THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 2 , 1889. THE CITY. Contractor Doyle Is grnillncr UK * south end of Ilun scorn purk. The Ititorniil rovcnuo collections yes- tcrdiiy vrcro $1HI38.41. , : The Imperial club will jrlvo nn Informal mal hop at Lyceum hall , Wednesday evening. The residence of Itov. Chnrlcs W. finvidtro will bo Slierinnu avenue near Wlrt street. All the saloon men who woronrrostcil Monday on the chnrgo of&olling liquor on Sunday , l.nvo given bonds. John Svaclna swore out u complulnt nfjivlnst Frnnk Ilolinca yesterday ( or throwlnp rocks through hla window. Frank wns arrested. JnniesWllsonnndMlssHoltndii Knight , wore wedded ycslorduy In the Holy Family church on Klghtuonth street , In the presence of a few Intimate friends. During the month of September there wore fifty-otio permits issued to the gas company allowing them to cut the etrocla , and three to the water works company for the sumo purpose. S. P. Morse & Co. received yesterday through the Omaha custom house two casks of men's underwear and Indies' inul children's cloaks ; also from Saxony , men's shirts etc. * gymnasium , tight ? , Blanche , the eleven months old daughter of O. Lyroll and wife , died Monday morning. She was burled yes terday morning in the Holy Sepulchre cemetery by the side of her twin sister , wlio died July 8. Duncan U. Ross , the well known athlete - loto , is in Omaha on route to the Pa cific coast. Ho will probably remain in town several days , and if arrangements can bo intulo may give an athletic oxlii- tlon at the Coliseum. Arthur E. Campbell , of the 13. & M. local freight department , while riding on a U , & M. engine was struck on the foot by a fragment of a track torpedo , which was exploded by the engine , and sustained u llcsh wound which is very painful. The Nebraska Knight Templars , about two hundred strong , will leave Omaha for Washington to attend the triennial conclave , next Vritluy. Ar rangements have been niatlo for' all Knights living in the state who are going to meet in this city , and join the Omaha delegation. l'uram'\i ; > ! i.s .7. II. Hnbe. of Lincoln , Is at the Windsor. J. F. .Ncsbet , of roltixmali , la : it the Cnsoy. "W. J. Uiillorlc , of Fremont , isntthc Casey J. C. White , of Lincoln , Is lit the Puxton. J. 1 . Johnson , of ICoarnoy , is at the Pax- ton. ton.D. D. S. Cornell , of Holdroge , is t the Mur- hiy. hiy.W. . Vt. McKcnney , of I31alr , is at the Mil- Inrtl. Inrtl.Miss Miss Jennie Lee , of Grand Island , is at the Casey. C. F. UurkharJt , of Chailron , is at the Casey , E. M. Wcstcrvclt. of Lincoln , is at the Mlllard. Ocorgo F. Work , of Hastings , Is at the Milhml. John I. Nosbitt , of North PhUto , is at the MHlard. T. P. Livingston , of Pluttsmoutli , is at the Hurray. W. H. Smith , of Hot Springs , is nt the Murray. W. D. La Houses , of Beatrice , Is at the Paxton. Judge T. S. Hainor , of Kearney , Is nt the Paxton. ' A. A. Truosdull , of Fremont , Is at the Windsor. C. F. HoHoro , of Central City , Is at the Windsor. Mlas A J ilio Brownclly , of Lincoln , Is at the Casoy. W. S. Cooper and wife , of D ivid City , nro at the Puxtou. Dr. Goodcn and J. P. Chapman , of Aurora , are at the Murray. C. W. Thomas and II. A. Konij , ' , of Grand island , is at the AlillarU , John M. Paxton. mutineer of ttia Chicntro ofilce of Tins Unit , was in the city yostgrday. E. 1C. Ulickensdcrfor , of tliuOrctrou Short Line roml , with liuaaquiirturs at i'oeatcllo , and wife , arrived lu the city yesterday. Mr. J. Shopper , of Milwaukee , has uo parted for liomo , having liad a very pleasant visit witu his sou and frieaJs atsUii ( Uss street. Tlio Case Dismissed. Dr. H. M. Stone a few days ago caused the nrrest of a contractor named Peterson for violating the city ordinance by not hanging out red lights ut Thirty-second and Walnut streets , where the latter is doing some grading. The case was tried yesterday be fore Judge liorlca and dismissed , For Rent A nearly now Emerson pianouuright grand. Apply fill So. 12th \VIII Operate n Glua Factory. G , A. Kinkol & Co , , whoso refining works at West Side were ourncd hist January , yes terday consummated a deal by which they secured the plant of the Diorks Implement company , nt Moseot , near West Lawn , and will at once commence operation of the plant us a glue fncsory. Couldn't Ho 11 tlio Mill. United States Marshal Slaughter ofTcren tlio Loup City roller mills at auction yester day morning , but received no bids. They were to have been sold to satisfy a Judgment of $0,339 , hold by the Potter Lovewoll company , but the appraisement , f'0,000 , Is considered too high. The properly can not bo sold for less tlu.u two-tulrds of the appraised value , or $1J.U ! ! > , tlio appraisement of fJU.O'JU being less un incumberanee of $3,501.'JO. JMiiyiui In Happy. Mr. C. K. Mayno said last night : "Yes , BIT , lust evening I Jlxed up my affairs in u very bntlsfnclbr.v manner all round. In f.ict my mind is easier than it lias been for three years. No , J won't go to South America for u month .vet , " Tlio relations between Mr. May no and the Messrs. Marker , which have not boon of the picasuntest nature for some tlmo baclr , liavo been amicably adjusted. Long litigation has been avoided , and Mr. Mayno lias now an opportunity of retrieving kits losses of the past. Whom Did I'lioy Itol > ? United States Marshal Slaughter received n letter from the sheriff at Qlading , Tex. , yes terday Informing Him that ho had three very touu'h men In his custody who are fugitives from justice in this state and nro wanted hero fdr robbing a bank In this state of fc700. ! ! The marshal says , hotvovor , that ho has no knowledge of tiny such crlmo having been committed or that any rowan ! for the capture of such thieves has been offered. The sheriff in iiuestiou islgti * him. elf O. A. Ulxloy. A Now l > ry GOOH ; | Kntornrlsc. On October 7 the Huston store will open In the Konnard building , 114 South Sixteenth Btroot. This store will bo ruu ou the same general plan as Partridge's mid the Boston Stores in Chicago , and will ho under the di rect management of It , C. Green , for years manager in those stores. Mr. Green brings with him vast experiences , and Is coallUent of making the Hoston store of Onuitm as popular us the lloston Store of Chicago. "I have had my eyes on Omatia for a long time , " aald Mr. Green , "as a good point fur Buch a store. Wo nave our buyers In all the eastern market ? , und they nro keut advised constantly of our wants. Wo are uow nn. pacicincr , und have on the way , the finest lot of now dry goods ever seen in Omaha,1' ho concluded , "and you may say that we Intend to mulio Omaha proud of The JJostou store. " Joe For Snle. 600 to 1,000 tons good ice on railroad track. Will soil cheap. Address A , G , Buchanan & Co , , Fremont , Neb , LOOKS 8TIIA.NOH , DON'T It ? Two Very Queer 1 hi nan Wlilali Ajjl- tnlc Ijricnl I'olitlclnno. Curbstone politicians nro discussing every- thine from tlio hospital grarto Joe down to campaign for coroner. Ono of the chief top ics that engages their attention is the mys tery winch surrounds the matter of selecting stone for the city hall building , or In other words , they are trying to iiellno Just what In fluence Is behind the Dodlin granite bid , and this seems to bo very difficult of penetration , When Hops Stout was In the city two or three ilnys ago no stated to n representative of TUB Hii : : that while It xvas true that , ho hail been Interested in Dodlin granite In his contract at Washington , ho now has nothing more to do with It , Paul Vandcrvoort , ho said , was the agent of the Dodlin people. Paul Vandcrvoort claims to bo an old army associate of theirs. Hut this does not clear nn the matter by any means , because Mr. Stout Is not always us childlike and bland as he appears to be. Another thing : Paul Vnndorvoort has boon seen in very confidential talks with Council man Wheeler repeatedly , und may pull some kind of string there. The thing that looks most singular is that one of Urn city halt architects , .Mr , Fowler , is now outspoken for Dodliu grnnito. Just , what has recently come over the spirit of his dreams cannot bo divined. When tlio plans were lira * adopted Holndorf , his part ner , was opposed to the light colored stone for the base , and It was supposed that ho rellcctcd the views of Mr. Fowler. Ho cer tainly did reflect the views of other archi tects , who are unanimous In the opinion that n dark stone should bo used for the base. Hut Mr. Fowler now states that ho is op posed to any sombre colors in the city hall exterior , and that Colorado red or brown stone would not show the artlstlu ofTect of the building that white or grayish stone would. Other architects ridicule the whole busi ness and sav that any artUt would uuturally Insist that the base of ttia building should beef of a darker color than the superstructure. They also call attention to the peculiar freaks of ornamentation , gargoyles and in discriminate gingerbread work that has been designed for the upper stories ami on the cornices. These things would show in white colors very much to the disadvantage of the building , be cause they would bo so much more prominent. In tlio opinion of the best archi tects , all of this excessive ornamentation Is in bad taste on n public building , whlcti should bo plain and imposing : , "It scorns very strange to me. " said a prominent Mason , to Tun lien's political man , "tnat the board of education should so suddenly conclude that it would bo bettor to change tiu.irtors at a higher rental. They ui c nicely fixed iti our build ing and the rent is only $ i5 per month , which cannot bo duplicated in Iho city. Tlio statement has been made in the papers that but one objection is hud to the present rooms and that is , that on pay day Secretary Piper is pushed into a corner and trampled unou by the school tnar'ms , who nro said to take absolute possession of his ofilce. The board might obviate all tills by caging the mod est secretary as hank tellers are caged , and thus protect him from obstreperous school teachers. "Some one has undoubtedly been agitating the removal among members of tlio board , and the plea 1ms been urged that the Temple craft lias learned that it can get more than $75 per month for the rooms occu pied by the board , and would prefer to have the board move. In the lease , I understand , there is a provision that the board may oc cupy these rooms until the completion oi' tne city hull , so that it looks aosurd for any movement to be mailo by members of the board looking to removal. If I have my way about it the board will be compelled to live up to the terms of the lease. "I was told yesterday by ono of the mem bers of the bo.ird who does not iavor rn- moval that this agitation for removal was brought about purely by tlio professional politicians in the board. The design of these men Is so transparent that it is Imrdi.y necessary for mo to go into particulars. I do not think there is the slightest likelihood that the board will move its quarters. " * * * "I understand that every stonograpaer in town is an applicant for the reportcrship under the man who may bo elected to the Groff vacancy , " said a lawyer who was prominent in bringing about the candidacy ot Mr. ClancHon. "Many of those boys do not possess the qualifications requisite for the work. The statement has been made that Mr. Wilson will accept a place un'der Land Commission er GroiT , and is therefore out of the race. Mr. Wilson tells iiu that ho would much prefer retaining his nlaco in court , and that in case ho is permitted to do so by the now judge ho will retain it. Mr. Wilson is an ex optionally line court reporter and prob ably Knot nxcollbd by any stenographer ia the country. * * * The beauties and incongruities of the now registration law are coming into full view. One section provides that voters failing to register shall produce an aflldnvit sworn to before the city clerk or other person ap pointed by the mayor , and subscribed to by ut least two freeholders , setting forth that such person is a qualified voter , and giving his reasons for not appearing before tlio supervisors of registration. This provision presents a series of complications to the ills- advantage of the tardy voter. Jt fails to designate the whereabouts of the city clerk on election day , whether ho shall circulate from poll to poll to place his seal of approval on citizenship , or whether voters In distanj wards must call on him during office hours Should that official tail or refuse to serve , whore will the "other .person appointed by the mayor" plant his ofllco ) If the mayor and city clerk happen to bo directly inter ested in the election , a contingency , not un likely , will their anxiety to down their op ponents bo Influenced by the political com plexion of the applicant. Perhaps "tho city clerk or other person appointed by the mayor" will not stop to enquire into the political leanings of the voters , but the law gives them a leveroKO of eoiibldorablc im portance. It will also tend to reduce the number of allldavit voters , as comparatively few will take the trouble to hunt up this of ficial ou election day. Hoard of Trailn Kvciirsion. On next Thursday the board of trade will run a special train for the accommodation of its members who desire to visit the corn pal ace at Sioux City , It Is the Intention of tlio board , Secretary Niisou says , to make the excursion an unqualified success. Only rep resentative citizens will bo allowed to par ticipate , the desire being to impress the den izens of the town as favorably as possible wit the leading men of this city. Parties who desire to avail themselves of this oppor tunity must send their application in imme diately. Tickets will be provided for about two hundred people , mid tlicso can bo procured - cured from Secretary Nason only , and at his ofllco , It has been decided that no tickets shall bo furnished at the depot. Jim Stcphcnson's celebrated Concord coaches will accompany the party. The train will Jonvo the Webster street depot nt 8 o1 cluck In the morning , reaching Sioux City at 11 a. m. Hoturnliig It will leave Sioux City at 7 p.m. , and arrive lu Omaha nt It ) o'clock. A 1100.MMJT IjRUAOV. < One of die Consequences of Lincoln's Itcnl Kstnto Splurge. On the 15th of January , 1SS7 , when many people supposed that Lincoln was destined to be come a great city and real estate boomer : ) were everywhere advertising the city in three sheet posters , three gentlemen endowed with speculative ambition , Messrs. Henjiiiiiln A.Gibson , Joseph IJeardsloy and Jonathan Chase , entered into an Agreement with Alex ander S. Porter whereby they expected to become rich , Porter owned 103 acres of land adjoining the city which seemed admirably located for an addition and sold them 'o the trlu , tlio consideration b3ing $100,000. They paid ? 2.V 000 down and gave three notes , duo in one , two and three year ? , for the balance. Porter , however , joined them In the enterprise , fig- ucid us halt owner , put , uIV > JJ of the first payment and obligated himself to form a syndicate down east which would purchase the property at from f'JOO- 00i to & . > . - > 0,000. Ho lives in Massachusetts , ana wns supponcd to have considerable In fluence among moneyed man In that section. Hut the filing of a suit by Gibson , Hoanlsloy and Chase against him In the United States circuit court now indicates n different , state of affairs. They ask for dnmaues In the sum of $ .V,000 , and also for Judgment for Sr,240.43 for money ailvanceu to him by them. They charge him with having repud iated his airrcumont and having male no at tempt to sell the property , i'liey further claim Unit ho could easily hiu'o capitalized the venture for $ iW,000. Uocauso of Pottqr's presence in the state nt this time the suit was commenced Monday uvcnlnt ; , so as to get service on him , which the marshal has nl- 1 eady succeeded in doing. Distress affor eating , heartburn , sick houdachonnd indigestion are cured by Uood's Snrsiipurilln. It nlso ureatob u good appetite. Til 13 COPIMSH WIIII5. Wlii'i-K It Is Hninir Hvtoiided mill What It in Dolni : . The two great electric motor systems arc somewhat hampered in their present ad vancement by lack of material. The Omaha Motor Hallway company is waiting for cop per wire to complete Its Hue to South Omaha , this being tlio only part of tlio work that re mains to be done. Tlio now electric system of tlio Omaha Street railway that rims from Hanauom part ; to Fort Omaha Is finished and ready for use as far as tracks and overhead wires are con cerned. The power house is also completed , as also the machinery , with the exception of u few pieces which could not be sent by ox- press. These were shipped from Pittsburg six days ago , and twenty-four lioura after their arrival the line will bo put in operation. Dr. Mercer complains that the South Six teenth street line is not paying as well as it should.-Only about 10 percent of tlio people ple who go up town from tlio district soutli of the Union Pacific tracks ride. Whether it is from their habits in the past of walking , their saving qualities or botn , the doctor is unable to say. The line is a disappointment. Tlio aoctor thinks , however , that as soon as the motor runs between Omaha and South Oiualra t'.iere will bJ u sufficient Incivnso to pay expenses. It is rumored that the Union Pacific will combat the motor by offering a commutation faro of 4 cents between the two cities. _ HOW TtllCY WlliL.THA.VKIj. Tlic Cities to l > o Visilcil l > y ilio Tlirco Amoricns" DcleKntnH. Mayor Broatch found in his mail yesterday morning a copy of the itineracy of the dele gates to the congress of the Americas , who leave Washington Thursday tit 8:13 : a. m. . on n special train for a tour of the country. It shows that the route comprises Philadel phia , West Point. Now York city , Boston , Portland , Me. , Hartford , Conn. , Albany , Niagara Falls , Hullalo , Cleveland , Detroit , Chicago. Milwaukee , St. Paul and Min neapolis Omulin , DCS Moincs , St. Louis , Springfield , 111. , Indianapolis , Louisville , Mammoth Cave , X cxington , Cincinnati. Pittsburg , thoneo back to Wash ington , where the convention will be hold. Of course , the trip includes a great number of other cities , such as Lawrence and Low ell , Mass. , Salem , Now Haven , Hochesier , etc. , whore short stops are to be made. The I rain will reach Omaha Saturday , October 2(5 ( , and remain hero until Sunday evening. Two committees are at work making preparations for entertaining the visitors during their stay here. Mr. Hroateh hi.s asked the Omaha and Union ( tlubs to assist by preparing to give u banquet Saturday evening. _ For a disordered liver try Heecham's Pills. THH UUTUIINO BOA.III ) . Captain Clayton Halo Appears Hcl'oru it : it Hcu < liiinrtcrR. The retiring board of the department , consisting of General Brooke , General Wheiuon and Colonel Hughes , with Lieuten ant Ho well as recorder , mot yesterday to con sider tlio case of Captain Clayton Hale , com pany II , Sixteenth infantry , who had been ordered before it. The captain is in his fifty-seventh year. Ho entered the army as captain In the Fifty- ninth Illinois volunteers , was promoted to major April 1 , ISlilbecame lieutenant colonel December.5 of the same.year and was honor ably discharged m 1S'3. ! He then entered the regular army as second lieutenant and , in September of ISfl , was promoted to cap tain. The captain's disability has been oc casioned by tno hardships endured ia the war. _ SUl'HU.MU COURT. J. I. NVslilt Aspires to a Position on lint Bnncli. Hon. J. I. Nesbit , of North Platto. is in the city , and on an important political mis sion. Quito recently Air. Nosbitt concluded , so ho says , to become a candidate for su preme court Judge , and wants as much I assistance from Douglas county In the nomi- j nating convention nt Hastings next Tuesday j as she can give him. To Tim Hii : : man he said : ' 'Some of my friends have been urging mete to cntor tlio raeo for a long time , but not until seven or eight of our western counties assured mo they would instruct their dele gations In mv behalf did I consent to allow my came to bo used. " MOST PERFECT MADE. XiW : VOICK'S CiKUAT CIIIMIIST. Tills IH to corlUy ilmt I Inivo annlyzod Dr. Price's Cronm Bilking Powder. 1 find it composed o ( pure nmtonnls , compounded on coriTotHolentiflo prlnciplofi , The ingredients are accurately nnd sclontUIcally pro portioned. Ilenco , bread or biscuits prepared with it uro bettor suited for digestion. R. OGDliN DOKKMUS , M. D , . LL. D. Vlvt. CJieiiilitry ind Totlcolagr in tin New York lle llotpltaiMedlcul Collejo. 1'rof. Clicmtitr/ nod rbil ( lu iliuColletogi the VoU. Tills powder never varloa. A marvel of purs. ty , strc.iiRtu and whnlcaaineness. More oco- nomlail ttinn the ordlimrv kinds , and cannot bo sold in competition with the multltudoa ot lor or btiortw eight alum or phosphnto powders. Bold only In cans. Hoynl linking 1'ow dor Com pany. IM Wall Street , Now York. CALIF ORNIA Till ! 1ANI1 Of DISCOVERIES ! Ctrcufjr.Sj Kr fault J k 9. - ATARRH i r r > SANTA : ABIEAND ; ; GAT : R ; CURE For sale by Goodman Di'uea Co NPB3CEDEHT3O. ATTRACTION ! OVUlt A .MILLION DISTldllL'TKl ) Louisiana Siai3 LoiterComjaiy / , Ineorporutnil by this I'denture , fur I'.aiirntlmiHl mid ( liuritatiluHirpoHei. \ . mil Us iri'tic'il ni.olia part of tlio present Mite : Constitution , In ll'.i b ; nil i Tcrn-lit'lailni ! popular vote. Its MAMMOTH DHAWINOS tuKo place Penil- . \immilly , t.Iuno und Hcreinbi-ri , and Its ( IRANI ) fINLi ( ! : NUMIIKU DIIAWINGS tulco pine in oacli of tna other ton months of the your , und lire nil dravtn IniMilJll" , at tlio Acail- oiny ot Music. .New Orlonm , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS. For Intcurity of its Urawlncs " " 'I Prompt Iiynienl ol" I'rlzce. Attested as follows : " \VoilolioroliycirMfy that no siiiinrvlta tlio nr r.uieuiruiitt Inr nil IhuMontlily uud Soiiil-Aiiiuiul Dr.nvlivs or tliu l.oniihiinl .Suitu I o.t < * ry Ci > iMiany | , mil In pt > i un mniinuo inul t'onlvul tlio llranlnuH tlioinso'.l tlutt Ilio Biiiiio ii'u uouiluutud itlili COMMlSSIOMJltS. \r > the unilcrslunud Hunks iiml Ilitikcr ? will IIIIT nil 1'rl/i'i drnn n In Biule Lultcrlus > vliioli tray ho prcMintotl nt ouroiiiinters. II. M. WAL.MSL15V.Tros. Louisiana Nat. Hank. 1'IUltltU LANAKX. 1'res. Stuto Nrtfl Unnk. A. IIAliUWIN , I'M' . .Now Orleans Nat'l flank. OAHL ICOIIN. I'res. Union Nutlunal liunk. At the Academy of Music , Now O/- loans , Tuesday , October 15 , IS8D , CAPITAL PRIZE , - $3QOOOO 1OOOOO TiulcclH nt Twenty Doll.MTU caul ) . Hulvct , $1O ; Quartern , $5 ; i.isr or PHI/US. i piiixi-i OK luutu la. ' . ! ' . ! ! ! ' . ! ' . ' . ! ' . ' . ! ! ! ! ! ' . ' . ' . " . ! fnuf"fl i I'lii/i : OK wan * : ttnt > I I'lilXK OK 'MtU\i \ Will i PIII/.KX. OK iiiiniaio ai > | ) sr , I'IH/.IH : OK ' ! . ! ! . ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ' ! ! ! ! ! 2. ' 'in * IW I'lllXIN OK ftOure fjiikm .141 I'lllXIN Ol < " Utl iini 1)1 nn tW 1MI1/.IW 01' ' .Ilil iiro HOJM ) AI'I'IIOXIMATIO.V l'111/.i- ) . ice rii2CMf > .M > uiro foum IKI iln of unnro1 ! . ! . . . . . /ii u 1JU do of 'JUilKio - . . . ( In luiaru . ! > i , ' iu W.I do luJuro . V. < MI a.l'M I'rl/oH aniiiiiiillimilo . M.O'il.s ) ) NOT -Tii'k'taitr Hln Capital rrlzusuru not untitled - titled lo torniliial ITU.ej. A < ; i\fr.s : \VA.\TKI > . ff Kou CI.DII HATCH , or ntiy fiirtlior InfornalMii doiliuJ , rllo Ifl.'ililr In ilio iiuiloralk'iii'il , clcaily xtiilluK your residence , vrllli tilal ( < , I'uuutvtrcnt und Number. Miirurnull ruliirn mail ilo.lwry will lie iiHiiirml liy jour eiiLlualiik' an liuvelopu ) our full fullIMEOltTANT. . Address . A. DAUI'IIIN , New Orleans , La. , or.M. .A. DAUI'IIIK. . \Vaaliington \ , I ) . 0. lly nnllnary It tlcr.conlii jnlni ; , M < ui'il lir all Kxpa a ( ; < mipauitt < , Now Vori Kxclian.'u , Urnli or rostal .Solo. _ _ _ Address Registered Letters conlalnlnj Currenc ) to NIW : oitLKANs NATIONAL IIANIC. _ Now Orleans , La. "Itl'.MKMIIKIt tliat t'ui payment of I'rli.M ! niMiuMiii ; : ) nv rouit NATIONAL HANKS r New orloiuiB. Hiul Ilio Ticket are tlunol by Iliu "mil- ili'nt of an InsHuilloii. wlimu churU'io I rluliti xru rucuKiii/cil lu the CuiirUI thcicfurc , buwuru of all lnillatliiii > nr anon ) ioou tcliuaiui. " O.Vi ; DOI.I.All l iliiiiiricauf Ihn umiillcst | iart nr ClHt'llimnruTliki't I.M'A \ > 11V US In any Iliawluu , Anylliliiu In our uauiooltoruil lor lots ( ban a Dullur lau Biilullo , to Desiring t-ru ni- SHOE DEALERS lu till ! juutly eel- ebrated line * of Uoots and Shoei , iniinufaciur- doyt ) . M. Henderson if Co. , of Clilcugo - Factories tories At Chicago. DUon. Ilia. , and 1'ond On , Wli.-thouhl write SA.M. N. WATSON. re l- deuce , niK.Mdr.j. iil ; . 'J ai < uut. Hcf.dquurtera for ilu\jbera. Heud HJJU HII vournaiiHi antl ndilreu to inn anil . will uml vim a ItDCT.II'i : Unit will 1-UKriVKI.Y Cimm'll.Ktf ami toi > t only luvcutl. MllS' I'L'llbON 1O. . JJVX 001 , UrauJ l.l uil.\ib. ; HAVE A TREAT In slnro tin's week for buyers of Alan's Glolliing , Our stock of Fall Suits \vrts never so extensive ai now , mid its variety wnrrnnU the assertion that whoever buys n Full Suit without ) at least looking at ours fails to consult his own intercut. There is not nn establishent in the West that oiTerd the selection or namca the prices we do. To stimulate an early full trade we will make this week the following extraordinary ofi'ers : 800 Men's All Wool Cheviot and Cassimcro Suits , well made and Irimmctl with geol ; sorgo' lining , all si/.c from 34 to12 , at $5 00. The Cheviot is a nice stylish plaid , the Cassimere n plain brown , coth very sightly suits and of nn excellent quality of goods , which is made to wear. The same suit is sold by most dealers at from $8 to $10 , We place Ihoao splendid Suits on sale this week for 155.90. Our olTer No , 2 for this \\celc will bo a line of suits sucks and frocks at ยง 10. We have the name for * always giving the best 10.dollar suit in the' market , but those we are offering this season at this pricewill lie pronounced by everybody the most astonishing value for the money. They will compare favorably with suits for which other houses ale asking $18 or $ 20. We have put into this line several styles to suit all classes of customer. * . ( MIO style is all fine n worsted Corkscrew in sacks and frocks , which makes an ex cellent dross suit , other styles are goo I Cassimoros in plain and mixed colors for business' wear , honest goods and honestly inado , and which will give as good satisfaction as any 20 dollarauit. Tn the liner grades of suits we show all the latest novelties in material and out. The new wide wale find clay goods made up in the latest style of U button cutaway with Prince Albert lapels a beautiful style we offer all these goods at our usual low prices. Our illu-lralcd catalogued' fall styles ready for mailing. S''fid ' us name and address is you want ono. f Corner Fourteenth and Doug-las Streets , Omalia. Eook ( o Tour \Var lro ! u. These cool days BURrsest heuvy clothing \vo urn ncll prepared to prorido for the comfort of our cn-tamors. Our block' ' comprises Men's Pull and Winter Snlls of the hluliost ( tr.ido of material and Mnrk- iimuihip , lOKctncr with mi unlimited si.p- ply of warm Hosiery and I'mU-nvcir. Our nrtlsttc selection of Neckxvcar Is a dell - ll litto tlio eyes. \Voliii\u Minii'thlniT clioico lu Hnndkor- clilflfs MJinethlnn axcellctit In C loves- and something relfablmu 1'nilircllns. Chlldrcn'h Clothing a specialty. MAX MiVSlt. : ADOr.l'II MiVEIt KST.\m.ismi : > ex ep ro , GENERAL AGKNTS FOH J'HK STEINWAY , CHICKERING. KNABE , And ether first clnss PiAflOS.nntl STORY & CLARK ORGANS Remember , Wo do Not Soil "Ston cilocl" Pianos. All Instalments Guaranteed to be Just as Represented. Wo offer a fine S325 Piano for S25O. EASY PAYMENTS. Visitors Welcome. MAX MEYER & BRO Cor. IGtli aud Farnara Sta. AMUSEMENTS , Tuesiay and Wednesday Cct. 1 and 2. J.atost and Greatest Succsb'j , School Exnniiniition' , . .C'lioIrRohoareal , Sowing Uirclo , r.ClmUing Society , Coasting1 Sliilo , 13ofry Tower. REMEMBER THE SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MATINEE , Ili-lni , ' tlio children to hco Mtllo Dot Claren don , tlio womlurfnl rlilld aci Matinee prlcec , ( We. Three Mights nntl Saturday Matlnoo 'Iliurmliiy. I'riday anil Kutilrd ly , Oct. : i. 4 undfi. UK. AllIIJL \ltNKV pivsunts Mr. KEEN nrlodby .Mil , < ; ioUOi : ; LUAItOCIC. Anil an uuquuitlanably strum' company of IHH- irioiilotaluut , RICHARD III "Admission " , "c. We , 7roand < l , Kale of heuts will open M Iliu box olllcoVdiitiSduy \ JOSEPH GILLOTO STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS BXFOSIT/ON 1W. ftos. 3O3-4O4-17O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS unii allurinUiy InMibl'-s eii llyiiili lc- ly urnl Hnfely cureil liy DUUTIIliA ( 'apmle . Several c.isei cured In seven duyH. Hold utll/xj | ier box , ull Uruwmtii. o ; by mall from Doctura M'fV Co , 1U WlilU bt. , N. Y. Full illrectlous. ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So. Chicago , Ills. I Clark St. Modular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 $ still Treating with Iho Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Clirouic , NGIWIS and Private Diseases , B-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Failing ; Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , ( lead and Back Ache and all the effects leading lo early decay and peihaps Consumption cr Insanity , treated * cicnlifically Ly new methods with iie\er-f. < ilmi : MICLCS * . SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Diseases - eases permanently cured. sa-klDNEYnndURINARYcomphlnts , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strioture , Vartcocele and all of ilie Uenito-Urin.iry Organs curtd promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oilier Organs. - OwNo experiments. Age and experience Im portant. Consultation free and sacred. 4 > 3"Send 4 cents postace for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous anil Delicate Diseases. 3''lhoso contemplating Manbce * cnd for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both st cents ( stamps ) , Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter orcallninysaxcfutnresuiTcr * In and shame , and add golden jears to life.fBliook "Life'sSecretErrors"soccnlssl.unps ( ) ( ) . "Itdicino and u tilings sent everywhere , secure froiri exposure. Hours , 3 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , C8S So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. 2O to 60 DAYS. is : i disease which has heretofore Ualllcil all Medici 1 Science. WKPU Meruiry , Jodldu oC I'otnsslum , Sursnpa- rllla or Hot Springs fall , we mmnuut'o a cure. \Vo have a Kumedy , iinknou n to 11113 ono In tlio world oulsldo of our company , and ouo that haste to cure the moat oljsllimto ca03. Ten dnys In ivcont cases ( lees the \\orlc. It K the old chronic ( It op heati'il cnsus that wo rtolli'lt. Wo huvo cured hundreds who Unvo been nlundonod by pliysldaiH , nnd pronounced iucurablu , nnd wo uliallfUKQ thovorlit lo brliiK ns a cahotlutwo \UII not euro In loss than HlMy days. Milieu the history ot ineillcluo n true spo flic for Kyph'liH lias been sought for lint never found until our wns discovered , nnduiiro justllloil in sayliiR It Is the only Itamudy In tliu world Unit will positively cine , huimibo the latest ineillc'ul works , jinldlbhud by tliu liost known authorities. say thcro w.ts never u true Hpoclllc baton. ' . Our remedy will euro when overythliiK lso IIHH fulled. Wliy wahto your tlnio and monuy w ill patent mudlclnus that nuvor had virtue , or doc tor ullh iihyislcluiu that cunnot euro you , you that have tried overythln clsu should COIIID to us now and get pormiiu 'lit rcllof. yon never can But it elsewhere. MnrK what \v hiiy. In tliu end you limit take our roinedy or Nllvlllt recover nnd you that have beun ullllctcd hut a short time should by nil means coino to us now , not ono In ten cases over iot poimanuntly cured. JIanyijet help and tnlnk they nn > free from tlm dlsunse , hilt mono , two or ihreo yours uftcrit nppears agiilii In a more hurriblo foim. Thia is n iJlooil Pnrilior ivntl will Cure any bkin or Hiood Dlscsisis when Kvorythincr lilao Fails. NoTiCK-Wodotlro toraiitlon patients in ro- Kurd to piirllt" , claiming lo IHO ill. ' Cunlj Hem- uly. Our formula is not nnd I'A.NMJJ' bo known lo nnyoiio out ouriolvos. The Cook Remedy Rooms 418 aal 419 , Fax'.oii BlocL GOLD MEDAL , , PAlo , 1870. W. BAK'Ul & CO.'S Is ubiulntt'lif jitti'c it It Huliibte. No Chemicals re uird In Iti f > rr'ir | ' tlon. It ) m mor * fAcm ( Arc * llnu the if yfA cf Cuiua mixed MIIU bUicti. Arrowroot vr Hogir , a iid tu t IKK fore far inure economical , cvHliiy tttt ( Ai'i ' * ctnt a tt > p. It li Oellcluut , nuurihlniitreithnilnr ! ] , ! ' ! . bii.Y Ul't * lfi > i * nU mlmlrcbly ftdijitrd fur lmtli < J < M wUi ) iiirioui In ) H I'L ( ' Hold Ijy < Jio 'iH rteriilirc * W. BAKER & CO. , Dorcheatev. Mass. With thiu Hanger on ihe Couth' . JOHN E. WILKINSON , Teacher of the Violin. MI'uplls llobliloncu. Ul ! North ICtli Hlicct , Omuhu , Nt QMAMA BUI mmm mom Health is WeaSffi , Dll.K. 0. WliSr'BNlSllVB AND IlllAIN U'llIAT. I MK.ST , uKimrantoeil sinrliicfor llyMiirlii , Jlzl > , ue H. Coiiviililons. Kits. Nervoiw Noiruli'ln , llouilnr.lio , Nurvous 1'rosti'atlmi cnuscxl Jiv Ui3 imo of ulcohol tobacco , WakofnluvMi , .Mental Odpresslon. Portouliu ? of tlio llriiln. rosullliiB fa insunltynmlloadingtomliary. ( teeny niu ! itcutb. I'reimituri'OM ARC , lliim-ime . Loss ot I'ower In either sot. Involuntary Losses und Siiermat < orluua cniifcd by ovi-r-exortlon of the I ) rain , self , nbuso or ovciludulceuiu. Kacu box ronlulni one ninth's treatment. JIJ n n box. or six boxert foiTi.d'i.'ic'iit ' by mull prepaid on recuitit of nrl-'o. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES. To euro any case. With each order riwivod bv us for six iicroinpanleil withK.DO.o will Bcnil the purchaser our written Kimrantuo ti > ro- fiiml the iiionoy If the trcitment il < not ellect acnru. Gmunntecs Issu ( ! only by Ijoodmau Drug C < > , DniRKlsts. Solo Agents , HlU Karimm treut , OmaiHi Nebraska H..V.CQPt , I3TH& DCDCEbfs. OMAHA , NEB. Oft TUB TIlKATJIIi.VT OF JILI , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUS3ES.1 HINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENT3.1 SeardftAttendance. HeitAceommoditlon InWotti' Oy WRITE FOR OIHCULARRon Deformities unit Braces , Trutiti , Club Feet , Curvatures of Bj'i-ie , rilctT Tumort , Cancsr , Catarrh , Bror.chitls , Jnjnilatlon ; , Epil.piy , Kidnoy. Blodd rJ' ' Eye , Ear , Skin anaBlooi and all Surgictl Operation/ DISEASES OF WOKEH HK IUTB UTKI.T JUIIDI ) A LTIMO-IK lKrjniBF.NTlp HOKUM ntitiMi co\nMiii > r. ( STRIciir FBlVAir. > O.iljr . Reliable Ktdieal Initituto mikinr /f rcmltr 0 < PBIVATE I > ISEASE8 All Hlood Dliritei luctf . .full ; Irfsltd. Sillllllo 1'oliia r moTfdfrniuCli ( > i/ii.m ltlioutin re rr. N.IT llrtlorilltd trill * * it fur U.i of TIT1L rilfl XII. I'.llkl unit ! e to Ilill u uiij lrr.lj.l l hcliKkf cortriliondtlicr. JlllcoinmuLlcJ UDDicoDldKiitltl. lle'llclnf.orlnciuiucnl..fnlji.i.ll rci. fre . iteurclrpactc4iwBirii .olndlcitt .fmj.ii' On i.erionllnunlt pr feirtd. CilUndeor-iulliiiorttoJ Siifir.c/ZJllreM iM * ' ' " lll " " ! ' vH'n ' r ii r , ? RnflK TO B9FU FnEEl Ui > oa rilrtir , HcUI | 1 fujf , " . " inCll | Ncrrou1 * ' 111. ; Ulfet.ud . | , , queitlonll.t. AJdn.l OMAJEA MEDICATHUKOIOAT. . 1NBTITUTJH 13th and Dodga BtreeU , OMAILfl , HK1I. OE.GROQT ELECTRIC rorNpi > rmulorrh < i > n. lo t Alunhgnd , ) .i < iun | Hi curl l.inkiir l . > r\rluninclil. l.m r ( llrulim , * ( < , TulnirKluci.wlll Mivi : I.M : AWAl to n-ilaW * t > IHOII in rat It . ' . f oiiniy. orilrr At num. C'uicffuu.traa ' dud. ( . 'irculirurr . ABeiil.wanUd. Iho l.lnuor Hnlilt , 1'onlilveli Cured Hi Auniliilxlorliia llr. llnlnei. ' Golden Hprelflp. / UCHII liuclven In iirun of mllou or ten Hillmut Ibf jmonleilKOiiftliniMimoii Inklnullliahhclut If liaruil Ion , unil will j'tfctt u MH'i'd ) unit pi'miiuiviit turn , viliiillicrlliK | iitli < nt In a moilcniloililnlrr it an ul. oilinl wirtli ' | ] nu : inJ of ilnuilMnU IIIVH boutt nifiilo triuiMTiild inrn who hive Inken ( lolilrnHporlflo In Ilii'li unli'o niilioiit ilidr knowle'lvo ' Ami lii.litr bn llovo limy < | iill ililiiklnu ( if lln'lr own fr uivllK III .Viivi'r Ijill" . Tliu njMinii ( inrilniitetnnii.l ( | ivllli Ilia * i > u < Iflc. It liM'oinrit tin utter fnipuH'llillltv tur tud Ilipior appi'llUi lo inlet. I'or KHU ! l > y Kiilin ' Co. . Dnivulhl" IMIilln 1 llonulnH t | . anil iMIi HIM ) ( /'uirlf InuMs .Oiiuilm A. U. Potter \ Ilio , L'uunill ItluffM iv , lielfnst , lUilillnninl 1,1 I NliW YOltK I.VIJItVTIIIMl-iDAf. ' ' / Cabin | inma | { m lol.VJ , iiccnrillnK lo locution of ( tB/ r ( > m. r.M'iir.-lon { ; ' ) to f.ij. * FU-cniDO In iiml from ' J I'uiopn at Ixj e t Ilitlei. At SUN IIAI.1AM.S M D. ( , i > n I Alicntt , 5 M JlidU'lwjjr ' , Now Vaif JOHN HI.IOI..V : , Uvu I Wcilcrn Aevni. if ll'l Itiiiulo'ph HI. , I'UlcajB/ 1IAIIIH 1C JKIOHLB , TllOJ. JUtANNK , / .llfcnla , nt OuihUfc A Po : let Mcteh fafo Freote Bttc > cri