" HE OMAHA l DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 5 , 1889. NUJMBEE 108. ACPTTAL OF JOSEPH WEBER Pound Not Guilty of the Orlmo of Forsory at Fromoat. OUSTIOE AFTER MANY YEARS. "William W ! , llio Murderer of James GillcRftoii , nt Dunning , Cap tured In the Hnndhllli Othee > * Stnto News. AVolicr Pound Not Onlltj- . FHKMONT , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Hun. ] The trial of Joseph L. ? "cbcr , the former , resulted this afternoon in a vbrillct ol not guilty. Weber wns arrested tovcral months ago In Arizona for utlorlnR .115,000 worth of forged notes In 1ST4. Ho was brought buck and has boon lying in Jail evcrlstnec. Ills trlnl came oft yesterday nml ono of the lUtcon-ycar-old Indictments brought against him. The Jury was out about nn hour.Vobor .was Indicted1 on Hftepn points In 1871 , belne convicted on ono und sent lo tha penitentiary , but won par- donvJ by Governor Furnus llvo mouths after his Incarcorntlon , Snlootikojp'i' * Auqulttcd. CITY , Neb , , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnn.J The noted liquor ease aw'.nst QatM t Erbachcr was tried be fore a jury to-day nnd the defendants found not guilty of violating the law. BItmlDror Wells Arrrstod. GANIIV , Nb. ) , Oct 4. [ Special to Tun Bnn.J William Wells , who shot and killed James Gilkcson at Dunning , Biaino county , was arrested by Constable Stockbnm and a number of settlers In the sand hills several ml es from the BCOHO of the murder , where he had fled with the hope of escaping. He Is said \i be a desperate man by those who know him. Wells was arraigned before County Judge Iloagland and , the preliminary hearing was bad at 3 , . m. yesterday. Ttoro ) wus strong talk of lynching , but the calmer minds overcome the notion. Vlio funeral of the dead man toolc place Wednesday unit that , together with the ex citement of ttio trial , created much bitter talk. ' 1 hn sheriff is away , havirg taken a . woman to the insane asylum at Norfolk , and foil. ' special constables hnvo been appointed. lnvcHlittiiiK Casa Comity Ofllohilw. - PI.ATISMOOTII , Neb , , Oct. 4. ( Special to TUB BII ; . | Considerable excitement und surprise orovallod , especially In political cir cles , yesterday when an evening piper ap peared on the streets announcing that Ragls- tor of Deeds W. H. Pool was u defaulter by several hundred dollars. Two years ago W. II. Pool , of the west end of the county , was elected register of deeds on the republican ticket. His salary wna li ed ut S1,5UJ a year and \vus'allowcd ono deputy at a salary of KOO , provided that the Income of tlio olllco was HUflletent to cover the oxpjnso. During Mr. Pool's term the office has more than paid expenses and all the extra money was duly turned over to the county treasurer , for which Mr. Pool now holds receipts. Recently romeono hinted lo the county commissioners that Mr. 'Pool was short in his accounts , and uiion the suggestion Mr. E. C. Adams , un oxucrt account-ant from the Midland Guar antee nnd Trust company , of Omaha , was engaged to chock up the books and discover the source of the trouble. The worlc , as completed by Mr. Adams , shows thai tip to July 1 , IbS ! ) , there was a balance of MU8W ! duo the county from Mr. Pool. When interviewed Mr. Pool made the following statement : "For all in struments filed in my olllco a fee is charged , and IhiS'-ihouhl ' be cash. My predecessors hud adopted a custom of charging thoaniount to the Individuals filing the instruments when they were not accompanied by the cash and through this custom 1 have fallen n victim of buspicion. In about iO per cent of the cases the fee Is not paid at the tlmo cf filing , end why I am accused of being a defaulter Is that only the money collected appears on the fee booK , whllo I bold UIILO- leuted accounts for which I am responsible ugalnst principally real estate dealers of this county and which covers the entire amount for which my accounts nro deficient. I think ( the investigation was started by political en emies Just on the eve of election to cause my defeat. " Since Mr. Pool's accounts were founu'shori the county commissioners uwouo from tnnlr years of slumbering and put Mr , Adams to work checking up the books of ox- County SJlork J. M. Robinson , who retired from oflleo two years ago , and it is thought that the shortage in his case will amount to between $300 nnd 51,000. This system seems to have been Ignorantlv but not fraudulently practiced slnco the county was organised , and at the time of settlement with the com missioner' ) nil that was required wus that t ho amount of cash balanced the amount credited on llio fco book. If. the Investigation con tinues It Is feared that several ox-officials ana prominent oitlctnvll | suffer llio same om- bumssment. " Kndcavor Union , FRKMONT , Nob. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tele- i-'iL to THIS /luK.l The Nebraska Christian Endeavor union mci In this city to-day. Tlio d'jleifatos began arriving on the early trains i.nd continued to como on every train during the day until there uro now In the city about i.'JO. The Omaha delegation came llfty strong and ir.nrchod from the train to tha Congregational chuich , where the meetings n"u hold , carrying banners. The llrat session was held at - o'clock this nfl < ; riocn. | Rev. L. F. Berry delivered nn address of wolcjino , which was responded to by Rev. 1C. A. Lcoiier , of York. At1 o'clock Miss Hattlo Shaw discussed 4' P'ir Mission. " After this < u permanent or- ' giiiiizalloii wus effected. This evening the exorcises consisted of n song sorvloo and aiidrms by Rev. 1C. H. Cur- Si5 , ot Lincoln , nnd Rev. J. M. Wilson , of Ouiatia. . _ _ _ k'luttsinouili'rt I'Jlnolr leal Display , ' 'V ViiT7"MoUTii ? , Neb. , Oct. 4 , [ Special i ' 1KB BI.I : . | The third day of llio ft'raml electrical and Industrial exposition wan a success In every respect. The largo ' 'XslUilngs nro packed full with very line ox- Dibits of various kinds and u great many mm clmnU could .not secure space to display their goods. At night the bulldlnirs and , , piv lids present a sight which Is bountiful to behold , Are und Incandescent lights with shades and globes of every color pleasing to 'thoeyn uro suspended from the trees und literally cover the outside- the buildings from the irrouml to the steeples. r > lilK afternoontho , crowd will bo addressed by n distinguished orator from abroad , and ,1411 the managers have derided to continue ho opposition part of next week , lion , J , Sterling Morton will deliver un address on Tuesday. A I'lnnmn t Incident. * . ' /Liiiov , Nob. , Oct. 4 , ( Special Telegram to THIS BCK.J Wednesday night a very pleasant llttlo scene took plaao In lhadistrict < l "court horn , tha Iminodlato cause of whlcn \vas the presentation on behalf of the bar ( | nnd ofllcors of the court of a fine chair und a valr of gold spectacles to Judge Tiffany , It , i doing the occasion of his forty-first birthday - ' day , Tim presentaUon speech was made by George W. Brown und fittingly responded to by tlio surprised Judge. The recipient gave u reception and supper to the donors at his rcbidunco to-night. TlioVlfn ( Jots tie IHvoriu * . NKIIRASK\ Cur , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special Icleitrnm to Tim DEB. ) The sensational divorce case of Mrs , Mary Godwin against Jordan Godwin , was ended to-day by JuJgo Jfiold granting thu woman u divorce and the custody of the two children. Her churgo \\ttA uuu-supjiort , und bo had filed counter charges , accusing her of adultery with ono Charles McGuIre , nt Nchawka , who , the hus band alleged , had promised to support the woman and her two children If she left ber husband. Attempted Hulolilo at Ornnd Islnnil. GRAND ISIAND , Noo. , Oct. 4. Special Telegram to TUB lir.n.1 John Flcason attempted - tempted sulclilo In this city to-day by shoot ing himself In the head , Flcason has been hero about three months , coming from Akron , O. , whore his parents reside. Ho has boon nt work on the sewer , but quit about ton days ago , since which time bo has been on n debauch. When his associates started for their work nt t a nr. ho bade some of thorn good-bye , saving It was the last they would sec of him. Shortly after ho went to hU room. Abet 3 o'clock the landlord - lord and others about the oftlo hoard the re port of n revolver and rushing upstairs found Floason lying near the bend of the stairway blocdlna freely from a wound In the bead. A doctor WAS summoned , who pronounced only a slight skull wound , the bullet having glanced on the bono , passing around the bend and out. .tint-Hole Count- Old CKNTIIAL Cnr , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special to Tun HER. ] The old settlers' meeting hero yesterday was favored with line weather nnd a largo crowd. Old settlers from nil parts of the county flocked in , and they nil had a good time. Ex-Governor Furnns entertained the crowd with n fine address. Speeches were made by representatives ot all the townships. The meeting wns held on the new lair grounds , nnd at noon the participants In dulged In a picnic dlnnor. > Killed While I' I owl n T. BUM/WOOD , Neb. , Oct. > . [ Spnclal Telegram - gram to TUB 13EK.1 This morning while James Douton , son of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Houton , was plowing In the tlold , ho was ao- Idcntally killed by coming In contact with his brother's team , whhili was also plowing In the Held , nnd was frightened by the H. & M. regular passenger train. Ills neck was broken , and the shear of the plow entered his side , exposing his lungs. Pound For tlio Coiiiiinny. Cou'Miics , Nob. , Oct. ! . [ Special Tele- ram to THIS Ucic.l Tlio case of George rCialohun against the Union Paoitlo Railway company , for $1,915 damages , for injuries ro- coivcd In Omaha about n year ngo , resulting in the loss of n limb , was began In the dis trict court yesterday , and a verdict for the defendant found to-day. The Jury was out for several hours , nnd falling to agree , Judge Post gave instructions to llnd for the company , which it did. Knot County District Court. Nioim.utA , Nob. , Oct. 4. | Snecial to Tun The fall term of the district court , Hon. W. F. Norrls presiding , adjourned last evening. It was the longest term over hold In Knox county , and Judge Norns reduced the dociiot of many old cases. Attorneys wore not ready in man.vjury cases , and they were continued. ThN is , Iudgo Norrls' llrst term in this county and ho loft a good Im pression. ArrpKtud For Euu , Neb. , Oct 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] Dick Uiloy , dnuuty sheriff of Greoly county , nrrestea BUI Davis on the charge of committing an assaul on the of William Mitch- eleven-year-old daughter - oil , living ton miles north of hero. The crime was committed the llrst of the week , and Davis has been hiding in n hay mow here. He is about llfty years old. NiMiialia Ilapiist Association. PAAVNUB Cirr , NOD. , Oct. ! . [ SpsclnlTnl- to TUB Ucn. ] The Nemaha Haptist association began Its session hero to-day. The association eimprises four counties in southeastern Nebraska. A largo number 01 delegates are present and reports all show Increases in membership ami contributions. The sesjion closes Sunday TIu W. O. T. U. Nonroi.K , Nob. , Out. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : UIE. : ] The W. C. T. U. convention to-day wns occupied mainly with reports of department superintendents , treasurers , publishers , state organizers and other re ports. Seward was selected as the place of the next meeting. Mrs. Wondbury gave ui address In the evening. DlRzrnuo lOndnd in Death. BIUTIIICIJ , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tut ; Bcii. I Clurn Vane , one oUtlio demimonde , suicided by the morphine route lust night. Her homo Is in Sabathn , Kan. , where her remains were sent to-day . She attributed hcrdoxvnfall to a Lincoln Lothai lo. Gtnnt Firemen GIVP a Dane- . GUANT , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tna Uni : . ] The first animal ball of the homo lire company is being given at this plnco this evening. It is the grout occasion of the season and Is attracting visitors from surrounding towns. Ono Your For I5nrilary. Nr.nuvsKk. CITT. Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tim UKU. ] James S. Ness foi burglarUIng the Cincinnati House was to-day sentenced to ono year in the penitentiary. County Convention * ) . FIII.MOXT , Nob. , Oct.-l. [ SpecIalTelegrnin to TUB Uii.l The republican convention o Dodge county met In Fremont this nfternooi and nominated the following ticket : Join R. Cantlln , JuOgo ; B. F. Slouffer , treasurer O. H. P. Sluvely , cleric ; F. L. Uurrell , surveyor voyor ; L. B. Smith , coroner. A resolution was adopted endorsing the Hon. L. D. Rlchardfl as chairman of the re publican central committee and recommend ing his ro-olectlon by the state convention. The uelogatps to thoetato convention wore also Instructed for Judge Keeso. H.utuisoy , Neb. , Oct. 4. ( Special Telegram gram to TIIIJ Bin.f : The republican county convention met to-day and nominated a com plotu county ticket , us follows ; County clork. K. W. Windsor ; treasurer , D. II Grlswold ; commissioner , Second district AVilllnui J. A. Raum ; commissioner , Thin district , J. W. Earnest ; sheriff , J. F. Pfost Judge , E. Cl. Hough ; superintendent , J , 10 Holllngaworth ; surveyor , ( J. H , Rigdon coroner , C. II , Andrews. Delegates to the state- convention ; E. ( J. Hough , D. P. Davis und W. R. Smith. The delegates to the suiiatorl.il nnd reprcscntativo uonventloi nro R. W , Windsor , C. F. Slluirerlaiid and J G. Motris. AI.MA , Neb , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun liiu. : ] At the republican county con volition held to-day the following ticket wan nominated : J , A. Piper , clerk ; Joseph Snyder dor , treasurer ; Li. E. Allen , bhorlff ; 0. T Simpson , county Judge ; II. T. Goodbun , su- poiintcndcnt ; M , Iloffmyer , surveyor ; Dr. Uranwell , coroner , Dologalcs to the staid convention : J. T. Pot era. William Gaslln , W. V. Bantu , O. C. Flo.tsburg , O , W. Bur ton , J. B. BIlllpKS , James Hunter and L. H Kent. Delegates to the congressional con volition : J. McO. Preston , H. L ) . Ilcddon B. B. Mills. S. W. Leo , S. B. Turner , Frnnl Griggsby , A. 10. llarvuy and Allen L. Elliott The delegates go uulnstruct''d. MADISON" , Nob. , Oct , 4. [ Special Telegram gram to Tim Dun.I The Madison county re publican convention mot in Battle Creek and the following ticket was placed In the JK < lilt Fred llnrdy , treasurer ; F. W. Utah nrdsou , clerk ; L. U. Wa&hburn , sheriff ; H D. Kully , judge ; Mrs. V , M , Snpllou , super Intonuunt ; George Latiuior , surveyor : Dr Gillttt , coroner , PAW.NEH , Neb , , Oct. 4. ISpecial Telegram to Tin : Jlti : . ] Tlionuion labor county cen tral committee put a county ticket in th Held hero to-day as follows : 13. B. Sbli'n treasurer ; Wllllatn Paugburn. clerk ; sheriff Noxvt Shepherd ; Judge , W. J. AiUonu ; u periiitendent , J , M. Osborn , No convention Wus called. CROFF ISSUES AN ORDER , The Workings of the Qonornl Land Offloo Not For Publication. THE MEXICAN LEAD ORE CASE. Very Probable That It Will no De cided Against the Amurloau Miners The Pension Com * inl < 9Btoiicrslili | , WASHINGTON BUREAU , Tun OMUU HUB , ) 513 FoUKTIXXTIt STIinCT , > WASHINGTON , . c. , Oct. 4. ) The following order was Issue ! to-day from the office of the commissioner of the general land office : To the Chief of the Division of Clerks and Employes of the General Laud Office Glcntlcnicn : It having been the practice , as I nm Informed , for chiefs of divisions and others In this oDlco to Impart to reporters official information respecting the business and workings of this ofllco , I desire to in fo rjn you that such practices must ba discon tinued forthwith , and no information what ever Is to bo given out to reporters. Such Information as may bo proper to bo given will bo furnished by the commissioner. Very respectfully , , Lewis A. GIIOFP , Commissioner. Tim sn.vnn i.n.u ) OKI : CASK. The indications now nro that the silver load ore case will DO decided asralnst the lead miners , or , In other words , that no change will bo made In the rulings made by Secretary Sherman and affirmed by Secre tary Fairchild. Ucasons of public policy are beginning to have an effect on the depart * uiL-nt which they Old not scorn to hnvo u few months ogo. Minister Ryan's visit and the presence here of the delegates to the Inter national conference are opening the oycs of the treasury oflloinls to the importance of ourtnulo across the border. If the Importa tion of lead ere should bo cut oil by treasury regulations It would have an important effect upon the business of tlio American railrouds leading into Mexico , for lend ere is ono of the principal return freights which keeps the cars laden with American goods from coming back empty after leaving their freights in southern republics. Secretary Windom will probably decide this case as ho has decided others , upon the principle that the long es tablished usage of the department ought not to bo overthrown for trivial reasons. In this way ho can escape the , necessity of pass ing upon the abstract question of law. TUi : lOUL.\NQiil UK MISSISSIPPI. Ex-Senator B. K. Bruce has returned from Mississippi , where lie assisted In putting a republican state ticket in the field where it has not been the custom to mnko any resist ance to the election of u democratic gov ernor. Since the convention ho lias been dubbed the Boulungerof Mississippi , because of his having been a delegate from so many counties. Ho was elected delegate to the republican state convention from Warren county , where is situated Vicksburg , the largest commercial oily : from Hind county , In which is the capital city , Jackson , and from Bolivia and Lcako counties. Besides being four delegates ho was several other officers of the convention. Ho was elected both permanent and temporary chairman. Upon his earnest advocacy the full state ticket was nominated. The only colored man on the ticket was N. U. Morrison , for secretary of state , wno is an oJucatod man und possesses considerable wealth. Twenty years ngo the democrats nominated n colored man for this olllcc. There is no chance now for u light on the color lino. General Chal mers was nominated for governor because of his being aa ex-brigadier ol the confederacy and a democrat until lbS3. The republicans nro going to light for the election of their ticket. Tim PENSION COMMlSSlONr.llSIllP. Tlio appointment , of a pension commis sioner 8001113 as far away now as it has at any time since the resignation of Corporal Tanner was received. The president is not having an easy time to find a man who will bo satisfactory to Secretary Noble and him self on ono side , and who will nlso meet the approval of Algcr and the U. A. R , on the otl.or. It is said the only reason for not ap pointing Judge Rca , of Minnesota , was the objection of Alger. It scams apparent that Algorniiil other O. A.'R. men wish to secure a man for the pension bureau like Tannc'r or who will at least carry oui Tanner's policy. It was further apparent that Judge Roa would not ho guided entirely by Grand Army resolutions and sentiment , but would administer the law as ho found it. This , K seems , does not satisfy the Algcr Grand Army men. The Michigan general hopes to make n record durlnu the year ho will bo commander-ln-chlof and he expects that the right man in the pension bureau put there by his endorsement will help him to make that record. A IIBAUTIFUL APPROACH. It was expected that the temporary wooden railings nnd coverings to the sandstone about the grand entrance on the west of thocupitol would bo cleared away for those who will visit the Knights Templar conclave next week , and that as the work for this beautiful approach to tha capital is completed , there would bo a sort of "grand opening. " The finest piece of oxtouslve marble work about any of the buildings in Washington , in fact the finest approach to any building in the United States , can now be seen as ono goes into the capital building from Pennsylvania uvenuo on tlio west. The design for this immense piece of innrblc work was suggested by the approach to the Italian parliament nt Rome. It is about four hundred foot long by almost ono hundred feet in width , nnd the steps and balustrades form n network of flno marble , which can be- found ut no other point prob ably in the world. The cost of tills struc ture is sonnwhcro between SCOiUXX ) and $300,000 , and the work has boon under way for several years. The marble is pure white and can not bo * described. Those who visit tha capital next week will bo well repaid to look closely at this work. The immense old flsh basin , which wus the receptacle for clear stubs and bread crumbs , has been cleaned out , aim u foun tain with n basin of about twenty-live feet In diameter Is to take its place. Tno tine white marble approach , glistening in the sunlight of an Autumn afternoon , makes a sharp and beautiful contrast with the greensward and the yellow leaves in front. The comptroller of the currency to-day au thorized the Stuphcnson National bank , of Mnrinctto , VVIs. , to begin business wall u capital of eiOO.OOO. Piuur : S. HUATII. Jlcporl on tht ) Itnltimoni'rt Trial. WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. The official report of the trial board on the cruiser Baltimore , relative to her recent run , was received at tlio navy department to-day. The board states that the average horse power devel oped by tlio cneinoj was 8,977 , S3 , being a do. ilcionoy of 22.12 In power , which would Incur a penalty of $2,21'J. Her average speed was I'J.O knots un hour. The report states that during the run two indicators , which had been thoroughly tested before the trial , broke and It was necessary to sub. stltuto two others which had not been tested. Onthorecordofthu.se indicators depended the record of the development of horse IHJwer. The secretary has decided to waive the question of the acceptance of the vessel until he can hear from the contractors us to whether or not they ore willing to let the last trial stand as the final one , or are prepared - pared to have another trial run with Indi * caters tested. Should they prefer not to have another trial the cruiser will bo ac cepted by the government. Cabinet M counts WASHINGTON , Oct. < . The regular meet- lugs of the cabinet wore resumed this after noon , all the members Doing present with the exception of Secretary Proctor , It i understood the vacancy ID the pension office was ouo ol the toi > ica considered , Tlll-3 1'AN-AMKUIOAN UXCUU91ON. Tlio Delegates on Tholr Way to Ilnstnn , WEST POINT , N. Y. , Oct. 4.-r-Coloncl Wil son , superintendent of the Wast Point mill- , ary academy , received the members of the Tbreo Americas excursion in bis oftlco this morning. After thnfi Secretary of War Proctor and party mndd the rounds of the departments , from the barracks to the reci tation rooms. The Inspection of the post was roncludnd by exhibition of cavalry drill ID the rid Ink hall. Soon after U o'clock ttio en tire party cmh.irued on the gun boat Yorktown - town for Now York. At New Vorlc. Nr.w YOUK , Oct. 4. The Pan-American delegates reached" hero on the Yorktown this afternoon. The embarkation at West Point was made in boats , of which tboro was of"i-ll ileot. Colonel Wilson and Senor Romero hr.d scats in ono of the small craft well in odvnnco of the other * . As the party approached the Yorktown u file of marines was drawn on the port side and the ofllcers stood nehind Commander Cnadwlck with uncovered heads us the distin guished visitors crossed the gang way , The visitors were Introduced to ttio commander by Superintendent Wil son , nnd preparations for departure were im mediately begun. As tbo ship gathered headway u snluto was fired. The interest of llio foreign visitors had been enlisted by the proceedings up to this point , but they wcro aroused to enthusiasm n.s under , the direction of an executive officer the machine guns be gan to belch forth at intervals of two and a half seconds until fourt'-on shots had shrouded the vessel In smoke. Small parties of guests "woro placed in charge of the various officers and explored every corner of the ship. fc Many of the delegates nro non-committal as to what city of the United Stales Ihoy would most care to visit noon the occasion of the world's fair in 1893. Some , however , arc outspoken. Francisco Sllva , of Venezu ela , regards Now York ns the most eligible site for llio fair. Chicago Wll ) grow nnd be , In his opinion , highly eligible as a silo lor the next world's ' fair. So .confident is bo of the growth of the United States that for the third next world's fair In America ho deems Sun Francisco a fair candidate for the honor. Now York was reached nt 3:30. : A aaluto of seventeen guns was fired In honor of Senor Silva , secretary of tlio treasury of Columbia. At 5 o'clock the party wcro transferred to the steamer Piirilan , bound for Boslon by way of Long Island Sound. Mad" n Favorable Impression. CITY or MBXICO , Octi Secretary Blalno's ' ' address ut the opening of''tfio . International congress of American natliins.tias been well received hero. The address was road to President Diaz last night aud It is said to have impressed him very favorably. MONEY STUlSOKNT. August Bolninnt & Co. Shipping Gold to llotlnclihd. NEW Yonit , Oct. 4. Money on the stock exchange coutinucs stringent to-day and 10 per cent was paid by the majority of borrow ers for the usu of monei * until Monday. Some of the batiks calledju their loans early. The situation wus aggravated later by the announcement of : ho withdrawal of $ oOO,00 ( ) more gold by August.Belmont & Co. , tnalc- $1,100,000 taken by thetii this week for ship ment to Europe. Buliifoiit & Co. explain by stating that the gold is shipped to Rothschild in order to assist , in filling , ; u contract with the Brazilian govornmcnl.rJu | ndaltlnn to the Kolmont shipment commercial houses have snipped $ ) UOOJO in gold to Rio Janerio and other South American points. The combined influenced caused goijoral fears of a money panic , and the calling In of loans in many cases forced holders to Jtljrow over their stocks. In consequence ptJAOs declined rap idly. Trust stocks were by far the greatest sufferers , but the entire list' shared In the decline and Ateliison fell to 23x > the lowest price over touched. Later Jn batter feeling prevailed and the weak stocks recovered n portion of their losses. Money closed at 4 per cent. A COljIjISlON AT SEA. The Trans-Atlantic Stoaninr Graphic and ( ho Minnie Swllt Go Down. Nr.w Yoitic , Oct 4 Aspeclal cable from St. Pierre , Miquclon , savs : The trans-Atlantic steamer Graphic , of the Rosslcro line , Cap tain Pausscl commanding.bound from Mon treal to Southampton , with cattle , sheep and a cargo of general merchandise , which left Sidney , B. C , , Tuesday , collided with the Nova Scotian sailing vessel Minnie Swift , forty miles off St. Pierre yesterday morn ing. The Minnie Swift sank witlnn two minutes , drowning , an nearly as can bo as certained , two women , three children nnd ten men. The others , with part of the crow of n Norwegian vessel who had previously been picked up , got on board the steamer , which clesinto all efforts also sank. Two boats containing about thirty-five persona , which put off from the steamer early in the morning , , are , still missing. A third boat with tbucaptain and fifteen others was picicod up by a schooner 'and brought to St. Pierre. Kchooner llun Down. HAJ.IIUX , N. S. , Oct. 4. A fishing schooner bound from St.'Jolm for Buena Vista , N. F. , was run down off Blackhcild by tha steamer Falcon. William Carroll , captain , aud James Powell , a coaman , wcro drowned. Tlio Ill-PaledCoronn. NEW ORLEANS , Oct. , 4. A Bayou Sara spe cial says : The tug Beverly Harris went down this morning to the wreck of the Ill- fated steamer Corona. Her hull has sunk In deep water. Captain Knapp , of the btcamer Clcon , is at work Saving all he can. Ho took the cabin In und lodged It at the foot of Prophet' Island- * where It is being taken to pieces. The Body of Pat Ryan , the stew ard , was found Jammed between two bunks In a state room. The body of Mrs. Huff has been found , and was sent to Baton Rougu this morning. No otUeri bodies have as yet been recovered. A number of the survivors of the Corona disaster reached the ulty to-day. Mrs. Henry Blanks says : "I'wns standing with my sister and youngest pulld in my arms In the rear of the boat's , citln when the ex plosion occurred. A chambermaid came running to us with life preservers , which we fastened on , William D'lcming , a pantry man then came running to us and told us to go up oa the hurricane roof until ho could get the Ufa boat down , which ho did in a jburry. Wo then got Into the yawl , and hardly hau wo been scaled when the boat wan swamned , throw ing us all Into the river. 7. with my throQ. year-old child In one arm , held onto the wreckage until ono of tho. St. Louis boats came and saved us. Of my .sister , Mrs. Huff , who Is n widow , 1 saw no more after our boat capsized. " Captain Sweeny stated that the whole thing came on to uu'ddouly bo hardly had time to sue anything. Captain Blanks , who was sitting In tha barber's chair , was hurled through the cablu r'oof and instantly killed. Others in the cabin \voro struck by the flying timbers , among whom was Shrimp Hunna , who was sitting uear the clerk's of fice. The explosion scorned U ) go downward and Its full force was in the rear part of the boat. Those who wore not killed outright by Hying timbers were pinned down and scalded to death. Captain Sweeny said when the explosion took place ho was on tbo forecastle aad thu escaped the heavy tim bers which were , flying around. Ho was picked up by tatfyuwl of the City ol St. Louis. * Kansas .Minors HU-Jkc. TOPHKA , Kan. , Pet. 4. News has been re ceived of a strike of all the coal minors at Scranton , Ojugo county , Kansas. Delegate meetings from nix or seven mines In the the county have been held and it I * possible tboso tulueri may also strike. TUB IOWA PROHIBITORY LAW Its Gonotltutlonnllty Ranfllrmocl By the State Supreme Court. OTHER INTERESTING DECISIONS. A Kntnlly Fight In Wlilt. . . Oiio Man la Fatally nnd Anotlicr Se verely Wounded Ait At- tniniHed Sulcido. . A Iilquor Law Decision. Dns MOINKS , Io. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele- pram to TiiBBnK.l The constitutionality of the Iowa prohibitory liquor law wns reaffirmed - ; firmed by the supreme court to-day In the case of Gus Lclsy & Co. vs A , J , Harden , ap pellant , Kookuk superior court , action of re plevin , Involving the right to the possession of 11W quarter barrets , 171 eighth barrels , nnd 71 cases of boor , nil In sealed vessels bearing United States Internal revenue stamps over the plugs. Tha goods wcro shipped to John Lolsy , u resident of Keo- lailt , agent of the plaintiff , aud wcro offered for sale In unbroken'packages. No kegs or eases were broken or opened "on the prom ises , the agent delivering thuni tn the pur chasers. The defendant is n constable , who seized the boor oil n warrant issued by a Jus tice. The lower court found ns a fact that the boor was kept for the purpose of being sold in violation of the laws of Iowa , but that said laws are unconstitutional and void ns applied to the facts of this case. The supreme court holds , ns In the cases of Collins vs Hill and Green- dorf vs Howatt , that the law is constitu tional , ' 'It is true , " says .ludgo Rothroclr , "they claim that In this case thonj is the ex ception that the plaintiff nnd appellees nro citizens ntiU residents ot Illinois , nnd pro duce and manufacture beer in that state and sell It m manufacturers. But no claim is made In argument , nnd wo discover no reason why the laws of this state , which forbid thd sale of Intoxicating liquors , nro not applica ble to all persons , no matter where they abide. We adhere to the rule announced in the cited cases , and have no deslrij to further discuss or elaborate the question involved. The Judgment of the superior court will bo lovcrsed. " Other decisions wcro tiled as follows : G. A. Pitts vs M. E. Lewis , appellants ; Sioux district ; affirmed ; opinion by Beck. K. F. Klosse vs S. H. Galusha ; appellants ; Jasper district ; affirmed ; opinion by Givlns. Toledo Savings bank , appellant , va J. 11. Rothman ; Plymouth district ; affirmed. Flnloy Burke , appellant , vs W. P. Coul ter , Sioux district ; opinion by Granger. Shot Ills Kntlter-ln-Ijaw. DBS MOINKS , In. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele gram to THIS BBE.I The premises of Mr. E. R. Mason , clerk of the United States court , wus the scene of a disastrous shooting affray last evening , in which William Likes was fatally wounded by n shot from u 44-callbro revolver in the hands of H. W , Clark , who also received a slight wound In the shoulder from n shot fired by Mr. Likes. The affair is clouded in more or loss mystery , but from the fsicls ascertained It appears that whllo Clark , who is hostler for Mr. Mason , was sitting on tbo doorstep of the barn last , evening - ing bo bccamo aware of the approach of his lathor-in-law , Mr. Likes , who was ac companied by his wlfo aud son. Clark noticed that the family seemed to bo consid erably agitated , and-that Mrs. Likes fan-led a small revolver In her hand. Hot words followed the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Likes , and they abused Clark severely for working for Mr. Masou. It appears that Clark on lormor occasions hud been told to break off his engagement with Mr. Alaaoa or ho would regret it , aud sccins the excitement of Mr. nnd Mrs. Likes uoon this occasion he bocauio frightened und tried to escape by running through the barn and Jumping out of a side door. Mr. Likes caught him as ho Jumped out , und a running light ensued , In which Chirk shot Likes , who , having taken possession of the revolver car ried by Mrs. Likes , shot Clark. Clark was married to Eva Likes about three weeks ago. Ho was in the employ of E. H. Mason for a number of years , and is highly esteemed by his employer as a steady young man of good habits und as a valuable horseman. It wns while in Mr. Mason's cinuloythat ho bocanio acquainted with bis wife , who was then a domestic also in the employ of Mr. Mason. It aupcnrs that Clark was discharged when ho pot married , but was shortly ro-ongaged by Mr. Mason. This seomdd to prejudice Mr. and Airs. Likes against Mr. Mason , and they threatened to kill Clark if ho went to work for him agn.ii , but Clark heeded not the warning aud the tragedy resulted. A Ilcimirkublti Content. WASHINGTON , la. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bee. ] After each candidate ut the republican senatorial convention at Waylnnd released his delegation froui per sonal allegiance , they Jcopt on voting thir teen for Dowcy uud thirteen for Woodson until yesterday at noon , when Henry county moved nn adjournment sine die. Washing ton county refused. After dinner Washing ton county moved that both men bo dropped and n third man bo nominated. Henry county refused , and then after 601 ballots they adjourned till 1 p. m. on Thursday of next week , when the cpg will probably bo chipped and a statesman chick be hatched. A Dentil Blow to Charivaris. Dns MOINHS , la. , Oct. 4. | Special Tele gram to TUB Quc. ] The Iowa supreme court has given a death blow to the hitherto sacred rights and privileges of.charivari par ties. This morning It reversed the decision of Judge Doll Stuart , of the Monroe district court in the murder case of the state of Iowa vs Royal Adams , and in the course of a read able decision by Judge Rothroclc roads a lecture to charivari parties which will have a wholesome effect. Adams was Indicted for murder In the first degree for the accidental shooting of a person named Daring , a mem ber of u charivari party , convicted of man slaughter and sentenced to the penitentiary for noven years and six months. Prior to August , 1S33. Adams was unmarried nnd re sided with his aged father and mother upon n farm in Monroe county. Ho was a peaceable , orderly and law abiding citizen. A few days prior to the 17th of tno month ho was married , and on the night of the day , about 0 o'clock , ho arrived with his wlfo ut his father's homo , and shortly altorward the family retired , the young couple colng to an upstairs room. About half past 18o'clock a party of fifteen men uud boys of the neigh borhood quietly approached the house- and ivcnt up to the south side of It , near to the window in the second utory. They were armed with revolvers , shotguns and muskets , and some of thorn carried bells. They opened a sudddon tire from the revolvers , guns and musuets and rung the bells and shouted aud halloed , After the firing , some of them went around to the south sldo of the house , whore they know the old people Blent and kept up a disturbance. It was soon dis covered that one of the party , Oar * ing , had received u gun shot wound. Ho was one of the active parties and carried and discharged ono of the guns. Ho died from the effect of the wound the next day. Members of the party testified that very soon after the flr t shot was fired by them u succession of from three to llvo shots wcro flri'd .from the window above , The testimony was conflicting as to the line of lire from the wludow to where Daring wns shot , uud it appears that ono of Adams' bullets struck u limb several feet above him , and was deflected and wounded Daring , "Tho Instruction of the lower court , " s-fys Judge Rothrock , "Jn effect directs the Jury that such a demonstration made under the window of a dwelling house In the middle of the night would not be a sufficient provoca tion to reduce the killing of one of the party to the crime of manslaughter , As applied to ttioacts of this case , we can not approve of the nbovo Instruction , The party assembled on the night when the tragic affair took place Is called a charivari. Its ( yb'Vt ! , is about an barbarous as the name. Whatever toleration It once had 1ms long since passed uwny. Even when In vogue It was oiton attended with violence and blood shed. If It over was allowable to direct n Jury that such nn assemblage , with all its tumult and confusion , was not a great provo cation to tboso annoyed and Insulted by It , Unit time has passed away. The tendency was to confuse and mislead the Jury us to ono of the most Important , questions In the case , and to Impress their minds that the conduct of the party encaged in the tumult should bo lightly considered by them. Our conclusion Is that the defendant should have n now trial. " An Attempted Suicide. Dns Moixr.s , la. , Oct. 4 . [ Special Tolo- grnm to Tun Hcu.1 Byron D. Hoyt , a young man ot nbout twenty-seven years of age , was found in n suffcc-ited condition in a room nt the Goldstono hotel nt 7 o'clock this morn ing. The room was filled with gas. Ho came Into the hotel nt 11 o'clock last night and asked for a quiet room , statlnor that bo had not slept for several nights. At 7 o'clock a chambermaid in passing heard him groan , nnd , summoning the proprietor , tbo transom oftheOnorwas forced open , letting forth such a volume of gas that the Vartlos wcro nearly overcome by It. Hoyt was found Ivlng on the bed , writhing and groaning. After an examination of' the man the physi cians gave the opinion that ho had taken carbolic nclO. They have boon working with him nil day endeavoring to revlvnhlni , but It Is almost it hopeless case. Ho has n sister and brother-in-law living In the city. His parents , formerly residents ol this city nnd at ono time proprietors of the Logan House. reside In Sycamore , III. 'There Is no known reason for the attempted suicide. \\Vbnnr County Fair. FOIIT Doimii , In. , Oct. 4. ( Special Tele gram to TUB Br.i : . ] The sixth annual Web ster county fair , concluded this afternoon , was ono of the largest nnd most successful county fairs ovoi4 held In Iowa. The attend ance was enormous , drawn there by the presence of United States Senator Allison. The general excellence of the exhibits and entiles In the speed department was never excelled. Hold Work ol"J'r.imi > . MISSOURI YALI.CY , In. , Oct. 4. [ Special to Tins Bch. | A bold burglary in broad day- llcht on the dny of the Kudor lire was accom plished by tramp's who deliberately entered and ransacked the residence of Mr. Boner. They succeeded in getting money , Jewelry and other valuables to the extent or over $200. Mr. Boner and family were at the lire , leaving their house unlocked. Mldi'r Head IOWA Cmla , , Oct. 4. Bishop Nindo to day made n decision in the case of Presiding Elder M. E. Head , of the Rook Island (111. ( ) , conference vs J. M. Hoover , in which ho re lieved Mr. Head as presiding elder. This is tlio case whore Head was on trial for de faming Hoover. The case attracted great interest at the Galesburg conference last week. iMIs-ourl 1 alloy's Water Work * . MISSOURI VALT.BV , la. , Oct. 4 , [ Special to Tnr Bnn.J Work will soon be begbn on the system of waterworks for Missouri VnlUpj , recently lot by contract to the Fremont Foundry and Machine company , of Fremont , Nob. The lalo fire has accelerated the prepress - press of the work. The sybtem Is be com pleted by January 1 , 1890. Harrison County Fair. MISSOURI VALI.UV , la' . ' , Oct. 4. ( Special to THR BEK. ] The most successful fair ever bold in Harrison county closed yesterday. Wednesday tboro were 8,000 people present. The receipts will aggregate $2,500. 1'OVniHKIiY MAKES UISPIiY. Tlio Charges Agnlnst Him Thor oughly Kvnosod. ST. Louis , Oct. 4. The expectation that General Master Workman Powdcrly would reply to the numerous attacks which have been made upon him drew an immense crowd to to-night's mooting at Turner hall. Pow dcrly was received with rout appjauso and spoke in a general way of the objects of the * order and said it was asked why ho did not advocate prohibition. Simply , saiu ho , because the order had not decided for it. Ho did not advocate the single tax , though n per sonal believer in it , bcciusctho urdor had not yet announced in favor of it. Address ing himself to tlio charges against him , Powderly spoke of his protest against tlio appointment of Furlong. Constituting the re porters present n committee , ho submitted all the documents to them. Turning to other documents he showed how M. B. Shaw had garbled and falsilled evidence ho pretended to subhilt. Furlong's letter in tbo morning papers was overhauled and ho proceeded to demonstrate that Furlong had conspired to calico Martin Irons und others to attempt to tap the wires , so he could mnko a criminal case against the strikers. Letters carried to Powderly by Blake were then taken up , and ono after another the men whoso names wcro ap pended pronounced them forgeries. No less tnan ton forgeries were thus proven , Pow derly then repelled the charge that ho had made public private letters of Russell Harrison risen , It was the duty of all good citizens to prevent the appointment of such men ns Fur long , nnd in lodging his protest Powderly said he had but performed his duty. From published official reports ho vindicated his position on the stock yards strike In Chicago and the great pouthwcst strike. None of the men who bore the brunt of the strlko blamed him , and uttll they did ho carnd nothing lor the attack of the scoundrels now assailing him. Powderly's Interview with Gould and Hopkins was described , and Gould's ' repudiation of bis solemn promise told in graphic language. After disposing of the charges Powdorly asked the uudinnco , "Hnvo I made out my case ! Who told the lie nowl" This elicited rounds of applause from the audience. The meeting was decidedly a Powdorly success. * TUB I'OVl'M OUAItGIOH. The Civil Bervion Hcnndnl Will' Ho Ventilated To-Day. WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. Some tlmo ngo the Washington Post charged that the civil ser vice law was being violated by the civil ser vice commission in the appointment of de partment clerks. Siibscrinontly It m.'ido n moro serious charge , viz. : That examination papers were being stolen and sold by a clerk In the commission who had been re tained In oflleo unu promoted , notwithstand ing his ( ; ullL had been discovered. To-morrow the Post will print n four- column article In substantiation of this latter and more terious allegation. H will say : A lady who went to a teacher In this city for in structions preparatory to taking an examination was furnished by a teacher , for a consideration , with n , copy ot the questions subsequently asked. These question ? , It says , were In tlio handwriting of Mr. Campbell , ono of the clerks to the commission uud u brother-in- law of Commissioner Lym in. The nutter was brought lo Lyman'a attention by Com missioner Oberly and the published account says Lyman told Oborly a publlu exposure would kill ( ils wife nnd that Campbell was penitent. The matter wn * then hustiod up although called to President Cleveland's attention , and Campbell was subsequently promoted at a tlmo when Ly man was the solo commissioner. In corroboration - oration of this the Post prints a copy of the letter said to have been written to the presi dent on Ayi-il'-M by ux-Commlssloiicr Edgcr ton relating the facts In the case. Edgcrton says further : "Thoro are mutters connrctod with the olllce of cnlef examiner which would uot bear uloso examination , " IIOIZHAY GROWS DESPERATE The North Woods' Terror Stnigffloa to Qnln Llborty. A MURDEROUS PLOT UNEARTHED Ono of Ills Accomplices Wenkontf nt tlio Thought of Itlootl nnil Iluvcnls tlin PI nn to the Sheriff. ' " ' Kwrnrs in llavo Ilnvcnjjo. AsitiANiVis. . , Oft. 4. [ Special Tolo- Brnin to Tin : HUB , ] Holzlmy , the notorious , freebooter mid mimlcror of tlio northern woods , continues to keep up the excitement. Yesterday u plot of his planning to ItIII the Jullcr nnd escape from the Gogoblc county Jail wns revealed to the sheriff by n weak * hearted accomplice. MnugUH , a prisoner eon lined In the Jail , boi-nino frightened at ttio utrociiy of the crime they had , planned nnd dropped a unto to Mr. Fo.oy. .lolin Rymi , the Jailer , waste to IIHVO been killed while passing food Into the cngo where the prisoners have been per mitted to tuho their meals. Then ) la an opening In the cage for that purposethrouRU which n slender nmn could puss when tlio shutter was thrown buclc , The plan was to tulto n board from the heavy tnblo in the cage nnd thrust it through the bar lengthwise , striking Ryan on tno liciul xvhllo ho was stooping to pick up the food from the floor. Ilohthuy ciilcnhilcd that the blow would Bin n H.yiui nnd then ho could crawl through tlio opening and finish him with a Icnlfu thuy hud In the capo to cut bread with. Upon discovering the plot Shorlft Foley put u heavy iron bull on Holr- hiiy's log , with a very short chnin. and locked him up In n close coll. To il ny , Foley having gene to Ironwood on busi ness , the desperado managed to hroulc the ball from his log , and then smashed ihlnps generally. lie refused to hand out a Ittilfo which wns given him to eat wltli and delicti the ofllccrs. On Foley's ' return ho will bo suujcctod to a taste of atom prison disci pline , which ho evidently needs. Only n few days ago tlio highwayman told the sheriff ho would bo nUlborty within two weeks. It ho cuts out the robber says ho will go to Kcpublio and kilt Marshal Ulodo nnd Justice. Weiser , who captured him , anil that ho will nuvcr ugnin bo taken ullvo. WIFE. I Sensational Ksoapadoofa YomijfNow Voi-k Souloly Sinn. Nr.w YORK , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hnn. ] The disappearance of William Whnley , a younir man who has lately boon cutting a swath In New York city , from hla customary haunts nnd the search for him which is being matin by the police , have brought to light facts in his case which had been sedulously kept concealed nnd which mny make Whaley acquainted with prison fare. The gambling away of a fortune of $135,000 raised by inducing his sick and deli- cnto wife to sign a mortgage In blank upon her property when shn was only dimly con scious of her act ; the tnoft of all the silver and Jewels belonging to his wife ; the signing of a confession anil the llnal disappearance of the husband Is the family history which has just been revealed. Whaley came hero from South Carolina In 18SO und launched into Now Yurie soolpty. Ho laid soigo to the heart of Elolso , the youngest daughter of Commodore Me- Crcady , the millionaire steamboat ; man who died in 18S7 whllo returning from Europe. MoCrcady didn't 111(0 Whaley and took the family to Europe to get rid of him , but the young nmn followed : n 14 ! ho and Kloise Dually won the consent of hur parents and the marriage took place. The young couple returned hero nnd set up a splendid establishment in Washington square. They had ouo child , a beautiful ooy , und their married II fu was apparently bnppy. i Mrs. McCready and son recently went to Europe nnd there heard that Mrs. Whuloy was sick. They returned homo nnd found her In delirium , In which she was constantly talking of some mortgage. " 'J'his must never bo known , " she would say in delirium , "i will sign the mortgage , but how could you no it ? Did you think of our little boy when you did this act ! Ob , don't urge mu to do this thing. IB there no other means ot llxlntr itl" The constant rcpi'tltlon of these word * awakened suspicion in the minds of th' < voting wife's relatives. The outcome was the dis covery that.lho hiibband hud robbed his wlfo of $125,000 in cash raised on the mortgage signed when his wife was sick and seml- unconscious and also of her Jewels with which ho supported a mistress in elegant stylo. Clmrgcd with the crime ho confessed and relinquished all claim to the child. Ho left the city and nothing can bo found of him. A FIliniri'KUii ACCIDENT. Fifteen Ilimdicd 1'onniln of I'lg Iron KnlM on n Street Cnr. ROCIIESTKH , N. . , Oct. 4. A frightful accident occurred ut the North nvonuo canal bridge this afternoon. Ty ) bridge is what Is known as a lift bridge , A street car xva passing over when ono end of the heavy troughs Oiled with pig Iron , used to , assist in raising nnd lownrlnc the bridge full from Us support nnd 1,500 tons of pig iron crushed through the top of the car. John Motz'er and Mary Birmingham were injured fatally and , three other portions very seriously , A Mynii'rloiiH Mrc. BUFFALO , Wyo. , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BUG. ] Now of the burning * under suspicious circumstances of the large brewery at Sheridan , the county scat of Sheridan county , was received hnro last night. The brewery w.is owned by Meisrs. Tischlrgi , of Sheridan ; Peter Demptu , for merly of Topolta , ICan. , and Paul , who re cently ran a brewery In Dubuque , In. Hu mored violation of the internal revenue law caused n vii.ll to the plnco by rtcvonuo Inspector specter Stlt/er , of Cheyenne. Dcmpto was alone when the Inspector npprurcd on the srono , and exhibited great UMOUIIIOB | . Slitzcr Is said to have found that gross Ir regularities hud been practiced , and prepared to sebo the property next dny. Early next morning the brewery was dlscovored nn tire , and nil the efforts of the oilUons to check the flames wcra unavailing. The brick building and appliances , which went the linest In Wyoming , and valued at 4:15,000 : , wcro completely destroyed. An Insurance of | 0OjO was carried , which will go to the mortgagees. 'Ihoro is every reason to bo- llovo that the lire wns Blurted by incondlar- los. The alTair has caused treat excitement In Sheridan , aH the brewery was the main stay of the town. A Koldior ol'llio Uiilnii Mu-tnrnil Out. MANCIIKSTBII , N. 11 , Oct. I. Oenoral Asa P. Hunt died ho.ro UlU morning , ugud sixty * twoyeaM , Hesnrvoil through the r bellion as ml in tuii tol' theTliird Vermont volunteers , and has boon almost , continuously In the United States military HUIVICC sini-o , From J&77 to IbsS ho wan In charge of the military station at Kort Leavemvorth and was war department quartermaster ut Jimlon ut the time of his death. received his bleu us n.iijor gitnnrul List Saturday. The U'ntitliiir l < ' ( ii' ( > ( ! a > il. ror Nebraska and Iowa ; Fair Saturday nnd Sunday , sightly cooler , variable wlrnU. For Dakota : \ur l , hlightly caolor In oant- iirn portion , wanner in western , winds bo- comln4 ; southerly. A .lldrocinu hhnp Gout ; . SAI.IM , Ma 8. , Oct IThe I morocco shop of Peter Sim & Sons was destroyed by lira to-night. Loss , UW.WOj partly Iu8urod ( t1 /