Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Develops Good Strength
Early But Weakens Later On.
All the IntnrcRt Developed In Pro-
Tlsloun CoiitortMl In October fork
anil Moro Tlmn a Dollar
Decline IlcsultH.
Cincxno , Oc . 1. ( Special Telegram to
Tun UiK. ] Wheat developed surprising
strength early and an improvement of about
Ic from the bottom prices resulted , but the
ndviinca was inoro tliar. lost bcforo the end ,
nnd the feeling nt the last was , far from
strong. The bulge sccmcil to bo largely lo
, the outside market not sympathising
fully , and the ( \ feign mnrkctR displaying
dUtluct signs of wccknr-ss. The movement
of wheat spring nnd winter toward central
points of accumulation Is on the increase.
Country elevators in the northwest nro
rnpldly lllllng up nnd the overflows nro dally
becoming gicator. Prices in Miaiioapolln
and Duluth nro hold with n fair dogrco of
firmness in spite of the large receipts and n
prospective Increase In the near future.
Testimony in support of the claim that
the mills throughout the winter whoht
districts are at length illlcd up is getting
hourly stronger. If it bo true the mills
nro supplied , the absorption of farmers'
wheat , which has astonished tha trudo-nnd
disarranged the calculations of statistical
prouhots , will ccaso to bo n disturbing cle
ment and the current of commercial wheat
will not be subjectca to sapping prices. It Is
the Increased movement , which scorns to bo
clearly foreshadowed , and the disappointing
smnllncss of the exportation of wheat that it
shaking the coiiJlJcnco of the bulls. With
exports for the flrst three months of the crop
year 4,000,000 bushels less than lust and the
demand practically checked for the time be
ing at current prices , the f rlcnds of wheat arc
In a mood to pauio nnd await developments
before pressing bullish views on their
friends or the public Just at this juncture
. . . 1 and aftot' an advnnco In the market. Do-
KV\ \ ccmber'opuncd nt iS' c , sold oft 'gc ' and then
advanced to 83g < < Lbl > } zo on the failure of
local holders of cuxh wheat to deliver any
considerable quantities. A reaction of ? , Cc
followed , the market feeling bearish news
from the northwest 881 cars in Minneapolis
and Duluth nnd quiet cables. It was
learned , however , that the amount on pass
age showed u ducroaso of 740,000 bushels nnd
nerved as nn uxcusu for an upturn. A sud
den local started up and carried the
price U 84 0. On the ndvunco
there was heavy covering for local
account and at the top big lines of
long wheat , cnmo nut. For two diiys Hakcr
has been a free duller ami ovnn that stalwart
bull confesses feeling n diminution of con
fidence in the immediate future of values.
Ho will wait to see the effect of the aug
mented movement of wheat fiom the coun
try. The bulgy feeling spent itself by noon
am' about half an hour later a break oc
curred. December went to 83jfc , rallied
feebly , and then sold down sharply to S-S e.
closing nt b3J < @b3c. The wheat support of
the market seemed to givu way all at once.
Local parties who have been most active iu
blddlnc up prices lately , withdrew trotn the
Hi arena and loft the nmi kct toilsolf with a result
disastious to longs. Mny was ( juito us strong
as December early in the day. It aliened at
Kio. . advanced to & 0' ' < c , am ) after u reaction
to fc5Jfo. jumped to $ % c. On the subsequent
break that delivery slid oft to b5) c and
closed at & 5n c. September opened at , 81 c ,
ranged from b2.'fo down to81'c uud closed
Eurlv dealings In corn wcro characterized
by considerable llruinoss. The receipts
were about two hundred cars nndur yester
day's ostimiites anil there were received hy
caiuil 39,000 bushels. Cables quoting a tlnn
market abroad , together with uu active de
mand for shippers for toliiy's ' receipts , were
the apparent , cause for tha il ai feeling
which wai noted in early dealings.
ITor to-morrow the estimnled carload re
ceipts tire 470 , and this had , also , something
to do with the Improvement In tone. The
Inter \veaUnoss in whi'.it had n depressing
effect nnd caused u weaker feeling toward
the close than hail beer general the greater
part of thu day. The closing quotations
were : October 31c , Dccombur 31J4 < iiJiJfo !
nnd May y3 } ( s 'Mc.
Very few onts were delivered on October
contracts uud the marlcet was destitute of
new or striHing features. The market is
quiet and dull without being wealc or show
ing special symptoms of u change in uny
direction. Trading to-day was principally
in October and Muy. October ranged at
199@li'jt'i ' ! closing nt KiJ e Aluy opencu nt
229sC , Bold up to 225 0 and loft oft at the top.
In provisions almost all the interest devel
oped was centered in October pork. Deliv
eries of the manipulated nitlclu on coutrao' '
oulstatining far tins month amounted tc fully
25,000 bands. This pork went to about halt
a dozen clique bouses and was taken in and
paid for without a murmur. In fact , the
prompt and chocrful reception of deliveries
occasioned a. strong fueling , and at tha
opening of change'$11.40 was paid readily.
From unit price the market advanced with
some fluctuations and considerable buying to
$11.60 , uni\it \ was even stated that .JU.OO was
l > ld by ono ovur-avurlclous buyer and ro-
fuscd. When these figures were reached ,
however , u sudden clinngo occui rod. Under
the leadorsiiip of n broker supposed to repre
sent Cudahy tha trade was sharply raided.
Offerings beenmo moro plentiful than the
wants of buyers were able to absorb , nnd us
the clique or its rcprosontnlives In thu pit
railed to render any support , the
? rlco took h severe tumble , from the
Highest point touched it declined in
oed sl.cdjumps to $10.25 without
uny special reaction. The rnidora were in
the ascendancy and they handled tlio market
without gloves , From the lowest quotation
there was subsequently some recovery , but
the closing was at $10.40 , or J1.05 under yes-
tcrilny. It certainly was r.n uncomfortable
day for the clique and in some Quarters it
was predicted that the deal would bo aban
doned before the close of Octobor. Packers
on the hhort side declare their purpose to
turn their houses to good udvunt.u'o muklnir
pork to deliver on their trades. ' It
It maintains its load nnd should
1)0 forced to take pork made
this month , the clique will certainly close Uu
ilculitli largo holdings. October pork sub
ordinated everything cUa and muilo the gen
eral market comparatively slow , still a strong
< 70iidlliau of allulrs oxibted , and the changes
made In prices from yesterday's closing quo-
; utloiiB were generally Insignificant. No
vember pork , October lurd and November
nnd January short ribs declined 2 o. Ou'.o-
ber short ribs sold up 2Jtfc , while later deliv
eries of lurd underwent no change whatever.
Cniovao , Oct , 1. | b | > oclul Tolosram to
TUB Uuii. ] OiTfLB Uccclpts were divided
nt1,000 natives , 11,000 Texans and 4,000
rancors. Prime native steers , such as ex
porters and dressed beef butcliors wantwero
In peed demand , scarce and generally quoted
strong to lUa higher. On tlio other hand ,
owluK to the bis run of Texans and rnngors ,
erusgy , liulf fut , plain and medium natives
wore alow and fully us low as
any day lust week. Texans were iitfain
quoted u shade lower , making a decline of
ubout lOu in two iluyH , Uango cattlu , when
just right , 1110 gulling considerably better
than lastwcolc. Native butchers' stock Is
low , too many Tcxana boini ; the causo.
Prices arc us low as ut any time this year on
common cows nnd canners. Tliero was
nothing now In stockur and feeder lim's.
The doiuund is slow nnd prices
down to low water mark. Choice
to oxtr.i beeves , 150 170 : modlum to
KOOU Btcorb , liloO to 15U01bs , M.bOW 1.10 ; 050
to 1200 Ibs , * < 00(03T5 ( ; stackers and
feeders. la.GO U.OO ; COWH. bulls and mixed ,
t.lB2.1Klj bulk , IJ.OOiJ2.10 ( ; Texas steers.
ll.1UQj3.0Ut ! cows , Jt.MiH3.15j natives aud
Imlf-bn-cdSf W.f > 0.J3.lHii ( . cows f2.25Q 2.63.
HOGS-'J ho demand was active ana prices
steady to utront , ' m the two upper divisions ,
wlillo In the 1 ! ik Island , owln to an uruout
order from a shipper , pricen ruled 6yiOo
higher , PncKers paid $ I.OO(3l.Vi ( ! anil nhlppcra
fl.3@l.a , a tdw fancy butcher nveraR ifl
nnd Ilplit mixed soiling nt $1.4 ( cilfX ) . a-
xortod light nt f . .O.V4.7.nnd llulit of 210
down to 150 Ibs sold at f 1.55. The slngo sort
was wortU $ i
VOIIK , Oct. t. | Special Telegram
to TUB UCB. ] STOCKS The effect of the
high pressure money mnrkot lats yesterday
and n 10 per cent money rate this morning
Cftuicd the stock list to opan with Rmnll
fractional losses. That this wat the only
sot-brick under the conditions must bo a bull
argument. The money question was the
only ono dhcmseil nt stnctc resorts last
night. It was hold by many that the money
market will right Itself , nt the offerings of
bonds wil bo liberal to obtain funds to put
out at fancy rates. Tliero were also those
wlio thought the bears might put tlin screws
on during1 this week. The talk was that the
executive committee of the Atchison will bo
able soon to sunmlt a plan sitlsfnctory to
nil. * ' be remainder of the list was quiet and
steady , na stated , at VGV lcr cent under
the close of laU nlcht. Jersey Central wni
a notable execution , opening ut \ } ( par cent ,
at 131 , but in the llrst few minutes of busi
ness it retired to 12 J . ' 1 ho rest of the list
soon developed an improving tendency , but
fluctuations were extremely narrow nnd ud-
vnnccs Immaterial oxccut in Manhattan ,
which continued Its ndvnnco of yesterday
nnd rose from 102 } to 105' , becoming ijuito
nctlvo on the way up. Atchlson declined
from 3'J } to 32V < f , but later rctiovored the
cntlro loss , with sohicthing in addition. The
market tircscnted no feature of any kind
nnil at 11 o'clock was qulot but firm. In the
hour to 12 o'clock Jersey Central and St.
Paul were nctlvo. Pullman became stronp
nnd moved up to 'S. ' The running up of
rates on money to 25 par cent again was
without serious effect on the list. The en
gaging of gold tor shipment at a loss was
regarded as part of the scheme. Hold
ers of standard stocks tire not easily shaken
and the Indications lira that money spasms
nro about ntaii end Atchlson went olt to
U2 > and returned to 33 a second tima before
the closo. Grangers yielded } ( @l6 per
cent , but closed firm. Heading lost Ji to 40.
mid Erie , Lauo Shore , and .lersoy Central
showed losses from last night of } to % per
cent. The total sales for the day were
11)3,000 ) shares.
Following are the closing quotations :
U. S. Is regular. 1ST iNoitlturn I'nclllo. . ! U > i
U.S. 4i coupons . .TJ7 do prcforrod . 74 ?
U.8.4'Bretriilar.i { | U 0. & a. W . ll'lj
U. 8. 4Hs coupons. . "fly . doprereneJ . lit
l'acllic.sot ( 'UJ . . . .118 N.Y.Ceutral 11)7 )
Central 1'aeinc , . . . 'J' > ' ' "
Chicago & Alton. . . . OJ Kock Island ! ! . . ; ! . . IW'i '
Chlcaeo.llurllUBton U. , M. .VSt.l > " ' ' *
&fulnov " " " 107'i' ( topreforrod . . ' 117'
I > .VL&\V. . . . "II".J47'4 St.l'nul&Omaha. . 84'i
llllnolsCfiUuil ll dopreterroil 10 ( )
W. , IT.llon I'.icillc
as&ToknsXJJ 1" ' . . \V..St. L. Is V 174
LakeShore IDS ) . doproforrod. . . . . : U
.Michigan Ce-atral 03Vustorn Union. . . .
MlaBoiirll'acllIc . . 7r , < J
Mbxnv Strlugoiit ut from 0 to 18 per
cent , closing at 0 ( ! 7 per cent.
PHIMB Maiio.v.Nrii.B PAt'iiii - . ' 'j ' per
SrmiUNO Exnuvoc Quiet and weak ;
sixty-day bills , $4.cfJ4 ! : demand , S4. 7J .
Mining Stoclcs.
Ni\v YoitK , ' Oct 1. rSuauiul Tolo ram
to TUB lice. ] LMu following arj tlu min
ing stock quotations :
Caledonia II. II. .275 | Iron Silver 2ir
Colorado Central Mo\lc.ui
Con. Cnl. A : A a. . . IIM ) -Mutual 14) )
Heudwood T. l-"i Ontario 3IOJ
Kureka Con 20 Ophlr 4W
( jouUl it Cm ry . . . . -il Small llopua . . . . HK5
Hiilc & Norcrois..2X ! ) Union CuusollduM/IOd
Huinestako IKO \V aril Con 1 > X )
Horn Silver 130
CHICAOO. Oct. 1. 1:15 p. in. cloio
Wheat Lower ; October , 81 , ' c ; Ueceuibcr ,
Corn Steady ; October. 31o ; May , 31'4'c. '
Oats Firm ; October , l'Jl , c ; May , S-J o.
Hye October. 41J e.
Uarlcy No. 2 October , 03c.
Prime Timothy * ! 4 J.
Flax Socil-Casb , Jl.'Wtf@1.2r.
\Vhlsky 1.0J.
I'ork btead.v ; October , J10.40 ; January ,
Lard Steady. October , 15
January , $5.S7Ji. ( < S.'i.OO.
Flour Firm and unrliansjed ; winter
wlioat , $3.UOyi ) | 10 ; spring wheat , Jl-'Jof
500 ; rjo , * J.506J2.r > 3.
Urv Sill. Meats Shoulders , $ t s\ \
@ 4.BOs short clear , W.SU'OIjtaH ; short ribs ,
Hut tor Quiet ; creamery , ir > > i323c ; dairy ,
Uliecso Firm ; full crenm chcdd.irs , 9. '
( iifiu ! ; flats , 9Xl0l ! ; Vountj Amoiicas ,
Firm ; fresh ,
Ilidos Ste.iay ; lisht and. Ueavy green
aaltud , Bo ; salted bull , 4J-J1' ? Kreen salted
calf , iiK J ; ( | r.V Hint , iiJTo ( ; dry s.iltod , Oo ;
dry c.ilf , 5@ c ; uo.icom each. 2Jo.
Tallow Steady ; solid packed , yjjO ; cake ,
Hetolpts. Sliipm'ts.
Flour . 3UUOJ 11,000 ,
WhiMt . 7.1.0UJ 'j.dOO '
Corn . . ' 131,000 22J.OOO
Oats . , . 21S.OJJ 8W.OOO
Now Viirk. Out. 1. Wheat - Ko-
coiptH , 89,450 ; ux | > orts. 21.400 ; spot dull , clos
ing weak ; No. 2 rod , 85 ( < ! ( lie in elevator ;
8ri > 1i@1-0o alloat , 815' jcl&T'iu f. o. b. ; ungraded
rod , " ( ' ( ( JisOc ; No. 2uorthoni , S'.ljJjc ' ; options
fairlv uutivc , lower ; No. 2 red , October , clos
ing nt b5&c.
Corn tCecoipts , 179,300 Imsbols ; ox-ports ,
147,000 bushels ; spot closing firmer ; No. 2 ,
atl"-i " < Sa9o in elevator ; t 'J3j@4i ; % afloat ;
uiiKi-aded inlved , ibl ( illc : options lower ,
October closing at iKi 'jfe.
O.its S'JiUU ' ) bushels'
Uoccipts , , , exports ,
nona ; spot steady , inlet ; options Hteudy ,
October closing ut 2(5 ( c ; spot white ' ( jg
SS/Vt ) : mixed western , 2l'i@2bc ; white
wchluni , 2"C''l.'ic.
ColTuo Oiitions closed steady , unclinuiod
to 5 points down ; October ,
spot Hio , steady , fair cargoes ,
Sut'iir Uaw. steady.
Petroleum Steady : United closed ut
Firm ; Woitorn , fresli , 23' f. ?
I'ork Firm ; mess innpeetoit ! ! .j 2fi
Laid Firmer ; Wcsturn steum , J
Uutter Loss active , linn ; western dairy ,
9i ! 14o ; uroniuery , rj i.'ij a
Ubeeso ytrong ; wusturn. 8 ( < J9o.
Miniioitiiot.Out. . 1. auuiplu wheat
linn ; receipts , 434 cars ; shipments ,
IU cars. Closing : Nn. 1 hard ,
October , TOJfo ; Uecombar , Sic ; on tr.iok , SK < J |
Sl' oj No. 1 iioi thorn , October , Wt ; Uo-
comber , 79o ; on track , 7t-ig7lJo * ) ( ; No. 'J
northern , Oatobor , 7-io ; Dou-oiuosr , 74c ; on
truck , 7'i@7il.
.tlllu < iiK < t , Oct , 1. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 74'4C ' ; December , Tiljtfc.
Corn-ntendy ; , iil' OSJc.
Oats-Stoady ; No. 2 white , 2J'.fc.
Ityo HtonilA ; No. 1 , 42JfV.
Hurley Uutter ; No. 2 and October
1'rovlbioni Knslor ; pork , flO.25 ,
lilvorniiol , Out. -Wheat 1 Steady , de
mand fair ; holders alter moderately ; Uullfor-
niaNo , 1 , 7s ; ul@Ts Id pur cental ; red western
spring , 7s XdftSrs 1/vdi red western winter ,
GJ Oil C < 4Ui Wd.
Corn liasv , domiind poor ; nu\v \ mixed
western , is S..fd per cental.
KniiMK CKJOct. . 1. Wheat Hiirlior ;
Xo. 2 hard , cm li , 1)5 ) j bid ; October , ( iS o ;
No. a bard , cash , 5'Jo bid ; October , OOo ; is'o ,
2 soft , cash nnit October , 7Uu bid ; No vein-
bor. 70'Jo bid.
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 cash and October ,
2-lKoaskod ; Octobar , 17o.
( t. LoiiU , Oct , 1. Wheat Cash , hii'hnr ,
SO.Yo ; options unsettled ; October , 79'fo :
Muy , 65'485 ' 'c.
Corn Higher ; cash and October , 29p o.
May , UO o.
Oats Firm ; canli , lOJ/Oj May , 22/o.
Pork-Quiet ; fll.OJX
Lard Steady at $5 b. > rjJ3 90.
WhUky Steady ut il.OJ.
.Uutter Dull : 'slow ; creamery , S0@23c ;
dairy , 18 20c.
Clnolinmtl , Oct. 1. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red. 8Jc.
Corn Kasior ; No. 2 mlxod ,
Oata-Easier ; No. 2 mixed ,
Clilon o , Ost , 1. Ino Drovers' Journal
reports ns folio wi :
Uatllo Hccclpts , 10.50J , market stronc
for Rood ; common weak ( choice to extra
licovci , : > 0V/4.70 ; steers , { 3 tWSUO ;
stockers and feeder * . 53.00 3.00 ; cow , bulls
nnd mixed , fl.15jl3.90 ; Voxns cattle , J1.65
2.90 ; western rangers , | 2.25I.H ( . ! ) .
UORS Iteculpts , 20.UOO ) mnrkot strong
nnd fie hlglior ; mlicii. f4 1BR1 00 ; heavy.
f t.O. > N.I55 Ilirtit , ? 4.20CjlSD ; skips ,
Sheep IteccIpU , SO.OOil ; market stow and
lower ; nntivei. $ I.2.V ! < H40 ; western , $ -1.80
@ . : ! 0Tovans ; , fl.00 ) ( < (4.15 ; lamb % 23o lower
ut fl.VOQi5.GO.
Kansai Oily , Oct. 1. C.ittlo UooolpU ,
8,300 ; shipments , 3,900 ; stockers nnd feed-
cr , $1.00ffU.15 ; cows , steady , lower nt
HooclpK 8.SOJ ; shipments , 300 ;
market stroni ? and lil | > her : llRht , $4,15
fJ1.27)Ji ) heavy and mixed , f.7334.10.
National StooU Yards , Hast St.
I.OIIIR , Oct. 1. Cattle Uecclpts , n.SOO ;
shlpmcnu. none ; market stronc ; fair to
holco heavy native stcors , 5i,00 : ( > { 4.4ri ; stock-
rs and "feeders , ri.15ftJ2.8o ; range steers ,
2.10 3,00.
HORS Hccolpts , 3,900 ; shipments , uotto ;
markut lilRlicr ; honvv , J.1.90@4.20 ; packing ,
$3.85(34.15 ( ; light , 81.15@1.50.
O.MAMA IjtVlO sroOK.
TuesdnjOct. . 1.
Tn-ilay's ' cattle mnrkot did not present uny
new feature * ) , values in the main belli ) ; the
naiiio us yesterday. To-day's receipts of
cattlu were not so heavy as n good many
were nntlcipatlii nnd iitilto a laruo portion
of what there was hero did not arrive unlit
very lato. Tlio cattlu were nearly nil west
erns , with only n few loads of natives. Tlioro
were no Tuxans to speak of to-ilny. The nn-
tivos sold nt &l.40@4.b2) and some corn-fed
westerns at (4.10. The western steers sold
at ? i.5)6i2 JO. About nn nvonico supply of
butchers' stock was on sale to-day , and lllco
beef cnttlo the prices paid did not show much
change. Nutivu cows sold at $1.5(3i.25 ( ( uud
a few westerns at1.75. There wuro plenty
ot feeders uud n good many buyers. The
trade was fairly active nnd the sales qulto
largu. Ono bunch of very choice steers sold
for feeders nt $3.20 , but the bulk went at
Si 50 2.70.
There WHS the usual liberal run for
Tuesday , but the demand WAS very goodmul
the market took a sharp upward turn. Both
shipper * and packers wore good buyori of
ho.ivy IIORS which sold largely ut S3.lOJrJH.IJ. >
as nimlnst $ y.8Uff3.S3 ( yesterday , tlio murkot
boltitf lOc higher. Some very good heavy
hops oven touched Sl.OO. The light weights
did not show quite so much advance as the
heavy hogs , but they sold higher , Sl.10 being
n popular price to-day against 51 03 yester
day. The light hog buyers reported their
purchases as costing 7 } o more than yester
day. The light mixed hogs sold lOc higher ,
a good mruiy going nt 4c or right close to Unit
figure. A break in the provision market
caused nn easier feeling late , but not until
the market had virtually closed. A few
loads which came in Into sold in the nftor-
uoonO@10c lower than the early mnrkot.
The receipt were heavy again to-day. A
few changed hands , but at prices u little eas
ier than last week.
Hue < iipc4.
Cattle . 2,000
Hogs . 0,000
Sheep . , . 1,508
The following U .1 table of priuoi [ ulil In
thismurltot for the grades of stock men-
tlonod :
Prime steers. 130J to 10)0 ) lbs. . . < 3.)0 ) @ 1 30
Good steers , 12V ) to 1HO Ibs. . : l.75 f < 4.10
Good steers , 10.VJ to llitli ) Ibs. . . 3.2,5 ( ti.90 :
Western steers . 2.53 @ 3 00
Common canners . 1.00 ( < 01.50
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.50 r < l.SO
Fair to good cows . 1.80 < S > 2.W )
Good to choice COW3 . 2.00 W2.40
Fair to good bulls . 1.50 ( fi'J.OO
Light stooiccrs and feoduri. . . . 2.23 ( jM.GO
Good feeders. 950 to 1100 Ibs. . . 2.10 @ 2.00
Fnirto choice light Uojjs . 4.00 C'M 10
Fair to ohoico heavy nogs . 3.S5 < i3 ! )3 )
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 3.95 W4.05
Common to rough hogs . 3.55 @ 3.80
Representative * S.ilcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 1.2SO 325 40 1.284 385
1 1,123 340 40 1,203 38.
8 1,091 350 53 1,5W 422
2 10
2 55
2 70
2 70
3 29
1 2,000 173 t 2,200 275
5 1,474 1 75
20 000 240
1 2JO 300
STEKK9 , vnvnuxcs.
15 015 3 10
wusrmitt CATTLE.
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
30 Bteers , strays 1133 200
1 steer , stray 0.30 2 25
2 steers , strays 1050 223
4 steers , strays 1175 2 50
2 steers , sir lys 1(150 ( 2 20
3 cowa , strops 11MO 2 25
2 cows , strays 12JO 2 20
2 slags , strays llsO 173
1 stag , stray 1100 1 50
25 feeders 1219 2 40
noieedcis 1130 240
25 feeders 1US8 2 45
20 feeders 1047 2 55
Stegnor -
1 canncr 1240 1 75
' 0 feeders 10.V3 2 25
29 feeders 129.3 203
Mintzor- -
12 coivs 017 ISO
7 1UOO 2 50
19 1097 2 50
Guthrie & Oskiimp
185 steers 1131 2 55
Cross & Lumari
21 steers 1131 2 53
Teschomacher & Da Uilllor
30 steers 1133 270
D. Thomas23cows
23cows 091 175
3 steers 1201) ) 280
20 steers 1231 2 bO
White iUvcr Land and Cattle Co.
35 sleui s , corn-fed 1UUO 410
Tlio .Month's Uc'c'ArU. '
Showing the number of 'fcilt\o \ niul hojri
boughtnn tills iiurkct by thoUlllToront buy *
crs during the past moniti :
Swlft Co . S.S-w
O. li. Hammond & Co 5,05 , ' )
Armour-Cudnhy Packing Co 5,450
Oninhii 1'ncklng Co 41
Local 2
Shippers n ml feeders 22,880
Total 41,037
O. H. Hammond ft Co 11.893
Omnlm Packing Co 2ilil7 )
Armolir-Uudnby Packing Co 2r,125
Swift & Co 5,983
KliiKiin & Co 12,008
.T. P. Squirm & Co 13,435
UlnclMhlro & Co 3r > .r)0 )
Stunilard Caitla Co 72
Cuiliiby Uros 507
Total . - 100,120
Swift & Co 1.251
. II. Hammond & Co 820
Annour-Ciidaliy Packing Co 1,513
W. K. Cltirlt 1711
Williams 10
Omntm PaclslngCo 00
Hill 100
Silborhorn 405
M.V. . D 1,51510
Hunter 250
Uovnolda & Co 87
Taylor 317
Total 0,531
On To-liny1 * Marker.
Metcalf & Wood had hogs in from York.
J. Worloy , of Ulysses , was u visitor nt the
H. A. Mcrritt , of Baxton , hud two cars of
hogs in.
John M. Davis , of Stella , was looking over
the yards.
William Uoycs cnmo up from Valparaiso
with hops.
K S. Uothrock caino over from Davenport
to huy feeders.
S. II. NofE came in from Arlington with
two cars of hogs.
O. Burgess , of Weeping Water , was on the
market with cattle. ,
M. L , IJorryman , of Cordova , brought iu
hogs and bought feeders.
liradshaw was represented by A. S. Ad
ams , who marketed hogs.
Prank Penster. of Uradshaw , was on the
market and bought two car loads of feeders.
The market on hoavv hogs is now back
about whore it was on Friday , while light
hoira were at tlio highest pointsmen Wednes
day. As to leeulpt * . thoraiwal u nln to-day
of about 2,000 over Tuesday of lust week.
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
Eons Strictly fresh , 17cv .
HUITEK Cruamery , f.mcv , I7@18c ; choice ,
1510i ! . D.\iry , fancy , lo lGc ; choice. 12vj
14c. Country , fancy , 12'i2il4u ' ; irood to choice ,
10@llo ; fair , UvglOe ; inferior. 7@3e.
l ivc PIOEOSS Per doz , 51.50.
GAMK Prairie chickens , * 2.00@3.00 : mal
lard ducks , $ , ' .50@3.00 : ml ed oucks. 91.50 ®
2.00 ; teal , il.25@1.30 ; jack , snipe , $ l.25@1.50 ;
plover , $1.00 1.25 ; venison saddles , labile ;
carcusses , 8@10c.
BKANS Choice hand-picked navy , $1.75@
S2.00 ; choice hund-uickcd medium , $ > ( < 5
l.SO ; choice hand-picked country , Sl.CO@l.05j
clean country , $1.50@1.CO ; inferior country ,
HIUIS , ; > BI.TSTAI.LOW.ETO. Green salted
hides , 4J4@4 > e ; dry s.Utcd hides , 5o ; dry
Hint hides , 7o ; calf hides , 4ViS5c ; damaged
hides , 2o less : snccp pelts , green , each , S5c@
51.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9@12o. Tallow ,
No 1 , 44 o ; No. 2 , ! i'/t : ? c. Grease ,
white , 4J < J@4Jfu ; yellow , 2H'i3c.
WOOL Flue , average , 15@10o : medium ,
average , 21@22 ; quarter-blood , average , 20@
21c ; coarse nver.igc , 15@17cj cotts aud rough ,
average , l-J ( )10c. )
CiiiiHsn Young Americas , full cream ,
lie ; factory twins , lOc ; off grades , 7@3e ;
Van Ilosson Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago ,
19o ; brick , 9@10c ; liinburger , SQ'Jo ; Uomcs-
tic Swiss , 1.1j14e. (
LVMONS fancy , fO.OO@S.50 ; choice , | 5.50@
0.00.AnLns Per bbl , Sl.00@3 00.
CAL1FOKK ! i GlUl'ES * 1.50@1.75.
PEAHS 10 Ib boxes , S1.75@2.25.
BANANAS According to ske , per bunch ,
Coco VXUT3 Per 103 , 5.00.
Al'PI.12 BUTTKIl 5o.
ClDKH-Bbls. $ j.r > 0 ; hf bbls5,1.00. .
MAI-I.C Sua vu 12) ) @ 15o par Ib.
VKAI , Choice , mualuin size , C@(5J ( c ;
choicn heavy , 5c ,
HONIIV IGu per Ib for choice.
PiiusiiiiVES 'JK ( ! 10c per Ib.
JIM.MUS SJiwc per Ib.
BEIiSWAX No. 1 , IG l'JC.
Pius KLCT Piaklod , kits , 75o ; pickled
pigs' ' tongues , kits , J--)5 ! ; ) : pickled tripe , kits ,
05c : pickled If. C. tripe , kits , b5c ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , $1.15.
Salt , bbls , $20.
BRAN $10.00.
SAUSAOB Bologna , l@lfo : Frankfort , 7c ;
tongue , So ; summer , 20i : ; huad choose , Cc.
POTATOUS 20j$25c ( per bu.
Poui/ruv Old nens and chickens , $3.00@
3.50 ; spring cnlckons , $ j.fiO@.1.0J ; duck and
gecso , per Ib , lUo ; turkeys , OQlOc ; young
ducks , per doz , $ .1.00 ; gesso , 40.0J7.00.
IJVHD Tierces Uefinoa. 0o ; ulioice O o ;
pure leaf , tiu ; kettle rendered , 7j o. Add
Jiu to J c for smaller quantities.
Pitovisio.vs Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb average ,
11 > u ; 20 to 23 ibs , llo ; 12 to 14 Ibs , I''u ;
No. 2 , y c , shoulders , OJ o ; breulcfast ba
con , No. 1 , lOJ o ; ham saus.itro , O' ' o ; dried
boot hams , ,0 ! < o ; beef tongues , JU.OO per
dozen ; dry suit moats , 5 } @ "o per Ib ; boneless -
less haul , 8 } c ; ham roulette , tifo.
PICKLUS . > Iedium. per bbl , WOO ; small ,
&U > 0 ; gherkins , ( J 50 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts * 5.UO ; pts , $3.40.
Ctsiiv UK 12 > c perlb.
OIIOCOLVYK AND Coco i 3l(3'J7a ( per Ib ;
Gorman chicory , red , 7 > c.
GixoBit Jamaica , X pints , $ .1.00 per doz.
CoprKii Green Fancy , old golden Ulo ,
2.1c : fancy old jeahorry , ,31o ; Itlo , choice to
fancy , 23c ; Ulo , urime , 21o ; Hio , good , 20o ;
Mncha , 2'Jo ' ; Java , fancy MuiiUL iiliiig,27o ;
Java , good interior , 24c.
COITKB Kuusted Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
2-1 ' < o : McLaugnlin'a XXXXi'J4 u ; Gorman ,
23jgc ; JJIlwortli , 21c ; Alaroma. 2) ) ' o.
lJu-fl.Tr4.50. :
NUTS Almonds , 15@17 ; Bra/ils , 8c ; fll-
berts , llo ; pecans , Idc ; walnuts , liJo ; peanut
cocks , bo ; roasted , lOo.
WiiAi-rixii PAI-UU Straw , per Ibffft >
2Ko ; rag , 2 0 ; manllla , B , B&Otfo ; No. 1 ,
SALT Dairy , 230 Ibs in bbl , bulk , $ .3,10 ;
boat grade. 00 , 53 , 83.40 ; bo&t gr.vdo. 100 , Uj ,
* 2.5I ) ; bestgrudo , 2S , 10s , Ji.uO ; rock salt ,
crusncd. $1.W ) ; dairy salt , Annton , 50-lb bags ,
S5c , liulk , , ' 1-lb baga , fa. 40 ; common , in
bbls , $1.25. ,
PAUiyAcnouaOoous Barley , 33Ufe ; fur
laa , - ) ) ; peas , ll'/p ' ; oat ineal , 2J/w5c ; mac-
n ron in , llo ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , ! I
siu'o and taplocu , ( ! ( ( { 7c.
FISH Salt Dried codilsh , S QS
harriug , 24c per box ; hoi. herrini ; , iloni. , Mo ) :
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
imp. . b5o ; mackerel , largo family , $11.50 per
lOOltis ; whltulian , No. 1 , W.50 ; family , $ J.75 ;
trout , (5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 6Uc ,
Suiuus Cut loat , OKo ; cut loaf , cubes ,
9Xo ; standard , powdered , 0'o ' ; XXXX ,
po\vdercd , QUo ; granulated , standard , bd $
8 ? c ; cstifectfonors1 A , 8/c ; white , extra C ,
8'fo : climax , 8'rc , ; extra C , Nebraska , 8 0 ;
amber , 7Jfc ; California golden C , 7 c.
DKIKII FituiTS-Currants , 4Xi$3o ( ; prunes ,
casks. 1500 ! Ibs , 4Jfli/o ; prunes , bbls or
ones , 4f } @ 49 c ; citron pools , drums , 20 Ibs.
22o ; lemon pool , drums , 20 lb , Klo ; fard
dates , boxes , 1'J Ibs , Oj ; apricots , choice evap
orated , I3c ; apricots , jolly , cured , 25 Ib boxes ,
Ho ; apricots , funcy. Mount Hamilton. 25 Ib
boxes , 15o ; apricots , 'ioico , bags. 60 < bs ,
ll ) > iO | apples , evaporated ; Alden , 50 Ib boxes ,
UJo ; apples , Star , OC 'l ' O ! apples , fancy Alden -
den , 5 Ib , So ; apples , fancy Aldcn , 2 Ib ,
uuckbcrrlua , evaporated , 50 Ib boxes ,
5J/C ; chcrrio * , plttoil , dry cured , 15uj ponrs ,
Cnllfornliv fnni > y , > /s boxes. 25 Ib , 12H S
nonehcs , Cnl fancy , J a unpacked boxes , 25
ibs , 15c ; poAclics , Cal No 1 , fancy , ' uun
bags , 80 His , 14p ; peaches , fancy , ovnp imp ,
ftO In boxes , 14ncl8c ; pcachei , S ill Laic o. now ,
7@o ; nectarine1 * , red , 12c ; nectarines , sil
ver , bngn , 1 ' . ' < ; ; pitted plums , Gal , 25 11) boxes ,
llo ; raspburrlos ovnp N Y , uow,21c ; prune * ,
Cnl. H C , 1KMOO boxo , 25 llm , So ; prunes , Cnl ,
H C , GO-70 , 8n ; orniigo pool , 15c ; raiilns , Cal
ifornia Londons , crop ISSSi , fi.4 ! > (3200 ( ; rnl-
slu , Cnl looio , mimcntoU. crop 1SSS , f l.DOQ
2.00 ; Valcnclns , 18S3 , 7' ' ' < c.
CVNXEH Fisu-Broo'k trout , n Ib , $2.10 ;
salmon trout , 2 lh , $ J , 5 ; clams , 1 Ib , ? 1.25 ;
clnms , 8 Ib , $2,00 ! clam chowder , 3 Ib , J1.25 ;
deviled cr.ibs , lib , $2135 ; dovllcu crabs , 2
Ib , 1 50 ; codllsh balls , 3 ib , $1.75 ; cnvlor ,
Ib , $ J.2oeo ; ! < i , 1 Ib. M.IO ; lobsters , I Ib , Sl.W ) ;
lobsters , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; lobsters , deviled. X Ib ,
$3.25 ; ninckcTOl , I Ib , $1,75 ; mackerel , mus
tard smicc , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mnckorcl , tomato
sauce. 3 Ib , $3,25 ; oysters , 1 lt > , 5c ; oysters ,
21b , $1.00 ; salmon , C. It , 1 Ib , 00i salmon.
C. U. , 3 lb.-W.Sui salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 'Jib , $ J.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
$3.Vi. (
CVXXKD MC TS Corned bcof , Hroughmnn
2 Ib , per ilox. $ . ' . 10 ; corned beef , Armour's 3
Ib , per doz , Jilt ) ; corned beef , Llbbv's 3 Ib ,
(2.10 ; 2 Ib lunch tongue , $5.00 ; lib lunch
tongue. $2.75 ; 2 Ib ham , $2.S5 ; 3 Ib brawn
or headcheese , $1.05 ; 8 Ib pigs feet , $3.40 ; 3
Ib roast chicken , $2.U ! ) : 3 Ib roast turkey ,
$2.00 ; potted ham , jj Ib. $1.25 ; 1 Ib chipped
beef , $3.15.
On.s-ICeroseno-P. W. , Otfo ; W.V. . 12c ;
headlight , llloi salad oil , t'f .MoQJ.OJ per
SU.BOIU IJf3'ifo ( per Ib.
STAHCHBG 7o per Ib.
STUVI : PouSlt $3.UO@5.87 per gross.
Si-lens Whole , per Ib Allspice , lie ; Cas-
sln , China. | ) i u ; cloves , Zanzibar , 2 Jo ; nutmegs -
megs , No. 1 , 70c ; popper. 17o.
llry Ooods.
PHI.NTS Pink tindKobcs Klchmoiul , Oc ;
Allen. Co ; llivcrpoint , 5'ic ' ; Stool Klver
OW ; Paclllc , fl cl
PIMSTS Indigo Uluc St. r.cgcr. ( IJ c ;
Washington , ( i } u ; American , > Jjc ; Arnold ,
Arnold Century. < lc ; Windsor Gold
Tu't , 10'fo ; Arnold 13 , 10 > < o ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Seal , 'U&c ; Yellow Seal ,
CoAtroimits : $ t.DUj ) ( 35.00
COUSBT \ss-Bostoii : , 7J o ; Androscog-
glu , 7 c ; Kcarsago , 7afc ; Hockport , tyfi1. ;
Consetogn ,
Ciusu Slovens' B , 5Kc ; Slovens' A. 7c ;
bleached , 8c ; Stevens' P , 79/o ; bleached ,
SJfc ; Stevens' N , 8Ko ; bleached , D' ' < o ;
Stevens' SI1T , HMc.
UENIMS Ainoskoag , 0 or , IG' Oj Kverott , 7
oz , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Haymaker , SJ c ;
JnlTroy , XX , lUfc ; .Tuftroy , XXX , 12Ujc ;
Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; llsaver Creek , 1JU ,
lie : Heaver Creek , CO , lOc.
QINQIIAM Plunltott , checks , O'Vfc ' : Whit-
tcnton , 04c ; York , 7 0 ; Nonuandl
Housekeeper , SJtfo ; New Caudidato , ,
Berkeley cambric , No. GO , Uc ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
09 c ; butter cloth , OO. 4J4'c ; Cabot , 7 c ;
Furwoll , half bleached. 8 > sc ; Fruit of Loom ,
SJfc ; Green G , o ; Hope , 7 > Jc ; King Phillip
cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalocambric , 10cLons- ;
dale , 8)jc ) ; New York mills , lOo ; 1'cpporell ,
42 in , Idc ; Poppcrell , 40 In , llo ; Peppcrell ,
M , 14Ko ; Pepperoll , 8-4 , 20c ; Poppcrell. 0-4 ,
22c ; Pcppercll , 10 4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-1 , S' c ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9)fo ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsuua
llo ; Valley , > c.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 fc ; International ,
YY , 8c ; Shrtuckot , S. S' ' c ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Berwick , BA , l&c ; Acme , 13c ; York ,
JiO in , 13Kc ; York , : tj In , 13J < fc ; Swift Uivor ,
8c ; Thorndiko , OO. 8 c ; ThorndiUe , EF ,
SJfc ; Tliorndiko , 120. ll c ; TJiorndiko. XX ,
15u ; Cordis , No. li , .IKo ; Cordis , No. 4 , lOJ c.
DUCK West Point , 28 in. 8 07 , like ; West
Point , 20 in , 10 oz , 12 } c ; West Point , 2 < J in ,
12o15Ko ; West Po.nt , 40 in , 11 oz. lOc.
FI.VNSKI.S Plaid Haftsmon , 2lo ) ; Clear
Lake , iU ) > c ; Iron Mountain , SO c.
s Solid Colors Atlantic , llo ; Slater ,
Co : Berlin oil , OXc ; Garner oil , 0 < jt c.
SiuiiiiNO CiincKS-Calcdonia X , OJ < c ;
Caledonia XX 10' 9c. . '
c , Kcononiy , Otis. 'Jo ,
\ .iuuuiiii. v , iu i ; < ! * * ; uiiuuij ou. vrti-t. t > u ;
Granite , 05"c ! ; Crawford checks , Sc ; Haw
Klver plaids , 5-fc. }
Siiiir.ri.vo , BKOWK Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7' c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4. 7cAtlantic ; I ) , 4-4 , 0c ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , Cc : Aurora LL , 4Cc > ; Au
rora C , 4 1 , 44'c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJ c ;
HoosiertiL , 4-4 , 5J/c ; Indian Head. 4-1 , 7u ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5&c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Ko ; Pepporell It , 4-4 , Oj c ; Pcpporell E , 40-
inch , 7/o | : PepDercll , b-4 , 17 jo ; Pepporell ,
0-1 , 20c ; Peppcrell. 10-4 , 22c ; UticaC , 4-i ,
4 ? c ; AVachusotts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 44 , 7c ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , O c.
FHJIXEI.S ' \V'Hito-G. II. No. 2 , J { ,
G. II. No. 1 , ? 4' , 20 c ; G. H. No. 3. jy ,
G. H. No. 1 , Jf , 30nQucchco No. , %
Quccheo No. 'J , ay7J c ; Auawan , 32 > ic ;
Windsor , 22c.
FLiNNBi-s-Hcd C , 21 inch , 15 > c ; E , 24
inch , 21 0 ! G G , 24 inch , 20c ; H A F , "f ,
23c ; J H b27c ; G , ! / . 25c.
IJATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem , Sc ; Bo auty
12Kc ; Boone , He ; B , cased , $ (5.30. (
UIAXKBT& White , $1,00@7.50 ; colored ,
ARP Bibb , nhltc.lS c ; colored ,
COTTON Frixxin.s 10 per cent trade dis. ;
EE , 8 # < s ; GG , 0 fc ; XX. loots' OO , I
unbleached , LL , 5 < Jc ; CC , ll c ; SS
NN , 12J < Tc ; AA , I4c ; DD , 15'jc ; TIl
YY , 18c ; BB , 13c ; 30 , bleached , S e ; 00 ,
80 , li'Kc ; 50 , brown ana blatc , 'Jc ; 7l > ,
KcK ; 90 , KJC.
KKNTUPKV JIUNS Hercules , 17c ; Leam-
Ington , 22J4 ; Glcnwood , 30u ; Melville , 2 , " > c ;
Bang-up , 2TJ < fi ; ; Memorial , I5c ; Staudpumt ,
18o ; Durham , 27' ' < ; c.
iISC I.IA l ous Table oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , $ .3.50 ; plain Holland.
9Mc , dado Holland , 12lfc.
I'HINIS Dross Charter Oalr , fie ; Kama-
po , 4o ; Lodi , fi' ' c : Allen , < ! c ; Hichmond , iia ;
Windsor , OKc ; Eddystono , Oj c ; Paciilc ,
Jjumber mid Uuilitinu MiUciial.
STOCK BOMIDS A , 12 inch , s 1 s 11 and 10
foot , 11100 ; B 13 inch , s Is 13. 11 and 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 12 mchs 1 s 113 , 1.1 and 15 foot ,
g3l.l ( ( ) ; D 13 inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 and 10 feet ,
$2.1,00 ; No. 1 com 13 in , s 1 s , 12 feet , S18.00 :
No. 3 rein 13 iu 1 B , 14 mid 10 foot , $17.iC@ !
18 50 ; No. 1 com 13 in s 1 H 10. 18. and 20 feet ,
$19.50 ; No. 2 com 13 m s 1 B 14 anil 1(5 ( feet ,
POP/AH LUMIICH. Clear poplar box bds , %
in , s 3 s , $ l5.UU ! ; clear poplar , % panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , 535,00 ; clear
poplar , % panel stock wide , o 2 s , & 3S.OO ;
clear poular corrugated ceiling , % , $ ' 39.00.
POSTS White citdar , 0 inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5 % inch halves and S inch q'rs ,
He ; white cedar , 4 Inch round , IGu ; Tonnes-
sao red cedar , split , lOc ; split oak ( white )
So ; sawed oak. 17c.
SimLAI - No 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch , $17.50 ;
No. 2 plain , S aud 10 inch , S15.50 ; No. 1 , O.
G. , HS.OO.
12 ft 14 ft , 10 ft 18 It 20 ft 2 > ft 24 ft
2x . . .151)0 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
3x0. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 19 OU
2x8 . . .1500 1500 1500 111 ( K ) 1(1 ( IK ) 1800 1900
2x10. . . 1500 15 DO 1500 IU 00 10 OU 1800 1900
2x12 , .1500 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 ( X ) IS 00 19 00
4X4SK.81000 1000 1000 1700 1700 1800 1900
FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rougli , 310.00@1U.50 ; No. 1 , i and I ! inch , 10 ft ,
$ I7.UO@17.50 ; No. 3. 4 aud 0 inch , 13 mid 10 ft.
$18.5Ctgll.uOi ( No. 2 , 4 and 0 Inch , 10 ft , $15.00
FINISHING 1st and 2d clear. 1' inch. s 2 s ,
$19.00T ( 1.00 ; 1st and 2J clear , 1.J and 2
inch , R2s. $ 7.005I50.)0 ( ) ; d clear , I'/liiuli , s
2 s , $43 00(310 ( 00 ; B select , 1J4' , ) 'i mid 'iincli ,
s a s. $ ,17.00@3S.UO ; Istanu 3d clear. 1 Inch. H
8 a , $45.00 ; : id clear , 1 inch , H 'J s , ? .IO.M ( ) ; A
select. 1 Inch , s 2 u. i33.00 ; B select , 1 inch ,
s 3 s , $30.00.
SiiiN , LATH Per M XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra "A * . $2.iA ) ; standard A. $300 ; fi-inch
clear , $ l.tWQ 1.70 ; Cinch clear , S1.75@1.S ( ) ;
No. 1 , 51.1UQ1.15 : clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $3,10 ;
California rod wood , dimension widths , 4 50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $ -3.50.
HOAIIDB No. 1 coin si s 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19,00 ; No. 2 com s 1 s If. . 14 aud 10 ft , $10.60 ;
No. U com sis 13 , 14 and 10 ft , $1 1 50 ; No. 4
com a 1 s 15 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50a per M ft for rough ,
Baits. 2 > i inch , OOo ; O. G , Butts , 3 , ts ,
a5o3-ln ; well tubing , D. .t JSL-und bev. $ , ' 3 10 ;
pickets , I ) , ft H. , lUt.fW.OO . ; pickets , 1) . toll ,
square , $19.00 ,
FI.OOKINU 1st com 0-Inch white pine ,
$ : t .00 ; 2d com 0-inch white pine , $31.00 ; yd
com 0-inch white plnce , $30.00 ; D com 0-inch
white plno , $30.00 ; com 4 unit 0-inch yellow
Pine $15 00 ; Slur l-mcli yellow pmo , $17,00 ;
1st uud 3d clear yellow plno , 4 uud 0-Inch ,
white pluo partition , $3,3.00 ; 2d Com , Jf in ,
white pititt partition , $37.00 ; cluur in , yol-
Iciw ill no coiling. $30.00 ; floar > V In , Norway '
$14.50 ; 3d Com. ; ' , ' in Norway , $13.50.
Twines a n it
' TWINE Sisal , 16o ; hemp ,
muullU , 18c.
Cr.oTiiKAMNKCotton ) , 60 ft , $1 SiO ; cotton ,
GO ft , $1.40 ; ] ute , 50 ft. OOo ; Jutd , CO tt , $1.00.
COTTON TWINS Fine. 23o ; moiilum , lljtfo ;
hcnvy hemp , lOo : light hemp , 15e.
SAIT , T iNn 1 1 , sail , 20o ; Calcuttft. 15c !
ManllM rope , Ift' o ; slnl rope , llU'o ; now
products , 8c ; Jute , 8c ; cotton , 12o ; hldo rene ,
A Hcsiiino oT tha Work of tlio Pnnt
Nine Montlifi.
Building Iiiipector Whltlook yostordny
completed n rcrapltulatlon of the value of
the building permits .of tl.o past nine mouths ,
ns follows :
.Innunry . * ffJ.Ml.00
I'ebrunrv. . , . 41imi.U
March . 400op.0 ; !
April . 44SNI7.U )
Mixy . . . ftwaw. o
June . 4M.7Hl.iO
July . 4 P.nsX )
AURlMt. . 47f.0 . . 0
September . , . . , .
TotM . , Kv
The following permits wore issued yester
day :
David U Blmnnon , Tesldcncc.FortlPlh nntl
Cms streets . 2oOO
r li lllncs , live-story building , Rlovcnth
anil Howard . 00.000
V K Ingrain , cottage. Twonty-eovciith
ami I'inrknoy . . . . . . . l.WO
Oil WIlilnniB , roslilcncp , Tnlrtlelh ami
I'aclllc . W" l
Two minor penults. . . . . . . . - > J
Six pormltsi. aggregating . JOT. ' J'J '
Cushtnnn's Menthe Inhaler cures calnirh ,
hcndacho , nouralgin , asthma , hav fovor.
Trial free at your druggist. Prbo 50 emits.
Provisions i Stocks
BaseniBiii Firs ) National Dank ,
805 Smith liMii .Street , -
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.COO
Oinccrs"nml Directors K. M. Mor eman , O
M. Hitchcock , . los. ( Inmciui. Jr. , A. llenrv. K
M. Anderson , Wrn ( J. Maul , v prus. : L. li. Will
fnuis. A r. Hopkins pius. : A Mlllaid. casulur ;
tli. . liryant , nsalstnnt cashier.
CnpHal . $100.000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 18S5) ) . oS > ,00
Ol'TICKIlS AND IllliorOH3 : :
Ilr.Niu W.YATIM , President
l.nwisS. 111.1:11. : Vlcu Pieslaeut.
A. i : . youu.i N ,
JOHN S.Coi.r.ixs ,
It. l1. Uir-iiiMi.
J.N. 11. I'M'ltICK ,
W II. S. UUIIIIKS Cashier.
Cor. 12IU and rninnmSts.
A General Haukliitr llu < 9inc ! > s Transacted.
_ _ - _ _ ' DISTRICTS , WATER
Correspondence solicited. COMPANIES. ETC.
. . & , Bankers ,
I63-IG5 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
7O State Street. BOSTON.
Boots and Shooa.
Successors to lived , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Maunfaclurcrs of Bols ] & Slices
AKCuti lor notion llubbor Slice Co. , llrt. 1101 and 1)00 )
llarnoy fccrcct , omalm , Nebraska.
r1LER ,
lager Beer Brewers ,
Itcn NorlU KlKlitctnlh olrcot.Oniaht , Keb.
Mannf'ctnrcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornice
\\IuJon-cnpsmicl metnlloakrlliilit ! , . Jolin I'licnuHr ,
proprietor. 2116 itnii lit ) huuth lutli street.
_ _ 8toam FlttlnRS , Pumps , Eto. _ _
Painps , Pipes and Engines ,
Blturn , wntor. rnllwnr an1 mlnlni ; | ) | ] | , etc.
tr.unJ'JVI Kariittin utioot , Otunlia.
Steam and Water Supplies , .
IIalllJ j lml mills , ills nnd tKll Jnnts it. , On.alia.
U. K , lom , Aoilng ilaimnur.
Engines , Boilers and General Macblim
, tle.ini pumpi , BRW mllli , 12li-121i
lU ttrtctOuinlia.
Iron Works.
Wroiht and Cat : Iron Building Wort ,
Xnttlnri. braia work , general foumlry , ranrhlnH auil
blacknuliU work , untie ami wnrki , U. I' , llr ,
anil lllh ilrocl , OnmUa.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rills , wlnilovroiikrdi , flower stanil , wlru ilL'Bi.
tc. Ill .virtu lull itruul , Umulia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Iroof Safes ,
Vault * , Jail work. Iron ihuttcri an > l nre maiiti.
U. AuOrecn. i > ruo'r. Corntr Iltu and Jnukiuu > li ,
ir A cot
WUoltialu maauftotureri of
Saso , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llraacli olfice , 12tli anil Uarl ttreeti , Oiuuta , Ne3.
Of Soutli Omalia , Limited ,
Agricultural Implomonta.
Agricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage !
IlucoUs , olc. WholtmAle , Omnht , Ncbratk * .
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
fnrninn alreet , UtnMia. N bri tft.
Fnrnite ,
OmMia , Nolrinka.
Wliolssale Grocers ,
Itth and Lofivernrorlli lltflcti. Omaha , Ntliraita.
IV. J. UROA'lCn ,
Heayy Hirdwarc , Iron and Steel ,
MOL I IfE , MUM I7/\V ,1 N
MatiuractnrcM uml Job em In
Wagons , Buggies Rakes , Plows , Etc ,
Cor , 'Jtli mut 1'nrlila Mri'Ots. Omaha.
Artists' MntarJals.
A. HOSPJ ! , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1JU DoitRlus itrect , Oinnbn , Nebraska.
Boots and Shoos.
II' . V. MOUSE A CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots M Slices ,
1101,110J , 1116 Uoimlna etrii't. Omnlm. Manufactory ,
bummer Hlri-tt ! , luxlon.
Con ! , Coke , Etc.
Miners and Snipers of Coal anl Cot
Ho out I I - Vili nin' llnnk Hull In . IMithi.
Jolilieis of Mil sni Silt Coal ,
at ) Boulli mii ttrvot. Oiimlm. Kubtnln.
Sliiprs of Coal and Colic ,
211 ho nth ISlh il.i Ouiatia , Nub ,
Wuolesale Lninlier , Etc ,
Imported ami Atnrrloan rortlnrU "cnicnU StaM
agent for Slllwnukroliyilruu lu ( tuent mid
( Jain T wlillu lime.
Dealer ill HaidwccdLunioer ,
Wood carpets anil pnrquct lloorlnir. VI11 an
blictls , Umnlin. INcb
nil Kinds of BBMing Material at Wholesale
1Kb Btrrclnnil Union I'ntlllc truck , Omaha.
Dalcr : in lumber , lath , Lime , Sash ,
Uoura , Etc. Vnnlt Corner ? thinit Douglai. OOic *
Corner lUtli and Douuln.
i'JCA'JJ. W. UHA1' .
' Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer 'Jtli a.itl l ls , Oinnli .
C7. A' . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Liufc
13th ami California Hri'Cte.Umnin..V ! biaak .
_ MJIIInory ontl Notions. _
f. "onKnVELDEll & CO. ,
IniDorters & Joliufirs in MUinery & Nolions
KH , 2IU anil 212 South Illli Blrccl.
J. T.
Wholesale Nolions and Fur-ashing - Goods ,
114 Ilarncy S'rvct , Oiimlm.
l , & ni UDELL ,
Stonge and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Iltiltcr , OCKS , clicoae. pnullry ,
1111 ! lluunra olrcut , Uiimhn , Nul ) .
Dry Goods ' mid Notlojis.
j ; . E.'SMITH Aca ,
Dry Uoflils.FiirnisliinE . Goad ? and Notions
1)01 ) and 11011)jiitln9 | , car. lltli ilreut , UniliaNob. :
' '
ininorters & JolteinDry Goods , Nolions
Ge t'i furiil hiinr uoo < 1 dirtier Dili auil llurnof
ttruiti.Uuulia. Nubraska. _
Bnilte' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shun-
Mechanic ! ' tool nml lluirnlo tcalci. U05 lluuglul
trout , Oinuiia , > ob.
Toysi Eto. _ _
Jobb.'ri of
Toys , Dolls , Albnras , Fancy Goodi ,
ncusa lurnhliluK uooJ * , elillilron'i
h uriiuni Btruft , Oicniha , <
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo greaao , etc. , Oraabit. A. U. Ultliop , ilnunitafj
Wliolesale Paper D3 lers ,
Carry n nice nook nt iirliitln . wmrplnimn'l > 'rltln )
J ftt. doesial alt eutlon xlrcnl o card paper
- Till !
ot < "JHn
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y. '
The lest ! Ituuto from Oinnliii anil Council
Chlcn'o ( , AND Ullhrnukoc ,
fit. 1'nti ! , Miiiiciiolis ! ; | , Cedar Hiipli
lUick Iriliuult 1'iecporl , Itockfonl ,
Clinton , ) liiliiiiio ) | , Jn ) eniort ) ,
! ( , ' ! ii ) MiullsDii , Jaiicsrille ,
Itcliill , Wlnoiiii ,
JLuJull other Impoitant iiolnt * Kail , North it and
For tbrouuh ticket * call on tlio tliket audit at l.'fl )
Farnaui itnot , In ISarker llluok , or rt Union I'uciBo
lm > ot.
I'ullman Hloaimrf and Inn nuost Dining Cart In lot
wcirlO ore run cm tliu nir.ln line nl the llilc < un. Milt
waukce A Hf 1'aul Ilallwiir , ixml uvuir attootlon II
lialil to pam'iiiicr * uy cituitvuui cu > ; luyu of Ilia
co tapan jr.
lUMIl'l.KK.aoncral alunaccr.
j. K TUCKln. Anl.tintion < Tl\l Manacer.
A. V -'AlirKN'lKU , ( icneral l'u > iun cr ana
Ticket Auent.
UKO K.III1AKKOHI ) . Asolitnatfieueral I'aucngor
ml'JKkct Airuot.
T. J. OLA UK. Utneral baDirlnt nieul.
Forr.08TorFAn.lHO MAMnoODi
otntraland KEKVOUB D BII.ITTj
Wdkntii of Dodyind Hindi KfficU
ofErroricryicf inln01ilurViiut.r.
KoLnl. > ol.U lljw lo Lullr , .
lUiUUIr ui.r.lllti HUtr THrtlnlC T-Hr > te l > % < ! ; .
Hen Utllr/ froM II Ultlfi , TrrrllvrUi , sn < l KrrUM I otiulrltk.
ToucftM rU Utvl. llvek. rallvlliUnkllou. inj | > rwuf. nkll 4
( iiilia ) Int. idJi.i. IRII KldirM CO. . BUF0. . H '
FFRINI rr'k11 ' buupiiiiod liy nnyuim. Trto
l 1111111 i j ; < mt on uiinmouoodpruilucou
u iit'uutifulllnhb ; moro nth active ihnnnaiurnl
wood. Diiiitlilo , vconomtuul. Hrnd ( orclruilnr
mill uuiuploof tuHxl lliiUliui'l MUM Forlrilto to
Kiiur : : : IIIIOTIIUIIH , j.iiuriinif al\\ \ \ > . N w