Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    yw ggr gT
Wheat Rather Dull nnd Qulot and
Vnluoa Hold Steady ,
No UtiiiuMinl Stir In Provision Clr-
etc * , Interest in tlio October I'ork
Ucnl llnvlnc SubNldcd Homo
.Quotations ,
CniCAOo , Oo * . 3. fSpcclnl Telegram to
Tin : UKE. ] the wheat market was rather
dull at.d quiet to-day. Values were hold
with n degico of steadiness in the f nets of ilc-
clilcil local bearish tiontlmont and In the nb-
sonco of distinctively bullish news. Seine
prlvnto cables < iuotcd the English nnd contl- mnrkots as firm and Inclined up on
decreased Indian and llu.sslan sdilptncnts.
U'lHjNsst tlmtc.Mild be said of a majority of
the , ifivato cables was that the foreign in u1-
kols wcro quoted as bdlng Imctivo. ThU
f :
sort of Informalion m.iy bs construed to inlt
r the tasta of these receiving It. The amount
01 passage Is nbout 8,000,00. , ) bushels lesi
than last year , bui the Uaar * have no dlfll-
culty In ranking themselves ballcvo ttiut this
Is n point In thulr fnvor , on the theory that
it Is smaller than mini only because tlio Im
porting countries do not no d so much whont
nud will not jtock ui ) ut seller prices. At a
majority of the winter wheat points the ro-
ccfpts arc qulto moilcrato , but an Increased
movement is predicted by receivers , and In
the northwest the forward movement Is
heavy nnd likely to continue so. Export
clearances arc small , though ono bant load of
No. 2 Chicago wns sold In Now Yorlc for
shipment to-day , the llrst nibble for some
days. Montreal , however , reports n good
foreign inquiry for hard wheat nnd steady
markets. Taking the principal homo mar
kets UK a whole , it Is soon that the receipts
nra largely in excess of shipments , n circum
stance clearly indicative of a largo increase
in the visible supply as aresultof this week's
movement. A light foreign and
homo tthipplng demand and a subsidence
of popular speculative Inquiry , tno latter
por.slb'y . ' enl < f temporary , however , form bear
arguments these days. The local market was
narrow to-day , though fluctuations were nt
times Jlmrp. December opened ut 32c , ad
vaticcd urdcr the stimulus of good local
buying to 32JS/C and worked down to 82a'o on
thou'.loadltiB of moderate lines. The mar
ket then rallied to 82J c and worked down
OPCO tr.oro to 81XC- Quito n battle was
fought ut b'JVb'JJiO , with thu advantage
llrst on ono side und then on thu other. The
bears sconibd bound to pull the price under
fc2c ( but the market was strongly supported
by llutchmson , GeorRO Smith , Charles
Smith , Mitchell , Lliidhlom und others. The
general crowd was marshalled on the other
' eiilo. " line last price quoted was S2e , or a
8hni\ lower limn yesterday. May
opened ut 8l.C8.l > j c1 advanced to
85,5jfc , stayed uiounu 85) < o n long
tiiuic , but finally worked off to fc5Ig" < * S''Jfe.
Opod buying sent the price back to 85's@ '
fiDJ c. but later trading was characterized uy
weakness and the market closed at S-1J @
84Tjfc. Year rungod from 8I , ' near the
opening down lo 80o ' and closed
nt S0 b'c. Minneapolis wa * quoted
us weak at the closo. wltn sales of carlots lo
under ycterd.ty.
Tht1 tone of the corn market was weak on
near deliveries and from steady to Ann for
May. Receipts were not , heavy , neither
tvci-o they promising to bo more than mod-
n-fo , for to-morrow , but the
i ( weather was and favor
able to the early curing of the crop. There
was ft 'report of a proposed reduction on
{ .Vain nxto.s by the Alton road to 15u from
Kansas City , which would probably to nil to
increase the receipts at this point , and this ,
whether t run or false , had for a tlmo n
depressing influence and encouraged selling.
SKiprilouts hence wcro heavy and wrrc
llboi-ul also from Atlantic ports and the
demand for cash olTnrinKS was nood. There
was u drive mndo at November delivery by n
Vroininent houoe , but the extreme weakness
was not of Jong duration. When May had
gqt en down to IMJnC , thoiu were good
buying orders to 1111 , which caused it to
react , slightly. Trading was only moderate
in extent und speculative activity appeared
10 IIM'C turned into other channels. The
clofing llcuro for October and November
was from & to J o lower than on yesterday
. and May was likewise .JsO'-jO lowur.
Oats were dull , and while nearly thu end
of the market shows no change in prices , the
dopronsion in corn and wheat was reflected
in active deliveries of oats. May opened at
'J2j4@3J i3 and slowly .yielded , closing at
22 iij22 ( > 1'c. ' 1 ho drain is blight , but , consid
ering thu low price , it has been likened to
I t'o : removal of an inch from thu end of a
man's nose.
In provision circles there was no unusual
e'lr. The Interest in the October portt deal
BUb'siicd } considerably , and traders cave the
guiorni market moro attention than on any
day siiico thu week opened. The manipula
tors of pork have apparently concluded to
accent the situation. Uoing defeated in the
injunction proceedings In court and aKo in
the test ease prosontuu to the directors of
the board regarding tbo legality of the de
* livery of newly mado"pork , they found proli-
ubly that they had no other alternative. A
t. few lots ol now pork were tendered this
| morning to clique houses , received nnd paid
lor. The deal is maintained , out from now
on ) t will only attract attention from
the sott'ing ' of trades. October pork sold
' > ( f 10 6IK310.S5. It opcnc'l ut 110.75
, vx nnd closed at ? 10.70 , or SOo under yesterday.
'TJia ' largo hog arrivals hero and at other
points weakened the general market. 1'rtces
< i n ( around averaged lower around the OVDII-
Ing , but there was no great anxiety to sell
'and ' the fooling xrow strong as business pro
gressed , 'iho closings , in fact , showed u net
i advance for the day of 5c on October short
i ibs and 2jnO on October and January lard.
November lard and January pork and short
riui were unchanged.
Cmuioo , Oct. 3. | Special Telegram to
THE HUB , ] ( Xmi.ii Cattle were in much
the. . same condition as for Jho
pabt thioo or four weeks. Host
fiti steers were soiling quick and at strong
Hcos ) , whllo ovorythlng else in the native
B./CW line ruled slow and dragging along to
Xiir last , the tall end selling a shade lower.
KiuolpU were divided at 8,000 natives. 6,000
.toEuns und 3,000 rangers. The situation In
' > , ! tV Texas and runger markets was about the
M anu : us In natives. Heat sold steady und
wvprithing below that classlllcatlon ruled
blow from llrst to last. Native butchers'
- ' < Kl : continues to sell at about thu lowest
It-ices of the reason. Toxa- und range cows
tro guncially better than natives , and
cheaper. Dualncss is about the same an
heretofore In tlio stocker and feeder line. A
few prime feeders changed hands from day
tcJay , but lljjht atookera are nearly unsala
ble. Cholco to extra beeves , M.a-4.W ! ;
Dicdlum to good slccrfc , 13&0 to 15UU Ibs ,
W.lfOOI.'Ss 1200to 1050 Ibs , J3.lWiJ.10 ( ; OSO
o 1200 Ibs , Kl.OOOi3.bO ; stoclters and
feeders , ( l.VOi U.00 : cows , bulls aud mixed ,
& 1.00 < 3.S5 : ! ; bulk , $1.85@-J.I)0 ) ; TUKIIS stuor ,
U,10ii2b5 ( ; cows , fl.jioQV-MOi wintered
Texans , f. .50@t.iO. ! (
lloos The demand was fair and nearly all
t ii rcculjiis were sold ut prices nbout lUo
lower than yesterday morning and about 35c
lo\v r than at the ganio tlmo last week.
Quito a number of good packers sold at fU.UO
md a faw rough nnd common ut ) . 0@'l.l)0. )
t > liU > ) ; ors paid ( tOiii4.und ) ( butcher aver
ages Hold at f4.10OI.UO. Light sorts sold at
U- < i-l.0 and Bingo at H70&4.S5 ,
NEW YOIIK , Oct. a , jSpecUl Telegram
to TUK HEU. ] STOCKS The stock uiailo (
was given up to u few stocks again this
morning. The opening was llrm , lu keeping-
with the expressions at headquarters last
iilght. The attitude of Kirkner , Blayback ,
j. V , Whlto and even Cauiniock , together
with thd bull force of Chicago buyers , gave
Increased coiilldouce , Foreign bouses Into
yesterday were > iUo Inclluod lo loud money
gud buy utoclis. The uioucy scare lost much
of Its force by the manipulation being traced
pretty clearly to parlies In sympathy with
the bear Mdo of the iimrkct. Akliison. Hur-
llnjjton , llonding , St. Paul and Cotton Oil
attracted almost nil the attention In the
market. Atolilson and Colton Oil , which
seems to Imvo tnko'i the place so lately occu
pied by sugar , were decidedly weak nnd
, Atchlson retired \ to 83.V amrCotton Oil 1)4 )
per cent to 47 } . The rest of the list sympa
tlnzeit with the decline , but the changea
were for small fraction * only and Milwau
kee , Like Shore it Western preferred and
Burlington were strong , the former rising
Ito inland tno tatter n fraction to 100.
Atchlson later retired to 33 and Cotton OH
to 47 , ' . The hour to 12 o'clock was marked
by quite a drop in a fuw shares. AtchUon
wns raided to 31 * , or 2 uor cent under the
opening tlguro. Uiirllngton , aflor touching
109 # , broke a point to lOSJf. Urnngcr stocks
generally yielded } { < & ( per cent. .Manitoba
was the exception , climbing to 121 } , or 2
per cent over the close last night. The list
wns weak nnd Irregular nt noon , The clos
ing hours of tbo stock market were as might
have boon anticipated by the weakness nt
noon. The money situation docs not brighten.
There was realizing by holders of stocks
throughout the list. This became moro pro
nounced late In the day , Specialities suf
fered as well as o Konoral list of stocks ,
Louisville lost % to T'S'.f ' and Laku Shore lost
Ji'imr L-ont. Manitoba also lost most of the
early advance of 2 per cent , but still closed
n fraction better. Northern Paoillc pro-
feriod lost 1 percent. Of thoOrangcrgroup
Hurllngton alone held up nnd closed % per
cent better ut 107 . St. Paul lost \ } { to
71J < and Missouri I'nclllc 1'f per cent to
" . .l3In the coal group Lackuwamm lost 1
mid Heading 1J { per cent. Cotton Oil lost
over ! J per cent and sugar over 2 per cent.
The temper of the room was bearish ut the
close. .
The following were the closing quotations :
D. B.4s rpjfultr. 127 iNoi'thorn 1'ftclllo. . iKJij
U.8.4scoupoas . . .m 'dopreferred. ' 74 >
II.8.4'srorfiiti\r ' IIBV 0. * A. W llIHi
V. S. 4ljn coupons. . Iffi-'t do preferred HI
I'nulilbiiMof * 5j , . .11H ( N.V.Central 107
Central I'aclflc. . . 34'I I1. D.&B ! Mj !
iiockTsland 101
ChlcaRo.llurllngton U..M. iSt.t' 717i
.VOulnntr lOSJi duprofcrrocl ll'ty
I.I&W ) I4I1/St.l'aul&Omaha. . : il
Illinois Central I lily1 do preferred 1W {
I. , W. . OU.lTalon . LUclile 4 > i
Kans-is & I'OXM . . . 1'J'i W..SI. L. ft V 17
InkoSiore ! IIBjji doproforred 3iy
Michigan Central. . iK. - > ii\Vciteru ) Union. . . . S3
Missouri I'aeltlc . . . 7li > { l
MONKV On call tiwhl , ranging from 0 to
12 per cant , closed offered at 5 per coat.
PlUMB MtillUANTIl.U PAPEM 5J7lf ? per
STKHUXO Exciuxon Quiet and steaJy ;
sixty-day bills , J4.S3 ; demand , * l.S7 > f.
Mining Htookt.
NEW YOUR , Oct 3. fSnoclal Telegram
toTnii UBB.I The followiii , : ura tUa rain
ing stock quotations :
? uleilonln I ) . H. .ZjO lliHlppeudoncd 310
Con. Cal. At Viv tifiO Moxlc-m 1175
DeAdwondT. Mutual I4'l '
Kuroka Con SOO Ontario iiioi
Hale & Norcross.WO ! Oo Menial H1) )
lloniest.iko . . .i.lMO Plymouth 3d )
Horn Silver 1
CIIICKOO , Oct. 3. 1:15 n. ra. close-
Wheat Lower ; October , SO u ; December ,
S2c ; May , 84J < c.
Corn Firm ; October , Ulj c ; December ,
3life ; May , 3'l a
Oats Steady ; October , l'J.V ' c ; December ,
I'Jjj-c ' ; May , 23 c
Hyo Octobor. llJi'c.
Harley October , oilj.
Prime Timothy-$1.22 > , ' .
Flax Seed Cash , $1.27 ; May , $ ! . & > &
\ \ hlsky ? 1.0'J.
Pork atoady ; October , $10.70 ; January ,
* 'J.M'i. ' '
Lard Steady : October , JO.OO ; January ,
Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter wheat ,
| 2.00 < j8l.-0 | ; spring wheat , ? l.23 5 00 ; rye ,
Ui.V Salt Moats Shoulders , -$1.12V < f
@ -l. . ' . ) ; short clear , $ u.2.V&5U7.i ; shoit-rlbs ,
550liTt)5,10. )
Huttur Easier ; creamery , 10@24c ; dairy ,
Chcoso Less active and easier ; full cr&arn
Cheddars'Jii , ' ( < ? ! ifc ; Hats , 9 © 10.4'c ; Young
Amoriisas. iUjllP ( c.
ICsgs Firm ; fresh , W fjjlt e.
Hides Slcady ; light and heavy green
salti'd , 5e ; salted bull , IJ-Jc ; gruen salted
calf , 54jc } ; ilry Hint , 0@ro ; dry salted , Oo ;
dry call , 5@liu ; ncacons each. 20c.
Tallow Steady ; solid packed , 3 o ;
cake , -IJ o ,
Receipts. Shipm'ts.
J/lour 17,000 lii.OOO
Wheat IW.Oifl ) 4liX)0 ( )
Com 237,000 HlH.OOO
Oats 2I.OOO ( 110,000
Nmv Yorlc. Oct. 3. Wheat - Re
ceipts , 110,800 ; exports. 21t.iOJ ( ; spot easier
afld dull ; No. 2 red , MyC'l' fo in elevator ;
Sj 'sC ' SO c alloat , SS.ii ii.'i'o f. o. b. ; un
graded rod , 7i ( ( . (6cJc ; options closed weak
and lower ; October , ST 'e.
Corn Receipts , 1'J.J , 100 bushels : exports ,
50.200 bushels ; spot closing steady ; No. 3 ,
y'J5 o In elevator40llo ; ( , alloat ; ungraded
mixed , 3S-i@llc ) : options quiet and steady :
October closing at UO e.
Oats Receipts , . 7,1 IOU bushels ; exports ,
13.7JO bushels ; spot ilrmcr , options neg
lected ; October , 20' ' < c ; spot , No. 'J whlto ,
PUolTeo'-ODtions opened barely steady , 6@10
points accline , closing Btcauicr and vury
dull ; sales , 28,201) ) uags ; October , $15.70 ®
15.75 ; spot Rio , steady and quiet ; fair car
goes , $111.75.
Sugar Raw , quiet und steady ; refined ,
Petroleum Kasior ; Uuitc.l closed at 93J c
for October.
Eggs Quiet : western , 2.1 } ( ffi2-lc.
Pork Inactlvejand unsettled ; mess , f 12 50.
Laid Lower ; closed steady ; quiet ; west
ern steam , $ (5.57 ( > < ) .
Butter Quiet and steady ; western dairy ,
OtfjHIc ; creamery , 12@5 > e.
.Cheese Quietsteady ; ; western.S@9) < jC ,
Afin n oil iinl i s Out. 3. Sample wheat
dull and about steady ; receipts , 423 cars ;
shipments , ( H cars. Closing : No. l hard ,
October , 7 Jjfo ; May , 80 o ; on truck , Slo ;
No , 1 northern , October , 75 ? o ; May , 83 ; c ;
on track , 77 e ; No. 2 northern , October ,
73o ; May , SOo ; on track , 7y@75o.
MIKvnittcit , Oct. 8. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 73 > u ; No. 1 not thorn , S.'u.
Corn Steady ; No. ! ) , 32o.
Oats Steady ; No , 2 white , 2i'o. ' .
Hye Firmer ; No. 1 , 44o.
Harley Quiet ; No. 2 , October D5(3.Viij'o. (
Proviblons Firm ; pork , S10.70.
Ijlviriiil , Oct. 3. Wheat Firm ; de
mand poor ; holders oft'ur moderately.
Corn Quiet ; demand poor ; now mixed
western , 4s IJfd per cental.
Uniisns Ouy , Oct. 3. Wheat Stronger ;
No , S hard , cash. 05 ? ( ir(13J ( o ; October ,
Oats No. 3 cash , 17D ; October , l"
St. him IN , Oct. 3. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
Jfo ; IJccombcr , SOo bid.
Corn Lower ; oish , 2'J o ; May , 30 > c.
Oals Lower ; cash , IbjjOj Muy3
I'ork lll.0-jtf@ll.75.
Lurd f 5 87J < .
WhUliy ll.o-J.
Uutlur UnchaaKed ; creamery , 0323c ;
dairy , 13K2Jo. (
Cincinnati , Oct. 3. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 red , 82tf c.
Coru Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 35c.
Oats Woatcor ; No. 2 mixed , 2lQJJc.
IJIVB arocic
tiiluaK , Oct , 3. 'I no Drovers' Journal
reports us follows i
Cuttlo Kccelit8 | , 17,500 ; market strong
for good , common weak ; cholco to extra
beeves , fl.a > @ 4.)0j ! ) steers , t3,00@ ,25 ;
stackers aud feodum , * l.tWijfrJ 00 ; cows , bull
and mixed , llOOaJ.b5 ; Texas cattle , $1.1)5
< < i2t > 0 ; western rangers , Ji50 ( < i3.W ) ; win
tered Texuns , 12 50 3.05 ,
Hogs lioeelpU. 20,000 ; market clew , clos
ing Btroiigor ; mixed , t3.U5@4.45 ; heavy.
t3.SO@1.23 ; Heat , fi. 10 1.60 ; skips , | 3.50ii (
Sheep llci'olpU , 9,000 , ; uiarkut stroujf ;
natives , M 05 4 1.40 ; western ,
Texnns , * 280'H2d ; muibs , $ l.23
Kauwfti 'Clly , Oct. 8. Oittle-Hocelpts ,
7,4001 shipments. 3.0)0 , ; common to cholco
corn-fed stoew , * 3.00 ( l 3" ; stoekors and feeders -
ers , $ l.tXi$3.15 ) ( ; cows. Sl.ur52.60.
Ho s Uecolpts , 6.COJ ; nhlpmonU , 2,200 ;
market weaK and lowers light , f4.03ici4.20 ;
heavy and mixed , f J.75c't.OD.
Nntlinml Htnalc YardHixst St.
l.nttis , Oct. 0. Cattle Hecoipts. 3,800 ;
shipments. 1,030 ; market slow ; fair to
cholco heavy native steers , f.1.40 (51,40 ( ; stock
ers nnd feeders , SJ.OO@i.OJ ; range steers ,
Hogs-Koccipts , 3,10 > i shipments , 1,000 ;
market lower ; heavy. * 3.SO@1.10 ; packlnif ,
$3.7034.00 ; light , ? l.004.35.
O.UAII.V nvi : srooic.
Thursday , Oct. n.
There were very few cattle here and the
few that were on siilo were not very doslra-
b'.o. ' With sa few uattlo here the market
was necessarily slow and the sales email.
The general market wns about steady on all
erodes ? . A few native beovcs sold at f3.4i' @
3.00. The trade in cow stuff was confined
mostly to tno sale of n few odds and ends.
The natives brought Jl.23@2.20. A bunch of
westerns sold at ? l..K ) . The most of the
day's trading was contlucd to feeders , which
were In qulto Ulmnil supply nnd which sold
rcudilv at steady prices. The natives brougtt
$ J.40@2.75 und the westerns SJ CO.
The market on hogs was lower again
to-day , hut the decline was not heavy , Tha
inurkot on heavy hogs was fie lower than
yesterday's general market , but If compared
with yesterday's earlv market It would show
mnrothan that off , The buyers were bear
ish and tlielr bids wcro fully lOc lower in
a great many cases , and they doubtless
bought some hogs that wnv. In the und the
heavy and heavy mixed boas sold larccly nt
f3.80@3.S3 as against S3.Sr > @ 3.90 yesterday ,
Light ho 4 sold at about yesterday's ' prices ,
that is $1.03 for the bulk , with the top at
1 10.
Cattle . 700
Hog * . 5,1)00
Horses . ' .ID
The following Is a fibla of prioai pild In
thlsmurknt for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prlmo steers. 13J ) to 10 10 Ibs. . $3.1)0 ) @ ( . ' .10
Good steers , 123. ) to 141 J Ibs. . 3.73 ( (41. 10
Good steers , 103 J to 130J Ibs. . . 3.23
Western steers . 2.53 Q'J.OO
Common canncrs . 1.00 ( jdl.50
Ordinary n fair cows . 1.50 0 1.30
Fixlr to good cows . 1.80 ( HJ3.UO
Good to choice cows . 2.0J ( $3.40
Fair to good bulls . 1.30 ( & 1M
Light stocicors und foodars. . . . 2.35 ( itJ.GO
Good feeders , 1150 to 1103 Ibs. . . 2.40 ® 2.90
Fair to choice light hO's ( . 4.00 ( < i)4. ) 10
Fair to choice heavy nogs . 3.80 u > l.'jo
Fair to choice mixed ho0'S . 3.90 ( rf3 95
Common to rough hogs . 3.50 @ ) .SO
Knprcsu'iuiuvu Silo ) .
No. Av. ljr. No. Av. Pr.
63 . 1214 $1 40 18 . 1209 ! ? 3 00
19 . 1103 350 1 . 1320 400
POO 1 25 3 873 1 85
1150 1 25 1 ! ) ' .0 1 8
1100 1 50 2 1130 100
1110 1 50 1 IDS ) 1 90
1090 1 ( JO 9 lOtfJ 200
1080 100 1 910 200
1170 1 ( JO 21 bOO 200
1100 183 20 987 203
1000 185 10 1017 210
810 1 b5 10 035 2 10
.1000 1 b5 8 031 2 10
1125 183 17 972 220
59 800 2 10 3 . 8S3 2 05
53 872 2 40 12 . 905 270
4 yo 2 45 15 . 837 270
13 . 10---4 2 .IS 2il . 1000 273
30 . 017 2 00
1 CSO 223 33. . . 733 240
31 5JO 2 33 0. . . 727 y 40
13 402 225 1 . 140 300
210 2 75
1 . 1150 1 3" 4 112S 1 25
2 . 1030 1 23
23 271 2 75
1 1200 235
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
1 feeder , stray 1000 $2 CO
1 feeder , stray 1100 2 5J
13 steers , str.ivs 1189 200
18 steers , strays 123 J 2 ( W
1 steer , stray 1170 2 15
1 cow , stray . 650 1 90
Key nolds Cattle Co.
2 feeders 975 2 00
54 fuudurs H)5'j ) ' 20
31 cows UJ3 1 90
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
40. . SO 340 03. . .202 210 385
03. . . .110 ! l SO lit. . .294 120 3 b5
H. . . .2M ) 3011 01. . . 271 bO 385
3. . . .327 3 70 2. . . .200 100 385
25. . . .330 80 370 81. . . .273 2sO 3 b5
31. . . .271 120 370 5U. . .2 Jl 3 85
27. . . . 281 120 370 OI..319 -10 3 b5
20. . . . 28S 80 370 04. . . . 278 bO 3 & 5
2. ! . . . .34' ) 40 370 57. . . .292 120 3 b5
21. . . .3il9 60 375 02. . . . 2011 385
05. . .308 240 375 70. . . .247 200 385
10. . . .305 12J 375 50..2M ) 385
44. . . .231) ) 60 375 02. . . .257 ISO 385
27. . . . 303 375 5ti..2tl 120 3 h3
S. . . .311 375 M..254 SO 385
5. . . .300 3 75 100..31S 10U 3 65
91. . . . 08 320 375 39. . . .312 40 8 87H
41. . . .285 120 3 77tf 00. . . .300 3 b5
52. . . . 250 240 3 77 > 48..3J3 3 85
f,9. . . .302 40 380 51 . . .300 1X ( ) 385
52. . . . 299 120 3 SO 121. . .3 2 120 3 b7K
57. . . .3U0100 3 bO ( H ) . . . .2ii7 120 3 b7
42. . .T12. . ) 80 3 bO 53. . . .273 bO 3 9J
03. . . . 270 120 3 SO 51. . . .350 1'JO 390
73. . . . 278 100 3 bO 59. . . .2s2 bO 390
CO. . . . 285 120 0 bO 70. . . .214 120 393
(11. ( . . .3W10U 3 bO 21. . . .3J9 SO 390
07. . . 1231 120 380 23. . . .314 80 390
G3. . . .234 IXiO 880 77. . . .2J5 200 390
O8. . . .2 l 120 3 BJ 04. . . -.243 100 390
59. . . .283 200 3 62 09. . . .2J9 109 300
49. . . .2S9 280 382 } ? 01. . . .273 83 390
03. . . .29 ! ) 100 3 b % 77. . . .247 240 3 lU
50. . . .260 120 3 82K 130 . . .2)2 ) 200 3 95
01. . . . 2 18 ISO 3 71. . . . .2J4U 4 00
70. . . .293 200 3 1. . . . ' -U 400
CO. . .U103U ) 3 82 > tf ( ! ! . . . . 2J1 120 4 Oi
63. . . .309 140 3 WjJ 35 , . . .27 ; ! 40 405
04 . . .283 120 3 b-JJ < T 49. . . 223 4 05
C9. . . . 310 120 3 biX 103 . .23J ISO 05
71. . . .284 200 3 b2 51..1b3 03
53. . . .310 120 3 b2 > $ 23. . . .200 03
01. . . .320 2.0 365 37. . . .221 05
00 . . .2.50 SO 385 30. . . . 233 03
( H. . . .273 bO 385 49. . . .190 60 05
05. . . .339 83 385 ! 13. .2l3 40 03
01. . . . 251) ) 300 385 &i. .2.U 49 05
1215. . . .2J3 300 3 5 20. . . .190 05
67. . . . 252 80 3 bfl 33. . . .251 03
03. . . . 200 120 U fc5 70. , . . 'lt5 4 10
Idvu rttouk Notes.
J. S. Cunimings , of Talniago , had four
cars of feeders.
O. Andrews came lu from Syracuse with
caitlo and hogs.
W. F. Hammond catuo In from Elgin with
two cars of hogs.
Albion was represented by Jamas Mahoney -
noy , who ivus visiting tlio yards.
Ewln ? was represented by L. B. Skldraore ,
an old sliippar wtio was visiting tha yards.
Frank Dorsoyloft yesterday for Washing
ton , D , C. , on a visit of thirty days , Frank'
has boon hero for two years , during which
llmo ho has nnver lost a day.
Hogs In the vicinity of Hradshaw uro said
to bo dying with thu cholera.
J. A. Han kin , of Plattsmouth , put In ap
pearance with a car of cattle.
Robert McDonald cauia down front Tildcn
with u car of cattle.
J. Cox , a regular Hampton shipper , was lu
with two cars of hogs.
W. Uliiikloy , of Porter & Dlinkloy , Rapid
City , was u visitor to-day ,
M. W , lilenklron brought over a car ot
hogs from Missouri Valley ,
Produce , KruUu , Ktc.
Eoas-Strlctly fresh , 17@18c.
UUITBII Creaiaury , fancy , UQlSoj choice ,
ir > @ 10j. Dairy , fancy , 15Qlfto > cholco. 12,3
14e. Country , fancy , lafjUbt isaoA to choice ,
10@llcj fair , O lOc ; intoi-lAr 7@3c.
Ltvn Pninosa Per doz , STllW.
GAME Prnlrle chickens , ! f oo OO' mal
lard ducks , $2.50@3,00j ml od nucks , $ l.f.0.l ( !
2.00 ; teal. S1.&X41.5U ; Jack snipe , f l.25@l.oO ;
plover , fl.OO 1.23 ; venison saddles ,
carcasses , 8@10c.
UEANS Choice hand-nicked1 navy ,
$2Q < ) ; cholca hand-nicked 'medium ,
l.if ? cholco hand-picked counter , $ lG
clean country , $ lGO@lCO ; Inferior country ,
" HIDKS , PniTTAU.ow , BTC. Green salted
hides , 44tt4)fo } ( ) ; dry Bulled hides. 5o ; dry
Hint hides , 7o ; calf hides , 4Hfc5c ; damaged
hides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , utcon , each , 2.V(9 (
SI. 00 ; sheep polls , dry , per Ib , ll@12c. Tallow ,
No 1 , 4f ? Ko No. 2 , ZX < iMc. Grease ,
whlto , 4 ( ( ? 4 , ( u ; yullow , 2tf ( . < 3c.
Woot , Fine , average , ! 5lCo ( : medium ,
average , 21@22 ; quarter-blood , average , 20(3 (
21c ; coarsouvcnige , lR@17o ; cotts nnd rough ,
nveraife , llf ilic. ) ( .
CUKESE Young Americas , full cream ,
12c ; factory twins , lllc ; off grades , 7@3o ;
Van Kosscn Edoui , 811.80 per doz ; sap sago ,
19c ; brick , 0@10c ; limburger , 8&J9o ; domes
tic Swiss. 13W14C.
LEMONS Fancy , 50 00@S.30 ; cholco , J5.50 ®
ClUNlililtutES Capo Cod , $0.00(310 ( 00.
On VNOKS Louisiana , per box , $1.00.
UCTTKIIIVK Tubs. 14o ; rolls , 15o.
UUCK\MIE\T FioUi Per bbl. , $0.50.
QiiAi'ES N. Y. Conuord , per basket , 85
A'PI'LCS Per bbl , $1.00iW.OO. (
OlLII'OIINM GllAI'E- ! * I.G1.75. ( )
PR vita 40 Ib boxes , $1.752.25.
UANANts According to size , per bunch ,
$ i 003.00.
COCOVXUTJ Per 103,13.00.
Al'I'l.n HUTTBll 50.
CiiiBH-nbt , : ? i.5 ( ) ; hf bbls , $3.00.
M.iri.u Suovit 12 ; @ 13o per Ib.
VIJAI. Cholco , medium size , C@03 e ;
choice heavy. Go.
HoNi.Ylllu per Ib for choice.
PiiB9iuvns } @ 10o per Ib.
JKI.UESGine \ per Ib ,
HHKSWAX No. 1 , 10@l'Jo.
Pins FIIT : Plcklod , kits , 73c ; plcklod
pigs' tongues , kits , $2 35 : pickled tripe , kits.
U5u : pickled H. C. tripe , kits , S3c ; spiced pigs' '
hocks , kits , $1.15.
UEKfTosouus Salt , bbls , $20.
Ho- $1.0J@5.dl. !
CHOP Fnii > -$10.00@l2.oa.
HIIAN J10.00.
PHOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 16-tb average ,
lO c ; 20 to23 Ibs , 10 > c ; 12 to 14 Ibs , U > fo ;
No. 2 , 9J u ; shoulders , nfabreakfast \ ba
con , No. 1,8J o ; bain sausaeo , Oo ; dried
beef hams , 9o : beef tonsues , fi)0) ) per
do-sea ; dry salt meats , 4 @tl. c per Ib ; ham
roulette , ( IJ c.
PIOKI.BS Medium , per bbl. $4.50 ; small ,
$3.50 ; gherkins , $050 ; C. & U. chow chow ,
qts $5.85 ; pis , SMI ) .
CVNDY ' . ) > i@12) ) c perlb.
CHOCOIATE ASI > Cocov 21 ( < ? 37c per Ib ;
Gorman chicory , red , 7 0.
OiNonu Jamaica , pints , $3.00 per doz.
Coi'PEU Green Fancy , old golden Rio ,
23u : fancy old poaborry , 24c ; Rio , choice to
fuucy , 23c ; Rio , urimo , 21c ; Rio , good , 20o ;
Mocha , 30c ; Java , fancy Mnudehling , 29c ;
Java , good interior , 24is.
COKFCB Rousted Arbucklc's Ariosa ,
24 ! e : McLaugnlin's XXXX , 24 > jfe ; German.
2ItJ < c : Dilworth , 23 > jc ; Alaronia , 21r e.
LYU fl.73@4,50.
NUTS Aluionds , 1B@17 ; Hrazils , 8c ; fil
berts , lie ; pecans , lOo ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOo.
VViuri'iNO P.UT.II Straw , per Ib , 1J @
2' ' c ; rac , SJ c ; inanllla , U , G@0 c ; No. 1 ,
SUOAUS Cut loat , O' c ; cut loaf , cubes ,
Ou ; standard , powdered , O' c ; XXXX ,
powdured , 9 ! , o ; granulated , Standard , HJ
8 c ; rojifectioners' A , S jfc ; white , extra C ,
fee : climix , bkfc ; extra C , Nebraska , 8c ;
amber , % c ; California golden C , 7' c.
SAUSAGE Bologna , 4)tj@"c ; Frankfort ,
7Wotongue ; , 8) e ; summer , 20o : head cheese ,
I'OTVTor.s 2i23c ) per bu ,
POULTRY Old liens and chicken ? , 53.00 ®
3.00 ; sprint ; cniukcas , $ J.50'JJX1 ( ; duck und
geese , per Ib , lOo ; turkuys , ' ( J(510o ( ( ; young
ducks , per do$30(1 ( ; geese5.0J@7.00. '
LMtn Tierces Refined , 5/c ; pure leaf ,
0jc } ; Kcttlo rendered , 7c. Ada } ga to } o for
smaller quantities.
SALT Dairy , 230 Ibs In bbl , bulk , S2.10 ;
best grade. GO , 5s , $2.40 ; best grade. 100 , 'Jj ,
? -J 50 ; bast gr.illa , 23 , 11)3 ) , $2.30 ; rock salt ,
crushed , ? 1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 515 Ib bags ,
S5c ; bulk , 224-lb bags , $ J.2 > ; common , in
bbls , : JljJ3.
F.\uiKACiou3Goi)3 : Barley , 3J55l- ; far
iaa , 4 c ; peas. 3 ; c ; oat meal , 2c'5o ; inac-
nronia , llo ; vermicelli , lie ; rice ,
sacro and tapioca , 07o.
Fisn-Salt Dried codllsh,5i @S i
herring , 21c per box ; hoi. herriuc , doui. , 50c ;
Hamburg1 , spiced honing$1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
imp. . S5c ; mackerel , largo family , 811 50 per
100Ibs ; whiteliah , No. t , fO.50 ; family , fi.75 ;
trout , $3.23 ; salmon , 53.50 ; anchovies , SOc.
JJ'iiKD t'liuiTS Currants , 4J ( 3o ; prunes ,
casks. liWi ) Ibs , 4 ( . < ? l c ; prunes , bbls or
bags , 4'i ' ( 24li'c ; ; citron neols. drums , 20 Ibs ,
22o ; loinoii ucel , diums , 20 Ibs , 17c ; lard
dales , boxes. 12 Ibs , 9 ; apricots , choice evap
orated , 13o ; apricots , Jolly , cured , 23 Ib boxes ,
13c ; apricots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 25 Ib
boxes , 13c ; apricots , choice , bags , SO Ibs ,
ntjt1 ; apples , evaporated , Alden , CO Ib boxes ,
0 ! c ; apples , Star , Uo'Wi' ' ' ; apples , fancy Al-
dcn , 5 Ib , So ; ap ] > lcs , fancy Alden , 2 Ib. 8' c ;
blackberries , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes , 5X@
O e ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15o ; pears.
Cdlllornia fancy , Jfs boxes , 2 , " Ib , 13K' ' " .
pcachos , Cal fancy , J s uuacked | boxes , 21
Ibs , I5o ; peaches , Cal No 1 , fancy , J s unn
bans , bO Ibs , 14o ; peaches , fancy , evap unp ,
501li boxes , lli$15c ( ; peaches , SiltLalco , now ,
7c.Sc ; nectarines , red , 12o ; nectnrincs , sil
ver , baes , 12e ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 Ib boxes ,
lie ; raspberries , evap N Y , new , 2lo ; prunes ,
Cal. R C , 90-100 boxes , 23 Ibs , 80 ; prunes , Cal ,
IIC , 00-70 , Oo ; orange peel , ICc ; raisins , Cal
ifornia Londons , crop 1883 , $2.40@J ( > 0 ; rai
sins , Cal loose , muscatels , ciop 18SS , $1.90(3 (
2.00 : Vnlcnaias , IbSS , 7c. ,
CANNED Fi3ii-13rook trout , 3 Ib , $2.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 Ib , $ i43 ! ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib. ? 3,10 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $1.25 :
deviled crabs , lib , ? 223 ; deviled crabs , 2
Ib , $ a 50 ; codllsh balls , 2 ib , $1.75 ; cavlor , K
Ib , $ J.25eols ; , l Ib , § 11 10 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , 41.90 ;
lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; lobsters , deviled , % Ib ,
$2.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.75 ; mackerel , mus
tard Hiiuco , ! I Ib , 3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
saueo. 3 Ib , J3.25 ; oysters , 1 ID , 93c ; oysters ,
2 Ib , * 1.159 ; salmnn , C. R , , 1 Ib , $3.00 : salmon.
C. R. , 3 Ib. J38u ; salmon. Alaska , 1 ib , fl.OO ; .
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
CANNED MKAT.S Corned beef , Hroughman
2 Ib. per doz , JJ.10 ; corned beef , Armour's 2
Ib , per doz , $2.05 ; corned beef , Llbb.v's ' 3 Ib ,
13,10 ; 2 lu lunch tongue , $3.00 ; lib lunch
tongue , J2.7B ; 3 Ib ham. & 3.S5J 2 Ib brawn
or headcheese , $1.95 ; 3 Ib pigs feet , $2.10 ; 2
Ib roast chicken , f2.)0 ! ) : 2 Ib roast turkoy.
* 3SO ; potted ham , M Ib. $1,25 ; lib chipped
beof. $ , ' .15.
OILS-Kerosene P. W. , 9 o : W. W. 12c ;
headlight , 13u ; salad oil , tU5@9.03 per
dozen ,
SU.SIHU lJ < @ 3Vopor Ib.
SrAHOK 5C < i > 7o per Ib.
Srovi : POLISH 8J.OO@5.87 per gross.
Si'ic-KS Whole , per Ib Allspice , llo ; Cas
sia , China , ! ) J o ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75o ; pepper , 17o.
Ury Goods.
PIIINTS Pink nud Uobes Hlchmond , Oo ;
Allen. Oc ; Hivcrpoint , 5Xo ; Steel Ulver
Oj o ; Pucille , OWc.
1'iiiNTi Indigo Blue St. Lcger. 0 > o ;
Washington , OKo ; American , CKc ; Arnold ,
Arnold Century. Od ; Windsor Gold
Tn't. lO o ; Arnold H , lOUq ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Uold Seal. iUu | ) ; Yellow Seal , 10Vao.
COMroimnis $ i.50 ) ( < i35.00
CoitSKr JKAXS Uoston , 7 0 ; Androscog-
gin , 79fc ; ICeuraago , 7 | o ; l ockport , 0c ;
Cousetoga , OJ
13BNIMO Ainoskeag , 0 oz 16J o { Everett , 7
oz , 13o ; York , 7 oz , 18o ; Haymaker , 8ko ;
JafTrey , XX , lljtfo ; Jeffrey , XXX , 12) ) c
. Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , HU ,
: Heaver Creek , CO , 10a
dress ,
dress ,
7 > jo ; Henfrow dross , SJidjl'sWo.
biiEEiiNo , Hi.uvoiiKUr-Efiorton , 7Ko ;
Housokecpor , Wo ; Now Cauuldatu , B4'o ! ;
Uor-koloy cambric , No. 00 , Oo ; You Het.4-4 ,
OJ o ; butler cloth , OO , 4'fc ; Cabot. 7 o ;
Farwell , naif bleached , 8 0 : Fruit of Loom ,
8Jfc ; Green G , Ho ; Hope , 7Ko ; King Phillip
cambric. I0c ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ; Lons-
dale , 8 0 ; New York mills , lOo ; Peppcroll ,
4'J In , 10o ; Pepperell , 40 In , lie ; Pepperell ,
0-4 , HXoi Pepperell , 8-4 , 20o ; ieppcroll. 0-4 ,
22c ; Pepperell , 104. 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8 c ;
Canton. 4-4 , O o ; Triumph , Oo ; Wainsuito
Uo ; Valley , be ,
TICKS-Oakland , A , 7 o ; International ,
YSo ; Sdotucket , S , 8V < ? ; Warren , No S70 ,
Ik ( > i llcrwlck , UA , Ibos Acme , 13o ; York ,
W ) in. VJ'i'c ' ; York. IU In , IWtfc ; Swift Kiver ,
8 : rhorndlko , OO. 8Wo ; Thorndiko , UP ,
SJtfc ; Thorndlkc , 120 , ( iKoj Tliorndlko , XX ,
Ifio ; Cordls , No. f , O&c ; Cordls , NO < t , lUXe
DUCK West Point , 28 In , 8 oz. ( Hjc ; West
Point , 201 n , K ) or , 12ifc ; West Point , SO In ,
13 oz , 15 > Vo ; Weal Po.nt , 40 In , 11 oz , lllc.
Fi.ixsr.1.3 Plaid Raftsmen , 2Jo : Clo , r
Lake , r"
Caledonia XX , Hitfe ) ! Kconomy. PC : Oil * , tic ;
Grnalto , CHtfe ; Crawford checks , Sol Haw
Ulvor plnltfs 5 0.
SURKTINO , Unow.v Atlnntlo A , 4-4 , T' c ;
Atlutitlc H , 4-4. 7e ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , 0)e\ \
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Ho : Aurora LL. 4-4 , flc ; Au-
rorn O , 4-4 , 4o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 04'c ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , Bfc ; Imllitn Hornl , 4-4 , To ;
Lnwrcnco LL , 4-4 , fijfc ; Oltl Dominion , 4-4 ,
r.o ; i > opi > cnll U , 4-4 , O c ; Pcnnercll E , 4U ;
Incl ) , T'l'c : Pcpporcll , 8-4 , irj c : Popporcll ,
0-1 , 20c ; Peppcroll. 10-4 , 'JJc ; Utica 0 , 4-4 ,
Ii0i ? WnchUROtts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , "c ;
Aurora U , 4-4 , OVc.
FiAXXEM Whlto-a. H. No. 2 , % iS o ;
G. II. No. I , W , Mfco ; O. II. No. 2 , A ! Wo ;
\Yinusor , - MO .
FLiXXKi.s-llcd-C , 21 Inch , loVe ; E , 24
Inch , 2IJ c ; G G , 24 inch , too ; 11 A F , } [ ,
Me ; J R K , J27o ; G , J2 - ' c.
IHTTS Standard , So ; Gem. So ; Ho nuty
J2kej Hoono , lie ; U , cased , f.3i ( ) ) .
HIAN-KRTS White , $1.00iJ7.f ( > 0 ; colored ,
$1.111(28.00. (
CAiii'KT WAIIV Bibb , white , IbJ c ; colored ,
COTTON FLWS'ci.s 10 nor cent trndo ilK ;
1313 , S o } GG , Offc ; XX. 10 } < e.OO ! , ll c ;
unbleached , LL , fi' o ; CO , ( IJ/c ; SS TJ'.o ;
NN , 12' e ; A A , 14c ; DO , l.Vfo ; 'IT , lO&o ;
VY , lie ; HH , Iflc ; 20 , blcuulicd , 8 } < jf ; (10 ( ,
" " ' ; bO , lUKe ; 60. brown nnd slute , Uc ; TO ,
! ? u ; 00 , We.
ICnsrucKV > Ii.vxs : Hercules , ITc ; Lcnin-
liinton , 2JJ ; Glenwooil , 2ic ) ; Melville , 'Me ;
HiuiKupTJio ; Mumoi'ial , lee ; Standpoint ,
ISo : Durham , 2" ' < | C.
.MISCI-MANGOUS Tiiblo oil cloth. ? 2.f > 0 ;
table oil cloth , inarulo. § 2.5J ; plain Holland ,
llj < o , dado Holland , IS c.
PHI.NTS Dress Charter Oait , Go ; Unina-
po , 4cLodl. ; fii o : Allen , Oo ; Richmond , On ;
Windsor , ( IVc ; Kddystoue , 0'ic ; Pucille ,
and Biilldiiiu ; Material.
STOCK HOAHDS A , 12 inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
fcot , S4HOO ; U 12 Inch , a 1 s 12 , It and 10
feet , $11.00 ; (3 12 inehs 1 s 13 , la and IS foot ,
j : IU ) ; D 13 Inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$2,1.00 ; No. I coin 13 in , s 1 s , 12 fcot , $18.00 :
No. 2 com 12 in 9 1 B , 14 and 10 feet , $1".5U@
IS.ftO ; No. 1 coin 12 in a 1 s 10 , 18 , and 20 foot ,
$111.51) ) ; No. 2 com ! ) In s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
Pori.ui Lminr.u- Clear poplar box bd8 , %
In , H 2s , $351)0 ) ; poplar , jj/f / panel ,
fSOOO ; poplar , \ in panul , $ r .00 ; clear
poplar , % p.inol stock wide , r 2 s , fcM.OO ;
clear poolur corrugated ceiling , % , * 2'J.OO. '
POSTS White ciulur. 0 inch halves , 12c ;
whlto cedar , 5J Inch halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 Inch round , lOo ; Tennessee -
see red cedar "sulit , lOc ; split o.ik ( white )
Sc ; sawed oalt , ITc.
Sun1 LAI' No 1 plain , 8 and 18 Inch , $17.50 ;
No. 2 plain , S and 10 inch , Slo 50 ; No. 1 , O.
G. , $18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 tt 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 . . .1503 1500.1500 1000 1000 1800 1000
3x0. . . . 15 00 1G1K ) 1300 1C. 00 1000 IS 00 1900
2x3 . . .150J 1500 IS 00 1000 1000 1800 10 00
2x10. . . 150J 1500 IG 00 IB 00 1000 1800 10 UO
2x12. .1500 15 00 15 OJ 10 00 10 00 18 00 10 00
4x4SxSl l)0 ) 1000 10 00 1700 1700 18 OJ 1000
FKNCI.NO No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rouf'ti , S10.00@Ul.50 ; No. 1. 4 and 0 inch , 1(1 ( ft ,
$17.00C < > 17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 13 and 16 ft ,
$13..r > 0@ 14.00 ; No. 2 , 1 and 0 inch , 10 ft , $15.00
FINISHING 1st and 2d clear , l1 inch , s 2 s ,
fl9.OOfiWl.00 ; 1st and 21 clear , ltf and 3
inch , s 2 s , SlT.OOJJoU.OO ; 3d clear. l' ( inch , s
2 sM30Jfi44lJ.OO ! ; U select , 14' } , 1.J } and 2 inch ,
s 2 s , $117.00(5)33.01) ( ) ) ; Island 2d clear , 1 inch , s
2 s , 515.00 ; : ! d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A
select. 1 inch , s 3 s. $33.00 ; 13 select , 1 inch ,
s 2 s , J30.00.
SIIINIILUS , LVTII Per M XX clear , ? 3. 15 ;
extra "A * . SJ.oO ; standard A. S 00 ; 5-inch
clear , $1.CO@1.70 ; 0-inch clear , $ l.73@l.80 ;
No. 1 , Sl.lo@1.15 : clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $340 ;
California rnd wood , dimension widths , $4 50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $3.50.
BoAims-No. 1 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 15 ft ,
$10 00 ; No. 2 com sis I14 and 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No. 3 com s 1 s 12 , 11 and 10 ft , 511 50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 15 , 14 and 1(1 ( ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50c per M It for rough.
UUts , 2ljf inch , OUc ; O. G. Halts. Jj@J , ss ,
: j5c:3-in : well tubintr , D. &M and buv. $ 2 10 ;
pickets , D. & H. , JUt.fSO.OU ; pickets , D. &H.
bijuare , $10.00.
Fi.ooiiivo 1st com 0-inch white pine ,
$31.00 ; 2d com 0-inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com 0-inch white plncu , $30.00 ; D com 0-inch
white pine. $30.00 ; com 4 and t-inch ! yellow
Dlno $15.00 ; Star 4-inch yellow pmo , $17.00 ;
1st nnd 2d cioar yellow pine , i and 0-inch ,
white pine partition , $13 00 ; 2d Com , ? j in ,
white pine partition , S37.0D ; eleur in , yellow -
low plno ceilinj. . $30.00 ; t'loar 24 in , Norway ,
$ .14.50 . ; Mil Com. % in Nonvuy. $1250.-
TVVIIIOS nnd ItDjie.
BINDEIIS' ' T\\MNE Sisal , 13c ; hemp , 14c ;
manillu , 15c.
Ci.OTiiiisr.iscs Cot ) ii , 50 ft , SI 20 ; cotton ,
CO ft , ? l 40 ; jllte , 50 ft. ! ) J ; Jute , 00 Jt , $1.00.
COTTON TWINE Fine , -Oo ; medium , 1 ; 0
heavy hemp , 15tliKht ; hemp. 15c.
Stir. TWINK H. sail , 20o ; Calcutta. 14c ;
Manllli rope , HKc ; sisal rope , \ \ \ ftvnow \
product , Oc ; jute.U c ; cotton , llic ; hide rene ,
Provisions § Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
305 South llllli .Street , - Onialia ;
CnpKal $100.000
Suriiliib Jan. 1st , 188 ! ) 52,000
HKNHV W. VAT us I'resldont ,
LuwisS. UKKH , Vice I'reslaent.
\V. V. .Moiifi : .
H. 0. ClIslll.Ml ,
J.N. 11. 1'ATIIICK.
W II , y. IIiiuiuCashier. : .
Cor. 121h ami I'nrnamSt-i.
JL 0 Jiierul llunklnir lluslnoss Transacted ,
Correspondence solicited. COMPANIES , ETC ,
. , & , Bankers ,
IC3-I6S Doarhorn Streef , CHICACO.
7O State Street , BOSTON.
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 40.0OO
Olllccrsand nirector < H. >
M. IIltclicQCU , Jos , ( Jarnuan. Jr. , A , Henry. B
Jl. Anderson. Win U.Maul. v wroa.s U l . Will
lauis. A. V. Hopkins , pr i ) , ; A. Millard. ca < mler ;
F , 1) ) . Uiyaut , n'lalatimi cusliler.
TNSrilU.MK.Vr3 plaoal oa r-Ujrt durmj
JL yestenUt.
W 15 Clnrk , trustflc. to A S MiincoM , lot
Si , blK fl , Hlver View pnrk , w rt . t fO )
W K Llurk , ttuitce , to M I ! Mnnvalil , lot
24 , blk . Illvor Vlow iwrk , w d . 800
fi I'elorsoii nnd wife to 1 * Weber , lots 10 ,
U nod 1 % Dl K H. Pullman nclilv a. . . . . l.WO
Tlion \ ates nnd wife to M Helireunaorc4
InmvtnSMl-l.l , snd und > i lotan , blk "J ,
W 1 , Sclhy's Istndd to South Uinaha ,
wil . HOX >
JI llchrons to Ann Yntes. 8 Rcrea In mv o
l-ll-H , and und < i lot.M , blk x' , W I , Sel-
by's 1st ndd to Soutll Umnlia , wd . O.IW )
11 lieo.l et nl to A tlluvk , lot n , blkfi , VIMI
Camp's luld. w d . . . . , . , . 450
John lllley nnd wife to (1 W K Dorsoy , lots
, to ? , 11 , 1-J , It. It to U ( , MK 1 , lots 0 to
S atd hi , l ) , H and S4 , blK S. lots 17 , IN
nml si , blk . I. lot J1J to a I nnd 2. , blK 4 ,
lots 2 , , aim 81 , blk ( i , lot 4 , blK a
ilnyno's dd , a o d . . . . . . . 1
John Illloy nnd wife to (3 W K Dorory ,
pt lots U unit 4 mid all lots ii , 8. P , in niul
17 , blk 1. lutsH , ti ami II , blkv. lot 1 , blk
( l , Iot4 , bile T.lots Onnd liblk c , lot 4 ,
bile M , in Mnyno'a 1st luhl to Vnltoy , n c a 1
John Itllay nr.d wife to U W r norsav ,
lots : i ml l.i , blKl , lots 12 nnd IT. blk I .
lots 0. U and 2J to l , blk 3. lots I , S and I ) ,
lillcd. lols Inildi , blk 7 , lot I , Ulk K.
lots 4 nnd fblk , " . MAVIIO'H , lot d nud s U
lots , blkS , sub of J 1 Itedlck's atia , q
cd . 1
F A llvnalkcn and \\lfe to K Srenion , vt
lot 2 , blk 7 , K V raltu's mid , w il . 1,209
A HeiiHun. t.u-toc , to K Mntnlcsou , lot
11. blkir. . llenson , w 1 . 350
Multinl 'lYust ( 'o to P Siimon , lot W. blk I ,
.NoitnlleldmUl , wd . 275
51 Charon ami wife to 8 I ( lonlon , pt lot
12 , Itnrkvr's allotment.vd \ . n,030
U SVBIISOU nndltu to V A llonnlkon , lot
\U \ , Sminysldu add. w d . fsOOO
J 11 Tliumpsou to M U I'utcb , lot 3. Fair-
mount I'liici' , w d . . . 3,30) )
G II lleiiKcn to (1 ( ii llongen , lot ! > . blK in" ,
V'lortmci- c il . . . . . . 1
J W lloll and \\lfo to S Tnttlo , lot S. blk 7 ,
Myers , Itlcliardsft rililxn'.i add , w d. . . 750
II IH.iioblioit to W r McGinnls , lot 4 , blk
A. l.owo'sudd , W < 1 . S.OCO
M II Ilunls lo A Strantl , lot II. blkS. Pot-
lor \ Cobb's add to South Omnhnv d. . 47.1
J A llorbnch nnd wlfo to 1C K ICuhn , lot
III , bm II , Horbaun's mil ) of llorbacli's
1st add , \vd . 1,500
C I > lllbblns t ill to U U Ivuhn , lot 1 , blk
< " , Donls add , u o d . 1
II il KVnnucly nnd wife to 1C It ICulm. & ) x
1M In lot 7 , Capitol ndilvd . 8.00J
8 S llryant toV 11 l'"ullcrt ) lot's lu and 11.
lilb 10. I'alrlck's W ndd. w d . 2i)00 )
J II L Williams and wife to W JI Wil
liams. lot ii. blk a. Klrkwood ndd , w d. , . . l.iO )
A ifnumlcrs mill wltc to C.I Johnson , s 'J
lot I , rrntmllu sipmro , wd. . l,87&
O W Loomls ctni to l. A Smith , 41x13-1 ft
lu nw no ll 15-PI , w d . SOO
Unllfd Ktutus to i : U'Nuill , nu a\v and s ( i
s - IU ana no nw 1.V1JJ-1" . .
Twi.nty-clght . tianstera , abrogating.
; l > < : riiut ) ,
The folio via ? j.ulti wire Innl b/
Building Inspector Whltlnok vaitor.lty !
William 1'otors , two residences , Thlrty-
elRnth anil DodRC . J'J.DO )
Henry Walker , dwelling. 171J South Fif
teenth . l.UCO
1'omy \ SoKolkf , twodwelHust1. llluventh
and Pierce . 4,000
lliree minor permits . 1,010
Six permits , aggre atlm ; . tl5,00d
Something to Komomucr.
If you are going east roiuombor tbo
"Rock Island Routo" run the sleepers
and chuir curs of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omnhn , doppt ,
leaving Omaha nt8:4 : < 3 p. m. , thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council Blulls.
Three solid trains daily. All chuir cars
are. free. Dining cars on all through
trains. Our trains malco close connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties en route to Now Yorlc , Boston
and other eastern cities , "and every
thing a little better than other lines
can olTer. " S. S. STKVKNS ,
Ticket ollice 1305 Farnani. Gon'l W A.
Old Pi-oplo In Norn Seolin.
Nova Scotia is remarkable for the
number of its old people. It has a
larger number of eontennarians than any
other country , there being one to every
10,000 inhabitants , while England has
only one to every 1100,000 inhabitants.
They are ehielly of the funning class , in
comfortable uircumslanues , accustomed
to exorcise in the open air , plain food
and plenty of it , with good inherited
Boots and Shoos.
Bueosiori to HecJ , Janet , V Co.
Wholesale Mannfacturcrs of B'ots & Slioes
Agculi for Huston Kubbprhhoo Co. , 11(12. (
HumefUreel ,
STOKZ & 1LE11 ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IMlNortu Klnlitc nlli streatOmaha , Neb.
ManiMurcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornice
m-runinail mrtnlloskyllxhM , John Kienct | r ,
proprietor , tut mid llu South lOtli struot.
Steam Fittlnga , Pumps , Etc. _
Pumps , Pices and Engines ,
lt m , wdlnr , rnllwtr nn < l mlnliiK upil | | t , eta.
VM , va mid ir.'l txnmiii ilrout , Owulio.
Steam anil Water Supplies ,
jr wind mills , U1S nnd WO Junes it , , Om&ba.
O. F. lto c , AotliiK > lana r.
sLL A GO , ,
Engines , Boilers and General Mucliinery ,
BtieoUIron irori , utoam pumpi , > an nillli. J2lu-l.'li
1 taVL'iiwtrth utrvot , OmaljB.
Iron Works.
WroiiElit ani Gait Iron Building W ,
Rnglnvi , bran work , neneral fouiiilri , mnolilnuuuij
bliickiluHh work. Office anil wurki , U. 1 * . lljr.
Itthtlruet OnmUa.
ana ,
_ _
Mannfactorers of Wire and Iron Railiins
I ) ik r ll § , window guanls , Hewer Btnnili , irlrn ilHBi ,
Ic. IU Nurlli Hill tr8etOiu Ua. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire anil Burglar Iroof Safes ,
Vaultf , Jail work. Iron liultcri nii'l Mro r rap i.
U. Andreen , vrvu r. corner Ht i auil Jaukioii l ,
JJ , A , MSliHOW & CO. ,
AVbolvinlo roianfaclurcri of
Sasn , Boors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Jlrouclj orBcti , 12lli n a UtrJ ulreuu , Omaha Hit'j
Of South Omaba , Limitci
Agricultural Implements.
WAtfL fS DCM IF co-r
Agrlctilt'l ' Implements , f aioiis , Carriagci
, etpVholc iM . OmnhK , NctiraikR.
VK\\'E\"A \ \ S'WXll ,
Wholesale Dalcrs : in Furniture ,
rnrnum licol , Dnmlm , Xcl > rn kn.
Farnitiirs ,
Omnhn , Ncbmskn.
AtcUUlll ) , UKADV , V CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Mb anil Lanrcnworth itrccti. Onmhfi , .V br k .
ir. j. itllOA'iciT ,
Heiy HMwarc , Iron and Steel ,
fK , MlI.lt1THXA ST
MRnufncluteMniul job' ornln
ooiis , Bnggics Hate1 , Plows , Etc ,
Tor. C > tli niul 1'nolllB stri'Ot. ' , Onialia.
Artists' Mntorlnla-
J ; , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 DoiiRtnsitrcct , Oinnlm , .Vcbmikn.
Doots mlShos.
Jobbers of Boots and Slioes ,
1101,110,1 , HUi DoupHs itroet , Omidiii. Munufactorr ,
Bummer inri'Gt , llojlon.
Goal , Coko. Etc.
Miners and Shippen of Coal and , Cole . .Niilloiml Hunk Hull llu ,'j-x
JolliB.5 of flird ant SJit Coal ,
aWSontli I3lli ttt'et , Oiualin , Nobrmkit.
Shippers of Coal aid ; CoKe ,
314 huulli loth it. . Onialm , Nub.
Wholesale Luniber , Etc ,
Imporloil and Amcrlrnn TortlnnJ "ctneut. Ht U
neuiitfor Mlinnukfu Ii3 < lr.iu Icttmenl and
Qulnry wlille Hue.
S n. LRE ,
Dsaler in Bardwccfl Lnmber ,
Wood carpets unit 1 ! Hoorni ! . i
, Oui.iba. Ktb.
All Kinds of Biiildiiig Material at Wholesale-
IStU olroolaad L'ulon I'arlllo tinok.Oiualm.
Dealer in Ininber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon.lStc. Yarda Corner Hli and DoiiKlas. OtUei
Corner lOlli ncl llouuKi.
i'/fJSD. Mr. OH AY.
Liinibe1 Lime Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Conor Dili SMil IVjuglni tils , Oinnba.
C. A" . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Utb and California streetj.Oniuhn , N'cbraikn.
Wlllllnory and Notions
i. oijiL ItF ! LDJn& CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in MUiuery & Nolions
: Ui-111011,121-South lllli atrtit. !
Wholesale Notions and Fnwislilnff Goods , rfi
1121 llurnuy Kt'
Commission " nnd Storage
"JtWJ > ELl. < fc RlUnELL ,
Stor ge and Commission Mercliants , * - , ' 1
Eiioclnltlca Iluttrr. rues , cliecic. iinnllry , gutua
1112 Howard Ueot , Oiuitlri. Nub.
Dry Coodo nd Notions. _ -
.if. 'B. snm2 & cd ,
, Furnishing Goads and Notions
HJinua 1101 Ujuglni , por. lltli ilrcet , Oniiilm , N'eb.
KU A Tl'.U 'ItJibcJl DRGQOL > S CO ,
Importers & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions
Coal's furulsblne eunil . Corner 11th nnd UurnoJ
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shou
Mechanic1 tool and IluffiilT icalei. 1(05 Do
( truct , OnmliB , Noli.
Toys , Eto.
If. I1AIWY & CO. ,
Jobber ! of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gocfc ,
rioas furnlshlnx coods. eldldrcn's cnnlngus , 1501
l-uinum ttruut , Urnuliu , Neb.
Wholesale Reilr.efl and Lubricating Oils ,
Ail groato. etc. . Omaha. A. II. UUbop , Muum-er.
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
Can-T n nice atook ol prlntln . wrni p'nir ' "nil nrljlaf
altantliinxlrcnl o c rd jiaper _ _ _
Chicago , Milwaukef _ [ & St , Paul B'y ' *
Thu llc t Itouto frum Onialia anil ouiifll
IHulTs leTHE
= = = THE
ANDMilwaukee. .
St. I'.iul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itapids ,
Itiirk Islnnd , 1'iei-porl , Kockford ,
Clinton , liiliiiiic ) ) | , l > nveiiXit ] ) ,
Elt'ln , Maillsun , Jaiiosrllle ,
Ilcliilt , WliKiiin , Lu Crosse ,
And all otlierlmpoftoot point * JC it , Nortbetil aud
rortlirouiili llckuti call on tlio lltkel iiBi'tt atir/i ;
Farnnuj street , lu lurkcr llluok , or el Unlui I'uciflo
rulli'nun Sleepers niul Iho llnait Ulnlnu Cart In tin
viirklaro union thu main line ul the Llilcnuo , Mll <
aukee * HUI'aul Kallwuy , and evvtj altcntloii Ii
pnlil lu panrnKcri } luurtvoui vaiyiojt * ot Hi *
lU.MII.r.KH ' Quunrnl .Mnnater.
J. K. TUCKKIl , Anlttlnlliunurnl MnnOKor ,
A. V II. OAIII'KNIKll , Ucneral 1'aoeniier and
Ticket Auent.
UKO. K , IIISAKrOnu. Aeultlnat ( Jenoral 1'anengei
iiil'ilrkct Ari-nt.
T. J. CLdUlI : , Of aural BnuirluleadcnU
A Pocle t 1 ttclfafe freDtp BractoM of
-11"1 ' allurliiuiy irouliU1 * .
ly uml HUfel ) Lured by DOUTUIt.V
L'uiii . tiuvoral cusorurcU ) In uoiou duya
Hold ut H.'U pur bor , nil dnwsiats. mull
from Dot-turn M't'ii Co , IW WliHe < > t. , ' N , V
full (