THE OMAHA DAILY o NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , FKIDAY ffG , OCTOBER 4 , 1881) ) . ' NUMBER 107. BONDS OF THE CONFEDERACY , Big Sohomo By English Holders to Secure Their Pnymont , POWER OF BRITISH CAPITAL. Iftlie Koiitli Wants Money to Develop Her llommrous It Will Cost JJcurly Spain nml tlio Three Americas. t - - of the l ot CHIIMO. IP93 1 > U Jci'n'.t OorJ-w llenn'U. ] Oct. 3. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun HKE. | There ia un Impression among English holders of con federate bonds that those bonds will bo paid , at least In part. That such au Impres sion prevails may scorn to Americans oven more ridiculous than it did twonty-llvo years ago. English holders of confederate bonds do not consider it ridiculous. They don't ' nttnmpt to proclaim from the house tops their confidence in the eventual payment or part payment of the bonds , but this confl- den'co they possess in n degree astonishing to Americans who have studied English business methods and EnglUh business men. The north laughed when it thought of the CMifoderato bonds and how Englishmen had been deluded Into buying them on the strength of their sympathy with thu south , and their conlldcnco In the south' * nullity to win in its oflort to disrupt the union. Many times since the war has the north laughed over these bonds nnd ft ) their English owners. Of Into years ) , innybe , tbc > south lias laughed , not loudly but oiijoyedly , ever tlieso sumo bonds. During all thoio years English holders of confed erate Vondii have quietly berne the jibes and sneers at their short-sightedness In backing the wrong sldo in the rebclliou. They road of Ainoricans lighting their pipes or making bonfires with confederate bonds. They did no' fol'ow ' the oxnmplo , but sent agents to America to buv up all the confederate bonds they could find at the lowest possible price , Which was next to not : . ing. Tno north and the south Uuphod after the manner of the two sections over this transaction. Much was said in pi'ivato and publio flf ttio Ignornnco among the Eng lish of American institutions and of thi-ir-nttor idiocy in supposing that con federate bonds were valuable except as waste paper. The ICiu-llslunon said nothing after a burst of indignation following the general and Individual repudiation of the southern obllg.itioii , but they stuck to the bonds with tlio bulldog tenacity for which the world in general does not give them tqo much credit. Twenty-live or thirty years might bo too long for nn American to wait < jor the possible percentage of adebt that the rest of the world considered worth less. Not so with English uieir Many of the original holders nf cotuedcrato bonds are dead. All of thosn left heirs. The latter still have the bo 'ids , nnd are Just as conlldont of getting some- thlug worth having for thorn us theh predecessors wto. . They are more confident , for the Americans are playing into their hands. Englishmen nro not more willing to invent capital in Ameri can enterprise than Americans uro to bor row Eng'i-ih money. Every steamer brings to London Ainoiicans who have schemes that only lack money behind , them to imilco nil connected wltn thoui rich. Seldom has a tilnglo season seen so many American pro motcrs'hero us the nresent ono. Many of these are from the south. People on this side of tha Atlantic have heard much anout the now south. They bVJlevo m Its natural resources. They know money is needed to develop them. They know that the south is overrun with northerners , many of whom hnvo put nil their money Into southern enterprises aud want more money to get bauk their own and more too. Tlio now south's appetite for development has only been whetted. The southern states want money : southern cities want raonoy ; southern corporations and northern corporations m the south want money. They are holding out their hands to Englishmen for it. The answer of the Enc lisutuon to the request is : "Pay 1 per cep on the confederate bonds which you have le pudiatcd and which wo hold , nnd we will lend you tu money you want. " They nave no nation of accepting 1 per cent as payment In full , Th'nt would not bo English. Ono per cent on confederate bauds for any loan of inngnitudo is the English programme , t und whether yiis U paid by northern ftibu or s&utheu mbn is of no consequence to the English holders of con federate bonds , but that it will bo paid no. once but many times EnglU'.i holders who have money to loan are certain , An agent of the syndicate of confederate bondholders stopped on American shor.-s a few days ago. lie Is n member of n linn who have been for many years the principal dealers In the American slock nurkot , aud few axtonslvo schemes from the-othor side have boon floated hero before they have been submitted to this particular llrnu Tim syndicate represented by this man has tremendous - mendous power in EnglUh financial circles. It holds n vast amount of the bands , most of which were bought for a song. Tin ruling price , of th& bonds to-day I thrve-quurtors of ono per cout. The agent is us high-priced as ho ls > slnuu'd and the few who nro aware of tha object o his American trip uro nuro'that it would not bo made except upon the host grounds. Ho will tell the Georgians aud Alubauiuns tha their credit In England is worthless and wil remain n until they show u disposition to wipe out 'their old obligations. If they adopt his plan they can gut all the money thej want. Tlio syndicate proposes to put the percentage thus received on the entire deb nt compound lntore * t und In a comparatively few years to got the I'ocu vuluo of the bonds in their possession , or an uuiount very close to their face value. k wnn A.NXii Spmlrli : Government Wiitohlng tint CniiuiTh < i oi'iho Tlm-e Aincrio is. ( Qijivrf0'i ' ( JS&Jhj/J'l'iiM ' (7or.f < mfmir / ( . ) MAUIUK , Oct. 3. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tim UKU. ] The Spanish government Is watching with some anxiety thoesngress of ( he Throe Americas , and the prcbs without exception expresses hopas that the Spaniili-Ainorlcan republics will uot let themselves bu made satellites of the United Plates , The Spanish liberals nnd oven more BO the /Spanish ropublkans , with Senor ' Castollar at their head , hold that protection ist principles are contrary to the essential i Dim and principles of democracy because In the first place they create in modern deiuoQ- racy a uow feudalism and an oligarchy of plutocrats wlcb { glvo their clients certain privileges as against tbe majority of their follow citizen * . They think it alia embitters and paralyzes the relations between nations whose old feuds would disappear with free trad * . ACTOll K \\\iy \ Mrs. Potttsr Cancelled Her Amcilcnii Euna < jcincnt , | r < H/rtM | ( I8f3 byjiwt Qonlm Heini'tt 1 Loxnox , Oct , 3 , | New York Herald Cable Special to THE HEF. 1 Kyrla Hollow was ono of the promenadors on Kottcn Uow ; hls nftcrnoon , His military oloak and flow- ng locks attracted n flattering amount of at tention considering the placo. Ho wns abso lutely glad to moot the Herald correspond ent , and looked so as well as said so. Ho was willing to talk also. "I am moro glad than I can toll you , " ho said , "ot have this opportunity of setting Mrs. Potter nnd myself right with the English and American publio In a matter re garding which wo both have been greatly misrepresented. Certain journals In America liavo spread a rumor tj the effect that our tour has been abandoned , not , us alleged , be came of Mrs. Potter's serious Illness , but merely from caprice , and that I , not wishing to stay In America , had persuaded her to leave the country also und intend taking the London theater for her and myself. Lot me answer that charge before , proceeding fdr- thur. In the llrst place , anybody who knows Mrs. Potter at all must know that she Is as little capricious as any woman in the world , and must know , too , thatshois not'to bo per suaded by any living creature to relinquish such chances of artistic success and mone tary pro lit as an American tour has oflored her. On our last tour together , which lasted about thirty weeks , wo played to an average of i'l.-JO pounds per week. Anybody who know * anything about the theatrical business in America and England knows that America Is an actor's Tom Tid dlers ground and that no such money can ba made hero as can bo picked up on thu otliar side by n successful star. Mrs , Potter is not the woman nor am I the man to throw away thousands o [ pou.uU for a whim. 1'uon , as to my not wanting to return to Auiurloa , why shouldn't II My standing both with the press and publio Is perfectly good. I have many personal friends thereI like the American people. I make bigger money in America than in England. What possible reason ctn o-cist lor my not. daiirlng to re turn or for persuading Mrs. Potter not to return I 1 have played in America for four years and nothing would give uio greater pleasure than to play there for another four. 1 confess that the appearance of these rumors in American papers hai greatly grieved me. If ever a woman deserved pialso and taatiits , Instead of bin-no and culumny , It is Mrs. Pottor. During the final weeits of our last tour her conduct was heroic. Why , do you know that our. * was almost the only company which did no * , comu olt the road in consequence of illness among the stars. Hooth and Harrett , Mary Ander son , Clara Morris , Mrs. Langtry , Keeuo , Miss Marlowe , In fact Hourly all tha com panies dried up before their tours wcro ( hushed on account of illness. Wi'll , if any among thorn suffered as MM. Potter suffered they are to bo pitied. . The doctors urged her not to play. They threat ened her with a total collapse ; warned her that it might bo fatal ; that the excitement , physical exertion nnd fatigue of those intormlnnblo American rail way ionrnoys might oven kill her if she continued. Nothing would stob hor. Her vitality is sb enormous and her love of her work bo great that it is almost impossi ble to keep her from playing. If tlKuo people ple who talk about her caprice could have seen her as I have , almost light ing with actual physical agony be tween acts , they could not have the heart to speak so. Mrs. Potter acted in both senses like a heroine. It was hoped t at u spell of rest after the tour might restore her. It has certainly done her seine good nnd wo were lookmsr forward to starting our next tour at Toronto on the 21st of this month. The tour has been booked up for thirty-two weeks. She still requires constant attention , and when she came to E iropa on Juno S Dr. Hunter , her modloal attendant , insisted on her being attended by a trained nurso. Wo came hero together with her father on the Gaseogne. Throe Weeks lutor Dr. Hunter's assistant , Dr. Mc- Guinness , followed her to Europe anJ re mained ic constant attendance on her for seven weeks. He left her bettor , but 1m - mediately after his dep.trtttro she had a terrible - riblo relapse and Colonel Urquhnrt , Dr. McGulnness nnd myself consulted together and determined to telegraph to America to stop the tour. I shall never forget the effect of that resolution on Mrs. Potter. To nu- aglno It you must know , as her friends know , her intense love of tha stage. It amounts tea a positive passion. I have seen a good deal of trouble In my time. Most men have had to break bad news to psoplo moro than once , but rather than go through such a soono as that again well , I think I'd rather no shot. It seems to mo that there Is bad faith somewhere - where in this master. Our manager , Mr. Shroeder , ijnmo over to Franco and was as well uwaro of Mrs. Pottar's condition us my self. So far us I know , ho has made no effort to contradict those rumors , or. if lie has , his representations have been suppressed by the press. The Herald will do a good work in putting the plain facts befo.'o the public. It is hard for me und for the poor lady's other friends to htuml by ard see .so much courage and so much suflfcrlng HO cruelly spoken of. You may guess Mrs , Potter's actual condition at this moment when I toll you that on October 2 a consultation was hold by her dontors In Paris as to the possibility of her coming to London to consult Drs , Hancock and Qunm. If she LVII not come they will go to her. Her present position is that she is positively for bidden to play befoio next January. A Ijcltur Kroin Mrs. Potter. [ ( .ViDiyni/M iWlitininn / lloi\lnn llu\neU\ \ \ LONDON , Oct. 3. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun HUE. I Mrs. Potter has written the following letter to the Her ald , Paris edition:1 : ' Public criticism nod insinuations that I l-.avo cancelled my American tour for no ether reason than personal caprice mu t bo my oxcuij for intruding my private affairs rn , thu public. Charles N. Shrooder , manager , und the other members of tha company were fully aware of my serious 111 health long before - fore the close of last season. My continued illness , und the commands of physician to enjoy absolute ana Indefinite real uiado the fulfilling of < my engagement beginning October ' 'I Impossible. Mr. Shroedor , who was.o . have been my man ager , was with uie un'.ll August , and was promptly notilied to umko necessary and proper explanations to the inombsrs of the company und Hioso directly Interested , I must bi tevo that thU Iras not been done , which accounts for the arti cle * that would otherwise soin malicious. COMA UllOVIIAltT POTTEH. I'rnliomlnrv llarnos Demi. l&iS by Ja.H'.i . Ojivhn LONDOX , Oct. a. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun Ucn.1 Proboudari liarnes , of Exeter cathedral , a close frlcni of Chinese Gordon , and father of Violet Van Hrut'h , of Kendall's companyj died here to-day. NORM DAKOTA CAPTURED , The Returns Show That Prohibition Has Won. AN OVERPOWERING SURPRISE. [ jlquor Men DiiinutiHintlail The Drys llavo About Two Thousand Ma- Jorltj IMorro Wild Over Her Good Fortune. A Great SurprUr. IJiSMAHCK , N. D. , Oct. 3. ISpCClal Tclo- ? rum to TUB llr.c. ] As Uio returns como in from the utitly Inc ; couiuics It bocotncs ap parent that prohibition bus won in North Dakota. Tim people nro all surprised , find tlinso living In towns and cities nro dumbfounded. It was expected by tlio antl's and conceded by ttio prohibitionists that prohibition would bo defeated , and tlmt tbo state lias been cap Lured by the drys , tlio latest reports lenvo little room tor doubt. Tlio liquor uiuu In tbo state are completely uudono. They were conlldeut of a rousing majority and laughed at all warnings of the fanatics and ex tremists. So sure were they ot victory that they permitted the cntniulgu fund that bad been raised by the liquor dealers nf the cast to bo transferred to South Dako'a , where the prohibition strength was known to bo almost irresistible. The amount of money thus transferred was over tiO.OOO , and now the northern dealers nro in tnournlnir , The money did no good in South Dakota , for the prohibition majority wits too large to overcome , but if used In jfarth Dakota i would havu suvod them. As It Is , thuy fool that the election has gona by default , and that the state has con stitutional prohibition. A change can bo ofTcctcd only by au amendment tn the consti tution. To do this it requires a majority vote of two buucessivo legislatures before the pronosed amendment can bo sub mitted to the people a majority vote at the polls being required. Telegrams are pouring in from all purls of the blute , from llqiior men and other citizens appealing for some news that will give them hope. Liut theieis nothing to encourage them. The figures now at hand show beyond doubt that tlio piohiuitlonlsts luivo oarru-il the state and that their majority will bo about two thous and. and.Another Another surprise is the small republican majority. John Miller , the republican can- dulato for governor , bas only about live thousand majority and this , too , af ter a vigorous republican campaign and apathy and indifference on the part of I ho democrats. A change of 3,500 votes would have elected W. N. Uouen ( dom. ) and local democrats are scoring the national committee for refusing to make a light la the new state. Tlio dcuiociats elected three dis trict judges , as many as wcro elected by the republicans , and will have at least twenty- live members of the legislature. SOUTH DAKOTA. 1'icrre is the Capital and din Popu- Iuoc are : Delirious. PinniiE , S. D. , Oct a. jSpccial Telegram to Tin : llii.l The sceuu at tno depot this evening was inspiring. When the train arrived in the city limits it stopped and 300 people dismounted waving flap * and banners Inscribed with "Pierre is Capital , " met by the entire populace of the city and for thirty minutes boldntn icigncd su preme , the peopleslioutingthenisclves hoarse. Engine whistles blow long nnd loud , bolls rung Iroui every steeple and the people went mad with joy. a ho procession formed and the par.ido 'eonimcncpd , led by the band , talcing I illy minutes to pass a given point , and lasting three hours. Later the Hosts as sembled in the spacious opera hall and listened to extemporaneous speeches made by prominent eiti/ens , and the reception is still continuing. Orators are haranguing dense crowds packed in the streets , bands arc playing , and there will Do no end to the celebration until morning. A largo number of the Two ivottlo band of Indians are camped on the river and are making Homo howl. Cannons nro booming nnd Pierre's cele bration to-night fur eclipses the one of last night. The entire city has assumed a deep vcrmillion hue , and when it will end no one knows. The Pierre boomers have all returned. Business is almost suspended to glvo over to tlio celebration. The real estate transfers have footed up into the hundreds of thousands. Ilonrlion Victories. CmS. . D. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tele gram to THE Ur.i.J : The cntiro democratic delegation from this county is elected to the legislature ; Moud county the sumo , The anti-Moody republicans supported the demo cratic ticket. 110X11 BIDES CLAIM. MOMl'ANA Power anil Toolc Kuniiiti Neck and Nrok for Governor. HKJ.BXA , Mont. , Oct. 3. The democrats claim the election of Toolo for governor by 400. They concede Carter's olect'on fi r con gress by 000 , and claim the legislature by eleven majority on joint ballot. The republi cans claim the election ot Po\yor by 300 , and the legislature by a small majority , The Independent - dependent still claims the clcctlo" of Toolc and the legislative ticket. The Herald ( rep. ) nays Carter ( rep. ; is elected to congress by probably 'MO majority. The republicans have probably elected all of the state tlckut below governor , the latter bonur in doubt and claimed by both par'ios. ' Toolo ( dem. ) claims ho is elected by MM ) ma jority , Hotn parties claim a majority in the legislature , which Is in doubt. The Minneapolis Journal correspondent sends his paper the following : Carter's ( rep. ) electlo'i to congress is now conceded by the opposition , H ' , ! ' sides still cml'ii the governorship. It mnv require the oQK-lnl count to dote.'nimo the question so4 clofeo Is the race botwcen Power and Toole. This county gives remarkable dcmVcrulio paHs nnd claims of mismanagement are hoard from many sources. The U' i luturo still hangs In the balance.5 t-tjilvur Uow county gives but threq rop.iblte.ins out of cloven the legislature will bo all -Ight. The majority of the state ticket Is republi can , but big figures have been knuckcd into splinters. Most of the Lawis and Clark republican county ticket L is been oloctnd by i < Hiiiull majority. The count is proceeding slowly in the large precincts , and It will bo hours baforo any dollnlto calculation can bo made witli safety. Itriiiibllcans WcnkiMiini ; a IIt tin. HELENA , Mont. , Oct. 3. The returns from the counties in which the result is nlsputcd have r.ot come in to-day. The republicans now estimate their majority f .r governor at 100 , whllo the domocrats'claltn Toolo'a election . by100. T'loalums from bilvor How county , which elects eleven members to the legis lature , are still Incomplete. The democrats claim nine of these sure , and possibly all. The republicans only concede six to the democrats. The republicans tiow L-lalm only thrco majority on Joint ballot in the legisla ture , whllo the democrats claim nine. The Silver How county returns , whlcn will probably bo complete bcforo morning , will take the legislature out of doubt and prob ably the governor. Harrison's Private Dltpatoh. Wi5tlt.NOTON. Oct. 8. The president re- cuived a private dispatch from Montana this afternoon Baying Carter is elected to con- cress ; that the republicans have tbe legisla ture , and that the governorship U in doubt , . A SAF13 KEPUtUaOAN An Interview Wltti Dr. a K. Cole , or lloicnn. CIIICAOO , Oct. 8. [ Special Toloijratn to Tun UF.E. ] "I thlnk-Montnnn will become a safe republican state , " nald Dr. U. K. Cole , of Helena , tit the Grant ! Pacific to-night. Dr. Cole Is one of that loading republican politicians of tlio now statu , and \vas last year elected to thtrgeneral assembly. "In view ot the largo republican majori ties last year , the closeness of the _ election Tuesday was a surprise to soiuo , b'ut not to those acquainted with the situation. 'I'horo was some dissension among the democratic lenders , the 'big four , ' last year. " This year they were harmonious , and the party wu * splendidly organized. " ' Why do you think Montana will become a safa republican state ! " " 1'ho political situation In Montana in a nut shell , li this : Until ilvo years ago Mon tana had always been democratic. The majorities have boon gradually growing less nnd this was duo to the Immigration nf re publicans , and besides , the protective theory is in harmony with the Dig mining and wool interests of the stato. " "How do you account for the probable election of a democratic- governor ! " "Toolo , the democratic candidate , has served the state very creditably In congress , nnd is an extremely good politician. Ho Is well known all over the state and enjoys an immense personal popularity. " In rcsponso la a question , Dr. Cole said the "big four. " Governor Ilausor , Wi A. Clark , Marcus Dally and Colonel Uroanwator , were a great combination and controlled the demo cratic party. They all came to Montana poor men and have grown immensely woo II by. NO CAPITAL CUOS12N. Nona of tin ) Washington Cities lie- colvc a Majority oFVotos. SEITTIR , Wash. , Oct. 3. Ksturns re ceived from nearly every county In the state Indicate the election of tha republican stnta ticket by S.OCO majority. The now legisla ture will have soventy-flvo republican ma jority on joint ballot. The constitution is rat Hied by u majority and prohibition nnd woman suffrage is defeated. As none of the cities in the capital race received a majority of votes , that question Is still unsettled. THE An Attempt to Muko Ilia Heading or the Xlclno Crotul Obllmitorv. New YOIIK , Oct. 3. The house of deputies of the general Episcopal convention mot this morning and standing committees were ap pointed. A petition asking that Oregon bo admitted as a dioccso was referred to the rommlttoo on now dioces'us. The deputies from Oregon were admitted to sittings and road u report ba their petition. Uov. Dr. Davis , of Pennsylva > iia , read a report on "Liturgical Keviskm" from , the committee on that subject appointed by the last general conference. It was made n special order for next Thursday. A denutation from the synod of Canada was received and courteous speeches ex changed. Notice was given of a minority report on liturgical revision..The consider ation of the report suggesting alterations and additions to the Boole of Common Prayer was then taken up seriatim. These relating to the order of reading tlio imltor and holy scriptures , the change in Jho order of daily morning prayer , in the opening sentences of the same , and in the rubrto following the "vcnito" weioadopted. f\ \ * Several otnor resolutions were adopted , and n massage was received from the house of bishops announcing that it had adopted , conditional on the concurrence of the house of deputies , the entire eighteen resolutions upon which the deputies had boon voting all day. The twclrth resolution then came up for consideration , and Dr. Ejar , of New Yorit , spake in support of it. It was : "In the order of the administration of the Lord's supper , for the rubric , then shall wo read the Apostle's or the Niccno creed , " sub stitute the following rubric , placing it after tha creed : "Then shall be said the orr.crt commonly called the Niccne , or else the Apostles' creed , but the creed may bo omitted if it hath been said immediately before morning prayer , provided that the Nieeno creed shall bo said on Christmas day , ICuster day , Ascension day , Whitsunday and Trinity Sunday. " Dr. EJar said the NIccno creed formed u part nf the doctrine of the church , and since many priests never read it it-should be made obligatory. S. Corning JiVcid , ono of the Chicago lay delegates ; Kav. Arthur Law rence , of Massachusetts , and Hov. Dr. Good wiiiRpokoin opposition to the resolution. The hotrse adjourned with the question still pending. Elected Prnnoiscnn Suparior Gnnoral. New Yonrc , Oct. 8. The Catholic News has received a cablegram from Rome which says : Fra Aloysius Cauaji , ' of Lamia , was elected superior general of the Franciscan order at the general chapter assembled to-day m the International college of San Antonio in Homo , Morb ; than a hundred provincials of the order frpm all parts of the world wcio present. KVa 'lAloystus succeeds Fra Hordanno da Portogfuaro , who tilled the ofllco since 16ti9 by special vonccsslon of the pope. ' The Augusttnlan chanter just concluded hnro has resulted In tbd'olection of Hov. Father Sebastian Martinatllas prior general. Ho IH a bi other of the late Cardinal Marti- ncltl. ncltl.Tho The Verv Ilov. Otto ZardPttl , D. p. , vicar general of Dakota , bus been appointed bishop of St. Cloud , Minn. , ono of the new dioceses created in the province of St. Paul. FAT , FOHTV A.\l > J-'UOLISII. , \ KhrrlfTH Wife Klopon With a Strip- llii Highway Itohlinr. MI.N.NKAPOLIS , Oct. U A Little Falls , Mini ) . , special says quite a sensation was created there this morning by the discovery that Mrs. J. P. Sand , the wfo of the deputy sheriff , had taken her husbuna'b revolver , keys and $50 , arid after ; liberating John Mitchell , recently convicted of highway rob bery , eloped with him. . The sheriff and the dcpyty are In hot pur- Harbor convention met to.dfty the report of the committee on resoluttyuk was received. Majority and minority rpports were submit ted , The former favored ) the establishment by congress of u deep water , harbor on tbo northwest coast of the Gulnof Mexico. The minority report asked for.tho construction of threa deep harbors , ono op the -Texas cons.t , ono ou the Louisiana coast/ and another ut some place to bo detorinlnnd hereafter. After n lengthy dlscussiou , the majority re port was finally adopted. The majority report states that it Is the sense of the convention that It , Is the duty of cougross to appropnuw permanently and for immediate use whatever Amount Is necessary to eecuro a deep water port on the north west coast of the Gulf of Mexico , west of thu ninety-third degree west longitude , callable of admitting the largest vessels and at which the best and most accessible har bor can bo secured and maintained in the shortest posMblo time and at the least cost. The convention adjourned sine dio. A Construction Train Wrcckod. Hcnroiro , InuVbct , 8. A construction tralu on the MaoUey railroad left the track at a.point about eighteen miles west of hero yesterday afternoon. Nineteen out of twenty-eight men on the train were seriously injured. Six were dangerously -hurt , while two will dm. Toe wounded were * brought here ami all the phyMciuiib In town busied themselves in helping to icliere the gaffer- Ing. A DECISION BY JUDGE CROFF , An Honest Settler Qots the Bonoflt of the Doubt. THE SUPREME BENCH VACANCY. Mlohlunn 1'nshtnK AllVed Ilussell , of l > ( .trol , to Kill It A Wren liu- Kclatlvo to 1'nnslon Cnscs Spcclnl. WASHIXOTOX HuniiAU TIIK OMAHA. 13nn , ) - 513 FOUHTEENTII SritRBr , \ WASIIINOTOV , D. C. , Oct. \ Land Commissioner Crolt rondoroJ n de cision to-day which will put him in favor with all honest settlers upon the public domain. , Ho has Inaugurated a policy which the people of the country have long demanded , that of giving the settlers the bonollf of doubt nnd time whenever it is shown that ho Is clearly honest and not at fault. In re versing the decision of the local land ofllcers nt Benson , Minn , , holding far cancellation the homestead entry of Fred Huascllu , on the ground that ho had abandoned the claim beeausa ho had not "proved w > ' ' within six * months from date of entry , Commissioner GrolT lays down the principle that the Inten tion of tlio settler , his iinnnolnl condition nnd the surrounding circumstances should Co taken into consideration along with the strict letter of the law. Ho believes that where the intent pf the settler is honorable and ills poverty or misfortune makes it Impossible for him to "prove and pay up" within six months the government should not permit others more fortunate but not more honest to deprive the original settler of his homo till ho has bud a chance to establish his good faith with the government. The idea of the government is to give a homestead to all honest settlers , and although n limit , of tlmo is lixod within which a settler must meet certain require ments , the six months rule for homesteaders , llko nil rules , has exceptions. Commis sioner Groff , in his decision , says : "Tho claimant was n single man having no property but a yoke of oxen , nnd hud to de pend upon his own labor for the means to purchase lumber for building his hoiibo. Ho could not got money sufficient for that purpose - pose in time to complete it within six months from date of entry , but ho llnlslied it as soon as he could and was on his claim in amide time to put in u crop during the first season in which a crop could bo cul tivated after ho took it. I sea no bad fuith hero and no c.utso Is shown for tha cancella tion of the entry , Tlio rule requiring the maker of a homestead entry to establish an actual residence upon the land within six months Irom the data of his entry , llko all rules , has its exceptions and is not to bo in- Histod upon where the cntryman's ' good faith toward the government is suillciontly shown or whore his acts are not inconsistent with an honest purpose to comply with the law. " TUB SUl'HKMK IIUNOII VAOVNCl" . Michigan is makimra vigorous ollort to se cure the vacancy on the bench of the supreme premo court of the Uuitod States made by the death of Justice Matthews. Several of her most influential citizens have come nero ami in person pros'ented Indorsements of her nsnlr.ints or have employed the telegraph ami mulls to advance the work of the state in tlmt direction. Senator McMillan , suc cessor to Senator Palmer , called nttho whlto house to-dny to talk overtho subject with the president , The senator is urging the ap pointment of Alfred Kussell , of Detroit , an eminent lawyer , and ho Is hcartilj seconded uy his colleague. Senator Stockbridge , and other statesmen from tho'state. Michigan has another candidate for this place in'Judgo Urown , but the bulk of the influence Is In favor of Uussoll. The Sev enth judicial circuit is inclined to insist on this place , on the ground that sluco the death of Chief Justice Wuita and Justice Stanley .Matthews , the circuit , which is one ; of the. most important , is without representation. Ohio has not presented a candidate so far as known , although nlio has until recently had two men on the bench of the supreme court. A MISirrilBIIBNBIOX. An impression is maintained by most pen sion claimants throughout the country rela tive to making cases special at tin * pension olllco which operates a great injustice. Tnero is a belief that It is only necessary for n senator , a congressman or other influ ential person to make a demand at the pen sion oftleo and n case is taken out of its reg ular order and pushed through to completion. This is a gross orror. There have not been SOU cases made special since the 4th of last March , although it was charged against Commissioner Tanner that ho was making cases special by tlio wholesale , and had taken thousands of them out of their regular order aud pushed them through. Ho was charged unjustly. During the early part of the administration of Commissioner Biuck a cir cular was Issued from the pension olllco in which It was stated that : "It is apparent that the expedition of ono claim must bo at the cost of delay to thous ands of others , aiid'thorcforo the discretion which Is lodged in the commissioner must be exrecised with reason and judgment , and ho has published , as a prerequisite to the favor- uul'j consideration of an application for spe cial action.tliatjsnid apilicationmiibt | ; set forth snch circumstances as will justify the action of the commissioner In the minds of those whoso claims will bo put back , as extreme ago or threatened dissolution of the claimant or the dependence of the claimant on charity , or ether special and urgent reasons which may bo particular to the case and which must bo submitted to the discretion of the commissioner for his approval or disap proval , Tno statements' must bo vcriliod bv the outh of the claimant milking them or some ropulublo party actir.g for him. " There were muny thousands of demands soon after the incoming of the present ad ministration , for special and irregular action on pension claims , and it became necessary oven buforo Commissioner Black retired from tht ofllco , to rigidly on force the above order , nnd it is enforced ut this time. It is positively asserted in every instance that a case ran not and will not bo made special and taken out of Its regular course without it is shown that the claimant is either physically In a precarious condition or is being supported by publio or private charity. All ether applications for pension claims to bu made special uro rejected , upa no amount of influence can change the rnlo. It can readily bo seen that whenever the claim of ono pensioner is made special the work for another claimant must bo dropped In order that the special case can ba given attention , and thus a great wrong is wrought' upon ono claimant by favoring another un less there are unusual reasons for making the cuno special. The only thing that pensioners can do to expedlto their claims is to complete the testi mony in their cases as rapidly us possible when they are notilied by the pension oflico of what is needed In the way of evidence. . UX-ailVNI ) AIIMV COMMANIIUIIS , In view nf tha fact that it Is generally bo * llovcd that President Harrison will select ono of Uioox-cominandorHof the ( Jrand Army to till the vacant coinmlsslonorshlp of pen sions , it may bo Interesting to know there have been sixteen commanders of the Grand Army , four of whom are now dead. Ono of those living , General Charles Dovlns , is a Justice of the supreme court of Massachu setts , ox-Governor Hurt ran ft is an insurance agent in Pennsylvania , General O. Hobinson h on the nitired list as brigadier general , living at Hinghamton , N. Y.j General Louis Waencr l director of public works at Philadelphia with u snlnrv of $12,000 per your , General Merrill Is insurance comtnis. , sloncr of Massachusetts , General Paul Van. dorvoort Is la the postofllco department at Omaha , Colonel U. U. Heath Is secretary of the United Fire Insurance company of Philadelphia , General J , H. Kountzo is an in surance upeut at Toledo , O. ; General S. 8. Hurdett Is an attorney in the District of Columbia , General Lucius Fuirchild u In no business , General J , V. Hoa Is district Judge In Minnesota. General William Warner Is and intends to remain n lawyer In practice at Kansas City , Mo , TlliKNI < ! tTSTFMI > IAn. General headquarters for the Knlchts Templar during the i-nncluvo next week hnvo been opjned at the Kbbitt , Here will be lo cated the grand olllcors , who are expected to nrrlvo on Saturday nnd Sunday. Chairman Parker hnil nn interview with tlio district commissioners to-dny , nt which it was filially determined that I'ontisylv.tnl.i ave nue should be wired on the day of the nar- nde , next Tuesday , as on Inauguration day. This treasure was urged by the commlttoo as the only means by which the nvonuo could b6 kept perfectly clear for the parade. The Western Union. Telegraph company , which has consented tt > furnish the , vlro nec essary , will send the quantity required from Philadelphia. Among the questions which Chairman Parker had to have settled to-dny was tin In teresting ono raised over a band of muslo Ono of the Canadian bodies coming promises to bring n band , but It Is found that the con tract labor law is in the way. Chairman Parker wont to see the secretary of the treasury this afternoon to hnvo the neces sary orders made to admit the band across the border. The bund will bo admitted , The city schools will have a holiday on Tuesday. The street fakirs will not bo permitted to operate in the city during the conclave. The nuisance was carried too far at the last In auguration and now the police have been In structed to arrest all fakirs. It will be use less for parties to apply for permits to sell goods , wares or novelties upon the streets , avenues or reservations , as no such permits will or ran be given. The Pennsylvania railroad company will run -T5 sleeping cars Into Washington in addition to the sluepurs on their regular trains. AHMY MATTrltS. Loaves of absoncb'for the periods sot op posite their names are granted the following named oillcors , to take effect from the date of their being relieved Irom duty : Second Lieutenant T. ICerr , Seven tconth infantry , Uvonty-tw'o days. Second Lieutenant lidward N. Jones Jr. , Eighth infantry , two months on surgeon's ' certinYnte of disability. Captain Frederick W. Tlnbaut , Sixth In fantry , twenty days. First Lieutenant , James A. Button , ICighth infantry , twenty days. Second Lieutenant John H , Alexander , Ninth cavalry , thrco months. The handsome nnd appropriate floral design - sign placed in the middle of the lunch table at the white house reception , yesterday , was designed bv Mrs. Harrison. The idea of having half of the glebe represented with the north and South American continents em bossed m llowers was an original one. h\io \ had the piece made and placed on the table , and the tirst the president and Secretary Ulalno know of It was when they saw it tliero. The water of the globe was repre sented by the smooth , deep green leaves of the laurel or holly , giving almost the color of the sea , and the land of llowers fravu tha exact outline of the two continents. The delegates were delighted with the design , nnd made many llaltcrlm ; comments upon it. Mr. Hlalno said it was the feature of ttto lunch. Dr. George L. Humphreys to-day appointed a tiensiou examiner at Kearney , Neb. Neb.Kdward Kdward Percy Giichnst of Fort Madison , la , , was appointed a cadet to the United States military aeudomv , Wcat Point , N. Y. A nicoting of the citizens of Iowa temporarily arily residing in this city was held at the onico of O. II. Herring , in the Lodroit building , last evening , lor the purpose of organizing state" republican association. Ex-Governor Stone was culled to the ohair , and Herring was elected secretary. The committees on constitution , organization , transportation , etc. , were appointed and a permanent organization will ba olfeuted itt a meeting to be hold at the same place nort Tuesday evening. Secretary Proctor loft the city this morn ing for Ills homo in Vermont and will not re turn to Washington until the nr.ddlc of next week. General Scholleld has been omYially designated by tbo president to act as secre tary of war In the absence of the secretnry. The postmaMov general bus appointed David P. Liebhurdt , of Maryland , btiuarin- tendcntof the dead letter olllce , poatoillca department , at 82 , < ( H ) per annum , vice George H. Hall , of Minnesota , resigned. Edward Percy Gilchrist , Fort Madison , First district , Joiva , has been appointed u military cadot. Tsui Two Yin , the newly appointed Chinese minister to the United Sl'atos , was to-du.v presented to the president by Secretary Blaino. The minister made ii.compllinoiit.iry address , to which the president replied with the usual expressions of good will. PIIHHY S. HUA.TJI. THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. Pi-ohlhltion PliiyiiiK a Strange flirt in ( iovnrnor l < oruknr'4 CaiivnnH. Cmctno , Oct. 0. [ Spscial Telegram to THEHCE. ] Colonel W. C. Cooper , congress man from the Ninth Ohio district , u leader in state politics aud chairman of the last Ohio republican convention , is in the city. "Tho campaign in Ohio , " ho said to-day , "is going to ba a red hot one. Governor For- uker will have a tight squoe/e , but I think he will got in by a small majority. There nro several things working against him. Ono is that it Is his third term candidacy , and the lact Ohio has never had a third term governor. T.ien there is an apathy among a clubs of republicans who feel they have not buun treated right. Tlio.v seem to bo standing b.iclc. in the hope of being able to say , ' 1 told you so.1 As to the jirohibition question , the republican party no lonirer holds it up. Wo have the local op tion law and that allows communities to gov ern IhutnsolvcH. Hut prohibition ii playing a strange part In Governor Forakcr's cam paign. When the mayor of Cincinnati or dered the snloons closed on Sundays the governor sent a telegram. It told Claciti- null's mayor to 'lot no guilty man escape , ' or words to that effect , and to lode up all violators lators , Now the people think that was the business of the mayor of Cincinnati , and 11 mutter with which the governor hud nothing to do , and 1 agree with them. " 11 inil ol Ve.llow l < rvcr. New OUI.UANB , Oct. U , Enrique Dovilla , the Colombian consul , who arrived hero from Livingston , Guatemala , October ldlcd , , tills morning of yellow fovor. All precautions bud boon tali cm by the board of health , who announce tlioro is no cause lor alarm. Dovllla hud bean sick some timu before reaching thu Mississippi quaran tine station , but in ardor to got through and prevent the detention of the vessel lie was nuiBtered on decrt with thu passengers and cruw , and it U boliuved that this imprudence made his recovery Impossible , Unoiri Knin 'look n l' w I'rl/en. WASHINGTON , Oct. a , The department of state 1ms received a telegram from General Franklin , United States commissioner gen eral to the Paris exposition , suym ? thu United States exhibit has been awarded C3 grand prizes , 10'J cold medals , 21 silver medals , 218 brouzo medals and ' J honorable mentions , and indicating that awards uot yet announced would undoubtedly Increase thlb number. A ( Jrrnt Pf nt J''lrp. ' LKA , Minn , Oct. : ) . A great peat fire is burning near Geneva , this county. It is estimated that 0,500 acres of land wcro burned over , and O.OJO tons of hay de stroyed. Over ono hundred and seventy loads in stacks owned by L , T. Hell were burned Tuesday , and every day some farmer loses more or less. Tliero ii no means of saving the hay , as the Are IB in the peat , under the surface , and U is unsuto to drive a team near it. Experts estimate the value of tbo despoiled land at $100,000. aud the dam- UKO by burning hay at (30,000. Tlio Weutlior Foi-oonst , For Nebraska , Dakota and lowaj Talr , warmer ; winds becoming southerly. A STEAMER BLOWN TO PIECES Tha Ooroun , of the Ouachtta Line , n Totnl Wraok. ABOUT FORTY LIVES LOST. Port HuilHon , on Kill so Hlvcr , nun , the Scone or the Catuuniplio A llrltlsli Hhlp Goes Down Tlin Coroiinlm ) < * t Trip , NKW OIII.CANS , Oct. ! ) . The steamer Cor ona , of the Omtchltn Consolidated line , left hero last evening for the Otmchtta rlvor with a full cargo o ( freight and n good list of pas sengers. Shu cxulodcd her boilers nt Falsa river , nearly opposite Port Hudson , at 11:15 : this morning , causing the loss of thostoamor nnd about forty llvoi. The Anchor line steamer City of St. Louis , Captain James O'Xoll ' , was near and saved many lives The surviving passengers and crew were taken on board by Captain O'Noll nnd kindly oared for. The following nro the lost and saved as far as U known : Crow lost 3. W. JJIanks , captain ; J. V. Jordan , first clerk ; Charles O. Ellis , second clerk ; SI Swlmp Unniitt , third clerk ; FroJ Dinltle , barkeeper ; Fred Yciiimn , barkoouer ; Pat Ityan , stoivnrd ; Dick CnVtls , llroman ; Tom Shook , engineer ; Henry Doyle , portorj .lames Semplo , porter ; Mr. Tuto. b.iruort Henr.V DavK deck hand ; Tom Cook , sailorman - ' man ; Uilly Young , sucond mate ; Sam Stuolo texas boy ; both captains of tlio deck watch , and llfteen rotisters. Pnssongeis Lost Or. Atwell , corn dootor : four negro musicians , Air. Scott , Sinlltilunii , Ln. ; Mr , Davis , stockman , L'oxas ; Mr. Kocnch ; Mrs , llulT , of Opoluusas ; Mrs. Kaufman * , nurse and child ; Mrs. Tom Hough , of Opelousas ; Mrs.Villlams , of Red Uiver Landing. Passengers Saved Mr * . Henry Hlimlu nnd two uhiulrun , Mrs. Mann , Mrs. liobert Robertson , Mr.s. ICaufmnu nnd children , Captain U. G. Carnwoll , Mrs. J. K. Urown , Mrs. J. J. Meredith , L. 1 ? . Mason , Mr. Haus'hman , Mr. ComstocK , UonnlOaonvillo ; John Carr , IlixrrNonburg. The Corona was on her llrat trip of tha season and hud but recently como out of dry dock , where she had received repairs amounting to nearly ? 1'J,00 ; . She was built at Wheeling , W. Va. , by Sweeny Urns. , of that city , about seven years ago , and had 8 currying capacity of about twenty-seven thousand bales of cotton. At tholimo of the accident shu was valued at $20,000. Mrs. Kobe rtson suys when tlio Corona nr- rlved opposite False river landing , about blx- teen miles below tliu liuyon Sar.i , ono of her boilers exploded , tearing the boat to pieces , and she same in Unep water In a few soi-omls. Mrs , Hobuitsonus wedged In tlio ladles cabin with .some of the debris luylni : across her lower limbs , but .she was suddenly released and found herself floating in tha river. She sunk twice , but lucicily was picked up , aid escaped with only a few pain ful bruises on her limbs. L. C. Rollings , tlu ) pilot , says ho wasnsloop nt the lime of the explosion , aud does not know how It occurred. Hon. L. F. Mason , seciotary of Htnto , who was a passongur on the Corona , slates ihub ho escaped with life preservers and assisted in saving Mrs. Robertson and another lady ! There was very littla tlmo for preparation for escape , as the boat went doivn llko lead a few seconds after the explosion occurred. No ono seems to bo ublo to give any explana tion as to the calico of the sudden disaster. ' Captain T. C. Sweeney , of the Powers line , who assumed command on the dentil of Cuptnin Itlnnks , says the explosion was not duo to a too high pressure of steam. He had just had occasion to examine tlio t'Uugo , and Is positive there was not inoro than 1U5 pounds pressure. The bout had a moderate cargo. Ho was in tlio inldd'a ' or the stream just below the landing nnd had just whistled to pass the City of St. Louis , for'unatoly coining down at the time. Tha explosion had n downward tendency and blow out the bottom of the boat , causing her to sink immediately. The cabin was torn In two , the roar portion floating down stream and bearing a number of the saved. Captain Sweeney suys tbo boat would un doubtedly have burned had shonotgono down immediately. None of the booki , i aors or other valu ables were saved. The City of St. Louis , which WIM about live hundred yards above , nt once put out her boats nnd she did noble won ; in saving lives. The anchor line steamer stayed thora several hours rendering nil the assistance possible and taking on board the rescued. When nothing moVe could be done she camu on down to Baton Kongo , where iihyHiclnns were summoned and all possible ) done for the injured. The only dead body recovered was that of Fred Overman , the second barkeeper. FOUNDICltlOl ) AT rtli.V. Tlio British Steamer ICnrmooro ' 1'xvpniy-i'iirht I/ivi'H tiiiHt , New \OIIK , Oct. 3 , A dispatch to tlio Maritime Exchange to-day , dutod Nassau , September 30 , announced that the British steamer Earmooro , from Uultimoro to HIo Janeiro , had foundered at sea inngaloon September . " . All handh were lost except seven , who were landed nt Nassau , The total loss of life Is about twonty-olght. The Enrmooro was a steamer of UKO tons , commanded by Captain ( ! roy. She lotl Bal timore August U'J. nnd sulkd njxt day from Hampton roadu for Hio Jiuilcro. The stnrm tVhioh prevailed early In Sop tcmbcr struck the Eurmooro ( when she was oil the West Indies. On Septmnbor ! i the bhlp had to bu abandoned and two boats wcro launched. The first olllcer. Painter , the soil- on il engineer , Moldrum , and five seamen ' wcru in onii hunt , Captain Gray , two olll- i-'f certt and sixteen of the crow were in the long boat. This uoat him not been heard fiom. A cablegram from Bt. Jngq snyH the Hinnll boat arrived , but tlmt the live nailer * nro in ndying condition , It is burely pohil- blo those in the long boat mav have been picked up by sotno vessel , Itiimornd Slcanmlilp Collision. , N. S. , Oct. ! ! . There Is a report bore very into to-nlghtof a serious Bteamslnp collision forty miles from bt. Pierre near the Now Foundlnnd coast. No particulars are obtainable. Tim Indian LAKE MOIIONK , N. Y. , Oct. ! ! . At to-day's session of the Indian conference Prof. Painter , of the Indians' Highlit 11030 : latlon , reid u lengthy paper pointing out the grave defects of recent legislation. It said in nub- stance that the allotment of lands In sever ally was a step In tlio right di 1 I rection , but under tlio limitations of the act not nulllrlont to tnku the Indian out of IIH ! old condition ) . An inter- cbtlnt ; paper was nlHO road by ex-Just lea Strong , of the United States Miprcme court , in which , rofurrlng to the < iucstion of the ed ucation of Indians , tic thought congrubs should provulo funds for the puiposo by puy- ing to tiin suites a sum e < iun ! 10 the amount which would bo i abed if tlio lamln allotted in severally wore taxable by the Blntoa. ( J moral KiuiikncT OutS -vcn Vunrf. Uun'AU ) , N. Y. , Oct. 3. The jury In the case of General Luster 11 , I'aulknor h is found him guilty of making a falserepirt of the condition of the D.insvlllo National banlc in May , 1SS7 , to which liu sltjned hib name. Judge Coxo this afternoon Hentcncod him to Boven yours In the Krlu county penitentiary Application will bo mudu for u writ of orror. In the cane , nKii Avcrlll Sr. PAUL , Oct. U. Kx-Congrosjuiun Johu C Avorlll died to-night of linuhts dUeaio. Hn was bUty fuur oar uld.