ftswa * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 6 , 1SS9.-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE DAIjjY BEE. B. EOSBWATEB , Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY 'MORNING. TJ'.IIMS 0V"stJllSCHUTlON. Jinlly ncl ? umlny , Ono Year $1000 Klx ilontlis , r. J Oliroo Month * 2 fO Riimlri ) ' lire , Ono Ycnr "Ml WeeKly lice , Ono Ycnr with I'remtnm. . . . "W Ol'iaCKS. Omarw , ftco DulMlnir. ClilrnnoOdlco. WIT llookery llulldlnt ; Now Vork , [ looms 14 anil 15 Tribune Uutld- lllftWfl.slilncton. . No. 611 I'ourtcrnth Street , CotincinilnriH , No. 12 I'onrlStreet. Lincoln , IK I' dticet , COHHESr All communications rclntlila to news nnrt ortl -torlDl muttrr Hlioukl be addressed to thu Ktlltor- lal Dnpartmcnt. uusiNKss iiKrrnns. All bnilnoM letters nml remittance * olumlcl 1 > oiul < lre.s f < Ho'Iio ] Iteo Publishing Company , Omaha. Drafts checks nndpoitolllco OMITS to \ > o mndo payablu t& the order of tliocompany. The Dec Publishing Company , Proprietors JIBE nulldlng Knrnain and Seventeenth StteotH. The lice on the Train * . There is no oxruio fern fnlluro to gotTiin linn on tlio trnlns. AH iiowstle.ilerfi lmvi > born notl- lied to cnt ry a full suptily. rrnvclpra wuo wnnt 'J'lin IlKt : and can't gt It on trains where other Omaha nnpcrs nro carried nro reiiuosted to no tify Tun HKK. I'll IS UAIfjY UKK. Sworn Stntotiioiit of Circulation , State of NelmiHkn , 1 , . County of DoimlM. [ 3S > Oeoi'K It. Tziidiucfe , secretary of Tlie Flea PtibllHiiIng Company , tines ) solemnly swear tint tlio ictuM circulation of TUB DAILY HUB for tlio'week ending October ! W , M39. ww ua fol- loxvs : Sunday. 8pt.fn l.SWi Monday , Sept. : w 11WJ Tnccdity. Oct. 1 , l .nil Wednesday. Oct. „ ' 1 . M Thin sday , Oct. II 1K.OI7 Friday , Oct. 4 18.f3 baturduy , Oct. 3 IS.OIiJ Average 18.050 Or.OUOK II. T/8CHUUC Fworn to licforo mo andxubscrlbed to In my pretence tills Ubili day of October. A. D. ls * > . . lfc'cnl.1 N. r. 1'T.IL. ' Notary I'ubtls. ttuto of NebrnHka , i County of Douglas. Is UcorKii II. Tzschuck , being duly sworn , do- POFCK mid says that he is secretary of Tno UBS ) J'ubllt-hliig ' company , that the nUual mcrago dally circulation of THE l\ir.v Bur for tno month of October It * ! * , w s 1P.W4 contut ; for November , IMv1" . 18.UB copies : for December. IfcfH. 18,22:1 : copies : tor Jan uary. 1W. ] ( " , ri74 , copies' : for February. ] ssy. 3H.mii copies ; for March , HW , 1H.8M copies : for April. 1 1 > . I8.H.K . copies ; for May , IN-9 , IS.tOT copies : for June. Jttf , IMs'K. copies : for .Inly. 1WU , ItVitlScopies : for AtiBU t , IW > . IB.O'il copies : for September , ItSil , 1P.71U copies. ( li.o. II. T/SOUUCK. Fworn to b Jor mo and subscribed In my rretenco tills-Itil day of October , A. L ) . . 18W , [ BEAU ] N. P. I'KIU Notarv 1'ubllc. SUNATOU MAXDISKSON , it is said , will propose nt the next session of congress the iiointinont ] | of a senatorial com- mittco to iiivcHtig'iito the causes leading to Tan tier's removal. Mr. Tanner 1ms been removed mill it will ho wise for the senator to leave the subjootsovcrely III OHO. TUB restoration of the Uinp of Samoa l > y the Germans is regarded as a tri umph by both English and American papers for their respective govern ments. England's attitude of virtual neutrality does not entitle that country to near as much credit as the United States , because our qlllcials took a de cided stand and maintained it to 111 close of the controversy. Tin- : railroad commissioners of lowti recently prepared statistics showing that in that state alone. , with 8,000 miles of railroads , . " 3U brakoinen were killed or injured in 1888 on account of the use of the common link and pin coupling and the hand brake on freiglit cars. Prnctical safety brakes and couplers liavo been invented and may be readily obtained , yet the majority of railroads con tin no to disregard appeals to humanity just as they delayed the adoption of a substitute for the death' dealing stove on passenger cars until com polled to do so by law. Tin : eleventh census will soon bo taken. The work connected with the census of 1880 covered n vast field , but congress has added to the labor of tlio now count by ordering an inquiry in relation to the statistics of the i ml obi cdness of private corporations and in dividuals. Taking thu largo increase of all kinds of business interests and industries in the country since 1880 as a standard , it will easily bo soon that the work abqut lo commence will bo a. far greater undertaking than any former one in this direction. TUB concluding letter of the highly interesting nurios descriptive of the political and social life of tlio countries of the eastern world , by Mr. Prink G. Carpenter , is printed this morning. These letters have constituted a most interesting feature of the SUNDAY Bui' ' for a year past , and have given the reader a bettor idea than could have boon obtained from any ether source of the institutions aud customs of the Orient , and of tlio characteristics and social liabltd of the peoples of the eastern world. Not only is Mr. Carpenter 'one of the modt en tertaining of correspondents , but ho has no superior as a careful and intelli gent observer , while his industry in hunting instructive facts , and his fac ulty of finding them are proverbial. Mr. Carpenter has in reserve a great deal of valuable material gathered in his extended travels , and wo expect to be able to announce at an early day an other Borios of letters from him of the most interesting character. Tin : year 189 ! ) will go into history for the remarkable character of its ( "ilnml- tiop. Tlio Hoods of China and Japan that have drowned tons of thousands of people ; the breaking of the reservoirs at Johnston and ether places ; thu ex plosion of millions of cartridges nt Antwerp ; the acchloni on the Irish railway ; the fall of the rooky heights of Quebec ; the ocean storms on the At lantic coubt ; the constant floods in one lootion of the country and severe droughts in another ; the narrow uscapo from a terrible disaster at Milwaukee during the meet ing of the G. A. .R. , when the blurt on which 100,000 spectators wuro seated , watching the naval buttle , moved six inches and was only pre vented from droiVning thousands in the lake by a railway wall at the foot ; the dropping out of the bottom of a furnace near I'ilUburg , burning and roasting several victims , are instanooaol nature's ingenuity in intituling injuries on man kind. The your is not yet over and the strange and unprecedented variety of casualties may not yet bo exhausted. Wo may hope , however , that it Las. ii 10 conuny. "Wlllltim Coburn has boon twlcd honored by the republicans of Douglns county with tli6 lucrative position of sheriff. During both of these terms ho has also been a member of the board of education. Tils conduct in these re sponsible positions has not always been exemplary or commondablo. The fact that ho was re-elected to the school board last year by a largo majority waa paraded as a vindication from grn.ro charges. As a matter of fact It waa merely n proof ot Coburn's popularity with school'teachers'and school house janitors and his unscrupulous use of the sheriff' patronage In the school elec tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Coburn will make the mistake of his life if ho persists in his candidacy for a third term. Unless ho is bereft of reason ho must realize that lie needs a united republican party to insure ro-olcctlon. This is simply out of question , Mr. Co- burn's candidacy can only end in his personal defeat , and may also prove dis astrous to the whole county ticket. In the interest of the republican parly , wo appeal to Mr. Coburn to wlthuraw. Gratitude toward the party to which ho is so much indebted would dictate such a course. A re gard for his own reputation should impel him to withdraw. Wo say this in no spirit of malice or vinuictivoncs3. Tin : BUB has treated Mr. Coburn with the utmost indul gence , ana Mr. Coburn has treated Tim BUB very fairly at all times. Its oDposlton is not personal. Bu t wo have become convinced that Mr. Co- burn is a dangerous man in the sheriff's -otllco. Ills sympathy with criminals is too pronounced and his all I tunics with the lawless classes do not coiiinioild him as n candi date for sheriff. Much as wo desire the success of the republican ticket wo hold good government above party success. Unless Mr. Coburn withdraws wo shall do our duty and our whole duty and Mr. Coburn understands what that moans. It remains with him to save the party from disaster and himself from humiliating and overwhelming defeat. WOltKMHX'S IXSURANOE. Within the past six years the Gorman government has established a system for the'compulsory insurance of work- ncn ngainst sickness , accident , disabil- , ty from old ago , and permanent in firmity. Tlio operation of this peculiar system is explained in the October F rum by Professor Taussig. Only the classes commonly called "working" nro affected by the system , and practically all such men , women and children- are iiuured. They must bo insured wliethor they will or not. There is no. choice , but the compul sion is applied , not directly to the workmen , but primarily to the employ ers. It Is required of employers that they shall act as agents for the enroll ment of the insured and the payment , of the premiums. They are bouna to give notice , within three days after employ ment begins , of every person hired by them who comes within the terms of the act , and they are bound to pxy the contributions or premiums , on bahalf of their employes. A treed part of these charges , moreover , they must pay out' of their own pockets. They are en titled to deduct from the stipulated wages of their workmen two-thirds of what they pay to the insurance fund , but onc-thirrt they must pay out of their own means. The workman himself has nothing whatever to do with the process of joining the insurance organisation , or of paying the contributions by which the benefits are made possible. There arc several sorts of insuring bodies , the most common being the local sick assoaintions , which the local authorities of every city , town or village have the power to establish , and the manage ment of these associations is subject to the durvoillunco of the local authorities. Any capitalist who employs as many as fifty persons may establish an indepen dent association , whose members are his own workmen only or the authori ties may compel him to do so. Volun tary friendly societies are permitted to bo organized , composed of workmen nlonoor workmen and employes united , the requirement being that they shall guarantee as much in the way of benefits as the compulsory associations givo. The bonoffts to the workman who falls nick are liberal. IIo gets free medical attendance , with medicine and all needed surgical and luodiuat appliances. If ho is disabled from work ho gets a sick pay of one- half his wages , not exceeding , however , one and ono-nalf marks a mark is equal to twenty-five cents per day. If illness ends fatally , and it did not result from some vice or culpable excess , the association pays to the repre sentatives of the deceased a lump sum amounting to twenty times the day wages of a common la borer. When sickness results from vicious practices the benefits may bo granted only in part , and may oven bo denied altogether. At most , the bono- 11 ts are granted for a period of thirteen weeks. Insurance against accident does not become operative until the lapse'of thirteen weeks after the injury is received , if the por.soa injured at the end of that tlmo is still sull'eriu ? from it , and only those accidents which occur in the course of a person's em ployment give a claim to relief. The accident insurance associations are composed wholly of employers , who pay all the expenses. Tlio workmen are represented oa boards of arbitra tion , and the associations are under government superintendence , every thing they do being subject to the will of the imperial insurance bureau. The injured workman has all the expenses of euro paid for him , and If his disa bility labts beyond thirteen weeks ho gets a pension , lasting so long as ho is disabled , if completely and porma- nuntly disabled ho geta for life a pon- blon of two-thirds of his former wages. If the disability is only partial , the pension is two-thirds of what ho has lost in earning capacity. When an accident results fatally the family of the man is provided for. An act passed last May provides for pensioning old and disabled workmen. The provision thus made for Gorman workmen imposes one condition ia order to establish the right of ita en joyment , and that is work. A man is rv mombof of a slok association only flo long na ho works ; ho gets 'benefits for such accidents only as occur while ho is at work , the pen sion system requires n period of contri butions which nro paid only while the man works. In order to got his insur ance , of whatever Bert , a man must work , and this inseparable connection of work ntid benefits , remarks 1'rofessor Tniisslg , is relied on by the Germans to prevent those demoralizing olToots which threaten every effort of good will and charity for the poor. Whether or not the Gorman scheme is nltogothor wise and beneficent a longer trial of it will demonstrate. Ay IMPOllTAlfT flSlT. The delegates to the conference of the throe Americas , vho have started upon their tour of the country , will bo in Oinalu , if there is no disarrange ment of the present programme , Octo ber'20 and 27. A committee of citizens has boon appointed to arrange for the proper reception and entertainment of these distinguished visitors , and it scorns timely to suggest that this com- nittoo should promptly effect all neces sary arrangements , and not Icavo them to the last few days hcforo the arrival of the delegates. It is desirable that on this occasion Omaha's hospitality shall bo of n character to make the ino l favorable Impression upon the vis- .tors , and that the arrangements shall , )0 such as to omit nothing that will en tertain and interest them. As their trip westward will end here , wo should endeavor to send thorn away adequately impressed with the energy , enterprise : uid spirit of tlio west , while at the Siuno time showing that wo ire capable of as generous hospi tality .is any of the older commu nities they will visit on their tour. They will sco elsewhere many interest ing things not possessed by Omaha , but they should receive nowhere a mure cordial and hearty welcome. It is not only duo to the high-charac ter of the foreign delegates to the con- fjross that they should everywhere re ceive from our people the most distin- uishod consideration , hut.it is duo to ourselves , The plan of the congress originated with the United States , ind the objects it is intended to subserve are of supreme interest to this country. As has boon pertinently said by Mr. W. E. Curtis , the representative of the government in directing the tour of the delegates , the South and Central American coun tries are not seeking our trade , wo are seeking thoir's. It is therefore a matter - tor of the first necessity chat wo shall demonstrate to the official representa tives of these countries that the United Stales , with its practically unlimited wealth , resources and variety of mau- .facturod products , can. supply all their material wants , and that while seeking their markets for its manufactures it offers them a great and rapidly growing market for their raw materials. Th'oso visitors are men of high intelligence and influence in their respective countries , and their representations to their people will bo accepted with unqiiostioningconlidonce. That their observations will tend to greatly increase the respect of their pnoplo for the United States , which is the first essential stop to enlarged and closer commercial relations , cannot bo doubted. It is there fore most- important that every community visited shall heartily attest its appreciation of the event , and while extending a generous hospitality , provide for enabling the visitors to see the very best it has to present. Oilier cities along tlio route arranged are preparing to do this , and it is not too early for Omaha to begin prepara tions. It will bo bottortp have all ar rangements made a week in advance of tlio event than to crowd all the work of preparation into the last week before tlio arrival of the delegates. AND orronoE. Nations are communities of homes. Every inspiration and bacrilico springs from a desire to protect to the hearth- Btono. The ties which bind mankind to country or nationality have their being - ing in the home. It matters not whore man or woman journeys , how far dis tant business or pleasure may take them , or how great the attraction other countries or ether climes may possess , they invariant } ' return with surpassing joy to the spot hallowed by memories of childhood or domestic happincsss , utter ing the immortal words of Payne , ' 'There's no place like homo. " The homo is the foundation of gov ernment in all olvlli/.ed coun tries , without it govormonts and people would rapidly degenerate into the barbarism of the dark ages and the lights of Christianity go out in a besom of immorality. Tlio first and most Important duty of u gov ernment is to protect the homo , to make domestic life a question of seri ous moment , not of sentiment , a ques tion of caution and common sense , not of impulse. Tlio diversity of marriage and di vorce laws in the states have become a scandal and disgrace. They have en couraged and legalised the union of youths , or youth and old ago , and bred .misery , misfortune and suicide. The courts daily toll the story of disrupted homos , of Hcattorsd families and broken hearts , largely duo to the laxity of the laws. This doplorublo state of affairs is not confined to the United States. It Is prevalent throughout the civilized world , 'and presents a startling co'i- trast to the happiness of the mar riage state in seml-barbario countries. "In India , with its two hundred mill ion inhabitants , " says Sir Edwin Ar nold , In a recent lecture in Cambridge , "there never occurs a marriage of in clination , yet there are more happy marriages in India , more happy homos , more pure domestic relations , { .han in Any otlior part of the world. " \Vo cannot accept the light of Asia to illumine our path to domestic happi ness. To make marriage a matter of barter and trade , as in India , ts repul sive , neither Is | t desirable that the old world custom of parents forcing child ren into marriage against tlielr will for pncuuiary ends , should obtain in this " " country. "Gilt n great reform can bo effected by a uniform mirrlno and di vorce lawvjvV national law is essential .o the moral health of the country , abates cannot cope with this inportant imiostton because of tlioir liability * * to unite on ti uniform aw. It is-certainly within , the province of congress to legislate on this subject mil protficji family ties from the grow ing evil of nlarltal freedom. Provision ehould bjjjnado for the future welfare of tlio country by placing restrictions on dlvorcS linil prohibiting divorced. ) orsons frojiv marrying again for a pe riod of say one year. The mnrringo ago should bo advanced , and nil per sona authorized to perform the cere mony should bo vlflltod with severe ) unishmont for violation of the law. riio granting of divorces should bo llm- ted to courts established for that pur- lose , and complete records kept of all narringoa and divorces. A system of courts under federal con- , rol would largely diminish the scanda- ous dlvorco'biislnoss , which in many states has become a moro matter of costs , without regard to morals. It would pro vent the disgraceful marriage of more children by ministers too mxious for money , strengthen family Lies and elevate the marriage relation above the plane of sentiment and pas sion. 70 KUHOPK HV HAIL. Sir Edward Wntkins , the great Eng lish engineer , recently declared that ho can tunnel the British channel , and that through trains will soon bo running from London to Calcutta. The trains may not stop there , but continue on around through Asia to the Bohring straits. * Eight or ton years ago a BUB attache first conceived , the idea of railroad communication between North America and Europe. Sufficient statistical In formation was obtained concerning Alaska in thin country and Siberia in the Russian empire to wurranc the opinion that a railroad through these sections of the world could be made solf-sustain- Ing from the start. The salient points wore presented in a pamphlet of fifty or sixty pages to the Russian authorities and a correspondence continuing through several months resulted in the c/.ar requesting an audience with the projector of the scheme. Alexander is said to have been greatly pleased with the idea of a railroad in Siberia con necting with this country. Ho could ' see that its tendency would bo to settle Siberia , many portions of which are valuable for agricultural and ether purposes. Obstacles presented themselves at the time , and when the trip became practicable the czar waa dead. The matter therefore rested. The proposed route included the Un ion Pacillc afid Oregon Short line to Portland. From Portland it was in tended to construct a line to the nar rowest point in Uohring strait , bridge the channel * and continue the road through Russia into Europe. It was understood , and -partially agreed , that the Russian , government would build the line in its own territory , . and contribute its proportionate share toward the con struction of the Bohring straits bridge. Sullicient capital could bo procured in this country to build to Alaska. Dur ing the past few years the project has been seriously discussed and its practic ability thoroughly demonstrated. Sev eral wealthy men have given the sub ject considerable consideration and Rus sia is said to bo willing at any time to enter into the work. The time may yet come when an Omaha man may take the cars and ride to Paris , London or any of the Europ ean capitals without change of cars. It will no doubt bo a source of pride to local residents to know that an Omaha man first conceived the idea of an inter national railroad. JOSEPH PuLiT/.Bit , proprietor of the New York World , has crowned Ills many deeds of generosity by establishing sixty collegiate scholarships for poor boys , who are to bo selected from the public school * ) of Now York. Mr. Pulit zer's special object is to help the ooor. Having worked his way from the foot of the ladder to the topmost round , ho knows tlio struggles and hardships of poverty and the almost insurmountable dlllicultics which deprive the children ol the poor of a liberal education. ' 'The rich can help themselves , " &ays Mr. Pulitzer in explaining his motives and purposes. ' 'My injunction against favoritism must therefore bo con strued as admitting favoritism to the poor. But it is not the aim of this plan to help people for ordinary monoy-muk- ing purposes. College education is not needed for that. There are nobler purposes in Hfo , and my hope Is not that these scholarships will make bet ter butonnrs. bakers , brokers and bank cashiers , but that they will help to make teachers , Hcholars , physicians , authors , journalists , judges , lawyers and statesmona I shall bo happy in- dodd if it should oven in the smallest decree rulioy/Bpoverty / } , aid the causoof education and lift into a higher plane of citizenship 'and usefulness lo the state children , bf the poor , who , In spite of talent , , without suuli education nnd great hardship cannot compute for the nobler pri/.pfl of an intellectual ca reer. " Mr. Pulitzor'a gonoroblty gives him a prominqnt position among the public benefactors of the country. It is broad , comprehensive and liberal , and confined to q 'jjfuss ' whore Its benefits will be sougl } ) . and appreciated. The gift is the impulHo of a noble heart , a credit to the f6ujidor and to the profes sion ho so richly adorns. A Ni ; JiiiKitof interesting government centenaries have recently passed , attracting but little attention. Sep tember 20 , 1769 , the department of state was organized by the appointment of Thomas Jefferson , its first secretary , who hold the olllce a trillo over four years , being succeeded during Wash ington's second term by Edmund Ran dolph. At the time of Jefferson's ap pointment Samuel Oagood , of Massa chusetts , was made first secretary of the postolllco department , while Randolph , of Virginia , who was afterwards transferred to the state department , wau created attorney gen- oral , Alexander Hamilton , the first poorolnr.v of the trcasufy , was appointed September 11 , 1789. September 12 , 178' ) , General Henry Knox was con firmed us secretary of war. Those five ofllcois constituted the first cabinet , The navy department was not organized until 170S , during Adam's administra tion. Tlio 2CU ; of September was still further distinguished by thu confirma tion of John Jay , of Now York , ns the first chief justice of the supreme court of the United States. Thua it will bo aeon that Ihe 2Gth of September , 1889 , deserves an honorable position in the dates of important events in the history of this country. AN effort is to bo made In the German parliament , which will moot next month , tosscuro the repeal of the pork nnd beef duties which amount to n proscription of those American pro ducts. It is'understood that Minister Phelps has been instructed lo nsk the German government to remove or modify the duties on American pork products , and there Is reason to expect that his appeal will find support from a largo body of the Gorman people , who in consequence of the exclusion of these products eat loss meat than formerly nnd pay moro for what they do oat. Tlio effort in this direction will , however , bo vigorously opposed by the agricultural interest , and as Bismarck has always assiduously cultivated the favor of this interest , its wish will probably prevail. But the government is certain to hear a stronger demand than over before for the removal of re strictions which deprive tons of thou sands of people of a regular supply of a most essential part of subsistence and enhance thu cost of meats to thu whole population. TllE recent organization of cotton manufacturing companies in Texas evidences the gradual movement of factories toward the source of supply of raw malorlal. As competition grows keener in the various departments of industry , many of the factories of the east will bo forced west or south or go out of existence. Buffalo was nt one time the stock market of the country. Prom there it moved to Cincinnati , then to Chicago , and is now gradually shifting to the Missouri valley , because it is nearer the source of supply. Tlio mountains of iron and coal in the south are attracting factories on a large scale. So it will be with the manufacture of cotton. The success of one factory near the source of supply will boon foruc these distant to move or be crowded out of the market. It is proof that the grip of the east on the great inuustries of the country is gradually loosening. HITS AND MISSES. The eoflln shop still holds out for coroner. Mr. Gurloy is mode olialrmauof the county committee. Mr. Gurloy is a noo-do. The county treasury rms boon burglarized dKiitn. This time it was pneii open by Inter state A'augUn. The Chicago police have discovered that Tascott was u cat's paw. This explains their purr luck iu running him down and captur ing the reward. " Them was a time wlion thodomosrots were the only Uonrbom. Judging liy the conven tion it looks as if the republicans of Douglas county have forgotten everything. Holzhay , the Wisconsin terror , is cultivat ing a largo crop of lead by defying the authorities. IIo evidently intends id make bis taking off as sudden aud dramatic as possible. Mormon elders have suddenly discovered that the climate of Tennessee docs not agree with them. A mob of masked moa armed with homo lias a distressing effect on the health of wjlygamous preachers. Every roustabout and yellow dog candi date who has ever bcca repudiated and snowed under by thu republicans of Omaha will bo at Hastings as a "representative- publican" for the metropolis of Nebraska. The industrious firebug challenges death when lie carries his torch into Helena. The few melancholy pines which dot the suburbs of that section have boon the moans of clo- vating his tribe in the past , and their strength insures long years of usefulness as a means of involuntary suicide. JIukntn'B Kf niihliciiii Cyclone. Chi c two Xcies. About the only candidate elected In the now states that is not u republican is Pierre in South D.ikotu , the now capital. Such Is Liltir ty I 'a 1113. Mcwhant Traviltr , The city editor is a mac. . of indeflnito fin ancial ability. Ho can niiilco any number of assignments unit bo none ttio worse off. Hash Don't "Go. " Clihh'jn Ttmu. Willdo Collins never icopt a scrap-book , which probaoly accounts for the popularity of hU stories. People do not take 'kindly to bash. A N'olilo Aulilavninont. CMcaua Tribune. Wo take pleasure In recording the fact that Now York's 100 are not altogether the useless - loss citizens they are popularly supposed to bo. Ono of them , it is claimed , has discov ered a Hiire cum for warts. FrillIH of n Hiato IiottPry. Acw Yinlt .Uatlflwl Jlrprcis. Louisiana , us a state , for many yoara has encouraged ( rumbling. There will bo man y people who will discover in the present ex posure of stealing fruin tlu state treasury n connection that points a moral. Hnvnifilim llio Hull ) . LoulxollU Com tu-Journal , When a bunker akips out , llko Mr , Loon- unll , of Now York , nnd loaves seven cents behind , capital appear ? to a disadvantage. The nilu U to take uaro of the ponnloj and Icavo the dollars to talio euro of ttiomselvus. Hnynril Won't Inn Martyr. Kamat Cltu Jimniiil. Secretary Uayard has courteously ox- a dlHinclinatlon to be tlio di'uiuurutio candidate for governor of Uolawuro. Thu democrats of tlio state may regard Mr , liny- nnl ns nn * eligible sacrifice , but ho begs to differ. differ.Wo Wo Would Still Itu UnillHoovjrod. Chicago HtraW , A New York paper a ay si "It took some years of hustling before Christopher Colum bus could ralsn the money to equip his mem. arable expedition across the Atluntio. " It vns very lucky tUat the discovery of America did not depend upon Now York. i 'O ' IIo NovoiKallH. . Kew i'orfc ll'ottd. So Mrs. Hurnctt didn't write "Llttla Lord tfauntleroyl" Stratijo. Mrs , Burnett. U a writer. Wby U It tUut wuon otlior people write tlio stork1 * which she nt > - preprinted they drop quietly into the 1'oltor's Field of literature ! Stlnkcupo.iro usoil to have Bftmo of the sumo sort of trouble which Mrs. Hurnctt is having. IIo used to extin guish unknown writers also. AS OTHERS SEE US. What Do You Buy , Mr. AVatlcliiH ? 'Ktwmtt'ltii Shir. Why doesn't Mr. Wntkins chnllongo tlio Omaha bnsa b.ill club for the clumplonshlp of the Missouri vaUbyl Everybody knows that the talk of playing n series of g.unes . with St , Louis Is the rawest sort of bluff. Omnhii has the champion club ot tlio West ern loaguo. Ivutmi City proudly retains seventh pluco la the American association. Ohls puts the two clubs on an equal footing , and Itutiroi a hard struggle. Iloro U n chance for Mr. Wntkuit lo show that ho 1ms conQQonco In his loam , Llbblo Itrcotilni' us u Star. .tii/mni / Post. It Is snld that among the "first , npponr- nnce " .to great the great public the coming season Is Nina Van .uult , who irurrioil the anarchist Spies , uy proxy. I'robably an other star who will make her "second ap pearance" some day and capture the Oaialm public especially , will bo MM. Ellzabjth Ucechlor-Klni : . Sooner or later oliu must continue her career in the line of tragedy begun so gloriously hi Nebraska's metrop olis. An Kyo to tlio Mnln Ghanoo. A'eio \ ' < > rk ll'nrM. Patrick Egaa , United States minister to Chill , lias beau ongagoil roqimtly In opening the eyes of Chilian millers to the fact that they uro far behind their brethren In the United States In the mutter ot machinery , eta Next wo shall hoar of Pat as president of a company organized to Introduce Yunkou milling machinery Into Chill. Our ministers are nothing if not commercial. Trade keeps stop wltli the Atars and stripes. Our UoyH in lltMuivlllo. lloxtoii Oltltf , It seems to bo accepted as a fact that the Onirthns of this season will bo the triumvirs' ' club for next season. This goes to support the prevalent opinion that It will bo neces sary to go "u long way" to llnd as good n club us the Uostons of this year , It Wns For Mini. , Chicago A'cir * . An Omaha prize-lighter was knooltod out In the thirteenth round , yet RSIIIO people per sist In saying that the number thirteen Is unlucky. Companions Iti Misery. Dinver yew * . * The Kansas City Time ? very proparly sug gests that In milking up tlio route for tlio members of the grout commercial congress of American states a nations somebody has blundered. The route includes Omaha and not Kansas City , and the Times truthfully says that "Kansas 'Jity is toe muoh the rop- rcsentat've of American growth to bo left out of the calculation. " There can , however , be no true appreciation of the United Status yalnod by thesii South American , representa tives that doci not inuluda a tour of Colorado nnd n visit to Denver. COUNTRY BREEZES. Dniler KnilmmHsln-r Circumstances. ( Irrctltcond Odzcllc. Frank Ingurscm aud Magtrio Hnrdnock wore married by Rsriiiiro Criltonleu Satur day evening. The circuimtincos were rather omb irrasaiuir , but it b hoped the match may prove u happy ono and sailing over life's troublous sea bo prosperous and smooth. Not lo bo ftncoziMl At. Fillinuic Omiittu HejiulfllMn. As wo wont swinging our catiu along , walk ing to the depot at Lincoln last Saturday , a man came un about live pace * la tlio roar and sneezed his uppar sot of teeth out upan tlio walk , nnd as they went to roll past us they came in contact xvith the Iroa farulo of our cano , and a tooih was brokan off. Wo felt badly , but nothing to compare with the ether feller. \ FostinnBter'n Grntituilo. Sun ( Advertiser. It gives us great pleasure to mention , as a matter of news , that tlioro has lately sprung into Hfo a warm friendship between the edi tor of this paper and Mr , John Wanamakor , of Washington , D. C. Ui > to this writing communications have been somowbat formal , but at this end of the line there is a warm admiration for Mr. W. that grows stronger each day , and were it not for the halo of offi cial dignity that hedges itself about thai es teemed gentleman , our gushing gratitude would overleap tlio bounds of cold propriety nsd shower upon our new found friend tlio gratitude of a loyal and a loving heart. Wo cannot close this personal without mention ing that , iu our humble opinion , Colonel Wanamakcr Is a gentleman and a scholar , and wo un ! > usiiutingly pronounce his cele brated $3 punts to be the best in the market. Compliments For u Contemporary. ( trantl hlnml Tmle cntlcnt. The nncliionts worshipped n bull calf as the greatest of the great , and hunco wo see no more impropriety in falling down and worttliipulng the Iowa wind-bag , if ono feels so inclined , It Is very likely rjulto as much a god as was tlio bull calf iu iU day , and in its own estimation muoh moro so , 3111 St I ) " II Illl7.7IP-IH Z7l < > r. A Dot in Jii illicit llinujmMtam. . A good , sober , industrious young man that can play a good game of razzlo-duzzlo , and willing to pay half the rent , halt the coal bill , nnd half tlio expense of the room , can llnd comfortable quarters in the opera house block. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tlio Itoroi ) liinoiii- n I'uront. Kur < lcnllicalls. \ . Not much nowc this week ; our printer got to bo pa. pa.A A I'ratormil Admonition. The davll hates a hog. .Bill Snndnrs of the Advertiser , would bo much le.sa llko his porltship if ho would give credit to his clip pings. _ JniirnallNtlo lOtlilon. Yuili Hints. Any editor who will misrepresent a man and malign him because he does not llko him or because ho does not tuku his paper , Is too Blinking niuan to edit a paper. AT MIDNIGHT. l/usMl Dult in Iftw Kit'jlawl Tell inu , glowing mars on high , Do I porifcli when I diet Or shall I bo over U Will my spirit liavo re-birth And retrain the things of worth When my dust returns to earthl Yo too porlsh , yo too fullt Flash u moment ttica the pall ; Is that typical of all ! Boundless dopthBof glowing spheres , Clininfuleas in the changing yoara , Scorn to uogativo our fours. Yet your changeless U all oltangol Fleeting , Hying on , yo ransro Through the vortex vast and utrungo. Other orouturce , other pion , Cling upon you , llvo and thea Do they dlo and llvo again ? PARSERS AND DRESSED BEEF * A Boycott Ronolutlon lutrocluood iu the Lincoln Convention. THE MRS. DR. BOBBINS CASE. An Autopsy Slinw.4 No Cnuso for Her Dcatli Ijonslns the S llno Stnlo llouio .Jot- City Notes. LINCOLN' Uuunvu OF Tun OM vn 113r.K , , llr'tl P Sriir.nt , LtycotiV , Nob.Oct. S. I All ! o'clock this afternoon. tla | adjourned mooting of the farmer's convention was called to order at HohanaaM ( mil by J , V. Wolfo. The uttomlanco , however , was not largo , but it did not lack In onthuslium or suggestions. The mooted ( iia'itlon , the Im portation of droscil incuts , WAS nijaln dl.i cussed at lonqth , Prominent furmnirs nn 1 business moti participated Iu thu discussions , .T. llurrou-j , ohatriiiiin of the commute on resolutions , followed with,1 his ropart , Jt recommended a thorough utuleritnndlng be tween nil parties interested ; that an execu tive committee of seven niumbor.s bo ap pointed by the chair as a w.iya nml moans committed , with power to appoint sub co.u- mlttoos nnd propose means to carry out tlio object of tlio minting ; Unit n sub commlttpo oftliroo bo nppolniod by tlio executive com mltteo lo wait upon all local dealers In the city nnd request cnch ono in niun nn agree ment noi to handle dressed meals ; Unit a committee of live ba appointed in a Ilku inntinor to circulate an agreement for signa tures mnong the business men generally pledging that if any ohops Inindlo Imported moats thuy will not pnlrunlzo thorn , erIn In otlior words establish a boycott. .Mr * . lr. Hulililns leuil > The mystery BUrroundmg the death of Mrs. Dr. liobbln ? continues to bo the subject of convoriatloii , oipsuially In thu vicinity of JCIghtoonth and N , where BIO ! llvod and died A post mortem oxnml-iatlon was hold last night bctwoou 0 and 10 o'clock , nttundoil li.v DM. Winnett , Pamo , Groin and StioomuUor. Tlioy report that all the organs wora In an apparently ho.Utliy condition , n 1 they saw no c.uiio for her doith , Tlio stomach , liver , kidneys and the node of the uterus wor-j taken away for further examination and chemical analysis. Mrs. Kuboins is mild to have dlod from urucmalic convulsions. These are produced by the presence of unlro In the blooil. and tills Is can soil by disordered kidney * , which roftiso to perform their proper functions. Aa the CMiminnlloti showed the kkiiuiys to bo apparently healthy , tills makes the death moro mysterious than before. There is nNo something of a mystery surrounding 110 holding of thu autopsy. Probaoly every nowspipor man in town on IcavoroJ youar- day to Jlnd out when it would take nlnco. Ono until was In the Robbing house w 0:1 : the physicians were thorp ro.tilr to begin the work , and yet ho was told that it win not yet known just when it would tilco pluco , and It was not until about mi Iniglit tiiut it waH known Mint tlio autopsy had boon made. This IIHS omsud much comment among the people , not but what the piiVHieiiiiit maiclng ttio examination are anioncr the best anil most honorable In tlio city , but bceiuso the people can not understand tbo nocasUty for this profound secrecy. Drilt of roiltlos. Notwithstanding the state and congress ional conventions are lixed for Hustings , this city is Iho'ccnlcr mound which the IMI- ! iUciiiiiR of the Second district circulate. The probable result of the conventions is tbo clnof subject of conversation. Deals nnd o ombinuUona nro alleged by this one and that ono Unit tend to shadow the real nltua- lion. It is patent that Norval stock Is up for the supreme Judge-Milt ) . Ho Is tallied more hero than .Indgo Uccsc , who Is the in structed choice of tlio delegation from this count } ' . Dr. Smith , of Killinoro county , r.iniis llrst for tlio regency from the Second congressional district , and L. J , F. Knight from the third. If talk Indexes anything , those goiitlonicn will bo nominated on the llrst ballot. Hut the congressional light Is the bothersome problem. Laws will not have a solid Adams uulejntion , and ns con vention after convention Is nold in tlio Second end district the operator slttluir at the end of tbo U. & M. wires has quit clicking the loucnd , "I'robably for Laws. " A number of tie- ups are said to have been made , but tlioro la roallv nothing in them. The respective can didates nro banking upon their individual strength in a romnrUiibla degree. U'ob-uur's lightning rod is still in sight. Harlun U hopeful. Hastings makes pretensions. Mc- Pnoeley and Uukor have their friends , but it is said that they uro on tbo skirmish line to make tlio winning man , thus hoping to make themselves for something oho. The hnli no Commissioner Steen nut the Sullno lands of the state on tlio market to-day nt U o'clock1. Thcro was n rush for thorn , too , In fact , a surprise party for tlio dap irt neat of the comm issioncr.s of tmblio lands and build ings. It appears that tlio low appraisement put upon them by the commissioners of Lun- caster county noted ns nn impetus for lively bidding. I'lioro was no luck of farmery who wanted to have the lauds. Indued , bankers , capitalists nm ! business moil generally Hotiu'ht the right to control them for a Htlpu- lutod time. I'lio wisdom of tliu late lo UU- tnro in providing tnat u cash bjnus up HI the uppniUod valuation would secure coveted luasu-i becamu iipnirunt before tha llrrtt quar ter loll under the hammer. Ono quarter ac tion was loisad for J5liLJ ( ) abov'o ita appraise- mant. A unmoor of other quarters wont at corresponding llgurcs , anil but few wont for the vaiuos plnooJ by the .ipurnmorj. The money ralsod by tlih silo goo * into a spscial fund the ballno L-ind fund and as HDOII as a auiUuient amount accumulates in tlio tro is- uror's Hands the same shall bo invested in regiatoruil tchool district or municipal bonds and hold us n parmanont Saline fund auyu the statutes of 18b'J. Ktnto H .11 i ) < ntlni9. Governor Tliayorroturnud h'omo last night , nnd put In to-day ridding his desk or iiccnmu- lutod correspondence. Aud itor IScnton registered $2.1,000 of Geneva water works bonds to-duy. HIx Hignuturo in hi demand for tills class ot doponturcH , Colonel Horn , of Syracuse , was at tha Htato house to-duy , IIo cam a up to UHsuro himself that there were no missing links in the Hchoul linuso bonds riicontly voted by by Oloe'n second city. Syrauuso in prepar ing tO bllllll U ? 1UUI ( ) ) HcllOol 1)01130. ) Articles Incorporating the Hayurd Irrigat ing and \Vutor Power company-woro Illod to day. IJivard , Ohnycrinu osunty , InIxod / upon as tbo principal place for the transac tion of business. C.mltal Htoolr , Slfi.OO ) . Incorporators - corporators : Qrccnbury MullU. Nowlou ' Mutlhowa , Edward .Smith , William II. Slonos aujl 10. M. Stourna. Governor 1'haycr to-day rncaivod a Icttor from A. Slimor , secretary of the National Silver association , ronue-itlng him to appoint twenty delegates ami twenty ultorniiles to attend thu national convention which con- vcnes In HU Ijouiu , Novembur 2il. Tno u'ov- urnor Hiatus that he will gladly npnolnl any prominent gonllemon of the state who am In favor of the conllnod colmigo of silver who will signify their wllllngim-ia to attend. Don. K. ! < Jtrown For Gnvnrnor. PfiondJ of Hon. K. K. llrowu announce to- nay that lie will bo u candidate for uovoruor , Hitujcot to the decision of the republican Htato convention of 18DJ. Tills insured 11 lively scrap botwucu him unil Senator Haymond for the Lancaster county delegation avoir In odvunco. Twelve cundldntCB for governor uro ulrcudy in tlio Hold. ( 'Itv NniVri uii'l NotnH. M. 13. O'HHon , Huoerlntundont of the Htato llahenos at NirthfJ Hend , U in tlio city. The freshmen were tuo muoli for the uopha In tlio "cano " scrap" that took pluco on tun university campus tliln morning. A larco crowd witnessed the fun , Mayor Graham considered Ofllcor Pound's case to-day , but ho tm not yet paused upjn thu Justness of hl MUS iou. lon. It iu i ia llmivi. ' ! ° w"1 lo k lifter Carder next \voolt , mid It U probublu lliut Uu will pass upon botU cages ut tbo name tlrno.