Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No advertisements will bo tnkbn for
IhOBOcolumns nftor I2:3O p. in.
Torma--Cn8h In nclvnnoo.
AdvertlRemcnts under thli head 10 cjnts per
line for Hit llrxt insertion , 7 cents for cnclt sub-
heqnpnt Insertion , nnil tlffl par linn per month.
Ho advertisements t k n forlesntlmn 25 rants
for first Insertion. Seven words will be counted
to tha line : they muni run consecutively and
intiKt bo paid In ADVANCK. All ndvprtlne-
> nonls input lie hniidof. in Iwfore 12M o'clock p.
in. , nml under no clrcumiitnncos will they be
taken or dUcontlnucd by tolcplmiio.
Turtles nrtvertlslnn In the e columns nnrt linr-
Imtthnlr answers nddrcswl In enroot Tilt : HKK
will pleme nik for n check to enable them to ( jet
Ihelr letter * , nil none will bo delivered except
on presentation of chock. All nntwcrs to nu-
vertlncmonts should ho enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvertl emnnts In MIMUJ columns nro wit-
Ihlied in botli morning nnd ovpnlnn editions of
Tun IlKK the clnillation ot which , aggregates
morn tlmn IH. ( 0 pupeis drtllr. nnd elves the art-
vertlderit the benefit , not only of the city rlrru-
lutlonofTilK HKK , but also of Council Hluirs.
I.imom nnd other cities mid towns throughout
tills jtertlpll of the country.
"BRA N "c H "O F F ICEsT
t\rtverllslnd for thoxo columns ill l > o tnkcn
on the above conditions , nttho following litisl *
ness lieu o * . who ro nuthorlrod agents forTHK
HRK special not ICON , nnd Mill ( junto the same
lates n cnn be had ntthonialnofllcu.
? nTN ?
OHABKM'.DDY. Stationers nnd Printers , 113
South Mth "tr.ct.
S1I , I'AIINSWOUTII , Phnrmticlst , 211 > Cnm-
. ing Street.
\\T .1. HPOIIIX , Plmrmnelst..fBl North IGtli
> > .Street.
Gio. : W. IV.Hit , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
TjfuGHES' PHAHMACV , i. 08 rarnatu Streot.
"WANTED Situation ns rtntfj clerks regls-
i ' terod In NwbrMk : ! l yours' experience ;
best or references. Address Win. Oshorne.
Btromsburg. Neb. 21SO
'V\7'ANTKI ) Hy young mnn plnen wlihphy
T ? fjclan orBurgeon to study medicine. Her-
crrncos furnished. Address I\T" , Hco. 182 St
AM IDDlii : need girl wants wnrk In n private
family , mui la willing to do cooking , wnsh-
Irg and Ironing. Address Mrs. It. Miul
und Ohio. 10) )
LADYRraduntoof Valparaiso ( Ind. ) Hualncss
CollRiro desires position In bookKf > eplngtlrst ;
class references : salary secondary consldera *
tlon. Addresal-'Mo. , 1107 North Ifltli st. 1K3 4t
\S7A NTID Situation by registered iiharinn-
TT cist , best ot reference given. Address K
fc ) Omd.Vn lice. " "
WANTKD At unuc. u KOOI ! jobbing moulder
nt thu CreMon Industrial Ironworks 1'nt
rick llreunan , Crcston , In. "M Of
WANTKD Anrstclass moat cutter. Must
bring Rood references. Also u good
perienced driver to take orders and deliver.
WANTKD Yardman for hotel , out of city ,
? 'i" > : cook for mnnli hotel , Jll ) . faro paid ;
cook for ro-stutmim , * ffl ) ; farm haud , * 20 ; boy
for r rlvato family. Jin : laborers , 41.75 : dish-
Warners , pan \\nbher , etc. Mrs. IJrega. 1114'i B.
16th. sin 4"
WANTED- * Rood barber. Zl\ts Cumtng
TT street ; steady work. 1UJ-1 ?
WANTKD An experlonred packer , crockery
and Kla swaro. Apply M. II. HUBS , 1110
- *
" \A7ANTHD-A Ilrst-c'ass ' short-order cook to
> t go west ; must tie u Address -
dross A. It. C. , P. O. 1UJ 5 *
" \A7ANTKD-A boy or elderly man to take
TI charge of "J hordes and yard und to make
himself generally useful. Dr. "i N , 1 loir man ,
coriath nn.l.lacksoiiHta. 2TCMt
"V\rANTED 2 good dross salesmen for the
couutiy. Address Ueimlson llnu
i \\7ANTBI ) 2 boys about 13 years ot age. nt
7 v W. V. Morse Ac Co.'s shoo fnctory , cor. Hth
, Mid Douglua tit. ISO 3
* fTPlIN laborers. $1.75 per day ; steady work.
J-Mra. Ilrega , : iI4s } S , 15th. 17ri : *
ENtlNKBK Wanted One who understands
running a dtnainn ; Htcndy employment
nndood ( situation. Apply to P. J. Crcedon.
1'axton block. ltl-4J !
WANTKD Two good , live insurnnce men to
solicit In the city ; must furnish good ret-
ercii"e3. Addles * 1C 70 , lleo. 1C7-8J
ANTHD Salesmen ntS'fiper month salary
nnd expenses to anil a Una of bllver-phited
ware , watches , eta. , by sample only : horde nnd
team furnished , Write .
i tree. at for full
' * * &u.A..iivc. ti .ibo nti oncu .UL par-
tlcnlar.s and sample of goods free. Stand-
aril Silver Ware Co. . lloston. Muss. r.74
W PANTHD 200 grndorr ) and tie makers for
the HlncicHlilH extension. Fllley. Kramer
i. , Max Mayer building , Hth and Farnnm.
" \A/ANTID ! HID rnllroart laborers for the
TT west. Company work. Killey. Kramer it
Co. , Max Meyer bunding , 11th and l-'urmun sts.
848 _
WANTLD A rood olllce man to co east ;
must Invest Jl.&H ) : must bo n good business
tunn. Address the ( ieo. S , Cllne Publishing
House , Ul > to \ \Vnbnsh avo. . Chlcnt'o , Ills.
\\rANTKD Men fcr Washlnirton territorv.
tt Albngnt's Labor AgencjUSD Kurnams't.
' \\7ANThI > Ten bridge carpenters ; i.00 rock-
7 f men and laborers for Wyoming , good
yrngos. Albrlght'H Labor Agency.lia ) Farnnm.
TONI5-CUTTKHS wanted at St. Joseph , Mo.
We can give employment to twenty ( lit ) ) good
wtoiie-outters. No Hocljty hero. Pteiirer Stone
Co. . Bt. Joseph , Mo. uai 7
\\r , ANTIJI ) 2 young raeu for light wor nt
V > W , weekly. Hoom 17. ii.'O N. Kith. H.'l nt
" \\rANTlH ) Kneruotlo men and women to
fill school bookHon nnaw plan ; tcachcrg
Kreferred. Audreys Interstate Publishing
OUMO , ro < nn 4S1 , Paxton block. Ivs-Tt
. " \XTANTKD-ilood bricklayers and stonecut-
V > trrj ; good wngos pnH Apply M. T.
M'trphy , Fromu1 t , Neb. BW
" "
ANTKI ) Agents. "Dodge's Horse Hlnn-
ket Holder" kei-ps the blanket from
blowing or sliding oil' the horse. Nothing like
it in tile market ; every horgo-owiiar buys ,
it'tmplesbyniull , 35c , Hlayuer&Co. , Providence ,
H.I. lHt.o-it ) : |
Din-EC1 ! IVit-Wanted.Bood : ? reliable men for
detectives in every community ; paying post-
> tic Js , Addiusa Ivansaa Detective llureau.loc'l-
box 'J.10 , ' .Vlclilta. Kail. i ! liiiL ! _
T * I'KN to travel for the Ponthlll nurseries of
Jill. Canada. We pay $ . " > ! ) to 1W ( n month and
expenses lo agents toneil our Canadian grown
utock. Add. bionrt & Wellington , MndUouVls. .
\\7ANTKD -At once.Ufty more rustlingealen-
V > men to take orders from farmer * nnd other
lartw consumers for groceries * , etc. , ut wnoie-
Slili'.prlctJ. Kxrliislvu teirltory given. Address.
The J-Mfc'owortti Mercantile Co. . Importers and
Muniifiicturcrs. ill" State t. . Chicago. ti41 4 ?
Vt/ANTL'D-Good cont-miiker ; steady post-
VV tlonaud good wages. Kocltor to Ilifrt , St.
PntLNeb. _ K il
ANTP.DAuent.s to sell the plnlosa clothitx
/W llnu ; th-i only Hue uver luvontud that holdii
* Jln ciothuti without phid ; a perfect huccoss :
,1 iult Jt roi-ently Unuod ; oold only by agents , to
* ' vjiom the rzcnulveright In givenon tecelpt of
iiOcts we will iiunda uamplu llnu by mall ; also
. puci'larri , iirico lint and turmx la airents ; secure
.YOU' territory ut once. Addr Woicedter
i J'lnlo-s Clothoi Line Co. , 17 Ilermon Bt.Vor -
-teatur , Musa , GtW-o3f
-ArANTD-l ) : > 'our n nnd rod men ior track lay.
, t lug in Wyoming. Apply to I' , | | , Johnson.
Jl. & .Mpassenger duuot. ( hinlm. o < n
' HsfANTKD Agents ! To KollclL orders for our
. T celebrated Oil Portraits , 'ihollnest muiic.
' No experience renulredI HpuiiinuM earn * .Vj u
1 iveulr. f4 outfit fi * > el Send for full particulars.
A ran' vhaiice. t-afford , Adam * & Co. , in Hond
bt. , N ° wyork' 8W O M
' < \\fANTP.D A riTimTnvory" Tocallty to'nct
I'- iiu julvnto detective muter our I .struc-
tions. Homl 4o for particulars. Central Detec
tive Huraau , Topeku. Kan. 7U > o.t )
' ' * " " .
'cr .t - - - - T
VXfANTHD A good ciri for cenernl house-
Vlttork. Iniiulrt'l'l
, 'l-'l California. 2 5
.T\r ANTH1' ( Ttniiun girl ; goiid"jilaco. . Drtu
t > store , Corby und tiliornmn ave. 210 0.
"IVAN fKTT-4llrT tbr ou o\roTk ; Uuiulro
V N. E. cor.Ullh Jt Decatur. Andrew Ander-
_ _
\ \ rANTF.I ) A good hcadwaltreti , who can
T > IIKO | act oa i-anhlur , to so to Colorado. Ad-
H. 0 " , ' . U. _ _ _ _ U 7r _
- ' - ! \\tiitreasnn forOi-dwuriJ for Fre-
mout ; cook lor buardluu house , IS ; dUh-
< vn h'er nnd dlnlnit-rooiu girl in iauo : house ,
II.H : ( .aconil OKI if. t ) ; Unndrcs.s aoddUhwiuber ;
J cxperivnced cli.iinborinaidj and fi waltrosaes
in city ; mlddlc-uK < d Knullsh woman ou a farm :
N ) glru tor prh ate famlllea. Mrs. Uregn. 'Hid
H. IHh. _ _ _ _ _ _ no UJ _
" \ \ rANTHDOood Klrl for eeueruvliousowork
l > t JSI8 Loavruwortli. lOti
" \ > r7 AN'l'KO A tlrnt-clais dining roonTsuT
City Hotel. lOtlnuidJInrney , _ 3 ? J _
\\rANTKJ ) . Ootxl girl fornaneial housework ,
SW.N.SWliiit , iWWt
WANTKD-Olrl to do hou work'.f TJtly
2 , no children. Inquire 1133 urlgg.s ptM
Omnlm. JB3 _
WANTBI-Complent girl in family ot tno.
Call raoming. * , en s. nh at. pfl4
WANTKD Girl forKcntrnlhousewort. Ap
ply nt S204 Howard et. German preferred ,
ANIii-airl : to do housework. 2123 CUrk
WANTKD Lady as cashier and to assist
book-korpar. Must bo rapid ponmnn or
typewriter , nnd coed accountant , linqnire nt
olllce on third lloor. J. L. HrnndeU AiHnnn.
"lA ANTDD Immediately , n lirst rliinsrook i ,
11 wages $ "i per week , apply at M , T. Patrick's
cor. Sit Ji imd Lnjto gtB. 124 )
WANTKU-Mcash girls , lObundlowmpprrs ,
Sil saloslndlc.i nnd salesmen nt the I'nlr ,
corner llltli nnd Howard. Apply between n and
8 o'clock Thursday ovenlns. 1G8-J1
"IJUHST cln a hotel cook , womun preferred ,
J- reference required ; address J. It. Bhope
Button , Nob. 121JIJ
M1SH U Walsh , formerly with Miss McCart
ney. I * now rrndy to do first-class dress nnd
clonk mnklng. Plush coats refitted , rollned nnd
repaired , nt 11118 Citpltol avo. IDUtt
D HUSSMAKINCJ lu inmillos. 0.7 So. 17th are.
J AMUai ) . UPTON. Indies' tnllor ! latest Now
York styles. A perfect lit guaranteed. Par
lors : U ) Knmam St. "W "
_ _ _ _
HISS MlnntckTiTdre34mnking parlors. ir-'l
l.cavenworth. T"Jo2S |
WANTT.l-Horses to winter at $3 a month
per head ou furiii nonr Irvlngton. Plenty
of Krnln and liny to rned. good Hlmltor and ROOC !
care glvon tlioni ; colts , horoei or rows tnknn In
xchaiiKO for feeding thum.V. . It. Huinmi. 101
ANI'hn-A younc lady would HkeayonnK
lady room-mate. Call VVV Douglas. 101 0
_ . . HENT-T-roora cottage , with bath,2(112 (
Capitol ave. Inquire 2-18 | Capitol nve. f-210
OU HUNT A newly paporedfi-room house ,
good well nnd ciatorn. Itont cheap to good
tenant. 2tOarrankllnst. lotiulro on promises.
184 *
HUNT Largo house 1023 UodRo ,
"C1OH HKNT-Cottauo , G rooms ; city water. $20.
Jl > arK avo. and Jackson fcts. Ul ) 5t
"OOll HUNT 7-room Hat. I.unno lilock. moil-
ern luipiovcmcuts. KuqUIro U13 S. 13th St.
\OH \ Itl'NT Handsome ID-room house , nil
JL1 couvonlenroi , paved street , cablu mid horao
cars , r > mlnutos' wulkotpostolllce. NtUhnnStiol
ton , Itlll l-nrnamHt. Ml
HOUSES for rent Wilkinson. 1417 Fnrnara.
& > J
TJIOK HI-INT 10-rooin house , steam heat , all
Jlinprovoments. . cheap rent. G. 1C. Thompson ,
room 214 , Sheely block , 15th nnd llownrd.
IJAOH HUNT Immedtntoiy. n well-furnished
-I ? B-room rottaije , only n f w Btevs from hlgli
schciol. Imiiihu ut ilfiDoduo at. 1140 ;
TjlOH HKNT A neat , nowO-room cottaico.near
JtJ l.oavonworth and ! Wtn Htri'ots. Inqulro for
l.uobben , at 1W7 Fitrnam St. , Omaha. 14'
TTOH HHNT Nice new B-rnani cottngos with
JD cellars , ICKI9and .7113 Half Howard nt. Kent
tl't per montli enuh. lluqulre 024 S 17th st.
rpKN-rooin house , well nnd cistern , llargaln
J to responsible party. 12U Park ave. 114C *
T OH HE.VT-Two7-room brick houaep. UI09.
JL' 2111 llamlllonst. ; uvory modern Improve
ment ; $3J each.
Ono very attractlvo lint. No. 1020 N. 21th St. ,
In brick block , $20. Leavitt Diirnhiiui , 1 Crelgh-
Ion bloslc. 112
FOH HKNT ID-room house , all modern con
veniences , half block from Btieet car , SiO
per month. Cull nt K71'nxtonblocK. Ill
FOH KENT Twelve-room house , f > Uble and
cnrriURO liou&e , on S. 21st street , next to cor
ner ijuavenworth ; modern Improvements nnd
In perfect repair. Apply to ] < nwls S. Heed \
Co. , room III , Hoard ot Trude bullillng. Ift'O '
FOH HKNT KIglit room house , wltn nmplo
irrounds. corner Iioavon\\orth , and -lat sts. ;
bath room , hot nnQ cold wntar. Apply to Lewis
8. Heed A : Co. , room la , Uoard of Trade milldlnF.
"T71OH HKNT C-rooin cottage , well and clstem ,
JJ s.w s. 2ist st , $ sa. : 8iu at
H OU6U S. U. cor. 18th and Center.
8444 *
HUNT Two newiVroom cottages on mo
tor line. 310 per month ; Ml Douglas.
TT1OH HENX by Sholea & Hamilton
J3 Hoom 210 1st National Hank Illdg.
$ ff > 14-ioom house , nil conv. . 24thand Cnss sti ,
SCO 11-room house , all conv. . same location.
S40 8-room hoiiRe , all conv. , 11 mi scorn Place.
$ ; S ) 27-room lints , llith and Howard sts.
$25 8-room house , nlLcouv. , Windsor Place.
$20 li 7-rooni nouaes. all conv. , Windsor Place.
$27 7-room house all conv. , 1323 B. 25th five.
Entire building on S. 16th st. , suitable for hotel -
tel or boarding ; rent nil or part. ICW
- tint on the 2d ctory In Llnton block ,
6 3-HOOM
heated by steam , range In the kitchen , not
nud cold water , newly papered , grnto In carlor.
rent low. Inquire ntU7 ! in the ulock , llltli and
Mason streets. John Hamllu , agent.
FOH HUNT House of 5 large rooms In splen
did condition , California strootbetwcen30tli
and 32d , only $1 per month to n llrst-class ten
ant. Inquire of Willis Yntea , Neb. Nat'l bank.
FOH HUNT Nnat7-room house. In good re
pair , on cor. 2dth and Woolwortn ave. : pos
session given Oct. 1st , Inquire 0. H. Uzschnck ,
Hpoolllco. 6'.ri
low. two 7-room houson ou 18th nnd
Vlntonj two 8 nud 0 room houses ou S7th
and Woolu'ortH ( with city water and bath ) ; two
6-room houses lu Lincoln , Plnco. Hoom 619.
Paxtou block. 480 _ ,
T/1011 HUNT House with all convenicncei ,
V liaid woodllnlsh. three blocks from P.O. ,
east front ; 21' ' ! N. 19th Bt. 370
TjlOtl UBNT No. 2411 Cnpltol nvenue. 11
J rooms , nil modern conveniences. The O. F.
Davis Co. 233
T7UHI HKNT All-room cottage , city , cistern
JL' water , convenient to buslnu.u. David Jamlu-
Eon. J14 S. l.nh st. KO
POIl HUNT 9-room modern Improved house ,
corner. Apply M. Ulgmter. 11128. 10th. 8.W
OH HKNT Front parlor , nicely furnlslied ,
nnd Bleeping room ndjolnlnp , on ground
llorir ; within 4 blocks of courthouse. Inquire
215 B. 15th at. Ib7-f.t
" | T\OH \ HUNT To one or two gentlemen with
-t ? good reference : ) , a nicely furnlxhea front
room , heated by steam und centrally located
Inquire 721 ti luth at. m
room ; good board by the day
or week. 2203 Farnam. ] 'J4 H
PUl'l'i : of rooms fnrlor4 gents ; rent cheap.
liiOi Howard at. , 3d lloor. No. 18. 1VJ 5 *
ril inrgo furnliliod rooms tor rout , with
J. board ; steam hear. 1721 Davenport sr.
TI1011 HI3NT Furnished room with board ,
JL' suitable for two ; reference required , lull
Doughnut. 20J-6 *
IP Oil HKNT Well furnished room , or rooms
en suite , for single gontlemeui nil modem
I'onvonUiiicoa ; splendid neighborhood and con
venient to cars. Apply at 1U15 Chicago st.
157 4t
OOMS JO , n J10 , 112. 1017 Culcagost.
, I" IDS m
_ _
T7VOH HUNT-Nlcely furnished front rooms
X' with board , on 2d and 'M lloor. in Paul's
tlntx , new liouau , good location , on car line ,
w 1th gns , bath and heat , 407 N. 19th. ITU 6 ;
HUNT Nicely furnished rooms with all
JL ; modern conveniences , No. U" . ' . ' N 15tn Bt.
"IfO It HKNT Toil or 4 gentlemen , B Inrgo furL -
L nhhed room with nlcovu ; new native withall
modern conveniences ; within,5 blocks nf 1' . O ,
Address 1C OS Hee. 1H ( Ut
TTiOH HKNT-NIcely furnlsl7ed front parlor ,
A1113 ; also loom tor light liou&skeeping. > 'o.
UJ8N. nthst , ' HClt
POH HEXT Two furnished rooms on 8U
Mary'n avenue , to gentlemen only ; hlx mill-
uti' wale of busluc84 ceutur. Hef rencoie-
Quired. Imjulio at store , 2i | ) und 212 B. loth at ,
ST. CLAIH European hotel , cor. 13th and
Dodcoj special ruto by week or mouth.
V .OOIrooin wltn batlL 61KS. 8 tU st. 868 "
ii : ) front room U ) N 17th at.mi
mi it
. . HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms , ap
ply ' < -.S ivihst. WJ4
| > OOM ami boanl cheap , tor two , la private
JLV family ; 2JI8 Hurt stroot. IIT-T
/AN 11 large and oqe m U front room , ground
vytlnor ; also tivoBlt'ejilat ; rooms above ; nl a -
ant. locution csBtrol , on motor : ' Wl W , l th , cor ,
Hint. t sa 4 *
_ _
"NTiLV : furnished rooms fcnd board : tlnett
X > location In city ; all modern convenience * .
0)5 ) Douglas , iu
. turnlMied room tor one or two rcntls-
mm. Private family. JHltFarnam st. xa
ROOM Trith or without board. 1813 Dodge.
TJiOlY ilKNT-Neatly furnished front room.
JL1 with bent ana b then motor Hue.l.lU N.Utb
xgi n *
If.OH TllijTT riu-nlshod fro3T room * . isio
JL1 Dodge street. Cltf-oli
TOU HKNT Front parlor , handsomely fur-
JL1 nlshed ; nlsoSroomn suitable tor 3 gentle
men , modern conveniences. 2 > m Hurt. J"u5 ? !
NICKLY furnished room , nil eonvenlences,81S
N.lTtlu 460 O 18
Til Llin ANT fin nUlied rooms with bath and
JLUjtram , 1ul9 Ilounrd st. Mi
TpUIt HKNT Two rnrnlsTiid front rooinsTnit
V convenloticcs. Private family , 117 So. UMh
St. , between Dodge and I'nrnnm. IK-6t
I rooms and board 182 ! Chlcngo ,
HKNT .1 unfiirnlsliod roomssult blo for
liousckeeptniT , 208 N. 13th st. -"iW
O AND r. linfurnlslifd rooms. fR4 S. Hth . ,
- > but\veon .lacKsounnd Leavenworth ,
TTIOH HKNT-t'iiftirnlshed rooms suitable for
JL' housekeeping , convnmently loontod. Hutt s
Iteming ngeury , 151X1 Farnnm. G.Wo20
17OH HIINT-Storo ( Bth October ) , for linnl.
J. ware , biitclior , confectionery , shoos ; u
main st. Enquire 1C-1 Sticrmiiu avo. 211 OJ
TIIOH HKNT-One halt of store No. 315 Potith
J' lith , lloyd'.s opera house block , suitable for
coal olllce or similar business. 180-5 $
" 17011 HHNT-Store. Hit Farnam Bt. , KO by 12 8
J- feet , Ustoiles and cellar. Nathan Slieltoii ,
1014 Farnnm st. t , > J
lO HENT Desirable warehouse room on
track. Apply to C. W. ICoIth , 7U Paclllo at.
FOH HENT The 4-story brick building with
or without power , formerly occupied by The
lleo Publishing Co. . olS 1'nrnam st , Tno build
ing ha n lire-proof cemented basement , com
plete stoani-hentlng llxturoti , wnter on nil the
lloors , gas , etc. Apply at the oUlco of The llee.
T7IOH HF.NT-Aftor Oct. 1 , line front olllcp ,
JL ? ground floor ; plate glass window ; hent nnd
lluht furnlsnort : n most desirable location for
any kind of business ; rent reasonable. Inquire
Omaha Ice Co. , ,110 So. 15th st. 65J
ONE hundroit-foot store V ! block from P. O.
Fleming , J4th nnd DongUs. _ ai2 0 13
HEN'l' 'lliroc-story brlok building , 1110
JL ? Douglas at. , suitable for wholcsal * or ware
house. Chas. Kntifmann , VMi Douglas street.
pOH KENT Basement 40 by ( VI ft , heated by
Eteam. Unqulro J , Nngl , 012 Bo. 13th St.
IK yon wish to rent your houses q.ulckly list
them at room 5 , 113 N. Ifitli at. HIP
i . . .Ij ulntor horsei on W. II. M lllnrd's
J-fnrm at Cnllioun , Neb. Heasonnblo rates ,
care considered , Ordeis can bo loft with \V , II.
Mlllnrd or mnllud mu atCalhoun. T.J.riemlng.
lf,4nl ,
MADAMlIMuck , vapor baths , ningnotlo ard
nuissngo tioatmoiua. 1U 1 Douglas st. 8 a.
. to ID p. m. 170 a ;
NKw base burner , antique chnmber nult , 3
carpets and clialis , for room nnd board In
house of modern conveniences. Address 010
N. Sind. WO at
THK bnujo taught ns nn art by Goo.
beck. Apply nt Dee olllco. 9jO
O ASH paid for household furniture , stoves.
I Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 1'nrnam.
B LUK Hive r Ice for sale. .Lauhnm * Abbott ,
Crete , Nob. B04 3J
A UCTION sales every Tuesday and Friday
' -Vmgrning at 11" ! Farnam , Omaha Auction &
Storage Co. 775
A NTIQUAHIAN HOOK Store , 1413 Tarnam st.
-ti- Cash paid for second-hand booKs.
SCHOOL of Expression , Vocal Articulate ,
Pantomime. 1. V. Anderson , tihoolv l > lock.
T , Ot7I3 Wineberg dress nnd cloak maker ;
J-JpHish cloaks to order nnd steamed : sealskin
cloaks repaired , all Kinds fur trimmings fur
nished. 1420 Capitol avo. , repairing of nil kind.
. lessons-Mr : Borndruck. Olllco
Fruehauf Vbook store. 255 o3J
LOST Diamond ring on Farnam between
Kill and UJth fits. Finder please return to
11L Martin , care ot OS Raymond's and receive
reward. 218-5'
STRAYED or stolen From 2515 Hamilton st ,
on the night of the 29th ot September , one
dark f-orrel innre , weighing inw ) to 1100 pounds.
8 years old , In good condition. A. Housor.
Heturn and receive reward. 174 8
IOST Small bay mare , wlilto star on 1'oro-
Jliead. mane cut Hhort , bet llensou and Wal
nut Hill. Imiuire Crystal Ice Co. , 218 S. nth st.
181 at
"OKHSONAL Twill pay for Information of the
JL. whereabouts of John Olendennlu or of John
IFlsk , or of .IndKon II. Dudley , who were In
those parti In 1857. S. & . Price , Jr. , room 411 ,
First Nnt'l Hank. 138
T7 > DWAHD Andrews will find his daugntor at
JQ/1703 Corby street , Omaha. Molllo Andrews ,
GKNTLUMKN , It you desire a wife or a lively
correspondent. Sana your address to the
American Corresponding Club , llox (113 ( , Clarks-
bmjr , W. Va. 243 ol3J
WANTUD-OllIco desk. Call ( it room 411
_ Shoeloy block.
desk. Call nt Hutch-
lnsou& Wcad'H olllce. 1524 Douglnx.
1624 *
WANTKD ( load horse nnd buggy. 170J. . D ,
Xlttle , I'lO Piixton block. 170
V\rANTKI-To buy a good folding bed ; itnto
V > kind and price and where it can bo seen.
AddressJf-CMlPO olllco. HIM
CASH for furniture , carpets , stoves , general
mdse. Wells' AuctlouJc Storage Co..al7 S.iath.
102 Oil
"JJIOH HKNT Store room in Iloyd opera house
'JL ? building. Knirillre American Savings llnuU.
STOHAOI ! nt low rates at list Fnruain street ,
Omaha Auction nnd Storage Co. MJ
STOHAOE nnd forwarding. We collect iindde
liver goodx of all description , merchandise ,
furniture and baggage at cheapest rates 101
ntorage for nnv Ipngth of time. Vans anil
wagons to behnd at shortest notle , with care
ful m n for moving. Packing and shipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded nua unloaded
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco SU S 1411 :
st. Telephone 1H. Howelt At Co. NS )
rpHACKAlU ( ton.gout lowest rates. W. M
JL Bushman , mil Leaveuwprth , fcOl
' 1OH AflH Clean , dry , and reasonable rates ,
3 Wells' Storage & Auction Co. , 317 S. I3tli st ,
TSU. NANN1K V. Wsrreu , clairvoyant , medi
J seal and busiuesH medium. Femalu disoesu
a specialty. HUN , lUtu at. , rooms 2 and 3. . IG.r
MHS. icclcs. : the famous fortune teller nnc
clairvoyant ; business , love , marriage ami
changes. U > 7 S lath at. next door to Darker hotel.
12rt 7t
ADAM15 Wellington , world-renowned ns
trologibt. teit medium and dettlny reader ,
Ju from Kuropo. TeiM your life from tin
ciadleto the grave , reunites the beiuiruted
causes speedy marilrgo with the one you love ,
locates disease nnd terata with mnnssge and
elcttrla baths. All In trouble nhoula not fall to
consult this gifted ? eoro-H. Parlor 0 , uiisudm
411 ti. Hth ; ollico hourt , from 10 a. m. to JOp , m.
912 3t
"IIIOHTDNU 'leller Mrs. Leuorraan can Iw
JO consulted ou nil affair * of llro. Bit la fac
tion guarnnteed. No. iilO N. 15tn bt. 113 o'J *
QTANDAUO Pnorthand School. Paxton blk. .
klfsureessor to Valentine ) the largest exclu
sive snorthand school in the vest. Teachers
ure verbatim reporter * . Particular attention
puld to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of m chinutuu ht by factory expert. Circulars
HITrLESEV'8 ahorthand nnd typewrTT
Inp achool. Darker block. Day und evening -
ing aemloiis ; H per month" . lUl-U't
FOH SALK Fire and burglar-proof b&f .
Chicago Safe and Lock Co's make. Size of
same 3sx4tf Inrnea. Una double inside and out-
tilde door * , und titeel chest lias combination
lock , hamo us on outildu doors. Onlv been used
ebon time. Will Hell at a great burgalli , ( 'ail
nt room I , t'nion block , n , w. cor , IMh and Far
uam , city. an
TIUlIl BALK Nice horse ; good driver ; cntap.
JjA.P'jukeyJ ( . V , tU fiulWHu. Jli , .
Vfott t * trf , . ,
JU slnelohoMo , harness and CArrli\Rp,2wRRonn.
2 i > t8 h8 vr narnosn , or will exchange for
brick. J. J. WllktnsonJtl7 F rn m. fC7
TilOll SALE A-Tj-horno-iinwer Porter onglns
JL1 in good condition , weight f.lOJpoimdn cyl
inder llxtn. For panlcnlArs apply to The lice
oince. 7M
WAtlON nnd harnosj. nlmo t now. nsd two
inonths. cost II20V > I1 nell for WO. CoD -
( ) D rMiro Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 16th ( it.
_ _
I7IOH SALE F.lght ( SJ .vlinnds onio thorough.
JL1 bred ShPtlnnd ponies. Address r. O. Lett * .
SI arshaltown. la. _ ' _ wa 1:1 :
EOll SALK-A lot of tmvf shelving nt n bar *
gain , Miistbonold. J. H. Pariottc , rental
ngoncy , rponi21Dougl 4' ' Mock03012 _
TjlOUSALK A quantity of building stone.
JL. ' Apply to the superintendent lleo building.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OJ5
TTOIl SALK OpoodhpatlUR stoves ntU actual
JL1 r < Mt. Oil 8. nth nnd vlnduct , C nllold M c-
iifncturlng Co , lift C
IJIOH 8ALR-A new billiard table mid outfit
JL1 complete : b st make , llrnnswiRk-Ilnlto ! a
good bargain : can bo bought on tltno , Inqirlro
at room 614 Ilrown block , ICth nud Douglas at.
MIDLAND ( ItinranU'O & aTust Co. , N. V. Life
bldg.comtilotonbstrnctsf.irnl.shi-d nnd titles
to real estate oxamlnedperfectod & guarnnteed.
T > UILDIN(1 lonns wnntndon bilck
JJor residence blocks. l'a\orable terms nnd
intes. Kttubnll , Champ & Itynu , 1205 Farnam.
MONKV to loan on city properly and form
lauds nt lowest rates , J. D..Ittlo , 4UO Paxton -
ton block. F.8
1/"IJY8TONE Mortgngo Co.-Lonns ot J10 to
JLxji.ftWjRetour rains before bonv.wing nnrt
save money ; loan on horses , furniture , or any
unproved security , wltluuit publicity ; notes
bought ; for now loan , renewal of old , nnd low- U20SShccley blk.luth& llonard st.
8G'J '
( CiOi,00) ) to loan at C per cent. Ltnnhnn Ic Mn-
Vhoney , loom 603 Paxton block. 870
MONEV to loan on furniture , liorsos.wagotis ,
etc. , or on any approved security J. W.
llobblns , 1111JJ Farunm street , Paxton notpl.
MONKV to loan on nny security
lor short time nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgngo Investment company ,
room 400 Pnxton bpct. ( 872
JUILDINO loans. D. V , Sholes , 210 First
> NntIonnl bane. 873
fPOLOAN A few thousand on Inside uiilm-
JL proved city property or good "d mortgage
paper. Address J 60 , Hee office , 2US
T7UHST mortgage loans nt low rates and no
JL' delay. D , V. Sholes.-'lO First National bank.
rOANSmadeon real estate nnd mortgages
JLJbougnt. Luuls S. Heed & Co. r.W.board trndo
MON15V to loan on horses , Wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllce in
the city. Mnkes loans from thirty to three hun
dred und sixty-live days , which can bo paid in
part or whole at nny time , thus lowering the
principal and interest.rCall , mid see us when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity.I'Muney alwnyn ou hand.
No delay In making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. ,
8111 S. 13th St. , over Hlnahum & Sons. S75
M IONKYtoloan. O. l'"Jnavls ' Co. . real estate
and loan agents. IjOt ) 'arnum St. H76
WANTEIi First-class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call nnd eeo us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1M1 Farnnnu , . ' ! 877
MONHY loaned for o ; fiO or M day.s , on any
kind of chattel security : reasonable Inter
est ; conlldcntlul. J. \YilKlnson. . 1417Furnnm
DO YOIT want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on any sum from 3iaf > i810UOi ) .
linaku loans on household good * , pianos , or
gans , hor.seimules , wagonfwarohouse nicelpts.
houses , lensea , etc. . lu auy amount , at the lowest
possible rates , without bilbllclty or removal of
property. ' '
Loans can bo made for ano tojfllx months nnd
you cnu pay part at any'tlmo , reducing both
principal anil Interest. 1C you owe n balance un
your furnttur * or horses or have a loan on
thorn , -will tnku It up and carry It for you as
long us you desire.
If you need money you will flnd It to ycur ad
vantage to see me before borrow Ing.
II. K. Masters , room 4 , WHhnell building , incb
nnrt Harney. S79
MONEY to loan nt low rates and no delay.
Capital and surplus $1.800,000. Lombard
Investment Co. , 3UO S lath st , 80
TKSllENCU loans OJ-i to 7 per cent ; no att-
J-lditlonal charges for commissions or attor
ney's r es. W. H. ilelkle , First Nat bank bldg.
CJEE Sholes. roomSlO First Nnt'l bank , before
Oinnklng your loans , 87U
MONEY to loan on real estate security nt
lowest rates. Hot'oro negotiating loans see
Wallace , H31U Ilrown bldg. Ittth and Douglas.
MONKY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase good commercial
paper ami mortgage notes , b. A. blorjan. cor.
lath and Farnam. BSI !
MONEY to loan ; cash ou hand : no delay. J.
W. Soulra. laia Faruam St. , First National
bank bultdlmj. bM
M : ONEY to loan on city or farm proporty.
< loo. J. Paul. 100'J Farnam st. h85
MONKV loaned on lurnitnro. horses nnd
wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. .
US S. lath si. , opposite Mlllurd hotel. B80
TVTIIHIIASKA Mort. Loan Co. will mnke you a
-L > loan on household coeds ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of nny kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rate * .
Hoom 7 , Howloy block. South Omaha.
Hooms S18-51B. Paxton block , Omuha , Neb.
plIILADllLPIHA Mortgagor Trust Co. fur-
JL nish cheap eastern money to borrowers.
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt thrlr weitorn olllce. George W. 1 * . Contes.
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. SS3
making chattel or collateral loans ,
it will pay you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. , room 411 , lleo building. 889
T OAN8 on chattel nnd collateral
JUclnl rates this week , Ilnwkoyu Invostincut
Co. , H. 33. Douglas bl'k. , 10th and Dodge sts.
M : ONHV loaned on chattel recurltlos und
Jewelry. Hoom 411Sheeloyblk. F.IL.loromo.
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa-
par bought. McCaguo Investment Co , Has
strictly conlldontlal. M. L
, 10 Continental block. HJ 024
OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. . Hoom 42 , Itarker
block. Money at lowest rate. 713 o4
"TjMKST National safety ideroDlt vaults. Safes
-L1 to rent $ > to $ i5 o. ycur. a 8. 1'Jth , yti
"IfOH SALH Flrjtelias'basory , confoctlon-
Jery and restaurant In 4 1 location and doing
good buslnesH. jlostaUnint has a good patron-
ute from adjoining hotel. Good reasons for
soiling. A burgalu , Inquire HIS N 10th st.
* 200-6 ;
_ _
BAKI'.HV for sale ; best location in city ; doing
npleiidlil counter trade ; good reasons for
telling ; will well very cheap. Apply at I7IB
Nicholas street , OuiaaiDi 105-lj
17011 * SAIi-At : half price ; large hotel , Lilly
JL1 rauge lu line condition ; small tiafe ; olllcu
fiirnitiiru ; line lot of kltvlien nud table furni
ture , silverware , etc , Inquire nt Cilobohoiel.
lUl'J Douglas. IDS 6'
1711)11 SALlI-Thocont'rol'lIng interest in aalate
JL' bunk , located in a good town in eastern Ne
braska ; bank is making money ; nnly bank in
tovn ; about { Sf-00 required. Address Homo
Investment Co. , Omaha , Neb. 108 8
FOU SALK Ilutcher btuincsd in good town ;
kill from 4 too lieeviH per \\uek ; alHO veal.
inultnu und pork , in proportion ; will sell , or
lent cheap. Address M ? H. Hegarty , Nnoln , la.
Hi > 6t
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
'IT10H KENT Hotel in llvo railroad town in
- ! - ' southwestern Iowa , entirely furnished ; only
hotel in place and doing a ilrst-olasB business.
Addles * , Mn , U. FJtzalmmoni , gluney , Iowa.
TpOJl HUNT Ale you looking tor one ot the
-t. bust locations In Om lia to mart a dry goods
ktoru. hardware , barber thop or grocery ? If so
tee Fred HarrU , 15W Dodue. 6183
fT'OIl SAl.Uor exchange An lc rream and
* 2 oy ter parlor ; good location. U , H. Hall
room 11 , Harker ulock. 711-4
HBNT-lte tnurant M'lthbakerylnbas .
* luent and rooma auove , oath rooms , dining
room toteat l Jnew bi Ick btilldlnu , partle * own
ing it with togo out ofbifslneaa ; party must bo
re8r > on lble.DFor partlcnlars kddress O. W.
K aruey , Neb. , Uullolo Co , 4WJ01W
$ r > 'jO will buy A most cleaant meat market ,
For particulars en < iutro OJ3 i < aundorn st ,
7.M 8
CJAl-OON must Im sold at n fftcrlflr * within
O two WMkot good location Had business ;
moderate rcat , Kilkenny , room 19 , Contlnon-
cl block. PI8-K
FOH BALT5-Lease nnd furnltura of ths De
pot. Hotel , Lincoln , Neb. , nt n bargain , A
coed rhnnco for the rinht man. Address , D -
pot Hote 1. Lincoln. Neb. 053
OOOolocntlon. Apply fOl S 10th t. |
TilOH SAM ! A good paytnir grocery store In
JL'Lincoln. Tcrnu. halt cnsli. For particulars
address II , lleo ofllcr. Lincoln , Nob.
037-0 Sl
$1XX ! ) ( twelve hundred ) cnsh nnd Omnhn prop
erty to otchange for n general merchandise
Rtoronnywnere. Address llox 24(1 ( , Alton , la.
TTIOK KXOIlA.VClH-Aii elofr nt tract of 1 and
JL ; containing 120 ncros In Antelope comity ,
Neb , , with ordinary improvements.
A quarter section In Hand County , Dakota ,
purtlr Improved ,
l.lRhly acres near Council HlulTs , la.
House nud lot on S. 14th st.
Lnrgo amount of OH Mountain nnd Petroleum
compfttiy oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or the erection of some houses. Uoo.
j.SteriiBdorffFirst National bnnk buildlug.il70
T\7ANTR [ > i'o exchaniro dry goods notions
i i aild millinery goods tor clonr land or city
property nnd part cash. Address box * 7tf
Frankfort. Ind. V)03 )
TJKNTAL property , Inside , to exchange tor
JLirleur farms or vacant city lots. Thou. F.
llnll , 311 Paxton blocK. K.V
X change for stock of goods ; alRO some good
Nebrnskn , Iowa and Knnsn" < farms for stocks
ot goods. 11 , It. Hall , room 12 , Harker block.
FHIST mortgage paper , clear lots nnd per
sonal property to nxchnnge for farm laud.
CQ-Opcrntlvo Laud i Lot Co. , 205 N. Kith st.
1011 0
rpo KXOIIANOT ? A 1 Inside Ouiahn property
JL f or stocK dry goods. 1C 00 Hee. UTiU
humor , antique chamber suit. 3
J- > carpets nnd chairs for room nnd board In
house of modern conveniences. Addrosa K 04
lleo. D'-Pitt
EXCIIANOH tor city property , two good
farms Joining towns situated in Hnrlan and
Grocly counties. Meyer & Haapke , H05 Hnr-
ney st , 034 ow :
WILL trndo for merchandise 2 ncres , joining
South Omaha , price Jl.O'JO , clear lots nnd
farm land nt various prices. Co-Operative
Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. HO
T5KAL estate bRrgiilna.
JHuslncss corner 78x07 , 20th and Vlnton ,
Nlcu cottngn nnd lot , n pretty homo. $1,200.
Klegaiit now residence. Just completed , mod
ern lmpro\omentH. healthy nnd pleasant loca
tion , spiondid neighborhood , * 7,000.
Splendid brick block , two liousen , nil moilorn
convoutcnces , double floors tlirommout , fur
nace , bath , hot nnd cold water , high nud
healthy location , llm-cliiss neighborhood , only
two blocks from now electric motor car Hue on
Park ave. ; can maice special bargain It sold at
Clioico ten-aero tract , West Omaha J 0,600
Klegiint cast front lot , Mrmscom place. . . . .1,500
Finest west front lot , Hanscom piece. . . . 'J.lifKI
Five ncies close tobelt Hue ' ,700
Corner , 1211x1 0 , 7 blocks from court house 7.60J
Urackuge , 2.VxMHt ) , on Itelt Line Hy 7ri'K )
Thirty ucres Just outside city limits 24.UM
Nlco reslileiico lot. South Omaha 8X ( )
Hesldonco lot ncnr2ith and Harney . . . . nliOO
Com and lumber vardlocatlou on Holt Hy n,0'0
niu acres choice Neb. farm land n.XK ( )
Kli'gaut 6-acre tract 2.CIX )
Splendid location for home and poultryyd 1,601
lluslness lot near dopot. South Omaha. . . . 2tiOO
Lot 0 block f > . Pouthomnhn 2,000
Corner , N\l5'i ) , 24th nnd H sts S Omaha. . 4I03 (
Hcsldence lot nenr 2 Ith nnd Vlnton 650
Corner , Bonth front on Ilnnscom Park. . . . 7WX )
Corrier , 100 feet.tlst : and I'opploton avo. . 7N)0 )
Ton ncrcs i1th house nnd barn , bargain . 7,600
Hesldence block.pns's H per cent on J1P.OOO. l.'i.ROO
Call and see tiio bargains wo oiler. Houses ,
cottages and btores for rent. George N. Hicks.
New Vork Lite building. 175 0
FOH SALK 543.1:1 : ncres , sec. 5. tp. 12 , r. 0 w. .
Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable , JiOO
ncres fenced , living water. Price Jfl.OOO , F. K
Atklnsownorrnllroudblclg. , Denver , Col. 8'Jl
TjiOlt SALI3 n-room house , barn ana lot ,
JL' Haiiscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , room
411 , IM Nat. Hank. b'J2
I HAVE some llrst-clnBS rental property for
sal9 cneap within pno mile ot postolllce , on
paved streets nnd motor Hue. Thos , F. Hall ,
ail Paxton block. tWI
HANSCOM Place lot for pale very cheap for
caMi , lot , ! " ' block 7 , 60x150. Adaress F. P.O.
box atifl. 895
TTIOK SALE On longtime and easy paymenti ,
JL' handsome , now , well-built houses of K , ti.aud
10 rooms. AH conveme ices , good neighbor
hood ; paved streets , street cars , and within
walking distance o P. O. Nathan Sholtoii , 1H14
Farn&m street. 800
TTIOH SALE-Oneasy terms :
J-1 Lots 20 and 21. block 6 W Cumlng , each $ oo.
A double corner on 3ith ) and Kmmet Bts , , 140
feet on aoth and ino on Kmmet , } ' . ' ,50J.
Lot 11 , block n , W. Cuinlngwith 3-room house ,
lotuOxltl. ' > ,
New 7-room house , lot 60x137 , near motor line
on Amos nve. , Jl.lWl.
7-room house and lot on N. 20th St. , $ .1,5)00. )
8-room house and lot on N. 23d St. , near Cali
fornia , St.NK ) .
Otto Lobeck , H. 18 , Chamber ot Commerce.
ACHE property on Holt Hue in Spring Valley ,
adjoining pity , MM to 80K ) perncro ; will
double In vnlne in - years : on eney terms. Lots
in Lobock hub. of Spring Valley , t-00 ; also acre
lots in t'olomon'tt addition nt trom $550 to
$ (150 ( per ncro. Otto Lobeck , room 1H , Chamber
of Commerce. 130
I71OH bALIJ by Kvaus
JL1 Aon- .
i Acre tracts ,
Cottage homes.
Fine residences ,
line building sites.
If you hnve propel ty to sell
Or if you wish to buy you
Will llnd it to your interest to consult
J. H. Evans , 308 , N. Y. Lift ) bldg. 834 8
I71INK re-iidences In ICoiintze Place. Hnnscom
-L1 Pl.ire and other parts of the town , for mile
on tliabost of easy terms. Stringer & Pnnny ,
Douglas block. 0 : l-5
ACHK , corrcallfornln and 32d ; prlce 812oboT !
Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. lU'JS
TTOH SALU-South Omaha Lots.
J- Double corner , lots Hand 12 , block ill , on
27th Ht.
120x150 feet ( or.1 lots 50x120 each ) . $ , ' ,100.
Lots 2 und 4 , block 4 , each gMM.
Lot 4 block 10 , ou 25th St. , $1,200.
lot 4 block in , on 211th St. , $1,200.
These are bargains und now Is the time to
buy. Call on Otto Lobock , room IB , Chamber
ot Commerce , KHI
LFINE farm , 40 miles noith , to exchange for
good Omaha oroperty ; 618 N. V , Life. 118-10
\\7AKKnp and climb onto this bargain , 9
11 room new hous'.fiirnnce.gas , bath , hut and
cold water , line mantel , electric wires for light
ing , lot 60x150 , > / block of Dr. Mercer's resl-
dnnce and motor , elegant tor the money ; Sl.ixO
cash. bnl. toHiilt at six per cent ; next ; I ) . V.
Bhoies , 21J 1st Nat. bgnk. TTf
131x140 feet north , cast and south frontage on
Fnrniim near Lowe nvenue ; cheap for cnt-h.
Stringer , V Penny , Douglas block. KD-6
/ 1AN dell you coed lots aslowasJISIuiid have
\J reslrtehoe properties for 11.100 on easy terms.
Stilnger A ; Peuny. Douglus block. OJJ-5
"ITOK ! SALK S.OOO ncres land In Nebraska :
-L' finxUl ) foot loin 8. iitU ; at. at a Hucrlllclug
price. Inquire 1412 H. MtU. Cieo. H. Prtrr.on. .
615 O3tt
AS.VAP Will sell ono HOUth front lot in Lowe
Avenue Building association , utn sacrifice ,
if sold in next llfteen i'.ay . Nut M , Hilghnm ,
1U , Continental bullillng. U71U
"filOlt SALK Now elegant li-room house , all
JL' modern convenience * , oust front , in the bust
residence locality in Omnim ; will null cheap ,
Hreimuu A : Co , , room 'J , Chamber ot Commerce ,
176 OH
SOMi : actual bargains in Omaha property ,
consisting of houhny and lot * and vacant
lots. This Is nut to catch you but fetch you ,
H. H. Hall , room 12 , Harker block. 7)1-1 )
O8Hxi'0 feet on Dodge and "itn ; eaty term * to
t > responsible builder.
( Wrliti font on Doilge between 15th nnd Hth ; a
bargain. Stringer & Pcuuy , Douglas block.UJ3B
HOMES on monthly payments. 1 havoxtlll
\i \ lots for sale in Aldlnonquare , on which
1 will build homes to suit purchaser * , una take
payment montnly , ( juurleny , or vearly. Aldlno
square Is on 0 race street , ono block from the
motor line and two blocka from the cable , nnd
by either line you cauMurt from the postolllce
and get there in 10 mlqutes. It has all advan
tages of water , sewer , gas , pave meats , etc. ,
and the terms are the easiest ever ottered in
this cltv , 1 have also 10 lots on Cats atreot , bn-
twevnS-jthundttith streets , which 1 will sell on
same terms. Call and examine plans of houses
etc , 1) . J , O'Donahoe , 1W1 Karnani gt. fill
feut , 2M and Paul , nt 165 per foot.
tJtrlut'er 4 Penny , Douglas block ,
1711 VIS C-room hoiisoj , new. uath room , cistern ,
JU city water , half blocic from Motor Hue ; lu
pe : cent cuih , balance monthly ; gale subject to
short tune lease. Nub. Mortgage Loan Co. ,
Woo * . 124
Unsnrpssssd Property In the heort
ot Omaha and with nvery city Improvement ,
. K undcirs btleet
xinndRit on the east and Stnto street on the
west , with .
Paved Streets ,
City JY ter.
Motor Cars ,
Hora Cars ,
Sewers ,
( las.
already there ami all at
Popular Prices.
find without qno.Mion sold on
Easier Terms
than any good property- cnn Da bought on In the
city ot onmrm. whether you want n 60 foot or a
> toot lot , you can get it nnd ou n payment or
balance in equal nnnuiil payments , running
One. Two. Tnive. .
years. Ilemember this u not outside property ,
but tor lots
Itlnut In the City.
surrounded by all modern Improvements and
Horse Cars
right nt your door. Think ot It nnd Investigate
it ; you will find It ns Mated And
No Fiction.
but solid fact ? , which you innnot help admit
\vnen you examine this around.
City Water ,
( las.
Sewers ,
Klectric ,
. Cable ,
„ . . , . , Motor Cars ,
nil reach this proix-ny mid ,
M He After M Ho
ot paved streets surround nnd pa s n. The
terms nre within the roach of all \\lio know a
flood Investment when otrcrcd them , and on
our terms ,
down , you cannot oily a foot of surrounding
property ; you nrn not only with nil Im
provements made , nut
llood Houses ,
Fnclorles ,
Churches ,
nrs already built , nnd then when wo sny this
property is without equal In
Locution ,
Price ,
Terms ,
wo are prcpaied to prove the statement any
day by shotting the ground nnd letting you then
Judge KorVour olf.
If you over had n rhnncu to bccnio a homo in
n growing thriving city nud make money in the
bargain ,
You Hnvo It Now ,
because as you can see , this ground Is not su
burban , but
Absolutely InMdo ,
nnd yon do not take any chances on it ; we will
show the grhund whenever you cuu go , nud
without cost to you ; and unless all we any nnd
claim tor these lots is not
Absolutely True ,
you need not buy , nud lire not out neent.
Ames , 1,717 Fnrniim St
Another point Is , these lots nre not only Inside
nnd In a location highly Improved , but the
title is
Positively Perfect
nnd without llnw or blemish. Olio terms ns
stated nre Ji'6 to 31JO down anil nil deferred pay
ments at
F.iglt | Per Cent.
The only way to test this and realize what a
chance is olTcrod yon Is to come yourself uud
Personally Inspect
the ground and its location' . Hear lu mind our-
Liberal Terms
nro given bocnusoo know nnd have absolute
confidence in the
Present nnd Future
Value , of the lots o'Jorod you. Do not lose
sight of this fact , and if jouwunt something
perlectly good , and
Worth tno Money
Como and look the place over. Conveyances
nlnays ready toshow pioperty , and every fa
cility given you to decldu on its value.
Amos ,
1C07 Kiirnam st.
The tact that cable nnd motor cars extend
a longdistance beyond tills property , nnd that
City Water
Ana paved streets
reach It Is nn unusual condition ot tiling ? ,
when lots are olrtrud on tlw
Liberal Terms
named and any dav you can In
UO minutes
satisfy yourself ns to the exact flrnto ot this lo
cality by n call at our ollico , r > 07 Fiiruuui street.
At no cost to yourself jou can look into this
chnnco lo IIIBKO money any day most conven
ient to you , nndyott will no longer doubt , if you
do now , the exactness of all statements made.
Com cyanccs i ways ready.
Ames ,
1607 I'm mini st.
In regard to this property you must
Hear in Mlud
that the location is not tmburban , but abso
In Town.
and Is sold at prices and on terms thai not only
show the
Owner's Confidence
in the value , present as well as future , of this
property , and mnke It to-day the
Host Investment
in Omaha for price as well as terms , which are
$75 to $15(1 (
cash , balance in one , two and three years , with
u title
Positively Perfect ,
and without a Haw. null accepted as such by
nny reputable loan company. Improvements
Paved Streets.
Electric Motor * ,
Ciblo Cars.
Schools ,
Factories ,
Moderate Prices ,
Knsy Terms.
Thlity minutes' time auy day will enable you
to investigate this location nnd satisfy yoursolt
as to its value , present and future.
1507 I'arnam st.
A choice acre lu West Omaha on paved
Fine comer on Park nve. with 13-'Oom honso.
Elegant 7-rooiu cottage on 2Jth St. , near Fop-
p'eton avo.
The foregoing nre olfered for a tow days nt
bargain pi ices ; on easy terms. Investigate.
_ J. H. livnns. Km iios. N. V. Life bldif. M4 3
FOH SALEJ2,003320nere stock firm in
Drown Co. , Neb. For particulars write to
llox 170 , Alnsworth. Nub. t l8 O20 *
WE will build tha house to suit you und Kelt
it on monthly payments. Stringer &
Penny , Douglas block.
4 HOOM cottage and lot , I'i ' miles from P. O.
for sale. Jl.WW , easy payments , good locution.
D. C. Patterson , P18N. Y. 1. 1 to. _ 7M ft
GS.xia , ' . Parnam andlllHt ; splendid Investment ;
$ lrU per foot. Striiigor & Penny , Douglas
block. luts
INDSOil HOTiL-Coruer"of : lOtlT nifd
.lAcksoiiKts. , 3 blocKH from Union depot.
HcstW _ n day hoiige lii the clt- . B9j
HOTKl < WOI.LV 72. ) S. 14th Bt. KnrnlBhed
room and board ti per week. Joim Wolly ,
proprietor. 149 8 ?
.NoliOn ill' Dissolution.
The firm of Hlddclt & Hlddell has this day
been dissolved by mutual consent. AU accounts
duothotlrm will bo collected by Hlddell .t Co. .
nnd all bills payable will bu i-ettled by Klddoll
Omaha , Oct. 1st , IBM. O2dlt
The I'ubllcare hereby notlll d that the linn
of Stnbi-n nnd Wult lately doing InislnuKtf nt
1105 K. Mill St. , Omaha , N'-braskn. in this dny dl -
Holved bv mutual consent , Henry Wulf retiring
rroranald bnsluesj. Orro HnniKN ,
JIu.Mtv Wur.K ,
Omaha , Nob. , Oct. 2 , IfRO.
Tha will bo continued by Otto Htubeu
at the same place , who suronrdu to nil the rlghtu
of thu old linn , all debtri due the old Mnn nro
p.ivublo to m and all liabilities of mid firm
will bo Bottled by me. OTTO Si unii.v ,
Omnlm. Neb. . Oct. S. 1689. O.I dl t J
EP"QU7 \ UTI2 It if ASTHiFs "TiKKioK
Onmlia , Nob. , September 10. ] 8Mi. Healed
proposals In triplicate , will lie rcceUedliere nnd
by Depot Quartermaster nt Cheyi'iine. Wyo. , un
til two o'clock p. m , , central time , October 10 ,
1 bM ) . and then opened for 'WO tons bltiimlnons
coal 2JIOUJ3 , to thu ton delivered at I'hcyenne
Qr. Mr. Depot. Wyo , , orother points BpHclllod oy
bidder. Tim U. H. reserves the light to luji-ct
nny or all bids. Preference will bo given lo ar
ticles of domestic production , conditions of
quality und prlco ilneludlng In the price ot for
eign production the duty thereon ) bolng equal.
All Imformatlon furnished ou nppllcatlon. En
velopes containing prnponaln anouid be marked
iironoaalH forronl. and nddresxeit UK Indlcatud
ubnvft , W.M. II. IIUOIIICS , Lieutenant Cdlomil
nnd Duputy Quartermaster Ocnciul. IT. H. A. .
Chief Quaitermastcr , H 13 d 4t O 2 3 ,
At tlio residence of Mr. Samuel D. Hoycr ,
Tivcnty-sovcnth street between I-i und M
streets , at H o'clock Weiincsduy night ,
Miss Amelia Schlltzcnberfor , of Cov-
Ington , Ky. , and Mr. EiUvurd Klster ,
of this city , were nmrried by the
Hov. Ilobert Ii. VV'hcclur , of the
Presbyterian church , An oxuollnnt Hpread
was borvod by Mr , und Mrs , Huyer. Kino
musio nddcil to the delight of tlio ovonliis
and numerous testimonials indicated thu
esteem ot friends. The young couple blurts
with tlio best wishes of many friends.
At the Depot FjxchunKo , Twent.y-ncventh
street between M uud N strouts , Mr. John K
Carlson und Mra. Mury K. 1) , Cumber ; , ' , both
of this city , wore married by Judgu 12. K.
\Vclls. \
Mr. Joseph Uzol nnd Hlsio Harzeo have
taken out a license to marry ,
Notes About tlio Gitv.
Hov , Gustav Uokcr , wUu his family uai
removed to hit now charge in KnnMii
Ii P , Davwon. who lot his horse , found It
six mllc west of the poor farm.
The nflllctod family of John McKlnnoy is
joint : arapl.v cared for by the llbornllti' nnd
( tmlnoss of the Order of Foresters.
Jeremiah Mnlonoy , of the Union 1'nclllo
lupot force , Is III with malaria.
The committee on supper for. the inillr-o-
nen's bull. Wednesday evening , the 8th , hits
encaged SchcncK & Williams to lay the
The telogrnpli operators \vnnt to play the
Sobotkora another pamo of ball ,
The Omnhn Coopcrago company , whoso
xilldlnfrs luivo boon removed from NubrnMci
jity , hiis tnkon otit a permit lo onct thorn in
Jtirllngton plaoc.
John Oudohardt Is the now proprietor of
the St. Uhnrlus hotel.
Stone for the curbing on M street U beltitf
listrlbutcil ulone tlio line ami workmen ara
engaged in dressing It ,
At tlio mooting of Uosctio hose , Xo. 1 , Initt
night K , O. Mnyllold was elected cmnaln fin-
ho rcmaliHlor1 of the year.
About l iMi | > lr > .
UMcsrtnmes James D. .Tntncs nnd Lewis
loitsolioldoiliuvo returned from Sioux Oily.
J. H. Krlon , nftor n jaunt through western
owa , has returned.
Patrick Koardon , Jnmoi Mnncnall nnil
tllchnll J. U'hihurty huvo go no to hunt aloii ) {
ho Plnltb river.
Miss Mary llnetor has returned from
Mnrslmlltovvn , In.
Charles L , . Porter , of the Union Pnolllo
depot force , after n fortnight's visit to rela
tives nt Mount Clemens , .Mleli. , returned
Wednesday night.
RO Hntist , of tlio Swift Si Co. paclciuR
force , has gene to Knnsiis City.
IjtitlicrChocnoy , otOrnugo , Mns . . Is vis-
tltiK S. A. Miller.
H , T. Adnms , of the Jnmos II. Campbell
commission linn , has resigned to go to Chi
J. M. Slnlcloy nnd P. D. Johnson , of Utos-
ton , Mais. , are In tha city looking for n fa-
vornblo location for a largo boot nud shoo
O. II. Miles , of Sidney , Is vlsltmp ; his
) rothor-in-la\v , S. It. Anderson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. N. Albright ,
are visiting friends In Murtinsburg , In.
B. Scott Hurroll , who was ciilled to Wai-
nco , ICun. , to attend ttit ) of his mur
dered brother , has returned ,
Cnshlor 13. 13. Uranch , of the Union Stock
Yards house , and his wlfo huvo returned
from Sioux City ,
Dr. It. S. Oco Is removing to Omaha nnil
will bo located at Thirty-sixth atid Howard
L. P. Lllanclinrd. of the National bunk
force , will leave Saturday ou n hunt through ,
: lie west.
Indigestion results from n pnrllnl
inilyyis of the sioinnch mid is the pri-
nury CIIUBO of a lurtjo ninjority of the
11s Hint huumnity is heir to. The most
siblo and ojl'outivo romudy IH Or. J.
! i. McLouu's Little Livof anil Kidney
L'ollots. iio cents a vinl.