Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    BSjjJns m'iVH' ° * ' "g'"tl''J'l ' > 1'
SS sTjSS igiF n gyv" " ' > < - > * ' ! i < MV-g \'iVH' >
Delivered by carrier In nny part of the City al
* * Twenty Cents per Wook.
NKIHT IliiiTQii. No. zt.
N. y. i' . Co.
Olcnson coal.
1J.V. . Otis , city anil farm loans.
Council liluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Boston store , the leaders In dry goods.
Carbon Coal Co. , whole alorota It.lOPcarl
Mrs , L. Hanson wUhcs to return thanks to
the many friends that aided her during the
sickness and death of her little son , Charlie ,
Theodore Townsend and Cora Oart , ol
PottuwuUainio county , were married yester
day morning by .Squire Bcliurz at his ofllco.
"Hoxy,11 the flro department hnrso , used
bv Chief Walters , Injured in going to the lire
Tnrsilny night , Is in the hands ot a veterin
ary surgeon.
Two little Rirls of Missouri Valley , Claw
" \VlllUod ana Ulancho Amy , mined ufundol
tS.fiO winch they forwanluu to the liluffs fur
the Jimmlo Davis fund.
The llrst Hoclal of the conference year for
the JJroadway M. R church will bo enter
tained at tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Tullo.vs this evoiilng. A full attendance aad
an enjoyable evening is honed for.
At llio Gorman Catholic ladles bazaar lant
evening , Ueorgo Mcscheadprf secured 1,2.10
votes as the most popular .butcher , ana se
cured thu prbo lamb. His nearest compet
itor Was J. 61. Scan Ion , with IHK ( votes.
The farmers and worklngmon of Polta-
wattamio county will meet in Ncola on
Thursday , Odtobur fl , at 10 o'clock a. m. , for
the purpose of placing In nomlnnlron u full
county ticket to bo voted for at the next elec
The cases against Hondorshott and Neal ,
accused of being Implicated in tlio burglary
of the ' 'Turf" on Monday morning , wore
ngain continued until Friday. Hcmlcrschoit
wns released on Ills own rccogai/iinco , but
Neat wan Incited up , falling to give bail in
the sum of toOO.
WcupMdny evening a Circle
was organized at the Presbyterian church ,
with twenty-Devon charter members. H. M.
Prouty was chosen leader , C. L. Judson
president , and F. .1. Ouurr secretary. Every
one Interested In the work Is cordially In-
vltcit to Join the circle.
Uuora was a pleasant wedding in Uoomcr
township Wednesday. Joseph Thomas , a
I brother of the county recorder , and Miss
Lizzie Peterson were the contracting par-
tips. Tlio ceremony was performed in the
presence of a host of friends , after which a
bin spread was served the guests. Tiao pres
ents were numerous and valuable.
Ofllcer Cuslck arrested Lloyd Simpson
last night after a long chase. Simpson la a
iicsro who was wanted for passing counter
foil money. CusicU caught sight of him in
the alley next to the city building , but before
ho ciuiL'ht Mm ho chased him seventeen
blocks , through several grocery stores and
Jlnnlly corralled him in a coal slicd on Wash-
Jngton avenue.
Information ) * have been Hied In the super
ior court against a number of contractors
and citizens for failure to comply with the
ordinance concerning danger signals on piles
of building material in the streets at night.
The recent accident to one of the Hro depart
ment horses was the cause of this proceed
ing. It is probable the cases will not bo
pushed , and that the parties will bo released
on payment of costs , but In the future a vig
orous prosecution will bo nlada.
The feast of Hosh Hoshannb , or the He
brew year BC50 , was ushered in Wednesday
evening nt sundown. Tlio now year is cele
brated on the llrst duy of Tishri , the seventh
Jewish month , and Is ttic greatest of Jewish
holidays. Impressive services were hold at
Peterson's hall , a largo congregation bointf
present , ttnbbl Llbbcrmnn ofHclatlng. The
Day of Atonement or the ninth day of
Tishri , is observed by fasting , at which time
services will also bo hold b.v this congrega
Diphtheria Is prevalent In the Bluffs , and
quite a number of persons nio known to be
sick with It , yet the physicians In charge
have failed to report tlio sumo. Yesterday
morning a child of Mr. Fryer passed away ,
and it is stated another child is allllctcu witn
the disease and no report has beoo mode to
the authorities. The law provides that the
lUiystciun in charge shall report all cases of
contagious and Infectious diseases at the of
llco , where a book is provided for the pur
pose. Stricter attention in this matter is ile-
tnaadcd for the protection of the public.
Finest market in city J. M. Scanlan'n.
J , O. Tiptoii. real estate , W7 Broadway.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. give special attention
to the collection of rents and caroof property
in the city and vicinity. Charges moderate ,
Ofllco UroauV.viiy and Mala streets.
"llio Famous" c.ish bargain house , 200 B'y
Dr. Murphyopticiaii , roomiUO Morriani blk.
Money loaned at L. 1J. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
und all other article * of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
r Tube paints T cat Chapman's ari store.
S. B. Wadswortb it Co. loan money.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
aiid examine our list. 1C. II. Sheafo & Co.
Another Money Mourner.
At 7 o'clock yesterday morning , Henry
Illnger appeared at the police station and
stated ho had been robbed of ever (300 and a
uit of clothing on Monday. Ha gave no
reason for failure to report tlio loss until to
day except that ho had been busy , lilngcr
boards at the Allan tie house , on South Main
street , and loft a ccriinVato of deposit for
I2C5 und a note for $ SO in his best suit when
ho went to work that day. Tuesday morn
ing clothcb and all were mlssincc. The money
was hi a bunk at ( U-lswuUl , and he had tukon
no steps to prevent the thiuf from securing
the cash until yesterday morning , when ho
wireu the bunk regarding the theft ,
Full-mount Pnrk.
Thci beautiful gem of Council Bluffs sot
BUI Id the romantlo hills ana shaded by ver
dant boughs of forest trees. Tlio most do-
llutitful place impginabla for picnics , tennis
parties and ijulot rambles.
Take the electric motor cars brldgo line
which lauds passengers la the very heart of
the park. Faro from Omahii to tlio park
only 10 cents.
The park Is owned and controlled by the
city authorities and the best of good ardor Is
Swansou Music Co. , ! )35 ) Broadway.
Pine millinery display Friday and Satur
day at Mrs. M. Pfeiffor's , 20) Uroadwuy , ami
14 .Muhi street.
Winter & Motiroo , sign painters , tlO H'wy.
0 , D , Music Co. , 633 Broadway.
RasmUBsen sells wall paper at co t ; also
fainting Uoiio nt low figures. Np , W North
New Pacfilo House , best hotel in the city.
H.fX ) par day. Mrals itto.
IMcil From ilia Injuries.
Michael Lush , the young man who was
run over In the Hock Island yards Wednes
day evening by a switch engine , and lost his
Icgu , died from the shock at 5 o'clock yester
day morning. The loss of blood was vary
heavy , and the unfortunate victim gradually
auk into insodsiblllty , no reaction taking
vlgce. The funeral will take place to-dav
Tram the residence of hu parents on South
Twelfth street ,
Btcam and hot water heating , flrst-cl&ss
tilumblniVork done In both cities. John
Gilbert , 013 Pearl street , Council Bluff * .
A Flro Flond Whoao Approhonslon
Is Much DoBlrod.
The Designs of tlio United States Conn
BliiKcr 'MonriiB His Monetary
IIOSH The DlUrlot School
In District Court ,
A Mil cli AVantcd Indivldtiit.
Too cool weather of the past two or three
days has arouicd the Council Bluffs In
cendiary , whoever he may be , to grcatoi
activity ; and public speculation is again
busy trying to imagine where the flames will
next broalc forth. After lying dormant for
about ten days , and allowing the flro depart-
nicntto get well rested from the result of his
former caprices , the lira bug again coaics to
the front , and monopolizes the undivided at
tention of property owners. Four times
within thirty-sk hours the torch of the arson
fiend has been njpllcd , and about &ltX > C
dollars worth of property has gene up in
Tlio department was called out yesterday
morning nt an early hour , shortly after the
fire at the rialc barn was extinguished , to the
property at South Main street and Tenth
avenue , known as the Kngla saloon , in' n
building owned by Martin Hughes. A
bucket llllod with waste had been sot close
up to the side of the building und sot on lire.
When dlscovorcd the flames were well under
way. and tlio whole Hide of the building
would soon have been enveloped. The lira
was extinguished before very much datnago
was done. Oil had been used to ensure the
destruction of the building , and but for tlio
timely discovery this would huvo been the
About 3 o'clock in the afternoon anotho r
alarm called the department to Mynstor
street , whnro the barn of George Richmond ,
of the Boston ' 1 on company , was In imminent
danger of destruction. A pile of rubbish a
short distance away had boon flrod , and the
wind blow the ( lames against the building.
The lira was extinguished by the depart
ment before any dumaga was dono.
The surprising feature of these Arcs is
that not the slightest clue has bcon secured
to Implicate an.v party with the crime of
setting thorn. The police nro watching vigi
lantly , and several of the iircs have been
discovered In a very short time after thov
were set , but the Incendiary has always
tukon his departure Just a second too soon.
Ho must carry oil in some quantity , bo It
great or small , as the traces of It are unmis-
takublo. Lately , however , ho seems to huvo
had a penchant for oily waste , and uses that
material with which , to IdaJlo a midnight
bla/o. Wednesday night , as Olllcer Custor
was passing up Mam street , ho noticed
something Hmoldering in the middle of the
street. He started out to Investigate , ana
found a small bundle of oil waste burning ,
where it had apparently been dropped.
He was stamping out the Hro , when n young
man who rooms in an adjoining building
called from the window : "Didn't I put 'out
that tlrol" The ofllcor then ascertained , in
response to several inquiries , that the young
man had been out late and on returning to
his room found a largo package of the waste
burning in liis room. It had evidently beea
placed there by the incendiary for the pur
pose of burning the building.
The lire nt tho.rinlc stanle was started In
the same way. Mrs. I'lko , who lives in a
part of thn building , was the ono who dis
covered the lire. Slio opened her back door ,
which oiicas into a small area directly ue-
stdo the shed which was burned , and saw
tlio flro just after It was started. It was of
vary little size and was at the side ot the
corn crib. The spot whore it started was
oasv of access from the alloy , and the in
cendiary had aiiDarotitly stepped In just long
enough to drop his little bunch ol fire , and
then passed on. Public sentiment is being
strongly aroused and it will not bo pleasant
for the wretch if caught.
- o
Before the Federal Court.
The United States grand jury ha * returned
Indictments against W. Damowood , M. Nel
son , William Uric , M. V. Kelso , N. Allen ,
W. Thompson , Nathan Smith , Andrew Hud
son aud S. Heron , for violation of the reve
nue laws.
The case of Nelson vs. Havcrly was con
cluded , a decision having been rendered in
favor of the defendant.
The cases of several boot leggers were
taken up and ipjiskly disposed "of. John
Henry was lined MUO with imprisonment
until paid. In the case of thu United States
aeainst GCOI-RC Gerspachor and John Green ,
Green was dismissed and Gorspacher was let
off with the payment of $10 and costs. J. H.
Baker xvas fined $100 and imprisonment until
paid , which was afterward suspended during
good behavior. The case against Wlllium
Mulholland , William Fox and William Fuller
were dismissed.
In the cases of the young mon arrested
over a year ago for stopping a C. B. < fc Q.
fust mail train during tno strike , Charles
Hurter was granted a hearing , was found
cuilty and lined f 10 and costs ; McSorley
entered a pleu of guilty and was lined a like
amount , while cases against the otlior de
fendants were dismissed.
Flno dressed chickens. G. Mottaz , Tel. 173.
Always on 1'lnir- .
If you wish to purchase a good and rollablo
watch 25 par coat loss than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and muko
your own selection at C , U. Jaciiuomin &
Co , , 37 Main street.
C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato
prices. 12. H. Shoafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Grand display of French pattern hats and
bonnets and millinery novelties , Friday and
Saturday , September 37 anil 23 , at Mrs. M.
Pfolffcrs , iOJ Broadway and 14 Main street.
A Dlhtrlot Nalionl ,
In the district court yesterday the case of
G. W. Castner vs J. M. Uookor was on trial ,
and was not completed when court ad
journed. The plaintiff , who Js the director
of a school district In Nor walk township ,
sues the defendant , a sohool teacher , for $30
board. The director agreed to give the
school teacher his bounl free If ho would
teach in that district at the usual price , pro
vided ho was sufllclentlv "up" In higher
mntliematlcbto touch the director's children ,
who were unusually well advimood. The
plulntill alleges that tlio teacher was not as
much of a success as ho anticipated , being
unable to solve cortnln problems that culled
for his attention , and was also "stuck" In
quadratic equations in a most hopeless man
ner. This being deemed u violation of the
contract , ho aueu for board. The teacher
alleges that ono of the director's children
was unruly , and was sunt homo , which an
gered the parent , ana ha tnon net about
plu.ving oven with the toaohor.
Tlio case Is simply another example of hot
headed litigation , The winner will ha a
loser , as his attorney foes will fur exceed
the original claim ,
The case of Jacob Hartals vs 0. M. Witt
was called in the morning , but us the defend
ant did not urrrivo with onuof Ilia witnesses ,
the case was put usldo until they arrived.
Notlco ,
Cabinet photo tickets marked "Schmidt , "
or any other photographer In either city , are
good as gold at nny gallery. To all bringing
those tickets for a sitting I will return the
Ii5 cents advanced in cash. Schmidt , 320
Main street , opposite court houso.
Ac tlio Hazuar.
This evening the Light Guards drill will
entertain the patrons of the bazaar at the
Masonio toaiplo. Docharooh's drum corps
will bo on band. The boys have shown
much ambition in training themselves and
deserve a liberal patronage. Admission 10
cents and dancing as usual.
Tlio Interest still Increases In behalf of the
Gorman bazaar , Tuo society numbers but
fow. yet they arc so banded together and
work in uch harmony that success is
certain ,
Uuby Ueck , only a week old , was the win
ner of the willow high , chair , much to th <
delight of the proud parents.
Among the articles rafllcd was a book case
mid a soru pillow ,
The contest for the hat and cane to bf
given the most reliable railway engineer wil
bo a hotono before tlio finish Saturday evening
ing , At last reports the Chicago , Milwaukee
nnci St. Paul was in the lead. The friends o :
other candidates will push hard not to allov
it to remain so.
There Is no moiti delightful place to sponi
the evening. The cause for which those
ladles are worklngs'o zealously Is also worth ]
of generous support. The hall should be
crowded to-night , to make the closing o\yn <
ings u grand success In all respects.
The hosiery , underwear and blanket sail
still continues nt the lioston ntoro. Ttiori
nrosomo splendid values offered in thnsi
goods. The ladic.s should not delay raakiiif
tholr'solcctions of dross goods. Prices novel
were so low ,
Attorney D. W , Elinor is on a business trl |
to Western Nebraska.
MM. Dr. Palmer , of Alliance , O.Is agues'
of Mrs , J , J , Stoadman.
Dr. C. It. .Ttuid and wife are expected hem <
from their California trip about October 5.
O. C. Gallon , of Omaha , has bcon anpolnt
od stenographer for Judge Thornoll's court
Snm C. Noble , who has been on an ex
tended trip through the northwest , has re
turned to this city.
Mrs. F. L , Clark , of Chicago , and Mrs. C
M. Sopor nml non Uurnls , of Ames , la. , are
visiting Mrs. M. J. Alworth.
Mrs. J. N. Casady and Mrs. M. R Uolirci
nro In Sioux City , and while there are th (
guests of Mrs. J. D. S | > .iuUling.
Mrs. E. S. Betmott an 1 daughter , Mrs.
Young , loft yesterday morning for Dos
Molnos , where they will visit for a few days ,
Miss Llzzio Donnhoy has returned from n
visit with relatives In Colorado. She will
visit homo for a few davs tlion return to her
duties nt tlia stata Industrial soUool ut
Kearney , Neb.
R. Shannon , of Dcnlson , who has bcon In
the city this week attending court , loft for
homo yesterday morning. Ho was a dole'
unto to the democratic senatorial convention
for the thirty-fourth district , which was hold
nt Missouri Valley yesterday.
A Call For lllilfl.
Wo will receive cash bids per wall for.
grounds 100x175 foot on railway truck in
southern part of Council Bluffs , on which tc
erect electric light plant , up to October 1 , 12
o'clock noon. Address ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Ulxlyhas removed to Merrlain block.
Attend the W. 1. Bus.collcgo.Councll Bluffs.
Keating , prescriptions and drugs , 505 B'd'y.
Tlio School Board.
The school board hold an adjourned spec
ial mooting last oven ing for the purpose of
transacting some important business.
A. W. Honnott was elected janitor of the
Hill school , instead of his former location at
the Bleouicr.
O. H. Thomas was re-elected janltor-at-
George C. Brown was re-elected secretary
of the board.
Mr , Schoeatgen objected to the
bonci furnished by Treasurer Peregoy ,
as it consisted of several mnn who
are stockholders ia the First National bank ,
where Mr. Poregoy deposits. The bondsmen
are Messrs. Furnswortb , T. J. Evans , J. F.
Evans , G. W. Llningor. Conrad Gclsc ,
George F. Wright and William Mooro. Mr.
Poregoy offered to furnish additional bonds ,
and will do so at onco.
The bids for grading school lots were re
jected , aad now ones will bd advertised forte
to be submitted in October , at tlio time the
coal contract will be awarded.
' * ( The salaries of teachers whose salaries
had boon previously fixed were placed at , the
same rates as provided by the schedule
adopted some tlmo auo.
Several small bills wore allowed. Mr.
Scboontgon's bank resolution was not
brought up. The session was a very quiet
ono , and tbo parties elected were disposed of
with very few ballots.
House and lot for $1. Buy your tickets in.
grand drawing so we will not huvo to defer
radio. Sco notice in special columns , this
Got Fountain 5c cigar , next Elsoman block.
Kelley A ; Youukermaa sell groceries.
Chase and Sanborn coffees a specialty.
A Foriror Arrested.
Deputy Sheriff O'Connor arrested Wade
Woodward lust evening , and placed him ia
the county jail , where He will bo held to
await the action of the district court on a
churgo of perjury , for which crime lie has
just beea indicted by the grand jury. The
indictment was returned last Saturday , but
Woodward succeeded In dodging the ofllcers
until last evening. Until a short time
ago ho was employed as head cleric
at the giocory house of Parks & Son.
The crime for which ho was indicted was
the forging of a check for S17 on J. E Hark-
ness , of this city , later he paid ever the
money , and demanded the check , thinking to
destroy all evidence of his crime , but Mr.
Harltnoss would not return it. Woodward
secured the money with which to redeem
the forged check , by getting John Honoto
cash a worthless check on the Citizens bunk ,
and it is sal a that another charge of obtain
ing money under false pretences will be
brougnt against him.
Woodward has resided In this city for
several years , and has boon regarded as a
straightforward young man , but since this
matter developed several unfavorable stories
tiavo been made public , and ho Is made n
principal actor in several suspicious oc
currences. He foiled to give ball last ovou-
inn , and will remain In jail to await his trial.
Western Luaibcr ana Supply Co. , 18th and
14th streets and 3d and 3d avenues , carry the
largest stock of lumber , piling polctiosllmo ,
cement and building : material in t'io ' west.
E. W. Raymond , manager.
Dempaoy & Butler candy factory , 105
Main street.
Morn nilranuloiu Cures at Lourdcs.
The Paris Catholic journals record
with jubilation a series of fresh tri
umphs for Notre Daino do Lourdes ,
Bays tbo Pall Mull Gazette. According
to telegrams in the Un Ivors , the
patients who have been the subjects of
miraculous euros hardly venture to
show themselves abroad lest the on-
thuaiastio crowd should press upon
them and do them harm. A young girl
from Aloncon , who bad boon blind for
two years , recovered her sight when
taken into tbo grotto. A nuyvy from
Glmrtros received a hurt which para-
lyod him and made him a cripple for
years. Tie instantly recovered the UBO
of his limbs. On Wednesday evening
a torchlight procession took place in
colobrntlon < of those 'and other alleged
cures , led by the bishops of Turbos and
Nanoy. The latter had brought with
linn 1,700 pilgrims from Lorraine.
.lolui Short's TravoU. ,
John Cannon Short , nn aged farmer
near Georgetown , computes that in
going to Georgetown throe times per
week during the past forty years , the
distance each way being seven miles , ho
lias traveled 87,800 miles.
A Burn Tost.
Drake's Magazine : Mrs. Cndwnllor
"Is that an interesting book your
daughter is reading ? " Mrs. Drown
"U must bo , I saw her reading the and
of It before she hud got through the
first chapter. "
It Wna Tlmre
Boston Journal : Mr. Town Lot
' 'Sam. your master Bays in his note 'I
send by bearer a line early mellon , ' but
I don't BOO any motion. " Sam "Of
course you don't Bar. " "Ho must have
forgotten it , " "No.sar , ho don't forgot
It , bar. Ho sent it by bearer , Bar. LJut
U am inside of him , &ar , "
ISilltor Drum AVrtos | of Ilio
AtTtpr the election or 18(11. (
In the Inst iiutiiuor of the Contur.v
Marr.a7.lno , Mosars.'UJny mid Nicoluj
nnrrato thoh * IdotCtff what happened at
the wnr department on the ovonlnu
ill tor the second election of President
Lincoln In 1801. Aa they wore not present -
ent , their report. n\ist bo a nuittor ol
hearsay. I do not know tlmt nny ot the
pnrtlculnra they rbhito are dollclont In
nccurobythough J n testify Unit while
I was there at that time , I did not ob
serve them. ' -i
I was not usually on duty In the wnr
department at night , says Charles A.
Uiuuv ; hut Mr. Stanton had directed mete
to coino over Unit evening , and I ar
rived pretty early , say at 8 o'clock or
half-past 8. The excitement of the
struggle had been intoiuo. In all my
experience I have nover-nvitiicssod any
other election that lnul so much poli
tics In it. All the resources of partisan
science , backed by the immense power
of the vast and wldo-sprond expendi
tures ot the war department , then about
a million a day , hud boon employed by
the astute and' relentless statesman at
the head of the war olllco ; and ho did
it with a pertinacity and'skill that
never have been surpassed. Of course
no great stop had been taken without
the knowledge and consent of Mr. Lin
coln , himself a politician of a very for-
tllo and superior order ; but thu engi
neer whoso hand was never taken oil
the machine , and whoso purpose never
relaxed Its high-pressure energy , was
Mr. Stanton ; and his ardent and ox-
cltablo nature was kept at fever heat to
the very last moment of the contest ,
and afterward. ,
The president , apparently as serene
as a summer morning , was in Mr. Stan-
ton's largo private room , andnoonowus
with him except the secretary anilGon-
oral Eckort , wiio came continually with
telegrams. The result of the voting
was of such a decisive character that
the HOWS arrived mucli earlier than had
boon expected , and when I wont in I
learned both from the president and
secretary that the question seemed al
ready to bo substantially settled. Each
dispatch that was received seemed only
to add to the apoaront certainty' , and by
9 o'clock there was no longer any doubt.
But without waiting for that hour , Mr.
Lincoln drew from his breast a thin
yellow-covered pamphlet. "Dana , " said
no to mo , "have you ever road any thing
of Petroleum V. NasbyV" pronouncing
Nasby as though the first syllable wore
spelled with the letter o. "No , sir , "
said I , "not much , but I know ho writes
from the Confederate Cross Heads and
prints his things in the Toledo Blade. "
"Yes , " said Mr. Lincoln , "that's so ,
but that is not the whole. Pull up your
chair and listen. " I drew up to him ,
and ho began to road aloud , to mo only
and not to Stunton , ono after another of
Petroleum's funny hits , and between
each of them wo had a quiet little laugh
all to ourselves. But the lion head of
the secretary showed plainly that ho
had no sympathy with this amusement ;
in fact , his face wore its dai kest and
sternest expression. However , the
reading wont on , 6ceasionnlly broken
by General Eckcrt'a entrance with
another telegram , tor which Mr. Lincoln
paid no very serious attention , and he
quickly turned buck to the reading
every time. In this way lie road para
graphs and oven pnges of Nnsby , until
finally a dispatch was brought in of a
more important nature , and ho laid the
pamphlet down to attend to it.
While ho was thus engaged , Mr.
Stanton motioned to mo to come with
him into General Eckort'a room , and
when the door was shut , ho broke out in
fury : "God dtunn it to hell , " said ho ,
"was there ever such nonsense ? Was
there over such inability to appreciate ,
what is going on in an awful crisis ?
LTero is the fate of this whole republic
at stake , and here is the man around
whom it all centers , on whom it all
depends , turning aside from this
momentous , this incomparable issue , to
rood the God damned trash of a silly
mountebank. "
This fiery speech of the enraged
secretary was interrupted by General
Eckort , who had another telegram
which ho showed to him , and with
which wo all wont back to Mi- .
Stanton's own oflleo , In order that the
president might see it.
Hardly had ho begun to read it , however -
over , when a new occasion of irritation
arose. The messenger brought in a
card and handed it to the president ,
who said nt once as ho passed the card
over to the secretary , "Show him in ! '
Stanton road it , and , turning to mo , ex
claimed in a low voice : "God in heaven ,
it is Whitolaw Reid ! " I understood the
point of thin explosion at once. Mr.
Held , who was then the correspondent
of the Cincinnati Gazette and a great
friend of Secretary Chase in Washing
ton , was not liked by the secretary of
war. This dibliko had gene so far that
the door-keepers at the war department
had received directions that Mr. P.oid
was not to bo admitted. But whoa he
sent Ills card in to the president , they
could not refubo it. Mr. Reid
came in and was greeted by
Mr. Lincoln , but not by the sec
retary. His purpose was merely to ob
tain from headquarters and from the
highest authority the assurance that
the election had certainly gone in favor
of Lincoln ; and after expressions of
tuanks and congratulations ho with
drew. Just then Judge David C. Carter
came in with two or throe orthor gen
tlemen , among them Mr. Fox , of the
navy department , and the reading of
Petroleum V. Nasby from the confeder
ate cross roads was not resumed.
Those Incidents of a momurnblo his
torical event are not recorded in any
annals of the time that I have been ; mm
yet they appear to rae interesting and
characteristic enough not to bo foriyot-
A. Singular Community Where Women
Are Unknown.
Nothing is more curious than to study
the effects upon a largo society of the
total exclusion of the female sex , Bays
Murray's Magazine. It is commonly
thought that mon by themselves must
grow rude and sav.igo , that it is to
women wo owe all'tllo graces and refine
ments of social intercourse. Nothing
can bo further from the truth. I ven
ture to say that in all the world there
is not so porfoctly.pblite and orderly a
society as Unit of Athoa. As regards
hospitality and gracious manners , the
monks and their servants put to shame
the most polished wontorn people. Dis
order , tumult , confusion scorn impossi
ble In the land of peace. If they have
difloronccs and squabbles about the
r'ghts 01 property , these things are re
ferred to law courts and determined by
argument of advocates , not by disput
ing and high words among the claim
ants. While life and property are
still unsafe on the main land and
on the sister peninsulas of Cassan
dra and Longos , Athos has boon for
centuries as secure us any country in
England. So fur , thenall the evidence
is in favor of the restriction. Many of
the monks , being carried to the penin
sula in early youth , have completely
forgotten what a woman is Uko , except
for the brown , smoky pictures of the
Panugla with her infant , in all the
churches , which the strict iconography
of the orthodox church has made as un
lovely and non-human us it Is possible
to bo. So fur , so well. But if the monk
imngino'l ' they could sunplv oxpungi
the other BOX from their life wlthou
any bul th < ? obvious conaonuuncos the ;
were mistaken. ' What striken the traveler
oler Is not the rudonoss. the untidiness
the discomfort of a purely mule society
it is rather its dullness and depression
Some of the older monks were indcei
jolly enough ; they drank their wine
and cracked their jokes frooly. Bu
the novices who attended at the
table , the men and boys win
had coino from the muinlnm
to work as servants , muleteers , labor
ors. Boomed all suffering under a per
uianent depression and sadness. The
town of Karyes is the most somber tind
gloomy place I ever saw. There are nc
laughing groups , no singing , no game !
among the boys. Every one lookoi
Borloim , solemn , listless , vacant , as UK
case might be , hut devoid of keenness
and interest In life. At first one might
suspect that the monies were hard task
masters , ruling their servants as slaves ,
but this is not the real solution. It 1 :
that the main source of interest anil
cause of quarrel in all those animals ,
human and other , does not occur. I'oi
the dullness was not confined to the
young monks' or the laity it had In-
vadcd oven the lower animals. The
tomcats , which were there in crowds
passed one another in moody silence
along the roofs. They seemed perma
nently dumb. And if the cocks had nol
lost their volco and crowed frequently
in the small hours of the morning , thcii
note suoinod to bo a wall , not a chal
lenge the clear though unconscious
expression of a just want in their lives ,
I'olRontnc In India.
Dr. Lyon , the analyst to the trovorn-
mont of Bombay. In his last annual re
port , has much to say on the use of poi
son in India. This seems to bo on the
increase , for while ho hud to deal with
800 of those cases last year , he had only
282 the year before , and the goncra'l
work of analysis had increased fivefold
flinro the first report was issued in 1872 ,
says the London Times. Part of this
enormous increase is due to the increase
in the criminal Ube of poisons , and it is
noticeable that vegetable poisonswhich
were most generally in use a few years
ago , are now giving way to metallic
poisons. This i& attributable to the
ease with which such drugs , such as
arsenic , may now be obtained in India ,
there being practically no restriction
on their sale. In eighty-four undoubted
cases of human poisoning in the year ,
arsenic was used in forty-one , pounded
glass in three , copper in six , mer
cury in live and red lead in
three. Of the remaining twenty-seven
cases opium was used in fifteen , datura
in five , alcohol in two , prussic acid in
one and oleander and other plants for
the remainder. In n largo number of
cases the poisoner is never discovered ;
a family sits down to rice which they
have themselves carefully washed ; all
are taken ill und one dies ; arsenious
oxide in largo quantities is discovered
in the dish , but the murderer is never
discovered. Many coses of a similar
character are quoted byDr.Lyon. Flour
is found in many cases to bo adulterated
with an enormous amount of arsonious
oxide. Poisoning by powdered glabs is
comparatively now in India ; I hero were
only three cases during the year. In
one a man threw a packet of powdered
glass into a rice mill ; in another a
woman pounded her colored glass ban
gles and mixed thn powder with the
grain she was grinding for her hus
band's food. In many cases the poisons
are traced to village groceries , who al
ways appear to have largo quantities ,
their chief stocks being composed of thu
basest of powerful alkaloids , of opium ,
datura , plumbago root and various mer
curial compounds. Through those men
poisons are easily procured , and the
instances quoted by Dr. Lyon show that
poisoninc is a common crime in India
on account of those facilities , and that
it is also one of the most difficult to dis
Rheumatism ,
BEING duo to the presence of tirio
acid In tlio blood , is most effectually
cured by the use of Aycr's Sursapn-
rlllu. Be mire yon get Aycr's and no
other , and take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. Vfo challenge attention to this
testimony :
"About two years ago , after Buffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
eont , being able to wall ; only with great
discomfort , and having tried various
remedies , including mineral waters ,
without relief , I saw ly nn advertise
ment in n Chicago paper tlmt a man had
been relieved of this dlstiessing com
plaint , after long suffering , by taking
Ayer's SnrHnparilln. I then decided to
make a trial of this medicine , and took
it regularly for cinlit months , and am
pleased to state Hint it lias effected a
complete cure. I have since had no re
turn of the disease. " Mrs. R. Irving
Dodge , 110 Went 125th St. , New York.
"One year ace I was taken ill with
Inflammatory rheumatism , being con
fined to my lionso six months. I came
out of the sickness very much debili
tated , with no appetite , d my system
disordered in every w ay. I commenced
using Aycr's Sarsaparilla and began to
Improve at once , gaining in strength
and soon recovering my nmial health.
I cannot My too much in praise of this
well-known medicine. " Mrs. L. A.
Stark , Nashua , N. H.
Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Price (1 ; > lx bottles , $0. Worth V > a bottle.
WANTED Propositions for conntructing1 , or
constructing and operutlm ; , a ntreec car
line from llroadwuy , Council lUuirj , to the In
stitution for the Jieif and Dumb , Distance
aoont ilii miles. Address communications to J ,
It , Ijlco Council Illuirs. la.
on 4th uvo. and 10th st. very cheap
LOTS , llunuon & Shepherd , U Main st.
LOTS on Uroailway , any where between Coan
cli Illuirs and Omaha , lletiaoii , V Shepherd ,
& Main st.
Illf ! Imrsaln I lots In illddles sub on Ot
ayo. N. P. Phillips , room ( , Kverett block.
Gll/r edited property 3 lot * lu TerwIlllger'H'
add. N. P. Phillips. _
i LOTlrTvainirunt St lllco's add. N , P. Pall-
.1 lipa , flvcreti , bluclc. _
TmOU BALK or Trade-Full supply of hotel
X1 furniture , also lonso for IB months ou small
hotel Iii Council illuirs , Apply to Odell llros.
Oakland inc. , * ) , WO. 1' . J. Day.
n9x : 0 on Park ave. , | . ' , ( X . F. J. Day.
A VKNUK A.lots. , cornerygreat bargulu * .
Jlenson & Shepherd. UMaiu at.
LOT on h avenue. Van Ilriint & lllco's HUU. ,
cheap , llenaon & Shepherd , U Main a.
BlJST corner oil" llroadway. opposite vowitr
_ _ house' Hanson k Hnoplierd.U Main t.
T"OTS on ( lion urcr"Kenuino siiapi ) . Jlensou &
J J Bhepherd , U Main st.
HOUSKSaiuriotsrilOO cash. ( JU ) cash. * 10
casli , balance easy , llensim & Bliepherd
t > Mala gt. :
on Manawa motor line , corners , 11' ' )
LOTH , bulanc.d flO per month. Men on A
Shepherd , ( I Mala at/
in Mullln'M sub. (10cash , balance IO per
LOTd . llousou & Uhepherd , U Main at.
25 TO 300
HORSE POWERS Mills and Elavators.
Specifications and estimates furnUhHl for complete strata plants. Modulation , d
iruaiantccd. On show letters from users where fiiol economy Is cqunl
with Corliss Non-Condensing. Bond for cntalRlie.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffe.
It is a BEAT-ALL , bocntisp it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls.
Uecaiibo it indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change in
any climate.
Bocanso it is more durable than nny _ other roof macto , iron , tin , slnto or wood.
Because it can'bo quickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper than
. Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and has never failed.
For further information apply to
Room 6O9 First National Bank Building1 , Omaha.
Council Bluffs office , 116 Pearl Stroot.
H Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates
i Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Building , Coucll BlulTa , Iowa.
N Justice of the Ponco. Ofllco ever American Express , No. 41
i Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa.
QTHIMF J ? QIMC Attorno.vs-at Law. Practice in the State and FctS
O I VJIlL 06 OIIYIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugnrt-Bono Bloclt ,
Council BlulTs , Iowa.
' Surgeon and Homeopath. Room 0 , Brown
PI , buildinrr. 115 Pearl St. Ollico hours , 9 to 12.
a. in. , 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. in.
Oifico , No. 741 Broadway. Hours : 8 to
H , M , STEVENS , IVI.'n. m. , and2to4und7to8p.m. Tolo-
po'io , 287.
Until you Jiuvo visited IdO Main stieet , the oldest and liauvlost sticitotl establish
ment in Hie city , whuiu goods are nought dlroct , from manufacturers and given
v.ay to customers without middlemen's piollts. iory : cluss or footwear , from tlio
workimjimm'.n heiwv boot tc the tlnost lady's shoe. Is cheaper now than evsr before
nt the factories , niuiestuollshraents Imj- direct aa-l In lari quantities onn
clve the customer a margin that will be nn extra Inducement , oilileil to Ue best ft
goodssold aua-vurrixntca oy reliable men. Woaothls. Call nnd bo convln"cd.
S. A. PIERCE , 1OO Ma'n st. , Council Bluffs.
f ) LOTS In Central sub. N. P. Phillip * , room
" > . Everett blocic. _
1I.OT on Lower Itroudwoy. Stroetsvllle. N.I' .
runups , loom fi , Everett block.
TMPHOVED farms In Nebiosea and KansTx
-Lto exchange for city property. N. P. Phillips
room J > , .Everett block.
LOTS In Feny addition for sale on easy terms.
X. P. Phillips.
lands to exchange for
U farms or city property. N. P. 1'lillllps , room
> , Kverett blocK.
K3TATE Itought aal soil ana ex
RKAL . Sporlal attention Rlvuu to exam-
natlon of titles. W. 0. James , No. 10 i > earl st.
SALE On easy terms , some of the best
arranged modern nouses ( new ) In Council
Hud's. AH modern Improvements , tlnely
ocatcd. Call on B. E. Muxon , Murrlam block.
B AOMTT I'locc lots for sale by F. J. Day.
LOOK at the Babbitt Place on Dpper
GO proadway , tlion see R J. Day.
M. SlfiDENTOPF , lleal Kstato. Special
attention given , to examination ana cor
rection of title to lands und lots In city anil
county. No. B , North Main at.
SALE Aero lots in Orchard place. Thli
FOR Is located in the Illce nursery ,
soutnof the main part of thn city. I'A mile *
row Court house , Geo. Metcalt. ID Pearl st.
Hi ; Rallied Oct. 1st , now house , largo lot ,
XIO warinnty deed : property worth J4.1WO.
'icknts worth SI. At Fountain , Manhattan ,
looro & Howman'sclsarstoro and Green's shoe
toro. Particulars , address -117 Second av cnne.
J71OHBALK Well established hardware store
C including tin shop. Hood , dean , new stocc
of stoves , etc. , lu 2-story brick building , a2xiiO.
with elevator and \varohnime. tlood reason *
or Belling. ll.Oralil. 101 13. H-way , Co. Itluffg.
SALT ! or Hent Garden land with houses ,
IiiOIl 1 .1. II. Ittce. UK Main nt. . Council 11 lull's.
SAIiK 120 acre farm in Jasper county ,
-L Iowa , located near coal minus that ara 111
operation. There is a tlvo foot v "ln of coal
under the farm , Ueo. Metcalf , No. 10 Pearl st.
H OUSK3 J * - for rent In all parti ot the city. F.
if I Oil KENT Several now modern houses
from ft to 10 rooms , well located. Apply to
V. W. Ullger , U Penrl bt. , Council HliitTij.
moilSALK-lmprovofl and unimproved prop
C ertym every part ot the city. Kara ojipor
unities for investors who seek Hpcciimttons ;
plendlil opportunities for thos who desire
lomea. ( ieo. Metcnlf , No. 10 Pearl at.
locutions 01 : Main and llrondway
BUSINESS bargains. Ueo. Mctcalf , No , 10
'earl Bt.
BALE BO feet lake frontage located be
tweou 0 11. bout liousaand JIunawa beach
Also u number of choice low In Itouatu place
) co. jMulcalf , No. 10 Pearl st.
PKIIUKNT loans made on' real uitatcash ;
on hand. F. J. Day.
. . bema on Oakland ave , at a
bargain , J' . J. May.
HOMKS for sale on monthly payments. I' , ; . ) .
[ jiOHIlKNT Oct. i , my now r ldence , KiOUth
U ave. , one of the Driest modern houses in tlio
ity. All coiivenlencu. Mrs. 15. Iluihoru ,
[ 7MJK HAI.U-Ou easy terms , choice residence
L ? lot , ( iralmin live. , on motor line.
Kor Sale no acre fruit and vegetable farm 1 J
nilfs.eit < tot Uhauiauijua grounds. A great
bargain. Kawy terms. Only tU per aero.
ForBule-1' ' ) acred adjoining tlty llmltH ; with
-ntory frumo house , laruu burn , wood und coal
tied , well. cUU'rn. etct 40Jbearing fruit tioux.
Kiapos and berries. Price 13.0X1 , The bare land
woith the money ,
Kor Hale-Bil acres \ < i mile from city limits.
Only [ ( ) ' ! per acre. ia y terms.
For Sale -U acres cnolce giovu land * on Urund
avi-nue. Only JIO pur acre.
Cor Kala-ti-room home on motor Hue , one
block from Broadway. Veiy cheap.
Kor Hale-Choice lots oa N. Kith ut. , 3 blocks
rom motor : sldu walU and city water.
Wanted fi or ti room oottugH on Avenue A or
1 , cast of ifitn St. . for cash cint-iiner.
W. C. Stacy , room 1. Opera block.
HIM ) Slov.'H Kor Hit I ft.
a here is a ausgostlon of coming c old days In
cveiitiiii feunshlnii of tlieio plcanunt autumn
evening * , and the provident person \\lll come
to tno conclusion ti > at the bust thing to do to
keep warm and Have coal bills In lu buy the best
stove made. 1 have ImiumiMted a sieve Kale
during which 500 Movea will bo void , Including
a upeual llnu of cheap cooks at the following
prices : Ore No. t. } 1U ; one No , K triinmud , tMi
Ith good draught i emulation * , and guaranteed
llrst tlu H ualrerH , , , ,
wMy lewdfib will Ve tlio ( lorliaid line complete
the only faultless stove niidc. Heating stoves
from ? ( up to I'-U. and will close out a arga
stock of Btowart stoves at cost.
I also handle the Monitor. Climax. Mason k
Davis. Charter Oak , Kxoelslor , Illrthday , Acorn
Kurnac'ed. hot alrond atoam , put In by the
only rtJCoauUc'd skilled tutiuee loan in the city.
' M
1c. . DeVol , W4 llroadway ,
avenue property that will double
GRAHAM . ! ' . J.liiy.
WANTED A competoiit girl for general
housework , to whom good wugea will bo
paid. Mrs. T.J. Mackar. ! f Ho. th st.
. lUtOS.i CO. loan mono/ . The mosfc
ODRI.L terms olfereil. 101 Pearl st.
niAIiriB boarders wanted at 133 Hontou street.
X Good boaid at reasonable rate * . Mrs. I. W.
Cooper. .
on IlroaJway. First avenue aud AVCIH
LOTS A aud II cheap. F. J , Day.
A girl to wait on table forhor ,
WANTED she attuuds school. Ap ply at
the Home restaurant.
WANTED By Miss Maynard , n few pupils ,
under school age , at her home October it
Call or address her at filti Washington ave.
America's Graiuloat Stoves. '
The Hadltmt , Home and P. P. Stewart heat ,
ers , with the Fuller & Warren line of line steel
oven stoves imd rungi's. give us the representa
tive ntovea of the country. Wo dell no ones entire -
tire line , but select the best goods of several o |
the largest concerns In the country. Wo also
handle a good cheap line that wo can pnuian *
tec. our Jl' ' cook being n loading example. Of
this class , \\Hli our Kuillant Homo , wo nro heat
ing as ninny as four and live rooms oufiom two
to two and one-half tonri of coal. It 1ms inadu
the most economical record of any Ntore ever ?
produced. Our prices uro lower than any other
western city , and wo Mould cordially in vita tlia
public to call at our store. 41 Mam at. , opposlta
Citizens bank and Inspect goods and prices.
I'roparo For \Vinter.
The Peninsula heating stovex are the best in
the nnirkut. Have handled them forllveyoars.
Hvory sale glvec Bat Is faction , llefoieyou buy
see them , Tlio now Doyloa furnaces are con-
si met i-d upon thu most approved Hdontiflo
principles , and are the best and most economi
cal furnace in the world. Kor Hale only byV. .
J. Lauterwnssor. H07 Uroadway. Council Hluffi.
IUB TUB ciionsT : T.OT OF
In tno city. UIU edged opportnn'tle * to Imme
diate investors and homo uuekerj.
1'ri'S , Vice Pres.
Cius. II. 11 ANNAN , Cashier.
Paid up Capital SI5O.OOO.OO
Surplus 35tOOO.OO
Liability to Depositors . .333OOOOO
DIIHCTOUR-I. : A. Miller. I' . O. flleason , E. t.
Phugait. K. H. Hurt , .1. D. Udlindsnii , CUiw. H
Ilannnn , 'IrniiHuct gi'iiwil bunking business
l.nrgoKt. rapltnl and mil-phis of any liank in
North\ve < stein lowii , on tlmndepotlti ) .
Is Savings Bank
Incorporated Nor , I. IKO.
Southwest Coin-r Hroudwiiy and Mala htreeti
SI SO , 000.
OrncKlis N , P. Dodge , President ; John
Mereslmlin , VIce Piosldmif A. W , Klckman ,
Cashier ,
DIHIIOTOIIS N. P. Dodge. .1. Ilerosliulm. Oeo.
IfcHInt ) , J. L. Etawiirt , W. W. Wiilluce , 0 , M.
TlltM. OWICKU. W. II. M. PlIBliT
Corner Mala and Ilroiunvay ,
( JUUNCU.I m < UI < 'KH , JO\VA.
Dealers In foreign and domestic exchange.
OlInclloiiH made unit Intcrfit paid on tlmo do *
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro * .
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted ,
C. 11. JU l > f-