THE OMAHA DAILY : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 4. 3889. A GREAT DAY AT WEST POINT , Tbo Intornntloual Oongrross Visits the Military Academy. A MOST INTERESTING CEREMONY I'rcHrntntlon of tlic Portraits oC Grant , Mlicrmnn nnd Sliorltlnn Hy GcornoV. . Chlltls Ocn- crnl 1'ortor'H 8cccli , Tlio I'nn-Auiorlonn WASIIINOTOX , Oct. 3. Dclogntos to the Intcrimttonnl Amorlcnn con rcs left lioro this morning over the Pennsylvania road on their Ions trip , which wns nrrnnficd by the htato dcpnrtmont. The ( list ntop will bo inndo nt Jcraoy City , nt l-15p. : .m. Soon nftor the train lott- John U. Hondorsou , lircsldcnt pro tomporu of the congress , urrlvcd nt the depot nnd hnd to talco a lutor trnln. ito will arrive nt West Point late this afternoon , A Menioralili ) Day. \Vnsr POINT , N. Y. , Oot , 3. Wcat Point to-day was the scene of Imposing ; coromonlcs which nro destined to become memorable In its niinals. The visit of the Intornntionnl American congress and the un vailing of the portraits of Grant , Shcrumn nnd Shurldnn , presented by Ucorgo W. Chllds were the principal fea tures. 'Iho spuchil trnin contnlnlnu' the dol- cgntus to thu Intornnttonnl Aiuoncan con- Kress arrived nbout 5 o'clock. CnrrlaRCS uwnlted the delegates nnd they were driven to the residence of Superintendent Wilson , vrhoro the distinguished company linil assembled to welcome them. The boom ing of cannon announced the arrival nt the ) iost of the distinguished guests The suors- tury of wur was the ilrst to alight from the curriugo and stop Upon the veranda oi the superintendent's quarters. Ho was warmly greeted by General Sherman , General Ilor- ' nco Porter , General Van Vllot , Mr. Gcorgo "W. ChildBVnyno .McVcagh , nnd the Dcudomic und military staff of the posU There was nn linmonso crowd of spectators congregated under the trees on the edge of the plnlu. A battul- llon of cadets marched in review before the visitors. The inachlno-llko pre cision of movement and the soldierly nppoiir- unco ot the cadets elicited from the foreign ers many complimentary rcmarUs. 'Iho batalllon marched to Grunt hall , the crowd quickly following , nnd in n twinkling the hull wns jammed with people , A platform Imd been erected at the north end of thu mom , where the portraits of the three prcat generals , CJnuit , Sherman und Sheridan hung on the wall , each veiled in n United Stutos flag. The exorcises were opened with a prnyor by the clmulam of the post , Uov. Mr. I'osthlowaito. The suporlntondent then raised his hand , the tni ) of a drum followed , the ilnga fell irom the pictures nud they ttooil revealed In all their beauty. The bnttnllon presented nrnis , tlio band pluycd "Hull Columbia" nnd tbo nudionco sprung to thnir feet uud cheered. General Hurnco Porter was then introduced aud mudotho. jirosentatlon address , In which ho eulogized iho throe generals and the donor of the pic tures. General Porter said : It has bcou said that the only ropresontativcs of royally recog nized In tills land nro our merchant princes. \Ve are indebted for the occasion which brings us together to-duy to the princely act of u public spirited and patriotic citizen who bns conferred upon the military academy souvenirs of bur three mo-it distinguished graduates whoso historic features Imvo been transferred to canvas by the limner's art. Ono dwelling In our midst , two dwelling in our memories. Ono bearing the laurel upon u living brow ; two wearing the laurel inter twined with the cypress. The history of iholr lives is the most brilliant , uiaptor ) in the liistory of their , country. It sayprs more of romance than reality ; It Is mo to Hue a fn- uled tale of anciunt days than the story of American soldiers of the nineteenth century. Most of the conspicuous characters In his tory have risen to prominence by gradual stops , but the senior of the triumvirate , whose features are recalled to us to-day , came before the people with u sudden bound. Almost the lirst signt caught of him was in the bluzo of his camp tires and the flashes of lii guns tuoso wintry days nud nights in front , of Donelsou. From that time until tbo closing triumph at Appomattox the great cen tral figure of the wur was Ulysses S. Grant. AB light and shade produce the most attract ive effects in a picture , so tbo singu lar contrasts , tbo strange vicissitudes of bis eventful life surround him with nn interest which attaches to fuw characters in history. Ills rise from nn obscure lieutenant to the command of the veteran armies of thu great republic ; his transition from n frontier post of the untrod den west to the executive mansion of tlio nation ; his sitting at one tltno in a little store in Galena , not oven known to the con gressman from Ills district : at another time striding through the palaces of the old world , with the descendants of a line of Icings rising1 nud standing uncovered in his in-esciice. These nro some of the features of Ilia marvellous career which appeal to the imagination , excite uion'a wonder und fasci nate all who nmUu a study of his life. , Even the Ivnlor of bin martini deeds was surpassed by the superb heroism ho dis played when fell disease attacked him , when thu hand whioti had seized the surrendered I Hwords of countless thousands was no longer able to return the pressure of u comrade's grasp , whoa ho met in death the tirst enemy to whom ho ever surrendered. But with him death brought eternal rest , nnd ho was permitted to enjoy what ho hnd pleaded for in behalf of others , for the Lord hud let him have peace. Turn to Grant's Immediate wo now surcns- Bor in thu olllce of goncrul-in-chiuf , his illus trious lieutenant with whom ho divided u Held of military operations which covered half n continent , the skillful strategist , tbo brilliant1 writer , the commander whoso orders spoke with the true hUmtncss of thp soldier , who fought fiom valley's depth to mountain height , who innrcned from inland rivers to the sea Wlllinm T , Sherman. Ho has shown himself possessed of the highest characteristics of the soldier. Holtl in conception , self-reliant , domandtratlng by bis acts that "much danger makes crcat hearts mostrosoluto"promptin decision , uu- sbrinkinpr under grave responsibilities , fertile - tile in resources , quick to adapt the means at Imudtotliouccowp blnnontof unond , ) > os < o-R- ing an intuitive knowledge of topography , combining the restlessness of u Hotspur with the putienco of a Fublus , unsxverving In patriotism , of unimpeachable personal character , of a constitution which enabled him to undergo every hardship incident to nil active campaign , It , Is no wonder that ho has tilled so largo a measure of military greatness , that ho stands in the front rank uf the world's great captains. No name connected with tlio nrmy inspires inoro genuine enthusiasm , appeals more to our sentiments or more oxuitos our fancy than that of the wizard of the battlefield , Philip ll. Sheridan , The personification of chivalry , the incarnation ol battle ; uheorini ; , threatening , inciting , beseeching , inspiring all men by his acts , ho roused hi * troops to duads of Individual heroism unparalleled in the history of modern warfare , nnd his tin connuorabia calumna rushed to victory with ell tlio ooiitldenco of Cuisar'ft Tenth l.c ion , Generous of bis life , gifted with the Ingeuu- ' ity of a Hamilbul , tbo dath of a Mil rat , the courage of a Key , thu magnetism of hid pros- encu transformed routed squadrons with charging columns and snatched victory from defeat. Ho preferred shot nnd shell to lings of truce ; ho would rather lead forlorn hopes thnu fol'owln the wnko of charges. Hm tttniidard rose nbovo all others on tha Held ; wherever blows fell thickest his crewt was In Mioir midst , despite the during valor of the defense ; opposing ranks wont down before the fierceness of his onscta never to rite again ; ho paused not till the fold of his banners wuved above the. strongholds ho hud wrested from the foo.VhiIo Ills achieve ments In uCtuiU battle eclipse , Uy their brit- Hanoy , thu strategy aud grand tuctioi em ployed in liia cuuipnlgns. yet the skill am coldness exhibited in moving largo bodies ol men Into position entitle him to as much credit as thu mnrvollou ? qualities ha dis ptavnd In the face ofthe enemy. Uravo Sliendunl Mctnlnks I see your Bileut clay auani quicltened into life , once more riding Uleiul through n lire of hell Ifapina opposing unrthworka at u sinelo bound , and leaving nothing of those who burred our way uxi'upt the iraginonU scut tired lii your path. MuMilcBa louder ! Harbinger of victory we snluto you I As lout ; ua courage U talked of or heroic deeds nro honored there" will romam preen In the hearts of mon the tMismnnlc nnmo of Sheridan. Nearly OTory great war hns given birth to ono great general } no other war than our own has produced three such eminent com- nmndcra. In their portraits future graduate * will guzo upon the features of thrco soldiers who were heroes , comrades , friends. As Iron s welded In the heat of the forge , so wan their friendship welded In the heat of bat tles. With hearts untoiiohed by jealousy , with souls too great lor rivalry , they saved is froiri the npoctnclo presented by n Mnnua nnd n Sulla , n Crcsnr nnd a Pompcy. a Charles the First and a Cromwell. They ilnccd above all personal ends nnd safety of .ho state , nnd , like the men in the Itoman phalanx of old , stood shoulder to shoulder md linked their shields agalust n common foo. foo.Tho The Imperishable scroll on which the rec ord of their deeds h written hns been se curely lodged in the highest niche of Varna's omplo. No ono can pluck a single laurel from their brow ; no man can lessen tbo ncasure of their rdnown. H Is an auspicious circumstance which par- mill these ceremonies to tnko place before so distinguished and Influential a body ns tlmt of the Intomaiionnl American congress. The presence of Its delegates upon this post dedi cated to wnr is nn augury thnt states may bo saved without the sword ; thnt henceforth our differences lu the new world may bo settled without resorting to the "last argu ments of klnirs , " und thnt congresses , boar- tig in their hands the olive brunch , will nbor lo avoid war , whtoh waste n nation's substance ; to foster commerce , which is a mtinn's life , nnd to prctcrvo thnt peace ) and good-will which should atarywlioro prevail imongsttucn. RThrco years ago there was selected ns pros- dent of your board of visitors n citizen of L'hlladclphln , whoso heart Is ns largo ns his lurso nnd whoso cenoroslty dwells in n land vhlch knows no frontiers Mr. George W. Uhllds. His thnugbtfulncss prompted his iborallty to procure for the academy thcso gifts which nrc to grnco its mills. It now becomes my ngrooablo duty , in the inino of Mr. ChllJs , to present to you , ns superintendent of the military ncademy , Vho lortrnlts of thrco of her sons -.yho Imvo jorno the highest military titles , as"nn offor- ng from nn untltlcd citizen , who , In his llv- ng , has verified the adage thnt the post of honor Is tlio private station. His good worlfs have niado him honored in other lands , ns well ns well ns this , whcro us name is hold in graoftH ( recollection by .ho many who have been tlio recipients of ! iis practical philanthropy , and not only the graduates of West Point , but the people - plo nt largo will , I nm sure , make grateful ickiiawledecmenbof the moans ho has taken , n those testimonials , to nmnlfcst his appre ciation of tbo military academy , nnd the three distinguished sons she trained to bnt > tlo for the Integrity of our common country. Superintendent Wilson in a short address accepted thu portraits , and the secretary of war made n few remarks. General Sherman , who , during nil those ceremonies , had sat on the platform witli "aided hands and toar-diuimod and down-cast jycs. in response to many calls was next in- .roduced. As the general arose the assembly jroko forth into wild cheering. Tno old warrior's remarks were few , but jvcry word uttcicct was eagerly caught by : ils hearers. Ho said it was by ono of those strangely appointed accidents of llfo that ho was permitted lo be the sole survivor ofvlmt General Porter had termed the great trio of jenerals of the late war. "I wns older than Grantor Sheridan. No thrco men over lived on this earth so different from rueh other as the three men whoso portraits you are look ing at. They were different in all respects save one. nnd tlmt was In the devotion to their country of whatever talents they possessed. They wor'e joined together in the true hearted service of their country. " His remarks were mainly addressed to the cadets , advising them to love and servo their country , obey her laws and und those In authority over them. Dy the country , bo said , ho mount the whole country , no political party. This evening a reception was held at the quarters of Colonel Wilson , the superin tendent of West Point , in honor of the inter national delegates. IONOKED IlOllXQN'S OKDHUt. Tlio Chicago Grand Jury Creates u Sonintion. CHICAGO. Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE.J A sensation was created to-day Dy the positive refusal of the grand jury to comply with the recent instructions of Judge Hortou in regard to finding indictments against the millionaire violators of the smoke ordinnnce. the camblers nnd the lottery shops. A special committee of the grar.d jury has bcca appointed to draf * , a report , which will bo returned into Horton's court Saturday next. The report will quote freely from the state laws and the city ordinance on the suiokc , lottery und ( rambling offenses , and the point will bo mndu tlmt the regulation of such matters is not proper work for the grand jury. The provisions of the city or dinances ns to each of the thrco forms of nuisance uud crime will bo laid before the court , nnd the grand jury will assert that the dealing with those evils is solely within the province of the police department. " 1'don't suppose there's much of n secret about it now , " said Assistant State's Attor ney Baker to-day. "The grand jury will not take ? ny action in the smoke , gambling or lottery cases. They have concluded that It is not their province to do so , mid will so re port to the court. " Judge Horton refused to bo interviewed this evening , but an exciting scene in antici pated when the jury's llairrant disregard of the court's instructions is formally reported. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram to THE BBB.I Pensions granted Nebraskans - kans : Original Invilid John Mills , Victor Good. Increase AVulter H. Primmer , Titus 1C Coon , Joseph K. , William D. Cox ( navy ) , Patrick Clancey , William J. Bly- stono. Ueissue Daniel W. B. Evans. OrlRlnnl widows , etc. Luwis J. , fnther of Wilson S. Hunt. Pensions 'allowed lowans : Original In valid William Thomas , John F. Butters , Robert Munn , Assn Uudd , Riuhnrd ( Hubs , Benjamin F. Beitel , William P. Clark , James 11. Murray. Increase Henry Whir , Hirnm ICastcr , Jackson' Gillospio. George W. Hennlngs , Joshua -Morun , William II. Patterson. Kolssuo Martin Uolnml , Ctcorcu W. Hicks. Original widows , etc SiIva H. , widow of John Stewart. Ijivnil Ucyotul HIM MnniUBK , Conn , , Oct. 3. Charles S. Pratt , confidential bookkeeper , secretary and cash ier of H. Wales , was arrested last night for embezzlement nnd this morning his prelim inary hearing was continued for two weeks under $4,000 bonds. Pratt's embezzlement amounts to over $10,000 , covering various periods sinno IhS'J. Tin ) nffuir has created n sensation , ns Pratt was an ofllucr in scvorul local organizations , treasurer of thu First Congregational society and city alderman. Pratt confessed his guilt , saying he had lived beyond Ills means. Tliu tl < 'ntlur of Itnloit" Doatl. CIIIOAO.O , Oct. 3 , ( Special Telegram to Tun BKK.I Edwin ICorwin , "tho father of Heloit , " Wis. , died nt his homo in that city to-day. HIs'.ngo is claimed by his f i lends to no nearly 103 years. Ho was an Irishman by birth , and hud up to the last few years enjoyed 'good ' health and traveled about at the ago of ninety-eight. I'orlHli , LA Citossu , Wis. , Oot. 3. The barn of C. Li. Column burned to-night. Twelve horses wore got out , but about Jlftcon perished iu the flames , , A number of lumber piles ad jacent took lire , but l > y hard work the tire was confined to only a small portion. Loss $16,000. AgulnHt Chief Justices. N.BW'YOIIK , Oct. 3. A Washington special says that formal complaints Imvo been re ceived thcro against Chief Justice Wrlghtof Arizona , charging him with overriding the law * of the territory in his decisions , and asking for his rootuval. Au investigation bus been ordered. | 'or Cox' * KuuoenDor. ALIUNY , N. Y. , Oct. 3. Governor Hill has Issued a proclamation calling a special elec tion in the Ninth congressional district to fill the vacancy caused by the death of S , S. Cor. It will be hnld thu day of the general election. A TRAIN IN HARD LUCK , Union Pnolflo PasBonffor Wrecked Twloo on Ono Trip. A TRAMP'THE ONLY ONE KILLED. ProoccdliiRn of ttio Methodist Confer- cncc nt Vorlc and ( ho W. O. T. D. nt Norfolk Other Nc- News. Two WreelcB on tlio Union Pnclflo. Nonrn PLA.TTK , Nob. , Dot , 8. ( Special Telegram to THE nun. | About 11 o'clock last night Union Pacific oxprcso No. 3 , ROing west , Dlllard engineer , collided. with nn extra freight going cast on the main track tliroo miles west of Uoscoo. The freight , which should hnvo boon on the Roscoe sidetrack - * track ttirao minutes before the nccldout oc curred , had broken In two and had lost nbout ten minutes In coupling up. It had Just started whan No. 3 came nrouna the curva nnd.dashcd Into her. A tramp riding between the two first cars of the freight \yns Instantly Ittllcd. Dlllard , the engineer , was slightly scratched by jumping off when ho saw that a collision was Inevitable. The pas sengers were Bomowhat shaken up , btit no one was injured. Both engines nnd n tiutn her of freight cars were badly damaged. At 30 : ! ! this afternoon express train No. 8 , which was wroolsod last night near Itoscoo , went Into the ditch near Atkins , sixteen miles cast of Choyenno. The accident was caused by the rails spreading. The onglnu went ever the bronk nil right , but the whole train wont into the ditch , except an emi grant car oil the roar end of the train. The passengers worn badly shalcon up , but no ODD was seriously injured , The HI. 10. Conference. YORK , Neb. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tologrnm to THE BED. ] The Methodist Episcopal con ference proceedings were not characterized by much worn of Importance to-day. The committees arc all busy preparing statistical nnd other reports. The committee trying the Minehnrt case is conducting a regular star chamber proceed ing. Not even the friends of the accused suvo the defender nro admitted. Kev. Mlno- hnrt himself is in Lincoln sick. Hov. J. M. Williams , a Congregational clergyman from England was ndmittud to the conference. Bishop Vincent and Chan cellor Crighton. of the university , spokothis evening In bohalt of the educational interests , The afternoon was occupied by the Wo men's Homo missionary society . Dr. Marine , formerly of St. Paul's ' , Lincoln , was granted a supernumerary rotation. W. V. T , U. Nouroi.K , Neb. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tele gram to 1'iiE Buc.J The W. C. T. U. con vention this morning huard reports from district superintendents and the correspond ing secretary , and then proceeded to elect ollleers us follows : President , Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock , Fremont ; recording secretary , Mrs. Alma G. Fitch , Hustings ; corresponding ing- secretary , Mrs. Jennie P. Holmes , Fre mont ; treasurer , Mrs. M. M. Ljimtry , Omaha ; vice prcsidcnt-at-lnrgc , Mrs. C. M. Wood ward , Scward. The following delegates were elected to the national convention at Chicago : Mrs. .1" . M. Kldrcdge at large , Mrs. Dustin alternate ; third district , Mrs. G. W. Clark ; fourth , Miss Ella Watson ; llfth , Mrs. C. U. Wolton ; sixth , Mrs. Clara Curscnrdcu ; tenth , Mrs. M. C. Barnd ; twelfth , Mrs. 15. A. Ingalls ; alternates in their order : Mrs. C. H. Walker , Mrs. Flora Castile , Mrs. J. Jl. Battles , Mrs. A. J. Peterson , . Mrs. C. L. Currigini , Mrs. E. A. Blair. RHov. Frances E. Townstoy gave the annual sermon , which was commended by resolu tion , and appreciation was expressed of the just , liberal aud piogrossivo policy of her denomination in her ordination. Mrs. Woodbury pave an address this evening to a largo audience. PlnttsnioiMli's IClecu-lcnl imposition. PIATMMOIITII , Neb. , Oct. 8. ( Special to THE Bun. ] The Plattsmouth electrical and industrial exhibition is proving an unquali fied success. The displays are flno in all de partments and there is u general expression of astonishment nt the grandeur of the affn'r. On entering the main building one's eyes fall upon a heautlful display of flowers and plants. A mammoth pyramid of apples , peaches , pears , plums , grapes and all kinds of fruits pccuuy n space near the center of the building , which" is a good representation of Cass county fruit. Every industry imag inable ii represented by good displays by home firms and many from Omaha , and u liuo art department adds to the beauty of the exhibit. The building and grounds are handsomely lighted by variegated lights and the electrical display exceeds anythmgof the kind ever before exhibited in the west. Nemalin County Fair. AuutiKS" , Neb. , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram to THE Bins.J The fair to-day imd the largest crowd over assomblc'd upon the grounds and everybody was pleased. The trotting race was won by Hoadloy'a Ben 13 in 2:41 : , The running raeo. single mlle dash , was won by Tucker's Jim Lee In 1 : M. Trot ting by two-year-old colts , half milo and repeat - peat , was niado in 1:10. : The Tucker hoys in their hippodrome races were heartily ap plauded. The Nomaha county fair is a grand success. Dakota. City Oi'pot DAKOTA Ctrr , Neb , , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bnn.l The depot at this place was burglarized last night and com pletely rifled. The safe was blown open and a small amount of change taken. The agent's trunk and ticket casu were also opened but nothing taken except the agent's revolver and a ra/or. The oftlcors think they are on the right track , as there wore three suspicious characters hanging around tho' town all evening. ToHsrcl in the Air. CBNIHA& CiTr , Neb , , Oct. 3. [ Special to THC } lni.j : To-day , as Miss Lydia Nelson , a student at Nebraska Contra ! college , was returning from the college building to her home , nn enraged steer which had- escaped from a herd , met her nnd attacked her furi- ouslv , throwing nor about ten feet in thu air , She was rescued from the infuriated animal by Prof , Pitteuger and two farmers and taken home. At last accounts she was recov ering , OlonV Old Hottlm-H. NKIWVSK * . Cirr , Neb. , Oct. 3. [ Special -telegram to TUB DEE , ! The old settlers of Otoo county held thoia annual picnic at Morton park to-day aud a ( rood time was had. The association decided , to erect n log cabin in the park for future meetings. The follow- iug ofllcors were elected for the ensuing year : President , J. W. Armstrong ; Hecro- , tary , O. O. Morton ; treasurer , G.V. . Sroat. Kent to the Reform School. Sawiim , Neb. , Oct. 3. [ Special to TUB Ucc.J A twolvo-year-old boy named Otto Klingcr was arrested yesterday nnd sent to the reform school nt tbo request of his mother , who could not manage him. Ho is the boy who made himself notorious about a year ago by stealing a team of horses. His latest offouso was to steal $25 from a bouio in Ounnuntown. Tills IB a ( iruut 8tnt < ' . DoitciieaTEK , Nob. , Oct. a. ( Special to TUB HUB. j Mrs. JobScptt , a farmer's wlfo , living about thrco miles southwest of hero , pave birth last night to thrco bablcis , two boys und a girl , thu latter being dead. The mother and two eons ura doing \yoll. County ConvttiitUiiiH und Primaries. NKUIIABKA. CiTir , Nob. , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram to TUB BcK.-rTho | Otoa county republican convention was held at Syracuse this afternoon. The nominees ore as follows : Sheriff , William PflucKing , Ne braska CityJ treasurer , Peter Vnu Antwerp , Syrnotisot ctft- , Prank McCartney , No brnska City ; fJiMfro , David Goff , Nebraska Cltys recorder $ ired Bauer , Nebraska Oltyi coroner , N < < AtKurstens , Hobroska City I commissioner , J'nlbot Ashton , Unndllla ; sit porlntcmlont 'jA. ' * F. Young , Berlin ; stir- voyor , Lntbrop Tillls. It was a lively con * . vontion and there are many disappointed candidates , but utl.o ticket IB generally ac knowledged to bo n good one. , Neb. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : lJfen.1 The democrat held their precinct cAncus hero to-dny nnd elected the followlnpdel ffntos to the county con vention , to boi hold nott Saturday : Henry Matuon , Harry Wnde , J. Bllleter , William Perkins , L. A. Uodwoll , A , 1C. TownnenJ , J. Wrightsinmi , J , Dowoody , H. U. Bisboo. The following precinct ticitot was noml- nntod ; Justices of the peace. Robert Martin. II. M. Wade ; constables , J. Sullivan and D. E. Houts. HEIWON , Neb. , Oct. 8. I Special Telegram to TUB Bnr..J The republican convention to-day nominated John Nightingale for county treasurer ; M. S , Phillips , county clerk W. E. Goodhuo , county Judge ; W. J. Grcnn , sheriff ; O. P. Cowan , county super intendent' II. O. Mnnary , coroner ) E. R. Garwln , commissioner' The congressional delegation is unlnstriictcd. OOAUML * , Nob. . Oot. 8. [ Special Tele gram to THE Ben. ] A largo vote was pollnd to-day nt the republican primaries. A big light was made oo county treasurer , the Rector - tor ticket coming out ahead. DAKOTA CmNob. . , Oct. 0. [ Special to THE HUB. ! This plnco yesterday was the scene of the most disorderly mob that ever assembled together. It was the democratic convention of Dakota county. The crowd began to gather In the onrly morning and by noon thu crowd around around town wits Im mense ; . It was plainly evident that there would bo lots of fun and plenty of wire pull ing , ns there wore double headers from both Covlngtou nnd Jackson. Tlio fight xvas es pecially between sheriff nnd treasurer , Cov- Ington and Jackson both wanting their can didates nominated , and Ilubhardand Homer wanting a treasurer. The whole affair wound up by the withdrawal of n portion of the delegates who announced their intention of holding a convention two weeks hcnco , und the result will bo a double delegation. Ar.UANCi : , Nob. , Oct. 8. | Special Tele gram to THE Bun. ] Box Butte county re publicans assembled in convention to-day mid nominated n ticket ns follows : C. M. Gillman , judge ; F. A. Shonqulst , sheriff ; Dr. S. 1C. Stiles , coroner ; Iddo Jodor , treas urer : I. E. Lush , clerk ; E. M. Tracoy , sur veyor ; E. R. Patterson , superintendent ; A. H. MuLaUghlln , commissioner First district ; W. F. Patterson , Third district. Delegates to the state con vontion are : LW. . Gilchrist , W. E. Hitchcock , Thomas Beck , F. R. Rob ertson , J. W. Phillips and J. H. Hewitt. Cutttitit a ClothoH Thief. PHTTSMOUTH , Neb. , Oot. 3. [ Special to Tun BCB. ] Deputy Sheritt Mcliuk lias re turned from Lincoln bringing with him a man named Priest who stole a suit of clothes Monday night at.Codnr , Crook , valued at $22. Priest was arraigned for a hearing in the county court thisjinorning. - ' ' H : Iie0. . Prom n fliolc. Nr.r.sox , Nob. , Oct , 8. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bi3B.-Dotbert Worden. who was kicked by n colt two weofcs nsjo to-day , died from the effects this afternoon. His father Is the republican candidate for sheriff. THE BUUIjLNGToVs COMl'IjAlNT. It Wants n Division oCTrnfllc Between Chicago and Kansas City- Cmotao , Oct. " 3. [ Special Telegram to Tnn BEE. ! Chairmen Walker , Faithorn , Midgloy , Abbott and Finley , of the Inter state Commerce fcnllwny association and the minor western associations , to-day heard tlio complaint of the Burlington demanding a division of trnljc'-botwcen Kansas City and Chicago. The , St..j Paul , which has the longest line betweentbo points numcd , U taking the lion's share of the trafllc , and the Burlington claims its owu traffic has thereby been reduced to 7 per cent of the total in stead of 17 per cent , which , it carried before tbo association was organized. It developed in the hearing that none of the other roads sided with thu Burlington , the argument being advanced that if the trafllc were apportioned between the roads it would bn nothing more nor less than pool ing , and consequently illegal. The argument was acknowledged a strong one. but the question was pointedly asked by the Burlington why the uoint was brought up now , when it was ienorcd on the corresponding pending complaint of the Alton. The case was fully argued to-day and it is thought a decision will be reached in less than the usual ten days. I'rovcil a CHICAGO , Oct. 3. It appears that the efforts - forts of the northwestern lines to con line the Burlington & Northern's reduced scale of rates to points on a direct line between Chicago cage and St. Paul have failed , The Toledo , Pcorl.i & Western has announced its deter mination to make corresponding rates to ICeokuk. This will force tlio Burlington to put rcducod.rutes into effect at Quincy and Hannibal , and it will hardly bo possible to stop them there. tlio < Vn ti- Trust Ijnw. ST. Loim , Oct. 3. The Republic states that a scheme is on foot and will probably bo consummated in n few days to evade tbo anti-trust laws of this and other states. The plan is said to embrace the organization of the American Manufacturing company , of New York , incorporated nndor the laws of that state , and which will stand as the sin do representative of what have been a score or moroof jnto bagging companies , thus chang ing from n trust or combination to a more complete monopoly , a gigantic single com pany. Twombly and liaOlooho CiiiCAno , Oct. 3. The coroner this after noon hold an inquest in the case of MIchnol O'Connor , the seventh victim of the recent accident on the Chlcago-Rock Island & P.t- cilic road near South Englewood , The jury found Entrlneer Twombly nnd Fireman La- Cloclio rcspoi'siblo for the man's death. They were returned to juil , being unable to furnish bonds in the sum of $10,000 each. A DrunUon Ornnil Juror. ' - , On ICAOO , Oct , 8. An afternoon paper publishes an article In which it charges John O'Day , a member of the grand Jury , with habitually attending the sessions of that body while tllid the influence of liquor. Interviews with the foreman of the grand jury , and with thd assistant state's attorney in charge of mutters before it are published. They admit that one member of the body lias been pretty generally under the effects of ardent spirits , but' ' decline to niuuii the man. An Indignant Uit 7.011. BAI.TIMOIIK , Oot ! 8. Charles H. Coatcs jr. , of this city , will It ] n day or two lay before Secretary IJIaino'n complaint of outrages in flicted upon him while travoiing in Switzer land last summer. ' Mr. Contos recites the story which lia s njready been told in cable dispatches of } IDW ho and his three compan ions were nrre < ten while standing on n depot platform , plaecd Iti prison and suffered other indignities beforgjeloasod , A lilir Donation. CHICAGO , Oct. a. At to-day' session of the World's Fair committees , n message from President Hill , of the Manitoba road , subscribing personally $33. 000 to the Chicago guarantee fund , was read. The total sub- scriptlona ts'dato is $ ,000,000. The committee - tee claim that sixteen Ohio congressmen have pledged themselves to vote for Chicago. , \ Flauiimn Killed. NEWCASTLE , Pa. , Oct. 3. Flagman Fitz gerald was Instantly killed and Conductor Miller badly injured by the wreck of a freight train on-ttio Youncstown & Ashta- buln division of thu Pennsylvania company's Hues at Hazlcton bridge , Ohio , this Hamilton Hu Kor n Divoro > . NEW Yoiiit , Oct. a. Robert Ray Hamilton to-day begun , notion for a divorce from , his wife EvnnjieJlne * The complaint goes ever the story which has been published recently , und usks for the annulment of the marriage. contract on account of fraud , TASCOTT WAS A CATSPAWC Tbo Chicago Polloo Apparently Sat isfied On That Point. * SOME NEW THEORIES EVOLVED. Glllnn'a Rcoont Confession FnrnUlibfl n Ohio Which Mnjtieiul to Im portant Hosulta A DC * toctlro's Story. On ttio ArfHaMln'a Trail. CHICAGO , Oot. 8. ( Special Telegram to Tnn BRB.I The Chicago papers nro again teeming with sensational articles in regard to the recent discoveries In connection with the Snoll murder. The Journal this after noon contains long Interviews with Lleuton- ant Elliott nnd others ot the dctoctivo force , in which QUO ofllcor says : "Wo nro getting down pretty near to the bottom of this Suoll murder , and tno people of Chicago will bo nstonlshod when the facts nro tuado public. It Is now pretty plain that there were three men in that job. Tl ese men were hired to do the Job by n third per- 'son. That person had for his or her object 'the removal' of Mr. Snell , but didn't ' toll Tftscott so. A trusty ugcnt acted as a feO-botwcon , lint\- \tQ \ wns too sharp for that. He merely got the bur glar interested on the strength of the well Mllcd safe , which could bo easily opened and the plunder divided. Now the party who on- ginoercd the thing knew thu lay of Shell's house , They sent Tnscott or Gillau up to tlio parlor hallway with the pledge that the parlor doors Were unlocked , and that In case Snoll awakened and came down stnlra they should give the alarm and escape without trouble. When they were In plnco this parly began work on the safe and purposely uiado so much noise that Shell was aroused and came down stnlra. Glllnn or Tascott heard him und gave the alarm. Ho then started to got out through the parlor , but found the door locked. Ho wus caught in a trap and had to kill Sr.ell to got out. This is what the prime promoter in tunuflnlr planned for. But it was only half what it was ex pected to accomplish. It was thought that Qillan or Tnscott would have to light lively to protect himself , and it was expected , knowing the determined character of Snell , that they would also bo shot down , nnd thus , while the removal of Snoll was accom plished , the men who did it would bo unable to give any of tbo particulars or betray their principal , " "Have you anything like proof as to who this principal wasl" "Yes-ulr , nnd I say It In the most positive manner possible , but I can't toll you now , of course. " IN THIS FIRIjO OF SPORT. The Ima iio. PITTSUUUO , Oot. 3. Result of to-day's game : Pittsburg . 0 2 Boston . 0 7 Base hits Pittsburg 8 , Boston 10. Er rors Pittshurg 3 , Boston . Batteries Pittsburg , Galvin , Carroll and Miller ; Bos ton , Clnrkson and Bennett. Umpire Pow ers. s , Oct. 3.- Result of to-dny's game : Indianapolis . 0 2001000 9 Washington . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hnso hits Indianapolis 8 , Washington 2. Errors Indianapolis 2. Washington 5. Bat teries Indianapolis , "Rusie , and Sommurs ; Washington , Haddock and Riddle. Umpire Knight. CHICAGO , Oct. 3. Result of to-day's game : Chicntto . 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 tt Philadelphia. . . . 0 0 1 1 0 'J 0 1 0 5 Base hits Chicago 12 , Philadelphia 8. Er rors Chicago 2 , Philadelphia 3. Batteries Chicago , Toner and Darling ; Philadelphia , Sanders and Clements. Umpire Buillnton. Game called on account of darkness. Oct. 8. Reault of to-day's game : Cleveland . 0 0 Now YorK . 2 0282000 * 0 Base hits Cleveland 2 , New York 11. Er rors Cleveland 3 , New York 2. Batteries Cleveland , O'Brien and Zimmer ; Now York , ICeefe , Ewing and Brown. Umpire Lynch. American Association. B.u/mioiit : , Oct. 8. Result of to-day's game : Baltimore . 2 4010018 * 11 Columbus . 0 3 CINCINNATI , Oct. 3. Result of to-day's game : Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 9 14 Louisville 0 0010200 3 Game called on account of darkness. BROOKLYN , Oct. 8. Result of to-day's game : Brooklyn 3 1700220 2 17 Athletic 0 0 ST. Louis , Oct. 3. Result of to-day's gaino : St. Louis 1 7 Kansas City . . . 5 THE SPKfciO JUNG. lioMars LBMAHS , la. , Oot. 8. | Special Telegram to TUB Bcu.l To-day closed the fall meet ing of the Floyd Valley driving association. The 2W ; trot was won by Abdullah Boy in 2:80 : } , 2:83 : , 2:37. : Onawa Maid took second money in 2:39Jf : ; Nettle third , Oregon Patclien fourth. The free-for-all pace was won by Dan D. Legal Star took second money in 2:41 : 4. Dan D's time was 8:43 : , 2:2l : > i and 2:20. : The pony race , half mite dush , was won by Ben ; Roulette second. Timo-fiS. The one-half milo pony race , two In three , between Bumble Bco and Balky top , was won by Bumble Boo In 54 and lynUmiiv llnoos. CINCINNATI , Oct. 8. The attendance at Latonia to-day was large. The track was good. Summary : Three-year-olds aud upwards , three-fourths of a mile Alia won , Passion second , Elec tricity third. Time II8J/ : , Three-year olds and upwards , three-fourths of a mlle Fred Wooloy won , Kutlo S sou- end , Bootjack third. Time 1:17 : , Three-year-olds und upwards , llftoen-six- teenths of a milo Spectator wou , Mamie Hunt second , Flitter third. Tlinol ; ! ) $ % . Three-year-olds mid upwards , milo und one-sixteenth Mumtu Hardy won , Wood- urufl second , Nevada third. Time liftoff. Tobacco stakes , tiiree-yoar-oids , one mile Ireland won , Bomilotlu second , Marion C third. Time 1:41 % . Two-year-old flllius , five-eighths uf a mlle English Lady won , Estollu second , Liwio third. Time 1:30 : % . Morrin 1'urk Mounts PAIIIC , N. Y. , Oct. 8. Summary of to-d ay's races i Two-year-old maiden illllos , live nnd one- half furlongs Alarm Boil won In 1:1IJ : , Golden Horn second , Nosegay third. I'eytoua stake1) , mlle and one-eighth Souorlta won , Tbo Lioness second , Auranlu third. Tlmo-l:67 : f. Echo stakes , ona mile Bell Wood won Frank Ward second , King Idle third. Time 1 ; 42K- Milo nnd one sixteenth Emotion won , Sulvinl second. Wilfred third. Time 1:4S. Two-year-olds , five furlonps ICenwood wou , King William second , The Abbess third , Time UlW. Six furlongs Strideawny won. Madstono second , Umpire third. Time 1:10. Jerome 1'arlc HUCON. JEKOMB PAIIK , N. Y. , Oot. 3. The attendance - anco was 1,500 , the weather flno and tho'traok good. Summary : Two-year-olds , live end one-half furlong * St. John won , May Buckley second , Mr. Pelham third. Time 1:12. : Two-year-olds , flvo end one-half furlongs Successor won , Chieftain second , Tullu Blackburn third. Time lilS. One mlle and ihrco-slxtcenths Cullcnto won , Prose second , Charley Dreux third. Time 2:09) : , , Clmppaquu hand leu ; i , fourteen hundred yards Littla Mlnch wou. Volunteer second , .Lady Margaret third. Time 1:2'5f. : Threo-year-olds , iic futlong Ludy Reel won. Prlnoo Kdwnrd second , Bill Barnes third. Tlmo 1:18. Ono mile nnd ono-sixteonth Valet won , Mam of Orleans Boeond , Lotrotia third. Tltno-lM. : Oil ) ' KncCfl. KANSAS Citr , Oct , 3. Summary of to days races : 3:20trottlti ( ? , purse MOO-Waltor E won , Jim Sneaks second , Evn third , Gypsey A fourth. Time 3:34 : } 3:30 : trotting , purse * (00-Corft O won , Colonel - onol walker second , Talovarn third , Edgar A fourth. Time 'JJO : ! trotting , purse $100 ( unfinished ) Holdoa Dfivls won , Indian Pot second , Billy Button third , Blrdlo Sprague fourth. Time A Itcninrkntilo Performance. KBOKUK , In. , Oct. 0. At the "Warsaw , 111. , fair to-day Satellite trotted flvo miles on a quarter mlle truck' In 13 mlnutos and Mi ) { seconds , lowering the record ono minute and fifteen second from that mmlo by Juggler. Iinrty ( Iny Killed. BAST ST. Louis , 111. , OoU .1. Four men wore seriously Injured in n freight wreck hero to-night , nnd the trotter , Lndy Gay , valued nt 515,000 , was killed. Two of the Injured - jurod men were hostlers and two trainmen. The trotter was owned by George Mo-Far * land , of Boonc , In. The Sliootlni : Tournament. The Gwin & Dunmiro shooting tourna ment closed yesterday afternoon xvlth agood attendance. The woatlier was line and the shooting good. The Jlrst shoot was seven live birds , thirty yards vise , American rules , ? < ) entrance. The score : Duumirc . 1 1 1 1 t o 1-0 Ellis . 1 111111 7 Dohso . i o I 1 1 1 0 3 Mussolmiui . o I t 1 1 1 1 0 Bruukor . 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 7 Bolt . 1 11111 o-O .Field . 1 1 L l o 1 0 fl Pammlae . ; l 1 I 1 1 l 1 7 Budd . l 11011 l ( l Ellis , Bruckor and Pnrincloa divided llrst money ; Dunmiro aud Bolt divided second ; Field took next. The next was fifteen ntandard targets , nlgntcou yards rise , $5 entrance. Score : Hit. J.lss. . ! Townscnd . H 1 Slice . ; . .15 0 Ellis . i ; | 3 Wason . 13 8 Piold . 11 4 Rudd . 10 G Parmolco , . 13 a Bruckor . 10 G Dunmiro . . . . . . 11 l Slice look llrst money , WO ; Townscnd and Dunmiro divided second , 815 ; Parmelee won third , $15. Tlio next was alive bird match , six ulrds to each man , $ o entrance. Score : Bruckor . , . 1 1111 1 fl Nasou . l 1111 0-5 Kills . 1 1111 1 0 Rudd . 11111 1-0 Slice . 101101 4 Field . 1 1001 1 4 Dickey . 0 1100 1 3 I'anucloo . 1 1110 1 5 Dunmiro . 11101 1 5 Bruckor , Ellis and Rudd divided lirst money , $17.10 ; Parmelco and Dunuilro shot off second money , Parmeloo 23 straight and Dunmiro 22 , f 12. Slice und Field divided third , ? 7. _ Stocking Nehranlcn. Waters. Low May , chairman of the Nebraska Stale Fish commission , is in Iho city. Ho came hero .yesterday with Newton Simmons , of the United States Fish commission , who has just put in a half car of bass , salmon nnd croppio minnows In the Klkhorn at So\v- ard. Commissioner Simmons was also accompanied by Franlc Turner , pitcher of the Quincy. 111. , base ball team , who has been a guest of the commission on Us western Irip. ol' the Uv- Elmer Cleveland relnrncd to Omnhn yes terday. He says the boys were all In the best of health and spirits on the club's ills- bandmont at Milwaukee , and nil express Iho desire to return to Omaha next spring. Happy Corn II linkers. The Sioux City team was paid off in full yesterday and disbanded. The entire team will be reserved for next season , and they expect to make a better show in Iho pennant chase than they did this ceason. Will iMrcli I' or Oakland. Knell has pone to California and will pitch during the coming winter months for the Oalclaiul team. President McCormlok tele- granhcd the Oakland management the privi lege to ncgotialo with Kcll for the balance of the season. _ WnnlH a Oracle nt i'arinolce. Captain Brewer , the celebrated wing shot , who is in the city with Ed Holsko. the Bos ton sporting man , is anxious to shoot a 100 bird match with Frank Parmoleo. The match may be made this afternoon. Thry Are Still Our * . President McCormick nt lust denies that Naglo and Nichols have been sold to Boston. The great battery still belongs to Omaha. 18 Counters for the Two ( Vs. 52 rards. double headers , 19 illustrated ; plavcd on diamond board ; ( score cards ) . Williams' great indoor grme. For sale in Omaha at sparling goods , book and news stores. A Worlil's I'll IP Conference. ST. JOBCTH , Mo. , Oct. 3. A world's fair conference met hero to-day with delegates present from Illinois , Iowa , Missouri , Kan sas , Nebraska and Texas. Resolutions were adopted to the effect that the World's fair of 15i)2 ) should bo hold in some city of the west willing to provide the requisite- means , nnd that the ileloiratOH will unite their efforts to obtain from congress tlio location of the fair at some nolnt west of the AlloKhomei that mav bo ilxcd upon as Ihc most commcbdablu and convenient. A Ooailly Knmlly Qnarrnl. DBS MOINIH , In. , Oct. 3 , Lute this ovon- inc a family quarrel was engaged in by Wil liam Llkei and his wlfo nnd A. W. Clark. their son-in-law , on the promises of IS. R. Mason , resulting in the probable fatal shoot ing of Likes by Clark , who chums that it was a case of self defense. Lines' wife was also shot through the hand. A SwttllV CM ! ( lint. LKXNOX , Mass. , Oct. 3. Tlio wedding of Miss Louise Thoron , of Boston , and Win , C. Endlcott , jr. , son of Iho ox-secrciary of war , took place to-day. Mm. Cleveland was pre sent , as were the WhitiicyH and other social leaders of Washington. An Omnliii Alnn Ari'fHted. CHICAGO , Ocl. 8. Edward Orr was or- reslod here lo-day oy hh arrival from Omaha. It Is understood while working in tluj Murray hotel in that city that ho stolu valises and valuables , 'I wo Minnrfl Kllloil. HAZI.ETOX , PaOct. . a Two Hungarian miners weru killed and onofaUliy injured by a fall of rock In u coal mine at AuJenned to-duy. Kx-TroaHiiror llnrkn'H Bliin . QumtNSTOWN , Oct. 3. Mr. Burke , or- treasurer of Louisiana , galled from Liver pool far New York on the steamer Teutonic , but upon the arrival of Ihut vessel hero 'he disembarked und returned to London , Dinah BtrlkorH KOHIIIIIO Worlc. ROTTUIIDAM , Oct. 3 , All the docn laborers of the city who recently wont out on a strike resumed work this morning under the com promise agreed upon yesterday. Diohlo AUjuilucil Insulin. New YoitlC , Oct. 8. ChrUtian Diehl , the Inventor , who shot and killed Millionaire Oessweln , has been adjudged insane. 'Ilni JtiiHti nt Port Townscnd. POUT TCMNSEXK , W. T. , Oct. 8. The rev enue cutter Richard Rush arrived to-day Iroin Behrlng ECU. Itumnmicd Without Trial. CUMDKK , N. J. , Oct , 3. Chalkloy Le Coney was to-day remanded without ball for trial on the charga of murdering bl niece. Constipation , IF not remedied in PCASOII , h llnblo to become linbltunl nnd chronic. Dras tic purgntlvcs , by weakening the bowel * , conllrm , rnthcr thnu cure , the evil. Ayor's 1'llls , being mild , effective , nnd Btrengtlionlng hi their action , nro goner- nlly recommended by the faculty M tlio best of aperients. "Having boon subjocl , for veal's , to constipation , without lining able ( o Unit iiiueh relief , 1 nt last lilcd Ayer'n 1'llls. I doom It both n duly and n pleasure to testify that 1 have uorhud grunt hen- cllt from their use. For over two years past 1 Imvo tnknli ono of thi'so pills ovrry night before retiring. 1 would not willingly bo without them. " U. W , llownmn , - < j East Main at. , Cuillslo , Pn. "I have been taking Ayor's rills nuil using them In my family since 1W7 , ntnl cheerfully recommend thorn to nil in ncod of n K.ifo hut effectual cntlmrtlo. " John M. Hoggs , Louisville , Ky. "For nlglit ynnrsT wns nflllrtod with constipation , wjilch nt lait liociuiw so bad that the doctors could do up more for mo. Then I bpgnii to tnlto Ayor's Pills , nnd soon the boweN recovnrml their imlurnl and rruular notion , so tlmt now I am In nxcellent lirnltli. " S. L. Loughbrldgo , llrynn , Toxns. " Ilnvlnu iised Aycr's I'lllt , with good results , I fully Indorse them for Ihn pur- IHUC.S for which they nr rrcominotided. " T. Connors , M. D. , Centre Bridge , Vn. Ayer's Pills , rnsrAiiiti ) nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Bold by all DriigRtots nuil Dealers In Medicine. CALIFORNIA Tin : i AND oi' DISCO VERI ESI circular- . M I ATARliH \ r SANTA : ABIE : AND : GAT : R : CURE For sale by Goodman Di'uQ Co OF THE CIIA1UTY. CIIA1UTY.1S78 1S78 NATIONAL OI'CltATlM ) TTnder a Twenty Years' Central by ths Mexican International Improvement Company. Grand Monthly Drawings held In the Mo esqtie I'nvillioninthi ! Alumcda J'nrK , I'lty of Muxl co. mid publicly conducted by ( Joronmiflnt Olllclals appointed for the purposn by the Secreliirles of the Interior uud Oie Trtualiry. OK TIII : ia , The inontli'v lour ilnllar Drawing Will III ! Ill-Ill Ml I llO Cily of Mexico on Oclolw 12111,1889 , , CAPITAL PRIZE$60,000 $ , , 8O.OOO TleJcets nt $1 , $ : tOOOO. ! 1'rici' of Tickets , .American Money , WHOUiS 8 4. llAi.ViS ; 6. QL'MI'J'KHS ' 1 LIST OK I'HI/.KF. ] ( JAI'ITAIi IMtlXljOr JtO.tUOls. . t ( jO.llOl ) 1 CMI'lTAl'i IMUKlioP Ill.'lKKMs ' . . w'mt i liiAM ( ) iMti/.i ; oif ? , uoui > i. y I'ltl/.KSOl' \iNlil urn ii lMti/l'.Hl' ' ' ro are tO I'HI/.KSOl' ' ttW nro . . -I.Wri JtKil'IMXCSOK 101 are. . . 10,0011 110 PIHX.BSOF M nie IT.WIil CM IMtlXliSOl' l uro . 11.080 AI'I'IIHXIMATION I'lUKCS. 1BO I'rl7.os of Jlill npp. to ? , ( ) I'llrn P.Ono IMl I'rl/.i-s of Tiiiiipp , to tir. ! : ( i I'rlxti 1Hf > ] fJ I'rlzos of 4Uniip. to Kl.UOJ I'riHB . . . . O.ijoj ? IK ) TcrmlnuH of iu , decided by t < ; n0) ) 1'rlzo . JB.WSO All pi 1/es mld In the ( , 'nlted Btutos full paid In U. S. CurruiiLy. A fiTS WAt\Tii : > . fST"l'on Ci.uii HATCH , or any further Inform- ntlon dcslrod , tvrlto lutclbly lo the nmleralKned , clearly ftatbiK your reslduncc , with st.itc , ruun- ty , htu'et mid niiMil/cr. Moru rapid tvtiirn mixtl ilallvnry will hn ossnn-il Ijy your am loilnir nn tmvolopo bcurjiiKyonr lull iiddr > jns. IMPORTANT. Addrew U. IIASSIH' ! ' ; , Cirr or MHXiru. Jh MCO. lly ordinary letter , routnliilnic MOM'.VOIIDKII by nil Mxprnan Coinpanlf.- ) , Non- York lix- , traitor I'oslul A'oto. lly tcrum of contract the company muit de posit the sum of all prizes included in the flclicinn luiforo si'lllnir a 8ii'h | > ticket , nnd ro- celvu the fulluwiiiK ollfulul penult : ( 'nitTlt'MUTR , ! horliii leitlfiittml Uir. Im- ion nn nlc i > f Mexico und .S' n//i / / Atitfi Im hua mi iittclnl ilcjtotlt tlif vfttMru fund * In ; ieini/mcil | ) < i/ii/l / in Ittnti nwn L > u the Lulerhttlt , < i Jltiifilctiirln I'uliltni. n. uounKn'iixnn'nn i. ininvfntnr.1 I'urthor , the ronip.iny in rerjulroil to ill'lrlb. ulu llfiy-blx pur urat < tt thu valuii of all tlui tickets in prlrma InrBer pronoitiuu tlnm H ; lvi'iiljy uny oilier Lottery. Finally , the iininlicr ot ticlicti Is llinlleil to lU.itLU I la'.ow lo limn are sold by otiin Iolt rios uultig thu Kama ncliumc * ALL HOUSEKEEPERS ftboy teciril unit Kcoxouv , nliouW lur Hulled unit Cnulinl A. B. C. WHITE OATS ( A. B. C. OATMEAU. ) J'HB IIHSrOltAINH8THAM CUOICKO MOVf KAH1I-V , nittUsiTKU-OUIOKliY J'UI'.I'AIIJJJI A IJKUOIOUB lUtUAKl'AhT IJIdU. ittrk. H-II ii 11 ir AI.LUHUI t.u.s , t-cmcj for rlmilanv , rut f CUB AU Afro. LUIU Murmr tft.N w Vorli