Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. MiutrlcG R. Unrnoa. BoHcltor for
the Gnrnoau crnckor company , la tlio
hnpny falhor of n buby boy.
The telephone people nro putting in
another new line , ' nnd this time
Twentieth street from Cumlng north is
to bo graced with the poles.
( The funeral of the Into J. W. Ilowell
took plnco yesterday from his late
rcsltlenco/rhlrty-llrat btrootnnd 1'on-
ploton nvo. , the remnlns being intcurqd
in Prospect Hill cemetery.
A railroad ticket from Lafayette
Oily , Jml. , to Fremont nnd return , IH-
Euodtoono U. M. Cnmpboll , wrisloftut
the window in County Treasurer IJolln'a
olllco ioatcrday afternoon.
John G. Ilartman , fnthor of Police '
anil Flro Commissioner Uhris Jltirtiimn ,
olclity yotira of n ; o , IH lylnir nt the
point of death nt his residence on the
corner of Twentieth und Con tot * streets.
13. S. Lambert was brought in from
the poor farm yesterday morning and
lodpod In the county jtiii. lie was
litUon to the poor farm Thurstltiv from
f-iouVh Omaha , where ho had boon
nflllctcd with n case of insanity.
Ho caused so much trouble at the poor
farm that they could not handle 'him ,
nnd ho was taken to the jail.
Personal J'nrnurnitha.
C. M. .Toques , of Ord , Is at tlio Murray.
S. H. Graves , of Hhclton , la at the Casey.
A. S. Esmoy , of Fremont , Is at the Casoy.
b. C. IlawUlns , of Wlllltt , Is at the Wlnd-
qr.J. . Hemingway , of Hcatrlco , Is at the Tax-
Ernest Yntos , of Lincoln , li nt the Mur
ray.a II. Warner , of Lincoln , Is at the Mur
ray.W. . C. Brooks , of Bo.itiice , Is at the Mil-
Itml. ( WWW
S. JO. Uorgcror , ol Hustings , Is at tlio
C. A. Wilson , of Fremont , Is at the
John Ilarphnm , of Lincoln. Is at the
' 'Irvin Scott , of Stromsbprg , li nt the
N. S. llnnllti ! , ' , of Xubraska City , Is at the
G. W. Hates , of Nebraska City , -Is at the
Pax ton.
W. H. McOoo , of Noith Platte , Is at the
J. C. Crawford , of West Point , Is at the
* W. C. L. Haven , of neatrice , Is at the
S. A. Wcimcr , of Nobr.islm City , Is at the
J. II. W. Hawkins , of LiiiLOln , Is nt the
' n. P. Slunnwny , of Wakellold , Is at the
J. W. Hitchcock ana SOP , of Lincoln , are at
tlio Casoy.
Picrson D. Smith , of St. Edwards , Is at
the Paxton.
Mrs , Samuel C. Smith , of 13o.itnce , la at
the Murray
J. M. Kdtar and wife , of Weeping Water ,
uro at the Paxton.
J. ] . Corny and wife , of Weeping Water ,
nro nt the Casoy.
.T. A. Ifllroy anil A. P. Donncll , o5 Lincoln ,
ore ut the Windsor.
F. B. Woodrow , Bradstrcot's city rcpre-
Bcntativc , has rotuiiiod from a western trip.
Dr. Snmuol Glover , of the United States
land ofilce , Valentino , was in the city yester
day on business
John O'lCceffo , manager of the Armour-
Cudaby Packing compunv , nnd A. B. Ualncs ,
huvo gone on an extended trip to the cast.
Lelnh S J. Hunt , editor of the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer , was In the city yesterday ,
en route home from the cast. Mr. Hunt's
plant was completely destroyed by llro at
Seattle und ho has been cast to purchase anew
now stock. Ho BOAS the city U rapidly ro-
coverinu from the etfeUa of the llro and that
the buildings being erected ate very sub
Another flat Hnuir * .
Wood Bros. , n big wholesale bat firm of
Philadelphia , has secured a lease of Turner
& .fay's place of busmpss. at the corner of
Tenth nnd streets , and * will open up
a wholesale business as soon us Turner it
Jay vacate thopremises. .
There will be a prize drill , at tlio Omnha
Guard amory , Wednesday evening , for the
ofilcers1 gold medal. A warmly contested
drill is anticipated. Both Sergeant Hoed
nnd Seniennt McAllister have won the
trophy twice.
Wccnsos wore Issued to the following
parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Knmo und Hcsidence. Ago.
( Stephen Korshbum , Omaha . 25
( Mary Haock , Omaha . 10
j Thomas F. Alleu , Omaha . 23
J Anna L. Wilson , Omaha . 20
Pears' Soap secures a beautiful com-
A llcmulfnl Plant.
A now attraction in the court of THE BBB
build Ing Is a beautiful pomegranate presented
i- to Mr. Hosowutor by Mrs. N. 7 . Strong , of
ife 81 South Twontv-llrst. It Is a graceful
fe shrub nearly three feet m hcieht , with
glazed leaves of a drop trrccn against which
lliu hitlllunt scarlet of the fruit uud ( lowers
hews up in line contrast.
Wntor Company D
The water works company has boon erant-
ed permission by the board of public works
to lav water pipes on Center alt-cot from
Twentieth lo Eleventh , on Klovonth from
Center to Hickory ; on Hickory from Eleventh
to Tenth , It was also poriultlcd lo dig up
Nineteenth stioct just ubovo nnd below its
intersection with Lcavcnworth. for tlio purpose -
pose of repairing the wulcr minus.
A Uiinl'Ilcnt'toil
" 1'sc guilty Jedge , but fo' GoJ sake doan
on dls ole nlpiiah to jail , c.iso Uur conshunco
is on 11' ills minlt. "
It was Gcoiglnna Clntko who spoke. She
\viis addressing Jtulgo Berka iu response to | cliurgo of being drunk ,
Hut Ucortri inn hail bean tlioro .so oftou
before that the court lined her f .5'J.
Ati'illioiTiiliitHtnvn Sufr.-riir.
Irs. luclmel { Shlcfold , with tlireo small
cliildron , arrived at the Union Pacltlo depot
about noon. She stated thai she was oa her
way to Butte City , Mont. , luwlne lost her
husband in the .lohnstown disaster. She
had coma this farlhrough the courtesy of the
nmjors of Ulnelnnatl and St. Louis , and had
a Utter from llio latter to Mayor Broatch ,
i Bkliif thul she bo scut on her way to Mon
KcV.cil n HuiDlilo'H llniiil.
John Trommlll , a slukly old fellow , who
has lived oh Omaha charily for several
months , was released from St. Joseph's hos
pital Wednesday to go lo the poor house.
'J hursd.iy ho retuinotl to the hoHnliul , and
eoizlng a inzor was about to cut his throat.
Ono of the sUluis caught him iu the act and
took tlio weapon from htm ,
The police wcru nottllpd and took John to
the Million , Vestotday ho was taken to the
poor farm.
Mart u.ivy.
Harold Max , thoonly child of Mr. and Mrs.
MaxMoyardit'ds'JUdcnly yesterday morning
between U and 1 o'clock , Though the little
ono had boon sick for along tmitt.liopes wora
cntoitulucd of hib recovery after llio rotuin
from Long Branch , whore Mr. and Mrs.
Muycr spent sovciul mouths durlng the past
season , Death ronsoQUontly came unex
pected , and llio parents , a * a icsult , uro
1 prostrated. As soon as the sad nous was
known many of the friuiuU of the family
vailed to express sympathy with the
bereaved parents.
The funeral will take place Sunday morn
ing ut 0 o'clock from the residence of tlio
jarcuts , 2aj ; Haruey street ,
Poilmaster UnHiKhor rimirni It nt
About IJH.OOO.
Postmaster Oallajjlter snys ho can tell
from the quarterly reports made to him by
postmasters throuifiuwt the state what sec
tions show an Increase , of prosperity and
tlioso which do not. " 1 can also come within
frOO , " continued the gentleman , "of estimat
ing the population of Onmlin. At the present
tlmo It will easily roach 131,000. If thoccnsu *
could bo-taken to-morrow the numberof bonn-
lido residents within tlio corporate limits of
this city , would not full below fiat figure ,
llio country reports , up to date , show In
creased prosperity hi every loealliy heard
from. Some of the gam * , of course , nro
small , but others nro quite largo. The
receipts yesterday reached about $ ' 5,000 , and
these of to-day attain to the same figures.
The largest surplus from any ofllco amounts
to ? 3.X > , and the smallest dwindles to 1 cent.
Thcsa reports , of couroo , do not Include the
presidential ofllcos , of which tliero tire thir
teen In the stato.
Tim First niuvn of the Omnlin Street
llixllwnv Company' * Minors.
Tim electric system of locomotion of the
Omaha Strool railway will bo tested on
Monday next , The pnit of the line to bo op
erated will bo that extending "from Seward
street north to the Belt lino. On this branch
nil the motor inon will bo thoroughly drilled
In tlio handling of tlio cars , so that when the
latter commence running on the main lines
there will bo no delays or accidents result-
Inu from Incompetent men ,
On Thursday or Friday next cars will
commence running fiom Foit Omaha lo
Hanscom park.
No Ovcrlionil Wire.
Dr. J. J. Savlllo and Mr. ,1. H. Wlnsponr
are tc&ttng an Invention for propelling cars
by electricity without the use of the over
head wire , and the motor companies of the
city nro watching the outcome with Interest.
A track for experimental purposes has been
laid on the lot immcillatclv north of liiu
Omaha Street Uallwuy company's power
house. _
Hates orspcoil un thn So\criil Street
The following facts and llguros show the
length of tlmo it lakes to make a r"iind trip
on llio several street cnrhnes oT Omaha :
iioitsi ; TAH MNFS.
Tlio Thirteenth and Cmningono liour and
forty minuti's.
' 1 hlrteenth nnd Webster street line , one
hoar and thirty minutes.
Twentieth and Saundcis street , on a hour
and twenty minutes.
Faraatn and Pink avenue , ono hour.
Parn avenue , Sixteenth nnd Kiirhtecnth
street line , by either St. Mary's avenue or
Leaveuwortli route , ono hour and fifty min
CA11I.D T.1KC .
Hnrney and West Dodge , thirty-six min
utes for round trip.
Uodgo and North Twentieth , tlfty min
Soventcpnlh and Sherman avenue Hue ,
llfty-llvo minutes.
Burt street and Walnut Hill , forty-eight
SUtnenth and Vinton line , thirty-live
Buit , Twenty-second and Twenty fifth
line , forty-ttvo minutes.
The liver anil kidneys must bo Uopt
in ( teed condition. Hood's Sarhtiparilln
is a gruut remedy for regulating' these
organs. _
Army Note * * .
A general court martial his ( been appointed
to meet at Fort Omaha , Nob. , nt 10 o'clock
a. in. , on Tuesday , the Sth day of October ,
18SO , or as soon thereafter as practicable , for
the trial of such persons as may be uroparly
brought before It. Following is the detail
for tlie court : Major Edmund Butler , Second
end intantry ; Captain Abner Halnesjr , Second
end infantry ; Captain .Tamos Ulio , Second
infantry ; Captain Luther S. Ames , Second
infantry ; Captain Augustus U. J gbcit. Second
end Infantry ; First Lieutenant Sidney Ji
Clark. Second infantry ; Firsf , Lieutenant
William J. Turner , Second infantry ; First
Lieutenant William H. Abcrcromblc , Second
infantry ; First Lieutenant John S. Mailory ,
Sccoml infantry ; Second Lieutenant Virgil
J. Brumback , Second infantry ; Second Lieu
tenant Thomas II. Wilson , Second infantry ;
Second Lieutenant James M. Arraamlth ,
Second infantry ; Second Lieutenant Ilnnj
13. Wilkins , Second infantry. First Lieuten
ant Edmund 1C. Webster , Sccmd nitiintry ,
judeo advocate. Should any of Iho ofilcers
named in the detail bo pi chanted from at
tending nt the time and plnco specilicil , llio
court will nevertheless proceed to , nnd eon-
tinuo tlie business before it. provided tlio
number of members picsont bo not loss than
the minimum prescribed bv law.
A general coui t martial has been appointed ,
to meet at Fort Washakie , W\o. , nt lOo'elock
a. m. , ou Tuesday , the lOtli day of October ,
or as soon thorcufter as ptacticablo , for the
trial of such persons as maybe nropoily
brought bcroro it. Following fs the detail of
the court. Lieutenant Colonel Andiew S.
Burt , Seventh infantry ; Firot Lieutenant
Montgomery I ) . Parker. Ninth cavalry ; First
Lieutenant Charles F. Mason , assistant sur
geon , U. S. A. ; First Lieutenant John A.
Lockwood , Seventeenth Infantry ; Second
Licutonnnt Charles H. Muir , Sovntoonth
infuulry ; Second Lieutenant Lucius L. Dur-
feo. Seventeenth infantry ; Second Liontun-
unt William H. Dashioll , Seventeenth infan
try. Second Lieutenant Harry IS. Trout ,
Ninth cavalry , Judeo advocate , A greater
number of olllcors ( ban tlioso named can not
bo assembled without manifest injury to the
service. Upon the a-ljournmont of tlio court
sine die , tlio members Ihcieol will return lo
their proper buttons.
Make no MUtnlco.
13j dlsrolling Iho symptoms so often taken
fqr comsumptlon. SANTA ABIE linn
brought , gladness to ninny u household , Uy
its prompt use for brcalElut : up the eold that
lee ofloa Jovolops Into that fatal disease ,
thousands can bo saved from an untimely
grave. You make no mlslako by kccpini ; u
bolllo of this pleasant icmciiy iu your
house. CALIFOUNIA CAT-lt-CUUli la
eiiually effective in eradicatlntr all I races of
Nusnl Cnlarrh. Both of thcso wonderful
California icmcdlos are sold und warranted
bv Goodman Drug Co. f 1 a pncltago , U for
f..5 ( ) .
ContrnotH I < et.
The board of public works yesterday
awarded tlio contract for grading Thirty-
sixth street fiom Leavoitworth to Farnnui to
Canlleld , Hyan & Co. , nt 1''iJ edits perynnl.
The contract for building the eight-inch
piper sewer oa Twenty-ninth slroot and
Twenty-ninth avenue nnd on Half-Howard
between Twenty-second and Twonty-scwoath
was lot to John F. Ualoy for 71 cents per
lineal foot.
Gibbons , Mnran & Duulnp Bros , havnbcon
ordered by the chairman of the board of
public works lo com ul once work immediately
on Iho grading of Burdutto street from Sher
man avenue to Eighteenth sited.
The grading of Twenty-second street from
Davenport iiortti lo Cumlng Is aboul com
The paving of Nineteenth slreet from
Davenport to Cumlng wilti cypress blocks
bus been commenced.
Clininuprlnln'ri Colic , Cholnrn nml
DiarrlHuti Ilumcdy.
Tine inodleino can nlways bo depended
upon , not only in the milder forms of
Bummur' complaint , but also for malig
nant dysentery and cholera infuntum ,
The lives of iimny poroonsund cspcciul-
ly children nro tavod by it each year ,
WliM'O Is tlio Ijlttlo ! > < > { ; Conn ?
Mrs. Colonel Babbitt , of San Franc'co ,
lost her black French poodle in this clij
while passing through to tlio cast last Mon
day. Since then she has kept the telegraph
whcs rod hot with message } to 13 , & M. oOl-
claU about tlio aiUsIng dear ,
Ycstciday Harry Hull , city ticket agent
for thai road , icceivcd a telegram on the sub
ject from U , H. Blancl'ard , clialrmaD of the
wesicrn States Passenger association , show-
Ing that Mrs , Colonel Babbitt proposes to
have lior dog back or create a srtmtlon ,
It ccoms that , xvlillo tlio train was standing
at this station , her pot jumped out of the car
nnd ran a way. Some of the train man and
depot employes gave chase to the animal but
could not capture It and the lady consequently
quently was compelled to go on her journey
heartbroken ,
Wanted an experienced Job
news printer to work In a country ofllco.
Must bo sober , imliiMrloii ! and capable. Ad
dress , giving reference nnd wages expected ,
Dccatur , Neb.
PAXTON Horn , , OMAUA. Special at
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Klttredgo ft
ttruinard , proprietors.
Still Want tlio Iti-rxvcrloa.
Tie | English syndicate has not abandoned
Its effort to nccuro possession of the Omaha
Mclz brothers yesterday received n letter
from Mr. Mnhoncy , the ncont wlio sought to
buy them some tlmo ago , Innulrinir whether
or not they would sell regardless of Krug's
ncllon In the matter , thus giving llio Impres
sion If It can bo done that he will buv all thu
concerns except that of Mr. Krng ami mnko
Charles Mctz the icsldcnt manager.
Cnsbnuin's Menthe inhaler cures catai rli.
hcudaclio , neuralgia , asthma , hay fovcr.
Tilnl free at youi driigRist. Prloo 5U cents.
Omnlin Mcillcul Clnl ) .
The Omaha Medical club hclil an Interest
ing meeting nt Ur. L , A. Mcrrlnm's ortlco
last nlglit. r.lghtcoa of the twotitv-two inein-
bers were present. Dr. Merriam ic.ul nn
oxccllcnl paper ou "Summer iliairhoon in
Children. " 'the reading occuplpd aboul
Ilftcun minutes , and the paper was after
wards discussed bj the members.
HAI LS Cni'RciiF' ! . TACTO-
Kins , tic. , nil ) nml the
no. a OLOBE
Ilic IJI.M. l.lfc t , most
I. . I IS ll H
i mini :1.1 : it. for
let * Ihtui
1 rt.nn
, full II-IB of
r arti ttc I ci-rr ,
Sl-n d.V'-i. ai d
. * .
'Una sire is tlie
.n\.i1int > ! ti for Lulilin ?
I ibririts , Dunne roonn ,
320 Halls. 1'arlors.andall
ClovelaucI , ( Itila. Illlss and IVrkinOatch
( Upposlte 1'axtou Hotel. )
Oince houri , 9 a , m , lo S p. m. Eirtiday ! , 10 a
m to ] p. in.
Sporldlsu In Cluonlc. Nervous Sfcln nml
Illood Dlscii'-us.
{ Consultation nt oQlco or by mail fn-n
HfUlcIues Bout ty null or expreio , a cttroly
Bnokcil , free fiom nbHHiillon Gunrau'eoh to
euro nuli'kly. iafoly nml perm.innni iv.
WPDUnTTd HDnifl'PV ' Sperniatonhn-n , ssml
flhnYuUb IJhDlLllI n.U Losa .NiRlit r.mli
ilonu. 1-liyslcal Decay , uilalnit from Juillscro
tlon , I'xcess or InilulKcticc1. proiliiliK ! ! > leeiileuH
ness , Udbpondenc ) . 1'ln plos on the i.ico. aver
uton to sotletv. easily uls ) uinc ; il , ! . ' : of cunfl
doncu , dull , iinlll rorxt ndy or business , tiud llnila
Hfo a Imrdin hafi > lv , perniarontly rxnd vrl-
Tntoly cured. Consult firs. Hells iV Hem , UUJ
Fnrnum St. , Omnhi , Neb ,
Plnnrl Qlirl QUll TlidPOCPJ SypliIlK n dlseasa
DlUllU dllll jjulll UMrdiDi most tall llil.i . in Its
results , lomplutelv crmlliMlodlljiout tlio nlil
ofMerftiir. Scrofula , Kr/aipnlnH , l"o\ir hores
Hlotehos. I'lccn , I'ftinsin tliultead uud llonus
hyplilllllo Mouth nnd 'loniino , (3n- (
tnrrli , etc. . iiorinaiiuntly cured vliero oliif-n
hnvo failed.
* n"1 ' Hladiler Complaints
Pidnnir IfpinnV "
I\lUllu > Ulllld jf I'aln'ul. Dlllltillt. too fre
nuent lluiiilncor Illooily I'niip , IJrIno high col
rcd or with milky cn , < lnieit ! on uiuiiilliiiVi > au
Back. ( Jonorrmi'i , Cileht. Cjitlllf. ftn. ,
1'romptly anil fc'affly Ciued , Lhaisci KO.IHIIU
moval complete , \Ulhmt ciittmi ; , cniHtli ur
dlllatlon. CilifK olkcirtl nt lionio by jiallunt
v Ithout a luomunta pain or annoj aiKo.
To Komi ? Men anil MidfllhA'iCil ' Hen ,
AJtDP ( ] PITDP 'J'lm awlnl ciTocti of I'aily
OlJUlJ uUitLJ Vice , which btuifM OI-K.IIIIC
vonknebM , dOMiniylMK both mind and body , vlth
nil Its drcaiicd HlK , pi > imanentl > riirril ,
1 Ailiobslhojj Aliiihnvtiimpalmd
theniivhi-s by Improper iiidul
< 'll'S aid holltuiy Imbltx. which mill both
fi inly uud mind , unfitting them 101
iiidy or inarnasp.
M uiiiiK.ii .Mi.s. : or tliosoontprln ? on tliat hnji
prliftMwaiu of pliy.ilcal debility , quickly iu
fili > t d.
OUR sucrnss.
Is Imard upon facts , rir > Practical Kxpo
rlence. Berond Kvery case Is eiui'clally studied.
thus starting aright. 'J lilrd Ma llcinoa mo pre ,
iMiioil in our labntory exactly to suit t4"h case ,
thus atTccthiK euros without Injury
t CTbeml OcuntH po-ittKo for telebratoJ works
on Chronic , Nervous mul Delicate IJlueases.
'J'nousamls curoil. I4f A friendly letter or nil
) rmy HiToyou futiiro puirurlair and tdmine. innl
add golden year * lo Hfo : l flr-No letters un-
wercd uuleiis accouip.inied by 1 ceuU 1u Etamui.
Address or mil on
1103 Faiuam Street , Umuba , b.
Constipation ,
IT not Tcmcdlctl In season , is llnbloto
J bceomnlmlHtniU nnd rlironlc. Dras-
tlcpnrgatUcs , b vwcakculngllio bowela ,
conllrm , rather ihan cure , the o\il.
Aycr's Pills , bolng mild , odectlvo , ami
Btrcngthcnlne hi tliclr action , are gener
ally recommended by llio faculty as the
best of aperients *
"Having been 'subject , for \ears , to
constipation , \\ltliout bcltiR able to find
much relief , I nt lust tried Ajt-r'n 1'Ilh.
I deem It both n duty nnd a pleasure
to testify that I have ilerh od great hon-
cllt from theh uso. Poi over two years ;
past 1 bavo taken ono of thcso pllli
uxory night heloiuiutlrhiK. 1 would nut
willingly bo without them. " G. W.
Uouiuaii , L'O .Main St. , Carlisle , 1'a.
"I have hern taking Ayor's Tills nnd
using tbeiu In my family since IB57 , nnd
cheerfully rccoinmund them to all tn
nc < d of snfo but clTi'ctiiiil rathartlc. "
John M , Uoggs , Loulsslllt' , Ky.
11 Tor eight years T was afflicted with
constipation , which at last became so
bid that tlio doctois could do no tnoro
for inc. Thou 1 lirgan to take AjerN
1'lllt , nnd soon the bowt-ls it covered
Ihoir natural ami rouular action , so that
now T inn In p\cfOli'iit health. " S. li.
Loitghhildgc , lliian , Te\as.
" lla\inu used A.ver's 1'llls , with good
results , 1 fnllj InihirHO Ihoni for tin1 pur
poses forwhleh they iu e lecominoniled.1
T , Connors , M D. , Conlrit Ihldgi ! , 1'a.
Ayer5s Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold l > y nil DrugglMe nml Drnlcrs hi Mcillclno.
Newspaper print can only hint
of tlie stuffs iind their beauty.
The eye must do the rest and
do it here. ,
Suitings , ,
J.VN 0
I7or gentlemen.
1 kindreds und hundreds of
fabrics , all of the best sort , and
none need hesitate on account
of the price.
$5 , $6 and $7 for
Fashionable Trousers.
$20 , $25 , and $3O for
Fashionable Su'tings.
$2O for a Top coat UX-
KOUALLKD in the world.
1409 Douglas Street ,
Three Mlgh'o and calunlay rrt.itinoo
'lllllisilavI'uilnv mill oUiud.iv , Ort. 'I. liiml * > .
Jilt. Allli : ) \IINHV pouts Mr.
Supioitedly Mil. an < mii : I.UltDOK' .
And un uiiiUi | tluiiilil } ill0112 0011111 my of lilv
tilouk tnlPiit , '
nu Main. \
2'c , We , VA. mid 11. ll.itlueo pi Ices
, OCT. 7.
oCtha'Dlitlntiiilslieil ' Actual
Uailcr the mannifenmnt of Augustus I'lton , In
ilondav nvonine ; and \ \ udnesiLiy Matluoo -
" .lucr.i.VN. "
'Inixduy r.vriiliiK "J'OltfillT Mi : NOT '
Wednesday r.\uulns-"lM ! : < i Ol I'l.NC/lO.N , '
Ul'lJUllll pill L'S btUlS gO Oil Mllu . -
iiroti'iinil ttliutau fniiilili a hoi-.u uiul
ghuthwr uhnlu I line to the biirilnoii Bpaiu
nioinpnts m.iy ha prolltnbh empli > > id aNo . \
f.iu Miuin < l''i ' In toun-iimdi lilo-i. II. I' .IO1I.N-
OK A. CU , lnu.Maln ( St. , Klohmoiid , Va
JV. II. llmf ihile aiia nwt esieilnuf , Vivr
i > lu , Il.l'.J\ \ .
Teacher of the Violin ,
At 1'iiplU Iio-iltluiu-tj. Ul North iJtli Street.
Oinutiu. X
COb DR TCH AH'irSt.I.Iwnsr hair
. / bom M.i'lilcago ; .nlvlcu Iieo : Ul vour-ivx
pcrlencu ; biuluc&3 aulutly ana lui-ally
ucteil. _
Ffnil 110wit yoiirnuiiiouiid U > lrnslo mu and.
will wild } uu u Itl.l iil'IJ : ttiul nlll I'OHHVI'.I.V
CUUKl'lLKUmidKistouIr WcouU. Mils 1T1UON
P' 0. Hot u.1 , Uiuud ItUud.Nvk.
If you cnn luy ) nr. Overcoat mul snvo 33 per cent on llio transaction , that 33 per cent is equivalent to ? o
much money carnotl. Just consider for a iiioineut wliat 33 per cent amounts to , ou mi Overcoat for which you
have to pny § 15.00 elsewhere. It means a saving of $3.00 by purchasing of m. our price being SlO.OO'for poods
of equal quality. On higher priced goods the saving will bo greater , Our claim to save yon these dollars can
be easily subtautiated by comparison of onr prices with those of other stores.
Ills hardly necessary to say that wo show the largest line of medium weight Ovcrjoata , comprising Mel
tons , Koranys , Wide Wales , Oh-viols , etc. , at $5.75 , $7.50 , $900 , $12.75 and liner if you want thorn. The liner
grades arc lined with the very best sillc , with < ? atin trimmings and of superior workmanship.
Special , 200 very fine nil wool Kersey Overcoats with excellent ; Italian lining and a rich satin alcove lining ,
beautiful fitting garment- * $9.00 , they are really wcrtli-ilAOO , and are sold for that elsewhere.
Hat Department Correct Tall shapes of Still'and Soft Hats at prices just about ono halt what you have to
pay in other stores. Our great 95 cent Derby lm < not yet boon duplicated by any sloro for less than $2. Uur
linost Derbysat S2.00 , SS.50 and $2.75 , arc of the snmu qualities for which other houses ask fiom ? 3.oO to * 5.
Shoe ? We arc opening daily new and fresh goods direct from the factories. Having a big trade and felling
our Shoos 5 > o cheap , we ell them quick and acouiuul.ito no old st-'t-k. ' Our hhoes urc emphatically the best
that cim be had anywhere andovory pair is old with agiuiranlee.
, 4 '
Trunks and Valises. <
We have fitted up our basement for the sale of Trunks and Valises.
Like in every department of our business we shall offer in this line
the largest Variety at greatly lower prices than these goods can be
bought elsewhere.
Write for all Fall Catalogue.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
fiji 2i lo Your
i in-it I-HUI imj TuriSt hey clothing
ut' aio well prepared to piotlda tot thp
comfort ot out cu-toineii. Oiivdock
po.iiprNfs Men s rail an 1 Winter Sulin of
the uluhu l Br.nly ot maloilul and unik-
)1ia'.l-ilip ! , in clhcrutli , vn iinlltnlloil si.n-
pl > oC warm Jlot > iuiy and I'mlmMMr
tliiaitlstleelecHou of Nuck\i ar Is a de
lialit to tlio oy < - . < , ' '
Wolmvd > cJniwhiiB cholrc In llundlcrr-
clil < > f' < ometliltiir pAcoll nt In ( iloves
ulid Hiinii'tliliit ; leJnlilain I'mlirt'llai.
- " - ' lotlilu .v pe , laity.
The Tyler Systein of Bank Countoi's
Unenii-.llfd In Sty ] ? , Quillty or Prlco ,
The Tyler Desks. 2OO How Styer ! ,
Together v th 1000 Styles TnMn , Otflr . &c ,
nn.l Oflc Cor.ibmi-iJ. 0 Eljltn. Ffaett on Enrtli.
100 llliirtr\Uu Catalogue Vr'e. I'ottsre 7 Cts.
TYLgIS DESK QO.j Sf , Louis , Mo , , U , S , A.
H /Ttn * r'iJ o/tto.ifoiiJj < n t ® i , _ JLry ! OnOl
ij i
mpiovocl wlth'wiailiw klnculon n
. . '
en nd cU rte'i Accrnlmu to tuo .
rqjillr ui-ll to rotich country or Una
Viti/ driven Will ! ve jo.i Host njtla'nctlon.
" * - _
T"i ii ji -Jr _
Tlio Inrcoft , lusn-ii mill IllirM In ( ho world
' Titi If l , I.lxrritnnl % III Clti'-i-iiiil
iiu -'U'LUU-.I i ' ' I'jiH ) i input sicjiii-i nni
Ullvdl ItiiinuUliii ) III Iho Vtuilil Dull
ITew York to Qagow ! via Lsnioachny
Kthlonla . . Oct. 1th I I'miK'Ssla . Oit 1'lth
AiiHiorla , Oct. 1'th j Davonl.i , Ui tober .Jutli
New Ycrk to Asorsj , Gioraltar ani Hal/ ,
Victoria. Oct. 10th , 3 p.iii.
Htooii. Hrionf-'ln4 ami Mr , ipffn lHftn ( > iiIoHr\
ttimi. l.unirK li'JtU.lliiliiiiiliiiiiiun > nllilili < liiir
urnliyrllliii Urn 1'kliiidtmin t'ljilo nml oltll < > r lie
Unit IT inter Mcu > ' > uuil liuuili ut liMmiil , ut iMHilei
mul i.i > i liar.
lUiurloni > to I'urlxir ( 'onllm-nliil 'I our * nnla > r
fit liinnlinclriV liicnlir lxllii nr ( milt cud
llrarinfiii nni niii < niiil t Inufitiiiiuiit lutn. Ami ) ) to
Buy nf ln < ilnt.rii | | 01 lo
II. H. II M.I. .
U. V J IOOtKrl. |
0. II.
- -TO
Send for fiOO paffo illustrated catalogue.
Sttitionnry , Funcv Oootls , Toys nnd No-
tioiiB , Lurjfest nnd uhotipodt stock in
the wobl ,
Chicago , Ills. Clark St ,
Ttfl Regular Old-Established
h still Treating with the Greatest
Cliroiiic , Kcrous and Private Diseases ,
DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache slid all llic cdcus
Icaduif : t early decay ami pcihips Consumption or
In'ianlty , treated c eiilllicil ! ) by nnv incllicjds uilh
nc\cr'fiiltnu ticcrss.
; SYPHILIS anil nil bad Dlood anil SUin Dis
eases permanently cured.
. eS-KinNEYaml URINARY con-.phlnls , Gleet ,
Gnnorrlnca , fitrlcture , Varlcocelenmlnll ilucnscs
nftlic Cicnito-Unmiy Oigins c.ireitpioinptly uilliout
inju y toSloimch , Kldrcja or oilier ilrgank.
-No cafir.rlmcms. Age and experience Im *
portant. Consultation free ami cacred.
flS-Scnd cents postage for Celebrnted Works on
Chronic , Ncrvoua nnd Delicate Diseases
Ji3 * 1 nose contemplating Marriage cnd for Dr ,
Clarl.c'E celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 ccits , loth ss emu ( itaimn ) Consult the nlil
Doclor , A friendly letter nrollmtiy savcfutiuerufrcr.
iruHn.l shame , ami add poldenjeirs to life Jf3"llook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socenisslamu ( < ) . Jlfdicino
and uiitm s sent everj where , scenic from exposure.
Hours , 8 lo 6. bunda ) s g lo n Address
F. D. CLARKE , EV3. D , ,
! 8G So. CUirU St. , CKICAQO ,
Dr , J , E. McGRE W
ixunsiu passed In
the treatment of
nil fonnsof 1'itiv-
( Iceland HTIIICT-
t'lti , n cuio Knar-
nntci'd. Si'iiim i
roiiuiioni. l-ii'o-
n.M V I.OhlS Of
\AMIIIIII ! , and
iinioltlou. STiiiif.-
iv or 11 AII in v
Nrj absolutely
Mired. Send for
books , for "Mun"
oroman" \ e.icn
Ul cunts ( stninps )
N'hlU OURM.Hr. ,
KBM\I iIHhi\si : H
C \T vnitii and
. - - . , _ hKIN DlhKAKRS
turen quickly nndpciiniincntlj Tieatmoiitby
coucipomK'iice , scud blinnpilurroply.
Ofllce S. E. i'or. 18th and Jnclvbon Sts.
Omaha , NcbrnsUn.
Importers amiVIiolcrale Dealers In
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery ,
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
Fancy Goods , Walking Canes ,
Coal-Collar Springs , &c. , &o.
JVarRc niEorlmcnt for
Cano Hacks , lnifo ( Boards , Spindles ,
Auctioneers , Slnetmen anil Peddlers ,
lilt ! Miric't ) of ! > f. lOc nml 2'ie counter
jilt bcnil lor lllnstr.ili'il catnlotfui ) .
417-419 .YbilhFouYlli St. ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Perfect Face Powder.
R EB W3 A N f S - "oa"
o. UotSt lulioJ.
Uiukrn , SKI I ai mill hi III. it , 1 lolNTHIi
fit ) Oil lariimnM OMM IIIUU l > ruicc4i ,1 no1
BclirutrrXl.MI'c ' Torllll' , , J.ll On N loili
IJtD I. It U S05 Owoil A ; ! ] . ) , Fbfi. > M llellillllii t. , . -v
cor Wiltfl n > lamllirorrilraiallrniiil > K , " ? if
oir W Iliiinii oa H iitiilliirr/v > a , 1,111 iiti ) 4 < ti mji iv
tit , cur L'tiiuri Mtlli lliilllut liiuM ieiu IMt Tin h-
fk' , rur r cinr , ( liiH. Itil , : Ikll i , HO , Mnllli MM. or l' rl | .
IclOnfl. Ullil t'i > ni > 4 > , III Kuliu la Cu , r r lluuiUi tlia
cor KlliHnd Cuinlnjr , On fcm.ii ler'fl Dr. riMlllai , IIQI Cili-
f } ' , rur I kej On lxa\cUMnrlh ] I > MI' ! , Itl8 I'vjtoit JUH n.
cor 2Hlii flMlll A. Co ,8Mli itn 1 ! > ii iix > iti hfliicrnr'i , ( ili < irniiin
A\t , 111 1 ; < Ink > , IWi III \Wlwiirlli > < -rilr llcutidi ,
1,001 llao.rj , ' Jo l'ii.r rilialiirirrrr ) ! > > I , .C > | llil > h
an I Illli rJI I W J , Ivlir * ' .r N ) H ) ki > ia A ( lo , b uidaba.
tMiolB4A | , lllrl r ! > ! ! llru * Co . IIUIi llrnr , i. lo.
GOLD MEDAL , PAUZu , 1078 ,
V. IIAK'Ul & CO.'S
Ju nbsolultliIIIHO ( Old
/ / In aotntile ,
No C'Jiein/icals
trc mcl In Hi | rtiir | ! lun , II hit n r <
tltsn fli < * tlnttt t&f tirfnyttmtf Cocoft
H.iinl xilli huuli , . rruviuul ur Hngir ,
Ami 1 tlurlfure f r mure rronoinlcal ,
r'f f Itn tka t ( .u ( mi a ft'p It It
jj' ' for jiiitiUliMvtllii iinoii , in luaiih.
hold lir ( iiurcru eterjulirrc.
VBAKEH & CO. , Dorchester. Mass.
Wlicn rou un bu > IIIK r'oi u n nil inlirr llmt tlioro Is
- iUiliuililiiKnmi inkulhui
* " \Monrlittt' \ . Ul l > * . | lirli ) " "
| Kiy n full' | rli'u nnil in t
Kooit Kl < < like Iliitrli.
Jhl.iill'n. Tln-y uru liioilo , .
Vfrom litli'Cletl ftNliihlu ilnj
I lit-fii iii.iniuiraiiU urn ti u r.I
i laiiliil Iu In , lli i nuiotl
1 tirrlotahlo inailr. If } uul
want Iu kna morn ubnt'
rlous III Kounil uuil
lIlllullllllKlll'll ( > IlUC'N
In iiurtlnilar. enaloto
taiiipfur tlio book About
Ulurr * . H nil ! Inlirttt
you. HeTiunBiiKU'.tcA
( V UUXt'UINfeON ,
is Wealth ,
jiEvr. ufimirnntoed siieclfli for llj-iturln , ll/.zi
ness , Convul-'loiiM , rits. Nervous NotiralKla ,
lloailiiclie. Nervous I'lostiutlon ciiusril bv thu
use of nlcoliol tobacco , Wnlcc/iiluci-s , .Moutal
Udpreiiltm , Sofli'nlnifnf tnu Iliulii , roiiiltlng la
ius mity nmllmdlnirtomlicry.ilecuy ami il > 'ntb ,
PiemiitmeUlil > ' , Barronney , Loss of I'owef
lucltncr'-ev. Imohmtnry I.OSIIM mul Sreimat *
oihiL'a mused l > ymtr-oxurtlonf ! > ttliellinli > , nelt
abiifo or meilmliilpenro. 1'acli box contains
one month s treatment. $1/0 aliov , or six boxes
roi-i".K' ( ntliy mull prppalil on rocutpt of ml. o.
Tocmoany caw. With each ordr it > co\cd ) by
un fin slK bo e ? . accompanied itliJj.OO , vo will
Homl tlio purchaser our written gtmiantuo to re
fund tlio money If Hie treatment does not effect
a cilia. Uinunnleus Ibsiii'il only by Coodmaik
Unie l"o. , Urngulsts , Solo Agents , lllu Fnnmia
treot , Utnana Nebraska
TOR TUB 'incxTiiiA r OF ALL
? fiA ? mmn
mm\mmm \ %
Trcatmrnt ot every term at V' rcquiiiur
Board&Attenilancg. BcitAcccmmodalioueiu W L
CD-WHITE FOR OIKGUlARBon Dfformitle. an4
EraceiTrui f , ClubiV t , CunatiTfliof Efi-if.rilJj ,
Tumori. Oincer , Oatarrh , lironckltli , Inhalation ,
Electricity , jPar.lyil. , EpUepiy. Kidney. Bladder ,
Eye , liar , Shin uni Blood and all Burglcal Operatloni ,
HK1UVR HTU.T 11)1)111 1 I.TUifl-l
nnBKt uuiiMicoiti\EiiifiT. ( JTBICTIT PRJVATf.r
Only Reliable Medloal Initltute makbe Et"ciilty ol
All MooJ Dl < i > i mtf nfoliT trcittA. Bji.lilMilo rolioa
rimoTii ) from Hi ijilfm H1 out mercury. K.n n .loriUt
Tre > lu > ntr rI , iorTir < L lOtlKK. 1'irllci uiiel pin ? ll |
Birnijr be treated at tiomntieormpoQdeucv. . Alleointuuulca
IJuepfrio allutcrrli'Triirircircil. Call and coniult biorbcoj
llilurror rourrair , ana w lll rnl in pljla r ir" our
BOOK tfl & 1EH EnEEy. n iWie. ti M.
UUifi I M nicni XcrrouiDliraiCf.Ininilrnri Hlb >
Illi , ulMland > arlco | ilili < iu .tt.inll.t. > < IJf , . (
18th end Dodjo Bt eU , OUAHA , HKB
The tl j-l Mnmlard ll a
Hi liii illi.ii for Hie nr U
Iirhiitu allintnti , are 1111 * for imiiiy , etc1 ,
HiUlsIiirllon liiionintcnj.
Onlir ItPiiiiily So. I for
Hrnlaal UraLortv ur Tlt&l
Ju , g lur J iit M iiuwl ui | i ihluil illMllly ill lilnrrlffl
men. ol tliiinotiiUilliKO'illial liniipy IKii , I'jkc-.tlW.
No Sforl'r.ii.irrliuriK ' r nln Mil ( Illur ut A
treatment fur Jntirrii , ) anil lucal mi , Cuitu In t to 6
.nironi . Injicllon. IUII niilruuii i lilftuip ,
K Jnir llmrurultiunilniUuliuMf I'rl.ell Co ,
o I. binailve hpfrlne for men or MOIIKII I'uvinti *
Kononlincii , tie o nililxi nor Injecifun I'atka t ,
In > ti jlj > J.u llj nml riliolliw. Will MM In Malta
trial aaniioor | | iiiuc < l > No I or a on rciilitiil | lila tn
lUnil i foi | K ta-c .til ) uliitorilulaririiiillibiiinnint-
I ) nut Inuli'l/ ' l > , luatl nil ntclpt of Die | > li < v , II OV.
STAN D A R"D'IB IVIE D V " c'o,11"cMca'ao ? Vl'lV
r urn Mil
r till , | relOa liurrmtV. I IIHE'UV
orst IUTI\ tit NFMi.i7iu
. K Hutmn\a , i oallttuotit f rrraU
l'lV/t"ric ' ' / Ibtougball wtfck ( ftiig. r t r *
( lo IIr IU aotl Vl oruii h.rriiBth KlectrU
V.Tin rKTirtr woftjffeiifio jueiuii.
( SupfosBor * to John fl. Jaool/f. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the Old S.anl , 1407 Faroaai Strsst.
Onlira liy tolc riii > h Kollcltnil BIK ! ] irniintly
jMtcailuil , 'ruli'pliDtiu to No. "i ,
Ur nifll fiTIrt nentrlnu
' I i I" l I L K \ . ! ° * x 'n
IJ r f4 I B Si p e ' " e tlio
j Ei7B < illl ) r ElV justly eel-
ehratcil lliioKOf llootH nnd rihooa , imuiururtur-
iltiy ( t. Jl. HruiluiHuii { f I'D , , uf riilmno J-uc-
torlcs nt C'lili-ttKP. Dlxon. Ills. , mul roml Hil IMC.
WlB.ihouia w.-llo HAM. f { . IVATriON , eU
n lmlllrl II . l ,
? J 8 ' .i"lllU : " 10" ) "tnauivo umuiihtiiral
. '
yoou. , ii'onojiik'i . hind tor clnulac
SPriW yiV M.YK'ilSlll'lS1'VltilFo'ni ' ! ! ' , | *
VoikCH . ' Uu H"i { HUP , Ne > v