Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Dcllvaedljy carrier In anv pnrt of the City at
Twenty Cents per Week.
No. 42.
NlllllT HlHTOIt. NO. 88.
N. Y. 1 . Co.
Glcnson coal.
Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Moslem store , tlio lenders la dry goods.
Carbon Coal Co. , wholesale und rotuii. 10
Hen Wnro , charged with counterfeiting ,
1ms liccn released.
ICmio township wns not represented nt the
Ncol'n coiivorition.
Mltllncr.v oponlnn ixt Friedman's ' Monday
nnd Tuesday evenings.
The waterworks o\\co \ \ will l > o open this
evening until U o'clock.
Justlco Hnrnett will hear the Inrcony case
against Turner Tlnnell next Monday.
Since the new cement floor 1ms boon placed
In the calaboose , the cells nro easily drained.
The Hartoll-WItt damngo case continues
to occuny the attention of the district court.
Sccrolnry of Stnto Jackson will nddross
the republicans of this locality on the 10th.
The 1'ronty cnso will probably bo Hired at
tlio school board meeting next Tuesday oven-
Itcsldantn of Avenue A continue to clnmor
for relief from the deep gulches lu thor
ough fiiru.
Great preparations arc bolnp made for the
Schutzon-Vureln ball ut Masonic teuiplo on
the 10th.
Monday nnd Tuesday evenings there will
bo displayed the lute-it stj'lo of tnillinory a\
Uiphtliurla is flprendliifr , accordlne to the
cltvodlclali. Numerous notices to clean up
nro behift served.
Anoxv water pressure guaRO has been
placed in the collce nation ; In connection
With the flic pressure apparatus.
There will bo a mooting of the I * . 13. O. so
ciety this afternoon nt half past 2 o'clock at
the residence of Mrs. Horace Everett.
A gontlctmm in position to notice the nu
merous newcomers to the city , claims there
will bo 8,500 votes polled In Kuno township
next month.
Next week will bo n lively one in the dis
trict court. The criminal docxot will bo
tnlicn up. Thrco murder trials are booked
for u hearing.
Mrs. Mitchell has selected the finest nnd
latest styles in- pattern hats nnd bonnets ,
which will bo exhibited Monday nnU Tucs-
day evenings at Friedman's opening.
Diphtheria cards were ordered displayed
yesterday by the hoard of health at the resi
dence of George Hadloy , No. : t Lincoln av
enue , and L. L ) . Glbsnn , No. 800 on the same
The adjourned annual mooting of the fruit
growers and gardeners will bo held this
afternoon ut 2 o'clock at the court house1
Every ono interested should bo present.
Ofllccrs nro to be elected , etc. Important.
The paving of streets with brick In the
Fouith ward , under Contractor Miller , is
progressing rapidly. The work doncuppoars
substantial mid when completed the new
streets will Do by far the best drives in the
The work of ilillng In the rear of tlio lots
on Washington avenue , whore piling has
boon placed , to prevent further encroach
ment by the ci cult , is progressing rapidly.
The lots tire being extended . sumo thirty
J. II Pneohns secured a building permit
for a $15,00(1 ( two-story frame residence , -1J\70 ( ,
on lot 11 , block 17 , Unylias' first addition ; the
Fifth nvenuo Methodists have taken out a
permit for a $1,030 church , and the Stcnts-
vlllo Methodists will erect a $700 chapel.
A pleasant birthday party was given last
evening by the friends of Uncle John Ham
mer and his grnnd daughter , Miss Maud
Schlcketanz. Uncle John completed his
Bixty-sevonth year and Maud her eighth.
The llttlo girl received a handsome pony and
Uncle John tlio congratulations of u host of
A letter just rcrclvcd by the Coursing club
from Thomas MvUormott , of Ottawa , III. ,
announces that lie will be hero in a few days
v/ith nine red foxes and half a dozen more
hounJs for the club. It te the intention of
the club to glvo an exhibition chase ut the
fair cron rids , fioo to everybody , to make
amends for the wretched hippodrome of hist
summer , und give Che public a proper idea of
tlio snort.
It has developed thnt the horse stolen from
E. K. Mnyno anil iccoveied at the veterinary
stables of Dr. S. Stewart was evidently tuhen
its a piece of mischief.- saddle belonging
to Mr. Tiiilov'wns taken nt the time.
The liurso wns driven to the uestcrn pait of
the cltv , where the bupgy and harness woio
left , and the temporary owner then saddled
the micr and lode b.ick to the center of the
city , where ho turned the animal loose. All
of tlio property bns necn recovered.
C. IJ. Music Co. , S'tSUroadway.
rinest market in city J.M. Scanlan's ' ,
J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 537 llroadway.
C. J3. steam dye works , 1013 Uroadwuy.
Btontn and hot water heatlnir , first-class
Dliimblnir.Vork done in both cities. John
Gilnort , corner 1'carl stroat and Willow
uvcnuo , Council HluffH ,
Dr. Murphyoptician , room " 1ft Merriam blk.
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 13'wy.
Let Ilussmusson beautify .your housu in
best style und cheap. 1'J West Maine.
E. H. Sheafo & Co. give special attention
to thu collection of rents und care of propnrty
in the city and vicinity. Charges moderate.
Onico llroiulway and Main streets.
Tube paints 7) uat Chapman's ' arv store.
Got Fountains Co cigar , next Elsoman
Wtint'H In a "Nnnii ?
' I wish the panels would quit trying to
run mo out of town , " remarked Mr. S. II.
Foster , of the Council lllufTa Paint , Glass
nd Oil company yesterday afternoon to Tim
Bi'B. ' 'Several day * ago you stated that Sol
Foster had just rotuinod from the south and
Was preparing to remove to Arkansas. The
other papers copied It , aim some of thorn ,
evidently thinking to bo a little moro ox
Illicit , announced that it was S. II. Foster
or Sol II. Foster , nnd between the whole
batch of you I atn kept pretty busy answer
ing questions. Kvcry lltllo while somebody
stops uji nnd shakes hands with n 'Sorry to see
jou go , Sol : ' When nteyoti going to leave )
What decided you to leave,1 or 'Where are
jou going to move tot1
"It Is getting tlrcsomo , especially ns .
haven't entertained any Idea of leaving the
liluffB. Now then if you will Just break It
lightly to the mourning thousands that I am
still with 'em , nnd don't propose to bo run
out of town just ynt , I will bo truly grateful.
I have known for some tliuo that I had n
double hero , as far ns name Is concerned , bu
I have never soon him. .Such a report as
this uiukcs it unpleasant for a business man
as ninny would undoubtedly withdraw the !
patronage if they know that ho was prepar
ing to close out and leave the olty. Sorry to
trouble you , but it ecoms to mo that as the
papers have gotten tno iuto tbta moss they
ought to help mo out of it. "
Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173
Now Pacific House , best hotel In the city
11,50 nor day. Meals Wo.
Dorapaoy & Duller candy factory , 105
Main street.
Dixby has removed to Merriam block.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorata
prices. E. H. Sheafo St Co. , rental agents
Broadway and Main streets , up i talrs.
City Hall V8 l < Veo
The mayor 1ms not yet issued hlsrproclanm
tion , as authorized by the council at its las
meeting , to cull an election for the purpos
of submitting to toe voters of the city tb
ticsllon of voting bonds in the sum of f 103-
00 or less for securing a slto and erecting a
ow city halt , but It U understood that the
matter will como up at the .regular Novem
ber election on the 5th of next month. This
vlll avoid the expense attendant on a special
lection , and at the same tlmo will bring the
question before the people about ai soon ns >
1 could bo If such an olcction was called.
All of the nluormon , with the exception of
Alderman Everett , nro avowedly in favor of
eroding the proposed now building ns soon
as iwssibto , nnd the gentleman named , whllo
of the opinion that a now city hall U not ns
yet the city's most pressing need , docs not
express any determined opposition to the
movo. The only objection thus far voiced to
the city ball project Is that It might dolny the
erection of n now bridge , uhlch is generally
regarded na of far moro Importance to the
city at the present time than n now city
building. Of course , there are lengthy and
cxhuustlvo arguments both pro and con , but
t Is yet too curly for nny actual work to
mvo been done In the matter either way.
As nearly ns can bo ascertained , tno only
objection to the building of a now city hall
will come from thoio who ptofoss to bcllove
that it Is n move gotten up for the purnoso
of defeating the frco bridge project.
Whether or not this ii really the plan is n
matter of conjecture. The city undoubtedly
needs both , but U Is argued that both can
lot bo secured nt the present tlmo. If It Is
Icinonstratcd that the city can not have
loth , there will bo a contest to see which it
shall be , with the chances , ns nt present in
dicated , stiongly In favor of the free
It has been nser'.Jd that certain parties
louvily Interested in the present bridge nnd
electric motor nro at the bottom of the move
to boom the erection of a city lull , lor the
reason , as above staled , that It would in all
irolmbillty retard the building of n free
jiidgo , which would throw open a most In
viting uvcnuo for n computing lino. Hoh.
Ueorgo L < 1. Wright , secrelary of the bridge
and motor tomdany , was seen regarding the
natter , and slated that , as far a * ho was
conrcrned , ho should oppose the building of
a city hall , as ho iJid not bollovo that it was
needed as badly as other things.
The advocates of the cltv hall nrguo that
is erection would not in the least interfere
with the prospects of Hie desired frco bridge ,
and thnt , as the Bluffs must have the co-
opcralion of Omaha in the latter case , this
nutter is not yet ripe , nnd that , oven If it was ,
there would bo no delay or interference
caused by voting the necessary bonds for the
city hull.
On the other hand , It is urged that the
erection of the city hall would not benefit tlio
city to any great extent , so fur as increasing
thu population or wealth Is concerned , whllo
a free bridge would do both Also that the
city hall would swallow up a lot of the public
funds without bonelltting the people , while
the bridge would save nickels , dimes and
dollars for every citizen. Those arguments
aio advanced on the theory that if the hall Is
Iniilt the bridge can not bo secured. The
light Is hat illy onus yet , but there is every
indication that before the question Is finally
submitted at the polls there will bo u great
deal of hard work done.
John W. Camp has purchased M. Kcatings
drug store , 505 Uroadway , and is stocking it
up with a complete line of seasonable goods.
Mr. Camp has oirncd a reputation in this
city as being a most careful una competent
proscription clerk , and ho will tulto lirst
place in this respect in the city. His new
store will also bo headquarters for the tine
trade in all other respects.
Money loaned at L. 13. Cnift'a & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , puvno9. horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly con 11-
Kclloy it Younkerman sell groceries.
Chase and Sunborn coffees a specialty.
Another County Ticket.
About fifty or sixty , farmers chiefly , mot
at Ncola Thursday , under the name of the
labor convention. Most of the manipulators
were membcis of the Farmers' alliance , but
the constitution of that body forbids the po
litical use of its cower or name.
The convention passed resolutions scaring
both the old parties for failing to recognize
sufllcicntly the Industrial and agricultural
classes , which wns pronounced a sufficient
Justification for nominating a full nnd inde
pendent county ticket.
Resolutions wcro passed in favor of the
government controlling railway and tele-
gr.iph lilies , and that all money should bo is
sued dliect by the government ; also in favor
of abolishing the electoral college and elect
ing the president and vice president by direct
vote of the people ; nlso favoring the reduc
tion of Interest from 10 per cent to 8 percent ;
also for reducing t ho salary of county ofllcmls
to an equality with the earnings of laborers
and farmers.
On this platform the following county
ticket was nominated.
Legislators II. S. Watkins , of Neola ; II.
S. Alexander , of Hardin.
Auditor Roland Ward , of ICoc Creek.
Tieasurer C. B , Uardsloy , of Neola.
bliL-HlT A. 13. Perkins , of Keg Crook.
Superintendent of Schools Miss Etta Mc-
Malion , of Council Bluffs.
Coroner Dr. J. M. Wiland , of Mmdon.
Surveyor L. P. .ludbon , os Council Bluffs.
The Council Hlufts Carpet Co still koejis
far ahead of all competitors In the west in
the essential points of largo stock , good
goods and low prices. They are the only ex
clusive cai pet house in western Iowa , and
have the most pet feet facilities for handling
their immense trndo , which covers western
Iowa and eastern Nebraska. People within
ttfly miles can save railway faio in thu pur
chase of a silicic bill of goods. They buy for
cash and sell to the consumer at wholesale
'flic Motor on I1 i fill Avenue. „
The electric motor company has surveyors
at work along the proposed line of the trans
fer extension , from Pearl street down Fifth
avenuu nnd Paciiio avenue , to the Union Pa
cific transfer. It was the intention of the
company to run this line down Sixth avenue
instead of Fifth , but tbo plan is changed.
The reason Is not officially stated , but it Is
undei stood to bo thnt the line , as now
planned , will glvo the public better service ,
nnd divide the city moro evenly , especially
as it is now intended to mn another line
down Ninth avenue , past the union depot
grounds , thence around to tun main line.
However , it Is hardly probable that the
Ninth nvenuo line will bo built before apiing ,
although tlio company will get at It as soon
as possible. The other line , down Fifth ave
nue , will bo built tins fall , and work will bo
commenced at once , provided the property
owners do not ralso such objections as will
prevent It. It is understood that the com
pany takes tno same position In this Instance
that they did regarding the Pierce street
line ; that is , that if they are required to pay
for the paving they will not occupy tlio
Several pronounced kicks liave already de
veloped. and it Is certain that there will be
quite a llttlo Jangle before the line is built ,
even if It is built at nil. Thcro Is nothing
that can prevent the building of the line , If
the company desires to build it , as they have
u right of way over every street and avouuo
in the city , ao that the paving question is
really the only question In controversy. Al
though the company has this right of way ,
they can not , according to law , occupy tlio
streets without paying for the p.wiug be
tween the rulU and for a foot outside , unless
exempted by the property owners.
The company maintains that such a law is
not equitable , as an oloctrlo line does not
wear out the paving as does an ordinary
street car line , yet they do not maintain that
they can evade It. Their position is that tbo
property owners can not afford to let them
build upon other streets , as tbo building ol
the line would greatly Increase the value of
abutting pronerty. For this reason they an
ticipate no decided objection. They are
bound to build a line to the transfer , und the
question U not where , but how the line will
GO.As now planned , tlio route is down Fifth
and Paciflo avenues to the transfer , thence
across the as yet unsettled portion of the
bottoms , to the main line on uvonuo A , near
the east end of the Iowa approach to the
bridge. A move has been on foot for some
timoto secure a line across this part of the
city , and a bonus of f 10,000 , lias boon raised
by real estate men and property owners to
Induce the company to build the Hue. This
line , however , would not permanently remain
main a part of the Fifth avunuo line , as a
would become a part of tlio Ninth uvcnuo
Ino , thus malting a direct line to Omaha
from the union depot and transfer , doing
ftwny with the necessity of brln Ing ml n i-
sengers by n round about way on Pcnrl street
ind Hroauwav to got over the river. It Is
ntcnded to have electric cars running to the
ransfor before winter sots in , and If possl-
> lo nil the portions of the city now reached
by the street cars will bo visited by the dec-
rio motor , nnd the bobtail cars discontinued
by the 1st of January , 1800.
Dressed chickens , fresh flsh , oysters , etc. ,
nhvu > nt Feaioil's , & 3o Broadway.
Broken .Mnrrlntia Vows.
Another case of marital Infelicity cnmo to
Ight lust evening \\hen W. Vanatta applied
at police headquarters for a warrant for the
arrest of his wife on the churgo of adultery.
The paper was served by Deputy Marshal
iVhltc , and the woman taken to the station.
L < lttlo could bo learned of the case until
about U o'clock In the ovonng , when Vanatta
appeared ot the station in charge oC Otllcor
temp , who had arrested htm nt the instiga
tion of the angry and thoroughly Indignant
voinan. When the pair mot In the station
there was a scene , and in a very few minutes
the spectators wcro acquainted with nearly
all of the disgusting details of the case.
After indulging in mutual recriminations
for a while , Vanatta told the reporter the
entire history of the caso. Spacn forbids Us
reproduction , but the principal points arc ns
follows :
lioth hail previously wedded , and the re
sult proved tnarrlago a failure. Nothing
launtcd , they tried It again , und became all
n alllo each other nineteen years ago. Van-
alia Is a cripple , having lost a leg and hand
during the war , for which no receives a
jcnslon of $ . ' ) ( ) a month. Four children wcro
jorn to them , and there was no sorloas
trouble until about three weeks ago.
At that time n "Q" switchman , named
Harry McAllister , became a too frcquo-it
visitor nt the Vanatta household on Second
nvenuo , between Twelfth and Thirteenth
street , nnd nines then the head of thu family
} lleges that bo has seen said visitor in bed
.vltli his wife , on no less than seven different
occasions. His little islrl. aged fourteen
years , llrst calleit his attention to tbo mat
ter , but ho would not believe It until com
pelled to. Wednesday nicht ho stood out-
ildc , and through n broken pane of glass
leard the guilty couple plan to deliberately
rob him.
Ho states that Congressman Reed Is work-
ng to secure back pension money for him ,
uul have his allowance raised to fSOa month ,
and promised him that ho would receive
iboutUDO ) within u cuuple of weeks. The
woman informed her pirumour of this and
Bind thnt she would get It all , as she had
done In the past , and would then deposit
enough in the bank to "keep the
quiet for awhile , " and they
would elope with tlio remainder.
A married daughter of sixteen years , whoso
husband deserted her a few months ago after
nine weeks of wedded lifeIs also n discordant
clement , and unites with her mother In giv
ing the father n sound thrashing whenever
the occasion seems to warrant it.
So matters have gone from bad tb worse ,
and Vanatta could stand it no longer and
caused her arrest. Thu woman denies it all
and says ho is uddiuto 1 to the use of opium
and morphine , and does not know what ho
is about. When ho offered to pro-
euro her release and take her homo
If she would uromiso to hvo with him nnd
behave us she should , she refused to promise
and said shn would remain there und stand
trial. She also Insisted that she would pre
fer charges against him , but refused to say
what they wei c , and said she would wait
until morning. She took bun into a corner
and tried to settle on other terms , but was
unsuccessful Vanatta spent the night at
the station , being afraid to go home , ns his
married though husbanaloss daughter said
she would raise a crowd aud have him
! ! insists that ho loves the woman and
fairly worships the ground she walks on ,
and lias for nineteen years , yet she scoffs
and Jeers at him , und evidently loathes the
sight of him. Ho alleges that she openly
boasts of her preference for McAllister , and
curses and abuses him as a helpless ciipplo.
It is a rather unusual case , possessing souio
very queer complications , and with its low
und disgusting foatuics are coupled many of
a very pitiful nature.
Always on Time.
If you wish to purchase n good and reliable
watch 2.1 per cent loss than club rr.tes , nnd
on easy terms , then call at once and maUo
vour own selection at C. 13. Jacqueiuiu &
Co. , 27 Main street.
The latest styles In pattern bats nnd bon
nets will bodisplaved Monday and Tuesday
evenings at Friedman's millinery opening.
Sale or the l-JIoclrlu Ms lit. IMant.
It is quietly whispered that the Sporr.y
Electric Light company , of Chicago , which
has been negotiating for the past ten davs
for lots in the southern part of the city on
whloli to locate their plant for lighting the
city , according to the contract awarded them
by the council a few weeks ago , has Just
completed a different and far moro import
ant deal , which is nothing less than the pur
chase of the entire plant of the Council
Bluffs Electric Light and Power company ,
of which Mr. Thomas Oftlcer is president
nnd principal owner. Mr. Gregory , the rep
resentative of the Sperry company , has Just
icturncd to Chicago , and it < s known that ho
has been in close conference with Mr. Of
ficer for the past four davs with reference
to this matter.
The cntiro plant was carefully inspected by
Mr. Gregory , und Mr. Ofllcer was icquested
to put a urico upon it. He announced that
the price of the plant was about $30,000 ,
which is about the amount that the general
public regarded ns the cost. Mr. Gregory
replied that his company could duplicate It
for $00,000 , being a manufacturing company
In the electrical machinery business. It is
not known what price Air. Ofllccr placed
upon tiie property , but it is believed that Mr.
Gregory lias cone to Chicago to consult witli
tils company regarding ttio mutter of pur
chase , inasmuch as no lots wore purchased
on xvhich to locate u plant , although bids
wcro to have been opened on the 1st inst.
If tbo icport of the sale should provo cor
rect , it would create no surprise , ns Mr.
Ofllcor stated , after tlio contract was let to
the Sperry company , that ho could not hope
to compete with them in furnishing arc
lights , as their contract price was so low
that ho could make no money at it , and if
they attempted to out prices it would result
in diiving him out of the market , as he
would not run at a loss , which ho would
have to do to follow their prices , lib they
could furnish light at much less than ho could
as they manufactured their own machinery
nnd could equip n plant for much less money.
This being the case , It Is very probable that
ho would bo glad to sell at a fair Jlgui o. As
it Is , tno policy of the Sparry company to
replace Thomson-Houston machines with
luelr own whenever possible , It Is hardly
probable that thu deal will fall through.
Dwelling for s.iio on easy payments. Also
building lots at lou-cst market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co.
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 I3'y
Tlio Trio or Siiciik : 'J'lilovo * .
At I o'clock yesterday afternoon , while no
one was in lha store but Mrs. Maurath , three
young men entered the store of J. J. Maurath
& Co. , No. 5'J'J ' Droadway , nnd while Iwo of
them engaged the attention of tlio lady , the
third party quietly picked up a box contain
ing a pair at shoos valued at f'j and walked
off , Mrs. Maurath noticed his disappear
ance , and on going to the door saw him dis
appear around Pearl street With the box
under bis arm. At this Juncture the other
two dashed out of the door , but Mrs. Mau
rath pointed them out lo a policeman , who
Immediately gave chase nnd soon overhauled
them. The prisoners wore taken lo tlio
police station und locked up on the charge of
laicenyfioui a building.
Western Lumber antl Supply Co. , 13th nnd
14th direct a nnd 'Jd und Sd avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling ,
cement and building material lu the west.
E. W. Kayraoud , manager.
-i i
Attend the W. 1. Hus.collcRO.Council HlufTs.
Swanson Muslo Co. , 335 Broadway.
Wlmt Sir. Bryant Hnyn (
Mr. 1L T. Hryant , who was Indicted by
the grand Jury for obtaining money under
falsa pretenses , Is an old resilient of the
Bluffs , and bus hold several public petitions ,
the laat of which was a three years tcriu ou
the school board. "SlK Ur.vant states ho has
boon grossly misrepresented , and will bo
able to make a cleanshowing ) whoa the cnso
comes to trial , Other thau this ho had no
statement to make1 , " 'Ills ' Indictment con
tinues to bo it thumoj o"t much conversation ,
nnd fiurprUo at tills charge is expressed on
nil lianas.
Morchoufia ft Co. , ifi'l'e ' blank books , bank
ntul commercial \vork.
The Coal Qiirfltioii Heply.
Iho advertisement flf several retail dealers
ors under the form of n communication , ns
It appears In Tin : LiKH of yesterday. Is not
based upon the truth. ! nnd thu parties signing
the same urn well nu'aio of it , ns tha follow
ing reasons from their own standpoint will
testify :
First Wo have had applications from
four of them Individually , to bo taken In out
of the cold. In otnor words , if they sold
coal at our prices , would wo allow thorn the
cartage , each party pledging himself to keep
strictly in u in so far as his neighbor was con *
Second Wo have offers from the same
parties based on the following , vlr. :
l Under what conditions would wo retire -
tire from the retail business , they guaran
teeing us a certain tonnugo for the , seasons
of ISi'J-'JO-Ol , nnd finding a market for our
coals :
H Under what conditions would wo re
main in thu retail business , they guarantee
ing a certain tonnage as before , but wo
ngreoing to maintain prlcis.
From the loregolng fuels I think the con-
erous publlo will ugreo wlUi uio. Any
further remarks unnecessary. II. A. Cox ,
Council HlnlT.i , lu. , Brown building. A. T.
Thatcher , Chicago , III.
Made for your special use by Morohotiso
& Co.
Flro nl AI inawa ,
Flro broke out In the attla of Hotel Man-
tuva yesterday morning , nnd Ihat handsome
nnd popular hostelry had another narrow es
cape from destruction. Col Heed , nnd Mr.
MacConncll Had Just left the liolol and como
up town , but us there wore many people
nro mid Iho hotel there woio plenty of fire
flchters. und the flames wcro subdued before
fore sonous damage had been dono.
F. S. Pusoy , of Denver , Is In Iho city.
Miss Suslo Grlftln loft yesterday for Glen-
wood , where she will attend school.
Misses Miud nnd'Mainto Oliver nro visit
ing Mrs. H. U. Mulcahey , of Sioux City.
Dr. S. P. Miller , of Tacoma , W. T. , Is vis
iting J. H. Ulce und Dr. L. E. Uoo , of this
Twelve pounds granulated sugar for $1.00
All other goods equally low at b earon's , 5 it
L. W. Gumphroy , city marshal of Avoca ,
was in the Blufts looking after certain mat-
tcis of business.
F. J. Hrczoo , taxidermist at the Lincoln
Stale university , Is in the city delivering
work contracted for during his residence
hero und will remain hero over Sunday.
The many friends of County Supervisor
Walto will bo gralifled to learn tiut | ho Is
once more ublo to allond'to public business ,
having nearly recovered from his recent ill
S. G. Moorhouso , of Santa Monica , Cal. , a
former resident of Hacklord township nnd
still the owner of a fine farm near Lovclana ,
Is hero on a short vioit with hia brothor-m-
law , Mr. Hugh Goss.
C. C. Shcphard , of Columbus , O. , brother
of H. L. Shepard , of this city , will arrive
hero ou the Olh to visit his brotncr and pros
pect for a business location. Ho is ono of
the paleiit right lawyers of Columbus.
Mrs. Seiutor Fair , of Nevada , will pass
Ihrough ttiis city , via the Burlinrton , Octo
ber Oin a special Pullman cir , fullv manned
nnd equipped and sec aside especially for her
use from the Pacific coast to Ne.w York city ,
Misses Minnie Monroe , Louise Herman ,
Dollio Hcnule , Maggie Gibbons , Kittlo
Duane and Muudo YOUIIR , all puulls of the
St. Francis academy , of this city , visited
Miss May Wilson , of Sioux City , on Wednes
D. T. Jarret , deputy sheriff of Wayne
county , Iowa , was in the city yesterday , but
left for homo last evening. His mission waste
to arrest n certain party. This ho ac
complished , finding his man just as the lat
ter was tailing the train for Omaha. Mr.
Jnrret is a nephew of Mr. Davis , the ftttncr
of Jimmie Davis. _
For Blank Books write Morehouso & Co.
Council Bluffs , la.
An Old Traveler's Story oF the Mon
key and HIH Crab Dinner.
"Monkeys abound in the island of
Java , " said an old custom traveler to u
Now York Sun reporter , "lor shooting
tbom is looked upon as the worst kind
of vandalism , and they do very little
damage , rarely injuring tlio crops on
the farms , and living chiolly on wild
fruits. There is , however , a species of
largo npo there thnt is not wholly vogo-
t.irian. IIo is about the sio of a sin.tll
chimpanzee , and when full grown , his
dark face is encircled with a bushy
white beard and whiskers , giving it a
very whimsicnl expression , ludicrously
like that of a little old num. IIo is not
at all wild , and ho seems to have some
idea of practical joking , which loads
him occasionally to descend lo the lower
boughs of a high tree in the evening
nnd hold out his paw in apparent friend
liness to any ono who happens to bo
ncnr. A person who is not familiar
with the queer bruto's tricks
is apt to suppose that the monkey
desires to shako hands , and goes under
tlio trco for the purpose of meeting the
amicable advance half way. Ho is for
tunate if ho escapes a slup on the faco.
At all events the paw is withdrawn before
fore tlio human fingers touch it , and the
ape , sitting a few footabovo the range
of a man's spring , scratches his ribs and
gibbers iiiHultingiy. The long tail is
sometimes lowered instead of tno hand ,
and then the chances of the creature
dealing a malicious stroke are greatly
incroiibcd , for the caudlo appendage is
extremely lithe and flexible , and is of
as much service to its owner as a Illth
"It is a noticeable thing about these
tails that they are nearly always badly
Bcarrod at the extremity , and frequently
bear wounds quito fresh aud still bleed
ing. Tlio monkeys use their tails as
fishing lines and \vilji them catch the
crabs that Infest tUo coast of tlio island.
Tlieso crabs are .iHou't Iho size of the
hurd-sholl Crustacea of the sumo species
thnt arc ollored forsalo in our own mar
kets , and tlio apes are lliuir only
enemies , for nobody else on the island
cares to cat them. They Hvo in holes
several yards above high water mark ,
and when they emerge to look for food
they look ca"iitiousjy around to BOO
whether an hpo is near. If Ihoy see
ono or suspect Jits presence they go
back , and they are , so quick in thuir
movements that the monkey has no
clianco of catching them. But the ani
mal hns perfect passion for crab meat ,
and his appetite must bo gratified at
any pcn > onal sacrifice.
' Going to a hole into which ho has
scon a crab retreat , ho inserts his tail
ns far as it will extend , which is gen
erally to the end of the cavity. Any
person concealed in the vicinity and
watching htm ut such u moment sees
the funniest spectacle imaginable. Tlio
Hslior sits perfectly still , with his mouth
wide open , an oxprosnion of anxious ex
pectancy on his fuco , and anticipatory
tears gathering in his eyes. IIo never
has long to wait , for Java's crab is very
much like the snapping turlluin its dis
position. In a fovv minutes the mon
key's mouth closes with a snap , the
teotli are clenched tightly , the oycs
shut nnd the water that has risen in
them tickles down tlio hairy cheeks.
The contortions of the countenance
eneitlc of torture heroically endured ; for
the animal has a bite , and ho is waiting
for the paoy to take a fust hold , Then
the tail , with the doomed crab clinging
to its tip , IB jorkud swiftly from the
hole. ) whirled around for u couple of
seconds to glvo it impetus , nnd brought
down on the ground with a crash that
breaks the crab's she'll as though it
wo ro a badly cmi'-dod liond at Donnybrook -
brook Fair. The apo's meal is sorvud.
IIo picks out the moat with his claws ,
only interrupting his enjoyment of the
repast now and than to moan in solf-
commisoratlon and moisten his wounded
tall with his tongue , "
Kentucky Itiinnwnjfi , Seoklnc Secret
Wedding * , Surprise Knoll Other.
Throe couples from llardin county ,
nil of whom knew each other , but none
of whom know ot any other proposed
elopement but their own , crossed to
JolTorsonvlllo yesterday afternoon and
returned Inst night , all catching the
same train , says the Louisville Courior-
Jourmil. ,
About 2 o'clock J. S , Crnllo and Miss
F.llyn McDonald arrived and crossoa the
classic Ohio. They were nccommmlod
by llov. Thomas Robortionof the Moth-
odiat faith the of the '
, pastor girl's par
ents , who performed the ceremony at
the Falls City hotel. They spent' the
afternoon in viewing Jofforsonvlllc ,
The ink had scarcely dried on the
marriage register before Van Carico
nnd Miss Annie E. Divons approached
Deputy County Clark MeCormick and
asked for tlio legal documents necessary
to a marriage ceremony.
"Whoro are you from ? " asked the
genial deputy.
"Wo are from Ilardln county , " re
sponded the blushing bride , while the
tall groom smiled extensively and
"Do you know thcso people ? " said the
deputy , showing them Iho names of tlio
first parties. They did. The lady lived
but four miles from the homo of the
groom , and they wondered if the same
causp lud to thu former elopement.
Having secured the 1 icon so the pros
pective bride hustled her prospective
bettor half into a steer car , whence
they alighted in front of Justice Koig-
win's olllcc , and ho performed the cere
mony in his parlors.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carico returned to this
city and looked at tlio show windows on
Fourth iivonuo , nnd while all this
was being accomplished George M. Che-
nault and Miss Alice Van Meter eloped
and wore married bv the liurnous Jus
tice Koigwin. Mr. Chenault found that
ho nnd Miss Van Meter know all four
of the former parties , and was very
much excited for ( par his visit should
bo found out upon his return homo.
The throe * nowly-mado pairs and the
minister met in the waiting room of the
Louisville & Na hvillo depot , and it
was arranged that they should toll "pa
an' ma" tnat they had all been to this
city to see the matinee at Ilai ris' , with
the preacher as a chaporono.
County Clerk Stealoyof JelTorsonville ,
had , u to last night , issued 550 mar
riage licensed since the first of the year ,
607 of which \vero to eloping couples.
New Albany is wav behind in the con
test for Grotna Green honors , but by
way of inducement to eloping couples ,
the olllcinls in that town are thinking
seriously of giving Waterbury watches
lo each matrimonial applicant.
Tlio nfsnpnearanen of Deserts.
What wore supposed to bo deserts are
vapidly vanishing before the advance
of civilization. There was a time when
the United States had only ono of no
small size , when it wna considered that
all the land west of the Missouri river
wns a barren waste. The farmers of
Kansas , Nebraska and Dakota have dis
posed of much of the great American
desert , says Iron. Once upon a time
largo portions of the interior of Africa
were believed to bo arid and unculli-
vablo. Now wo learn that they are
fruitful and well populated. The in
terior of Australia has been hold up as
an awful example of a howling wilder
ness , destitute of water and of animal or
vegetable life. That illusion is now be
ing rapidly dispelled. Recent explorers
report that inner Australia is no Saharan -
ran waste , and that , though unin
habited , it can support a lareo popula
tion. There are grassy plains , largo
lakes , and also traces of gold and
precious stones. A north and south
railway is now being made through the
centre of Australia , and doubtless with
its completion the last trace of the des
ert will vanish. The iron horse is n
wonderful dispollpr of illusions of that
kind. The truth is , that there are vast
regions in Ameiica , Asia and Australia
which are barren from the standpoint
of ptimitivo and ignorant agriculture ,
but which , when taken in hand by the
educated farmer of the present day ,
with hiu implements , develop into fer
tile fields and pastures.
An Oliji-ct Scsson.
Time : Scone Bedroom in the Du
Barry mansion 2 a. m.
Mrs. Du B. ( in an injured tone )
"Thoro is no reanon why yon should
como homo at this hour and in this
condition. It's scandalous ! "
Mr. Du B. "Noth'n sort , m'dear.
Ten 'clock I came home 'n. you paid I
'n I ' won' 'tout'n
was tight , jes' got
tight 't show yor diffunco ! "
Skins on Fire
it climt . Illinium and
Eo/.i'iim In itH worst
raw wore 1'rom liend to
Icef. Hair Kline. Uuutorn and
liospltnls fall. Trlod everything ,
Cured liy tlio Cuucuru llcmedto
for $ ( I.
Cured by Guticura
I am cured of a loathhomo diiease , ocyoina In
Its w oriit btagp. I trlod iMITVioiit doctors and
Jiovd been through th hospital , hut nil to no
purpose. The ilfsensecovorud my vtholo liody
horn the top of my head to HOOJ ! of my foot.
Jly hair all camu out , itiuvlni ; mo a omplotn
rawhoro. Afttn trying everything I hoard ( if
jour Cimcmiv HKMKIUKS , unit utter using
lliruu bottles of ciiricuiiA UK OI.VKNT , with
( 'inicminnI ( Jinicniti KO.U' . I Una injself
cured ut tie ) i est df about ? n. I would not bo
without tlio Cumuiu Hi MKIUIH : In my liouso.
as I IIml them monil In nuny c.isca , nnd 1
tlilnkthoy are the only okln nnd blood medi
cines. JSAAO II. C.nil.MAN.
AVnrfHboro , N. V.
UiiriiliiK niKl Itdilng
I wai sick In the full of 1KS8 with a bimiliiR
nml ItclilMtfBob.ul that In three \\ueku 1 una
covered with n mall , nnd could not almip nlghtg
or work iliiy * homo do-lora thought It mlKht
ljc > unit rliuuin ( crvemn ) , und wild they luul
nmor seen nnythliiK Inco ft l ( , foio. ' 1 lecolveil
no help from nny ot them , or from anv mldlclno
tluit I could gut hold of until I triiul your Ccn-
cuitA HRMCIIIKX. After tineowfenu'HBO I uas
ublo to work and kept getting better , until I am
now ontfioly eiircd I io-commend them to nil
BUffnrlllg nlthskln disease.
( J. Ji. UbMKII. Taftsvllle , Vt
HI < m IiiiuiiMC Iiviilii' . '
I Imvo used the CIITICIIIIA HI'MKI > IIM : mictcsi.
fully for my bnbylio w.i iifllctul with
otzema. and hud uneli Intense Itcbliii ; that bu
Kot no ten day or nlirfu. 'Jho Itching Is gone ,
und my baliy Is curid , and Is now a healthy ,
roey chceki d boy.
MAKKV KI2M.KIIMANN , Ilololt , Kan.
C'utlfiiru ItcKolvciU.
The now Illooil I'urlllur anil purest and best of
Humor Cm en. Internally , mid Cimunu , tlio
great"kin Lure , und l I'iKUlU ( suiaud < > x-
( | UliUo Bkln JliumillT. externally , innuutly
lellovuund speedily und permutiHiitly euro the
must aKmiUlnir. Itching burning , bleeding ,
ecaly. crusted und pimply dlsi'iibesaiul humor *
nt the xklii. tculp , aud blood , with loss of liitlr ,
f 10111 pimples toMuiofu'.ii.
Sold u\emUiuie. J'rlce. Cirrienm , Wk- , ;
SOAPi'c , : HifcOLVKNT.fl.oi , | 'i puri'l by the
I'orir.'i ) ) itinKI > CIIKMIUAI , CoiiroiiAiiON ,
faTHoml for how "How to Cure Bkln fls-
eases , " 01 pnges , W Illustrations , and 1XJ ( toatl-
inonlals ,
DIMl'I.KS , black-heads , rod , rough , chapped
lim and oily t > kln predated by CUIICUIIA
lumt pains , bac. uclio , weak Klilnoys.
rhuumiitlbm.and i hc t pains rc'lloml
In ONK lllMJiK by tha C'UTICUIIA
AUTI-1'ALN i'tiASTKll. 'M Cent * .
URScrl'ii . " i 3 * T * r r -K , -uiTji , . . . - . . . _ , * - " " taatteg----z :
Tills U ai our yards mipf.rod Doforo the tire , which loft \u "sllgutly dl < fl lilted but Htlll In tha
rjntr"ttlUi plenty of nice rrcslico.M on truck. Umo , Cotnont , I'ltutor und Stucco. 6M ) DiondwAri
A. T.THATCHER , ChicagoIlls.
H. A. COX , Western Sales Apt
OfTlco 114 Mnin Street , Brown Buildhiff , Tolophouo 48.
"Wo will sell to consumers direct , Selected Anthracite Cool at the fol
lowing , reduced prices :
Grate and Egg , - $8.25
Range and Nut , - 8.5O
Chestnut. 8.5O
Anil tlio host gimloa of Soft ( Jonl. Wyoming Lump SlUiO , Wnlnut lllock $3.CO.
.TuoKson $5 , Cucltir ftl.60 , Cannot IO.CO , Iowa Nut $ L'.Oj , Gtis Honso Coke 11.V notf
busliol or $7.00 potIon. .
Terms , dish , with order , nil coal fresh mined , well scroonuii mill promptly ilc-
- * - i m u JLW
Coal Consuming Public
The coxl : dcnlci-9 of Council Bluffs wonlil moil rospectfullv siy : in explanation
of Iho reduction in jn-ico of conl initilo by A. T. Tluitcher , of this oily , that Mr.
llmtehor hits heretofore claimed to soil coal by wholcsnlo only , und that many of
us Imvo purchased coal from him nt the marUet prices , and'would still contintlo
to do so , if wo could got a good article of coal that \\ould plcns-o our trade , but
with coal bought from Mr. Tlmiehor wo huvo had n irroat deal of trouble and
complaint , and those of us who have handled his coal have boon
to Withdraw Oar Orders
from him or lese our customers.
To resent this and coereo the dealers into buying an inferior article of coal
Mr. Thatcher hns come into the retail trade , and la now offering his coul at a leal
price delivered to consumera than ho charged us for it at his yards , and also at
lower prices than wo could purchase Merchantilo Coal olsowhuro.
Wo are prepared to furnish a statement fully verillcJas to the correctness of
the above explanation :
Snapp & Knolls , E. E. Mayno ,
D. E. Glenson , Win. Welch
Carbon Coal Co. , J. E. Meyers ,
N. W. Williams , F. B. Mai-klo ,
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , T. L. Smith.
Saekett& Preston , L. M. Shubort ,
Jos. MeWilliams.
Corner Stain and Uroatiwav ,
Dealcis In forolun nnd domestic exchange.
ColloctlonsmadeaiiU Interest paid ou time de
1'rcs. Vlcel'res.
CIMS. II. HANNAX , Cashier.
OF COUNCIL ur.ut rs.
Paid up Capital SI5OOOO.OO
Surplus 35.OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors..335.OOO.OO
DiiircToiw I. A. Miller , K. O. fJlcason , n. fj
BlniKart , K. K. Hurt , J. D. IMumlsnn , Clms. H
Iliuiunu. Transact gcncial banking Inislnvsn
Largest capital and "mirplus of any bank in
tMirtUueatoru lo\va. Interest on llmo deposits
Incorporated Nov. 1.1870.
Sotitlrnent Corner llroailwny und Main Stiecta
CAPITAL , $1.10,000.
OFFICHIIS N. P , Doilge , President ; John
Ilerexhoiin , Vlco Piesldent : A. W. Hiu-kman
( Jnshlitr ,
UniKCTOiiS N. P DoilKe , J. liorailiolin. Gco.
ICoellno. J. Li. Stewart , \ V.V. . Wallace , G , 31.
Tuos. OFFICER. W. II. JI. Pusr.v
n is inn CHOIKST r.OTor
In tno city. Gilt edged opportunities to imme
diate InvcstoiH nnd homo sccKcra.
trj i a
c 12 ro
i f ft
> AIIOAINSIn all paiw of the city. N. 0.
' 1'lilillps , room fi , Kverett block.
SAIiH OutNisy toims , cliolco residence
lot , ( iraliam nve. , on motor Una ,
I "or Bale Hi IK ro fruit and vjKotahlo faun I1 ,
miles emit of clmutaiiiim | grounds. A ( jte.u
bargain. J'.asy terniB. Only i U par arro.
ForBulo lu acres adjoining city limits ; nltli
S story frame hoiisi ) . luruu bain. oed and coal
filled , well , cl&tt'in , etc ; ID ) uaurlne fruit HOOK.
grapes and berilea. Price ? " .OW. The baie land
is worth the money.
Tor t-ale-W acres > / mlle from city limits.
Only 1101 per aero. Kaiy ternm.
ForSulo acrei ciiolregrovo lauduon Grand
avenue. Only * 10 pur aero ,
for Salg il-room lunitu on motor line , one
block from Ilroadway. Very choap.
IVir Hale Choice lotn on N. IHtli . , a blocks
from motor ; tlclu rtlk and city witter ,
I'or bale-Lot 4 , blorlc , Hansuom Place ,
Oinubu , on 1U years' time nt 7 per cent.
W. C' . btucy roomj. Opera block. _
LO.ST Sd Inst. fromTnotor train , ueuririd'st. ,
ulack cushinoro blmwl I Imlur plcuso ad *
dress ILJ1. NlcholHjjJJ ) r'ontli ' Main HI.
fJlOH HAU-An old and veil established
J. duitr tore , cHiitbllsliod in IM ) , Cash required -
quired , fl.UJi , bnlnuca real estate. Address A
: ! , Ike , Council Illnlls.
"I71OK ItKNT Mcely fiirnlxhoc ) rooms , well
J ? heated , airy , all cmireiileiicttB , \ \ block from
electric motor HUB ( iood I oard next door , now
modern housos. _ No.17North _ _ Aladl mibt. _
BAW1AW lots In 7tlddlo' sub , on Uth ave ,
Oradlng all paid. tlOJouch. N.O. Phillips ,
room 5 , l.verott block ,
1 OPS In Ter lllli ? 'tiailil 1.73 each. N. 0.
J J Phillips , room f > , Kvcrctt block.
LCI'S In Van Ilriint & Ilice's add J8W , Hasy
lerma. N.C. 1'lilUjin. room fi. Itverotl bile.
Lofd In Central HUM cheap. iu : y terms. N.
C , I'hllllp" , room 5 , llvorett block.
AliAHOA JN in West IlroadH ay property , N. .
0. Phllllpa , room D , ICvcrutt block ,
\\7Alf'fHU llooiu nnd board by n young lady ,
tuo or thiAu blonKs from the llotton store ,
AddrcbH UH flea otllcu , Council lllullB , muting
lowest ternix. _ _ _
WANTIJI * A goo l girl for general house
wo at 117 Fourth HI.
_ _
0 1 8 In Terry addition. Monthly jmymonU
N , 0. 1'blllJp * , room ( , . limutl bloc * .
LANDS for sale or exchange. N. C. Plilllln
room r > . Kverett block.
T-MPHO\'in : farms In Io\\a and fo
J-e\chanco for city pioperty. N. O. Phllllpn.
rooms. Uveiett bloc K.
LOIS on 4th ave. and loth st. very thcap
Snaps , llention S. Shepherd , 'J Main st.
LOTSou llroaduay , nny hero betw eon Coun
cil Hluirs and Umahu. llenson .V Shepherd.
B Jlaliibt. '
AVKNDI ! A lots , corner * , great bargains.
Jltnson A. Shepherd , U.Maln st.
LOT on 4th avenue. Van lirunt & Itice's suo. .
cheap , Itenson & bnopherd , 'J Main 8t.
BKSTcorner on Ilroadway. opposite power
liouaoj llousojutjSliepiierd WMiifn _ st.
LOTS on ( lion ave. , Reiiuiui ) suiiiisT lJonson &
Shopnerd. U Main st.
HOITSIIPund lots ; JIOJ cash. $ IJO „ . , . . , „ , . ,
cash , balunco easy , llousou A , bliepherJ
LOTS on Mnnaua motor line , corners. J10
cash , balance IIO per month. H0115011 &
Shepherd , U Main st.
RiAL : KSTATR-nought and sola ana ex
changed. Special attention given to exam-
inatlon of titles. W. U. James. No. tU 1'oail st. <
Troll SALU Acre lots In Oichurd place. This
J-1 property la located In the Itfcu Jinr ery ,
ROIUII of the main part of thn city. HI mile *
from court house , ( Jeo. Mutcalf. in Pearl st.
FOll SA Li : Well established hardware store
Including tin shop Good , clean , now stocle
of stoves , etc , int--stoiy brick building , 22xW.
with oloMitor and .uohoiiso. ( jood reasons
for boiling II. Gfahl. 101 IJ. 11-way , Co. llluirs ,
"I7TOH SAM ] On easy tetniB. some of the be
Jai ranged modcin hotist > s ( now ) in Council
llluirs. AH modern fmpnnemonts , llnoly
localcd. Call on S. K. Maxon , Merilmu block.
AVM < 8rTinxTrdT'r : , Ite u istafo7 sp"ociaT
t attputlongheti to elimination and cor
rection of title to lands and lots lu city , iml
county. No. f. North Main st.
b , JlOcish , bilanco $10 per
Jmonth llcnsoii .V Slioplu-nl , u .Main st.
li lOKSALK or Kent Kardmi land with houses.
J. ' byJ.Jt. Itlco , llKMiihibt. , Council Hluira.
lilOIt B\Iil < 1'juncro farm In .lanpor county ,
* loua , Jocited noiir coil minus that are in
opciAtlon There is a live foot vein of coal
under the farm. Uoo. Metcalf , No. 10 Pearl at.
[ 71011 SAI.R-lrapiovod and unimproved prop
J-1 prty in e\eiy put of thu city , llaro oppor
tumtles for invistoisio \ sack Hpccuiatlons :
Bpleudld opportunities for those who dOJlro
homos , ( jco. Mctc-iilf , No. 10 Pearl st.
BUSINESS locations or Main and Uroadway
at gr at bargains. too. ! Mutcalf ; No. 10
Pearl st.
F Oil 8AM : M feet lake froiitago located be
twoen 0 11 , boat house arid Manawa beach
Also a number of choice lots fn Huzattu place
Pro Molcalf. No 10 Pearl ut.
OpKIJj fffiOS. * CO. loan mousy. The most
liberal terms otfcioil. IUJ Pearl Nt ,
EAFFU5 NOTIOK-TIckots for grand radio
of nonso and lot In Council llhills not being
nll old tne dateof rallle iMcnciiKed to Dec. 24.
Kemombcr you can get a JI.O U pioperty for tl.
UlcKuts at Manhattan and Mooie \ . llowuian's.
PlowerPots. -
Bomolhlng entirely new , and the lianilsoMiont
m tides of the kind that over adorned a hay.
\\luauworcon8crvntoiv.aro our now painted
and ormimi-nced I'li.woi Pota und Vasen for
house nlniiU. The ogooilnaioentlri-lyniiw and
nre Hold exclusively In Council llluirs by us.
Thn llustlis Pots nre highly ornamental und
\illl beautify nny IIOIIKO. Onti gr.ulo IH smoothly
painted In blight inloi.s iraily for -oration
by ladles who point. Tiie .o handsomu goodn
at pilcoi coir.'nouly iiHked for pluln :
Ccforpaliito 1 pot andeatiter , and plain at cor-
rospondliig j.i Ices , IUN1) IlltOS. .
_ "U Main Btrt-et.
Adapted to the public schools. The only
complete thing of IU kind lu o.\lsiunce and In.
dlspriislblu In thosdiool room. School Hoards
desiring the most pcrfo't lui ] > for the teacher
uro * l to osauilno till" , . \dilro-sa
II. A , IMIjM.NOIClt ,
Ccucrnl Agtnt ,
17j Willow A\e , , Council lllutlH , IOH .
No,27 Main St. , Over Jacquomln't
Jewelry Stor'
Livery , Sale and Boa'ding Stable
lloreeu bought nnd fcolil on commission.
CViilrally Lonilfil , I'lniitor Hur/i. /
W. O.UTTE3RBAOK , 230Droadwa4