Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    V I
No advertisements will bo inkon for
thosocolumnnnftor ! 2:3Op. m.
Tortna-'CoBh In ndvnnco.
Advcrtlsomi'nta under tills head 10 tints per
line for Iht llrH InAertlon , 7 cents for cacli sub
sequent Insertion , and 11X0 p r linn per mnntlt.
Ko adtertucnjcntg tnicnn for IMS than 23 cents
for fim insertion. 8 rcn words will bo counted
to the line : they must rin cotutcullvolir and
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All ndwrtlso-
mcntH iiiH8tl > 9 hamlet. m before 12JO : o'clock p ,
in. , ntid tinder no circumstances " 111 liter betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone. '
Parties advertising in llieno columns nnd Imv-
Ing th lr answers addressed In enroot Tun Hr.n
n 111 pleane ask for n chock to ctmtilo them to Ret
tholr loiters , as noun win l > o delivered except
on presentation ot check. All answers to BU-
vr-rttAcnicnts should bn enclosed In envelopes.
All advertl pincnt In these columnn nro nun-
IIMieil m both morning and ovonlnor editions ot
Tin : Din : tlio clr. ulntlon ofvlilrh aggregates
jnort than IH.ono papers dnllv. nnd elves the ad
vertiser-Mho benefit. not only ot the city clrru-
IntlenotTiiK HER. but nUo ot Cotmrll HlnlTX.
J.luroln and other cltlcn and towns throughout
this flection of the country.
Advertising' for tlnwo columns will bo taken
On the nbiivo conditions , at tlio following bust-
ness Hon. , who nre mithorlred agents tot THE
llui : ppccliil notice ! ! , nnd will quote. . tlio Eamn
jntt-3 as cnn bo had nt the main onice.
treet ,
/ 1HAHK&mY . : , Stationers ami Printers , 113
/.South ICth Street.
II. KAHNSWOllTll , riinrmnclst. 2115 Cura-
' .1. ItmiHES , Pharmacist , 021 North lth' ( !
GKO. W. PAltlt , I'linrmaclst. 100 ( St. Jlury'fi
T.7 COIIKS * 1'HAIIMAOY , JW03 1'aruam Street.
txyXMTKlP A. position on tlio road ns siiloi-
mill for n Rood line of n rlciiltnral linple-
ments or _ wntcous. Address , Ij il , lito. 22rt4 _ _
LADY doslrou ongnRamcnttotnach In prlrato
ramlly. I'.iiKiNli , Latin , French , Uerman ,
music , drawingetc. . Address , li 1. lice olllco.
220 C )
i I'nsltlon by llrst , claas Indy
HtcnoBraplicr nnd typowrltur. macluno
nnd bent of rocommemls. Address IiO , llco.
_ _ _ SM 7t
W"A NTKD Permanent situation , oy an No. i
bookkeeper and accountant ; 7 years' ex
perience : salary $7) ) per month : bn t raforcn-
cca glvon nnd required. Address box07 , Whltta-
morc. Kossuth Co. . la. 215-1 *
Position as stenographer by
TT yoiiijMndy ; cuu give references. Address
I , P. Heo. -3.5 lil *
\yANlEn-Sltimtlon as drug clerk ; regl -
torcd In Nebrask : 8 years * experience ;
uc.Oot references. Address Wm. Osborne ,
Mromsbur , ? . Neb. 212 ( !
AMIDIILKapcd nlrl wants wort Inn private
family , and is willing to do cooking , wash
ing and ironing. Address Mrs. It. Mad OU.ijth :
and Ohio. li.u U
3AORraduate of Valparaiso ( lud.l
JColleuc desires position In bookKt epliijttlrbt !
class references ; t-alary Kecondary considera
tion. / 'Idrpisl'Mc. . 1IU7 North intn st. ! ( . 4 +
TS7ANTKD A yonnRinan of steady habits
Tt to do janitor worn. Only tho'.o who un-
derst-nd tuecaroof a steam boiler and clo-
yator and can come well recommended need
nnplv. None others will bo considered. Apply
Monday morning between 'J and 10 to Samuel
Uinr.tilc. Continental clnt.llnn hoiiBo. 251-7 ;
\\7ANT15D-20farms In Nebraska. Submit
TT lo west c.ish price for your equity. North
and west Nebraska preferred. Audrcss.L2.llee ,
i/l/ANTICD / Ayouiu : mau to work m wl767e -
TJ sale and retail paint and glass store. Address -
dress , with references and salary expected , P ,
WANTED Agents everywhere for stereo
scopic views of tlio.lohnstown ruins ; lib
eral commission. White i : Mlncfclor , solo nets ,
rprt Wayne. Intl. 244-3'
\\7ANTKD-At once , a good jobbing moulder
lit the Crc.ston Ironworks. Patrick -
rick Hii'iinan. Crouton , la. 'IU fit
WANTED Atlrstclass meat cutter. Must
bring izood references. Alao a good ex
perienced driver to take orders and deliver.
Call at 1WI Park avo. 217-4 *
AA/ANTED Yardman rbr hotel , out of city ,
' $ i5 : cook for small Hotel , $ W. faro paid ;
COOK for restaurant. Ml ; farm hand * . $20 ; boy
for private r.untly. $15 ; laborers. SI.75 ; dish-
wastiors , pan washer , etc. Mrs. Urega. ai4J ! S.
13th. 2111 49
ANTKD-A Rood barber. 2418 Cumlng
Htreet ; steady work.
WANTEO An expcrlancrd packer , crockery
nd glassware. Apply M. II. Ullss . , 10
Vnrnarn nt- 1M-4 +
WANTED A Unit-class short-order cook to
go west ; must no u sober.roJablo man. Address -
dross A. H. C. , P. O. lHI ! f >
WANTED A boy or elderly man to take
ch.irgoof 2horHos and yard aud to make
himself generally iisaful. Dr. "i N , H oilman ,
cor iith : anJ Jackson sts. 2KMt
ENUINKKlf Wanted One who undoTstiindis
running a djnamo ; steady employment
and ( -ood Hltuatlon. Apply to P. J. Creation ,
Paxiun block. liil-lj
\\7ANTKD-T\To good , llvo insurance men to
> > solicit In the city ; ; must furnish good ret-
erences. Address 1C 70 , llco. 107-SJ
WANTED Balesmeu at J75 per mouth salary
nnd expenses to sell n line ot silver-plated
ware , watchus , etc. , bymimplo only ; horseancl
t am furnished tree. Write at once for full particulars -
ticulars and sample CILBO of goods free. Stand
ard Silver Ware Co. , Jloston , Moss. 074
. J 200 graders and tin makers for
i the Hlack Hldfuixteiislon. KHIcy , Kramer
&Co. , Max MoyorbulUlIng , llth and Karnam ,
TA7A > ( TKD-100 jallroad laborers for the
T > west. Company work , lllley. Kramer &
I' Co. , Max Meyer building , UtU nnd Farnam 818 sts.
\\7ANTKD A good olllrn man to go eu t ;
i * TT must invest J2.DOO ; mut be a good business
&k > man. Address tltn Goo. H. Cltne Publishing
House , UIJ to 321 Wabush ave. . Chicago , Ills.
TVf 1'151' > Ion ror Washington" territory ;
) . T > Albrignf s Labor Agency , 1U1) I'aruajn t.
\\/ANTIsD 'Jen brldgo cjirpeiitorsiUJiock. ;
v > men and laborers for Wyoming , good
AlbrluUt's Labor Agency , 11.11 Faruam.
.u.-'IJ'rrKHS ; wanted at St. Jo&opli , Mo.
. J\Vo cnn give employment to twenty p ) ) good
Hiono-culttrs. No Boclety hero. PfeiirorSiotio
Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. 1'JU 7
\ \ 7ANf RTJ men for light"
Yi ' t | weekly. Hoom 17. 2.0 N. Itlth. lii : 81
\\yANrl'KD Knernetlo IIIBII nud womwu ti
T T fefll gcliool booki on a new plan ; teachers
proferrnft , Aadresu Interstate 1'nbllslilng
House 4 I 1'axtou block.
, room , ! U5-7t
\\7ANTKIl ( iood bricklayers and stonccut-
Tl tcrs ; good wouna pata. Apply M. T.
Murphy , Fremont , Neb , il.M
ANTMD-AgeutJi. "Dodge's Horse Ulan-
kut Holder" kc pi the blanket from
tlio lior o. Nothing like
It In the market ; every horse-owner buys.
Samples by mull , 25c. Slay nor & Co. , Vrovldemv ,
1 1 . I " _ _ _ _ _ _ tNi.o-iir :
V\"iirrCTlVia WantndBOod rullablo men for
X/detcctlves in every community ; paying posl-
tioiu. Addresi Kauius Detective llurvau.Iock.
box SD. ' .Vlchlta , Kitn. Otf7-lVt
flN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
I Canada. Wo pay & 50 to JlOln month and
. 'usis to agents to neil our Canadian grown
block. Add. Stouu , V Wellington , MudUoii. Win.
. IHX )
, At.oncenttyniororuHtllng8aloh-
men , to take. ordei f rom fHnner anil oilier
lirp.1 ! cpusumers for groeerl H , etc , , nt wuolu.
na.oiirtccy. llrclnslvo teirltorgiven. . Address ,
Tlie IMgewortl' Mercantile CM. . Importers nnd
Manufacturers. 1147 Statejt.Clilcji { q. CH 4t
"i7ANTHD Kour Hundred men tor trick lay"
I IUK In Wyoming. Apply to P. H. Joliiibon ,
H. A-M. pataenger depot , ( imalni. wt5
T1TA "TKD Agents ! To sollcft orders for our
vv rolcbnited OH Portraits Thellueit made.
Ko t-xperlouca required I HeglmiPiH earn * .VJ n
we k. } 'J out lit free I Send for full particulars.
A ntr chance. Snttord , Adams & Co. . 4(1 ( Hond
et. , Now York. H1UOW
7AK'J.'KIV A Clrl from IS to i5ye.irsafHo !
Jo mafce heriiulf generally useful ; a good
.ioi ut. tvugea wanted. Address L 10. Hen.
B"o < l headvvattrfta. who rai
uli-o act as cabhiBf , tu go to Colorado. Ad
, j'vo. , _ _ _ _ _ _ rjj ct _ _
IVonniir. girl : goVd place , llru ;
_ jHtoro. Corby and Bliermxii ave. _ 210 h
" \STAKTr5ll iTwalti iwscs for NorloU 2 for Fro-
TV wont ; cook for boarding house. * ii ; dish.
washer nnd dining-room girl iu u uu
> 1 ; second cook , fo ; Uundriuu kml
2ri.erlencod | ctmmbormala * -
In city ; mUldle-agci ) Knullah woman on a fnnn ;
M glrlH for prlvutd fimllU a. Jlr . llreeu , 'His
a lath. _ _ _ I7U 4 ;
\\TANTKD ( ooU girl for g nernl lionsnwork
J ] at228l.eavtnv\orth. | ' _ lurt
WANTHI1-A Hrnt cla < i 'ulnlug riMiii Rlrf
_ Ctly Hotel , luthuml Hnrney. 1 * , | 3f
" \ UANTliIJHood trlrtfor.eui-niUlouxpworl : .
218 N. * UU st , .ij-t
W A NTKD A middle aged tromfia to do
rioiido work ; pee < l r ferencei rpo.nlrea nnd
( rood rrnncs paid. Call Sntuntay or Sunday.thH
wc k Mrs. B. K. Whltf , 2314 Donglat at. 220 fl
V\/ANfI } ) ( llrl for hoiiiowonc. Inqnlre
V T N. B. cor. a h A Decatnr. Andrew Ander-
on. 185-lt
_ _ _
' \A7ANTISD LalTy gcn i for child's reform
f > wnlstn , Rklrt-lmnle fmbntlutto , baby's dla-
per supporter , etc. Now goods. Our aucnt at
Austin , Minn , nude J75 in. IU diys. Ladlns'
Supply Co. , 2sr W , Washington , St. , Chicngo.
W general housework. Call
Bft r U n. m.nt7l S. 19th.
\ \ L7ASTHII A peed tnrl for Kcnoral house
work. Inqtilre.2121 California. 215r
" \\TAM'RI > Immediately , a Orn-clitM sales.
lady for dress goods and clone depart
ment ; don't apply without tlie best of refer
ences , good salary. Grnmscm Si I'
23 } Cf
\A7ANXKD-lst-flass Indy pastry cook. 140.
> V Mrs. . llrl'Ko , 3UK S. 1.5th. _ -ins ;
ANTI5U Imini'dlntely , a good Rlrl for
general housnwcrlc ; small family : coed
Apply utS.-J llouardst , ailcj
WANTFin-CoinpetentRlrlin. family of two.
Call inornlnua. ail B. mth .
Wnlah. tormorly with Ml s McCart
ney. Is now ready to do first-class rtrcss and
clonk making. 1'liisn coats rellttcd , rcllncd and
repaired , at MIS C.ipUol nvc.y llil-flt
DltUSSilAKISOliilamllles. K78o. 17th five ,
I320IB *
"TAM US U. X)1VTON. ladles' tailor ; latest Now
u York etyloi. A perfect flt guarnnteed. I'nr-
lowSeSKnrnam ) _ st. 7IK ) ftt
MlsJ illtmlck'8 dressmaking parlors , 1724
l.cavenworth. 77J o 26 ]
W ANTCD-Chlldto board In private family.
Address 1C71 lleo. S3I 6S
' ANTliD liones to winter nt $ ) it month
per lioad on farm 7icar Irvlncton. Vlonty
oCfjrntn nnd liny to feed , good shnlter and Rood
earn given them ; colts. liorseM or now * taken In
nxclinngu for fuvdlng them.V. . 11. Human. 101
WANTED A young Indy would llkon young
Indy room-mate. Call liioa Douglas. 104 o
_ . . ItKNT 7-room cottage , with bath , 2(113 (
Capitol ave. Inquire 2513 Capitol ave. 831 (1 (
IjAOIt HKNT A newly papered 5-room house ,
JL good well nnd cistern. Hunt cheap to good
tenant. 2tOil franklin st. Inquire onpromisus.
HKNT Largo house. 11)23 ) Dodge.
TTOHHKNT-Cottage , 5 rooms ; city water , NO.
-I ? UjiIK ave. and Jackson sts. 'Ml 5t
TjlOIl HKNT 7-room Hat , Lange block , mod-
-L ern. improvements. Enquire 012 & Kith Ht.
T7 OH HENT Handsome 10-room house , all
J- conveniences , paved street , cable aud horse
cart" " , r > minutes'wallotpoatollice. NnthanShel-
ton.Jiil4 rnrnanist. b.51
HOU3KS for rentWiltlnson , 1417 Farnam.
T3UHI HKNT 10-room house , steam heat , all
improvements , cheap rent. O. R. Thompson ,
room21i , Shoely block , ICth and Howard.
UKNT Immodlntnly , a well-fnmiihed
J0room cnttaite. t.nly u fisw stopa from hlgli
Reliool. Inquire at il/ > Dodge st. 114 Kt
Foil HliNT-'Anoat. now 0-room cottn'je.noar
Li-avumvortliiiud il > tli streets. Juqulro for
, at 1C07 l-'urtinm St. , llmaha. 1 i <
"OOK HKNT Nlco news-room cottages with
JD cellars , ICWO and SII3 Half Howard st. Kent
$15 per month each. Enquire IJ2I B 17th st.
rp UN-room house , well and cistern. Hargain
J to responsible party. 1218 Park ave. 1HU *
Tj OH HUNT Two7-room brick houses , 2109 ,
J2111 ? Hamilton st. ; every modern Improve
ment ; $30 caclu
One very attractive Hot , No. lOSO N. 21th St. ,
in brick mock , $20. Leavitt Humhain , 1 Crelgh-
ton yp"ic. 112
"I7OK HKNT 10-ioom house , all modern con-
JL ! venienrcs , halt block from street car , SX )
per month. Call at B37 Paxton bloeic. Ill
T7OH HKNT Twelve-room lionso , stable and
JL' carnage house , on S. 21st btioet , next to cor
ner Leaveiiworth ; modern improvements nnd
iu perfect repair. Apply to Lewis S. Heed is
Co. . room 13. Hoard ot ' 1 rado building. Pi'O '
TJIOH HKNT Kisht room house , wltn amplp
JL1 grounds , corner Leavcnworth and 21st sts. ;
bath room , hot and cold water. Apply to Lewis
S. Heed A : Co. , room 13 , Hoard ot Trade building.
TTOOaES. E. cor.'lSth and Center.
TfjlOH HUNT Two now.Vroom cottages ou mo-
Jtor line , $10 per month ; ! i01 Douglas.
T7IOH HKNT by Sholes As Hamilton
JU Hoam 210 1st National Hank I tide.
5(15 ( 14-room house , all conv. . 24th and Cuss sts.
0 house , all conv. . same location.
J40 8-room house , all conv _ Haiiscom Place.
SW 27-room Mats , lllth and Howard Hts.
Si5 ft-room lioiiso. all conv. , Windsor Place.
S.'O 2 7-room nouses , nil conv. . Windsor Plaoo.
S27 7-room house all couv. , l'tJ2. S. 2jth avo.
I'.ntiro bnlliilni ! on B. 16th St. , suitable for hotel -
tel or boarding ; rent all or port. iKR )
FOK HKNT Noj.t7-rooin house. In good re
pair , on cor. 2flth and Woolwortn ave. : possession -
session given Oct. 1st. Iiiqillro O. U. Izschuck ,
Heootllco. 6W )
VKHY low. two 7-room houses on IFtn and
Vinton : two S and o room houses on 27th
nnd Woolworth ( with cltv water and bath ) ; two
n-room houses m Lincoln I'Mco. Hoom 510.
Paxton bloce. 480
TT1OH itENT No. 2411 Capitol avonuo. 11
JU rooms , all modern conveniences. The O. F.
Davis Cu. 2C :
F OH HENT A 0-room cottage , city , cistern
wutcr. convenient to business. David Jumle-
son. 314 B. 1.5th St. t)5 )
_ K HENT B-roornmodern ,
corner. Apply M. lUgntter. 1113 S. 10th. "KW
NICKLY funifsbed roolnToTery convenloncer
4Ui N. 16th. 240 Bt
O'llOOM liousa. Inquire 1U17 Cass st.
O 241 4t
BKSIHAHLIi furnished corner rooms , steam
heat ; four permanent gentlemen. Now Mor
tis block. 701 N. IGtli st. Mrd. Sixer , third llat.
' [ 71OH HKNT Front parlor , nicely furnished.
J. and sleeping room adjoining , ou ground
lloor ; within 4 blocks of court house. Inquire
21.5 S. 15th ht. la7-S
FOU HKNT To one or two gentlemen with
good reft'ronccs , a nicely furnished front
room. tioiitetV by steam mid centrally located
' ) 721 S Iftth st. _ 1FH _
TjitJHNIHHr.Dronm : Rood board by the day
J : crwook 2W : Kurniim. _ _ lot it
ASUITUofiooms forior4Rentsri'iitcScaDi ; ;
_ IfiO'i lloward st..iM lloor. jio. 18. _ _ w fi *
rpwo largo furiiUhed rooms for rent , \vlth
JL board ; stoamheat. 1721 Davenport r < N
FOH nr.XX Furnished room with board.
suitable for two ; reference required , lull
gttl-ft *
TTOll ItnST Wul I furuUhed room , or rooms
a. ' en sulto. for single xntlemen ; all modern
conveniences ; splendid neighborhood and con
venient to cui * . Apply at l'Jl > Chlcagost. _
llOU.Ma to , * " , tiii , tu. lui7Cnlcagost.
JLt 15o l t
TT'OH UKNTNicely fuinlshed front rooms
JJ with board , on 2d and 'M tloor , in Paul's
ll.itx. now house , good location , on cur line ,
with K'is. ' bath and heat , 4orN. _ 1MI1L ! _ 17/.IJW _
iUlt ) UKNT Nicely furnished rooms with all
: moduru Lonveuloncvs , No. U2N 15tn Kt.
} /Olt HUNT Toiler I gentlemen , u laryo fur-
. iihhed room with alcove ; uowhoutewlthnll
modem eouveiilcncua ; wlthtn,5 blocks of P. O ,
Aililradtt K ( W lice. jL il-l
FOH IIUNT Nicely furnMirTl front parlor ,
112 ; Hlso loom for light housekeeping. No.
U'8 N. nth st. U2 it _ _
'IjlOlt HKNT Two furnished rmmii on "ft.
J.Mary's avenux , tr > goutlonu'n only ; six inln-
uteH1 wuli ; ot biHlnc.4 center. HofiTimioie.
iinliuiL Inquire ut store , 2i t and 212 S. ISth ut.
_ KVi
" "
' . ' [ liuropean hotel , cor. IJtli and
lloilye ; special rate by wc ur month.
' '
FOH HUNT -Two lurnfs'ho'l front rooms , all
convtmlmict's. I'rlvatg ' tnmlly. Hi r'o. z5th
St. , between Hedge uuUruniam. _
TpUHMSU KU front room 32:1 : N 17th ut.
TfjlOltHKNT 'I wo nicely fnrtil. _ ud roomi . op
J-1 ply Sti N Wtll ut. _ _ UU4- _
G NU InriiUUeil room for onu or two
men. l'rlv to family. 211 1'arnam st. a.V'1
R OOM with or wltnoiit LxjArd _ ]'e.
KOOM und Iwiaul cheap , for two , in private
famll ) ; 22US Hurt strict. 1 17-7
( ) li HRNT-VuriiUhed fiont room * . 1SI6
Holgo atrret. iSJi-o'iJ
OM { l.irr and one small front room , ground
llruir ; uliu two slipping rooim abovu ; pleas.
nnt , locatlou cjr.tral , un motor ; Sil N , Iftn , cor.
Hint , _ jr 4
VKWiiV ( uruUhed rooim and board : finest
- . > lo.-mlnii lovtty ; ll mod ru
f \ GOD room with bath. 619 a 26th st , 858
NH'UI.V furnished room , all convenience's 315
N.17th. 460 O 18
fnrnlshefl rooms with bath and
ELKOANT Howard st 517
T7HJ11N131IED rooms and board 3823 Chicago.
JL3 rm.iom
TT10H URNT-Jl unfurnished roomssultablo for
JP housekeeping , 208 N. 13th st. ? ! _ _
O AND 8 nnfnrnlahetl room * . KM 8. nth ( it. .
O between Jacsson and Lenveiiworth. 15 ! > Gt
THOU JlKNT Unfurnished rooms gnltnbio for
JO housekeeping , conveniently located. Hutt's
Renting agency , 1300 1'nrnam. 6TRo'Al
TT'Oll HENT The flnost olllco room In Omnhn ;
-C ? Rood light , coed ventilation nnd line vnults ;
will sell unoxplri lease cheap. Lombard In
vestment Co. , 300 S 13lh . S.M 8
FOHHKNTatoro ( Sth October ) , for hard-
ultra , butcher , confectionery. shoes ; un
main st Knqulro 1923 Sherman nro. 211 Oj
FIt ( HUNT-One half ot store No. Zir , South
loth , Hoyd'n opera house block , suitable for
coal olllcc or nlmllar business. ISO-Jit
Oil HKNT Store , 1111 Fftrnara St. , 20 by 13 8
feat , 2 utorlesnnd collar , Nntnan Shelton ,
1014 t'urnnm st. N" > n
FlIO KKNT Desirable warobouso room enL
-L track. Apply to C. W. Koltli , 7U I'nclllo st.
THOU HENT The 4-story brick building with
JU or without power , formerly occupied by The
lleo Publishing Co. . 16 Karnani st. Tne butld-
1ns 1ms n llro-proot cemented biisimont , com
plete steam-heating llxtures , water on nil the
tloors , gas. etc. Apply nt the onico ot The lice.
T71QH HUNT After Oct. 1 , flnn trout office.
JL ground lluor ; nlate class window ; heat nnd
light furnlsnod : a most dc.slrablo location for
any kind ot business ; rent reasonable , Inquire
Omaha Ice Co. , ,110 So. Ijtti st. 9
O NI ! hundred-foot store K block from P.O.
Flomlmt , Hth end Douglas. _ 212 O13
"fpOiritllNT Throe-story brick building , 1110
JL ? Douglas st. . PUltablo for wholesale or ware-
housa. Ohas. Kaufmanu , 1304 Douglas street.
IJTOIl UKNT Uxsemont 40 by 00 ft , heated by
. Menm. Kniulro | J. Nngl , 01S So. 13th st.
TF YOU wish to soil Omnha property , and will
J-mako saleable figures , we can furnish cus
tomers , Ilutculuson. & Wead , 1521 Douglas st.
Kfl 0
TP yon wUh to rent your homes quickly list
JLthem nt room 6,119 N. I0th st. 100
D H.JI AHY Strong , cor. Sannders nnd Casslus
Kountzo place. Telephone Uil. ! S17 n3t
I W 11,1. winter horses on W , II. JUllnrd's
farm nt Cnlhoun , Neb. Itcnsonablo rates ,
care consldnrod. Orders can bo loft with \V. 1) ) .
Mlllard or mailed me atCalhouu. T.J.Fleming.
154 nl
MADAME Mack plves vapor baths , mncuetlo
and mnssaRO treatments. 1121 Uouclas St.
8a.m. to 10p.m. 170 7t
M1IIK banjo taught as an art by Ceo. KQollen-
JL beck. Apply at lice otllce. HJO
0 I ASH paid for household furniture , stoves.
Omaha Auctions Storuea Co. , 1121 Farnam.
A UCT1ON sales every Tuesday and Friday
-lAinormnt ; at 1121 Farnam. Omaha Auction &
Storage Co. 775
A NT1QUAHIAN HOOK Store. ItlB Farnam st.
-tx Cosh paid for second-baud books.
SCHOOIj of Expression , Vocal Articulate ,
I'automlnlc. 1. V. Anderson , tjheoly block.
LOUIS Wlneberg dress and cloak" maker ;
plush cloaks to order and steamed : sealskin
cloaks repaired , all Kinds fur trimmings fur
nished. li u Capital ave. , repairing of all kind.
KKMAN lossonri-JIr. Horndrtick. oiBco
Fruehauf's boot store. 255 o3J
T OST Pocketbook , In or near pastolice ; con
JLJ talus keyp. some change and memornuda
Finder will please leave pqeketbook and keys
at the Hoe olllce ; keep money as reward.
! 2ii0.rt
_ _ _ _ _
LOST 1 ) iamond rln'R on Farnam between
12th and 20th st. . Finder please return to
II Si Alnrtlu , care of C B Haymond's and receive
reward. 218-5 *
STUAYEDor ctolcn From 215 Hamilton st ,
on the nleht of the "nth of September , one
dark barrel mare , weighing 10 , " > 0 to 1100 pounds.
K years old. in Rood condition , A. Hou-ior.
Heturn and receive reward. 174 8
LOST At doDot , a black French poodle do ,
clipped to look like a lion ; answers to tlio
name of Howdy : the Under will please return
him to 13ir Douglas st , , where a suitable reward
will bo paid. 21tl fit
STHAYHIJ I hav iu my possession a stray
cow. S. 1) . I'luo , cor. Georgia uve. nnd Ktl
Crelghton St. 228 K
PEHSONAL J will pay for information of the
whereabouts of .loan Cllendcnuln of of John
Ij. Flslc. or of .ludson II. Dudley , who were In
these pnrti In 1S.)7 , S. fc. Price , jr. , room 411 ,
First Nat 1 lUnfc , 1JI8
Yj > n\VAHI ) Andrews will llud ms daiiRiiter at
JCJ1703 Corby street , Omaha. .Molllu Andrews.
GENTIiKMKN , It you deslie a wire or a lively
correspondent , sana your address to the
American Corresponding Club , Hoz Olll. Olarks-
buig , W. Va. 2 IB oUj
WANTED 2 or 3 good horses , for cash and
clear Omaha property. A. P. Tukey , N. Y.
Llfajnilldlng. 222
- desk. Call t room 411
Shoeley block. 1HK1 *
T/irANTKD-Oood / oince dosk. Call at Hutcn-
V > inson & Wcad's olllce. 15'il Douglas.ins
ins 4 ?
W ANT15D ( iood horse and buggy. J. D.
/Ittlo. 110 Paxton block. 17 ! )
To buy u good folding bed ; * ti ta
kind and price nnd where it can bo seen.
Address 10-Uii. Hoe olllce. 1 IO-3 _
/1ASH for furiiltuio , carpet1) , stovos. general
V-'mdse. ' Wells1 Auctlon&SlorugeCoil7H. : 13th.
lie on
FOH HKNT Store room In Hoyd opera hoiiso
building. Enquire American Savlngs.Hank.
QTOHAOK lit low rates at 11.1 Farnam Htrcet.
VJOmaha Aiietlonjtnd Storage Co. Hi-i
STOUAUli and forwarding. Wo collect nnd de
liver goods of all description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage at cheapest rates for
utor&go for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to be had at shortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded unu unloaded.
Warehouse tin our own tracks. S lull
St. TelophDim 111. llouull A : Co. f&S
rnilACICAOK storage at lowest rates. W. M.
J-Hushmuu. l.'lll Leaveuworth. Ml
TO HACK Clean , diy , and reasonable rates.
S1 Wells' Storage & Auction Co , 317 B. 13tn st.
DIt. NAwNH ! V. Warren , clairvoyant , medi
cal und business inadium , 1'cmaie diseases
aspfclalty. HUNIfltnst. , rooms2 and U. (65 (
T\ritS. l.'ales , the f.inious foituno teller nnd
-til clairvoyant : business , love , iiiurrluge und
channel. C07 S IJth st , next door to Ilaricor hotel.
Ull 7t
MAI\Mi ) : Wellington , worid-rcnowuej n-
trnloglstt , test medium nud iler > tlny reader ,
just from Europe , Toils your life from Urn
cradle to tlto grave , reunltw ] the separated ,
ratises spofly inarrirgo w 1th the one you love ,
locates dheasa and tenits with maiissgn and
cluctilo baths. All In trouble should not fall to
roi ; nlt this glttod seorrtjd. Parlor 0 , tiimtulrt ) .
417S , llth ; ollli-u hour , from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m.
U12 it
TTIOHTUNU 'lellor Mrs. Lenorman can be
Jj consulted ou all ntralrn of lite. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. .No. ; I1U N. l&tn fat. HU o ) '
QTAND.VHD Snorthand Si-hool. Paxton blk. .
r3snressor ( to Valentine a ) tlio largest oxcm-
slve hnorthund school ia thiv en. Teach era
urn venmtlm reporUrs. PnrtlcuUr attention
paidtotypewrltlnt. . Moctmnlcal coniitniction
of machine taugnt by factory expert. Circular *
_ _ _ _ _ Rd
\VIII'rrLtSiyra : ahorthand and typewrit
t ' Ing achool. Darker bloc. : . Day and ovon-
.t per month , _ 1I-O ; >
Foil SALK Flro nnd
Chicago Sofa aud I ck Co'a make. Size of
earner > xlH Inetn's. Una doiiblu Inside and out-
Hide iloorx , and blenl cheat has uombluullon
lock. Hume m onouti'du uours. Only bcou lined
bliort lime. Will hull at H great bargaiu. ( 'Mil
utiooui I , Union block , n. > v , cor. i.thand rar-
iiain , i ty. _ _ _ _ _ gU7
T7VJH ' WALK Nlcihorte ; Kootl driver ; cni-an.
JA. . P.U'ukev. N. V. Ilf. > riulldln. . JU
TTIOU SALTS Work tesm.VAiron and Imrnoss ,
A' slnglnhorje. harness knrt carrlaRew KOni.
2 aeta h vjr narnosS-Xfet will exchange for
brick. J. J. WllklnsotvUiT Farnam. SBI
IilOll 8A1.K A H5.b.orsatv > xvnr Porter engine
1 lacoad condition. . u'tlght C.lOJponnds eyl-
Indrr llxtn. For particulars npply to l"he Hc
ofTlce. > 798
_ _
iroll SAIiK Klght 481. hand'Oiuo tliorough.
J ? brrrt Shntlftnd ponUs. Addresa P. O. Letts ,
Marsh-ltown. la. . . _ via 13
EOR SAI.n-Good ntmlly horsp. buggy and
harnn . I'rlcaHlft-litfttijre ISiakltfth. SliO *
A lot ortiw "shelving nt a'bar-
- : gain. Muntbo sold. ' J. II. Parrotto , rental
agency , room 21 1)ougiaa.blockKiOi2 : _
-fjlOU BAlili A T quantity bulfdlng Rtouo.
JL ? Apply to tha superintendent lleo building.
17OR BALE R good heating stoves at U actual
-L1 co t. 011 8. llth. nnd viaduct , Canlleld Mac *
UfACtltrltlR Co. ' 105 C
f7Ull 8AL1J A new hllllnrd table and outfit
JL1 complete ; best make , llrunntvlcV-HMko : a
good bargain : can De l > oughtou time. Inquire
at roe moll llrown block , ICth and Douglas .it.
TlinANcTonafantoo & Trust CaTN7v. Llt
bldg , comnlete abstractsfurnlHhvd and titles
to real estate examinedperfected ft guaranteed.
BUILDING loans wanted on brick business
or residence blocks. fHvornblo terms nnd
rates. KItnball , Cnamp k llyan , 120 % 1'nrnani.
MONHV to loan on city property and farm
lands at lowest rates. J. D. Zlttle , 430 Paxton -
ton block. in
UVS'IXJNK Jlorlgnge Co.-I.oans of S10 to
$1OJO ; gotour rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on hoiscs , furniture , or any
approved hecurlty , without publicity ; notes
bought : for now loan , renewal of old. nnd low
est lates.cull H20SSlicccy ! blk,15th & lloward at.
OJMi.CWJ to loan at G per cent. Llnaaan & Jla-
Phonoy. loom 6QJ I'axton block. 870
MONHYto loan on furniture , horseswagon * ! ,
etn. . or on any approved security J. W.
Ilobblns , 111114 Parnam street. I'axton hotel.
MON1JY" to loan on any security
tor short time at low
rates. Lowest rates
ou personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment company ,
room 400 Paxtou block. 872
U1LDINO loans. D. V. Bholes , 210 First
National bant. 8TJ
o LOAN A few thousand Insldounlra-
f < vr A4V < 41 il. iUTT VttW on -
JL proved city property ur good "d mortga
paper. Address J 60 , H oo onico. 2CU
" 171IH8T mortgage lonns at low rates and no
JL1 delay , i ) , V. Sholes , 210 First National bank.
LOANS made on rent estate nnd mortgages
bought. Louis S. HccdJc Co. r.l'J , board trade
MON1J\ loan on horses , wngons , mules ,
household noads , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllco in
the city. Makes loans from thirty to three hun
dred and Rlxty-llvo days , which cim bo paid In
part or whole nt any tlrtie. thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest. Call ana see us when
you want inonoy. We pan assist yon promptly
nnd to your ndvantnyo without removal of
property or publicity. 'Money nlways on hand.
No delayln mnkmfr loSn's. O. F. Heed & Co. ,
31B S. lilth st. . over lllngham & Sona , 875
MONKYtolonu. O. V./Davis Co. . real estate
nnd loan agenta. 1501'1'urnam st. 870
\\l ANTKK First-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sue us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1&04 Farnara. 877
MONKY loaned tonyj. COorTO days , on any
kind ot chattel security : reasonable inter
est ; contldentlal. J. JsWllklnson , , 1417Farnnm
. ' , 87S
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting jnv rates , which are the low
est on any sum from * tt' < > , $10,000.
I make loans on household good * , pianos , or-
u-ans , horsemulos , wa'RoaVwarehouse receipts ,
hollies , lenses , etc. . Inwiy amount at the lowest
possible rates , wlthout.nublicity , or removal of
property. , ,
Loans cnn be made for , one to slx months nnd
youinupay part at nny Unto , reducing both
principal mid interest ; ) U youowe a balance on
\onriumltura or horsoH or have a loan on
thorn , 1 will take It up nud carry it for you as
long us you desire.
II you ueod money vou will find It to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
II. F. Musters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. Kith
ami Ilarnoy. t70
MONKY to loan at low rate's nnd no delay.
Capital and surplus 81.800,000. Lombard
Investment Co. , 309S Kithst , 880
EKSIDENCK loans Gi ! to 7 per cent ; no ad
ditional charges tor commissions or attor
ney's fees. W. il. Mclkle , Nat bank bldg.
SEP. Sholes. room 210 First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans : 873
MONKY to loan on real estate security at
lowest ratos. Bo fore negotiating lonns see
Wallace , HU10 Hrowu bldg. Ititli nnd Douglas.
nnd Vnrnam. 883
MONKY to loan : cash on hand : no delay. J.
W. Squire. 121U I'arnam St. , Kirst National
bank building. 8&4
MONKY to loan on city or farm property.
Goo. J. Paul. 1COO itaruam st. btu
' on furniture , horses and
wngons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. Mill si. , opposite Mlllard hotel. 880
CA Wort. Loan Co. will make you a
- - loun on household goods ,
horses , wngons ,
laud contract ! ,
flne Jewelry , or securities ot any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
llootn" , Howley block , South Omaha.
Hooms C18-510 , 1'axton block- , Omaha , Neb ,
PHILADELPHIA Mortgaged Trust Co. fur-
J. nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
utthulr western olllco. Ueorgo W. P. Coatcs ,
room 7 , lloard ot Trade. 883
"OEFOHK making chattel or collateral loans ,
JJit will pay you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. , room 14' , Hoe building. 380
T OANH on chnttol and collateral securlty.spe-
J-/clal rate < this week. Hawkeyi ) Investment
Co. , H. M , Douglas blX , 10th and Dodge xts.
Toe-OS !
M ONI'V loaned on chattel eecuritles and
.Jewelry. ! HooiiHll.Sheeleyblk. F.ILJerome.
015 o Xtt
LOANS City ana farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought. McCaguo Investment ( Jo. h30
CHATTLI ! losns , strictly coiilldentlal. M. L
Hall , IU Continental block. 7iJ Ol
O Chattel Loan Co. , Hoom 42 , Ilarker
uloclr. Money at lowest , rate. 713 o 21
T National safety diiroslt vaults. Safes
to ri-nt $ .5 to ii a yciu } , 3J7 B. 13tb. aw
TjlOH HALT. Or trada well ostabllshed book
-L1 and btatlonery store ; 'illox MB'I
TTiOH 8ALK-A prlvufd'bank with its business
J. in a live town , No'oclier bank In the place.
Uood reasons lor selling , t Address , L 5 , lire.
* * - * *
IfOlt tAL13-A building aultable ror store
J- and r Hldcnce conibinud ; a good location for
a good doctor and a mnall stock oftlru' . Ad-
drosii li , Oinahi llee. 211 Pt '
TCOH BALK rint-vlass basory , ronfoctlon-
Jory and re taurant iij'A 1 locution and doing
CnodbiiHluPSH. I'.estauMnt lias a good patron-
ngefrum iiiljolnlng hue ) , ( iood n.asonn lor
Bellliib' , A ulu. luiiltlre. 018 N 10th st.
* 'f aoo-nt
HALK-At Iianlcp ; lar hotel , Lilly
1 range iu rtno condntmi ; 3mall safe ; ollice
turultiir ; Hue lot ol kitchen and table fiuni.
lure , Hllverwaro , etc. Iniiulre at Olobn hotel ,
liili Douglas. iu !
"IOH SA LI' The controlling intercut in nstat
-L1 bunk , located In a good town In ensteru Ne
braska ; b.tnk is making money ; only bunk In
to-viij ubout WJM ) required. Address Home
Investment Co. , Omitlia , Neb. 158 8
"iroit 8ALK Hutcjicr business In good town ;
- * - kill from 4 lee beeves per M'cek ; also veal ,
mutton nnd pork , in proportion ; will null or
rent cheap , Address M. II. llegartr , Nsola. I a.
_ _ _
"ITlORHKN'T-Hotel in live railroad town in
soiHliwestern Iowa , entirely furnished ; only
hot l In place and dolnifii IlMt-closi business ,
Address , Mrs , 1 _ FUzatmmous , Sidney , Iowa.
_ _ _ fop 4
( J A LOON must be sold at a x.crlRce vrltliln
> - - ' two wreka ; good location and Imslnes-i ;
rnoderiito icnt. Ktlkouny , room in , Contlnen-
tal blo > _ . oiB-fit
HUNT lletitinrant ; with bakery inbuss.
- nipniand roonm uuovr. Ddth rooms , dining
room to eut lee , new bi ick building , parties own-
lnv.ltlsh to go out of biiylueiu ; party inun be
{ Von lble. For particulars uddresa (1. W.
liltuv.iU'jru - K u ii iri 4 < < . iuiniut
$ ( V' < 0 will buy irnosl elfcant meftt market
Tor particulars ennulra WN f nndcrs nl ,
_ _ _ _ „
'TAKKllf foriiula : bcstlocatlan In city ! rtolnR
-l > splMidlrt counter trades good reasons for
Mlllnc ; will sell very ch ap. Apply nt 1713
Nicholas utrett , Omnnn. IftVtj
SxLV. or excliangnAn lc cream and
oyster parlor : good location. II , It. Hall ,
room 4'J. Harker tilock. 711-1
71011 BALE-t-c-io nnd furniture of tha Depot -
- ' pot Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , nt n barp ln , A
coed chaucn for th right man. Address , I > -
pot Hotel , LincolnNeb. . . CS3
TT1OH BALE A Rood paying grocery ntor In
JL1 Lincoln. Terms , halt rash , Per particulars
nddross H , Doe onice. Lincoln , Nob.
087 ) 2t
TTIOH KXCIIANOK-Vor any klml ot goofl
- * - ' property , n grain clevfltor In ono of the best
towns In Iowa , situated In the heart ot a tine
agricultural country. Present owner is not n
grain man. nnd has other business. A rare
clmnco for a practical man. Also , live thousand
acres of Una limber land In northern Tennei-
sce , Hoom Jl , Unnmbcr of Commerce. Tel , UtO.
\VANTI3D-To trad * , gilt-edged property
' > and cash tor a , small liotal In a llvo No-
btaska town , llcom II , Chamber ot Commerce ,
Tel. 1440. 21(1 (
TTiOll F.XCHANOn-10 norM adjoining South
J- ' Omaha for 'Texas lands. Address li II , Hoe.
217 4J
$4,000 stock ot general merchandise , Y cnTiI
bal , clear hind or cattle ( feeders ) or notes.
Address J. 11. llatclllT. Central City , Nob.
$1,910 ( twelve hundred ) cnsh nnd Omaha prop
erty to exchange for u general merchandise
store anywhere. Address ) Hoc -.C , Alton , In.
213 4 ?
TT10H iXCHANOr.-An : elegant tract of land
J.1 containing 120 acres In Antelope couaty ,
Neb , , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter section in Hand county , Dakota ,
pnrtlv Improved ,
Klglity acres near Council Hinds , la ,
House nnd lot on 8. Mth st.
Large amount ot OH Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
properly or the erection of Rome houses. uor > .
.i.Stcnlsdorir.Klrst National bank bulldlng.)70 ; )
I/UKTV head of good cattle ana 1,850 equity in
-D an Improved lowalarm fora stock ot mer
chandise. Hoi 23. Central City , Neb.242C
242-C *
WANTED To exctianco dry goods notions
anil millinery goods for clear land or city
property and part cash. Address box 47U
Frankfort , Ind. P0.5
BKNTAL property , Insldo , to oxchnnpo for
clear farms or vacant city lots. The < ! . v.
Hall , 3111'axton blocK. K.XJ
rfOKXCHANGE Good Omaha property to px-
JL change for stock of goods ; also some good
Nebraska , Iowa and KansaH farmi for stocks
of goods. 1) , It. Ball , room 42 , Uarkor block.
TTUHST mortgage paper , clear lots and per-
JL' gonal property to exchange for farm laud.
Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. Ifitn st ,
ion a
mo KXOH ANGE A1 Insldo Omaha property
JL for stock ( try goods. 1C GO Hoe. 117.0
fT > XCHANUi : for city property , two'good '
-ufartna Joining towns situated in Hurlan and
Grcely counties. Sleyer & Hnapke , 1405 liar-
ney st.
R11AL estate bargalni.
Huslncss corner 7ix07 ! , 20th and Vinton ,
Nice cottage and lot , a pretty homo. J3.200.
Klf > cant'new r ldonce. Just completed , mod
ern improvements , healthy and pleasant loca
tion , splendid neighborhood , 37.000.
Splendid brick block , two houses , all modern
conveniences , double floors throughout , fur
nace , bath , hot and cold water , high nnd
healthy location , tlrst-clnbi neighborhood , only
two blocks from now electric motor car line on
Park avu. : > can make special bargain if sold at
once ,
Choice ten-acre tract , West Omaha $ G.t.OO
Klegunt east front lot , llanscom place. . . . ; iMKl
Finest west front lot , llanscom piece 2.MO
Klvo acres close to bolt line 2,700
Corner , 120xlK ) , 7 blocks from courthouse 7.MCJ
Trackage. 2.50xtiOO , on llelc Line Hy 7fi'JO
Thirty acres Just outside city limltb 2iiOO (
Nice reslacnco lot. South Omaha 800
Hesldenco lot near 27tH und Hurney 3.1KH ]
Coal and Inmber vanl location on Ueltlly 0.0 0
(140 ( acred cbnfce Neb. fiirm land O.IXK )
Klugunt fi-ncre tract 2,600
Splendid location for homo und poultryyd 4r03
Httslnoss lot near depot , Soutli Omaha. . . . 2,600
Lot 0 block l > . South Omaha 2,000
Corner , NKISO , 24th and It fits. S Omaha. . 4 , ( 3
Hesldence lot near 2 ) th and Vinton BIO
Corner , south front on Hunscom Park . . . 7,500
( Jorner , 100 foot,31bt und Poppletou avo. . 7fiOO
Ten acres with house and barn , bargain. . 7MT )
lleildflnce block.pays 8 per cent on J18.000. lli.r,00
Call and see the bargains wo offer. Houses ,
cottages nnd stores for rent. George N. Hicks.
New York Lite building. 170 0
TTlOll BALE - fho motor will run to Omaha
J.J View in a few weeks and lots are v.xluod
from fanntoifl.KijO. Wo nave on lot that cnn
bo sold for SfioU , nicely on grade and surrounded
by newly built houses and close to motor.
Terms easy if taken at once. Apply to Ne
braska Settling & Supply Co. , room U , board of
trade. iM-VlS
1710irsAIiB nil. ' ! ) acres , sec. 0 , tp. 12 , r. 0 w. ,
JL1 Hamilton county. Neb. House , staolo , 300
acres fenced , living water. Prlco $0,000 , K K
Atklnsowuei-rallrond bldg. , Denver , Col. 8ll !
TilOH BALK 9-rooni house , barn ana lot ,
-L1 Hunscom Place , ut a bargain. Harris , room
411,1st Nat. Hank. ' s 3
HOUSK and large lot facing 3 sts. valued nt
Jl.VOOO. for merchandise.
21th st. house and lot for good building site
In nest part of city.
Hutchlusou& Wend , 1521 Douglas st.
2 0 0
8xl. > ' 2 , Kurimni aud.'ll.t ; nplondld liive.stment ;
S150 per foot. Stringer & Penny , Douglas
block. tuTs
HOOM cottage nnd lot , 1U miles from P. 0.
for sale. Jl.COJ , easy payments , good location.
II. C. Patterson , f-18 N" . V. Lite. 7SO 6
TTIOH BALE On longtime and easy payments ,
A1 handsome , now , well-built houses of H.n.and
10 rooms. All convcnm ices , good neighbor
hood ; paved streets , street cars , and within
walking distance ot P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1 14
Varnam street. goo
' OHNKItcMots ) , 2''d and L fct. , South Omaha
( lo B than $ .500 ca.h ) , $ l)00. : )
Windsor Place , corner. J 1,050.
Hnnscoin Place , rast front , t.77i. !
Hanscom 1'lace. west front , (1,050.
Walnut Hill , line lot near motor , $1,230.
House and lot 1 inilo trom P. O. , JI.300.
Hutchinson & Wead , U > 21 Douglas tt.
2 J 0
flOH bALD < lncasy tcmiH :
1 Lots -M and 21 , block 6 W Cumlng. each tsoo.
A double corner on : . ) and Ilmrnet sts. , 110
feet on 30th and 100 on Emmet , WOO.
Lot II , block 3 , W. Cumlngwlth3-room bouse ,
iotfj0xlir > . Jl.liH.
.New 7-ioom house , lot 50x127 , near motor line
on Ames ave , , $ I , J > .
7-room houiu nud lot on N. 20th st. , J.'I.OOO.
B-room house und lot on N.2Jd ut. , near Cali
fornia. W.HJO.
Otto Lobcck , II. 18 , Glmmbor of Commerce.
io : ;
_ _
A OKI ! property on licit Hue in Spring ValFey ,
adjoining city , J.5JO to tnu per acre ; will
double in value in 2 years ; on ciisy terms. I , on
in Lobeck mib. of Spring Valley , 200 ; also acre
lot. In Holumon'B addition at from foJM to
JfiflO per aero. Otto Ixibeck , room IH. Cnamber
fTUNK residences In Ifonnt/.o Place , llanicom
X' Place and other parts of the town , for Mile
on tht ! of easy terms. Stringer & Penny ,
Dongliis J'lock. , ttiw
1 ACHE , cor. California and 3Jd ; : price f 12,000
Stringer \ Penny , Douglas block. WIJ-B
TfOH SALH-Sonth Omaha ,
-L > Douhlo coiner , lots 11 and U , block 31 , on
27th Kt.
laJ'cl.-jO feet ( or 3 lots Wxl20 each ) , J..IOO.
Lots 2 and 4 , block 4 , each * m
Lot 4 bloc * 10 , on 2.ith St. , 91,200.
Lot 4 block 1:1 : , on 2Uih at. . $ Iot' ' .
TliL'sn ure bargain , aud now U the time to
buy. Cull on Otto Lobock , room 18 , Chamber
ot Commerce. _ lllo
A" l-'INl ; farm , 40 miles north , to cxi'liange for
good Onmha nrop-rty ; DIM N. V.l.Uo. _ _ llb-jij
WAKiup : und rllmb ontothU b.irgntn , 9
room new hoiMp.furnaci'.gas. bath.hutand
rold water , line miintul. electric wires for light
ing , lot Mix IV. H block of Dr. Mercer's m- !
ilrnrn and motor , elegant for the mousy ; $ | , mi )
rntili , bal. to suit at six per cent : uext ; 1) . V.
Mioles. 21U iHJt riot , bgilk. _ T3 _ 777
IRJjxHO feet north , east and outll frontano on
Kurnnin nrar Ixiwo avenue ; cheap forcaxh ,
Strln erir Penny , Douglas block. _ _ _
/1AN sell you coed lots n low lisflj ) and liuvo
V/ residence properties for 1 1. 100 on tasylarma.
Stringer It Penny. Douglas block. tcft-l
17\H \ ( SAU > yToriiT're7'iuiid In Nebruiko :
Jv Wixliu toot lots S. nth at. at a Nacrlllclm ;
pi Ice. Inquire 1112 H. UtU. Geo. It. Peterson.
_ _ CIS O2l _
S.V A P Will sell one south front lot in Ixi we
Avenue Hulldint ; BS-oclallnn. at a Haciillco ,
if sold in uext Mf len l tnyn. Nat M. llrlgham ,
10 , Conllnenlul building. _ 'J7I 0
" "
"OOU BALK Now ; eu nt room liouse"iiir
X ? modern convenience * . < * .vit front. In ttm bust
residence locality Iu OiiMlm ; will sell cheai > .
ilrcnnan & Co. , room 3 , Cliambor ot Cummeri'o.
_ J _ 17& UU _
SO'MK actual bargixliu in Omaha property ,
consisting of houses und lot * and vacant
lots. ThU U nut tu ciitch you but fetch you.
Jl , It. Hull , room fs , lUrlcor bloct , _ 711-4 _
OBMic'r J feet on Dodge ana -etn ; eaby term * to
> rorpouMlilo Uulldur.
Oixl.TJfvet on Dodge between 1.5th and IHth ; K
bargain. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block.
TTOU 8AMt-R.ttXX-S30.ncre stock farm la
J llrown Co. , Neb. "Vor p rtlcnl r writ * t
Ilex 170. AlnnworthjNcl > . _ W3 OJ9
Wl ? will build the honso to null jotl and dell
It on monthly ptyments. Stringer *
1'enny , Douglas block. _ tftuit
/"lOMKurunafne down to Sholes onice , 210
VJlnt Nnt'Uinnk building , nnd buy nnost east
front lotonU-M and Poppleton ave. . llonscom
place for M.60 ; ) . WO cnsli , balance 5 years , n per
cent. "Ote whlzz.-but ain't tnls cheiipl"
221 6
"n OU BAIili-Or rent , now 6-room rottogs
J. ' near street car line. Address I , 7 , I tec.
HUM US on mommy payments. I have "till
1.5 lots for nalo In Aldlno miilarn , on which
I will build homes to suit purchasers , ana take
payment monthly , quarterly , or yearly. Aldln *
Orrtio urect , ono MOCK from the
motor linn nnd two blocks from the cable , and
by cither line you ran start from tlio postomce
nnd get there in 10 minutes , it has all mlvnn *
tage-s of water , ewer , ifas , pavements , etc. ,
nnd the terms are the enslesl ov r olTored In
this city. 1 have ulso 10 lots on Cats ntroct. bn-
tween 2.5th nnd 2lth ( streets , which t will sell on
name terms. ( Mil and examine pinna of lion JPS
etc. D. J. O'Donahoe , 1001 Farnnm st , fill
HANs < COM pTsi'u lot forVa'io very rnnp for
caxh , lot 15 bloct 7 , Wxl.V ) . Adaress P , P.O.
_ _
In AVi : some llrst cl s ftntal property for
? nl clieap vrlthlu one mile of iiosiolllco , on
paved atrouU and motor Hue. Thos , 1' . Hall ,
Oil Paxton block. Ha
GOxlCJ feet , 2.'d and Paul , at KU per foot.
Stringer A Petmy , Uoughw block. KJK5
TillVKfi-roomhousoMiow , batnroom , rlstern ,
JU city water , halt blocc trom Motor line ; Iu
po : rent cash , balance monthly ; sale subject to
short time No'o , Mortgage l < oan Con
room fil'J Paxton block. P2S _
IIOTKU-Cornor of 10th and
LicksoiiHts. , U blocks from Union depot ,
Ilcst $2 a day housejn the city. M'7 '
HOTKli WOLI.Y 720 S. 14th St. Furnlsncd
room nud board H per week. John tt'olly ,
proprietor. 14U St
Omahn , Not ) . , October 1. issiv Sealed pi o-
posalH. Ill triplicate , will bo received hoio
until two o'clock p. m. , rontml time , October
21st , ISSP , and then opened for construction of
one brick storehouse nt mmrtoimastor's
Depot In tills city. U.S.ioserves right to reject
tiny or nil bids. I'ltll information lurnlshod on
application to this o'.llce , whcio plans and
Bpcclllcntlons nt the building can bo neon. Kn-
vi-lopes containing propo > aH Hho.ild be marked
"Proposals for Hrlck .Storehouse , " and addres
sed to WM. H. HUOIIKS , Lieutenant Colonel
nnd Deputy Quartermaster General , U. S. A. ,
Chief Quartermaster. O 4 d 411718.
Nutlet ? .
Matter of application ot the Western Cold
Storage Co. '
Notice Is hereby given that the Western Cold
Storage Co. , dldtlpontho24thdayof September ,
A. D. 1S8U , tile tntlr application totho board ot
nro and police commissioner ! ) of Omaha , for
permission to remove their liquor license and
Saloon from 1002 Capitol Avenue , to rear of No.
14 9 Douglas Street , same Ward , Omaha , Neb.
If there be no objection , remonstrance or pro
test llled within two weeks from Sent.2 tu. A.D.
IBt'J , the said license will bo granted.
WUSTKKN Cor.ti SIOHAOI : Co. Applicants.
, YOltfGE < fcCO.
7 1 5 WASHINGTON Avt. ST. Louis , Mo.
Hnnnlng between Council IllniTu unrt Al <
brlulit , in uddlilon to thu Btatlomi mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentlatli nd Twenty-fourth
jUets , and at the Bimiiiilt In Omuhu.
ilroadfrans - Omaha ( South | Al-
way. fer. depot. y.'Jiufth ' orlghu
A. M. A.M. A.M. A. M.
fi(5 : 6M : 0:00 : Ollrt
: 6:17 : 0n : : 0K : ) a-jji
6:10 : 6:17 : 7X : ( ) 7:07 : 7:20 : 7:2Ti :
7:4 , '
7:45 : 8:06 M12 ;
B.35 8:42 : V.OI
8:03 : :05 : UI2 ; 0:25 : 9'M ;
9vi : : 0:1. : 0M : 10:00 :
9:16 : 0:52 10:110 : 10:12 : 10 fl5 10UI :
104.5 ; 10:52 11:0 } 11U2 11:20 : iiw : ;
ll:4 : U:5S P.M. P.M. P. M. P. M.
P. M. P. JL KM 12:12 : 12 : ' V-M
12:46 : 1:05 : 1:12 : 1:25 : iso : :
1:45 : 2:0.5 : 2iz ; 223 ; 2f)0 : )
2:42 : HW ; >
3:12 : B-M
3:57 : 4:10 : 4:1& :
3L5 : 1:16 : 4:12 : 4:25 : 4ac :
taa 4:57 : & : IO
4is : 4:52 6:0-3 : 6:12 : r:2K :
B.-U5 0:12 : B26 ;
7:03 : 7:1 : * 7:25 : 7sO : :
7U ; > 7:52 : :03 : 8:12 : B25 ; * : W
8:16 : 0:0 : > 5 < ) : l- W25 ; V'M
:45 : 9:63 : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:2.5 : WM
11:0) n.frr r Ilr-Ul 11:51 13:01 :
lr } l(5f : (
I3Wl ; li'iOj * UI.U tint ,
TNSTluniKNxa pu 84 on r x > rJ uunnx
U0 Colll9 to 0 H Slinw , lotaT and S , blk2.
Isano A Sciden'.i mid , w d V tMQ
WmCrombtannd wlfu to tf w WoMelK
Iqlii , blk ] , taYttaPlace.vril l , 0
0 M Kendall nnd wife to Dan'l Kendall , n
M lot n , bile 7 , K n'lAll's add , q o a. . . . . 700
A Saundew nnd wife to P Webvrg , n JJ
lot 1.1'rankhnsiiimru , wd , . , . , , L87J
O ALlndnurfltot nl lo W Krlckioii. lou
2and 2.1 , bles , Ho < e IHH. wd 630
W II Austin and wife to J 11 farse. lot 17 ,
blk2 , KodlcK'spirfc , w-d. . . . ,
W II Austin nud wife to.l II Carj , lot S ,
blka. Hitchcock lt add. wd 1.000
J H Came nnd u If o lo Nebraska MortgAge lot x , bin a , Hitcncock's 1st
urtil , iv il , . ! los
Q A Llndquo < tnndvlfc to A J Smith , lots >
14 nnd 1& , bit 7 , Hose Illll. Wd 1,000
A J Smith to O A Lindqilvst , lots 10 nud
lfl.blkis Hnse IIHUaort 1
IS M btnnuorg nna wife to tl A Llnqnost , o
lots in KOJP Hill , wd ' XGOJ
Albright Intnl.v Lot Co to T r and T
.lotteries.lot5. blk I , nnd lot ,8111k , _ , Jet-
ferles'rcplat , wit > , 2i > l
W 11 Later ct nl to K J tey , lot 81 , ( Irocn-
\ > oed add , q o d , . . . , . . . . . . ,
W II Alnxandor nudvlfn to J M Wulfo ,
. lots. 1st add to Lnkn View , tt'U.- . . . , 157
HM Patterson to VV HSagp , lot , 2 , 1)11 ) : 2 ,
Patterson' * Ut add to South Uiilnhn ,
wd , . . , , , ' WO
J II Parroltoamlwifo to .1 L Parrotto ,
lotslMUl2Sell > y Heights , pt lot 2. blk
0. PatrlcK'n 1st add and lot 10 , blk 1 ,
South Kxrnange Place , wil 4.3.50
BM liurr and huiHand to W 1C Patterson ,
lot22blkll.Slirlver Places wu. . . . . . . . UM
H S Clark niiil wlfu to II Kimkle , lot 1 , blk .
17. Orehaid Illll add , wd W.O
J tl IMckey to O S lleimott , pt lot ! 1 in r , 10-
. 13. nod 15
Patrick Land Co to llobcrt lleatty. liit ls .
10 and .11 , blk 1 lo , Dundao Place , w d. . . , ; t,7oO
H Ko.ml70 mid wlfu to G P Ulctx. lot 4 ,
bur. Ivountxo Place , \v tl I.TOO
li Koiintzo and \\Koto ( ] P Dictz , ' lot 3\ \
blk 7. Kmntn ( Place , w il , . . 2,2,50
J P Kay and wlfo to.l C t-ctzvr , lots * KM.
101. HU , U'H , 127 und 12-t , North Side add ,
nod. . I
C H Patterson to S A MoWhorter. lots 1
nmts , blk 1. West Side tultl Kn it.w d. , . . TOO
PWobofKtii L ItoilUiP , lot 11 , blk 10 ,
IllUhiwk'slst add. wit ROO
Rva Walker to W A Jlesslck , lot ft , blk 15 ,
Lowe's 1st add , w d l.TOS
II Konmroand wlfn to 8 Hrown , lot S ,
blk 12. ICount7o Place , w d l.CW
M A Allison to W C Noonan , lot 4 , blk la.
Highland Place.vd ' . 3.000
TAvi-nty-slx trnnstorj , aggregating. . . . $11.303
IlullCmi ; 1'flriatti.
The folloviuR 3r ntt wjro Uiul by
Uulldlug Inspector \Vliltlock vostorday :
W 1C Potter , cottngp. California VOO
Three minor permits l.iuo
Four permits , aggregating J3.100
or THE
Oinala National Bank
at Omaha , In the Slate ofN'rbiMski , nt the clbsa
of builuess ScptiWtli It > J.
discounts fit , 111,700 CO
Ov rdrafts.Becurod and tin
secured r'.KB 07
U. S. llouds to secure circn-
latlon C0.(0300 (
U. S. llouds to poturo du-
poslta 200.00000
Other storks , bonds , and
mortnncua iW.'JJl S8
Due from nppiovcd roservi ?
agents M $80.1,712 93
Due from other national
banks 2V.4M 15
Duo trom btato banks and
bankers 23VV72 71 l.SC.MS U
Heal estateI'urnlturcnnd
llxturcs I73t 5 yj
Current expense.- ) and laxes
paid S2PO
Premiums paid GO.OiO W
Checks and other cash
itoniH , . . ; 112,8in M
Kxcliiiuges for clemlnij j
housu TV.OII : ; o
Hills ot other banks. . . . 118-iJr OJ
I'rautlonal paper Curroncy.
illekleH und cents 1.C05 00 i
Spuclc golil mill bllver
coin nOI.KiB : ' '
I enl tender notes 25:1,401 : OJ l.OK.OU 21
Hedemptlon 1'niul with If.
S. Treasurer 1/5 / per cent.
ofclrculultoii ) 2,2i009
Duo from U. S. Treasurer
othet * than n pnr cent re
demption fund fiO.fOOOO
Total (1,1.18.51837 (
rnpitnlstock paid In. . . . f 1,000.000 00
Surplus fund - . 125.UU 00
rmmidcd i > rollts . 3.5.KJG 23
National Hunk note.s * , ' < !
outstanding. . 45.0JD 0)
Indlvlduitl deposit biib-
Jecttochccc . $ .M7.Sti : OJ
Demand ccrtlllcutcs of
deposit . 40.280 S3
Time certlHcatca of de
posit . , . 013.7:18 : 53
Ccitlllod checks . 8 , V > 7S
Cashier's chocks out-
stnndlmr . 13.8QJ 10
I'uited tjtiite * deposits. . 77,13123
IPlHsltB Of U. S. ill *
buihlliB unieerH . 139,460 33
Dim to other National
Hunks . 1K ! .073 69
Duo to Stnto Hanks nud
bankers . 897riL- B3-R3ig.8 i 13
Total..1 . ffl.i3rl4 37
Sr.vru oe NIIIH\RK.\ : , County of Douulas-ss. :
I , Win. Wallace- , Cashier ot the ubovo-namod
bank , do solemnly snuar that the above stnte-
ment IH true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. WM. WAM.ACK , Caihler.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 4th
day of Oct. lhW.
THANK G it AH AM , Notary 1'ubUo
,1. II. Mir.r , mi ) , )
A.V. . WVMAN. J-Dlrcctors ,
J. J. IlKOWN. )
Notion < > !
The firm of Hidden & Hlddcll has this day
been dlsxolred by mutual consent. Alluccounfj
duothollrmlf \ bn collected by HlddelKV Co. ,
and all bills payable mil bo buttled by Illddell
Omaha , Oct. 1st. 188 J. OMat
Illustration * ol'iS/itlonnl St
Mr. J. H. Dodge , tlio RliiListiuiun ol
tlio United States dopiirtinent ot tifiri-
uullurc , IIIIB just ) ) ubhsliud an album ot
: iirrlcultuntl statistics of the United.
Slutus. This ttlbuin consists of faixtecti
chnrts. prcBontliig grnphio illuhlrtitiona
of stutiiitlciil facts , preceded by dcBcrip-
live letter press. The busts of ciich is a
jimp of the United SuUos in outline ,
shov/iiiff Btato ntid torritoriiil bounda
ries , but iinoneumborod by imlicutiona
of inounlaiiiH , streams , cilies or towns.
Sovernl of tliom carry the idcii of pco-
firapliicul distribution , us. to the rola-
liyo nrca ol certain princitml
corcals in the Buvoral statoa.
dllVcrencos in rnto ot yield
of eoi'luin products , und the nvorafjo
prices of farm tin minis. The local dif
ferences tire first indicated by placing
stales in llvo groups , each having acor-
tuin cliango or clilTcroiitiatlon , ooch
grade being marked by u density of color
and a distinct peculiarity of mechani
cal drawing. To facilitate n closer com
parison than can boshownin llvoclasson ,
a scale is made in fiovorul of tlicso maps
with the average for the United States
IIK zero. The percentage of each Btiilo
above or bolovv this average is indicated ,
in llgurcs with the plus or minus prefix- .
Ono can thus BOO the o.xact relation of
each slate to the national avenue , and.
also li nil readily thu rolulion between
one blato and auolhor. On each map
there is a table giving thu llgurea
upon which the graphic delineation ia
_ _
An AbHoluto Cum.
Is cnly put up In liirgo txvo ourico tin boxes ,
and In mi absolute euro for old Horoa , burns ,
wouiulu , chapjioil luujcH , and nil slun erup.
tlons. Will ifultlviily euro all kinds of piles'
Asfc for the OIUUlNALj AIJIKnN'K 01NT-
MKNT. .Sold by ( Jooilinuri Umtf company at
per bow bv mail ISO coati.
There nro four stntuob to CJIirlstophop
Cohunbim in the United State' ! one iu
Haltimoro , ono in Now York , ono ia
Boston and ono in Kairinount
Allvlco to Afotliurx.
Mrs , Winblovv's Soothing Syrup
( should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , BOltons
tlio gums , allays all puins , euros wind
coli'j , und id tlio host romudy for dlur <
' lu iil