Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Ono or the Mout Exoltlnff Eacos In
the Qnmo's History.
CCho GreAt Strugulc Ilctwncn New
York nnd Iloston Vor tlio
Cinmplnnnlii ! | > of tlio
Again bflth New York nnd Boston won
ycstordny , nnd still the Now Yorks lead by
the Minder margin of two points. It Is the
greatest race In the history of base ball , ntul
Intense interest Is felt in the final outcome
this afternoon , when tha last games for 1SSS
will bo played. If both teams win agate
to-ilay , New York wins the championship ,
but if New York loses nnd Boston wini ,
then the Dean Enter ! , will carry off the flag ,
The chances are about even , nnd It may be
sa'foly said that tlio games ot Cleveland nnd
PltUburg this afternoon , where the two
leaders play , will be the most thrilling con
tests ever scon upon a ball Held. It Is esti
mated that the f ullest capacity of the groundc
In both cities will ba tested , nnd scats wil !
IMS sold at a premium. If both Now York
nnd Boston win this afternoon , it Is feared
by many that the clinuiplonship will not yol
bo nettled , in there IB soma doubt about one
game Nbw York won from Philadelphia , t
game arbitrarily transferred from Now
York to the Philadelphia grounds. This can
only bo donoby the consent of ull the club :
in the icnguo , nnd in this case neither New
York nor Philadelphia nskcd such privilege ,
President Sparling yesterday received n
telegram from Treasurer Howu of the Cleveland
land club , asking his ( Mr. Siuldlng's ) opin
ion as to the legality of tha Cleveland and
New York teams ploying double games.
President b'paldlng , after thinking the
tnnttor over , sent the following tolouram :
"Undor section fi'J thcro scorn lo bo u question
tion as to tbo legality of all double games ,
To prevent complications hope Now Yorli
and Uoston will agrco not lo play any marc
double Ramos this season , "
Section 09 of the Icnguo constitution read ;
as follows :
"Each club shall play twenty champion
ship games , and no more , witb every ether
club , but a tto or drawn came or games prevented -
vented by raia shall bo played ofl
on tbo same grounds the llrst suc
ceeding day ( not counting Sundays or dayi
when rain renders playing impossiblewithin
the dates of the satno schedule scries be-
1 twcen such clubs , if any remain open ; and
If not such game may bo played oft on unj
open date on either ground. "
The truth of the matter is that under the
wording of this rule all "double" trames thus
far played oft this season nro Illegal and
1 should not count in determining a club's po
sition in the raco. According to this section
Postponed games must bo ployed on "open
dates , " und nontpoucd games thatluu'o bean
begun nt 2 o'clocir in the afternoon , preced
ing the regular schedule game , hnvo not ,
therefore , been played on "open dates. "
This fact may lead to complications after the
close of the season.
By beating Philndolphlaycstordny Chlcagc
Is safely anchored in third place , and tin
teams will cud the race just as they appeal
in the following table :
Plavort. Won. Lost. Per Ct.
Now York 125 82 43 .C5 (
Uoston 127 83 44 .05
Chicaeo. . , 181 GO 05 .50J
Philadelphia . .120 O-'l 03 .MX
'Cleveland 133 ra 71 Att
Pittsburg. . . .133 GO 73 .45 !
Indianapolis..133 5b 75 .431
Washington. . .124 41 83 .Si ]
The American association champinnshit
race docs not reach a linlsli until Saturday
October 12. Brooklyn has won tin
Hag without question , and the other team :
will end about aa they stand below
Pla ; Per Ct
Brooklyn .co ;
St. Louis 137 .041
Athletics 123 '
Cincinnati 131 . 53-
> lnltlmoro ' :
Columbus 131 .42
, KanBns City..123 .411
Louisville 12 ! .201
l < 'or tlin City Championship.
There will bo an oxcitins # .1016 of basobal
, at the Omaha base ball grounds Sunday af
ternoon between the C ratio Uroi. Manufac
turing company und the Citv Steam laundry
teams for the city championship and $50 i
fiido. Following are the positions :
tixviirtz c Uros1
Carrigiui p Copclatu
Lnwfcon It ) Thompsoi
More-hell 21) Pattursoi
Stevenson 3b Van Aurnau
1 Juldwln ss Stochhan
Howies if IIiulc ;
\Vlgraiui , cf Melroai
Kulin rf \Vat
Alter the Twin GUIon'
Mix.xiu'oins : , Oct. 4. An evening pape
uiys : ' Negotiations have been opened b ,
thcUrnthurhood of liaso I3all Players foi
the purchase of the Minneapolis and St. Pan
franchises in order thnr they ina.vlnu.ito hal
icarna in the Twin citiea next year. Tb
deal is yet in embryo , but tha St. Paul mar
tigers have been offered $10,000 cash for thei
franchise. Two emissaries of tlio brother
hood hnvo been In Minneapolis for the pas
\Vcok , nnd it it said have made favorable 10
ports to their chiefs.
AIIHOII and Hlirlever Injured.
Cmcucio , Oct. 4. Serious accidents oc
curred on tbo leairuo ball grounds to-dnj
'While the teams were practicing Uolobant ;
. hatted a lly very high into the air. Slirieve
end Anson both started to catch it and col
Hdod with terrible force , both beingthrowi
to the ground. Uoih had to bo assisted t
arise und wcro carried to tlio hotel. It is re
ported that Anson sustained a very baa fracture
turo of 'lie Juw , whilu Shrievor has a sc
vcroly dlslifiurcd forehead and his right ey
is cut , it is Tuarcd seriously.
Tlio National
PiTTBuuno , Oct. 4. Hesult of to-day'
game : ,
Pittsburg . 0 00300000 i
Boston . 0 03010001
1 Uaso lilts t'lttsburj * 7 , Uoston 13. Jir
rors Plttsuurjf 3 , Boston a. Hutterles-
PitlsburK , Staloy und Millar ; Uoston , Mud
den and llonnctt. Umpire Powers.
S , Oct. 4.- Result of to-duy'i
'Kama :
IndiumipoUs.O 201002001
Washington . 0300 13 00000
P.USO hits Indianapolis 10 , Washington t
Errors. Indianapolis 3. Washington T. 13al
tories Indianapolis , Fee , and Sommora
"WnsliiirKton , ICrock and Hiddlo. Umpir
Knight. _
CIIICAQO , Oct. 4. Hesult of to-day1
ChiciKO . 0 00003010
l > hihutcpluu..O !
Huso hits-Chicago 0 , Philadelphia li. El
rors ( JhicJRO 0. Puiludolphla 1. IJattcrios-
Cblcugq , Ilutchinson nnd Darling ; Phil ;
dplpliia. HufUnton and Clements. Uinplro-
1 Ci.fcVKLAXD , Oct. 4. Result of to-day'
.gauio :
Clovolund . 0 00000001
Ka\y Vrfc ( . 8 0031000 *
Uaso iilts-Clovcland 8. Now York 7. Ki
rors Cleveland 4 , New York U. Battorloa-
Clovcluud. Halteloy nnd Xlmuior ; Now Yorl
Welch und Kwing. Umpire Lynch.
Atuorloan Ashoolatlou ,
BiLTiMuuc , Oct. 4. Result of to-day'
Kama :
Baltimore. . . , . .0 00030810-
. Columbus . 1 600 0291 0 1
CINCINNATI , Oct. 4. Result of to-day1
vaino ;
Cincinnati . 3410000 'JO
Louisville . 1 00001000-
A \Vresillng Match Arranged.
Snm Matthews , tbo wrestler from Su
Francisco , has boon successful la arrangin
a mutch. Arthur Hcthcry , of this city , me
him at Twelfth and Douglau streets ins
evening nud ugned articles to meet nes
Thursday night at tuu Pooplo'it theatn
catch-fis-catcu-can , best three out 6t flr
falls , for $100 a side. The moner was posted
in Kd Miller's hands and the parties mutually
agreed upon the sporting editor of TnB URH
a * rofcreo. It I * whispered thnt this is only
the first of n Dorics of wrestlintf matches
which nro likely to coma ofl In Omaha , and
It It almost certain that all the champions
Trill bo berovithln the present month.
The nioycto Tournament.
PEOIIM , Oct. 4. At the bicycle tourna
ment to-day Winshtp nnd Lumsdoa , of Chicago
cage , rode n tandem onu mile In 2:82X ,
breaking the world's record of 3:87 : , made
by tbo Bankers brothers at Hartford , In
September , 1S8S.
Hand Bnll.
The first of tha series ot hand ball games
between M. Kllrrnllon , of Omaha , and Will-
lam Kenftlcr , of South Omaha , for $ . X ) a Bide ,
will bo played at 31 > . in. to-day nt Hart tt
Klljrallon's court , 1123 Clilcatro utreot. Ken-
slor RU.VS ho fa confident of winningtha
match , but Kllgnllon hn > > money that nays ho
cannot. In any cano this will bo n very In
teresting game , as the men nre well matched.
Tun si'isrcu KING.
Mnrrln t'nrk Kncon.
\foitnis PAUKOct. \ . 4. The weather was
chilly nnd the attendance fair. Summary !
Pivo furlong Fordham won , Pearl Set
second , Swift third. Time : M.
Mile and one-eighth , two starters Now or
Never uid Brother Uan ran a dead heat.
Tinio l :5 : 3f. The staicos were divided.
Seven fnrloiiRfl Cruckimnn won , Bon
Harrison second , Coota third. Time 1:20) : ) .
Ono mile St. John won , Barrister second ,
Duuboyno third. Time 1:41 > .
flvo Mt < Aniuo
Two-ycar-oldH. furlonps is
won , Civil Scrvlco Becond , Gun Wad third.
Time l:00tf. :
Six furloiiRs Tipstaff won , Freedom second
end , Glcnniouiui third. Time 1:11. :
rmiotitn llnccs.
CISCIXKATI , Oct. 4. The track wn < in
coed condition nt Latonla to-day. The
weather \viis pleasant and ttioiittcndnuco
good. Summary :
Tlireo-year-olds nnd upwards , seven fur
longs Sis Hlinyar wou , Middteraarch sec
ond. Pritchctt third. Time 1:31. :
Maiden ttvo-ycv" olds , half inilo Ely won ,
Sctnnplioro BOCOIIU , Fiver third. Time oO .
* Maidou t\vo-ycar-olda , Lalf mile Happi
ness won , Mt. Lebanon second , Lotta S
third. Time :50. :
Threo-ycnr-olds and upwards , flfteon-slx-
tconthi of a tnilo logo won , Mirth second ,
Daisy Woodruff third. Time 1:3S. :
and upwards uiilo
Throe-year-olda , eco
Drandolctto won , Queen of Trumps second ,
Pantalotto third. Time 1:50 : .
Two-year olds , flvo furloncs Red Light
won , Koscmond second , Martha Page third.
JKUOMR PJLIIK , pi. Y. , Oct. 4. Summary
of to-day's races :
Two-year-olds , six furlongs St. James
won , Hop second , Eminence third. Time
Mllannd onc-clehtii King Crab won , Ca-
itonto second. Golden Heel third.Tiaio
Fourteen hundred yards Pontiao won ,
Blue Rock second , Climax third. Tinio-
1:23. :
Hunter stakes , three-year-old fllllcs , ono
and one-eighth miles Auraula won , Daylight -
light Rccoml , Duplicity third. Time 2:2J : ! ) .
Milo and three-sixteenths , two starters-
Huntress won. Philosophy second. Time
2:08. :
Six furlongs Little Minnie won , Mute
second , Utility third. Time 1:16 : # .
Tinnsns Citv Uncos.
ICANSis CITV. Oct. 4. The weather was
delightful ani ( the track fast. Summary :
2io : ! trotting ( unfinished from yesterday )
Indian Pet won.'Holden Davis second. Two
Exes third , others ruled out and distanced.
Time--3:29 : > , ' .
2:80- : pace , purse S-tUO President Wilkes
won , John U. accond , Delight third , others
distanced. Tima-2.27K.
2aOtrot : , purse 5100 Nolho V won. Black
Diamond second , Captain third , Illinois Eg
bert distanced. Tlmo-2:2l&
. 2:40 : trot , purse $4011 Wllkumontwon , Cora
McGregor second , George C third , Joasan
fourth. Time 2:31. :
St. Ijonis Haces.
ST. Louis , Oct. 4. The weather was pleas
ant , the truck fine and the attendance fair.
Summary :
2:10 : pnce , purse $2,000 Hal Pointer won ,
Doctor M second. Monkey Holla third , Mag'
gio It fourth. Time 2:10J .
3 SO trot , purse .50a Dick Smith won ,
Nettle second , Scdulm Bnv third , Clarence
King fourth. Time 2:21 :
StanfortPfl lloooril Hreaker.
FHKSNO , Cal. , Out , 4. Senator Stanford's
three-year-old Sunol trotted a mile here
to-day in 2ia breaking ull previous three-
year-old records.
Ho Published Tnnnnr's Ijottcr to Vln-
( licato Hiinscir.
ST. Louis , Oct. 4. Prlvato Dalzell write ;
n letter from Caldwcll , O , to the Republic ,
In which bo defends his course in publishing
'runner's letter. Ho says :
"My veracity was questioned when I sold
that Tanner and the president promised m <
the deputy commlssioncrship of pensions
This , Corporal Tanner confessed in sub
stance , ana lays the blame of the violatct
promise upon Is'oblo nnd the president , am
this made the publication not only proper ,
but unavoidable. "
County Fairs.
UEATHICC , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tola
gram to TUB BEE. ) The Gage county fall
closed this evening tbo most successful ox
liibit in the history of the county. The
various displays were unusually complete
und mapnitk'cnt. The races to-day wcro re
plcte with interest , though the freo-for-al
terminated disastrously. In the two-year
old race there wore three entries Sabin't
Counsellor , Sea Uroezo and Orlando bos
two lit three half miio beats , nnd was won bi
Sablu's Counsellor. Time 1:33 : andl:31ii :
two straight heats , with Sea iireczo sticom
unu Orlando third.
In the treo-for-all , best three in four
Ladd'a Counsellor , Beatrice lUo and.Logat
11 were entered. Counsellor won tbo llrsl
heat in 2:31 : , licatricu Itto the second urn
third hcits in 3:29 : and 2:31 : respectively ,
lu the fourth beat Counsellor broke
in the llrst quarter , but regained hi :
feet In the last turn. Counsellor am
Iko were making splendid speed , will
scarcely a hair's breadth between them
when Iko broke Just at the turn , causinp
Counsellor's sulkv to strike his whuol , Inrow
lug Iku's driver , Dluk Tlldun , out , and at tin
same moment overturning Counsellor1 !
sulky , crushing the wheel and throwing hi :
driver out. Counsellor and Iko carne gallop
ing down to the homo stretch withou
drivers. Wearing the string , seine OIK
jumped Into Ike's stilUy and passed under tin
wiro. Counsellor kept on around the tract
with the wreck of his sulky dragging bo
bind , und llnully run himself down. Hi :
iocs were badly out , but the horse was no
othurwUo injured , iko esuaocd injury alto
gethor. Tlio judges gave the heat und raci
to iko nnd declared all bets off.
Lour CITY , Nob. , Oot , 4. [ Special to Tin
Hun. | Tlio Sherman county agrlcuitura
fair closed yesterday , and was , in many re
snccts , the most successful fair over held ii
the county , und rullccts on the management
Tha stonk exhibit was largo aud lino. Thi
exhibit of farm products , although not largo
was exceptionally good , and clearly demon
atratcs the fact that Sherman county is i
fruit growing county. Ono ontcrpritdni
tanner exhibited eleven different varieties o :
uppled , all of which were grown on his furn
near Verdurotto.
AunuKJJ , Neb. . Oct. 4. [ Special Tologran
to TUB DUE. ] The moat successful fair ovei
hold in Ncrnaha county closed to-day. Thi
receipts will pay all accrued claims am
premiums nnd leave a surplus for next year
The trottlutr race was waa by Hoadtov'i
Hcu H in three straight heats , Tlrao-2:375f :
Ilun , mile and repeat , -was won by Kyuu'
Vit'go , of Saaeca , ICaq. , la li9. ! Trotting
Lalf mlle and repeat , for two-year-old colta
was wou by Caldwoll's Tallaho la 1:57. :
Mt. Mnnsllelil Hotel nestroywl.
STO B , Vt. , Oct. 4. Mt. Maasileia hotel
has neon burned ; loss , $105,000.
Operators Checked Somewhat By
n Oloao Money Markot.
Repot-In l < Tom All Ports Show In-
orcnaoil Activity on tlio VPholo
Iron Bordering on n. Boom
Failures on tlio Incrcas * .
The Weekly Resume.
Nisw Yonit , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HEU.I U , O. Dunn ft Co.'s weekly
review of trade suvs : A elosb money mar
ket , ns was anticipated last week , has
checked operations to some extent. The
shipment of $1,000,000 In gold to Europe by a
firm engaged In placing two largo loans for
foreign governments , and therefore anxious
to Drovcnt further advance in Hnnlc of Eng
land rates , was all tlio olunror ovldcnco of
the nctuul demand abroad because made nt a
small loss if reckoned at the current rnto of
exchange. A sudden fall In tlio rate from
84.83 to M.SGJf was followed by an upward
movement again , and it seems not improba
ble that the exigencies of the Argentine Re
public and the placing of the Uusslun loan
may affect ? the money mantel hero. October
disbursements and moderate purchases of
bond * have inado the market easier for the
present , but tlio rate nn call , nttor rising
5 > to 8 per cent nntl oven to 30 per ccut for
a short time , is yet about 7 per cent , with no
improvement In the commercial loan murlcot.
The reports of business from all parts of
tlio country show Increased activity on tlio
whole , though In some branchci tradn Is not
up to the September leva ) . Chicago finds
business larger than a year ago , with heavy
country onurn , showing a largo demand and
nu easy financial condition throughout the
The year's rccoiuts of corrals fall oft a
little , but of provisions nro nearly doubled.
Cleveland llnds all branches improving
and the factories full of ardors.
PHlsbnrg notes higher prices for Iron and
steel , glass business active with the works
ull operating , and the coal trade dull.
Throughout the west excellent crops nro
tbo basis of largo buying by the farming :
districts nnd confident hopes as to the trade
for the rest of the year.
The banl : exchanges for September show
an increase ovur last year of ouly/J per cent
nt Now York , 2V4 per cent at Boston , Phila
delphia and Chicago , and 7) Per ceut at a11
other cities taken together. -
The iron business is in some dancer of
running into an unhealthy."boom , " so great
is the anxiety of many to stimulate the de
mand. Several largo furnaces are about
going into blast , and southern No 1 is
still Bold bero at $10. 5. but higher
prices than S18 are paid for desired brands ,
wbich are scarce , and structural plato nnd
wrought ulpo are strong , but of there is
not much selling and some mills are inviting
eiders at $18.50. Rails have actually sold for
$29 in considerable q'uantltv at eastern
worics , but Philadelphia quoted' ? ; ! ! , and the
west correspondiuBly higher prices.
Only 3iOO ! miles of railroad have been
built in nine months of this yetu. and it is
Btill an open question how lone the demand
for iron and stool products in the aggregate
will equal the increasing supply.
The wool market shows a bettor tone be
cause concessions In price nave induced
larger transactions , but the high
prices asked still push consumers
to take a great deal of cheap
foreign wool instead of American.
The sugar trust seems not uuliKoly to fol
low the copper syndicate nnd the cotton
corner , atleastas far as prices are concerned.
Raw sugar is lower , the demand for con
sumption being slack , nnd meanwhile heavy
sales of sugar have 'dopicssod the , price about
90 cents.
The cotton oil trust is also heivilysold and
declined sharply.
Tin is lower at 20' cents , and ( cad quiet at
3.9 cents.
The coal market improves but slightly in
the amount of sales and not nt all in prices ,
so that attacks upon the coal carrying stocks
bave been encouraged.
Speculation in wheat has wcakonea and
the prlco is 1 % cents lower , with sales of
1(3,000,000 ( bushels here. '
Corn is 1 cent and oats H cent lower , and
pork steady. The general level of prices is ,
nevertheless a shade higher than on October
1 , and has advanced \\i per cent sinca Sep
tember 1 , a result due r.ithcr to the partial
failure of some crops than to the increase of
the monetary supply.
The volume of nrouoy in circulation Is
$15,300,000 larger than on September 1 , and
the increase in three months has been
. ' 3,000,000 , but the aggregate is scarcely
larger now than it , was last December.
The business failures in the United States
for the quarter ending- with September were
2,270 , showing a decrease of 85 cr Il.Tpor
cent from last year , but for , nine months the
number ban been 7,899 , showing nn increase
of 3'29 , or 4 per cent. The liabilities for the
past quarter have been swelled by a few
largo failures to 10 per cent more than for
the sauio quarter last year , but for nine
months the aggregate has been an increase
of lOii1pur cont.
The failures in Canada show a decrease of
G per cent in number nnd 10 per cent in lia
bilities for the past quarter ; fo'r the niuo
months thereha"u been only three less than
last year in uumbt'r , but 10 per cent less i > i
For the past week the failures reported
naraborTTJ for the United States nnd thirty-
four for Canada , aiainst 19-J last week and
231 for the corresponding- last year
184 In the Hailed States and thirty-seven in
Prosolytlne fililera Driven Out ol
Wilson County. Tcnn.
NvsuvnM3 , Tenn. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK. ] News comes from Wil
son county that tbo Mormon elders have
been driven out by White Caps. The ciders
disappeared some timn ago , when tha agita
tion was brought against them , but returned
n few days ugo , believing the storm had
blown over. Their incendiary utterances
wore not forgotten , however. Forty or flfty
men , masked and robed in white , lost night
visited the houses where the elders bed
been. Some ono , however , had given the
warning , and not one older was to be found.
The men wore cautioned against ever allow
ing the ciders to darken their doors again ,
and toe eldura left the country this morning ,
KiRhty-Seveii Cases Iteporteci In Ho-
OOITO , Now Md.xloo.
Ei. PASO , Tox. , Oct. 4. This city is considerably -
sidorably excited over reports that small
pox is raging at Socorro , N. M. The reports
Imvoboon confirmed by passengers and rail
way conductors passing through Socorro.
They say that up to midnight eighty-seven
cases wuro reported. The board of health
of El Paso inet lust night nnd decided to
quarantine Socorro. Compulsory vaccina
tion bos been ordered In the public schools.
Ono Child Blown to Pieces and Two
Fatuity Injurml.
GATPOA , Ont. , Oct. 4. Three children
named Walton obtained access to the powder
bouso of tbo gypsum mme bora yesterday
afternoon and ono of them Ignited a quan
tity of powder , Ono of the children was literally -
orally blown to pieces and tbo others were
BO badly injured they cannot recover.
Comiteri'ulturs Caught.
iNDUUAroLis , Oct. 4. The United States
secret service officers made a biff haul ol
counterfeiters to-day. For lx weeks a de
tective has been living with two gangs which
bave operated in Orange county. The oni
cer * made a raid to-day ana seven out of fif
teen nro under arrest and the others arc
being : pursued.
Omaha Secures the Undertakers.
TOUOSTO , Ont , Oct. 4. | Special Telegram
to TUB HEE.J TUa next mooting ol the International
tornational Funeral Director1 association
will bo held la Ornaba in 1890.
No Mnt rfol Change noth Sldca
Claim Kvcrytlilnir.
HKLKXA , Mont. , Ont.4. There Is no ma
terial ohncgo In tlio legislative situation In
Montana to-day , The republicans still claim
it on joint ballot by three , whlto the demo
crats claim itbr soron. The election of
Toolo U ndmlttod by the republicans so far
n * the returns how , but they claim tbo full
returns wllr lvo tha oulco to I'owor.
South Dnkotn.
. -ty Oct. 4. The chairman of
the dotr&urntlo state central committee to
night placed the total democratic vote In the
state at 30,000 , ' nnd claims twenty democratic
members of the legislature. Ho says the
vote 1 * larger than expected. Secretory
Uusbnoll , nf the state prohibition committees
nays ho has sufllciont returns to guarantee
the statement that prohibition has n ma
jority. _
Prohibition' * Alnjorlty.
ST. PAUL , Oct. 4. A special from Fargo ,
N. O. , says : Tlio Republican publishes an
estimate of the voto-for prohibition In thirty
counties , which shows a not majority for
prohibition of 1,790.
IJou'rbon Victories.
RAPID Crrr , S. D. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB UUB.J The entire dumocratto
dclccntlon from this countis elected to the
legislature ; Mend county the same. The
nnti-Moody republicans supported the demo
cratic ticket.
Till ; 1'P1SCOPA1.1AN3.
llpport of the Proceeding or
ilay'fl Session.
NFW YORK , Oct. ! . At to-day's session of
the general convention of the Protestant
Episcopal church the report of tbo committee -
too on marriage nnd alvorco was presented
without being readnnd made the ordarof the
day for Thursday next. The report of the
committee on tbo canons of ordination was
made the order of the day for Wednesday
next. Several memorials opposing and fav
oring proportionate representation in the
general convention wore received.
The Nebraska delegation presented a mem
orial , approved by the bishop of Its dioccso.
asking that the limit of the present dioccso
bo contracted and that the church shall re
sume control over the western part of the
Memorials from -Maryland and Michi
gan delegations protesting against the
change in tho. uatno of the church , were pre
sented. The house of deputies then trans
formed itself into a missionary council with
Bishop Whipplo , of Minnesota , in the presi
dent's chair. Kov. . Dr. Langford , secretary
of the board ef missions , presented the tri
ennial report of rthp'board and It was re
ferred to a special committee. It showed
that the gross receipts of the society for tbo
past year were $480.131. Of this sum $133-
Ii2 ) was devoted to domestic missions , $41,102
to Indian missions and $141OSJS to foreign
missions. n
Dr. Langford offered n resolution which
was nnanimously-jndoptcd , that the board of
missions indorse the efforts of the board of
managers to seduce a site nnd bulla a mission
headquarters in this city at a cost nt $200,000.
Missionary Bishop Morris , of Oregon , then
spoke nt some length on tbo work under his
cnargo in thutnlalo.
When the afternoon session opened Bishop
Pierce , of Arkansas nnd Indian territory ,
took the platform'nnd told the board of mis
sions of the nnedvof his diocese.
Missionary Bishop Spaulding , of Colorado ,
said the Tiroporty.'of the church there had
grown in valiwc 'from $100,000 to $1,000,000
since ho bad been stationed there.
Bishop Carrot , of Tcxafe , and Missionary
Brewer , of Montana , also told of their
needs. ' * < '
Tlio Molionic Con IVrenCo.
LAKE MOIIO 'JM' Qct. , 4. At the session of
the Mohonk conference to-day Dr. Lyman
Abbptt , chairman'.of the committee on reso
lutions , reported"Ibo" annual platform. It
reaffirms previous utterances , approves the
general plan outlined'by Commissioner Mor
gan , for comprehensive nnd compulsory edu
cation by the government in harmony and
concurrence witn the work of the churches
and philanthropic societies. Another plank
asserts that as the high character of those
engaged in the work of Indian education and
tha purmanance of their tenure of ofllco are
essential to substantial progress , the confer
ence emphasizes the necessity of separating
absolutely the appointments of such officers
from the mutations of parties. On recom
mendation of Miss Robertson , a missionary
among the Creeks in Indian territory , n reso
lution was incorporated in the platform rec
ommending tbo bringing of those Indians
into full cituonshlp and extending to them
tlio full protection of American laws.
A Returned Missionary Tells or the
Progress Heine Made.
Cnicuoo , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEn.l John T. Swift , of New York
City , who lias been in Japan several year * on
missionary work , in an. address to the min
isters in this city to-day , stated that the
mental powers of the Japanese are remark
able. The deeper problems of philosophy
and metaphysics have an especial attraction
for the Jauancso students and they graup
them with singular force. "Such minds nro
wonderfully fitted for carrying forward the
work of the church , but in that great im
perial university at Tokio , with its 8,000 stu
dents , the truths of Christ are not taught.
It is the hotbed of iniidolity , the seat of ag
nostic philosophy. Men who nro familiar
with the pages of Milla , Spencer , Darwin
and Huxley have never heard of Jesus , , yet
oven into this stronghold of materialism the
gpppel has been carried. After some inquiry
twenty-six Christians were found among the
students and nn association for work has
been formed. The Japanese are turning to
the English language. It is being taught in
the schools and the pupils nro required to
study it. The demand for Englisn teachers
is so great that almost any person is seized
upon to teach. About seven thousand chil
dren In the empire are being educated under
Christian iullueuccs. Three millions are get
ting their education under the influences of
agnostic philosophy. You will thus realize
how great is the urgency for missionary
work. "
Filled Hint With Ilnukflhot.
MOBILE , Ala. , Oct. 4. Negro Stark , bo'-
lloved to bo the man who fired into the
church at Mossy Pomt on Wednesday night ,
killing Dan McKciipls , mortally wounding
his daughter and seriously wounding Henry
Blumer , was found tti-duy paddling down tha
Pascngoula river' in n skiff , lie refused to
stop , whereupon tcn'egro in the hunting party
11 rod upon him , Hitting him In the hand.
Stark raised his gun1 and aimed nt the crowd
bat the weapon mlssdQ lire. A deputy sheriff
tired , filling Stark with buck shot and killing -
ing bun instantly
Another llfbfr nt Monopoly.
CHICAGO , Oct. ' .IpfSpnclal Telegram to
TUB Bun.l The. monopoly in the manufac
ture of typo wrltcjip well as sewing ma
chines , seems destined to give way to the
spirit of corapotltloji.1'1 At Sprmgnuld to-day
a certificate of i if corporation was taken out
by the Munson Typewriter company , of Chicago
cage , the object being to manufacture type
writers , with a capltjiJ.stock of-WO.OOO , The
Inuoruorators nro Sainuol J , Selfrcid , T. B.
Harrison and Stephen Munson.
Tlio Convict-Smitten Witt ) Arrested.
OABSBLTON , N. T > . , Oct. 4. Mrs. J. P.
Sands , the wlfo of a Little Falls , Minn. ,
sheriff who liberated and eloped with Con
vict John Mitchell , was arrested hero to
night. She acknowledged her guilt. Mitch
ell escaped on the Manitoba train , but will
undoubtedly bo captured.
Will Compromise.
BOBTOK , Oct. 4. Croditora representing
$100,000 of claims have aisentod to the offer
of K. and A. II. Batchellor & Co , , of a set
tlement on a basis of 75 conU. which insures
the acceptance of tbo proposition.
Attacked the Tnrkl-di Troops.
LONDON , Oct. 4. A dispatch from Crete
says tbo Insurgent * have ultacUtxl tbo Turk
ish troops committlui ; outrages at C'anoa.
A Now Name For the Bt PnuT ,
Minneapolis & Manitoba.
Dliposcd or Under Order of the Fed
eral Court A Hook lilnnd Itcdiio-
tlon A Cut lit Harvest I3x-
onralon Tickets ,
An Important CM an no.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 4. According to a cir
cular Issued by the management of tbo St.
Paul , Minneapolis ft Manitoba road import
ant changes will soon bo made in the man
agement of that company.
Within tbo past ton year * the railways
under Its management hnvo Increased from
C40 to 3,200 miles. Further extensions wilt
bo necessary , and with n view of murglng
the control nnd concentrating the financier
ing of the system , it has boon determined to
organize a How corporation. It will albo be
the function of the now concern ,
which will bo known ns the Croat
Northern railway company , to provide
for the development of business and
necessary extensions. The Great Northern
Is organized under the laws of Minnesota ,
It will have an authorized capital of § 40,000-
000 , of which $20,000,000 will bo preferred
slock , entitled to dividends in preference to
/.ll othur stncl ; nt 0 oar cent per niinum.
This $40,000,000 of preferred stock is offered
to the stockholders of the Manitoba com
pany In equal exchange for tnoir present
A ( tnllrond Sold.
SmiNopiELn , Oct. 4. Major Uluford Wil
son , special commissioner , sold , under order
of the federal court , this afternoon , tbo St.
Louis & Chicago railroad , running from
Sprluglleld to Lltchllold , a distance of forty-
three miles. The road was purchased by A.
H. Jollno , otN w York , representing Gcorgo
CoppoJ , D. D. Withers und Frank ChollliiH , .
the reorganization committed of .second mart-
gngo bondholders ; prlco , $570,000. A now
company will bo formed la operate the road.
The Harvest IStoiiraloii Altermnth.
CuiOAao , Oct. 4. fSpocial Telegram to
TIIB BRK.I The aftermath of harvest ex
cursion tickets is now scon in Chicago scalp
ers' ofilcos. Tickets are freely sold reading
from Indianapolis to Denver , tbo ChlcnRO-
Denver portion being sold nt n cut of ? 4.
The ICnnsas City rate is also being cut to ? 1U.
Tbu market was listed to-day nnd it was
found that every scalper in Chicago was
making the ubovo rates. Tlio Alton has not
declared itself nor will it at present , but if
the Kansas City scalp continues it is likely
that It will follow its old policy nnd quote
oooiily us its regular rato. The Denver
ticket is exactly the form of the harvest ex
cursion ticket but the word harvest is
A Rock Island Krdncrlon.
CHICAGO , Oct 4. [ Spscial Telegram to
THE BEE. ] The Rocic Island will soon make
n reduction in rates of about 15 per cent to
Kcokuk , and probably at the same time the
Burlington will make n corresponding re
duction to Hannibal , the most southern
point. Vice President AlcMlllcn , of the
Alton , docs not apprehend tbo reduction will
extend to St. Louis , and ho also says tiu.t ns
long-as the reduction does not roach that
point it can ontv bo regulated by rnisinir
correspondingly the proportions of the rates
between the Mississippi and Missouri.
Anollifr l-'ixst. Mail Train.
WASHINOTOX , Oct. 4. J. L. Bell , general
superintendent of the railway mail service ,
has consummated an arrangement with the
Now YorK Central and the Lake Shore
railroad comnanies by which .1 now fast mall
train from Now York to Chicago will be es
tablished next Sunday. This train will re
duce the time of the arrival of the morning
mail in Chicago over four hours and will
carry u full force of railway postal clerks
who will take on mail along the en Jta route.
ttev. Patrick Cranin. of the Catholic
Union , Threatened.
BUFFALO , Oct. 4. Since the murder of Dr.
Cronin at Chicago last May the friends of
Rev. Patrick Cronin , of this city , who as ed
itor of the Catholic Union has been particu
larly severe in denunciation of the conspira
tors , have knoun that lie was a marked man.
In this week's ' issue of tha Catholic Union
Father Cronin editorially announces he has
been the recipient of threatening letters ,
some anonvmous and others signed. He an
swers the letters by denouncing the writers
as cowards , and states that ho has only piti
less contcinut for those who endeavor to in
timidate him.
A CIui-na-fl.icl : Conv Mition.
Cnic\ao , Oct. 4. The Journal savsaClan-
na-Qjul convention of about fifty delegates
from District 10 , comprising Illinois and
Michigan , will bo held m this city Sunday.
The convention will bo presided over by Ed
ward Spelman , of Peona , district officer. It
is the first convention of the kind in the his
tory of tne order , and has grown out of the
amalgamation of tbo Cronin and anti-Croniu
c.imps , and is called for the published pur
pose of the "Good of the Order " At that ;
convention n resolution will be introduced
denouncing the murder of Dr. Cronin and
calling for tlio punishment of those Impli
cated in it. Interesting developments are
expected to grow out of the convention ,
wnichwill have a strong bearing on the
Cronin case.
No Jurors To-Day.
CHICAGO , Oct. 4. No jurors were obtained
in the Cronin case to-day.
Several Men Killed on nn Italian War
LONDON , Oct. 4. A serious disaster oc
curred at Shields this moriunp , where the
Italian armored war ship , Formidable , was
loading gun powder and cartridges.
A package of cartridges dropped from a
considerable height to tlio deck of the vessel ,
causing a terrible explosion. Ibo uaval
ouicer who was in charge of tlin work mid
Bovcral of Ills men were instantly killed und
u number of others scvoroly wounded.
The JoiirnoyiiKMi Harbors.
DETIIOIT , Oct. 4. ( Special to TUB Bee. ]
A call has been issued for the second annual
convention of the International Journeyman
Barbers' association In this city on Tuesday ,
December ! i. All journeyman barbers nro
urged to organize at onca und elect dele
gates ,
Pirn Itiiriiinii Crops.
ST. PKTBIJ , Minn. , Oct. 4. Quite a de
structive fire raged a few mllus west of ncru
to-day , burning the bay , wheat and pastures
of n number of farmers. It originated on
the farm of Arthur Natoha from a burning
straw pile , The lira is still raging ,
Fatal Railroad Accident In
BIUILIN , Oct. 4. A collision occurred be
tween passenger and freight trains at Lass-
wltzinPoson. Four railway official's who
were on tha passenger train were killed , and
many of the passeogera injured.
I'urtUuuH of Tanner ,
LOOKPOIIT , N. Y. , Oct. 4. Th9 Veterans'
association of ministers , of Genesee Metho
dist conference of about fifty moraberi , In
annual meeting In this city , adopted a reso
lution "that wo sincerely regret the resigna
tion as commissioner of pennons of Corporal
Tanner , forced from him by the influence of
politicians , and that wo doprccato the sub
ordination of the pension department to po
litical wire palters BO that it oan not bo ad
ministered by men , who , like Corporal Tan
ner , have the true interest of the uoldiera at
noart ; and we call upon the president of the
United States to place the granting of pen
sions Jn the hands of thosu who will ndrnm-
Istor It in tlio interest of the country nnd to
bestow upon Corporal Tanner such recogni
tion as befits the man who in every position
tins shown himself n , true friend ot tbo
A Throioiihlst
CnicAoo , Oct. 4. Dr. Elliott Couos , ot
Washington , in an Interview to-day said Hint
nt the convention of Theosoptilsla with whom
ho Is associated , bold in this city Tuesday ,
resolutions were adopted expelling the noted
IilghprlcslcssofTbcosophy , Mmo. Blnyntsky ,
nnd lior New York representative , William
Q Judges. The action was taken , so Dr.
Coucs snU , because the miulamo nnd
Mr. Judga nro Inspiring attacks
upon Dr. Cones in the press. U seems thnt
although nn avowed Thcosophlst Dr. Cones
sometime publicly denounced Mme. Bla-
vatsky ns n fakir. At the convention ot her
adherents held here in April , Dr. Couos was
declarer ! expelled. The doctor Is n professor
of anatomy in the Smithsonian Institute nt
tmlior Imw Violator * Fitted *
WtsiiixaTox. Oct. 4. Information has
been received by the treasury dopartmeut of
recovery of Judgments in the United States
court of the western district of Texas of
$1,000 dollars each against the Hlo ( Irande
nnd the Knglo Pass railway and L. Qinblns
on the charge of importing- aliens from Mexico
ice under contract to labor in the San Thomas
coal mines.
Two MIMI Honlilril to Dnnth.
Fonr WA NE , Ind. , Oct. 4.-A traction
engine mid threshing machine broke through
n bridge near Jancsvlllo yesterday nnd
landed m the water thirty foot below. John
Sp.irks and Henry Wright were pinned be
neath the boiler and scalded to death by es-
eapintrstp.un. Three other men wcro seri
ously burned.
Tea nnd (7olToi > Knlltirp.
BO.VTON , Oct. 4. W. F. Johnston & ; Co. ,
wholesale dealers la teas and coffees , have
assigned. The firm Is composed of Ward F.
Johnston only , and ho has been In business
for six .rears. Jt is said that an offer to set
tle with the creditors at Id cents on the dollar
lar has DCCU mado.
Dear Mont In Mexico.
CITT OF Mexico , Oct. 4. The price of beef
has risen in the city markets. There is n
scarcity of Mexican cattle in this vicinity ,
and the recent washouts hnvo delayed ship
ments for n month. When the retaliatory
duties take effect next month the price of
price of beef will go still higher.
Itnrlod Dy a l-'all ot Uncle.
MtxNKAroi.ia , Oct. 4. An Ishpemmg.
Mich. , special says four minors were buried
by a fall of rock in Lake Angollne mine to
day. Two were rcsoued badly injured , but
before the others could bo taken out n second
fall of rock burled them and neither can begotten
gotten out alive.
Will Contest rrohibitJon.
AnK DiByS.D.Oct.4. A report is current
that the election will bo contested so fnrns the
prohibition question is concerned , upon the
ground that the ballots were not printed ac
cording to law.
Kelt From n Church Staging.
ROCKVIM.H , Conn. , Oct. 4 George Henson -
son nnd John Hanson , of Worcester , Mass. ,
while building n stone staging on the Unl on
church , wcro precipitated to tlio ground and
A Corrupt Contractor Arrested.
AUIAKT , N. Y. , Oct. 4. Timothy J. Sulli
van , sub-contractor in the assembly celling
nnd stnlrcasq contract , was arrested this
morning and Inter released on $5,000 bail.
f n
A I'roniincnt Mothodiit Dead.
Miom.BTon N , Conn. , Oct. 4. .John Lyon
Smith , the last of the twenty-one original
trustees of the Wesleyan university , died
to-day , aged ninety-three ,
A Drunken Bcuirnr and Ills KaitliCu
Uoir In Court.
Jacob Gooliring , a tall , ln.nk individ
ual of fifty-six , with grizzled hair and
board , has been for u loii time a famil
iar figure on the Bowery in two distinct
rolea , says the Now York Sun. Ono
day ho shambles around with nn im-
inonso placard bearing the legend , "i
am blind , " on his bt-cast. The next
day finds him with wldo open eyes ,
drawing plaintive notes from a battprod
iluto almost as old us himself , while a
pretty little spitz do delights the
crowds that always surround thorn as
ho dances n time to the music. Prince
and his master think the world of each
oilier , for the old man has no relative ,
and the dog is his only companion.
On Saturday night the old beggar
started out jn his role of Uuto-pluyur.
He drifted up the Boworyand anchored
at the corner of Dolaucoy street. When
it came time for Prince to dance ho
would not do it , for his master had been
drinking and the dog wasgriovod. The
old man ooaxod while tlio crowd waited.
The dog- looked up nt him , but would
not move. Finally , in n ragoGoohring
struck out at the dog with hia foot. The
spitz dodged the kick , aud Goehring
came aown with a crash on the stones ,
and lay tlioro groaning and muttering
curses on the dog , who hovered about
wagging his stump of : i tail sympa
EolicGinan Bernard Median took
Goehring to the Eldridgo street station ,
with Prince tugging on behind , and en
tered a dun-go of dmnkctinc&s against
him. Ilis right forearm was found to
bo broken , Meehan says by tlio fall , and
an ambulance was summoned from Gov-
enour hospital. Prince , now thoroucly
repentant , jumped into the ambulance ,
too , but tiis old friund would have iiono
of him , Two or three times ho tried to
throw Uio dog out , who each tiino re
turned. The two made- things so noisy
at the hospital that they were sent back
to tlio station to ho qniotcd down , and tlio
dog and master wcro locked in a cell
Oversight they patched up a poaco.
and when morning came were tlio same
good friends who had "nto and drank
and otarvcd . " Uoth
together. were nr-
raignod before Justice Power in the
morning. Goohring wna charged with
intoxication , The old mendicant bugged
the dog to liis lioart and kissed him
nITcctioimtuly a dozen UinoH. Justice
Power watched the two while ho list
ened to thopoHcnmnn's story. Gooliring
didn't have anything to eay for himself ,
and lie was sentenced to two months on
the Island. Prince trotted close to his
master's heels as the latter was led into
the jail. Botli wont up together ,
Virginia , North Carollun , South Carolina ,
Georgia. Florida , Alabama , MsslsMppI ,
l ouisiana , Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee and
1C until city expended in 18 3 upon public ;
schools * 1 0 , 0,000 ; of tins sum $3lC5.fO )
went to the education of the colored people ;
about 3,100.000 to the public schools ; the
rust to tno higher training schools. The en-
tlrti sum expended by those states since IbTO
upon negro education Is about < 3r,000,000.
' Positively cured by
these 1'ttlo IMfls.
They also relieve DIi-
trefcs fra'i nygpepMa , Indigestion -
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart ;
Eating , A perfect remedy
edy for Dizziness. Nausea ,
PILLS. Drowsiness , Jlad Taste
In tlio Mouth , Coated
Tongue , 1'uln lu tbo KIJc ,
TOTlI'in I.IVKR. They
regulate tbo Uowils. 1'urely Vuffctablo.
Some of tlio Turin * Applied to the Kn
tnroV irlti (
Among vague terms applied to the
future world are "tho great lioronttcr , "
" " " " "tlio
"tho ether world. "futurity ,
pront Fomowlioro olRo , " "tho nf tor lifo , "
"tho farther shore , " "the spirit world , "
"thd unseen universe. " "nnolnor lifo , "
"tho prent beyond. It is unnecessary
to inform you that "tho sweet ulti
mately" is nn American term , eaya n
writer in Ham Ulnls. A famous l-ronah-
man , when dying , said tliatliowannbout
to go into the "groat perhaps. " Similar
tonns nro the "nitn unknown , " nnd the
"unknown dnrk. "
In poetry the future world is "tho
linpny land far , far away , " the "land o'
the leal , " "tho world beyond tlio flUir , "
'daybreak , " "tho mansions < > f Htfht , '
" " "llio hotter
"Jerusalem , the golden ,
land , " "the realms of the bloated , "Uio
happy ialcs , " "beyond the wnvolcss
son. " "the fair homo nbovo , " "tho
realms of onilloss day , " "tlio sovereign ,
dim , illimitable ground. " Camoens
terms it "tho Lotliean dungeon" lull !
the "somber Bhtulos nvornnl. " Anglo-
Saxon pooins refer to "tlio green
worlds of paradise. " Mrs. IJnrbnuld
calls it "tho brighter ollmo. " Goolho
speaks of "joining the ghostly nation. "
Shnkospunro lorniH it "tlmundiEcovorod
country from wlioso bourn no traveler
returns. " Kdgnr Allan Pee calls it
"the dibtant Aitlonn , " "tho Plutonian
shoro. " and , .lhc Lethean pcaco of tlio
8klc9 < "
Old Nriuuno n liodtatlicr.
A tiny 8lowa\vt y was discovered on
the steainbhip Iv.v LSrolncriio in inid-
ocean five clays ago bj the ship's sur
geon , says a Now York dispatch. The
littloono got its first misty glimuso of
land this morning when it passed
through Castle Garden in the nrms of
its happy mother. Curious juvenile
passengers in tlio steerage were told
that their brand now companion had
boon picked up from n raft that slipped
off n. cloud. It wasn't very long tutor
the baby had omitted its first son squall
that every French woman in tno cabin
wanted lo see it and do something for
it. So it was passed around and hugged
nnd kissed with much feminine enthu
siasm. The lint was passed around with
the baby , and its father and mother , M.
and Mmo. Outer , of Alsaro , were 401) )
franca richer tlinn when they loft
Uotid C Jt-rliiga.
WASHINGTONOct. . -I. [ Special Telegram
to THE HEI : . ] Uonda offered : SJ3.COO nt
J1.23 ; SM3,500 at $ ; $1,100 at * l.0o f ;
$3-1,500 at $1.0.- > * .
T *
IloniVa Miirnnimrllln purifies the Mood ,
builds up weak mid debilitated system. * ,
gives strength to ncakcncd nerves , over
comes thnttlml feeling , tones the dlccttlve
organs , Invigorates and regulates the kid
neys and liver , expels disease and gives
vigorous health. Young people say : " It la
the best medicine wo ever took. " Old people
ple say : " It makes us feel young again. "
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorpornt il by tlio J. < vl lfitnrp. f r TCdiicnttonal
amllhnntaDIo purposes , an ) lla trnne'.iltu rondo
pnrt of tliu pnuunlMuto ' . 'unslltuUun , lu IlilU ItJ tin
c vornliclndnx | > u | > illur vote.
Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS tafco place Hcml-
. \nuually. iJune mid Docemberi , nncl Its
pinco in each of tno other trn months ot the
year , und nre all drawn In imljltf , at the Acad
emy of Music. Now Orleans , Lu.
For Integrity < > r IIH Drawing ) * , und
Prompt Payment of Prized. ,
Attested ns follows :
"We do horobjr certify that we aapcrrtsa tbo ar
ranzemcnU lor all tbo Monthly Hint beml-Atmuul
Drnvrlnvsof Ibo l.oulMnnu Hutu ( nitery Company ,
unit In person iiiHimffB ttml control the Drawing *
n , HIX ! tlml tno imino me conducted wua
\\ntlioimilcrslBn il Iliiiiki mill niinkori will pn
nil I'il/c ilrnwn In the ] , oiil > liui Stnto l.ottorloi
nlikli limy boprcMnitc-il nt ourcouiitcm.'re3. : Louisiana Nnt. lUnk.
PIEItnn IANAUX. Pros , state Nafl llnnk.
A. IIAJiDWIN . Trei. New Oilcans Nat'l llunk.
CAItlj ICOIl f , I'rcs. Union National Hank
At the Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , October 15 ,
1OOOOO TliiK-ctH nt Twenty Dollars
oniili. llalvrs , ' j-JlOj Qunrlum , $ B :
TontliK , $2 ; 'JwnntlnlliH , $1.
V rn\/.K \ OKSa > , OJfll
VW/M OK juiuil ) .
l'ltl/1 ! OK B1.UII I * ijjijj
2 l > lll/KS OK lUJWIuto
n ' . '
lit ! I'ltl/IWOK
Ml aiini-0
t7rKoitCi.ini HATBS , or nnr furtlior Inf' r-ni\llon
rt lroil , wrlto lo/llly to Ihn unauriluiiH I. tli'iij \
utiillne jour rt'tldqiio. wltit til U' . Cuiinty. Mrent
and Number. Moro riiulil luliirn itinll ilulvi'iy will
tie aMiiriMl br jour eni-lutliu n nnTuloju licaruu
Addrois Jl. A , DAUPHIN.
NcwOrlau3 , J.a. ,
Washington , IJ , 0.
i "J'Pn"nlllrjrl'"cr'cont"lllll"-'NIO'KVOllllKIIil ' | * n 1
' ; ' " | " " " " | " ' Ycr" K"h4ni ' "
Minis Registered Letters coala'olnj ' CiireKf | g
New Orleans ,
, . "JIKilUltllKIl " . . . ' . . . . . . . , . . . , . 1 11V tlitt r..iil tlio ptrmnnt , NA'IIUNAI. of IMMK0 1'rlici
New Orlaaiii.urn . ! tha . Tcb . | _ . li . . , uro _ . ulcnad _ _ _ _ _ br tlie 7 . . ' *
dent til un liiktltullou. wlioau tliart rad rliut li
rotoKiilMil lu llo , l.iuheil . ( kjurlli llieroforo , boiru
or llluilinllun orunouruwus cljcm < ; . "
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