1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ST3T9JBAY , OCTOBER , ( V 1880.-SIXTEEN NEW YORK , WINS THE FLAG , * r Clone of the Gront Rnoo In the National Lcmguo. .SCORES OF YESTERDAY'S GAMES. Tlio Flulit In tlio Aninrlcnti Asnocln- liuit Still AVnxliiiz M'nrin I'jncnl H port I UK Notes of interest. 4. tTlio IJnso Unit KlttiMtlon. 'The ' greatest ponnnnt race In the nnnnls of .the nntlonnl trnmo was that In the Nutlonnl len'gub , which closed with yesterday's games , nnd , ns.was gcnornlly anticipated , Now York Avon the ling. She got there by the email majority of 11 points , Boston's ' loss to Pilts- 'twrg yo lc"rday dropping her back 0 j < olnts ; consequently there Is much soreness In the illubi.iof the universe to-dny. Chicago clinched third plnca by defeating Phila delphia. Cleveland clings to fifth , Pittsburg sixth nnd Indianapolis nnd Washington ibring up tlio tall end In the order named , iffjtr. IJnii this morning publishes the scores ol nil the games yesterday , wnlch tell the full story of the flnnl light. The standing of the clubs Is appended : Plnvcd. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Now York 12rt -13 , ( .5'.l Boston 128 SKI 45 .CHS Chicniro 183 CM * t5M ! .503 Philadelphia..127 03 M .4HO Cleveland l ! l 03 73 Pltt'sburK. . . .HKt ( H 73 .4il ! Indianapolis. . . W 59 ' , r .4 JO Washington. . .12C 41 8J . .TJT The American association flcht still wages warm , nnd Brooklyn must keep her eyes open or the irrepressible Browns will bent hcr'outyet , which , In the eyes of a largo number ot base ball devotees , would bo looked UDOII in the naturu of n calamity. Fol lowing is the standing : Plnycd. Won. Lost Per Ct. [ Brooklyn 129 S ! ) 40 .090 St. Louis 128 63 45 .C43 Athletics 12-1 70 54 .505 'Cincinnati..1113 71 Ct .533 Baltimore 10 ! ! Vtt 01 .531 Columbus 132 fX5 70 .434 Kansas City..IHO 53 77 .408 Louisville llili 2(5 ( 104 .205 Don't \\nnt. to Knt SniiwIinlN. C. S. Abbey , of the Dos Molncs team , nnd Tit Willis , of the Omnhus , are In the city nnd anxious to ilnd employment to carry them over the wintnr. They nro both on the reservp lists of tnoir respective clubs. THIS Ali 1/UAGUK New York n , Cleveland ! t. CLEVELAND , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to THE BIE. ; ] Much to the gratification of the Clovclnnds , Now York won to-dny'o game and the pennant. Score : tl.VvEI.A MI. | KI.W TOIIK. r. Ii. o. n. o. r.li. o.ii. o' Ilniirunl , rf . . . 1 1 II URore , ct t 1 : i U 0 HtrlcK > r , ; 0 1 2 ll.Tlcriiun. if..JI 1 S U U McKi-uii. . . . . ! ) ( I 1 a 1 Wnnt , n 0 ( I 1 a II Twiuboii , if..u a a n uKirinn.o o o r > 1 o Trbcmi. ; il U 1 ! l 2 l'lt.ohirl ' : ! < iiM , l.l 1 a : i 1 ( lllkl , cf I II J ! II OCiinnor. 1II..I 211 1 II Kniilt , 11) ) . . . , . . . ! 1 111 II U.O'lluurko. cf..O 1 2 0 II HulrlllTr.c t II ; l 11 I Wlillm-y , M > . . .U I I 1 II Umbvr , p 0 0 U 3 1 JKiMifc , P 0 U 0 ! ! I ) Tutnlt 3 02450 ll Toti'h "oT'.T 12 1 BCOIIK 11V INNIS17S. Clatplnnd . ( I 0 0 0 2 n 0 0 1 S KeirVork . . . .3 001 1 1 U U --5 ICnriifil runs Clnrplunil 1 , Now York JJ. Twr-bnso lills Unilltml , Tuli hull. Homo run Tleriinn. Stolen buna'rii'inan. . Unnblu ] > luft Illrlinrilwn , Wttnl Connor. DIMC bnao nn uuiin-Ulovt'innd 't , KowYoik4. lilt In- pllcl.orluntliltiuiy - truck iiiit-Cpri | > lniiil A. Now York X. 'llmo of KIIIIMI Ono IIOIT inul llilrtf flru lulnutui. Iliiiplru-Ionoli. I'ltt-lnu-t ; O , MOHIOM 1. PiTTMtuna , Out. 5. [ Special Telegram to 'Tin ' ; BEE. ] Inability to do atiythlng with ' ( JSnlvin's delivery to-day spoiled Boston's riUiu hopes pf the pennant. When the bul letin board announced Now York winning nt Cleveland their energy subsTded and they linishud tho.gnnio in n listless way. " ' Scorn : III J.VXIMJS. FlttstniiK : i 01020000-fi lloxton. , U UUUU 1 000 1 SITMUAKV. Knrnecl ruiiB-t'ltthbnri ; I , Hostonl , Two-bilPO hits Carroll , llntvi * . Dunlaji , Kelly -1. Stiilun ba-cn Kelly. Urslbiikuimbslls-lly GalTlii ! ! . byClnrkson 1. blrtifk oiit-lly ( ialvlu I ) , by CliiiKson I. I HSBOI ! Vnlls-Ciirroll. Tniio-1 hour unrt 3o inlnutca. Uni- jili-o 1'oHi-ri ) . Intllnnaiiolls in , WnHlilnutnn 0. INDIANu-oi.is , Ind , , Oct 5. [ Special .Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The lloosiers butted young Kcefo ut will to-day and consequently ended thu season by taking the third straight game from the senators. Score : 1IY INNIXIIH. liiilliinniiplli . f. 004204 ( l-ir , WualllllKloil . , . . 5 I ) U U U U 1 u 11 HIIMMAIIV. KariiPilruns-InilliinuiiullMK WnsliliiKtnn 1. Twu- K'uulillN-llliHM S , ljy | 1. Thn-p IMIIIII lills-\Mso. llinii : rnnt-lluekluy. IlLMiny. l oublo-pln > -lliMiiir lla M > lt , lllni's First ba i. on bnllk-llr Kcufo ; l. Kruckoiit-lly ItuMoT. by Kci'fo 4. Pas.e.i biilm- XyrokbPikeri ) . Tlnio-i Uour. 4iiulnutt' . lluiilru- | un : t , I'liiliulolpliia i ! . CIIIOAOO , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE.J By winning the last irnmo of the season from Philadelphia , to-day , Chicago cage takes third place. The contest was a buttle of pitchers. Score : C111CAOI ) . rilll.ADKI.IMIIA. r. li. ii. n. o.l r , li. u. n.c. n U : i n u u u i j u 1 0 imrn . : iu Vu u u : i OH.U a . , i , lanlnit.o..U ) II f. 1 u Kiirnir. Hi . o an 1 U iiiiiciiVimoii , p.u ton o iiniiiiiiii , ; . . . , o u u J U T iiii. . ( . .asr n 11V IXMNdK. riiionKCK . n n o o o a n n l'lillaiJol | > ! ilH . . . . . .U U 0 0 U U U 22 Kariioil niiiH-Clilcano 2 , Pblluclcliiu | | | J. Two-bmo hllH Mlilvi'j. Hr > lbM > on bullit haailen. ' . ' . Hutch. liutiu I..Hnukout-lly ; llulrlilntun.a ; byHuuavn.S. Tliuo-1113. IJiuplru-.Mcyiml.l , Tlm Now Ynrkbi-H iliililliint. Ci.nviu.AND , Oct. 5. The Now York ball players are In nn exceedingly happy frame of mind , to-night , for to-diiy's game decided Unit tin ) league pennant belongs to them. They loft for Now York ut uildnlf lit In n special par , on which was a banner bearing tno words , ' 'The Now Yorita , winners of the Nutloin'l league pennant. " The oloso of the league season to-night leaves thoclubs In the following order In the rnro : Now York , Boston , Chicago , Philadelphia , Plttsburg , Cleveland , Indianapolis. ! Ainerunn AHsooiutlon , HAi.rluoiiE ' , Oct. 5. Hesult of to-day's game : Baltimore. , . . . 5 1010 4-11 Columbus . , , , .u a ! ) 0 1 U 10 Gaino called on account of darkness. CiNrtS'NATi , Oct. 5. Result of to-duy's paine ; Cincinnati. , . , . .0 U 8 Louisville. , . , , , . 0 00001000 1 t Oct. 5. Uesutt of to-day's game : UrookLvn- . . , . 3 0000000 3 Athletic . 4 1 0 U 0 0 ! ) 0 10 Unmo called on account of darkness. BT. Louis , Oot. 5. Ucsult of to-day's game : St. Louis. . , . . , .0 00601 100 7 UatiBus City , , .000001010-S THU HPKIil ) II ING. fit. I/ouls Hnoci. ST. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 5. Summary of to day's r. ces : 3:20 : class , purse $2,500 Oonova S won , Frank Mlddleton secorid , Joremmli third , Stnr fourth. Nn time given. Oasqondn stakes , purse $918. three-year. olds 'crjlls nnd fillies , mile heats- Lucy U won , Dora Co snok second , Optimist drawn. Tlmo 3:1(0. : ( Inrnino I'nrk Itnccn. JnifnMK PAUK , N. Y. , Oct. 5. The attend- nnco wns the largest of the meeting. Sum mary : Mile nnd one-sixtconth Salvntor won In 1:5' : ' % Hyperion nnd Oarymoilo ran a dead heat for second. Fourteen hundred ynrils , two-year-olds .ludgq "Marrow won , Tournament second , Magnate third. Time I'.S-I. One knllc llncclnnil Won in 1:4C" , IlaJgo. second , Volunteer third. FJvo furlongs Bradford won in 1:00 : , Adolpli second. Drumstick third. Mlle nnd one-iiilartpr Flronzl'walked over the course. Mlle nnd one-sixteenth Brussells won , Latretin second , Kluln third. Tlmo 1:51K- : UHOIH. ; CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. . " . The track was very fust und the nttcnduneo largo. The only unpleasant feature was nn ncciOcnt In tlio third race , in which throe Jockeys were mordorlc < s injured. Mngoo , the one who wns the worst Injured , Is still unconscious nt 0 o'clock to-night , but Brown is thought to bo out Of danger. Summary : Three-year olds nnd upward , thrce-quar- tors of .u mile Censor won , Renounce second , Governor Ho'ss third. Time 1 :18. : Three-year-olds nnd upwards , three-quar ters of n mile Irish Dnn won , Pell Moll hccondf Dutchman third. Tlmo l:17Vf. : Three-year-olds and upwards , one mile Clamor came In ilrst In the finish a length In fronfot Cora Fisher. Clamor , however , was disqualified On necount of n foul , and C rn Fisher clven Ilrst pinto. Winning Ways second , Doer Lodcro third. Time 1:44K- U'wo-Vear-ola colts nnd geldings five fur longs \V. 0. Morris won , Fakir second , Milton third1 , Time 1 :08"tf. Three-year-olds mid upwards , inno fur longs' Woodcraft won , Longalight second , Nevada third. Tlmo 1 :50& Koo ptnUcs , two-ycnr-oid fillies , tlireo- qunrtors of u mile Kuglish Lady won , Sis O'Lco ' second , Dilemma third. Tlmo 1:17. : MorrN I'nrK Uncos. Mounts PAKK , N. Y. , Oot. 5. Summary of to-day's races : Ilecord stnkcs , ilvo furlongs George wou , Hoporter second , Qeraldino third , 'llmo Flvo furlongsFrejors won , Minute second end , Jlmn B thfrd. Time 1:01 : V. Trial stakes , one nnd one-fourth mtl3s Uuil'dhist won , Longstrect second , Castaway third. . 'Time ' 2lOJf. : Country club handicap , ononnd one-fourth miles Lhvlhlu Hello won , Taragon second , Dunboyne third.- Time 'J:10J : . MuliicH ' ' three-fourths of , 'tw'6-ycnr-olds , - n mile' Flossie won , Goldocn Horn second , King's Q wn third. Time 1 :15Jf. Seven furlongs Latltto won. King Idle second , Keynote-third. Time L:23 : > . A Suit ; of Flyer * . Mbi.'ms PAUK , Oct. 5 , Walter Gratz's string"of race horses soli at auction to-day. Elkwood , the winper of the 1SSS Suburban , was bought by Mr. Kittson for $5,000. Ho has two splints and will probably never bo sent out to race aiialn , It is understood that Kittson will take him to Erdcnbeim stock farm for breeding purposes. Among the other horses sold was Pocntollo for ยง 1,800 , Middle-stone for < l,0 o and u chestnut celt oy Great Tom for $1,0 JO. A number of young sters from Milton Young's block farm were also sold. KutiNtiH , Citv CITY , Oct. 5. This was the last day df the Exposition Park Driving Assoeia- t'i&fi"races. . Summary : Wyanuotto special Dan won , John Taylor sei'ontl , "MatUo H : third , Edith fourth. Time 2BS : } . CuiiHolntion purso- for pacers Louis B. won , John Hazzard second , Finncgan third. Hand Hall utill illhletlc Ottib. Hnrt nnd Kllgallon , the hand ball players , will call a.meetltigsoaie time this week to be held nt their place , corner Eleventh nnd Chicago cage streets , for the purpose of organizing a baud ball and general athletic club. The gentleman are sanguine or starting off with iiROod membership , and promise to do much toward the promotion of legitimate sport in the city of Omaha within the next twelve month. In the spring the club will hold a grand field meet , and Invitations will bo ex tended to athletes throughout the west. Won. The hand ball games yesterday between Mr. Kilgallon , of tills city , and Mr. Kinsler , of South Omaha , resulted as follows : Kilgallon . 31 31 10 31 Kmslor . . . 0 7 31 5 A return game is soon to bo played for larger stakes. illinmv GrilHti , ol'Sr. I'aul. Jimmy Griflln , the St. Paul lightweight , is in the city. He Is desirous of getting up n glove contest with Jimmy Lindsay , and tiioro is a strong probability that ho will bo accommodated. Ho. is u good 'uu. He weighs 1HU pounds and will train off several of these , but sa.ys ho will allow Lindsay 140. The Illnck StiiiDead. . McHonry Johnson , the colored pugilist , who.re.sldcd In this city several years , nnd who was better known a * the "Black Star , " died of consumption in Denver on Wednes day lust. . SOUTH DAKOTA'S Hlj Itcports Sliowlni ; the Hesiilts in Sev eral Countlcx. IEAivoonS..D \ , . , Oct , 5. [ Special Tele gram lo THE ISiiu.l The full returns are now in from nil the precincts in tnis county , Mellotto for governor received U50 mu'ority over McCluro. For capital Pierre receded 2,479 , Huron 051 , Sioux Falls ISO. C. M. Thomas ' ( dem. ) for circuit Judge is elected ever Hustle ( rep ) by 1,001 majority. His majority In the entire district will probably reach 3,500. The full republican legislative ticket is elected by majorities ranging from OOJ down to 2 , " > . Prohibition received 1,2:17 : votes to 2,10 ? cast against it. 'J he capital light ami pro hibition mixed things up badly , and mill- Moody republicans voted the democratic ticket. County. Huuo.v , S. D. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] The committees this afternoon - noon canvassed the vote ot Beadle county , showing that 2.&S1 votes were cast In the county last Tuohdny. For governor , Molotto received l.WU. McClure 0)3 ) ; lieutenant governor , Fletcher 300 , Pratt bfel ) ; secretary of state , Klngsreod l.U'.H ' ) , Pcomlller 8W1 : auditor , Tn.ylor 1.991 , Herton i > 95 ; treasurer , Smith 1,1)73 ) , HUPJ13 ; superintendent of pub lic instruction , Pinkham l.U'J'i , MuFurluud MKij attorney general , Dollnrd 1,094 , Follows b'S ) ; commUsionur of schools and publiu lands , Parker l.Oa'J , Volkmor OOti ; supreme judge First uihtrict.Cnrson 1,1)1)7 ) ) , McLuughlin b'j ; ; Socona dhtriet , Hellamnn "MS. Winsor MM , Third district , Bennett I.OTU , Van Bushkirk , ! W.l. Fiir congress , Picklor 1,9115. Glffonl l.y.K ) , JelTries SIW. Bootli b9oj stale senator , Culn IK7I ; , Harden b'Jd ; repreHonta- tlvi-s , Glenn l.ijy.i , MalmlTy 1,043 , Wilson 1,61)3 ) , Wcstduk I.asi , Munsen lWL ! Myers J12 , Taylor 1,483. Murblo 1.1137 , Hmtcss b. ; county Judge , Wood 1.9TB , Elson S > SS ; for capital , Huron 3T W , Pierre 105 , Wntortown 15 , Mitchell Uj for constitution 2,51)5 ) , against & $ ; foKprohibltlon 1.0 1. against l.ITU ; for minority rcjiresentatlon 1,060 , against l.avt. Tayjor ( dem ' ; tm 101 umlonty over Webtduk. republlp'ui. Kntlrd n Liii ) of Shame. LE iVESivoiiTii , Kan. , Oct. -Special [ Telegram to THE BKE.J Nora Shoppordnged sixteen years , ct doit u brlof uua wretched career of shame by taking inorphinti In n house of ll'-fuuio this evening. The girl was the daughter of well-to-do n - - Wnrrcnsburg , Mo. , farmer , who hud endeavored to persuade his erring daughter to abandon her life of dissipation , THEMFJHODIST CONFERENCE , A Commlttoo Roeonimonds the EJC- pululon ot Bov. Mluoha'rt. SALT DISCOVERED AT HASTINGS. A Jury nt Nabrntkn City Iluen 11 so of Syiunmliy fop tlio Def.m limit's AVI Co nnU Child Other Stntn Mows. ( lev. Mlnelmrt YORK , Nob. , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Methodist Episcopal con ference in session in this city will doubtless udjourn to-morrow , nod t'.o appointments will bo uiiulo known this evening. The us n nl amount of business lias been transacted to-dny , but Is in the main unimportant , nnd rotates to minor mutters , The committee which hnsboon trying Ucv. Mr. Mlnchnrt has roturnoil to tlio conforunoo a decision favoring his expulsion , nnd tlio ravorond gentleman now stands nn ax- Methodist minister , llo xviia not , present ut any tlmo to answer the charges preferred nirnlnst him , sicitncss keeping him at homo. The decision gives almost universal satisfac tion among tlio ministers. A Suit Strike nt HASTINGS , Nob. , Oct. 5. fSpoeinl Telegram - gram to Tin : Hnn.J The worltmcn on the big well being sunk by the Hastings Pros pecting company struck an Iminousn bed of salt this afternoon ut a depth of 050 feet below - low the surface. At a o'eloclc tills after noon the drill had penetrated through forty foot of clear Halt with no signs of its ending. The salt Is pure white , very line and entirely ffeo from any foreign substance. Hastings people are feeling gi > od ever the discovery. A Myinp itlii'tlo Jury. . NEIIIUSKA Ctrr. Neb , , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram toTiiBBnB. | Tno jury'In thecaso of the state against the iiuui Krrfoot for committing a murderous nasnult on Marshal Bowen , at Berlin , several months ago , failed to agree nnd were discharged this aftornooa nftor being out nearly twenty-four hours. One of the Juryman confessed that they were convinced of Kerfoot's guilt , but did not want to see him go to the penitentiary on account of his wife nnd child. Christian Bmlimvur Union. exT , Neb. , Oct. ! . [ Special Telegram to Tun BKI : . ! The exorcises ol the Nebraska Christian Endeavor union to-day have been of a very Interesting nature. The attend ance was Increased b } ' more. than a hundred delegates over yesterday * Till * evening another delegation of nearly1 ttfly arrived from Omuhn. The first services to-day wus n consecration meeting 'nt ( I : ! I3 a , ni. conduct ed by Miss C. Phelps. At 9 iHO devotional exercises were conducted" Ijy Hov. Leoper , of York. The rcpsrts from th'o district local unions were very encouraging , snowing croat Interest in the work and growth in membership throughout the state. Interest ing addresses were tlcllvered by Miss L. A. Kidder of Stnnton , on ' 'When and Where to Start New Societies ; " Dr. K. T. Alien , of Omaha , on "Local Unions ; " Miss Helen Kohlnson , of Ashland , on "Tho Vuluo of the Pll'dgC. " This afternoon the principal part of the programme was nil address by H. E. Gregory , of Ncligli , on "Our Advancement in Nebraska. " Discussions on tonics from the question box wore opened by President S. H. Hoyil At the4 o'clock business meeting the state was divided into six districts. It was decided to hold the convention next year at Hastings , Kearney and Beatrice being contestants nnu the former won nlmpst uhhiilinqusly. Oillcors for the ensuing year were elected us follows : S. U. Bo.vd , of Omaha , urpMdbnb ; A. W. Lane , of Lincoln , secretary ; C. M. Williams , of Fremont , treasurer ; O. K. Taylor , secre tary of district No. I ; A. W SIi'a , . ot Lin coln , secretary of district No. 2 ; IT. E. Gregory , of Naltgh , secretary of district No. 3 : Alice P. Nowlan , of Hastings , secretary of district No. 4 ; A. W. Cowan , of Bertram ! , secretary of district No.rcDistrict No 0 is to be supplied by the executive committee. The Dufcmiunt MIsMing. NCDHASKA. Cur , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special 'iclosram to Tun BiE.l ! When the case of the state vs Samuel Merriam. charged with shooting with intent to kill a Mrs. Goodman about a year ago , was called in the district court to-day , the defendant was missing and Ills bail was declared forfeited. This was the Interesting case in whicn the woman In the casfl strotcliod a clothes line across the defendant' ) * back yard and which caught him under the chin on a dark night. It naturally angered him nnd no started to cut It down , when Mrs. Goodman sot n dog on him. Ho shot at the clog , and then she stabbed him with a sharp-pointed poker , whereupon ho followed her into her house and shot at her twice , one bullet passing through her arm. llo was arrested and re leased on bail , but his present whereabouts ore unknown. A OcudloQk Broken. NOIITH Pr.ATTE Nob. , Oct. 5. ( Special to THE BEE. | It having been found that C ! . 13. Hindy , one ot tlm Allwino members of the school board , was holding down a homc- Btead outnldo of this district , and therefore could not servo in Unit capacity , Sir. James Wilson , an nnti-Allwiuo man , has upon ap pointed to the vacancy , thus breaking the deadlock that has existcds mce the Hoard was elected. The new board met yosterdny nnd elected Mr. VVelicur principal. This will estop the injunction proceedings Instituted to prevent Mr. Allwino acting in that ca pacity. _ _ Ilrowory at Ilustln H Uurnod. HibTiNiiH , Neb , Oct. 5. | Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE.J Yesterday afternoon the Hustings Brewery company's buildings were burned to the ground. The origin of the lira is unknown. Less , $ LT , OOJ ; insur ance , $20,000. , Six hundred barrels of boor wore destroyed In the house adjoining tlio brewery. The bottling department the only building saved. The engineers and workmen were in tlio cooling room when tlio alarm was given. * Old Holillnr Moxuoc , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special to Tun Bii3.J : Peter Welch , of the One Hundred and Fifth Illinois inlntitry , Company 0 , dfcd this morning ut 2 o'elock. Ho was on n visit to his nephew , U. O. Crosscut ) , of this place. lie was stricken with par.ilynls while walk- inu' in the yard last Sunday afternoon nnd remained unconscious until death. HIH re mains will bo sent to his homo in Council Bluffs , la. , for interment. , A I'n-illistii ! Drummer. Nonrii.K , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : UKE. | Yesterday afternoon .1 , H. Kldd , a traveling man , proposed to Unlit with E. A. Karl , n merchant of Neligh stop. plug at the Pacific hotel , and drew a revel- vor on him. The cleric and others separated the parties and disunited Kiild. Thuru was an old dinlciilty between them , but thu na ture of It could not bo learned. Kidil was snmcwhut Intoxicated. County Knit , IU\OOP , Nob. , Oct. r . [ Special to TUB 13ui.J : The Gospor county agricultural , fair ' opened hero yostgrday. The dxui'bits of farm products anJ garden produce are , ex cellent. A largo crowd is in attendance and much interest Is tukeu by all of Uosper'g funni'rs and the business men of Klwood. The new court house is used to display the exhibits. Huflroiul Itmiilu NOIITH PI.ATTE , Neb. , Oct. " 5. | SpcpIul Telegram to Tiiij UKI : , ] AV the election here to-day for 1150,000 bonds for the Mis souri. North Plutto Ss Denver railway , the vote In this city was till for to ! } against , Ucporu go far received from the country precincts Indicate that the bonds have carried. tn the Court-Martini : Four UoniMgo.v , Nob. , Oct. 0. tSKKJial | Telegram to Tun HBK.J The Fort Hobmson conttneontlfcl the Dctnpsoy court-martlat , consisting rll IMnjor KclloRg nnd Captain * Worth nnd Bally , Eighth Infantry , nnd Cap tains Hughes and Slcdmnn , Ninth cavalry , left on thoiypjjlng train for Omaha , GUANO Ist.vxi ) , Nob. , Oct. G. [ Special Telegram to Titi ? Hin.J Paul Frnneu's team becanfo1 fVlshtencd nt a switch onclno to-dn.v and ran nwa.v. Franon caught hold of the brliiki , but was thrown down nnd run ever , siVMnmng severe injuries , but not necessarily rfiitsl. An Ktt'YliriHliiic l atnnle Aeont. NnmiASKA Our Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun IJnn.j A female ngent en tered the house of Mrs. C. E. Swift today nnd stole n jmrso nnd considerable money , bit before she could escape was overtaken by Mrs. Swift , who took the stolen articles nwny from her. An Oltl Iiuily 1'iunlly Hitrncil. FAinnuiir , 7fub.t Oct. 5. | Spcclnl Tele gram to Tin : Uun.J Mrs. Johnson , nu old lady , whllo canning fruit , using a kerosene lamp , was burned so that she will die. The house caught lire , but it was saved with lit tle damage. NVlirnttkn County Convention * . DAKOTA CmNob. . , Oct. 5 , [ Special Telegram to Tnt ! BEI : . | The republican convention here today was the largest and most harmonious ever held In our county. There was seine talk of continuing the ctm- vontion until October 8 , when tbero will bo a mass mooting for the purpose of putting a peoples' ticket in the Hold. Tlio question was loft to the delegates of the convention , nnd they would not oven consider the ques tion , but proceeded to.olect the nominees , which were ns follows : For surveyor , S. C. Coles , of Covington ; clerk , A.W.Turner , Homer ; sheriff , N. B. Brnssllcld , Dakota City ; Judge , William Warner , Homer ; county commissioner , Oosso Williams , St. Johns ; superintendent ol public Instruction , A. Staui , Sioux City ; surveyor , Alex Albeo , Dakota City ; coroner , C. Irwln , Soutli Sioux City. The following were elected delegates to the state convention : Colonel Bnlrd , John Davis , Allen Hart , J. P. Moridoth , Gerald Dillon , II. Swobor. The republicans have put up a , strong tlcttct and arc almost certain of electing it. YOIIK , Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun 13nn. ] The York county republican convention was held in this city this niter noon and was n lively affair , the vole of the county ofllecrs being very close. Every thing , however , is harmonious and thci ut most good feeling prevails. O. P. Hayes was nominated for representative to till the vacancy caused by the death ot' Captain C. W. Hayes. The delegates selected for the state convention were : N. V. Harlan , J. C. Klugsley , D. E. Kodgowick , G. R Holmes. D. G. Hardln. Leo Love , C. B. Palmer , D , W. Hoyt , C.T. Chittcndon , A. J. Newman , ' David Doane , W. It. Nichols , G. W. Bowers. George Hurlbtit , Robert Henderson and Alf Miller. These to the congressional convention - . tion : George W. Post , T. 13. Sedgewiok , C. ' K Keckiey , W. T. Scott , M. C. Frank , E. A. Gilbert. C. A. McCloud , C. M. Cowan , Leo Martin , .VMlllor , II. M. Dotriok , George B. Franco , N. P. , Londan , J. F. Halo nnd J. W. Andrews , " ' , Gnxr.VA , Jco. , Oct 5. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun 'Br.n. ] The Fillmore county republican co'rtyjeutionyas hold hero to-day. The followin nomlnations for the county ticHot were nindo : Clerk , W. C. Massey ; treasurer , A. Murdock ; Judge , D. II. Conant ; coroner , Dr. 'M'eCleary ' ; surveyor , V. A. Jones ; sheriff , JV. , A. Stewart. Delegate ? to the congrossionl convention are 119 follows : J. M. Fisher , C. A. Warner. J. W. Price. P. Youngcrs , jr.'Ch'nrlea K U illiams , E. Sand- rock , A. Murdoilr , W. V. Fitleld , U'illia m Itnmsdlll , H. E. Larimer , John liars oy , Charles H. Sloan and E. 1C Cobb. Dele gates to the 'fctiito convention : J. Jensen , Clark Hobinson ' ' .r. Shopp.ird , L. S. Moore , William Downb.v , W. J. Waite , V. C. Shiek- ley. .loUn A. Dempster , W. C. Massey , P. B. Tollcs , H , C. iJui'tvP. liakur , H. Mussclman and S. L. Burtou. _ * * Wnr.i-.No WATEII. Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to THE BKI : . ] At the republican county convention held here to-day , the fol lowing gentlemen received the nominations for county ofllres : For treasurer , William Hayes ; sheriff , U. W. Hyers ; county judge , William Dooles ; commissioner , third dis trict. Isaac Tolnud ; clerk. Bird Crltchflold , surveyor , A. C. Mays : coroner , ,1. I. Unrip ; superintendent of publiu instruction , B. F. Simons. Tlio following nro the delegates to the state convention : Samuel Thomas , J. M , Drake , W. P. Killer , Anderson Uoot , E. N. Barnum. O. Tofft , L. C. Todd , Ira Murnhy , D. D. AndrusJames Crawford , J. T. Mills , C. Clapp , J. P. Burdick. J. W. Weidman , w ! G. W. Clark , Wash Smith , O. C. Smith , H. C. McMahen , L. A. Nowcumor , A. Webster and E. L. Keed. Tlio dele n-ates were not instructed. i ) , Neb.'Oct. 5. [ Special 'lelegram to Tin : Br.K. ] The republican county con vention to-dn.v nominated the following ticket : Judge , C. E. Holland ; sheriff , J. M. Smlloy ; treasurer , Seal Williams ; dork , K. T. Cooper ; surveyor , G. A. ICilpatrick ; coroner ner , Dr. Curnuiings ; superintendent , G. F. Hurkctt. Delegates to the congressional cjnvention : F. G. Simmons , C. C. Davis , T. J. 1'ooi-e , II. M. Coloman. John Cattle , Jr. , J. . M. Strayer , H. C. Hotisei , George F. Dick- man , D. C. MeKilllp , Henry Hrcckuian , D. H. Figard , 1 libmas Goer. DelCRutcs to the state' convention : E. C. Carnes , 15. P. An derson , J. W. G la J wish , G. A. Derby , W. C. Hartman. Adam Seed , Gcortro Perkins , T. J. Babcock , F. W. Upton , J. II. Bci/.crs. L. C. Haddock , I. N. Goddard , E. W. Olnoy. OnAi.tAi-A , Neb. , Oct. 5 , | Special Tele gram to 'iiiu Uix.J At tlm Keitn county re publican convention hold hero to-day the fol lowing ticket was nominated : Treasurer , L. B. Hector ; clerk , H. D. Harris ; sheriff. W. T. Vail ; judgo. J. U , Brothorton ; superin tendent , G. F. Cooper ; coimnlHSioncr , .liidd Tobia : surveyor , C. A. Walker ; coroner. C. C. Scllingcr. Dolc'eat s to the state conven tion : J. it. Hrotlierton , J. M. Ilaugmou and E. M. Day. Thesu delegates were instructed to vote fortho renomimitlon of .liulu-o Kooso , nnd in a resolution very emphatic language was used in denouncing the railroad corpora tion that were undertaking to defeat his rc- Momlnatjon. The county ticket as nominated is considered a strong one , B s i5TT , Nob. . Out , n. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bin : . I The Uock county republican convention was held hero to-day and the fol > lowliu' ticket placed in nomination : For Judge. Fred N , ' Morgan ; clerk , Gcorgo E. Sliolden ; treuHiircr , J , D. Likens ; superin tendent , W. H. Hiife'u ; attorney , H. B. Mmil- sou : sheriff , Huliry Harris ; coroner , Dr. J. F. Brayton ; ' 'surveyor , J. ji. Davonjwirt ; rommusionorH , E. 'Opp ' , J. E. Harleii and G. A. Hudlon , The convention passed oir very harmoniously imu'jt ' is goiicrally conceded that the ticket H aVwinning one. The follow ing delegates \y'cfivolcotcd to the state con vention : E. Behlngcl , W. O. Tiiiflo , J. D. Arrmond. Thrfy'woro ' instructed , Auitoiu. Neb , . O.ct. fi. [ Hpocmt Telegram to Tun UKI : . | Trio republicans hold their convention to dilv , nnd the following ofllt'crs were nominated : , Clerk , K , H. Board : treas urer , W. S. .m aii ; Hheriff , W , W. Sir- berger ; county MiPbrintendeiit , M , F. Stan ley ; coinmisKlo'ner , U. F. Ismaii ; county Judge , W. L Startf ; delegates to htuto con- volition , D. A. Scnt'illc , .lolin Huron , Jnnifs delegates go uniiiHtrueled , Biaiu. Nob. , Oct. .1 [ Special Telegram toTiu : BIE. : | Tlio republicans hold their convention hero tO'day , and It was thq hoi- test one probably that Washington county ever experienced. The following is the ticket nominated : Treasurer , K. C. JacU- on ; clerk , L. O. Webber ; Judge , A. Per kins ; BlierilT , W , 1) , Cross ; superintendent of schools , J. W. Henderson ; coioner , E. C. Pierce ; surveyor , W. C. CnlherwooJ. A resolution watt pujsod Instructing thu dele gate * to thu Judicial convention , to work for the nomination of Jesse DavU , of Blair , tor Judge. All other delegates go umnstructod , Atiiiuiiv , Nob. , Oct. C. ( Special Teleguim to TIIU HKB.J Tlio democratic county con volition met in Auburn to-day and Bolecttd ti full ticket , with the cxceiitlo.i of burvovor , as follows : Frank Snvdor , treasurer ; K. H. Glllaii , clerk ; Heiwy t'uhvell. sheriff ; U. H. Claggett , Judge ; Dr. Kay , coroner ; M T. Conner , commissioner ; Charles 1'lornou , . ( supcrlntotidcnU W. It. ICollcgnn , Wlllinm Wllllnmsi , T. E. Johnson , U. J. .lohnson , Willlnra Hynon nnd Wlllinm H. Mclntosh were chosen to roprosonl Nomnhn county In the stale convention next Tuesday. FAM.I Cttr , Kob. ( Oct. n. - [ Si > ccli\t Tel egram to Tun UKK.I The republican county convention met to-day in thin city nnd was the largest nnd most onlhusl.istlo ever held In the county. The following Is the county tickets For treasurer , M , Kllov , Jr. , of Dnwson } Clerk , don-go W. Marsh ; herlff , vfi H , Mnrks ; rooisterot deeds , O. Morris ; suporintandont of schools , M. O. Jones ; cor oner , H. Pierce ; surveyor , W. H. Stearns ; representatives to fill vncunoy. Cyrus Jones and Ernst Wornor. The delegates to the state eoiivoiitlo ,1 go Instructed. OnAKU ISI.VNH , Noo. , Oot , 5. ISpoclnl Tologrnm to Tun BEI : . ! Tlio following .nominees were chosen at thn republican > county convention : For Judge , 11. K. Clif ford ; treasurer , E. C. llockonberger ! clerk , D. Ar.ltcrmnn ; sheriff , W. F. Mcl.aughlln , pupcrlntondnnt of public instruction , E. E , i Thompson ; surveyor , Bald win t chalr- i man of the county central committee , F. L. Kouslio. Although there were several ns plrants for each office , everything was bar- tnouiaus nnd assures the election of the whole ticket. _ KistiiAU , . Nob. , Sept , 27. I Special Tele gram to Tut : llin : . I An enthusiastic mass convention to nominate county officers wus hold hero to-day , 'Iho convention was largely attended mid the ticket nominated will DO elected , Tlio following wore nomi- tinted : Treasurer , L. W. Blekol ; clerk , \Vooldriago ; Judge. J. W. Beard ; sheriff , J. U. Giinderson ; surveyor , H. H. Stevens ; supcrlntriident , Miss Eva Farmer : coroner , L. U. Markley ; cnmtnissloncrt , J. \ * . Brady , F. J. Bellows , and James Nnwoll. oNNob. . , Oct.I. . [ Special to Tiir Urn. | Tlio reiiublirnn convention for Dawes county made noininutionsns follows : County eommlsslonor , B. S. Cooley ; county Jtiilge , S. A. Ballard ; county attorney , W. G. Par- dor ; olerk , fa. D , Wiushlp ; treasurer , L. A. Brewer ; Hheriff , W. D. McConnoIl ; coroner , W. Myers. The nominations for clerk , sher iff nd coroner arc new men. The others are all the present Incumbents. Everything was harmonious and nearly all tha nominations were made by acclamntion. WAKKFIKI.D , Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun BKI : , ] At the Dixon county democratic convention held nt Murlinsburg to-day the following nominations were made : For treasurer , I. Connors ; clerk , T. Shivoly ; nherlff , H. Lmnbert ; superintendent , Pat Kiiimn ; Judge , W * E. Smith ; coroner , Charles Morrltt. Delegates to the state convention : J. J. McAllister , Thomas Howllngs , P. Dompsoy. The ticket is considered u strong one. * _ AINKWOIITII , Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Si > oclal Tele gram to THE Bir : 1 In the democratic con vention xvhlch convened here to-day every thing passed off very smoothly. There were n number of candidates in the Held and a great deal of excitement prevailed. A fuhion was nindu on county clerk with the alliance nnd three other olllces loft to bo supplied later. The tight centered on sheriff and cor oner. ALMA , Nol > . , Odt. 5 [ Special Telegram to TUB BUB. The democrats hold their county cdnvcntibn io-day. The following nro the delegates to tlio stall convention. J. H. Manning. K. M. Liberty , J. Kehn. To the congressional convention : J. E. Thompson , S. H. Taylor and John Elliott. The convon- vention adjourned without making any nom inations for county ofticers. , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun BEE. I The democrats of Dundy county met la delegate convention this morning and nominated a full county ticket and elected delegates to tne state conven tion. They nominated a good county ticke' , but their task of electing them Is almost hopeless , as the county is strongly repub lican. _ . VAt.nxTtVB , Neb. , Oct. r. . . [ Special Tele - gram to TIIK BEI : . ] The republican countv convention mot nero to-day and nominated the inlluwing candidates : 1'rensurer , K. W. Watson ; jdiontf , D. Hanna ; Judge , T. L. \Volcut ; clerk , A. T. White ; surveyor , H. C. Holsclaw ; superintendent of schools , L. C. Sparlw ; county commissioner , J. M. Jenkins. Hr.nitox , Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : liui : . ] Tlio Thnycr county demo cratic ; convention to-day made the following nominations : For treasurer. A. D. Weiner , clerk , W. Lankamer ; sheriff , R. J. Town ; judge , T. C. .Marshall ; superintendent , Daniel Scovill ; coroner. Dr. A. L. Elder ; commissioner , J. W. Loedom. GitAN'T , Nob. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The democratic primary meetings for this county woto held In the several precincts to-day. Some lively skir mishing took place at Grant , us owing to n split in the republican party there is some chances of the democrats electing some of their candidates. _ Ni : iU3KA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] The democratic primaries were hold in tliid city nnd county this afternoon. There was a big tight over sheriff , out it is conceded that U'cllmmi , the present ncumbcnt , will bo nominated on the lirst ballot at the convention at Syracuse on Monday , _ _ _ _ _ CESTIIAI. CITY , Neb. , Oct. fi. [ Special Tel cgram to Tin : BEE. | The republican county convention nominated W. II. C. Hice for treasurer , A. J. Bowie clerk , AV. H. Crltes sheriff ; G. W. Nowmoyc-r Judge , and J. W. Ayres for superintendent. EMVOOI > , Neb. , Oot. 5. - [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] The following are Gospor county's delegates to the concrossioiml con vention : A. M. White , George Jaukln , C. 11. Lee , L. Lydioutt , J , L. Troboo. CLAY GEN-TEH , Neb. , Oct. . " . | Special Telegram - gram toTiiB BEB.I Clay county sends fifteen delegates to the congressional convention unlnstructcd. Ton of the Jlftccn are G. A. H. men , _ l'I Kit UK'S IHG J500HI. Mnrvoloiis Activity at tlio Capital of Smith Dakota. PinuiiE , S. D. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. I The attention of the entire country seems to bo now turned toward Pierre , the capital of Iho now state of Soutli Dakota , and well it may , for the city is having the largest boom In bunding and real estate over known. Extra coaches are attached to pidscngcr trains that arrive ouch day , wnioh nro crowded to their utmost capacity by eager hundreds of sightseers and speculators coming west nnd locating nt Pierre. Every train is met by brass bands nnd parades , and puoplo who pacic the streets shout and cheer by hours. Hotels are crowded to their utmost capacity , dwellings are full and the demand for new buildings lias Increased to such an extent that scores of them have been started , making a build. ing boom of mammoth proportions and creating n demand for hundreds of laborers ut once , Kcal estate sales each day amount to hun- ( ] redB of thousands of dollars and fortunes nre miulu each day in buying and selling , Ex-Governor Church , who was the principal manager of Huron's capital campaign , has invented largelv. It is reported that he will locate hen ; . Many other prominent men of the now state have invested and will livp ut tlm capital hereafter. Great preparations im > going on to receive state ollicers and the legUlaturo and enter ; tain at the session , which meets October 10 , whoa the United States Hcnators will be clouted. Everything necessary has been or dered b > telegraph and the hulU urn being put in shape and ( ( uartorb assigned , while nothing will bo loft , undone to give them a cordial reception. It promises to be an in teresting session and thousands of people from all parts of tlio country will be present to observe the doings , Pierre will try and o.iro for all who comu. Now hotels are being opened up In every available place and others are being built , The boom in Pierre shows slgna of equalling uny Oklahoma over had during the Ilrat set tlement of that country , us already specu lators are guing era/y , with hundreds arriv ing every day , Striiolc liy a Train. S XNPU H ii , III , , Oct. 5 , While crossing thu Chicago , Burlington & Quiney railroad trucks at Main street tomlght In a' buggy , Mrs , H. U , Cook i'.nd Mrs. Samuel Abbey u-orostrticlr by a train. Both Indies were badly uianglcd und livpd out u few moments. Harden iMiru OIMII ) . JIUISEV CiTf , N. J. , Oct. 5. Ex-Congress man A. At Hardcnburg died In this city to night , aged llfty-slx year * , He has been Buf fering tor several years from u complication of diseases. THE IOWA , RAILROAD LAWS , Two Very IntoroatltiR Communlo.i- tlona on th6 Stibjoot A FEDERAL OFFICIAL SCORED Tlio President's Attention Called tn the llocoiu Unworrnntril Altnok or United Htntot Commit- sinner TAT lor , Interesting Dnutiinonti Dns MOINES , la. , Oct. 5. | Special Tele gram to Tin : i ii : : . ] The following letters have just been made public nnd are sclf- o.Nplanatory : DBS Moi.Nus , hi. , Oct. I. To the Prosl dent , Wellington , Dlstrfct of Columbln Dear Sir : I notice In tilts morning's papers und abstract from the report from the oom- mlcsloncr of railroads , In which Mr. Taylor Is quoted ns saying : "In some atatos , notunlv In Iowa , It la undoubtedly trim that laws. have been enacted nnd enforced which are unjust towards railroniis nnd injurious to the public Interests , nnd which otipht to bo speedily modified or repealed. " It appears to mo thai Mr. Taylor 1 $ Indulging in reflections flections upon Iowa entirely unwarranted. I do not think that .congress , [ n establishing the onico of commissioner of railroads , con templated making htm the censor estate state legislation. H is not true that laws have been enacted nnd enforced in Iowa which are unjust toward lullroads or Injurious to the public Interests , Mr. Tav- lor's oftlclal testimony to the contrary not withstanding. The laws to which ho refers were passed by the unanimous vote of both branches of our general assembly , whlol ought to bo some Indication of their wisdom lconsldor CominlBsIonerTnylor'B statement , If correctly reported , nu insult to Iho people of Iowa , who nro certainly competent to dca with their own affairs nnd have sufllcient sense of Justice to protect nil Interests within tholr Jurisdiction. ,1 cannot believe that you will npprovo Mr. , Taylor's course. I am , sir , your obedient servant , \Vn.i.i.nt IJ\UUAIUI : : . IluitMMiTox , In. . Oct. fl , ItjUU. To tlio Sec retary of the Interior Sir : Jt is unfortunate that your commissioner of railroads should go out of his way to attack the Iowa railroad law. That law received the unanimous vote of both houses of our general assembly and the approval of the governor. It is supported and approved by both of the political parties tn this state , nnd so fur from being injurious to the Intel ests of the people or the railroads , it has been n decided benefit to both. It ban given n now impetus to the industrial and business interests of tlio'state , and the earn ings of railroads hayo been bettor under It than they were before. It is true that the railroad companies fo.iifht the law for a while , and there is. still , doubtless , some irri tation on their pa'rt : but they wore beaten In tlio courts and are now apparently oboyinc the law with reasonable good faith. If your commissioner had oxnmincd the law nnd > ts working before condemning it I think ho would not have committed so grave a blunder. Our present republican candidate forgoyoruor , asn mem ber ot the sennte , wns one of the law's principal supporters in the legislature , nnd is now making his canvass largely on that rec ord. tie declares the Inw to bo the best state railroad law in tlio United States , nnd Kivcs it his most earnest support upon the stump , nftot- trial , as ho did Ic placing it on our statute boons , He will bo elected , but if ho took the cround of your commissioner ho would bo beaten by nn ovor\vholming , major ity. 1 do wUh the president's commission ers Tanner , Taylor , Hoosovolt , ot .omno genus would let him announce the policy ot bis administration. The people have groa . confidence in the wisdom and the pat riotism of tlio president und his cabinet , but the vaporings of some ol' ? , lie subordinates have made republicans very tired. Very respectfully yours , U'ako tlio Ilounrn. Sioux Crrr , la. , Oct. 5 , [ Snncinl Tele gram to THE BEE. | The committee on awards of premiums for exhibits made its report to-day , and Nebraska carries off first honors. The committee consisted of Hon. J. F. C. Hyde , of Newton , Mass. ; Hiram At kins , of Montpelier , Vt. , and Hon. John O. Hilton , of Boston. The following awards were made : To county making best general exhibit of corn , grain , grass , grass seed , % 'ocetables nnd fruit , ilrst , premium , $1100 , Dakota county , Nebraska ; second premium , flOO , Monona county , Iowa. Antelope countj- , Nebraska , took first premium of y 0 for boat separate exhibit of small grain. Dakota county took second premium of $ J5 for best separate exhibitor corn. Madison county took firs ) , premium and Dixon second premium for best separate ex hibit of vegetables. Dakota county took first premium for best separate exhibit of fruit and Dixon county second. Out of eleven premiums awarded to county exhibits , Nebraska counties tooir eight. Itoirs OpotiH the WATERLOO. la. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] lion. Horace Boles , the nominee of tlio democratic party for governor , opened the campaign in this city to-night. Ho opposed the protective tariff policy and favored the Australian system of voting. Ho said the railroads should bo allowed to charge such rates ns would pay Interest upon the actual valuation of their property , and such as would allow the in to make needed Improvements and re- pnirs and pay good wages to tholr employes. Ho opposed prohibition at considerable length , and argued in favor of the high ll'jenso nnd local option plank of the demo cratic platform. ' Dcfitriioilvo I'ralric Fires. EMMiiiT8m.no , In. , Oct. B. fSiiculiil Tel- cgram to Tun BiE.--testructivo ) pralrlo tires have been raging In Palo Alto county , near hero , but are now Under control. Five thousand bushels of grain and many thou sand tons of "hay burned. The loss will ox- jced iOU , ( ) ( ) in Palo Alto county nlono , Mrs. ljuarde was so badly burned last night that iho will die , and others wore seriously blis- : creil lighting the flames. A strong wind fanned tlio tire into u raging tempest of lames. FOHT Donan , la , Oct. fi. [ Special Tele- rrnm to Tin : BII ; : . | Thu annual autumn iralrio tires have commenced In northern owa , and tlio very dry season has conduced .0 make them unusually disastrous. An 1m- nenso conflagration raging north of this city ms done u-roat damage to several hundred icres of corn Holds , und many thousands ol ons of liny was destroyed. Two special rams left hero to protect railway property mm destruction. The flumes are now iimlor lontrol. Injured Itv n Vlolim * Cow. I'VuiT Doi'iii ' : , la. , Oct. -Special [ Tcjo- rram to TIIE Jir.K.j lion L. .S. Cofiln , the veil known ox-ytato railway commissioner mil agitator for railway men's rights , was erlously injured by an Infuriated cow In his mrn at his Willow K.iU'a farm this morning le was tossed around tlm animal's pen nnd ladlv bruised anil gushed , only escaping loath because , of a turn in the COW'H horn , vhieh prevented her effectively Coring him. Fusion lOillitil to Worlc , CIIIIMO.V , la. , Oct. C , [ Special Telegram o THE BEE. ] Tlio dcmocraU und union ubor party have spent the entire day in con- entiou trying to < ! oiiHummuto u fusion wlth- tut BUCCOSH. Tlio convention , which has icrctoforo worked without trouble , split o-diiy , the democrats nominating Captain A'llllum Grounds for representative , and the inioit laborers rfinomlnatlng Hon. W , H , { obb. Much bitterness attends the split , vhich ensu.-cs the election of ttic republican loininee , W. W. Morrow , i\ Labor J'nrly Convention. ATM.srio , la. , Oct. 5 , ( Special Telegram o Tnu HUE. ] The union labor party of Cuss aunty nominated u full county ticket to-day , vithJ. C. Bradbury for representative. S , J , Downey , its nominee for governor , present nnd mmlc n speech. ' J. It , Sovereign In the evening. A Itrnkniiinn 1'ntullY injiircil. MASOX CITV , In. , Oct. ft.-Si > oolal Telegram - gram to Tim HKB. ] C. K. Doixrborn , n bralccmnn on the Iowa Cohlnit rorul , wns run ever to-dity whllo switching In the yard , nnd can not live. Ills parents reside nt Osngo. a'1112 I'AN-AMIilllOAN MXCUU81ON. A A lull , tn WnUlmni Unlcrtnuinil lly tlm Witoli Conntnny. BOSTON , Oot. 5. The pun-Amorlean ex cursion nrrlvo.l hero nt l > o'clock this morn * Ing. The party was woleoincd by Mayor Ilurt and Mr. Coolldgo , one of tliQ American ( lolopatos. After u short , sjon nt the Motel Ycndomo , where the pnr.tj ; was ( lunrtvred , they started In carrlncros on n < tclp nbout the city. The principal slot ) was made nt thn central Boston high .school , und the visitor * wore escorted' throughout the vast building. The school wns scon'to ' great ndvnntago , The Inspection cnnoludcJ- pnrt.y boarded the tr.iln on the Fitohburg road for Wnltham. ' The first stop wns mndo nt Waltlmm , whore the watch company t > orvod mrolOg'aiit lunch , after whloh visitors inspected' ' thq works. Prom thcro they wont to South I'Vamlnglmm.whore nil the population of the town , nildo from the fnctoiy workers , ii\- | pcared to have turned out. School children dressed in holiday clothes were drnwu lip In douDlo lino. As the doloc.itos passed tliroURh n little girl stopped forward anil plilnod nbDUtonnlcro on the lupolfcf each gnntlo- ninn's ' cont. The town'nHolPctmen 'presented n sol of resolutions hnndsotnoly opgrosscd In Spanish , \nd Knglish. The party then wont through the rubber faetorv. A short stop was made at Ashlatul. where the boot nnd shoo works were visited , after which the party returned to Boston. The Commercial ciuu gave the members of the conference n banquet to-night at the Parker house. Besides the deleeates mnnv prominent men were present. Including Son- alor Honr nnd Kdwnru ICvorott Hale. Several speeches were mndo. Delegate /ognrra , of Pont , spoke warmly of the gen erous reception nceorded his conferees In the United States , saying lie had entirely forgotten they were strangers. Delegate Pornof Aroncuolu ! , humorously recited the wonders of thu journey of thu past three days. Onnof tlio striking things to the visitors was the study of n sample of the govern , nient at Washington nnd of the constitution , tlmt marvel of domocrntic institutions. Ho said that superficially the idea of uconfor- cnco seemed to arise from the humnn mind , but lu reality it was u conception of Iho spirit of progress. of the .tlin'tiiK Tlonts. HAUKA.Y , Oct. 5. Advices from St. Plorre , Mlquoion , state that nothing him been heard there nbout the missing bents of the steamer Qraplntiuo and the ship Minnie Swift. * . XI IK PAST AlcVKj TtliMN. It Will Give the Km Ire "West Better Sorvlof * . WASHINGTON- . 5.--Special [ Telegram loTiin BEE. ] To-morrow , ivill go into effect the now arrangement for tlio fast mall serv ice of the west. A train Will l"avo Now York at 8:50 : In the morning , arriving at Chicago at 8:50 : next morn- in c , making the run in twont.v-flvo hours , allowing the diflcronco in time , for merly the mail loft New York nt1 : ! 0 in the morning , carrying throe postal cars , nnd ran to Buffalo where it wns overtaken by the limited , which took one of the cnr.s and ar rived in ChlciiL'o nt 11:50. : making tlio run for the mails in : tl' < f hours. The nrrnngomonts Will make siu-li i-onnoetion with St I.nuU and western trains ns to be able to connect with' the Union PuciU ! : at Omaha and the Manitoba ntSt. Paul , giving the entire west earlier malls. The now train will iflsoi carry the Boston nnd Now England mulls' ' west twelve hours earlier thani under the former schedule. The' new arrangement practically gives the west two fast mails daily as this mail train is nn nddltion to tlio fast mall tlmt leaves Now York ntO p. m. and arrives at Chicago ut 10 : ! . " > tlio next night , muking the run in twenty-eight and three-quarters hours. ' Tlio morning fast miulis nearly four hours faster than t no evening train. This worv- ice is recnrded as being very important to the entire west. nnd Iowa 1'onnlous. WASHINGTON , Oot. 5. [ Special Telegram toTiiE HUE. ] Pensions allowed Nebrasknus : Original invalid Robert , Huston , Michael Trucks , John A. Douglass , Hollls H. Mon tague , George Foster , Jacob C. Morgan , Jumcs M. Boll. Increase Henry P. Klinger , Jerome B. Holroyd. Pensions granted lowans : Original in valid Hobcrt MeCnrklc , Andrew J. Shell , Lawrence Mott , Hobcrt W. Hnnnant , George W. Karen , Lewis 8. Horsey , Christopher Grundel , William C. Wood , .lacob Mator. Increase Charles B. Comoy , Abraham Xavitz ( demised ) , Samuel Marriott , David Osborn , Francis M. Spurrier , Hobcrt L. Lowry. Benjamin K. Spry , Henry A Marsh , Napoleon Throw. Oriirmal widows , etc. Nurclssa J. , widow of Joseph C. Mott ; minor of Benjamin Boll. Switzerland A WASIWOION , Oct. C. It is understood the Swiss government has made an apology to United States Minister Washburno for the indignity offered to Charles E. Coates , of Baltimore , who whllo travelling in Switzer land last summer was arrested and confined in a filthy und dark cell without any charge having been preferred against him. Tlio KnlirliiH Templar. Oct. T ) . Grand Master of Knights Tumplnr Hooino arrived In the city thlH afternoon nnd took headquarters at the Elibitt house. During the evening the grand commnndery of Nebraska , commanded by Sir Lewis Kconc , readied the city and under escort of tlio local cominnndory nmrchcd to their quarters. HnH'oiiiU nfiinil. Bm.i'AbT , Oct. 5. Dr. Ifiino , grand master of Orangemen , district of Belfast , in n p\ib- lishnd card warns Bnlfour , chief secretary for Ireland , that ho will alienate the Oranire- men if ho proposes any further endowment of Catholic institutions In Ireland , " 1'ho government ought rnther , " continues Dr. Kane , "oonfor its privileges and emoluments upon every Orange hall In Ireland , n sign of gratitude to 150.0110 Orangemen pledged to maintain the union,11 An KmlK'.IIniKviuiiilfir. . NEWAHIC , N. J. , Oct. D , Gooru'o B. Law. ton , of East Ornngo , was arrested this after * loon and loducd in Jull in default of13XX ( ) Jail , Lawton was nolo executor of tlm os- ate of Jane Mull , of Newark , who died in STfi , leaving tioqucsts amounting to $ lKl,030 ! o her eight children. It is clinrgvd tiat ) jiiwlon , failing to Pay the bequests , disnpi learod , returning to Orange only a few nonths ago. , They Koujilit A hunt Ttir-ir Follow. Nnw Vouit , Oi't. fiJulia O'Connor , ngod 'uiirteon.voar.s , died to-night In a New York , lospltnl from tlm oflccls of u beating re uelved two months ago nt the hands of a girl ibout her own nge named Maggie Miller. I'ho girls quarreled about u lad muneil Jack , " who piil-l uttentli'iiB to both. Tlio lollco nre Honrcliing fur Maugio en tlio : hargu of homicide. A Klux Mill ISui'iicd. YANTO.V , S. D. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tele- unim to THE BEE. ] Tlio oil null of Archer t Co. burned Inut night with in.OOO buahujs jf flax seed and several cars. The building ind machinery are a total loss , The extent if loss nnd Insurance can not bo nscortaincd. They Oot All Tliuro WUH. EXPOSITION UNIVEIIBEU.B , PAJIIH , Oct. B. Special Cable to THE Br.K.J The highest ) ossiblo premium mid tlio only grand prize or upwing machines was awarded the VMi.'elor & WlUon Manufacturing company. TitoVnntlini' ForcimHt. Tor Nebraska und Jowas Kulr till Mew- lay night , slowly rising temperature ; wind * Uocommg southeasterly , Dakota : Pair vurnier , southerly winds. '