saaiiu ± ± THE OMAHA--SUNDAY BEE - - PAET II , , PAGES 9-16 , NINETEENTH YE AW. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING. " JEH ( > , 1SSOH31XTEEN PAGES. .NUMBER 109 , To-IVIorrow We Begin the Enormous Sale of 2OS Ot Men's , Ladle's andjChildrens OF NEW AND DESIRABLE- " „ * fc Hot Damaged by Water in the Least , Tliese That have been only slightly damaged by water Goods were stored in sneli a goad place that and are now dry and as gooi as they ever were Purchased from , a Wreck at Sea. the water did not re eh them , nirmtTiiifHiir Vm 'H.'iliHtfill ' ' Hi'H'U ' ' n H , 502,504 , 508 , 503 , 510 ' 502 , 504 , 506,508 , , 501 , 'South Thirteenth. St. South Thirteenth St. COZES. : HEo-w- . South Omaha People get of the Dumm at 131 ! ) Street. ALL MOTOR CARS PASS the DOOR . _ . ; 2b TvK.BXr XCfflCl MJIIII IHM ] n ni - * " - " nnrr uiY TT - ' - - " - - - - " - - - i * * t * m Don't expect to find this entire stock on sale at once , as our store would not hold them. New goods opened every day. Sale begins at 8 a , ni , Monday and continues until all are sold. 8 CASES CoAts' Spool Thread , Clark's 0. N. T. Thread. Clark's Mile End Thread V Only the Cabinets wcr wot. c a 3 CASES 'Dark Calicos From the wtoeU , & i \ / 5 1O / O V o ITS Igt d YalUi > - . . - fclTMiMB , , , , - ' j „ „ Brir BNi-T i T T' A LLSTANDA H D B CALICOS Fi'oiii tlio vl'eok , a 12 CASES Calico. M Oil PriiiM GillciL 28 CASES CASESa Blfjnohed and Unblenclicd , > This includes all muslins fi'om ' ihe wreck. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ALL THE WIDE Front the wreck. ' ' ' ' ' t ALL THE 2 YAHD WJDE u" Sheeting , From the wreck. All the Heavy Groy Wool Flannel , 18eFrom From the wreck , ALL THE SILK FINISH VELVETS , From the wreck , ALL THE EXTRA WIDE For Curtains nnd Draperies , ALL THE EATRA HEAVY From the wreck. All the Apron Chock and Dress From the wreck , ALL THE HEAVY GRADE KersevFSannel i/ From the wreck. ADL THE SILK ill From the wreck , ALLTHE Purses saved from the Nvreck , 8 cases Chtlclren'sZophyr Knit Jackets worth 7Sc- JL Ua iai 502,504,506,508 , , , , 510 South , 13th St. All Grades of .MI the Double Fulil AH'flO nail 0 III. Wide All Wool All ( lie Very Thirst DH/ESS - GOODS , BKESS- GOODS , DRESS - GOODS , BRESS - GOODS , JicliiiHngi > lnlnuii1l ) > riC.uloilK oils tliat liavo been only sllylitly wet , Tlmt hnvo been only slightly wet- Never touched uy the water. Yard ; Yard , worth im to Van TUfSJ.C)0ls " iiutOiuiingtiil nro woi-tli ut all. II , an'l are $1,25 , T On board this ship was nn entire retail stock of Corsots.inolndins almost every well known Oorsot made. Only a fowr of them yrero wot. ALL THE All Hie Keller ( Jimmy j All the $1 anil $1.2" > All till' Flii < " , l IloiiOi.1ic : ' ( ail IiiiMirlc < l Ladies' Corsets , Ladies' Cor sets , * T3a.JHA ' finvsei ' | Laclies' CJorsetsf Tlmt liavo IIOPII wet , , nnd are worth We , \Vnvlli lip t 'K. < iO uafli , ALL'I Hi : AH ( lie AH ( In- Tory I'l LADIES' ' MERINO VESTS , Heavy Ribbed Underwear , Camel's ' Hair Urdarwear , All Wool Scarlet Underwear , Onls slightly nut , Only the hexes are wet , Kover touched by water. All porfert ( 'ooils ; \\o' 1)1 n | > to il.75 AH Sixes Chilliren's Jtojs' nnd Ulr'.s' C'lilhlroii'8 YiT1 Fine Thi' Verj Vl Xaiiiral Vion"iul \ Ss'iirlcl Shirts and Drawers , Fine MERINO UNDERWEAR All Wool Scarlet Underwear UNDSBWEAI ! , , 18 CASES 7 CY.rU'.s HUiJicil nml riiilu 2 C'nscs Very I'incsl Ladies' ' Black ( I Cotton All Wool Ladies' ' Hose Ladles' ' Casliraere Hose , pair ; worth 25c. 10 CASI2S 2 CASKS. THE VHRY FINEST FINE WHITE'AND GREY AH Wool , White , Groyand Scarlet EXTRA SIZE , ALL WOOL , BLANKTES. BLANKETS , California Blankets Not damtijroel in llm loast. Would bo a ] ) jirtfu i at $5. GOOD 10 BALICS FULL SIZED OF LXTHA HEAVY .Alf GBOD Very Finest Imported Sateen COMFORTERS COMFOIiTEEiS COMFORTERS Open Every Evening This Week Till 9 O'clock ' , : Remember , wo ffutuvuitoil tint not a single clonk of this lot haa been touched bywater. . ALL THE FINE WOOL | ALL THE VERY FINEST I CLOTH CLOAKS A i ? I'rom the wreck , worth nji to Jin. Tri'i' ' wrork , B ALL THE FINE IMPORTED All the Finest , Exit a I. ng , London Dyocl , Real Soil AL PLUSH PLUSH CLOAKS X'rom tlio wreck , worth up to ! ! > , f. w I U. f 3 Cases Ladies' | All the Fine p The Very Finest Cot'.tll HANDKEHCHIEEFS LACE HANDKERCHIEFS , 25c and 503 From tlio wreck , Kiom'.lio wro ' l''ruiu the wt'cclc. 3 BALES 2 OASES ill iEnen TOWELINi I'roin tile wi'oi'k , I'roin tlir wi'0"k. 2 OASES 2 OASES FINEST IMPORTED m TABLE DAMASK 9 m I'roni thu wreck. IVulii ilio wreck. 3 OASES 31 OASES V/tii'e / and Lauridiied Siiirts , Men's ' Fine Wool Underwear , From tlio wreck. Wurtlt JI.W ) . ALL THE VERY BEST S OAS.ES WMf3 aid Laundrled Shirts , Worth JI.IW. Worth Wo. Tl I On thla ship wns an lm\ne ) t o lot of Trunks and Val'aoB , As wn hrvvo no room for them wo will dl.poeo of them Monday ut almost nny price to yotrld of thorn. 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 , 510 South 13th St.