Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Grandly Joumoylnsr Toward the
Oapitollno Oonolavo.
An Army of Hlotily Bedecked Tom
1'nss TliroiiKh > o City
on Tliolr
Knluhti of O ! < 1.
Wednesday nlht ( three I'ullman palnco
cars wcro dlspati'hcd wo t ever the
Burlington. Two were sent to Lincoln ,
ono to Beatrice , and ono to York.
About tbrco o'clocl : yesterday nltor-
noon the vehicles rolled Into Omaha with n
largo number of KtuglitTomplnrs bound for
the triennial conclava nt WnshlnKtou.
Thcso cnrs were picked Up lytlio llrat sec
tion of No. 2 , nnd when they reached this
L < / } were attached to a special train contain-
IIIK tin. Nobrnskn coinnmndcrlcs , as follows ;
Henry Gibbons of Kearney , grand com
mander ; Lowla M. 'Kccno of Fremont ,
deputy grand cotnmniulor ; Louis li , Korty ,
irrund generalissimo , wlfo nnd daughter ,
Omaha ; James S. France , grand treasurer ,
Omaha ; \VIUI.itn It. Ho won , grand recorder ,
und MissHowun , Oinnhn ; .Intnos S. Pulleys ,
griind 'standard bearer , Ucd Cloud ; Kdwln
C. Webster , grand captain of the Riiaul ,
llustinim Sir Hay Nye and wife , Fremont ;
Sir E. Kcliuuinn and wlto ; Sir Vauphti ; Sir
. ) . G. Acltcrmnn nnd wife ; Sit M. Dowling
nndvifo , und Sir Harris ; Mr. Cllne. Mrs.
Leo nnd dnuuhter. Sir Luce , Sir Webster
nnd wife , Sir F , U. While , Sir Benedict nnd
wife , Sir II. W. Stout , Sir M. L. Alexander
und wifo.
Besides , ten of the twenty commandcrlc.i
In the state , numbering In nil about four
hundred pcoplu , occupied other coaches , ns
follows :
Ml. Calvary nommandcry , No. 1 , Omiilin ;
Mt , Moduli cotmmtndcry , No. 4 , Lincoln ;
Mt. Kloii cominnndory , No. fi , IMuttsmouth ;
Mt. Herman eoinnundory , No. 7 , Beatrice ;
Mt , Tnbor cotnmundory , No. ! ) , Froniontj
Mt , Horol ) comnmmlcry , No. 10 , Tecuniseh ;
1 Mt. Nubo coiutnandcry , No. 11 , Hustings ;
Cyreno cominundor.v. No. 14 , Ked Cloud ;
Jopp.i coninmndcry , No. 17. York.
Thcso commnndoiics will bo in the divi
sion , under command of KiRht Eminent. Sir
Walter H. Sanborn. The headquarters ot
the Nebraska division xvill bo 100' ) Ninth
street , WnshhiKton , southwest.
Ainonir the Omaha people on board were
Gustavo Amlerson , uifo nnd daughter ;
George Hume and wlfo. Fred Sutme and
wife , L. II. Kortv. wife and daughter ;
James S. Franco , N. B. Apple , A. 1 . Hop
kins , W. Strawn , Chris Hnrtmnn and wife ,
J. P. Williams nnd wife. T. C Urunnr nnd
son , James Koley nnd wife , Dr. Bailey , W.
A. Vugo , Judco J. U. Porter , John T. Benin ,
Prank Doruoj mid wife , C. F. Whitney , A.
Martin , C. S. Raymond. GcorRO S. Smith ,
Charles ICloman , B. C. llow.ird.C. B. Finch ,
William li. Boxven and dauuhlor , It. P.
Hovalon nnd sister , Mrs. Grid ley , Victor
While , C. N. DulU , Thomas Batterton , M.
D. Maul , George W. LlniiiRor and wlfo ,
Uichard jmitli , D. C. Sutphcn and G. J.
The train steamed out of the uepot shortly
after ! i o'clock. It will go through to the
capital with Hying colors. Tlio Burlington
ofllcials have arranged for the making of a
Hying trip.
The train bearing the two California cnm-
mnndcrics , the Golden Gate , of San Fran
cisco , nnd the comrnandery from Sacramento ,
arrived In Omaha over the Union Pacific
railway nt 5:40 : p. m. yesterday.
The was composed of ten cars , three
bagguco and seven sleepers. The Golden
Gtttecoimimndorv occupied llvo sleepers and
t lo Sacramento party the other two.
The party "were under the command of
Imminent Commander A. G. Booth , and rom-
prised about two hundred people , including a
lurgo nupibor of ladles.
A commissary car formed a fcaturo of the
train , and was well Blocked with choice Cal-
iformu fruits nnd wines and u food supply of
cigars. 1 ho car was in charge of J. G. Ed-
niDiidson. commissary , und J. G. Doolittle ,
assistant commissary.
. T.iolliO miles of the trip before reaching
pumhu were run nt nn average rate of sixty
miles per hour , including nine stops. Tno
train was thrco hours behind time at Platts-
'inoutii and hud made up all but ton minutes
of tlilb when it reached Oaiaha.
Tlio eommundory were elated ever the fast
tnr.o made and the general accommodations
of tha railway , and held n meeting nn Iho
train , nt which the following resolution was
passed :
' Golden Gain cominnndory. No. 1C , on its
pilgrimage to Washington , D. C. , dcsiro to
testify , In this manner , to the valuable ser
vices rendered it by Mr. O. L. Iliinnn , travel-
in ? passenger ugcnt of the Union 1'aclflc
railway. Mr. Hanna had charge of our
npccial train during its run from Ogden to
Oinnha , nnd by his gcntlomanly bearing , ur
banity , untiring attention nnd watchful
rarefulr.viss contributed in no small degree to
the enjoyment and comfort of all the pll-
"As a nmrlt of our appreciation and esteem ,
vo herewith bestow upon him the button
bcnrinr the cent of arms of our comtnandory ,
Jully conscious that it will bo worthily worn
and that in thus honoring him wo honor our
"In saying fnrowell wo cannot refrain from
indulging in the hnpo that innur future jour-
noya to thf shrlno of our beloved order our
jmlhs may bo watched and guided by ono so
thoroughly competent und nccantablo as ho.
"Friends dotmrt , but memory takus them
'To her cavern puronnddcop. "
This resolution was elegantly engrossed on
thu train by Miss Nettle titadtmucllor , and
algned by A. G , Booth , eminent commander ;
C. G Young , generalissimo ; William Kd-
WBI ds , captain general , and ( . ' . D. Bunker ,
quartermaster. H was dated , "En route ,
Ontohor ! I , ISS'J.
The pjrty uro evidently enjoying thorn-
selves thoroughly. Concerts nro hold every
duy on the train , and entertainments of var
ious kinds servo to uhasu dull care away.
The following is a list of tlio more uromi-
n".nt , men with the putty : Commander A. G.
Booth , n prominent lawyer of San Francisco ;
Cplonol W. Edwards , assistant adjutant general -
oral on the staff of the division commander
nt the Callfonia National Guard ; Charles F.
liussett , onn of the principal commission
merchants of San Francisco ; J. Jerome
bmith , n prominent uihnne man ; G. B.
Spocry , proprietor of the largest ( louring
( ) ili tin the coast : W. 1C. Vrmderstlco , n load-
I'ir Joxvolor ; K. W. Tucker , of Honolulu ,
chief mechanical engineer of the largo sugar
i-fcilne , * - ; Lieutenant It. II. Patterson , U ,
K. A. ; Major W. H. Honor , of the engineer
6 vp S Ut S. A. , ono of the surveyors of th ?
* sut.-nl Poclllc , nnd Colonel Tristnm Bur-
the B. & M. main lino.
, Will Ailvooaio Omnlin.
Auion tbo party that loll Omaha yester
day to a'.ictid the Knights Templar conclave
at' Washington were A. B. bmith , assistant'
pencrsl freight agent of the Burlington ,
unJ Louis H. Korty , superintendent of telo-
cruph of the Union Pacllic. Thcso two gen
tlemen will represent thu interests of Omuha
as wMl us the two giant corporations ut the
cot.chro , nnd will muko n stroiic otfort to
BOCUi'o the next conclave for Omaha. Mr.
Bmith stated that inasmuch ns the sentiment
wtuld rncmt lilioly bo favorable to u point
irostfor tlio noxtuioctin ; , ho thought that
by making a llrui stand for Omaha somo-
thutr ( might bu accomplished.
"An Opening. "
Prof , rtllly Hnwloy and Billy Arthey will
opan t'.ioir AUuunrum club rooms ut 1211
Xouglt-/fttroeU Thursday evening , October
10. On tbut evening there will bo an athletic
perfonninca ut their roons nnd out doors.
In the former the dumb bell lifting by Bald-
-.vln will bo the greatest feature , and in the
latter the go a * you please from Omaha to
Council , ' < iuir will bo the ( treatest feature.
Kcunol and Matthews have entered for this
The propnstors of Salvation Oil , the grout-
eit euro on earth for pain , will pay u largo
reward if any certificate published published
by them i * not found genuine.
Tom , Dick nud Harry appear again with
their grandmothers' riwlpta for coughs , etc. ,
but the people kuow Ur. Bull's ' CougU Syrup
too well ,
Into the Acts of nn In-
duntrlnuH Wlfo Brnlcr.
The case against Ed wnrd Babblngton ,
charged with aunult with Intent to Kill ,
was called In , Judge Wakcley's ' court. Bnb-
blngton's assault wns mode Uton | his wlfo
whom ho tried to kill with n hatchet. Bao-
blngton is nn old offender nnd hoi been ar
rested for wlfo boating on an average of nt
least once a month for the past five years.
Ills last assault wns more vicious than usual
nnd the cnso wan taken to the district court.
Horton & Loohavocommencedsultngamst
ClofJ. Hollander nnd others to secure the
payment of a bill for $ U5. ' i for labor per
pounty Court.
George A. Hongland began suit In the
county court against Dworack Brothers on
two promissory notes amounting to KWS.
The Homo Investment company has com
menced suit ngalnst Thomas B. Mlnnhan and
others to recover payment on n promissory
uoto for $100.
The Fremont Butter nnd Egp company
ling begun proceedings against Engltah Bros.
to recover $410.59 for etMrs delivered to the
defendants to soil on commission and for egg
cases not returned-
William A. Pnxton tins begun suit against
Miller < b Harris for $155 for ofllco rent of
rooms in the Wnro block , occupied by do-
fond.mts as a law ofllco.
> ! ' I'cdoral .7udioi.
Whether Judfro Dundy will convene the
United States court nbout October 15 or wait
until the first Monday in November has not
been settled as yet nnd probably will not bo
until ho returns from his hunt in Wyoming.
The Judge is expected to reach homo some
day this wcolt. The docket is loaded with
cases nnd unless ho commences business before -
fore thctiina ilxed for opening the November
term , it will probably bo Impossible to flnlsh
the work before the holiday * * .
Judge Blower's coining , this fall , seems to
ha n matter of doubt. It la understood that
ho will bo detained by some very long-winded
cases at Denver.
Cushmnn's Mcntho Inhaler cures catnirh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Prbo 50 cents.
O _
The Motor Men Wince Under OMlolnl
The facts printed in Wednesday's BEE con
cerning the dissatisfaction nmong the motormen -
men and conductors of the Omaha Motor
IJaihv.iy company havonaturully created con
siderable stir at headquarters , and as usual
denials follow.
Mr. McConnell and Mr. Todhunter deny
that they have subjected the men to insult
ing treatment. The former admits that
the employes were expected to buy
their uniforms at a curtain clothing
store specified by Dr. Mercer , as
Iho doctor had contracted with that
linn to furnish all the uniforms for the men.
Mr. MuConnoll claims , however , that these
uniforms nro furnished at $1.53 each above
the actual cost of delivering them to the
clothiers bore , leaving a very small prolit.
As to the complaint that the uniforms are
too light for winter , Mr. McConnell said that
negotiations are now in progress to see if
heavier material can not bo furnished.
All the uniforms in use have not been
bought from the storeubovorolerrcd to. Mr.
Todhunter suya that ho has asked the great
majority of the employes If they had made
any of tlio complaints published in THE BnK ,
but all denied having dona anything of the
The missing wheels for the machinery of
the now motor house of the Omaha Street
Hallway company have arrived and
wilt be put In place nt once. Bv to-day
it is thought that everything will bo in readi-
iieis for tno ilrst trial trip on the main line
extending from Hanscom park to fort
The motor company Una been compelled to
put in a side fend wire on Us Burt street line
to enable it to travel \yitli ease over the hill.
The connections will bo made with the
main wire nt Lowe avenue and Thirty-fifth
streols. At present the company is waiting
for apparatus to conno t this feeder with the
switch board at the power bouse.
Mr. Goodrich , of tno Omaha Street Rail
way company , says that when the new elec
tric lines of the company are operated the
motormiMi uro to bo recruited from the ranks
of ttio street car drivers. Ho also says Hint
old street car drivers muko the best motor
men.Tho"now car barn of the Omaha Motor
Hallway company , which stands on Commer
cial or Ames avenue , near Twenty-second ,
is practically finished , the only work remain
ing Doing tno laving of the tracks into it , and
this ib now under way.
The btracturo stands on the north sldo of
the street , and is the largest frame building
In the city , being 00x200 feet. From the
ground to roof it is 33 feet high. The frama
Is a strong ono , being put together with bor
ing pins instead of nails. In u week or ten
davs at most tao building will bo in uso. It
will afford shelter to forty cars. Another
barn of the same dimensions for the company
will bo erected on South Twenty-fourth
streol , two blocks south of Vinton.
An AuHnluto Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is un absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup.
lions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
2fi cents per box bv mail ! ! 0 cents.
Ho Is Discovered nn ix tlimuli on Cut-
Job Haycock was arrested yesterday by
Detective Vaughn on thu clmrga of embezzle
Ono year ago ho was employed as station
agent on the Lohigh Valley railroad in a
small New Jersey village. While there he
embezzled $ l.m The police throughout the
country have been endeavoring to locate him
for months without success.
Hccontly ho was located in a boarding
house on Cut Off island where ha was eui-
plovcd as diihivashor.
The authorities at the village where Hay
cock iswantcd | , wcro notified and yesterday
Officer Summers catno for him. Haycock
refused to go without requisition papers and
Summers wont to Lincoln to get them.
OhnmbprJnln'a Colic , Cliolora nnd
Dlnrrhona Konicdy.
This medicine can always bo depended
upon , not only in the milder- forms of
gammer coinplntnt. but nlso for mulig-
niuit dysentery ana oholora infantum.
The lives of mnny persons nnd especial
ly children uro saved by it each year.
An fSx-CninmnmlRr.
General U. B. Beath , ox-commander of the
G. A. It , , also secretary of the Unity Fire
men's ' Insurance company , Philadelphia , is
at tha Mlllard. "I am out solely on business
connected with our corporation , " said the
general to a BUB reporter , "and know of noth
ing to talk about that would Interest anybody.
( will shy , however , that Omaha is a great
surprise to mo. Since my last visit hura
nbout three years ago I notice tha city's won
derful growth , as well as the fact that most
of your improvements are on a grand scale. "
The general said that he found evidences
of great prosperity all through the west.
Tun Hnivnuui's Preliminary Untiring-
Tun Bowman , the colored man who shot
and killed Jack Kinuoy , was put upon his
preliminary trial ia police court yesterday
morning. County Attorney Mahoney and
Assistant Sheu represented the stato. while
Lee Eatollo conducted the defense. Several
oye-wltncsso to thu RUootlug were present
and testified , the bulk of the evidence being
in favor of the accused.
Owing to the fact that the examination
could not have been concluded last night ,
the case was continued ana will be resumed
ut 10 a. m. to-day ,
Bright eyes , healthy complexionand
vigorous system result from using AHRO-
stum Bittnrs. Solo mnuufuoturcra , Dr.
J. G. U , Siogort & Sona , At till drug-
Action of the Various Ward Moot-
Loot Night.
Dcloi-ntcn Selected nnd Oilier lin-
portnnt Uuiilneas Trnnsnctoil Tno
Content For Slirlovnlty A.
Llvclr Campaign.
First Wnrd Hcpiilillcans.
The Pint wnrd republicans mot last evenIng -
Ing nt Thirteenth nnd Williams , with Mr. E.
J. Cornish in the etintr nntl C. . S. Elguttor ns
ocrctar.v. The following commlttco of five
was chosen to nolcot delegates to the con
vention : Messrs. Hascall , Lytlc , Estellc ,
Nye and Butler. The commlttco chose the
following delegates and alternates i
Delegates U. II. Mack , John Hoslcky , E.
J. Cornish , Sam Horgitrom , Milce Ford , Pnt
O. llawes , E. 1C. Long. .1. W. Lytlo , John
MnttkiCBon. I. S. Huscull , Fred Nyo.
Alternates Christ Durr , F. W. Unnd-
hauor , John II. Unite , Ernest Slubt , .loo
Kent , P. A. Union , W. A. JColloy , S. U. Ep
person , C. F. Gooduiau , Leo Estolle , C. S.
1' . J. llnrrctt nnd Joseph Hoffmann wore
named for judges , li. M. Smith for cleric of
election. Mr. iinudhaucr wiis nominated for
the position of justice of the peace. Nomi
nations for assessor and constable wcro
postponed until the next mooting.
Tlilrdnrd Itcpiibllcnus.
The republicans of the Third ward , to the
number of about sovonty-ilvo , cnucusscd in
the police court chamber last night for the
purpose ot selecting a sot of delegates to tha
county convention to bo voted on at tha
primaries to-day.
The procoocings opened by Seth Cole
being selected to preside ever the meeting ,
and Prieo ciuundors being selected us secre
'iho chairman had barely concluded a
scries of informal romtirits when the do'o- '
gate slnto was bprunp upon the meeting ,
bovorul individuals endeavored to obtain
recognition by the chuir when the names ot
the to uc delegates wcro announced , in view
of entering objections , but they were ignored
and the slutu went through unbrolccu as
follows :
Delegates M. O. Ulcketts , O. H. notll-
ackcr , L. E. Heed , Chnrlcs Branch , Seth
Cole , Lee Hartley , Chiirlus Wohror , O. A.
Decker , P. J. Williams , S. B. Smith , A. L.
Alternates Andy Ilcmmol , Price Satm-
ders. A. H. Williams , W. U. Peyton , Ed
lliuinon , Simon lilootn , Irvin Dugan , Luther
Wright , C.-J. Mentor , Uobert Johnson uua
Jmnos Adams.
The meeting then turned its attention
to the muni up of a delegate to the atnto con
vention to bo recommended to the county
convention , and the honors were conferred
on Dr. M. O. Uickets , the well known advo
cate of civil rights.
J. U. Hubbard ( colored ) marched to the
front and made a motion to tha effect that
the delegation bo instructed to cast a solid
vote for William Coburu , for sheriff ; Arthur
Briggs , for county clerk , nud Miku Maul , for
coroner. The motion prevailed.
The following judges und clerks for the
primaries were selected :
Judges Peter Ford , John P. Sownrd and
C. E. Aluthews.-
Clerks Albert Green and F. E. Neer.
Fifth Want UepuDllcaiis.
In the Fifth ward John J , Jenkins han
dled the gavel and B. F. Hodman acted as
secretary. By resolution the delegation
chosen wns instructed to indorse John Mc
Donald for sheriff , J. B. Uruner for county
superintendent of schools , und George Whit-
moro und William Husband ( colored ) for
constablo. All tnese candidates live in the
ward. No farther action was taken. The
delegates and alternates are a < > follows :
Delegates C. Saunders , George Alien ,
John Wallace , G. F. Franklin , M. Sulliv.m ,
L. Lazarus , U. F. Redman , James Knight ,
A. L. Uoot , Thomas Curamiugs , Henry
Alternates B. O. Backus , George Elliott ,
Alexander Grey , William Uutler , Henry
Dunn , James Wilson , John T. Knight , John
.Jenkins , John McDonald , John A. Smiley.
George King.
Sixth Ward Uopiilillcans.
The light in the Sixth ward republican
caucus last night was between the support
ers of the candidates for sheriff , and re
sulted in a sweeping victory for Leo.
When Miles Houclc called the meeting to
order tlioro were over two hundred Sixth
warders present. Frank Spore nominated
J. C Wbnrton for chairman , and Coburn'a '
supporters nearly raised the roof in a whoop
of assent. Thtsynll repeated with a
vengeance when James Young nominated
Henry Estubrook. Then pandemonium
reigned for a half hour in a row ever the
method of taking the vote for chairman.
Finally t vo tellers , Ed Cane-and W. A. Mes-
slck , were appointed and the vote taken. It
resulted , Estabrook 130 , Whcrton 82.
'I lie rest of the business was easy.
C. K. Kelsey wns chosen secretary and the
following delegates nnd alternates selected :
Delegates- . D. Estabrook , Chris
Spocht , Ed Cane , Ed Tavlor , Ed Mallorv ,
Frank ICmnmor , Joe Howies , Jns. Young , W.
Golden , E. Gilmore and G. W. McCoy.
Alternates George H. Moore , C. E.
Meyers , U. K. Kelsey , John Grant , John
Hoger , John Clare , James Gill , John Cuso ,
C. E. Weeks , W. A. Mosslck and O. C.
Hnvonth Ward
The Seventh ward republicans had nn old
fashioned love feast
All of the factions were there nnd after
the usual discussion arrived nt results with
enthusiasm nnd harmony.
Charles Inskeop calico : the meeting to or
der. J. W. Ellor was chosen chairman nnd
N. I. Benson secretary.
Paul Vnndervort , C. N. Powell nnd J. S ,
Kennedy , a committee appointed to select
names to bo voted for at tbu .primaries as
delegates and alternates to the county con
vention , presented the following lists , which
wcro unanimously adopted :
Delegates C. L. ChafTee , D. H. Mercer ,
John Grant , J , O. Thompson , R. W. Clayton ,
Charles Potter , O. H. Wooloy , Charles in-
skep , N. W. Nelson , P. J. Quoaley , Louts
Alternates John McDonald , J. C. Green ,
N. I. Bnnson , George W. Sabtno , William
Fnrr , Ed Walsh , Charles L. Thomas , Louis
Peterson , Emil Johnson , U. E. Pierce , Max
Complimentary speeches were made by
John L. Kennedy , N. I. Benson und M.
The following resolution was unanimously
adopted : Ma )
Uesolvoci , That wo hereby Instruct our
delegation to cordially nnd heartily support
Michael Lee for the nomination of sheriff of
Douslas county ; und that wo ngroo to pre
sent no other candidate , and ns a unit UBO
nil honorable means to scuuro tils nomina
The ward organization Is as follows :
President , Charles Thomas ; vice presi
dents , Charles luskcep , C. L. Powell , J.
Waller ; secretary , Habbi Henson ; treas
urer , J. U. Piper : executive committee ,
Charles Howes , H. W. Brecktnridgo , Charles
H. Wooloy , Al Frank and P. J. Ouenloy.
Louis Patterson nnd Charles W. King worn
selected as candidates for constable and M.
Peterson for assessor.
Eighth Wnrd Reniibllaniiij.
The boys in the Eighth ward didn't hold
any caucus In a hall last night , but a dozen
or more caucusov wore held on the street
corners In the vicinity of Twenty-fourth und
Jim Allen was active. Jim wants to be
county clerk , and ha la working harder than
any candidate on the ticket. Ills tio-up is
with George Huimrod for treasurer itnd
Milo Lee for utiorilT. liut there mil be two
tickets In the field to-morrow , one headed by
a Coburn delegation and cue by a Leo dele
gation ,
Nlnlli Ward Koiulillo nt < .
The Ninth ward republican caucus was
hold last night at 3903 Tarnam street.
W , J. KicroleAd , president of the club , was
In tlie chair , and Jcrdmo Coulter nctod M
There was n largo And onthuilintlo nt-
tendance of of or onto hundred nnd fifty mem
bers and business > was dispatched with , a
great deal of celerity ,
The committee on nomination ot candi
dates for the primary , consisting of Messrs.
Johnson , Wiggins nnd Bloomer , appointed at
the last meeting , repotted the following :
Delegates-M. S ; Lindsay , D. L. Mo-
Guckln , Chnrlcs DJurcon , K. E. Llvosoy ,
John L. Cnrr , A. ti. Wiggins , Joseph Horan ,
William I. Klorstcad. H. Wnrlntr , J , 13.
Burgess , Pntrlclc M. Mlllon.
Alternates G. F. Brown , J. C. Christian
sen , F. J. Sncketl , O. W. Day , G. Benson ,
A , G. Edwards , A. Bowman , J. V. Patter
son , A , L , So wnrd | H. Ostond nnd J. B. J ,
The Judges of the First district appointed
were as follows : Hamilton Martin , Honri1
Borchcrts nnd Frank Gould ; clerks , J , V ,
Patterson , T. A. Murrey.
Judges of the Second district : A. G. Ed
wards , W. E. Walton , G. II. Websterclerks ; ,
J. F. Hcrtzman nnd A. Whitney.
Speeches were inndo by Messrs , G. M.
O'Urien , who Is a candidate for Justice of
the peace of the Third district , Ervln , Lind
say and Carr.
John C. Christiansen was endorsed as a
candidate for assessor of tlio ward.
Mr. J , B Smiley was endorsed ns n candi
date for constable.
Charles Johnson received the unanimous
support of the club for Justice of the peace
of the Third district.
Forty now names were added to the roll ,
making u membership of over 200.
Gortnnn-American Burservr-roln.
The meeting of the Gorman-American
Burgervcroin of the Second wnrd took place
nt Mueller's hallEighteenth and Vlnton , last
night. Otto KunU took the place of the ab
sent secretary , George Kinder , Loui Hoim-
rod presided. Mr. Urunnlng , Georco Kinder -
dor , Michael Kopp , L. C. Uiobo and Presi
dent Louis Heitnrod addressed the meeting ,
All the speakers explained the object of the
club , which Is to oppose nil candidates advo
cating prohibition. LoUis Holmrod declared
that the German party did not want to put
upn candidate , but to support only liberal
candidates , whetherdemocrat or republican.
Ho complained that English newspapers did
not understand the purposes of the club , nnd
on u motion of John Kopp It was decided to
propose in the next meeting of the central
club to have 10,000 copies of the constitution
nnd by-laws printed in English and German
and distributed in the city. The next
meeting will bo hold Saturday evening at the
corner of Sixteenth and Williams streets.
RciHihllonu County I'rimirles.
The republican county primaries for Doug
las will bo hold to-day , between the
hours of IS o'clock at noon and 7 o'clock in
the evening , at the following places :
Tirst Ward To bo named.
Second Wnrd Swobodti's saloon , Sixteenth
and Williams streets.
Third Ward No.110 South Twelfth street.
Fourth Wnrd To bo named.
Fifth Ward Engine house at Sixteenth
and Izard streets.
Sixth Word Republican club rooms nt
Twenty-sixth and Lake streets. -
Seventh Ward W. P. Green's grocery on
Park avenue.
Eighth Ward No. SICK ! Cumlng street.
Ninth Wurd No. 2003 Farnum street.
South Omaha C. C. Stanley's commission
room , N street.
Elkhorn School house.
Florence School houso.
Union Lewis Thomns' residence.
West OmnliH School house.
Jefferson Ed Cook's blacksmith shot ) .
McArdle Soheol house.
Waterloo 'lo b named.
Miliurd School house
Valley To bo named.
Chicago Ollico of Gus Nolto.
Douglas Glaus Mathles' resldenco.
Aloro Candidates.
General George S. Smith , assistant city
attorney , announced yesterday morning to his
friends that ho wants the republican nomina
tion for county judgo.
Fred Smith , of the hardware firm of
Smith Si Holmes , South Omaha , has cnterod
the republican raeo in the Fourth district
for county commissioner and , while time is
short for him to make a light in , ho proposes
to do some lively work.
Frank Bandhauer , Daniel D O'Connoll ,
Charles Brandos und George Holmes , Jr. ,
are making a 2iO : ! dash for Justice of the
peace m the First district , which Dick
O'Keeffo says is democratic by a largo ma
jority. Bnndhauor nnd O'Connor belong to
Dick's party , while Brandos and Holmes
carry the republican colors.
Over in the Second district there are flvo
democratic nspirants for this office ugainut
one republican. It D.-A. Wade , Ignatius
Dunn , Gus Kroeger , Alonzo J. Hart and A.
C. need constltuto the former crowd , while
Seymour G. Wllcox , n young attorney resid
ing in the Eighth ward , senms to be the only
representative of his party in the Justice
The hottest fight , however , is going
on in the Third district where Gus
tavo Anderson , George M. O'Brien , J. S.
Morrison , Charles J. Johnson , ex-
Councilman F. W. Mnnvillo , W. H.
Plnttner nnd Samuel Stotnin are whooping
things up in lively stylo. All tbeso candi
dates arc of the republican faith. Alexander
Meintosh and Edward Bortlett are also
spoken of. There seems to DO no democratic
ambition for this oltlfto in that district at nil.
Whether or not that party has 'iiven up hope
of succeeding there is the question. There
are eight justice ? to bp elected , nnd while the
republicans are sure of takme lour , they also
think the olmnces are good for nt least one if
not both of the Justices in the First district.
" Wlmt nro Wo Hero forV"
The offices of sheriff , treasurer , clerk ,
Judge , register of deeds , coroner , superin
tendent of public instruction , surveyor and
two commissioners nro the principal county
berths to bo tilled at the forthcoming elec
In addition to these there are Justices of the
peace , one in each township outside the city
of Omaha and two for each of the tlireo
districts insldo the city , For each and
every position there nro candidates enough
in both the republican nnd democratic parties -
ties to satisfy the most exacting voter. To
the places already named may nlso be added
a list of towimhip and ward assessors.
After the county comes the city election ,
which will choose for the ensuing two
years n mayor , treasurer , comp
troller. police Judge and nlno
councilmen at ; largo. Une terms
of the following councilmen expire
January t : Messrs. Francis E. Bailey ,
of the Sixth wurdj Jeff W. Bedford ,
Eichth wnrd ; John F. Boyd , Seventh ward :
Leavitt Burtmrn , Eighth ward ; Jacob M.
Counsmau , Fifth ward ; Isaac S. Has-
call , First ward ; Miqhnel Leo , Seventh
ward ; Adam Snyder , Third ward und Charles
Vnncamp Second ward ; Mayor BroatcU.
Treasurer Hush , Comptroller Goodrich and
Police Judge Borka.
Most of tliOHo gentlemen nro candidates
for re-election. There arc a few exceptions ,
but only in instances where the incumbent
aspires to something higher. Among thn
councilmen for instuncd , MiUo Leo and John
Boyd are seeking the nomination of tholr
respective parties for sheriff , while Adam
Snyder is in the ddmocrntlu entries for
county treasurer und Jeff Uodford wants the
mayoralty. ,
There has been BPWO talk about Berka
trying tosecuio the republican nomination
for county Judge.
Tha republican primary election nt which
delegates to the republican county conven
tion , which moots at 13 o'clock next Satur
day , will be selected occurs this after
noon , and the democratic primaries Monday
afternoon , The democratic convention will
be held on Tuesday.
Each of thcso bodies place In nomination
candidates for the oounty ofllces only. The
city conventions have not yet bean called.
City Clerk Southard has prepared the reg
istration books and will distribute thorn
among the various wards next week. From
the time they uro opened to within ten days
of election every local voter is expected lo
The announcement Is made that n meeting
or the republican central committee of tno
Third Judicial district will bo hold , nuraunnt
to call , at Blair next Friday , tor the purpose
of calling a district convention to place in
nomination n candidate for Judge to fill the
vacuniiy cau od by too resignation of Judco
uroff. The committee Is composed of J. W.
Hoggs , at largo , chairman ; A , 8. Underbill ,
Douglas county ; 'JH. . Ashley , Burt county ;
A. S. ( Spearman , Sarpy county , and W. I ) .
Walton. Washington county. The conven-
tiou will probably be hold lu Omaha.
Ttirco Wyoming Con\plef Fnlrly
Klokott Out or iS cl > ra kiPen. .
At 0:30 : a , m. , Tuesday , October 1 , three
convicts wore discharged from the ponlton.
tiary nt Lincoln , which may bring about
curious complications for the state to han
dle. They wore as follows : Fouco liainoi ,
number 20 , sentenced seventeen ye rs for
stage robbing , horse stealing nnd shooting
with Intontto kill ; Albert Spear , number n ,
sentenced for Ufa for singe robbing and mur
der , nnd Jack Fierce , number 73 , sentenced
for lifo for murder. These men were nil
transferred from the Wyoming prison on
Stout's convict labor contract. nnd
Fierce had tholr sentences commuted to ten
years which would expire January 1 , IS'.H ) ,
and Hnlnes' sentence- would not oxoiro until
Juno So , 1591. A strange chain of circum
stances attend tholr discharge , mid
TUB BRII Is the only paper able to
got bold of the facts. During Gov
ernor Nunco's administration a law wna
passed forbidding the holding or receiving of
convicts from other states nnd territories
after January 1 , 18S9. An amendment was
secured to the original bill by W , H. U.
Stout to take effect October 1 , 13S9 , idviug
htm the privilege of holding those ho had up
to Hint time on condition that lie secured their
discharge before that data Having failed to
secure tholr discharge ns agreed the three
convicts referred to were the only ones left
on his bauds , all the others being leased by
limitation , pardon , commutation , or other
wise. Tim Dyer , the prison inspector of
Wyoming , investigated the Nebraska , peni
tentiary , and before leaving promised the
warden that ho would secure tlio discharge
of the Wyoming convicts hold there if tlio
warden would recommend them for dis-
churgc. Warden Hopkins wrote u recom
mendation which , together with n copy of
the law showing that ho could not hold the
Wyoming convicts titter October I , nnd that
they could not bo removed to Wyo.-sing , for
warded the papers to Governor Warren , of
Wyoming. No action wns taken by the
Wyoming authorities up to Octo
ber 1 , nnd on that date the
prisoners wcro discharged. The recom
mendation was . not ncluiowlodtcd and
the matter was ignored by tlio ( rovernor , the
men were therefore discharged by the war
den. They wcro called from their cells on
the morning of October 1 and told to pack up
und loom They were given no papers of
discharge , nnd were advised to clour out of
tbo state us soon us tlioy could.
An authority on such matters was pre
sented with the facts , nnd said : "The ques
tion arises in my mind whether or not the
state could bn put to some trouble nnd OK-
pcnso by the Wyoming authorities for releas
ing those convicts , with uncxpircd sen
tences , without giving them the proper
notification and receiving permission to dis
charge them. And it seems to mo that the
state would still bo under liability to expense
should thcso convicts sue for fnlso im
prisonment , and for not receiving from
the prison authpritios tno usual
papers of discharge , which nro their only
means of proving themselves no longer con
victs. The only way In which the state ,
should such an emergency arise , could pro
tect itself would bo to look to Stout for the
amount of damage which might nriso in
either case.
"Another question which might nrlso , it
seems to me , is , under whoso Instructions
did Warden Hopkins discharge thrso men ,
and did he notify the territory of Wyommirl
If ho notified the territorial oQlciuls it looks
rather strange that no instructions In regard
to their disposal has born received. At all
events there may bo some interesting ques
tions to decide. " _
IJrontlilnir tlio Gurrns of Dlsousc.
To inhale the germs of disease with their
daily breath is the fate of denizens of
malaria-scourged localities everywhere. The
endemic atmospheric poison may , however ,
bo reft of its venom nnct rendered innoxious
by a defensive use of Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters. This pre-eminently , safe and effec
tive remedy nnd safeguard not only eradi
cates the disease when developed , but en
ables the system to safely brave its as
saults. Every function is con-
iirmcd in or restored to regularity , tlio cir
culation quickened if sluggish , and a bilious
habit , which of itself begets n proneness to
both intermittent nnd remittent types of
malarial disease , where extrinsic atmos
pheric causes exist , powerfully counteracted
by this inimitable- fortifying nnd defensive
nccnt , which has , moreover , none of the dis
agreeable characteristics of a drastic cathar
tic or an alkaloid. Fever and apuo , dumb
ague tiud ague cake , und the calcntura of tlio
isthmus , are conquered by it surely , pleas
antlv. Rheumatism , neuralgia , pout , liidnoy
nnd bladder troubles , constipation and nidi
gestion yield to it ,
Klopninn Kecovorinc.
Louis Klopman , the man who was struck
over the bead by Jack Quintan , is improving1 ,
and will recover. Qumlan will have a
preliminary hearing in a few days. At pres
ent ho is under bonus in the sum of 95,000. ,
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing1 Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing1. It soothes the child , soltons
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best remedy for diar
rhoea. 25c u bottle
The Homo Fire Insurance Company of
Omahn , lists paid over seven hundred
losses to the people of Nobrasica , nnd
lb ono of the most suecesufully conduct
ed nnd prosperous iiibimuiue companies
doing business in this btulc.
Have you
For aalo by H. . H. UlUi , Omaha , Neb ( Mil
A Typswrlter made to moot the modern
want fornmndilna which print * directly from
type , inns no rlljlj011 , allgm pormniieutly nt
point or printing In l.lsht , I'omp.icl , liiuixlilc ,
und Inn word. IH built on oleutlllu pilnclplus ,
thulnventlon of ( J. W N. Yost , the builder ot
Doth the llominirlon and Cnll rnph.
Mui-hlniH with IConitngton or Cnllgraph toy
board us desired.
Alaruoatock ofserond huud Typowrltors , ot
idl miikiH , for sale , rout or oKclmniro.V urn
r.lio siiU-s ugunts for tlio MIJllKlTI' " Type
writer tun llni'j't low priced machine on thu
iii.irket. I'rlcofU.
\Vu would Da ] < leased to receive n call from
you , \\hpther you want to pmchuio or not. and
Vlt \\a will Rliully Hhon you the " VOST" unit thn
llnest nml liuwist mock of Tvpowrltor l-'urnl-
ture. Supplies , etc. , over broiiKlit to this city.
& GO. , 1605 St. , Omaha
Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O3 South 15th Street , Opp. Postoffiee. Telephone 149O
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
To dealers only. Mills Southern MNsninl. Ollice Itoiir" . 1- and ; i. U. s , National Hunk llulldln ;
Tuloimuno MM. Umiihu , IsoU.
1B13 Douglas Street , Omahn , Nebraska.
When you arc buying oloes remember tliat there Ij
ucliaOilnKiuiai > rIc thal
Is too elienp. Itlslicticrto
pay a fair prfco and pot
Rood Klort'H like llutch-
Blnxnn'H. They are mtulo.
rfrom si-lecte < l nklns In IIioi
f bcstmnnnernmlnruwar-E
rnntc-d lo bo the most I
serviceable nmile. Ifout
want to know moro about
glovtg In general mid
IIlltClllllHOIl'n ( JIOVCH
In particular , onolouo
otampfnrtliu bonk-About
Cloven. It will Intcrot
you. ESTABLISHED 1662.
± i-j r a IM M * fc V T D * w a v MKI r v
the I.lnanr Habit , Positively Cared
by AumlnlNtorliiB I > r. llalno'
Uulilen Hpciilflc.
II cnn linclrrn In ncup nf cnlfru or ten wltliont tin
kiiowloilitmrti ) * > IXTHOII tiikln lt ; HuliHoliiU'Iy hnrin *
lp s. unil will uiroct a 8 | > ut ! < Iy nml i > iirinunint cun * .
wliutlii'r tlio imllciit U u innileroto drinker or nil !
euliol wreck. Thminiimls nf dnnikiinli Iiuva liecil
liiiiiluti'iiiiMiriitdini'ii wlinliiivutukundulili'iitJiiftciriu
In tlioirtulTuu wltlioutthulr knunlalaaiuid tuiluy l i
llcvu Ilivy i"ll | ilrlnklni ; of lliulr onn ftvoivlll. IT
NHVIT hnll . 'lliiiKymoin oncu ImprfKiinliul ltli thti
cpcclflf , It hctornuH nn ulU-r lnil'ot ' llillltv lor tliu
liquor iiiipi'lltu lo I'xlst. i-or cnlu liy Kulin Ao. . ,
DniKKl tH , I'ttli anil DoiitflnH pts , unil IStli nntl t.tim-
lnKM . , Umuliu. A. U. loatcriV Itro. . C'uunull " " j-
Fine Jersey Cloth Arctics
Back and Front Buckle , HigU Button Gaiters with leather fly , Gerster Croquet Alnskns nnd
Glove-Fitting , Pure Gum Sandals , New Ankle Sirup Sandals and Fine Pebble Leg Boots.
Above named styles can be had in LADIES' , JVI1SSES'nnd CHILDREN'S , In nil widths ,
from AA to W , with or without heels. See that the "NEW JE11SEY RUBBER SHOE
CO. " Is stamped In the soles of each pair. They are first quality goods and have superior finish
and shape. TAKE NO OTHER KIND.
Men wanted to examine each pair of Arctics , Excluders , Rubber Boots , Waders , Lumber
men , Alaskas , and Sandals , fine Cloth Arctics and Polar Alaskas , to see If the "NEW JERSEY
RUBBER SHOE CO. " 1 stamped In each sole. If not , go to theshoe dealer who has the New Jer
seys , because-thoy are strictly first-class goods. lam Western Agent for the above-named com
pany and keep an Immense stock for dealers to draw from. I also sell
Felt Boots , German Sox , Rubber and Oiled Clothing
Remember , I am the only wholesale Shoe or Rubber Clothing
dealer in Omaha who does not retail goods ,
Hereafter I shall keep the genuine Meintosh Wading Pants in ali
widths and sizes.