Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1889, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Oobtirn Wins in the Convention to
LOBO nt the Pol B.
The Itnltronds Cnptnrn the Dclcca-
nation to the Htnto ConTontlon
How the CnmllilntcB Were
Thn TloUot Hnlcclod.
Sheriff William Coburn.
Treasurer George Holmrod.
CoronoM. . O , Maul.
County Clerk James Allan.
Iluglbtcr of occds j. U. Soulhnra.
County Judge Gcorgo S. Smith.
County Surveyor Charles Houao.
Commissioner Second district K. S.
Commissioner Fourth district Fred W.
Smith. . >
State Senator I' . J. Quoaly.
iSupormtondcnt Public Instruction
Gcorgo W. Hill.
Hip Convention.
The republican county ticket has been
selected , William Coburn , the present In
cumbent , hus been nonnnalud for a third
term us sheriff ; Joseph Soulh.ird captured
the plum for register of deeds , M. O. Maul
coroner , Gcorgo Ilonnrnd county treasurer ,
James Allan county'clcrk , Gcorga S. Smith
county Judgu , Claries House county sur
veyor. R. S. Berlin county commissioner In
the Second district , and Fred Smith , of
South Omul ) , * , commUsionor from the
Fourth district. ; G forgo W. Ulll , of Waterloo
lee , aupu.'intcndcnt of public Instruction ;
P. J. Qucaly siato senator , to till the vacancy
caused by the death of John 1' . Paulson ; S.
G. Wilcox and Edmund Bartlett Justices of
the ponr-o for thu Third , Fifth nnd Eighth
wards ; L'ouh LIttloflold and Gusuv Ander
son Justices for thu Fourth , Sixth "and Ninth
wards , nnd W. F. Van Hewer and D. D.
O'Conncll in the First , Second and Seventh
wards. It was a very lengthy session , and
the selection of the various candidates
rcqutiud oix long , dreary hours.
The long hand ou the dial pointed to twenty
minutes past 11 o'clock when Chairman Con-
tnni , of iho republican county committee ,
callcd""Mio county convention tb order in
tlio police court chain DC r.
For uu hour prior to the tlmo the gavel
foil the delegate * had buttonholed tn the In
terests of their respective candidates.
Tlio silk hat of the delegate fro-n tbo
Eighth ward shout ! nloncsldo the rusty tile
of thu representative from Mlllard , while
the broadcloth of the young man from tno
Third rubbed against tbo Jeans of the man
from Waterloo ,
It was plain to bo soon that thcro was
going M bo a light on this temporary chalr-
irjmshlp and the litiht took placo. Judge
Louis Bcrka and W. F. Bcchel were the
leading candidates and the friends of each
made a tnorough canvass for support.
Immediately after beinit called to order , a
dozen delegates sprung to ttieir feet asking
reeoTi'ltion. A gentleman from the Sixth
wus the fortunate person und put in nomina
tion for temporary chairman W. F. Boehol.
Immediately all was confusion , nnd in less
time than it takes to relulo it , Louis Bcrka ,
W. F. Gurlo.y and C. K. Coutant were ulso
nominated , while all round the room rose
e.Mcs lor adjournment.
The chntr decided that no adjournment
could be hnd uutll the temporary organiza
tion had been olTcctcd , and the call of pre
cinct" fo tonioorary chairman began. Cou
tant nnd Gurloy withdraw , leaving a clear
Hold to Bcrknand Bochel. Tbo result of the
ballot was 78 for the former and 97 for the
lifter , which was n greater number of votes
x-ihnn there were delegates on tumd by about
n dozen , und ninid loud cries of frnud.-otc. ,
Mr. Hcchel took tlio chair. As soon us the
gentleman could mnUo himself heard ho an
nounced that a now ballot would bo taken ,
but before u could bo proceeded with Judge
Uerkn withdrew anil Bechol was chosen by
J. H. Van Duson , of South Omnhn. and
James Grunt , of the Sixth ward , were chosen
Bcctotnrics. The former declined nnd
, Cimrlui A. Potter was selected.
The chair then appointed the following
con. , lilleo on credentials : E. M. Stonbjrtf ,
Oui..iln ; G. U. Williams , of ElUhorn ; J. W.
Vnn Duson , South Omaha ; J. H. Lytlo , D.
H. Mercer , L. E. Reed , W. H. Horton , M.
L. Lindsay and C. A Saundcrs , of this city.
i j ho convention then adjourned to meet in
the exposition building ui 2 p. tn.
Attnriionn Session.
The report of tlio committee on credentials
kept the couimlttco waiting about forty-llvo
' minutes after the hour , during w.iich tlmo
the friends of nil the Interested candidates
busied themselves In buitonholing each
other fti nn offott to obtain voles.
"Finally Ihe commltloo on credential * came
iln. Their report wus to the effect that n
'contest iu Jefferson precinct had boon ad-
JusJed by allowing each faction two and ono
half votes each. A fccblo protest on tlio
part of u gentleman from Mlllard , who
cluimod that lie was entitled to the creden
tials , was unheeded und tlio chuir announced
that the convention wus ready for business ,
nnd that the lirst thing in order would bo the
Election of permanent officers. By a unnni-
mouH vote this convention made the tempo-
% rury organization perfect , after which the
i\rst \ business , the selection of sixty-nine
delovales to Iho State convention , wat
The basis of representation decided upon
is four delegates from each ward In tlio city
of Omul a , four from South Omnba , two
lcucli ) of the country precincts and seven
nt hi'jfo.
'J no selection of the delegates was post-
ponoJ and the hattlo bocan when l\\o \ \ chair
I * ' Minouncod that nominations for the ofllco of
sheriff were in nrucr.
J. C. Wharton provoked considerable on-
ihuilasm among tlio supporters of Coburn by
nominating him in a neat speech , but the
cheering was no less In volume when D. H ,
Mercer predated the naino of Mlchaol Leo ,
Candy Knight , of the Fiflh , Bald ho opoke
< for the laboring uion when ho offered the
init-lo of E. M. McDonald. The call of pro-
ciiictb followed thu vofo ou llio first call ,
"oolngns follows :
McDonald U
Cobuni now had ono and onn-half nioro
Votes than ho needed , but before the vole
i ntd bo announced Chris Snccht chanced
" ' An vote to Leo. A delegate in llio Fourth
< ward also wont ever to Leo. South Omuiia
' ' fcUvo him six volcu and Walorloo two , The
. , Vlilfil ii'iinl utnrii > il nmttiiru In
i 4 mm itmu BIUI iwu iimvwia up 111 u lively
1 Jubhlon by wiving eleven Coburn votes to
McDonald , and when tlm Fourth ward added
civ lit to this number pandemonium broke
leva. . A jfeoon us quiet was restored the
„ Fourth wurd announced mno votes for Co-
b/irn and tvo to Leo , while Chicago pro-
clnot gave ltd solid vote for him. The First
wurd then gave its solid vole to MoUonald ,
wiille the Fourth announced ono for Loo.
> i 'iho result of this ballot was :
T Col-u rn j , . MJ <
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
MuiiouaYa' . . . . . , . . . . . , ! . . . ! . ! . ! . ! . . . . . . .23
It was on the third ballot that Coburn so-
cu'3d tlu nomination , and Sandy Knight
wus tr o man ttuit gave it to him , AB on
othur ballots , tha various wards voted at
first "s usual Then a delegate In the Ninth
forsook Coburn for LOP , whllo two of the
lutlor's men In the Fifth volod for Coburn.
Aorywr.s raised lo put out the deputy
Kiieriffn , who were crowding round Iho Fiflh
vvaril delogutlon. Somv ono whispered sonic-
V'ling to Sandy Knlgl't , and that young itiuu
> announced that ha would change from Mo-
Doniihl to Coburn , Anotuor dologalo tol-
1owe\l suit , and amid much confuuion the
clmlr'nnnnuncbd thu ballot us follows :
Coburn , . . . , SS > j
Leo , 7Jj )
lOcDomitd 4
Tlio caudldulos tor the oftlco of treasurer
consisted of George Holuirod and John
Graves. Hcluirod was nominated on the
llrst ballot bv a vote of 112 to 03 ,
T. G. McQrauo nominated joe SoulharO
for resistor of deeds. Ho wan elected bj
For thu office of county ulork James Allan ,
of fho Eiiihlh ward , Arthur H. Hrlggg , ol
the Third. Dan Shelley , of the Second , nnO
Walter Kclley , of the Sixth , were put It
Domination , The fir t ballot resulted In iwc
vote * tort many hoingcast , but Allan got there
on lhd second by the following vote I Allan ,
1UO ; Shelley , it ) : l3rlgi ? , 43 ; Kelley , 0.
Judge Hcrkn nominated Ooorgo S. Smllh
for county Judge nnd M. O. Hlckclts placed
Jmli-'o UcrUa on tno list. Tno latter declined
and Smith was cho.inn by acclamation.
'inon Gcoro ( W. Hill , of Waterloo , and J.
B. Hruner , present Inuifmbcnt , tried conclu
sions for thu nomination for superintendent
of public Instruction. Hrunor wai nominated
on the second ballot by u veto of SSJf to 73tf } ,
scattering 4.
Charles ilouso wn * chosen nt cnndlJnto
for county surveyor by nochiniation.
Dr. James Carter and Dr. Savillo and M.
0. Maul were nominated for the position of
coroner. Maul won on thu first ballot by a
vote of mi lo Curler's ' ) M , Savillo 0.
August Uurmclstcr , Howard Kennedy. D.
B. Dull , Charles J. Tnguart , Don F. Knight
and William F. Hincfl were offered as candi
dates for the nomination for county commis
sioner from the sncond district. After eight
ballots had boon taken with no results , tno
Ninth ward cast Its entire vote fur It S.
Uerlln. Several other delegations followed
suit , and In con8cn.ticneo ho received sixty-
two voles. Ho tried lo got to hi * foot nnd
decline , but was hold down In his nat whllo
the Bocond ballot proceeded. Ward nficr
want and precinct after nrrclnct foil In and
he received nearly the entire voto. Ho then
nude a short speech accenting the nomina
tion , mm the business of the convention con
Patrick MoArdlo. Fred M. Smllh , of
South Omaha ; James Walsh , of MoArdlo
precinct , and Carson Kovor were offered as
nvulliibio candidates for commlsslonorshlp
from the Fourlh district. Smith wai nom
inated on llio fourth ballot by the following
vote : Smfth , 04 ; Walsh , 11 ; liovor , 00.
' 1 hu selection of n man to run for the ofllco
of atato sonnU > , lo 111 ! tlio vacancy caused by
ttio dcutli of John T. Paulson , was a dimcult
mutter. M. O. Itli'koM , of the Third ward ,
was chosen by acclamation , out In a speech
in which ho ii sericd that the colored race
wauled "help lor their oppressed brethren in
the south , not empty honors , ho declined.
Put Mi-Ardlo was elected , but also declined.
Dan O'Keuffo wus put in nomination , nut do-
cllnod , as did K. M. Stenberg. Finally Hub
tfulcombo was announced , und ho would
have doubtless nccoptcd ha I not some
wicked man in the Sixth nominated P. J.
Quualy , who was nlso chosen viva voce.
i ho selection of delegates to atlend the
staio convention , which was next in order ,
resulted in the following delegation being
cnoBun. ' 1 hey will also ullcnd llio Judicial
convention :
First Ward Fred Nye , Leo Estcllo , John
Huiler , E. J. Cornlsn.
Second Wnrd E. M. Stenborg , Gus
Andrcen , William Alsludl , John Hoye.
Third Ward O. H. KotlmcKcr , Charles
llr.iiich , L. 10. Uocd , S. II. Smith.
Fourth Ward W. F. Uechcl. W. F. Gur-
loy. IJick Uerlin. It. 1) . Duncan.
Fifth Ward Joe Kodman , John Jenkins ,
G. F. Franklin. John McDonald.
Sixth Wara-J. I' . Dillon , William Mor
row , 11. J. Levitt , Chris Specht.
Seventh Ward Jonn Grunt , 1'aul Vander-
voort , William Furr , D. H. Mercer.
Kighth Ward R. A. L. Diclc , W. W. Koy-
ser , C. E. Hruncr , J. L. Carson.
Ninth Ward M. S. Lindsay , A. M. War
ing , D. J. tiurgess , I'M Mullen.
houtli Omaha J H. Erlon , H. E. Houlo ,
D. Anderson , A. J. Ualihvm , C. E. C. Smith
at large.
Wont Omaha Henry Ilabo , Henry Rleck.
Chicago -C. H. Dluker , H. A. Nolle.
Union Frank Doric , Ctiris Larson.
Vnlle.v W. H. Thomas , J M. Williams.
McArdlo J. Anderson , Henry Schomor.
Mlllard tlenry Kelso.y , John Loinko.
Florence M. F. Chapman , John Simp
son , Jr.
Dougras-Ed Leedor , C. II. McMurphy.
Walcrloo F. W. Corliss , James Unbinson.
Jefferson H. C. Timme , Peter Mangold.
Ellihorn O. A. Walcoti , Isaac Noycs.
At Largo D , D. W Heeler , M. O. Rlcketls ,
1. S. Hiisenll , J. L. UlaCk. C. A. Potler , J.
C. Horton and Charles J. Greene.
It was announced that the 13. & M. will bo
thcolllelal ronle , nnd that the train will leave
Omahuat 10:03 : a. in. Monday. Sandy Knmht
put in a protest because the 13. & M. is a
scab route , but his voice was , drowned in the
uproar that , followed ever ono Wiggins ac
cusing. I. C. Wurlon with being a probibi-
W. F. Gurloy was chosen as the chairman
of the county central committee , the mem
bership of which is as follows :
First ward L. F. Lytle , John Duller , John
Second ward Dan O'Kcofo , John Hoyn ,
Fred 13ehm.
1 Inrd ward M. O. Rlcketts , S. B. Smith ,
Leo Hartley.
Fourth ward T. K. Sudbrough , Elijah
Dunn , Moso O'Brien.
Fifth ward Charles L. Sanders , George
King , M. Sullivan.
Sixth ward C. K. Kelsey , W. A. Grant ,
T. J. McGraw.
Seventh ward C. N. Inskeop , Louis Peter
son. J. C. Thompson.
Eighth wat d U. IJ. Haleombe. J. R. Moore ,
Charles' E. 13runer.
Ninth Ward M S. Lindsay , W. I. Kiur-
steau , D. J. Hurgess.
South Omaha D. Anderson , Ed Mayllold ,
L. C Gibson.
Vullov W. H. Thomas , Willliui Milohill.
West Omaha Gcorgo W. Roberts , Henry
Chicago C. H. Danker , II. A. Nolle.
Union Frank U. Hubbard , Chris Tuddc.
Waterloo F. W , Corliss , H. 13. Hennin-
Elkhorn Isaac Noyes , G. R. Williams.
McArdlo H. R. A very. Elijah Allen.
Douglas Ed Leedor , H. Rotsic'c.
Mllliini William Van Uonron , John
Jefferson H. C. Timmo , Peter Mangold.
Florunco John Simpson , sr. , John Paul.
The various districts then announced their
c.inuidatcs for Justices of the peace us fol
lows :
Thin ) , Fifth and Eighth wards , S G. Wil
cox , Edmund Bartlott. Fourth , taiJUh and
Ninth wards , Louis Lltlloiluld , CJuatav An-
ili'rsoii. first , Second and Seventh , W. F.
Van Howcr , D. D. O'Conncll.
Delegate I'homp on. of the Sixth , intro
duced a resolution asking that thu conven
tion indorse the Australian system of voting ,
which wus tabled and iho convention ad
journed slno die ,
ii" ' Stnriintlorft' .
Ooorco J. Slernmlorff , u young man well
and favorably known In Omaha , has an
nounced himself as a candidate for the dem
ocratic nomination for county clerk , ut the
solicitation of many fricads. Air. Sterns-
doiff was , for several years , connected with
Iho Union Puclllo he.ul.iuartera , arid after
wards clerk of the Omaha Freight bureau of
the board of Ir.ido. Later ho went Into
business for himself In real estate and ex
change. Ho Is a finished accounlant nntt
has provud himself n business man of con
siderable ability. Ho counts hundreds of
friends all over Iho city and will mnko n
hard light.
The First ward democratic club will meet
Monday night at 750 : ! at the corner of Tenth
and Leavonworth , Mclluuh's building.
Tim limn 111 Vaolil. ,
This afternoon at 0 Captain Sorcho will
give n frco exhibition la the Missouri river
between the bridges. Captain Sorcho will
exhibit up the river If the current will por-
mlt. a curious llttlo craft ho calls "Tho Hu
man Yuchl. " It Is u Hort of catamaran ,
about ten feet In length , and consists of a
pair of ttbcot Iron tubes fastened together by
u net work of small steel bars , with u mast
and sails aloft. The captain fusions his feet
by Htnips among the bard nud stretches hlm-
b-jlf out feet foremost on the water between
the lubes. In ihU fashion ho Ultigs to the
breczo und acudi ulang ut the ralo of Ion
miles nn hour whnn llio wind Is In bin beam.
Wlion the wind Is unfavorable ho letn down
n tin centra board nnd tavlis for all the world
like u full ringed merchantman. Ilo Intro
duces " 1'ho Human Yacht1' ' In tno i Ivor scouo
in "Lost in Now Yorir , "
HAROLD Max , sou of Mr. and Mr * . Max
Moycr , ago 1 your 0 nioutliB.
Funeral from residence , 2321 Hnrnoy
slroot , Sunday ul 0 a. in. Now York papers
pleusa copy.
MCDONALD DIed October B , 18S9 , son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonald.
Fuuorul 'J p. in. October 0 , 2013 Purkor
DAEMON October 5. Charles Alexander
Daemon , slop-son of Albert AllondorfT ,
aged 5 years and 6 months.
Funeral on Monday , Octobar 7 , at 'J p. m. ,
from the family residence , 1810 Ohio htroet ,
to Prospect Hill , Friends of the family In-
OhnrlcflV. . Kny U Kellnvcil of 111 *
Cx ti by DcsporadocH.
Charles W. Key , nn agod. farmer residing
noixr Pnpiltlon , wns tlio victim of a bold rob
bery that wn * porpatratcd on board a Hur-
llngton train as it was backing into the depot
nt this place yesterday afternoon. Just ns
the passengers began to l"avo tholr Boats
sorao unknown man crow-led the old gentleman -
man against the scat nnd relieved him of 9100
In hard cash. The villain then lied , nnd be
fore Key could got n glluipso of him ho had
alighted from the car and disappeared. His
companion , or a suspicious appearing Indi
vidual who was taken lobosuch , disappeared
out of the rear door nnd also disappeared.
When the train cinio to nt halt nt tha plat
form Detective Alolto , Officer Cullen nnd
Ofllcer Kirk were In the Immediate vicinity ,
und had they been nolltlcd might have per
haps corralled the robbers , but Key tA\A \
nothing until nbout llfteon minutes nflor *
ward , dnrinc which titno the fugitives wore
enabled to cscnpo.
Goodrich ledge , I. O. O. F. , will RIVO a ball
on Thursday evening , Oclobor 10 , nt Good
rich hall , un Iho corner of Saundcrs and
Paul streets.
Atonement day was fittingly celebrated by
the Jewish people yesterday. Thu Dnatzrinn
society hold lilting services In Cunningham
hnll aril the othur Hebrew congregations
mot at tholr respective synagogues.
William A. Paxton , Jr. , has commenced
nit In tlio district court against D. M.
tunrt , E. E. Clipfingar nnd Sam I. M or
ison to reesvor $110 onn nolo scoured bv
nortgngo ou lot 17 , block 2 , South Exchange
' luco.
The Railway Printing nnd Publishing
ouipany filed articles of Incorporation yes-
crday with the county clcrl : . The Incorpo-
ators are Dan B. Hoiiin , O. C. Wontwrotli
nd Ullia M. Honlu and thu capital stock Is
xed at fS.OM.
Johu Mo.vcr , night watclinmn nt the Union
'aeillo headquarters , was assaulted whllo on
uty night before last by n drunken tclcg-
apher named F. P. Delaney , who broke
leyer's Jaw nnd loft him lying senseless.
) clanoy wus arrested.
E. T. Fiynii , of Oakdule , Is ut the Casoy.
li M. Hall , of Lincoln , is nt the Paxton.
F. R. Janes , of Kearney , la ut the Puxton.
L. R. Cotrell , of Suward , Is nt tlio Casoy.
C. E. Yntos , of Lincoln , is nt the Millurd.
H. H. Wilson , of Lincoln , Is at the Mur-
J. O. West , of Grand Island , is at the Mll-
John W. Holt , of Falls City , la at the
J. P. Hnrtman , Jr. , of Kearney , is nt the
? uxton ,
Watson Pickrell , of Beatrloe , is at tlm
C. C. MeKnlght , of Hastings , is registered
, t the Mlllard.
C. M. Leightou and M. M.Vhito , of Lln-
: oln. are nt the Paxton.
S. E. Sanders and Charles E. Magoon , of
Lincoln , arc ut the Mlllard.
M. MoLiughlin nnd T. M. Frauso , of West
'oint ' , nro ut thn Paxton.
Fred llonzinger , associate editor of the
Capital City Courier , Is In the city.
Mr. J. S. Hlhbs , n prominent vocalist at
Cincinnati , O. , is stopping nt thu Millard.
Mr. N. P. Foil , of Tun Bnn , leaves this
ftcruoou on u visit to relatives in Clove-
M. Goldsmith , of Cincinnati , is visiting his
ons , who are prominent in business ciicles
Gco. Brown , president of the Cond Dank ,
.his tate , is in the city , the guest of W.
Robert Duncan , Superintendent of plumb-
HIT. has returned from a ten days' outing in
oulhcrn Utah.
Mr. Fred Boii7ingor , rditor of the Capitol
vity Courier , Is la the city calling upon old
newspaper friends.
Dr. Knhlmaun and Lawyers Stuart and
lip jinger left town at noon lor a few days'
unit at Calhoun , Nob.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campion and family
have removed from 1804 Binne.v street to 703
North Nineteenth street.
Miss Ida Noblf , of Salt Lake City , arrived
In Omaha vcsterday and is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Swift.
Judge Anderson and xvifo and Michael
Maul , loft for Washington last night to at
tend the Knights Templar couclavc.
Miss Cnrno Sours , of St. Albany is ppend-
ng n few weeks iu the city ns the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. George Holbrook , on Madison
fter a very pleasant visit with the Misses
Heclan for the past two months , the Misses
Colenmu bade farewell to their- many friends
Friday evening and left for their homo in
Clinton , In.
A very pleasant surprise party was given
at the roslduuco of Mr. and Mrs. .1. S.
Gosnoy at thuir residence , ItiuS south flurty-
third street , Friday evening in honor ol
Frank R. Gosnoy.
t the Barker A. P. Baldwin , Madden ,
Miss. ; J. E. Ropo. ROD ! : Inland ; Waller
Aetcher , Now York ; W. P. Hlnctf , Chicago ;
. A. Gmiit , San Francisco : C. .1. Dnitn and
wife. Salt Lake City ; IJ. . Btiekhart.Grand
At the Windsor : W. A. Waters , Elmwond ;
J. Cleinenlu , Elmwood ; II. 1) . Wilson , Oma
ha ; L. A. Lawton , Hcikimer , N. Y. : Fred
D. WniiL'li , Peoria ; J. W. Cupp , Bellevue ;
T. B. Stui/maii and daughter , McCook ; Will
A. Slack , .lunlata ; J. L. Sander , Stockdalo.
C. W. Whllmoro , of Salt Lake City , is nt
the Murray. " Ho was formerly in tlio grain
commission business in Omaha and has
many friends among Iho young business men
who will bo pleased to learn that ho hus
oorralcdagood alzoJ llco of the real estalo
boom out west.
Mr. Frank G. Carpenter , who has Just re
turned from his trip around tlio world , called
upon Tin : Bin : vosterduv. Ills 11 ft loth nnd
last letter appears In this issue ono of its
best features. Forayqnr past Carp's let
ters have been a standing attraction of TUB
SUNDAV BIK. : They have found their way
into many a scrap book and huvo been tha
occasion of scores of compliments upon this
paper. Mr. Carnoulor Is on his way to
A li-urnwll I'nrty.
Mrs. P. P. Boswortti , at her rcsldcaco ,
! > M Davenport btrect , Friday evening gave
a delightful dancing party In honor of her
daughter , Miss Annie , who loaves for Hol-
liduysburg female seminary , Hollldnysbiirg ,
Pa. , whore nho graduates this year. Among
the guests were Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Bald-
rhlno. Miss Williams , of Patterson , N. J. ,
MI&S Hotkln , House , Fonda. Bedford , Muinio
Bedford , Miss Charlatan , of Harri&buiv , Pa. ,
Joasolyn , Armstrong , Miss Armstrong , of
Columbus , O. , Van ( Jleson , Lyinau , Messrs ,
Allln , Buldrlgo , Tom Buldrldgo , of Holll-
dtiysburg , Pa. , Coppiy , of Peoria , 111. , Bos-
woilh , Holt ) , Joe joplm , Hugh Jopliu , Cuir ,
Breck , Charles Breck , Lewis.
Murrinco 1/icoiiH'W.
Licenses were Issued to the following
parties bv Judge Shields yesterday :
Nanm and Residency. Ago.
I DnvldTonc , Omaha . , . 21
| Emma J. Bum , Omaha . 23
i Frederick W. A. Wcroth , Oniirim . 82
I Josephine Sardo , Omuhu . 'JS
( Charles Anderson , Omaha . 21
( Anna Erlekson , Oinulm . , . 17
j Aflon Reynolds , Omaha . 25
) Nollu Dolun , Boone , In. , . . . 20
County Court.
The will of ox-Ssnaior John T. Paulson
was admitted to probate yesterday. Anna
O. , Eduiond , Herman and Henrv K. Paulson
wore appointed adnunlstratorb.
Redhead , Norton , Lathrop & Co. have
commenced suit against C , Hloli to recover
J2-10 ou llvo promissory notes ; and against
F. W , DuBoUund Valentine Llpp to recover
fiUO.UJ ou several notes.
Thcro is considerable anxiety on llio part
of the persons who are Interested In the Y.
M. O. A. state convention iu regard to securing -
curing quarters Tor the delegates who will
meet heio during the latter part of this
moDlh , It U desired that local members no
tify the secrcturv as to accommodations tboy
may have for visitors ut once. Five hundred
visitors are expected.
, i
The Editor's IntorprotMibn of the
County Printing Obtitrnot.
The ComnilsHloncM llfiovor } Hint
Ills Hutu Tor Advert IMni : IH
illKlicr'llinn Tlmt
Other I'nni'
Tlio Coninit'ifliimrrn StnuccrcO.
Tlio county commissioner * mot In regular
session yesterday with Commissioner
Turner In the chair. Alt present except
The bill of Ilia Intcr-Slato Democrat company -
pany for printing the delinquent tax Hat
was presentoJ. The bill was for 000 do-
scrlollons , three times , nt5.f conU , $312.67 :
uiul 20,81 * descriptions , throe times , nt 24
couts , Si.UiO.Ol ! totnl , $2OW.01.
When the bill was rend Mr. Vaughn ,
who was present , bobbed up and nskod that
ho bo advanced one-third of the bill , as ho
was hard up and needed the money to puy
hln employes , Chairman Turner said the
bill would bo referred to the committee on
llnnnco for examination , and would como up
again at the novt meeting. Vaughn insisted
on being allowed nn udvanee , us ho wus
greatly in need of tha uuuicy , nnd stniod
that ho was under bonds to thu county , etc.
O' KeolTe moved that $700 bo uitvnnccd on
the bill.
Turner thought it should be referred to the
llnnueo committee , but Vaughn pie ulcd for
some money , so Corrlg&n seconded O'KeefTo s
motion arxl it carried. No one disputed the
amount of the ulll.
County Auditor Evans , however , will prob
ably liuvo somotliinp to say about thu amount
of the Democrat's bill.
When the county board advertised forbids
to do this printing it was specified that iho
list was to. appear three times In thrco con-
secutlvo weeks. When the bids wore opened
that of the Democrat was imieh lower than
ntiy of the othora. 'I'll Is bid and
the contract which was afterwards
nado in accord inco with It , provided for dong -
ng the printing at U > ' / nud Vi ojnts per dc-
criptlon for thrco insertions. whllo the- bids
f the other papers were from 7 to 15 cents
ior description for three Insertions.
The list was printed in thu Democrat , and
, 'esterday ' Vaughn ptcsontod his bill to the
Bounty auditor.
Mr. Evans wns astonished nt the inagni-
, udo of the bill nnd aslicd for an explanation.
The i-rtitor puffed up and pompously ex-
ilained that it WHS for printing the tax list
hrco times nt the price named in Ills bid.
Auditor Evans tried to explain that the
ild was ut the figures named for thrco in-
ertions Instead of one. but Vuuehn refused
, o accept any such Interpretation.
At the figures named In the contract the
rinllng of the tax list would amount to
j'572.40 , u reduction from Mr. Vaughn's fig-
urea of Sl.457.45.
If it is decided to allow only the amount
luo under the contract Vaughn Is ahead of
the counlyjusl $127.54.
The report of Jud 40 Shields for tno third
unitcr showed SoOI.Otiori hand ns fees.
Superintciidont Mahoney culled the alien-
ion of the commissioners lo the crowded
iondition of the poor farm. There are now
ligbty ciL'ht Inmates , whereas the place was
lot intended to accommodate more than
ioventy-livu or eighty.
The matter was referred to the committee
n poor farm , with power to uct.
The hill of James Walsh of $103 , for work
n bridges , was allowed.
The claim of Hans Kastnus of STil.75 , for
damages resulting from falling through a dc-
'eclive bridge , was referred to the county
A number of small bills for" work and lum
ber for bridges wore allowed and ordered
tlaced on next appropriation sheet.
The county clcrl : was"authorised to pur-
cliaso neil bqoits and tally sheets for the
county election.
The request of the Open Door for coal was
The claim of H. G. Clark for S193 for
amount paid for special deputies at fair and
exposition wnsnllo\ved.
A resolution was adopted rescinding the
action of the board in locating road I'JT and
uwardhm damages for the same.
Appropriation sheet No. 10 , of the general
fund , amounting to W5G.31 , was allowed.
Tko report of the county clerk for
the quarter ending September 30 showed
the total receipts to bo 51.021.27 , expendi
tures ? 1MO ( 03 , leaving a deficit of 43J.SI.
The report wus referred to the committee on
The ooard adjourned until Tuesday after
noon , when they will consider and issue n
proclamation for the coming election. Tlio
county attorney advised the board that tno
duty of issuing the proclamation , loc'iting
the polling places nnd appointing the judges
nnd clerk1) , in the city a * well as in the coun
try , devolved upon the commissioners. The
judges and clerks who iiro elected will Ijo
iillowcd to iin.ilify , and in wards where none
ue so elected , tuo board will make appoint
iV Culnrntl linn'4
The Omaha Progress has made its appear
ance. It is a six-column , four-pago paper ,
published by Harnctt & Patterson. It an
nounces itself ns "A bold and fearless
champion of the Negro race. It is republi
can iu politics ana tearless in the advocacy
of the rights of llio Negro. "
The onleo of the paper is at 101 North Six
tccnth street.
Amtounuuin Mils.
Hose Coghlan originally came to America
with the late Edwin Sothorn , and after play
ing ono season with 1dm wns engaged by
Lester Wallack as ' 'leading ladv" of Wai-
lack's theatre- and remaining m that position
for a number of years , she succeeded by her
admirable performances of a largo number
of roles In establishing herself as the great
est , favorite New York has over known.
When ' 'Musks nud Paces" was originally
produced ul Wallack's ' , so great was her suc
cess in the part of Peg Wellington that she
was christened by onu of the papers "Goht-
nm's Peg , " wnioh tltlo has aluco clung to
her. Two years ago when Mr. Henry Abbey
assumed the management of Wnllack's
theatre ho olfercd her an enormous salary to
rotum to her old position as loading lady.
She wus desirous of being associated witli
tbo last Reason of Wallack's stock company.
80 ftbo temporarily abandoned starring and
accented Mr. Abbey's olTor. At the ter-
ininutlbn of her engagement sbo entered into
a three yearn' contract with Mr. Augustus
Piton to star under his manaxomonl.
Miss Cnghlan will open her oncagomont nt
the Uoyd to-morrow n von ing In the romantio
piny of "Jocolyn. " Tuesday evening 'Tor-
got-Mo-Not" will bo the bill ; Wednesday
afternoon , " .Tooolyn , " and lyeduosduy even
ing , "Peg WoilliiRton. "
Mr , Leonard Grovor's latest Metropolitan
success , "Lost in Now York , " will bo pre
sented for the llrst titno In Ouiaha next Mon
day niifht nt the ( jrand nnd continue the entire -
tire week. Tliis play Is Inclined toward the
melodramatic , and is in llvo Very strong acts ,
each replete with dramatic surprises. 'Jhc
licrolno Is Jcnnlo Wilson , a waif of Now
York , A designing uncle has succeeded In
locking up her blind mother with the aid of
two blackmailer * . Haokonsnolc George nnd
hmwife. Through the cleverness of Mart
Purcell , a gas man , and Jennie , who din-
guises ii8 u district messenger boy , the
mother Is rescued from the island and gotten
baoir to Now York. It gradually appears
tnat the designing uncle has his eye on a big
property , which was formerly oold by his
brother , and to which ho would become holr
but for the existence of his wife and her
daughter. These lie Is desirous of putthu'
out of the way , but is balked by tbo heroine ,
who , with thu assistance of Chester , a grulf
lawyer , and Mart , the gas man , everything
cornea all right nnd virtue triumphs over
vlco. During the play many mechanical nnd
realistic effects are introduced , among which
may bo mentioned a river of real water In
tbo third act that entirely covers the stage ,
being 75 foot long , 40 feet wldo and 4. feet
deep. On the placid bosom of thU river will
ply a regular steamboat , receiving and dis
charging passengers.
The eminent comedian , Mr. William H.
Crane , will begin a short engagement con
sisting of thrco nights and one matinee per
form uuco at lioyd's opera house Monday
evening , October 10. The flrut two nights
and at tlio uiatmeo he will be seen io a uow
four-act comedy written for him by Urandor
M nt thews nnd' Ucorgc II. .lesson , entitled
"On Probation. " This play will bo given
with nn'uxeeptlonnlly lluo mounting of spe
cial scenery nnd appointments.
On Wednesday night Mr Crnno wilt sny
Rood-byo. to Omaha. In A crcat double bill ,
"Pnpa I'crsechor" nnd l4l'ho Balloon. " No
doubt tuo IiOu. < e will bo crowded during tils
engagement. _
Army NOWH.
Second LlcutoniintVllds 1 * . Richardson ,
Eighth Infantry , Fort Nlobrarn , has been ordered -
derod to Uosobud Agency , Uakotn , to mnko
nn inspection of cattle olTircd for delivery
under contract.
Charles II. C.iroy , John F. Simmon , Will-
lam Lirown , William Williams , Charles A.
Green nnd Herman Hrnmmcr , military
convicts , bnvo been ordered to I'ort Leaven-
Captain Charles F. Humphrey , assistant
( ] nartormastor , Cheyenne , Wyo. , has boon
ordered on business to Fort Sulnoy , Neb.
Tlio court murtial ordered to try Captain
Charles A. Dempsey , 13 company , Second In-
fntitry , Fort Omaha , for nssault upon Colonel
Ptotchor , will meet at department headquar
ters in this city to-morrow ntltl o'clock. The
detail of the court is ns follows ! Colonel
Henry A. Morrow , Twenty llrst Infantry ;
Major James S. Casey , Seventeenth ; Major
Daniel W. Henham , Seventh ; Major Kdgar
1C. Kcllogir , Eighth ; Captains William S.
Worth , Eighth ; Clnruuco M. Malloy , Eighth ;
Thomas E. Rose , SNteoiilh ; William M. Van
llorno , Seventeentli : Stephen P. Jooolyu ,
Twentvllrst ; Daniel T. WolN , Elghlli ; Pat
rick Cusack , Ninth cavalry ; Clurciico A.
Stcdinan , Ninth. Captain P. Henry Uav ,
ncting jndgo advocate , United States army ,
judge ndvocuto.
O. I" . StcOnrt\ i I'roinnilmi.
Mr. O. P. McCarty , who was recently ap
pointed assistant uonural pissonger agent of
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , has again
been promoted. Ho now signs his orders as
snncral passenger ngcnt of the C. & C. M.
railroad , which odlco ho will hold in connec
tion with the llrst named , with increased
pay. The latter road is an mixlliar.v of tuo
great Uullimoro & Ohio line McCarty'a
friends In the west will learn with gratifica
tion that ho has stepped up another ruug on
the rulirond ladder.
A Mnn'B HrciUli TuIce's Flro ami He
U Uiirncil to Death.
Twelve years n Olast monthin August ,
1S77 , a man met dentil in u peculiar
nnd horrible ! milliner in Sau 1'Y.moifceo ,
sstya the St. Louis Republic. The wHtor
boliovcs thil ; a full uiul Hucciuut iiccount
of this ruro acoiduut litia never boon
given tlio publio , the proprietor1 of the
establishment where it occurred irocp-
inp the facts from the reporters for fear
of hurting his trade. They are about
as follows : James Hurley , the victim ,
hnd just recovered from an uttuck of
delirium troinens. Ho hud boon a reg
ular sot and was thoroughly soaked
with alcohol. Ilia last attack of "jim-
jams" wus the third ho had undergone
within 11 few months. On the morning
in question lie had started on another
spree. At about 11 o'clock in the day
ho had about all the liquor on board tie
wns able to carry. Stopping into a sa
loon on one of tlio principal streets ho
called for a swig of "hugjulco , " which
was promptly refused , the Iwrtendor
noticing the condition of the man and
remembering his late battle with the
snakes. Ilnrloy scowled and turned tea
a gas jot to light his piue. A second
later there was a drunken moan , a Hash
of alcoholic llame , and Ilarloy fell
heavily ono lloor , his head and nuck
vciled'in smoke , while blue jets of llanio
wore issuing from his earn , mouth and
nostrils. As soon as water could-bo pro
cured ( water was a commodity rather
fecaroe around such places ) it was dashed
in the sufferer's face , not in time , however -
over , to save his lifo. The face was as
black as ifiat of a negro. The oars
were charred , the inside of the mouth
black , and the tongue ronsleu to a crisp.
It was a horrible and uncanny death ,
one for which a duplicate would bo hard
to lind.
Hrm Two Tjittlu HD > S Out Hcveiij e on
on n Conductor.
Two little boys , aged eight and ten
years , male an attempt to derail the
White Mountain express because the
conductor of a freight train refused to
give them a ride , says a Concord , N. II. ,
dispatch. Their names are Arthur and
Percy Abbott. They were on their
way to Northliold and i riod to steal a
ride on the freight train but were put
oil at East Concord. They then contin
ued their journey on foot. As the
White Mountain express , a very fast
and heavily loaded train , was passing
south a short distance above North Con
cord , it struck some obstruction on tlio
track. The wheels of the locomotive
and cars luckily eaupht the track again
after passing over tliom , though the
passengers were badly shaken up and
frighloncd. " The train was stopped and
it was found that a do/wn or more llsh-
plalos had "been ulaced on the rail with
the evident intention of throwing the
train olT. The pieces of iron were
ground up under the cars tearing pieces
from the plank llooring. Tliu boys
were detained when they reached Can
terbury by the station agent , who
thought they were runaways , and to
him they confessed that they had
placed the obstructions on the track out
of revenge for being put oil the freight
and intended to derail the train. The
escape of the White Mountain express
from a terrible casualtv was remarkable ,
as it was going at a high rate of speed ,
and had it left the track the loss of life
would have been frightful.
llcrnhardl'H Cruiy UcailiniMan. .
Another sad instance of the folio dcs
grandeurs , or mania for magnificence ,
has just occurred in Paris. M. Mar-
quot , a young comedian of the Odcon
theater , has boon very strange in his
manner lately. Bays a Paris letter to the
London Standard. Since his recent
journey to London with Mmo. Surah
Boriihardt , ho began to wear all sorts
of ribbons as decorations , to which lie
had no right. After M. Damala's death
ho gave out that he was about to niirrry
Mmo. Sarah Bornhardt , as he was the
only actor capable of performing by her
side. On Sunday lust ho rushed on the
stage , his face chalked with ochre , and
attired as one of Uullalo Bill's read-
Bkins ; and on the night of the revival
of "Tosca , " at the Porte Saint Martin ,
lie appeared in the stalls in tlio uniform
of nn infantry odlcpr , wearing an
aigrette in his kepi like that of tlio
shah of Persia. M. Marquet has since
been conlinod in the asylum of Saint
Anne , and his cube oxcitcs great com-
ml Boratlon. _
Thla In ii Florida Storr.
A farmer while cow hunting nour
Sampson lake BUW a Hock of buzzards
among which , judging from the birds'
Btrango behavior , something of interest
must bo going on , bays the Starko Tele
graph. The buzmrds were guthorod
around a largo dead alligator and ono
of them had got his foot fastened In the
carcass in BOIIIO way and was unable to
free liiiiivolf. Finally hlu comrades bit
the caplwo's foot oil' , which caused its
owner to horoam pltoously , but released
him. Upon examination the farmer
found that the Btomach of the carcass
contained a hugo alligator turtlewhich
had boon swallowed while the sauriun
was alive. A hole hut big enough for
the turtle's head hud been made in the
'gator's hide by the birds by which the
turtle had boon able to capture its un
suspecting victim. Although crushed
out of all shape by the 'gator's tooth the
turtle hod lost nothing of the pugnacity
peculiar to its lind.
Qroatly Alnrmod By the Growth of
tlio Liberals.
1 ho " People's Party" Already Drum-
mini ; Up the b'nlttidil In An-
liclimtltm of the Kcbru-
nry lOlcCtion.
In Knit Iakc.
Utah , Oct. 7. [ Spocml
to Tun UDK.J The political struggle now
bcinff Inaugurated In Salt Lake City prom-
tics to become ono of the most exciting nnd
Important ever transpiring In this Intermountain -
mountain country. For eastern renders to
fully understand the situation r.omo explana
tion Is needed. Hvor since the Mormons
settled Utah they nave controlled the poli
tics almost exclusively. However , slnco the
coming of railways and the opening ot
mines , the non-Mormons have been
Booking to < ? ntn political power ,
and their efforts promise soon to
bo crowned with victory. Formerly alt
non-Mormon citizens were known us
"Gentiles , " whllo these withdrawing from
the Monimu church were classed un "Apui-
tntcs. " The term "church" ns used by all
people outsldo of Utah Is supposed to apply
to religions denominations engaging in devo
tional csrroiaca unit looking after the spir
itual interests of Its members. In MormonIsm -
Ism It is rc.illy a misnomer slnco the aim of
the orfiutmntioti la BO intensely for political
power , rather than for the spiritual welfare
ot the people. The "church" In the past has
dictated who should hold the ten liorhil ,
county und municipal public ofllcos , and after
their election they Imvo been compelled to
conduct the affairs of their olllcesla con
formity with tuo wishes of the "Priest
hood. "
The rcauor may want to know who
are the priesthood. At the head of
Mormomsm three is n president with
his two counsellors and twctvo apostles.
Then como presidents of statics , bishops ,
seventies , elders , toucnors and lonpllst of
OI1ICC19. all under the ahvction of the presi
dent , his counsellor * , uul the upoUloj. 1 ho
thousands of minor oillcors , nil bceUinc nro-
motion Into more lucrative positions , ftsvo strenetu to the organization , while
they are very active in collecting from tlio
runK and flle the slnows of war in the form
of tithing and other contributions. This
system has boon so well organized and con
ducted as to enable the leaders or cniof
men to learn Just how faithful every
member of tno ctiurch" is toward it , nnd in
case of any signs of upostacy or weakening
in the faith , U ) mcto out such punishment as
will make them nioro loyal to them.
Twenty .years ago the destiny or every
uersoa in Utah was hold in tlio hands of tno
then great ruler , IJrlgliain Young , president ,
prouhot , seer and revelator of Hie church.
Then only a few such men as the WalUer
biothersV. . H. JyawreiiLO.W. S. UoUby and
some others had tlio courage to dispute the
authority of Urlghum Young , hut with light
brcaulng over tin ) valley in tno form of cust
om und western men coming hero to as
sort their rights , n gradual change was made
for the better , for a score of years bravo
men and women have been strivimr to put
down polygamy , the vulnerable point for at
tack on Mornionlsm , in the hupo that with
tlm downfall of that relic of barbaric times
would como , also , the downfall of ecclesias
tical and political power of the "church. "
Some years ago the anti-Mormons "Gen
tiles" and "Apostles" organized the liberal
party , and have over since been lighting
under that name. Mho Mormons , under their
guise of not being apolitical machine , and
claiming not to unlto ctiurch and ttmlo , chose
for tueir side the name of "apostle party. "
It is true that the people are permitted to go
through the form of holding conventions to
nominate candidates for onleo , and arc then
expected to vote for them , but it is neverthe
less true that these nominations are simply
the "sustaining" of the dictations of the
chiefs. Utah , as a territory , is decidedly
Mormon , but the liberals have made such in
roads on their ranks us promise soon to
change this in a laivo number of counties.
Summit county is already in tlio center of
Iho liberal party , anil its chief town , Park
City , has u liberal city government.
Last February the city of Ogden ,
the second largest city In Utah ,
elected a full liberal municipal
ticUet. Next February Salt Lalco City will
elect n liberal city directory , providing the
colonization of Mormons docs tint defeat it.
Ibis city nas ulwnju been considered the
great center nnd stronghold of Mormonism.
Hero nro Urn chief olllcc.s grcnt tornpl < S bin
tnbnrnnclc , nnd everything clso to innko th'i '
n mcccn ot Mormomsm , but they have boon
losing power very rapidly the past few years.
Going back to. ISO wo find tlmt only ono
liberal membir was elected to the lecislnturo ,
composed of thirty-six members. In 1S37 the
number crawled up to live. Augunt S
lust the election for members of
the legislature resulted in tlio selection of
eight liberals to servo In the session to con *
VOHO ncxt.lnnunry. U was nt tlmt election
tliat victory win won , which was heralded
ever Iho country nn u giunt eventjfor Salt
Lnko City , The Mormons became Alarmed
Jiut bcforo the election , nnd did nil In tholr
power to cot out their full voto. They claim
to Imvo gotten out ever nlnoty-llvo par cent
of tholr vote , wlillo the liberals lacked
twenty-live per cent of getting out their
vote , nnd yet carriud the llvo city precincts
bv forty-olio majority. This was a revela
tion to the people , and l.ns created great en-
Ihusliism here , und universal interest
throughout the country.
Among iho Mormon lenders this election
caused consternation. They nro now trying
to nrouso the people by holding meetings nt
wnlcli old. disfranchised polygamist men
who have served terms In thn penitentiary
under convictions under the Edmunds law ,
mm old women attend nnd plead for the
voters to slick tn the people's party. Tlioy
huvo iiiso Imported men from outnldc sottlo-
incnta to work on publlunud private unpibvoj
iiients that they may hole fasten Mormon
rule on this city for nnothar term of two
years. On thu other hand the liberals nro
organizing clubs in each of tlio twenty-two
wards , and arousing such onthuahiMii ns In
sures success. Tncso ward clubs are bolnp
uniformed , assigned by companies to regi f
ments and nil to form ono til ?
brigade In rouuhir military order.
. 'Ihero Is n big ilium corps and also
n thtmbcaiiK club. Two years ago the pro-
Bi-nt Mormon city directory was elected by
over six hundred majority. For the liberals
to carry the city seven weeks ago by a ma
jority of forly-ono was no small victory. To
\\luiiiFoDriiiirymenns nioro tlinii I care to
ilUruss at this time , and morotlinn stniimcrA
to Mormon wn.vs nud the history of Utah
can comprehend. Fortunately all voters
must lie ( inly registered and take mich oaths
ns pretty thoroughly purge Iho lists of pcu-
plo unqualified by law. Although It Is over
four months to tills election , ward clubs
meet every week , the ill urns are heard
frequently , nnd n most. thorough
organization Is being perfected
bv men employed for this purpose. Whllo
" 00,0)0 ) M'irm ens nro anxious for the contln-
unnco of Mor mon rule In this city , every true
citlzan of this nation wishes for n liberal vic
Look lo Your Wardrobe.
Thosu cool days suRizett licnvy clothing
\\o urn vi-11 prepared to provide for thu
comfort of our cmtoinrr" . Our Mock
mprlhca .Men H 1'all an 1 Winter Stilts of
tliohiiihostgritili ) of material anil work
manship , to.'i-thor null nn iniHinltuil ai.p-
ply of warm llosieiy nnd IJmloi\\oir. \
dnr artistic selection of Neckwear la a ilo-
11.'lit to theejes.
\Vo huvo bomothlug cliolco In Hnndknr-
clilnfs bomeUilnq uscell lit In Clo\os
anil noinethlng lunnblcin UnibrelluH.
Children's clothing a specialty.
Rogers & Sons ,
Cor. 14th and Farnam Sts.
Wo moan It. Wo pay for It , If it proves olliorwibc.
Telaphona 252 , 209 Siu h I3iii Sired ,