Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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E. ROSBWATHR , Editor.
7 > Mlr-nil Sunday , Ono Year 11000
MX Month ! ) . . , . , fiOO
rrhrcn Months. 250
Buuduy Hep , Una Venr 2 00
TVceitly Hcf , Ono Yi-nr with 1'rcmlum. . . . t 00
Omfthn , lies ItiilMlnp.
Chicago omen. M7 Hookcrr IlulUllnic
Nen' York , llooms 14 and 1ATribune Iltllld *
iniiWnMilnRton. . No. 513 Pourtocnth Htreot.
Counrll lllunn. No. 12 I'cnrlStreet ,
Llnrolu , JK8 ( ! Bticot ,
All commnnlcntlons rclntlnf ; to news nml edl-
tdrlnl niattnr Mioulil be addressed to the Editor
ial Unnartmrnt.
BUSINESS r < r.rrnii3.
. \1I bnslnccn letters nnd remittances should
1 > < > addressed to'Jho Dee 1'ubllxhlna Company ,
Uiiinlm. Urufts checks anclpoMotllco orders to
be tnnilo payable to the order ot the company ,
The Bcc PuMisliiiii Company , Proprietors
Hun lltilhllnK Vnrnnm und Soventcontu Streets ,
1 no lleo on the Trnlni ,
There Is no cxcmcforafalltire toRetTiiR line
on the trnliiH. AH noxvonealers have been notl-
lied to cnrry a full supnly. Travelers who want
TIIK llr.KBud can't e t It on trains where other
Onuilmnipors are carried are requested to no
tify Tin : IlKK.
Till :
Su'orn Stnlomutit of Olroulntlon.
of NcTirmkn. I
County of DotiRlM.B3 ( >
Georan II. Tzuchuclc , secretary of The He
rnbll nlncCompiiiiy. does solemnly swear thtt
the cttiRl circulation of THE DAILY IIEK for
th M\e k ending September- < . wasastol-
lowi :
Pumlny. Sept.2i J0.'j
MondayHopt , SI K,8nij
Tuesday. Sept. : . ' ( . . . .
Wnlnciilay. Sept. Si ,
'Jbursclny , Hcpr. J. . , , . ,
1'rldny , yopt. JJT. * . . . * . . . . . . . . . . * . . - . . . . . . .I'v'l' '
battinlaSept. . M , lg.607
Average 18. < 5
Sworn toboforn mo ami su ascribed to In mr
pri-pcnre this -fill day otBcntembor. A. I ) . 1HSV.
It-'enl. ] N. I' . FKIU Notary 1'ubll ? .
fctuto of Nebraska , I
County ot Douglas.BR ( <
OeorRo n. Tzschuck , bolng luly sworn , de-
ro cn nrt hays that ho is sccrotary ot The lieu
Publishing company , tlmt the actual average
dolly circulation ot THE DAir.r HKK for tlie
montti of Spptember , 1KK , 3,15I ( ? copies ; for Oc-
tolirr 1ES' , Ih.CM coplco ; for NoveiiAior , 1BS8. 18.-
lt copies : for December , Ih88 , iJ.Bil copies ; foi
.Innimry , IfK ) . Iri7 < , coplps : for Kubruary , U89 ,
JP.UUI copies : for March. Ifctfl. 1S.8M copies : tor
April , JhHi , IP.KU copies ; for Slay , lt i.
copies : for June. ItDfl , IB.Wf. copies ; for.lulr ,
Itfcl ) , lf,738 copies : for August. IbSli. lK.flM copies.
OKO. 11. T/somrcic.
Fvcrn to before mo and subscribed In my
rrcRenco tills y 1st duy of August , A. I ) . , 18 > J9.
[ SEAul N. P. rmu Notary I'ubllo.
Tun Pnn-Amorlcnn concross iintl the
dt3i p wntcr con vcntioit are in full blast.
The prospects of iv reduced surplus nro
WHAT a 8octsvclo | ) ia pre&ontod , to the
voters of this county by flvo etiihvarts
nttcmptinpr to shift the odium of the
lost voucher on sickly and indiireront
dorks ! '
WKST VIRGINIA ronublicuus offer the
usuiil full assortment of promises of vic
tory. Pendinp confirmation , lot us bo
content with Washington and the two
EIUHTKHNTU street jcotna to bo no
Invorilo with the city authorities. That
part of it which needs swooping is not
swept , and that part of it which needs
grutliny is not graded.
Ir Secretary Laws is ns wi&o as his
supporters assort , lie will stick to the
soul of state. A bird in tlio hand is
worth more than a Hock of blacken crows
on congressional bushes.
PiiKM'S appears to have
made a great impression on the young
German Emperor William. Possibly
the beautiful bangs which Mr. Phelps
uses on his hair had something to do
with it.
THE board of trade "lias decided thnt
the excursion from Doston to Sioux City
is not worth bothering with. If wo are
to entertain bean-enters they must be of
the Hupor-oxtra quality. No others
need apply.
ens todisturb , the slumbers of the rail
road commission with impertinent ques
tions. It is hoped ho will keep the
members awake long enough to draw
their fcalarioB.
LAST Saturday Now York launched
the flrat iron vessel over constructed
within Us limits. The vos&ol was built
\imlor tlio harbor biiporvisor , and will
bo used by him. Now York is away
behind Phihidolphiu , and elsewhere iu
tjio ship building industry.
Gri.VPS Si'HKCKi.KS is planting sugar
factories promiscuously throughout the
cpuntry. The supposition that ho is
( lotermined to throttle the sugar trust
tloos not tally with Sprocklos' record In
Honolulu and San Francisco , where ho
( squeezed the consumers for every dollar
in sight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'Tun grand jury should not bo hasty
in recommending radical changes in
the fai/.o and arrungoiuont of the county
jail. The taxpayers iiavo had a surfeit
of jobs from the present commissioners ,
nnd are not in n mood to approve of a
largo expenditure of money until the
board is reorganized and competent
men pluoud at the head.
THIS collapsed booms of southern Cali
fornia hproud a blanket of bankruptcy
ever the country. A thmnciul drought
has parched the country to the core ,
nnd various catcliy Huhomos are afloat
to gather the whorowith. San LUogc
proposes to weather the gulo by divid
ing one thousand acres into city lots and
lousing thorn for nlnoty-ntno years nt n
rental of twonty-llvo dollars per annum ,
This ib n departure from wind to tub-
Blanco. Heretofore the olltaato was
the ohiof article ot trado.
THK Hemllican ) clings to the fatal ruts
which led it to receivers and * ruin or
former occasions. .It ia n conspiououi
example ot the blind folly which hoedi
not the lessons of the past. Two yenn
ngo it rebelled iigutnst a non-partbat
judiciary and repudiated the men on
tlorsod by the bar of the district. Tin
republican convention obeyed its bo
liests nnd nominated a separate ticket
What was the result ? The votots o
the district repudiated the ropudiaton
nnd elected the bar nominees by major
itloa ranging from two lo four thou
mind. A similar emphatic robtiki
awaits the political manipulators if the ;
tittompt to use the bench as u rowan
fur party activity.
The National Civil Service Reform
Longuo hold its annual mooting In Phil
adelphia yostqrday , nnd the president ,
Mr. George William Curtis , reviewed
the course and condition ot the reform
for the year , as ho has done regularly
for a number ot yours. It is hardly
necessary to say that Mr. Curtis h not
satisfied with the situation. Ho has
never boon. It is qulto possible ho
never will bo. Ho charges that the
prosldont has not fulfilled the pledges
of the republican platform nor
carrlod out his own protestations of a
purpose to advance reform. Ho
cites in support ot this charge
the fact of the removal of fifteen thou
sand fourth class postmasters , the alarm
which pervades every branch of tlio
service , the open , flagrant contempt for
public opinion , for private Information ,
nnd for the party promise , which wns
shown in the appointment of the Into
commissioner of pensions , the execu
tive refusal to apply the civil service
rules to the census service , the removal
of pubKo olllcers of clmrncor , ability
and oxpsrionco who had disregarded of
fice , nnd the general political proscrip
tion. All this Mr.Curtis assorts was a dis
tinct violation of the plodgcs of the
president nnd of the party. -
Lot it bo granted that this is n some
what sovcro indictment , was there no
warrant for any part pi the course of
tlio present administration in its re
movals ; from olllco ? Of course Mr. Cur
tis attempts to show there was not , but
in orJor to do this it is necessary to ut-
torlylgnoro the course of the preceding
administration , during its closing
months particularly. The effect of
that course was not only to do
a great deal of injustice to cap-
nblo and experienced republicans ,
very few if any ot whom had boon
offensive- partisans , but to very nearly
demoralize more than one branch of the
public service. It was certainly the
duty of the now administration to restore -
store ofHcioncy where it had been de
stroyed , and in order to do this it was
largely necessary to return to their
positions the exporieucod and competent
men who had been displaced in response
to the demands of party expediency.
Perhaps in the matter of the removal of
fourth class postmasters the pres
ent administration has boon un
necessarily vigorous , but the fact
must bo berne in mind that
there was most urgent need
of reform in the entire postal service ,
and it is more than probable that there
was a better thaii partisan reason forre-
novitig- most of the Fifteen thousand
fourth class postmasters who have boon
Mr. Curtis notes a growing senti-
nent among republicans hostile to civil
service reform , but lie does not despair
of final victory. "Delays nnd defeats
ire inevitable , " no remarks , "but tem
porary. The advance is sure. The
thunders of the church did not persuade
aliloo that the earth did not
move , and the war of the party
machine and the gross viola
tion of public pledges by the president ,
the postmaster general , by senators and
representatives in congress , by party
committees and local leaders , all of
which wo have hoard and seen before ,
do not convince us thnt the reform sen
timent of the country is not stronger
every day. " This sort ot faith is n'oe-
essary to a reform loader , but if Mr.
urtis has lost confidence , as his ad
dress implies , in the republican party
as the party of reform , his hooo of final
victory for the cause in which ho
labors has a very unsafe and uncertain
resting place.
The congress , or conference , of the
iVmoricas , which will assemble and or
ganize in Washington to-day , has a
comprehensive programme to consider
when it shall meet t for deliberation.
Tlio net authorizing and providing for
the congress designates eight principal
subjects for its consideration. These
are : Measures that shall loud to pre
serve the peace and promote the pros
perity of the several American states ;
measures toward the formation of an
American customs union , under which
the trade of the American nations with
each other shall , BO far as possible and
profitable , bo promoted ; the establish
ment of regular and frequent communi
cation between the ports of the seven-al
American states and the ports of each
other ; the establishment of a uniform
system of customs regulations for each ,
embracing importation , exportation ,
port duos , classification nnd valuation
of imports , invoices and quarantine ;
uniform weights and measures , patents ,
copyrights , trade marks and extra
dition ; n common legal tender silver
coinugn ; the arrangement of a definite
plan ot arbitration of all questions' uis-
putos and differences that may now or
horoaftar exist between the several
countries , with a view to their peace
able settlement and the prevention of
wars ; the conservation of the general
wolfiiro of all the American states.
There is material enough in this pro
gramme to render the deliberations of
the congress profoundly interesting ,
but undoubtedly other subjects will bo
presented to its attention. The com
mercial bodies of the United States
were invited by the secretary of state
to suggest mutters for considera
tion properly within the scope ot
the conference , and numerous sugges
tions from this souico are to bo ox-
poctod. The subjects to bo considered ,
as provided for in tlio act authorizing
the congress , are worthy of more than u
passing reflection. They contemplate
an alliance so comprehensive , and to bo
made so close , as to give a now and
more impressive Meaning to the Mon
roe doctrine. They propose the attain
ment of what would virtually make
united states ot the three Americas , ue
there would be affected between
thorn everything essential to theii
common safety and prosperity. A
careful study of the scheme
involved in thla programme for the
consideration ot the congress ot the
Americas la necessary to an under
standing of its magnitude and fur'
reaching consequences. It has boon
truly suit ! that no statesman of tlio century
tury ever evolved n more magnillconl
scheme , and it is bocauno of its magni
tude und facopo that many believe it inv
possible of consummation. Perhaps the
result will Justify this skepticism. It
may not bo possible to bring nil the in
dependent nations of this hemisphere
into such an nllianco us is
contemplated and surround It
with conditions assuring lla flormn-
nonce , but it Is certainly practicable
to attain n part of the results gbught ,
nnd the least important of thorn would
bo a material gain. And every stop
leading to ft closer union between
American nations will render the next
Btop loss dlfllcult.
However far shortof the expectations
ot Us promoters the qongrbss which
moots to-day may come , there can bo no
doubt that its deliberations will have
sotno good results in which all the In
terested nations will share.
The great cotton "corner" which
has boon n source ot great ex
citement nnd anxiety in Liver
pool nnd throughout the cotton
manufacturing district of England for
weeks past , experienced a complete col
lapse on Monday. The full consequences
have not yet been learned , but it ap
pears certain that the speculator who
engineered the corner , Stonnstrnnd ,
came out badly hurt , nnd with him , of
course , a number of others whom ho
had induced to believe thnt ho could
force n price on cotton which would en
rich everybody on his side of the mar
ket. A wnok ago it certainly looked as
if ho might hnvo matters his own way ,
and knowing ones were figurine that on
the last day of September Stuonstrand
would probably bo nblo to nnma figures
for cotton thnt would put nt least n mil
lion dollars in his pocket , while nt the
same time driving some of these wno
wore lighting him to the wall. But
there wore shrewd and busy minds at
work to defeat the speculator , nnd
aided by the concerted action :
ot the manufacturers in largely
reducing their demands , they
succeeded in doing this. The details
of this most remarkable attomnt in
eight years to corner the cotton mnrKot
will bo awaited with interest.
Sto en strand'3 speculation was an ad
vantage to the cotton planters of the
United Slates. It enabled them to sell
a largo part of their ourly crop at full
prices. Between the first of August
nnd the first of October the southern
planters sold nearly n million bales of
the crop , and the artificial price in Liv
erpool has given these planters two and
n half million dollars moro than they
othcrwiso would have received. It was
a part of this cotton that broke the
corner , and ns the American product is
now going forward freely , nnd the crop
ia exceptionally large , there is little
probability that Stccristviuid will renew
his speculation.
The folly of coyiorato indifToronco testate
state laws is illustrated by the unbroken
series of victories won by the authori
ties of Iowa ever the railroads. Ever
since the f-imous "Granger laws" were
enacted the railroads have resented
every effort of the people to restrain
their rapacity and curb the power ac
quired or assumed during the settle
ment period. These laws \voro practi
cally the first attempt of u western state
to curb corporate greed. " They were
justified by existing conditions ,
and were essential to the well
being of the state. It is true
they were radical iu design and difficult
to execute , but they opened the way to
the present comprehensive laws which
place Iowa in advance ot her neighbors
in the regulation of internal commerce.
At the outset the corporations scoffed
at legal interference. They deluded
themselves with the notion that they
could obtain protection in the conduct
of business from a state whoso laws they
attempted to nullify. They stood in the
light of law-breakers until the courts
ntllrmod the right of states to regulate
internal affairs. Open resistance was
no longer wise nor politic. They
adopted a policy of delay and subterfuge -
fugo , only to meet defeat in every case
brought to trial.
The fodor.vl court ol the Iowa district
recently added to the list of notable
victories scored by the state. The Wabash -
bash company , having abandoned the
operation of the Clarinda branch , was
ordered by the bonrQ. of railroad com
missioners to operate the road. An ap
peal to the federal court resulted in a
decision declaring that railroads were
government institutions , public convey
ances and common carriers. "The
right to build a road through private
property , " says the court , "was granted
on the representation that tlio road
would furnish transportation for the
Public. Courts have no right to deprive
the people of this transportation on the
showing that the road does not
pay expenses. By obtaining the right
of way from the pcoplo they were cut off
from all othot similar moans of trans
portation , und the company is obligated
to fulfill its pledges by operating the
road. "
The decision practically settles a
number of similar cases. It alllrms the
right of the state to compel the opera
tion of brunches which the companies
abandoned as a species of ro von go for
the passage ot stringent laws. The im
portance of this ruling lies in t.ho
declaration that the exorcise of the
right of eminent domain by corpora
tions is in the nature of a contract with
the btato. Tlioy acquire private prop
erty for a public purpose , and are bound
to use it for such purpose until the
state consents to a release.
Mil. BIIACKKTT , the republican candidate
didate- for governor of Massachusetts
has boon boycotted by the Massachu
setts branch of the British-American
association , which is composed of natur
alized Englishmen. The otTonso ohargoi
against Mr. Bracket ! is that ho sent i
"regret" to u Queen Victoria jubilee
banquet last year und shortly afterwards
addressed a land league meeting. An
interference of this bert on the part o
any naturalized class of citizens should
bo rebuked , and It doubtless will bo in
the present instance.
IN another column wo begin u series
of letters from a opecial correspondent
who has visited the country in the west
ern borders of the Black Hills , which Is
doou to bo opened up to Omaha by the
conjploton" ! > P the Burlington A : Mis
souri rlvor'fallroad to that point. The
nforinatloir' contained in this letter is
of a surprising character. It reveals
the presence , within six hundred miles
ot this city.0,1 an inexhaustible supply
ot coal , wlfoso coking quality renders
t ot the fir at Importance to the inunu-
rncturlng itUe/rosta / of this city , This
otter will bo followed by two or three
others , of a-totally different character ,
jut of cqnaUmportanco to our business
nnd manufacturing public.
! J l (
Tim fire underwriters ot Missouri ,
Cansas and Nebraska who recently
icld neon volition nt Excelsior Springs ,
do. , decided to make no reduction in
nsuranco rates for Kansas City , Mo. , ,
mill a direct water pressure isusod
nnd the city puts in an electric tire
nlarm system. The hilly town on the
Caw with nil its brag and bluster ought
o bo able to ralso money enough to.
mild a ilro nlarm telegraph such as
) mnhannd ether metropolitan cities
Hive used from twenty to fifty years
past. _
THOSE alarmists in Europe who
bought that the czar ot Russia was
only waiting for the establishment of n
strong government in Franco in order
to make an nllianco with that country
which would Involve all Europe In war ,
vlll bo surprised at the victory ot
. -Vouch republicans. The triumph of
party is n guaranty ot peace and a
urthor indication that the best states
men of the country doslro to build UD
its industries and commerce and lot war
Tun ground selected as n site for the
world's ' fair in Now York is valued at
'orty-oight million dollars. The owners
require n rental of six per cent on the
valuation. At the rate subscriptions
nro being made , Now York will bo
ready for the show nbout 1992.
THK Louisiana bond robbery has
reached the grand total of one million
two hundred thousand dollars. Tlio
enormity of the steal insures the thieves
immunity Irom prosecution. No state ,
least of all Louisiana , could nlTord to
punish men displaying such ustonishing
talent in solving the surplus problem.
A LlVKlU'OOTi trust has cornered cot
ton nnd sent the price up several per
cont. About one hundred thousand
spindles have stopped work in cense
quence. What will the democracy now
have to say about trusts being the out
growth of protection ?
THE electrical exposition at Platts-
mouth.dcsorvos.itho patronage and at
tention of Omaha men. The show is
said to be crc'ditable , nnd as it is a Ne
braska enterprise sulllcirmt interest to
innko it asuccessought to bo given it.
Omaha theaters are cursed with the cntre
ante lusher. Audiences should hiss him into
"The volcobof.the country bar naa not
been hoard , " shouts a local paper. Tap a
fresh _ eg.
Tlio Increase in the Union Pacific hospital
tax Is doubtless intended as a thanksgiving
olTorinc to the employes. Suclidelicato fa
vors tend to increase the entente cordmlo
between the company and thu men.
A flickering ray ot hope brightens the paths
of democracy. Jtin Uoyd is coming home to
lead the packing house- hosts out of the No-
votnbor gloom into the juicy flosh-pots of
December. The indications point to u scries
of frigid days for the slaughterhouse fac
There t > oems to bo a fear that the bar asso
ciation has usurped the power of the electors
of this district to choose a Judgo. Don't bo
alurmod. The people of Omaba have fine
discriminating sense. They will do pretty
near as they please. If they endorse the
bar's action it will bo because the candidate
Is a worthy one.
Worth Nothing When WciiIicfl.
irashfiiff'xm ' Post.
Scales so delicate that they roclstor the
weight of an eyelash or a man's signature
have boon perfected. This fills a long-felt
waut. , Tust such a pair of scales are needed
to wolgh the unto-cloctlon promises oJC polit
ical candidates.
OIroiun tiinti tl l.vldoncc.
J/fmir < ip lf8 Tribune.
On the Sunday following the visit ot Foro-
paugh's circus to Wichita , Kan. , n clergy
man In the pulpit solemnly drew his hand
kerchief from his pocket , und with it came i
handful of peanuts. Ho will bo called uuon
to toll the deacons where ho got the coobers.
No U-in l''or tin- Oil Gang.
General H. V. Boynton npuoars In the ed
itorial column of the Cincinnati Commercial
Gazette with u statement in reply to rumors
that ho Intended to vote ngainst Governor
Forukor , to the effect that he "did not have
a strong and earnest wish" for the govern
or's re-election until the coal oil gang as
sumed public direction of the democratic
campaign. Now , however , ho will vote fur
ForaK or.
Let tlio Jlouo-it Viuikoei Huvo It.
JVeio Yurlt Tcleoiam.
China is in serious danger now. A lodge
of gold-bearing quartz has been found near
Canton. The ICnroucan races have man
aged to possess thamselves of about nil the
known gold deposits In the world , and
China bus need toHcoon her eyes open. She
should trust notid but Americans to develop
these mines. America has a habit of mind
ing her own business ,
Now n IHijfci , .Mil 4 cum
Xe'w 'i'nrlt Jl'orW.
Nurse Mary Dbrliiclly , who was connected
prominently will ! ' the Robert Hay Hamilton
ntlulr , has bccoimr a dime museum freak ut a
salary of $ K > 0 a'\vb6k. What a commentary
is this upon the morbid characteristics of
human nature I 't'li'odiuio museum manager ,
a product of thojpjijjllc , Is not to blama for
engaging u inuLT.i'Uu feature for his ohow.
Nurse Donnelly would be something moro or
less than hunmu if she refused u sulary of
$ l.r,0 a week for doing nothing , These who
patronize dlmo museums and onoy looking
ut Mrs. Chasuas , Stove Brodles , Nurse Don-
nellya , and such creatures , are alone re
A Soldier's Howard.
In these piping times pf peace , these hold
ing the appointive power uro apt to forget
the old soldier and reward with onlco others
who have not contributed to their country's
preservation. Hut with Mr. Hracl Slaughter ,
the United States marshal of Nebraska , all
this Is different. Helng an old soldier him
self , ho naturally remembers tiioso who were
comrades with him on many a bloodstained
battle Held. Ana so , without caring what
the civilians might lay , ludlfforeut ot the
howls of these opposed to rewarding the
soldier , Colonel Slaughter hm appointed an
his chlof deputy Mnjor David II , Morcor. In
this position the major will giro undoubted
and unquestioned satisfaction. His expedi
ence in the nrmy will all bo helpful , nnd his
Ronorul adaptation can not fall to bring
to Colonel Slaughter's oOlco a ray
ot glory thnt long since had lied tinder -
dor the mismanagement ot Slaughter's
predecessors. Mnjor Mercer Is nbout twen
ty-eight years of ago. When the revolution
ary war broke out Major Morcnr wns the
flrat man to storm the city of Trenton amhe
tookVnllojr Forgo nnd all ho saw , After
several brilliant engagements for what there
might bo In it , ho cnmo west and Joined
Colonel Bill McCunn In the Mexican war.
Ho borrowed a few dollars of Muximilitin nnd
subsequently negotiated other loans la dif
ferent directions. In the war of the rebel
lion Major Morccr played nn important part
end his gallant service will never bo for
given. Ho was with General Grant , Ilka the
aged stranger , "several years nftor the
war. " Colonel Slaughter U again to bo con
gratulated and so Is Major Morcor. The
Sail hastens to give Its seal ot approval to
the recognition to such hattlo-scarred votor-
ons ns young Mercer , and hopes that the
tttno will never come when ho Is out ot n Job
again , '
Louise Truxo , an English woman , was 173
years old when she illoil , In 1780.
Mrs. Mona Cuircl , who started the "Is
Mnrrlngo a Failure ) " business , has boon
studying Buddhism.
Uolvn Ann Tjockwood hns como to the con
clusion that England Is the most interesting
country of the old world , .
The death of Mrs. C. H , Butler again
loaves Boscobol , Henry AVnid Booohor's
summer homo nt Pcoltskill , open for sale.
"Onldu" feels that she Is growing old and
19 anxious to quit literature before her ad
mirers begin to detect weakness in hur pen.
Queen Louise , of Denmark , celebrated her
seventy-second birthday nt Fredeusborjr ,
surrouudcd by her children and grandchil
Manicures nro on the increase In London
slnco the Princess of Wnles sot the fashion
of having her manicure wait upon her ut
Marlborougu house.
Archduchess Stephanie , the widow of
Crown Prince Uudolph of Auatila , Is living
In strict retirement at Ischl. Her suite con
sists of a lady In waiting , a lady's maid , a
courier uud two footmen.
Mrs. Kendall , the English actress , who
suilul for America by the Servla on Situr-
day , has brought with her ever two hundred
dresses for herself and company. Fifty of
the number are tier own.
It Is odd , says a writer on fashion , how
many famous women have had auburn hair.
Catharine of Kimlu gloried in it , and Anne
of Austria had brown hair just on the verge
of being red. Ninon do I'Enelosvvas equally
proud of her warm colored tresses.nnd Mary
Stuart seemed a daughter of the sun ,
Republican Central Committee.
Men.ber3 of the republican central committee -
mitteo Jnnnd ft-- the Third Judicial district
of Neornska , are hereby called to meet at the
county court room In Blulr , on Friday , Octo-
> , 18S8 , at 1 o'clocu p. m. , for the purpose of
calling a convention to place in nomination
a candidate for judge in said district to lilt
the vacancy caused by the rcslcmition of
Judge Groff , nnd for the transaction of such
other business us may properly como before
said committee.
Tlio commitico is composed of the follow
ing members : Douglas county. A. S. LJn-
derhllv , Uurt county , T. K. Ashley ; Sarpy
county , A. L. Spoaruiun ; Washington
county , W. C.Valtou. . J. W. Boons ,
Heinarknblo Story of the Now York
Secret Divorce Oaso.
NEW YonK , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram
to THH BBB. ] It has become known that
Sheriff Flack's corrupt action , out of whicb
have grown the indictments of himself und
friends , was caused by a desire to legitimize
a son by Mrs. Raymond , who is studying to
become an Episcopalian clergyman. For
seventeen years Flack led a double life nnd
no one kutnv of it. In East Filty-soveuth
street he was James A. Fluck. Twenty
blocks uway , only ono mile from the home
of his wife and hfr son , ho was Mr. Huy-
mend , and no ono suspected the Intrigue.
In 18S5 be was elected shorift of the county ,
put Into office by nearly two hundred thou
sand votes. Where was the keenness of the
enemies lie had bafllcd politically that they
did not scent tno social crimu ho had com
mitted ? His dual life in all likelihood
would forever have been u secret had Mrs.
Havmond , once a cirl ' m his bindery , but for
twenty yearn his' niistrcba , not tuucii sick ,
fallen deeply religious , and determined
on making u preacher of her illegit'nmlo ' son
by Flack. At ono time during the Illness ,
when she thought hcrsolf near death , she
made Flack promlso to bring the boy up to
the ministry.
After Mrs. Raymond recovered she became -
came very religious , und in New York and
other places busied herself about charitable
works. Her almost fatal illness brought
homo to her moro viviilly than anything else
could thu kind of u lilo she hud been lead
ing for so many years. She yearneu to
legitimize her sou , und to become u wife iu
fact as well as in numo. Hut there , right in
tbo way , stood that fiiuy-liairod woman who
hud done her no wrotii ? , but who hail been
thu cheerful helpmeet of James A. FInulc
in his early struggles und ambitions * Yet a
motner's ' Jove for her only son overcame
every scruple. She urged Flack to get a
divorce from his wife by any menus , 'llion
followed the Iniquitous proceedings of the
secret dlvorco.
It Interrupts a Wtiildlnii and GHIISCH
tlin lirldo to Faint.
PimAnnu'iiu , Oct. I. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HKE.J A warrlaeo that was to have
taken place nt Cuinden was Interrupted last
night In nn unexpected way. The contractIng -
Ing parties , Henry Brown and Miss Mary
Morgan , stood before Rev , Mr. Clayton pre
paratory to becoming man and wife. A portion
tion of the horvlco had been already read
when the briilo uttered a lou' ' , Hcream. All
eyes were immediately fixed upon her. She
was seen to raise her head and point towards
the corner of the church. The next moment
she fell to thu floor In a swoon , and had to bo
carried out. Physicians worked with her
for nearly nn hour before she recovered con
sciousness. When fully recovered sQo gave
a curious explanation of bur conduct. Her
mother , who died four months ago , was op
posed to her murrlaio with lirown. Miss
Morgan suvs that Just when Bho was uuout
to pronounce the binding words she raised
her eyes und saw her mother's ghost point
ing n finger of warning , It In thought the
marriage will bo only delayed , not abon-
donocl ,
A. Mnrrlml Manlier Coivliilloil.
ST. Louiu , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEE.1 William O. Young , a floor
walker for a Broadway dry goods housewas
publicly co winded In the storeby Mrs. Baron ,
wlfo of Abraham Baron , telegraph editor of
the Westlicho Post , yesterday. Young' *
offenio seemed to be in engaging himself to
marry the daughter of the Indignant laily
while ho atill had a wlfo In England , Mm.
Huron piled the lash repeatedly , and a clrclo
of under clerliB Authored around to watch
tlio uffulr. Young finally dashed from thu
store ana escaped.
Wo endorse all the proprietors have suld
relative to the merits of Salvation Oil. It is
the greatest euro on earth for pain. Price
only 25 cents.
Yarborough House , Ituleigu , N. C.
I have used Dr. Bull's ' Cough .Syrup for tny
children : It is tbo golden remedy , MM. Dr.
Junction of the Transportation
Board on Llvo Stock Rntos.
Stnto Sonntnr Sutliorlnnil Promises
To Stir Tiling Up .V Too Trust
ful Daughter of Africa The
City In Uriel.
LINCOLNBuniuu or Trtn OMVHV Ilr.n , .
ltr > 9P STHKET ,
LINCOLN , Kcb. , Oct. 1.1
Stnta Senator J. K. Sutherland , of Tolcit
mnb , under dnto ot September 25 , addressed
the following lollop to W. S. Gurbor , score-
tar.y of the slate boiml of transportation :
"Inra not satisfied with the action , or
rnthor lack of notion , on the part of the
bonrd of transportation , with respect to thnt
lK > rilon of the Sutherland-Manning vs Chi-
cngoLbt. Puul , Minneapolis & Omiilm com
pany complaints , relating to llvo stock rules.
I Infer from newspaper reports of the pro
ceedings of the board , Billing In review of
i'our rouort nnd opinion upon- these cases ,
thnt the meeting was adjourned wltnont tak
ing formal action on the recommendation
thnt nil roads , operating lines from tntorlor
points In the stututo Oiuaun , bo cited before
the board to show cause why their rates on
shipments of llvo stock should not bo ro-
iluced to correspond with rules on Kansas
roads , lo Kansas City markets , for corro-
spending distances : neither huvu I been able
to discover Unit action has boon titkon ut any
subsequent sitting of the board.
"It Is my purpose to again present to the
board the unjustncss of our llvo stock rates
of transportation to homo markets , compared
with tbo rales in force uudur similar condi
tions in territory adjacent to our state , and
In comparison with rates in effect several
yours back , since which ttmo there hns boon
BO marked a falling oil in the marketable
values of uattlo without any proportionate
Uocrcuso In the trufllc ; and for this latter
reason , If no other , there is well grounded
reasons for concessions in the carriers'
" 1 shall renew the comnlaint with the
prospect that , stripped of screening issues ,
no member of the board will longer roluso to
recognize a duty owlngto n people entitled to
relief from unjust corporate exactions.
"Now , Mr. Gnrber , that all sections of the
state may boulToraed measure of relief
due to it in the light of facts capable of pres
entation , mid that uo one line of rend muy bo
contlncd to schedules of maximum charges
while other lines , engaged in similar tratllc ,
are loft unrestricted in Iholr exactions , I pro
pose arraigning thoscliudulcsof all Nebraska
roads currying live stock to the Oiuutia
market : and to this end I would request of
you n statement containing such details of
rates now in ettoct for the Omaha and Kan
sas City markets for Hue distances from
points in Nebraska and Kansas , ns will
unable mo to petition the bo ird with the bust
prospects of the matter receiving thorough
consideration and evoking an early and fa
vorable decision. "
In accordance with the above the secretary
has compiled the desired tables of rates from
charts nnd tabling winch ho lias recently
worked up with n view to again submitting
to tno board recommendations backed by ad
ditional facts , with respect to obvious dis
criminations in our stock rates of transpor
tation , and those tables nnd additional information
mation pertinent to tbo question he will send
along to the senator us n basis of complaint.
'J lie public ! can conlidenlly look forward to
considerable activity in rate regulation In
the near future. A considerable ) number of
petitions nro soon to bo filed with the board ,
their object being u > secure to the public
needed relief from the excessive tolls of the
carrying corporations. The members of the
board will have to show the good people of
what stuff they are mado.
Quarterly Awnrdn.
The bonrd of purchase mia supplies met
to-day and innilu the following awards for
the eiiBuini' quarter :
Lincoln Insane Asylum Coal. White-
breast Coal company ; meat , fish , otc. , Hub-
bard Bros. ; paints and oils , Lincoln I'aint
and Oil company ; butter , George Schcmel-
horn ; flour , William Sowell & Co. ; boots and
shoes , \Vebstor & Hogors ; drugs , etc , J. II.
Ilealoy. groceries , William Sowoll & Co ;
dry jfoods , J. V. D. Newman.
Institute for Hliud , Nebraska City Gro
ceries , Mat I'ylo t Co. ; drugs , etc. , H. H.
DIcKey ; coal , Coutiuit & Squires , Omaha.
liistiuitu for Deaf and Dumb , Omaha
Coal. Coutant & Squires ; nioiits , riamucl
Drclfus ; bread , Shwuab & Co. ; drugs , Leslie
& Leslie ; paints , oils and glass , Goodman
Drug company ; groceries , Kennedy < fc Black
burn ; dry goods , Huydun Bros.
Norfolk Asylum Coal , CoutanUt Squires ,
Omahu ; dry goods , Uaum liros. ; groceries ,
AlcClary & Co ; meats , August Karo ; boots
and shoes , Maurice Mayer ; broad , Biruhurd ,
Bridges & Co.
Institute for Feeble Minded , Beatrice-
Coal , .T. S. McGee & Co. ; ice , II. W. Bradt ;
groceries , Em 11 Lang ; meats , W. H. Tick-
nor ; broad , A. P. Sperry & 'Jo.
Industrial School. Keari.ey Dry goods ,
C , 13. Pinch ; groceries. It , Coddingtoii < fc
Sons ; coal , George II. Downing ; meats ,
William L , Keller ; flour , Kearney Milling
All state Institutions comply with the re
quirements of UIB law and advertise for bids
tor furnishing supplies , with the exception
of the Hastings asylum , the Industrial
Home , at Milford , and "tho Il'jmo for the
Friendless , of this city. These institutions
arc all supported by the state , and the last
two named are run by the women. The
boaul or purchase and supplies propose to
bring them to time , and in the firturo they
will comply with the law or a chungo of
management will bo made.
Would Knd ainternitv Cnres.
A physician WHS called hastily last night
to BOO Miss Minnie Lewis , a handsome young
lady who lives on O street , between Four
teenth and Fifteenth. To him she admitted
that she was Buffering from the effects of a
largo dose of the oil of tansy , administered
by herself , and that she had taken It in hopes
of ridding herself of the cares nf maternity ,
which wore approaching ut u very rapid
rato. The cause of all tier troubles dates
back to last spring , when young Harrison
Wood by , who was dec moil a good catch , of
fered himself as a can did a to for matrimony
nnd was accepted. The girl's mother ad
mits that she know of the little irregularities
that were practiced by the two young people
ple , but us they were expecting to bo mar
ried Booiranywuy she offered no objections.
Hut lust Friday Woodby disappointed all his
friends by loading Miss Jennie Elder to the
altar and taking her to himself as a lawful
wedded wife.
Vincent < > t'Glmiiiaiiiinii | Fnino.
Bishop .1. H. Vincent , ot Chattanooga ,
who nrrlved In the city yesterday afternoon
from the Pacific coast , where ho attended
the Methodist conference , lectured before
the students of the Wesleyan university
tills morning ami left on his homeward Journey -
noy on the Burlington flyer at 1UO ; p , in.
While hero ho was tendered n reception ut
the lOaldoncoof Mr , and Mrs , J. J. ImhufT.
It is hnrdly necessary to state that tbo
bishop Is the founder of the National Cuuu-
tuuquu Literary and Scioatiflu circle , but
such Is tbo fact , and while In Lincoln bo was
greeted by u largo number of local Chuu-
tuuquuns. Bishop Vincent Is onu of tlio
most noted lecturers nnd divines of the
Methodist church.
Political Driltwooil.
It has Ii2on talked hero to-day that Judge
GasHn , of the Klghth judicial district , tint
announced hltnsolf a candidate for congress
from the Second congressional district.
This complicates the consrenslonal light
still more , if the rumor proves to bo true ,
and it appears to como from a rollablo
source , for he halls from Harlan county ,
Secretary Laws' old home. It is claimed
hero that the judge's candidacy moans the
solid support of the Eighth' district iu the
Kuprenio Court. I'murnilinc * .
Court tout pursuant to adjournment.
The following gentlemen were admitted to
practice : Mr. W. M. Woodward , Mr. Jam i
8. MnUiawa.
Moore v Pawons , stricken from nockoti
Kirk vs Howling , dismissed.
Tbo following causes wcro continued ;
Shaffer vs Stul ) , Mathts vs Pitman.
The following causes were argURd and
submitted : Morrlll vs Davit , Hondrlckson
vs Sullivan , Fioy vs Oivnoe , Alexander v
Hunter ; motion to dismiss.
The following cn es were filed for triali
William H. Pickcns vs Plnttsmouth Invest
ment Co. ot al ; appeal from the district
court of Cans county.
Otis H. Uallou vs Edwin II , Sherwood ;
appeal from the district court of Douglas
Miller va Eastman ; appeal from the dis
trict court for Qtoo county ; reversed and
plaintiff's petition dismissed ; opinion by
Maxwell , , T ,
Bench v tlio stnlo of Nebraska ; error
from the district court for Lancaster county ;
nfllrmod ; opinion by Maxwell , J.
Avery vs linker ; appeal from the district
court for Mndiion county ; reversed nnd ro-
nmndod with leave to answer1 Maxwell , J ,
Cheney vsDunlap ; appeal from the dis
trict court for Johnson county ; reversed nml
decree for plaintiff ; t > plnlon by Maxwell , J.
City of Fremont vs Uronuor ; error from
the district rourt for Dodco county ; af.
firmed ; opinion by Maxwell , J.
City Nuws and Notrm.
Senator Norval , of Seward , was In the cltr
Gustavo Loohnar , who was shot by Mr * .
Lymnn while attempting to enter Lor room
Monday morning , for the evident purpmo of
burglary , is still allvo , but the chnncca for
his recovery ar still very doubtful.
Mayor Grutmin rsturned from his visit to
St. Louis last evening. It Is confidently
stated that he will nsl : Marshal CnrJor to
resign within n fortnight , nnd It Is under
stood that the wherefore of his suspension of
Ortlcor Pound will bo considered at the next
regular meeting of the city council.
The first term of the Christian university
nt Bethany HaighlR suburb , commenced this
moraine. A largo number of the friends of
the Institution attended the initial uxorcises.
Thirty students wore enrolled for the work
of the term. It is expected thnt the enroll
ment will reach forty before the closj of the
Presiding EMor Miller , Dr. Mallory , H. P.
Davis. Watson Hntiman , George S. Davis
nnd Rev. Stein , divines of the Methodist
Episcopal church of this city , left this morn
ing for York to attend the district confer-
mice. They were accompanied from here by
Kov. Gallagher , of Tccmiiseh , pastor of the
church in that oily.
The cnso of A. L. Rogers , who was nr-
raigned before Judge Houston to-day on
the chnreo of committing < nn Indecent as
sault UDoii the person of Miss Nottio , the
fonrU'oii-yoar-old deaf and dumb diuiithun'
of N. E. Krskino , of this city , was continucftL
owing to the indisposition of the court-
Hogers still lies in jail. His prollmlary hearing - -v ;
ing will bo hud in a duy or so.
Skins OBI Fire
Acmilzttti ; , itolunir. tmrimur nnd
blood I nc KuzpiiKi In IIHvurst
Binges. A raw norn from lioml j
foot , Ilntr ' " " ' Dnctnrn n > tt
lioipltnls full. Tried evc-rythins : ,
Giir ( l by tlio Ouiiciirn ItciniMlio
for $0.
Cured by Gufioura
I am cuiea of a loathsome disonso. ocztMna fn
Its worst stiiKo. I tried Oitrnront doctors nnd
huvo lioen throusli the hospltul , but alt to no
imrpose. The diseasecovorud inj' nliolo liodv
from thetojiof my head to hole , of my foot.
My Imlr nil oinin out , leaving mu a nrnnpletn
rawf-oro. After trvlnio\ervlliliig I heard ot
your UUTIUITIIA HIIMKOIK.anil after using
thrco bottles of CUTICUIIA KKACH.VKXT. % flth
Ctrricnitanil CimctniA BoAi' , I find niyseir
cured nt thu cost of about H'i. I would no ; ba
without the ( 'UTiruitUIMIIIIKS : : In my hoiiap ,
aH I llnil them itsetul In in my i'i'.s. . nnd I
think th y uro the only skin nnd blood medi
cines. IS.\AU II. GKKMAN ,
\Vnrtsloro , N , V.
Burning nnd Ili'lilu
I was sick In the fall of IMS with a burning
and Uchliiu so bud that In throu wucks Ivna I
co\erud ulth a rnah , and could not nk > ei > nidus
or > vork dnj-i yomu doctors thoimlit It might
bo suit rttuuin ( cczuiiui ) , and slid they Inul
never boea anylhlnc hkr It befgro. 1 received
no linlp from any or tncm. or tnmi any mldlolim
thnt I could got hold ot until I trtod your Cirri-
CIUIA ItKMr.iili'.s. After three wecKii'nsoI was
able to work and kept getting better , until I am
now entirely nircd 1 m comnieud them to all
suiriirliig with skin diseases.
0. K. OSMMILTartsvlllo , Vt
ni l Iiilunoc Hi chin ;
Thavo used the CuiicriiA ItKMK.uiKSKUcepss.
fully for my Dnby. who w.w alllctcdIth
c7.ema. nnd lincl snrli Intense itclilnir that ho
pot no lest iluy or nlulit. 'J'ho lichlng Is KOHO ,
nnd 1115- baby is cured , und Is now a healthy , boy.
Cuiieiirn Kcxo.veul.
The now IIlooJ J'urlllerund purest nnd beat of
Humor fured. Internally , und UWTICUKA. the
great iikln turi * , nnd it-rii'i'itA SUM- , and cx-
iluUita Skin Ileantilldr , vxterimlly. Instuntly
relieve nnd Hj.cedlly nnd purmunnntly cure the
most ajjonlilntr. Itrhlng. burning , blinding ,
scnly , crusted nnd pimply diseases and humors
of the Hkln. bcalp , and blood , with loss of hair ,
from pimples toBcrofu'.u.
Sold o ervwhere. 1'rico. CirricnnA , BV.j
SOAP , -c , ; UUSOI.VKNT. ifl.oii. Prapared by the
lrsenrt for how "Jlow to Cure Skin Dls-
oascs , " flliiagcs , 60 lllnstrntloiiH , nhd 103 t Btl-
PIM Mnck-honds , red , rough , chnpi > ed
and oily bkln prevented by CuiicuitA.
'nnd ' pains , IIBCK ache , weak Kiilnpyo.
rheumatlsm.nnil rhestpains wllevi-a
In ONK MINIIPK bv thi ) C.irriduiiA
1'Al.V Hl.AbTUlU _ J tClltS.
TlOKtlHt-'SOHP *
( U 6i JIZO 2
uid receive a 3
-f 3 * J ' * - " - - * - 13
110. 2 GLOBS
I he hett , ftafest , inn&t
durable arulcconom
cal coal nit
n tlie
Tim it so u Ilia
Ulevclnud , ( Ililo.
Forsalobx.M. II. Illlsi mid I'erkln * . Oiitch
Lauuiaa ,