Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    - - '
f I- I
Contractor Coots hns stopped work on
the city hull ntul will not recommence
anlil his contract is signed ,
Dr. und Mrs. Grossinnu entertained a
number o ( friends nn < l neighbors nt
Uiolr hospitable homo last evening.
The excursion of the board of trndo
io Sioux Clly to-day comprises 100
Of the lending members with their
The Gale City Coal company has been
Incorporated by W. S. Wonrno , J. U
Iluso , and T. K. , of Omalm , with a
capital stock of $10,000.
Contractor Ed Pliolan has boon
ordered to commence \vovk grading
Franklin strcotbotwoon Twenty-fourth
and Thirty-second streets.
The fire doimrtmont was called to
Thirteenth nml Chicago sir-cola yester
day afternoon at ! l-lo : to oxtiiiRulsh a
bliiKlnff wpodshcd. The damntro was
voi\y slipht.
There will bo a workers' mooting at
the headquarters of the W. O. T. U. ,
Thirteenth and Dodgn streets , tomorrow
row evening. The meeting will bo led
by Rev. C.V. . Savldge.
Miss Lizzie Isaacs , of the Omaha
college of music , says that the publica
tion of the sickness of another lady by
the .aumo name has been a pourco of
annoyance to her and an Injury to her
Mr. Lawrence Allwino , of Grand
Island , and Miss Laura Hitler , of Fro-
inont , wore married yesterday at the
Barker hotel , llov. C. W. Savidgo , of
ficiating. Mr. Allwino is a popular con
ductor on the Union Pacillc.
Kov. A.V. . Lamnr this evening de
livers in Blair his lecture , "Recollec
tions of Southern Life. " Saturday
night-Mr. Lmnar will deliver an address
before the state convention of the
Younjr People's Society of Christian
Hon O. W. 13. Doi-soy , of Fremont , Is at
the Mttlnrtl.
Sllna Gobi ) 1ms returned from a vis U to his
old U'iinu in Kentucky.
Mr. William Pcnderjiast , of Hockford , 111. ,
Is tlio guest of Mr. S. N. Mcalio.
Mrs. R 13. Hull , or Buy Olty , Mich , is
visiting her sister , Mrs. P. II. Turner.
> Pater Casey , n member of the Hibernian
band , hns KOIIU to ' .lUfornhi on n visit.
Charles l.yon , deputy United States mar
shal , uml urida luivo returned from Chicago.
Willliim Merrill , vice president of the
Northwestern Mutual Life ) Insurance eoin-
paliy , HUB a cillcr ut TUB UKU onieo yostor-
Mrs. L. W. Smith , of Hay City , Mich. , is
paying her brother , Mr. Joliu L. Webster , a
J. H. McCoy , revenue agent for this dis
trict , returned from u trip ttirouih South
A. D. Fisher , suocial aecnt for ttio Kfiult-
nblo Life Insurance Society of the United
States , is at the Murray.
Dr. Hull \Vyimut , of Detroit , has been
the Kuost of Dr. E. 13. Slotnnn. Dr. Wymun
has Just returned from an extended visit to
Aluhlcn , Mexico and the Pacillo coast , wliero
lie attended the convention of the National
llov. J. F. D. Lloyd nnd famllv. late of
Hlvorsldc. 111. , is in the city. Mr. Lloyd Is
the newly clouted rector of the Church of
the Good Shepherd. Ho is sojourning at the
residence of Mr. Corby , and is wurinlv wel
comed by a lurce number of thu members of
his prospective Hook.
A Terror.
Hill Grlnics" was arrested yesterday on
the charge of tinctitciilnc to kill his wife.
I'Jioy llvo on Sixteenth street , near Williams.
Grimes is as black as nljjht , but his wife is a
corpulent white woman. Her name Is Huttlo
mm she was locked up as a prosecuting wit
AHviivi'Cllinlniii Illulicr.
Postmaster Gallagher has completed his
t-eport for September. Tt shows a Inruo in
crease over thu previous month. The stamp1 *
void amounted to ? 15,10'l , ' ) : ) , and envelopes to
llM.o : ) , malcluc a total revenue of'JS ! U.
Air. Gallapher saytlio receipts of the onico
have increased steadily evf r since lie became
Tciiclicrs at School.
Miss Isabelle | 5. Anderson has organized a
class of Omaha school teachers whom she
will instruct m elocution and physical cul-
turo. The lirst instructions wore given last
night in Miss Anderson's rooms ia the
Bhcclo.y block. ' 1 lie'meetings will be held
on each Thursday evening aad onSatuiday
llriditliiu Gutters.
More or less time Is lost by the motor cars
through slowness of locomotion necessary in
crossing Butters. To do away with this un
pleasant feature the motor company has de
cided to bridpc all the drains so as to bring
the tracks to a common level.
Now crossings are also to bo put in at the
intersection of the motor and cable tnicies
% vhlci | will make the passage over such places
lens alsagrceublo to passengers.
A Hull Without n Chain.
Ed Hall Is a natural thief.
On Monday ho was arrested for being
drunk. Ho was lined $7.50 and assigned to
work about tno Jullr While working la ttio
police barn yesterday ho gave the police ttio
Up and escaped.
Inside of two hours ho had stoloa a set of
harness and an overcoat from J. A. Wholun ,
of No. 151U North Sixtodiitn street. Ho
eoakcd the overcoat on Tenth street nnd got
drunk on the money. He was then ar
rested and the hurness wus recovered.
Ho was lined f 1UO yesterday afternoon.
DlsoilhCtl .MOlit.
City Meat Inspector Farr is somewhat ag
grieved ov r the fact that the papnrs pub
lished a complete report of the work of his
assistant , Fred Heckstcln , for the month ol
September , wnilo his was very much abbrev
iated. Mr. Farr ayn that hlti month's work ,
as far as condemnation of diseased meal
i goes , was as follow * : lieef , 1,553 pounds :
pork , 800 ; mutton , 25 ; ; llsh , TOO ; veal , 635
lie condemned onu and'ono half dozen prai
rie chickens , US duclc.s and a gross ot melons
In addition he inspected 105 cows , iuul found
all to be In a sound und healthy condition.
Ofl' to Sioux Oily.
The board of trade excursion to the Sioux
City Corn paluco , promises to bo a big nlTalr
The following have secured tickets for the
trip )
President Kuclld Martin , D. II. Whceloi
and wife , C. 1 \ Goodman and wife , H. G
Clurtfo .mil wife , S. A. Orchard and daugh
ter , " \y. N. Nuson und wife , Fred J. Host
wick and wife , J. H. Hungato and
wife , M , Dunham and wife , William Flom-
Ing-and wife , John Grant , Dr. McKlnnoy
II. U , Cargol ! , T. S. Ularkson and wife , W
J. Hioatch and wife , J. J. Hrown and wife
\V. F. Manning , F. Ii. Ualloy and party o
live , George Towlo , wlfo and daughters
Thomas A. Creiitli and wlfo. G. W. Hoi-
brook , f ) . C. Patternon , Charles U. linnvt
owl Wife , Fred Motz , jr. , Hugh Murphy
llourv Pundt , John \\Hlincll , wlfo ant
daUL'htOM , Kidney Smith , .left Hcdforil , W
J. Wolslmus and wife , George 13
Harder ' and wife , 13. V. Lewis anil
wife , . O. O. Lobeck und wife , D. P
Anpell and wife. Max Meyer , lid Cudnhy ,
C. F Wcllor and wife , G. M. Clark , Freii
D rax el , D. Fltzpatrlclr. Kdwin Davis and
ami , T. O. Hruinord. U. li. Squires and wlfo ,
Jmnct Forgytho and .wlfo , F. D. Cooper and
WlfD , M , A , Upton and wife , A. It. Uufreuo
cud wlfo , J , H. Kuony and wife
George W. Mason. A. M. Mlllspaugh , Join
. Kvtuis , Sr. , anil wife , W. I * Selby , 10. Hone-
diet , J F. Hoyd and wife , W. A. L. Gibbon
and wlfo. Alf U. nnd Howard Kennedy
J , A. Wuketlold , Clmrlo } C'jrbcU S. ) K
Ji clf ou und wlfo ,
, 'i'lio party goc by spcciul train , lo.ivlng
Omutiu tins inorulub'"I 8 o'clock , returning
'In the oveuliig ,
The train leaves the Webster sticct dcpo
V8 o'clock this morn Ing.
' Morelmnts' Hotel. I.argo sample
rooms. $ i ! , 12,50& 43 pur i\uy , Xat 13row u
OF Til 12 IMUXOil'AljS.
The Arrest of Qiitnlati in nn Ovor-
Crowdiul Tent.
Qulnlnn was arraigned before Judge llcrka
Testcrdny morning nnd waived a prollim-
iary hearing until the liiltor part of the
vcolt. The court placed him under $5,000
bonds nnd tlm prisoner wns taken to the
county jail. Ho was charged with assault
vlth Intent to Kill.
When Qulnlan was called before his honor
ho was fooling Very blue. Ho said ho did
tot irmko the assault for the purpose of kill-
MR K lop man.
Klopraan is at the point ot death , nnd , ac
cording to the city physician , can not llvo.
He is lying at St. Joseph's hospital , whore ,
u ) before mentioned , ho was taken last
night ,
Klopman makes a statement that bo ro-
urncd from work about 0:10 : o'clock '
ast night. After nutting his team In the
jam he went into the cooking tent and was
nlltliiK to the cook when Qulnlan approached
uid demanded why he wns not at work.
Klopman replied that It was U o'clock and
10 was through lor the day.
"After this you'll quit when I toll you to ,
, 'ou , " replied Quitiian , and
simultaneously ho struck Klopm ill In the
iicmth with his list , breaking two of the lat-
ter's teeth. After a little scuflle , Qulnlan
> lcked UD a singletree from one of the wag-
ins nnd struck Klopman across the head and
out lie back.
This happened shortly after U o'clock , hut
t was almost 10 o'clock before Klopman was
. .ikun to the police station und given medical
Klopman made bis statement to the police
nnd n squad wns sent for Qulnlan. Ho
roana in a tent on Forty-second street. At
; lrst he begged not to bo taken , stating that
10 would give himself up In the morning ,
lie and his wife ami two men were all la bed
in the same tout. Hut Qululun was placed la
the patrol w.igoa nnd carried away.
\Vhcn informed that his victim was at
death's door , Quinlan almost xvont into hys
terics. It took fuurpolccmci\to ! hold aim.
All ha miid was that lie did not intend to
lull Klopmun but merely shipped and as
saulted him because hu would not obey bun.
Quinlan wus married last January and his
wlfo is sufforln ? greatly over her husband's
arrest. _
For Rent A nearly now Emerson
pinnouuright griind. Apply 611 So. 1-th
Tlu Cily Kxpeots th County ( o Uo
ll.s Own Ci rail mi ; .
Comptroller Goodrich sayj that the county
owes the city fS'J.OOO for Its sluro ot paving
paid for out of the city treasury , but has no
money to pay it. Where the city lias pavintr
and grading to do In which the county has
been inerestcd , the latter has asked the for
mer to pay the county's ' share with the under
standing that tno county will repay it. This ,
however , it has failed to do as there Is no
money in the county road fund.
Major Wheeler say3 that the city is getting
tired of p.iv'im ; the county's debts and , for
one , he will strongly oppose the outlay of
any more monov by the city for the county.
Comptroller Goudrich says that the con
tracts made by the county with the city liavo
been worded so as to read that the county
would repay the amount for city grading as
soou as there "wore any road fnnas avail
able. " Thoru has beoa no funds available
for some time.
The comptroller suggests that , in the fur-
turo , when the city and.county have grading
or paving in which each 5s interested , the
city make a contract only for its own part of
the work and let the county taUe care of
what belongs to it.
lee For Sale.
600 to 1,000 tons good ice on railroad
truck. Will sell cheap. Address A.
G. Uuchaiuui & Co. , Fremont , Nob.
Iteasons Assigned For Tiiolr Ijcnvliic
lho SiTvioo.
There seems to bo considerable dissatisfac
tion among the conductors and motormea in
the employ of the Omaha Motor Hallway
company , and a number of them have quit
the service. Six left Thursday , and there
are rumors of other resignations soon.
it was ascertained that all the disaffected
ones had the same grievances. They com
plained that they are subjected to a petty
system of espionage that is entirely un
called for , aud that they are oponlv
insulted and treated with contcmut. They
are compelled to buy their uniforms at a
certain clothing store , or a row is raised.
Tlio goods , ' , hey claim , arc of inferior quality
and yet exorbitant prices are charged for
tliem. It is hinted that the motor company
gets a good-sized bonus for the forced pat
ronage of its employees.
All the men who have left , it Is said , have
madii arrangements to enter the employ of
the Omaha Street Killwav company , which
will start its electric system this woe ! ; .
Tlio Itanlc mid tlio Ofllcc.
The Tyler Desk Co. , of St. Louis , Mo. ,
and the Tyler System of Bank Counters.
The banker need no longer R'IVO half
his capital for fixtures. The modern
olllco can bo furnished with lovely desks ,
&e. , nt rates that will encourage pro
gress aud improvement. Tyler's Royal
Typo Writer Cabinet and Desk Com
bined arc now within thoroaehof ovary
operator. Send for their catalogues.
See adv. in this issue.
They Appear For .Sentence In tlio Dis
trict Court.
Jt was Juvenile day In the criminal court.
The first case in Judge Wakelo.y's court was
that against Harry Nichols , a twelve-year-
old lad , charged with the larceny of a gold
watch , valued at $ " > 0 , from C. E Morrell.
The jury roturnoJ a verdict of not guilty ,
after having been out but ton minutes. Than
three boys , Henry Ilichtcr , Louis Knock c
and John Nogo , each of tliom under twelv c
years of ago , were taken before Judge Wake-
ley , charged with having brokoa Into
Mrs. A. Newman's stare , on South
Thirteenth street. Tlio evidence was
conclusive aad Judge Wakeloy sen
tenced the lads to ono day In the county
jail. Two of the lads broke down completely
and uttered louJ lamentations while on tliolr
way to ttio prison. The other lad , tlio young
est of tlio trio , took his medicine like a Stoic-
and walked out of tlio court room chatting
merrily with the balliiT. As the party wont
down the stair the ooy asked : "Say. mister ,
what time do you have dinner ever there am
what do you give a feller to oat. anyway. "
The jury in the case of John Nelson ,
charged with having btolen $ M from Mrs
Finn , returned a verdict of not guilty last
Fred W. Gray has commenced milt In the
district court ngainst Johanna Johnson for
? tSJ ! ( on a promisory note made in December ,
Judge Doano yesterday heard the ap
plication of Lindsoy fur an injunction restraining
straining the city from carrying out a pro
posed change of grade at Twenty.ninth
avenue and Hurnoy street.
The case ngainst Henry Myers , chargoii
with the murder of Nels Plantcon , will nol
bo taken up until after County Attorney
Mahoney gets through with his work befort
tlio grand jury.
Nels O , Hrown was arrested on August 17
and taken before Justlco Holmes on the
charge of having disturbed the peace by
threatening to assault F. -Lewis. . Tno
case was transferred to Justice vVudo'H
court and a verdict of acquittal rendered
after a bearing of the case. Hrown consid
ers that ho was damaged to the extent ol
$10,000. and has brought suit in the district
court against Lewis for that amount.
Byron Kccd and Ann 13. Campbell have
commenced suit in ejectment against Martlin
and Lena Quick , to recover possession ol
lots 1 andI in section C , township , 15 ,
rangd If ,
Tlio case of Dennis Leahy was given to the
Jury about 0 o'clock , and they returned In
about ten minutes with a verdict of not
guilty , Leahy was at mica discharged ,
[ u Judge Doano'g court the famous case ol
Van ICtten against Abrahams glvoa to
the jury , ivhleh failed to ugrco.
The case of Mrs. Sarah I. .Hryant '
Judge McCullouKu tot | 3,1TO damage's
suiting from the wrongful Issuance of a writ
of restitution , was board In part before
Judge Doano.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
County Court.
In the contest over the clnltns of Peter
Gees for 3 , < H7 and M. H. Powell for f 153
ngainst the Hank of Omaha , Judge Shields
ssucd an ordar thnt the claim bo allowed
jut that dividends to thosocroaltors bo with
hold until all the creditors have been paid or
until the capital stock has boon paid up.
Judge Shields hcnrd a case of the H. & M.
railroad company against Frederick Al-
jrlght. The plaintiff claims ownership of a
ot on the river bottoms which Is occupied by
.ho defendant , nnd seeks to have him evicted.
riio testimony developed the fact that AlBright -
Bright Is the city dump master , nnd has
jccn using the lot for dumping garbage nnd
ill sorts of refuse mutter. He claims to
mvo used the land for three years for this
iiirposo nnd claims possession on that ac-
; ount , Judge Shields decided against Al
bright , who at once RIVVO notice by Ills attorney -
noy that ho would take an appeal to the dis
trict court.
District Court. Tornn.
It is understood that Judge Untidy has de
cided to call an adjourned term of the United
States district court , May term , to commence
about the 15th of this month. So iiuioli bust *
less lias accumulated that it would bo Im
possible for him to Olsposo of It during tlio
regular November term in time to convene
.he January tctm nt Lincoln.
In order to give the lawyers , clients and
jverybndy Interested lime to try their cases
ils honor thinks It advisable to open the
court thrco weeks curlier than the calendar
provision for.
The C. , St. P. , 1. & O. Il'y ( depot
loth und Webster sta. ) , will boll round
, rip tickets to the Sioux City Corn
[ ? nlnco Festival at ftt.'JO , on sale September
tember-- October o , yood to return
until October 15.
T. AV. TKASDAM : , G. P. A.
Mnri-laui ! IJIOCIIS-M.
The following licenses were Issued by
Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and Hesidonce. Age.
I John F. Carlsmi. SiuUi Omaha . m
I Mary 13. D. Cauiburg , South Omalialil
( Alfred 13. Duncan , Omaha . i5 !
1 Muggio F. Millet , Omaha . -JO
I Lawrence AHw mo , Grand Island . US
I Laura Hcder , Fri'inoat . , ! il
I ISdwnrd Hlsler , South Omithn . tM
I Kmilloa Schlitzbcrirpr , south Omami. . . . ' , ' . )
J Joseph U > .ol , South Omaha . tJ !
I Hoslo H.IIVCO , South Omalia . -JO
I John A. Nelson , Ureston , la . : il
I Molllo Swanson , Omaha . 'Jo
i Frank Hcime , Omaha. . . i0 !
( Loue Holmes , Puutsmouth . 'JO
X TON UoTitj , OMAHA Special at
tention to uommei'iiiiil men. Finest and
large-it hotel in the \yest. ICittredgo , t
Urainard , proprietors.
ix Graicl'cil.
The Omaha banker * wl.o attended tno
convention at Kansas City lust week have
forwarded to the money kings down there
who entertained them a resolution of thanks
us follows :
Hesolvod , That we , the undersigned ,
representing the Oaiaha Clearing
House association at the bankers'
national convention held at City ,
hereby desire to express our appreciation of
the treatment given the visiting bankers by
the local organi/.Uion. Tno cntiiu manage
ment was. in our opinion , admirable , and
not likely to be soon excelled hi any other
city soliciting the honor of beini ; the meet
ing place of the annual convention.
This is signed by A. U. Wyman , 11. W.
Yates , Luther Drake , 13. 13. Haleh , Allrcd
Millnrd , Thomul H. McCague , F. 11. Davis ,
nnd M. T. JSnrlow. A copy was sent to each
of the Kansas City banks.
rnlil'ornhi t nt-ft-Ciir.- > .
The only guaranteed cure for catarrh , cold
in the head , hay fever , ioe cold , culurrlml
( tcatuoss ami sore e. > es. Restore the sense of
taste end unpleasant breath , icsulting from
catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow
directions and a cure is warranted uy all
drungists. .Send for circular toAUH3TINli
MEDICAL COMPANY. Orovillo , Cal. Sis
months1 treatment for § 1 , sent by mail , $1.10.
Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
Army "Votes.
Leave of absence for a month bus been
granted First , Lieutenant William P. Ken
dall , Fort D. A. Kusscll , Wyoming.
Leave of absence has nlsa been grunted
First Lieutenant Willis Wittich , adjutant
Twcntv-llrot inf.mtiy. Fort Sidney , Ne
braska , to take effect October ! > , 1-3J ,
Captain Marcus W. Lyon , chief ordnance
ofllccr of the department , has been appointed
special inspector ot stores in bands of the
acting ord mince ofllcor at Fort Lar.imie.
In future c.icli post commander in this de
partment will make out and attach to the
post return sent to head quartets , a report
showing the number and clins of nfllecrs'
quarters , the number of non-commissioned
staff oillcors' quarters , -and the number nnd
class of barracKS for cnlibled men at.lhe
post. _
Heeoham's Pllis cnro bilious and nervous ills
Tuesday evening , Oct. 2. , at the rcsidenc.i
of John F. Flack , 521 North Twenty second
street , Dr. W. Al. Brown and MI B I3inniu
Sherman , Uev. John Williamson , D. D. , ofll-
not remedied in season , ii liable to
become habitual and chronic. Dra/i-
tlc purgatives , by weakening the bowels ,
confirm , rather than emu , the e\il.
Ayer's IMIls , being mild , effective , and
strengthening in their action , aie gener
ally recommended by the facultj as the
best of apoiicnt.s.
"Having been .subject , for years , to
constipation , ultliout being ahl < > to Uml
much relief , I at last tiled Ayi-r'n Pills.
I deem it both a duty uml u pleasure
to testify that I have ueihctl great ben
efit from their u e. For oor two years
past I have taken ono of tliehO pills
( ivory night before retiring. I oald not
willingly bo without them. " U. W.
llowmuii'J013astMuinst. , Carlisle , 1'a.
"I have been faking Aycr's Pills and
using them in my family since 1857 , nnd
cheerfully iccommemt them to all in
need of a nnfo but effectual enthurtic. "
John M. ItoggB , Louisville , K ) ,
"For flight roars I was afllleted with
constipation , which at last lit-camo .so
bad that the dot-tors could do no mom
for mo. Then I began to tnko Ayer's
I'llls , nnd soon tlm bowels iccoveretl
tholr natural and regular notion , HO that
now I nm In tixoolimit health. " S. L.
Loiighhridgo , Hryan , Texas ,
" Having used Ayor's Pills , with good
rcHnlts , I fully Indorxo thinn for the pur
poses for which they are reoommonded. "
T. Connors , M. D , , Centre lirlilgc , I'a.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer tt Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold ty all Dmcgltti aud Dealer * iu Ucdlclue.
Three Nights and Saturday Matlnoo
Thursday , Kridny und Biturdiiy , Oct. ! t. i and 6.
Mil. AIIIUIj IIAIt.NUV p'osonts Mr.
Sutirorted by .Mil. OKOUUIJ I.KAUOUK.
Ant ] uu unqiiostluuiibly strong company of bis.
trlonlo talent , presenting
Admla8lonS8c.BOc. TBcsndll. Bale of
wU ] oreu at the box alike Weda 3d y morulog.
1103 I'Aiiv.oi flTHmtr , OMAIM , NID.
( Uupoilt * Itexton Hotel. )
OdlcohoursOn.mto8p.m , Bumlays , 10 n.
m. to 1 p. m ,
Kpt-riiiists In chronic , Ncrvoui Skin ami
lllood illseavpi.
tWOoimiHutlon nt ollico or by inntl free.
Mi'illclnes mint by innll or pxpnsi. seciiruly
Backed , free from observation , tiiinrnntoes to
euro ( inlrkly , nf ly nivl pcriminetiUy.
) JTnVnT ? ! < 3 llPRirf'PV ' Spprmntorrhina , s m | .
HhuVDUO UCDlLlll mil l.ossi-sNluht imis :
Ion1'liyslcal Decay , arising from lmll < > cre
tlon. I'.xci-ss or IndnlRonfr. producing Sleepless
iitss , ucspomlonry. l'lmpei ! on tlio fnce , aver-
nlon to society , easily rtsronw | > c'il , laes of conll
donco , ilull , limitlortitmlvor buslneis , nml llmls
llfo a burden. Safely , pcviuaiiontly nnd pri
vately cured. Consult lirs. lletts .N : Iletts , i ua
1'nruiun St. , Omnha , Neb ,
Blooi and Skin
results , completely craiilcati-d wlttitmt the nld
of McrouiT. fcniniln , Kr/sipolns. TOMT ores ,
tLlins , Ulcers , I'Ainsln tlio Heart nml llonu
PMilililMcSorn'Jhrnnt , Jloiith and 'lonijuc. O
turili , etc. . permanently cuitd where othi-ri
hno failed.
Viilnnu Ifi'lno'ir nn < 1 madder Oomplnints ,
mUubV' Ulllld V iMindil. Dliiicuit , too fie-
quant llnvnlliBor Illoody rrnio. I'tlnc lil h col-
nictl r with milky hoitltiicw on stixmllinj , Wonk
Hick , ( ihiinrrliicn. Olent , CvhtltH etc. ,
1'roiiiDtly and Safely Cured , Charges "
moral complete , without cnttlnir , oiiustir ot
dllliitlmi. cures etlccted nt homo by patli'nt
without n moments pnlnorai'iinyniim.
To YoiiDff Ken and Miflflh-Asci Men ,
AOflRT ? nlTUt1 'J < ll ° " " ' " ' 1 et'octs of rnrly
OUllIJ uUflu Vice , which htincj niKnnli.
wuiil-ness , ilestroyliiKbotli mind and body , \ > itli
nil Ksdroidod 11H , iicrmnurntlvintud.
FiDi ! TJDT'I1 ' ? drusi tluirfpHlintiiVO llllinlicd ]
LTlJi DullU ) iniiriicr | ) ] niillil.
KIMMM ivnd solitary linblts.lilcii ruin uotli
body and mind , iiiitlttlno : tlieiu lor buslntai ,
atudv or innrriaK < * .
Muitihi > MKN. orthosoentpilnnon that linji
pylifc , avnio of physical debility , ( jUickly as
la bused tipou facts , First-1'r.ictlral Rxpo
rlonco. Sorunil K\ery iMse it > oMicclully studied-
tliiiBstartlni ; aright. Third Me lie uesaiuDU- .
jini'd tu our l.tbutory esartlj to suit twh case ,
thus alfectlni ; oiue < without Injury
ST S"Ud trents ) rjostA u for rcleiir.ito 1 wolks
on Chinnlr. Norvont 'nnd Delicate ll cases.
Tlioiisnndscinoil. iX ? \ niondly letter or cull
limy sir'o you future siiirerlni ; nnd Minnie. ' !
add BOlden yo.i-s to life , iff So letters nu-
srvored imles < i accoinpanle'l by 4 cents la stuniDS.
Address or i-nll on
nOSF.irnam Street. Oninhn ,
\X \ * f. . SIZE !
ani receive l
Vlicn 3 on art I ifjMeinl > ortUattIicrcfs
HU"h . n ] rlc'o ( Jint
! < > toiiolmiji II Is li
liny n fair prim nnd > > pt
Kcoil Rliivi > 4 likotlulcli-
) in iMiV. Tli"\ ant maile
irmn hi'ltvlt1 , ! hklns In ih
host innnner .IIH ! in c \ \ u v-
runtcd to lie ilio mu < .t
servlcpalilo inaitc. If jou
want Iu Unov'nioio about
nloM B In iriiernl anil
HlltCllltlROIl'H tJloil'll
In pnrtlcnlar. onolnao
stainpfor HIP uo'ik Alinut
< lo\ikM. H will Intprcat
joii KsrAiiii nr : ! ) isr. ; .
JOII > G.illlTtlllNfcOS. . .lo'in.loi
' \W/l't-fi
awn roi ce a < at T < IIMWAT -
Hcrlhwestorn Military ncauemy ,
rHCiitrlliroo miles nortli of f'lilcacn ; In ? u f " [
ri > rnn ( if ( iXtlPrit IlCOlt llt ) > trilPtfirRt JKO COUPECS fit
L . and i mirpfi'.Vl futllltlo' Inr lnj.t..iaimi. Intliience.
health , li.iue ininliriH anil
rl iiirraliliiKiii ) to lllulilanil I'ark. Ill
l/lriMCV ll'id ' alltirlnuiy troubles easily.nulck-
MUllUl ly nnd wifely fiiriMl by DOtrniUA
Capsule' * Cererul cases cunid iu sov-nu '
Sotil ut gl.Af per lur , nil driuwts. or by mill
fiom Docuira .MTi : Co , 11JVhUo M. , N. Y.
Tull dhoetloiH ,
[ JESS CUKEDi'rrfttvr t.
> l UUtlnclljr. l-omforULl.
( Successors to Jolin ( i. .Incobj. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the Old Stand. . 1407 Farnam Blrsst.
Onlers l > y telepirniili Hollclted und inoiui > tly
AUi-iuluil , 'i'olupliono to No. . ' . ' .
J-V bom ht. , L'lilcuKo ; ndvicu free ; SI yo.irrf ex.
purlenco ; lii-lnuaa iiulutly una lon.illy trans-
ebiateil lines of lloi/tBiand Hhoos. nianuractur-
duy ( " . M. Hciideraim Ai < 'o. , of Chlcago-Fao
torled at Clilcnuo , IJlron , Ills. , and Fond lu ) l.uc ,
Wl . 8honld write HAJI. N. WATSON , resl-
dencp , J'HKMtlNT. NKH. Travullnu uifout
- - - for Uubberu.
. A.T
We will offer this week 250 Men's pure Worsted Sack and Frock Suits , made and
trimmed in first class shape , at the unheard of price of $8 per suit. Guaranteed pure all
wool goods , in every respect equal to any $15 suit in the market. All sixes from 35 to 44.
Sample suils sent to any address , and if not satisfactory , may be returned at our expense.
Closing Out Prices on Pall Overcoats ,
We will offer this week an extraordinary bargain In a pure all-wool cassimcre Fall Over
coat , in two neat silk mixtures , a garment usually sold for $15.00. We are overstocked on
this line and have decided to name the popular price of $8.00 to close them. They cannot
'be manufactured for the price , but the season for light Overcoats will soon close and we
arc determined to clean up in this department. Send for self-measurement blanks and wo
will send a sample garment to any address and if the garment is not found to be as repre
sented , it may be returned at our expense.
Boy's Combination , Suit , Overcoat and Cap (
Price for all $6.75.
We have manufactured two styles in large quantities of this combination in pure all-wool
cheviot goods in Suits , Overcoats and Caps of the same material and oHer them this week
as a special bargain at $6.75 for the combination. Ages 5 to 14. We unhesitatingly
recommend these goods for wear , being strictly all-wool and made and trimmed with a
view to service.
DES MOINES Proprietor
Cor. Douglas and 15tli Sts. , Omalia.
V < nir
'I'hcbi ! cool duyi gUKRCst liouvy clotliliif ;
vc nro well incpiired to piovldo for the
comfort of our customer- ) . Our flock
compr t's Men s ralltml Winter Pulls of
tlio lilnlicit Rf.ulo of material amioik -
iniinsliip , tnuethorvitli nn unllinlted .sup
ply of warm lloilury und I'liiliunejr.
Our artistic selection of Nvck uar Is n < lo-
llslitto tliooyts.
\Vclia\t ) ' oniPtliliiB choice In Ilnutlkor-
clilnfs soinctliinp nvcelUnt In ( Jlovc-s
uml loiiiothlni , ' lollnWoin I'mlncllns.
chlldien's C'lotliln a t-pealulty.
The ( I jo Stnn.lanl llmv ,
" niwlles for tlio cuiu n
. -vMo alliiunlH niu nn
fumiatMM for imrlty. i tc.
HilUfai tloll ( lunrnututl ,
Oriltr Hniifili Jo. 1 for
Ktmlull MrilnrM or Vital
lnxM.ii , I'ikolino.
_ . . . , ijfMiMlilcjillltj Inmnrrlfd
men , in tlio8ociiUihiK I at haiipy life. I' W.
Ko aforli errlof or K'n-t ' III < ithcr ex. Aroinblnnl
tuutimnt for Internal mul lot > l tuc. Cum In I to 6
ilajn. .NofrlnieorlliJ llin Wlllliotcuu > o > llUtiiie ,
iiafiiormiurtlHi ; llttsiiiii lliuinlr < iUnfcaM. 1'ilrctl W
So 4 H.niihc hpttlno foi imn vr uuiniii I'lCMnU
Koiiurrliueo , i to. No rubber nor Inleitluii rnrkotiB
ra-.tuSJiUvn. Kni > lly utixl 1'rlroll ( M. will ti win teiUU
trial kample of reincily.No Ior a un reiulpl ol Itli la
ftlaiinijfur pojtajr * * Any one of tliitttiemtdU'ii pioiupt
ly ent ( ntfatfil ) h/ mail on reiclpt of tlio pilcc. tl 00.
lulrrr.tlnrlliiflfc tr fillifrf x.inanleili > rfllulu ) nnt Vrrt.
Dr , J , E. McGRE W
The Well Known S
ii unsurpassed In
tlio troatnii'iic of
nil foiimor I'HIV-
( licet mid HIHIOT-
uiir , n euro
V , liCIHH Of
JlAsiinuii , and
iiinultlon. STiinir
TV or lUiiiu.N *
NINS nlnoliitely
cured , Hend for
books , for "Man"
or"Woinnn" < iiicli
IU cents ( siain)3) | )
( J VTA Itllll nllll
_ _ _ , , _ „ _ , bKIN DlKKAFBS
cured quickly nndpunnaiiently. Treatment by , sund stamps for reply ,
Ofllco S. K. cor. 18th nnd Jnohson Sts , ,
Oumha , Nebrnslm.
P fc H I N I I C 1111 u "W'lleU ' by anyone. Two
I bfiitii
( uja)8 ) on common wood produces
uoautlful ntiluhi more nttractlvei riiuti natural
wood. Durable , economical. Bend for circular
amlBHinpluof wood llnlshert vltn Forlnlto to
6lll > . N W
Send for iMO pajjo illustrated
Stationary , Fancy Goods , Toys anil No
tions. Laryoat and cheapest stock in
the west.
The InrfiCjt , tustuet , uml linear. In tlio world
'anscnKcr accommodations unexcelled ,
firw York to T.lvrrpool vln ( limppMiwu.
'I'lla CelolirntvU I The Hurst Btpani-1 Onl I C4h
UllvufJCuiuolblili ) III \\urld.lUCli I Dill
Hew Yor ] : to Giagow via Lsaionisrr/
r.thlopln . . Oct. fith , Oit Iflth
Ancliorla , . .Oct. I'Mi ] October "otli
ITew Ycri to Azores , Gibraltar and Italy.
Victoria , Oct. loth , 3 p.m.
Hnloon , hctoud.rlttSM uml Hltvruffu rfttt'flm , Iowe4
tpitiiB. l.ti'iltvluu 'llcltrts icilutfiLlnade atallnMe toro.
turn by iltlur llm I'uluirsquo Cljilo jiiul North or lits
land , or Kltcr > leii > c-y aud Buuth of Iielaiid. or .Nnilcj
lirl OlljinltM.
Kxcuriilano to 1'arli nr Contlnpulul Taiiro nn lor/ ,
ret H'liiiH 'lnncl r ' Clicillnr I ttrlH lit Cn'.llt and
] ) rnrtnfornny ninuunt nt lots { itcumnt rnteg. Apply to
Auy of our lot it ) jiirenlf. nr lo
U.S. llAI.r , .
II. V. Moiitis. :
0.11. MAKES.
A Perfect Face Powder ;
„ POWDEJ. - ?
IWa'l ruUuir. boltbj *
Klii.lcr'i. > OTf rii iilM Ul.n , l 101N.KU ,
Rt i On KrniiinM i
8clirui < m , 1
cor W li t ri > lorrrir . , cor'lilr ) ro.Ilfriiiiik a , * < ?
ror wnii.i.ii HUH. / ) ' . , . . nuliC.i , foil r n.
ll , cur Ctiilin > lellrtl hi.lhut l > ruff htorrro > - | i U Tuili.
r..cor ' , r clflc , OnH. loiin : IMI > , MO ) Mull ! , inn c. r I'aclf-
IrilinH. lllln I'.mrnl l , 31 1 1 & Co . cor. | 1iieU I9
cor IVlliAml Cutnliti ; . on Htilti ier'it Dr. Mtlllo'l , 1JOI Cdt.
0 > 'f , lur. 1 ke | On 1/ftvrUMiHthi DuvU * . l,7la I'tytou4.w n ,
c r , Slltil fiftlll A ( 'o 33lliHn I Uiveni ort ) hr'iufer'f , Hl > rnn&a
it . uit ( ' .ill j riul. ' , tli im Wool worlli JMm.llr Uniiuli I ,
1.001 Mow.rJi C' Ju I i , an Ohmi'l ' \etrrl \ lloj.l , ( ' | .IU' ' .
nl Hill bliW J. Kdir.Ifr'.i 8t-jkoi. U Co , H. omih4.
IVIiciIC'ltli' ' , IlktioMinil llrui ! Co. , lll.k. . llrurt i. I o.
ThoTylor System of Bank Counters
Unequalled In Style , Quality or Price ,
The Tyler Desks. 2OO Now Stylos.
T tl'er with 1000 Btylei Tabln , Chain , ic ,
and Deik ComUncd. 0 Ktylei. Flneit on Earth.
100 Page Illuttrateu Catalujjue Inc. FoiURe 7 Cti ,
. , , , , , , , ,
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-C04.
Teacher of the Violin.
At I'uplU let ( > ldenc . North Kill Street ,
IL ,
BectFaeilUeaApnaratniaFdRemedl ! iforBuff iifiil
Ireatmcat at every form of Duetto nquhlutj '
Hoard tt Attendance. Beit Accommodation * in Wtit.
03-WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on DeformlUti ani
Brseei , Truuei , Olnh Feet. Curvaturot of Bpin , Vllet ,
Turaori. Otncer , Catarrh , BronchltU , fnhalntloDl
Xlectrlclty , Faralyijg , Epilepiy , Kidney. Bladdtr ,
Eye , Ear , Skjnand Blood andallOurgicalOctrationt'
Only Reliable Msdlcal IniUtut making a tjfealalty ol
. . . .
, .
' " > ' .uuH.utcti. cw tionTa
WI far Lou t TIT 11 , I'OtTKIt. 1'irlln iimblg to Till ]
oiniijbitrtileJ thoin by c rrtipoDJtnt . jtllcoramuiiUti
UoDicoondtDtUI. U Jltlmiorlii.lnimDl.fDllu.lloreI ,
fr iiucurtlri ck ilijoui r i.olu < Jlcoteccnt clirifiJ ] < r , ,
Oo C.lltnd cooiull
tlitorr of Tour cut. aal wi will if nd U PUI uncior , !
Rnnif Tn MTU FREE : upon fr\n\t \ \ , sr ut f
UUUrIII RSCNl KtrTOuiDliViiel.Iaipolrliir.HlpU
Illi ; Ulcet > nd > ileoetlt , nllh quollon Ilil. Jl < lilri i '
13Ul and Doilgo Str > U , OBA1LS , MED. ,
HK.NT , iiKiinruiitood snurliic for llyiit < 'rln , ll/.zt
nos" , UoirviiUlonH , ritH , Ntrvoui NouniiKln.
lleuiliinlio , .Nervous I'rosiiMtlim cnnswl by tlio
tiHO of utculiol tub.mco. WnlcufulU'-HN , Jli'nlal
Depression , Softoiilns of tlio lirnln , lo.mliliiK la
Int.mily nnd Ic.nllii toiuliury.ilt-oty and ili'atl ) .
J'rematuruOld ARC , lliirrjnnei' ' , Loss of Tower
lnoltlior oif. Involiintiiry Uos-jos iind Hpcrmat.
nrhu'ii cniiHi'd byovcr-oxortlouof tliel > r\nholf- \
nlniHo or ovi-ilnilnlvnnco. IJncli box lontnln *
on * inontli'ti Ircntiiniut , .ll.fO a liox , or HX | hoxua
forl Oi.hinitliy mull p-opild on receipt of tric .
To curoiiny case. With ciuli onlcr ii-culved by
UH foitlx , ii"i omiuiumlvithVU ) , wu ulll
HL-ndtlioiiui'i Inner our wilttim uiiiiraulno lo re
fiiniUho iiionoy If Uie Irmtiiu-nt docs not iilfocO
a euro , ( lnniunii'us ' l"'ii d only by ( loodmaa
JrllB Co. , lriiiri'l t' < . Solo Acentn , UIO I'uriiaia
trout , Umulu Nu'JrdHka '
Oreatly Imnro uU wltu mmftlnn ilucklc * , > n on *
Was. t" uelOBt lldlnKf nMtiiutt , Tlj iplluxv Irnjttfe.
CD and li jrtrn aocorillng to tlia wtlibl t > al on lluat
Ad pt U aqualU * ll to rouuh country or tin *
Vtv dnvou Will ! you b x nutlaructlori.
' "