. THE OMAHA DAILY BSJ THURSDAY , OCTOBER , 1889. WIRE KELLY IN DISGRACE , ' Boston's Star Groatos n Soono at the Olovolaud Ball Park. I HE WAS LOADED WITH WHISKY , Altar Attempting to Annllillato tlio Utnplro Ho Is Fired l < rotn the Grounds By Policemen. Tie Hnd n 3t\K O\ CTr.vr..ASi > , O. . Oct. 2. [ Special Tele- pram to Tun HEE. ] Mike Kelly , the high- priced star In the Boston ball club , created n Bfcne nt League park to-day. It is claimed that ho was Intoxicated , nnd that whisky \vaatliocanso of his disgrace which came upon him Just nt the beginning of the sev enth Inning. Kelly was In uniform , but was too much "Indisposed" to pluy. Ho sat muffled up In an overcoat on the bench of the Cleveland players , nnd made profane com ments on the game im it progressed. Cleve land wan thrco runs ahead and ho ventured to Inform tlio members of his club In a loud tone ot voice that they could not win. "You never win , " said he , With characteristic modesty , "when I don't play. Kelley Is king. T am a King. " No attention wns paid his little tlo pleasantries , which wore muttered ut times and shouted at others , In Boston's half of the sixth Htchnrdson \vns touched out nt the pinto. Kelly did not llko Umpire McQunld's decision , nnd when the Inning was over strode toward McQuaid with blazing eye and inlliuned faco. He told the umpire ho came west to rob Ucston of the pennant , and nt the sumo tlmo drew back Ins list to strlko McQuaid. Two po licemen sprang Into tlio field und grappled with Kelly , who broke away and niarto for McQuaid again. The officers took the pugi list In hand , however , nnd nftor chok ing him a trlllo to subdue his untamed spirits , dragged him through the pate and loft him thcro. Lighting a cigarette , bo strode Into the street with u dejected air. He attempted to enter the grounds again , but found the gate locked , nnd the fence xvas too high to vault. Small boys chlded him and a gentleman on the bleuchors sug gested that ho buy a ticket und break In by way of the turn-stile. While the disturb ance was at its height the game was topped. _ UAbU HALL. Tlio National Oct. 2. Result of to-day's ' raino : Cleveland . 0 00302020-7 Uoston . 0 00001000 1 Base lilts Cleveland S , Boston 4. Errors t-Clcvolniid 0 , Boston 0. Batteries Cleveland - land , Boattn and Sutcliflc ; Boston , Clarkson jmd Bennett. Umpire McQualu. PiTTSliuuo , Oct. 3. Hcsult of to-day's panic : Pittsburg . 0 00000210 8 Now York0 1 0 0 3 0 ! 0 * (1 ( Base hits t'ittsburg 8. New York 10. Er rors PittsDiirg 0 , Now York 0. Batteries Eittsburg , Sowders nnd Carroll ; Now York , Crauo nnd Ewlng. Umpire Lynch. iU3 , Oct. ' _ ' . - Result of to-day's came : Indianapolis. . . . 0 J Philadelphia. . . . ! 1000811 * It Base hits Indianapolis 0 , Philadelphia 21. Errors IndlivnaiwlU ! 1. Philadelphia 4 , Ituttorles Indianapolis Bovlo and Kuslo , Dally ; Philadelphia , Bufllhton and Clements. Umpire Knight. CIIIPAGO , Oct. 2. Result of to-day's game : Chicago 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 3 ! \Vasblugtqn . . . .2 02000021 1 Base hits-Chicago 12 , Washington 0. Er rors Chicago 8. Washington 1 , Batteries rChicaEro , Hutchinsonund Darling ; Washing- ten , Krock and Dally. Umpire Sullivan. American AHxnciation. i "BAi/riMOitc , Oct. 2. Result of to-day'i 1 game : Baltimore 3 1400400 1 li 'Athletic 1 S 0 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 ! ST. Louis , Oct 3. Result of to-day's game : St. Louis 1 0200435 0 11 Kansas City . . .3 01010000 ! t imips ON a HIS WING. lliey Fall Before thu Illuzlnp ; of Skill fill Sportsmen. The bright fall weather wns Instrumenta lu drawing out a good attendance at tin Gwln and Duninire shooting tournamen ' j'esterday. The first event on the day's card was i twenty-llvo live pigeon mutch , thirty yardi nso , modified English rules , $10 entrance : Pnruialco..lllll llllt 11111 lllll 11110 2 Ellis lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll " , Dunmiro. . .lllll lllli lllll Ollll 01111 2 , \Vuyno lllll lllll Ullll lllll 11110-2 Williams..11111 lllll lllll lllll 11111 2 EiscnlielmerUlll lllll lllll lllll 11111 2 Westbrook..11111 lllll lllll Ollll lllll 2 Morton 00111 lllll Ollll 00111 11000 1 Smith lllll lllll lllll lllll Ollll 2 Williams , Ellis and Klsonliolrner tying or 25 straight , shot off , miss and out. Willllams 0 Ellis lllll lllll 0 Eisonholmer lllll lllll 1 EiBCiiheimer took first , $48.20. Westbrook Smith and Purmalee divldec eocond , $30. Dunmlre and Wayne shot oft third , miss out Dunmiro..lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111 3 Wayne lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111 3 The money being shot up , the contestant ! quit. quit.Tho second event was a special match be 'tween Frank Parmaleo and .fohn Kills twenty-live live birds , same conditions , fo f35 a aide. Parmaleo..llllt lllll lllll lllll lllll 2 , Eiiis urn ma oim ma 11111-2 The thlrij event was seven live birds , sura conditions , entrance ? 5. Parmaleo 1111111 Ellis 1111111- Duu , imilll- Wostbrook. . . . .1101111 i Smith lllltll Dunmlre , . .1011011 ' , Wayne 1111111 Parmaleo , Ellis , Smith and Wayne she off first money , miss and out. Pnrinaloo mil lllll m Smith lllll mil no Ellis lllll 0 Wayne lllll 110 Den and Dunmiro divided second , an Dunmiro won third. ' 1 ho fourth matoii was a fifty blue rod match , eighteen yards rise. $25 each. Parmateo..lllU lllll lllll lllll lllll2 Kills 11111 ma mu moi urn 2 JChcnheiniorlim lllll lllll lllll 11111-2 Morton mm mu mu mu 01111-2 Paviimleo uud Elsciihoimur shot oft' the tl ( Pannalcu winning by breaking" ! straight t Ilia llrst titioot In the afternoon was fit , teen single tni-gots , elghti-on yards rise , flv traps , entrance i , ThoBcoro ; Kttee , nm mu mn i Hughes mu imo mn i Dickey moi lllll lllll 1 V Jlrowcr 01011 111 10 Ollll 1 Vs Don . . . . , 01010 11100 11011 s * Nasoti 11100 11110 11100- ] VP ' Orabill U0010 01101 Ollll Piirmaleo 11110 11011 mm 1 P Kius , mu 10110 oiiio i fc- Dunmlre OUR 10111 10111- ) btice took 11 rot money ; Hughes nud Dk-kc * jljvidvd feccond , and Parmaleo uud Hrowt fourth. Tun next was a mutch of the same klm The score : Stito/ / . , , mil lllll lllll Hughe * , . . , , . .11111 nm urn .plfkey. mil 10110 mil Nnhon 10101 10101 00100 Brewer .11111 lllll 11110- ien. . , , ouu loon ouoi .Puruialoa 11101 Ollll OUU CrabllL 10111 11110 10111-f * Dui\miro \ , imo um iiuoi ( \ 'i\Uee unii Hughes divided first , Brewer toe union J , Dickey third and I'urumlco fouith. To-day la the lust itav of the touniaiocii AiiiuioiiiGaniri * . Pl.MTSMOt'TII , Nob. , Oct. 2. jSpCCll ' 'Telegram to THE BKE. | A gaaio of ba to-day at the park botwueu the first ulno < this city nnd Odoll Bros1 , nlno ot Council Bluffs , resulted in a ocoro of 7 to 0 In favor of Plattsinouth. Only seven innings were played but the game wa < very exciting .throughout. _ Cronka In Cntclilnc On. Jack Crooks , the now second baseman put- chased by Columbus of Omaha , played his first game In this city yesterday against the Athletics , nnd showed up In great form. Ho is undoubtedly a hard hitter , Dno fielder , cloror base runner , und catcher par-xco4 - tenco. In Crooks Columbus bos a corner Columbus secured him through the nporting editor of TUB OMAHA UF.K , who evidently knows n ball player when ho sees ono Philadelphia Item. A Chnnca lot * Duncan If Duncan KOSH is In town ho need not bo spoiling for a match , as there is nn unknown hero , weighing under 150 pounds , who is anxious to wrestle him , catohns-catoh-can , fora purse or a stake nnd the entire gate re ceipts. AH Hess xrclghs over 200 pounds the unknown must bo pretty confident of his wrestlink ability. Articles can bo arranged by n visit tb Patsy Fallon's saloon on South Twelfth street. To I'nst.nros Now. Arthur Clnrite , Into sporting editor of the Republican , loft for Chicago last evening to take a position on the Inter-Ocean. They Won't nnll. The Hardln-Morgan bicycle tournament opens up in the Pavilion , San Francisco , October 21 , continuing six days. There is littlo. prospect of this outfit going to Australia , as the venture so far has Droved anything but satisfactory. A I'rosin-ctivo Manager. There is some tulle of Uamsoy Crooks , a brother of the redoubtable Jack , managing the Sioux City team next season , The Corn Huskcrs could not nmlto a bettor selection , as Mr. Crooks combines all the Qualifications of a llrat-clnss man for the position. Crookfl Goes to California. Jack Crooks will play ball through the winter months with the San Francisco team , leaving for the city of the Uoldon Gate November 1. and NIotiolB. .President McCormlck still declines to con- flrai the sale of Nichols nnd Naulo to Bos ton. There is little doubt , however , but what the transfer hac been made : MOM Up , Air. Alathewx. OMAHA , Not ) . , Oct. 2 Sporting Editor of Tun Bun : If Mnthews , the alleged Austral ian wrestler , Is desirous of a catch-as-catch go , I will give it to him , for $100 or (200 n dido. I will meet him this evening nt Tin : BUB office at S o'clock nnd BILMI articles of agreement , the match to come off imme diately. Mr. Mathuws need not hunt up Duneau Hess , as I will entertain him to his heart's ' content. Am nun UOTIIEUV. Tin : Kentucky LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Oct. 2. The llrst pro fessional regatta over held here occuircd to-day. Single sculls , mile straight away , Ilaiiuii and Hanlou , won by Hanlon in 5:30. : In the three mile race Hanlon withdrew and Hosmer , Tccmer and McKay lulled to appear. Guudaur , Hnmm and Ten Eyck started. Gauduur won in 22:10. : T1I13 KNIGHTS OF tjAUOB. I'owdcrly Denies That tlic Order IE Ijo inu UN Vitality. ST. Louis , Oct , 2.-Tho Knights of Labor general executive board was In secret ses sion nil the morning , but nothing of im portance developed. In an. Interview to-day Grand Mastei Workman Powderly said : "As to the state ments that the Knights of Labor have beer losing power and they have no confidence Ir their officers , there Is not a word of truth it it. The order has been growing rapidly ir the last year and the greatest cause of its growth is the fooling that the executive boa.'d is acting in a manner conducive to the best interests or the knights. " J. J. Holland , of Jacksonville , D'la. , said : "Tho whole animus of the opposition toPow derly originated in tbj process of house cleaning which wo adopted some tlmo ago many unruly und bad elements being ex pcllcd. Slnca that time tboy have bcci making war on the management of the order , bilt with little success. In tlio south the negroes groes are Joining the order in great numbers There is scarcely n doubt that an alliance oi some kind will bo made between the Farm ors' alliance , tlio wheelers and the Knight : of Labor. The former organizations art particularly strong In the southwest. As tc the charge of extravagance against Powdorlj in reward to the southwestern strike , thai has been declared groundless by authorized assemblies of the order tlmo and again , ant for these men to try to sav anything oguinsl Ins conduct now is slmnly absurd. " The Globe-Democrat gives a sensational interview with one of the Knights of Laboi who claimed ut last night's meeting that Ills name , among others , attached to a documcni endorsing Furlong for chief of the sccre' ' service was a forgery. Upon being ques tioned , nnd with the understanding that hU name would not bo mentioned , ho said : "The names were not forpencs. Wher wo signed thorn wo did so with the under standing that recommendations wcro to be filed in Washington for official eyes only , bu the committee betrayed us. While w < signed , tnern for the president's ' eye wo ulc not sigu them for the public oye. " Three other Knights of Labor also con curred in the above story. To-night General Master Workman Pow- derly visited the local assemblies and ad' ' dressed them briefly on mutters Tor the gooi of Uio order. Ho was accompanied by uicin hers of the general executive hoard. The iinti-Powderly demonstration at Central tral rumor hall had a small attendance Editor Detwullcr , jif Chicago , arraignet Powdorly and tbe executive board for wast ing the funds of the order and said Powdorlj xvas n poor general to lead an army to vie lory. O. H. Blake pictured "Poverty Pal ace" m Philadelphia uud charged corruption all around. Tlio Socitili-1-i. CIIICAOO , Oct. 2. The socialists' natlona convention hud a great wrangle to-day eve the platform. It was finally referred bacl to the committee. The constitutional amend merit was then taken up. 'Iho executiv comiiii'.tco is to bo olccted by the Chlcagi committee , the Now York Sliovitch factioi being thus downed. Quadrennial nation : ) conventions are provided for to ho hold lu th early spring of tun campaign years. Tin name of the party Is changed to the sochuls tie party of tlio United States , and its organ i/atlon is to conform with the models fur ulshca b.v the great political parties. This evening the convention adopted t platform which demands the "Natlonallza lion" of capital nnd labor saving invention : and calls for the organization and dlroutioi ot industries by the stuto In the order o their monopolisation and woman suffragi with the obligatory voting ot both noxes , al laws bo submitted to the popular vote. Hrini ; Valley Miners' 1'roposttlon Coi.UHiiUS , O. , Oct. 2. John McBridc president of the Progressive Miners' union bus addressed an open letter to Governo Fifor , of Illinois , In response to ono wrlttc by ex-Congressman Scott , In which , ufto discussing the lattor's xtatoments In detal ho says to effect an honorable settle ment the miners will offer to work th second or third vein of coal u Spring Valley for the prices paid ntStreatoi TU ) cents per ton , and will rnina thin confer for the price paid thick coal miners n Stroator , providoJ the company does brusl Ing and building , or will acreo to the adjust incut of prices on any grounds such as ma bo determined upon by arbitration. Hoard nt'Stcuin Navigation , PiTTsnuuo , Oct 2. At to-iiny's meeting c the national board ot uteain navigation HOV oral interesting paper * wore read. JV Miller , of Providence , was olccted prosldeu Now York was cnosen au the next place o meeting , and the board adjourned. * . , - , . A Htii-rlcixnn on the lllnolc Son , LONDON , Oct. 2. A hurricane is raging n the Black sea. A large' number of vcsso ore wreaked and great loss of lifo is n ported. ENAMORED OF AN ENGINEER , A Frail Fromoat Foraalo Shoots at a Locomotive Prlvor. HE REPELLED HER ADVANCES. A Xonng Imily nt Jllnlr Severely Burned "tt'lillo Ijlclitlng a liixtnp Nebraska Mctlmillst Con ference nt Norfolk : . Stio Klrod to Kill. FHEMOJIT , NnD. , Oct. a. [ Special to Tnn Ui-.K.l Some excitement was created in the city thlb mornlnc by the attempt of Mrs : Cas well , alias "Gypsv Qucon , " a notorious pros titute of Fremont who 1ms had lull sway In her unlawful occupation In this city for years , to kill Charles Tluirbor , the engineer In charge of a switch onglno on tha-Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Volley road nt this placo. Mrs. Cuswoll's pluco Is within a few tow fcot of the tracks , and this morning when Thurbor rnn his englno out to tno and of the switch nnd Was awaiting the arrival of the throo' passenger trams duo nt 9 o'clock. Mrs. Caswoll came out nnd at once opened Are on him. Ho WAS standing In the cab of the engine at the time but climbed out on the ground on the opposite side of the engine with remarkable nlacrity. The woman tired four shots at him , 0110 striking Just below the window of the cab nnd the thrco others glancing off the Iron botlur. Marshal Houclt immediately plnceu the woman under arrest for shooting with intent , to kill. Thurbor states that for the past sovornl months the woman has been annoylnc him by sanding him letters requesting him to cull , ns she wuutca to sco him on business , but thut as ho hnd paid no attention to her Importuning she had become enraged uthim. Her exam ination was hold in polica court tbls after noon. SniiRntlnnnl noanilul lit.Fremont. FKKMONT , Nob. , Oct. 2. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Last evening Milan Q. Cook a well- known citizen of this city nnd a skilled me chanic , tiled a complaint in the ofllco of the county Judge of a scandalous nnd sousational nature. It was to the effect that his wlfo.Mary A , Cook , nnd George W. Crocker were guilty of criminal intimacy , naming January SO , lost , as a date upon whioli they are known to have been guilty of adultery. Mrs Cook Is a woman about forty years did , and a mother. Crocker Is about thirty-Are , and is now living with his second wife , to whom ho was married about two years ngo. Hois a nephew of Mr. Cook and after -his marriage to his present wife ho and his bride lived at Cook's ' house for some time. They .then be gan housekeeping near by. Crocker Is now out of the city. Cook states that it is his in tention to prosecute his nephew when he can find Him and will "send him Just as far as the law provides. " Moanwhllo the scandal moncers are rolling the sweet mor sel under their toncuo. In all prooabtlity the next move will bo one or two applica tions for divorce in the district court. Don't Bell tlio tlio Cornet. , Neb. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Minnie Arndt "was very badly burned to-day. She had lit n lamp to use while crimpinij tier hair. She dropped the match on the floor , and it caught In her clothes and before any ono discovered It she was all ablaze. She was burned badly from her hips down to her feet , also on her back nnd arms. She hud n corset on , which pro tected her brouit. The doctors thinlt she will recover , but sav if she does it was the corset that saved her life , NohrnsUn IMcthmliit Conference. Yonic , Neb. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] The Nebraska Motuodlst 'con ' ference convened at this place this morning. About one hundred and thirty ministers are present , Hlshop J. H. Vincent presiding. Among tha distinguished divines present from abroad are Chaplain McCabe , of New York : Dr. Fryo , of the St. Louis Advocate ; Dr. Spencer , of Philadelphia , and Dr. Pyo , of St. Louis. Last ovunlng Bishop Vincent lectured to a largo audience. Chaplain Mo- Cube spoke this afternoon and evening. Most of the clay has boon consumed in pre liminary worn. Rev. George S. Davis was elected secretary. A commltteo was an- pointed for the purpose of investigating tua charges against Kev. Minehart , of Lincoln , who was tried nnd oxpeitod from his church last winter. Neuraslsn I'honoijruph Company. KEAKJJKT , Neb. , Oct. 2. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J Articles of incorpora tion were iilcd to-day of the Central Ne braska Phonograph company , whoso pluco of business will bo ICoarnoy. The incorporates are E. A. Henson.H. H. Benson , G.F. Wright , G. U. Sherwood and F. Y. Kobcrtnon. The articles state that the company commences business October 1 with an authorized capi tal of < ! 25,000 , with power to increase to $1,000,000. The object of the company is to carry on tlio business of the purcaso and sale of phonographs and graphophonea , tuo in ventions of T. A. Kdison , A. G. Uoll , C. A. Hell anil C. S. Taiuter , which are controlled by the North American Phonograph com pany and Jesse H. Lippincott , lessee of the American Granhophono company. The fol lowing named persons will constitute the lirst board of directors : E. A. Benson , F. Y. Kobcrtson , G. K. Sherwood , S. M. Nevins. C. H. Elraendorf , N. A. Uakor and H. Fred Wiloy. The \V. C. T. U. NOUFOI.K , Neb. , Oot.2. [ Special Telegram to THE UIB. ] At the \V. C. T. U. convention to-day committees were appointed on reaolu- tions , plan of won : , iinanco , courtesies , cre dentials and memorials. Various reports wore made and accepted and several district reports submitted. Tno chief Interest con- to red in tlio medal content this evening. The following wcro the , contestants who won gold meunls : Misses Grace Cooper and Perso Morris , of Humboldt ; Miss Mollie FairlieliJ nnd Miss Minute Metivain , York ; Misses Jessie Norton and Katie Bipley , Ponca ; Miss Daisy Stodclaid , Ucpubllcan City ; Archie Hussoll Iu tin and Clinton Lowrio , O'Neill , The medal giving 11 pluco among the con < tostnnts for tlio diamond modal in Chicago in November was awarded to Miss Daisy Stod- dard , of Republican City. Washington County HoiuU Bold. BLAIR , Neb. , Oct. 2 [ Special to Tni UEB.I The county supervisors are In sea sion. The only business of importance nt this time was the soiling of tha county bonds for n now court house. The bands are foi S3. > , OUO ami sold for a premium of fWO : ani accrued Interest , and wore sold toV , J Young & Co. , of Cleveland , O. The 15,001 bonds issued by the city in aid of the couri house sold for $20 premium , ApponrH to lid tlio Kanio Mini. GEXOA , Nob. , Oct. 2. [ Special to Tin Bni.l The A. L. Robert reported In to day's BBU as having been arrested for an as sault oa Miss Nettle Hlsklno , of Lincoln , 1 ; thought to bo the same A. L. Robert whoii the White Caps run out of Genoa last December - comber , alter they had strung him up to i tree soverul times. Insulting ludies was om of Robert's old tricks. Itan Into n Wagon , YOBK , Neb , , Oct. 3 , [ Special Telegram ti Tlis BEE. ] Tito east bound passeneer on tin Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley roai ran Into u wagon near Henderson , a place i short , distance Iron : here , thin evening , com pletely demolishing it and throwing' its oucu pants , n woman and child , violently out. 1 Is not Known how seriously they uro injured Mentiomitl for tlio Hupriiinn Court , SBWABD , Nob. , Oct. 2. | Special to THI HUE. ] T , L. Norvnl , Judge of the Sixth Ju diclal district , IB being mentioned proin inently all over the district as a candidate fo judge of the supreme court. Ten Kllleil anl ( Fifty Injured. BEIIUN , Oct. 2. Later reports from th scene of the railroad accident neanStutt sart yesterday say ten persons wore kllle and fitly injured , APl'MU VEIVKS OP SKPAUAXION , n i" < _ Itnsbnnil fthrt1 Wtfo HroitRlit ToRcthor k-'hr Clinnop. ST. Lours , Oct. a. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKE.J In. tlio divorce case fllod in the circuit courtcntitled Marlah Miller rs Louis Miller thoroTlf a 'most ' strange nnd romantic ilstory. Tworttytflvo years ago Louis Miller , .hen of St. Pctofaburg , Russia , was married to a beautiful lady of high birth. Misfortune camotothcm The country was at that , lmo Korlotiftiy threatened by the nihilists. Miller decided t < leave his native land'nnd , ry his fortutip among free people. Blddli. * its wife of n few months n fond farewell ho cnmo to this country. Doing n man of flno /usincss qualifications , ho roadlly found om- Moymontnnd llnnlly settled In this city. Hero ho catered Into business and nccumu- atccl a nice fortune. During nil this tlmo 10 was sending niono.v to his wife and re ceiving letters from hor. But In n few months nfter ho left homo : iis mother , with whom ho loft his young wife , died nnd the wife left to Join her Trlends , flvo hundred miles in the interior of llussla. All of this tnno tno mails were very Irregular , nnd by order of the Russian authorities letters hnrdly over reached their destination. The young wife , after her re moval , received no letters from him nnd ho received none from her , until ono day n let ter came to him with the sad tidings of her death. Years passed , and the young wife could get no news from her husband. Thinking him lost , ho concluded to visit this country and lonrn if possible what hnd become of him , bringing with her tholr son , who had grown to manhood. She landed in Baltimore , nud the sun camotoSt. Louis and cngugod in business. To some frleud ono day ho cattmlly told the story of Ills father's lifo. They said the son looked Ilka n. man thoyltnew , and ho sent to his mother for n picture of his father , which was shown his friends , who took him at once to that Kontlaman. But in the meantime , In luly. 18S7 , the father had married again and was living In line style on ono uf the fashion- nblo avenues of this city. His first wife came to sco him and tuo meeting1 between them was one of Joy and happiness. Both wives , it is declared , loved the husband , But the good Judgment of the last wife did not forsake her , nnd she said she xvould release him to again live with nnd love his brldo of years long gene by. Acting on this resolu tion , Bho has , as stated , employed nn at torney to bring suit to release her from the tics that bind thorn together. . BAY STATE , DEMOOU/ITS. They Nominate Russell For Governor nnd Adopt n Platform. WoncnsTun , Mass. , Oct. 3. The democratic state convention was railed to order at 11:30 : this morning by Chairman P. A. Collins , who was raado temporary chairman. After the appointment of { no unual committees , Nathan Matthew , Jr. , of Boston , was made permanent chairman. On taking tno chair Matthews addressed the convention at considerable length. After Mallows had concluded his speech , "William E. Kussoll , of Cambridge , wa ? unanimously nominated for governor. A ' 'recess until 2:80 : was then taken , The platform , which hus boon ngreod to In committee , but not formally adopted , res- affirms the demands for free raw materials and lower duties upon the necessaries of lifo ; favors partial or cntiro reciprocity of trade betwccn.the United States and Canada and close commercial relations with Mexico , and condemns the arbitrary action of the treasury department in respect to the importation .ofi Mexican ores ; de nounces election frauds and opposes a scheme for u national election law. ' It con demns the present administration for Its nar row partisanship and low standard oC public duty ; for its surrender to the dictation of unscrupulous1 - > pqlitical bosses , such as Mahono. Quay tand Plait ; for its utter be trayal of the cause of civil service reform ; for its perversiqn'of the pension machinery for distributlpg ( the nation's bounty into a menus to influence votes ; for its sale of high political odloofor largo contributions of money bv which it was placed in power , and of its shameless > nepotism , clearly indica tive of a conception of public oftlce not as a public trust , but asa private perquisite. The ruling by which the present administration , In reversal of former decisions , hus thrown open the pension list to persons dishonorably dlscnarged , Is con demned as an outrage upon common sense , a Degradation of what should bo a roll of honor and an insult to every true soldier. Upon the liquor question it says : "Wo believe the present policy of the state in making the sale of liquor a mattar of local option to bo decided by a vote of the people of each city and town , works satisfactorily and should bo maintained. " Upon reassembling the convention plat form was adopted and the ticket completed , ns follows : Lieutenant governor , John W. Corcoran , of Clinton ; secretary of state , William M. Osgood , of Boston ; treasurer and receiver , Fencriil E. B. Munn , of Hoi- yoke ; auditor , D. T. Trofey , of Mnrolehead ; attorney general , Ellsha B. Maynard , of Springlleld. Dcnoniico Mali one. RICHMOND , Oct. 2 , Ihe antl-Mahono con ference to-day adopted a lengthy report de claring that Mahono bos deceived the repub lican national committees by falsoprutoiisea ; that his plan of organization is liatnful and tyrannical ; that he has drlveu from the councils of the party the absent men in it ; that ho has forfeited hU right to the coaA donee of the people of Virginia , nnd that his defeat Is essential to the salvation of tlio re publican party. The conference reoora- mondeO no particular coursu to be pursued by the voters on election day. except that each shall use his Individual judgment. JOHN A. M.AHT1N DEAD. The ISx-Governor of Kansas 1'nsies Awny nt Atolilson. ATCIIISOX , Kan. , Oct. 2. [ Special Tele gram toTiiiiBnE.J Colonel John A. Martin , founder nnd present editor and proprietor of the Atchison Champion , died this morning at 0:80 : o'clock , after an illness of over two moutlis. The deceased was governor of Iho state of Kansas for the two terms next preceding the present Incumbent , Governor Humphrey. Ho was born In Brownsville , PH. , tit'ty-ono years ago and was the schoolmate of James G. Blame. Governor Martin came to Kan sas before lie was of ago and was from the llrst prominent and active in the ntrngglo of territorial clays. He was secretary of tno Wyandotte convention which framed the present state constitution. He was a mem- bnrof the senate the llrst session after the state's admission. After the war broke out he entered thc'servlco as lieutenant colonel of the Eighth Kaunas infantry , serving us colonel of the regiment. Ha wan promoted to the rank of'calohel and was mustered nut nt the o.oso of tlio'war as a brevet brigadier general. Ho was mayor of Atchlson in early clays , and in 1371 was elected by the national house of roprusontativoijus ono of the man agers of the 'National soldiers' home and continued to hold hat position at the time ol Ills do.itli. , ' Ho was a good 'oltlzea , a good neighbor , and his ( loath > ' rofanled as u loss hard tom \ compensated fir. Tim mayor has called a mcotlngof citUons to make arrangements for tlis funeral , wnucU will take place at 1UW : ! a , in. Friday , , * > ' * I ) is nutting Fire tit Denver. DBSVEII , Colo. , Oct. 2. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HBB.I A disastrous fire oc curred this evenine , ontallalllng a loss ol $1,000 or $5,000 on tlio Burlington & Mlssour company , and involving the total dcstructloi of their oil utoruifo house. It is supposed that the lire originated by spontaneous com bustion , and tlio house being so far fron water plugs but little could bo done by the tire department save to contlno the Maine : within limits. The machine shops and roum house were threatened at one- tune , but es caped unharmed , Once the flumes swop toward the Twenty-third street viaduct from which 2,000 people were watching tu < lire , and a puma nearly ensued. Never defer until to-rnorrow .what shouli be attended to to-day. A slight cougl shouldn't bo neglected wtie i Dr. Bull' : Cough Syrup will cure It. Tun readers of our publication are request cd to use Salvation Oil for any and all pains It U u sura cure und costs only 25 cent * . FROM THE HAWKEYE STATE , A Now and Intoroathiff Phaao In the Billings Oaao , SUPREME COURT PROCEEDINGS. Consolidation of tlio DCS Blolncs Stront Itnllwnjr Companies Tlio AV. O. T. U. Convention A , llounion , Tlio KlllliiKB Onso. WATEHLOO. la. , Oct , 2. [ Special Tele gram to TUB lien. ] The Billings ease came up In n now phasa to-day. When Judge Noy pronounced sentence ho admitted the pris oner to bail , pending an nppeal to the su- iroino court. On the showing made by the stuto , however , ho has rosclnddd the order , nnd has refusou ball. Billings has applied for a writ of habeas corpus nnd will ask the supreme court for u decision upon his appli cation for bull. no Court. DBS MOINKSJ la. , Oct. 3. | Special Tolo- ijrum to Tun Bin.1 The supreme court .o-day fllod the following decisions i M. M. Scekoll , appellant , vs , A. J. Nor- ctal ; Harrison district ; uftlrmod ; opinion by Robinson. 13. .T. Halner nnd Hcrmliie Gabol , ex ecutors of the will of II , , f. Gabol , deceased , nppollants , vs. Iowa Loglon of Honor , defendant , nud Josephine Gabol , Intervener ; Carroll district ; action upon a cortiflcuto of life Insurance : reversed ; opinion by Given. Deceased hud directed in his certificate that his S-J.OIM should go to his mother. Later ho married nnd had ono daughter. Ho nnulo a will bequeathing half his Insurance to the daughter , the other half to be Invested for his mother , and ut her death to ruvort to the daughter. The mother knew of this will nnd did not protest , so ho did not go to the trouble to change the llrst curtillcato. After his death Ins mother claimed ttio whole amount according to the terms of the certifi cate. She , however , occupied n residence bequeathed by the will , nnd the supreme court holds that this stops nor from resisting its provisions concerning the beneficiary cortltlcato. K. V. Iniics vs. John Druxcl , appellant ; Council Bluffs suuorior court ; afllrmcd ; opinion by Given. John. Harbin vs. State of Iowa and J. C. Bonar , sheriff , appellants , Clark district ; nfllrmod ; opinion b.v Granger. Millie McConnell vs. Iowa Murual Aid association ot al , appellants ; Wapollo dis trict ; aQlrmcd ; opinion by Book. Street Car Ijinos CoiiHoliilntoft. DBS Motuns , la. , Oct. 2. [ Special Tolo- grum to Tun BEB. ! The consolidation of the Do ? Moines Street railway companies was ef fected , the transfer having boon made yes terday. This morning a mooting was hold and the following officers elected : Presi dent , J , S. Polk ; secretary nnd general man ager , George P. Hippo ; treasurer , Simon Casady. Directors , A. M. Hippe , Hoyt Sherman , William H. Ankeny , Simon Casady , J. S. Polk , George B. Hippo and B. l\ KanfTman. The transfers show that a trust deed was made running from the Dos Moines Street railway company to the American Trust nnd Savings bank for 5005.090 , on the lots and personal property of the grantor ; also bill of sale by the Dos Moines Kloctrlo railway company nnd the Des Moines ft Se vastopol Street railway company to the Des Molnoa Street railway company , the consid eration being ยง 310,00(1. ( The W. O. T. U. Convention. MAUSH.M.I.TOWN , la. , Oct. 2. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BUE.J The state convention of the W. C. T. U. has boon considering rou- line business. The annual address of Presi dent J. Ellen Foster adheres to a nonpartisan san plan conducting the union , and con demns in scathing terms tlio national un'on ' in giving its allegiance to the prohibitory party. A majority of the Iowa convention conform to the president's views , but there is a minority that will not agree with hor. Greetings wore sent to several state conven tions , including Nebraska ? The number of delegates in attendance IH 210. A Keunion lit' Votcrana. DBS MOI.VES , la. , Oct. 2. | Special Tele gram to TUB BBE.J The reunion of the Twenty-third regiment , Iowa infantry , opened to-day at Atkinson post hall , with about ono hundred and fifty members pres ent and nearly all the companies repre sented. Captain Little , of Wayne county , was olccted chairman , and Secretary Wight- man made the opening speech. Captain Hull made n patriotic ) speech , full of war reminiscences. W.V. . Pink mudo it brief speech , reviewing the history of the repi- mcnt , and other short talks were made by a numbur of the old soldiers. A committee was appointed to make out a list of the dif ferent companies and their representatives , looking toward having a complete history of the regiment published. Sitll at lurii ; . WATEHLOO. la. , Oct. 2. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn BEE. ] The track which was behoved to have been fouud yesterday in the Wnpsio woods of the horse thieves who broke Jnll Monday night nftor nearly killing Sheriff Hoxie , has boon lost and is believed to have been a false scent. Officers are now scouring the country north nnd west. It is learned that the young man who was nr- rested for aiding them to esc.ipo told some of his friends on Monday that they had bil lies und were going to nulco their escape. Sheriff Hoxio is Improving. * Au Anti- Monopolist Nominated. CviiuoM , , la. , Oct. 2. ( Special Telegram to THE Hms. I Z. A. Church , of Green county , was nominated for senator on the llrst ballot by the republican district conven tion hero to-day. The convention loafllrms the principles of the republican party us adopted nt Des Moines at the state conven tion. The district is composed ot Carroll , Sno and Green counties. Church is a pro nounced anti-monopolist. Deal , his prede cessor , was a rank monopolist. Flow \Vith n 1'ouketliook. GIIAND JUNCTION , la. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] Last ovonlug Met Thompson , a grain buyer from Pilot Mound , nnd William Carl , employed InV. . P. Fergu son's livery barn , were together at the Windsor ser house. About a o'clock this morning Mr. Thompson discovered that tlis bedfellow had Down und also his pocketbook , containing about MOO. The last heard from Carl ho was about nine miles south of here und still got- tint' further away. nt Hlinltlon , SHELDON , la. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to Tan BEB. ) William Gavin's commission and feed barn , together with'slxtcon head of stock , were burned hero this morning ut about 2:30 : o'clock. There was only u partial insurance , The supposition Is that itvaa the work of some Incendiary. The loss xvill foot up about * 1,000. The Btook was owned bv J. B. FusUre , G. G , Smith and William Gavin. _ Waterloo's \Vnt ; r Workx Sold. WATUHLOO , In. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram toTuuD&u.l The Waterloo waterworks plant has boon sold to a comp-in.v represent ing the bondholders. The consideration was | ba,000. J. B. Quigley , of St. Louis , IspresI- dent of the now company. MIIR lioirtca OroinuteU. CEIUH KAi'ins , la. , Oct. 3. The llverj barns of Hank Bros , and John Miller and the business college boarding hall burned till' morning. Nine horses were cremated. Loss , $10,000 ; partially Insured. A I'oitnlllou Koblid. . MALVBIIH' la. Oct. a. [ Special to Tiir BEB.l The postofllco at this place was burglar'2 ' last night. Both front doon were broken open. The safe was blowr opon. Holes were drilled In the door and side safe , through which explosives wcro put Key deposits to tbo amount of 8V70 was ul the thieves got for their trouble. Pours' Sonp la the most olofuut tollol adjunct. TOO UI2MG1OUS 1 > 'OK 1 1 15 It. A Motlif.illst MlnlHtcr'fl Wilts Sues Fern n Divorce * . Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to THH Bnn. ] Hov. Olln J. Gary , n Methodist minister , la the defendant In nn Interesting dlvorco cuso that opened lu Judge Tuloy't court to-day. Mrs. Emma Gary , the complaining wife , Is a handsome llttlo woman ot slight build nnd Is n decided bninotto. She wept almost con stantly whllo testifying , nnd there was ft mournful cndcnco to her voice tnnt made everybody fool melancholy. Mrs. Gary. during the forenoon session , tola enough of her story to do as n basis for tuo Introduction of n lot of letters most of thorn written to her by her husband from St. Louis. The rest of the tlmo wns occupied by the rending ot the loiters. The eotnpfnin- ant. said her htishaud had failed to support her properly. She said nho cherished the idea of having n happy , comfortable homo , but ho did not scorn Interested that wny at nit. Ho would do nothing but talk religion , Bho said. "Ho told mo , " she said , with n burst of tears , "that his homo wns in lieavon and ho was striving to laywp treasures thcra. Ho wanted mo to Join Iho church nnd ao- cuscd mo ot being Irreligious and said 1 was opposed to his church , the Methodist. I was never opposed to religion , ana In my trouble nnd trials I have tried to keep my heart right , but I never could satisfy my husband. " The lettoru were affectionate , but they were filled with religious exhortations to his wife to flee from the wrath to come. In ono of the letters ho reminded her of her premise to glvo herself and child to the Lord nnd snld his own future lifo und hers would depend much on her fidelity to the promise. Once ho descended lo levity and said ho was getting quito lively and gay. "Tho land lady , " bo wrote. 1ms two handsome daugh ters , nnd last evening I took them for n walk around the block. " ' AN UNI'KOVOKISD ATTACK. A Chicago t'ollconinn Shot Uy n ' JMystjrloiiH Sfrnnjjor. CHICAGO , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to Tine BBH , [ A sensational tragedy occurred to-dnv at the corner of State and Twenty- third streets. Ortlcor James McDowell bad Just arrived nt the patrol box to muko his report when ho was approached by Andrew Gllllgan , n stranger , who inquired the names of the promoters of the now gas company. The two men retired to a small room in the roar of ft saloon from which the stranger had emerged nnd wcro engaged some flvo minutes in conversation. They then entered the saloon nnd the proprietor heard McDowell say to Gllllgan. "You had no business calling mo a liar. I'm not n liar , nnd won't take that from anybody. Gllligan said not a word , but drew his revolver and tired o'nco , the bullet cnterinij McDowell's bodv n little nbovo the abdomen on tba left side. Phohm , the sa loonkeeper. Imini'dlatol'i * grappled with the assassin nnd a hard tussle resulted. Gilli- gnu's revolver was lired again in the tussle. A policeman assisted in the strug gle and sociircd the revolver , which was a SS-callbro "Bulldog. " Gilligan after his capture would any nothing except that ho was from the west nnd admitted hav ing done the shooting. Dr. O'Neill attended the ofllcor und states ho cannot recover. Captain Hunt immediately sent for n notary nnd took his ante-mortom statement , but it explained nothing except that the stranger methodically provoked a quarrel and then shot htm. Several hills wcro found on Gilligan , showing him to have been nt ono time a resident of Cincinnati. Ho Had a bank bonk with n credit of $50 In the Oak land bank , some change , a large kalfo and other things in his pockets. THE KI'lSCUl'AMANS. Ono ofthn Most Notable Convention B Hvor Hold In Amrrici. NEW Yor.K , Oct. a. The general conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal church of America , held every three years , opened mis morning. This Is looked upon us one of tlio most notable conventions over held by the church in this country. It is the centennial anniversary of Ihu adoption of the Protest ant Kpiscopal church and of the holding of the. first gsnerai convention , as provided by that constitution. The convention opened with religious exercises , the regular morn ing communion service being celebrated. This was followed by the sermon of the day by Bishop Whinpto , of Minnesota. At the close of the services both the house of bishops and the house of deputies began the actual work of the convention by pro ceeding to elect officers and to select com mittees. At the afternoon session Dr. Morgan Dir was declared the presiding officer by a unan imous vote. After the appointment of sev eral assistant secretaries adjournment was had until to-morrow. Tlio Methodist * . Locui'OitT , N. Y. , Oct. 2. The eightieth session of the general annual conference of the Methodist Kpiscopal church met to-day , Bishop Fitzgerald , of Minneapolis , presided. Koutuio business occupied the morning session. In the evening Chancellor Sims preached the anniversary sermon. Ciishman'ft Mcntho inhaler cures cntnirh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hav fever. Ti ial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents. CAUGHT IN THE CHO1H. Tlio tiaily Or aiiist Marries Ono of tlio Jloy SiiiKcrH. UTIOA , N. Y. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram lo Tin : UICK.I Society circles in this city are greatly agitated over the marriage of Anna Louise Gushing , a pretty youug woman of twenty-four , and Eddie Frey , a boy of four teen. Miss Gushing hus for yonrs been an organist in the churches of Utlcn , nnd it was while nctlnp In that capacity in St. George's Episcopal church that she beoamo acquaint ed with young Frey , who was a member of the ooy-cholr , On Saturday. September 7 , Miss Cashing told her parents that she was going to West Hloomflold. a little village near Houhcstor , to visit relatives. Frey disappeared ut the same time , wont to Boston ami from there to Ganandalgua , where ho met Miss Cushlng and they set out to get married. The wo man looks old enough to bo the boy 'smother. Several ministers in Canandulgua refused to mnrrv them on this account. The Congre gational cloigyman finally consented to per form tlu > ceremony. Tuo brldo give her ago as twenty and Frey said ho was eighteen. The couple returned hero at onco. Mrs , Frey played the organ In St. Goorgu'u church on bu inlay. Frey attends tlio public schools. Lord Colfiridiro writes : "Sond mo 15 doron Cook's extra dry imperial wine. I tried it while hero and Hnd It suuerlor. " OUT OF TIIK KUVJNG PAN. Two Hurjjliiri Will Ijouvo tlio I'cii lo Slaml Trlnl for .Mnrilur. CmrAtio , Oct , 2. [ Special Toloijram to TIIB Hun.J Something novel in the way of habeas corpus was participated lu by States Attorney LongoneciKor at noon to-day In connection with the mysterious Clorko murder , Ho petitioned Judge Baker for a writ on the warden ot the state penitentiary for the delivery of Hobert Hussell and Michael Fey in order that they might bo brought to Chicago to stand trial for the murder of Druggist Clarke last winter. They uro serving u term for bur- t'lary , and this is the only wuy in which the matter could ho adjusted. The writ was ernntcd , nnd the prisoners will probably bo brought to Chicago to-morrow. A comrade has made a confession implicating these men , _ CIlKiYT O.N IIUHVINO. A Wnniun Miiko Blonoy ncriiN for ItolnttvoH. NEW VOIIK , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to TUB HKU.I Mrs. Miry Dnlton , ullus Mm. lima ! KlUabotii Wharton , is locked up In the police station at Newark , N , J. , on a pe culiar churgo preferred b.v liar first husband , Holiort IXtlton , She Is u good looking , neatly dros xl vvouittti of about twonty-blx years , and has wade u record for her elf as a pecu liarly smart swindler. The mnnnor In whloh elm operated xvas novel , She would go to nn undertaker nnd make arrangements for an expensive funeral for some relative , nnd on the strength of the arrangement borrow mouay from the tindortakor. It is unld that she has made arrangements for tha burial of her slstor live tlmoi , her mother nnd brother four times each , and other relatives la pro portion. _ _ TI 1 t-f SPRISII KING. Hi-oca. LsMvtts , la. , Oct. S. [ Special Tolegrnra to Tin : HUB. ! To-day , the second day ot the Floyd Valley meeting , wns 'uicrostlng ' throughout. The track wns In perfect con ditton and the weather slightly cooler. The running rnco was nnlshod between Dan Wagner nnd Johnnie lied. Wagner won , 2ir : ! > pace Orcy Tim won the first heat In 2Ubut : wan distanced in the second. Legal Star won thrco heats and the woo in 'J:40J : < , 2:48nnd2ji. : : ; ; Freo-for-all trot Graham's ' MntnbHno won. Host tlmo a :28. : The County Greou rnco was won by Al- mpntco Tlmo 2 : ! > 3. The single dash run , onn and n quarter miles , was won by Fniuchlio m 2:22. : To-morrow there will bo three trots and a n novelty runuing race. City GITT , Oct. 2. The wcnlhor was fine nnd the track in good condition. Sum mary : 2:4S class , trotting , purse $100 Nellie Ev- orhart won , Elector second , Nan third , Ord Stewart fourth. Tlmo 2r : ! ! Vf. Free-for-all pacing , purse 100 Fred Ar thur won , Frank Franklin second , Fred W third , Louts B distanced. Tlmo-2 : flif ; , 2S.TJ tmolng , purse J-IOO Maud Ncff won , Sol Miller second , Mambrino Prluco third , Hod Kovor fourth. Tlmo 2:3 : Cnrdlnnl fJilitioii'H Pas oral BU.TIMOKK , OoU a , Cardinal Gibbons has prepared n long pastoral letter on the cola * oration of the 100th anniversary of the Cath olic hierarchy hi the United States. Ho dwells on the growth of the country and the Catholic rollclou. There is now embraced within the territory of the United Status a Catholic population of about nine millions. 'Iheronro 10,500 churches nnd chapels , twenty somlnnnes exclusively devoted to the trainIng - Ing of candidates for the ministry , 050 ooli leges and academics for tlio hlchor education of tlio youth of both Boxes ; 8,100 parish schools und 520 hospitals nnd orphan asylums. 'Tho church , " says thn cardinal , "exhibits a vigorous nativity and a sturdy irrowth uhich Justillcsn well founded hopu of ill unlimited expansion lu the future. " Nemnhn ConntvM l nir. Annnns , Nob. , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tun Biin.1 The county fair opened up to day with n very largo attendance. This being children's day , the schools turned out over six hundred of the young folks. The principal attraction wns the hippodrome race by the Tucker boys , ot this county. The three-year-old colt trot was won by Dailoy'a ' colt , IJenl. The" ill ) ruoo w.is won by Iload- loy's horse , Bon B. Tlmo 'J : ! , ' " . The running race wns won b.v Tucker's .Inn Leo. Time 54. Several gambling devices were Blurted during the duy , but were promptly closed by the officers. Kottordiim Strllco. n noxrnunvM , Oct. 2. AnotherNconfcrenco took place to-day between the shippers and the representatives of tlio strikers. It is ex pected a Eoltlonieiit will bo effected to-uior- row. Midnight The strilto has ended. At a meeting of l,500dock men this evening the modified terms were accepted , namely , ( id nn hour on week days and ' < jd au hour on Sun day and the mluimum four hours' worlr pet- day. Stcainslilp Arrivals. At Stcttcn The Island , from Now York. At London Sighted : The Edamt from Now York , for Amsterdam ; the Travo , from Now York , for Dromon. " 't At Liverpool The England , from Now York. At Now York The State of Pennsylvania , from Glasgow. , Fired Into n l rayor MceHnjr. Mossv POINT , Miss. , Oct. 2. To-night while prayer meeting was being conducted at the Presbyterian church some ono flrod a load of buckshot through the front door , In stantly killing Dan Mclnnis , mortally wounding his daughter Nellie and seriously woundinp Henry Bluomcs. There I * no clue to the perpetrator. G. A. It. Matters. DCTHOIT , Oct. 2. Conimandor-in-Chiof Alficr of the G. A. n. has ibsued a general order in which the announcement is made that Iho following members are appointed ui members of tlio p"eiiHion commltto : Merrill , of Massachusetts ; ICounUo , of Ohio ; Fairchild - child , of Wisconsin ; Burst , of Illinois , and Blue , of Kansas. Natural Gns Ignites. DAYTOV , Oct. 2. Workmen had tapped the natural ga * main to-night for repairs , when the escaping gas was ignited by a spark from n passing car on the electric road. The trench was immediately lilted with llames , mill three workmen were terribly burned. Ivllli-d lly n Doric. LBAVKNWOHTH , Knn. , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BPK. ] Pat Alanlon , an inmate - * mate of the soldiers' home , was Instantly uillort this afternoon ut-1 o'clock b.v a horse which became unmanageable and dashed Into a crowd of old soldiers. ISnitineor Twoinlily Out on Hull. CHICAGO , Oct. 2. Engineer Twombly and Fireman La Cloche wcro admitted to bull at ? 25,000 each. Two gentlemen connected with tliii Koik : Island road whose names could not bo learned went on Twombly's ball. La Cloche has not secured any bondsmen. Hopori ol die l > . & N. LoumviMO ! , ICy. . Oct. 2. The annual mooting of the Louisville & Nashville road was held to-day. Tuo report for the year shows gross oarnines , $ lini.,3'.Hi ! ) ! ) ; n t earn ings , ? < ; ,2ri,310. : The dlvMomls paid during the year amounted to 1,514,800. l'lilliiill | > liiaiinin ComlHky. ST. Louis , Oct. 2. It Is stated that an agent for the Philadoliihla Lunguo club has offered $ iDOfO for the rcleaso of Cuptalu Comiskv , of the Browns , but that the offer was refused. Tlio Oriion I ynl MonMi'r. SANDUBKV , O. , Oct , 2. Charles Hartman , a saloon keeper , to-night killed his wife and and himself. Jealousy was tlio Ijuylnir ilu > Copu Stoni : . Ciiicnno , Oct. 2 The ceremony of laying the cope stonoof the great auditorium buildIng - Ing In which President Harrison was nomi nated , was conducted this afternoon under the auhpiees of the Illinois grand lodge of Masons. Previous to tlio ceremonies tliera wan a largo piocesslon of members of Ma sonic ordure. Oct. 2 [ Special Telugrtttn toTiiu BiK.J : Bonds offered : f 1.000 ut J1.S3 ; n i.7. Diirno'N Catai-rlt fin u ft' . When Milforlng with catarrh , cold In the head , nervous heudacho , etc. , UKO Durno's Hnull , it will relieve you at once , 1'rlcu oa ut uruuKists. _ ) ' cured by ' LHtlc Pi/In / , CARTER'S Tliey also roljeta Dis tress Jro'ADispcpila.In- ITTLE digestion and Too Heal tj IVER Uatlng. A perfect rem edy for Dl/ilncss , Nausch , PILLS. Droivawcits , Baa T slc In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , 1'alu In tliobldo , TOJtrin UVKR. regulate the Uowcls , 1'urely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE ,