Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Contractor Boyloi < t gradinc the south
Olid ot Ilanscotn park.
Adolph HouUnl was appointed guard-
inn of Joseph Cliarvat yesterday.
Louise , tlio ten-year-old dattglilor of
IIov. J , ij..Mnllo. broke her arm in n
fall oil nn embankment.
A musical nnd Hlornry ontortainmcnt
Is to ho given nt Plymouth church in
Kounl'/o I'laco this evening.
The regular monthly Inspection nnd
muster of the troops of thu Second in
fant r.yvlll U ! < o piitco
13. S. Rowloy , president of the Homo
Investment company , has bucn chosen
to succeed Mr. L'arrotto , who is sick In
Illinois , as director.
Mrs. Martini O'Connoll , wife of Judge
O'Connoll , who dietl on .Saturday , is to
ho buried at HI. Mary's cometcry. The
Juneral oxcrclies occur at ! ) iv. m. nt St.
Patrick'H church to-day.
Mrs. .lolln Halo applied to the county
oinmlsaionora 'or transportation for
herself and three small children to
\Villls , Kan. Mrs. Bale was ilosortcd
by her huahtiid ) last Saturday , who
took nil his wngoHimd loft her in desti
tute circumstances. The transporta
tion was furnished.
The comity commissioners met in
Hpcclnl session yesterday afternoon und
passed the appropriation sheet for Sop-
tonibor salaries , amounting to ? Hflfl0.8S.
An application for the position of phy
sician at the county poor farm was ro-
cclvdd from .1. Kllen Tarbox , M. D. , of
Grand Island , and ordered Hied.
Pcr'oiml I'maurnnhs.
E. H. Woods , of York , is nt the Millard.
W. J. Crnne , of Arlington , Is ut tlio Casey ,
i A. S. Prescott , cf Lincoln , Is at tlio Pux-
I ton ,
y C. K. Hanson , of ICenrney , is at the Pnx-
/ V. Allyn , of Hiolcon How , Is at tlio Pax-
/ ton.
s I * . ! ' . Calkin , or Fremont , Is nt tlio Mur-
rny.Clm'llu Mngoon , of Lincoln , is nt the Mil
/ WA. Hi Wgers , of.O'Neill , is nt tlio Mil-
/ lard.
Bishop \\orthlnelon has gone to New
D. U. Wullace , jr. , of Tclcuinnh , Is at tlio
C. V. Hurkbnrt , of Cluulron , Is nt tlio
J , M , Huston , of Alnswoitb , Is nt tlio
11. A. Gibbon , of Weeping Water , Is nt tlio
Pax ton.
Sam W. Chapman , of Plattsmoutb , Is at
the Puxton.
Henry E. O'Neill , of Broken How , is nt
the Pulton.
A. Hostwlckand wife , of Hastings , are nt
the Murray.
K. 11. Woods anil J. K Halo , of York , are
nt the Millard.
J. H. Huchsiuff nnd wife , of Lincoln , are
nt the Murray.
Mayor Hostwick and wife , of Hastings ,
nro guests nt the Murray.
W. L. McOco nnd daughter , of Noitli
Platte , nro at the Murray.
Miss ICallo Howling , of Hannibal , Mo. , is a
guest of Mrs 1) . MuOainbriilgo.
E. Hose water , editor of I IIB Hr.r , left ycs-
tordny afternoon for Milwaukee and Chicago.
Miss Hertiv Walton , of Hamilton , Can. , is
Visiting her brother , A. M. Walton , nt 010
South Twentieth.
Mr. W. V. .Wnppieb , secretary of the board
of inibllu works , has returned from n pleas
ant visit to his old homo ut Kfolcnk , In.
H. Viino Lucas , representing tlio Peerless
Refinery company of Findlov and Cleveland
nnd the National Uaflnery company of Clove-
lam ) , lain the city.
Fred Mohlo has sol it Ins Omaha Dullness ,
and leaves to-morrow for Los Angeles , Colo. ,
whcrn ho invested largely In real estate dur
ing the iceont boom.
Mr. George L. llarnoy has loturned fiom
Cniro and will move his family to Sewnril ,
Neb. , xvhoro lie is interested in a manufac
turing enterprise.
Colonel Cliuso , one of tlio vlco presidents
of llio ileep harbor orgnnir.itlon , loft ycstor-
day morning for Topekn to attend llio inter
state deep Harbor convention , holds a
session there this week.
C. W. Lyon , clerk to United StUcs Mar-
filial Slaughter , wlttt Ids bride , will return
from bis wedding tour to-day. i'ho
young man has littud tip a homo at the corner
of Seventeenth and Miami streets , where tie
will reside.
At the IlniUor I&rrn Kcclor , Denver ; 1) .
Ueryhow , DaKota City ; Frank Luno , Now
Yorlt , with "Midnight Hell" opera company ;
E. W. Tallock , Wnpello ; C. H , Allyn , Rockford -
ford ; II , It. Jackson , Hurlington ; K Gilford ,
Kocttfnrti ; G. U. Mann , Portland ; J. Kirk-
man , DCS Molnes.
Attention Journeymen Iirl > oi' .
A mooting will bo hold in Charles Pas-
BOtt's barler shop , at 1110 Furnam street ,
Tuesday , Oetober 1 , ntll p. in. , for the pur
pose of making urrangouicntH for a barbers'
ball. Every union barber should turn out.
WntcrVorlcn Xotcs.
Assistant General Manager Hall , of the
Water Works company , has returned ftom
the rast.
The AVatcr Wet Its company expects to oc
cupy its now quarters , in Tub Huu buildlm ; ,
"Wednesday. _
C. 1' . iSVnlliam'M Coiulltion.
Charles P. Ncoulmm , who was stricken
witli paralysis during bis recent visit to
"Watoitown , Dakota , lias so far recovered as
to be able to converse with his fricnils. Ho
suffers but little pain , Thu left side of his
body , however , is completely paralyzed.
Auuiilcntnlly DIsolinrKoil ,
H. T. Mayno , the operator at the Hurling-
ton depot , accidentally discharged a 10-
volvor Sunday , the Imlloi i-scaplng
through the side of llio building without do-
k Ingdamngo. Tno revolver was lying on the
ft ilosk nnil in placing It to onu sulo to send a
r train order It was , accidentally discharged ,
, Will Opijii u Nv KoiiiMlry.
MoLuric & Oehrlo , jiroprielora of tlio
loumlry at Twenty llfth street und Patrick
nvonne , which was burned out last Tliurs-
lny , Imvo ubout closed u deal for a trart of
ground on the river bottoms north of the
Union Pacillo shops on which they will onen
n foundry. Their nugoU.uions for a plant In
Hcilfonl place , on llio licit line , wcra not
/ l ' tliilniHifiwii Vlotlni.
A nuffcior Irom Iho Johnstown llooil np-
piled to llio fotintv eominlssionors for help.
' Slio wus Mrs. Anna ICltlngor , a inldiilo'iigoil
woman , brokun In spirit and in health. She
: ' lost thrco children in the Conomuugh Hood ,
; , urtd after all her pnaiosRlous hud been stvejit
away stalled for California , whom she 1ms
relatives. The cominlsMoiiura supplied bur
with transportation as fur as Denver.
Hod , Wlillo anil Grny. .
Mr , Whcolor , of the council coinmllteo on
i city hull , Buys tlmt that body will icport a
uontruol to the t'ounull this evening wliUOi
may bo signed by Conlraclor Cools at his
earliest convenience.
It provides for Doillin iranllo In Iho build
ing up lo Iho second story ; llurea snnUntono
for tlio superfitrucluro ana Poitugcrud stone
' for trimming.
Dirtfi let Court.
Jtnlgo Hnpowcll Is holdlna court : it I'eka-
muh this week nnd Judge Wnkcloy will at
tend to local ci Imlnal business.
The o.iso ugalnst John Nelson , charged
k with stealing $50 from iMra. L. t-'ctii was
' plucnd on trial.
The case of Van littcu vs. Abrali un was
renewed Judge Doane's court. At its con
elusion ttiu ciibo of F. C. Morgan avalnnl
the city , un appeal from an assessment of
damages by reason of a change of gradu un
Jones street , will bo placed on trial.
Pours' is the purest and beat
svcr made ,
- ; A
Tlio Fnot Ktrtntttlllnit In tlio Cnso of *
Mr. mill Mrs. P. WooilmniiftPO.
It all arose over a simple game of dlco
throwmif ,
Only a few weeks ngo Peter Woodmansco ,
proprietor of the Exposition saloon , at Fif
teenth and Capitol avenue , led to the altar a
charming joung brldoj whoso nnmo was Jen
nie Hade.
For a month the cotiplo was as happy nnd
contented ns two turtle doves. Then thcro
cnmo n chance , Mrn. Woodmnnsco , who
had previously been a waiter iflrl In n res
taurant , became aristocratic in her tastes.
She was dissatisfied with the Hat In which
she nnd her husband were living nnd desired
to move Into a prlvnto residence. Ibolr
rooms wore In the same bloclt In which Mr.
Woodinnnftco conducts Ins business.
' 1 he husband remonstrated und told his
wife that. In the spring , they would move
out and for n few days nfterwards the brldo
was apparently contented with her homo.
Hut It was only a few ihiys.
Two weeks ngo Wo'jduiansco was late In
calling for his wife to go to lunch. In fnct ,
It Is said , ha was In Ins saloon below shaking
dice with friends. His wife sent for him
three times nnd then called for him herself.
Ho accompanied her to their room Instantcr.
WoodnmiHco endeavored to explain that
his delay was uurelyn matter of
The nnolofjy , however , was not accepted.
Mrs. Woodmi'nseo had packed her trunk nnd
asserted that she wns K"lng buck to her
homo In Iowa nnd would never live with him
Mrs. Woodmnnsco then left her husband
and remained with friends on Nineteenth
street. In the rear of the Swedish Lutheran
church , until hist Thursday , when she wout
to her homo In Eeulmrt , la. , where her par
ents reside.
The Indy wns seen by n reporter for Tun
HIM : and said ; "I never did love Woort-
ninnsco , but ho was always so good and kind
to mo that I thought In time 1 should learn to
love him. Hut It seems that 1 could not. 1
have no complaint to make of him except
that ho gave ino rooms In quartets whore my
associatluns were nnythlni ; but pleasant. I
am ioing home nnd visit my narcnts , but
may return to Onmlm.
Mr. Woodnianctu will nl once rommenco
proceedings fora divorce on the grounds of
General I ) . K MoKibban and Ills Karly
WnHliln gtoii I n n Ki | > rlniiOf.
General D. 1) . MeKlhbon , a pioneer , 'nnd
father of General Purchasing Ajront Mclvlb-
ben , of the Union Pnellle , is in Omaha , and
will remain hero the guest of his son for
about three weeks.
"I Imvo just returned ftom n trip to the
Pacific coast , " said the , "after an nb-
sonco of twenty-eight yeai s. I was stationed
in Washington territory from isr > 5 to IhCl. In
Ibiil I left there to participate in thu war of
the rohclilon. When I left the territory no
steamers disturbed the placid waters of
Pugct Sound , nnd thcro wore but few indi
cations of civilization. Imagine my surprise
when I found on old Indian hunting
gioumls thriving cities. 'Jhoro Is Seattle ,
Olymvln , Pottliind nnilu do/.ea ottior thriv
ing towns which now tower uu from what
was then a vast waste. And oven in Ne
braska the change Invi wiped out a tneii un
known and dangerous west. "
General McKibbon is journoymi : along In
thu vicinity of his slxty-ilfth milo-stono in
lite , but he is yet , i robust and 'xctlvc man.
What Mr. Hopkins .Said of It at
At the convention of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew , held last week In Cleveland ,
several addresses wore made by the dele
gates fiom tho'i'rinltv guild ol this city.
One of these was made by Mr. A. P.
Hopkins , president of the Commercial
National bank , who In speaking upon a
higher slandaid of character in business ,
said :
l believe that it Is ripnt for young men in
starting out in business to liavo high hopes
of success. The requisites are training unit
adnntubility , but the most important' is a
high standard of character. It is to that the
best and greatest suecess is due. J vil in
every form is destructive. Wherever it is > a
controlling force , there is decay. The
young man who does a dishonest act , docs
himself nil injury. One of the greatest evils
in our business life is the intense desire to
gain wealth rapidly. The result Is failure to
attain the desired end , or nt least the sacri
fice of a high moral character , Thu rapid
accumulation of wealth in this country Is
bringing added responsibility. Unless the
vast accumulations are administered as a
trust from the divine giver of all thincs ,
there Is danger that they may oven cause tno
nation's downfall.
, Special at
tention to commercial men. li' and
largest hotel in the west. Kittred o it
Br.iin.ird , proprietors.
They Cause iho Arrest ol' Haifa Dozen
Dispenser * .
Chief Scavny and his men Sunday run
down eight victims who wore charged with
selling liquor on Sunday. Innddlton to the
following victims there nro several John
Docs who are said to ba bartenders at the
following places :
Jocob Scheldt , Twentieth and Pierce
streets ; John Doe , No. 10.1 Piurjo street ;
John Dccnnan , Thirtieth nnd Walnut streets :
H. Bnrbaeh , No. 411 South Fourteenth
street ; Charlie Stooz Twoiit.v-fonith and
Clarlt streets ; Higglns Yates , eleventh and
Farnam streets ; T. S. Dcmpsoy , proprietor
of the Omaha house ; Hoary Kolff , 'l ivent-
llrst and Popplcton avenue.
Ion I''or Snip.
fiOO to 1,000 tons good ice on railroad
track. Will hell cheap. Address A.
fi. liiichanan itCo. , Fremont , Neb.
S\veciinc Kliihcnenili .Siroof.
OMUM. Sept. ' „ ' ' . > . To the Kdltor of Tun
liuci b'r ' , I would like our wet thy mayor
to give his reasons for vetoing a resolution
for the sweeping of north Kightoonth street.
As a tax-payer for twenty-one years in the
Fifth ward , I think It proper , nnd indeed
necessary that that street should be swept ,
and 1 can safely nfllrin that all , or nearly nil
of the residents feel as I do. The street has
been caved for nearly one year , and no
sweeping has been done. The mavor may
have taken a drive on the street after a c.v-
elono had .cleaned It , nnd then say it does
not need sweeping , brcauso the dust nnd ulrt
have been blown into our null ways and par
lors , The consoiiuenco is that our dutiful
wives have got to do Inside of our houses
what wo , as lax-pa ) era are paying to bo doiio
outside. Lot us have the btreet swept.
_ TAVP.\MI ! ( .
ClinnibcrliiliiN Colic , Cholimi anil
DlarrlHD.i Iloincily.
Tins medicine can always be depended
upon , not only in thu milder forms of
summer complaint , but also for mail tr
uant dysentery ana cholera infnutum.
The lives of many persons and especial
ly children are saved by it each joar.
Another 1'lpn Line.
The report that the Consolidated Tame
Line company had struck oil In Wyoming , Is
now followed by another , to the effect that
the Northwestern Coal and Oil company , an
organisation which includes in its stockhold
ers W. H , Keep , Hui'ton Johnson , M. M.
Hughlttand John S , George , of thu North
western ; J. F , Tucker. W. J. Hoylo , of the
St. Paul , and General Manager Miller , of
the Northern Paul tic , has utrnck oil on Its
W.NOinlm. land , The present well , U U said ,
Hews 1X ( ) gallons dully , 11 thu How Is In-
ci cased | i U guaranteed pipe lines will bo
run to Denver nnd this city.
I'l'cmliini Hondti.
Ci'y I'roasuror Hush sold 1100,000 of Omaha
city hall Uonils , at 5 per cent , twenty years
Uim > , aim $ U'iCO ) 0 per cent ton year district
pivIiiR binds yji'.erda/
A largo number of bids wore received and
the bamlH reached the highest ilguro for
\\hich Oiuatm'd dulicnturea have over sold
uud tauy luivo id ways told for at toast 2 per
cent more than the bonds of any western
city. The city hall bonds wont to N. W. Har
ris & Co. , of Chicago , wlio paid n premium
thereon of aS9 1000 per cent.
The dUlrlct paving bands wnro awarded to
S. A. Kcano & Co. , of Chicago , at 5 70-lOJpor
cent premium ,
Deputy ttlarnlial Allen's nmlRO Goes to
iavld Mcrocr.
Ed Allenondcd hisoftlclal career as deputy
United Slates marshal yesterday. While ho
has quit the oflleo and retired to private Ufa ,
his successor , D. ll. Mercer , cannel bo sworn
In until Judge Duudy returns to administer
the oath.
Mr. Allen says ho expects to remain in
Omaha. Ho has two or thrco good offers to
engage In business , but has not yet decided
which ho will accept.
Mr. Allen enloiod the marshal's office un
der Kills Hlcrbower. ns chief of deputies
nine years ago. Ho bus had charge In that
time of the court business nnd practically
per formed nearly all the active duties of the
Speaking of the ninny big cases handled
by him , Mr. Allen recites the excit
ing experience of a flftoou-ilnys tustle
with the Homo Cntllo company nt Sidney. M.
ftl , Cond hold mortgages on the property ,
which the deputy marshal was forced to fore
close ; nnd , while getting oui llio necessary
papers to levy nnd lalto possessing of Iho
company's stock , ono or two of the members
fiotwmdof what was coming nnd organized
n scheme to defeat Mr. Coad's ' plans. Tlio
ranch oi the company , consisting of 4,00i )
lien's , wns Inclosed with n wire fence.
When Allen reached Sidney with the
documents required , to seize every animal
branded with the monogram of Iho concern ,
he discovered that the fence had been cut nnd
not n hoof or horn could bo found. The stock
had been permitted to go at will and wns
scattered over forty miles of territory.
fie then orunimcd n round-up force and
piocccded to scour the country. It took him
lifteon days to make his levies , butsuccecde I
In a most satisfactory manner.
Makes the lives of many people miser
able , nnd often leiitls to self-destruction.
Wo Know of no reincdv for dyspepsia
moro successful than Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. It acts gently , yet surely and
olllcioutly , tones the stomach and other
organs , removes the faint feeliiifr , cre
ates n peed nppotite , cures headache ,
and refreshes the burdened mind.
Give Hood's Sitrsaparllla. : t fair trial.
It will do you tood.
An Krrlut ? Iliisbniiil.
Mrs. Anderson IcQaurtcr sent from Lin
coln yesterday to have her husband arros'ud
for adultery.
The other woman In the case n Hattin
Caller , who lives In the eastern part of
Mrs. McQii.trter is as black as a Rock
Springs lump of coal. To a Bin : tcporter
she slated Hint she had been mm Had to
her husband for eight years August last ,
be loft Lincoln , ostensibly to go to the Hindi
Hills. Instead , however , ho came to Omaha
and began living with the Uaitor woman.
Wanants have been issued for the arrest
of both McQunrtor and Hattie Carter.
May Aot .Mo\e.
It has not .vet besn detonnlned whether the
board of education rooms will bo changed for
the Drescnl or not.
The committee ot thu board has decided
upon rooms in the New York Life buildinjr.
tint the Masons nave not taken any formal
action on lelcasing the boanl train its con
"The report tbat the Mabons wore nnxious
for the board to vacate , " said Secretary
Piper "seems to have iiioroly been
the individual work of some Masons and not
of the temple craft ns a body. The latter
will not take action until October " . "
The C. , St. P. , M. & O. R'y ( depot
loth and Webster sts. ) , will sell round.
trip tickets to tlio Sioux City Corn
Palace Festival at $ l''M , on bale Sep
tember 22 to October o , good to return
until October (5. (
T. W. TKASDAU : , G. P. A.
Snicltlnir Works
The now engine at the smelter IMS been
tested nnd found to work satisfactorily , and
in two or throe days will ba set In motion.
The old one. which has noon In constant use
for thrco years , is to bo repaired.
The carpenter shop which wns partially
destroyed by lire last Friday , will bo temporarily
arily repaired , but eventually a new and
larger structure will supplant It.
'jfho three dynamos to bo used in furnish
ing light for the smelting works , nro ex
pected to-day. Incandescent lights will
l.o used inside the works , and arc lights in
the yards.
Wanted Good bricklayers and stone
cutters. Good wages paid. Apply to
M. T. Murphy , Fremont , No' ) .
Another Cliuroli ,
The William street Presbyterian church ,
Fifth nnd William streets , ivas organized on
Thursday last and the officers were installed
Sunday night.
The church comprises llftccn members and
a largo congrogalion In full sympithy with
it. The chapel Is Wx'M feet in size and Iho
llnnnces are said to be in nn excellent condi
tion. Arrangements have been niada for
services every Sunday evening. With a
largo Sunday school , a young pioplo's soci
ety and a thickly settled community from
which to draw , this church begins with
bright prospects of rapid growth.
Ailvlcurn .Aloilinr < < ,
Mrs. Wiu&low's Soothing Syrup
should always be used for children
toothing. It soothes the obild , soltons
the gums , allays all pains , euros wind
colic , and is tlio best remedy for diar
rliueu.oo n bottle
1'iitilloorl ;
Tlio bill of John F , Huhm for street repairIng -
Ing dnrinL' September , amounted to ? Mit : .10.
The bills for sand and gravel used to till in
depressions amounted to S-HH additional ,
Thu wages of the sixteen paving , curbing
nnd sewer inspectors for Soptomoer amount
ed to $1,000.
IF not remedied in .season , Is liable to
become habitual und chronic. Dras
tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels ,
confirm , rather than cure , the o\il.
Aycr's Pills , being mild , clftctUo , nnd
strengthening la their action , aio gener
ally recommended by the faculty us the
bust of aperient' ) .
"Having been subject , for \ , to
constipation , without being nbo | to Und
much relief , I at last tried Ajor's I'llls ,
I deem It both a duty and n pleasure
to testify that I have Jeilvod creat ben
efit from tliolr use. For over tuo years
past 1 have taken one of UIUMI pills
every night befoie retiring. 1 would not
willingly bo without them. " O. W.
Uowmun , 'JO Cast Main at. , Cuillslo , 1'a.
" I have boon taking Aycr' I'llls nnd
lining them in my family uluce 1857 , anil
cheerfully riM'ommoud them tn all in
ncod of n safe but offoctiial cathartic , "
Joh.ii M , Hoggs , Joul.s\llle , Ky.
"For right yonrs I wns afflicted with
constipation , which at last Ijecamn so
bad that thu doctors could do no moro
for me. Then I began to take AyerN
1'ills , nnd soon the bowels recovered
their natural und regular action , so that
now I am In excellent health. " S. L.
Loughbrldgc , Ilryuu , Texas.
" Having used Ajor'w I'llls , with good
result * , I fully indorse them for the pur *
pones for which they are ntcommondcd , "
T. Conuers , M , D. , Centre Ilrldge , I'u.
Ayer's Pills ,
Dr. J. C , Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass ,
field by all Drugglitt Mid Dttlcri la Uedlcln * .
This powder never Tnrlei. A niarv * ! of pur * ,
ty. htri-iiRtU nnd wliolcsomenoas. Moro eco.
noinlcal tliitt the ordlunrr kinds , nnd c&nnot
bo sold In tompotltlon with thn multltudeii ot
lot or thortw flight nlutn or phosphate powders.
Bold only In cans. Koyal Unking Vovtaax Corn *
puny , IM Wnl Btreot. New York.
lUpposltu i'axton llotcl.j
Offlco houra , 9 a. nj. to S p. m. Sundaj-s , 10 n.
in to 1 p. in.
SpprlUists la Chronic , Nervous Skin ami
Illood llscaro' ) . .
Ir"ConsuHatl ( n nt olllce or by mail free.
McUleliii-s sent by mull or cxpiesi , secuiuly
Ducked , free from il > si-r\ntlon Gimr.mteis tn
euro nnlrklv. snfelriin'l permunemly.
UPOTniTQ ! HDnillTTV Speimiitorihcpn , semi-
IlbnYUUu UhlJllJl ! ' nkl LossBs.NiBht imU :
lions. Physical Ut-eay. iiiUlng from IndlRcio
tlon , I'.xcess or Indulcence. pioilni'lngSlceples1)
ntsi. Despondency. I'lmp'et ' on the fr\co , aver
sion to society , easily uiirmuneail , Inric of confl
dunce , ( lull , unlit tor Ftuily or business , and llmH
life a burden. Kafoly , purmitnenUy nnd pri
vately cured. Consult [ ) rs. lletta V Detts , illW
Fninnin St. , Omi'ha , Neb.
Blood and Skin Diseases
results , completelv eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Fryslpelns. 1'over hores ,
Blotches , ( Iccr.i , I'Ainsln the Head und Ilouos ,
Syphilitic Soro'JhioRt. Mouth and 'lon ui > . Cu-
tuirh , utc. . permanently cured \\hcro otlicrl
huvo fullcil.
ITidnnir Ifmiian ? aui1 "ladder Complaints ,
JUuIluY' Ulllldiy PHinfnl. OlIHrult , too fre-
iiiont | Ilurnlngor Jlloody ITnno , Urine high col
ored orltli inlllcysodliiieiit on stauillnq. Weak
Back. ( lOiinnluita , Uleet , Ojstltls. etc. ,
Promptly nnd Bafelv Cured , Charges llcasoui-
bio.TUfiTGITETSiSiS ' " ' " " anteoil per.
3 J. AXJ&\s J. VI JuyjCl 1 nianeut Cure , r.v
movnl complet * . without cuttluu , caustic or
dill nt Ion. Cure. ) ciRcicd nt home by patient
without n moments , pain or ammynnco.
To Yoiiim Moil and Miflflle-Aod Men ,
AOlTpD nllDIf'1" ' awful olfects of enly
OlJltlJ llUllD Vlco. which brniKs orjfnnto
weakness. ilestroyltiRboth mind and body , wltli
nil Its ditfiidod ills , pornmncntlv cured.
Tina TJCipllsJ Adi uss those w ho have impulrpil
JJHOi Dill 10 theuisohes by Improper Indul-
pen-OS urd KOlitary liHblts. willed inln both
body and mind , unfitting them ror bmints-j
ituuy or marriage.
M \iiiiirn .MK.N. or those entering on that Imp
py hfo , mv.uo of physical debility , nulcKly : ia
in based upon facts , Tlrat Practical Krpo
ilonce. Second K\aryc.isu In e utcl.illy studied-
thus stavtbiR nrlsht. Till * d Mo llolnus nro pro.
paieil In our ory exactly to suit each case ,
thus airectliiR ruies Itliont Injniy
taB Seml Occ'iiU uostcpro for ci'lebratel voiki
on Chronic , Nervous nnd JJollcate Diseases.
Tliousnndh ctiroil. OTA filenUly letter or i all
may sa''o you future mitreilni ; and sli line , und
odd golden years to life. t-iy""No letters an-
Btrered unless nccompanieil by 1 cents In stauiDi.
AddrebS or call on
1408 Faruuin Stroot. Unialia. N b.
, THCBlSro lTE10APMMEIHAMtliar )
MAIL > 3
i , i/
( HR4E 2IZE )
A Perfect E-"aco Powder.
Uililbl . Uo't robulf. bull lij l > rufUU ,
Khuler , tir nnmtl. Ill , I IOIJ , mil/
BI.I On 1-miiiiiiM > 0 wli.u , in , n
fJclirntrr'i , 1,51114 , lull IH , j.lia iii
feanNIr II II 33 } > writ4.Uih , ROAfWIill.
eor , .Mnrull.i-orn.l. iru.Iln.iirt i , .
ror WlllUln , llaS ItlhlHti L ) i.l.SIG , llilijkL' . ) , fOI , Tnn *
< li , ror. IViili n > ! Ik. I IIKIIIUID llrnc r > l r > , roi II 1 1 ' Tin I.-
rk'p.tor ruclflo , OnS. loiln 11,11 , HO , Mullh Ihi . i.l I'xll.
Ic ) On 8. Ullu I'unrftJ * , 3lli Kulm u Cu. . ror. IfcmjlM , * l a
tor , Hlli nj CumliiK , ( m h i.n lc r'l : Dr. tUilllt'i , 1,101 C , n-
rvy'l , cor. I k | Un l atfiiMfiilhi ll4 > U' , 1.711 IVyloufc OMen ,
tor , 2fllifiwllti.Ca ; , UhMil I llveiiMit ) | hrhtrf r' < , hhrriiuu
A > . nir.nlj < UrICt , asth MWiHilwurlli Art > , l > r < ltnli < ha.
IMI Ho > rJC | | j l , ri , ( t > uirierr'j lloy.l > . ( ViilUI | v * .
< n 1 Klh bl I W J. nlr J r' ( N.V" ' 1C , ' , H , U1U.U
, lntl > nUau Htvcl'u . n
pvad citu imnt\r.a ilinckl > jm * e
M . \eattWnn''l'Mti \ t11 > ttftinft\mt \
tn acd iborten acmr.iloi' to tlio ouixlit put on lljcra.
Adtptcxl Miucilr wdl to rouc.h country or ln
* tv driyoa Will dnrau boat nutlafuotlon.
a tieuntlful llnltlii moro attiartire
ood. DiualiH , o xjuoinieiil , s-ftul forclr ular
nnaswinnluof i\ood Ilnlihoilirn Forinlto to
Vork'ut U1 < 01'IIKIIS"line silji , N
In store tliis week for buyers of Men's Clolliing , Our stock of Fall Suits was never so extensive ns no\r ,
nnd its variety warrants the assertion that whoever buys u Fall Suit without at least looking nt ours 1'nili
to consult his interest. There is not establUhent in
own an the West that oilers the selection or nitinej
llio prices \ve \ do.
To stimulate an early fall trade wo will ninko this week the following extraordinary oilers :
300 Men's All Wool Cheviot and Cassinioro Suits , well niiulo uiitl trimmed with goo.l serge lining , nil
size ? from 31 to12 , at $3 00. The Cheviot is n nice stylish plaid , the Cns imoro n plain brown , coth very
sightly suits nnd of an excellent quality of goods , which is made to wenr. The wauio suit is sold by most
dealers at from ? S to $10. We place those splendid S ( its on sulo this week for 93.DO.
Our offer No , 2 for this \\cek will bo a line of suits sacks and frocks at ? 10. We have the nnniq for
always giving Iho beat 10 dollar suit in the market , but , those we aio oflering this season at this price will
lie pronounced by everybody the most astonishing value for the money. They will compare favorably
with suits for which other houses aio asking $18 or $20. Wo have put into this line several styles to su'it '
all classes of customers. One style is all fine a worsted Corkscrew in sacks and frocks , which makes alt ex
cellent dress suit , other styles are goo-1 Cassimoros in plain and mixed colors for business wear , honest
goods and honestly made , and which will give as good satisfaction as any 20 dollarsuit.
In the liner grades of suits wo show allthe latest novelties in material and out. Tlio now wide wale
nid clny goods made np in the latest style of 3 button cutaway with Prince Albert lupols-n beautiful
stylo--we offer all these goods at our usual low prices.
Our illustrated catalogue of fall styles ready for mailing. Send us name and address is you want one.
any ,
Corner Fourteenth and Doug-las Streets , Omaha.
to VourVnr < lr < Iic.
-1 eel days sngpost he ; y clothing
-\\e urn \\v\l \ prepared to pro * Ido for the
comfort of our cn-tom ii. Our stock
comprises Sim s I all and Winter Milt < < of
thelilulin tKr.i'lo of miiturlal and work
manship , tnecther vith nn nnllnilted st.p-
ply ofnrtu Ilislor\ ) * and I'ndi'rwoir.
Our mtlf-tlc bolcctlon of Ntckwoar la a de-
Unlit to the oycs.
\ \ > ha\o &oinetbtnK choice In Ifandkcr-
clilefs jometlilil ) ' ovcelKiit In ( Jlovci
and something re'Iablelii Umbrollns.
l hlldron's Clothing u specialty.
Dr , J , E. McGRE W
ThuVcll Jinowti Specialist ,
il In
the tieatm nc ot
nil foimsof I'utv-
( ilectnml Si mrr-
triir , iv i'in o yti.u-
Rlltl'i'd. Sl'llllM V
iDiinuoi : t , IMI-O-
? - , * K ) TKM V , 1/DSH Of
' ) * * * MAMIIMJII. niul
' " * nmoltlon. Sniiit < -
< iu ad. Head for
books , for " .Man"
orVomm" each
111 cents ( stamps )
ri.MAI.l1. DlSKAstS
. , _ C \TAit un and
- -
RS fC&teC S ? ® hKIN DrSH'ASES
cured ( pih'kly nniiputinanontly. Troatmontby
concnpondt'iiLu , si'ml bt.uuiKs for reply.
Ollleo S. 13. cor. llitli and Jackson Sts.
Omuha , Ncbrubka.
Sontl for 01) ) payo illustrated'.ilotruo.
. .3tittionar.Fnin'V . Hoods , Toys niiil No
tions. Lai'sc'rit anil vhoiipcst fatoi-lc in
tlic west.
( Hnciu' ois to John ( ! . .lanoUs I
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the Old S.anl , HOT ? arnam Strjji.
Onlcia by teli'h'raiili Hiillultuil and piomptly
AlUnded. Teleplioim to No. ' . ' : .
Nos. 303-404-170-604.
UI nU n V ' "id nil nrlimt y lumuM .i ilyiinli l -
MUIiuI liiuil Hufolj nreil b > UDi'll'ltA
I'aimtili'x. C.IHOS niniil In seven ilayn. |
Homutfl.'i'i ' P r h ix , till druir nti , or by null ,
fiom noctuui Al'tV ' Co , 11. ! Wblio t. , N V. '
I'll 11 dliuctloni
Motiilnu , 'i uri1nv nti'l ' H'ftlnmltiu. .S'if | , Jn anil
Dliert from ) t phenomenal run of nearly llvo
iiiontlm ln.Ne VorJc City , with Its ( jrc-at cast
. ' . J'OHl'IS liY :
and < .irl < Md ot irullr-ilc hct'iiurv.
< MAllWl.t'rhlVIlllcri'nt ) fiom all preilons
n odiicllonu 'llio countiy srnool xamlnatlon.
'llio\HUno chnrth rholr reheiiMal. Thu iw-
ciliulu und ( Imttlnu bo-lety. 'Iho cojutlnK Thebdlfry tower. Uet'uUri'rKvn ' , S ati
„ . , ClarkSt.
Tiio Regular Old-Established
la illll Treallrg with the GreMsst
Clironic , Ner7ons and Private Diseases ,
* B-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effects
leading to early decay and peihii > s Consumption or
Insanity , treated TOcnlifically by new intllioils wilh
never-filling success.
l > SYPHILIS and all bad Blood anil Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
"KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Oleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varicocele and nil dU sn
of the Genilo-Unnaiy Organs cured niomptly without
injuiy to Stomach , Kfdncjs or oilier Urgins.
CB - No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
S-Send 4 cents postage foi Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
43B * 1 nose contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
II cents , both 35 cents ( Mamm ) Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcalliuys.i\cfutmcsuTcr- ) (
ingnnd fihameand add golJen > eais to life. / 3Hoo1c
"Life's ( Seciet ) Errors"soccntsstamps ( ) . Medicine
and wilting ? sent everywhere , secure from expoaure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays gtan Addiess
F. D. CLARKE , 1Y1. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
The lurKCjt , l.nteal. ami lliii'jt In tlio norlJ
Passenger acco-nmodatlons utiexccllcil ,
Tha Celoilnitcil I'j'ho MncFt Su > jm * | nn ' ( C ! i
Cltv of iCmnc I ulili ) III Iho World. ' UGli I Dill
New York to Gagow ! via Lsnionisrry
Ethiopia . . . . Oct. Tith I riirneisla . . Oct 11th
Aiiuhoria , . . Oct. l"ili | DiHonlu , October "Uh
New Ycrk to Azores , Gibraltar ani Italy.
Victoria , Oct. loth , 3 p.m.
Pllluon , Pccoiid-t'Inm and Mrrrucc rnfmoii townl
term : * . J.ictin * ! ' u llrl.iM uilii iMl , tnuuua\ullilo ] lu 11
ttlinh ) ( Him tin ] I'lctlllewiuo Cl dp aihl Ith nf l\v \ *
land r Itucr JUrsey and bouth of Iicland , or .Nuiiles
und ( iliiiuliai.
iic'iir : l < iii to I'nrln or Continental Taiin on low.
ett tunis 7ia > ccre' ] Cluulnr l-fllns of Crrtllt mid
DrnriHfiirnii ) anmiinlAt loHtitcniitiiti'atea. Apply la
RUVofnui Ininlflcrnt * nt to *
U.S. llAI.r , .
C. II. Mitns. .
YTlienyounroliuylucpfoira ri'incinliortlinttlicrols
such a ililngnn a iirlcpiliat
is tooc'ira ' ; > . It Islictitrio
liny n fair | > rlco nnd act
Kooil Klalike llulcli-
Bliixon'H. Tl-cy are nniilo.
7 fiom srlfctcil skins In tlio I
' kestinnnncrnndnrunnr-i
rnntcil lo bu the inootk
Bcrvicittlilo made. Itjoui
want to know moro almut
cloves In Rencrnl nnil
lIlllClllllNOIl'H < JI Vt > H
In imiilciilar. oncloBO
tunii | for Hintook About
( jlnirH. It "III lutc-rctt
JU1IN O. ItUlClll.NhO.N , Juiinitow.l , If. V.
Importersaiul Wliolotito Dialer * in
Watches , Jewelry , Cullcry ,
Notions , Novelties , Albums ,
fancy Uooils , Walking Canes ,
Coal-CollarSpiings , ic.&c.
laitc aiiortmrnt tor
fCant Racki. Knlle Bbardi.Spl'idlrii. '
fluctloneen , Slrretmin anil PtUdlen.
Illi : Turlftr uf Sc , | 0o nnd ! dc ouinir
eoodi. Bcnil JorillUiinili-il lutilnKiio.
6t. Loulo , Mo.
ft & "Sd ! t
N. W.COR , I3TH& DODU bis , OMAHA , NEB.
Beit Facilities , ApimratuanmlRcmodUiforSnc'coUfui
Treatment of every form of D'leue rtquirtsa
Bosrd&Attendance. BeitAooommoditiomIn WtlL
Only Keliablo M tdloal Initltuto aaklnR a SpeeiaTty 'ot
All IllooJ UlirMei lurceiifollr trrttcd. ffrrbllltlt Polita
Jfmoftd ( romlheijrium wllhoutBcrcnrj. tfVw li'il.r.ll- .
l. IWlklt. rtrltnii bl | g liI |
mil uieet na v rlco l ( , ullh quetllra Hit , " Jkitnn'v !
13th and Daigo BtttUi , OMAHA , KEB.
eaiili is Wealfl
llic.E. U. WBST'B Ni.nvn AND HIIAIN ' _
MENT , u Kiinrtuitccd nnaclllt * for llyntcrlu , ll/4ll )
noss. ConvnNloni , MtH , NIT\OIH NcnraiKiOt
Hendiirhe , Nmvotis I'lostr.itlon cnusod by the
use of nlcohol tobacco , \Vnltoftilnew , Mental
Depression , Hoftfiilnp ; of the llraln , resulting la
Insanity luulletidlnj , ' tomtiury , decay and ilciUU.
I'ri'tniituroOliL ARC , llnrrunnesi ! , Ixm ot rower
In either "ex. Involuntary l/isies und Kpi'imno
nrhii'n caused by cr-cxei t Ion of t ho bi ftln , wnlft
alii-.e or n\rilnilnlpoiirn. > rnrli box rontnlns
OHH iniintirHtrratmunt. H.UluboY. or fix box < -s
forf'i.on.sunt by mull propnld on rocmpt of nrlcoj
To iMiinnny i iisi' . With I'aiJi order meelvml by
us foi-hlx biixus. ui'comp.inlud withW.W , un will
solid tlm linn li H''i' ' our \\rlttnn Kiiiiranlro to f J
fund thu money If the triMtim'nt iloiifi not offooti
atnro. ( ] iiiiiuutvi"j Issiit'd only bv ( ioodnmti
Orilff Co. , nniKBlft'i. Solo AKCilti , HID "
treef , Uniiiliu Nubiuska
Thr II jOStnndjul ll .
'IcinoiliH fur tlio oint > 7 |
irlvalo Allnitrit' * io ini
iirintrtil for iturlty , i ( it
HltlllHCtlOII lIllsmitClMI
Onlir lldiiiHly o I ro (
hul l > u.lor. . or vllll
JfuTVler Lou niivi > < i ur i > f jrluililtlilllly III mnrrlfd
mtn , < irtlion&e > iUrliiiuiitlial liamiy llfv , I'lkc.llOO ,
| | 3for " orrlio cr Klcct In tlllicr ci A ininbliicil
trratiniiiiC fur Interim ! and local utc Cuiei In I ( o 9
ilayii. honyilniruiirlnjKllan WlllnotcnuM flrlaiirj ,
ko , l Himllir H | > rclHc for inni ur woinrn l'mv nH
Kimoiiliout , < tc Wo riikhci inn liilKllaii TiWlliiKrt
la.l.30l.i > Kaslly ll.Kl 1'lllullW Will Klld n Wiilfd
IrUI nnijilc ur iriiudy Nn I or 2 un rortlpt l ( itl lit
% t iliilinriii puiitatcu Any oiutof IhcMirenmlu * prompt"
ly f > cnt { 'faint ) linmll ( ill ri-dlpl uf llm | irlC , 1 W ,
lilvr * li ! > * li > oL lr ( lltn rKt.i.iiiarlltdorilliulc.M-lltH'tr.
'U > thl. . | .IOc j.uri if. I IJKK c
* OKNKKATn K M KXKM S.H , f Illofj
. , . . . -LrHu < rriilNa. ( BllNUtt.tarrffaUo2
\Plj1tctl\r { \ Ililuuib > ll w , < h | rlf itiUr.
' . la HttlO , > J lur . . CUcllI *
. ycLTHoTtNTLrorwer&rfcllfA.UDOIacMOU
. . . lorylouiiltlt lf ( . aJ op. Wur l uupclw
Tnicratlr turid lulliriAiruolliit Ht li < l | m | hl llc. IABIO.
Epps's Cocoa.
II ) u Ihun/iik'li kiioitlr-ilKn of OKI nntiiral law *
ulilcliKorurii tliiioiirrullniisoi Ulifcilliiii ami ntUrl <
lliiii.iinil liy iiiiirufid iippluiit mi nl Ilin Him nro | > er <
Hi nl null M'U'i lul locinc , M r lp | . lm > imivlileil oui.
liri'iikfu t tiitilcnirllli u iliilKiitlcy lluvurnl | HIVOMIM
nlilcli niity > iivu nk niuny liciivy iliKtora l > lil , Itli
liy Ilin jtiilUloui n o til mud uitldt'v of illut tliulJ
tuntillliillun in x Inuruiliinlly Iml t uii until ilrnnd
< noiiuli lu rcrlil nviiry Icniliiuy In iinii ) c. Una
iln-iti uf mitilli ! iiiHliullut n M : IIUIIIIMK uniiinil
I liiiiltni k xliuru'i r llK'in lit u ruk pulntVo muj
I'Kuii'U ' nmny u fnlul tlitill l > > kccplHK DIIIH l i will
finlllli'il wlfli iniiu hlo'iil Mini n iirupvrly nuurltliud
IIMIIII. " l Ivll borrU u liiui Uu
.Miulc rliuiilt wall Ijollnu iMil ror milk. HuUI unly
Inlniir iriniiii lin hr ( irotcm liibi-liMl Iliiu
to exaio >
i n e t H p
. . Justly coli
r u > - - - -
fibrnted linen of llooH and Hhona , iMiinufactuw
' ! / ( M. IlimiUiion & . Co. , of ( : lil < tiKO-Fa
torlo ut I'm iico. lxon | , Ilia. , and Fond On l.iic ,
Will Bh.mld write HAM. N. WATSON , reafl ,
dm f , 1'IIIIMONT. NT.U , 'iVav llng v.Hu *
U k.d < iUurlcn ( or UubUiri ,