Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Tan Bowman Exonerated For the
Killing of Jack Klunoy.
All tlio Tcfltlmonr Temllnir to Show
Hint ( ho Dcnd Man Mot With
1'tilly Merited
Tlic Blioallnt ; Wan Jjtttnnttl < \
Tlio evidence In tlio coroner's Inquest upon
the remains of .Tuclc Klnnoy , who win killed
by Tnii IJowmnn In tlm Inltor's saloon Mon
day night , ( lifters mntorlally irom the Jiub-
llshcd reports of the nffnlr. The Jury
was cnlloJ by Coroner Urcxol
at 2 o'clock ycetorduy nftcrnoon ,
and after viewing Klnnoy's romnlna ut his
mother's homo on Howard slroot , returned
to the coroner's ofllco. where the testimony
. xvns taken. The momboro of the Jury were
15. Gordon , L. Dennis , Moso Sturnum , Sum
Well , W. 1 . Uorklmuscr nnct Kd Shelby.
Tlio llrst wltncsi called wns D. A.
Mrowntcr , n colored in tin , who snw
the ftliootlnp , Ho said that Klnnoy
\vun fltuminiK on the bnr rail
and lonnmc on the counter. Ho itskctl Bow
man for a dollar when UOWIIIIIM pulled n re
volver mid llrcd live shots , Ucnvmun then
took Klnncy by the heels and dntKRod htm
into Uio street and bck'un pounding him and
kicking him. Klnncy did not huvo | iny knllo
undilkl not throatun to kill Uowtnnn.
Archie llfti-vo.v , unothor oyo-wltnoss ,
wore :
"Ten of us wcro stnmllntc at tbo bar.
Jamison was treating. Klnnoy cnmo up tome
mo nnd said , "Tan owes ma n dollar und I'm
solus to make him give It to mo. " Jamison
told Klnnoy to shut up. Klnnoy then said ,
"Tun , glvo mo a dollar. " Tan said "What
Tor. " Kinnov suld "You know what
tor , and If any 8 of b owes mo nnd won't
pay I'll nmko him clvo it to me. " Kiniioy
raised up and then Tan commenced shooting.
ICInncy trlud to got away and ran behind the
nurocii. ISowman stepped to 0110 aldo and
kept , on shooting. Klnnoy did not luivo u
unlfc. HoVM BtiJilinir rlatht at my sldo
when the shooting commenced. "
to Dr. Kdward VVomorsloy was the next wit
ness. Ho stated that ha bad iniulo the post
mortem examination yesterday , assisted by
Dr. Kulpli. They found a small ' .vouiul over
the bridge of the nose , which had evidently
been imulo by a shnru Instrument. In nildi *
tlon to this there wcro nine wounds made by
some projectile. The llrst was on the right
arm. Tlio bullet had passed through the
biceps muscle from the outsldo and wished
Into the chest. Another wound was just
below tlio clavicle on the rk'lit sldo. 'lliU
bullet him como out near where the first lind
entered the chest. Another wound was near
thoupocof the left shoulder , nnd still an
other lust nbovo the rlirht nlpolo. When the
dead inuii was turned over n bullet dropped
from his Hollies. Nonoof the wounds In the
tipper chest were necessarily fatal. The fatal
wound was in the lo.vor chest , passing
r ) throuuh the diaphrugm and the liver , and
fractured the lumbar rartcbric , lodging in
the ubdomlnal cavity.
This witness also testified to having been
called to HOO the man soon after
tbo Hhootlng occurred , and found him
conscious but apparently under the in-
lluenco of liquor. Sometimes it seemed
that the man realized lib condition , but the
greater part of the ilmo his talk was ram
bling. Ulio immediate cause of death was
homorrhago. This was caused by the bullet
wounds. The bull which hud dropped from
the dead man's clothes was Idontillcd.
Howard Green , n hotel waiter , testified
that he was in the saloon both before and
( luring the sbootluir , and witnessed most of
it. The llrst ho smv of the trouble was when
Kiiiiii'y huid to Uownian , "Tan , you ewe uio
a dollar. " Tun said ho dinn't owe liHn any
dollar. Thou Kiunoy stopped up on the rail
ing in front of the bar with ono foot , reached
over nnd cuught tbo cdgo of the with his
right hand , raised bin other Toot as though to
jump over the bar , nnd raised his left hand
as though to strike Bowman , Ho had a
loniMiladH knife if. his left hand , being a
Icft-handcu man. Tlio hlado was about tureo
or four Inches long , was slender und sharp
ened on both sides. It was u pocket. It info
but had a blade like n dirk. When Kiunoy
made this move at How man , 'Inn stepped
back out of reach , but Klnney kept lunging
ut him nnd making moves as thouch to
jump over tno bar , and 13owman
Kriiuhud a pistol and fired at him.
Uowmun jumped down from the bar
nnd ran around | the screen to got at
ttowman , who llred nt him < ignln. The
witness did not rotnomb.-r how many times
liowman shot at Kinnoy. Hn also stated
that lie had seen the knife In Kinnoy's hand
before the shooting , and boforn he asked for
tba dollar. It wiis closed tl. n , but whoa ho
jumped upon the bnr it was open.
John Wright , liowman's partner , was
called. Ha lostiflPd that Bowman had asked
him a'mnnbcr of times to order Klnney to
stav away from the suloou , as ho was afraid
ot him. Klnney hud n reputation of being a
ouarrolsomo man , who was always in
trouble. Ho had had several quarrels in
their Hiiloon , but had never bad a light there.
His evidence concerning tbo shooting was
substantially..the name ns the previous
witnesses ? . Tnn shot five times and ran
iiround the bar and kicked Kinney several
times , alter which ho took him by the log
and drugged him out on the street. On
cross-uxamlnation vVrighl testified that
Klnney had been in tbo saloon in the nfter-
noon am > said ho was Koiug to murder some
one. Ho was in tlio habit of carrying a Jong
bladcd knife which opened with n spring
and could bo operated with ono hand. Ho
bad this Itnlfo iu Uio afternoon.
Dotcetivo Pat Horrljrnn was called ana
Ictttllled to having arrested liowman , who
acknowledged freely that ho had shot Kin-
iiey lu Bolf-dofpnse. Horrigan picked
Kinney up frum the street und laid him
on a billiard table in the saloon. Kinncy was
nblo to talk and said Jiowman hnd shot him
for nothing. Also said ho hnd no knife
The doctors arrived ut this time and gnvo
Kfnnoy an Injection of mnrnhlnc , which
quieted him. Ilorrigan identified the re
volver which hud been taken from Howman.
Alt the chambers were enuHv. It was a
SuTith & Wesson , 38-callhro. Ilorrigan also
testified that Klnncy had a bad reputation
nnd was considered a tough customer gon-
ernlly ; was always In trouble with some ono
und wan under arrest most of tbo timo.
Uowmun hud an excellent reputation for
peace and quietness nnd had never been in
any trouble as far as tlio witness know.
Officer Isolds was called und corroborated
the testimony of Ilorrigan.
'Iho jury retired for consultation nnd
almost Immediately returned a vonliut com
pletely I'xonciiitlng Uowmun from ull bluino
in the shooting.
Ailvluo to Mothers ,
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlnff Syrup
Biioukl nlways bo used for children
toothing. It BOotlicH the child , softens
the gums , ulluya nil pains , euros wind
collu , nnd is tlio boat remedy for dlur
ioo ! u bottle
A .Moo Question In Imiv.
The miprcmo court has decided that Lieu
tenant Karle , of Tort Omaha , will have to
et'pport his wife ns long as the iiiurriaxo re
lation between thorn exists. Mrs. Eurlo
uod for a decree of alimony from her bus
bund thrco years ago on the ground of cruel
and inhuman treatment. The defendant de
murred on the ground that no alimony could
bo allowed unless a divorce was grunted.
Judno Wukcloy sustained the demurrer uni
the case was carried to the supreme court.
A decision has just boon reached , m which
the court lio'ds ' thut Lieutenant Karlo IUUB
lualntuln his wlfo while the umrrlugo rela
tion exists and that alimony does not dopeiu
upoua divorce.
B ASTAHLK-Suadenly at No. 2323
Farnam street , John Daniel Uastable ,
aged JSO year * and 8 months.
LOOMlS Mr . G. G. Loomls , mother ot
G , W , Loomls , a led at the residence of her
daughter , Mm. U , W. Phelps , corner o
.Howard street and Thirty-fifth avenue ,
October 1.
Funeral service at that place at 1 o'clocl
"Wednesday afternoon. Remains will bo
f hipped to Windsor , Conn. , the homo of Mrs.
Loomls , for interment ,
[ Hartford , Couu. , papers ploasocopy.J
Tlic Hmploycn Oppose lt Incranso
nnd AInko Grnvo Insinuations.
The intention of the Union I'aclfla com-
> any to Increase the monthly nsscssn-cnt of
U employes for the hospital fund , an nocount
of which was published In Tun BUB of Mon
day , has aroused considerable feeling among
the men. Considerable ) opposition bos al
ready boon developed. A largo number of the
imploycs were soon yesterday , and In every
tut an co the increase was regarded an un
warranted. The opinion prevails that the
company has used more or less of Its hospi
tal fund to apply on payments of damages In
cases of personal Injuries. Ono of tlio men
said : "It docs not seem at all probahlo or
tussiblo , that , with nt least fl.OOU pouring
nto the fund monthly , a ahortugo , to the ox-
.cnt which the otllclnls state , could
iiivo resulted. There must bo
some underhand work going on ,
Wo number about 17,000 men. Our nssess-
mont aggregates 3l,2oO per month. If , with
this amount thcro bo an insufficiency , then I
must confess that I Know but little ns
regards the cost of malntalng a department
of this kind. Yes , all tbo employes to a
man are opposed to It nnd I think that
bcforo they will submit to the increase the
company will have to produce figures to
show that the finances have not been
misused. "
Ono of the officials , with reference to the
matter .said : "No , tlio company has not used
a dollar of the hospital fund for uuy purpose
other than for which it Is created , No
damages for personal injuries have been paid
> ut of this fund , nnd , when an employe was
njurcd In away Unit his wages wcro allowed
M accumulate during bis dllability , tbo
alter have been paid by the company , and
.ho money was nut taken out of the hospital
Fund for that purpose. It requires
considerable money to keep this depart
ment up. We have nil hospital
of our own at Ogdcn and nt Denser and luwo
contracts with hospitals at Omaha , Kansas
City and I.nrnmio. Since the Institution \vns
organized , wo have Increased its benefits.
Of course , the salary of the railway sur-
rcons Is taken out of tlio hospital fund. I
lave no doubt but that the company or the
officials In charge of the fund will bo willing
to furnish any statement regarding the dis
position of the sumo that may bo desired. * '
It U stated that the disposition of the fund
s entrusted to General Manager Klmbull ,
Auditor Young nnd O. J. IMolffor , chief sur
geon of the company , whoso headquarters
ire in Denver , i'li'o latter Is the principal of
the three , inasmuch as ho authorizes the
Ilat < l\vln Succeeds tinvt.
The circular announcing the resignation of
[ { abort Law , superintendent of the Montana
LTnion , and the appointment of William H.
Baldwin , late manager of the Leavonworth
division , tollll hia place was issued yostroduy.
i'ho title of general munnger Is conferred ou
Mr. Baldwin.
Iho liuloitntpH Uctiirn.
William Hey nnd Frank Wright , who
represented the local switchmen's union nt
iho National convention at Columbus , O. ,
iinvo returned. Thoystato that the old oftl-
ccrs were re-elected. They also state that
Lho Insurance policy , in cases of total disa
bility or death , wus raised from S800 to $ 'JOO.
Several minor matters were also considered.
J. A. S. Heed , general traveling passenger
agent of the Union Pacific , with headquar
ters in Chicago , Is in Omaha.
. T. W. Leo , assistant general oassenger
agent of the Union I'aultie , has gone to Kan
sas City.
A. It. Smith , sunerintcndont of telegraph
of the Chicago , Uock Island & Pacific , is in
Henry Cassic'y , assistant general freight
accut of the iOlk'norn , has gone to Kansas
City to attend u meeting of the trans-Mis
souri association.
J. O. Phillippi , assistant general freight
and passenger agent of tbo Missouri Pacific ,
has guno to Sioux City to participate in the
corn palace festivities.
W. H. Jones , the switchman who was In-
jtirod lit the Union Puclllo yurds at this
place Saturday evening , is still alive , but the
physicians state that his recovery is exceed
ingly doubtful.
The Atlantic express on the Union Pacific
was two hour * lute iu arriving from tbo
west. _
Ho "Will Produce a Copy or tlio Re
taining Wall Con t peer.
Jeff Mcgcath , register of deeds , takes ex
ceptions to the statement that ho throw a
part of the county records into a vacant
room in the basement of tbo court house dur
ing his quarrel with Hocho as to which of the
officials had authority over certain county
records. Ho says that ho throw the papers
into Roche's oflloo ono Sunday.
Ho this as It may , the contract for the
court house retaining wall , which was sup
posed to bo among the documents , is still
G. W. Ambrose , nsq. , who was attorney
for Ed iJ ron nun in his trouble with the com
missioners , to have a copy of all pa
pers in the cuso , which ho is willing to give
to the grand Jury. Ho will probably bo given
an opportunity to tell what ho knows about
the contents of the documents which have so
mysteriously passed out of the possession of
the county authorities
Jerry Hyan , of the linn of Ryan < fe Walsh ,
the hospital grading rontracto , 3 , was bcforo
the graud jury yesterday morning. Hoguvoup
one piece of information thut wus greatly u ) > -
preci.itcd by the jurymen. Durini : the course
of his examination one of the j'irymon asked :
"Hy tlio way , Mr. Ryan , how old is your
youngest child i"
Jerry remembered that ho was under oath
nnd answered "promptly : "About six or
seven hours. "
"Wo nil smoke , " ald another Juryman ,
and .lurry was excused long enough to make
a trip to the nearest cigar storo.
llroatlilnir tlio Ooi-ms of ISOHHC. |
To inhale the germs of disease with their
dally breath is the fate of dcnircns < jf
malaria-scourged localities everywhere. Tbo
endemic atmospheric poison may , however ,
bo ref t of its venom and rendered Innoxious
by a defensive UB of hosteller's Stomach
Hitters. This pro-emtn&nlly safe uud offec-
llvo remedy and safeguard not only eradi
cates the disease when developed , but en
ables the system to safely bravo Its as
saults. Kvcry physical function is con
firmed in or restored to regularity , the cir
culation quickened if sluggish , and a bilious
habit , which of Itself begets a prononeas to
both intermittent nnd remittent types of
malarial disease , where extrinsic atmos
pheric causes exist , 'Powerfully counteracted
by this inimitable fortifying and defensive
aL-ont , which has , moreover , none of the dis
agreeable characteristics of a drastic cathar
tic or un allialold. Fever and upruo , dumb
ague and ague fake , unfl the culonturu of the
Isthmus , are conquered by it surely , pleas
untly. Rheumatism , neuralgia , gout , kidney
and bladder troubles , constipation and indl
geitton yield lo it.
WINflS O.N THE IliVlij.
Tlio Sow Koliomo for Clio Fast Mail to
Lnto dispatches from Washington say
that Chicago is to have ix fust mall to San
Francisco , a fast mail to St. Louis , nnd an
other to Cincinnati , Chattanooga , Atlanta
and Jacksonville. It is to have still another ,
either via St. Louis or Louisville to Now
Orleans , The fust mall from Chicago to
Omaha , St. Paul and Minneapolis Is to run
both ways. These great improvements nro
not to como at once , but just us soon us the
postonico department can curry out the
plans which It Is now considering.
Inquiries made of the postofllca authorities
bavo fulled to elicit much information on the
subject. They know , however , thut there U
a scheme on foot which , If consummated ,
will result la several important changes beIng -
Ing made , but the mutter has not even bo-
cun to assume- tangible form , In arranging
for a quick run from Chicago to San Fran-
clsoo , it Is proposed that u fast mail train
shall leave Chicago about 11 o'clock at
night , reach Omaha next mornlni , ' , und con
nect bore with unothnr for San Frunoisoo.
Under the present arrangement ,
what Is known as the fust
mall tram from Chicago to Omaha.
carries wry little of the letter mall. U loaves
there ut U a.m. , is almost exclusively a Chi
cage newspaper train , nnd overtakes the
train that carries the loiter mall at Crcston ,
la. East-bound mall matter from Omaha
goes on the slow pusoneor train.
If the now deal should bo perfected twelve
hours will probable bo the schedule each way
between Omaha nnd Chicago.
The soft glow of the tea rose is acquired
by ladles woo use Pozzonl's Complexion Pow
der. Try It.
Minor Matters Oucupylns tlio JuilffC * '
Attention" .
The cnso of Van Ktton vs Abraham was
plvento the Jury la Judge Doano's court at
noon yesterday.
In the afternoon the case of F. C. Morgan
against the oltyot Omaha , an appeal from an
appraisement of damages by reason of a
change ot grade , was commenced.
Willie ClomonU , the waif , who catno hero
a month ago from Rock Springs , and wus
taken under Sergeant Whalon's protecting
wing was scut to the reform school by Judge
Mrs. KHon Hnrford 1ms commenced n suit
against Mrs. Johannah Sovorsy fordnmaccs
in the s.un of JI.U50 for defamation of char
acter. The petition recites that Mr * . Sovorsy
told n Mrs. Llndholm , on September 3 , " > , that
she saw Mrs. Hosford nt U o'clock in Uio
morning with a fist full of matches and a
gallon of coal oil on her way to net tire to
Mrs. Llmlbolm's house.
Kdward L. Sayro has commenced three
suits against the Union Pacific railway com
pany to recover certain property which was
condemned for use of the railway company
In ISbO , but has never been used for that
Ktta C , Doench has opphod for a dlvorco
from her husband , John H. , on the ground
of extreme cruelty and being un habitual
Cnvanaugh , Crane & Atwoll have com-
moiK-ud suit against C. R Mayno to recover
(1,231.87. The petition ullages that this
amount Is duo as lawyers' fees In a number
of suits running back as far as June 18,1S8S ,
aud also ns payment on n number of small
loans mudo to Mayno , for which ho gave bis
The case aalnst John Uelson on the
charge ot grand larceny was given to the
jury yesterday afternoon mid a verdict Of
not pulltv returned.
Donnls Leahy , of South Omaha , will bo
tried this morning on the cliargo of assault
witu intent to kill.
County Court.
Judco Shields was engaged yesterday on
Dank of O mail a matters. A motion has
been made asking a decree of the court that
no dividends on the claims of stockholders
bn paid until the stock Is all paid up , unless
thcro Is a residue nftcr all other claims have
boon raid In full. This motion was anrued
In connection with the claim of Peter Gees ,
who has n deposit claim of $ lHOO , but is in
debted for u largo amount of stock.
AVIiilo En Uouto Homo W. S. Cunning
ham Itr atlio4 Hi-i tiiist.
D.iath Is indiscriminate. Airo , beauty or
circumstance avails nothing when confronted
by the grim destroyer. Evidence substan
tiating this was adduced at the Uurlington
depot in this city late yesterday afternoon.
The Denver vestibule express on the llur-
llncton is duo here at 3 p. in. It was a trifla
lute on this occasion , and had it been on time
ono less might have been numbered in tbo
mortality column of Omaha. On board the
train was W. S. Cunningham and wi'o. They
wore en route from Akcron , Colo. , bound for
Vollairo , O. , where the parents of both re
side. Three yours ago Cunningham fell a
victim of consumption , and ho , totfother with
n young wife , loft Ohio , nnd lu hopes of find
ing a moro ngrcoablo climate , sought the
mountain air of Colorado. Ho regained
strength for a time , but a relapse came , and
realizing that , the Inevitable messenger was
approaching , they left everything behind ,
ana departed for their Ohio homo. Hut bo
will reach there a corpse , for , while the
train wus awaiting at the depot ho breathed
his last. The wlfo was nearly overcome
with grief and fatigue , and clasped the Inan
imate form of her husband aud refused to bu
The employes of the company removed the
remains to the baggage hall , where they were
prepared and forwarded to Ohio lust night.
The deceased was thirty-live years of ago.
Ho was a member it ! irood standing of the
Masonic order , nnd carried an insurance of
$1,000 on his life in the Masonic bureau. Ho
also carried a $ J,000 insurance policy on his
lifo in the Equitable life.
The local members of Iho Masonic order
assisted the widow in every possible wav ,
and telegraphed the Ohio lodge , of which the
deceased was a member , of the circum
John Cunningham , a brother of the de
ceased , telegraphed Mrs. Cunningham that
ho would meet her at Chicago and accompany
her to her destination ,
An AbHoluto Cnre.
Is only put up In large two ouuco tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup.
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENi' . Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents pur box by mail 'M cents.
Kriiest flloyor Objects to Pnyinj ; n.
Hnr < lwnrn Bill ,
Kdward Ilargenshoimcr is a collector for
Fred Llndhurst's hardware store at 812
North Sixteenth street , nnd Ernest Meyer is
a bartender at Jotter & Young's saloon on
South Twenty-fourth street. The latter
owes Lludliurstl.r 0 , and yesterday after
noon Harguushuiinur called to collect it.
Meyer promptly knocked him down and
bruised him up badly. A warrant was is
sued and Meyer arrested.
Merchants' Ilotcl. Largo Biunplo
rooms. $2S2.GO&5porday. ; NntBrown
10 Wed ,
Judge Shields issued licousos to the fol
lowing parties yesterday :
Name and residence. Ace
( Clinton P. ttice , Helena , Mont . ' . . . .a.1
I Mrs. Mary J. Fausler , Omaha . li.'J
I Steven Baldwin , Council Bluffs , la . ! U
| Mury Rick , Council Uluffs , la . 13
1 Frank L. Moon , Omaha . 132
( Jcnnio Morey , Omaha . 18
j Christine Stolnort , UonningtonNeb. . . . .20
I Annie Ernst , Omahu . ! H
I Daniel Blake , Omaha . 21
| Anna Liiunnan , Omat > a . 11) )
j A. M , Clark , Omaha . , . 23
] Lillian A. Carpenter , Omahu. , . -t
j William M. Hrown , Omaha . , ' . . . .2S
I Emma L. Sherman , Omaha . 23
ClmnibcrlnlnN Colic , Choloru and
Tins inodioliiociin uhvayn bo depended
upon , not. only in the milder forms of
summer complaint , but also for -
nnnt dybonlory and cholera infantum.
The lives of many persons mid cspociul-
ly children uro saved by it ciiuh your.
Lo-il Her
A Mrs. Hull , of Council Bluffs , came to
Omaha last night and informed the police
that Madame Kelly , a prostltule ut OJ7 Capi
tal avenue , had ontlcod her fifteen-year-old
daughter from homo , and thut the latter U
now an Inmate of a house of ill-lame. A
warrant will bo issued thin morning for the
Kelly woman on tbo charge of being a pro
ficcnnil Ward Hcpublloiui Caucus.
All ropirllcans of the Second ward uro in
vited to assemble in caucus nt Kaspar's hull ,
on South Thirteenth olrcot , Wednesday ,
October 2 , at 8 p. m : By order of tuo cen
tral committee ,
D. D. O'CoxNnu. , Secretary.
Bright eyes , healthy complexion , nnd
vigorous system result from usincr Ango
stura Blttnrs. Solo munufucturbrs , Dr.
J. G. H , Siogort & Sous. At all drug
The Oranha MotU nl College Opened
Last Eyonlng.
rijr Dliiyor Brontcli , Dr .
Mncrno nnd licfacnrlng on tlio
ImrlcnclHu'lif ' Alntcrkn
Omnhn Moillcnl Cnllpge.
The opening exorcises of the Omaha Med
ical collcgo toolr plnco last nl ht , nnd this
morning ntO o'clock nt least fifty matricu
lants will , with bntnd breath , answer divers
questions regarding their abilities to become
The oxcrcUot were of a very Interesting
character , despite the fact that no subjects
were dlisoctcd nnd no Interesting * ot
nature preserved In nlcohol exhibited ,
A largo number of embryo physicians
of both sexes mingled with
score of old practitioners nnd
; miseit Iho time nway gazing nt n skeleton
suspended by n string near Iho doorway of
the faculty room , nnd awaited develop
At 8 o'clock the portal swung onon on Its
tilngcs , nnd , preceded by Dr. LcUcnrlng ,
Hoy. William J , Ilnrsha und Mayor Droalch ,
n half dozen physicians entered nnd seated
themselves around the lecturer's desk.
Dr. Lelsonrlng , on bolntlf of the faculty ,
extended to nil present n hearty welcome ,
nnd Introduced Hoy. Mr. Harsrm , who of
fered prayer. When ho hnd concluded Mayor
Uroatch made a few remarks regarding too
dulics and nullities of physicians and sur
geons , nnd then the snooker of the evening ,
Dr. Macrae , of Council Bluffs , was Intro
Dr. Macrae's address was of a very inter
esting character aud is In substance as
follows :
"Ladles nnd Gentlemen I doslro to con
gratulate the faculty of the Omaha Medical
college upon the Interest manifested In its
affairs , which dr.uvs together no largo un
audience upon the evening of Its opening
exorcises. There nro many now things to bo
learned regarding mbdlciuo ; there are now
points , now theories uud now methods. All
require explanation , beeauto all are the re
sult of actual pructlco and huvo been dis
covered only by tbo closest of observation.
Tboy uro tbo result of the keen
foresight of the many thousand
practitioners who ro over on
the ulcrt to diRcovor something new iu tlio
Interest of humanity , and who are glad to
embrace any nnd all valuable Ideas outsldo
the set doctrines of those who rllug to the
policy advanced by their forcfulhcrn with n
persistency that brooks no denial ; that is
unwilling to admit that nothing new is
valuable or serviceable.
"Medical science is progressive ; It will
progress until it ranks alongside Iho other
science * ! . As yet it is in its incipieiicy , nnd
yet it m fur ahead of the century wo have
left uohlml. It has been divorced from
theology und superstition , and to-day the
enlightened portion of earth's ' people
no longer believe in tire claims of a priest
hood who , by mcnntatlnn , sought to cure all
the evils the flesh wnvholr to. Thcro was n
time when disease was bolluved to bu a Di
vine aflliction , and one that could be obvi-
nted by Divine power nlono. The old
Egyptian priests visited the abodes of the
sick , not m the person ' of physicians , but as
wonder workers. 13ut'nt last the two , medi
cine and theology , worq separated. Finally
It was determined that ) health was tho.nor-
nial and disease thQ.jbnorm\l ! condition of
the body , and that ] the latter was the viola
tion of nature's laws in some respect. From
thence medical science has prngresncd , but
yet there Is much to ue'leurned. Some men
still believe that bupplicuuoii will work
wonders , und that faith doctors can work
marvelous cures.
" I3ut the proper use nnd practice of tnod-
icino depends uporl'the careful warning of
the student and tliu careful observation of
tno practitioner. I profess to teach medicine ,
but I cannot describe it thoroughly. lean
unly lay the foundation , the structure must
bo erected by yourselves. You must learn
yourselves at I ho bodsiuo of the sick. "
Dr. Leisonring then reviewed the history
of the college ut some length , and an-
nounceu to-day's programme as follows :
9 a. m. Lecture , "Obstetrics , " 1S. .
10 u. m. "Clinical Surgery , " Dr. Gal-
11 a. tn. "Anatomy , " Dr. Brown.
1 o. m. "Surcery , " Summers. '
ti p. m. "Children. " Moores.
3 p. in. "Materiii Medica , " Carter.
4 p. m. "Practice of Medicine , " Macrae.
Itnlrrnatl Surgeons.
Yesterday afternoon nt 4:30 : o'clock ' the
mooting of the Railway Surgeons' society of
Nebraska was held In the office otDr.
Ayres. The attendance was not as largo ns
nan been anticipated , because , out of a mem
bership of seventy fewer than twenty were
in attendance. Those noticed were Drs.
Peebles , lately appointed surceon of the
Union Pacific at Lincoln ; Mansfoldt , of Ash
land ; Conrad , of Crete , uud Livingston , of
Tlio representatives from this city were
Drs. Galhruith , Ayres , Jonas Swotnaui ,
Giun , Denlse , Bryant , Somera , Cru miner
und Moores.
Dr. Bryant presided and Dr. Mansfeldt
acted as secretary.
The latter devoted some of his time to
considering the question of the finances of
the association. Dr. Peebles , the
treasurer , who was present , pild little
attention to the remarKs. Ho nftorxvards
stated , liowovcr. Hurt tie luul been treuiuror
of the association for about six years , und
bad striven earnestly for nearly that IciiKth
of lime to Induce tlio association to listen tea
a report as to the condition of his trust , but
bait failed iu the attempt. Ho hud made up
his mind to wttlt until the ork'anU.ition
should call on bun to report , nnd when it did
the report would be forthcoming. Ho
thought ho had nbout 1UO in the treasury.
Dr. Conrad , of Crete , exhibited n p.irt of
the spmul cord ol u man who bad been In
jured at Crete , nnu who , notwithstanding
the Injury to that member , hau lived nearly
eight weeks. The exhibit was accompanied
by u paper , which sot forth the manner lu
which the patient had been treated.
Dr. Mausfeld rend a paperon tlio method
of dressing fractions of the femur.
Dr. Bryant read an interesting paper , in
which were recorded the treatment given to
three { fciscs in which the eye had been in
The association then adjourned to meet on
the Isl of October , lb',6) ) , at Lincoln.
Ilnnpinoss daponilH very union on the
condition of the Itvop nnd kidnujH. The
ills of lifo mnku huUittlo impression on
those whoso digestion is yood. You can
regulate your liver , with Dr. J. II. Mo-
Lean's Liver nnd K lnoy Balm. $1 per
Tint lomonui | !
Tlio iicmtofllco appraisers met In IJ. S. Bor
lln'a ofllco lust night.Uji .complete the Binning
of the papers fixing jtlio , vuluutlou of the va-
rioiiB pircclH of larj ( ] , Icnsos , etc , , of the
postoHlco alto. Thip papers will bu turned
over to the clerk of ,1(1,0 ( , United States court ,
to bo hold until thu11 | term of court opens ,
U Is understood that tlio total amount of val
uations Is about ? : W7iOu ; ( ;
Mr. Horlln Muted 'to n BP.I : reporter last
night that Uio line nnd ory being made in
some of tuo paper * { ibout tue delay ou the
part of the appraisers was entirely uncalled
for. "Wo nro oblieed to glvo thirty days'
notice , " salil Mr. Uerlln , "in the cases of
some of the non-resident owners , whom wo
could only roach bv publication , These
thirty days did not expire until after court
bait adjourned. Tup papers cannot bo opened
until court convenes again , which will be
several weeks. So you see wo arc ahead uf
time as it is , Instead of delaying matters.
Tno nppr.iUerg uro all lutorusted , us citizens ,
in seeing thu postofllce pushed us rapidly as
passible , and cannot bo charged with delay
ing it lu any way. "
The C. , St. P. , M. < fc O. R'y ( depot
16th find Webster sts. ) , will soil round
trip tickets to the Sioux City Corn
Pulaco Festival nt $3.20 , on safe Sep
tember 22 to October 6 , good to return
until October 0.
T. W. TKASUALE , G. P , A.
Fine Jersey Cloth Arctics \ I
Back nnd Front Buckle , High Button Gnlters with leather fly , Gopstcr Croquet Alnskcvs nnd
Glovo-Fltting , Pure Gum Snndols , Now Ankle Strap Snndnls and Flno Pebble Leo Boots.
Above named styles can bo hnd in LADIES' , MISSES'nnd CHILDREN'S , in nil widths ,
from AA to W , with or without heels. See tlmt the "NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE
CO. " is stamped In the soles of each pair. They nre first quality goods and have superior finish
and shape. TAKE NO OTHER KIND.
Men wanted to examine each pair of Arcttos , Excluders , Rubber Boots , Wnders , Lumber
men , Aluskns , and Sandals , flno Cloth Arctics and Polar Alaskas , to see if the "NEW JERSEY
RUBBER SHOE CO. " is stamped in each sole. If not , go to thcshoo dealer who has tlio New Jer
seys , because they arestrlctly first-class goods , lam Western Agent for the above-named com
pany and keep an Immense stock for dealers to draw from. 1 also sell
Felt Boots , German Sox , Rubber and Oiled Clothing
Remember , I am the only wholesale Shoe or Rubber Clothing
dealer in Omaha who does not retail goods.
Hereafter I shall keep the genuine Mclntosh Wading Pants in all
widths and sizes.
I'jiiii and Suffering Drive Charlcn
llrnbik luSulcldo.
Chnrlci Ilrabik. n Bohemian living nt Gib
son , committed suicide yesterday nftcrnoon
about 4 o'clock by Bhootlnjr himself lu the
region of the heart with a shotgun. Coroner
Diexol was at once notified and hastened to
the scene. A jury was empanelled and a
verdict returned of suicide.
It was learned that Ilrabik , who wus
about twenty-three years of age , was Injured
about n yeat ago by falling across n foncu ,
resulting in a stricture of the urothrn.
Ho bud consulted physicians on the subject
and received encouragement , but ho neg
lected treatment. Lately ho hud been ex
periencing considerable trouble from the
injury and hnd announced his intention of
Hilling ) iim clf If ho did not soon recover.
Again he was encouraged to pursue u course
of treatment , but neglected to do so. Yes
terday his young wito came up town to sum
mon u physician , nnd upon her return homo
found tlio door locked. She went
after her mother , nnd wncn they returned
to the liouso the physician was tboro. The
wife pushed the door open and the llrst sight
which met her horrified irazo was the dead
body of nor husband lying on tlio floor with
the shotgun busldo nlin. The physician nt
once locKed the door and bunt for Iho
Ilrabik was married about four months
ago , and his wife is a pretty young woman
about no von teen years old. Her grief is
Something to ftcmomiior.
If you arc going cast remember the
"Rock Island Route" run the sleepers
and chnir cars of their solid vestibule
train to nnd from the Omnlia depot ,
leaving Omaha ut 8:45 : p. in. , thus avoid
ing the transfer nt Council Bluffs.
Tlireobolid trains dully. All chnir cars
are free. Dining cars on all through
trains. Our trains make close connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties cnrouto to Now York , Boston
and other eastern cition , "and every
thing a llttlo better than otlior lines
can olTor. " S. S. STKVENS ,
Ticket olllco 1305 Farnatu. Gen'l W A.
"A Midnight nell" drew another big audl-
enco to IJoyd's opera house last night nnd
wus , if anythinir , moro thoroughly enjoyed
than on Its llrst presentation. The actors
seemed to bo in better spirits , were full
of lifo , carried their respective parts along
with dash and vigor , and gave nt excellent
performance. Ono cannot help fccllnir hot
ter pleased with the play after seeing It a
second time and following each point made
in the dialogue. ltn brightest feature Is the ,
love scone between Mr. Lane , tlio LinstOn
luw.vcr , and Mlns Maud AdiuiiH , who
sustains the part of the minister's
sister , and they play it magnificently.
Taking Into consideration the fact that filio
is , very voung , Miss Adams displays remark
able talent. Evcr'thing she docs Is thor
oughly artistic and natural. In addition to
being a very pretty girl , her style , grace and
m innoiisrns nro refreshingly cburminir. MIES
Mclntyro , Mr. Uichards nnd Mr. Can Hold
were in splendid form. The entire company
Imi impressed itsoir very favorably upon the
piople of Omaha.
Ronstipation ,
IF not remedied in Hoason , is liable to
become habitual and chronic. Pros-
tlo purgatives , by weakening the bowels ,
confirm , riithur than euro , the evil.
Ayor's Pills , being mild , effective , nnd
btrongthenlng In their action , nro gener
ally rvcoininendud by the faculty us the
"Having been subject , for years , to
constipation , without hulng able to find
miicli relief , I at last tried Aycr'n I'll Is.
I ilovm it both u duly nnd n pli'iumre
to testify that 1 luivo ilurivLd grout ben-
olit from their USD. l'"or over two ycnm
past 1 have taken ono of these pilln
every night before retiring. I w mild nrit
willingly bo without them. " G. W.
Uowmun , 'JO JIast Main t > t. , Carlisle , 1'u.
"I have licnn taking Ayor'H Plllo nnd
mlng thiiin in my family binco 1857 , and
cheerfully recommend them to all In
need of u mifit but effectual cathartic. "
John M. Hoggs , LonUvillo , Ky.
"For eight years I was nfillrtcd with
const Ipaticm , which nt last U-camo so
liud that thu doctoiH eould do no inoro
for me. Then I began to take Ayer'a '
I'ills , and soon the bowel * recovered
tlitilr natural nnd regular action , so that
now I ntn in excellent health. " 8 , Ii.
I/oughhrldgn , Bryan , Texas.
11 Having used Ayer'H I'ills. with good
results , I fully Indorse them for the purposes -
poses for which they urn recommended. "
T. Connors , M , I ) . , Centre Ilrldgo , I'a.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Man ,
Bold l > y 11 Drugcl' " ucl D"1" ' la Utdlcla * .
15 HEV12Il Kr , NK\V VO11K.
ScitnODKU & SCHUYiJiit & Co Bordeaux ClnroU & Sauternes
Joir. BAIT. STITUJI Uuneshciin..A-K..Uhino and Mosollo
GKISWKII.KH & Fir.s Nulls Burgundies
BISQUIT , Diniouciiu & Co. . . . Cognac Brandies
OSHOKN & Co Oporto Ports
Vdu o HMOS DK R. GUILM : C.VPRANUS. . .Barcelona & Tarrungona Porla
FOKHKSTKK it Co Xorcs Sherries
MANUKA GACTKUJ o YHIA.UTI : Port St. Mary's Sherries
Gilioi-AJIO LVXAUDO Xara Miirubchino
Rii' VAN WINKLW Schiedam Gin
GLEN ROSA Scotch Whiskey
I. O. .JAMAICA , nnd ST. rltOlX HUA1S ,
"Omnlbub" "Antediluvian , " and "Aiitcmtimlunc" flraiiils of Pure 11 yo
CuroH nil UfsnrdorH ol the Stomnoli , Iilvcr , IlowolH , Kldneyc , ItliuUl r N'or-
votis niHeuB H. IJOHH of Appetite , tlcitilitclic , CoiiHtlpntliin , imtlvoiirss , Ititli-
K < : stlon , lilllioiiMtefiH , Fever , I'lles , Etc , , und rc.iidorn ihunystom IIIHS liublo to
contract tiiscAsc. _
RADWAY'S PIL.LS tire u euro for this compliant. Tliuy lone up the internal
secretions to healthy action , restore strength , to the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions. Price 2oo per box. Sold by all druggists.
HAD WAV & CO. , Now York ,
For sale by M , II. Bllii , Omaha ,
Steam * and * Hot * Water * Heating
Ventilating Apparatus and. Supplies.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O3 South 10th Street , Opp. Postoffice. Telephone 149O
1813 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Importcre \Vholcnalo Doateri ID WhenyouarubujrlnKolotri remember tliattbjr U
. auoh a lulugai a nrlotjlhat _
Watches , Jewelry , Cutlery , l toac > .cui > . Itl betlorl ( )
Notions , Novelties , Albums , pax a fair price ucl got
Kooil Klovu like Iliitili-
Fancy Goods , Walking Canes , Introu'H. They eio mtuJo
Coat-Collar Springs , &c. , &o , W I Irian aclocltd kln ln I lie I l
bcBtmaiiii rnnlarc > tvar >
I ruulril lox \ > tlio most I
FCnne Dackt , Knife Doardi , Splndlet. 1 tervlciablu made. If > oul
Auctloneeri , Slreotmen and Htddleu. want to know more about
Klort > In K n ral unit
1112 Turloty of fie. lOo and Ka runnier IIulchlniion'M ( jluvu *
LK ) > . Beixl IcrlllUBtrBtoUculBlOKUo. In purtlcular. encloan
BROOKS BROS. & CO. , utainp for tlio book About
< ilov . U will lutdcit
. you. K TiBl.lkll u 18S2.
St , Loul8 | Mo. JOUW C , HUXfUINk'JN , JaUutowa , N. Y.