Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Inoronso In the Visible Supply
Oauaoa Wheat to Docllno.
A Wclcmna I.ooiotilni : Up Tnkos 1'Inoo
In the Oat Deal Ho Hasinas *
UrlskVllli HiHtmlny'H
i'rlcen Prevailing.
Cmcuno , Sen * 00. [ Special Tolcgrnm to
Tun IJr.B , ] December wheat sold down
from 82 to.S'Jo this morning because there
was Rcing to bo nn inurcaao of ever 1. 000,000
bushels In the visible supply. Minneapolis
helped the thing alone by numerous dis
patches relating to a big movement of wheat ,
present anil prospective. A lot ot llltlu fel
lows wont short on the theory Mint the mar
ket was going to pot. On the Init } { o decline
thuro was an absorption of property -on u
IIURO Bculo and the market advanced with
startling rigor. Long befoto the visible
supply fltrurcs were posted It became evident
from the details at hand that there was dis
appointment In store for Uio believers In
i \ a ble Increase. New York itu-roused about
one hundred thousand bushels , but Minne
apolis only murcuacd -43,001) I ) tunnels and Dn-
luth ulso showed a clecro.isoof OJ,000 bushels.
Chicago showed a small decrease ,
and it was plain to bo seen that the largo
quantity of wheat that was naturally ex
pected to appear In the visible hud uuon uiys-
tcrlontily swallowed up. Ttio footings made
the total increase only 0 , " > (5OOJ ( bushel * . When
the flunl returns were posted December was
Boiling around 8u , ImvliiR laboriously re
covered MO of the previous decline. The
market advanced sharply under the mnir of
the ' 'covering" by shorts and the rucolut of
stronger French cables , based on disappoint
ing harvester returns In western Europe.
The market kept right on golntr up until De-
camber irot to gU-tfc. It reacted to S.'JQ&J.Js'e ,
hut the tone was strong and property that
was kicking about at SS S'-J o was In uetivo
request around SU' b during the latter end of
the ecsslon. Amnng thn bears kcon
disappointment was felt because
the bulls had 'not stampeded on
the down turn from 8l < o to 8'c : , but some
of the sturdiest and shrewdest among them
accepted tills us evidence that the strong
holders wcro Keeping largo lines oft ttio mar
ket anil Increasing their holdings on tno
breaks. 1 ho b-urs fool ' .hat tliolr position
Is dangerous whllo stocks continue BO light
In the west , and the bulls feel tunt no seri
ous decline is likely to occur so long as ttio
existing state of affairs with regard to cash
wheat continues. When Blocks get for-
mldab'3 thuy may chungo their views. Dur
ing the last Hour thcro was u largo trade in
futures. The lust quotation for Decem
ber was 83 c. May wheat opened nt 85 c ,
sold from S5 > ' o down to $44@S4a early in
the day , and up to Slio In the aub.seiiuont ad-
vuncc , eloping at 85-J c. October runged at
fcO ) @SI > tfL % closing at 81c. The net 1m-
provument for the day was ? fc In December ,
, 3 c in May und % a in October.
In the aggregate a largo busl-
ne > fl ( n futures wus done , though
for an hour or more right In the middle of
the session operations were on a restricted
scale. There was lite enough In the lust
hour , however. One of the lute items of
news was contained In the announcement
that Linn and others had bought 125 cars of
No. 1 northern in Minneapolis for shipping to
Chicago. Late United Kingdom cables wcra
weak and lower , und brought Belling orders.
Tlio corn market wus weak und depressed ,
especially on near deliveries , the weakest on
the list being the onu whtoh expires to-day.
-J-'ho visible supply , showing only 271,1)1)0 ) )
-SrHJushcls Inercaso , in n measure steadied the
market , and it was aided likewise by the
llrmuess of wheat , but its rcciprocativo uow-
ers were weak , nnd an undertone of heaviness -
ness wus obsurviiblo throughout. There wus
not much doing except in the way of uhung-
ing October and November into December
and Mnyundtholattermonthwas remarkably
steady within u range of ] o. Closing prices
were : October aiJt lljJc , November 81 %
December ai $ ( < i31i o , und May
There wus u welcome loosening up of the
oat deal to-day. Price alterations were
small , but considerable business was done in
nil deliveries. Near months wore purticu-
larly llrm and commuin'ed ' a shade better
prices. In May Hess started in to buy at
22Xc and tooic on a good sizeu "jag" at 22 fc.
Ilntehinson kindly handed him his card und
told him to put down all tie wanted to sell at
22J/C. Councilman was a frco seller. 'Iho
closings are about the same us Saturday
lOpg'o for cash und October and 2'JJfc for Mnv.
In the provision pit Interest was divided
between trade and gossip concerning
the October pork deal. October
pork opened nt Saturday's price
$11.25 but before business fairly
started a report was circulated that houses
short to it were enjoining from lllling their
contracts with October-made property. It
was said that an application had bcon uin'do
to Judge Tulov for mi injunction and thai
the same would bo Issued during the day.
These reports created considerable stir , und
though there wus no confirmation while the
session lasted of the story that the clique hud
. applied for an injunction or had taken steps
[ / ] to do so , the market was alTected materially.
1 Some of the wenk-kncod nhorts were frightened -
oned into covering , und under their buying ,
fnipplemonled by light offerings , October
pork was worked up to $11. 45. It sold be-
tiveun the opening and adjournment ut $11.20
G/J11. 45 nnd closed at $11.43 , or you
htghor than last week's last price.
In the general trudo there * was no decided
activity. Largo receipts of hogs mudo the
opening heavy , but the weakness developed
was short-lived. Advices from the stock
yards were more satisfactory us regards the
demand and ruling prices than were ex-
peeled , and the product promptly changed
front. The market became , in fact , quite
itrong , and price fluctuations were kept
within a small range. Still thn cljsings
iihowed but little change from Saturday's
quotations. September short ribs were ud-
vanccd 10o , November nnd .lununry ribs 5o
and November pork 2 > o , October lard nnd
ribs nnd January ribs declined 2 , ' c. Other
deliveries traded In were unchanged.
Cmouio , Sept. ill ) . | Special Telegram to
THU nisi : . ] CATTLE There was llttlo or no
change cither In the character of the demander
or In prices us compared with the close on
Friday , liccclpla were divided at 10,000
natives , 5,000 Texaus und -0,000 rangers.
Prime export steers and prime dressed beef
Block sold quick and nt strong prices , while
I J jjr other grades of natives were slow and lott
' to the last. Texans were quoted rather
castor , whllo rangers uudorwont llttlo or no'
change. There was a fair demand for
butchers' , with best selling about like last
week. The stacker uuci feeder trade opened
slow , with only yard speculators buying.
Choice to extra beeves , H.40@4.70 ; medium
to good steer * , 1350 to 15'JO Ibn. | 3.bO ®
4.1)0 ) ; 1200 to KloO Ibs , KUWai.lO ; 050
to 1200 Ibs , 12.80 < < J3.70 ; stackers and
feeders , tl.lHKa'J.sri : cows , bulls and mixed ,
JI.OUWJ.8.V bulk , f i.T.XcjjJ.OO ; Texas steers.
a.aOGJ'J.85 ; cows , fLSOCOOj natives und
tiuif-brncds , fJ.-)0@U.OO : wintered Tuxaiib.
Ilodb llnsincss was brisk , with prices
about the aiimo us on Saturday , the turn , If
nnythlng , rather stronger at thu close. 1'uck-
ers paid * 1.00 ( 1. 15 and shippers tl.20JU.80.
with butcher uvuragus at * 4.Kf.vl..W. Light
eort.s sold nt $1.55(35.00 ( and slngo soldnt tl.SO
NKW VOIIK , Sept. UO , | Special Telegram
to TUB UEK. ] STOCKS The gtook market
this morning displayed a moderate degree of
activity , Suirar Trust and Atchison loading ,
while Louisville & Nashville , Jersey Central
und Union Puclllo were prominent in the
iloallngs and wnro Joined by the Ontario fc
Weitorn. The roi t of the market was com-
paratlvoly neglected and trading did not extend -
tend to ashrgu a number of stocks ns.ticual
of Into , first prices were ralbur Irregular ,
jut wort gcncrAlly fillglitly lower , following
London ilgurcs. The Octnand for Mocfcs in
cnrly donllnps , hoxvovcr , was sufllclcnt to
advance quotations In the Rcncrnt lilt smnll
fractions , gcnornllv from V to $4 nor cent ,
whllo Jersey Control rcno 2 poreont from Its
Saturday's prleo anil Suitar Trust rnso to 1)2 ) ,
nftalnst Ot'J dnturdny. Atclitson tticn ilovol-
cpoa mnrkcil wcaknpngiln nnd retired to
S3 , apalnst 85 on Siiturdny , The rest of the
murkct folloxrcit nnd enrly gums were nbotit
wiped ouH while TonnoBsoa Coal wns ea-
ceclally wcnk nnd lost &Jwr \ cent. The
OratiKcr group wus Iho least nlTcuteil by Iho
cnrly dunllni1 * , Burlington solUnt lUd > nnd
lost J to lISj' ( ( , whlh'Northwestern and Hock
Island scarcely stirred. St. Paul sold nl 3
and " : ! ? , whllo preferred stoek moved UD
from 111 % to 118. Chicago Gas sold nt fiO'f.
Gossip ever ycsterdpy indicated n wnltuiR
policy umoMi ; the loaders nnd nn Incllnntlon
to pick up ohonp stocks on nny dccllno
caused by u money sc.iro. The bcit opinions
of Iho street nro thut next month will wit
ness n peed movement In stocks some stty 5
points , and' more for specuilUcs. Mr.
Goula gives it out indirectly that
Texus 1'aclilc and Wabash , thus far
Inactive , will nut be lucrpurils when
the upward murcti begins ag.iln. U is on-
ceded on ml sides that the break In Sugar
Traits has boon bonotlulal to the list , nnd It
lum ilomonnrntaJ the stiyln tiuallties ot
stitnilard stocks. Thrco stooks xvhiuh at
tracted intention to the clnio worn Jersey
Central , Atchison and Su ar Trusts. Jersey
Cotitrul sold up to iyj'.f , t per oint ever the
close of SnUmlny , and closoil nt -J& . this
strength U on the probability that Uio 1 tier
cent , bonds uro to bi ) taltaa up In February
mid a new Ijsuo ot stooli to b3 mado. At-
chtson Hh.u-os went off at ono tiuio to I- ! , but
closot'ljottor ; itlj ; ( , or llg uJr OJiit oIt for
Uio diiy. 1'liu Impression trains LTOUIU ! thin
the company will no into n rocoivor's hands ,
and the old rumor about iissessinotits on
stock wus ropnatcd. Sugar Trmts uro
rnldod by Uio tnula uud uolioUl by Insiders ,
Und the stock wont to 'JO uftor 12 o'clock , but
rallied , to 91 at the clow. Gran go rs unit uonl
stocks closed liiirly steady , The total sates
were lJ'JJl ! ) shares.
Following uro the closing quotations :
II.S.4 rc iilar l-7 ! I'ftcllls. . 3tj
U.H. 4s coupon * . . .1.8 ( to prjforroil 74U
U.S.4'.4sren'Ulnr..i'iV1i ' I ! . .N.V 1Mi
II.H.4KiCOiiimiu..l < k"i' _ , iluiirufurrcd lit
I'acIliciwofJ ) in N.V.Oentrul lur'
Contrul 1'nclllo TiU'l' ' :
ChlcuyoX Alton. . . .iU'8 [ UcclclHlaiul
Clilcairo , UurlltiKton U.M. &dt.L' "i ; .
Jejulnar J03S4 do preferru 1 117
I > . .L.&VV H/ii St.l'iuil&Om'ilm. , 114
IllinoisOnntrM . . . .lift doprofarrod 1UU
I. , II. At W. . . . Uillon 1'aclllo .
KansnsJc l'uxii. : . , , I'i'i \V..St.
Ink yloro ! JlMli r. . . IW.V
Michigan Central. . IKIi ! Weatorn Uulim. . . .
Missouri Pacltlo. . . . 7fi'5 '
MONEV Tiglit , ranging from 0 to 30 per
cent , closing ut 15 per cent.
PllIMB MUKOAXTILU 1'AI'Bll W > 14 per
STKRMNO Exciu vac Quiet uud stoauy ;
sixty-day bills , H.t-314' demand , * 4.s8.
Nnvv Yottic , Soot. 3) ) . fouoiil Tolo ram
to TUB LJiJi : . ) did follo.viu arj tu ; min
ing stool : quotations :
Caledonia 11. 11 . . ' . Iron Silver 210
Oolonulu Contrnl.,10) Mutual U )
Cou. t'al. . Va DM Ontario : ) IOJ
Commonwealth. . . . "oil Plymouth Ul
Ileailwooil T Ml ) Snv.i-fii SOI
EureknCon 2ii iiorr.i Novntla - ' ) " >
Hale & Norcro&8.iO : ) Small Ilnpes . . . . 1'rt
Home tiiku : i 0
Horn Silver CIO
CHICAGO. Sopt. 3) . 1:15 : p. ra. clo'io
Wheat Stroiig and higher ; September ,
Sl-'ge ' ; December. 8.1J < o : May , S5Jfe.
corn Firm ; September , 3lc ; October ,
* 6d May , X c.
Oats Steady ; September aud October ,
lU9ffc ; May , ' -c
Kye October , llj o.
Harley October , uio.
Prime Titnothv $123.
Flax Seed-Cash , .20tf ; May , * 1.3(5. (
\ \ hUky fl.oa.
Pork Steady ; Scpteuioor and October ,
Jll.45 ; Junuury , J0.25.
Lard Steady : .September , $0.05 ; October ,
$0.00 ; January , $ . " ) .87v
Flour Firm , as recently quoted ; winter
Wheat , ? 3.00@4.40 ; spring wheat , ? 1.23jg
5.00 ; rye , $150.53.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $4.37 ! < f
@I.5U ; short clear , $5.50'i j.l52) ; short ribs ,
Uuttor Unchanged ; fairly active ; cream
ery , lil > i@23c ; dairy , 13@iOi ; .
Chec-so Unchaiiued ; xtuady ; full cream
Cheddars , O O'JXc ; Hats , U @lUo ; Young
Americas. HV ! 10l c.
Eggs UncliaufrcU ; steady ; fresh , 10 ( ) ! 7c.
Hides Unchangedstcuoylight ; ; uua heavy
green suited , 5e ; suited bull , 4) ugreun ; salted
calf , 5J.fc ; dry flint , ( i@7o ; ury salted , ( Jo ;
dry eulf , 5@io ) ; ueueons each , 20u.
Tallow Unchanged : qumt , trillo weaker ;
solid packed , 3 c ; cake , -1KU-
Uuuoipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour lo.OOO 21,000
Wheat WOJ'J 7JMO (
Coru 250,000 O'Jl.OOO
Oats 18d,0)0 ! ) lUi,000
Now Vork. Sept. 30. Wheat Uo-
colpts , 23'JOO ; spot closed Armor : No. 2 red ,
85J4jito ( ) in elevator ; 8'j < j@6i ( fo allout ;
ungraded red , 77 ( ! ) % ; options lirui , No.
2 red , Octobar , closing ul bU , ' c.
Corn Uecolpts , 441,800 bushels ; exports.
.14,200 bushels ; hpot lower ; No. 2 , 'M } { @
U'J o in elevator ; ungraded mixed , ! Mil ! < i >
41o : options loxver , October closing at 3JJ , c.
Oats Ucccipts , 150,000 bushels ; exports ,
200bushols ; spot stronger ; options llrmer :
October closing lit 20 > < fo ; mixed weutern ,
24@'J7J c ; white wcsterii , 27 ( < Z8.'ic.
Colleo Options closed barely steady , 10@
SO points up ; October , $15.75 ( < iU5.VO ; sput
Hio , fair cargoes , $10.G2 } ,
Sugar bteauy.
Petroleum United closed at
Eggs Western , fresh , 23V , @ :
Laid Western steam and October closed
at f.r.2 * )
liutter Firm.
Cheese Held higher.
Miiuiuupiili-i , Sapt. 33. Sample wheat
lower ; receipts , lit > l cars for two days ;
BhlpmcntK , 'J'J3 cars. Closing : No. 1 hint ,
September , 80o ; May , 87c ; on trade. bt81o ) ;
No. 1 northern , iiopiumbor , 77o ; Alay , lo ;
on track , 7ti@7S } is ; No. 2 northern and
September , 7ac ; Aiuy-80o ; on truck , 73.3 .
.tlllwniilcRi * , Sopt. 30. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 743fo ( ; No. 1 northern. b2o.
Corn-Dull : No. a , 3l ) a > JJo.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 wnlte , 22)Jc.
Uyo Quiet ; No. 1 , 43 > < c.
Uarloy Kuslor ; No. 2 In store , SSc.
Provisions Firm ; pork , cash , $11.40 ,
Ijtvornool , Sept. 30 , Wheat Quiet but
steady ; holders offer moderately ; California
No. 1 , 7s 3d@7r 4d per cental ; red western
spring , 7s } di2ta ( 1d ; rod western winter ,
Os ( Jd < i.0i Hid.
Corn Quiet and easier ; now mixcd.weat-
ern , 4s 3d per cental.
liaiibiii Oiiy , Sout. ! tO.- Wheat Steady ;
No,2 hard , cusli , ( He bid ; No. a hard , cash ,
SSobld ; No , 2 soil , cash , 70c.
Corn Steady ; No , 2 cash and October.
Oats No. 3 , cash , 17o ; September an3
October , 17o bid.
St. liinilH , Snpt. 30. Wheat Irregu
lar : cash declined nearly 2o , closing ut 7lf ) ui
options higher ; December , Sl.'b'Ksljfc ' ; May
corn Ijtviorf cash , 'J'Ja ; October ,
Oats Firm : cash and October , 18a :
3VI !
i'ork-Firm ; 11.75.
Lard-Firm ut * 5.8r.(7 ( ? > 5..iO.
Whisky Steady at
IJutter Steady ; creamery , i22'Jlcj dairy ,
Oliiulininii , Sept. UO. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red , Sic.
Corn-No. 2 mixed ,
v Oats-No. 2 mixed ,
LiiVK Broc.
< : itloaio , Sept. 80. Tlio Drovers' Journal
reports us follows ;
Cattle Kocolpts , 18,000 ; market irrcu
ular ; beovcs , 1.4Ugl.70 ; steers , 12.60 ( 4.80 *
Rtockcrs nnd feeders , Jl.tXW.SS ; cows , bulls
unit mixed , | l.OO ( 'J.85 ; ' 1'oxas cattlo. fl.50
C12.S5 ; western niiiBers.fi4n.23.70 ; wintered
Toxtiuv , t&50@3 00 ,
Huctiiptu. 23,003 ; market steady ,
higher ; mixed , JJ.W l.CO ; heavy ,
\ .
3$5 < 3-MO ; lllfht , H.154.S5 ; skips ,
Sheep Hocclpts , ll.OOOs mftrkot stcaflr to
weak ! natives. W.504.70 ; western. H.OO
Qt.SOi ToJtiino , M.40(5 ( < } .15lnnib9 ; , HOOQ5.80.
ICannnt CHy.Sout. SO. Cattle Itccolpts ,
0,10 ( ) ; nhlpmctitt , 8GOO ; common to choice
corn-fed steers , fJ.OX'Jl - " > ? Rtockers and
feeders , Sl.GO ai.V cows , $1.3 (3.3(1. (
HOBS lict'cipts. 2.300 ; nnitum-nts , 1,800 ;
market higher ; light , 84.0 , 120 ; heavy
and mixed , ) .7 < > < $3.D5.
Naildiiul . " > o < Ynidi , ICnsr. St.
I/mi s , Sept. ! W. Cattle Kecelpts , 3,300 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market steady ; fair to
choice heavy. J.GO. < ? 1. 10 ; stackers and feed
ers. niB@3.iO. -
Hoc Uocolpti , 3,300 ; shipments , 000s
market steady ; hcnvv , RJ.83M4.20 ; packing ,
$3.75@ .lfi ; light , $ I.iri@M3.
Monx t My , Sopt. 30. Cattle Itccolpts ,
400 ; Milpmcntt. hoot market wonk ; stockcrs
nna feeders , * l. : C5i.75 ! ; veal calves , $3.00 ®
a in.
Hogs Receipts. 803 ! market lower ;
light and mixed , $1.S03.8SJ : ; hcuvy , $1.85
OMAHA ijivii srucic.
Monday , Sopt. 80.
It scorned qulto refreshing to sea the yaras
well lllled with good cattle after the scarcity
of boovcs nt the clojo of last waok. The do-
niund was peed anil the movement free , the
buyers all having liberal orders. The re
ceipts were rnado tip largely of westerns ,
which wcro not very good in quality on nn
av nigo. Thuro were some Toxnns nnd
qulto a sprinkling of natives , some of the
luttor very good quality , Tno tmtlvoi sold
at fct.tWC'Ot-.i'i , nnd westerns at $3.33@2.70 ,
with u fosv t'exaiis nt 5i.'J : ) @ J.85. lliucnoM1
fitocl : wus in fairly liberal supuly nnd values
were not essentially changed , but the Icoliug
among the buyers is evidently weaker , nnd
with a heavy run it would ho no surprise to
see tirlces lower. Some very good corn-fed
cows nnd holfcrs sold at $2,55 and SJ.STjtf ,
sbnwlng what good stunt will brine. I'lio
general run of the cows sold nt ? l.40@4. 10.
The supply of feeders was largo , and for ttie
llrstday of tha wocK there wus considerable
trading and the total sales quite largo. The
market did not proaont nny now faatnro ,
but the present week opans with prices
about where 1 istveol : closed. Natwo taeil-
erd brought ? j)5'ij : ) ! ) , and a goad niaiy
westerns went atS'iDoJBJ " > 0.
The hog market , though not as strong as
at the ope nl ni , ' on Saturday , was not much
dllToront from Saturday's closing market.
The heavy nogs sold princlpillv at $3.SO@
3.8. > , and as high as $ J \vas-piid for some
thing extr.x. Hasten WAS a hoiivy buyer ,
and in fact bought ttio greater part of the
heavy hogs. Common mixed heavy hogs
which ware not good enough for the ship
pers did not sell so roidily. Light sorts sold
largely at St. 05 , the same as on Saturday ,
but the buyers wcra reporting their droves
as costing a shade easier on an average.
Cattle . 2,100
Hog * . : io o
Sheep . : i,747
Horses . . . 20
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is j. tula of poicos paid In
this market for the grades of stock man'
tloned :
Prime steers. 13JJ to 10 H ) Ibs. .S3 W ( SIO
Good steers , 12.VJ to H-IJ Ibs. . lt.75 dtA.W
Good steers , 105) to 11500 Ibs. . . 3Jj ( fi.yo ) : )
Western stdars ' . ' .O'J @ 300
Common c.mnars 1.00 Ml 50
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 fT l.SO
Fair to good cows 1.80 oW.-iO
Good to olioico cow3 2.0. ) ( ( ( IJ.-IO
Fair to good bulls 1.30 ( < t\.00
Liirnt stocKers mid feeders. . . . 2.25 ( < i > J.K ( )
Good feeders. 5tl to 110J Ibs. . . 2.-IO (
Fair to choice light Hogs 3.I5 ! ( a ) 1.05
Fair to choice heavy OKS 3.S : ) vi)385 )
Pair to choice mixed boss 3. ! 0 WH.U5
Common to rough hos 3.55 © : ) .75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8 1178 § 3 t5 71 1410 * 3 77 >
1 1040 350 1 1130 3771 ,
40 1203 300 30 1370 405
41 1211 3 C.O 79 1431 425
110 13J2 3 75
1 1000 140 23 1110 200
2 1035 150 13 1203 210
3 12.20 103 S 974 225
2 1105 175 19 10'J'J 2 87 > .
2 1110 1 75
20 003 233 23 970 245
22 ! ) 'J7 233 S3 975 255
33 782 240 15 1083 280
01 .10157 2 45
15 873 120 1 1150 150
07 715 1 30
1 1C SO 250 1 1310 103
43 101 225 1 330 200
20 803 2 40
nr.ii'ius. :
7 ,1037 255
Owner. No. Av. Pr.
9 cows ! )13 ) 1 05
4 cows : 1123 105
2bulls 1315 1 OJ
1 bull 8(0 1 03
5 steers , strays 1114 230
2 Kfcrs , strays 14'J5 2 IK )
88 feeders 1137 2 50
lOcowa 1MI3 210
23 steers 1239 275
Isteer 1550 275
11 lows 1003 1 80
0 cows 1033 200
1 bull 1350 100
2 bulls Ii50 1 50
1 bull 1330 1 SO
3 steers 1333 2 2J
a steers , \Vyo-Tox.1340 2 20
Touipklns & Voorhos
Mstojrs 1205 2 83
21 steers l.5d 240
14 feeders 1I51 230
2 bulls 1340 1 U5
7 cows 900 1 90
Peters & Alston
188feeders 1192 245
85 steers 1281 273
23 steers 1339 2 ISO
72 cores 1017 205
lOfeoders 1'JSJ 220
II ) bulls 1347 1 50
Riverside Kuneli und Stock Co
97 steers , Col-Tex. . . .1010 2 SO
1 co w , Col-Tox 1100 1 50
MoPliue & Mullen
71 cows 1040 205
34 feeders 1118 2 35
5stecrs 1101 245
5stoers l-j.'iO 2 85
2steer8.Tex 1275 2 15
1 steer 1350 2 b5
Carr & Morrison
121 feeders 1001 250
Sparks & T
03 feeders 1330 2 50
SO feeders 1103 245
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av , Sh. Pr.
20..107 I3 75 49..271 40 M 83
7.140 _ a 00 55..21)0 ) 120 385
15..273 1'JO 360 (15..301 ( 100 3 S3
20..2VJ 100 370 57..32.5 120 il S5 !
J1..278 72 03. . .210 40 385
5..334 40 375 fij..310 80 385
55.315 200 3 80 00..253 80 3 65
5'J.H)7 ! ) 200 3 bO 69..237 100 3 ST >
21..825 120 380 G2..303 20J 3 63
31..303 80 3 80 02..287 230 385
03..303 200 3 80 G3..2a9 240 883
45..304 11VJ 380 59..807 120 U 83
CU..253 200 380 04. . . . WJ 320 365
57.3ai 100 380 0..390 385
73.208 240 880 HW..29 * 200 8 b7&
13..849 380 11..251 3 Oil
64..311 80 380 09..237 40 390
63.340 80 3 821 (55..2U ( 3 00
63..8J4 80 3 8'3 } | OS..241 40 H OJ
85..278 40 3 8-3K 03..250 100 390
76..270 200 3 2X 04.,231 210 305
07..23J 200 3 Wi 70..213 120 400
S9..378 V.'O 3 b5 54..205 20(1 ( 400
01..303 820 385 110..200 200 4 03K
07. . . 279 80 385 40..20J 405
ft9..29n 40 B 85 44 . . 103 60 4 05
60..308 240 8 & 5 10..22.1 4 05
1M..207 WU 385 181.209 80 4 05
01..liM 40 885
On To-iJay'H Market.
A. Hanoy was In with oattlo from Whit-
mau ,
Frank Alldritt , of EYlond , had hogi on the
.f. W. Stookcr onrao In from Logan , la , ,
with hogs , '
Inspector Clark Ilovtrmi condemned ono
ump-Jaw steer. '
F. O. nnd G. P. Dod c1 , of Wood Ulver.
brought In six cnrs of IIDRA nnd nlno cars ot
James Danloy , of Ashtdiul , WAI on. the
market with hags.
Woodcato & Co.of , Utk-a , were represented
by F. Woodgata wi'.h hoifs.
Scot Harold was called to Wallace , ICnn. ,
by word informing him ot the death of n
M. M. Hill c.amo in with nlno cars of sheep
for K. S. 13lnck , of Hnrdln.Colo.
J. L. McUoy ever froa Council
UltifTs with hogs.
Voorheos. & Thompson , of Vnn Tassel ,
Wyo. , had flvo oars of caltlo on market ,
Clifton Hoyt , of Urokoti Uow , ha.l two
cars of hogs on the market.
J. L. Hurt , of Jowoll & Hurt , was In from
Colorado with six car loads of sheep.
A. Perry , of Porr.y St Johnson , of Wfthoo ,
was on the market wl * n two cars ot cattlo. J
The Nyo-WlUon-Moorehouso company had
hogs In from Stanton.
Sackott & Hawks , ot Cedar Haplds , were
on the market with hogs.
Ten cars of cattle were brounht in from
Crook , Colo. , by McPhoo & Million.
Laramlo , Wyo. , was represented by J. W.
Johnson , who had three car loads of sheep.
O 31A U .V W 11 OlilWAIili M AIIK K TS.
Produce , Friil ( . < ) , Etc.
EOGS Strictly fresh , 17c.
HtiTTiiii Creamery , fancy , 17VT.18o ( ; choice ,
J5@loDairy , fancy , 15f > $ lie ) ; choice. 13 ®
14u. Country , fancy , 12.(514o ( ; irood to choice ,
10@llu ; fair , ! i@10e ; Inforior. 7f io.
LIVB PKIEOSS Pordoz , $ l.l > 0.
GAMI ; Prnirlo chickens , f2.00@3.00 : mill-
lard ducks. J3.fiOM3.00 : mixed oucks. 81.50 ®
3.00 ; teal , f l.3S ( > ; jack snipe , $1.25 ( 1.50" ;
plover , $1.00 1,25 ; venison saddles , 13 ( < $ l4u ;
carcasses , 8@lOc.
HBAXS Choice hand-nicked navy , 81.75@
f'J.O ) ; choice hand-picked medium , fl.G5cg (
1 > 0 ; choice liund-plckcd country. $ l.t0@1.03 ! ;
clean country , $1.GO@1.00 ; Inferior country ,
HuTis , I'CI.TST.U.I.OW.KTO. Green salted
hides , 4'4 * ( ( l > c ; dry eiiltod hides , 5o ; dry
No 1 , 4f04M ( ° ; No. 2 , BJfliKWc. Grease ,
white , 4 ; tJi4J u ; yellow , 3 > | ( ii3c.
Wool , Kinu , nverago , in@lIa ( : medium ,
average , 21@22 ; cjunrter-blood , average , 20@
21c ; coarse uverago , 15ul7o ( ! ; cotts uud rough ,
uverace , 140J10C.
CitiEs ! i : Younsr Americas , full cream ,
lie ; factory twins , 10o ; off grades , 7(330 ( ;
Van Uossen Iviom , $11 , HO per doz ; sap sago ,
10c > ; brick , 9@10c ; llmburpcr , 8@Uo ; domes-
tie Swiss. 18@14a
LIIMONS Fancy , It.000S.50 ) ; choice , J5.50@
Ari'Lns Per bbl , Jl.OOjan.OO.
C.MilfO NA GllAI'KS * 1.60@1.75.
PRAIIS 40 Ib boxes , Sl.75ffl2.2B.
UANANAS According to slz2 , per bunch ,
Coco VNUTS Per 100 , fi.OO.
CiiBK-BbKo.50 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAPI.I : SUOAII 12 > .j@15c per Ib.
Viui. Choice , mojiuin sl/e , C@ri < e ;
choice heavy , 5c.
HONRV Kic per Ib for choice.
I'liBsmtVES 9K@10o per Ib.
Jr.i.r.tES 3 } riC4c per } b.
BKKSWAX No. I , lOCa'lOc.
Pins FIKT I'ickled. kits , 75e ; pickled
pigs' tongues , kits , $3.35 ; pickled tripe , kits ,
( iiu : pickled H. C. tripe , kits , S3c ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , *
HKKITONOITKS Salt , bbls , $ 0.
CHOP Fr.r.D-S10.00@l3.00.
13it\x $10.00.
SAUSAOH Mologno , 4@4 > c : Frankfort , 7c ;
tonpiie. So ; summer , 20o : head cheese , ( ic.
POTATOKS 2f23c ( ) per bil.
POUI.THV Old noas and chickens , $3.00@
3.50 ; spring chickens , $ } .50@3.0J ; duck and
geesu , per Ib , lOe ; turkeys , 9@lOc ; young
ducks , per doz , 83.00 ; geese , SU.UJ@7.00.
LAUD Tierces Kehuea , 5 o ; ulioico 6o ;
pure leaf , O fc ; kettle rendered , } c. Add
c to Jgc for smaller quantities.
PitovisioNs Hams , No. 1 , 10-lb averuge ,
ll o ; 20 to 23 Iba , llo ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12o ;
No. ' } , 9Ljc ; shoulders , (5' ( ' c ; breakfast ba
con , No. l , lOJ c ; ham sausage , 9 ! e ; dried
beef hams , 9 ! c : beef tongues , JO.OO per
dozen ; dry salt moats , 5 } @ 7c per Ib ; bone
less ham. S c ; ham roulette , 0c.
PICKLES . \Iediutn. per bbl. $3.00 ; small ,
$3.00 ; gherkins , ? J 30 ; C. & U. chow chow ,
ijts $5.0i ) ; pts , (3.1(1 (
CAXIJY ! ) X ( < el3c perlb.
CIIOCOHTK AND Cocot. 21i37c ( per Ib ;
German chicory , rod , 7J jC.
GiNflEK Jamaica , if pints , $3.00 per doz.
COFFKK Green-r- Fancy , olil golden Hio ,
3Io ) : fancy old peaberry , 34c ; Klo , choice to
fancy , 23c ; Hio , nrlmo , 21o ; Rio , good , 20e ;
Mocha , 2'Jc ' ; Java , fancy Mntidchliug , 27c ;
Java , good interior , 24a.
COFFKE Roasted Arbuekle's Arlosa ,
24. ' o : McLaugnlin's XXXX , 24 e ; German ,
23sc ; ; Dil worth , 24c ; Aluroina. 24 ' c.
Lvn * 1.75@4.50.
Nurs Almonds , 15@17 ; Brazils , 8c ; 111-
bcrts , llo ; pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , 80 ; roasted , lOo.
WnuTi.vo PAi'in : Straw , per Ib , 1 @
2Kc ; raif , 2J < o ; manilla , B , 5@0j. cj No. 1 ,
S F.T Dairy , 2SO Ibs in bbl , bulk , ? 2.10 ;
best grade. ( U ) , 5s , l.i.40 ; best grade. 100 , 8s ,
$3.50 ; best grade , 3S , IDs , $2.fO ; ; rock salt ,
crusncd , $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashlon , 50-lb bugs ,
S5c ; bulk , 2J4-16 bags , $3.40 ; common , in
bblB. $1.33.
FAiiiN'AoiiousGojDS Barley , 8@3.fc ! ; fur
iaa , 4 } o ; peas. 84o ] ; oat meal , 2 $ 5a : muc-
nronia , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; rice ,
saco and tapioca , ( J@7c.
FISH Salt Dried codfish , 5 } (2S ( )
herring. 2le per box ; hoi. herrinir , dom. . r > 0o ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.40 ; hoi. herring ,
imp. . 83u ; mackerel , large family , $11.5(1 ( per
100 Ibs ; whitetlsh , No. 1. * 0.50 ; family , W.75 ;
trout , $3.23 ; salmon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 80o.
SUOAUS Cut lout , D,3o ; cut loaf , cubes ,
9 o ; standard , powdered , 9' ' c ; XXXZv ,
powdered , UJio ; granulated , standard , 8 % ( < $
SJi'o ; csnfcctioners' A , 8)/o ) ; white , extra C ,
8 0 : climax , 84'c ' ; cxtru C , Nobruska , 8 0 ;
din be r , 7 , ' o ; Culifornia golden C , 7j < c.
DitiKl ) FituiTS Currants , @ > o ; prunes ,
casks. 1JOO ! Ibs , 4)4(54K ) ° ; prunes , bbls or
bags , 4j4 c ; citron ueuls , drums , 30 Ibs ,
32u ; lo.non peel , drums , 20 Ibs , Klo ; turd
dates , boxes. 13 Ibs , 9 ; apricots , choice evap
orated , Die ; apricots , jelly , cured , 35 Ib boxes ,
14e ; apricots , funcy , Mount Hamilton , 35 Ib
boxes , 15u ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 < bs ,
13 > o ; apples , evaporated , Alden , 50 Ib boxes ,
0o ; apples , Star , l ! ( ? , .iJ4e ; apples , fancy Alden -
don , 5 Ib , 80 ; apples , fancy Alden , 3 Ib , 8Jfo ;
blackberries , evaporated. 50 Ib boxes , .ri@
fi c ; cncrrics , pitted , dry cured , I5e ; pours ,
Culifornia fanuy , , ' s boxes , 25 Ib , 12u ;
lieuclics , Cal fancy , l/ unpacked boxes , 3" >
Ibs , ISu ; poaches , Cal No ' 1 , fanoy , J i uuo
lings , 80 Ibs , I4e ; peaches' , fancy , ovnp imp ,
50 Ib boxes , ll@15c ; peaches , SaltLako , now ,
7 ( < J8c ; nectarines , red , 12c ; neciurliies , sil
ver , bags , 13o ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 Ib boxes ,
llo ; nupberrios. uvnj ) N Ynow , 21o ; prunes ,
Cal. H C , 00-100 boxes , 25 Ibs. 80 ; prunes , Cal ,
11 C , 00-70 , 9o ; orange pool , 15o ; raisins , Cal
ifornia Londons , crop 18Si , | 2.49@i.i ! ! ) ; rai
sins , Cal loose , muscatels , crop I8S8 , 11.90Q
2.00 ; VuleiiciuB , 1&S8 , 7'ife.
CANNED Finn Brook trout , 8 Ib , $3.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 Ib , | A 3j clams , I Ib. $1.25 ;
clams , 2 Ib , $3.00 : clam chowdur , 3 Ib , * 1,25 :
deviled crabs , 1 Ib , f3.23 ; deviled crabs , 2
Ib.WSOj codtishbulU , 3iij , $1.75 ; cavier , X
Ib , $3.35 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1,90 ;
lobsters , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; lobsters , deviled. > Ib ,
$3.25 ; mackerel , I Ib , $1.75 ; mackerel , mus
tard Bunco , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce. 3 Ib , $3.25 ; oysters , 1 ID , 95a ; oysters ,
3 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. K.,1 Ib , $3.03 ; salmon ,
C. K. , 31b. S2.8u : salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 3 Ib , $3.05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
$ i.U5.
CANXKO MEATS Corned beef , Hroughman
2 lu , per do/ , $ J. 10 ; corned beef , Armour's 3
Ib , per doz , $ MO ; corned beof. Llbb.v's 3 Ib ,
$3.10 ; 3 Ib lunch tongue , $5.00 ; lib lunch
tongue. * 3.75 ; 2 Ib ham 13.85 ; 2 Ib brawn
or headcheese , $1.95 ; 8 Ib pigs feet , $2.40 ; 3
Ib roast chicken , $3,80 ; 2 Ib roust turkey ,
$3.CO ; potted ham , } ( Ib , J1.35 ; 1 Ib chipped
beef , 12.15.
-Iforoseuo-P. . W. , 0 o ; W. W. 12o ;
headlight , 13o ; salad oil , 1 f.MSQO.OO per
dozen ,
SU.SODI lltf@3 oper Ib.
KTAIIOH 5@7o per Ib.
Hiovu POLIHH $ J.OO@5.87 per gross.
SI-ICBS Whole , per Ib Allspice , lie ; Cas
sia , China , OJ/e ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20i > ; nut
megs , No. J , 75u ; peppur , 17o.
Pms rs Pink and Kobe * Klchmoud , Co ;
Allen. ' Oo ; Itiverpolut , 6 0 ; Steel Ulver ,
0's Pacitlc , O c.
COHORT Jn\NS Boston , 7f < 5 ! AndroscoR-
pin , 7fo ; Ccarsngo , "Jj'c ; Hockport , O o ;
ConnetORn , CiMc.
Ciusn tevens' D , 5tfo } ; Slovens' ' A , 7o ;
bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 7fo ; blcnciicd ,
SJfo ; Slovens' N , 8H'o ; bleached , li'io ' ;
Stevens' SKT , HHc.
UBNIMS Ainoskoag , 9 or , 10H'C ( Everett , 7
07 , I3e ; York , 7 oz , I8o ; Haymaker , 8 Wo ;
.IntTroy , XX , HKo ; Jnlfroy , XXX , 13'lo ' ;
Uonvor Creek , AA , 12c ; lleaver Creek , 1IU ,
llo ! Ueavor Crook , CO , 10a
GiNnitAM Plunkott , checks , O. 'c : Whit-
teuton. C9to ; York , 7 > < o : Normiindl dress ,
oj Calcutta drosti , 7Wc ; Whlttoiiton dress ,
7'jo ; Henfrew dross , *
bitBETisn , IBi.KACni'.t ) Klterton ,
HoiiROkeepcr , 8X0 ; New Candidate.
Horkoloy cntybrle , No. CO , Ho ; You Bet , 4-4 ,
0 c ; butter % loth , OO. 4 } o ; Cabot , 7 o ;
Farwoll , half blenchod. 8K"i Fruit of Loom ,
8 0 ; Grocn a , Oo ; Hope , 7Ko ; King Phillip
cambric , lOc ; Lonsdnle cambric , lOo ; Lons-
dnlo , 8) ) < o ; New York mills , lOo ; Poppnroll ,
42 In , lOc ; Pcpporcll , 40 In , lie ; Pcpperoll ,
l4 l , 14 } < o ; Popbcroll , 8-4 , 20o ; Popperoll. 0-4 ,
22o ; Poppercll , 104 , 34o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8l e ;
Canton , 4-i.9 jfc ; Triumph , Ou ; Wnmtuita
lie ; Vullov , be ,
TICKS Oakland , A , 7)fo ) ; International ,
YY , 80 ; Shotuckot , S , SJoVnrreu , No. 870 ,
ISo ; Berwick , BA , iso ; Acme , 18o ; York ,
30 in , 13) o ; York , iUIn , 13 } c ; Swift Ulver ,
8u ; rhoriidlko , OO , 8Jfc ; Thorndlkc , E
8McThorndlke ; , 120. 9o ; Thorndlko. XX ,
15o ; Cordls , No. C , O c ; Cordls , No. 4 , .
DUCK West Point , 28 In , 8 oz , 9 c ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 12j c ; West Point. 29 In ,
13oz , IfiKo ; WestPoiiit , 40 In , 11 oz. 1C 3.
FIANNII.S : Pluld Kuftsinon , 3lo ) : Clear
Lake. DO e ; Iron Mountain , 2l ( ! < u.
PniNTH Solid Colors Atlantic * , do ; Slater ,
tie : Berlin oil , 0) ) o ; Gnrnor oil , (5@7o. (
SniuTixn CiiucKS-Calcdonln X. 0 > o ;
Caledonia XX , lO e ; Economy. Oo : Otis , sun
Granite , ( We ; Crawford checks , 8c ; Haw
Klvor plaids , 5 o.
SIIUIITISO , BUOWN Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J/c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; Atlantic U , 4-4 , OJ c ;
Atlantic P , 4-4 , tic : Aurora LL , 4-t. Oo ; Au
rora C. 44 , 4 c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ty/o ;
Iloosior LL , 1-4 , 5 o ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7u ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 59/c ; Old Domluloii , 4-4 ,
5Ko ; Poppon-11 H , 4-4 , OJtfo ; Popporcll E , 40-
Inch , 7.yv ; Popporcll , 8-1 , 17 o ; Pepporoll ,
9-4 , 20e ; Popporcll , 10-4 , ! l'c ; Utica U , 4-4 ,
4Jfo ; Wnchusetts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 7c ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , O c.
FLANNELS Wnlto-G. H. No. 2 , J { . 22 c ;
G. II. No. 1 , * i , SOJtfo ; G. H. No. 2. ? / , 23K i
G. II. No. 1 , Jf , 30oQuecheo ; No. 8 , JC , 33 > c ;
Queuheo No. M , ? / . 87 > fe ; Annwan , 32) e ;
Windsor , 2Kc.
FLASNBI.B llocl-C. 24 Inch , 15Xe ; E. 24
inch , 2IJo ; G G , 24 inch , 20c ; H A F , Bf ,
25c ; , T U fc27c ; O , Jtf. 25c.
LJATTS Standard , Sc ; Gem. 80 ; Bo auty
12J c ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , i.30.
UIANKBTS White , $1.CO@7.50 ; colored ,
CAMHUICS Sinter , uc ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard. 5c ; Peacock , fie.
CAiii'ETWAnr Bibb , white , 18 } c ; colored ,
21e. , .
COTTON FLANXCi.8 10 per cent trade ills. ;
EE , 84'e ; GG , OJfo ; XX. 10 } c ; OO , llj c ;
unbleached , LL , S c ; CC , Ojfc ! ; SS "J i
NN , 12J4e ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15Jc ; TT , 10' c ;
YY , 18o ; BB , I'.lc ; 20 , bleactied , 8 c ; CO ,
3' < J ; 80 , lKo ! ; 50. brown ana slate , Vic ; 70 ,
} tfc ; 90 , 10e.
KENTUCKY JEANS Hercules , 17o ; Leam
ington , "K ; Glenwood , 20c ; Melville , 23o ;
BangupTj c ; Memorial , lue ; Standpoint ,
18 < j ; Durham , 371fo.
MI CRLLAXEOUS Tublo oil cloth , $2.50 ;
table nil cloth , marble , $3.51) ) ; plain Holland ,
9fc , dado Holland , 12V < o.
PuiNTS Drtss Charter Oalt , 5c ; liniim-
po , 4e ; Loill. 5' c ; Allen , Cc ; Rlelunond , Co ;
Windsor , 0 > < c ; Eddystono , 0 , 0 ; Pacific ,
I.iiinbcr nnd Uuildlni ; Matcrln ! .
STOCK BoAiins A , 13 Inch , s 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , $4000 ; 13 12 inch , s Is 12. 14 nnd 10
feet , $41.00 ; C 12 mchs 1 s 12 , 18 and 13 feet ,
{ 30.10 ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 13 , M and 10 feet ,
$23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 m , s 1 s , 12 feet , $18.00 :
No. 2 com 12 in 9 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $17.5U@
18.50 ; No. 1 com 13 in u 1 s 10 , IS , and 20 feet ,
$19.50 ; .No. 2 com 12 in s 1 s 14 and 10 feet ,
$17.00. Clear poplar box bds , %
In , H 2 s , $ ; io.OO ; clear poplar , % panel ,
$ .10.00 ; clear poplar , a in panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar , X panel stock wide , B 3 s , $28.00 ;
clear poular corrugated coiling , } $ , $39.00.
POSTS Whlto cedar , 0 Inch halves , 12c ;
white cedar , 5 inch halves and 8 inch ( i'rs ,
lie ; white cedar , 4 Inch round , ICc ; Tennes
see red cedar , sullt , lOu ; split oak ( whlto )
Sc ; sawed oak , 17c.
SHIP LAI' No 1 plain , 8 and 18 inch , $17.50 ;
No. 3 plain , 8 und 10 inch , 15.50 ; No. 1 , O.
G. , $18.00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 It 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft
2x4 . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 lli 00 1800 1900
2x0. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 111 00 1000 1800 1000
2x8 . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1900
2x10. . . 150J 1500 1500 1(100 ( 1000 1800 19 00
2x12. .1500 1500 15 OJ 1(100 ( 1000 1800 1900
4xl8x.81(500 ( 1(100 ( 1000 1701) ) 1700 18 0 1900
FKNCI.NII No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 nnd 14 ft ,
rougn , * ll.00@10.nO ! ; No. 1. 4 and ( linch , 10 ft ,
II7.00@17.50 ; No. 2. 4 and ( i inch , 12 and 10 ft ,
$18.5C@14.00 : No. 2 , 4 uud 0 inch , 111 ft , 515.00
@ 10.00.
FiNisniNO 1st and 2d clear. H/ inch , s 2 H ,
$49.00051.00 ; 1st and 21 clear , IK and 2
inch , s'2s. ? 47.00 ( < | 50.00 ; 3d clear , I/ ) inch , s
3 s , $48.00 ( ? 4i.OO ( ; B select , Hf , 1 % and 3 inch ,
s 3 s. $37.00(3)33.01) ( ) ) ; Island 2u clear , 1 inch , s
2 s , $15.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 3 s , $30.00 ; A
select. 1 Inch , s 2 s. $33.00 ; 13 select , 1 inch ,
s 3 s , $30.00.
SiilNaus : , Lmt Per M XX clear , $3.15 ;
extra * A * . $2.60 ; standard A , $3.CO ; 5-inch
olear , $1.00@1.70 ; 0-lnch clear , $1.75@1.8 ( ) :
No. 1 , $1.1U@1.15 ; clear reel cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $ : i,10 ;
California rod wood , dimension widths , $4.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dimension widths , f3.25 ;
lath , $ i.50.
BOAitiis No. 1 coin s I s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft.
$19.00 ; No. 3 com sis If . It and 1(1 ( ft , $10.50 ;
No. 3 com s 1 s 13 , 14 und 10 ft , $14 50 ; No. 4
com s 1 s 15 , 14 ana 10 ft ( ship's cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50o per M ft for rough.
UATTBNS , Wnu , Tniiixu , PICKETS O. G.
Butts , 2' inch , ( Wo ; O. G. Balls , U@3 , ss ,
85o8-in ; well tubing , D. &M. nnd bev. $ i3.10 ;
pickets , D. & H. , llatS30.00 ; pickets , D. 11.
sijuare , $19,00.
FI.OOIIINO 1st com 0-lnch white pine ,
$31.00 ; 3d com 0-inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com (1-inch ( whlto plnce , $2(1.00 ( ; D com 0-inch
white pine , $20.00 ; com 4 unu 0-inch yellow
pine $15.01) ; Star 4-inoh yellow pine , $17.00 ;
1st uud 2d ciear yellow pine , 4 and 0-lnch ,
CniLiNO AND PAUTITIOX 1st Com , ? In
white plno partition , $3i 00 ; 3d Com , % In ,
whlto pine partition , $27.00 ; clour % in , yel
low plno ceiling. $30.00 ; clear % In , Norway ,
$14.50 ; 2d Com. % In Norway , $12.50.
TWIIIOnnd Hopo.
BINDKHS' TWIXIS Sisul , lee ; hemp , 14 > fc ;
inaiiillu , ISc.
Gi.orniMi.iNns Cotton , 50 ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
60 ft , ? l.4'J ' ; Jute , 50 ft , 90o ; jute , CO ft , $1.00.
COTTOX TWINB Fine , 2.'o ; medium , llic ;
heavy hemp , lJc ( ; light hemp , 15u.
SAII , TWINK B , sail , 2o ( ) ; Calcutta. 15a !
Mnnilli rope , ii ; } e ; slaul rope , HKo ; now
products , 8c ; jute , Be ; cotton , 12o ; hide roue ,
Culture In Kentucky.
Louisville Commuruiul : Tlio accom
pli hod wife of a prominent citi/.ou ,
whoso residence is in the Highland * ! ,
\vvs ovorhctiril on un oluclrlu uur last
evening' to remark : "I declare , I con
stantly have ditlleulty in spelling. For
instance , until the other day , I'd always
boon spelling 'water' with only one lt. ' "
Which recalls an equally amusing
error made by Buelcner Allen of Lex
ington , Ky. In talking to a Louisville
reporter once lie declined to make a
certain statement , saying , with dignity ,
that later on ho would give ' 'all the
facts , briolly in exloiif.0. "
Ciishman'b Mcntho inhaler cures catmrli ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever.
Trial free at your druggist , Price 50 cents.
A Hoiiin J'.ir Indigent HnoUin > ! ! .
A. H. Arthur , an eccentric farmer of
Marion , Mo. , who died in Juno , by his
will has bequeathed $50,01)0 ) to found a
homo for "indigent hnolcmon. " The
strangest circumstance in relation to
the will is that there are few haekmon
in that portion of Missouri.
The soft glow of the tea roio Is aeriiired |
by Indies woo uue l'ozionl'8 Complexion Pow *
dor , Try It.
A Surprising Amount of Work by nn
liulustrlnun Insect.
There is nairdulnr flowar-boil In City
Unll pnrk shunted directly bouoalh u
alg bnttonwood tree on tno Urotulwivy
sldo , says the Now York Star. Ycstor-
lay Jho niton lion of passers-by win
itlrnctod by tlio actions of n big black
"sand" or "dirt" wasp. The wasp wits
llpglng a hole in the ground lien oath
v broad loaf. The hole was evidently
intended for n nest. Alter having
selected the site for his future abode
ind opg repository Iho wasp commenced
operations" by removing small quan
tities of earth with his jnws. The
earth the wasp carried away and hid in
tlio grass about four foot iiwny.
The wnsp worked very rapidly , and In
a surprisingly short time had burrowed
out qtiito a holo. During those boring
operations the Insect , in order to glvo
the hole perfect shape , kept his body
continually moving round nnd round
nnd continuously ducking his head in
nnd out. In the meantime ho kept his
wing ? moving with a jerky , angry
motion. The hole thus mtulo was about
three-eighths of an inch in dhunotor.
After working in this industrious man
ner for nearly half an hour the wasp
had burrowed out qulto a deep holo.
His work Boomed lighter when ho got
Bomo distance below the surface , for ho
fairly forced the loose dirt up out of the
hole in a tiny stream.
In a short ttmutho wnsp loft the hole
and took away the little pllo of loose
sand from the mouth of the hula. In
ono of his journeys he ran across a
small shaving , lie turned it ever and
over repeatedly , and after satisfying
liitnsulf , apparently , that it would suit
liis purpose , ho sol/oil it in his jaws and
curried it to the mouth of the holo. Ilo
carefully placed the llttlo shaving ever
the hole. Then ho piled a little mound
of Hand upon the chip.
Later in the day the same
iv worm and dragged it to the don ho had
built in the morning. When the hole
was reached the wasp relinquished his
nroy for a moment , removed the shav
ing from the month of his den. and then
sprang into the holo. In a few mo
ments ho came back and again eui/.od
the squirming worm , which was slowly
crawling away. "Walking backward ,
Iho wasp dragged the worm into the
hole. Ho soon reappeared and immedi
ately began shoveling sand and little
pebbles down upon his capture. Ho
then replaced the door again , covered
it with sand , took to his wings and How
Physicians say there is no rcmedv for con
sumption. In some cases this may ho correct.
Wo know , however , of miiny CHITS mndo by
Dr. Bull's Couch Syrup , and wo will nuarati-
tco relief.
A sensible woman will not full to keep n
bottle of Salvation OH on hand for men's '
cuts and bruises.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank.
305 South itth : Street , - Oiunlia ;
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4OCOO
Oniccrs anil Directors H. M. Mor omnn , n
M. Hitchcock , Jos. Garneau. Jr. , A. Hcnrv. K
M. AiulerHon , Wm. ( J. Maul , v r > ri. ; L. II.'Will
Inins. A. P. Hopkins , pies. : A. Mlllavil , casnler :
b' . U. Isryuut , usslstunt cashier.
C'npHal $100.000
Sill-plus Jan. 1st , 1885) 0:2,000 :
LKWitS. KKKD. Vlco 1'rcHlacnt.
A. Il.'J'ou/.Ai.iN ,
\V. V. MOH H ,
II. C. CU.-illlNd.
W.ll. y. HUdiip.s. Cushlcr.
CmI2lh anil 1'urnamStH.
A Qencral Daiiktuir IIiiMliifsa'I'riiiisuctoil.
Boots and Shooa.
EuoceaBora to Itced , Jonea k Co ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Stioes
Alieuti for lloslon llubbcr Shoe Co. , 11(13. ( 1101 and 11(10
llarnej Btreet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1531 North Eighteenth streetOmaha , N b.
Manufsctnrers ofGalyanizefl Iron Cornice
\VlndoiT-capi nnd mclnlioskylliiliU. .tolin Kponettr ,
proprietor , lutand lUJBiiulli lUlb atreot.
, Pnraps , Pipes and Engines ,
8t m , wnlcr , ruilwnr aail mining mipl'lln , etc.
VM , VIInna U.'t Karnam ilroct , Oinulm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wind nillli , 918 and 920 Jonoi at. , Omaha.
U , f. llo , AotluB Manuxer.
& co. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BheeWron wori. iteam pumpi , > a mllla. Uld-1215
l.OTCunortli altcol , Omaha ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cart Iron Bnilding Wori ,
Inxlnci , uran work , K neral foundry , machine and
blackiinllU work. Office anil wnrka , L' . 1 * . 117.
and 17th atroet , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railin.s
Deik l alia , window guanli , floner iloacli , w
etc. 1W NurtU 1Mb itreel.Ouialia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Froof Safes ,
Vaulli , loll work , Iron ahiittert and Bra eaiapn ,
( J. Andreon. vrou r. Corner KfU and Jaokiua in.
Wbolettle luanufiolurert of
Sash , Doors , Blinds ani Mouldings ,
lirancu oilc ( , 12IU aid Iurt itr ta , Omtka. Mk
Omaha , LiuiiteiL
_ Agrloulttm.l Implomonls.
Hcnlt'l ' Impellents , Waaons
llucel , tin. Onmhn ,
Furniture *
DBH'BV.t 670 Vi7 ,
Wliolcsals Dte : in Finite
I'nrniim iltoel. Utnnhii , Nt
Fnrnilnrs ,
Onmlin , I\obrn k * .
leHto GMcrs ,
mh nillomtnwurlh ilrcrtt. Onuhii ,
w. j. mtOA'ioir ,
Heiy HiFuWarc , Iron anil Steel.
Eprlniii. wiuiin itnrk , bnrJirnr > , lumber , cto. 1JOI
nU nil llnmar Mnol , ( liunMi.
CO. ,
MnnulactnroMniiit jcb { * \n \
ns , BiiEics Rake1 , Piows , Etc.
Cor. I'th nnit Pnclllo ilrcctv Omnlm.
/'K , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 l.uiiRlnsnitfCt , Omnlm ,
Dootu and Shoos ,
if' . V. MORkE ACO. . ,
Jobbers of Bools and Slices ,
1101,110,1 , tun Doiiplus Kin-lit , Omiilm. Mnuufivctory ,
tjuumiur Hircol , lo < iun.
Goal , Coke Eto.
Miners and Sliipiicrs of Coal an ? Cole
llo out i i Hi mi ' k i'aiv.
Jotksof Urdu. ] Ml Coal ,
J Bouth I3tli Mr.-ol , Umnlin , Nobraw * .
Sliipners of Goal anil Coke ,
111 Koulli lltli Hi. , Omtthn , Nub.
f nolesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported nntl .Aincrlcnn Porl' ' uiOMICU ! .
ugoul Cor Jiliwnuki a lit ctuieul und
r wlilto ituio.
in Ha ; M Lnnilr ,
Wood carpels nml imrqui t lloorain. Uli anil
Bllet'ls , C'tunba. hib.
OMAHA LUMliEll o ,
ill Kinds of BnMii Material at Y/liolesalo /
18th street an J Union I'stlilc ; IrmU , Omaha.
Daler : in Lumber , Lalli , Lime , Sasli.
Ooori , Ktc. Yarila-Cnrner Till and | iou lni. OfflM
Corner Kith and Uouciai. '
Lnmbe1 Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
CoracrSth . , Omnlm.
(7. A' . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , I
Utb ua California itrecti. Omaha , Ncbranka.
Mllllnory and Notions.
IniDortcrs & Jobbers in Miiinery & Notions
2U3. : tl ( and 212 Koutli lllli B
Wnolesale Notions and FnrdisWng Goods.
112 ( Harner Street , Omaha.
Commission and Storage. li
and Cjiniuission Murcliaiits ,
Sptclaltlcs-lliittcr. rtist. cheese , poultry , gam *
1112 Howard street , Otunlni. Neb.
Dry Ntlona.
&co. ,
Dry Goods , Fttrnisbine Goods and Notions
1103 nnd 1101 Douglas , car. lltli itroet , Oiimlm , N b.
Iinnorters & Jobbers in Dry Goods , Notions * H
( eat'i furnliblnx Kood * . Corner llth and Llarntf
iirecU.Umaba. Nouruskn. .
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Renair Shmj
ilechnnlcm" tool and llurTnlo c le § . 1403 Dongtfti
Ireet. Onmlia.Keb.
Toys i Eto. llf
Jobbvri of
Toys Dolls Altmins Fancy Goofli
, , , , fT
Deus * furulsblue sooil , chllilwn'a c rrlnKca , l :
rnrimmatruut , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ;
Ail * arena , etc. . Omtha. A. U. BUtiop. "
j !
Wholesale Paper DB lers , i
Carry anloBelooknf prlntln" . wr i > plnimn > l
KC. dpjcla.1 alt ontloniclTcnlo card iianur
Chicago , Milwauke & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tku llcst Uotitc from Oinnlm ant ! Council
IJItiirs to
- = = THE EAST
Chlrago , AND MllwntiUco ,
St. 1'ftul , Minneapolis , Knpldgj
Rock Island , Fr cport , Itiicliford , i
Clinton , DtibiKiuo , Jnvciiort ) [ ) , .
Elgin , Minllsoii ,
Wliionn , Ln Crossc , . '
Ajiil nil otbtr Important uolut I it , Norltitut arifl
buufuenit ,
For tbrouvh llckeU call oil tbe llikel agml at ] M |
r rnaui ll rker lllock.or at Umo 1'noild
KullDmn Blctpcn and the Dn t Dlnlnj Can In tb *
world are run on the main line ul tlie Clilcauo , Mllr
waiU e * BU I'aul ] lalli r. and evcrr * lt ntlon II
pulil to iiaiicngtri Uf courleoui twylojta ot tbfl
coropmy. 11. Mil.I.Kit. QeneMl Manner.
j. K.TIHIUKIl. AiiHtinilJeiiernl Manmier , .
A. V. It. CA11PKNTKII , Ueneral l'a unter and
OKO. KIKAKKOBD. AmUloat Gintral ranmnftj
aril 'ilcket A ( nt.
T. J.OLA KK , Ufoaral 8ou rlut aJeiit.
H rill IITC o ral and MERVOU8 EEfllLITYi
i W.ikmii of Boif/tnd MlndiEff4eU
I of Xrrcrt or Z = eiit i In Old or Toimr.
I , lobU HiKHOOU f.llr RMt > r > 4. U pr u K.Ur | u4
IkMliUIu.f.llf. . HOIK TUiTim-lioilll Im t < > 5
< ltitlf/rr 4 ! lltlM , Ttrrllitln , > < r > r > lf U U < H.
| 4tu"'fr l..lfcV'd5r.i. 1 11 ° Klilf"l to''iul "lpril. J
OO3T. , US3 br- > l > -ni' . ( i r.I ( , , - <
vwi IN u.t m twit. r u. /