Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No nclvortlBomontn will bolokonfor
those columns after I213O p. m.
Vcrme-Caeli In advance.
AdstrtlsemetiUtindrr this hfsaiOcenta p r
tine tot the tint insertion. 7 eantn for each sub.
refiuent Insertion , and ILMper line per month.
No ndTcrtl-semlEnts taken t < f loss thnti 25 cents
for first Insertion , 8 ten wordi will bn counted
totliollhei they must run conieentlvcly and
rnust be paid In ADYANCE. All nrtvertls-
mtnte must. h handed In before 12:30 o'clock r > .
m.i and under no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
rartles advertizing In these column ! nnd hfir *
lug tJielr answers nddreimed In care of TIIK IlF.n
will please auk fet a clieoK loanable thorn to got
tlnlr IfttTi. ns none will bo delivered cxc pt
on pfenentatlon ot check , All answers to nd
Tcftirrmenl * shtulU b enclosed In envelope ! .
All advrfrtUemenU InthPsa columns nrs pub
lished In both morning nml evening editions of
Tun Ilr.r . the circulation nf which aggregate *
tnnro tlmn IP.OonpipftKlBliy. ndd elves the ad
vertiser * the l > n nt , not only nt tlie city circu-
Intlon of Tnr. IIKI : , Imr alnd of Council UliilTii ,
Lincoln and other clticJ and town * throughout
thli Rectlon oftliBcountvr.
Advertising forthcefc columns v/111 be taVrn
on the nbovo conditions , it Die following bnsl
ben * bouses , who arc authorized agents for TUB
H E special nntlcoi. and will quota the same
rate * M can be bad nt th nmln offlen.
J TStreet. .
i : Arnny. . Stationers end Printers. 113
WBnutll Kith Street.
S.H. . FAHNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cujn-
. iffllng Street.
J , HUGHES , Pharmacist , G24 North ICth
( Street.
G EOW-.PA.IUl , Wmraacllt. 1C09 Ot. Mnry'
alir.B'l'HAllMA'CT.SXW 1'arium Btroot ,
' \X7ANTHD-An experienced young man
T > iwants n position In brewery or spirit store ,
or any position ot trust. Una long experience ,
nnd llrKt-clnss rnforenrcs. Bpealcs Kngllsh ,
French and Oermiin. Would be ft valuable
hotel porter Address , 1117 N. 10th st. 700 S7 *
WANl'lJU J'oaltlouas Kovorness to chtltl-
ren by bright , reflned. highly educ.atod
oastprn lady. Host of references. Address
"JI , " Hardy , Nob. 7S2-U
BAHI1KH Situation wanted by n steady bar
her of twoyoars' experience ! can do good
work nnd will vork cheap ; nddrebs Fred Hhea ,
Crcston. la. 7 ) < j
SITUATION wonted , by an experienced nml
rapid young man stenographer ; rapid nnd
acctiritto ofl typewriter. .Reference given , state
Kalary iiald ; address "J. L. " box r,3. State
Center . In. 7UI2J
"t\7A NTEU Position In law ofllco oy a young
f > httorneyj good references. Call or address
A , II , , nt Atlantic hotel. _ 7M1 EC *
WANTED Slluotlon by atioxperionced lany
In bakery , confectlonerj' or lunch room.
ACjrtflb icasfteoonica. _ BUI arj
WANTKD Good plnco by Ilrst and second
girls in sumo family. Address bO . No. 17.
" ' -
_ _
B OOK-iee'pcr dlrst-class ) wants iiosltinn.
Young man. 1'i ve yenrs oxpcrimico In ollico
andibank. OoodToforeucM. Address , K : X Hue.
x\ATED An energetic man that thorough.
I } ' understands the retail crockery busi
ness' , nono'6ther need apply ; call at 1110 Far
nam st. 77027J
WANTED 2 young men 18 orlO years of ngo
to work on ladles' shoes and learn the
trade. Apply W. V. Morse & Co. , llth and
Douglas it , 77U20
WANTED A collector who Is well acquaint
ed with the city ; noiiobutn rustler newl
npply ; address 1C 47 U o olllco. giving name ,
- 7v-,2jj ( (
" \A7ANTni ) Cnrpenter-s , apply at the corner
T > of juhiand Mnndcraonsts. 74120 *
"VyANTnO A bushelman at the Continental
< V Clothing House. 7K8
rr\TANTKn Itrspouslblo salesman for an
TV uiiHtdrn llipior houao to travel Nebraska
o ) ly , Knijulro at Mlllard hotel batw een 8 and
IQ t. m. . room 17'- . ' _ 7Cl-27f ;
.A' (1KNT8 ninttoS'tn day , ladles do us well ,
jrl.Holling "yolkl MucllaHe Pencil ; " liquid mu-
cllago "Knocked out ; " no mnss. no smell , no
evaporation ; patches money booUs , cngriivings ;
"red hot" nionoy getter ; Biiro thing ; 'MO auouts
wanted at onca ; uxclunlvu territory ; sample
und tuiiusjo. . W. A. J'rlco. David City. Nub.
W IANTHD Sbridgo carpenters , SMiQperilny.
Albrlglil'ti Lubor Agency , lli ) Farnam.
7SI ' 7
WANTED A tlrst-ciass prescription drug
clerk ; also a youth of two years' nxperl-
enco tu'drugs. Kuhu , V Co. , Omaha.
MEAT and pustry cooks , $ t,1 ! ucaMO : men aud
wlvcn'for'prlvato families and for farms ;
caniHters. f2 ; farm hands , shovelors. $1.50 ; '
r leu ty work at Jim Hroga's , I1145J S. 15th.
_ _ 728 2OT _
" 13U'ICIIEHniited nt 121 North 12th sr. _
\\l ANTED ( iouornl and local agouts to ban-
VV'rtlotlfe'now ' chemical ink eruslng blot tor ;
greatest nuvelty in modern tlme.s. sell at Hit-lit ,
as&vety wrlterneods thoorasor : orano Ink with
out ulirnslugitliu paper und rapidly an a Hash of
qleblTltHtyi one agent's sales amounted to $ Ji 5
j " 00 to MX ) per cent protlt ; territory
freas'Salnrv togooit men ; sample lift cents ; for
tCrmA Und full partlcuhirH. address the Chum-
plon Eraser Co. ( manufacturers , Eau Clnlre.Wis ,
' 741) ) 27J
, . D--3 coopers at Olcnwood. In. , up-
ply to W. H.Keller. USi2ig
WAXTED-Uood driver. 217 S. ? 2th bt
Joseph llosonsuili's Klsh Market. lltl
\\7ANTED Oentleninn off ability and ad-
T ' dress to net as local agent for standard
cenil-tnonthly publication on banking ; a remu
nerative business for tno right pin ty. Address ,
Uif. . Patton , Mnuagvr. 20 Nassau St. , New York
City. C50-g6 *
'tA/'AN.TED At onre , Two young men , $15
T I weekly. LUlit work , Hoom 17. 220 N liith.
C3J-27 *
WANTED Salesmen at t it perinontli salary
nml expenses to sell n line of silver-plated
ware , watches , etc. , bv nample only ; horse mid
team furnished fr o. Write at onre for full par
ticulars and xamplo case of goods tree. Sluml
ord Bllver Wnro Co. . Hotton. Ala H. 554
WANTED Shlri makers. 1112 iTaruam Ht !
" , UXHSIt
ANTED-r-AgoiltB to Hell tha clothes
llnu ; Uin only line over Invented that holds
the olothui without plus ; u purfoct hilccoss ;
patent recently lisui'd ; sold only by agents , to
whom the rxclusivo right Is given ; on receipt of
50 ets wp will send a uampla lluubyinall ; ulxn
circular ) ! , iirlce list nnd terms to niMiits ; hecuru
your territory at once. Aildr ss Worcester
l'lnle. s Clothes Line Co. , 17 Hormon st. , Wor
cester , Mass. - " "
Flvo traveling salesmen ; salary
uud expeiiKost no experience necessary.
Address with ftamp , L. 11 , Linn & Co. , Ln
tirpssc. WU. 4b7
hundred inouror track lay-
lnin Wyomlug. Apply to 1' , H. Johnson ,
II. & 2liiubsontjer depot , Omaha. _ Uii.1
' "
'Ulf'ANTRD SOU graders and" tin mifUori for
> the lllnck HUM I'xtenslon. 1'llloy , Kramer
&to. ! , .Max. Meyer building , llth and Fnrniim.
. , . . ) Iw railroad laborers for the
ft west. Company work. Kllley Kruinnr Je
Co. , Mux Moyur building , llth and Faruum sts.
\\rANT ED-AcoutsTTo BolicTt orde'rs for our
T celebrated Oil Portraits. ' 1 ho finest made.
No oxporlunca required 1 Huglnnem earn J.V ) a
week. Wouttlt frirl tend for full imrtlcnmrs.
A nir * chaiico. Batrord , Adams i ; Co. , 40 llond
eu , NcwY _ irk , 8ta O 5J
ITIlTT A man in every locality to net
. private detuctlvo under our luntrnc-
tions. Setid 4o for particulars. Central Duloc-
tlvo 1 Hi r dull. U'opeka , Kan. 7tiio.l > !
'VA/'ANTElf A jrooiT ollice man to go "east ;
. i inustbnnuouil I .
man. Addrvus the ( lee , B. Cllnu Publishing
HoW , U1I5 to 3Wabnsh \ ave , , Chicago. I lls.
_ . _ _ _ MS
\\rANTUD Men for Wushlngtou ti-rntory.
T ' La1' ' " " " ' " -
Albright's Ubor Agenuy , 1120 Farnnm st
' 018
W A NTOD Wlnaow dresser at The Vair.UtU
und Howard tits. M )
WANTED A nilddlo-aged woman without
f t encumbrance' , or good steady girl , to
cook und tukocnrf of my hou o ; small family ,
no chllarout swall house , everything new , neat
wrulcltftUf uu ex-jollent chaiico for n suitable
) ) or.H'j.n for tha wiutur , Apply at ray ollice ut 10
vJ'S0' ' wi ? ' ] rVlir. 'H10"1 ' ! D venjort t ,
jv , H. Bouvey , chluf of police. _ 7W 27
TANTED-Olrl for liousework.Mll DougfaT
ANTKD-a Gutters. Oermau pfeferreiT
Kurppum hytt'l. _ 7i2 27
\\rANTKD-Immodlatelr , soverul waUt IIt-
' , ' ters , taller asas und fur iuwers at the
Kllte Cloak and Dull Co. , Ulo Douglas t ,
, . _ T - -L _ , isi
* Yi-Al.'llly ' * lrs4 . W. I'helpn , cor.llowunlst !
andjliih ave. _ 715
I.ADY"iTucntii "wanted for tHe now'Hl'uela
'mrbet. Moat lAtiifuctiiry ami best mon-v-
luaklnjf nrtloia out. For t rm , ate , , apply to
Westrru Cor et Co. , Bt , Loulf , Mo. sa iu
WANTKD A good first gin , must DC n Rood
cook and laundress ; good wn OA and n
pooct home to one who In compettnt ; ref 01 cnca
requited. Call at room 10 , Continental building ,
or nddro s Iwx 223. 485
rp WO girls wnnfed to work on ladles' shoo upi -
i pel's. Morse's shoo factory , cor , llth and
Doupl as nta < Vi TiQgQ
tmirriSiT girl wanted nt SI27 Ilnniey.
780 28J
nlrl ; Oormnn "preferred.
Mrs , J. Nrtcl.012 So. liUli Bt. CM
WANTEIl A Rood girl for general houso-
work. an B , sr.ui avo. _ oaai *
WANTCD-3 dlnlmr room girls for Ilnpld
Cltjr , I8 ; 1 for Hcntrlco ; cook for Silver
City : infddlo-nccd woman for family of 3 on a
ranch ] ulcnglrl foran old i-ouploon n fitrrni 2
Klrls for Weoplmr Wntnr ; laundress In city ; 2
waitress ; Ml girls for general house work.
Mrs. Hrega.iUUi 8. IjJth , 727 2 t
VVT ANTED A Rlrl for uonoral hounework ; *
VV smalt family. 1923 Callfornlu st. cor.soth.
" \X7"ANTED Hxperlonc * l cirl for cencrnl
T > housework. Mro. L. O. Jones , 718 lu > . 21st.
MISS Illnnlck.'s dressmaking parlors. 172 (
Leavenwp th , 773 p S6I
D HUSSMAKINO Imnmlllos. IU7So. 17th ave ,
* YV ANTr.R-'J'o nni"Ko6TliomVior ! iinUy s'l
Inquire at 3)07 N. ' tth st , 007 20t
TVTAN'aT.O A hoitHo oE 7 or Brooms ; must
> V have all conveniences and Iti cootl neigh-
borliood. Audrcsi room 514 Hrown block.
WANTKI ) 'IVj lent , furnlsnod hottsp , owner
to board wlthtotmut. K. 4lnBeo.
T71OH llENT-Ulltll Juno 1st , 'W. furnished
J ? houHouroolus alt'convenlcnces , llnu location
ono Mock from hl h boliool. not for boanlliiB
liottso. S76 pur mo. D. V. tjholcs , 210 1st Nat.
baute. , 770
TJIOU linNT House otfi largo rooms In splen-
J-1 did condition. CBllroriilatttrect.butwoonn'Jth '
nud tf-M. onlptlii per month to a tlrst-class ten
ant. Inquire of'Wills Yatcs , Neb. Nnt'l * innk.
HENT-Furnlshnd or unfurnished.
. house with/niodorn Improvements , barn
nnd largo irnrd Apply 2201 N 2ttn. 037 27 J
" 1T1OU UENT-llrlck dwolllutf cor. ISth and
JL1 Capitol ave. Koforonces ruqulred. In
Nutheiton hall. 1112 Farnain st. 724 2
TjlOHUKNT-'J'ocentlemHn and wlfo.HrKtfloor
JL ; of my cottngo iiirnlslnid forhousekecplnBi
location flitit-cluss : close to business. Addruss
K 37 lleo ollico. 092 27J
IJlOlt KENT Neat 7-room house , In good re-
JU pair , on cor. Btltli mid Woolwortrt ave. : poa-
Hesslon given Oct. Int. JiUiulru O. U. 'lESchuck ,
Iloo olllco. , G3i
TJIOlt 11KXT lour room coltteo with all con-
JU1 vicnres-atK. E. cor. 4tli and WilllamsBt. In-
nulrH of Aug Jtnlldow , ' Oops ootel , cor. Ifith and
.YackBon. B8J27-
IJlOltSALEor rent Now 5-room cottage , on
JO easy terms. KiUl. Heoollice. GSXKIOt
T71OH HUNT flood live-room bouses on Conn-
JU ell lllLtlTs Motor Hue ; city water ; 812 per
1'oiir-room houses. $10 per month.
Tour-room houses , three blocks from motor
line , ti per mouth. Curtis teSnckctt ,
208 S. 15tu st. , Omana.
00 l
IOil KENT 7-room cottBge.2til2Capitol avc ,
I1 Hot and cold writer and bath. Lr.qulro al
2.118 Capitol ave. C7427
cage st.
POUHENT Two 10-room modern houses ;
very low price to rlgnt party. Ames. 1.MJ7
Fariinin. st. 047-28
) HOOJthhusi > on9th Kt.S3n month , inquire
> rf. M. cor. ilth und Vlntdn. 027
HENT by Sholes & Hamilton
Itoom 210 1st National Hank Illdir.
JftV-14-room house , all conv. , 24th and Oass sts.
$10 It-room house , nil conv. . same location.
$40 8-room liouse , all conv. , Hnnscom Place.
Wt 27-room Hats. , 10th and-IJoward 8ts.
$30 7-room Hat , 20th nnd Leavenwonh ets.
$2.1 8-room lioubc , all conv. , Windsor Plaro.
$ --U-27-roomnouseJ , all conv. , Windsor Place.
812-4-room liotibo and barn , 2'Jthand'XaylorHts.
LKT llcautlful ten-room house with all
modern conveniences , elegantly furnished ,
located In Koimtze place. Applicants must
have good references. Address room 3 ,
CreigUton block. 5bO
Tfi Oll HENT A pretty. fc ven-rooin house on
JU California street , gas.clty water nun cistern ,
rent moderate to good tenant. Inquire Hlng-
wait IliCb. , llarker block , city. 551 27
"V7EHV low. two 7-room houses on 18th and
Vlnton ; tw o 8 nnd 1) ) room houses on 27th
nnrt Woolvrortb. ( with city water and bath ) ; two
fi-room houses In Lincoln. Place. Itoom 51'.i.
Paxtou block. 4&0
"IJ10H HUNT House lth all conveniences ,
JL ! hard wood llnlsli. throe blocks from P.O. ,
east front ; 21(1 ( N , IDthst. U70
I7IOH JlKNT. ' No. 2411 Capitol avenue. 11
JU rooms , all modern con vonlences. The O. F.
Davis Co. 232
"IjWIl HENT 5-room cottage on South 23rd
JJ si root , S23.
Two 4-room cottages on S. 12th st. 812.50.
Tnntt-rooni Hats on N. 17th 88. , suitable for
light iiouseEooplng , * ! ' . ' .
'JVo 0-rooin Hats , corner 21th and Leaveu
worth sts.
Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat , bank bldg.
2JI !
"TT1OH KENT Fine 11-rooiu house , with all
JJ modern Jtniirovuuiunts. No. 2310 Dougl&s
6t. A. 11. Olaastone , 3310 Douglas st. 1U1
EOH HENT Afltroom cotta o , city , cistern
water , convombut to business. David Jumlo-
eon , 311 a ir > th Ht , V.19
T71OU 11ENT 9-room modern Improved house ,
JL ; corner. Apply ij. Klguttor , 1112 S. lOtlu 830
"RiOIl HENT Ilnuiliinmo I0-room houce. all
JL.1 convlences. paved street , cable nnd horse
cars. 6 minutes walk of postolllce. Nathan Slier
ton , 1011 Karnntn st. 701
TjlOH HEST Several now 5-room cottages ;
JO rinit $15 per month , liiqnlro of John H ,
I' , i.ohnmnn , 'i.'l S. lltli street. 717
1J10K UDNT rinalland 13-ioom houses with
J all modern Improvements. Cuss street , between -
twoen 21th and 2.1th bts. , at low rates. 11. T.
Clarke , 2420 r.vss st. S8S
H or lent AVllkliiaon , 111" rnrnam ,
T31OK IIUN"1VIDroom homo , ' eteam heat , nil
JO InipioveintJiitH , clump rent. O , U. Tliompbou ,
room 214 , Sbeely bloct , 15th and Howard.Oil
T7UK HENT Mroly furnished rooms , with
J. board in prlvaly family , leforcnces. 2207
farnam. 757 2 *
TTIOH HUNT Elegantly furnished rooms. In-
JL' eluding mi.bath and hot air.ith first-class
tablu board ir desired nt reasonable prices. "d'JU
Haruoy , cor , brick houso. 7Ctl 2i > *
F1IHNI8HED rooms , modern convenience : ! ,
2,1)1 ) Douglas. 751 U
FUHNlSIIEOroom vultabli ) for one or two
gentlemen , with board , ut-VJ N IStn st.
| J 737 27j
TTOH HENT 1'urnlshoil room and board for
JL' ono or twogvntlirnien or for man nnd wife ,
Call nt 1201 North lUth. 7Q4-27t
TfUllNISHED A. unfurnished , rooms. 1H B ftMli.
OilEEIFULjiUniiy looms , with or without
board. In uiodcruj-esldente , reforeitces. 2130
11 nrnoy at.J 7Q3 s
"fi OH HUNT Nicely fiirnUhed room with
JL' modem couveuluncus. 2JI1 Hurt t. 7U' 27r
. . HENT Two furnished rrxuns for house ,
keeping , 'JlJBo. llth St. . nt end of viaduct.
fol 2BJ
T7 | > ll'.f ) ANTclnijlft or double icoiurf In modern
.lu brck | I'Mldence , Xilephou , etc. , 1KM Cass
6tr ? ot. OJ7-2JJ
'irUUNIHIIKD mom , with use "oFlparlor am
i-1 fire , (10.0J , ana board 1 1.60. JM1 California
6 t 2Tt
. _ _ _ _ _
\rOUH CHOICE of three newly furnished
.L rooms with board ; nil modern couvcn
lances ; Imudy to business ; terina rcaeonable
2UI5 Douulua tttrttot.
AT ICE furuUiiod rooms. 2203 Dodge ,
ifiOH HBNT Furnished 'front roomi ! 181
JL1 Dodue e treat. " ito22
EQANT furnished room * with bath am
iiili Howard t. 617
room , H13 S , Sithat.
modern conveniences. 481-20
NICELY furnUhed room , all courenlences,31 _ 50 O 18
rpou REr 'T- Two furnished rooms on Bt
JMary's nvoiiuv , to goiitlemen only ; six mln
ut PS walk of tmtlutu * canter. Heforeuce re
ijuered. Inquire xt ( tore , 210 and 212 S 1st list.
FOR HENT Well ttirnlshed room In private
family with breaKfatt nnd A o'clock dinner ,
ncludlng n meals Sunday , for } ' per month ,
xx-ntlon halt block from high achool. Address
J2U16C. 28J
T. CLAlIl Ruropton Iiotel. cor , 13th and
ODodgo ) speclsl rate oy WCOK or month ,
FL'HNISIICD rooms ami board IK3'n\lcngo ,
' . T.I.-0- |
O NI2 furnished room for otic or two t-ontlo-
men. I'tlvato family.11 IVirnnm st. 3.VT
[ jltntNlSHHD rooms with nil modern convo-
JL uleiiccs , for gentlouicn only , neil Dodge el.
rj OOM with or without board ,
OOD room with bath. BIB S SCtu st. 633
OK IlENT-3 furnished rooms , M
per month , 2100 1'nrnnm t. 718 O
IjWUNlSHKI ) rooms at 432 N 10th at. All con-
L' vcnlenccs ; lovoiy rooms. 714 ; WJ
1CBLY furnished room i ail jnodnrn con
veniences. S3 N I'.th st. 51U-VHJ
. . . . . "it KM i' 4 unfurnished rooms i.orttiwost
' cor. 17th nnd Webster Htv : prlco 116.20 Wl ,
TfiOIl HENT-Unfurnlshed roonis suitable for' )
A' housekeeping , conveniently located. Hun's
Iteming agency. 15QQ I'm num. SSPojM
O TlOOMS at 17l2i ! Jackson st.
O PNFUUNISH-3O rooms with alcove nnd two
-clo nts : modern conveniences , Address 1I J
So. i.4tn St. 718 2DJ
H KENT Unfurnlshod Eacfc p\Tlor' wltii
carpet , 2007 Cas * . 7S1
TT10H HUNT After Oct. I. line fiWt olllco. '
JL1 ground lluor ; Plata Klnvt wlmluw ; heat and
Hunt fiirnlsiiod ; a most de.ilr.kbio location for
any kind of lmslnon : rent rcnsonablu , Imiulro
Omaha Ice Co. , 319 So. 13th st. Ki'.l
HOTttL for rent , all tarnished. Stontn bent
nnd modern convcnlouca : 21 sleeping rooius
all Ir. tlrst-clasH shape ; line bar and llxtufcs.
A line opening for n man with small capital , In' '
South Omaha. 11M1 .Douglas. s 7-21 *
TJ10H HENT-Threo-story brlcte bulMlnprJ'HIO '
1 Douglasst. , Miiltnblo for wholusaia or.warc-
hOUBO . , Chas. Kaufmnnn , 130 ! , Douclas street.
O Nil hundred-foot store ! lilocK from 1 * . O.
Fleming , llth and Douglas , 22 | O12
FOH RENT Store. 1111 Fnrnam St. . SO by 128
If ot , 2 Mtorjos nnd collar. Natlinii Sheiton ,
1014 Karnumst.
"tnon KENT Itisement 40 by TO ft , hoatcd by
JL ? steam. Euqulro J. Nagl , 012 So. itli'st. : ; _
TJ1OK KENT Cheap-n double ptoro ami base-
Jment. . corner 11th and Howard sts. Inmilro
of J. F. Sheoly , room 2U , Shealy block. l'r . : n
TT\n KENT Desirable warehouse room' ou
JL track. Apply to O. W. Keith , 714'TaclHcsh
TJiOIl KENT The 4-story bricfc building vita
JL.1 or without power , formerly occupied oy The
llor Publishing Co. . 910 Farnam at. The build-
inghaB a llio-proof cemented
pletestonm-heatlnc ( IxMires , water on all the
lloora. gas , etc. Apply at the office of Tha Ilee.
HEKooniJ ) Largo now fl-story and basement -
_ ment store building , miitablo for any whole
sale business.
NowH-ttory and basement building , suitable
for heavy wholesale business.
Store room , No. GDI N. IBth st.
i Store room. No. 240.1 Leavenworth st.
Apply toGrcen * WilliamsIstNiit. bank bldg.
TT1OH KENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
JL ; Ingst. Alsohousoon Cassst. Harris , room
41I.lstNat.naul : . 234
A UCTION sales every Tuesday and Friday
j A-mormng at 1121 Farnam. Omaha Auction &
Storage Co. 77Ei
NTIQ'TAHIAN HOOK Store , 1413 Farnam st.
L Cash paid for second-hand booKs.
ATTENTION Hotel men. J8.WW worth ot
-ci elegant hotel furniture ut halt price for
cash. Call or address J. E. Curtis , lt-23 Cass
street. 079-2CJ
G ASH paid for household furniture. ' titpvcs ,
'Omaha ' Auction is Btorage'Co. , 1121 jl'aruamv
TN8TALLMENT Dealers , agency men nnd
J.cauvus'iers : Free , Information about license ,
worth to you $1K ( ) ; costs you nothing. Address
on i postal imniedlatelv. H. H. Hurlbut , Manager ,
OBi Lake st. , Chicago , 111. Ol'J-SJi '
S ICHOOL ot Expression , Vocal Articulate ,
Pautomlnlc. L V. Anderson , Sheelv block.
; jO20r |
LOUIS AVlneberg dress and cloak maker ;
plush cloaks to order and steamed : sealskin
cloaks repaired , all Kinds fur trimmings fur
nished. 1420 Capitol ave. , repairing of all kind.
rflllE banjo taught n ? an art by Goo. r.Oellcn-
JLbeck. Apply at lleo ollice. 9VJ
"O EPA I Its for all maaes of stoves at James
' . lU7 ! S13th St 3B1-30J
G HUMAN lessons Mr. llorndruck. Olllco
Fruohaut's book store. 25.1 o3 ]
/1HAS. L. Todd aoes collecting. 44 llarker blk
\J 4I8-S27J
LOST A largo pug dog with collar on. A jlD-
oral lownnt will bo paid for his re turn , to A.
J. Whlddeu , 4307 Nelson St. , Walnut Hill , or to
room 027 , Paxtou block , 7S7-2St
JOST A largo lloUtclu cow without horns.
Howard. Dr. Stoua. 171
LOST Frpm Clifton Hill , Sept. 2lblack pony ,
two white saddle marks on back , 10 years
old. lUturntoJos. Matza. 768 28 *
LOST At Grand Opera llousa , Btlff .hat. You-
mun's mane , sold by W J. Steinberg. St.
louls ; will rewiird tluder. Guest Murray hotel.
LOST A buncn of keys on a ring With Mrs.
A. Goodwin's numo on it. Itoward If luf t at
Cozzens hotel. 740 27t'
LOST Ono bay ma re pony branded II on'left '
shoulder. t > ore on back from hnvness , shoix
tall : any Information delivered 0 * 'Walnut-Hill
< irugbtore will borewaidftd ; & B. Foster. 73d " 'i
T OST A llviir-colored polnterrdotf , answ'crs
-L to name of Dan ; Under please return ( ! . IV.
Holdrege , No. It ) 12 South 3-'nd ave. , city , nnd get
reward. 71US8
LOST Drawn WatfrSpanltslpun. smallwhltn
spot on bretut. Huwurd It returned to 715 N
L'Jrd St. Oj9 Sft
1 OST lllack setter dog , nn3)vers ) to * JacV , "
-t with metallc collar , > Lukt si'eft in South
Omaha. Finder \ > lll be Hiiltably rewarded ]
N. I" . Dodge , Jr. , Council llluDa , Iowa.
LO&T Pug dog 0 mouths old. Hctiirn to 2220
Chicago bt. ami receive reward. ' ' C14-28 *
'I OST Large , youngclose-hatrad St. Ilernard
JJ dog , yellow- with white bronst and JC0et. Ifv
turn to 11 JO Georgia nvo. . or 901 Dougliu and got
reward. r5U8
TJIOUNI ) Cirand Opera House , one s ln" hat ;
JO owuer can have same by calling at Murray
hotel. 700 2Ut
POUND A black horse with white spot on
forehead ; owner can find It &t Mrs. War-
ners , 3'Jth and Davenport. 748 t"rt
rilAKBN"IJPlted" and white mixed"cmv ?
JL : ilV4 lllondo. J. H. Porrln , OU1-2JJ
EDWAHD Andrews Hill find his daughter at
I7W Corby fitract , Omaha. Mollla Andrews ,
GENTLEMEN , it you dcblieaifa or ft lively
correspondvut. s-'uu your address to the
American Corrogpoudlug Club , Ilex (1C ( ) , Clarku-
buig. W. Vo. 243 oWJ
WANTED-To buy or trade for good build
ing lot within 25 blocks ot pobtolllce. Address -
dress , btutlnir slie. prlco , terms and incniu-
lirauce , K Vi lleo ollice. 7721
B1UCK. Press AVantaA A second-hand ma
chine in good condition for maxim ; dry
prosbcd brick , Adaress 1C 40 , rare of this ollice.
WANTED-Eoultles lu Nebraska land for.
_ apot ca h. _ Ilex IM. Aurora. 111. 744 20J ;
\\7ANTED-Oaa good driving horeo about
lioo pounds. 4222 Cumlng Bt. tf inj | _
/ 1ASH for furniture , carpeu , stove . general
Vind3o. . Wells' Auction i : Storage Co.,317 8.lUUi.
_ lle ! ll
WANTKD-2,000 yards dirt nt'6 cents per
yard , to fill lot In Housol 4 Btebblns ad-
ditlou. Hoom MW I'uxton block. lit
QaXJltAQKiuidfonvardlng. Wo collect audd - .
Oliver .cxxl * o t ull dascrlptlun. inerchaudlse.
furniture and baggage at cheapest r tes for
or io for any length of time. Vans and
wagons to bo had at shortest notice , with euro-
fulinuu for movluc. Packlae and eulpplnfr
from our own wnrehoune dons on niodcrato
charge. Mwrch udl e loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks' Ofllc 2lT8. lltU
t. Xelsphonollt , IlowoU * Co. W5
STOIl AOK CI n. drV. ftVd rpnfonnblo rntei.
Wells' Storage Ic Auction Co , 317 8. littn tt.
. _ HlY. 8 _
S TOllAGIiat low rates flfllSl Varnum street ,
Omaha Auction anJMonipe Co ,
mHACKAOK storaito t wweit rates W. v.
JL ilutilimaii. 1311 lyavty wortli. _ B3fl
MADAMH Wellingtonworldrenowned its-
trologlst , test medium and deMlnv render.
Just from Europs. 'rMt * your Hfo from tha
cradle to the grave. rVitinltrfl the separated ,
inuifs speedy manlagarfthh the ono you lov
locates nlspnse and ( roAts with massage and
clectrlo Imtli.i. All In trouble should not fall to
consult tbla gifted Jeered ; Parlor U , upstairs ,
417 8. llth ; ollice hoiirt , from 10 a. m , to 10 p. m.
"IjlOKTUNIJ teller Mn. Lenorman o n bo
.JJ consulted Oa nil niralrft of lire. Sitlsfac-
tlon gunrnutofd. No. 1110 N. Utli t. 113 oil *
T\ll. NANNllTvi Warren , cfnlrvoyniuJntilT -
J-'cal nnd business medium. IVmale diseases N. HUM it. rooms 2 nnd 3. 537
GOOD homos for latlleu during conllneniMU ,
terms re&sonableas ) ri.lTth. Dr. MrnKuntzs
il in b30J
MH3. M. Ohlonschlagcr , mld-nlfery home for
ladles. Gonrt accommodations and intend-
unce. laldcs ndapled > . VJ7 North 24th St. ,
Omaha. ( V12.SU *
\\riHTl'LKSEY'S shorthand and typewrit-
T lui ; achool , Darker block. Day nud evenIng -
Ing sessions ; M per month. Ull-07t
STAMlAHI ) Shorthand School. Paxton. blk , ,
( successor to Valentino's ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school In ths west ; Teachers
nro vurbiitimreportoM. Particular attention
paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction
ot machine taught by factory export. Circulars.
FOR SALE Wngon and harness , nlmost uow.
for Palo on payments ; price in.i onablo. Co-
Oporfttlve Land A : Lot Co. . 2J1 N. liith ft. 751 23
1 neil HA hi : Furnlturu sultabla for aboard-
' lug house ; parties now have from 28 to 30
boarders ; address 1C 3i Heoolllcu ; good stand.
| 701 3UJ
_ _
rt 100 buy * m re , hnrness , opcnbupgy. Enquire
9 > ltHO Sherman ave. , after ii o'clocH. 44 | 27t
T7l6Tra.\I.E-aoi > d saddle pony. Win. .1. Wol-
JL ? Bhnns , 23d8pouglas st. _ 'Hi8.-.2'1 ' ' _
iron SALE Soma "good cnrrlngo aim draft
JO hones nt Paritlo stables , cor. ICth nnu
CSiarlej st. Oiiil 1
. . . . _ _ . . . _
and saddle. Apply at TO * N 2'd Bt. OVI 2 B
rpO close out housekeeping by Oct. I , wlll.soll
JL furniture at private pale , 2111 Capitol ave.
0(54 ( 20t
FOH SALE A perfect family horse , youne ,
gentle , good color. Apply at oucj. 170 ! N.
21st , corner Grant st. 74U S3t
I neil SAIE-Piactou ) tliat coat J221 at n heavy
1 discount for cash ; used about It months ;
well built and finished In the latest style.
Prlco $123. Willis Yates , Neb. Nat'l bank.
"ITlOIl BALK A new buggy , Simpson make ,
JL' cheap. _ 11 opin 527. Paxton olock. 221
"ITIOII SAljlT Work team , wagou and haruuss.
JL1 single hot-so , harness nnd carriage , 2
wagons , 2sots howy harness , or will cxchaug
lor brick. J. J. Wllkln ja , 1417 Painam. fiJ'J '
FOH SALK Light htllf platform sprlnij
wagon , tn good order,15B7 N. 15th st.
, , / , ( UI sHOt
TTtOK SALE A qunntliVnot building stone.
JL Apply to the superintendent Hee building.
THOHSALE A m-hors power Porter engine
JO in good condition , weight 5.10J pounds , cyl
inder llxlii. For particulars npply to TUB lloa
ollice. JiO. 708
1\riDLAND fiuarantool ; } rust"co..N. V. Life
J-i Ibldg.completo nUbtrncw furnished aud titles
to real estate examined jp ifeetodiVguarautBcd. ;
, , 539
: loans , str ) tlyconlldontlal. M.I.
1U Continental blpct : 723 O24
O MAIIA Chattel Lfeaii jCo. Itoom 42. Hurker
block. Money nt Jovjest rate. 713 o 24
T 0ANH on chattel and collateral securltj-.spe-
JLJcial rate * this week. Hawkeye Inve.stment
Co. , It. 33 , Douglas Ul'fc , 16th ailtl Dodge st .
ONEV loaned on chattel Eccurltlos ana
M :
Jewelry. ! Hoom 411Sheeloybllc. F.H.Jeromo.
ti6 ; o 2JJ
" \fONEV loaned on furniture , horses , Jewelry ,
J-'letc Special rates to parties in norm and
west part ot city. J. U. hmlnger. 1117 Farnam.
G8J O 1
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. I-oaus ot S1U to
JI.OOO ; get our rates before borrowing and
BBTO money ; loan on horHes , iiirnlture. or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old. and low
est rates , call USuy.Sbeeley blk,15th& Howardst
{ J > 500,000 to loan nt II per cent. Llnalmii & Ma-
Phoney , room .iud Parton block. 519
MONEY to loan on furaituro , horseswagons ,
ets. . or on niiy approved security. J. W.
Itobblns , 14I1SS Farnam street. Pnxtou hotel. '
MONEY" to loan on any socurlty
for Nhon time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Invest ment Company ,
room 40Q. Pnxtoa block ; 643
UILDINO loans. D. V. Sholcs , 210 First
National bautc. 512
rpO LOAN "A few thousand on Inside unlm-
Jl proved city property or good 2nd mortgage
paper Address J M Iloo olllco. 2HS
fTllHSTniortgage loans At low rates and uo
JO delay. D.V. iholos. 210 First National bane.
T OANSifladoon real estate and mortgage *
JLJbought. LonlsS.HooiKV :
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
houshold goods , planoi. orgaiiH , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrdt organized loan otlice In
the city. Makes loans from thirty to three hun
dred and slxty-dvo days , which can be paid In
part or hole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal nnd interest. Call nnd FOQ us wnen
yon want nionoy , wccan assist you promptly
and to yriur Advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in making loans , t' , ! ' . Heed & Co. ,
. 13th St. , over Hlngham & Sons. 553
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgngo pa-
par bought. McCiiguo Investment Co. H35
ONEV to loan. O , F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1501 Farnum st. 514
WANTKD First class Insldo loans. Lowest
rates. Call ana sou us. Mutual Investment -
ment Co. , 1604 rurnam.
MONEY loaned tor 30.00 or100 dny on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; couUdcntiaL J.J. Wilkinson , 14.17 Farnam.
. - 547
DO YOU want mouqvf j > lf so don't borrow
before getting myrate.s , winch arotlio low
est on any Hum Irom f Vto 810,000.
I make loans on hou.t-b.nld goods , pianos , or-
pans. liorHes.mulos.wnunju.warehoussreceipts ,
houses , loaie.s.otc. . In anf amount at the louesc
poislble rates , without publicity or removal of
property. . ,
Loans can be made for ono to nix mouths and
you cnn pay part at any ! time , reducing both
principal and Interest. .Idaou ewe a balance
on your furnltura or hprieji. or have n loan on
then ) . 1 will tntii'lt up ftjidcarry ; it for you as
long us you desire. > > < Wi
It you need inoimjyoliv ] < lll find It to t your nd-
Tantaio to see mo beforj.borrowing.
H. K' Musters''roam irWuhnbH"ouildlnc. IBth
nnd Harney , no 555
" \"ONnYto loan at low , .ratos and no delay.
If 1 Capital and nurpriutlt < XUU- > , Lombard
Investment Co. , W/i S Kttat. . ( iw
17ESIDENCEloanB"6Vf'to7 per cent ; no ud-
Jldltlonal charges for/uimirnlBKlon * or Httor-
neya' fees. W. H. MelWejFJr t Nnt bank blag ,
SEB Sholes. room 210 , Klr Nat'l bank , before
miiklnx your Ipauv. 512
MONEY to loan on real estate security at
lowfst rates. Hefore negotiating loans BBO
Wallace , H. 310 , Hrown bldg. , ICth & Douflas.KO
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates wltn
out delay , nud purchase good rommercla
paper nd mortgage note * . S. A. yiommi , cor
l.rth and Farnam , Kl
MONEY to loan ; rasa on hand i no delay , j.
JU-W. Squire , Kit Faruara Bt. , I'lnt National
bant building. .511
MONEY to loan on clly pr farm property.
Oeo. J. Paul , 100,1 Farnimat. | o/
T TEIHIABICA Mort Loan Co. will max you a
J- > loan on household goods.
Horses , wagons ,
land contracts.
fine jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at rnaitonable ratei.
I oem 7 , llowley block. South Omaha.
Iloom SIS-CIU. Puxtou block , Ouianu , Neb.
pimAnnirniA Mortsage k Trust Co. fur.
JL nlun cheap pastern inoner to borrowera ,
purchase necnrltlos , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western omen , doors * W , P , Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard ot 'Xrndo. MO
MONKY lonneA on furnlturo , horses ami
wapons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
1138. Mth t. . oppoalto Mlllard hotel. 6\i
BKKOHE making cliattel or collateral loans ,
It will pay you to eo Tha Woitcrn luveit-
ment Co. . i-oom 44rilco bldp. _ I'M
TTHHST National snfoty deposit vaults. Pates
X1 to rent K to tu u yeitr , Ml S , 13tn , 12)
ITIOU HKNT Aia you looking for ono of the
* bast locations In omnlm to start n dry goods
store , hurdunro , bnrlior f hop or grocery ) ! It so
see Pietl Harris , 1MM Dodge. _ 5123 _
111011 ItENT-llestaurRUt wltirbakory Inbnio-
X' ment and rooms nbovo. bath TOOIUM. ( lining
room to scat UKluow bi let building , parties on -
Ing it wish logo out of business ; party must be
responsible. For particulars address H , W.
Whlttnknr. Kearney , Nob. . Iluiralo Co. 4KI019 ;
TTOlt BALE Clgnrstoro ! good buslnow , rlean
JL1 Ptoqk W)8 ) N. lUth St. 731-201
$3CO will buy thn furnlturo aud luane of 18-
room boanllng house. 117 N 14tlijt. 033-33t _
\V i > : TRl-Partnor with t03 tojl.iioo. Bate ,
. i ' prolltublo nnd legitimate bUKlnrss. No
scbtMno. Hofcrcnccs oxchanced. Address , 1C
21) ) , line ollico. 0(3 Sa
( CR'X ) will buy u iiion' * coiMit ! mi > At mnikut.
' 1'1'or particulars ouimlro t\)3 ) Hanndcrs st.
AHH youlooKing for an opportunity to cn-
gano In themercnntllo busmossir Itsocomo
nml fcous. W. It. B.AM. . E. , Hoom It Chamber
of Commerce. 'J sl. 1110. 015
, MAN or wnwnn'bt gootl miolnrm ability
Vwltli from ? 10ito M.IMI to invest ran find
permanent euiployineut at a good salary by nd-
' , Lock HoxStlS , Chicago , III. M18 iMt
TT10U 8AM5 Jenso nnd furnlturu ot n 7-room
J' fiat , ; t Works from ! ' . ( . l-'or particulars
cnll or nlldruss Kdftar Apllu , 13J5 UoiiKlas. city.
TjlOH S Alii ? Ono of the bent located urocorlo <
JL''in'clty. Uicm ttoCK , need trade and reason-
nblor nu- Address K 4a , Uoo olllce. 747 2'J *
EOU SXf.R-LcnBaiind fiirnlturo ot the le-
pot Ilott'l , Lmroln. Nob. , ut n batpatn , A
coed chance for the right man. Address , De
pot Hotel. Lincoln. Nob. or.'l
TJlOIl SACiE Or trade , mrRO stoce ranch In
X1 western Iowa well Improved and nil under
fence ; with or Without Block. 1103 , Hoe olllco ,
CM ) nt
ONKit ot 11 woll-pitiibllshcd brewery wishes
to add bottling department , and wants a
youtiKinan.wHo understands the business to
take an interest.V. . It. E. iV M. K. , lloom 14 ,
Hoard ot U'rndo. 7l
nit ) MiABl ! , for u term of years , trackapi lots
X on Nicholas and Izard sts. Curtis & Sackott ,
208 S. JBtihst. RS 1
( jlOlLQAljlior exclmngn .Mi lee cream and
-I ? oj'Hter parlor ! jood location. H.'IL IJall ,
room 4- , Marker idock. 711-4
T710U 8A M3 A good payinc grorory Htoro In
JLincoln. . Tetms. luilf cash. Vor particulars
uddretta B , Uoo on Ico. Lincoln , Neb.
, , „ , C87-0 21 *
I/Oll SA ijK Well estnbllsnod furniture qtore ,
J ? apply to Fred. J. Smith , Lindsay , Nob.
42o27 *
171OH SA LK The leuso , furnUnro and peed
-I ? will of Opelt's hotel. Lincoln. NeK vlll bo
soul at u bargain. Call on or address , Joe
Opolt , Lincoln , Neb. &V1 'Si
TJIOK TKADK Equity In lot nnd U room house
JL1 nuideni Imptovementy , JCountzo place , cash
value fT.nivi KifilO loan to nssumn for smaller
lionsu and lot south of I'nrnam pruferrcd. In-
tjulrofi'0 S. Mth bt. TM 28f
TTN1NCUM1IKHMD ronl estate for utock of
iJ groceries. Address K 15 , Ilea ofllco. TJitit
EOKTV tliousatul dollar stock of merchan
dise , ono titird cash , b.U uoatern IftiuU. Dox
il , Aurora , 111. 74.1 i'Ot
ri O EXril ANGK Hood Oniahu property to er-
JL change tor stock of Roods ; also some good
Nebraska , Iowa and Kunsas-fiirms for stocks
of goods. 11 , It. Hall , loom 4U , llarker block.
mo KXCHANGR for Omalm prpporty , im-
JL proved and unimproved lots , neur Council
llli'ttls motor line. Curtis is Sackett , W3 S. 15th
' ' ' "T"
st.1 tiSH
rOHTHADB Twosood Iowa farms to tradq
tor stock , cattle or horses. Address. Lock
Hosa , lied Oak , la. 012 Jt
thousand dollar block of hardware
for Nebraska land clear of encumbrance.
Ur. , Aurora , III. 742 1 +
' 171011 SALE-Onlong time nnrt easy payinenti.
L1 handsome , new.\voll-bullt houses of H , II and
lOroouu. All couvenlences.Rood neighborhood :
paved streets , street cars , and within walking
distance of I'.U. Nathan Blielton , 1U14 Farnum.
FOIl THADK Good C-room house and barn ,
\vlthlot iVlx4U to alluy ; onS. lUth street
near llrownell hall. Will trade for unlncnm-
berod vacant property. Ames , 15U7 Farnnm hi.
\\7ANTEn-To triido good Omaha property
for n 10 or 15 acre tract wltnln In miles ot
P.O. W. It. 13. &M. K. , room 11 Chamoer ot
Commerce. 'JiHl
WHAThavayoutooirerln urcliauge tor my
Si.O.X ) eaulcv in mv double House on
Latnrnp st , neur Ititn , or for my $ .1.010 o ulty la
myilouule house on tipunoer Ht nearS.'d , or for
my ij'.OiHJ ecmlty In my double house on Wlrt st ,
east of 21th , all with modern improvements , all
eiuMimliranqes fi years at 7 per cent. No farms
will ho considered. W. ' ! ' . Seaman , east slda
lllth Ht , north ot Nicholas Bt , Omaha's largest
variety otwagons and carriages. 701
TJKNTAL property , Inside , to exchange for
JAelear farma or vacant city lots. Thos. V.
Hall , .1111'axton blocfc KM
TTlOUEXCIIANaU An elegant tract of land
J ? eontdtnlnfi 120 acres In Autelopo county ,
Neb. , with ordinary Improvements.
.A quarter section In Hand county , Dakota ,
party Improved.
Klghty acres near Council Bluffs , la.
1 louse and lot on South JlHh st.
Largo amount of Oil Mountain and Petroleum
company oil stock. Will .exchange for good
property or the erection of omo housoi. ( Jeo.
J. Stern dorir. 1st National bank building. 1118
kEAL with.tho old reliable real estate linn of
M. A. Upton Co. , ICth and Farnam. 7bUO
TAO'yon know that 32d struct Is being nicely
J-Sgnidod from Hanscom park south , and that
n motor will soon run ou aamo ? Wo 1/avo / Home
first-class lots lu Dwlght and Lytnan'H and
Thomuso. tinnd 'Gb6s' addition that wo can sell
ut a jirk'e tnatNMllmake purchaburablg money ,
M. A , ' Upton company , 10th aud Furuum , _
LAKOPST list f > t business property. M , A ,
Upton company. IGth and Farnam ,
"P'OOIC out for. extra good bargains. Wo have
JUu few choiCQ building lots , Inuldo property ,
thatwo'can'otrer tor this ncekto good respou-
slblu parties for building purposes at low llg-
uro.s'ami take n seconil inortKago for part pay
ment , We have alao 6 line cottages for fcuilo in
Orcnanl Hill , Uncut location that wo can give
bargains' in. Call at Excelsior Laud & Heal Es
tate Co. , 'ill ) H..iiliat. . 707 27
A lib HST list of Hiiburbun property. M. A.
Upton company , lUth and 1'uruum.
. 7 (17 ( JO
SOMKitutuarburgaliiB in Omaha property ,
consisting ot Jjouhcs aud lots and \ucnnt
lots. This Is not to catch you but fetch you.
11. It. Hall , room 42. llarkor block. 711-1
"ITIOII BALE Lots iind ncie property In Plcrro.
J. Bo. Duk , A bargain ll tukun at ouco. Call at
31B Ho. 15th Ht. _ 774 27J
111 AYE n good C'-room liuune , with Htabln nnd
oucbulldings , on the brow of the hill near
Murceravu. Motor , which I will sell to a good
party ou easy monthly terms. F , A. Hmlth
room 25. Chamber of. Commerce. ( SoO 20
SOUTH Omaha We make a epecialty of
South Omnhu property. No better pur
chase In the market than wo can olfer , M. A ,
Upton Co. , ICth and Farnam. 7U 30
TTIOH SAlIl Ad joining Stuart , Neb. , and
JL ? within two blocks of the new brick school
houso.- lee acres of good , Improved land. Prlco
JJO per acre. Address box &SJ , Atkinson. Neb.
_ 041-2BJ
M. A. UPTON company ore the lending real
estate dealers in Omaha , Bee them ut Ibth
and Parnum , 7ff-ao
SOUTII Omaha. The northeast corner 27tn
and. A streets. Hran new 4-room cottage ,
well , cistern , cellar und out buildings , all tha
Ti'ry best. The exceedingly low jirlcoof * lm j
will buy this property If sold at oncn , Umall
ca li payment down , balance easv. The above
would bo cheap at tl.500. Anybody looking for
u comfortable home in thU direction should In
vestigate ac once. ( JeorgeJ , Kternndorlf , Heal
Estate , i/oun and Exchange llrokor. rirst Ku-
tlonal Hank Hulldlng. Telephone 4 1. M2-27
STUINOKB & Penny , room 0. Douglas
block , have one of the llntistcorners lu Huns-
com. place for Bale ; will take as part payment
K clear lot of lesi value.
-i.WX ) wanted at good interest for Uvo yean
on IKxIge bt property worth II6.0JO/ .
Farnum ot. property for &aiu cheap.
Inside acreage for tale , no fancy prlctt.
Hauudera at. property for Bale. 115 per foot ,
Equity In 6(1 ( feet on 2Ut at. ? mile from P. O. ,
for trade , Btrlnger tc I'ouuy , DougUu block.
T AltO R3T list otretiaence r > rep rtr. M. A.
JLUpton Co. . loth and Farnam. 7783)
TjlOli STviiK Kasy terms , ICountzo place.
JL1 Two homos , each 8 rooms , ouch M.OCXX
Two homes , oacn D rooms , each fVOOJ.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , ouch IT.SOO.
All with modern conveniences.
All large ralti nt tao pries.
All within n gqiiAto ot the motor lino.
Don't lose thnse opportunities.
For sals by thu owner. W. T. Seaman.
Enst Mdo iRth it. , north ot Nicholas st.
Oinahn's Urgcst variety ot waeons nnd CM-
rlages. _ _ 5. ' > 0
rptlli best money n worth of hoii end lot now
JL forsalelnOmahn Is that which I am now
completing near -Mth nt , , on paved W Irt st. , in
KouutKA iuaco. 8 bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kltchnii , 2 bath rooms. : ! water closet * .
large laundry , stationary wash tttbs. furnnrn
nnd real room mm cellar , electric bells and
apeaklug tube , 13 closets. Prlro only7.f > 0j on
terms to .suit. Llkewlxo a duplicate ndjolnlmt
nt.iamaprlco. W. T. Seaman. oastvlilo Idtli st.
north ot Mclinlius st. Omaha's largest variety
ot wagons anil carriages. 5.'D
rPO Hulldcrs : Strlnpnr &T > cnayl'fotrKhTsTlorkI
JL H. K. ror. inth nnd Dodoc. lmo xouie A 1 lota
which they can sell tor M cash and baUnco on
soccnd mortgngo. 4W 1
jlOll SA L'E-J'l'wo cholco high lota on corner
.1 in Orchard lllll , ono block from motor line ,
{ 3,400 , Curtis ; v Hnehett. 208 S. isthat , c o-i
TTlOir a A LIJ HTOJO ' acf rs"IaT dnn'iKebrairkT !
JU TiOxUO foot loti N. nth at. nt a Fncrltlcln ?
prlco. Inquire 1112 a 13th. Oeo. II. Peterson.
_ _
nwi SAIiK-W.1.73 acres , fee. K , tp. 12 , r. 0 w ,
JO Hamilton county Nob. Hoiwo. stable , WO
acres fenced , Hvimj water. Prlco ? 1OiM. V. 1C ,
Atkins , owner , lildg. Denver. Col. 5U
" letonto" those largoTota
SAY1 ( nt the
. . north end oC South Omuhn , on 24th , 2."th.2ith !
nuil27thbtr > > pts. Wa can sell now nt ono-lmlt
what they will bring In fortv days rrom now ,
wneu tint motor Is ruimliig through there , M.
A Upton Co , 10th nud Farnam. 778 15)
TPOH 9AIK-2. . 41 or BU feat of lot (1. ( bloct 7fl
X1 nt fliiC per foot. Thli la within a niiarter ot
a bloca ot the uow P. 0. site , and will bo worth
tl.nouinshtoofayeur ,
Ths o 1 $ lot 8 , block 101 , cor. Douglas and 10th
nts , 44 feet on Douglas and CO on 10th , pries
f2r > , nee , } lotxx ) cash , balance in llveoijual annual
'fho so K nw 't see n , t U , r 11 o. Douglas Co. ,
prlco $12txrl , JI.OJJ Oasii. balance puSy.
Lot 7 , lilk : IM\ South Omana. prloo JI.'WO , terms
easy. W. 11. K. * M. H. , loom 14 , Chamber of
Commerce tolcphone 1110. 7-7.
TTlOIl SALE D-rootn hoiiso , b rn and lot Hans
X1 coin Place , nt a bargain , IMrrls , Itojm til
1st Nat , Hank. DPI
rpIIKEK years ngo wo ndvUod buylUR In
JL Bout 1 | Omalm. What did jou Milss by not
heeding this advice ? There N iv chniico again
to double your monuv'ou those GOxlVHots at the
north end ot South Omaha. Hut yourpurchascs
mustboinadu lieroro the' ' motor la running
there. No tlmo to lose. Wo have tha only bar
gains there , M. A. Upton Co..lith ) imd I'lirnatn.
_ _
HOMES on monthly payments. 1 have still
r > lots for hale In Aldlno miuaro , on which
1 will build homes to suit purchasers , nna take
payment monthly , qunuoriy , or yearly. Aldlno
square is on Uruco HI root , one Work from the
motor Hue and two blocks from the cable , and
by either line you can start froirt.tllo postolllco
and get there m 10 minutes. It barf nil advan
tages of water , uwer , gas , pavements , uto. ,
nud the terms nrn the easiest over offered In
this clt y. i hnvo also 10' lotn ou Cans fltrout. bn-
twci'U SiStli and 20th streets , whlrh 1 will sell on
same terms. Call and examine plans of houses
etc , 1) . J , O'Donahoo , HOI Fnrnmnfir. fill
$4rO ) bargain ; the bout halt block in lloyd's
add , OH. AIUK.S ave and Moior for tlio nbovo
Finn ; this nniht bo sold ; submit alt oilers to D.
Y. Bholos. 210 1st Nat. Ilnnk. 3J ( ) 20
ACHE property around and near Omaha. See
M. A. Upton company. 10th and J'nrniuii.
Tj'OHSALE ' , real estate Hrlggs Place. 1 have
JL1 in this desirable addition a number ot
choice lots for Hale at low llguros and terms to
stilt your convenience * . If you are looking fern
n line resldonco location , let me drlvo you out
nnd show you Miosa beautiful lots which I otfor
for sale. They belong to non-residents and
must be sold. Don't delay but call at once on
( Icorgo.L Stornsdorir , 1st Nnt. bink oulldlng.
Telephone 481. 441
"OEMEMHEIl that a double-corner In the
JV north end of South Omaha makes thrco50x
120 ft. lots. Wo hnvo all the bargains thero.
M. A. Uuton Co. , Hith and Vainnm. 778 ! IO
TniVEG-room houstw , new. batli room , cistern ,
JL ? city water , half blocic from Motor line ; lu
pe : cent cash , balance monthly ; sale subject to
short time lease. Neb. Mortgage' Loan Co. ,
room 51'J Paxton block. .M
TjlOK SALE From one to fifty acres of choice
JL' aero property for sale cheap , Curtis Si Sack-
ctt , 2.8 8. 15th st. 08U-1
4 HOOM cottage and lot , 1'i miles from P. 0.
for sale. $1.000 , easy payments , good location.
D. C. Patterson , P18 N. Y. Lite. 750 5
/"lOMEnnd see us nnd Investigate some of the
VJhm-Ralns wo hnvo to oiler. Wo nro contin
ually listing new properties , and "If you don't
BOO uhut vou wnut nsk for It. "
For Halo or exchange one ot the finest res
taurants In Omaha at a bargain.
We have several line hotel properties to trade
for land or other good values.
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , at a bargain , Elevator complete , with
horse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc. A
line opening for n practical grain denier.
Houses and lots In all parts ot Ouinha for
sale nnd exchange.
For exchange , tor Omaha property , 1,000 acres
of school land tease. In one of the best counties
In the state.
A Una resldonco property in Omaha View for
sale at n bargain
A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omaha property.
281 acres of line land lu northwestern lown to
exchange forOmana property.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise orllvo stock , a Hue hotel
property In Iowa lown of l.0in ! inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the pluco and doing a flno
business. Furnishes meals for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the right mnti.
Wo have unsurpassed facilities for disposing
of property , having some B0 ( agents scattered
over four or live stales. List your property
with us if you wish a quick turn. W. U , E. Ic
M. E. , Room 14 , Chamber ot Commerce , tele
phone i44i ) . rca
FOU SALE Cnolco farms near good mar-
kets , rhoap.und terms easy , or will take
good trade. Lewis & Co. , Sterling , Colo.
/\N K farm ot 4iu acres Jn Page county , Iowa.
V/ Ono farm of liO ! acres in Adams county , la.
Ono farm of UK ) ucros In Hock county. Nob.
Ono farm of 10) acres in Or ami Forks , Dak.
Also Llmlcrman hotel furniture , Clarmda , la.
All of the nbovoirtescrlbeil property must bo
closed out in sixty days , regardless of prlco.
Cnll or address F. Al. 1'ark , Cliirluda , Iowa.
Hill s',10
TjVJH SALE A pleasant homo consisting of a
JL' neil builthouHBOf5 large , convenlert rooms
and cellar , lot HO by ir,0 fret , Impioved with
large sbuclu andJruls bearing treesJgrapeH. etc.
hlgli location , choice , neighborhood. California
sfleet , betweenIJJHl and 31st ; two blocks fiom
motor line ; tenun , $2,500 cashorJGOu cash ami
balance within 10 years utH per cent interest :
Willis M. Yate.s , agt. NobranKii Nat'l bank. 702
T" HAVE homo llrst-olas ? ranttl propurty for
JLsale cheap within oilo'mllo of pnstolflcn , on
pavi-d streets and motor Una , . Thos. V. Hull ,
811 Paxton block. . 658
TTlOltBALE Lots In Btowart1 place , will fur-
JL' r.l.Hh nionoy , for building house , und pay
ments monthly. Hero is a cfiancoto socuru a
home. Harris , room 411.1st Nat. Hank. Ml
mo MANUtfACTIWEHS-1 will give ample
JL ground , with splendid tractive facilities ,
on the Fremont , Elkhorn .V Missouri Valley
railroad , or on the Missouri Paclllollelt ( Line )
railway lu Westlnwn , just outsldu the city
limits. In West Omaha , conveniently ultnatml as
regards access to the IniKlness center or Omaha
nmlHmith Oinahii. to parties for tha location of
any of the following Industrial ;
Furniture Factory , Hutton Eactory ,
Bhna Factory , Lard Helluery ,
W'ks , Heap Works ,
Paper Mill , I'unller Mntiufactory ,
Plow Works. llroom Factory ,
Hnrvi'stor Works , Wfcolun Mill ,
Nnll Works , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills. Ilex Manufactory ,
Bush. Door ami Hlmd Wire Works ,
Manufactory , Machine Shops.
Flour and I'eml Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Wcstluwn
Is just outsldo the city llmltH , and industries
planted thuru will escape hsfivy city taxes.
If you are thinking of locating In Omuhu It
will pay you to invefetigutn tills.
( loo. N. Hicks , New York Llfo building ,
Omaha. 7M
"IJlOIl BALE-Improvedand unimproved No
JL' bruxxa City property , consist Imof nj choice
residence lots In central part of tnu city ; ton
lots with small dwelling nouses tliereon , rent
ing from flu to (15 per month ; ten lots on < ; n-
trulavo. , In buHuem purtof the city ; ono store
room , 21x120,2 utorles hiuh.and two Htorurooms
24x1(0 ( It. . 2 stories nlgli..botli opposite the court
house , lu central business part of the city ; ilio
Urand I'ucltlo hotelthe lKt hotel In the city ,
centrally locatedstories ! ) hlen , with : i Htoro
rooms , one burbor shop and the hotel olllco on
tha lower Hoer ; Mtt ft. of frontagu on the H. &
M , H. Ii. track , with 40 lots ailloinmi ; uumfa.
au elevator thereon and n H. & M. side track
lunnlng uptolt. Terms , one-hull cash down ,
balance on 2 to5 yuarn tune with mortgage se
curity , or in exrhangn may take good Nebraska
farm land it suitably located. For further par
ticulars. euo.ulroor II. ] ( , Hartllng. Nebruska
City. Neb. tl8 ! UP
HANBCOM place lot for ealo very cheap for
cash , lot 15 block 7 , WxlW , Addretn F , P.O.
box S'fl. 377
T7UH BALE , real estate Threa cnolca lots In
JL1 Hedlck Park addition , facing > IU ave. Only
! ! , * ) each. A tine clai of residences surround
thin property , nml in Itsa than two yaars tha/
will double in value. Ueortfo J. BtenmlortT ,
mt Nut. banK building. 41J
LOTS 7 and a block 7. Illllsldo No , J. lo\ibl
corner on SOth and riilcdCT , ttUOl. liots 10
nnd II , Dlock V , outh fronts on Chicago ot , ,
| -,7AO each , M , A , Upton Co 16th nnd Farnam.
SAW ! Now elosant P-room housp. nil
JL1 modern conveniences , cast trout , In tha boat
residence- locality in Omuhn : will sell cheap ,
Hrcnnan ACo. . . room 3 , Chamber of Oominnrciv
_ _
\17AKKnp nnd climb onto this bargain , B
' ' rooinnawhousn.turiincisgiis. In'h.Iuitnml
cold wstor , line mantel , oloctrlo wltes forllRht-
Ing , tot Mix 1 VI. V ( block ot Dr. Morcor'a n-f > l-
drnco nnd motor , olognut for the money ) tlWO
rash , bal. to suit nt six per cent ; next ; D. V.
Sholoa. 210 1st Nat , bank. 777
MATUPTON CO. , real estate nud Invest-
i incut brokers , 10th and Fnrntvin.
Foil SATil ! Or oxclinngo , clear 180 nrnr
Plerro. Owner , 20.1 Sneely Hlrtcfe. 7S3E f
ONE ot the two house nnd lot bargains t
have boon offering on Uoorgtn ave. north oC
[ , < < avunworthlM iiow'sold nml occupied , Imcnuin
of ) uy very low'prlco , The south hOius ot tha
two mill remains n bariiuln open to somoboily4
PlrM comes , nrrtaorvoil. To bo npprcclMoa It
needs to bo oxnmtnod lutornallv. I positively I
will not rent It , though several timesoirorcd
J.V ) per month. I'rWo , ou very oaay tormi.o H
W. T , PoRman. cn dido Mth St. , north ot Nch |
ola.j nt.Oiuiihn'8 largest variety of wafrons mid
carriages. 55U
GLOHE HOT EL-Nowly furnished nndllttcrt
up throughout ; centrally located ; * J par
dny. 1305-131U 1312 Douglas tu M4
MUUHAY IIO'lEL-Nowost , latest and only
llrst-clajs hotel In Omnhu ; J. ( to $1 per dny ,
H , Slllonny proprietor. WV5
GO///KN8 Hotel , cornnrot nth ntnl Hnrnuy
streets , $2.0u jior ilay. No dark ronmn.
Tnbloaist-class. Try It. M. J. Frimck ftH-3.1
WINDPOH lIOTEL-Cornerot liith nud Jock-
son Htreets , ; i blocKH from Union nupot.
Heat J2 a day house lutho city , o W
Notion Sn'ni
Illds will bo received ut this ofllco until 12 m.
Octobcrlat , JSSli , for furnishing and pullluc up
ot Steam Apparatus for Mont IUB : our uuw Court
lioxisnln lllnlr , Plans mm spfclllcatlous on fllo. J
UlRht reserved to reject nny Mid all bids , lly
order of the Hoard.
Cunts. HATHMANN , County Clerk.
_ _ _ ---i JjflftVO ArrIvoT
Depot lllth , V Mnson sta. Oiuahn. Omaha.
Chicago VeMJbulo Ex. . . . 3:15 p in B7M ITm" ,
Chicago Mail. . Hi 15 a m 0:15 p in.
Chicago Local 0:40 : p in 7:15 n m
Denver Vestibule Ex. . . 10:01 : a in 3:00 p m
Lincoln & Concordia J.o'l 8OJ : a m :15 p ui
Colorado Mall 7:11 : p in 9:35 a in ,
Chlcngo Fast Mall . . . . HiOJ p in
Kansas City Express nT : n m (1:15 a m
Knnsa * CltyJJxprois. 11:0) ) p m fliV ) p m
UN 1OM Lonvu 1 Arrlvo '
Depot lutli nndMarcy nts Omaha. Omaha '
Overland I'lycr. ? : : ( ) ( i in ,
Pacltlo Express t > :2a : in 7:10 a , in ,
iH'nvor I'.xpress lu:30 : a m 2:10 p in !
Kansas City. Lincoln &
Hcutrlco Kxj > ress 4ir. : a m 12:1.1 a m
tOrund Island Express. 5:41 : p m .12:21 p m
JPnjillIIon Passenger 5:53 : p in | 7:30 , a m
Except Simday.
0. A N , W. H. 11. I.eavo Arrive
Depot 10th& aiarcy sts. Omaha. Onirtno.
Chicago lixpre s. Dally. . 0:15 : a m 7:0p : m
Fast Limited , Dally . 2:41) : p in 10:20 : a in
' 'Jho Fiyer , " Dally . 8j Mi m ' 8:05 : a m
JllPSOUUf I'ACJFIO" Lonvo Arrlvo
Depot lttht\S'fistor. ) ti Oinuhn. Omuhn. ,
Tiiorence ra'senpor. . .
Daily Except Sunday.
tHunday Only.
AVcHiwni'd. '
Running between Council Illufra and Al
bright , in addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth und Twi nty-fourth
sweets , und ntthe _ Hummlt In Ouinhn.
IlroadTrans - Omaha Boilttl I Al-
wny. fer. depot. Sheoly. Omaha bright.
A.M. A.M. "ATM" " A.M7 A.M. A. Al. '
fi : & : BiOO 0:05
ono 0:37 : 0:50 : 0:55 :
0:4U : 0:47 : 7:00 7:07 7:25
' 7m : 7:42 : 8:00
7:45 : 7:52 H:05 : 8:12 : 80 !
8.3 , ' ) 8:42 8r : , 0:0) :
0:25 : U:30 : 7.
U:42 : 1)15.1
10:05 : 10:2.- : . 10:3) : ) . 7.I I
10:4 : > lOs',2 11U5 : 11:12 : 11:2) ll-M ,
II 11:52 P.M. P. M. P. M. P. U.
P. JI. P. If. K : r 12:12 : 12U :
I2r,2 : , 1:0. : 1:12 : 1:21 :
1:52 : 2:12 : SBJ ; 2:30 :
2:42 : 2:51 : : iM ; ( )
2:15 2:52 3:2.i : 3:3J
3:57 : 4:10 : 4:15 ,
4tr : 4:12 : 4:21 : 4-M.
4-fl 4:57 : 5:10 : 5:16
4 : < r > : sa r:05 : 5:12 :
r > : < 5 liifc ! ( ! ; ( ) > nu : ,
tl:45 na : 7:05 : 7:1 : 7:25 7:30 :
7:4f 7f : > 3 82 ; | 8:2.1 : 8jlO
8:4fi Hns : 0:12 : 11:25 :
VM wa 10112 10:2. : ) 10:30 :
11:0 ; 11:07 : Iv ll:45f : 11:51 : 12:01 : 18CI
13:03 :
H No , 2 6OpraA | ( No.13 7:10um
o No , o dim p ml ) No. l , . . .iii6pni
A No. 4 lOiOOnm.O No , 5. . , . 5l5pin
A No.ll Uidpink No. 3 , , J:31ata ! :
Ko.O , , U.40um No , 7 , ,027a m
K , , . , , .3:15p : Hi No.3. , . . , . „ . ,
, wo. ; ; ; ; . ; . . ; . ; . i 5 u m NO , B . . . . . . . : eia ; * m
A No,2..0:40ninA : ) No. 1 7Xam : ( )
A NO . . . 04'ii ; MI A Nell ft45nin
' ' '
4 No , S loWu'mA' 'No.a fl:28nm
A No , 4 Vl5pm : < A No. 1 0lopui :
A No. 10 7:0-iamlA : No , . , 8Mftm
A No. 12 7OUpmA No. 11 , , . .OtfOpio ,
A No , 8 4:33pmA | No. 7. . . . . . . J3:00ju
A daily ; H daily , exeunt Buturdny ; a
Gunduy ; D fxcupt Mouuby ; Must mull.