Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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O1W1OIC. NO. 11 ! t'KAKIj 8'IUIiUr.
Delivered by carrier In nny part of tllo City ftt
Twenty Cents per \Vook.
NllllIT lillTOII. ; NO. Zi.
N. Y , P. Co.
Olcason coal.
Council Hlufta Lumber Co. , coat
Boston store , the lenders In dry goods.
Cnrbon Coal Co. , wholesale und rotuii. 10
The police made 101 arrests during the
month of September.
Mllllnnr.v opening at Friedman's Monday
nnd Tuesday overlings.
DMnnnwu residents hnvo potltluncd for n
postonico nt that plnco.
There will bo n meeting of the A. A. S. H.
At their ciilhedral this evening.
The receipts nt the ofllco of the city clerk
during the month of September were f I,5'J1.
Monday nnd Tuesday evenings tlioro will
bo displayed the lutcst style of inllllnory n )
Friedman's ' store will bo oloHcd from 0 p.
m. to-dny until 0 p. in. to-morrow on account
of holiday.
.T. W. Trcdo nnd Annie 13. Sucltsdorf , both
of thlM county , wore married yoatorday by
The trnin order ofl'co of the Milwaukee
has been changed from the freight to the
passenger depot.
The Odolls nro attending the baseball
tourimtnent limb was Inaugurated nt 1'latts-
mouth > catordiiv.
The remains of O. W. Hamilton , the Ho-
Tore house suicldo , wcro taken to South
Omahn yesterday for burial.
J. 13. Croinbte , . of Lognn , has purchased
Priest's barber shop on lirontlwny. Priest
will remove to Fremont , Nob.
In the police court yesterday morning
Muuroo Fitzirornld nnd George Watson were
each lined $3.10 for Intoxication.
There will bo n regular meting of Fidelity
Council , No. 150 , Hoyul Arcanum , ut the
hall , nt7l0 : ! o'clock this evening.
The Unity Guild will moot nt the rosi-
den CQ of Mrs. K , U , Gardiner , 207 south
First street , at 0 o'clock this p. m.
J , H. Fey , chatgcd with assaulting John
Dunn's daughter , wiis released yesterday
after a hearing before Justice Homlricks.
Marrlugo licenses have been issued to H.
A. Taylor and .Mary L. Culburt , nnd C. 11.
Stuffcus und Dclle Ilumbort , nil of this
Mrs. Mitchell has selected the finest nnd
latest styles in pattern hats and bonnets ,
which will bo exhibited Monday anu Tues
day evenings at Friedman's opening.
Moso Ellis Is now the solo proprietor of
the opera house drug store , the re U ring
partner , Mr J.V. . Camp , having purchased
the drug business of M. Keating , No. 503
Mr. C. O. Yancy has retired from the
Bechtolo house , and in the future MessrsV. .
J. and Charles Jamison will have charge of
the management.
The assault and battery cnso ngalnst M.
F. Itorobaugn was taken from Justice Hen-
driclts' to Justice Schurz' court yesterday on
a change of venue.
At the St. Paul's church Inst evening , Mr.
E. H. Stephen , of this city , and Miss Hello
Ilumbolt , of Plattsmouth , were united In
marriage. Tuoy will make their homo In
this city.
The annual mooting of the medical staff of
St , Bernard's hospital will be held at the
hospital to-morrow ut 2 p.m. Jonn froen ! ,
M. D. , president ; F. W. Houghton , M. D. ,
To-morrow evening Hon. William Grono-
wegand EintnotTiiiloy will address the citi
zens nnd democrats of Lewis township , nt
the Pony Creek school houso. Everybody is
invited to attend.
Judge nnd Mrs. Clinton have rented their
residence in this city to Mr. and Mrs. Sanders -
dors , of Atburqiicrauc , and will spend the
winter with their daughter , Mrs. Frank
Clark , of Milwaukee.
The school board will hold a special meet
ing next Tuesday evening' , nt which the
resignation of Prof. Piouty , the election of
his successor , and several other mutters will
come up for consideration.
The indies of the W. R. C. will give a
social , eampflre , supper and dance for the
benefit ot the rollof fund at G. A. H. hall to
morrow ovoning. Music by G Ion bund. A
general invitation extended.
Justice Burnett will render a decision In
the hotly contested-Clark Woodbury doc
controversy to-uiorrow. Each wants the
dog , and each snows a clear- title to the
animal irom the time of its birth.
Hereafter tliu rnailtctmcn will not open
their plucos of business on Sunday , until tno
flrstof next Mny. and all house keepers will
do well to secure the basis of their Sunday
dinners on Saturday , until the hot weather
of IS'JO ' Is atliand.
Mrs. John Hniloy is securing a goodly
number for u class of Instruction In physical
culture. Hcrlirst Josson will bo given in
tin ) Y. M , C. A. rooms ut 10 o'docic Satur
day , Tlioso desiring such 11 course should
improve this opportunity.
, The case of the state vs George Tolllvcr.
charged with assault and battery , was tried
In Squlro Scliurz' court yesterday. Tollivor
wns-fouud guilty , but in view of certain ox-
teuuatlng circumstances , the penalty in
flicted was vciry light , and ho was lot oft
with $5 and costs ,
Next wcok the Southern Iowa Bantist as
sociation will meet nt Hod Oak , the session
commencing on Wednesday , the Oth , and
continuing several days. The First , Uolhanv
nnd Scandinavian chinches of the Dluft's are
members of this association und will bo prop
erly represented at tlio meeting.
Seymour Brnden , of Macedonia , was
brought in yesterday nnd examined by the
board of commissioners , by whom he
was adjudged Insane nnd ordered recom
mitted to the asylum at Clarinda. Ho was
Bout down last spring , but after remaining a
hort time was released by the suuorin-
C. B. Music Co. , S1S ! Broadway.
Finest innrkct in city J.M. Scanlun' .
J. O. TIptou. real estate , C27 Broadway.
C. B. steam rtyo works , 11)13 ) Broadway.
BlIII Oriiullni ; On Tluu liuiinio Suit.
The Bnrtel-U'lll o.iso failed to attract
many disinterested parties in district court
yesterday. To nil except the Mlgiuits It lias
grown decidedly woarUqmo , and thn Jurors
and balllfTs pass the time In nnnpliu' , while
the court , compelled to keep nwako to listen
to the tedious objections of tlio attorneys , up-
pmirs to ho inexpressibly borod. The de
fense called its first witness yesterday after
noon , and It Is extremely doubtful whether
, the euso goo to the Jury to-morrow , A
imull , momentary spasm of excitement was
aroused when the court Issued a bunch war
rant for the arrest of W. J , Smith.
It Bconis that Smith was subiinonaod as a
witness by the plaintiff , but he failed to put
in an appearance. No kick was made by the
plaintiff , but when the defense found out
liow matters stood , they concluded tliu
Smith must bo a material witness , am
accordingly demanded his appearance. The
court acquiesced to the demand , and Smith
will bo aruilgnod for contempt of court , in
r I neglecting ; to obey the subpumu , as soon as
* * ho arrives. Thlti was the only Incident that
occurred In court during the entire day to
disturb the oppressive monotony.
I ?
Steam and lflt | water hcatlncr , llrat-alass
plumbing. Work dona In both cities. John
Gilbert , comer Pearl street uud Willow
avenue , Couucil Bluffs.
Dr. Murphyopticiau , roomUlt ) Morrlam blk
Sjironil of Dlplnliorln.
The fuct that there were four or five fun
erals of children in this city yesterday after
noon , who died of diseases mat In some case
wore admitted to be from that dangerous
malady , diphtheria , has caused a great dea
of anxiety , It is the basis for what appears
to bo u well founded fear that there uro con
dltlons In the city favorable for aa outbreak
f the contagion. The city apparently wai
never In n more healthful condition , and the
Imposition Is to charge tno spread ot this
liscnso to the lax and careless manner in
vhlch the health authorities have enforced
ho t quarantine regulation * . Thcro have
> ccn several eases of undoubted diphtheria
n the city , and it Is assorted that there were
'crv slight quarantine restrictions plncoa
upon those who were In daily contact with
ho patients. It is reported that children
rom Infected families were permitted to at-
cnd Uio public schools.
Whether this Is true or untrue , the boord
of health should take Immediate stepi to
stamp out the disease by enforcing the
strictest quarantine regulations.
Those whoso funerals occurred jcsterdny
wcro Florence , the eleven-year-old daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Schlucter. No. 901 avo-
IUQ 1)4 Gertie. thooiRht-year-old daughter of
lr. and Mrs. FrankSlcgnll , No. lOIB avenue
Jj Louie , the two-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Ilobinson , No , ! W3 Twelfth ave
nue , and the infant child of Mr. und Mrs.
John AHnn , No. 705 North Eighth street.
Winter ft Monroo.sign painters , 410 B'wy.
Let Hassmusaen beautify your house in
bosf style and cheap. 11 ! West Mulnc.
10. H. Shenfo & Co , give special attention
o tlio collection of rents nnd caroof property
n the city and vicinity. Charges moderate.
Onico Broadway and Alain streets.
Tube paints 'Kent Chapman's ' ar storo.
Itnpnrt of th City A mil tor.
The following Is the report of City Auditor
Hummer for September of warrants drawn
on the treasury :
Warrants on bridge fund. . . . - ? ll,4)7 ! ) 03
On geiion + fuml 0,370 S3
On police fund 3OU , 27
Total $21,518 18
The various items were as follows :
'Iro department $ 2,201 30
Police department 1,00 , ! ! 15
Streets and alloys MO 17
Sahirlci city oflleers 853 1)5 )
City engineer S.7J 3'J
Vinting nml supplies 347 31
Gas und street lights 784-15
City nmrstral'rt department C'J7 08
Miscellaneous 022 70
Public building and grounds 1,021 00
Inspector f 201 00
Water 10,821 SS
Special ix' s't grading , 07 CO
Intersection grading 50330
Got Fountains 5 : cigar , next .Eiscmau
/ ToVtioin It Alay Concern.
Notice is hereby given that \V. E. Johnson
ms been discharged from the service of the
Now York Lifo Insurance company. All arc
warned ngulitst paying him anything on ac-
countof applications , renewal premium or
notes given for insurance.
E. C. SMITH , General Agent.
Thn New ( Company.
Messrs. Wright and Eastman , the In-
corporatorsof the now gus und electric light
company , nro in the city working to secure
a speedy establishment of thair proposed new
[ ) lant here. They have a plant in Omaha ,
und are offering to lurnish gas at about half
the present rates. They manufacture water
cas and will furnish It for lighting or heat
ing. They state that they can furnish gas
at such rates aa will completely discount
gasoline , and expect to replace a great many
gasoline stoves with others that will burn
The matter of granting thorn a charter
will come up at the next meeting of the
council , when the franchise asltod for by
them will be put upon its tinal reading.
The coining of this new plant will bo
hailed with delight , as it will materially re
duce the price of RUS. The mayor and aider-
men all nro toss to regard the matter fa
vorably , as the company asus no bonus , but
merely wants a chance to enter the field for
healthy competition.
Fine dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173.
New Pacific House , best hotel In the city.
$1.50 per day. Meals 33c.
Dcmpsoy & Butler candy factory , 103
Main street.
Bixby has removed to Mcrriain block.
A. A. Watts ; of Neola , was at the New
Pacillo yesterday.
Norris Wicks took in the Sioux City corn
lialaco yesterday.
Harry Birkinbino leaves next Tuesday for
Chicago , to bo absent several days.
Miss Cora Nisson , of Omaha , is the guest
of Miss Blanche Arkwright , on First ave
Uev. J. F. ICempker , a Catholic clergyman
of Missouri Valley , was in the city yester
Major M. M. Marshall , general agent of
the "Q , " is in ICuusas City but will return
this morning.
J.-J. Stead man attended the reunion at
Missouri Valley yesterday mid delivered an
address to the soldiers.
MisH Lulu Rhodes has returned from a
visit to her parents at Uenison , whither she
was called u few days ago by the surious ill
ness of her father.
H. II. Moore , of the Ottuinwu Democrat , is
in the city en route homo from the corn pal-
nee ? . Ho is visiting with his sister , Mrs. B.
S. Porter , of U25 Thira avenue.
L. 1C. BirdeiiRtcIn , master mechanic of the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. was called
to St. Josepn , where ho attended tlio funeral
of Mrs. F. A. Chase yesterday afternoon.
Superintendent Reynolds , of tlio cieutrio
motor line , who started Wednesday on u
proposed trip to Chicago , returned yesterday
morning , us ho went no further than Boono.
Oflicor Bon Austin , of the police force , has
been granted a thirty days' leave of absence ,
nnd will leave in a few duys for his old homo
In Virginia , whore ho will pass his vacation
with relatives und old friends.
Prof. Charles S. Hyde , of Lancaster , Wis. ,
the newly elected second assistant principal
of the high school , has arrived in the city
and assumed the duties of his now position
yesterday morninir , Ho comes highly rec
ommended nnd ought to give satisfaction.
John E. Allies , tlio well known labor agitator
tater , has rccrossed the Atlantic , and Is In
Chicago , whore ho will remain a taw days
before returning homo. Ho was u delegate
from this city to tlio worklngniRn's congress
in Paris. Ho arrived nt his old homo at
Haubcrabronn , Germany , Just in time to see
his father once more ullve , nnd to assist in
laying him to rest.
Desirable dwellings for rent at monorute
prices. E. II. Shoafo & Co , , rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Western Lumber mm Supply Co. , 13th and
14th streets and 2d and 3J avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling polctiosIiuio ,
cement and building material in the west.
E. W. Uuymond , manager.
Attend the W. 1. Bus.collegeCouncil Bluffs.
House and lot for $1 , Buy your tickets In
grand drawing M > we will not have to defer
ralllo. See notice in special columns , this
Swansea Musiu Co. , IH3 Broadway ,
Money loantul at L. H. Craft's & Co.'s
loan oflico on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
nnd all other urtlcleu of vultio , without
romovnl. All business striully coull-
Ilnyt' > ) IjMiusi.
A largo and enthusiastic audience wit
nessed the initial production of Charles E.
Hoyt's latest corneJy , "A Midnight Boll , " at
Doimnoy's last evening , From the flattering
reports that have been given of it by the
press wherever prcsentoJ , It was expected
that an unuiuul trout was in s'.ore , but popu
lar expectation In this Instance was not
pitched high enough , and a genuine surprise
was experienced by the entire audience
The play bubbled over with fun harmless ,
except to vest buttons , and wa remarkably
free from vulgarity , whlau U ton apt to
characterize such productions. There was
nothing low or coarse , and the most rodned
could und nothing to criticise. It was alt In
nil , a crand success nnd will call for a
crowded house on Its second presentation In
Mils city.-
There was ] ust 50 cents more In the house ,
as learned at the box ofllec , than on the pre
ceding evening.
Tlio Conl Question An AUenujteil Co
The public Is doubtless wondcrlnc why A.
T. Thatcher , of Chicago , has como Into thh
city and established n retail coal business ,
when helms alwnye heretofore been engaged
solely as a wholesale coke nnd coal merchant.
It Is an unusual and unbuslncss-llko pro
ceeding for a wholesale merchant to como
nto n place where ho has been patronized by
tlio retail dealers , and begin to sell to their
customers. And so In the case of Mr.
Thatcher , there must bo a reason for this.
Why Is It that ho has for years had his
wholesale house here , nnd now all at once
comes In as n retail dealer , offering coal at
cut figures nt figures. In laet , 75 cents per
.on less than ho bus been offering coal for to
the retail dealers of Council Bluffs ) Ho
must hnvo some object In this other than the
mnro desire to engage In a legitimate busi
ness.Tho facts In the case are thnsoi A. T.
Thatcher has been engaged In the wholesale
business. The dealers r.nvo been patronizing
him. In fact , many of them gave him their
patronngo until they came near being ruined.
A largo portion of the coal sold to them by
Mr. Thatcher was of a very inferior quality.
It would not compete with other coals. The
consumers complained of it , Indeed , fre
quently rejected the coal , so that for self-
lirotoctton nml the protection of their pa-
irons they were obliged to withdraw their
trade from Mr. Thatcher , and now , us a final
means of selling this Inferior coal , ana in
order to compel th'o retail dealers to buy their
coal from him ho comes into the retail mar-
Itot und offers coal to the consumers nt
75 cents per ton less than ho was offering it
to doalors. Ho endeavors In this way to
coerce the retail ddnlers of Council Bluffs
Into taking his Inferior grade of coal und put
ting it out to their consumers. Now , will
the people of Council Bluffs allow themselves
to bo DUlldozcd by any such proceedings as
tliesol Will they submit to thisl Will they
tolerate IU Will they patronlzo n linn like
this , nnd by so doing force the legitimate re
tall dealers of their city into securing n poor
quality of coal with which to supply
them and with which to meet this
unreasonably low cut In coall Wo , think
not. Good real in Chicago is now quoted nt
wholesale at W.50 per ton. The freight from
Chicago hero is $3.20 per ton , making the
present actual cost of hard coal to the dealer
hero JS.70 per ton. So it can be clearly seen
that the present prices on hard conl estab
lished by Mr. Thatcher in this city nro not in
accordance with legitimate business princi
ples. S\PI > & KSOTTS ,
CouvciL Bt.uFFri FUEL Co. ,
L. M. SiiuiiKirr.
and six other Retail Conl Dealers.
Kelley < t Younkerman sell groceries.
Chase and Sanboru coffees a specialty.
Always on Time.
If you wish to purchase a good und reliable
watch 25 per cent less than cluD rites , and
on easy term , then call at once and make
your own selection ut C. B. Juequemiu &
Co. , 27 Main street.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co.
"Tho Famous" cash bargain house , 200 B'y
The latest styles in pattern hats and bon
nets will btuhsplaved Monday and Tuesday
evenings nt Friedman's millinery opening.
limning ; Deer With T.IIII ; leopards In
Central Indlii.
The following nccountof hunting with
tame leopards , of the sueoios culled the
chcutah , ut Dluir , in central India , is
contributed to the Illustrated London
News , with an illustration , by Colonel
Ward Bennitt. "Wo wcro staying with
the maharajah of Dhar , imp ono day Irts
said wo should scoauhootah-hunt ; so wo
started on horseback about 4 o'clock in
the afternoon. The cheetahs looked
lovely and seemed quite tame , follow-
lowing the snikaris like dogs. Wo
wont about five miles over bad ground ,
and it was exceedingly hot. At last , to
our delight , wo saw a herd of deer
about a milo offund wo atonco stopped ,
while the shikari went forward with
t.vo cheetahs. Presently ono of the
cheetahs stood still , peered about and
lay down , slowly whisking his tnil from
side to bide. The men said 'ho has
scon the door. ' Soon ho got up
again and wont after his companion , and
seemed to communicate to him that
deer were in sight. Then they both lay
down at onco. After a little time they
got up and began stalking the deer
through the grass. It was very difllcult
to distinguish the cheetahs , as they
were much thesatnoeolornsthoground.
Presently the tteer became aware some
thing was up and stopped and looked
about ; ihon suddenly they all got to
gether and began trotting off , followed
atonco by tlio cheetahs , who , although
far behind , gained ground at every
stride , and wo could see they had each
singled out a black buck , taking no no
tice of the rest of the herd tearing olT
in all directions. Luckily , they came
toward us and wo couldsoo ono cheetah
give a high spring , about fifteen yards ,
and seize his buck by tlio throat and roll
it over. We did not loolc any more ; wo
know nothing would induce the cheetah
to leave its prey till the buck's throat
was cut and the animal enticed away
with a ladleful of blood. The other
cheetah , having missed w/ion it sprang ,
gave up the chaao and ca-ino straight
back to his master with his tail be
tween his logs. We were very lucky to
&co the hunt , for I find many old In
dians have never luul the good fortune
to witness one , atld the maharajah sel
dom allows his cheetahs to indulge in
this sport. "
IKsntli of n MUM AVIm Mvcd Nearly n
. MOM III U'ltU a Itrolcrn N'cok.
After living with a broken nook for
twcnty-fiyo days , Caleb U. Tozior died
in Cooper hospital , C'amilen , yesterday ,
says the Philadelphia Record. By his
hodsldo when death came were the
faithful young woman to whom ho was
engaged to bo married , Miss Mlesmor ,
anil ToziorN Hlster. The grief of the
former win hcnrt-rondinsr. She had for
two weeks oxpecled lu > r lever to recover -
cover , so favorable were his symptoms ,
und they both talked hopefully of their
approaching marrlago. During the time
To/.lor was at the hospital .Miss Mias-
mor was by his bedside almost continu ;
ously , and she was assiduous in caring
for the injured man. Toslor's case has
excited much interest among medical
moil , his long existence under the cir
cumstances being considered extremely
remarkable. The victim's strong de
termination to llvo prolonged his lifo
considerably. Most of thn time lie was
paraly/.od from the shoulders down.
Death is thought to have rcsultod from
exhaustion , the body having wasted
away to a more shadow , A post mortem
examination showed that the vertobno
worofracturad in front of the nock as
well a& in the hack , where two pieces of
t'ao vertebra ] , each two and a half
inches long , were removed ,
In City Hall IMrlc.
Judge : Prioml Halloa , Billy.
Haven't scon you rfinco you got that city
Mr. Swltzor No.
Friend Ain't you going to shako
haudsV .
Mr. Swltzor Depends on what it's
going to cost , Kuuh hand I've shaken
for n month lias been an expense to me
nil the way from one bcur to $100 ,
The Murcloror or HtuUloclc Will Got
No Now Trial.
A I\\K \ Ony nt the Corn 1'nlnco
nl ThoV. . C. T. U. Conven
tion Close of tlio
The Supreme Court.
Dns Moixr.s , la. , Oct. 3. | Special Tele-
ijrnm to Tun Bnr-.J Tlio supreme court to
day took advance ground on the question of
qualifications of jurors In attlrmlng the de
cision of Jud'o ( a. W. WakoQold , of the
Woodbury district court , in the case of the
state of Iowa vs Fred Munch rath Jr. , con
victed of the Haddock murder. Fred Munch-
rath Jr. , John Arcnsdorf and others were
lolntly indicted for the murder of George C.
Haddock , committed In Sioux City'ou the
third day of August , 1SSO. Separate ttlals
were demanded. The first trial of Arensdorf
was held nt tlio March term , 18S7 ,
of the Woodbury district court ,
nnd rcsultod In n disagreement of the
Jury. The trial of Munchrntli was com
menced on the 7th of the next September ,
and resulted In ns ! conviction of the crime of
manslaughter. A motion for a now trial wiw
overruled and ho was adjudged to bo Im
prisoned In the penitentiary ut Fort Madison
for four years and to pay costs of .trial ,
taxed at tMOt)5. ) ) From that judgment
Munchr.Uh appealed on tlio ground that
three of the jurors were men who had boon
challenged for cause. Judge Iloblnson do *
livers the opinion of the supreme court. Ho
says that several of the challenges for cause
were Insufllclent for the reason that tlio
necessary facts are not stated. Juror
Gordon , who w s challenged , testified
that ho had no knowledge of the facts in the
case excepting what ho hud read and heard ;
that ho read nil testimony during the trial of
Arcnsdorf ; that ho hud been acquainted
with. Haddock and attended his church ; that
ho had formed an opinion as to the guilt or
Innocence of defendant which he then re
tained , and that lie would go into the jury-
room with that opinion in his mind. The su
preme court holds that it was the duty of the
defendant to "distinctly specify" which of
the several facts disclosed In the Juror's an
swers ho rolled on as a cause of challenge.
The challenge of Jurors Luce , Bnrr , Good
rich and Allen were In substance the same ,
nnd the ruling of the supreme court in regard
to them the same. The other challenges for
cause were on the grouud that they had
read what was claimed to bo all the evidence
on the trial of Aronsdorf as reported in the
Sioux City papers , and had talked about the
case and formed an opinion. In regard to the
guilt or innocence of the defendant. The
snprcmo court rules that , a person otherwise
unobjectionable is not disqualillcd from act
ing as juror on the trial of ono defendant bo-
caubo ho has formed on opinion as to hit
guilt or innocence from having read what is
claimed to be a full report of the evidence
given on the trial of another defendant for
the same offense. Other opinions were :
G. Bender , appellant , vs C. A. Been , King-
gold district , reversed ; opinion by Beck.
William B. McGarrlsh vs James Dwyer ,
appellant , Henry district , afllruied ; opinion
by Graugcr.
XI in Corn I'll la on Festival.
Sioux CITT , la. , Oct. 3. [ Snnoial Tele
gram to TIIC BEE. | This has been the big
gest day of the corn palace festival. It is
estimated that there arc 20,000 visitors In the
city. A special train brought In the mem
bers of the Omaha board of trade. The
Boston party visited the palace this morning
and were banqueted by the citizens to-night.
The industrial and civic parade this morning
was the greatest public demonstration of the
kind ever mada here , the column being two
uud a half miles iir'lcnglh.
'Ihc W. C. T. U Convention.
MAHSIIALI.TOWN , la. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEU.J The W. C. T. U. state
convention increases in number and en
thusiasm. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster was reelected -
elected president , securing three-fourths of
the votes ; corresponding secretary. Mrs. M.
J. Aldrlch , Cedar Knpids ; recording secre
tary , Mrs. F. J. Ovington , Clinton : treas-
uicr , Mrs. G. W. Black , Cedar Kapldi. To
night Prof. Chamberlain , of the Ames agri
cultural college , and Mrs. , of DCS
Moincb , spoke to u crowded house on woman
Close of tin * Kntinlnn.
Dr.3 Moixns , la. , Oct. . ' ! . [ Special Tel-
ciiram to TUB BEE. ] The reunion of
the survivors of the Twenty-third lowu
infantry closed to-day. These ofllccrs were
elected : Captain J. A. T. Hull , preaident ;
J. L. Shipley , Uavanim , Mo. , vice president ;
Francis Whitman , DCS Monies , recording
scorcuiry ; W. W. Fink , Dos Molnes , cor
responding secretary nnd historian ; Joseph
Fagau , Dos Monies , treasurer ; Captain , ) . I' .
Koacn , chaplain ; Dr" . T. J. Caldwell ,
surgeon. Executive committee , Comrades
Foster , Ashford und Walker.
Killed AVlillf Driinlr.
New HAMTTON , In. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnu Br.B.l John Connois , a young
man living a few miles cast of Luwlor , in
this county , loft that town late last night for
homo in an intoxicated condition. Only a
short distance from Lawler ho was run ever
Dy the west bound express und so cut up and
mangled that his frienas could not recog
nize him oxceut by papers in his pocket.
Still ISnllotlntr.
MT. PI/EASVNT , la. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HUE. | There Is no change in the
republican senatorial convention at Way-
land. Up to noon 500 ballots hud been cast ,
Woolson receiving 13 und Dewey 13.
"Wouldn't Toiicli Illood Money.
OTTAWA , Out , , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bui ! . ] The executioner brought
from Franco some weeks ago to guillotine a
murderer on the Island of St. Plorro
Mlquolon , has fled from the island to escape
death at the hands of the citizens. Since the
execution several attempts have been made
upon his life with poison , Word has Just
been received from the islands , which uro
situated lu the Gulf of St. Lawrence , that In
dignation has been so thoroughly aroused
against tlio executioner that ho was obliged
to seek refuse on-the French man-of-war
Drue , returninc in her to France. It is said
the merchants to whom ho was indebted sent
him receipted accounts , refusing to accept
payment with what" they called "blood
money. " He would , most assuredly have
been killed had he remained a day longer.
The WUIuiv'H
Rohoboth Sunday Ilorald : "John , "
said a wife , who was supposed to bo on
Her death-bed , ' 'in ouso of my death I
think a man of your temponnont and
domestic nature , aside from the
good of the children , ought to marry
again. "
' 'Do you think so , my doar'r"
' I certainly do ) after u reasonable
lonpth of time. "
"Well , now , do you knowmy doarthat
relieves my mind of a great bunion ?
The little widow Jenkins has acted
rather demurely toward mo over since
you were taken ill. She is not the
woman that you uro , of course , u strong-
minded , intelligent woman of clmiuc-
tor , but she la plump and pretty , nncl I
am euro she would niako mo a very do-
Blrablo wife. "
The next day Mrs. John was nblo to
sit up , the following day she wont
down-stairs , and on the third day she
was pluunlngti now dress.
Sufferlm ; Kroai n Swelled llcuil.
Boston Transcript : "What's the matter -
tor with McSlm ? Ho has put on tnoro
iiivs of late than n few. "
"Quito natural. Ho bus Just returned
from a summer resort. Ho waa the only
man there. He'll gift over it after K
time , bus just at present ho is so putted
up with bolf-lmportttnco that you cannot
touch him with u ten-foot polo. "
fiho Fulls n Hold ilubucr , Although
Threatened With Donlh.
Nnw Yoiiu , Oct. a LSpocInl Telegram to
Tun Ben. ] Ono of the most daring attempts
at daylight robbery In Now York for many
years happened yesterday , and only that a
plucky woman made a stout resistance , there
might have boon a murder.
Mrs. Elite Muller , a sninll-slzod woman ,
owns u small restaurant on Third nvonuo.
She WAS behind the cash counter near the
front door at 13:40 : o'clock p. in. , when a man
entered nnd inquired If the "boss" was In ,
Mrs. Mullcr responded that her husbnnd was
absent on business. The follow then asked
for a couple ot cakes In the window for
lunch. Mrs. Mullcr leaned in the window to
got them , nnd when she straightened up
found the muzzle of n revolver staring her
In the face.
The man told her to give up nil the money
she had or he would put a bullet through
her. Mrs. Muller was dazcdn t , tlrst , but she
did not faint or give un her money.
She looked the would-bo-robbor nnd assassin
squarely In the eye , manifested no alarm at
the close proximity of the death-dealing
weapon , und gave a terrific scream for help.
Then , with superhuman strength , she placed
ono foot upon the counter nnd sprang across
to the floor , remarking : "I'll give you all
you wiint. "
The courageous conduct of the little wonnin
completely unnerved the audacious thief ,
and hastily replacing the revolver In his hip
pocket ho started across the street nnd along
Third avenueclosely pursued by Mrs. Muller -
ler , who shrieked nt the top of her voice :
"Stop thief 1" He's ' n murderer ! "
After following for two blocks the plucky
woman gave up the etiase. The man bus not
yet been arrested.
01'GIANTS. .
f York Hasn't Hods Ijnrgo Enough
to Hold Tliuin.
NEW YORK , Oct 3. | Succlal Telegram to
TUB Bui ! . ] The \Vyotnlng , which arrived
yesterday from Liverpool , had two men on
board who ca'vo the captain considerable
trouble. They nro mountains of European
llcsli called the Naucko brothers. They are
looked upon as the cleverest , gymnasts in all
Europe. This is wonderful when ono thinks
that the two brothers aggrng.ito just 1,000
pounds in weight. They could not sail from
Hamburg simply because there was not n
berth big enough for either brother. Emll
Is seven feet six inches in height and xvnlghs
510 pounds. Wilholm is also seven foot six
indies und weighs 490 pounds. On the Wy-
omlnir they had to take cabins on deck , nnd
then beds were prepared for them on the
floor. After that they were very comfort
Yesterday their agent was scouring Now
York to flnd a hotel with beds luruo onougli
for the giants. They have great trouble
with the regulation size bed , us their logs
from the knees down generally hatiK over
tno footboard. Rooms were secured for
them , however , aud the giants will sleep ou
the floor.
Queen \lotorla 1'ivfcrs Her Son-kn-
liaw fop Governoi'-.Gi'neral.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Oct. S. [ Sneeinl Telegram
to THE Bcii. ] It is hinted in oflleial cireles
that Lord Stanley is not going to remain his
full term of oflico as governor-general of
Canada , but that ho will return to England
to take part lu the next general elections for
the British parliament as a supporter of
Lord Salisbury and prospective member of
his cabinet. It is said that Queen Victoria
is anxious that the Earl ot Fife , her now
grandson , shall bo assigned to the post ot
govern or-Rcncral of the dominion. It was
throuch the interference of the queen that
her son-in-law , Iwrd Lome , was scut to
Canada instead of the Duke of Manchester ,
who had been previously nominated for the
position ,
It is understood that parliament will bo
asked next session to make un appropriation
of SIOOO.OUO for the erection of a suitable
residence for the governor-general of Otta
wa. The present old rookery hud private
residence patched up into the vice regal res
idence , known as Hideau Hall , has been con
demned by Dufferin , Lorno , Lansdowne and
Stanley as unfit for habitation und as a dis
grace to the dominion.
naltinioro's Younc Men's Democratic
Club Ijcnvos tlie Party.
BAI.TIMOHB , Md. , Oet , 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUB. ] Tlio Young Men's
Democratic club , a largo and Influential
political organization in the eastern section
of this city , has broken away from the party
whoso name it boars and cast its lot with the
republicans. The resolutions adopted by the
club tell very clearly the disgust which the
operations of the democratic managers has
created among the bell-respecting men of the
party. They say :
The present management of the demoertic
party has ceased to represent the will of the
party , and by long years of misrule has
brought It Into disfavor with the people ,
whoso interests they.subordinate to their own
selfish solicmei. The party primaries no
longer give voice to the wishes of the parly ,
but merely record the will of the undemo
cratic rni which controls them by the most
unblushing frauds.
Tharoloro , we , members of the Young
MPII'S Democratic club of Baltimore , will not
support , but will , by ull legitimate means en
deavor to defeat the ticket now Imposed
upon the democratic party by the ring which
Swims Rank
Incorporated Nov. 1.1870.
Southwest CoinHr llroadwny and Main Streets
OA1MTAL $150,000.
OFFICKIIS N. 1' . Dodge , 1'rcsldontj John
Ilcreshclm , Vice I'losldeut ; A. W , Itiekimin
DIKKCTOIIS N. P. Dodge , .1. IterrHhclin , Goo.
KfHlne. J.Jj. Stewart , W. W. Wullace , Q , M.
Tues Otrricr.ll. W. II. M. TuiiKY
n is rim CHOIKST r.or OK
In tno city. Gilt edged opportunities to Imme
diate Investors and homo aeckerd.
Corner Main nnd llroanway ,
uouNnij nMJi'T.s , IOXVA.
n alers In foreign nnd domestic txrhanue.
Collections made and Interest paid on ttmo do-
I'rea. Vice 1're.s.
CIUH. K , u ANNAN , Cashier ,
orcouxcitiiiMirrs , '
Paid tipCapltnl SI5O.OOO.OO
Surplus 35OOOOO
Liability to Depositors. . .335,000OO
DlllKOTOiiH-I. A. Miller , F. O. fllotson. K. h
Bhugart , i ; . i : . Hart , J. I ) . l-Miiiulson , Chas. K
Hunnan , Transact general banking buslnt'si
l.urgest capital nnd xnrplus at any bank In
I\ortlme tera Iowa. Intor-cat on time deposlu
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors Etc
, , ,
Agent * wanted.
A. T.THATCHER , ChicagoIlls.
II. A , COX , Western Sales Agent
Ofllco 114 Main Street , Brown Building , Telephone 40.
Wowill soil to consumers direct , Selected Anthracite Conl tvt the fol-
lowhlg , reduced prices :
Grate aiicl Egg , . . . . $8.25
Range and Nut , - - - 8.5O
Chestnut. 8.5O
Anil the best grades of Soft Coal.VyomlngLump90.oO , Walnut Hlock $3.00.
Jackson , Cedar SH.CO , Cnnnol S0.60 , Iowa Nut $2.05 , Gas llouso Coke 12o nor
bushel or $7.00 per ton.
Terms , Cash , with order , all coal fresh mined , well scioaneu and promptly de
It Is n BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , crni'ks or curls.
Because it indcslrucliblo in the weathoi1 , iind will undergo no change lu
any climate.
Bocnuso it is more dvirnblo than any other roof niacio , iron , tin. slate or wood.
Because It can bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than
Because it has boon proven by the severest trials nnd lias never failed.
Per further information apply to
Room 6OO First National Bauk Building , Omaha.
Council Bluffs office , 115 Pourl Street.
H Hydraulic tuld Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
i Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Coucil PltUls , Iowa. _ _
NQp U I I D 7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 41
OunUnZ. Broadway , Council BUilIs , Iowa.
QTHNF Si Attorno.vs-at Law. Practice in the State and Federal -
O I UML. O6 oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block ,
Council Blulls , Iowa.
Surgeon and Homri-path. Uoom 0 , Brown
PI , building. 115 IVarl St. Olllco hours , 9 to 12.
a. m. , tJ to ( i and 7 to ti p. in.
IV/I / CTCA/iTMQ / M Cilice , No. 7-ll Broadway. Hours : 8 to
, IVI. Olt.Vt.PlO , IVIi U. 10 a. m. , and 2 to laud 7 to 8 p.m. Tole-
pone , 287.
It Is conceded to bo ilio best inudo and most
ndmirod stovuonthe American contiiiunt. It Is
cou-tructeil on the most approved Nciontillr
prlnclplos , to develop the urenteat di'creu of
In-lit with tholoast amount , or conl. It Is tliu
only steve In which tliu system of circulating
lltiosls ) ) . ) o t taking tnu cold air from the
llooranil Jicatlns It. Kvoryostovo Is convertible
Into u double heater to warm the rooms above ,
wlin no dllllcnltyor expense , Another point
their favor. Is ine fiiot that they mo cheaper
thiinnny oilier Hint class htovo on the market.
1'or sulc in Council Illuirs only by
SMIJriAKT i , CO. II Main Straot.
1J1OII BA Mi On cnay terms , choice residence
JL1 lot , ( jnilmm avo. , im motor Una ,
Kor Sulo > l ) ncre fruit nml voKotnblo fnim 1 J
miles east of Chuutaiiqna grounds. A grout
liaruiilu. Kn y terms. Only pur ncre.
For Halo -111 ncros uiljoiniun city llinltB ; with
U-story frnmu lionio , largo barn , wood unit coul
fcliuclell. . clbturn , etc ; 40J hearing fruit tiee .
Krnpas and berries. 1'rlto iJ.U.H ) . The bure land
Is worth the money.
Kor Sale Htl acies M mlle from city limits.
Only I1U.I per ncre. Hasy tei ms.
Kor Sale -II acres cnolro grove lands on Grand
avenue. Only * ( V per aero.
Kor Halti-il-room homo on motor line , one
block from llronlwnjr. Very cheap.
I'or Sale Choice lots on N. Hitli ( it. , 3 blocks
fiom motor ; ldo wnlk and city water ,
Tor Halol.ot 4 , blork . Ilnnscom 1'lnco ,
Oinnhn , on 10 years' time nt 7 per cent.
W , 0. Placy room 4. Opera block.
"IMOII HUNT four nice rooms , suitable for
-L1 Dalit housekeeping ; . rent very reasonable ,
Family with no chllnion preferred , Incjiilro'of
K. ( JColc. 41 Mum Ht ,
LOST STlnst. from motor trnln , iwr fd nt. ,
nhick caHhinero shawl. 1 Inder pleuso ad-
dre. a II. II. NlcliolHnii _ t-oiith Main si. _
8AI.b-.An old nnd well estublUhed
IilOIt ' ? Htoie , established In 1HW. ( 'HSI ) rn
onlrn , t\W \ > , bulanceiaul eatnto. Address A
live. Council Illiilla.
OKN'J'S WAN'imTTl'o eell Ir. Murphy's
Universal ( t.trrh euro. Tills Is positively
the most ijllldeiit remedy known for this
dreaded dhoaio. Ollico. room " 1(1 ( , .Mutrium
block. Call batmen I aniljUi. in. _ _ _
Foil HKNT Nicely furnished rooms. well
heated. Hlry. all convenience * , 'A block fro m
electric motor Una. ( load roardiwxt door , new
modern IIQUSOH. No. 17 North Mitdlson ht.
WAN'J'UD A soon Klrl for general housfi-
work. Jnqtilra at (112 ( 1'Jatner st , Mrs. U
A vlevlno. _
BAlinAIN Jotiiln Itlddlu'a sub , onlUh ave ,
Urudlnif all paid. JUJeach. N.O. I'hlllliia ,
room : ' , Ilverott block. _
LOTH in TorwllllBors . add SJ75 each. N. 0.
I'hllllps.roomA. Kverett block.
LOTS in Van Ilrnnt it Klce's add } 2X ) , Uasy
terin . N. U.l'tilllll" _ _ _ . room l > . Kverett ble.
O'Ta In Central suu cheap. I'.asy terms , N.
C. I'lillllps , room 6 , Kverett block. _
ii"AltlAINln West Ilroadway property. N. .
0 , 1'hllllps , room 6 , liverett bloulc. _
ANTT.Hiioom nnd board by nyounslaay ,
two or threu blociti from the llotitonitoie ,
Address UUU , Ilea ofllcc , Council Illulls , stating
lowos _
OTB In Terry addition. Monthly payment *
N , C. I'hllllps , room 5 , Kverett blocic.
LA'NDS Tor 8aTe"or exchant'e.
room 5 , Kverett block ,
TMI'KOVHDfarrai In Iowa and KaumH for
JLexchanuo for city property. N. 0. I'lillllpH ,
room : , Uverett block
> A7tOAJN ln-llpaits of tno city , N , 0.
'i'lilillps , roomO , Lr rctt block.
LOTS on 4th nvo. and KHli st. very cheap
Snaps. Henson to ijliephcrd , U Main st.
JOTS on Ilrondwny , any whrru lutwcen Conn *
Jell HliilH audUmabi. llenson \ Shepherd ,
U Jluliiht.
VKNUI3 A lots , corner * , threat bargains.
& Sliephurd. U Mulu st. _
LOT on 4th iivcnup. Van Ilrnnt & Itlcu's but ) . ,
cheap. II.Mison & Sliepherd , U Main st.
BUST corner on Ilroadway , opposite power
housu' lleusou \ Sneplierd u Main st _ _ _
TfOTS on Glen avc. . genuine snaps , lien-soil K
J-J Shophvrd , ! l Main st .
HOlfSKSaniF lot3 ; I9J casti7 TJrcasTi. ; ilT
cash , bal.iuco easy , lleiison iV Sliepherd
0 .Main st ,
LOTS on Mnnawa motor line , comers , $10
cash , lialunco (10 pur month , llenson &
Shepherd , U Main st. _
RUAIj BSTATK HouKht n-l silt ami OK-
chaiiKod. Hpoclal nttontlon ulvon to exam
ination of titlns. _ W. 0. James , Mo. U I'oarl st.
FOIl SAI.U Aero lots In Orchard place. This
property Is located in the Hlco nursery ,
sontn of tliu main part of thn ctty. I1/ } miles
from court house , Geo. Motcalf , U 1'earl st ,
rpo 111 ! lliilllcd Oct. 1st , njw I.OH30. lario lot ,
JL warranty deeJ : property orth SI.OW.
Tickets worth $1. At Fountain , Manhattan ,
Jlooro & llowinan'Hclitarstoro nnd ( Ireon's shoo
store , Particulars , address y | 17 Second avonno.
"IjlOHSAMJ Well establlsliod hardware siora
JL ? Including tin shop. ( Jood , clean , new s > teaK
of MtovoH , etc. , instory brick building , 23XU ) .
with elevator nnd wniohoiiae. ( loud reasons
forsellliif ; . 11. Gnihl. Wl K. II-w.iy , Co. UlulTfl.
OHBAhK Dn easy term , BOIIIP of the be t
uriniiKC-cl modern lioiinns dirfu ) In Council
Itlulla. All modern Imiirovements , llnely
located. Call on S. 15. Maxon , Mcrilum blork.
WMT sTilOKSTOI'F , Ko.irHstato. SneciaT
attention Ljlven to ev.imiuatlou Alia cor
rection of title to lands and Ion In city and
county. No. f. North Main st.
n's .sub , $10 cash , balance ? IO per
month B.msoii .V Shepheid , II ,
IjiOll SAM' or llout ( Innlen land with houses ,
J ? by J. II. Hice. 1U ( Main nt. . Council lllnirs.
ITIOH SAIjIJ V.Mncro farm in Jasper comity ,
-L I own , loc.Uud iiilnm that are in
opointlon. Thoriilsu ( Ivo foot vein of coal
under the farm. Uen. Matcalf , No. IU I'oarl at.
FOR.SAl.liImproved ami unimproved prop
erty in every part of tno clljllaro oppor
( unities for Investors whn uolc pe 'illations ;
nploiKlld opportunities for thoie wJio deslro
homes , ( loo. .Mete.ilf , No. 10 I'oarl st.
_ _
Bl'SI.N'KSS locutions or Main and Ilroadway
nt Krcat bargain : ) . Ceo. Metcalf , No. 10
J'earlut ,
FOR SAIiK M ) feet lake front .130 lo cniej tia"
tween 0 II , bout house atnl Mnnawa beach
Also anumbnr of choice lou In llus.itta pla co
Oco. Mctcalf. No. 10 rcnrl st.
O\lRIl \ , IIUOS. i CO. loan monsy. The most
liberal terms oltero I. IU I I'earf st.
Flower Pots.
Somnthlii ! ! ontlri'ly new , and tlio handsomest
articles of tliu kind tliut ever adorned n buy.
window or ronsnrviilory. am imr now pnlntod
nnd orniiniuiuutl I'li.wcir I'ot * and Vui / for
liotiipplnntN. Th"iot'oodHiioi ! ntlrelyiii'wand
urn Rold cxclushtly in Council lllutlK by un.
Thi ) Itnstlo 1'oH urc h chly ornamental and
lll boautily nny housu. O.ufjr.ide l.s Hinuotbly
painted In lirlK'it ' < olor icndy for do'oratloii
Iiy ladleH who palm. Tnco hanilsome poods
nioRold at pi-lcm c'omiiionly linked for plain :
fofor painted iot uiidtancer , mid plain nt cor
responding I > rli ui , TIJNl ) IIHOA.
Kl Main Street.
hinvo" . scctv "i ,
Tno host $12 00 cook Htovo , tl2,09
The host tin.l'O ' cook Htovo. . . .m. l"i.XI
Tim hunt Htovo < iii ouitli IX'.OU
The lienttlM wood atovo 7.W )
Th best * .t.UJ Oak slovo y.Oo
Cheap Htovui at nil price. * .
Wo uro the solu uud only agents tor the cele
brated Itadlant Home heater * , tliu genuine 1 * .
I' , btnwnrt heiilern , thn fiimoiiH soft coal Oak
htovi-H. Biiaruiiteeii lo hold Uro over niKht. Wo
have the bent Gloves , thu largest Block of moves
nnd tno lowest prlci'a on Htiivni. and oven ouc
cheapest wo ( ( Uarnnuo. Don't tall to nee us.
On Itunlunt Homes mm Ktew.uUwoarecheapur
than any other wpttcm clly fiom W to 0j
pli-nhfid 10 ouotn prlc.04 to onUl'io purtlcit , anil
ilclUerutovosvllhln IHty inllea oC the city.
ColoA : < ; ole , II .Mulu ut. , opposite CltUuns'
bank , i
RW > Hlnvi"4 For Knlu.
'Jhoie N n fiuif 8 tlon of comlnic cell days in
oven tun tunxlilno of theio plcamint autumn
ovunliiK . and the provident porrton will come
to tne conclusion tnat the bo t tliliitf to do to
keep warm und nave coal bills lulo buy the Ijcat
Move niHilH. I inivo Inaugurated a stovu Hale
during which MX ) htovou will ho noli ! , Including
aupcckl Him of clump cooks at the following
prlceH : cjne No , 8 , Jlnj one No. 8 trimmed , tl'J.
wltlife'ooa dniuj-'lit lOi'iilMloiiB , and guaranteed
llrsl i-ldbs uakorH ,
i.My leaders will le Um Ourluiul line complete
the only faultlessuftviimudf , llit tiun' Htoveu
from f ) nit to VM. and will clos'j out a largo
stock of Htewart Moves at coat.
1 also hundlii tlm Monitor. C'llmax , Mnson &
Davis. Charter Oak. Uxcelulor , lllrtluluy , Acoru
and Oiirlundruu eB.
Furnaces , hot air and Htoum , put In by the
only recognised flklllod furiuca man in thu city.
I' . 0. DeVol. Ml Ilroadway.
I'riiparn KorVlnliir. .
The I'rnlnsulu heatlnu storoH are the best la
the market. Have handled them fcrllvoyoara.
J'.vory oaleijiven BaUufuciion. ilefoieyon buy
BOO them. The new lloyton furnarca ure con
blructed upon thu most approveil sclentillo
] ir nciples , and are the bent und most economt
cal furnace In the world. Tor vale only bvr
C J-auUrwuniier , a 7 Uroadway , Couucil ii ) u ft