for tlio poatoOIco department , who
has been sorloubly ill for several months
past , has almost entirely recovered Uis
health. Ho was at his dask last wooic and
was warmly greeted by his ' ofllcial associates.
First Assistant Postm'aslor General and
Mrs. Clarkson ara settled in tholr now quar
ters , No. S Dupont circle , which they hnvo
leased for tno season from Mrs. Cuthbort
bloeum , of Now Orleans , an aunt of Mrs.
James Brown-Potter. The interior ot the
house Is ono of the most artistic in Washing
ton , and is filled with rare paintings nnd
works of art gathered during the long resi
dence of the owner In Dresden and other
continental cities.
Senator and Mrs , Teller have leased for
the season the hnusa on the corner of Six
teenth and P streets.
Justice Miller is Is In Iowa , During his
absence Mrs , Miller and MUs Lue.V Corkhill
are at the Warm Springs , of Virginia with
Mrs. Touzulln.twho will proDably accompany
them upon their return to Washington.
Assistant Secretary TJchenor , of Iho
treasury department , haa so far recovered
his health as lo enable him lo attend to the
many and arduous duties of his olllen for u
few hours each day. The hard work done by
this odlclal in the preparation of tariff in
formation for the use of tlio last tbroo congresses -
grosses has seriously luipaiiod his health.
Charles II. Dowuy , "clip great American
traveler , " of Omaha , U in tlio city.
Mrs. Charles H. Gore und daughter , ot
Lincoln. Nob. , are visit me their friends , the
Misses Cowporthwnltc , nt U13 Now Jersey
iivcnno , Capitol hill. <
Mrs. Glmrles P , Brown and her daughter ,
Miss Mary L. Bacon , of Iowa City , are visit-
ii\K \ Dr. und Mrs. Kroga adt ut their home ,
110 * Massachusetts uvonuo , northwest ,
i'KRiir S. HJUTII.
y '
A CO I ) NT HI IK F.I I' i > HI < iAOMKU.
An Itinerant Biipilst Minister Con-
I'oHu i to M ikfi > tbo Queer.
I.spu.N.U'ous , Ind. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tel
egram t ? Tin : HKU.J The Orange county
farmers who were arrested for counterfeit
ing were brought lioro Saturday evening.
The leader of the bami is Henry Crow , an
itinerant Uuptlat preacher.
Ho admitted hi * culit and made a full con
fession , Impllcatlui ? ull the men under arrest
exrnpt two. ' .
Tno gang has icon making counterfeit
coin foriWoycarvjiiidjconfcd6raio * in halt
a dozen states hare been regularly supplied
with It by uxprcsV It/was / not circulated In
the Immediate vicinity of Its'--manufacture ,
except by ouo man named Walsh , who trav
eled through thq country a a huckster. Ono
of the members of the ( omgi llobjyt Williams ,
U eighty-three years ] old. It was at hH
house lhat mucb of the ! work-was done. On
account of hUextremo ago ho was released
from custody on sign ink his own bond , All
of the otticra were
A Farmer Near Bonkolmnn Trontod
In n Shameful Manner.
A Nrlirnnkn City Judge Tixkos Ou-
onslon to Lrolm-c it Jury Shoot-
iiiK AlTr ay NIMH' Central
City Stnto News.
A Brutnl Outrnuc.
rjBXKBLMiN , Nob. , Oct. 0. [ Special Telo-
ffram to TUB Hiu. : ] Word has Just boon received -
coived that a most dastardly deed was perpetrated -
potrated on the person of one Suhuylor
Mudge , a respectable farmer living ten miles
I'roni town. Lain last night Mr. Mudgo
heard a nolso In his barn and went to ascer
tain the cause. On tMiterlng the barn ho was
scl/.ed , Beaten and bis clothing torn from
him and turpentine applied , which burned
him in n horrible ) manner. The miscreants
escaped , but to-day ho swore out warrants
for two of his neighbors , both being re-
spt'dnbla citizens , and bo claims there uro
four or five moro In the case. The trouble
arose from nn alleged scandal.
. NctUM.U.-i City New .
Nr.musK * CITV , Nob. , Oct. tf. ( Special
to Tun Bin : . ] Just before the adjournment.
of the district court last evening Judge Field
gave a lecture to the petit Jury that was
rather in the nature of a surprise. The Jury
could not ngrco on n verdict In the ICcrfoot
case , charged with n deliberate attempt at
murder. The charge was proven , but thu
Jury did not want to send him up on account
of his family. Before discharging the Jury
the Judga reviewed their actions In soinu of
the criminal cases which had been before
them. In the case of Dr. Schwartz , charged
with violating the dentistry law , the defend
ant mndu no denial of thu charge and ad
mitted that ho had no cortlllcatu , and yet the
Jury loturiied n veralct of not guilty.
In the cu30 of ( Jam & Krbueher , charged
with selling liquor on Sunday , the uhnruo
was not denied , but one of the defendants
claimed the liquor was furnished because the
man said ho was sick , but the Jury mud tno
defendants were not guilty of the charge.
Engineer Phillips , who slabbed a man with
intent to kill , .and fulled to kill only through
fortunate circumstances , was louud not
guilty by the Jury. 'Iho only provocation
shown by the testimony was that Phillips
had been called a "scab. "
Judge Field wound up his "roast-
Ing" of the Jury by declaring it no
wonder that an outraged community rises up
nt times and ornaments tlio trees of Otoo
county with the bodies of criminals who
Btand no chance of receiving their Just dues
by the law.
The new Evangelical church at TwelHh
street and First Corso was dedicated to-day ,
Itov. Mr. Meyer prcachng the dedicatory
sermon. The now church is the costliest and
most handsomely furnished of any in the
Iho Nebraska City Brick Paving company
will commence the inunufacturo of paving
material to-morrow. The plant and machin
ery have boon put in nnd completed ready
for- work at , a cost of about i'0,000. It is
hardly probable , however , that any paving
will bo dona before next spring.
The B , & M. railroad company has In
formed Mrs. { klurtry Kelly , of Palmyra , who
was injured. on a train nt Lincoln a short
ttmo'ngo through a misplaced switch , that
her claim for damages would be allowed
without the necessity of a law suit ,
Ninety-Two Yi-ni-s Old.
Si'inxai'iELD , Neb. , Oct. C. [ Special to
TUB BIB. : ] The doors of Captain J. D. Spear
man's ' suaclous residence swung open to a
vast multitude of friends and relatives last
Saturday afternoon und evening , the occasion
being the ninety-second birthday of Mrs.
Eunice Beers , mother of Mrs. Spearman ,
This rcmarkablu old lady , whoso life has
been nothing less than a romance from her
early cirlhood to the present time , was born
in Binghumton , Broom county , New York ,
October 0 , 1707 , She was a sister of Jobe-
diah Smith , the flrst white man who over
made the overland trip to California , which
was made in 1 825-20. IIo was the organizer
of the American Fur company , and with
Smith Jackson and Subllotto established that
concern and pitched their tents on thu pres
ent situ of tlio city of St. Louis. He was
captured by Indiana In IS' li in southern Cali
fornia , sent to San Diego , imprisoned for u
tlmo , but was finally released upon the recom
mendations of American sea captains , but
wns recaptured and killed , She Is u second
cousin 'of ex-President Hayes and was a
nlcco of Cyrus Strong , the millionaire
Danker of Binglmuiton , X. Y. , who died in
1SOS. She has survived two hUKbauds und is
the mother of nine children , of whom only
three are living , a son and two daughters ,
ShohiiR aightoun grand children and twenty-
seven great children. She has u wide
circle of frlonds and relatives all over the
west. At present aho Is enjoying good
IMatto County I'olicios.
PtATri : CCNTUII Nob. , Oct. 0. ( Special to
Tin : Ur.B. | Now that the respective parties
have held tholr conventions nud placed in
nomination their candidates for the various
county ofllccs , the voter can determine upon
Uiuir fitness. The democrats had some of
the worst , as well as some of the best , ma
terial , in u political sense , to select their
ticket from. With the experience of the
past staring them in the face , they utterly
ignored the fuel tlmt their party lu this
county was to-day as clearly divided into
two factions as It wrfa two years ago , and
that Urn same causes , which then load to
democratic defeat , would prove as potent in
the coming campaign as they did In iho past.
For years past the p irty has been dominated
nnd Us nclions largely controlled by a few
men who , from selfish motives , have adopted
the rule or ruin policy in iho politics of this
county. And the nominations mudo in thulr
late convention were engineered by these
sumo party leaders. Owing to the struinod
relations existing between iho two factions
In this county , this , in itself. U enough to
condemn the entire ticket uud insure Ha do-
The democratic party Is to-day numerically
weaker In this county than it has over been ,
for man' ' of those who had heretofore voted
thu straight party ticket have become dis
gusted with their party loaders , and have
virtually loft the party.
' 1 ho republican * liuvo acted moro wisely ,
und placed In nomination one of the strong
est ticket * uvornothinutcd by either party In
this county. The chances for republican
success In the coming campaign are fur bet
tor thuu they have over been heretofore.1.
Arrested For lioot-
NEIUUSKA Cur , Neb. , Oct. 0. [ Special
Telegram to THE Biu. | Information was
brought here to-day from Sidney , la. , thu { ,
John Whllo , u well-connected young man of
this city , und a companion named James
Hamilton , were arrested at that place yester
day for boot legging liquor. They loft here ,
It Is said , on Fridcf wllu about forty pint
bottles filled and u large uu jnt in bulk ,
They did such a largo und prolltublo business
that they became reckless and the authorities
took them In. As they had no government
license , It is nmlrrfttood the state and federal
authentic * will both take u bund In the
A tieir
NIUIIUSKA. Cur , Neb , , Oct. 0 , [ Special
IcJcpram to THE Ucs. ! A Mrs , John Her-
she ) , sale tn bo llviug tu .South Nebraska
City , appeared before Attorney C. W , Sey
mour uud accused her tusbaud , John Ilcr-
fthol , of bolng n self-con fessod bigamist- , who
acknowledges having throe living wive * . The
woman wns married to the man about n year
nnd atiulf ago In lown and about tlirco , months
ago ho uainu hurriedly to Nebraska City
for , to her , nn unoxphilmthlo reason. They
had been here but si few days when he de
ported her , and the other day she rocelvod n
letter from him from a point In Colorado ,
Btntluct that ho had loft her for irood and bad
liken unto himself u third wife . His first ,
ho tmlil , was living somtiuhcro In Indiana.
Mrs. Horshol has one bo v by hoc husband ,
and the latter advises her In his letter to
scrntch for n llvini ? and keep on praying for
the boy. The ilcscitod wlfo say.s he has
some property In OdObolt , In. , which she do-
ulrus tosoeiiro , nnd then return lo her pa-
routs ut Fort Dodge
I'lllinofo Coinny lor
Ouxr.vA , Neb. , Oct. 0. fSpeolnl Jo Tin :
lieu. ] At the republican county convention
tlio following resolution was unanimously
adopted :
We , the republicans of Flllmorc county in
convention assembled believing that our
follow citizen , lion , John Jensen , ever loyal
to the flag and the republican parl.v has all
the nuulllli'ations nocossuiy to ho n worthy
successor of the late lamented Laird , ihura-
foru bo It resolved ,
That lion , John .ten SUM bo allowed to
soldct the delegates to thu congressional con
vention to bo held ut Hastings , Nub. , Oct.
lltli next , nud that said delegation and the
dolomites to the state convention as well nro
hereby requested to use all honorable means
lo secure his nomination ,
AHV.iy Near Orntral fliv.
I'KXTIIU. Cm , Ntb. , Oct. 0 | Sn-elul | Tel
egram to 1 in : HIM : . ] Parties came to this
city this afternoon for a warrant for the ar
rest of William Stevens , for shooting Charles
O. Taekolson this morning. The nfli-ay took
place in Prairies Crook township , in the
northern part of this county , and no particu
lars are obtainable at this hour ilirthor than
that there hud been n quarrel. Tuekeclson
is seriously , though it is believed not fatally
l.oui ) I liy Itum * .
Lout' CITY , Neb , , Oct. ( * > fSpe cial to Tun
BIR. : ] A democratic newspaper will soon
bo started huro.
Ilev. Day. of the M. K. church , will make
n desperate effort to roach the adamnntluo
licnrti of the Loup Cltyltcs through a relig
ious paper , which ho will soon start here.
The old pioneer general merchandise firm
of Lull : & Krcichbaum is being closed out
by mortgagees
Mrs. May Brown gave birth to a two and
one-half pound girl yesterday.
litIjcaucd Out Too Kar.
Pi.ATT3MOLTii , Neb. . Oct. 0. | Spcclal to
Tin : Br.rj.l J. M. Lyda. deputy register of
deeds , silslalncd an ] accident yesterday
which might have been moro serious. IIo
was riding on the bide step of one of the
motor cars and leaned outward Just far
enough to strike ono of the poles which nnp-
port the main wire. His head struck the
polo forcibly and ho was knocked into the
ditch along side of the track. Kennedies
were administered , and bo is uow recover
County CoiivontimiH.
ST. P\ur , , Nub. , Oct. . U. ISpocial Telegram
to Tin : Ur.n. ] Yesterday the republican conVersion -
Version of Howard county assembled at St.
Paul. It waa the most harmonious and
largest a'ltendcd gathering of the kind over
held in the county. D. L. Johnson , .1. N.
Paul. Ed H. Chinn , A. fi. Cudy , K. T. Cook ,
T. J. Steer nnd M. SJoholm wcro elected del
egates to the state convention. The conven
tion heartllyo ndorsed Chief Justice Kueso
and the following rcsolullon was adopted :
Kesolved , By the icimbllcans of How.ird
county in convention assembled , that the
delegates to the st.ito convention ut Hast
ings uro hereby instructed to use all honor
able means to secure the renoniiuation of M.
B. Reese for supreme Judgo.
The following candidates wcro then placed
in nomination : For clerk , 1C. Hurvoy ; treas
urer , M. A. b'uguto ; Jud 'o , U. Hanniball ;
sheriff , Charles" Grammar ; surveyor , T. Me-
Nabbj coroner , Dr. Saltes ; superintendent ,
B. D. Hay ward ; commissioner , Charles
Soeber. The candidates ara nil scattered in
various portions of the county and the ticket ,
is as btrotig as could bo nominated.
AIM \vcrj , Nob. , Oct. 0. [ Special to THE
BIE. : | The republicans of Box Butte county
held thulr convention at Nonpareil and the
following nominations were miulo : County
Judge , C. W. Oilman ; sheriff , F. W. Shan-
quist ; coroner , Dr. Stltes ; treasurer , Iddo
Jndor ; clerK , K. I. Tush ; Hurvoyor , Kd
Tracy : superintendent of public liiBtruetion ,
IS. K. Patterson ; commissioner , W. F. Pat
terson. The convention xvns largely at
tended and passed oft very harmoniously ,
Lour CITY , Neb. , Oct. ( ! . fSpecial Tele
gram to Tnu JJBB.l The democratic county
convention was held hero yesterday and re
sulted , in the nomination ol 13. H. Kittcll lor
county clerk ; Michael TalTee , treasurer ;
Tom Inks , sheriff ; George Bradley , Judge ;
Mrs. C. M. Walworth , superintendent of
public Instruction. As the Farmers' alliunco
has also placed a tieitet in the Held the cam
paign promises to bo a- hot one.
I'ow.lcrly AddrussoH a Great Crowd
In CUlcago.
CHICAGO , Oct. 0. Flvo thousand people
were present at the meeting In Central
Music hull this afternoon , the feature of
which was iho address by General Muster
Workman Powdorly , of tlio Knights of La
bor. The Sunday closing of saloons was the
topic announced for discussion. Mr , Powder
ly was greeted with u tempest of npplnuno.
His remarks on Sunday closing were em
phatic and pointed enough to elicit repeated
outbreaks of applause from oven the most
radical of his hcnrors. Ho nftorwards ttpoko
of charges that had been made against him
HO often of late and to which ho mudu so
oITuuiivo a reply ut St. Louis. Ho uildcd , If
uny Chlcugo people \\oro not satisfied ho was
perfectly willing to have them appoint , a
committee of thrco honest men lo investigate
his alluirs. On the 1 lib lust. Mr. I'owdorly
will go to Philadelphia. where ho will hold a
conference with iho chiefs of Iho federation
of labor In regard to the manner of present
ing iho eight hour question to the next gen
eral assembly , Mr. Powdcrly says ho thinks ,
as ho always has , that I hero should bo u
shorter working day than now , but that It
will never bo brought ubout by btrlkos. To
his mind , arbitration Is thu ouly way. Ho
thinks the federation Is receding from Its
radical position on this quost'on.
Ktifl'orliKi at JoliriHiown
JOIINSIOW.N , Pa. , Oct. 0. With tlio ther
mometer ut about frcczlmr there is n good
deal of suffering hero these nlghln among the
people who nro Improperly bhelturod nnd
poorly clothed , The relief money which was
intended to uupplv these necessities , even if
paid ut on co , would now comu too late to bo
properly implied in providing against the
blasts of winter. The clothing that was on
hand when the commlusary department shut
down has been transferred lo Iho Red Cross
eocicly , but II will be distributed to the
needy. There hnvo liren u great many deaths
here within the past week , and most of thorn
have been superinduced by ailments con
tracted in the flood. At the ICcd Cross hoi-
pllul there are now twonty-two cases of ty
phoid fever , most of them being Btraugors in
town ,
At New York La Chainpatnyfrom ( Havre.
At llnvvo La Gascogno , from Now York.
At Plymouth The Hugla , from Now York
for Hamburg.
Tim Wcnihnr Forrcnst.
Fur Omaha und vicinity t Fair weather.
For Nebraska and Iowa ; fair , warmtri
BjuiUcrly winds-
Now Oompllcntloim Developing
Every Day.
IminoiiHC OowilH ( Ji-oot lliitulilHon nt
13 cry Point ItamournH Qct-
IntcrustHil in tlio
The il.itHo Is ltnilnK.
DES MOINHS , In. , Oct. 0. ( Special to Tim
JlEi : . I Politics nits gottlng dechloJb'Inter
esting In Iowa , and new compllc.itlons are
dully developing.
The rotmbllcaus are making a vigorous
rnnvastt , and the "spell binders" nro boglu-
nlng to enlhuso the musses of the party with
old time fervor. Immcnso crowds greet
1 'Governor" Hutchison nt every point , nnd it
looks now as If tlio party majority would bo
lield iii to nearly the presidential figures. Ud
Tills will undoubtedly bo the case unless
secret work is done by the corporations at
ttio polls. The democrats have apparently
cut loose froin thulr railroad allies , and by
tailing n radical null monopoly stand have
inndo a bold bid for the granger veto. Just
dow much of this vote they stuill succeed In
corr.illing on election day remains to bo seen ,
but to the knowing ones it looks as if their
aiiti-monopoly professions wore only skin
There Is mason to bollovo that the 1(0111. ( .
ocratB , In their mad diwtro to ob
tain olllce , Imvo made it combine
openly with the farmers mid Becrotly with
tlio corporations anil hope to ride to victory
on bold horses. Such veteran railroad poli
ticians as John F. IJiiiicoinbe , of Fort Dodge ,
who a member of thocoiiinllttDoon reso
lutions tit the Sion\- City con volition , are not
easily foohd and he is an enthusiastic sup
porter of the "Waterloo" statesman.
Uolrs and Bestow have not yet answered
the Alliance letter , but It is safe to nay It
will bo satisfactory to that organization.
While tlio railroads are notsliowmga very
bold hand in the slnto contest they do not
tiiKo any pains to conceal their dcslcns in the
legislative districts.
In the Thirtj-seventh senatorial district
convention , Harden county , Which out
numbered the Hamilton delegation uy two ,
seated the bolters' delegation from Wright
county and carried out tlio programme by
nomiimtlng UUsworth , of Iowa Falls , the
railroad candidate. The Hamilton doleun-
tlonwith thu regular ilmi'gation from Wright
county then proceeded to i.omiuate M. C.
Smith , a Wrlchteounty fanner. Both sides
seotn determined nnd the result will bo two ,
republican candidates , both cliilminir to bo
" . " 1'ho the last
"icgnlar. vote at gubernator
ial election in this district s'cort republicaii ,
l.tV.lO , democratic i ! , 117 , republican majority
--T ; ) , or only I-U less than the lull opposition
vote. Thus unless the republican vote Is
divided euiiallv hotwoen Ellsworth and
Smith , ono or the other will be elected.
Should tiio vote tie , a uemocral will slip in
by a narrow mui-gin. The ohaiic'csnt present
are decidedly in laver of Smith. The Klls-
wortli delegation Irom vVriulit county wore
oloi'iiml by forty-ono bolters from the regular
county cqnvonlioii , and these bolters and
their work \\uro most emphatically re
pudiated nnd condemned by the unanimous
action of the stiito central committee as well
as the atato convention. Hamilton county
willcust ifearly orcr.v ouo of tier 1,41 votes-
for Smith , ana thoiiOO larmurs of Hardin ,
who have already rt-piuliuU'd ElUworih at'
the primary , will undoubtedly : - bal
lots for the Wright , county mall , and Smith
will certainly bo ntilo to poll half the vote of
bib own county. Tlio result , therefore , based
on tliib conservative estimate , will be about
us follows- Smith U.IJOJ , Ellsworth 2'OiV
democrats'J,4M. ( Should Kllsworth work the
untvol traiiiH succossfiilly and draw to his
support a considerable democratio followint' ,
his election is within iho rangoof portibilityv
The statu central committee may
taku a hand in tlio row anil sett In
the matter , lint so far they have shown no'
disposition to interfere.
Kailroad politicians dlu hard in Iowa. Both
Woolsoti and Bolter , the two leading oppo
nents of the railway legislation in the setiatu
two years ago , nro up lor ro-oloctlon. Bol
ter has already been nominated by the demo
crats of IJ.UTIKOU und Crawford , and Wool-
son , w'tli ' tlili teen votes from llcnry , Iscn-
dcavorlnc to foroo the stubborn delegates
from Washington , who are also thirteen In
number , to accupi his candidacy. .Washing
ton is Jinn , and demands a nominee from
within her own borders ; so unless a trade is
wade Woolson will be forced oil thu track ,
as a.split will follow. Tlio election of Sen
ator Bolter is very doubtful. Tlio repub
licans have nominated Mr. .1. B. Uonimis , of
Crawford , n very popular candidate , who on
a former oixnsion out down tlio democratio
majority from about four hundred to llfty.
Should ho do as well again ho would defeat
Bolter by SOO votes. Tlio 1500 union labor t !
votes In this district will never go to Boiler ,
and many nro ijnitu likely to bo cast for Ko-
innns , The farmers' alliances , which ani
strong In this dlslfict , can also he relied on
to Rwell thu vote. It Inok-i now as if the
railroads would bo dojirivcd of two of their
ablest and most crafty leaders in the next
senalo. Kix.
IC < ; ] ) orttI ! That linn Carroll Has IH-
tiiinarp < l.
Cniovoo , Oi't. C. Tlio report was pub
lished hero to-day of the escape from the
Cottage Grove avoniio police station Thurs
day of Dan Cairoll , an nllcgod Important
witness in the Cronin cnso. Jt Is said that
on Sunday , May 1U , Uonghllniind O'Sulliv.m '
drove out to n farmhouse not far from Chi
cago. The cnnvnrH.iUrm between them and
the farmer , in which tliulr connection with
the murder and their plans for concealing It
were dlscussoil , is reported to have been
overheard. Carroll is tvproscnted un having
been a hired man ut the farm , and w.u to
lo&tlfy as uUovo.
Tlu * Chin-iui-fiiicl Cum pi.
Cmc'too , Oct. 0 , The mooting of tha
Hcnior nnd Junior Clan-na-Uael camps in
district 10 , announced to bo hold tlrs after
noon , did not materialize , Loss than a
dozen men altogether were prcso'jH , and an
udlniirmiuMit was had without anything
Doing uccompliBliod. The idea mat thu
gathering wa to have bemi a regular dlstncl
convention uppoaiM to have boon unfounded.
A < Dull cl \iilliorlly. .
M-i.i'iin , Oot. 0. Four mumbci-s of
the executive committca of iho Cliui-iiu-Ciicl
who represent iho Cronin faction as oi'poi | > vd
to the Nationalist faction , have mulled n call
for a convention of nil the camps throughout
the country. It i * signed by Luke A. Dillon
and O'Mcaithor Condon , of this oily ; .James
Tlerney , of Now York , nnd Moi timer Scan-
Ian , of Chicago , There uro uiii-j ini.'inlier.s of
the executive , live of whom are Nationalists ,
who therefore have control , Thubo llvo
have rome out in a counter circular , for
bidding the camps to send delegates to the
proposed convention , us the call , they
allege , la uiiauthori/.oil und illegal ,
Tno purpose of the convention called by
Dillon , Condon , ticaiilan and Tlerney U
staled to bo for iho purpose of recognizing
the order. Thp circular calls for onu dele
gate from ouch camp , und blanks nro en
closed for tilling in the BUIIIO with
iho name of the delegates und al
ternate delegates whloh iirg to be for
warded , as well DB ether communication *
to "K. Kern per , box Mi , Philadelphia post-
ofllco. " It is claimed the name Kouipor U
not thoroalnuinu of anyone conucctcd with
the movement , but is assumed , The circu
lar goes on to say that upon receipt of tlieto
DBtnei , credentials , password * uud the tiuio
und place of balding the convention will b *
Bent la return. Luke Dillon bus bocn dovlg *
nuttd as presiding' oCUcor.