Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1889, Image 1

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Total Collnpso of the Oornor at
Btcenstrnnd Unnblu to Kcop Hie Price
Up , anil llathcr Than Buffer
Complete Failure Yields
to the Inevitable.
/jlvnrpnol's Cotton Corner Collapses.
\ CiipirtaMSS.9 \ / fit/Jutmr / * ( loiitoii Itenn'li. ]
LivniirooL , Sopt. 30. | Ncw York Herald
Cable Special to TJIB BBK.I The cotton
corner crush came to day , and when the
crisis mine It fell like n thundcruoll upon all ,
especially upon Slcuustraud's friends and
Ittpuortora , for the result was not what they
axpcctcd. The result was an utter collapse
6f the porner. and although doubtless many
brokers have lost heavily , the cotton kmc
hns not como out with flying colors. It yet
remains to bo seen how ho will bo affected.
The opening of the market was awaited
vltlt great anxiety and the excitement ot the
: row < l on 'change has not been equalled
Jlnco the tlmo of the .groat Mor
ris Hunger cottii corner in 1881.
For Bomo days the rumors about settling hnd
Aion of a varied and somewhat exaggerated
nature , nnd therefore the opening of the
market was looked rorwnfd to with Intense
ntorcst , not only In Liverpool but In Man-
tickler and throughout the cotton manufao-
urlng district. Among those present were
lOmo ot the largest cotton speculators In the
vorld , representatives of the groatinantifac-
urlng firms ot Lancashire , UKonts of Amor-
can exporters , and leprcsotitatlvcs of conti-
toittal houses , all mdro or less Interested jn
lie cotton ring. There were numerous con-
tiding rumors Hying about. Some said that
ItcotiBtnimJ was only n figurehead acting
'ot ' on behalf of himself , but of
{ iwarful syndicates , wno formed the corner
f id billed that It could stand any amount
( , squcc/lng , and , let the market go ns It
' ijjlit , they could not lose much , having edged
o cleverly us to counteract the tactics of
dtlior bulls or boars. Others were more
loomy. Great financial catastrophes wore
ely to follow the collnpso of the corner.
\ . QUO time It was stated that a great
nieriimn operator , instead of purchasing ,
is throwing his cotton into the market to
ill at falling prices. This caused some-
Inir like a panic , nnd thcro was quite
rush of holders of cotton to got
I ut. Then cuuio another story that
t ' \o \ marltat was being manipulated *
V a corner ring ; that a broker had boon In-
iicted by the ring to purchase .10,0 bales at
' tv prices ; that this had caused n reaction
f coulldiircc , and that , taking advantage of
ho feeling , the operators had at once rushed
.housands of bales Into the market , gutting
iut themselves , but leaving-others of the
Tliuso rumors nnd reports that mucn cot
ton hud been delivered led to some extrordi-
nnry ilucuiutions.
About ten minutes to 13 o'clock tlio crowd
of merchants , brokers and others began to
move in thu dircctiou of the cotton associ
ation rooms , The excitement was intense.
There was moro jostling and buslla than
there Is to bo found at exciting election gath
ering" , and the shouting put the betting ring
in the shade.
'From this time on the market continued to
drop , uud when the first chime of 18 was
hoard from the town hall clock n loud hur
rah was raised by the crowd , several shout
ing , "The corner lias been broken. "
Much speculation exists ns to the reasons
which induced Stccustrand to make no at
tempt to check the falling market. Thu
, . ( $ nuoral bo'.lof was that be would bo a heavy
buyer and that Saturday's closing price
would have boon largely exceeded. Ho , how
ever , hek1 entirely aloof , and the consequence
-vas that the price , instead of rising , fell.
Many think that in the end ho will benefit by
this stop. Ills now generally bnlioved that
the short-time movement will not bo carried
lute effect , but the spinners , who , with their
operatives , were determined to resist any
'attempt to raise the staple to an abnormal
l > rteo > 3xin , after the turn events have taken ,
buy frotiTBtoenstrand , wno , If he has not
denied BO large a prolit as might have oinuo
to him had ha forced the market , has at any
rate reduced the risk of failure.
Tbd decline in price makes no great differ-
'onco ' to Stcoiistnmd , as ho bad no
'intention ' to sell any contracts.
tllo had always resolved to receive
every bale which bu had bought. Ho held
much less cotton than people iravo him
credit for. It is clear that lie did not hold ut
uny time more than 80,01)0 ) oa'los , whereas the
Konoral cstimalo was that ho had 150,000
bales. The disappointment to-day Is there
fore moro the disappointment of small bulls
than'of the principal operators themselves
An instance of qutcic delivery of cotton
was afforded. On Saturday thu steamer
I Hcspuridcs docked In the Toxteth dock
about noon , Among her cargo were 3,175
bales of American cotton , which were dis-
'charged , carted nnd stored in warehouses ,
' -I'stunt from t'-io steamer over one. and n half
miloH , in the short space of seventeen hours.
Deducting stoppages , thu owners were thus
Enabled to incut September contracts und to
Assist lu defeating thu cotton coruor.
llcitvv Kino *
ICcipyi tolit IKfa by Jumct Ounl'tn IlcnncU. ]
PAHIH , Sopt. ! JO. [ Now York Herald Cable
. - Special to Tin : Bnr..l The curtain fell
upon the last act of the great commercial
i tragedy In the Seme tribunal of commerce
to-day when the president gave Judg
ment in thu case brought by the
liquidators of lho Comptolr d'lCscompto
against thu heirs ot tliu lulu
M. Ponforl Hoohoreuu , lho manager und the
directors and consols of the company. Stan-
Inp from lho decision Unit Urn guaranties
glvon to the copper syndicate by Dunferl
Uooheroau were contrary to the laws of the
complolr , lho court held Glrod , Albert ,
Houtficho and Lu Vlsslere , who wcru dl-
-Actors of lho Socleto des Metaux , us well
\ol \ the Comptolr d'Kseompto Kdourud
i I U * II1U WV < ul' uit u * jo % ,
f jiutscho , president , of the board of dlrect-
At * , and Thomas Ktho , who had un interest
,1 the copper ring , equally responsible with
) eufert Koclieroau. The above named ,
ith the heirs of Denfert Kouhorcau , were
"jiidomned la pay the sum of 13,000,000
uuc . The holding of tlio sourt
respect to the other dl-
ctors Bnudolot , llcrurd , Christophu ,
ilburtl Guldouiart , Guloal , Masson , Tola-
. .ion , Pessoiiuloro and Vernes Oarlundes
i us that though their commercial integrity
v-as ubove suspicion , they hud committed u
I rave fault m uot opposing the illegal ac
tion of the manager. They wore accord-
tngly condemned to pay 0,000,000 francs , and
ho consols wore condemned to pay 1,000OOJ
LONDON , Sept. ISO. Gladstone is confined
to his room with a slight cold , contracted
lyhllo felllpg a tree at liuwurduu Suluraay ,
Slou.t Falls' RcalHtrr I < l < t Padded In
nn Aninzlnii Mnnnnr.
Stoux FAI.I , ' , 8. D. , Sept , 89. [ Special
Telegram to THE 13ri : . | To-morrow will
como the most Important election ever held
in Dakota.
The state of South Dakota wilt vote on n
constitution nnd a full stnlo legislative and
congressional ticket. Doth parties have
tickets in the field , but the democrats have
litllo hope of success , nave hero nnd there In
some legislative districts. ,
The chief Interest durln ? the campaign
has centered In the contest over prohibition
nnd the capital location. For the latter Sioux
Fallx , Huron , Pierre , Watortown , Mitchell ,
Chamberlain ana Hcdtlcld have contested ,
but the last two have recently withdrawn.
Each town claims n victory , but there is no
data upon which to speculate wlthjauy degree
of certainty. The chief Interest of the
campaign has been ou the prohibition ques
tion , For the first time in the history of the
country a new state has had a chance to vote
on constitutional liquor traffic. As a large
part of the population of South Dakota has
como from Iowa , Wisconsin and Minnesota
the temperance sentiment is strong and the
Indications point to n prohibition victory.
Still , during the past few days , liquor men
who have been-quiet during the campaign
have been having moro to say. Many
have el limed they would win.
For several days vague rumors
have been afloat that the Sioux
Falls registry list had been padded In the
interest of the whisky men. Rival capital
aspirants hnvo been making energetic use of
the statement that Sioux Falls had registered
over five thousand votes und that she In
tended to override the sentiment of the state
for the capital and to go against prohibition.
Many of tbo best men of the city have In-
vcstlgatoJ the affair and 1C developed that
while lust year Sioux Falls polled 1,800 votes
and that while the population lias Increased
40 per cent the registry lists aggregate over
six thousand names. .More than this it de
veloped that under the different alphabetical
letters from ten to twenty names are found
on all the lists. This Indicated a gigantic re
peating scheme , and It Is disclosed that there
are a largo number of professional repealers
Iu the city. The whisky men denounce the
insinuation that they instigated it , and de
clare that the prohibitionists themselves uro
the guilty ones. The mayor has appointed a
committee of citizens to guard the purity of
the ballot box. lioth sides are determined.
The excitement runs high nnd the hottest ,
election over known lu Sioux Falls is an
After a careful consideration of the points
nt issue Elder Hartsougb to-ulght says that
bu feels satisfied that nu illegal votes will bo
I'lcrro Aca list the Field.
PIEIIUE , S. D. , Sept 30. | Special Tele
gram to Tun Hii.l : : The excitement in Pierre
to-night is intense , nud tbo people feel that
nothing can prevent the capital from coming
here by several thousand plurality at least ,
and Hon. P. F. McClurc , the democratic
candidate for governor , returned to-night
from an extended trip over South Dakota ,
und states the total vote for Pierre will
bo 25,000 , Sioux Falls 20.000 , and Huron
17,000. The bolting men everywhere are
offering odds ou Pierre against the field and
can get no takers. The men In every capital
town report that Sioux Falls has registered
over four thousand moro votes than she east
ut lho last election. This lias caused pro
tests to bo sent to K. F. Pottlgrow , that If
the gigantio fraud is allowed evor.v town
would work to defeat Ilia election for United
StntcH Boimtor , and that tlio election will bu
con tested.
The Northern Caiiipain.
BJSMAUCK , N. D. , Sept , 30. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hii : : . ] The first campaign In
the history of North Dakota close's to-night
with torchlight processions and monster
rallies nt FarRO , Gr.uid Forks , Wahpciou
and numerous other points. Both republi
cans mid democrats are giving the campilgn
n brilliant finale , and all are anxiously
awaiting the result at the polls to-mor
row. That the republicans will carry
the btato there is no doubt , it
Is simply a question of the size of the major
ity. Some place it at 10,000 and others nt
8.000. Tbo full republican state ticket will
bo elected , uud the legislature will be largely
republican. It is estimated tlmtof the hinoty-
two members ol the legislature at least
twenty-fivo will bo democratic. The fight on
prohibition U earnest und vigorous , and the
"drys" will bo defeated. It is estimated
that there will bo 10.UOO votes polled nnd
that of these there will be a majority of at
least fl.UOO agalust prohibition. The United
States senators to bo elected will unques
tionably bu republican unless the Norwegians
and farmers' alliance men push some candi
date und combine with the democrats. Mho
election of ox-Governor Gilbert A. Pierce to
the United States senate is considered a
certainty , but the other fortunate is beyond
prediction nt this time.
Montana Is claimed by both parties , with
the indications slightly In favor of the demo
As to the situation in Washington , n dis
patch from Tacomii nays the tight between
the two parties has been largely waged on
the tariff issue , with the passage of the con
stitution , the state capital question and the
adoption of a prohibitory mid woman's suf
frage plan it coming in as side issues. The
republicans prophecy the election of their
entire ticket with majorities ranging any
where between S.OOO and 10l)0 ) > > . Tlio
democrats concede the election ot
Terry for governor , and of Wilson
I'or'congrcssinuu , but claim u division of the
supreme touit judgesblps. Thu republican
chairman claims that the legislature will bo
republican on Joint ballot by u majority of
thirty. On thu other Imiid , the democrats
claim the legislature ou joli.t ballot by nine
teen. The prohibitionists and the moro rad
ical of the woman sutTrugtaU have boon
working for thu defeat of the constitution
rattier than for the adoption of u separate
clause In tnelr Interest , us they have no hope
of carrying the samo.
AVyomlnu'H Convention A
CHKVKNNB , Wyo. , Sopt. : ) . The constitu
tional convention formally adjourned to-day
after adopting the conatltutiou framed for
the state of Wyoming.
Catholic OincexcH.
| r ) > iiu'itSS ( ' ) bu t'ciMi'i ( limlim lltnn'U.\ \
KOMI : , Sept. 3D. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to-Tin : Bii : : . ] The pope has
appointed Cardinal Gibbous , Archbishop
Hlordan and another wcstoni bishop to In
vestigate affairs under Bishop Cillmouro in
thu diocese of Cleveland , O. Thu stale of
things in the arch diocese of Now York Is
unsatisfactory , too. Dr. Conlgan has been
summoned to Rome.
Carter lioatcn ut IlilliarilN.
| rviHuht | | ISfflInt.linnet ( linliin lltini'U , }
PAKIS , Sept. 110. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Bui : . | Eugene Carter
was beaten this cvcuinc by Beau by u score
of 400 to 144. Thu odds wcro ou Carter be
fore the start. Americans droppuj
little piles ou Carter ,
To Ho Taken Hack lo
INDIANu' , Ind. , Sept , : IO. [ Special
Telegram ! ; Tin : Hrn.j Governor Hovoy
to-day ordered John Murry delivered to tbo
Kansas authorities. Murry Is thu lover of
Sister Camille , of thu convent ut I.yoin ,
Kan. Ho nearly murdered her because slio
would not violate her vows , forsake thu eon.
vent and marry him. Murry is under arrest
til Terre Haute.
Ktuaiiibhip Arrival * .
At Glasgow The State of Georgia , from
Now York ,
At Southampton The KIIH , from New
"Vork for Bremen.
. \t London Sighted ; ThoNcderluud , from
Philadelphia Tor Antwerp.-
At Now York The Etuj6pia , from Glas-
tow ,
I > . W. Wells Kills James Gllklnsou
at Dunning.
Tlio Division or Some Corn on the
Murderer's Placet the Cause of
tlto Trnjiedy Other Nc-
brnsicn News.
A DlHimtc Kndod Hy Murilor.
DUNNIO , Nob. Scot. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Hr.B. ] This morning about 0
o'clock L.V. . Wells , of Alliance county , met
Jnuies Gllklnson In G..H , West's dooryard.
They got Into a quarrel over the division of
some corn , which was tended on Mr. Wells'
pin re bv Mr. Gllklnson. They had had n forma
ma- ( Union ty about the same transaction.
Oili. a few words passed between them ,
when Air. Wells raised his gun and ilred , the
shot taking effect In Mr. Gllkinson's right
breast and shoulder , killing him instantly.
The weapon was nu ordinary double-bar
relled shotgun.
Immediately after the shooting Mr. Wells
escaped to the sand hills , carrying his gun
with him , and is now at larac , but the ofllcers
and citizens are on his trail and there Is no
doubt about his capture.
Mrs. West and daughter were eyewitnesses -
nesses to the crime.
Mr. Gllklnson leaves a wlfo and live chil
dren in very poor circumstances. Mr. Wells
Is a man forty-two years eld , has n family
that Is , now In Kansas on n visit , and was
supposed by all who knew him to bo n quiet ,
inoffensive man.
A Iturjilar .shot ity a AVonmn.
LINCOLN , Neb , Sept. 80 | Special Tel
egram to Tun UKK.J Gustavo Lochnnr ,
a tailor employed by John Morrison ,
was probably fatally shot near the corner of
Twenty-third and T streets at an early hour
this morning.
Lochnnr spent Sundav evening with a
friend of his by the name of Forges , who
lives n block cast of the scene of the tragedy.
Ho returned homo , however , abour mid
night , and retired at once , but his wife says
ho remained in bed but a short time. It ap
pears that ho had cast about for a suitable
house to burglnriro , and hit upon the resi
dence of Charles Lyman , a conductor on
the 13. & M. road , knowing that ho was from
homo a good portion of his time.
Mr. Lymau's wlfo nnd daughter , a girl
about sixteen years of ago , were alone , but
Mrs. Lyman was provided with a good re
volver and know how to use it.
About ! i o'clock Mrs. Lyman heard a
noise at one of the windows of her sleeping
room and immediately sought to know what
caused it. She discovered a man tryIng -
Ing to climb Into the south window ,
and sol/ing her revolver fired , as she says ,
for the purpose of Inghtcnlng the sneak
away , and not to hit him. There was no
further effort on his part to gain admit
After a few moments the mother nnd
daughter again sought their pillow. Not
even a groan evinced that she hud hit the
follow. The ball , however , had entered
Lochnar'R r.ght side just below the arm ,
plowed downward and disappeared below
the eighth rib , whore the physician lost track
of It.
Locbnnr crept rather than walked to
Forger's residence , whirb ho entered In his
stocking feet , covered with blood. In reply
to Mr. and Mrs. Forger's queries he replied
that when going homo he had been shot down
by some unknown person. The police wire
promptly notillcd , und Officers Green and
Palmer were detailed to look up the matter.
It Is said this evening that Loclmar cau not
Commit toil Suichln While Drunk.
VALIMKAISO , Neb. , Sept. :10. : - [ Special
Telegram to Tim BKI.J Ycsterdav Frank
Smolk , a Bohemian about thirty-six years of
age , living a few miles east of this place , at
tended services at the Catholic church in
Wcstou , afterwards lining up with whisky
and becoming ciazy drunk. ILa stop-son ,
Paul Bnrtok , with difllculty got him home ,
after which ho disappeared while Bartok
was doing up chores , and could not be found.
Alter daylight came this morning It was
found that ho had committed suiuldo by
hanging some time during the night. The
widow will probably bring suit against the
saloonkeeper who sold him the stuff.
fnufiidfarifs at .Superior.
Summon , Nob. , Sept. ! 50. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun HUE. ] About 9 o'clock last
evening fire was discovered In the rear of
Kendall's ' drug store , but was extinguished
before much damage bad boon done. It was
unmistakably the work of an Incendiary , as
the lire was in an obscure spot and BO ar
ranged that it would soon have reached tlio
chemical and oil room. Besides other evi
dences of incendiarism , one of our most
prominent citizens saw the llainu of a match
as It was lighted to ignite the straw against
the side of the building.
A hii l Death.
CKNTIIIL Ctrr , Nob. , Sept. 30. [ Special
to TUB Hii.l : : An extremely sad event was
the death yesterday morning of Mrs. W. T.
Moore , after an Illness of only twenty-seven
hours. Although but twenty-two , the lady
had been a widow two ye.irs , and was to
have been again married next month , De
ceased was the daughter of William K.
Letchcr , for a long time postmaster hero.
The remains were taken to Fremont to-day
and placed beside those of her Jiusbnml and
daughter , both of whom died within ten
days of each other in May , 18S7.
Su ur HaUlii ; ! I'ro-peclN.
GUAM ) I8I.VNP , Neb. , Sept. IK ) . [ Special to
Tim Hue. ] Mr , Oxnard , of Boston , repre
senting about $15,01)0,000 , ) capital and a mem
ber of a family which has for years been
connected with the sugar industry , has Just
returned from a two years' visit to Germany ,
where ho has given tlio subject still further
study. He Is at present in Grand Island
making a series of analyses of thu boil and
the sugar producing qualities of thu beets
grown In tlio nelghboruond ,
Spoaklng ol his iiivi'ttllctiUon , ho said to
Labor Commissioner John Jenkins ; "Ne
braska Is bound to be a sugar raising state.
California hind isvortli all Urn way from
150 to f 1.000 pur acre , und its fruit product
Is worth Irum ? . " > 00 to * lHlt ( ) per acre , while if
dovnted to boat uultiiru Its crop would only
rcali/o from 10 to $ ( > ( ) per aero. Tl.i * , at thu
leant calculation , is three nines as great a
prollt us the Nebraska farmer reali/es Jrom
his corn crop , niid in the natural course of
events CalllornU will rulsa fruit , while No-
br.isUu will nilsn Hugur , "
Mr. Oxmird uoes In a day or two to Call-
f nin in , und will then make his selection of a
site for his piii ( | > i'ctive factory.
Washington County I'olliicH.
IJi.Mii , Neb. , riupt. ! tO , | | | to TUB
HUB. I The county republic : in convention
will be held October > . J'liere are all sorts
of ticups ivpurted. The latest is A. 1'erluns ,
county Judge : W. I ) , ( Jrons , slieritl' , and W ,
J , Cook , county clerk. The scheme Is to
throw the pruiunt sliorilt ( whu la u ( j or in an
nnd up for his third term ) overboard , but
this may throw the German lepublic-aus over
to thu democrats should they put up u good
man , 'I'heio is only one man lor treasurer
Who has any following , which is 10. C. Jaek-
son , the present iucumucnt. The whole
tight Is mivlo for judge , hlierilT uad county
clerk. Should the country people como to
the convention with u candidate for countv
clerk it Is probublu that tbero will bo u hot
skirmish for nil the ofllces , ns tt would make
a poneial trade all around , .The democrats
nro anxiously waitltiB nud hoping that the
republicans uou't unite.
Almost n Mltrrinr.
GIUXD ISMNn , NOD. , Sopt. SO. [ Special
Telegram to THE Om | . ] John Fanner's Hv-
cry barn was the ncono. of n row tbli mornIng -
Ing before daylight that came very near cud-
lug fatally for F. E. StfotiU at the hand * of
John Dunkol. Somn.tlrao ago Dunkol's wlfo
loaned Strotid and hlB brother some money ,
taking u chattel mortgage on cattle and
horses as security. When the note became
duo nud Stroud was pressed to pay it.
ho claimed nn offset , which was not allowed
by Dunkol , nnd ho wont to foreclose the
mortgage , but the stock wa nrti ncross the
line Into Howard county. Dunkcl wont out
Into Stroud's neighborhood Saturday and by
souio shtirp work succeeded In trotting tbreo
horses , which lie brought to town.
Stroud followed , and last night wont
to the barn and attempted to got the
horses , out was Intercepted by Dunkcl ,
who demanded the horses , Stroud refusing
nnd showing light , DunUol drew n revolver
and shot nt Stroud , tluvball passing through
the rim of his hat and thq powder burning
bis face , cauilng the blood to flow freely.
Dunkcl was arrc < ted and committed to Jail ,
but was released on bull.
Stopnpil Over at IMritf smnnth
PI.ATTSMOUTII , Sopt. 80. [ Special to TUB
Dun. ] Several of the representatives of the
Missouri river commission stopped In this
city last evening while en route down the
river on an Inspecting tour , and held a con
ference with a majority of the board of trade
regarding the improvement of the river at
and near this point. The opinion .jrcvallcd
that some work was necessary and that with
out delay In ardor to maintain the channel of
the river lit Us right place and avoid damage
to property.
UIRO : Hall Hy Electric
Pi. iTraMoirrn , Nob. , Sept. 3J. [ Special to
Tun Hcc. ] One of tlio greatest attractions
during exposition wccic will bp a game of
base boll played after nluhl by the use of
electric lights. The game will bo between
Plattsmouth'a first nine nnd a nine from
abroad and will take place Wednesday or
Thursday evening * of this woelr. The ex
hibits are being rapidly placed hi position In
the exposition buildings and everything Is
now in readiness for a grand display.
I'rrcoclniiH Itrntrloo Youths.
HCATMOK , Neb. , Sopt. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcc.j Henry Schwartz and
Frank Kennay , aged fourteen nnd cloven ,
respectively , stole a teiiml < and wagon and fl5
Friday from the south } part of town and
skipped out for the mountains. The boys
were overhauled at Fatrbur.v yesterday and
brought back. The elder of the two will bo
sent to ' .he reform Rcbool.
BOOMO County District Court.
ALIIIOX , Neb. , Sept. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ita.l Tlio district court of
Hoono county opened to-day , Judge F. U.
Tiffany presiding. There are Jlfty-ulne
cases on the docket , Ilanserd 1C. Garrison.
who shot his fiitnor-ln-lmv , John Myers , nt
Collar Hapids , Neb. , will bo tried during this
term of court.
Shot at n Itur 'nr ' and Mts < ieil.
NnmtASKv CITY , Neb , , Sept. 80. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Ucu.l Vcreen D.vvis , on
Second avenue , last night discovered a
burglar in his room and Ilred tllroa sbots nt
him at close range , bill , his marksmanship
was poor and the Chief eneaped unhurt with
a small amount of money.
Appointed Claim AOjiiHtcr.
NEBRASKA CITY , Nob. , Sept. ! 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tun HUB. ] W. T. Canada , of
this city , was to-day appointed claim ad
juster fcr the eastern division of the Union
Burglars Frightened Away.
UIIATIUCI : , Neb. , Sopt. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HEI ; . | A bold hut unsuccessful
attempt was made to burglarize Labile &
Fisko's grocery store Saturday night. The
thsovcs h-id removed a window from the rear
of the store , but were frightened away before -
fore efft.ctinK an entrance.
On e County' * Coiniiiu Fair.
UBITIIICI ; , Nob. , Sept. 30. [ Special Tclo-
gram to Tin : BEC. " | The Gngo county fair
opens to-morrow and will continue four days.
' 1 hero is every indication of its being a bril
liant success. '
It AHloiilslii-H the Government , and
Moves Her to Tenr" .
LONDON , Sept. 30. The enthusiastic wel-
corne to ex-Queen Natalie by the populace of
IJalgnido astonished If , indeed , it did not dls
may trio government oflleials who sought to
accentuate their displeasure at the persist
ence of the royal lady in disregarding their
wishes respecting her visit to her son.
' 1 he ex teat of the demonstration was so
great as to render the lack of couitesyon
the part of the oftlcinls of the the government
unnoticcablo , und to move the ox-queen to
tears. The houses along , the principal streets
as well as the residences of the nobility
ami the habitations of the bettor classes
were profusely and bountifully decorated.
nnd in all respects the reception surpassed
anything of the kind tliat has everuecnseen
at the Servian capital.
It is stated In oulcial circles in Belgrade
that young ICmg Alexander bas become ex
cessively jealous of his mother's popularity ,
but the courtesy shown to her by the Russian
minister mid others nof over friendly to the
governing power of Sorvia will undoubtedly
deter the ooy's advisers from counselling
bun to resent the demonstration or to treat
his mother with any marked laukof Hllal
attention. '
'lho Other hide.
LONDON , Sept. HO , Tile Standard's correspondent
pendent at Hclgrado , says that notwithstand
ing the reports to' the contrary , ho knows
that the .voung Kincr of Set via was only
prevented by main forc.p from going to ineet
his mother nud that ttrlJro was a suandalous
scone iu the palace while Natalia was pass
ing. j
Ait Kdltor and u Misrlfl * Have DOUR
With Thlnirn TrrriMrrlitl.
KOUEU.IKU , La. , ' Sept. 80l For some time
past there lias been a newspaper controversy
between A. C. Ponlo , editor of the 'Vprnoii
News , und Shorltt McA'lpin , of Yemen
parish. Poole 1ms sent McAlpla two chal
lenge ? within a fo-v days which the latter
has not accepted. To-day Poole wont Into
the sheriff's oltlcu , plsto ) In hand and said ,
"Now Is the bust time to settle our differ
ences. " MuAlpiu drew it pistol and the Ilr-
Ing begun. Pnolu was lulled instantly and
Mt'Alpiu died u few hours Juter from the
effects of a bullet Iu the abdomen.
Several 'Jhti"ind | .Short ,
, Ci.KYiii.tMi , Sept. UO. JOCOD Xinlcmastar ,
trciisurur of nethl ht'm township , Stark
county. O. , has been forced to roMgu. Ho
wan ovcrgi.lXM ) short in his accounts and
tried to sutisl'y the townshlp.trubtce * with u
W rertllluuto ol deposit which hud been
raised to m 000. Forged noted , to.the amount
of IM.OUU have been presented for payment.
Xlnkmasier's father und brothers have mot
all obligations , nud it U rumored tiio young
man has disappeared ,
A Di'slrncllvn I'r.ilrlo I-Mrp ,
HniMA.NX , Mfim. , Kept. 'M. A destructive
pralrio lire swept through this section this
evening , The wind was blowing u terrlllo
gale ut the time. It Is trnrd to estimate the
damage douu to-night , as it is Impossible to
learn the extent Of the lire. Some of thu
farmers lost their entlrp crops. In this Im
mediate vlvmity tlio loss will not bo leas than
Hatton Boltovatos His Ohtvrgoa rxnd
Offers to Provo Thorn.
'the Significant UttpranocH or Con-
Krcfl9innn Oatcs , of Alnhanm Xho
Knlfihts Templar The I'on-
8ion CominlssloncrHlilp.
WASHINGTON Hinnuu , Tut : OMAIIX Hr.n , )
S13 FotiiiTUDNTit STIIKKT. >
W.\stttNiTox , D. C. , Sept. 30. )
Ex-Postmaster General Frank lintton , In
a double leaded Post editorial to-day con
tinues his warfare upon the civil service as
conducted by the present commission.
The fight i * extremely warm. Mr. Hatton
Intends , if po'Jlblc , to bring ubout a reorgan
ization of the commission.
His especial grievance Is ngamst Commis
sioner Lyman , who , It ls alleged , Is not a re
publican , never was nu uctlvo one and cares
more for his personal position nnd fixing
places for his family than ho docs for the
public good ,
In his editorial to-day Mr. Hatton reiter
ates his charges that the commissioners in
making appointments and promotions "have
persistently violated the law which they
were sworn to cuforco , " and that ho "can
prove the charges to any congressional in
vestigating committee. " Mr. Hattou de
mands an investigation nud says
that If one Is not made by di
rection of the commissioners , an
Inquiry will bo Instituted by 3 congressional
committee. He goes into the details of'hls
charges and specifically points out what ho
alleges to bo violations of the law.
Whatever Mr. Hattou's object may be in
making these cbarges , helms put them lu a
form which will demand some kind of action
at the hands of either the civil service com
mission or those- responsible for It.
Congressman Gates , of Alabama , the ox-
confedcrato who led the filibusters in the
last congress against thu direct tax hill , and
who Is one of the ablest men of his side of
tlio boiiso , was recently lu Wash
ington and now sends back some
expressions. Ho bitterly opposes the propo
sition to have u democratic leader Wno will
hold the reins and eraek the whip over the
democratic members of the Fitty-lli-it con
gress. Ho regards Mr Haudall us being on
the other side of the fence from the majority
of his party , whllo with Sunset Cox dead the
IJrcckinridgcs cannot control the body of
democrats located lu the north. Ho docs not
bellevo that Mr. Carlisle will bo able to lead
the democrats en masse.
"The democrats , " says Mr. Gates , "will
never follow a leader lllto the republicans.
Tlio republicans like a fiock of sheep will
Jump the fence and follow the bell wether-
buck wherever ho goes. Our people kick
up behind , because there are issues
Within the ranks such us the customs duties ,
the internal revenue and the southern ques
tion , on which we dlviuo. I think that there
should bo u steering committee appointed
from tlio most conspicuous democrats iu tno
bouse , whose business it xvill bo to suggest
lines of policy , and to submit them from tune
to tnno to the caucus. Wo will know Just
what we are uoing then , and II wo have any
differences wo can settle them lu caucus , in
stead of on the fioor of the house lu open ses
sion. "
The fact Is , the democrats iu the Fifty-first
congress are so split up ou the issues that
they can never come together , mid there is
something far seeing lu what .Mr. Oatcs
says. A "steering committee" can bo
composed of n member of each wing of the
party. For Instance , tariff protection , Kan-
dnll ; free trade , Carlisle ; anti-negro , Oates ;
solid south , the Hrcckmridges , uud others
representing an unfair count , un-recoiibtruc-
tion and bulldoring can compose the com
mittee. If nothing else is done it can agree
that every effort shall ho bent toward keep
ing the republicans from legislating. Colonel
Oates Is very outspoken In what ho has to
say. almost rebellious , and if what ho lias
indicated is to ho put with the recent utter
ance of Representative B.yiiuui , of Indianapolis -
apolis , the democrats urn laying the pipes to
spend six or eight months In filibustering mid
fighting against legislation pledged by the
republican party.
To-day a pamphlet of sixteen pages was
Issued , giving the directions for the great
parade during tbo Knights Templar parade
next weak.
Nebraska will take a prominent part. The
grand commandarms of Minnesota , Kansas ,
Maryland , Nebraska , Arkansas , West Vir
ginia , Colorado and Noith Carolina will bo
In the eleventh division In addition tu the
following subordinate , bodies :
Nobrusku Mount Calvary , of Omaha ;
Mount Modali , of Lincoln ; Mount /Aon , of
Plattsmouth ; Mount Hurmoti , of Ueatrieu ;
Mount Tabor , of Fremont ; Mount Horrib ,
of Tccumsuh ; Mount Nebo , of Hastings ;
Cyrene , of Hed Cloud ; .Toppa , of York.
West Virginia Wheeling and Cyrcuo , ot
Wheeling ; Palestine , of Martlnsburg ; Cal
vary , of Parkcrsburg ; Kutiuwuliu. of
Charleston ; Potomac , of Charicstown.
Minnesota Damascus , of St. Paul : /ion ,
of Minneapolis ; Darus , of Minneapolis , and
Coiistanilng. of Cruokston.
Kansas Mount Olivet , of Wichita ; Garfield -
field , of McPhorsou ; Abilene , of Abilene ,
uud Mount Joy , of Pittsuurg.
Monumental Crusade
sade and Housant , of Baltimore ; Jacques
Domolay , of Frederick ; Antioch , of Cum
berland , and Palestine , of Annapolis.
The pension commis.sioiiorslilp is still un
settled , but thu impression seems to bu that
Mr. Campbell of Kansas will be thu man.
for ho has the earnest support of Mr. Noble ,
The friends of General Urown of Ohio uio
making an earnest fight in his behalf and
Senator Sherman and Congressman liuttor-
worth were at the while house and the
Interior department urging his appointment
Mifcin.ixr.ous. .
The cat pets are not down in the private
portion of the white house , the matting oolug
overlaid with rugs li front of the wood tires
which burn on the open hearths to drlvo
away the chill , and Mrs. Harrisonlhas no In
tentlon of having the permanent covering
upon the Doors until colder weather comes.
The linen covers also protect the upholstered
furniture throughout the house ,
Mrs. Lord Is slowly convalescing from her
recent attack of fever ut Stamford , Conn.
Mrs , Paricor nnd Mrs. Dminoek , her daugh
ters , the latter having been called homo from
Dresden to her mother's bedside , are with
her. Mm. Lord and her daughters will take
a house here for thu season.
Lieutenant Parker , who is back frnm u
three years' cruise und is now entitled to u
period of shore duty , will probably bu as
signed a position ut the capital ,
Senator and Mrs , Sherman and Miss
Mary Sherman left the city to-day for Mans
field , O. They will return hero Tor the
Thanksglvlnt. ' day feast.
Treasurer Huston has returned to Wash
ington from a visit to Indiana , and was ut
the treasury department to-day.
Dr. 12. L. Humphreys was to-day appointed
u member of tlio pension board at Kearney ,
Nub. , and Dr. James C. Bolso a member of
thu board at Washington , Ju.
The secretary of the treasury lias made
thi ) following appointments : Charles U.
Coon , paugor. Nebraska ; John W. Crum ,
storeKeeper , Fifth Illinois.
Secretary lilaine was iu ills office to-day
for the llrbt tlmo bince Juno lust , und looks
very well , although his face Is palo and ho
has lost considerable llesh. He hud his
hands full of business , for thcro arcs to mo
very liupoi taut matters pending lu the de
partment , and declined to see uny visitors.
He will remain at the hotel with his family
until the repairs on his new house uro fin
President Harrison lias not considered seriously -
riously the uuuio of uuy uiuu for tbo va
cancy on the bench of the supreme court ot
the United States , and will tint take the
question up until congress convenes , ns ho
does not Intend making a nomination until
the scnnto is lu session and ready to act on
the appointment. A justice of the supreme
court seldom takes his seat before his nomi
nation Is confirmed by the sonata.
lion Ituttorworth Welcomed.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 80. About S.fiOO
people assembled at the rink , this city , to
night and gave Congressman Hen Huttor-
worth an enthusiastic greeting on his return
from bis trip to'Kuropo.
Major Hutterworth was welcomed bock by
Colonel WorthliiBton , formerly a dlstnot
attorney , nnd responded hi n long speech
thanking the people of > Washington and
reviewing his European experiences. He
said ho had often spoke on the
tariff question nnd had pictured graphically
the wretchedness and rags prevailing In
Germany. What ho hud to say now would
Jar with his stump utterances. Ho was
more a protectionist than over , but ho
wanted to say that whllo ho had scon'plenty
abridged ho had soon neither squalor nor
rugs in Germany , Tlio people wore too In
dustrious for that , There were neither
weeds nor loafers in Germany.
Notirnikn anil Imv.i I'onslom.
WASHINGTON , Sept , 80. [ Special Telegram
to THE 13nn. [ Pensions have boon granted
to the following Nebrasknns : Original
mvalld George II. Lovelace ( deceased ) .
Increase Jacob Statler , John U.
Hall , Damns Trncoy. Original widows ,
etc. Josephine , widow of George II.
Pensions granted lowans : Original Invalid
George W. Curtis , John Noff , Kesowell A.
Tyler , .losinh Parkhurst. Increase William
F. Uoggs. Sovmour J. McKiuloy , John
.loft'ory , Alba Miller , Cyrus Churoh , % Ioseph
C. James , Hobc-rt C. Hruden , George F.
Clark. John Thompson , James Allonsworth ,
Archibald H. Gabbort , Uruco A , Bryant.
Uoissuo Charl03 b. Uenz. Original widow ,
etc. minors of William rColllns. Isaac ,
father of Henry W. Smith.
- * A
A l''rl ' < Mi < l of Lincoln Dead.
WASHINOTON , Sept. 80. W. P. Dale , com
missioner of Indian affairs under President
Lincoln , dlc.d to-day , aged seventy-eight
years. Ho was born m Vermont , but spent
his early life In Indiana , wbora ho served In
tlio state legislature. Subsequently ho moved
to Illinois and in 1SOO ho tool ; an actlvo part
In the nomination of President Lincoln , being
a delegate to the Chicaifo convention. Ho
has lived hero for more than twenty yours.
Ho leaves considerable property , largely
farm lands In Illinois. The interment will bo
at Pans , 111.
Washington Tnievm Kseapo.
WASHINGTON , Sopt. 80. James Urown ,
alias J. D. Hunt , the young man who stole
Mrs. James llrown Pottor's Jewelry from
the Arlington bouse last wliitcr.cscapcd from
jail last nmht and has not been captured.
It was also discovered about 2 this morning
that Lemuel Swell , ono of the negroes under -
dor sentence for robbing the house of Lieu
tenant Tyler , had escaped.
Tlio IiitcriuiUona ! Congress.
WASHINGTON , S.opt. 80. The delegates to
tuo International congress met to-day for
the first time for a preliminary conference
respecting orgunlratlon. John 13. Hender
son , of Missouri , lias been designated by
Secretary Ulaiuo as chairman of the United
States delegation.
Til 13 FJjAOli CASK.
The Grand .rtiry Satisfied Thrro Was
n Wioknd ConHiraov.
Nr.\v YOIIK , Sent. 80. The grand jury fin
ished its Investigation of the Flack divorce
case ut noon to-day.
Forcmau Fosdyk read the presentment ,
which stated that the jury were satisfied
thcro was a wicked conspiracy ; that surh
conspiracy could bo carried out * under cover
of the laxv was of great public concern ,
The Jury called the attention of the legis
lature tutho pernicious system of appointing
referees to take testimony In divorcn cases.
The testimony should bo taken by the Judges
iu open court. The harm which would bo
done by the publicity of.sueh evidence would
be far leas tlmii that which befalls when
things are done in secret. ,
"It is obvious , " runs tbo presentment ,
"that the decree of divorce could not bo ob
tained without the sanction of Judire Hook-
stavcr ; that sanction was gumod partly by
deceit und impostuio , and partly either by
judicial negligence or judlcal collusion. If
by negligence , such was inexcusable : if by
collusion , suuli was criminal. We huvo not
determined which. "
Lawyer White , while it might bo said ho
intended no wrong , bo still deserved to bo
Ambrose Mouoll nnd Josepli. Mocks , the
jury thought , hud imposed on the court and
obtained thu divorce by collusion , deceit and
fraud. The presentment concluded by stat
ing that the Juror * had coma to the conclu
sion "that a wicked und criminal conspiracy
hud been committed and the persons whoso
names appeared on the accompanying indict
ments deserve to bo treated according to
law. "
District Attorney Follows stated this even
ing that ttiu following persons indicted in
connection with the Flack conspiracy cuso
would bo In court tn-morrow to plead : Shor-
lll Flack , William Flaok , his sou ; Judge Am
brose iMonellcounsel for the sheriff ; Thomas
Meeks , referee in the divorce proceedings ;
Mrs. Raymond , co-respondent in the case ,
and George D. Hart , n brotlier-in law of the
Tlio Hriclclnyorx Order a Slrlkn In
Now Vorlc Oil v.
Ni\v Yoitir , Sopt. 30. About four hun
dred men were thrown out of employment
to day by a strike ordered by the brick
layers' union.
Some of the contractors have been using
brick and cement made by Paok , Martin &
Co. Peck , Martin & Co , employ at their
works four non-union men ( colored team-
stcnO , and It was to compel the discharge of
these men that the strike was ordered , The
workmen all Hide with the contiaotors , and
are loud In their denunciations of the union
nnd walking delegates.
United Orilir4 of Hallway
PiTTisuuuo , Sept. 80 , The convention of
the United Orders of Railway Employes
opened this afternoon with representatives
present from the brotherhood of Drakomoii ,
and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men and SwlKjhinon'H Mutual Aid associa
tion. The object Is to ratify u federation of
railway employes' organizations and to lu-
vlto the Brotherhood of Louomntlvu Engin
eers to Join the united ordora. Today's
Hussion was secret.
Th ANsitinhllnu Kulijlitv.
ST. Louis , Sept. ! iO. A , M. Wright , of To-
route , Ont. ; John \\MIu.vcs , of Philadelphia ;
J. J , Holland , of Florida , and John Costello ,
of Plttsburg. members of the general execu
tive board of the Knights of Labor , arrived
in St. Louts this morning. I'owJorly U ex
pected to-night. Tlio business meeting of the
executive board begins to morrow.
Lo.vnov , Sopt. 80. The attempt of the so
cialists to run the strike of the Rotterdam
dock laborer * has failed utterly , and the
Btrllto Is likely to take a similar turn , partly
owing to their interference. The ranks of
the men who have taken the strikers' places
are filling up rapidly.
Scnldod hy an
Ten n , , Sept. 30. Uy the explo
sion of a mud drum ut a utuam laundry to-dr-y
Nelson McClure ( colored ) engineer. IM
Hive , one of the proprietors , and Philip
Llnz wcru terribly scalded , Thu former is
Jnok Ktnnoy Trios to Foroo a Loan
With Fnttvl Roaults.
Tui liownuui , a IlcMiieutablo Colored
Man , I'.nds tlio ICnrttily Career
of a Negro Kx-Convlot *
The Details.
Tried to 1'orro a Loan. ,
"Gltnmo n dolliih for my mother. " ' ,
It was Jack Kliiney thntuttcrod the word *
which were nddrosscd to Tail Hownma , oner .
of the proprietors of the "Elite , " a colored ' '
saloon at 1013 Douglas street , and the time
was two wocks ago.
"I have no dollar for you , " said liowmatu
"Yes , you have , ami it I don't got It you'll
bo sorry for it , " and then ICinnoy retired.
Last night about 0:80 ho entered Howman'ft
place again , considerably Intoxicated ,
uTnii , " said lu > , "gluiina a dollnh.1
"I have no dollar for you , " replied Tan.
"Then I'll cut your heart , out , you black
, " was KInnoy'a rejolndor , a *
ho dtew a huge dirk knife ami made
a lunge at Uowman across the roll it tor.
Ono luugo is nil ho made , for after coolly
dodging the blow , liowmnn reached boh In a
him for his revolver and hi quick succession
five sharp reports rang out en the stlll'niifht '
air and when the nuioko had cleared /fcwray
Klnney lay on tbo fioor Insensible , shot ttirW. '
times , once through the right side , th WH , . ,
passing cloiui through his body ; once In the
right aide of his nock , and oiico unacr the
right arm , The first wound was fatal. *
haying his revolver down on the counter.
Uou-maii picked up his victim's heels and
dragged his prostrate form out on tlio walk ,
rciniirking asho : did so :
' Lot hlurllay there until the police
como. " * *
Tnon bo resumed his vocation of wining
off his counter and rinsing glasses as though
nothing hud happened.
Ollleers Godola mid Fields were soon on
the spot and in a few moments the patrol
wagon , with 'Cuptnin Mostyn , Sergeant.
Ormsby ami Chief of Detective Hiiya were
on the spot. The immense crowd which bad
boon attracted "to thu spot wan dispersed ,
and Uowmau nnd all the parties who were
present placed ilhUor arrest. Thu wijlfmlod' '
man was plnccit.yn a stretcher , carried Into
the saloon , pfac'od ou n pool table
and physicians hanily summoned. Dra.
Harrignu , Susbdorf ami lyjiUols
responded , and ut. an oxamfntUHai ,
which , when finished , resulted in the prog-
uosls that tils chances for recovery were axj
tremely doubtful , and wcro ubout onq m "
thousand. < ft
' 1 he weapon with which the shooting-was
done was u 'ls-cahbio bull dug , und must
have been very imperfectly rillod , as the
bullets. Instead of entering direct , Uiok a1
tumbling motion , indicting very serious
wounds. Ono bullet had passed clear
through nnd wasfoaad Jualdo thu wounded
man's ' clolhingJv&iiuXliar ; lodged near , the
xpmc about opposite the right lung , wltila
the location of the third could not be de- ,
termlucd. .v .J . * V
The wounded nmn.suTorod ( great pain ,
and after being carried inside bqcame5
delirious , but rallied enough to , state
that Bowman was the man who Imd'sbot
him. After making this statement he wns
put under tbo influence of opiates and again
lapsed into u bta c ol' atiliriuiu. , |
The affair i.s the result of a quarrel be
tween the two men about two weeks URO
concerning the loan of $1. solicited by
Kinney but refused by Bowman , The
former made the asset lion at thu tlmo that
ho "would do Tan Uowmau up if it took a
year. " Last nlgbt be outne into the silicon ft-
and airaiu asked for $1 , but was lufused. - ;
The result has already been stated. i
Kinney Is n hard character and
lived anywhere ho could , provide- )
was not asked to work. Of4UatiO
bo has divided his , tnno wnh' JtU ,
old mother , who washes for u living , . ! uud'o ,
young colored prostitute. Ho 1ms beuii on-
iruged in n great many quarrels , nud only a
few mouths ago got out of the penitentiary ,
where ho served a three-year's sentence , lor
shooting u man named Pat Meahan , aiMm-
souri Pacific brauuman. This shootingtoolc
| ) lace In the alley in thu rear of Ilelliauu'.s
building on Thirteenth pud Faniui ( ) , In
order to make some repairs to u basement
wall the sidewalk bad been taken up and-a
deep excavation made , which was crossed oy
u solitary plank. Tvle.ilian and Klnney * met
on this plank and the former claiming * the
right of way , Kinney shot him in the ab
domen. His last row was with two colored
men naiiiod Fayutto Martin and Lite Simp
son , m which he assaulted the latter with au
axe. Ho bears the reputation of being a
very dangerous character.
Bowman , ou the other bund , Is regarded as
a peaceable , quiet man , who always attends
to bis own business , and seeks no trouble A
Hhort tiuio ago he , In company with , John
Wright , another colored man , purchased the
saloon mentioned ol Bellamy & Hnbbard ,
und have been conducting it very orderly
Hinco. Bowman scon at the saloon laat
night after the shooting and admitted the
act , but said ho did it in self-defense. Said
ho : v
"The fellow came Into my place drunk and
wanted to borrow a dollar. 1 told him I had
no dollar for turn , und he came at mo with a
dirk. 1 had to shoot him to save myself , for
lie is a hard man and would have killed mo
in n minute. When 1 had finished 1 dragged
him out , nnd that is all there is to It. "
Harvey Green , an eye witness , corrobor
ates Bowman's story with the exception of
the fact that thu latter druugcd the wounded
man out of doors. Ho SII.VH Klnney staif-
iercd outside and fell where the polled found
Two Men Hun Down hy a Pa
'I'raln at Itiilo.
nui.o , NOD , , Sypt. iU. Jacob Wlost and
Charles Mutthow.s , whllo crossing the B. it
M. tracks tu u wugou aboui noon yesterday ,
were struck by n passenger train und In
stantly killed. The accident occurred about
a mlle west of Hulo , where the trnoii comes
out of u big cut und whore u lot of high weeds
lira In thu highway. The coroner Impaneled
a Jury. The verdict censures the company
for not having a crossing board up and .tor
not keeping the weeds cut HO that trniui
could be seen. Both the dead men were mitl-tt
dle-agod and unuiamcd , Wlest emigrated
from Germany , and has no relatives In tijls
country. Mattliews' parents res Id o near
WcHt Jli'lil to tlio Criminal Court.
CHICAGO , Sopt. at ) , James J , West anil
Churltff 13. Graham , ox-editor and cx-sccro-
lury of the Chicago Times respectively , wore
to-day held to lho criminal courl lu bonds of
tr > ,0 , [ | oach.
On holding them over the court said that
sufficient evidence had been Introduced to
warrant such action ou his part , and whllo
ho did not metond to P.IHS uiiot : the actual
guilt of the defendants , ho felt that ho was'
Instilled In having the grand Jury examine
Into the case , The bonds were ilxed At a
lower Bum than heretofore , Mr. Henry Hnrt
being surety ,
Tlio charge Is that of having fraudulently
overissued slock of the Chicago Times
A Itlot at a Chrllonli > ,
'siH'Ud , Pa , , Sept. UO , A riot- oc
curred yesterday at a Hungarian christen
ing at Allport , One Hungarian wan mur >
durcd outright und two ot hum \\ara orl > ,
ou&ly injured ,
The WeuthiT Korean * * ! . ,
For Nebraska nnd lowat Fair ; north
westerly winds ! lower temperature , '
For Dakotai l-'ulrj northwesterly wtud t
lower tempcrulUfo.