Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlio City Hall Oontrnot Approved
By the O-unoll.
CClio Antl-Contract hnbor Clause
Adopted Anil thn Union fjalior
Jlr.KOliitlntin Ijffft Out An-
otlicr AIcntlnR T
Tlin City Unit Cnntrnet.
The city hnll contract Is ready for the sig
natures of the contracting parties.
The council hold another long-winded
Bcstlon on the subject last night and llnulty
got the document In shape for the signa
tures of Contractor Coots and the city olll-
All of the councilmen were present cxcopt
Ford , Shrivor and Van Camp , and the entire
evening wns devoted to a discussion of the
i. major und the much desired end obtained In
the face of every style of opposition that Mr ,
IIiiBcull's fertile Imagination could nuggcst , .
Mho report of the committee on puullo
property und buildings was miulo i > res.cntUif [
the amended contract. Thu document as
nmcndcd provides that Dudlln grunito shall
bo used In tno basument uud story and
that the othur exterior wurk boofporugo
red stone ; that no convict labor shall be em
ployed In the construction of the building ;
that the stuno cutting shall be done In Omaim
end that the costMull bu'JlUbT5.
The contract did not suit , lr. Unseal 1.
Ho wanted the contract for the Iron work
Rlvqn to an Omaha llrm , and went into ono
of his iong-wimlud harangues lu support of
his latest scheme.
Mr. ICuspur supported Mr. Hascall's
Bchemc. llii said 1'nxton < fc Vicrlltig's bid
Was only ? 5OOU , moro thun Unit of ail eastern
llrm and lie felt sure that tno tux payers of
the clt/ would bo willing to pay the
difference between the bids for the
Bake of laving the work performed by
Oainha labor end in nn Omaha manufactory.
Mr. Whoolcr said the additional cost of
c'ving ' the work to un Omalui bidder would
bo nearly $ lJOOJ ! , und he didn't bulicvu In
opening the any uueli uxpondlturo.
The ultTtirenco was simply a prolli for the
llrm furnishing the m.itcrlal.
Mi. Kiispar got xvitn'n then. "Whcclor is
nlways worictng against Omaha , " he said.
"Ho would notlmvo loft 1'lattHtnouth If ho
linil not been compelled to do so. "
" ' was worklnp for Omaim and Nebraska
Jisforo you crossed thu briuy deep , " retorted
"You were not,1' said ICaspar. "I was
blacking bouts In Omaha und Hurrahing for
the town when von was down ut Piaus-
mouth working nguiast us. "
Further cxctiango uf lompliments between
the distinguished gentlemen prevented
by the ctuir.
After aoiiio further talk Mr. VicrUng nnd
Mr. COOIH were called upon for statement * .
Mr , Vlorling stated that Ids firm's original
bid for the iron work was t5U.OUO
tut that they had afterwards cut It tofolt.UOO
nnd would still anherc to that olTor.
Mr. Coot's said ho had obligated himself to
Ilaugh , Ketchum St Co. , of Indianapolis ,
xvhoso bid waa S-lr > , OUU. and that , while ho
would gladly favor the homo tlrm , ho could
not uccopt its bid , oven if thu citv pulu the
different- ! ) unless Ilauyh , Kotchnm & Co.
were willing.
Still Mr. iluscall was not satisfied.
Ho wanted to know why the committee
had nut Incorporated In tno contract the ac
tion of the council providing for the appoint
ment nnd removal of the superintendent of
construction. It took about ua hour for Mr.
Hnseall to get it into his head that the speci
fications under which the contract was made
provided the method for appointing such su
perintendent. The action of thu council was
finally reconsidered , Huscall and Kuspar
voting no , nnd the clause left na in thospecr *
ficutions ; viz. : Thnt thesupcrlntondcntshall
be appointed by the council und architect
nn < ? be subject to removal b.v the council.
. , V Mill Mr. Hnseall was not aiitisllcd.
Ho moved that tlio contractor bo In-
Btrucled to use Omaha iron in thn construc
tion of the bull'ing ( , the city to pav the dif
ference In cost. The motion was lost. Has-
cull nnd Ku par voting in the iininu'itivo.
Still Mr. Hascall wns not satisfied.
Ho wanted to know what had become of
the council's resolution that none but union
laborers be employe j on the building.
The council , aflor u lengtny discussion of
the matter , decided that inasmuch us tneso
resolutions wcro not incorporated in ttic bids
for work , they could not bo incorporated in
the contract. Every member of the body
expressed his position as favoring union
labor , but admitted that it could not bo re-
Quiri'd o ! the contractor in this case under
the circumstances , iliu motion to recon
sider the union labor resolutions was
adopted , Uoyd , Huscall , ICaspar und O'Con
nor voting in the negative.
This left all the differences settled.
Still Mr. Huscall was not atsllod. !
Un the motion 10 adopt the contract Has
call and Kaspar voted in tlio negative.
Mr. Coots exprctyed a willingness to sign
thri contract then and there If the city
officials would sign it Mayor Broatch , who
; > hud been present , wont home Just before the
adoption of the report , and as his signature
jould not ho secured , the council adjourned
until this d-oning , when the contract will bo
presented for final adoption.
A Blnn Who 'thinks They Ilnvtm't
i JJeon Pnirlr Treated.
I JUVWNPIKU > , Douglas County , Oct. 3. 1589 ,
To' the Editor of Tim UEK : There is a
tract of country directly west of Omaha fet
three or four miles that , li worse off for
proper roadwayp than any oluor portion of
Nobntslca as near to n county seat of any
ftbc. lifiiny of those roads are now loft witti-
' 6ut any outlot. This has not bcon noticed so
'uiuch ' or felt such u hardship hitherto bo-
> chime ono could drive across the open pralrlc
' to a road , but now that thu land Is becoming
i so valuable It is fast being funcoa up , or
signs meet yount every point , "No trunspasa
on this hind under penalty ot the law. "
UoupluB prcclnut particularly Is badly of !
in tliia respect. It Is divided by
the Liittlo Pnpllllon , and when
, the resilient * of the precinct want to seno-ch
other wo have to drive round two to four
wiles to get at points plainly In signt u short
distance across the creek. One little noUIa <
inont , Muscott , baa really no oullolto n piib-
IIa roiu1 without trespassing on private prop
It la not one road alone that needs ntton
trap , but a system of roudwuya nro needed
here if It is expected to settle and develor
the region of country westand southwest ol
Omaliii. While wo aru bridging the
v TMJssourl , and spending vast sums to gain
an eiiay access over Into Iowa , und place Ne-
i ttrutku property uud wealth there , where II
> . I pays no revenue to us , and grading down
into Surpy county on tho-south , tbo countr.v
tight ut the heel of Omaha is neglected anil
u\ * t run to waste
j J Last year there was n $00,000 road fund ,
$ (0,000 of which was available , they say , anil
"while tLey have engineered gigantic gashes
through the cuticle of the hemisphere am :
"llcdyp voat and aching voids of circum
ambient atmosphere ut South Omulm inn
Other places , apparently with no purpose but
IJ Rft fruiu bomowhure to nowhere , not il o !
> thin lurpo Jum , BO far us I know , tins beer
pout hi this volley.
Struck Hy tn Ihiiiiiuy.
Mvln Ifoyors , nn cldorly Gorman , rosldfa ;
in the vicininy \Valnut Hill , while cross
, tug the Kelt Una trucks at Twouty-fourtl
\ " 'Vjtreet with a two horse team , about noon
yesterday , was run into by ttio dummy , nnc
the vuuran lifted from the track. Mr
JJt-ycrt was thrown out and received nscvtn
1 scalp wound , besides beicg severely shaker
* up. Ills \vugou was knonkoU into amlther
t cons and a ploou of bcekitoak , which wa :
ilostlncil to furm part of the noonday meal
was keen llyiug Into space. The horses os
raped Injury und ran n short distance , bu1
vrero soou raught , Mr. Ucycra was takoi
or. thu train ana broucht to the freight house
nt rifioonth nnd Mcholai street , where i
physician was Humiuoiwd und his wound !
lirctwd , after which hu returned to tbi
srcno ot the uocldunt tn pick up'his scatterei
property. Ho stated that hu saw the trail
coming but thought ho could get ncrois
ahead of It. Tbo railroad track curves a' '
this polut und thu wacon could not bo seoi
was too Into to stop.
\ Gr.inil Ilcopptlon to no Given Uy
lK > ( ltf No. tHO , O. ft. CX
Next Friday evening the members of the
Omaha division , No. 13fl , of the Order of
Hallway Conductnn , will hold their first
annual reception in Matonla hall. Muslo
will be furnished by the Musical Union
orchestra. The following Is the commlttoo
on Mars Nobbs. R 11.
KccMian , O. A. Hugh' , Gcorgo K Hnlrd ,
\VilliarnFlynn. M. J. Kocho and W. 1
Itcccpllon Coramlttcu Colonel L. M , And -
d < Srson , S. M. UonJ , W.V. . Keen , It T.
Powers , M. C. Wallace , C. U. ICIsor and K.
A. Topgcnburg.
The following well Known knights of the
punch w.ll net n < i floor malingers : Harry
Gllmore , U. U. Ulood , J. II. Hullo.v. D. 11.
llengy , It J. Mimts. F. H. Mlckolwalt ,
GoorgoU. Ilothrock. J. T. Wiseman , W. S ,
Vex , Gnorgo Gordon , W. It Hoffman ,
O. H. Lumbar , George Malonc , John
Until IT , P. | E. VnnOuildcr , M. Weir ,
W. C. Allen. Arthur Ulakely , G. T. Ueckloy ,
Gcorgo . Hrooks. Tim Curtln , .TnniC'J Cns-
sidny , J. VV. Hardlnir , Howard Kennedy ,
George Mitchell , C. H. Mack , Williutn
Miller , J. H. Unlaton. M. P. Suitor , Scott
Thompson , Thomas Cahill , V. J. Falrbrnss ,
H. Donnelly , P. EX Dunbar , James Gregory ,
M. A. Hnmbright , J. W , In low. G. H. Kin-
raid , VV. H. Muduon , Thomas 11. Mitchell ,
Georco . Miller , A. P. Nnsh , William
Uouse , A. J. Sniltri. R K. Winkloman , W. S.
Wllcox , J. T. Williams , Asa Wilder.
Tlio Union Pnclilo llrcnks tlio Hccord
on n I.MHIIT , Kn < < t ltui > .
The special tram on the Union Pftclflu
bearing tlio California cominiindery to the
conclave nt Washington , ai rived from the
west yesterday afternoon. It consisted of
seven Pullman car * , ono day coach nnd two
baugimo cnra. Although this train was sched
uled through from the const at the remarka
ble speed ot forty-two miles per hour , it ar
rived nt the designated points nlong.tho line
on time , with thu exception of at Grand Is
land , where , after n wild ride it steamed in
just tli reo minutes' lute. The run trom
Cheyenne to Gr.inil Island , n distance ! of yiV-S
miles , was made in a tritlo over eight hours.
This is tlio best tlmo ever m.ido over any
road , for along ruu with a loaded ten-couch
train. There were 240 passengers on board.
The Uurllngton special that will convoy the
NcbniflKn commanerics ! through to Wash
ington loft hero Thursday afternoon ono
hour and "Ighteon minutes late , but reported
nlUurlttigtonycstcrUnv morning' tlmo. Mho
distance was covered at the ruto of about
forty-five miles per hour.
.Tlio TIcltntH tin Sale.
To-day the Missouri Pacific und the Wabash -
bash will place tickets on sale to St. Louis
at ono fare for the round trip from Omaha.
The action of these two lines liuvo created
considerable of n stir , for the reason that
they havu Ignored the territorial line estab
lished by the Western States Passenger as
sociation. When the roads in question lirst
broke from the agreement it was reported
that the whole affair would end In a bluff ,
and thnt the rate would not bo applied to
Omaha. Hepresent-Uivcs of both linns wora
seen last ulgnt , nnd staled positively that
the tickets would bo placed on sale this
morning. _
Clitli Itooin Wlilsporn.
President Dodge , of the Port Worth road ,
is reported to have said that the matter of
leasing his road by the Union Pacific ; will
como up at a meeting of tbo directorate of
the latter road to bo held in Boston October
10. Also that by acquiring this the Union
Pacillu would be enabled to upply the differ
ential on business an far cast as tlio Missouri
river that is now allowed the Fort Worth
road. Ho is also reported to bavo said that ,
while the laws of Texas required a resident
management in connection with alt lines
operating in the state , a strong trafllc ar
rangement might bo made or n lease of the
adjunct ef the Fort Worth effected.
The Clioronno IVrocIc.
In the wreck on the Union Pacific Thurs
day near Choycnne , which is reported in TUB
BUG'S telegrams , Conductor nincker re
ceived a badly crushed limb , the porter's
skull was fractured , and four passengers
were slightly injured , Thu wrecking train
was scut from this city to clear up thu track.
Conductor Uii.cker is well known here ,
having , prior to his departure for the west ,
run a passenger train on tbo main lino. Ho
was taken to the hospital at Chcyenno and
his injuries will necessitate the amputation
of his right lownr limb. The injuries re
ceived by the porter may result fatally.
Fivu cars were Uerailoi and more or loss
smashed up. _
"How Do , Snmivcl ? "
Samuel B. Jones , formerly assistant gen
eral passenger agent of the Union Pacific
road , was iu town a few hours yesterday. Ho
came from Chicago to moot the excursion
partyof Knights Templar gomgoast ; over the
Northwestern line , with which ho is now
connected , arid escort them to tnat city.
Mr. Jones is looking well , and during his
short stay took advantacroof the time to see
and shake hands with ns many of 'his old
Omaha friends as possible.
Kullronil Note .
General G. M. Dodge , president of the
Fort Worth , is in Omaha. He will remain
hero about ono week , after which ho and
Vice President Hnlcomb , of the Union Pa
cific , wilt leave for Boston to attend a meet
ing of the board of directors of the latter
Superintendent Johnson , of the Oregon
Railway & Navigation system is in the city ,
accompanied by his family.
Passenger Cimino ? S17 and 803 have been
dispatched to Laramie for service on that
division of the Union I'aclllc.
Samuel Rhnada , superintendent of the
stone department of the Urtiou Puclllf , has
returned to headquarters at Denver.
C. li. Hanna , traveling passenger agentof
the Union Pacific , with headquarters at San
Francisco , is in Omaha. Ho accomuanlul
the Golden Gate commauUcry from the coast
to this point.
Until this season Keene confined him sol I
almost exclusively to Shakospoaro's trage
dies , but- believing that the field at largo
offurcd opportunities for a still greater test
of his powers , ho branched out somewhat
and took into his repertoire "Louis
XI , " n play that very few
uctors care to undertake , though
it Is nno of the moat dramatic as well as
strongly constructed tragedies that has over
been given to the slacc. Ho put it on ut
Hoyd's opura house last night , and being thu
ilfbt tlmo that It has been con iu Omaha for
suveral ycari , a largo audience attended
to witness its production. Closer attontiou
to , deeper interest in , or higher appreciation
of the performance , has riot been manifested
ut any event of thu kind , with tlio possible
'exception of one or two occasions when
Bool It appeared ns Hamlet. Mr. Keene held
the in close sympathy and magnetic
touch from beginning to end. His Hueech
and actions gave forth marvelous Imita
tions of the realistic , und so completely
WAS his identity burled In the character that
nnvoiui either acquainted with the man per
sonally or who has over soon him as Ulchard ,
rould hanlly bellovo the story of such com
plete oimngo. Hut the work of last night
only adds additional proof to what has ul-
ready been stated us to his \ronderlul ver
satility and thoroughly nrtlutio UU-
unt. However , thu honors of the
ovonine were not all berne by Mr. Keeno.
The audionca felt disposed to bestow a
goodlv portion upon George Loarock , who
assumed and sustained tha Uuku do Nemours
in u very masterful manner. Mr. Loarock is
n largo , handsome , graceful , clover uml of-
foctlvo uctor. At the end of the
fourth act , In the scene wherein he
lias the old monarch at hla
mercy , ho aroused the audience to a high
pitch of enthusiasm and received a double
curtain call. The balaaco of the company ,
especially MUs Shannon , played their parti
very well.
Tliroo binall Fires ,
The tire department was called out tw.'co
last night to answer culls at box 3. Tbo first
was at 1418 South ! gbtaauth street , and was
In the bakery of Jonn Leah. Wb.Uo on the
way the chemical was stopped at John
Tracy's to quonuh a small bluzo. The second
tire was at Joba Shonoy'a at Fifteenth ant
Williams ; also a bakery. The damage was
about f 10 , Including all three case * .
Delegates Elootod in the Various
\Vard9 Yoatorday.
V Iinnjo Attendance nt I3very Vounc
PInco nnd' Great Interest
Manifested In tlio
Tlio ITHImlnnry Stctrmlih.
The election ot delegates to the ronubllcan
county convention took place In this city ycs-
cnlny. There wai a largo attcndnnco and
great Interest was manifested In the strug-
; lo by the supporters of the several candi
dates. Following ere the delegates elected :
First Wnrit C. II. Made , John Hosdcky , E.
3. Cornish , Sam Hnrgstrom , Mlko Ford , Pat
O. Hnwcs , K. 1C. Long , J. W. Lytlo , John
MatthlcROti , I. S. Hascall. Fred Nyo.
Second Wura The polls In the Second
ward presented a lively nppcaranco and
vigorous work was done by the champion *
for both Cobtirn nnd Leo. A number of
democrats also electioneered for Lee , but
their efforts were looked upon with distrust.
L-'our hundred nnd thirty-eight votes were
polled , X1 straight and 'JO scratched tickets
Ijclng for the Cobtirn delegation , while IDS
straight and : ! 0 scratched were for the Leo
ticket. The following wcro the delegates
chosen : Daniel O'lCteiTo , Cllft Itouzor , Will-
am AHsadt , John Hoffman , John Hey , K.
M. Sternberg , F. M. Woole.v. John McCaff
rey , Frank Knspar , Joseph ICavnn mid John
F. Belun.
Third Ward-M.O. HicUetts , O. II. Roth-
nckcr. L. J3. Heed , Charles Urnnch , Seth
Cole , Lee Hartley , Charles Wohror , O. A.
Decker , P. J. Williams , S. U. Smith , A. L.
Fourth Ward-Fred McConncllV. . F.
Hurley , ICdward Halch , T. 1C. Sudborough ,
Edward Whltchorn , George S. Smith , Peter
Sharkoy , J. D Pitchor. Kdwurd Hauoy , 13J1-
jah Dunn und MoriU Meyer.
Fifth Ward C. Saunders , George Allen ,
John Wallace , G. F. Franklin , M. Sullivan ,
L. Lazarus , U. F. Kcdtnun , James ICnight ,
A. L. Itoot , Thomas Cummings , Henry
Sixth Ward The fight In the Sixth ward
waxed furious nil the afternoon. The Leo
faction captured thu primaries on Thursday
night butthoCoburn ( action retrieved their
lost advantage yesterday by ha rd work and
elected the following delegates by n majority
of more thun 1UO : W. A. Grant , Michael
Condy , Chris. Spccht , J. C. Wharton , U. C.
Smith , Louis Littlefield , William Uoylo , T.
G. Magrano , Andy Dauble , George Jones ,
tloscph V. Cornish.
Seventh Ward U. L. Chaffeo , D. H. Mcr-
cer.John Grant , J. C. Thompson , II. W. Clay
ton , Charles Potter , C. It.Wooloy.Charlos In-
skeep , N. W. Nelson , P. J. Quoaley , Louis
Eighth Ward The Lee , Heimrod and
Allen combination won tha battle in the
Eighth ward. There were -110 votes cast.
Tbo Leo delegation got 195 votes , the Co
btirn tlckot 1 ! > 1 , and thu balance wcro
scratched. Only two Lee delegates were de
feated. The ticket elected is iv follows :
S. K. Spaulding , George Henuett , A. H.
Sander , J. K. Mooro. U. B. Balcomb. ? , Peder
Pedcrsoti , W. A. lludlong , Peter Smith ,
Charles E. Hruner , M. F. yiugleton , Fred
Shlnrock , Thomas Crocker.
Ninth Ward-M. S. Lindsay , D. L. Me-
GucKiti , Charles Djureen , It. E. Llvesoy ,
John L. Carr , iV. . L. Wiggin-j , Joseph Horan ,
William I. Kicrstead , H. Waring , J. B.
Hurgess , Patrick M. Millon.
To-lay'rt Convention.
The Douglas county republican convention
will bo held in the police court , corner of
Fourteenth nnd Davenport streets , in this
city , to-day at U o'clock a. m. It has
bccli called to nominate n candidate for sheriff ,
county treasurer , registrar of deedi , county
clerk , county judce , superintendent ot pub
lic instruction , county surveyor , n county
commiss'oner ' for the second district , a
county commissioner for the fourth district ,
nnd two justices of the peace for each of the
tnreo justice districts in this slty , which are
constituted as follows :
First First , Second and Seventh wards.
Second Third , Fifth and Eighth wards.
Third Fourth. Sixth and iNirth wards.
After the regular county ofUcers shall
have bcon nominated , the delegates to the
convention from the wards of each district
will meet and nominate their candidates for
justices. _
The German Central Club.
It seems that this German-American Bur-
gcrvcroin will turn out on masse the next
election day to the ballot box. Delegates of
the several ward clubs are endeavoring to
convince the German voters of the advant
ages they will have by voting only for- the
candidates which the central club will recom
mend to their support. It is hard to say at
present whether Snyder or Heirarod will bo
the man , though the latter is apparently the
favorite. Some of the leading Gorman poli
ticians expressed tbo opinion that should
both men bo nominated ono will be induced
to withdraw in favor of. tha other to
strengthen tbo Gorman clement.
Jerome Pontzel has declared himself a
candidate for justice in the second district.
John F. II. Lohtnanti , a Fourth ward
democrat , has entered the race for county
'Ino Intention ill * ttim Kui > crvlsor.4 of
The mayor has selected and the council
has approved the following locations for the
meeting of the supervisors of registration In
the various polling precincts of the city :
MUST \\A11I ) .
First District TIcKct olllco , 807 South
Tenth street.
Second District Harbor shop , 1119 South
Sixth struct.
Third district Hlrt's grocery , Tenth near
Dorcas street.
First District Wells , 1219 South Sixteenth
Second District Meat market , 1 10 Vlnton
TJtllin WAUD.
First District 017 Capitol avanue.
Second DUtrlct 31U South Eleventh
First District Leslies' drug store , 103
South Sixteenth street.
Secono District 1505 Farnara , Littlo's
cigar store.
First District Oostollo'a cigar store , COO
North Sixteenth street.
Second District 1810 Sherman avenue ,
near Cor by.
First District Club room , Twenty-sixth
and Lake.
Second District Lyceum hall , Twenty-
fourth nnd Elkhorn railway.
Third District Stevens' grocery , Thirty-
third uud Parker.
First District Republican club , Puru ave
nue , naar Popptotoii.
Second District Ulowo'a store , Twenty-
sixth nnd Walnut.
First Dlstrict-310,1 Cuming.
Second District 210-3 Cumlng.
First Dlatrict-'JOOS Farnnm.
Second District Hyau's ofUce , Lowe and
Mcrcor avenues.
The soft glow of the tea rose la acquired
by ladles woo uao Pozzoul'a Complexion Pow
der. Try iu _
A Cautious Criminal ,
Merchant Traveler : "Bill , " saJd ono
burglar to another , "I know wlioro
tlore's un Al liuul to bo nuulo. "
"Wuoro is thatV"
"Kitrht a found the corner , second
house. "
"Occupied by u real estate man , isn't
"YOH. "
"Excusa mo. I don't want to tnUo
chiiticos in mooting uny inoro real es
tate men. I've had trouble enough. "
Which Out-lit to.Ifliy the Coroner's
VlotlniHto _ Itct.
Onoot the ( Uiostlons which tins arisen out
of the contest for corcMor , or rather the en-
; ranco to the fleht of d physician , la m to
whether n medical gentleman or nn undor-
Ulcer U the moro seiviccablo party for the
ofllcc. nit ,
The following arc thc lows on tlio subject
of Rrntlonicn tn Iwth.pajllnifR :
Dr. Merriam I thlnlc a physician has nn
advantage In the offiiM'on account of his
| > rofcsMonnl trnln'ntr.iilltmvo no proforcnco
especially. Dr. Carter- , would mnko a good
Dr. V. IF. CofTinmi A physician could do-
tcrmlno whether thnro were reasons for
liolding an Inquest or n post tnortom more
readily than a mrth not n member of the pro
fession. Dr. Carter would suit me.
Dr. Uobert Tno position really belongs to
the Mnedicnl profession. There nro many
cnsos In which n physlclon ns coroner could
nvoid the necessity of nn inquest. Dr. Cnr-
tor Is n candidate for the place nnd , while ho
is not of my politics , ho would innko a good
mnn.Dr. . Swotnnm An honest mnn Is nil that
Is necessary for the plnco. A physician
might have some advantages , though I don't '
think ol any just now.
Dr. lUlph I think n physician would bo
preferable. The work'is in his lino.
Dr. H. F. Crummer thought that the ofllco
should bo held by n physician. Ho road an
extract or two of modlcnl jurisprudence to
the effect that inquiries regarding the iden
tity of n deceased person , us also the cause
of death of an Individual on whom nn In
quest is to bo hold , necessitated mcdicnl evi
dence. "When this Is not required , " said
he , "then , us a general rule , an Inquest Is
not necessary. I believe that In the hands
of n physician the ovpcnso of running the
olllco would bo greatly reduced. "
"Slnco the Inw In Massachusetts wns
changed not ninny years ago , " said Dr.
Tovvuo , "making It necessary to elect a good
physician to the olllco of coroner , very much
moro satisfactory results have boon oh-
tnincd , nnd I believe , everything considered ,
a great deal of money would bo saved' to
Douglas county by having a physician in the
office. "
"I am strongly In favor of giving the ofllco
to a practicing physician , " said Dr. Gltick.
"and give as my reasons the opinion that
much can do ilono toward reaching more
satisfactory results lu the holding of In-
iiucstn and post the rtcui examinations. A
physician can comprehend more , in cases of
suicide especially , at a glance , as to what
flhould bo done thun nuy undertaker could
over llnd out. "
Dr. O. S. Wood I think o physician ought
to hold tliojiosltion of coroner. It would bo
a saving of expense to the county , because
there nro often times when a physician cor
oner could tell whether nn inquest or autop
sy was necessary or not , when an undertaker
coroner could not and the latter would bo
forced to institute ftuch investigations.
When an undertaker is coroner it throws too
much patronage to ouo man and is an injus
tice.Dr. . II. G. Miller It makes no difference tome
mo whether the ofllco of coroner is tilled by
a physician or an undertaker. I acted ns
coroner In Lonisville , ICy. , and I will say
t'nat I would not tnko the position nt $ .1,000
per year. It appears o mo that any pnysl-
eian with a good practice has something
moro in keeping with his calling than that
which ho would acquire through being cor
oner. I think ni a matter of cnolco the un-
dortnkcr should have it.
"I have been in Omaha only three years , "
said Dr. Gilmore , "nnd I don't care to rush
into urlnt with any opinion. I will say , how
ever , that by all odds , the coroner of Doug
las county , in my choice , should either bo a
doctor or u lawyer. There is a number of
you nt physicians und attorneys in Omaha
whocould 1111 the ofllco satisfactorily. 1 have
no choice : "
Dr. Lnnyon considered that the coroner
should bo anything but , nn undertaker , as the
latter was frequently tempted to work for
his individual interests fn preference to these
of justice. This , ho stated , without any ro-
Hection whatever on the gentlemen who have
been connected with the ofllrc hero.
Undertaker HurkcU said that whllo ho
had , ut ono time , been a candidate for the
ollleo , ho believed that It would bo better for
a physician to ucu "There are good reasons ,
however , why either a doctor or an under
taker should Illl the ofllco. For.inststice , la
case u person is killed or suicides and the
body has to bo piepnrod for shipment. In
case the coroner is an undertaker , ho can
prepare the corpse at once. ' If ho is a physi
cian und the inquest is postponed until the
next day , the remains will bo in a
bud state to handle and would
have to bo sent to fnenda
in a far worse condition than if proposed at
on co. Bnt'this is only an exception. I refer
to nine tunes out of ten , u physician could
handle the inquest far moro successfully
than an undertaker. "
Dr. Ayers I can't see why a physician
would make any hotter coroner than any
other man. The law prohibits a coroner
from holding n post-mortem , so the fact that
the coroner was a physician would bo of no
advantage in that respect. In sumo cases ,
a physician might be able to moro satisfac
torily determine the causes and extent of a
man's injuries than an unprofessional coroner
ner would bo , but , as a general thing , I don't
see what would bo gained by having a physi
cian in the olllco.
Undertaker Heafo.v An undertaker Is by
all moans the most suitable person for core
ner. A doctor Is inclined to cut up and dls-
iifrurc bodies for the benefits of science and
his own persoaalcurioslly. An undertaker ,
on the other hand , does all ho can to mnko
corpse presentable to frieuus. A physician
elected to the position of coroner has no
equipments for the work. He must buv n
vehicle suitable for hauling bodies , a coflln
box to carry them In , and must hire a man to
take cart ] of the bodies. An undertaker is
already equipped nnd can properly attend to
the business.
Undertaker Hachmann The ofllco of cor
oner should bo hold undertaker. In
nine out of every nineteen cases quick burial
might bo required , Floaters that nro found
in the river ; suicides after having boon dead
several days , and such cases , require prompt
attention for the welfare of the public. If
the coroner is un undertaker ho can take his
wagon and remove the corpse at onco. If ho
bo a physician ho wilt lirst have to go and
hold an inquest , then return , and go und got
some undertaker to remove the body. There
are cases when such delay might have much
better been dUncnsod with. "
Merchants' Hotel. Largo sample
rooms. $ U , $2.60&S3porday. Nat Brown.
Administrators Ordered to Give nn
Account of Tlinir Sloward-tlilo.
Maggie Brannrd wants a divorce from her
husband , Thomas Braiiard , to whom slm waa
married in Omaha in1 July , 1839. Tholplain-
liff accuses her husband ot having treated
her cruelly and having ( committed adultery
with a Capitol nvcnuu courtesan.
The jury in the cnaq of Ed Habbiupton
charged with having assaulted his wife with
intent to kill her , returned u verdict of un
lawful assault against , mm yesterday after
Thn Alliance Tnisfcompany has com
menced a suit In foreclosure against Mary M ,
Hoys and others to recover payment on a
loan of SDOO , secured by mortgage on the
west half of the west llUlf of lot 8. la ilawes'
After a number of witnesses had testified
In the casa against Hugh' Hums for burglar
izing the Davis rosldl-ncc , the defendant
ohnncod his plea to , guilty , and was re
manded to jail to await sentence.
The case of Bryant vs McCullough was
argued ytbtcrday afternoon and given to the
County Court.
Judge Shields has mmlo an order citing
the ofllc-ors of the Bank of Commerce to no-
pear on October C , and show cause , If any
exists , why they should not bo fined for con
tempt for refusing to renier an account of
the chattels anil collaterals of the firm ot
Aaams & Hridgo Co. , In their possession.
An order for this showing was mudo on
March 20 , J838.
Mrs. Elizabeth McCaffrey has been ritod
to file an account with Judge Shields of wr
administration of the estate of her husiui'J ,
John McCaffrey , deceased.
Henry Cordz & Co. , of HIrch Tree. Mo. ,
have commenced suit ucalnst Frantt liar-
nunt to recover * 320 ! tt duo on a bill of lum
Are you a Inver of cbampajrnoi Do you
wlMiu superior article ! Dry Cook's ' extra
dry imperial champagne. It Is ilua
Suspicion Aiousoil By the Death of
Mrs. Dr. Robbing.
Dr. Sliot-innUcr , tlio AttendingIMiyfll -
clan , Sees No Hcnson For Foul
1'lny \ Divorce Ca o
Imltl liiu-o.
LiNCor.x , Nob. , Oct. 4.J
The death of Mrs. Dr. Ilobblns , mentioned
a Tnr ! Hnn to-day , has become sensational.
Friends nnd neighbors of the deceased os
ircss tlio bollof that she was poisoned by her
lusband. Alleged pccullardeath of two for
mer wives Is cited In support of the accusa
It la learned that Mrs. Kobhlnsdlcd tn con
vulsions , but the attending physician , Dr.
Shoomahor , accounts for them by stating
.hat her death wns duo to n peculiar disease
) t the kidneys. He denominates the spasms
in which she mod uraomtc convulsions.
It appears that the doctor's second wife
Hied Id similar convulsions In August , 1SS3 ,
and at that time there wcro also ugly rumors.
Some three mouths ago ho married his Iiouso-
Iccopor , a Miss Cole , wno is qitlto proml-
icntly connected hero , and her death ,
coming so sonn after his thlni
wedding day , under alleged similar circum
stances , started tongues to wagging venom
ously. Indeed , it Is opOuly suited that his
lirst wife went. In precisely tlio Bamu way.
Iheso stories became so open , so direct und
so positive that A. C. Klckots. W. H. Hardy ,
D. K. Lllllnridgc , M. D. Tiffany , Cyrus P.
Flick , II. D. Horgolt and C. II. Uudgo , said
to bo Unbbins' friends , addressed nn open
call to Coroner Shoemaker demanding a post
mortem examination and an inquest. At
this hour the coroner is preparing to do their
bidding. It scorns , however , that Prof.
Nicholson , of the state university , refusesto
make the examination because the county
rctuscd to allow his bill of $100 for making a
ilmllar examination on the dead body of an
infant child alleged to have been poisoned
hero several weeks ago. This , it is said ,
may occasion some delay , bat it Is under
stood thnt the examination will commence
Divorced Idit Devoted.
The petition to a suit will bo illed In the
district court within a few days that alleges
many sensational features.
Some six years ago Charles W. Geode , of
this city , was united in marriage to Miss
Lillie May , n young girl but fourteen years
of age , and they lived happily together
thereafter. Something llko two years ago ,
however , the husband wcnttoICansastoscek
work and left his wife with Mrs. Jennie May ,
an nunt who lives iiMho city. Itnppoars the
aunt did not like her niece's husband , and
b.v threats , entreaties and commands in
duced her to upply for a divorce at the
November term of court , nearly a year ago.
C. G. Daxves , a member of the bar of tins
city , was retained by Mrs. May to secure the
divorce. The petition sot up thnt Mrs.
Geode had been deserted by her husband ;
that she hud been cruelly treated und abused
b.v him while they lived together. Evidence
was introduced supporting the allegations of
the petition , aud the court readily' grunted
her a decree. Shortly afterwards she re
moved to another state. Since then , how
ever , the divorced conplo sought each other
In correspondence. Explanations followed ,
und about a week ago the divorced wife ar
rived hero , She immediately sought a
lawyer and stated her caso. A rich petition
resulted. It cnarges Dawes , her former at
torney , with inducing bar to sign the petition
for divorcement charging desertion , cruel
treatment and abuse without her knowing
anything of its contents. She also allcccs
that her husband bad always been good and
kind to her ; that he had not deserted her ,
nnd that at the time the decree was granted
slioluiow where he wus and had been in con
stant correspondence with him ; that , In
fact , her aunt had compelled her to take the
step she bad taken , and that the allegations
of the petition were untrue. Upon this stato-
mcnt she prays that the decree may bo set
aside aud past relations restored.
Important Itccnininnnilatlons.
Auditor Hcnton was at his desk this morn
ing. Ho returned last night from Boston ,
Mass. , where ho attended the meeting of the
committee appointed by the national conven
tion of railroad commissioners. Kogarding
the meeting the auditor says : "There was a
full attendance of the committee. The moot
ing was for the purpose of recommending to
the different states amendments whcroby a
uniformity of railroad legislation may bo
reached. Several interesting suujccts were
proposoil and discussed , nnd recommenda
tions were male which , if adopted by the
legislatures of the different states , will tend ,
in a great measure , to solve the railroad
question. Ono particular recommendation ,
which is of interest to a largo number of
Nebraska people , is in regard to the ship
ment of coal requiring railroad companies to
deliver the number of tons of coal to the con
signee , which is billed by the con
signors and allowing them only to
charge for the actual tonmigc shipped.
For Instance , a dealer in Lincoln or Omaha
purchases a car load of coal at the mines.
Ho is compelled to take thb miiio weights ,
which 1 will say is eighteen tons , and upon
which ho pays the freight. When the car
arrives It is from ouo to three tons short.
Now , tbo question arises , where docs that
shortagp occur. Isituttlie mines , or is it
en route , und is not the company responsible
to the consignee for the amount named in
the bill ot lading ( It is claimed that several
coal dealers have been compelled to retire
from business m this state because of this.
Many other equally important recommenda
tions were made. The meeting was har
monious and of interest , especially to ttioao
present. "
State Ilousu
The Hank of Uladon filed articles of in
corporation to-day. Capital stock authorized ,
$5,000. Incorporators : J. W. Jones , S. J.
Mattocks , F. W. McLaughlln and W. IL
Commissioner Stcen was busy to-day preparing -
paring for leasing the sallno lands of the
state , which takes place to-morrow. Bids
will bo received at 10 o'clock In the morn
Smith Cah ] well was nt the state house to
day preparing his quarterly reports. It Is
learned that coal oil inspection is oven moro
prolltublo to the state than it has been in the
Suprumo Court I'roonctllmrs.
Court mot pursuant to adjournment. The
following gentlemen wore admitted to prac
tice : Mr , Albert S. Uichlo , of Douglas
county , and II. K. Nowitt , jr. , Philadelphia.
Grifllth va Woolworth. Continued.
The foltowiug causes were argued and sub
mitted : Lludsey vs lloatou. D. T. & G.
li. Ilailroad Company vs Hutchlns , G. & li.
V. Kailroad Company va Sovoriu.
t. The following casea were lllod for trial :
Omaha & Kopubllcun Yulloy Kailroad
Company v Thomas S. Hall. Error from
the district court of Gatro county.
Emma L. Van Etton va Henry A. ICostura.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
When lUbjwa * trici , ire gnre her Cutorla.
Wlicn she iru a Child , ibe oiftd for Cutorla ,
Wlum she became Hto , tha clung to Outoria ,
lfhn r.hehac' Chi ! Jrra. uhn cavr them Oi'ioriu
, . . . CUSHIOHI
Stf BUi iJ C tVkliMri l > rd dl.ll.niOuiuuUh
wr' ir Wi X * ! }
I n JJ C V atlu al1 urlimr y t rouliloa ( luslly.nulck.
MUIIUI Ianil gttfel- ( Mired by DOOTUItA
< j-8ulou. Several canon rurnil in seven dayH.
Hold at fl.fio per Inx , ull drui. < ists , or by mall
from Doctura * ITK Co , 112 Whlto t. N. V.
1'uil directions.
Error from the district court of Douglas
GcorRO K. Brown vs .John II. Drnko.
Error from the district court of Adams
Willlnm U Tublia va D. 11. Mackintosh.
Error from the district court of Furnns
Court adjourned to Tucsdny. October B ,
1SS9 , nt 8:30 : n. m. Blovcns vs Ho wo will bo
tlio lirst called for trial
Uisscll vs Fletcher , error from the district
court for llnrlnn county , nltlrmcd ; opinion
by Mnxwull , Justice.
Tlio Stntu Insurance Company of Ic
Molnna vs Schrcek , error from the district
court of Holt county , anirmod ; opinion by
Kccfto , clilftf Justice.
Nollkntnpar vs Ahblnpton , error from the
district court of HoU county , aOlrmod ; opin
ion by Cobb , Justice.
Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company vs
Solvers , error from tlio district court for
DoelRO county , nnirmoil ; opinion by Cobb ,
Kowlnnd vs Slionhonl , error from the dis
trict court for Kticrlitnn county , ulllrmo.l ;
opinion by Itccso , chlof Justice.
CresMur vs KCCRO , error from the district
court for MudUon county , reversed unless
defendant Illo romtttlturo ot4M within forty
days ; opinion by Hceso , cnlof Justice.
Nebraska Lonn nnd Trust Company vs
AiHtin , nppoul from tlio itlsirict court from
LunciiKturcoiinty , adlruiod ; opinion by Kcosc ,
chief Justice.
State ex rol. Stevens va Cnrson , mnti-
writ allowed ; opinion b.v Uccso , chief
Uuir va Pcoplo'a B-ink , error from the dis
trict court for O.IBO county , alllruioJ ; ojiin-
lon oy Maxwell , Justice.
Levy vs First National Hunk of Hastings.
error from the district court for Adams
county , a HI rm oil ; opinion b.v Cobb , Justice.
ilolloway va Suhooley , error from tlio dis
trict court for UutTalo county , nOlruicd ; opin
ion bv Cobb. Justlco.
Urltton , liichurdson ft Co. vs Hoyer St
Dnvulson , error from the district court for
Hod Willow county , nftlruicd ; opinion by
Kucso , chief Justlco.
City Ninvsand Note * .
Ur. Henson , of Omnlui , Is In the eity. He
cnmo down to ofllciuto for the .lowish day ot
ntonomcnt , or Yorn ICippur. Ho conducted
services to-night at the Qurman cniirch , un-
gugcd by tlto Hebrews for temporary pur
poses , und will alto Iccturo to-morrow both
before the Hoformcd and Orthodox churches
nt their ronectlvo houses of worship. Tnero
isnstronc probability thiit. the Hoformcd
church will build u permanent synagogue in
this city.
H. J. Green returned from Chicago to-day
accompanied by Charles Wcathorby , wno
skipped from the Glebe clothing house with
n $17 overcoat and a sold watch belonging tea
a circo of tills city. Ho will have a prelim
inary hearing before Judge Houston In n day
or RO.
Marshal Carder Hied his charges against
Ofllcor Pound to-day. The mayor will hear
the case to-morrow , and if public opinion is
worth anything I'ouud will bo reinstated.
The clamor Is KOiicrnl for Carder's removal
and It in expected every day that his reals-
nation will be demanded.
The body ofV. . R Hunt , who died very
suddenly in this city , w.u sluppuJ to Gloa
Elder , Kan. , to-uay for burial.
I'owmnn'H Honda $ mOOO.
The preliniln.iry honringof I'nn Uowmnn ,
who is oharsed with the murder of J nclc
IClnnuy , was continued yesterday. Ascnroof
wltnosscs wi-ro placed on the stand.
Howman xyaa held iitidr bonds of
$15,000 to the district court on tbo cliargo of
murder in the Hoc-ond dogrue.
How Atoiioincnt li\y AVIH boObsorrod
In Oinnlin.
Ycstordai'dtsundown.tho Hebrews Inaupit-
rntca the Klppur or Atonement day , which
day corresponds with the biblical injunction
to observe the tenth day of the seventh
month from sundown to sundown nsn day
of penitence.
As viewed by the Hoorow , the day cm-
bodies the grandest principle which religion
can express , .Ttidaism docs not admit of a
mediator between God and man , nor of n vi
carious snorlllco. Clod Is the father , and
every human being n child croiitod In the
ImaguofGod , The child can oven stop Into
the prcsonco of the Father , and therefore
the D.iy of Atonement is not apart on which
nil are Invited to como and Invoke the Fit.
thcr's forgiveness nnd otitaln iu
Another deep slenillcancu of the day is de
rived from the strict requirement- man's
atonement for wrongs committed against
fellow-mmi. Thcso two principles of mnn
atoning with his Maker , by monns of prayer
and penitence , nnd ntnnlnif with hh follow.
man by menus ot forclvonosi nnd repara
tion , have been lived up to by the .lew *
through nil the ages of their existence.
The practice ot' abstaining on that day
from food or other ciinml unjoymonts , Is in
perfect Keeping with the Idea underlying the
D.tyof Atonement ; . If It Is trim that the
nttalnmunt of tlio highest virtue depends
upon the control of the mind over the body ,
then that day , It Is hold , should bo ulvaii
wholly to tno duty , nud no dostro of the
quivering llesli grntillcd. On the othnr hand
the spirit of Jewish religion dis
countenances the Ucu of nuy nton-
ing power to tlio nut of fasting.
Their prophets nnd teachers denounce in
positive language the fast Indulged in as nn
end Instead of mo.ius. These who fast upon
that day and look upon it us n sort of letter
uf indulgence nln ngalnst tha spirit and idea
of the Jewish religion. Wltnout dovotlng
the day to sclf-rullectlon , meditation nnd a
determination to do oao'u duty in llfo as the
only means of living In nccordunco with the
divine purpov ) , fasting has no value nnd will
lead rather to n degrading of religion to nup-
Ttioso arc the ninin ideas which the Klppur
dav teaches the Hebrew. Neither the Ghetto
nor the frccdoai ut modern tunes has made
n perceptible inroad upon It , nnd its obsorv-
nnco la ns perpetual as the people who observe -
servo It. liuslncss in this city to-day
will bo entirely suspended by the
Jewish merchants , and divine services hold
in the llvoJowish aynaaoguos nnd conducted
by the respective rabbis or cantors.
Tlio Cnlifornln Cotnniiiiulorr *
Tlio California commnndery nnd the srranu
comtnnndcry of California , Knights Templar ,
passed through the city at 1 o'clock yester
day afternoon lu n special train of seven
blccpcrs nnd two b.iggairo cars.
The p.irty consisted of 1J3 ! persons , includ
ing fifty-eight ladies , twenty-four members
of the grand commandory nnd fifty Sir
Knighta of the California commandery.
brand Commander S. II , Waggoner was In
command of the party , with Eminent Com
mander 1'otcr Dean , of the California com-
Traveling Passenger Agent Klrkland , of
thn Union Pacific , nud charge of the party
from Denver to tlio UlulTs.
The train stopped but a very few minute *
on this aide , but it was announced that the
commandery would give an exhibition drill
nt Council UlulTs ,
For Bilious and Nervous Disorders , such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach. Sick Headache , Giddiness ,
ness , and Swelling alter Hea's ' , Dizziness and Drowsiness , Cold Chills , Flushings ol Heat , Loss of Appetite.
Shortness of Breath. Costivcnsss , Scurvy , RIdtches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep. Friqhluil Dreams , and all
Nervous and Trembling Sensations , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES.
1'hla is no llctlon. Every eulTurcr IB n.irnoilly Invited to try ouoDo.t ot Uicso 1'llls , cmil they will bo
OCKnnwloilKOil to bo a H'Hiiilt-rftll Jfnllrint :
Bir.OUAira TILL3 , lakou aa directed , will quickly restore fciiintts to cnmploto health. Fora
they ACT LIKE MAGIC : few dews will voile wonders upon tbo Vital Organs ; Strengthening the
muscular System ; restoring loiic-lnit Complexion ; bringing l > nuk tlio keen edge ol appetite , nua
rroiiBlnB with the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tin ) trluitophysical cuwf/y of tliulmimin frnnio. Thouo
are "torts'1 adtnlttcilby tlioumnd * . In nil claBwrtof ooclot ? : nnil ( moot tUofoeHtRiinrniitooa to the
MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full direction * with cnclilkix.
rrcimrrcl only by TtlOS. TJEI'CHASf , ftr. Helens , rnnoasliirc. rncrlniul. .
Sold l > u linguists { / . jitniHiD. . F. ALLEN & CO. , 365 and 3C7 Canal St. , New. York , Solo Agents lor
the UiiltcO States , tr/io ( If yi'ir druggist duos not Izocji them. )
Gurus all ( llHurilo.H ol the Stomach , Ijivor , Iton'olf , Kldnuj'R , llladd r N < ; r-
voiia Disunites. IJIIHH i l" Apputiio , Ilt'itilaotie , Connilput ion , CoHiivGiit'is , I < tl-
ucstion , * * , Fever , I'liuH , I5tc. , ami render.ilu > system IOHH liublo to
RADWAY'S PILLS are a euro for this complaint , 'i'tioy ' tone up the internal
secretions to hoitltliy notion , rcfatoro utrongth to the sluiniich and enable it to
perform its functions ; . Price Uoo not1 box. Sold by nil dnifitfists.
RAUWAY ft CO. , Now York ,
"Pure" and Silver gloss Corn Starch
Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O3 South IDth Street , Opp. PostolTice , Telephone 1400
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Jn
Yellcrw JPine.
To deMora only. Mills Southern Missouri. Ilooine , I'mi < 13. u , S. National Hunk Iiultittns
Teleplimio UV7 , Unmlia. MiU ,
1010 Douglas Street , Ornuha , Nebraska.