PHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PART I , , 1-8 , NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 0 , 1880.-SIXTEEN PAGES. DNUMJ3ER 100 , I A GRAND RUSH HOMEWARD , II An Hoslnv of Summer Travelers From the Continent. I WANDERERS FROM ALL LANDS. AnicrHaiiH nnil Rimllsh Tropic Ij.Tr ely In the Mnjorlly 1'lltli to Bo Hcuin Kv rywlicrc In Bunny luily'H Cities. Itnck Ki-oni a Continental .Trvnnt , \jCumirtuM \ IVO l > u Jnnui itorlJit JJ-iir.i'.l ' < LONDON , Oct. B. [ New York Herald' CjHe ) Special to Tin : Ur.n. | Wanderers frt A nil lands nro now making tholr way homewards , and , among them , citizens of the United States must bo counted by thousands. In iho course of a long ramble on iho conii- ncntl have mot thoin every whore. Hut for them ami the English it seems to me that half the hotels nnd shows In Europe would have to shut ui ) . The native population or travelers from oilier nations could never keep thorn going. This year they have turned n stream of gold through all the great cities of the continent from Paris to St. Petersburg. Frenchmen go about moro limn they used 10 do and the Germans wcro always Inclined to travel , but the two thurougly enterprising and exploring nations are the Americans and English. They alone understand the art of truvol , kind In their own lands * they have brought it to n degree of "perfection whlcli leaves all othuRcountrios in a state of com parative barbarism , It thu holds are moro comfortable and cleanly than they used to bo. it is cblefly owingto their influence. As for clianljuoss , the English or Americans un derstand where It is to be looked for ou the continent. | Hnro wo uro towards Iho close of 19SO , nnd iho Italian * have not got so fur as lo pay re- gird to common decency. They think nothing of sullying nnd defiling their streets or buildings. Even the churches are not spared. Tlio other day , In St. Murk's , nt Venice , I detected lhat It was only too easy to doit. There is an odltilis nuisance not far from the nigh altar r\n/Ai'm / Interior of the oimpanllo is rendered absolutely revolting by some sort of aboml- na'.ions. In it not about tlmo that tno Italians , with nil iheir cultivation , art , poetry un < i alt the reatjif it , abandoned the manners and customs of Iho'Fijl islanders. They are 10 polllo , all those foreigners , but their po- hlonuss docs not prevent them from acling In tlio presence of women In a way lhat. a avago of decent instincts would feel ashamed of. The other day , In going from Bologna to Venice , Iho train broke- down at n waysldn station. In a minute or two each side of the line was covered with passen gers , who seemed to think they wcro in n campanile at Locarno. 1 I saw a crowd ot women going up a hill lo nn old church. The men almost blocked the way in some places , un conscious apparently that there was any Impropriety In their habits. There is scarcely a street to bo found in Italy which lees not rook with disgusting smells. Nor is that all. The poison which is spread on all thu newspaper and book stands irrc- 'aistibly suggested that there must bo sonic- Chinjrradically wrong in the moral .sense of ilio people. Publications of the vilest kind , with outrageous pictures , uro thrust before jrou ut every corner. The Milan cathedral la slirroum'sd by llttlo shops or klasquns for Oier-ilo ol these wares. Continental writers used to have the coolness to loll us lhat it w.'s ' only English or Americans who scribbled their names on statues or pub- . ' lie buildings. That legiuid Is pretty well cx- ploadcd , but the authors In question try to keep it going. We , none of us scorn to ba ablu to look at homo when wo are pointing n moral at a neighbor's expanse. The beauti ful uiarbk ) of tbo Milan Cathedral is covered wherever It can bo reached with Italian niAncs. Italian Harry seems to crcatly pre fer a hammer and chisel to a pencil. Tbo i/Tualllxus nro not spared. The pictures of the Virgin and the Saviour are disfigured in Mho manner. ' . ' 'hero is ouo thing certain , and that Is that continental people generally have cause to blcvsb the Saints in the calendar forjjho love of travel which soi/.as the English nud Americans In thu aiimmor. It Is very U'.wly that the Paris exhibition would have done well without lher.f , reasonably well , for the French have Hocked to it from all parts , but the Engllsh- srialilng nations have not only supplied an immuiiso contingent in point of numbers , but they have spent inoiioy at ul-ato which 1 Ins at least astounded oven thoao whoso ox- pcUtlons of urf were iiiobt oxtravnganl. The French cumo to sco fine things , but they do 'lit- buy man,1 of them any moro tlimi they svpport one-half of the grand cafes uud shops of the boulevards. John and Jona than perform thut indispensiblo part of the business. Wall , their turn may como next nud nt larit thpy must return to their homos this f year acknowledging that the French have managed tholr exhibition with consummate tosto and skill ; that everything about It , from the tower of Eiffel to the smallest Voiding , Is moro beautiful and wonderful t fau any printed description or any picture \ar. \ , hive led the visitor to anticipate. Nbth- IJg equal to it has over been neon before. 'There ' is something there that may tonch every uutlotTa lesson. The arrangement of ' .J > i clussos and departments , the grouping of 44.lV countless objects exhibited , the decora- rllioii nt tha building outsldo and ' -in' the superb array of the finest , ' < iv > ' ( yietlcms of human ingenuity which tlio 'Jc. M has to show all this could scarcely uYi , I b3en so well done by any people as it ) iua boon done by the French. Of course wo > huvo yet to HBO what the United States can tuicomplish , but tho.v can scarcely hope to flj'd any moro striking center and el-owning plcry for their exhibition than that wond- (1 Yinn tower , which alone would make the French exhibition memorable. A MiMirr.u or PAIII.IAMINT. : A Youthful Dosppradn Kllloil. GUTHitiB , I , T. , Oct. D , Charles DuvU , sged only nluotcnn years , hut oao of the Boldest desperadoes in Indian Territory , anil .loader pf the noted band ot 1'orso und cattle tVhtavos , was shot und killed yesterday neat Flcetwood , I. T. Hu had barricaded him. 'ticU in a vacant house guarded by three depUty Uty United States umrihals. Later ho madi a break for liberty , carrying in either haml < n revolver. The deputies opened lire , whicl tha deputies returned , but soou fell to th < ground mortally wounded. ' Another Collision nt Son , I.ONDUV , Oct. 6. Tha steamer State o ; Georgia , from Glasgow , for Now York , hui reamed to the Clyde , having been dunmgci Iu u collision with the coasting stoauioi Agate , bound for Bowling. A heavy foj prevailed at iho time. The Airuto htrunk tin Georgia Iu the port bow with great force PWOCT Several of the sailors who were lying in tholr bunks had narrow escapes. Ono ot thorn was seriously injured , and n man named McGnrrlty was inslantly killed. The Agate's forecastle /cad was smashed , The passen gers nro nil well. MONTANA STUjU IN DOUBT. An Olllo'al Count Thought , Nocrnsnry to DetPi-inluo the * itciult. ST. PAUL , Oct. 5. A special from Helena says : Whllo the republicans are almost ready to concede both , the governorship nnd thu legislature to the democrats , they will not do so until the ofllclul count Is mndo , tor the reason Unit Iho result is close enough to warrant them in claiming at least the legislature. In several country precincts no tnlly was made of votes except that mndo by the judge ot election , and those are now valid nnd in the hands of Iho various county clerks awaiting au ofllcial count. According to law the ofllcial count must ho mndo within 11 fteen days after the election , or may bo made sooner if all returns arc In. On the face of the rclurns to-night the democrats have elected the governor nud n majority of the legislature , but by margins so narrow that the full count may upset cither. Individual republicans concede tha governor to thu democrats , and nro half con vinced that iho legislature is democratic , but the republican press and state committee concede neither. Republicans now claim the legislature uy ono or two , while the demo crats claim it by from llvo to seven. A curious condition of affairs prevails among the sporting fraternity owing to the close election. Though Carter ( rep. ) is lected to congrrtss by n majority of l.tWO ivci * Maglnnls ( dom. ) , the democrats will 101 RIVO uuany bets oh Ciricr'a election until .ho republicans give up the money bet , ou the gnvcrnor.shlp , as a contest Is hinted at vcrtho latter. Hupabllcans who bet on . 'ower wisely refuse to pay thoi. " bets until Us decided. Meanwhile about $100,000 re- naiiis idle In the hands of stakeholders in iclctm and Uutto. t HKLUXA , Mont. , Oct. 5. The Independent lays : Returns rccelx'cd to-day glvo a deaio- crallu n ajorlty of seven on joint ballot in ttio legislature , with ono in doubt , which may ucreaso the mujotity to nine. In several counties iho vote is very close , but it is not bought that the official canvass will make imy material change. Carter ( rep. ) , for con gress , has u majority of about 1,200. * SOLI ) TI113 POHIC. The International "I'nctrliii : Company Violates tlio Injunction. CHIO\OO , Oct , 5. The war between the New York brokers who wcro squeezed in hn pork corner and the Chicago board of trade goes merrily on. In Judge Shepurd's court this morning Broker Wallace Hied an affidavit stating that the International Puck- ng company had violated the injunction served upon them yesterday. Wallace , it scorns , had contracted to bay U30 barrels of ; ) ork of the company. In spite of iho order of iho court restraining the delivery of the k , the company ottered to make the deliv ery , nnd upon Wallace's refusal of the tender suld the pork at auction for $10.00 per bar- col. The company then sent u bill to Wallace for margins. All this was done In accord ance with the rulcsof iho board. Arguments for the dissolution of the in unction against the board were hoard to day and.ludgo Shophard issued an order dis solving it. The New Yorker * .will take tbo case to the appellate court. nisowsnn nv ms FATIICH. Death In n Coal iMinc of n Swedish Nohloman. O. . Oct. 5. [ Special Tele gram to Till ! 13m : . ] C. F. Carlson , a digger in uilno No. i ) , at Stoncuoro. Pa. , dropped dead last night , Carlson had a romantic history. Ho was the son of a Swedish noble man , who disowned him on account of ills marriage to a peasant girl. Ho onno to this country and for years okcd out a miserable existence , working at various jobs. Hi * father offered to restore him to favor If ho would abandon his wife , but Carlson steadily refused all such offers. Ho was heir to f 15,000 , which would have como to him on the death of his mother. It will now go to the eldest son. Ho was finely educated , nut fast living and the lack of a trade or profession compelled him to mine coal to support his wife , who with two child ren survives him , An effort will bo made to communicate with his parents in Sweden. ANOTUKK liONJKlX .sTItHUS. The laborers In thu Wool \Vm-o HOIIBOH Go Out. Io\noy , Oct. 5. The laborers employed in the wool warehouses on the London docks have gone out on n strike , owing , a ? they as sert , to tlio preference given to iho blacklegs by Ilio employers , The labor loaders are tryIng - Ing to arrange Ihe trouble , but it Is feared the strike will spread. \Vooilrn If 'N Ti'iitl I'ost ] > our < l. OHIO ( io , Oct , . " . As soon ns the criminal court was called tills morning the state's at torney muuo n motion that the case against Franlc Woodruff , ono of the men Indicted for the murder of Dr. Cronlu , bo continued until next term. This was strenuously opposed by the counsel for Woodruff , who de manded that an immediate trial be glvcu his client. Judge Mo- Council , however , decided tha state was entitled to thu delay asked and granted the motion. At the same hour In Judge Baker's branch of the same court , oua of iho counsel for Woodruff was withdrawing his motion for the Immediate discharge of his client from custody because ho hud not been tried within the statutory tirao. The with drawal was without prejudice und with the view of being presented again ut the next term , which begins next Monday. No Jurors were secured to-day iu the Cronln caso. ThlovoH Alxmrd ihn Uinhrin. [ / VipiifyitSO / liyJain G r > ! u llennttt. ] LONDON , Oct , C. [ New York Herald Cable SjHJCiul to THE BEE. I There must have been pickpockets aboard thoUinbrla on her last trip from Now York. A saloon pas- BCneer was robbed of JCIO , a Bteorago pas- acngor lost JC9 und a poor woman with two children was robbed of JU7 , all she hud. A theatrical performance was given la bar behalf. Nn Jiii-lsillotlnn in tlio Nucla CIIHC. SIOCKTOV , Cul. , Oct. 5. The report of the grand jury of Sau.roaquln county yesterday In the case of Duputy United Slates Marshal Nnglo for killing ex-Judge Terry , states that as iho accused was taken from the power of the state by a process oamuating from tha United States circuit court ho uan not be tried by any state for the same offense. . Destroyed , CHICAGO , Oct. 5. The flva-story business block occupied by Kellogg , Johnson & Bliss hardware and cutlery ; Maria & Co. , glass- wuro ; Klcmni , Smith &Co , , picture frames , aud 0. 0. McKiusu ! , printer , burned to-night , Loss $ T5,000 ; lusmrud. TI11C POST'S OIIAUGCS. AVhnt ComtntA'Intinrfl Jjymnn Itoosfivclt Hny. 'WASHINGTON , Oct. 5 , Civil Service Com missioner Lymaa when asked to-day by a representative of the Associated Press if ho hod anything to say concornmg the publica tion In the morning Post , replied thut tils profcronco was for a thorough investigation by a competent trlbiinlnl rnthor than any explanation or ilofciuo in the newspapers , nud that ho sincerely hopad such nn Investi gation would ho had , Thostulemont that a sot of papers which wore glvcu out by Campbell wcro current papers given out In advance of the examination is untrue. They wcro papers , ho said , that had boon previously used uud had become obsolete , suuh na tha commission now publishes to the world in HR niniunl reports. As soon as the Investi gation mndo at the tlmo by tha commission lovelopcd the fact of Campbell's connection ivlth ttio transaction he saw the Impropriety f his taking part In it , and said so to Commissioner Ohorly who concurred with ilm , nnd he thereupon loft It to bo coai- lilotcd by Oborly , requeuing thut ho got at ho bottom facts. Ohorly subsoiiuontly ro- porlod lo him what ho Had found , nud his conclusion \va.s that Campball should not bo removed but roprlnmudod. "T desire , " ho added , "to in into onu other statement now , nnd that Is , there has novcr nt any tlmo been an appointment or n pro -notion m id i at the office of the commission la violation or ova- ilon of the olv l service rules. " Koosovolt s dd : "The charges , so far ns , ho..Y are dlro.'Clymado , refer wholly to mat- .oraffectlnc the commission when Oberly and Edgorton were members thereof ; they do not touch anything done by thn commission slnco iho 1st ol May , when Governor Thompson and myself took oflloo. They should certainly ba Investigated before a competent tribunal , and ns they affect the management of the commission under the lircvious administration , that tribunal sliould coillaln doaiocrats us well us rcpub- leans. TIJ.I3 CHICAGO UltlNI ) .11JKY. ' 'Tremendous l'ic stiro" 13\rted in Cincioo. Oct. 5. The grand jury for this torui finished Its labors to-day. In charging the jury when empanelled Judge Horlou re- lerred very strongly lo iho smoke nuisance , the lottery cases and the gambling evil iu this city , and expressed adesiro that the jury look into the matter closely. It heard a good dual of evidence on Uio sniolco question nud acted ou ono or two lottery case , but in . regard * to the gambling mailer ihe report says only ono case was presented. Tno judge , in no- ceut Ing the report , said ho thought the Jury had worked hard and realized the fact thut tremendous pressure had been brought to bear upon the members in their investiga tions. The Daily News Intimates that the "tro- mondous pressure" referred to was political pressure , und thut It was- exercised to pre vent the indictment of gamblers. It declares that tlio case ol one gambler was investi gated , mid n complete case made against him , hut no indictment was returned , so the states attorney thought it useless to proceed further. OLD KNOX MllOLMCKD. Indignant Students Han ; ; tiuit > R In Efll v. Ciif ! < fO. ! Oct. ft. [ Special Telegram to Tin : I3KC.J The dignitaries of ihe vcnurablo Knox college at Galesburg were shocked bo-- ' end measure ntn very unusual demcnUn.- lion of thn students last night. The indignation over the decision of Iho judges Iu Iho Illinois luter-collcghito oratori cal contest awarding pma to tno Moa- moulh college man was so great that the Judges were haniod in enlgy by thostuiicnts. The ofllgy greatly frightened a large crowd of colored people colng homo from an enter tainment , who thought some ono had com mitted suicide , and they scattered in every direction , making such a racket as to bring out the police. An irreverent placard was tacked on the tree. th ) CHICAGO , Oct. C. The coroner's Jury to day finished the Inquest into the recant su burban accident on the Hock island road. Master Mechanic Twombloy , who re instated his son. Engineer Twombloy , ' after the latter had boon discharged for drunkenness , admitted that ho hau tlono so upon his own responsibility. The jury ro- lUrncd a verdict censuring the officials of the , road severely and taking strong grounds aealnst allowing favoritism or kinship to en danger human life. MUCH Uio JAXKIHO , Oct. 5. The newspapers throughout Brazil published Iu full Secre tary lilalno's address to the delegates to the International coucross. Tno public Is hope ful of great commercial benclits resulting from the congress. UuiiNOB AVIIUS , Oct. 5. Jmnes G. Blatno's address of welcome to Urn delegates of tbo international congress was published in the newspapers of this country. Daily reports of the movements of the delegates are read with much interest. Tim Ki > isuo ) > ! illnns. Nniv YOIIK , Oct. 5. The general conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal churches of America to-day resumed consideration ol' the resolution regarding the NIcene creed. After a debate It was put to a vote ana adopted. The vote was , clerical , OS yeas , 0 nays. 2 divided ; lay , 29 yeas , 11 nays , 4 di vided. Tha house of deputies then ad journed until Monday. The house of bishops , ut their session , took up the question of di viding tlio church territoryi'i t provinces , and notified tlm house to that effect. Itailrnads * .Mlto. CHICAGO , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun HEK.I The hearts of the Chicago world's fair boomers wcro gladdened to-day by the announcement of General Manager St. John , of the Hock Island road , that tne 14,250,000 assessment on the railroads for the world's fair had been apportioned and would bo paid when necessary , Tlio full amount will bo paid by the Chicago roads ex clusively , and an additional assessment will bo lovlod on outside roads which will bo bau > cllttcd by the exposition. Iho Fletohor Court-Mnrliiil Caso. WASHINGTON , Out , 5. Inasmuch as Sec retary Proctor is at his homo In Vermont , aud has not acted upon tbo Fletcher court- martial , it is not at all likely that tho'papers in this case will bo placed in the president's bands until the tniddlo of next week. At the war department the utmost Ignornnco is expressed as to the finding of the court-mar tial , and it Is utterly Impossible to obtain any idea as to what has boon Uquo BO far In this caso. Chief or Htiitlntlcs , 'WASHINGTON , Qct. 5. The secretary of the treasury to-day appointed Sidney 0. Hrock , of Missouri , to be cblet of tbo bureau of sta < tUtlcs , vice Swltzlcr resigned. WHAT CONGRESS WILL DO , The Outlook For Legislation During the OomtiiK Sosalou. SOUTHENERS WON'T OBSTRUCT. \ They ProiiiiRC to Worlc For iho Inter est of tlio. Wlioln Country Sinn- Inn' Another Tunn Tlio Natlun'H A CfinurcRflinitnl llnrnqcniic. WIMUNOTOS , Oct. 5. [ Special to Tan Southern mombars. of the house of representatives deny tliiit they intend to miilto any specific demand for lealslatioii on the part ot tholr section of the country. With ono voice they suy It It their purposa to work for legislation of cqunl Importance to every section. Thov nro extremely anx ious lo have Ilia lobacco tax abolished , but they do not Intend to ask it us n considera tion for voting In favor o'f any ono for speaker , for the one , If lor no other reason , that they do not consider It tjocossary. They say tlio ropnblloin party is pledged to do this , and nil reports ubout demands they make In the formation of committees uro fiibricntcd. rVlmost Immediately after tbo botiio Is organised and thaconuiilttooi are announced surely on the ilru cull of the states 'or the Introduction of * bills a bill will bo Introduced to' ' abolish tbo obaecotax. The Committee on Ways und Means will bo expected to report this from Is llrst regal ir meeting , tlio propriety of Joins so has long since ooen settled. Its consideration oy the tlonso will bo demanded ror.y curly. As this will bj the basis of fiiiuro action on the revenues and will in n urge- measure govern a revision of the tartfl' t is expected to uousuuic much time : but it s expected to pass bjforrt any positive stoii s taken on a tariff bill. Tnon Congress will know exactly how much tarilt revision the revenue of the country can stand. Kepab- licans ganorally believe that the work : of reforming the tariff will proceed by piece- lueal thai is it will bo done by specific uillti , affecting only ono article atonce. . For Instance sugar will ba worked upon by itsolf. Thou , if it is' ( loomed advis able to go further Into a reduction of the revenues , otlior articles will bo t.iUen up by themselves. Hills will ba intro duced by the hundred oa every phase of the tariff , thus going around the old wav of pro ceeding with a general bill affecting almost every article on the list. II the tobacco ta\ Is abolished there will not b < 3 more. than half the present intitudo for work on tne eustoais laws. If t..o sugar tux is removed the in comes will bo reduced to abjutthc minimum. General llrowuc , of Imlmnn , one of the old est and most ialluunliul Aiombara of the housi > , and an experienced member of the committee on ways and mcinn , was the first to ui vanec the idea of specific legislation oa the tariff , and the suggestion la bblng almost universally undorsjd. IJeytlie worlc as it may , there will be no mpfeileni-iliy commit tee hcnrlnira and lonir bills. s- Politically speaking , it m.'ikos a great dif ference whoso OK is gored. ( During the east three congresses the democrats in the lower house of congrojs h u-e run ; roughshod over the minority. There never was saoh a- tiling uiontluncd during tlio past six years as minority representation , The republicans took their medicine like brave man. They simply warned the democrats that tlie indis creet and unjust things wliluli ware bomg done would return to them llkn broaj cist upon the dead sea. The democrats snapped their lingers and maiie wry f-ices at tlieir friends In the minority on the other side of the house , and run roughshod witti all sorts of legislation intended to carry out demo cratic principles which would have worked great injury to tbo business interests of iho country. There was not a single instance In which the interests Of. the minority were consulted. It ils true that Speaker Carlisle , in his efforts to bo fair. gave the republicans ap opportunity ; and the late Suusct Cox oftca appealed to the majority to give the republicans an oppar- tunity to present their side of a case 10 the country , although they wduld bo defeated when it came to a .vote. Tliis condition of affairs has changed fiont. Every democratic member who comes to Washington now talks about the "rights of the minority , " and threatens the majority in the Fifty-first congress with direful things in event the minority is not given a repre sentation. Tlieso domoerats havii wonderful nerve. Colonel Gated , of Alabama , is the only man wno has the frankness to say that the republicans should conduct their affairs with iwrtUan intent , but ho has in the same breath announced that , the democrats would llllibuator against any linul legislation in tended to help the republican partv. The democrats go so far us to even sugccst that the Interests of thti democratic party should bo considered in the UIUKO up the committees , and that In some Instances dem ocrats sliould bn placed at tha head of unim portant committees. There ore a number of democrats who ought to know bettor , and who have had experience to lead them to more profitable thinking , who oven go so far us to BUCKOst that it is tlmo a regular minority representation should bo established in both branches of cougrcss. Thcro is going to bo a lively time when the house meets in December and organization is begun. H Is now evident that tup1 democrats are fully determined to ugrco upon a do-nothing policy with the full Intention' of defeating all general legislation of a psrtlsnn character , and especially to thwart tha'purposes of the republicans. Every republican who arrives announces that the time has 'come for the re publicans to take tbo bull iiy the horns , in augurate a system of rules which will enable the majority to complete legislation , while giving duo consideration to the minority , yield no point which will interfere with the work before the republican party. HOW TO HANDLIi TUB INDIANS. "Place the Indians iu huts -and houses in stead of touts and keep thoin there and you will have very little trouble from Indian depredations , " said General TowiucuJ , com mandant at the Fort Yates military post , in conversation with your correspondent the other day. General Townscud Is ouo of tbo oldest and most successful Indian fighters on the frontier. Ha la thoroughly acquaint ed with every phase of Indian life , and knows how to handle them. "Iho light on the Little Big Horn , m the hills of south western Dakota , ou Juno 25 , 1870 , " con tinued General Towusend , ' 'thoroughly demonstrated that Aho disposition of the government to A encourage immigration among the Indians la one of the greatest ob stacles In tuu way of our successfully locat ing and subjugating them. At that tlmo there were very few Indians Jlvlnt under any other shelter than that uffordet by tents. The tepee kept the elements of both summer and winter from the Indians at that time , and it required but a few hours notlco for a whole Indian camp to bo on horse jack ready for a move and n permanent loca tion in the far distance. " " I was recently with Chief QM when ho revisited tlio battle ground of the Little Horn , where Custer was slaughtered , and I liad n great deal of conversation with him respecting the natural disposition of thoin- dians. The duly solution of the Indian ques tion llca in the government nllotiug lands In severally no that the savages will interest LhinscIVos ! , In acriculturo and stock raising instead of roaming around over the country gunning and kilting game and peoplu. Ilo- comlii | ! domestic they must build up houseHolds - Holds and construct permanent abodes on their place of residence , or they will nlways consider themselves Sons of the forest" " mid till tint It Hid of rot which mnltcs them incline lo forage off of every ono within their reach. 1 notice that the Indians are not hilf so much Inclined to bog at present as they used lo bo I can remember Unit trtily n few years niro when a white man visited an In dian reservation ho was besieged like the visitor at Unuio and Naples by hundreds of beggars who holdout their hands mid put up pitiful mouths. Wo can teach the Indian In dustry and sobriety and decency only by degrees , I know , but wo can tench them nil Ihn same. I do not bollcvo In sending In dian children to the schools of the east. Wo aim ly teach them our cunning that they mav return to their people and become all tbo worse. After three or four years training nt Carlisle , Hampton or any of the other In dian schools in the cast Iho children return to their parents si > greatly changeJ that they are tabooed unless they rehabilitate themselves - selves with all the mode * : of savagery. Wo should cstablisii Indian schools at the reservations mid do all of the training in them at present. Numerically speaking the Judmn.s are rapidly Increasing , but I discover a decidedly decrease in the bad sido-of their character. " TI1K U I * . Tlio ISxiunlnlnsiCo iimlttu. ; Will Mnlco a 1'oiuof tic System Cuicniio , OJt. 5 f-ipjjiat Tolorra-n to TIIK tlBi.1 : The souato com nitteo appointed to investigate tlio Union I'.iclllc road leaves liM o to-morrow night oa a month's tour of that system. Said Sanator Davis , of iho committee , to-day : "Any oplni'ins ' I have now on the Union Pacific uro subject to change , and consequently quently I do not care to go into the subject deeply. In any event the .wholo subject could not bn goae over in loss than a two or thrco hours' taltc. I have soon the article showing tlio posslullity of the Union Pacllic forinmg'a vast trans continental line with its non-subsldi/.iid line in connection with the Pacific Short line now huildln bifvoon Og- dcn and Sioux City , and the Canadian Pa- eillc. Of course sueli n plan is feasible , but tlio government will bo a bird oj'n.utltor in case the subsidised lines are tinned over to it. " The bona'or could not answer the state ment o"f facti that the subsidlzud lines of iho Union Pacific arc valu ; blo only for through tralllc , mid in case they were turnaJ over to the government would not have any through tralllc oC importance , as they would lack through connection. In. regard to possible railroad legislation by congress , the senator said : ' "I don Ut whot'ior any bills will bo intro duced which will change the peasant poolii. of tlio ( Jui.Uini and American roaJs. It Is not cl.uinul th.U tha inter stito commor-ia act is perfect , but its will not bj increased t > y a viiu attonptto do the im possible. rho long and short n uil clatna of the act soo'iis ' to ba tlio stumbling block for the railroads , bat I have no ilei th..t tuoy will bo chaigad in any respect. " A OlGANl'lO .SlMliMU. lo Constriiut. n Now llou'.o I'Yoin tlio West to tlio Scaliimril. Orrvw * , Out. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to Tun linn. | An important statement was uittdoyeuorday bv D A. Hws , uetia ? minis ter of public works of tlio province ot Speaking of the great railway projects of the province , particularly In connection with the United St itos trade , he Hald that a gigantic undertaking Is on feat in which United States pt'oplo are interested , and lor wnicu government aid Is askaJ , involving anew now route from the west to ' .ho seaboard and tno creation of au all-tlm-year-roiuid seaport on Canadian boil , compstiug , so far as certain western traflic and Canadian shippers nro concerned , with Uuston , Now York and Portland. "Some wealthy Minneapolis mill ownorn , " said .Mr. Hess , "havo found that tlio transit of their goods is in Iho hands of Hoston and New York lines and that ttioy are losing thousands of dollars thereby. They nro thonsforo desirous of building a line from Minneapolis , to the Suult , making a new and independent routo. In connection with this they are asking to Qiicboo frovcrnmont fora chat tor lo construct a line from Calumet , a point bctwoou Ottawa and Moutroal on the Ottawa river and the Canadian Pacific road , to a point forty miles back ol the CanaJlan Pacific and theuco on the Quebec city and through tlio bay of ( Jispo to the very end of the peninsula , where they will construct ilocKs and crouto a now port on the Atlantic. They have plenty of money and ask merely a grunt of land. llurV'-Ht Kvciir.-tion CHICAGO , Oct. 5. fSpouinl Telfgram to Tins liui : . I A special mooting of the West ern States Passenger association was called to-day to consider the Illegal issues of harvest uxcurslon tickets spoken of in this correspondence lust night. The most widely circulated of the illegal tickets read from In dianapolis over tlio Motion via Chicago and over the Hock Island to Denver. They were sold at a cut of ft , The matter was amicably arranged for the present by the promise of General Passenger Agent Harkor , of the Moiipn , lo withdraw the tickets from salo. Ilio Alnxio 111 Cyclone. Cut OF MIIXIOO , Oct. 5. The cyclone on Carmen Island , off the coast of Cumpech , on the 18th ult. . slrowcd the shore with wreckage - ago from vessels In the harbor. Only ono vessel out ot tbo llilrty-flvo weathered the gala. All tno schooners that had sought refuge at a point called Quintilla were also wrecied. The loss occasioned In the city nuiouncd to $500,000. News of great destruc tion iu other towns near Carmen has been received , houses being demolished and crops laid low. Tuo loss will not /all tdiort of fl.OOO.OW. Tlio Nuvusiiii Jtlot. ' WASHINGTON. Oct. * 5. The department of state has received no further information concerning the recent riots oa the island of Nuvassa , In the Curriboaii sea , nor has it been advised of tbo action of Judge Uone , of tha circuit court at Baltimore , who yesterday certified to President Harrison the facts In tbo case ol tha uugroes concerned In the murders. A Kr l tit Wreck. Roun , Oa. , Oot. S. A freight train on the Douutur railroad was wrecked near here to day. The llremun and a negro were killed uud the engineer fatally lujurod , AUMV NUtVS. Three Vnonnolc ! ) Iu the Staff Depart ment I'Mlloil. WASIIINOTOM , Oct. 0. Thrco vacancies in ho staff department of the army were lilted to-day by the following appointments : Llou- tenant George S. itoyt , Hmhtoonth Infantry , to bo assistant quartermaster with the rank of captain ; Lieutenant llonry S. Oi oed , Third artillery , and General L. W. Alex ander , of lown , to bo commissary In the sub stance itopirtmont with the rank of captain. Gononil Alexander enlisted In the Thirtieth Iowa Infnnlry August IS , ! StV3 , was appointed a llrst lieutenant the following month , and n captain in 1MKI , and muserol ( out August tit , 1S05 , having been woumlolIho engage ment of nn Arkansas post in" January , 1SUJ. Ho is now , and has bjo'i for Iho past cloven ycai'.s , aljutant general and quartermaster son oral of loivu , Ills selection from civil lifo was strongly urged by senators nud representatives from Iowa. It Is said that the fact that out of something over live hun dred officials on the go no nil staff that but four ot them arc from Iowa was a strong in- IIui nco in determining this appointment. Two of thcso are In the engineer corps , by virtue of llioir class sttiiullag , one In the medical di'partm nl and one In the pay de partment. Hy direction of the acting secretary of war Private Hermann Krpenbock , hospital corps , acting hospital steward , now at Fort At on roc , Vn. , is transform. ! to Fort Omaha , Neb , , aud will be soul to thai posl , reporting upon his arrival lo iho commanding olllcer for duty at iho Hospital. THIS Ai/naumij t'osi UFKKK. Thcoitoro tlonscvolt .Make * n | K.xnml- nation ol'lls Uorkin i. WASHINGTON , Oct. 5. Theodore lloosuvolt , of the civil service commission , has submitted to the full commission the report of the ox- nminatlon made by him Into the management of the Ualtimoropostolllco. The icportsays during the last four there has bncu two licml.i of the Baltimore poslolllco , Yoazoy , who hold oil I Co about n year and was then allowed to resign , and hi * successor the present Incumbent , Frank Urovvn. Vtwoy was one of those products of the pat ronage system whose antics would bo coiniu wore It not for their deeply tragic effect upon the public service and upon bonust po litical life ; and great allowance should bo made for 13rowu because of the condition in which the otllco was handed to him by his predecessor , for nil the evidence tends to show that Voazcy's mliniiilslratlon can only bo characterized as scandalous , it seems likely that the habitual anu grossly violated the law both as to nDpolntnieiils and remov als. Ho certainly , during his year of ofllcc , turned out four-fifths of the employes and filled their places with men , many cf such vile characters as to do- morali/o the service. Of the original force of the office about SO per cent have been changed during the last four yours. .Most of these chuuges uro duo to Yenzey. So do- moralised was the olllco when Urown took hold that ho wvs forced to dismiss over half of Vcazoy's appointees. Even mure extra ordinary is the fact that ho was ohligoU to dismiss more limn one-fiflh of his own. Ono rcMitt of the system is shown by the seemingly universal payment of campaign as sessments at election time. Almost all the clerks who wcro questioned admitted ttify had voluntarily paid last fall for campaign purposes Bums varying from 2 to 1 per cent of their salaries. Jlr. Uoosvclt i-fcommcnds what he deems the proper course of action for the future in all such cases. If in the classified service an appointing ofllccr has mndo a "clean sweep" in an olllrc where ! K ) pur cent of the old em ployes have been dismissed , or If ho has re moved or is removing a very large percentage of the employes , whether bO per cent or a less number , but at any ruto ono so largo as lo raise the presumption that the removals huvo boon for political reasons , and if ho can give no adcquato and satisfactory explanation , t'lon ho should be > l joined to have violated the civil service law mid should DO himself dis- inissoJ , or his resignation requested. This report has bsen forwarded to the postmaster general by the full commission , who append their approval. rii 10uv CASK. A Husband's I'luiy Nut Siillicienl JlunMin l < 'i > r it Divoi-co. CHICAGO , Ocj ; , 5. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hnil The novel divorce trial of Mrs. Kmma F. Gary against Kov. Oliver. ! . Gary , u brother of Judge Gary , was concluded be fore Judge Tuloy this morning , and the jury retired to consider its verdict. Tlio court in structed the jury that piety on the part of tha husband was not good ground for a wife's refusal to live witli him because ho refused to take her to the theatre or other places of inn us em cut. The jury was also instructed that if a husband exhibited n willingness to provide a homo for his wife , oven in St. Louis , she was not justified in living apart from him. Up to Ibis tlmo the jury has not found a verdict. I'aminis Ivlcctrical ( 'use Hcltlcil. PiTTSiiuno , Oct. 5. In the United States court to-day Justlco Hradlcy of the United Slates supreme court handed down au opin ion disuilhsing the famous electric light case of the Westlnghouso Interests against tiio Mc'ICccsport , or Edison Electric light com pany , to restrain the defendants from using fibrous carbon , or incandescent .conductor , in are light globes. The court held that tlio claim of priority in the Invention of fibrous carbon filament is not valid , as Edison had accomplished the result before Owcr , Manner \Vu8tiughouso. . The Westlnghouso company will appeal tlio case to the full bcmch of tlio United Slatcn supreme court. In the Hands ol it Kt'ooivor. KANSAS CmOct. . n. The Inter-stale Rapid Transit company has boon placed In the hands of a receiver. This iicllon was takcu at Iho application of * the Metropolitan Trust company , of Now Yorlr , which holds $800,000 of tlio company's bonds upon which Iho company bus been unable lo pay inlcrcst , The total indebtedness of the road is placed at $1,000,000. Kdgortou has ticun appointed receiver. Jlu Win low 01 IKSMen Win. lUi/riMonn , Oct. 5. The strike of the win dow lU'ht glass blovvors , which b3gan lust Juno and has seriously affected the manufac turers and 5.0JO . employes in the busluuH , was Bottled bora to-day by the employers conceding an udvauca in wages of ty't pur cent. Troops IloiiUMl hy liidlitiiH. OITV or MKXIOO , Oct. 0. It Is rumored hero thut the Yuquu Indians in Sonora - yesterday. routed thoTwonty-lli-st Infantry The atato ot Yucatan Is bankrupt financially , 1'nBnciijfciM llatlly Ilriilsoil , Counr , Pa. , Ocr. fi. An accident occurred to a passenger train on tlio Western New York & Pennsylvania road to-day wnloh re sulted Iu all the passenger * bohifr bruised , some injured seriously , but none fatally , THE CZAR'S ' VISir TO BERLIN , Ho Will Start for the Gorranu Onpl- tal Tuosdny. TREMBLING FOR HIS ROYAL LIFE , Imperial I'olloo Mini the Propose Koutc Tlii ) Hiisslnn nt Imist Aifcas lo atm > t lllsnnu-olc In Con Terence. I" TrpjildntIon. [ rnp/i | Ight W9 Jij ; .Veto I'ort.l < oiffi/cl ( liiiutsOct. : . 5. An oOlchxl telegrams from , Frrdehsburg received at Pofsdam nud tbo foreign ofllco to-night say tlio czar will start for Horlui Tuosdny next , The chief of the czar'8 secret police passed through Herlln to-day on his w.iy to Kiel. Ho Is accompanied by the Inspector of 1m * perlal trains. The coir's special train , onca owned by timprctis Kucculo , lies at the sta tion hero , having como from Wlrballon. There are swarms of Uusslau police here , at Kiel and at stations along Iho proposed route. Uusslnn troops line the rails from Wlrballcii to AIou-ow. The precautions taken far exceed those on the occasion of the foriuor visit of the czar and lira duo to his Intense fears of an attempt upon his life. The crnrlnu loaves Copaniiagea October 12 for ICoulgsbarg , rejoining the czacntsomo point on the homeward Journey. Under the pressing Inslstanco of Coiuit Schouvaloff , the Itusslun amiiasnador to Ger many , the czar will accord Prince Ulsmarck the desired liitnrviow. As soon as the promise of the conference was received the sumi-ofUcml press was in structed to deny the statement that tha gov ernment intended to apply to the rolchstug for n military credit of several hundred mil lion innrlo. To-nlsht the National Gwotto turns uion itself , declaring that no moiioy doimiuds of any importance were over contemplated by the government. The statement that the movements of Russian troops wcro threaten ing the safety of the frontier is likewise pro nounced as exaggerated. \n uneasy reeling appears to prevail in Austrian official circles , it Is feared tlio chancellor is about to make a now move by offering to assist in restoring llusslan dom inance in Bulgaria as an inducement to draw the czar from the French alliance. The Vienna Fromdonblatt's article advo cating tlio recognition ot Ferdinand us Prlnco of Uulgaria has been quoted by the North German Gazctto without comment. Other semi-olllclal papers leave German sup port doubtful , although the Yienna cabinet is known to attach supreme importance to the question. Prince Hisimirck is suspected of playing a double gamo. It is thought that on the ono hand ho will threaten the c ar with n move ment looking U > the linn establishment of Bulgarian Independence , while on the other hand ho will offer an eutciito based on a pro ] posal that Uussla shall huvo u fiocr hand to deal with Uulaarhi and intervene in Arme nia. It is certain that if Iho receives Prince Uisirarck's proposals with coidhoss , the recognition of Ferdinand by the porto , the powers forming the tnplo alliance , and England ulll be the ImmedlnlQ sequence. The sultan has alrond.v ngiecdto recognize Ferdinand , and only awaits the \lsltofL3mporor William before issuing a formal proclamation to that effect. The ICreuzwilling to-day represented Uniporor William's article in the Kelohsaii- zolgor rebuking its nitucfc on Iho cartel pat1- lies. The/Coining frankly adds that it as sailed the national liberals because it was convinced that the line ol' the policy of tliq cartel parting under the inllucnco of the na- tioiiiilHboiids was injurious to the slates. Ilv virtue of the spirit of loyalty that has animated its criticisms it now bows before the opinion of the oui- pcror. The response of the ICreuz Xcltung , generally admitted to bo dignified and well put , conceals its mortification at finding that the ompuror has unabated confi dence in the chancellor's international policy and that ho is also ready to resent toadyism "H from the ultra conservatives. The wolght A of the imperial rubuka is enhanced by tlio an nouncement thai it. . was written by iho em peror on his own initiative and without the knowledge of Hlsmurck. All parties feel the- Importance of the utterance for the coming elections. It will help squash tha ultra con servatives and enormously strengthen the united conservatives and national liberals. The news from Athens that a fever is ragIng - Ing the populaoo there and thntsoveral court officials nro among Ilio victims alarms the Imperial circle. The emperor Is duo at Athens on tnojtli lust , h' ttio cpldumla continues the nurrlago fotcs will bo cur tailed. The present programme of three lays' fetes nud n review 6l 23.0JO troops will bu i educed to a quiet marriage ceremony. The question of a zollvoroin between Ger many and Austria exorcises Iho Vienna newspapers , which argue that , ae the two nations have a common foreign policy there Is no good reason wily they should not also have a common economic policy toward nations outnlda the drolbund. As n practical approach thereto the Ncuo Frclo Presso hopes that Prince HI marok will accord Austria in future treaties ot commoico special concessions and abolish the most favored nation treatment now given to Franco , M. Ilcrbotto , the French ambassador , re turned to Berlin last evening. H is reported I thallio will bo replaced by Julus Ferry. Iu Hf splto of some court"H In power , Hlsmurck is rcatiy to accept him. Princess Margaret , sister of the emperor , Is betrothed to Prince William , hulr of tha duka of Nassau. Her mother favored tha suit of thu crown prince of Denmark , whllo Itlsmnrck favnrod the prlnco of Nassau , Lieutenant Fischer , with two batteries ot artillery , has nulled from Hamburg in rein force Captain Weinsmann In east Africa. The alarm over Captain Wclssmann'u ' posi tion Increaxos Ho Is threatened by large bodies of well armed Arabs and native1) ) , who uro cutting off his supplies , Tno preparations balng made at Constun- llnoplo for the i-oooptlon ot Km- pornr William iudicato a prolonged stay. It is reported ho 'will remain two weeks In the Turkish capital. Ho will bo accom panied by Count Ilorbort Bismarck. The length of the cmpoior's visit is attributed to an Intention to Inquire into the condition of the Turkish army and to test the sUUMiient of the German ofllccrs that the porto Is still ablu to maintain a standing urmy of 400,000 men. A I'llcHl lii Trouble. lUi.Kinii , N , 0. , Oct. 5. The Catholic priest , Father Boyle , was' convhtlod In the Wako superior court to-night of a charge of criminal usbrmlt on Miss Geneva Whttakor. The crlmo of whlcli Moylo is convicted was committed last May , Ho was sentenced to 10 tanged November " 'J , but wui allowed to i-pi al to the supreme court